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File: b84409727b1c667⋯.png (297.25 KB, 620x349, 620:349, bg.png)

File: 130358ef245efc9⋯.png (77.41 KB, 994x344, 497:172, e14eaf441a.png)

665512 No.14388609

Recent news


>Particles all but fixed

>New file structure means fresh install required for 3.1 (blame devanon)

>Still need people to code weapons

What is TF2 Vintage

TF2V is a "pre-mannconomy" version of TF2 without the visual clutter and bloat. The only QoL additions is Pyro's airblast and the Engineer building carry. As well as additions of stock gamemodes such as Payload, KotH and Arena


>Full game:



Mega mirror: N/A

Torrent: [Could use one]

Installing TF2V


Follow the guide, TL;DR

>Install Source 2013 MP SDK

>Download TF2V and extract it

>Place the entire tf2vintage folder in your sourcemods folder under steamapps

>Restart Steam

>Run vintage from your library or add the -game parameter to 2013 MP SDK followed by the path to the tf2vintage folder in parenthesis





Development is focused first on bugfixes, If/when that's all done then focus on weapons can be started. However weapons needed to be coded from the ground up, so unless you want to start that for us then don't ask for something not on anyone's radar right now.

3bccdf No.14388619


Does anybody still play this?

665512 No.14388621

Here is how to install revemu on windows, i.e. make it no-steam. Technically this needs to be done once by the guy who releases TF2V for the next version, so that the game will be standalone and run out-of-the-box. But anyone can do it. I have shit upload speed.

What you need:

1. Source SDK Base 2013 Multiplayer from steam. ( Just in case: https://mega.nz/#!AuJgSL6Z!9TatZzJMuSVXUKyRWXbCYq4CWQIUaD-NPmMVCeGIzbo or https://mega.nz/#!BqISUDRB!AINJuuTt4dV4tSuiPwH_ws6u8VsaGzri-grpfGF2aLM

Hash: 3bb2e73-d2d220-698-8376cd-1abbcfa-6781-0ad7f3e )

2. TF2V from OP.

3. Revemu package: https://mega.nz/#!IrJHyJiK!-U9fLMW4hTgCFBaYh9xPIWWjx-TmjNXy-C3O09UDjd4

In case the link goes down, here is the original source: http://bir3yk.net/forum/topic_179/. Gonna need full package from 27.04.2016. Then an update from 20.01.2017, it's a single dll, goes into game root.

Start by placing tf2vintage folder in Source SDK Base 2013 Multiplayer, instead of sourcemods. Now Source SDK Base 2013 Multiplayer can be renamed to anything and placed anywhere, I will be calling it game root.

Optional: fire up the game to make sure everything works by creating hl2.exe shortcut and adding -game tf2vintage. See first pic. You won't need that shortcut after this, you can delete it later.

Extract revemu to game root. Second pic is how it should look like.

Shut down steam and fire TF2V.exe.

That's it, make sure everything works.

You can look through rev.ini.

But here are the most important things:

ProcName=hl2.exe -novid -noborder -game tf2vintage -steam -silent /help

Your startup parameters. I added -novid (skips into movies) and -noborder (borderless in windowed more, makes no difference in fullscreen). More details: https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Command_Line_Options.


Self explanatory, Everything should work as expected. Only no-steam servers will show up in server browser. They also need to have no-steam in sv_tags, if I'm not mistaken.

Hopefully I didn't fuck up. I won't have time to test linux client anywhere soon, so somebody else should do it. Ask here for any advice. Linux revemu: http://bir3yk.net/forum/topic_180/.

665512 No.14388624


"Official" TF2V Server (Non-stock)


Memehole (Stock only)


For those running No-steam you will need to use the connect command to join.

665512 No.14388628


Yeah, we have infrequent gamenights. Check the thread for when people are looking to play

665512 No.14388643


770b8b No.14388650

>adding weapons

I'll berate you faggots every thread for commencing the fucking up of this project.

665512 No.14388657


>Mod seeks to remake pre-mannconomy TF2

>Adding the weapons from pre-mannconony TF2 is somehow fucking it up

>The fact we now have 2 servers, one running stock enforcement only is somehow going to ruin it for you.

770b8b No.14388703


>pre-mannconomy TF2 weapons were good meme

>actually wanting weapons

We're obviously not just gonna get the 1-3 acceptable ones like the kritzkrieg, the garbage ones are gonna be added and people will turn to the "items r cool!" mentality that killed original TF2. Great!

665512 No.14388704


770b8b No.14388711


Official or meme server? Shit's fucking big, takes 2h to download.

665512 No.14388715


memeshit which is stock only

847ce8 No.14388766


Go make a fork of the mod that's stock only if you don't like the direction it's headed

Its been pre-mannconomy from the start, the unlocks from that era were always planned to be added sooner or later

04a587 No.14388818

What are player counts like?

665512 No.14388839


we 14 right now.

Playerbase has been growing as word spreads. mainly we just play on weekends since most everyone is available

34b659 No.14388840


Barely alive during prime time. Most i ever saw was 18, and that was only for a minute until the faggot running the gay server killed game night with a shitty map.

665512 No.14388843


Seen capacity on a /radcorp/ gamenight

ac27b3 No.14388845


I know we hit full server count at least once

I wasn't around ;_;

665512 No.14388856

18 on

d1df72 No.14389000

Lag kills gamenights

665512 No.14389351

Gonna try and MAYBE make a trailer for vintage. My editing skills ain't that hot

9f78be No.14389544

I got tired of TF2 when it was still in beta. Seems like the sorta game low functioning autistic people would still care about.

a534fd No.14389545

As far as the tf2v D&D memery is going, we have 3 confirmed players, two of which have their characters made. We need between 4 and 6 players by Monday. Any of you other nigs want in?

665512 No.14389567


As a class based shooter it's fine. The roles do mesh well and require some teamwork to pull through or else a shut out can occur. Beats the shit out of stuff like overwatch which is just a first person ASSFAGGOT.

d1df72 No.14389588

File: 76230f5789e52a4⋯.png (764.59 KB, 917x4863, 917:4863, ClipboardImage.png)

Here's the thread without the deleted posts.

ac27b3 No.14389606

File: 8413d6f84ea8834⋯.jpg (68.01 KB, 800x600, 4:3, American_-Flag-eagle.jpg)


Here's an idea:

It's the start of the round (pick your map).

"3, 2, 1" Go

Team Red charges out the gate, everyone is cheering ('Entire team is babies', etc). Team Red has zero cosmetic items.

Team Red turns a corner.

Team Blu is doing random faggotry while sporting the stupidest hats and items in the game (conga line, high five, beard-cam spy, etc, etc.)

Team Red is confused, then shocked, then disgusted.

Team Red nods to each other. They charge and crit-kill-blow-up the entire degenerate squad of team Blu in a glorious orgy of violence (audible "my leg!" plays).

Then speed cuts to text about how if you're tired of TF2 try





8145aa No.14389623

Linux still doesn't work.

d509d2 No.14389633


did you grab the patch?


the person who packaged 3.1 used the wrong linux build

8145aa No.14389634


No. I'll try it out. Thanks.

d509d2 No.14389639

File: bfa0f26035f53c6⋯.jpg (209.57 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, bfa0f26035f53c6ea774c03820….jpg)


no problem anon!

8145aa No.14389658


Works. Thanks. Now if memeshit could update the server.

665512 No.14389693


That's P good, but I'd need to record from live also. No idea how to capture at round start. Looking at it, if someone was good in SFM it would work better because the amount of splicing that would be involved would I feel be too jumpy on my end.

I like the first part though, Might tweak it

>Opens with https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zm1_zBSUYFc

>Round starts

>use artsy fartsy sepia tone filter over some footage recorded

>Fade in text poses question "Wouldn't it be nice to go back?"

>Stay on black screen for a bit

>Text fades in with "Now you can"

>Fades and replaced with https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zm1_zBSUYFc

>Sepia tone filter now gone, showing gameplay, text pops to highlight each point


>Scout zips by


>This might take work but a side by side comparison of TF2 and TF2V folders showing how much less vintage takes up in space compared to live

<The Team based shooter you forgot existed

>(Working point) Show teams playing, each roll defined thanks to lack of clutter like Medic Ubering heavy for push on a Sentry nest. A sniper picking the medic off as uber drops

<And best of all free

>Black screen with text

As for wrapping it up I'd like to do what they did with the meet the team videos at the end with the picture of all the classes lined up, but pop the vintage logo in there or maybe a "burn in" type of effect as VINTAGE appears under the logo, the image fading to black. one last text directing people to the description box for a DL link (Possibly play some voice clips from the classes, or maybe just heavy going "very well")

3faae3 No.14389698


Pretty good, but it's gonna need real TF2fags with taunts and faggy items.

3faae3 No.14389701


Or SFM, why didn't I think of that.

665512 No.14389708


It would take mainly SFM for that. My idea takes a bit of editing with not only video but audio but more doable. I would like to see the other idea.

Though I admit even mine might require some "scripting" aka getting people playing to go along with that shit for sake of recording


Also bach add this map.

d509d2 No.14389726

File: 0f0a1754765a0c3⋯.jpg (158.4 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 516f05cf16b9a90d8faf27e4a9….jpg)


My linux fix must have created a discrepancy in the data tables. I'll be pushing out a patch sometime this weekend to fix some other things so it should be fixed soon


Grabbed it. I'll add it later

fc1e59 No.14389825

>missed both games because of oversleeping again


41fa06 No.14389962


There might be another game night on Sunday around 5pm to 9pm

34b659 No.14390579


>That (1) and done bitching about cuckchan

I bet cde3d7 is from the disagreement.

665512 No.14390800


You've given no indication that you aren't with how you act

742710 No.14390899


wouldn't that mean you're worse than them cause your sperging hard?

bc36d4 No.14392579

File: c4b4bdad97ce005⋯.png (80.37 KB, 250x332, 125:166, Frenchman's_Beret.png)


Reminder that there's nothing wrong GAMEPLAY wise with the current TF2 game other than the players.

665512 No.14392627


>Classes are diluted

>Changes to classes like medic being able to run as fast as scout when healing one

>Some classes have access to items that make other classes (like medic) redundant

>Weapon balance is a nightmare with all the weapons not counting reskins.

>The only useful Pyro weapon is the homewrecker

a534fd No.14392976

D&D game is shaping up nicely.

>Current party is a skeleman sorcerer (pictured), a human/pajeet druid/potionseller, and a half-elf bard/matador

>Possible 4th player slated to make a character today when they wake up

For something that started as a joke, this actually turned out alright.

a534fd No.14392977

File: ac2442818dd8a23⋯.png (4.84 KB, 213x150, 71:50, skele.png)


>forgot picture

3d40c9 No.14393265


Have you got times for sessions nailed down?

a534fd No.14393277


first session is tomorrow, monday at 4PM EST

3d40c9 No.14393288

File: 26696178022f255⋯.png (378.27 KB, 447x589, 447:589, finland.png)


what a shame

3d40c9 No.14393668

Let's go 2v1 on official

8145aa No.14393722


Yeah. It always says memeshit is running on an older version.

d338b9 No.14394061

>game night


1ce6b9 No.14394082



>TF2V/TF2Vintage was last updated on Dec 25, 2017

>bachingo/TF2Vintage was last updated on Jan 24

Where is the source code for 3.1 at?

665512 No.14394163


needs a new push I'll let devanon know

d509d2 No.14394311

File: d5b6af55dca49df⋯.jpg (33.32 KB, 745x564, 745:564, d5b6af55dca49df0315a430ddb….jpg)


3.1 didn't involve any binary changes


I'll be pushing a fix today or tomorrow with some other things. Just sit tight anon

a08f53 No.14394360

Demoknight when?

665512 No.14394383

5d35b1 No.14394703


The server was full back in the /radcorp/ event and also straining under the load of 7 simultaneous micfags.

a534fd No.14394865

File: 6a4b7e6e5d3b102⋯.png (82.5 KB, 630x631, 630:631, bestparty2018.png)

oh boy, this is gonna be good.

a534fd No.14395151


Also, anon, if you're still here, what days would work for you? For some reason I thought Monday was a make-or-break for one of us, but it's apparently not. So come session 2 we could try a different day.

00901c No.14395167


Shouldn't your autistic /tg/ game be its own thread?

a534fd No.14395177


It really should. I'll give it a try, but it'll probably get shitposted to oblivion. If it does, I'll be back. If not, thanks for putting up with my autism.

665512 No.14395249


Just make it a general R20 thread with just "this started as an idea in the TF2V thread" go from there

34b659 No.14395285


>wouldn't that mean you're worse than them cause your sperging hard?

I don't think you understand what spergining means.

4768fa No.14395566


>Technically this needs to be done once by the guy who releases TF2V for the next version

this has been in your thread for over a fucking year, "the guy" probably doesn't exist anymore.

a08f53 No.14397324


that's bad. loose cannon when?

665512 No.14397364


>Keeps bumping with off topic posts



Considering it's just a copy paste job I don't see the point in getting riled up by it. at this point it's obvious no-steam users just have to go this step themselves.


Never, only weapons are going to be pre-mannconomy

4594a5 No.14398139



>wanting "what do you mean he's supposed to be a demolitions expert?"

>wanting "let's fuck over pyros": the weapon

0dd001 No.14398160

Are there european gamenights planned? Too late for me in the US ones

bdf5b4 No.14398178


did alphablaster fuck off yet?

00901c No.14398243


Are there enough europoors to do a gamenight? You'd do well to do some advertising, get people interested, and set up an EU server so the game actually runs for you given pings over 80 are enough to screw you over. t. do actually decent on memeshit with 60-90 ping as long as I'm not on the opposite team of people like bachingo and dodo who could headshot bilbo laggins as soon as he finishes lag teleporting even if they intended to shoot his pre-teleport location but play like pure ass on "official" with ping closer to 140

We can barely get a 2v2 going most of the time in the US. You can certainly try, but we need more players and more regulars.

665512 No.14399021


I'm all for that too. the steam group and goycord are built to allow you to post announcements even if not the admin or mod

Just make a call for play time

b34284 No.14400217

File: cd9e7347ecccef1⋯.jpg (46.9 KB, 800x530, 80:53, Death.jpg)

>tfw nobody playing when I play

>tfw when people are playing I've got shit to do

Fuck me.

665512 No.14400221


do you want to play now?

b34284 No.14400281


I'm down for now, but I imagine everyone is asleep outside of Russians and insomniacs like me. Don't think it'd be a good idea to try and pull a game together this late at night.

665512 No.14400303



350128 No.14400344


I gotta get a snack and I'll join.

665512 No.14400501

6 people

506e77 No.14401049

Is there a way to install this to a different hard drive than the one Steam is installed on?

665512 No.14401064


run the no-steam version.

00901c No.14401486




>missed because /wooo/ time


665512 No.14401489


Didn't last long but it was fun. We got like 9 people on at peak

Not bad for a near 12am EST game session



d509d2 No.14402884

File: 14d117818a33fc7⋯.gif (360.44 KB, 540x300, 9:5, 14d117818a33fc74610ecb6b68….gif)



>Fixed a bug where domination counts could excede the maximum value of 16 (caused crashes on Linux)

>Alarm siren will now play at the beginning of arena rounds

>Arena will now activate points properly, with a 60 second grace period before unlocking (yes, this does fix the cap on arena_nucleus)

>Fixed spies being able to destroy their own sappers (needs testing)

>Engineers can no longer pick up sapped buildings

>Fixed players receiving assists on self-destructs

patch on moddb soon hopefully

5b9e6a No.14402907

I think I might make my own version of TF2 and make it completely lewd. I shall call it TF2 /d/

665512 No.14403240


As much as I hate what it would imply being /d/ related shit

I'd laugh my ass off if you managed to get it on steam

665512 No.14403689

27066f No.14403875

game night tonight??

665512 No.14404937


sure why not

00901c No.14405584


Shitposting with /wooo/ is 80% of the fun of it though. Meming and trolling booleyfag saps the pain of CURRENT YEAR wrestling.

00901c No.14405588

00901c No.14406694



So is this actually happening or is there some low energy sagebombing thread taking up everyone's time instead?

528f05 No.14408278

File: 261f3b0e08afd79⋯.jpg (201.16 KB, 453x841, 453:841, 0910c3dfb24c2f1be3a1d80f26….jpg)

Guys I committed a most horrible sin.

Live told me to check the tf2 website, in which fuck all happened but I dared to click the reddit button to see what the 'official' tf2 players are like. It was horrible. There was nothing but low effort template shit posts, drawings (or worse: SFM 'posters') of cosmetics, and one poor bastard being shot down for suggesting a price drop in keys.

How could these people still be playing?

a91ef6 No.14408292


They don't. It's a virtual cosmetic business with a better economy than 80% of the world.

d1df72 No.14408860

File: 5331b453cc90ce4⋯.jpg (220.41 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 4000_screenshots_2014-07-2….jpg)

File: 9f2ea9328873d78⋯.jpg (236.51 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 4000_screenshots_2014-07-2….jpg)

File: a6dce04ec4ddbff⋯.jpg (168.33 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 4000_screenshots_2014-07-2….jpg)

File: 866de334042e051⋯.jpg (656.01 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 4000_screenshots_2014-07-2….jpg)

665512 No.14408874


I purposely roll stock on all my classes on purpose, even demo where I have my only unusual I ever gave a shit about

350128 No.14409052

File: 6cb042d09444f59⋯.png (457.25 KB, 769x434, 769:434, heavyfeels.PNG)



>play retail tf2 after years

>equip heavy with unusual everything and strange weapons I've accrued over the years

>have 2 medics constantly pocketing me

>change loadout to no hats and normal weapons

>medics drop me in favor of healing the demoknight with a killstreak eyelander

>they also pocket that one soldier with a rocket jumper just going around market gardenering people because he has a burning team captain

Who would've thought you could take the term "heal slut" to such a level?

860df3 No.14409281


Live tf2 is dead. You have to play 47 matches to ever find a game that's even remotely balanced and fun. The other ones are all 6-0 stomps where you join in the last 30 seconds to a team with half the players it should have and a bunch of first time players, whereas the other team is always stacked with players that have hundreds of hours.

The only people still playing tf2 are literal retards, it's an awful game.

6fe5fd No.14409321

Even if the people playing Tf2 weren't retards, they'd still spend their time trading and other shit that it's not related to playing the fucking game.

665512 No.14409921

we gonna play?

665512 No.14409934


665512 No.14409988

5 people

136146 No.14409990

File: f035be82d7d9be3⋯.jpg (28.54 KB, 673x445, 673:445, DCFG6MmVwAA1djO.jpg)


00901c No.14414986


a91ef6 No.14415412


Is it time?

00901c No.14415421


It's 6PM Mountain now, an hour late. If some of you negroes get on let's get shit going.

d03861 No.14415433

Do I need (((STEAM))) to play this?

00901c No.14415447

d03861 No.14415461


fug im retarded :DDDDDDDD

00901c No.14415504

Anyone else getting on, or is everyone going to just quit as soon as they stop being able to get melee kills at "shotgun already loses damage" range because a nomination they didn't like got made?

00901c No.14415592

RIP TF2Vintage, zero playerbase left.

a91ef6 No.14415622


See ya next week.

cea241 No.14415665


I've been busy with uni this week so I couldn't play much. Can we get an unofficial gamenight for tomorrow at 7pm CST?

4cd5f7 No.14416347


Yes that's a good time

5d35b1 No.14416632


>TF2C devs vs TF2V devs

Why would we want to play against furries?

665512 No.14416641


to shit stomp them/ So far thouhg since devanon wants to stay anon it's only Bach and I so far. I might teamstack by asking deku and woah dave to step up same with taft and probably ego as well for a full 6

a91ef6 No.14416706


Take Gabe, EE, and dodo with you for maximum cheese.

00901c No.14416904


We've had many game nights on thursdays that were pretty successful.

fc1e59 No.14417444

>miss games again because wasn't feeling well



ok I'll be there

36c9cc No.14418019

File: a5a61cbc627df1f⋯.jpg (39.12 KB, 400x400, 1:1, tasty.jpg)

f121fe No.14418215

Gamenight when?

f121fe No.14418229


Time in GMT please.

350128 No.14418316

File: cdcd66385711e6c⋯.jpg (71.88 KB, 578x800, 289:400, dork.jpg)



>Gabe as scout

>E.E as medic

>dodo as sniper

>Taft as spy

Sounds dangerously cheesy, but needs power classes to really stomp reddit shit in. I know bach is good in general, but I haven't seen deku/woah dave in action enough to see what they specialize in. Who's someone that's really good at soldier/heavy?

f121fe No.14418334


I dunno, assassin classes could stomp shit pretty well. Something like MvM, yeah, you'd really need power classes there because tanks don't have neither heads to shoot nor backs to stab, but all the playable classes can be assassinated easily.

665512 No.14418345


deku is godly as scout

36c9cc No.14418357


what's the format and game mode?

665512 No.14418384


dunno could be all game modes or a few.

I just hope it's not their gay DM mode

36c9cc No.14418405


on top of that, how many players per team and is there any class limits?

3faae3 No.14418417

File: 80a3beebb944046⋯.jpg (43.09 KB, 540x960, 9:16, 80a3beebb944046ab65a983dd3….jpg)


If you didn't learn your lesson from this that virtual item markets, cash shops and loot boxes make a game irreparable dogshit, you don't deserve to play video games.

665512 No.14418483


No clue

fc1e59 No.14418512


Seconding request for power classes, it's really painful to play when nobody effectively denies area.

t. healman

665512 No.14418520


I can do demo and engineer. Medic and heavy are two other classes I'm confident in as is soldier.

Demo I can do set ups and denial. Been trying to work on direct hits with pills instead of relying on rollers.

d509d2 No.14418521


I believe it is supposed to be 6v6, so I assume the class limits would be the standard

>1 medic

>1 heavy

>1 engineer

>1 demo

>2 everything else


I agree. If the entire team is scout mains we're as good as dead

f121fe No.14418542


I dunno, all scouts could effectively harrass an opposing team well. Of course, that'd all go to shit once the med healed them up, so who knows. It might catch an unprepared team out, but I wouldn't rely on it.

36c9cc No.14418560


If that's the case just run the standard 6s format. (2 scouts, 2 soldiers, 1 demo, and 1 medic). scouts or soldiers changing to off-classes depending on the situation, sniper on big ass maps, pootis or engie to defense, and spy for YOLO medic pick plays.

I know a soldier who's good so if we need I can hit him up.

d509d2 No.14418568


That's where our problem is. A lot of our good players are hitscan mains I don't know if we even have any demo mains in our regulars

d1df72 No.14418583

File: afa3084125e3ee5⋯.png (278.9 KB, 900x800, 9:8, afa3084125e3ee5a90427484f8….png)


Make me a medic thanks

f121fe No.14418585


Heavy is hitscan, no? Standard format means little if your players are desperately bad with the classes you want. Just make sure you have enough dakka and it should be alright, they are furries after all.

665512 No.14418587


No fuck off tranny

d509d2 No.14418598




If there are class limits though then we can't have everyone run scout anyway. At best we could some cheesy shit like 2 scouts 2 snipers

f121fe No.14418600

File: 27df12a4c4a08c4⋯.jpg (146.66 KB, 1080x1178, 540:589, smug trump.jpg)

d1df72 No.14418601


How about heavy? Comrade's my favorite class and I'm good at tracking.

^ UGC Silver, this guy

d1df72 No.14418609


The up arrow is pointing to myself, not the post above.

f121fe No.14418617


Cheesy shit works best when the opposition doesn't expect it, and if there are hard class limits then there aren't much opportunities for cheese. My point, although, is that the element of surprise can have just as big an impact as anything else.

665512 No.14418619

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


vid related for answer

d509d2 No.14418630


Heavy can work in 6s as long as the combo is good. He just needs babysitting is all


Oh definitely. When I used to play 6s we would do dumb shit like have a soldier off-class sniper and it would work more often than it should have

f121fe No.14419010


See also STAR_'s Demoknight 6v6 video.

00901c No.14419114


>stay anon

He could just run the nosteam version and keep the name anonymous. :^)

00901c No.14419449

There might be at least one new player joining in the unofficial game night tonight. I invited a group.

d1df72 No.14419474


>TF2C devs vs TF2V devs

I thought TF2V only had 1 or 2 devs. And would they fight in retail TF2?

d509d2 No.14419730

File: a0eae68011ce292⋯.jpg (29.65 KB, 294x335, 294:335, a0eae68011ce2929539b5a9447….jpg)


he was bottom-scoring for most of those games

00901c No.14420026

Official server seems to be down good riddance, so game night should be on memeshit.


d1df72 No.14420069


Tell me what's wrong with my server and I'll make it better.

00901c No.14420077


You, for one. :^)

But really, if the netcode gets fixed it wouldn't matter outside of memeshit having more and better maps. Right now good server vs shit server amounts to "can I get less than 90 ping and be able to actually play".

So move your server to the midwest or west coast :^)

a91ef6 No.14420097


Did you update it again so arena_nucleus works and spies can't sap glitch?

15c969 No.14420168

File: 057db39cd2e5688⋯.webm (121.46 KB, 640x360, 16:9, No.webm)

d509d2 No.14420253

File: 0d08c5487b35be8⋯.png (65.36 KB, 500x522, 250:261, 0d08c5487b35be8f5f94f53d4d….png)


00901c No.14420275


684d87 No.14420687

12 people now

f121fe No.14420765


I'm not surprised, since he was basically picking meds and running like hell (if he even could run by then). The point was, stupid shit can work.




Which server?

a91ef6 No.14420770

f121fe No.14420773


Is it all over?

a91ef6 No.14420775


Yeah. Memed too hard.

f121fe No.14420779

File: 022fb4505394839⋯.jpg (864.88 KB, 1813x2111, 1813:2111, y tho.jpg)

00901c No.14420843

Well that was a nice 20 minutes the game night lasted before everyone left again. May as well just shut down the servers and close the project. Not going to get any more players if a 3v3 is rare.

684d87 No.14420855


hey i bet making a promotional tf2v rpg would work be a great method of attracting new players

cea241 No.14420873

File: db6442ef527271e⋯.jpeg (47.57 KB, 500x448, 125:112, db6442ef527271e1c92870e8f….jpeg)


Sorry, I couldn't make it. Got caught up with work. Don't be discouraged, though. This was a friday night game. Usually saturday and sunday gamenights attract more people.

f121fe No.14421143


And if TF2C lose?

8cc826 No.14421263

File: 0c1516fb99e7221⋯.gif (5.51 KB, 130x132, 65:66, goodiebear.gif)


Will there be a spectator to record this event?

36c9cc No.14421365


someone cast this match of the century

f121fe No.14423625

>TF2Cfags pick a team and train as much as they can before the game

>devanon picks a bunch of random asshats from here

>we stomp their shit and prove that furries are always faggots

00901c No.14424343


I will be discouraged and remain discouraged until the mod gets to a point there's at least a 2v2 going on at least 20 hours a day every day. Take this as a call to action to attract more players, even if it involves inviting cuck/v/.

d1df72 No.14424382


I'll always be online, if you want.

00901c No.14425637


Saturday game when?

32fa13 No.14425750

30 mins?

f121fe No.14425913

Which server is gamenight on?

d1df72 No.14425945

File: c38ecc1d05fd7bd⋯.png (435.53 KB, 586x613, 586:613, c38ecc1d05fd7bd924e662c402….png)

No gamenight tonight. TF2V is cancelled on account of lack of players.

8145aa No.14426016

File: 46fa402e3052be2⋯.png (2.37 MB, 1919x1038, 1919:1038, hammer.png)

Do you guys remember koth_erika? Well I got Windows working again, so that means I'm going to be working on it. So far it's pretty much layout wise and most basic aesthetics are done.

The zip file is in the image. Just simply right click and open it with either winrar or 7-zip.

f121fe No.14426189


>ethnicity: human

She is most definitely mystery meat mixed nigger hybrid thing. Don't matter.

If she's white, it's alright!

If she's brown, flush her down!

With exceptions for 2D women that are basically all discoloured whites anyway.

8145aa No.14426386

File: 307382fb540a414⋯.jpg (100.49 KB, 750x927, 250:309, 307382fb540a414e734ee13feb….jpg)


9a97aa No.14426430


d1df72 No.14426526


350128 No.14426593




>inb4 I join and the server's empty

8145aa No.14426659


Bachingo get on here and load the map nigger.

8145aa No.14426725

File: c2630b4acde1fae⋯.jpg (61.2 KB, 588x751, 588:751, c2630b4acde1fae44e97b687a5….jpg)


d509d2 No.14426760


I'm on it nigger

8145aa No.14426778

serv is gill

cea241 No.14426785

im glad the server killed the gamenight rather than the lack of players

23d28c No.14426791

>just catch on hoping to not be at the point where the players drop like flies

>server dies

350128 No.14426793

File: b8ad741aed47922⋯.png (90.65 KB, 300x250, 6:5, superthumb.png)

>server gaining traction and players joining steadily

>serber shits itself to death

d509d2 No.14426794

File: 214310c2b657d6f⋯.jpg (147.68 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, 680b607cd7583394f22d395317….jpg)



it's back up sorry about that

350128 No.14426802


No, it's dead. 2 people will join back, then promptly leave while everyone else forgets about it.

d509d2 No.14426807


I count at least 6 that rejoined

8145aa No.14427535

File: a0ccaab6d0066e0⋯.png (2.36 MB, 1919x1037, 1919:1037, koth_erika_v8.png)


+ short second spawn door distance

+ more cover towards back

+ passage through window

+ passage to mid

+ more cover near mid

File is in image. Open the image in 7-zip to get it.

00901c No.14431065

Sunday gamenight tonight? Or dead?

45b669 No.14431150

what's this about a team of memelords stomping things

8145aa No.14431397

File: c097cdef053e583⋯.png (2.42 MB, 1918x1039, 1918:1039, koth_erika_v9.PNG)

Erika V9 is out.

+ added more detail

+ added a larger capture area

+ fixed up deplacements

File is in the image. Open the image in 7-zip.

8145aa No.14431424

File: f557b4d7f27fe1b⋯.jpg (247.54 KB, 1200x2573, 1200:2573, 5c44400aecd6bba274198e0024….jpg)

Four people playing, get in here.

00901c No.14431508


>servers: 1 (memeshit)

>0/24 players

Why do you insist on lying, totallynotvirusembeddedinmyimageanon?

f121fe No.14432076



How long ago was this post? It's saying 2 minutes for >>14431424 and 5 for >>14431508

d1df72 No.14432089

File: 172b042c9b58481⋯.png (977.07 KB, 1178x1359, 1178:1359, ed9c41fa857ddfe8dfc577e1b8….png)


>relative timestamps

They're completely useless if you keep the thread open. Why do you use them?

40ac79 No.14432094


17 minute difference for me.


He has to make sure his post time is accurate.

40ac79 No.14432098


Also, 2 hours ago.

45b669 No.14432104


I can do a videogame

f121fe No.14432125


Trying to work out how long ago, and therefore relevant any of this is. Also, confusing information.


Shall we all just get on the one server and play some?

d1df72 No.14432163

File: 3a5609483fa9921⋯.png (68.8 KB, 675x439, 675:439, ClipboardImage.png)


>absolute timestamps

>screencapping lets everyone know when the post was made, not counting timezones

>5 seconds of math allows you to determine the length of time between posts

<relative timestamps

<screencapping provides no insight to when the post was actually made, bad for archiving

<useless for cyclicals or threads you keep open, since you have to refresh the page for the timestamps to update

f121fe No.14432170


Frankly, I had no idea that the absolute timestamps could be right when the relative ones weren't.

665512 No.14432595

ok I'm back what happened?

00901c No.14436402


Everyone died and so did the mod.

65ed3e No.14436686


this is expected

d31539 No.14437186

Ok when are we gonna have our next real gamenight?

d31539 No.14438074

Please fix the bots

Ii would be truly terrible if vintage died without bot support

665512 No.14438596


Help us fix them

Bots aren't a priority

665512 No.14440948


Funny way of spelling comatose patient mate. You might wanna get that spell check fixed

665512 No.14440987


>Draws in

A group that was nuke and remade because retarded decisions does not an active group make

>Classic already has what vintage has

Let's see

>Transparency with development

>No Bullshit hiding builds behind a "invite only" group that requires nothing short of a dox

>Doesn't hide behind another game (which can lead it to being taken down for impersonation, I've asked)

>Doesn't require DRM to play

Shit mate off the top of my head right here I guess you're right, Vintage really is lacking in the retard department. Alpha I suggest simmering down and maybe sucking your boyfriend's dick

55f22b No.14441354


That's the facial structure of a boy.

ef453c No.14441785

File: 7fb8e5a05b5ed2a⋯.jpg (4.95 KB, 237x157, 237:157, its done.jpg)

after looking through 78 maps, i have picked the least trashy ones


here you go bach

reminder to ignore the "tf2v is dead" shitposter

45b669 No.14443294


Deku's good at demonigger too.

There's also that one soldier that has a mic that goes [SIIIIIIGH] whenever things don't go his way.

665512 No.14443431


still need CP_Gydan in the server and there is that CTF aerospace map that used to be fun back in the day dunno how others will take to it


>Bug free

>Day one of their "rebranding there were issues of people not being able to play the game due to authentication issues"

665512 No.14443595


8145aa No.14443783

File: 35e6c769d3b5ec4⋯.jpg (2.81 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, koth_erika_v10.jpg)

Well here it is folks


Lots of changes, definitely won't list them all here.

Notable ones:

+ Soundscapes

+ More cubemaps

+ Updated and optimized geometry

+ Better lighting

I probably won't be working on this map unless I need to. Map file is in the image. Open the image in 7-zip.

665512 No.14443831


Why is there dolphin porn in the archive?

8145aa No.14443837


Is it next to the lostboy.exe?

665512 No.14443841


No that wasn't in there, could you reup it?

00901c No.14444161


Oh boy, a virus!

8145aa No.14444242

File: 6872157e0c5d68b⋯.png (309.61 KB, 1156x460, 289:115, 1519932560_genuine rage.PNG)




Alright fuckos, instead I'll start my own server.

should be

"barnyard business"

b43c91 No.14444571


I can play soldier, but there are some caveats.

7d0931 No.14444683


I havent played in forever but i can play a pretty decent soldier.

665512 No.14446370

So yeah Gamenight at 6:30 PM EST this friday

8e6f7f No.14446375

File: 75ea452878e9b1b⋯.jpg (9.35 KB, 379x374, 379:374, Hell i dont even remember ….jpg)

What's the point of this? Why not just play the Xbox 360 version?

665512 No.14446383


read the FAQ

Also because the xbox version has no Payload, KotH, or Arena.

At launch there was




00901c No.14446900

Guys, we need more players. There are people RIGHT NOW that would consider Vintage but won't play it because it's dead.

97857e No.14446947

I'm downloading right now

Does it support HLDJ?

d68771 No.14446957


use Virtual Audio Cable and the keybinds

93f114 No.14447092

File: 3b8d0fbd426e48f⋯.jpg (38.15 KB, 404x367, 404:367, 32.jpg)


00901c No.14447105

File: 77f9ff438267bbd⋯.jpg (16.4 KB, 523x143, 523:143, sam hyde nra.JPG)


>inb4 everyone that comes leaves after two matches like always and results in angry posts ITT about nobody ever playing

d1df72 No.14447688

File: eb5d1ad23e6a81f⋯.webm (881.02 KB, 854x480, 427:240, luckystarobics.webm)


I'll try to tone down my skill so you guys don't ragequit.

a91ef6 No.14448130


Don't be a faggot. Always go full force or full meme, don't settle for anything less.

ada5bc No.14450585

File: 579414d3cad6a32⋯.png (86.47 KB, 288x194, 144:97, Gold Rush Card.png)

File: 6c012abaa96da9e⋯.png (1.23 MB, 801x3507, 267:1169, Gold Rush Update.png)

665512 No.14451494


I think the old loadout menu would work for us.

474ccc No.14451516

let's just play now i'm bored as fuck

00901c No.14452137


>nobody is on

oh yeah anon let's play right now 0/24

3675d5 No.14452158

File: a7ba42880b93ad3⋯.png (306.54 KB, 1000x1001, 1000:1001, Frogged.png)

File: 9845891426e1509⋯.jpg (126.2 KB, 1000x625, 8:5, frogged 2.jpg)


>Wanting to be the healslut of the team.


936f7c No.14453990

Anything for tonight?

cea241 No.14455348


I was about to ask. Anyone up for it? Reply to this post if so.

ada5bc No.14455577

97857e No.14457255


can i be demo or engie?

5ad5fc No.14458235

File: e67670e257d67d7⋯.png (120.32 KB, 283x299, 283:299, 149.png)



d509d2 No.14458852

00901c No.14459131

File: 9c2210e23539bdd⋯.png (274.25 KB, 493x482, 493:482, 517d7bc6f2d13e932541525d6d….png)



Players are soyed up these days, consider playing something other than "can hit the pixel to the right of the nose from 10000 miles away on a guy that has only exited cover for half a millisecond" sniper skillz so we don't get everyone ragequitting immediately.

Please, I want the game night to last. ;_;

inb4 this post is considered the same as the slight bullying faggot got and gets half the thread wiped because mark is a kike

d1df72 No.14459221

File: 4c641f4decd8f5b⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 234.67 KB, 1019x1369, 1019:1369, tumblrimage.jpg)

7d0931 No.14459368


>going easy


Unless you're fucking around you never let up.

350128 No.14459594

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

It's time.

8cc826 No.14459597

File: d235cb7f48b5c43⋯.jpg (139.81 KB, 846x1152, 47:64, desTINY the Neo Nazi.jpg)

3 on memeshit

cea241 No.14459629


This. Snipers are anti-fun when they're 'good' at the game. Ban the no fun allowed le head clicker faggots or be doomed to sub-10 players forever.

665512 No.14459835


weren't we shooting for 6:30PM EST?

99231d No.14459846


get good

00901c No.14459918



>starting early

You niggers better stay on during the scheduled time too.

00901c No.14459922



8cc826 No.14460037

File: 6416e66c5424759⋯.gif (5.97 KB, 24x28, 6:7, engi dance.gif)

7 on memeshit

665512 No.14460304

died off because lack of people

00901c No.14460337


>game night doesn't start for 16 minutes


d1df72 No.14460359


Everyone in the dickscord server agreed to move the start time two hours earlier.

d509d2 No.14460369

File: 02f17eed0fc3354⋯.jpg (10.28 KB, 255x191, 255:191, d89bf950d19fd384589f45ac43….jpg)


>one person pings saying gamenight is starting

>nobody else says anything at all


665512 No.14460380





734a5b No.14460446


so like you know people play the game because of the hats right. and there's always the option of running vanilla servers.

665512 No.14460461


Add a bit more clutter, the "steps" up to the point are a bit off, could easily be replaced with some boxes that are easier to climb.

But yeha more clutter the map feels barren

5ad5fc No.14460512

12 peopel

136146 No.14460625

File: 97636af88019106⋯.jpg (250.16 KB, 640x960, 2:3, Joining a game in progress….jpg)

136146 No.14460636


Or it will be if I can fucking download this map

8cc826 No.14460765


cea241 No.14460981

Was fun, I'm glad you-know-who never showed reared his ugly head

7d0931 No.14461011

>come into last round of the map

>go 6-0

Fucking nice.

c00565 No.14461213

>Spamming Steam messages with "gamenight now, join plz"

Fuck off. I'm trying to do other shit, I don't need a fucking group telling me to play this broken ass game.

665512 No.14461251


turn off notifications then retard :^)

665512 No.14461253



>Two notifications hours apart


8331da No.14461476

so for some reason it's not letting me download custom maps.

every time I try to join when the server is running a custom map it spends a minute or two downloading it as would be expected but then spits out an error saying that its missing.

wat do?

d509d2 No.14461530


it shouldn't be kicking you for missing maps unless you're running an older version and missing some of this included ones. All of the custom maps on my server are available on the fastdl server

665512 No.14461560


It's a known issue even with retail.

A bit of a issue bach but can you up a map pack

8331da No.14461580


I re-downloaded the entire thing from moddb on thursday (not the hotfix) and I was playing earlier, but as soon as the server switched to mario I couldn't play anymore.

d509d2 No.14461760



I have a better idea

my fast-download server. go nuts

00901c No.14465211

Middling success last night, nowhere near player cap and people kept leaving to eat food like FAT FUCKS and not coming back. Anything for tonight or sunday?

5c0e12 No.14465274

23d28c No.14465345


I'm fine with either

7d0931 No.14465390


I'll be on again tonight.

23d28c No.14466602

Anyone up for a game now?

7d0931 No.14466644


I can be on in like 15 mins

7d0931 No.14466736

>try to connect to server

>cp_badlands.bsp differs from the server

>move the file

>missing cp_badlands.bsp

well shit

00901c No.14466782


>nobody on

d509d2 No.14466783


it means you have an out of date version. Are you running 3.1? devanon was a fag and changed the map to the latest tf2 version

7d0931 No.14466784


I'm using the latest version plus the hoxfix

d509d2 No.14466788


try again

7d0931 No.14466794


Now it's working

00901c No.14466825

1v1 join join join

7d0931 No.14466891

Come join

c00565 No.14467174


>devanon was a fag and changed the map to the latest tf2 version

This is why I halted my updates for TF2V leaving the most recent project goal of items half finished. Not only do you not help in working on content outside of autistic bugfixing just like TF2C does, but when I get another anon to assist in developing the mod and meeting the original goals for the mod you pushed them away to the point where we now lost one of two valuable servers keeping the mod alive. This mod is heading into the same sort of menial bugfixing that caused us to hate TF2C.

d1df72 No.14467190

File: 2ada6fc585b6a82⋯.png (262.01 KB, 1080x1440, 3:4, round2.png)

>anons will never be able to make a game without it falling apart and dying miserably

b4ab0d No.14467215



Is that taken before going to visit Susan Punchy?

00901c No.14467250

Christ, the soy cancer is infecting other source mods as well.


>guy dies


>another guy dies


>server is one person an the AI



Look at some of the personalities and note which one got half the thread wiped a couple weeks ago, maybe you'll notice something.

d1df72 No.14467263

File: bbe25fc801913ac⋯.webm (6.33 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ESA 2017 - Attacked by Nu….webm)


No, the person in the picture wasn't the one who threw the nuggets.

350128 No.14467292

File: 335d5692ebf4233⋯.jpg (68.87 KB, 800x533, 800:533, ca2.jpg)


Why did Obon/Mark seemingly want the death of this mod?

665512 No.14467373


>Bug fixing is wrong


>Menial bug fixing is what made us hate TF2C

Ok so it wasn't

>The devs being retarded and keeping shit behind closed doors forcing people to play a buggy broken public build

>A literal faggot LARPing to appease people while being a massive fucking degenerate himself while banning for the very things he enjoyed

>Faggot devs entering servers, giving themselves invincibility and going "NO FUN ALLOWED" till the server empties

Ever since the start it's been anons pitching shit in. If one anon wants to fix solely bugs let him, the fact there are bugs to fix and potential optimizations means we're far from done. Right now off the top of my head I think a few more weapons could be coded by jury-rigging pre-existing code

>Pain train

Use code that dictates scout cap speed for starters.

>Back Burner

Take flamethrower, remove airblast code, add spy backstab code to account for "Is victim facing 180 degrees from you", decrease crit damage to what it should be.


>People sperg in thread

>Thread gets pruned


d509d2 No.14467757

File: c0432ee94908ac1⋯.png (203.76 KB, 715x501, 715:501, c0432ee94908ac1d30ebd88cf1….png)


>most recent project goal of items

everyone working on this mod has told you since the beginning that items were not the current focus and we would get to them when we did

>autistic bugfixing


>you pushed them away

he was the one who started shitflinging last time I checked

>the same sort of menial bugfixing that caused us to hate TF2C


was that the reason? I could've sworn there was something about a gay nigger who did MAGA roleplay and browsed reddit

9c113a No.14468724


>This is why I halted my updates

<wants to have more content and weapons in mod

<refuses to make them

>two valuable servers keeping the mod alive

Nigger one was because owner couldn't afford it anymore and the other is because you took it down for being so butthurt. And besides, we still have bach's, which is more than enough for the current playerbase.

>menial bugfixing that caused us to hate TF2C

Fuck off

I'm going to script the rest of the weapons just to spite you

9c113a No.14470679

Anyone want to play tonight?

00901c No.14470866


Nice joke, faggot. Don't think nobody knows who you are and your "special" relationship with the moderation to get this thread monitored more than threads with literal furry porn posted in it. Don't think you owning the steam group and goycord gives you power. Make sure to cry to mark over your feelings. Kike.


>couldn't afford it

Someone actually paid for server hosting for an average of 2-5 players?

665512 No.14471192


>Owning a steam gorup and goycord

Except I don't, I never created the steam group originally, another anon, a /radcorp/ host fag made it and then promoted me and really the only thing that group and the goycord is for is for getting people outside these threads (aka normalfags) to play.

>All this asspain

You might want to clam down friend You're also implying I haven't bitched to mark about furfags skirting rule 8 by spoilering shit and getting a resounding "we'll keep an eye on it" as a response.

b434c5 No.14471329


here's a torrent for the current 7z


9c4af7 No.14472665


Try for official stickied game night next week or something? Useful advertising so more new players join?

d1df72 No.14472829


Just advertise it on reddit again. The shit players will be bullied off, leaving only the good ones.

9c113a No.14473159


But anon, don't we want bad players to stomp on?

d1df72 No.14473783


It's fun until they end up on the same team as you.

665512 No.14474582


Nice dolphin porn


I might ask one of the normal fags to do it for us. I don't think anyone here willingly wants to go to plebbit, let alone make an account there.

d1df72 No.14474649

File: a3dd655ca7024d7⋯.png (521.53 KB, 483x593, 483:593, cup.png)


>anons scared of reddit

665512 No.14475820


So you're telling me you have a reddit account anon? you wanna do it?

d1df72 No.14475954

File: 6fe0ffe84679292⋯.png (248.7 KB, 360x594, 20:33, 93fd2d158d5b7dab864338c6ab….png)

665512 No.14476562



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