Okay /liberty/ (or any of our visitors), riddle me this:
>/pol/acks don't want a libertarian social order, because in the absence of a state, everyone would racemix and Jews would subvert us
>/leftypol/ does not want a libertarian social order, because in the absence of a state, everyone would discriminate against minorities
In other words, the fascists think that everyone is an SJW unless the state intervenes, and the SJW's think that everyone is a fascist unless the state intervenes. Both assume that people are naturally incapable of doing good, even though both have diametrically opposed conceptions of what is good.
How can that not cause anyone to have a moment of big thunk? Why are fascists not reassured by the fears of SJW's, and vice versa? My guess is, this is another case of the two ideologies of progressivism and slightly more right-wing progressivism being suspiciously close to each other, this time in a more psychological way. Both fascists and SJW's share not just the same authoritarian sentiment, but also the same misanthropic, paranoid streak.
I ignored correct labeling, for the sake of convenience. I don't care if these right-wing authoritarians are actually fascists or not, or if the left-wingers who are afraid of racism are SJW's or black supremacist Maoists.