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File: e55bad7cbd03953⋯.png (24.82 KB, 799x289, 47:17, 21st Century Fox.png)

3064d3 No.14050435

If Disney really does buy Fox, there is a small possibility that there future Kingdom Hearts games could have levels based on the IPs owned by Fox(though probably not Kingdom Hearts 3, since that's too far along in development:^).)

Here's a list of the assets Disney is wanting to buy https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proposed_acquisition_of_21st_Century_Fox_by_Disney#Assets_to_be_acquired_by_Disney

Which of these would you like to see turned into a Kingdom Hearts level?

553543 No.14050440

File: a4c501d03018c81⋯.jpg (154.67 KB, 367x451, 367:451, maximum_faggot.jpg)

>implying we will get more KH games

>KH3 ever coming out

077be3 No.14050463

File: 4c80c0089e8d48e⋯.jpg (197.43 KB, 894x894, 1:1, family_guy_stained_glass_b….jpg)

>"Hey Lois, remember the time when I got kicked out of Organization 13?

d3538f No.14050497

so aside form DC what Intellectual property doesn't (((Bob Iger))) control?

f1b151 No.14050506

File: 3a62681529fc56e⋯.jpg (169.16 KB, 500x548, 125:137, Youtube_Poop_Back_Breakin_….jpg)

Are you saying we could possibly have Hank Hill say that Kora ain't right?

9db7f6 No.14050508

File: dc782cfcdb5a48c⋯.gif (933.38 KB, 500x379, 500:379, stairs.gif)


>kingdom hearts goes to springfield

>everything's cel shaded and looks like a simpsons episode

>everything references new simpsons after it lost its soul

>the whole level is a subtle scientology recruitment attempt

382606 No.14050512


Don't be an asshole. I was literally typing out a Kingdom Hills joke, but then you came along and I had to stop to reply to you.

Fuck you.

160fcd No.14050540

File: 5026e6b42438bc9⋯.jpg (14.29 KB, 500x321, 500:321, TPg6VcL_d.jpg)


That's okay, Old Top, type it anyway.

942715 No.14050545

File: 45edcfea9b2d708⋯.jpg (6.63 KB, 199x159, 199:159, dylanshades.jpg)

<But, maaarge! I'm in kingdom hearts fighting the DARKNESS


32a0bf No.14050578

>disney will own majority shares in sky media and hulu

they could put gordon ramsey in kingdom hearts since they'll be acquiring the rights to his likeness

077be3 No.14050581


>He wields a spatula keyblade

f1b151 No.14050585

File: da62819e14825ed⋯.jpg (226.53 KB, 567x582, 189:194, Youtube_Poop_Ya_Know_Fella….jpg)



I agree, let's hear it anon.

7b59a9 No.14050591


03b872 No.14050598


Family Guy world where "You have Aids" is played in the background.

32a0bf No.14050600


anon, if you speak ill of the mouse you might just end up missing

fc78e9 No.14050603


I want to see the Disney corporation broken up and every fucking kike that works for it hanged in public.

7324fa No.14050624



Why the hell would anyone with a brain want anything from Disney, Fox, or any other Pedowood studio in their current state?

d3538f No.14050667

Hooktube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

a66297 No.14050676

>a world based on Avatar

Well that ruined my hopes pretty quick.

1553ab No.14050714


Lack thereof a said brain

7324fa No.14050858


Yes. And the sad thing is, the more brain damaged, the more they spend money.

Instead of Pedowood shit from Disney i would rather have a Kingdom Hearts where Dracula pilots a giant Frankenstein to fight the State of Liberty that became a werewolf for some reason.

Where are all the creativity in games?

50fd09 No.14050861

>A level based on the Alien/Predator series

>A level based on Die Hard (Just to fuck with Sega)

>A level based on Robots

>A level based on Peanuts

>A level based on M*A*S*H

>A level based on Planet of the Apes

>A level based on Lost in Space

>A level nased on The X-Files

>A level based on Glee

>A level based on The Minority Report

>A level based on Neo Yokio

>A level based on Archer

>A level based on Anastasia/Bartok (Disney get a Russian princess)

>A level based on Titan A.E.

077be3 No.14050868



I thought that was already Disney's and they forgot about it.

b16989 No.14050908

File: 6070e6c8fb9c0ac⋯.jpg (23.36 KB, 371x351, 371:351, fascinating.jpg)

I'd rather see new original characters than old IP characters.

077be3 No.14050917


I want to see Square make a new series like Kingdom Hearts, but with Dragon Quest and Nintendo characters along with a more coherent less confusing plot.

50fd09 No.14050927

File: 5f6ba187c44fae7⋯.jpg (102.3 KB, 640x908, 160:227, 194821_front.jpg)


>…but with Dragon Quest and Nintendo characters…

3064d3 No.14050988


>A level based on M*A*S*H

Would the heartless in that level just be Korean people?

749a74 No.14050997

File: 9c47321a1748b5d⋯.jpg (32.46 KB, 504x450, 28:25, 1179668520746.jpg)

File: f451e091055e597⋯.png (37.86 KB, 184x201, 184:201, 1284201561442.png)

File: 0098a985a3191d0⋯.gif (838.97 KB, 450x402, 75:67, 1364274311312.gif)

File: 4866c283192a173⋯.jpg (41.79 KB, 640x448, 10:7, 1306076391169.jpg)
















209259 No.14051035


I hate disney so much, but sadly it fucking happened

1865f0 No.14051057

File: 0e8c8168f92be5d⋯.jpg (55.13 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 305bcb0a49837082998d634ecf….jpg)

b7d4ec No.14051092


>>A level based on Titan A.E.


7c6834 No.14051387


>>A level nased on The X-Files

Unlike everything else you listed, I can actually see this happening. There's a lot of opportunity for it, if Duchovny and Anderson are still up the task.

It seems like just the right IP to humorously bridge the gap between Mickey Mouse, anime, video games, and real life.

bee8e7 No.14051399

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Thread theme.

340a75 No.14051414


>X-Files is real life

I'm still waiting for that Kingdom Hills.

ed2efd No.14051450



This is probably better than anything Square-Enix could do.

9ca3d1 No.14051465


They're kikes, you know.

775e12 No.14051473


Which makes it even more likely. Perfect!

7b96b5 No.14051525

File: 35dc71036f72cda⋯.jpg (225.41 KB, 520x770, 52:77, Kingdom Hard.jpg)

File: 26f8aff2e9aa1f7⋯.jpg (213.2 KB, 672x491, 672:491, Lisa in Kingdom Hearts.jpg)

50fd09 No.14051547

File: 07ec3ddf50da39d⋯.jpg (9.73 KB, 104x90, 52:45, top keks.jpg)


>First pic

Fuckin' saved

627096 No.14051555


10/10 for accurate portrayal of current Lisa.

01feaf No.14051624

File: 72a4752aa0487ce⋯.jpg (20.9 KB, 320x278, 160:139, Hitler wants to try again.jpg)

d68cf9 No.14051669



At what season did Lisa turn into a liberal bitch?

7b96b5 No.14051672


After Season 11.

3064d3 No.14051677


It was a gradual thing. There were hints of it as early as season 1 or 2, but it didn't come to full fruition until around 12 or 13.

cb0cd1 No.14051683


She always was. It's just that originally it showed how her plans never really worked out and she was just an immature child.

Bart usually came out on top although often at the cost of others. Lisa only really wins when no one else gives a shit.

Remember the save the fish episode where Burns takes Lisa's idea and turns it into a fish farm? Lisas all hippy dippy save the whales and Burns uses her to come out on top and become rich again.

48d3b9 No.14051705

File: 2a15a1bbe869d9d⋯.png (478.49 KB, 655x469, 655:469, 1454870103792.png)


> Mulder, Skully and maybe Aya from Parasite Eve investigating darkness

I want this now

673017 No.14051723

What about a level based on Die Hard?

73a838 No.14051724


>Parasite Eve in Kingdom Hearts

good luck

much as I love that now-incoherent shit

although tbh Eve isn't much spookier than some heartless designs anymore

7c6834 No.14051772


I meant X-Files was real-life in that it was live-action. While King of the Hill is more "realistic" it is regarded as an adult cartoon and will be considered "inappropriate" since they cannot water it down further.

X-Files is live-action and can be watered down by becoming some kids' game/cartoon. KotH is an adult cartoon and making it a game level won't accomplish the same task. I can't explain it better than that, please understand.



>Modern Disney

You've changed nothing.

cb0cd1 No.14051815

File: 55491ea50dff979⋯.png (457.63 KB, 1444x477, 1444:477, palemoon_2017-12-27_05-25-….png)

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