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File: 82526fb52bc63ce⋯.jpg (55.91 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, maxresdefault_7_.jpg)

d8b40c  No.16871674[Last 50 Posts]

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153ebd  No.16871680


>Most likely

Speculation. Kill yourself unless you have hard proof.

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a68175  No.16871682

File: c72fe2a0917f9eb⋯.gif (94.15 KB, 325x244, 325:244, 1514492324.gif)

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a4d66b  No.16871683

It'd be better if the cancer of the industry was killed, not just prevented from displaying symptoms.

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ed7c7e  No.16871684



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a4601a  No.16871688

File: 8eb4dffc2aae3e9⋯.webm (3.3 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, f_ck_that_sh_t.webm)


>no official word of the show being canned

Still betting it will be cancelled, though.

Which is sad. I was unironically looking forward to it. I love the E3 streams with you fuckers.

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bf3c30  No.16871689

File: 48f2b002ef0e612⋯.jpg (125.7 KB, 900x832, 225:208, serveimage.jpg)


and nothing of value was lost

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fd610e  No.16871692

File: e9e807525c8d141⋯.jpg (41.61 KB, 300x345, 20:23, 1356222948677.jpg)

not a huge loss for video games

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d28465  No.16871696

File: 57366c737f1a95c⋯.jpg (55.6 KB, 704x528, 4:3, 1144548554000.jpg)

E3 hasn't been 'happening' for at least 10 years. Finally the dream is real.

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c5623c  No.16871700

File: 4fa167e0accf9e1⋯.webm (7.55 MB, 1364x768, 341:192, 52.webm)


Checking them dubsssssssss

I think alike anon friend, but we always have the Olympics…

Webm unrelated

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4f4a90  No.16871704

File: 1a481d020af98bb⋯.gif (1.63 MB, 360x270, 4:3, 1439712366575_2.gif)

Our girl Corona-chan fighting the good fight

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4b8463  No.16871706

File: 34088c724ad9c4b⋯.jpg (362.47 KB, 500x482, 250:241, skele_drum.jpg)



I hope Devolver still posts something, maybe some kind of not-Direct where they try to avoid getting infected by corona-chan.

Their shitposts are the one thing I actually look forward to at E3.

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8ad6f2  No.16871713

File: 7f34bafbd9073cc⋯.jpg (36.18 KB, 500x317, 500:317, aad96f5603af4719028fa12a9b….jpg)

>TFW we might be free from the curse

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da3506  No.16871734

File: 3243449cae117f0⋯.png (272.34 KB, 640x640, 1:1, Squilltex.png)



We're still doing Squilliams right though?

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a4d66b  No.16871745


Well, duh. Why waste perfectly good OC?

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182a3f  No.16871753


Squilliams canceled for laughing squids

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8ad6f2  No.16871760

File: 3b96b35fb82c2bd⋯.jpg (112.54 KB, 1152x864, 4:3, Squidward_laugh.jpg)


Nah, if E3 is canceled we'll make Squidwards. I nominate this picture/pose.

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7183bb  No.16871771

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Corona-chan having a hand in helping save Western Civilization? Hail, the dead!

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813d69  No.16871782


Do you think we will be able to continue to shitpost even after we die?

Also, wheres last squlliam compilation (the true faith one) ?

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0ed26f  No.16871786

File: 944e7c8c346d01e⋯.jpg (63.02 KB, 848x900, 212:225, smile_and_optimism.jpg)

Where the fuck am I gonna get my yearly supply of existential dread and reasons to end it all?

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0ed26f  No.16871787

File: 522af62e0305aca⋯.webm (15.62 MB, 640x640, 1:1, true_faith_e3_2019_.webm)


Pardon my doubleposting.

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4dbc8c  No.16871788

File: b487fe1b7143c1a⋯.webm (15.62 MB, 640x640, 1:1, True_Faith_E3_2019_8ch_.webm)

>we'll make even more squilliams to celebrate this year

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d8b40c  No.16871791



Maybe Gamescom considering Geoff is going there now.

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4dbc8c  No.16871793


>posting the old version with the crossposter squilliams

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da3506  No.16871795

File: d3f63650fd76f64⋯.png (216.55 KB, 573x597, 191:199, he_beast.png)


There's always SGDQ.

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e35ec8  No.16871802


The Game Awards that Geoff shills.

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cbd91c  No.16871804

I still don't see why people think the coronavirus is a big deal

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314703  No.16871807


I hope that someday somebody will hack the AGDQ stream and play "unpacking.mp4"

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d28465  No.16871811

File: e6fbc7546c9d5f3⋯.gif (644.67 KB, 662x781, 662:781, starr.gif)


It's just the flu buddy.

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34167a  No.16871812


Because people are dying left and right in countries that are Asian and/or third-world shitholes. Also, because China was suppressing how much the bioweapon devastated so everyone downplayed it as "Just a flu", only to then collective lose their shit that it wasn't your "standard flu".

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cbd91c  No.16871814


These niggers have shitty quality of life and compromised immune systems from growing up in toxic smog hellscapes and being poor, of course they'll die from a shitty cold. Someone at work today told me that it doesn't affect children

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a16012  No.16871821


Companies will probably do Nintendo Direct-style videos around E3 time since they can't really do conferences and they need to get announcements out somehow

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240a87  No.16871838


On one hand they're able to control the narrative and don't have to wrangle the audience and risk backlash like at blizzcon, but on the other hand they run the risk of having nobody watch it lmao.

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0ba259  No.16871839

File: 342daec0eb024ca⋯.jpg (12.7 KB, 342x328, 171:164, GENOCIDE.jpg)


The guy who leaked GDC being cancelled just said it looks like E3 has been canned.

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5d7024  No.16871842

File: c8aacba5abe1db4⋯.webm (13.5 MB, 854x480, 427:240, _.webm)

I really HOPE it isn't cancelled! E3 is a lot of fun to watch along and cringe at though the site is STILL RUNNING LIKE COMPLETE TRASH so half of the enjoyment would be ruined since you can't post properly anyways

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eafe2f  No.16871843

File: 57260d166744a67⋯.jpg (21.38 KB, 603x201, 3:1, Capture.JPG)

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0ba259  No.16871844

File: f39fb36a7501f71⋯.png (244.59 KB, 804x423, 268:141, fully_online.png)


Another journo saying the announcement is coming in a few hours

Pic completely unrelated but I found this and wanted to share it. Remember that time Death Grips retweeted a Sam Hyde meme?

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4f58d6  No.16871850


It hasn’t been cringe for the last two years though, it has just been boring. Last year they didn’t even show video games, just cinematic trailers for games nobody cared about almost back to back.

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f593a5  No.16871852


You're still alive? I haven't seen you here or on any of the web ring boards for awhile.

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b60967  No.16871853

All these game companies could've copied Nintendo and Sony and do their video updates on games a long time ago instead of holding a big fucking conference to give information on them. Most people aren't ultranerds who go to E3 to buy all the merchandise and play demos.

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cd2727  No.16871854

File: 87674f7ff72a02f⋯.jpg (90.48 KB, 369x515, 369:515, huey_dubs.jpg)


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cd2727  No.16871855

File: f67db4690d40ee8⋯.jpg (42.47 KB, 300x328, 75:82, huey_doubles.jpg)


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4dbc8c  No.16871857

File: be5feb72e892732⋯.png (625.83 KB, 680x880, 17:22, b61b1e5aa241e0b1f11bd3eb5e….png)


lmao retard, look at my 56

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0ba259  No.16871858

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4f58d6  No.16871860


Microsoft tried and every time they did it they showed how horribly out of touch they were and catered to the Twitter crowd while making no big announcements. Sony has been similar with no games aside from showing bits and pieces of TloU2 and even when they announce a Japanese game the hype is instantly killed for the audience that would appeal to because everyone is wondering how much Sony will interfere with that game.

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a68175  No.16871865

File: 1a7141d133bed67⋯.jpg (13.1 KB, 344x259, 344:259, 1447923843947.jpg)


You're not the real Huey Lewis anon, the real one would have gotten them his first try, you're just an imposter.

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345909  No.16871886

File: ff9f4df331e8212⋯.png (201.81 KB, 431x502, 431:502, deusvult.png)

Neat. I was half tempted to buy some alcohol to drink during E3 last month (I pretty much only drink to E3, Gamescom and maybe TGS. Otherwise it's just a glass of what I put in food), but didn't since I expected it would be just plain old lame. Guess I made the right choice

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4b8463  No.16871912

File: d9a1f60da505278⋯.jpg (202.67 KB, 426x640, 213:320, sad_luigi.jpg)


>tweet from Devolver

FUCK, it's true. Even if this means that it's only Devolver that is pulling out of E3, that means the only reason to watch is gone.

I wish I had a Twitter account so I could ask them to post something anyway.

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0ba259  No.16871917


Devolver always make pre-recorded shows, their E3 one is probably already finished. I assume they'll release it anyway.

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4b8463  No.16871921


Yeah, I know, but having it be a part of the event was a big part of the fun. Hopefully they can retool it in the meantime into something that makes fun of this situation too. Like robo-Struthers pushing some kind of AV software to keep out bats.

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da3506  No.16871955



You know at this point I wouldn't be surprised if all the developers and publishers don't end up making an ad hoc online only "E3" and just stream it on twitch or something.

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4b8463  No.16871988


Once again proving Nintendo is ahead of the curve.

Although in Nintendo's case, they pretty much had to go the Direct route because "journalists" would always post doom and gloom about Nintendo whenever they put out a press release, (you typical "here's a press release from Nintendo, and three articles of Nintendoom about why the company will go third party by the end of next year") so they had to skip those talentless fucks and go directly to their actual fans.

Now journos can't suck enough Nintendick whenever there's a new Direct announced, and rumours have two by the end of the month. One Indie Direct next week and a proper full Direct the week after that.

I still have no fucking idea what Sony's doing. They weren't at E3 last year, this year is cancelled, and they're supposed to launch a new console in six months. I doubt Sony knows what the fuck they're doing too, unless they've been holding everything back for a big PS5 launch line-up.

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db8914  No.16872002

Well shit, that's one less venue for Corona-chan to spread in. That sucks.

That's the only downside

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3035a5  No.16872012

Here's a thought, will Corona kill cinemas and theaters? Will Hollywood get fucked?

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4b8463  No.16872021


Nah, it just means they will end up selling cheap to Disney who will make Disney-plexes everywhere that show nothing but poz 24/7.

The laws against move studios owning and operating their own commercial cinemas recently expired so it's not far off now.

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6ee6ec  No.16872027

File: 6e8e13ea3edafcc⋯.jpg (107.77 KB, 541x525, 541:525, 97e4576001e5d28c993276242c….jpg)

>most likely

Come on now, I wouldn't be surprised if it were but let's not blow our load so fast on a bait article.

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a615ab  No.16872031

File: 73cf146557b4e5f⋯.gif (10.99 MB, 660x480, 11:8, Trogdoral.gif)

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0ba259  No.16872033


Read them dummy

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6ee6ec  No.16872034


First article

>evidence is two faggot "journalist" tweets

Second article

>evidence is once again tweets from "journalists"

I was wrong, it's confirmed!

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7ccc49  No.16872046


Imagine the smell

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27c639  No.16872047

E3 was essentially cancelled long before Coronavirus came along.

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0ba259  No.16872054


Said journos also leaked GDC being cancelled, whether you like them or not they have ties to the industry.

A dev who was going there also said you should cancel your E3 plans.

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17d2c3  No.16872060

File: 72c1d65a6ef982f⋯.jpg (80.49 KB, 1152x864, 4:3, DaU3tNDVwAAZitJ.jpg)

455 days till E3

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cceac7  No.16872073

File: e1b2ad71a68b122⋯.jpg (57.05 KB, 600x600, 1:1, Don_t_be_silly_Gary_I_don_….jpg)



We might need a new template to conmemorate this moment, and/or a new song

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202685  No.16872075


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d46333  No.16872076


E3 died when G4 died.

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da3506  No.16872077

File: f158c33f3c2f3e1⋯.png (6.12 KB, 640x640, 1:1, squilliam_base.png)

File: 4bcb38508a9ce1c⋯.png (6.16 KB, 640x640, 1:1, squilliam_base_girl.png)


>We might need a new template to conmemorate this moment

I really don't think that would be absolutely necessary. The old template is pretty classic at this point.

But if we were to go that route, then it needs to be as clean and generic as the ones that we've been using. It'll take a little bit of redrawing by a nice friendly drawfag to humanize the template too.

>and/or a new song

Well the vid compilation guy has started using a different "victory" song each year so that's sort of a given.

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629702  No.16872079

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Maybe this.

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da3506  No.16872085

File: 92cd073476a57c7⋯.webm (337.02 KB, 640x360, 16:9, cool_it_with_the_anti_sem….webm)


>Finally the dream Israel.

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db2f96  No.16872093

File: 9ab1d7cf7d19db6⋯.mp4 (8.34 MB, 480x360, 4:3, Hedgehog_Stew.mp4)



As much as I love Squilliam, I think this situation calls for a new template. New decade, new template. Webm unrelated.

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6287dc  No.16872095

File: 0e1cab444607aad⋯.jpg (77.29 KB, 635x636, 635:636, 0e1cab444607aadbbc84f2322f….jpg)

I'm free!



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da3506  No.16872101


>I think this situation calls for a new template. New decade, new template.

If so then it better be a good one. Otherwise it'll never catch on.

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0af4cf  No.16872105

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



This. easier said than done. In any case, the dying Squilliam is already appropiate both to E3 death and to Corona-chan attack.

Maybe a redraw of Squilliam already in the stretcher could be a new option.


How about this for a new song?

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db2f96  No.16872119

File: f486e5236aa5622⋯.png (508.82 KB, 687x625, 687:625, 090qq.png)



I understand that it won't be easy, but there's a ton of time to spitball ideas before "E3". I like the idea of doing a Squidward template like >>16871760 , but maybe there's something else that can be done. For years E3 has been a cornerstone of disappointment and heartache, this would be the year that the bittersweet crestfallen symphony skipped a beat and gave everyone a brief respite. There needs to be a template that reflects that.

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6287dc  No.16872152

File: 54a640fa08514ce⋯.jpg (33.54 KB, 555x512, 555:512, Squidward_Homer_Comfy.jpg)


Have this abomination I made.

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fd0ae2  No.16872164

File: ada795b050892e8⋯.jpg (124.86 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Sonic_beach1.jpg)

File: 249b815ee0105d5⋯.jpg (124.8 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Sonic_beach2.jpg)

File: b7d6d0cfd16b31f⋯.jpg (132.23 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Sonic_beach3.jpg)

File: 9fbe797287a46bf⋯.jpg (130.42 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Sonic_beach4.jpg)


>the bittersweet crestfallen symphony skipped a beat and gave everyone a brief respite

How about one of these? Personally I'm for 3 or 1.

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46d814  No.16872165

File: 816d6974d19c786⋯.jpg (69.96 KB, 800x794, 400:397, 1437159666275.jpg)

Just a flu guys.

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79ebb0  No.16872237

File: c005d2480d83aee⋯.png (536.16 KB, 600x720, 5:6, 285142339168108648191.png)

Could this really be it? Could Corona truly be the savior of vidya that we've been waiting for?

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ed9a38  No.16872251

File: 034aa5a179964e7⋯.jpg (45.88 KB, 900x851, 900:851, 1vcutt.jpg)

I'm actually expecting this year's E3, I literally getting ready to prepare a bingo for every repetitive/cringe thing they've done in the past E3 and for /v/ reaction towards it.

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9a0fa4  No.16872254

File: 8037d4c6b7c90d0⋯.jpg (91.72 KB, 1152x1030, 576:515, 1581529596768.jpg)

>no E3 Crowbcat cringe compilation this year


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ed9a38  No.16872255

*I was*

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0e8f85  No.16872264


>watching that grifter faggot

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269156  No.16872266



What's the fucking problem now? He's not even an eceleb plastering his mug all over the screen.

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9a0fa4  No.16872270



What? why?

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7aa75a  No.16872276


What a shame, I was looking forward to the shitshow

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83486f  No.16872279


Are you just using words you think sound fancy?

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224389  No.16872284

And there it is, we can now officially say it's cancelled.


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cbd91c  No.16872289


Remember when The Grifter was a shitty /b/ creepypasta, years before SCP was a thing

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83486f  No.16872292


Remember when a grifter was a thing before creepypasta was first cooked up?

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cdb490  No.16872296


We need a Corona-chan Squilliam to finish it off, though.

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cbd91c  No.16872299


Ok boomer

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b1ac23  No.16872305

File: a6312e00fb44df2⋯.png (411.82 KB, 640x480, 4:3, Game_Center_CX_055_Quest_o….png)

This might be a good thing, actually.

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83486f  No.16872306

File: a642c750e546f9f⋯.png (99.13 KB, 400x400, 1:1, agnus.PNG)


>only boomers remember the jews were the first grifters

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f31129  No.16872316

File: 5f005bfca9d1afb⋯.jpg (141.04 KB, 980x803, 980:803, 836f914ea9edb6072f54c018b2….jpg)


So, should we start accepting game trailers and make our own /agdg/ direct kinda thing? The only good thing about E3 is that it's a time where everyone comes together to laugh at corporate executives, hope for at least one good announcement, and eat domino's pizza.

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97ca81  No.16872325

Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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cc786c  No.16872329


>So, should we start accepting game trailers and make our own /agdg/ direct kinda thing?

I like that idea. Although, kind of wonder what happened to that Anon who was doing the /v/ magazine.

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836b74  No.16872330


>Ok boomer

Ok, reddit.

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f31129  No.16872332


Well the way I wanna do it is basically




Additionally I wanted to do something like that but unrelated to 8chan and bigger in scale, but I doubt anyone would be willing to talk with me after what happened last year. Maybe I can go under some sort of shadow name or some shit.

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df7022  No.16872333

File: 0656f50cec39736⋯.jpg (8.57 KB, 207x200, 207:200, 0656f50cec397369ecb1680ba7….jpg)


get Geoff Keighley to do an ama here

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f31129  No.16872334


That'd be hilarious, but I doubt he'll come on. Should I try anyway?

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80f491  No.16872340

At the very least stream some movies. I can't go a year without my friends.

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4dbc8c  No.16872342

File: 70a7b5499deba0d⋯.png (93.54 KB, 483x400, 483:400, 1427500465214.png)




Do it. Fucking go for it mark. Use whatever jew magic you used for THQ with Geoff Keighley

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df7022  No.16872343


>jew magic

I think he just asked which makes it even funnier looking back

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97ca81  No.16872345



but if you do the trailer thing, don't do an intro or upload it to youtube. Just make it a series of webms

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2cdacd  No.16872350

File: 5e672b1031855c6⋯.webm (11.63 MB, 800x600, 4:3, THQNordic8ChanAMA.webm)


Tell him "Mark will take care of it"

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cbd91c  No.16872351


>eat domino's pizza.

Unironically try to get a food company to sponsor the event for the lulz

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9a0fa4  No.16872358

File: ba4ea0d6e1eede9⋯.jpg (190.66 KB, 1183x790, 1183:790, 8kek.jpg)


Here it is

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4761ad  No.16872360

The crash is coming. Knew china would kill gaming, but didn't consider it would be by just a flu bro.

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cbd91c  No.16872361


Ew, artificial banana

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2889bf  No.16872363


Now I don't have to watch so much shit but I think it will affect the live threads.

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a4f518  No.16872366

File: 95efbd1c43da04a⋯.jpg (542.58 KB, 1800x1348, 450:337, Spanish_Flu.jpg)


>Unless this nu-virus manages to kill >70% of leftist developers

At least 30% of them will since they love chinese and filth overall.


Yeah, maybe even invite some indie devs we like to shill their game on our Neo Nazi forum for incels



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6c5039  No.16872368

File: c495d39a20720f2⋯.png (451.8 KB, 445x487, 445:487, Aonuma_approves.png)


Good. It's better for developers to stay safe and focus on their work than take unnecessary risks with commercial business trips during a pandemic.

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7aa75a  No.16872373


There might still be streams, it doesn't make sense to just drop the investment when you can do it in house for a change. Nintendo is probably going to have something at NYC, and Microsoft will probably just make a prerecorded stream of sorts. I'm curious if the warmer weather won't kill the virus, it's a wild ride if anything.

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7e4005  No.16872383

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I propose this one

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0039fd  No.16872394

File: 45ae0b8e3a7b649⋯.jpg (55.24 KB, 719x771, 719:771, Scree.jpg)

>one time of the year I got together with old friends for a drinking game and banter

Fuck now what am I gonna do

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7aa75a  No.16872397


Wait for next year. Although Phil already confirmed they're going to do a digital stream. So I wouldn't worry too much.

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df7022  No.16872398


I guess you could play video games instead

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173e5e  No.16872400

File: e87ba3946357fdf⋯.jpg (60.71 KB, 637x358, 637:358, corona.jpg)


Gaming industry blessed by best girl.

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49df6e  No.16872402


Get together for the GOTY awards instead.

But thats in case if the Corona-chan shitshow dies down by then.


I want her to bless my cock & balls already and make me infertile.

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173e5e  No.16872407

File: 2f8b150ba12f2bb⋯.jpg (71.83 KB, 830x738, 415:369, happy_hitler.jpg)


>I want her to bless my cock & balls already and make me infertile.

Rejoice Anon she most likely already has. You just do not know it yet.

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9ae086  No.16872409

File: d1df8cb556e12e2⋯.gif (212.63 KB, 370x300, 37:30, x6cRoPK.gif)



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0039fd  No.16872411


I'm getting burnt out, completed 50 videogames this year alone and 100% 7

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cbd91c  No.16872414


>Telling /v/ to play VIDEOGAMES

Okay asshole

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345909  No.16872420

File: c60719dcb9b7689⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 2.5 MB, 1920x1456, 120:91, nnk.png)


She's the only character in the entire Persona dancing series to have pantsu instead of shorts

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49df6e  No.16872425

File: e8108f14e0f3870⋯.png (496.96 KB, 661x801, 661:801, Corona_chan_world_dominati….png)

File: 27b0fce3f5a2560⋯.jpg (62.89 KB, 680x445, 136:89, Coronachan_1_.jpg)

File: 632e6e03bb0f069⋯.png (940.6 KB, 1358x1347, 1358:1347, Coronachan_1_.png)

File: a3d011ec9fb3839⋯.png (1.23 MB, 1440x2012, 360:503, Coronachan_3_.png)

File: 668f6a5ddd61abb⋯.png (157.47 KB, 500x504, 125:126, Coronachan_2_.png)




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a4f518  No.16872436

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Thread theme


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7364f6  No.16872442



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a4f518  No.16872447


You're saying you want to get pozzed?

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385f1d  No.16872453

File: 3ca261989cc01f6⋯.mp4 (891 KB, 480x480, 1:1, remaining_not_dead.mp4)

What a time to be alive

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a66fd2  No.16872457

The corona virus did what that lazy piece of shit Ren-anon couldn't.

If you read this you faglord then shame on you! Shame!

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6b985a  No.16872459

File: bf0b8bfb80d409a⋯.jpeg (25.64 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 02a2619e1ce8c9c95682cfd3b….jpeg)


<Unless this nu-virus manages to kill >70% of leftist developers, then no, it won't save jackshit.

>mfw economic collapse kills 95%


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ed9a38  No.16872461

File: c595308d903435b⋯.jpg (60.71 KB, 500x709, 500:709, 7afbec851d3a60d2eb82ec1ca2….jpg)


Not surprising Atlus has shown themselves as massive lolicons with the P5 game.

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e84e76  No.16872469

File: 5d4056be00d9fcf⋯.png (796.39 KB, 1080x664, 135:83, ClipboardImage.png)


So it's official now.

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e1e673  No.16872474


The writing was on the wall anyhow. Coronachan just put it out of it's misery.

It's kind of like how nobody buys albums anymore. These games shows are just archaic and not how games get news/announcements these days…and the way these shows go about it just pisses people off.

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e1e673  No.16872482


Not how "gamers" get news, I mean.

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f8622a  No.16872491


Nice to know Japan hasn't been completely cucked.

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3bc207  No.16872494


E3 has been boring even for cringe purposes since 2017.

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a4f518  No.16872501


>Since 2017


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2ca4ef  No.16872503


I think last year was it’s absolute worst rendition.

>people would come out to introduce game

>give small speech to try and play on emotion

>30 second cinematic trailer

It didn’t even have my favorite thing, fake gamer talk while they showed off fake footage of a multiplayer game.

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a4f518  No.16872509


It didn’t even have my favorite thing, good videogames.

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4e5d54  No.16872520


>good videogames

My favorite oxymoron.

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83486f  No.16872528

File: e21e42c711c0af8⋯.gif (802.37 KB, 245x205, 49:41, waldorfstatler.gif)

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a4f518  No.16872530


Go watch your pedowood flicks /tv/

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50c55f  No.16872538


But I was looking forward to so many diverse stories with brave women of color as the protagonists

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0e22c0  No.16872555



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e4423e  No.16872563



by hobbies you mean shitpostin with /v/ about E3 cringe right?

because if you mean vidya, that hobby's been dead for a long time

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b10f52  No.16872567

File: fc03cd503477cdb⋯.png (84.32 KB, 750x1079, 750:1079, _hong_meiling_touhou_drawn….png)

china number one

china > ren

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6ee6ec  No.16872570


Isn't Meiling's career guarding a door and getting beat up by everyone else?

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b10f52  No.16872575

File: df5ea93babbed8a⋯.png (369.74 KB, 1240x1748, 310:437, _hong_meiling_touhou_drawn….png)


she is a hard worker

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964669  No.16872576


That seems like an actual good counter meme to it.

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a4f518  No.16872581

File: 39b8ad852bc8fe2⋯.png (96.95 KB, 362x492, 181:246, What_the_fuck.png)


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4dbc8c  No.16872587

File: cb800dd00f039af⋯.webm (2.66 MB, 720x480, 3:2, Highest_Form_of_Rebuttal.webm)



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6ee6ec  No.16872591


Why didn't you do that to begin with idiot

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a4f518  No.16872596

File: cd552ef56cdcbdf⋯.jpg (45.91 KB, 631x545, 631:545, What_the_fuck_is_going_on_….JPG)




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4f4a90  No.16872602


Don't you mean drunken fun times? The E3 drinking game is my favorite part of the year.

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50c55f  No.16872603


Probably "Invaders Must Die" just judging by the phrase they keep repeating, i dunno

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3f9de5  No.16872608


>domino's pizza

For someone who loves food as much as you do why would you eat shit pizza? Don't you live in New York?

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b449bc  No.16872613

File: e10fa4d54ca0862⋯.jpg (133.1 KB, 600x600, 1:1, e10fa4d54ca086243f67f68482….jpg)


>tfw I keep hearing it as "the jews must die"

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7aa75a  No.16872614


It's part of the experience, especially when watching Bethesda or Ubisoft.

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0e22c0  No.16872615


That's a manji you idiot.

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44cd2a  No.16872618

e3 has been shit for years anyway. Good riddance.

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b10f52  No.16872627

File: 719e8ba34308421⋯.png (1.44 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, _.png)


Manji goes like this

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cdb42d  No.16872628


A manji would be made of lines parallel and perpendicular to the soles you pretentious nigger.

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0e22c0  No.16872631

File: 58a5380152c8a30⋯.png (8.29 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, 1200px_Ura_manji_svg.png)


Justice matters.

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bc9dfd  No.16872633

File: 051e377b240f209⋯.gif (3.98 MB, 270x314, 135:157, Jesus.gif)


Finally some good news.

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0e22c0  No.16872640

File: c1aeddf964bc801⋯.jpg (65.16 KB, 553x685, 553:685, do_u_even.JPG)


nice try jr troll

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2a465e  No.16872641

so, squilliams or no?

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a7586a  No.16872656

File: f1772bcc6969c1b⋯.gif (9.28 MB, 1079x929, 1079:929, 2a78e91c71336fed1a609213e8….gif)

Odd decision, since the virus is expected to peak on March 25th. Well, bunch of companies were planning on sitting E3 out so this may not be too bad.


Obviously not since there is no E3. Anyone who still tries to force squilliams this year is delusional or a crossposter trying to fit in. This is coming from someone who has made at least two squilliams for the past 3 years.

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2cdacd  No.16872686

File: 1d7025ec9f8a8af⋯.jpg (25.59 KB, 600x450, 4:3, Stormtrooper_plays_SWG.jpg)



If anything is to come up via their stupid "online alternative" E3, only then should something be made. I think it should be special to commemorate not only the year with no E3 but also the first on the long road to recover from deplatforming.

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a7586a  No.16872691

File: 4c0eb8f574caedd⋯.png (100.3 KB, 227x255, 227:255, 4c0eb8f574caedd355707fa5fb….png)


A very long road indeed, and we're hardly 1/10th of the way out, but every journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.

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efad5f  No.16872710

File: 0ac1b186163b903⋯.jpg (39.74 KB, 413x307, 413:307, 6b5525c02f329e688ca056815c….jpg)



My waifu is such a wonderful girl.

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230ee5  No.16872775


Now you've learned a lesson. Stop being such a little bitch. Never post here again.

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230ee5  No.16872790

File: 58a9e4a53874947⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 367.15 KB, 735x490, 3:2, ID_38fa5c.png)



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2cdacd  No.16872791

File: 0faf41ad25c8bae⋯.jpg (110.69 KB, 1920x1200, 8:5, 7dfaee288a266adb4f5e341649….jpg)


>he's doubling down on 18♤

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a4d66b  No.16872794



I like the idea of doing Laughing Squidwards like >>16871760 suggested.

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cbd91c  No.16872795


Reposted for DOST violation

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e35ec8  No.16872825

After sleeping on it, it is going to be sad that it's going to turn into a direct. Less unpredictability, and more controlled PR. The PC game show will literally turn into a late night talk show that they've always wanted. Just a little more tolerable than John Oliver and Samantha Bee. This really looking like the final death nail for E3.

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e5cd3e  No.16872832

File: efd36ebd8ca47b5⋯.png (64.49 KB, 659x234, 659:234, ClipboardImage.png)



He didn't make a video about this colossal blunder. What a shame.

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888dde  No.16872859


>ebil nazies!!!!

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a928c4  No.16872940



>lyrics literally gives the name of the song

>thanks for the help retards, managed to find it myself

Congratulations now the next step is to stop being spoonfeed by anons.

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1ad97f  No.16872955


aspect radio

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363839  No.16872960


He hasn't even made any vids in a while despite various gaming related events happening.

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ae9e5e  No.16872963

With how slow is the board now this sticky was not necesary,it will probably last until E3 2021.

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1ad97f  No.16872976


he was "banned" from uploading videos to youtube

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836b74  No.16872982


He's a redditard, what else did you expect?


What for?

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a928c4  No.16872989


>What for?

Probably something about youtubes new dmca censorship program. Lots of people stopped uploading after that

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1ad97f  No.16873002


Someone said its because a bunch of retards got angry at his farcry 2 video.

But the guy who provided the information gave no proof what so ever, that's why i'm putting the parenthesis on "banned".

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a928c4  No.16873013


eh i think im with >>16872264




Im guessing its because of his patreon that he hasn't updated.

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a4f518  No.16873070

File: 1a029ca802ab5c8⋯.jpg (19.28 KB, 478x358, 239:179, A_FUCKING_MACHINEGUN.JPG)




Does cuckchanner have a better ring to it?

Go back to reddit with images clovernigger

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000000  No.16873072


domino's is good pizza

Japa Pohn's > Domino's > Pizza Hut > Little Ceasar's

I actually haven't had pizza hut in so long I forget what it tastes like. Last time I had it was their cheapass buffet two years ago.

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a928c4  No.16873077


>Japa Pohn's > Domino's > Pizza Hut > Little Ceasar's > actual mafia owned pizzeria

unironically even cheap $1 pizzerias were better

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cbd91c  No.16873083



I don't mind Little Caesar's if I've worked hard and I'm starving by lunchtime. I can get a personal pizza in 30 seconds for $6. That's great.

Domino's is okay for ordering, but between taxes, delivery charge, debit fee and tip, I'm spending $20 on pizza and $15 on misc shit, so fuck that

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000000  No.16873087


>paying for grease-covered dough with shit cheese and fake meat in a seedy diner with a waitress in her 60s


domino's is good if you make use of the deals they have, otherwise it is overpriced most of the time. same goes for mcdonald's, if you don't know the combos/deals/coupons you're going to be spending way too much on synthetic cow meat

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b0d734  No.16873091

File: 52b1823eedacc8a⋯.jpg (91.82 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, 1497125858731.jpg)

I'm glad it's over.

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a928c4  No.16873098


> letting go of a chance to score free crack

That was actually how they got caught

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d0af05  No.16873104


Round Table Pizza > everything else

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17d2c3  No.16873111

File: fa8179a5d9ffbfe⋯.jpg (553.29 KB, 2560x1440, 16:9, e3202socialgoodwm.jpg)

I'm kind of bummed. I was hoping to see how bad their new plan to have 'influencers influence social good' was going to turn out. It was going to be a good laugh.

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6433e0  No.16873118

File: 9f634c87473ba48⋯.png (956.99 KB, 894x665, 894:665, 2020_in_SDM.png)

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e1e673  No.16873125


It's nonsense anyhow. If any "generation" led in social good, it was the 19th century, where schools, hospitals, and other institutions and infrastructure in countries were built and supported by philanthropy. Crying on twitter and wanting your government to handle everything (and not even paying for it yourself) is not a "social good". It's just more ego tripping - which is what social media and influencers are only actually capable of.

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f252aa  No.16873128

Corona-chan cucked Ren. How embarrassing.

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bc002f  No.16873148


Rick Astley - Never Gonna Give You Up

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fd610e  No.16873155


corona by minutemen or strange days by the doors

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f347fe  No.16873169

File: dc1fa1e8625709b⋯.jpg (189.82 KB, 577x1024, 577:1024, 1377265028282.jpg)


If you mean, >>16845921 , he was around the other week proofreading a review of Metroid: Samus Returns.


>Fuck now what am I gonna do

Drakengard 2 drinking game instead?


Speaking of pizza, I find Mountain Mike's quite good when I've been visiting relatives. Shame they don't care to open one in my state.

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011cdb  No.16873254

File: e74a3ab76dc8353⋯.png (160.87 KB, 291x396, 97:132, drakengard_2_caim.png)


>Drakengard 2

Caim is the only good part.

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49df6e  No.16873272


totinos pizza > literal dogshit > everything else

I'm joking when it comes to their taste but when it comes to getting your bang for your buck totinos takes the cake.

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13c999  No.16873307



Nigger, I'll lynch you. I'm so tired of yankee cultural appropriation.

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6433e0  No.16873329

File: 1885de13f6e59e8⋯.jpg (66.53 KB, 1000x1419, 1000:1419, yankee_mad.jpg)


Damm yankees

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56d4fa  No.16873366

File: 7f9a55eefc0dfa2⋯.jpg (37.91 KB, 375x525, 5:7, 1320908656177.jpg)

Trump banned trade and tourism to Yourop for 30 days. How can this affect my vidya? Will it even affect it?

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fd3ec0  No.16873369


What about Drakengard 3?

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fbf0b4  No.16873415

File: 1376fb08053a67c⋯.jpg (73.78 KB, 960x720, 4:3, Haman_Karn_Frown_.jpg)


Caim did nothing wrong.

>tfw no ending where he kill Manah violently.

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7df1e2  No.16873431

File: 41a44b5b4b97b5e⋯.gif (1.01 MB, 640x640, 1:1, clutch_nixon.gif)


Why would it? Euros have contributed basically nothing to vidya.

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4b8463  No.16873447


Devolver will still show their presentation and maybe some other stuff besides.

We gonna have a viewing party? Cos we fucking better.

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4b8463  No.16873453


I don't know why archive is shitting itself. Here's a direct link to the tweet itself.


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de6a82  No.16873454


I mean, their show has always been a prerecorded comedy skit so this is no different for them. Though I dunno if they normally have floorspace to let people play demos.

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4b8463  No.16873464


Yeah, but in years past it was nice to have a deliberate shitpost tucked in between the cringefests that are the AAA presentations. It's not going to be as cathartic this year, but I'm still looking forward to it.

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bc89ca  No.16873475

File: 119a7ed7a840e76⋯.png (242.68 KB, 540x721, 540:721, 1405210885024.png)


E3's death can be good for the gaming industry, sure, but how exactly? Promoting more direct talk between devs and companies instead of having a intermediary?

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058521  No.16873488

Now that I think about it, I wonder if Sony's PS5 production will be hit hard by Corona-Chan. They've already been having issue. Microsoft is Microsoft, they can take the hit and move production anywhere (weren't they producing some Xboxes in Mexico?) but Sony's probably way more fucked.

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e6d113  No.16873493


They're going to have to otherwise no one will give a SHIT about any AAA game out there.

This is basically the end of E3 as an event anyway, once companies start doing their own advertising, they're ditching the event ASAP.


This is why you don't rely on what is essentially slave labor.

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4b8463  No.16873494


>E3's death can be good for the gaming industry, sure, but how exactly?

In years past, devs have focused on making "E3 builds" that are, in a word, bullshit. A lot of time goes to making these presentations that get shown off at tradeshows that goes away from actually developing the game, which obviously affects game development. There are plenty of horror stories from devs lashed to the wheel while they grind out an E3 demo that actually sets back progress with the game.

On top of that, E3 is basically a hype machine. If the hype dies and the focus on pre-orders falls off (especially thanks to the imminent death of Gamestop) then games won't be forced into an arms race for media exposure as much as they have been in years past.

On top of that, putting on a presentation is expensive, which again is cost that exists simply to compete on the showfloor. I remember a study from university where they cited cigarette companies as an example. The ban on cigarette advertising actually improved the bottom line for them, because now they didn't have to spend any money advertising in order to break even in the ad space market. Everyone was equal at zero dollars spent. The product still sold via word of mouth.

Another factor to look forward to is that with these events being more like Nintendo Directs, the publishers will be speaking directly to the consumer base via Twitter/Twitch/whatever. They will be sidestepping the journos entirely as reporters for these events. Given the state of journalism, especially games journalism, this is only a good thing. Again, this means less money spent on press junkets with journos who get buddy-buddy and shit with corporate sluts. Those junkets and pressers also cost money.

All these factors reduce cost and overhead and crunchtime, limit journo gate-keeping, and may in fact help lead to a resurgance in AA gaming.

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ac4fdc  No.16873500

lol deal with it nerd

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7f4fc3  No.16873509

guys do you think mark will get coronavirus

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e6d113  No.16873519

File: 2955146c0583689⋯.jpg (80.86 KB, 824x579, 824:579, depression_mob.jpg)





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4b8463  No.16873523

File: 5af999612cbb239⋯.gif (82.7 KB, 395x281, 395:281, disgusted_eastward.gif)


>cool ass

>ya boi

>always yelling

>no grammar

For talking like a nigger you will get the superpowers of foodstamps and child abandonment.

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ba8213  No.16873534


>Even in a world without poz, commercial journalism would still be a bad guy from being a useless middleman that does nothing except inflate costs for the same output as the same thing without commercial journalism.


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4dbc8c  No.16873538

File: 6edc2def337040e⋯.webm (10.7 MB, 640x640, 1:1, e3_2017_i_will_survive.webm)

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4dbc8c  No.16873540

File: 1283258e8396833⋯.webm (15.68 MB, 640x640, 1:1, E3_2017_The_Flashbulb_Chi….webm)

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4dbc8c  No.16873541

File: c11aa22a14cf5e1⋯.webm (11.89 MB, 640x640, 1:1, E3_2017_Worlds_Apart.webm)

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4dbc8c  No.16873542

File: e92db337a5c85d1⋯.webm (7.86 MB, 640x640, 1:1, Sweet_Victory_E3_2017.webm)

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4dbc8c  No.16873543

File: 852b178cf09539f⋯.webm (9.85 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 8v_Presents_The_E3_2017_E….webm)

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4dbc8c  No.16873545

File: 3a81bb6891b48f1⋯.webm (15.7 MB, 640x640, 1:1, E3_2018_The_winner_takes_….webm)

Are there squilliam videos from 2016 or earlier?

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abaaea  No.16873552

Your appointment to WHO should be finalized within the week. I've already discussed the matter with the senator.

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3035a5  No.16873604


Have they been infected?

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227990  No.16873611



If you just post he'll pop up.

Because I'm also posting in other threads.

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709baa  No.16873633


TeraJK did, I think.

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4b8463  No.16873654

Good news anons. The aussie government is shutting shit down to help prevent the spread of corona-chan and is also giving NEETs an extra $750 to help boost the economy by encouraging spending in the coming months.

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a5185c  No.16873660

File: 96969e9cb5cc0bc⋯.png (21.12 KB, 440x410, 44:41, 97ffb66278cceeff3859097846….png)


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224389  No.16873673

File: dc347ba11e5c68b⋯.jpg (29.86 KB, 400x384, 25:24, hold_the_fuck_up.jpg)


Holy shit it's real. I didn't think they'd actually be giving out money to us NEETs at all, let alone $750 of it by mid-April.

Shame that by the time I get the payment everything will probably be either sold out or marked up to some ridiculous amount.

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6ee6ec  No.16873679


Has anyone even died in australia?

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4b8463  No.16873680


Giving money to poor people who will spend it (because they are poor and need to because they live paycheck to paycheck anyway) will help the numbers for the quarter look good, and help stave off a full-blown recession.

They're also giving businesses breaks and helping to pay for apprenticeships and trainees and shit so workers don't lose hours/wages to help boost spending too.

Pretty clever move. Then again, the government did it in 2008 as well and helped save Australia from the worst of the GFC and this party (which was in opposition back then) went on and on about how such measures would ruin the country.

Go figure.

I'm gonna get myself a new controller, and pay off ACNH and XBDE.

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83486f  No.16873682


3 so far.

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4b8463  No.16873683


Our first to die was a healthy middle-aged guy from Perth. There have been a couple of others, and currently confirmed infections are in the mid 100s.

Growth in every country has been exponential so far so I expect those numbers to balloon in a few days (or until test kits run out and they stop counting new infections, like they did elsewhere).

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83486f  No.16873687


You guys were sitting at ~250 yesterday, now it's over 300.

Australia's not at the flare up point yet, but it's coming.

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83486f  No.16873689


Disregard that, I suck cocks.

I read Austria's numbers instead of Australia.


Aussieland's sitting around 150 cases now.

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888dde  No.16873691


Giving money to people who have not earned it is always a bad idea.

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4b8463  No.16873692


>Disregard that, I suck cocks.

Man, I haven't thought about bash.org in years. I wonder if they're still updating?

IRC days were wonderful.

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467e04  No.16873699

File: ad2e310c0bc8292⋯.png (38.34 KB, 640x640, 1:1, ALWAYS_I_WANT_TO_BE_WITH_Y….png)


I'm pretty sure 2016 was the first one

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a12b92  No.16873700

File: 7eddd4aa4855d60⋯.png (140.44 KB, 360x400, 9:10, not_for_sale.png)


>So, should we start accepting game trailers and make our own /agdg/ direct kinda thing?

No, you'll just find a way to jew it up and embarrass yourself further.

>and eat domino's pizza.

You taking product placement deals to pad out your jimbux now?

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a7586a  No.16873726


This. Although, you and I will likely be banned for daring not fall in line with the other bootlickers here. Watch the skies.

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6287dc  No.16873738


>Not eating Domino's® Pizza when their large Domino's® hand-tossed pizza is now only $7.99

Get a load of this loser.

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8d67f6  No.16873740

File: ffb682239c31d41⋯.gif (84.05 KB, 523x438, 523:438, 15288994756628nkzc.gif)


perhaps something more positive, like dancing? Anons doing the frames to a dance? It could even be something simple and silly like that DMC5 dance

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b20654  No.16873750


they're not giving people money, they just don't force you to pay for your shit right now. but get ready to pay later.

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0ba259  No.16873776

File: 1ca673d560995c7⋯.jpg (56.45 KB, 729x729, 1:1, 1ca673d560995c7d817bc870ec….jpg)



They did this back in '08 as well, it's generally sighted as one of the biggest reasons their economy didn't crash at the time.

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099092  No.16873797

File: 9d0fd0ee496615b⋯.mp4 (8.39 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, agdg.mp4)


Am making a game for /agdg/, would totally be up for this.

You're still a fat kike though.

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80ec1a  No.16873801

File: bc6da863096f3db⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 71.15 KB, 660x578, 330:289, the_call_of_death.jpg)


>They did this back in '08 as well, it's generally sighted as one of the biggest reasons their economy didn't crash at the time.

Lots of economies didn't crash at the time.

Giving money to NEETs is a bad idea though, give them jobs instead. An extra onahole and Steam game + groceries won't help the economy.

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230ee5  No.16873811


Literally kill yourself. You're too stupid to be here. Do not post again.

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e84e76  No.16873829


What a Reddit-tier thread with such Reddit-tier reply.

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9f0933  No.16873989

File: 2e766ec1529cd05⋯.webm (1.08 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH….webm)



whose remix is that? I can't find it

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e1e673  No.16873991


One topping sucks though..

I like Domino's, but they seem to be smaller than the other shops. My only real complaint.

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4dbc8c  No.16874031

File: 86e6a0c3c105aba⋯.mp4 (2.79 MB, 480x600, 4:5, video0_37.mp4)


The from the Tron reboot movie

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9f0933  No.16874040


the one from the tron reboot is the original though, not a remix isn't it?

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629e47  No.16874051

The antiChrist spirit is strong here.

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836b74  No.16874097


>Euros have contributed basically nothing to vidya

Funny joke anon, next you'll say American games are actually good.

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4f4a90  No.16874105


Corona-chan will either be gone or we'll all be dead anyways. So, waiting for the game awards it is

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b4be99  No.16874154


What do you expect? Mark bans Christ-posting and defends athiests and LARPagans. 2014 GG-era /v/ is what you have to put up with if you are still posting on 8kun’s /v/. And I love it! I just love sharing the board with people who weren’t on either site in 2014

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665016  No.16874166


Take women's rights away.

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5602a0  No.16874197

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4064e9  No.16874200


>implying there are any good games period

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9f0933  No.16874201



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e1e673  No.16874205


Pong, bitch!

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a4f518  No.16874228


>Can't even look up and down

Fucking trash game for anti christian edgelords

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6433e0  No.16874250

File: 513ccdbeab46ece⋯.png (212.38 KB, 300x300, 1:1, europoor_propaganda.png)

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a7586a  No.16874274

File: fdee52511722027⋯.jpg (77.2 KB, 743x910, 743:910, dyingbritain.jpg)

File: bd0c31acd597559⋯.jpg (39.87 KB, 552x539, 552:539, schoolshooter.jpg)


I used to love that image and all its forks and edits. Was posted in practically every Europoor vs American discussion. Anyways, eat shit Europeans.

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b10f52  No.16874281

File: f55f3cee7a4ac1e⋯.png (534.12 KB, 1804x2469, 1804:2469, f55f3cee7a4ac1e1173791a1aa….png)

china > burgerland and yurop and everything else

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6433e0  No.16874296

File: 806216ca8bdea3c⋯.jpg (117.42 KB, 850x1357, 850:1357, _hong_meiling_touhou_drawn….jpg)



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665016  No.16874299


Go get pissed on by a bat.

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ee441a  No.16874308

File: fd77bdc6e8cda5c⋯.jpg (527.4 KB, 1600x1600, 1:1, germans_yes_they_really_ar….jpg)


oh no you don't

german beer and european plugs in the full size vesion of that pic

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6433e0  No.16874311

File: 58302113eaaa435⋯.mp4 (6.84 MB, 1280x618, 640:309, bang_bang_bang_pull_my_dev….mp4)


>gifs without sound

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836b74  No.16874328


I literally can not think of a single good American video game made after the mid 2000's, it's all just been big budget AAA, hollywood wannabe trash from then onwards.

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62d29d  No.16874329


I always thought this was just a trolling pic where the plug isn't actually plugged in to anything. Reminds me of that carrier fleet vs light house story how the nation's constantly change.

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6433e0  No.16874331


Versus your 100% Ashkenazi-mutt heritage?

There hasn't been a "pure" Hebrew in 5000 years Who were Northern-African Blacks that originated from what is now Somalia and Ethiopia. Modern "Jews" are meme-race made up of Arab, Endo-European, and European mutt mix, with a drop of nigger blood.


>I can't think of a single good European game Protip: has hasn't been any since the Amiga was a thing

>make my argument for me


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bf3c30  No.16874333


Nope. Kikes are only about 1%-2% of the US population and they're mostly in the big cities like NY and LA. I don't know why you'd call Germans ashkenazic mutts either when the majority of ashkenazi mongrels in the world are russian, polish, or some other mongol-slavic mutt mystery meat abomination.

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bf3c30  No.16874334




nice meme

the original judeans weren't related to modern kikes at all but they sure werent niggers, deshawn

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045fe8  No.16874357


>northern africa


Pick one, kangz nigger.

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03267f  No.16874359

File: 253f1c00cba7858⋯.png (26.7 KB, 140x190, 14:19, 253.png)


>Phil confirmed a digital stream

Thank god, the only thing I was looking forward to was PSO2 because SMTV might be the next "coming but not really" game of the decade at this point so I gave up wishing for it on E3.

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63e46c  No.16874379

File: 643d733ee4da863⋯.png (808.8 KB, 734x734, 1:1, Fuck_Mark.png)

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6433e0  No.16874383



>the Hebrews came from Africa

>Africa is white!

Nothing makes the jew more irrationally angry than telling him that he's descended from niggers from Africa where does that curly hair come from?. Muttposting has always been projection.

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a7586a  No.16874394

File: 3da9610c0f5e248⋯.jpg (954.29 KB, 900x3186, 50:177, kikeonastick.jpg)


The modern Jews are actually based out of Khazaria, which is in modern-day Turkey. They descended from Saul, who was the actual person who killed Jesus, rather than Judas.

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e35ec8  No.16874395

Got to say after coming from several stores to buy food and daily supplies for the week, people are really panicky over hand wash sanitizers and toilet paper. I'm not talking about viral clips from Australia; I'm talking about America here. You aren't going to need that much toilet paper if you don't have that much food stockpiled already, unless you don't think there will be food restrictions coming soon to test for possible contamination.

Compared to Italy, we're doing much better on handling CV, especially with the recent news of travel bans coming. A lot of sports and movies being delayed and cons being cancelled left and right that the whole nation could turn into shut-ins if this doesn't let up. Even Disneyland is closed in California, even though I think California has a bigger problem with the poop all around. If they don't think corona-chan can survive in a shithole filth that California has become, they've got another thing coming.

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058521  No.16874409


People here were stockpiling grains really hard back when we had only one case in the country. Entire grain section was near-empty, especially the buckwheat. There were jokes going around that stores were only restocking the more expensive buckwheat because people will buy them either way. Our local hospital also had to make a public post shaming people for stealing masks.

Now with three cases (two retards went skiing in Italy AFTER the warnings and of course came back straight to my city) they're banning all mass gatherings and closing down schools in the two biggest cities at least (probably copying Poland on that one). It's funny how badly people want the newly-infected couple dead. Comments on any article range from "make them pay for their own treatment" to "fine them" to "jail them for treason against the state" to "burn them at the stake".

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a7586a  No.16874418

File: 101a7a94503227a⋯.jpg (184.11 KB, 700x2048, 175:512, kikeonastick2.jpg)


An image of someone who can be mistaken for a Khazar doesn't illegitimatize the whole image.

>christcuck fairytale

Oh, you're shitposting. I'll take my leave, then.

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a7586a  No.16874456

File: 0275927b5a776d4⋯.png (690.51 KB, 999x999, 1:1, turksvskurds.png)


Think about it. Jesus is out there telling Jews to stop being shit. Going around, beating up Rabbis in their own synagogues, telling the higher-upds to fuck themselves, mixing with gentiles, supporting Roman rule. What happens when he dies? Saul muscles in and sets the stage for creating a cult that, instead of improving Jews and their relations with non-Jews, preps the goyim for Jewish subservience. Judas was killed to make sure the other apostles fell in line. Nero tried to put a stop to it, but by the time he did it was too late.

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26944b  No.16874970

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26944b  No.16874977


>That's Svytoslav of Kiev in the picture

I knew that picture was wrong, always pissed me off

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de6a82  No.16874979

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0ba259  No.16875059

File: 516f9dd089c4a5d⋯.jpg (33.73 KB, 409x512, 409:512, gayframe.jpg)

You know this just popped into my head, but why the hell does Corona-chan look kind of like Nezha?

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e1e673  No.16875060


I….don't see it. Where the fangs, the brunette hair, the wings?

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70a316  No.16875061


I think he's referring to the weird hair and the dress.

The answer is quite simple: they're both based on older Chinese fashion. Nezha is based on a character from Chinese mythology.

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6b4ea7  No.16875072

File: bd3cdf3c2a140d1⋯.gif (8.97 MB, 600x338, 300:169, vp2qj8rr7b921.gif)

Fuck game urinalist. DANCE LADS

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7a22ce  No.16875097

So what am I going to play Ark Eternal to during June, then?


>go to overpriced barber, don't look as good as you think you should

>post it on twitter fishing for compliments and attention


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0ba259  No.16875125





Hey anon could you stop being a pile of human cancer for ten minutes? That's be great.

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0ba259  No.16875130




It's Journey - Love Will Find You.

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011cdb  No.16875137


>Southern europeans

about the race mixing with Turks and North Africans...

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f83426  No.16875138

File: 8ce6ff9788991ce⋯.webm (4.8 MB, 1080x720, 3:2, 100k.webm)

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227990  No.16875145

An MSPaint drawing, and an extremely biased comparison used to be a parody of cultural discussions online. But I'm not even sure anymore; it's like people take it seriously now.

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94f217  No.16875146


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0ba259  No.16875161

This isn't /int/

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6b4ea7  No.16875175


Lefty tosser.

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9f0933  No.16875177

File: 1c307391ae78a2e⋯.png (72.33 KB, 279x279, 1:1, 1c307391ae78a2e5c6e714859f….png)


do you think anyone would do that? just go on the internet and tell lies?

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cc786c  No.16875225


Then report the posts that did it.

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acfe3e  No.16875254


how comes those thots do not get banned

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8efeac  No.16875272


The pajeet twitch janitor forgets to issue the one week suspension after he finishes masturbating.

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4dbc8c  No.16875567

File: b2c87e51504288e⋯.jpg (126.16 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, 1401507285730.jpg)

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4adac3  No.16875573


Jews had blonde hair and blue eyes. Modern "jews" are just the Milcom cultist infiltrators that Moses was supposed to exterminate. Unfortunately, he was only able to have 3000 of them put to the sword before their pitiful begging convinced him to spare them.

An important lesson from the Old Testament: when you encounter self-proclaimed "fellow jews" (or "fellow whites" in the modern age) with curly black hair, large noses, and various blasphemies/perversions, you need to COMPLETELY genocide them. Don't half-ass it, or they'll just come back and make even worse trouble.

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3d3c2a  No.16875661

Ren posters BTFO

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606e77  No.16876018

File: 7ea1f47357abfdc⋯.jpg (198.77 KB, 1120x1414, 80:101, 7ea1f47357abfdcdc8bbff6a38….jpg)



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9f0933  No.16876033

File: d9a4f86fa27f21e⋯.jpg (45.09 KB, 530x530, 1:1, fps_doug.jpg)

tell you what guys, we're gonna make our own E3, with blackjack and hookers

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e755ff  No.16876034


>/agdg/ direct

wheres the fuckiing GAMES

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b0d734  No.16876365


>I always thought this was just a trolling pic

It is. Those are euro plugs.

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e6d113  No.16876381

File: 028e7a2e8a4d3d4⋯.jpg (59.91 KB, 403x345, 403:345, 1419825963606.jpg)


The virus didn't come from a lab, Renanon was so fucking angry that chinese scientists kidnapped him to discover the source of his anger, made him do intense physical tests which only heightened his rage, and the sheer amount of anger and hatred chemicals built up in his body until his own body became toxic.

Renanon's skin darkened as his rage burned, his hair burnt black by sheer temperature, his face creased with anger, his eyes squinting with pure rage. He now looked Chinese.

Renanon's rage was now calm but only in the sense of molten magma underneath the earth, bubbling under the skin. He escaped from the facility by knocking out and impersonating a doctor.

Renanon's rage held answers whispered by the gods of rage and hatred. It guided him to a fish market a mere 20 miles away. In the crowd of Chinese, no one saw him. No one saw anyone in China. It was how it was. Even insanity was mundane.

Renanon was drawn to a river, it called to him. He calmly walked into the nearby river, which then boiled, killing all the fish, which the Chinese then happily sold.

His work was done. Renanon had completed his mission.

If you dare go to ground zero in China, you my find a figure in a nearby river, walking underneath the river in it's reflection. That man is fire itself. An omen, that when seen, makes you angry for some reason. But you will never know why.

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e2de38  No.16878395

Good riddance, fucking chinks

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1e0381  No.16878581

File: 6aa583dfade7ded⋯.jpg (55.17 KB, 1294x478, 647:239, terry.jpg)


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2024d1  No.16879096


I second this song


if you can i nut to that


i dig this

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f96a4f  No.16886397

File: 337eb3352fa37f3⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 38.21 KB, 450x495, 10:11, 1507132475651.jpg)

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d0205d  No.16886793

File: 6e86737147d3a9c⋯.jpg (14.89 KB, 350x256, 175:128, 1401728104642.jpg)



Seems legit

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4dbc8c  No.16892226

File: 86bb315c83d3cf8⋯.jpg (64.19 KB, 800x785, 160:157, bitch.jpg)


good luck

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a7ff97  No.16892276



Meme magic

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43b0c7  No.16899255


women need to be enslaved

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a4f518  No.16899484

File: ba4f7c23366ff59⋯.mp4 (4.2 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, _v_interacts_with_a_woman.mp4)


Why do you think every ancient civilization in the world did it and Africans still do it?

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a4f518  No.16900810

File: f7cb7638f4f2da3⋯.jpg (28.59 KB, 600x800, 3:4, a5bdefb7f1e498695af14d328d….jpg)




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396889  No.16920210

Just bumping this thread because I still wanna talk about this

How fucking weird is it that E3 is basically dead now? No digital show, either.

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286f7b  No.16920222


We got a Pillar Man of a disease waltzing through what's left of humanity right now, does E3 being cancelled really surprise you? At this point, nothing should.

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6baf2a  No.16920227

File: 40998f1b03439e6⋯.jpg (56.8 KB, 600x900, 2:3, Shit_eating_grin_cosplay.jpg)


2020 is the year where going through the motions under false pretenses is dying. E3 being cancelled is just the beginning.

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f6fa48  No.16920277

File: 029a75b30195fb5⋯.jpg (48.91 KB, 654x667, 654:667, 029a75b30195fb5efd61f9c56f….jpg)


I'm not happy at all, it was the first year i'd watch it live with irl friends, i was looking forward to getting drunk and having a laugh at E3.

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f4ebc9  No.16920288

File: 2a91046ce754053⋯.png (36.43 KB, 225x225, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


>renanon didn't cuck out on us

<he shed his mortal coil and turned into a sentient cloud of pic related

the absolute mad lad

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81c250  No.16920306


Just want to point out that regular water is not actually a conductor and you need to add salt for it to become one.

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f2031a  No.16920313


What about chlorine in pool water?

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81c250  No.16920346


Kiddy backyard pools don't have chlorine as far as I know.

Also I think its the sodium in salt that make it pass electric charges and not the chlorine.

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396889  No.16920513


Not solely salt, but tiny particles.

Pure water doesn't conduct anything.

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000000  No.16920570


Gamescon was also cancelled.

The best entertainment this year will be to watch normalfags fall into depression and also read about some of them committing suicide.

The best shitpost this year is to go to normalfag accounts (but always cover your tracks) to subtlety (but relentlessly) incite them to kill themselves.

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255df7  No.16920734

Will the summer gays be done quick this year or is that canceled too?

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5263d0  No.16920749

File: dc2f9de70c85dbe⋯.png (536.35 KB, 665x489, 665:489, ClipboardImage.png)


Butthurt capitalists incoming

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255df7  No.16920769

File: dcb01c452a5720c⋯.png (124.12 KB, 1141x1173, 1141:1173, commie_job.png)

File: 3516f7757c07aa2⋯.jpg (62.51 KB, 600x569, 600:569, commieball.jpg)

File: 8af22eac5d029de⋯.jpg (58.75 KB, 1100x1362, 550:681, 1527796460.jpg)

File: 6da2db0cc4782ce⋯.jpg (41.18 KB, 644x598, 14:13, commieball_1.jpg)

File: bcdaa7d2a022aa3⋯.jpg (34.6 KB, 644x598, 14:13, 1511392449_4.jpg)


Nao u dun it.

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06a09c  No.16920777

File: 46459c2ba81a74c⋯.jpg (82.69 KB, 497x616, 71:88, nat_soc_germany.jpg)


Reminder, the only kind of Socialism that actually worked and gave major results, was National Socialism.

But for some reason, college kiddies and leftyfags in general hate it. But why though? Its socialism.

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255df7  No.16920843


>someone finally implements true socialism

>Marxist still hate it

Maybe they just like to complain.

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7cba31  No.16920851


God trips confirm.


They're just a bunch of faggot malcontents who want to be told what to believe. There's no better a slave than the willing one.

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255df7  No.16921070

File: ee6fdf22fe35732⋯.jpg (10.28 KB, 300x300, 1:1, squilliam.jpg)

When are we going to start a thread for the 2020 E3 Memorial Squilliam Festival?

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9133a9  No.16921071


Drum up fake interest like most memes?

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bee7cc  No.16921518

File: 4eadffb8181b458⋯.jpg (133.4 KB, 353x268, 353:268, Ren_srampage_.jpg)


>the crappypasta is real

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