YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. b15eb2 No.14476544
Recent news
>3.1 is now out, grab the hotfix after installing
>Devanon talked to some of the guys from TF2C (mainly people not Nicknine and Eon) and the idea of a friendly 6s match has been floated but not set in stone.
>Some new faces, still small and looking to expand
>Bach fixed Arena, Arena Nucleus' cap point works now.
What is TF2 Vintage?
TF2V is a "pre-mannconomy" version of TF2 without the visual clutter and bloat. The only QoL additions is Pyro's airblast and the Engineer building carry. As well as additions of stock gamemodes such as Payload, KotH and Arena
>Full game:
Mega mirror: N/A
Torrent: magnet:?xt=urn:btih:58af1cb1ede20020c9c2fb885ddaa0cffa801990&dn=tf2vintage.1.7z
Installing TF2V
Follow the guide, TL;DR
>Install Source 2013 MP SDK
>Download TF2V and extract it
>Place the entire tf2vintage folder in your sourcemods folder under steamapps
>Restart Steam
>Run vintage from your library or add the -game parameter to 2013 MP SDK followed by the path to the tf2vintage folder in parenthesis
While a few weapons have been introduced (flare gun, kritzkreig, gunboats, LnL, Direct Hit). Right now its still on the backburner. We're looking for help for weapons, some would be easier to do than others (backburner, paintrain)
b15eb2 No.14476555
Here is how to install revemu on windows, i.e. make it no-steam. Technically this needs to be done once by the guy who releases TF2V for the next version, so that the game will be standalone and run out-of-the-box. But anyone can do it. I have shit upload speed.
What you need:
1. Source SDK Base 2013 Multiplayer from steam. ( Just in case:!AuJgSL6Z!9TatZzJMuSVXUKyRWXbCYq4CWQIUaD-NPmMVCeGIzbo or!BqISUDRB!AINJuuTt4dV4tSuiPwH_ws6u8VsaGzri-grpfGF2aLM
Hash: 3bb2e73-d2d220-698-8376cd-1abbcfa-6781-0ad7f3e )
2. TF2V from OP.
3. Revemu package:!IrJHyJiK!-U9fLMW4hTgCFBaYh9xPIWWjx-TmjNXy-C3O09UDjd4
In case the link goes down, here is the original source: Gonna need full package from 27.04.2016. Then an update from 20.01.2017, it's a single dll, goes into game root.
Start by placing tf2vintage folder in Source SDK Base 2013 Multiplayer, instead of sourcemods. Now Source SDK Base 2013 Multiplayer can be renamed to anything and placed anywhere, I will be calling it game root.
Optional: fire up the game to make sure everything works by creating hl2.exe shortcut and adding -game tf2vintage. See first pic. You won't need that shortcut after this, you can delete it later.
Extract revemu to game root. Second pic is how it should look like.
Shut down steam and fire TF2V.exe.
That's it, make sure everything works.
You can look through rev.ini.
But here are the most important things:
ProcName=hl2.exe -novid -noborder -game tf2vintage -steam -silent /help
Your startup parameters. I added -novid (skips into movies) and -noborder (borderless in windowed more, makes no difference in fullscreen). More details:
Self explanatory, Everything should work as expected. Only no-steam servers will show up in server browser. They also need to have no-steam in sv_tags, if I'm not mistaken.
Hopefully I didn't fuck up. I won't have time to test linux client anywhere soon, so somebody else should do it. Ask here for any advice. Linux revemu:
b15eb2 No.14476560
Memehole (Stock only)
No-steam users:
Use "connect" command to connect, looking for euros to host server for euros atm
215678 No.14476565
TF2V is a spamfag's weat dream, because they just ban anyone who doesn't want to hear obnoxious 500% volume bullshit that we've all heard 1000 times before.
Oh boy, they're playing shitty kingdom hearts songs again, did you like simple and clean the last 500 times you heard it? No? Too bad.
85e995 No.14476578
That guy, I think Powerbread, who hogs the mic constantly playing the same stuff all the time is a bit of a nuisance. It's not what fun micspam should be about IMO. But you can just mute people locally.
As for bans, I don't know how banhappy you faggots are.
c09380 No.14476625
Use the mute function faggot.
Also devfags, fix the mute function so it only mutes voice while leaving text chat alone.
b15eb2 No.14476660
Bread plays mostly music. I mute him most of the time, usually when the mic starts fucking up or it's a song I don't care for. I will say in his defense he does take requests so yeah.
72e201 No.14476747
youre right, my micspam library is very small rigth now and theres lots of repeats between nights. so i have been searching for new material and found a bunch of stuff, but it's not enough. give me all your requests
b15eb2 No.14476880
Also DOOM and DOOM II OSTs have some nice music
61d8ce No.14477443
cavestory is mandatory
67f329 No.14477851
> make magnet
> no one uses it
i need some seeders you fucks
b15eb2 No.14477868
Set up a time (preferably Wednesday) and we'll start seeding shit
824a62 No.14477875
tried connecting, but it said the server had differing tables. did the hotfix I put in the bin folder not apply to that?
b15eb2 No.14477894
make sure you've downloaded the latest build and applied the latest hotfix
824a62 No.14477932
if I apply the previous fixes, will that make a difference? not exactly going to be able to download 4.6gb every time.
b15eb2 No.14477964
all you need is latest build and hotfix
what was the last version you DLed?
824a62 No.14477978
probably 3.0, I'm going through the patches, then I'll apply the latest last. I gotta remember not to forget those.
3ac098 No.14478066
>Engineers carrying buildings
>Updated voicelines for the classes on payload
Do they also included domination and revenge voicelines?
b15eb2 No.14478082
That might be the issue since the latest hotfix doesn't change class tables and 3.1 did
824a62 No.14478121
well now it's not considering me offline and I can't connect to the server. I think the revemu thing messed up my game.
b15eb2 No.14479856
rev emu is only if you want to not have to have steam installed. you might need a fresh install of revemu as well. I don't know because I use steam version
b15eb2 No.14485464
6ce582 No.14485505
Watching that video almost makes me want to play TF2 again. How dead is this server?
b15eb2 No.14485589
we play on weekends usually
824a62 No.14485602
I reinstalled source SDK, but its still saying I'm offline. Guess I better reinstall tf2v. what a pain.
9a631b No.14485743
are you playing on Steam or revemu? Try restarting steam if you are
a0a454 No.14485783
I'll contribute but already seeding a bunch of stuff for private trackers and /tech/'s library
824a62 No.14485786
steam, trying that
83fc33 No.14485795
b4d005 No.14485819
Odd question: does TF2V support custom skins? I had some custom skins from TF2 proper (among them a skin that gives demo a 4-chambered grenade launcher so he doesn't have 2 vestigial grenades in his gun, and a mod that gave Scout a shotgun that reloads from the bottom instead of just cocking the lever and making shells magically appear) and I'm wondering if they'll work here.
824a62 No.14485858
alright it works, laggy as fuck on the server, but it works.
on a side note, snipers bolt cycling speed is faster than I remember it being.
b0dfd5 No.14485893
Would also like a mod that makes the rocketlauncher not look like a single shit RPG. A 4 shot RPG.
b15eb2 No.14486033
Yeah, custom HUDs are another story
8e11aa No.14486469
>I had some custom skins from TF2 proper (among them a skin that gives demo a 4-chambered grenade launcher so he doesn't have 2 vestigial grenades in his gun
Already exists in TF2V.
>and a mod that gave Scout a shotgun that reloads from the bottom instead of just cocking the lever and making shells magically appear)
It'll work if it's a v_model or w_model mod, however most modern TF2 mods are c_model based.
b15eb2 No.14490664
Trying to do some stuff but goddamn every site now requires a fucking phone # for "verification"
d08491 No.14490721
>removed from disagreement chat for 3 racist statements
The devs are faggots and the game is doomed to die
19e37a No.14490743
>thinking anything associated with dis-cord would end well
Just move on. I have.
6ce582 No.14490745
WTF, this is an SJW game?
d08491 No.14490765
TF2 is dead, and any attempts to revive it will end in failure because it's cursed
b15eb2 No.14490791
>Comes into goycord acting like a retard
>Kicked for acting like a retard
The goycord is normalfag containment first and foremost. Go be retarded elsewhere or save it for in server.
f1e6ae No.14490804
Also, as usual, Gamenight tonight.
d08491 No.14490834
Go back to /4cucks/ and be a faggot there you gay enabler. You can't defend your reddit game
cce6c4 No.14490871
What would be the point of normalfag containment? Normalfags wouldn't show up in the first place if there wasn't a goycord.
f1e6ae No.14491047
f1e6ae No.14491936
Nevermind it's thursday today, my bad.
b15eb2 No.14493061
Pretty much, that and useful idiots to get public knowledge out there of the mod.I also wasn't aware people are allowed to act like niggers here. I thought this was 8ch /v/, not cuckchan or reddit
b15eb2 No.14493517
8e11aa No.14493636
The devs are edgy goon faggots who strawman their hate of TF2C into an edgy knockoff that is going nowhere.
b15eb2 No.14493647
>All these buzzwords
>Check ID
Do you have bipolar disorder or something?
d08491 No.14493671
>(19) for a doomed cuck game
that's 19 dicks in your mouth
8e11aa No.14494025
No, just a severely disappointed anon unhappy with the current path of the TF2 mods in general.
a8b75a No.14494076
>using disagreement in the first place
Boy some of you really hate your privacy huh? Whatever enjoy your bloated spyware, I suggest Tox or Mumble
>edgy goons
You are actually right about the later, one of the main devs use to frequent somethingawful years ago, but to call them edgy is stupid. Its like you are using edgy as a buzzword and by the way you post you aren't't from here. See please, get >>>/out/
7714f1 No.14494279
I think /v/ is being raided.
By one dedicated shitposter.
cce6c4 No.14494290
Lurking in the gamergoy thread, looks like there's some e-celeb drama that brought a bunch of fags to the board.
f277e4 No.14494329
>one of the main devs use to frequent somethingawful years ago
Is it OP?
c09380 No.14494867
>unironically using the "hurr saying RACIST shit is acting like a retard you fucking GOY" argument
Kill yourself. Livestream it. Be the sequel to the 4/r9k/ shitskin. You are the reason these threads get filled with shit. Fuck off forever and let someone involved with the project that isn't a reddit-using goon be the "public face".
b15eb2 No.14495281
Why? You got kicked and only kicked from the normalfag containment because you wanted to come in and the first thing out of your mouth was stupid shit.. In what world is it a good idea to run into a room and act like a edgy retard and not expect to be treated as such?
>One of the devs is a goon
I figured, with cuckchan being down as well I was expecting more trash to roll in.
d08491 No.14495672
I'm the one who got kicked from dickord you retarded faggot. Worse than Gmod admins
b15eb2 No.14496536
To the anon who made the magnet link
If you can open up tonight or tomorrow I'll DL from you and hopefully we can get seeders going
32fbdb No.14496546
One of the devs used to frequent Something Awful a decade and a half ago before moving to halfchan and eventually ending up here. It's not all that uncommon for those who have been around long enough hell that's how 4chan fucking started.
8e11aa No.14496564
>Why? You got kicked and only kicked from the normalfag containment because you wanted to come in and the first thing out of your mouth was stupid shit.. In what world is it a good idea to run into a room and act like a edgy retard and not expect to be treated as such?
>Hurr we have to act just like TF2C's goycord and not allow anons to be anons despite us being (((different mods))) even though we're just TF2C without bugfixes or improvements when you could just go play TF2007/TFPort instead
b15eb2 No.14496577
My money would be on devanon then, never set foot inside SA. Have bummed around something sensitive though a couple of times looking at shit.
>We can't let anons be anons
You can do that here, and in game. Why are you so upset there is ONE PLACE you're not allowed to act like a sloven retard? Does it remind you of real life too much? Are you just that socially retarded?
a6237d No.14497250
by this point i have lost track of who is the shitposter and who isnt
why dont we have a gamenight?
67f329 No.14497613
aa7cfc No.14497748
19e37a No.14497849
You can thank the tryhards for that.
a6237d No.14497906
we have gamenights normally on fridays which start in ~1-2 hours
86931f No.14498221
>acting like an anon makes you a "sloven retard"
Niggrrs better join in half an hour
a6237d No.14498334
47cbde No.14498351
>No games respond to query
a6237d No.14498357
>server crashes right after i post
b0dfd5 No.14498379
I bet Mark is behind this.
a1f2a4 No.14498397
Server owner fix your shit
cce6c4 No.14498446
Server will be down for a few weeks. Sorry about that. You can play retail TF2 in the meantime.
a6237d No.14498483
this better be bait nigga
>checks id
thank god
a6237d No.14498493
>checks the other two posts
now i'm unsure
9a631b No.14498616
The map crashed the server and I was asleep. The server is back up now There 26 other new maps in the rotation have fun
a6237d No.14498667
a6237d No.14498859
a6237d No.14498968
cce6c4 No.14499091
Should we keep track of all the maps that make everyone leave?
b15eb2 No.14499368
a6237d No.14499442
a new challenger appears!
4d0f6e No.14499464
Make a solution for piratefags and we'll talk.
19e37a No.14499468
Ban dodo and we'll talk
b15eb2 No.14499479
Did you miss the revemu post like right after OP?
9d209d No.14499615
9d209d No.14499617
cce6c4 No.14499628
>6 players max on a friday gamenight
a-at least we're open source
b15eb2 No.14499686
it was active earlier. but we gotta plan a better one in advance
32fbdb No.14499738
When do we move to >>>/vg/ ?
f59b56 No.14499792
The Source engine includes a server setting called "sv_pure" that's designed to make custom content bug out, and TF2 is set to have that server setting enabled by default, but that shouldn't be the case in TF2V.
b15eb2 No.14499810
I figure we should probably run this thread simultaneously with a /vg/ one before killing this. I say let this thread run it's course next thread we'll put a news bulletin point about moving to /vg/ and after that let the thread die
8e11aa No.14499860
32fbdb No.14499870
>We finally have a viable alternative to /v/
Fucking great.
8e11aa No.14499905
>Already moving faster than /strek/ in less than a day
I hope the momentum keeps up, promoting TF2V there if/when /vg/ gets popular would be a hell of a lot easier than here. Remember when Mark refused to promote TF2V as one of the top 100 mods of the year saying he's not interested in promoting modding/developers on his board losing us the nomination?
b15eb2 No.14499914
oh now I'm remembering that, the moddb thing right?
32fbdb No.14499927
Oh fuck I forgot about that shit.
8e11aa No.14499928
Yeah. We would have easily clinched the nomination for top 100 giving us way more popularity and the TF2 Wiki would have had to give us an article as a result, but he didn't bother promoting it. Then when asked he ranged from "I didn't see it" to "Oh, I forgot" until eventually it turned out he purposely didn't advertise it not wanting something 8chan made to become popular.
d4d329 No.14500029
it's shit like that that made me fucking leave, and then he has the nerve to OY VEY SHUT IT DOWN whenever talking about alternative boards gets too heated and simultaneously singing 8ch's fucking praises as "uncucked". glad i caught this thread, i don't pay attention to whatever shit's stickied and now i know there's an alternate /v/ that looks very very good.
b15eb2 No.14500035
Depending on how the rest of this thread goes it might end up killed in favor of the /vg/ one
cce6c4 No.14500055
Looks like the stickied thread is getting restless, too.
32fbdb No.14500101
Well it had 199 posts before it got nuked down to 90 a it's still not got back there, I can see why they'd get mad.
86931f No.14500340
>6 players max on a game night
Glad I skipped tbh, had fun with other stuff instead of being disappointed and angry. What a tragedy. Game night announced for like a week? Ignored. Cs 1.6 on probably the day of? Stickied. Not to mention the steamfags and goycordfags that never play.
32fbdb No.14500359
We're in /vg/'s new sticky permanently.
cce6c4 No.14503866
4d0f6e No.14503881
Never, these guys moved to /vg/ because splintering users is fucking great they have beef with Mark.
cce6c4 No.14504000
It's not splintering if everyone moves at the same time.
b15eb2 No.14504064
The idea is to leave this running for this thread and the next with the next thread having a bulletin point about the move. Then after that we'll move on to /vg/ for better or for worse.
Gamenight tomorrow, noon EST
0fc141 No.14504067
>tf2 vintage
Is this like tf2 classic without alphablaster?
b15eb2 No.14504072
Yes, and without sonic OC weapons
19e37a No.14504073
False cause. It died because of tryhards displacing the people who just wanted to have fun.
cce6c4 No.14504074
b15eb2 No.14504078
In vintage
Most of the guys are just too good. A few of them are former comp fags so their skill level is going to be greater than average
19e37a No.14504091
The amount of people on 8chan who played TF2 is already a very, very small fraction of the original base game. It's guaranteed that the number of those people on 8ch who played tf2 who are willing and able to play Vintage are most likely average at best. Nobody is going to have fun if one or two tryhard shitters on either team picks sniper and clicks heads before anyone can get on the objective.
4d0f6e No.14504093
I didn't say anything died, I don't know what you're talking about or what it has to do with my post.
32fbdb No.14504141
b15eb2 No.14504165
>Can't get good
I can usualy close gaps on bach and dodo the trick is to not be seen
84d598 No.14504512
The best way to not get shot by them is by not playing.
cce6c4 No.14504690
Do you want them to purposefully miss half their shots so you can have fun? Is that you, commiecat?
b15eb2 No.14505943
No, commie cat is one of those people. Worse is they bodyshot, at least bach gets nice clean headshots
19e37a No.14505946
b15eb2 No.14506153
a1f2a4 No.14506638
b15eb2 No.14508504
b15eb2 No.14508859
16d108 No.14508921
TF2V is a shit meme for furries and goons.
8eb56a No.14513552
This mod still alive? Anyone on?
b15eb2 No.14514354
A lot of the thread has moved to /vg/ to escape the kike. We're only keeping this alive till the thread dies. We'll continue to use this thread till it hits limit and drops off or the kike patrol deletes it
4c0f99 No.14514372
b15eb2 No.14514376
32fbdb No.14524657
c09380 No.14527870
Are any of you faggots going to be playing today/this weekend or is the mod as good as dead?
>not advertising the mod around everywhere using someone with a blank or good reputation to have a constant supply of players
221934 No.14528054
Is this mod still full of furries?
b15eb2 No.14528852
Most of us have left for /vg/ because redditors and cuckchanners flooding here and mark just being a retard in general one too many times
40b08e No.14531958
You mean because we wouldn't shill the mod, right?
b15eb2 No.14532021
>He thinks it's only that.
>He didn't sage bumping the thread
There are no seeders. Host needs to put up the torrent so people can DL it and seed it
Lotta new shit implemented. check the moddb page
690ef2 No.14533261
Gonna hop on in 10 minutes you fucks better be there
121794 No.14533653
21f970 No.14535435
dacf5a No.14535452
>Faggots' flag
>He luvs some crossdressing Link
How the mighty has fallen, that is if you consider cannibalizing a leaked game something great.
8ecf7b No.14535454
So it's as good as dead then, that's disappointing.
0d81f9 No.14535456
Imagine how many people like that still lurk the site, i've even heard furfags tend to larp on /pol/.
369b13 No.14536348
What explicitly did Mark do?
e08e8f No.14536661
furfags are a strange bunch, they isolated themselves on the internet and gained a strong sense of in-group appreciation because of it.
b15eb2 No.14536801
Do you really need examples?
Also according to the goygate threads, TF2V created /vg/ for the sole purpose of spiting mark. The amount of reaching of some people is so fucking intense it can be felt around the world
369b13 No.14536821
One example will suffice. I don't know what Mark did.
92ba26 No.14536853
What is the difference between this and TF2 Classic? I've played neither but they both seem to aim for the same thing at least. Anyone who knows which is more popular?
809882 No.14536868
>TF2V created /vg/ for the sole purpose of spiting mark.
jesus christ, is that true? those people live in their own fucking world completely separate of the rest of the site.
tf2 classic shifted focus from "tf2 rollback + inclusion of beta and tf1 elements and concepts" to "tf2 four-team deathmatch", something about alphablaster circlejerks that i never paid much attention to as well
565351 No.14536887
>Commission an artist to feel superior
>Blatantly lie about what happened
Fucking christ if those gamershits actually listened to that fuck I hope their threads die.
690ef2 No.14536926
the threads should have died a year ago
235cb9 No.14536945
Sperged out because of sonic and deleted 3/4 of an unofficial gamenight thread a week ago, also banned most of the anons posting in it including the OP. Now try and keep the bread drama free.
809882 No.14537117
just read over it again and it reads like i thought what the gamergate-thread mouthbreathers said was true, for clarification i was asking if they actually said that
gamergate threads should be treated like 4am tee bee aych, the "they have their own board for it" argument still applies
b15eb2 No.14537132
here's the screencap
809882 No.14537307
jesus christ, they do know /vg/ dates back to somewhere around /v/'s own inception on this thing, right? there's threads old enough on there even with the board's flourishing that you can tell. they're not that fucking sheltered from the rest of the board, let alone the rest of the site, right?
b15eb2 No.14537326
Considering the fact that thread and to an extent /pol/ are a major infestation point for redditors. yes I think they are that retarded
b15eb2 No.14539944
game going on with cuntsman snipers for both teams
d36bf7 No.14540019
redditers need to be gassed. good luck with your thread and your game, I won't be playing it. Mark can be a nigger but try to get in touch with him if he does something autistic.
6c0bc0 No.14543195
We are going to play in 3 hours, remember to join by then