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File: 8c16de12c1f06bd⋯.jpg (279.5 KB, 1199x874, 1199:874, New Years 2019.jpg)

ec0ae9  No.15939744



January Event Schedule

12/31 - 1/9 - Second Advent

1/9 - 1/15 - Table for Six (rerun)

1/17 - 1/24 - Unite and Fight (Light enemies, Dark favored)

1/25 - 1/30 - Rise of the Beasts

1/31 - 2/8 - New story event


1.Infinity - 692908

2.Kihou - 740471

3.Sky Lords - 733000

4.Raven Nest (Dead) - 1024216

Guides and info


>How do I even play this shit?

You can play it from your browser by going to http://game.granbluefantasy.jp/

>I'm not going to use google botnet to play this.

You can use chrome alternatives, such as Slimjet or Iridium. If you don't like doing that, use an agent spoofer for the browser you do use to spoof chrome.





ec0ae9  No.15939767

File: a48007344cd3822⋯.png (160.74 KB, 960x800, 6:5, Npc_zoom_3040197000_01.png)

So did you get her?

abe36e  No.15939791

File: dab137610afcf24⋯.png (909.24 KB, 589x832, 589:832, draw1.PNG)


Nope got me the new nigger cat and best homo bro.

661b94  No.15939808



7b4298  No.15939847

File: c6efd7c4f0acdda⋯.png (208.09 KB, 313x485, 313:485, ClipboardImage.png)


Got her (original spark target) when doing my free 100 draws. Preceded to then spark Sheep, got SR Bea along the way.

2d45e2  No.15939858

File: 854427f976c8eaf⋯.jpg (40.02 KB, 487x375, 487:375, Two Hotdogs.jpg)

File: e82022fa6cea1d9⋯.jpg (89.83 KB, 466x581, 466:581, 2018 Gibmes.jpg)


Not only did I score two of her, I got every new character they put out.

661b94  No.15939860

File: 424b4312ac8e1c7⋯.png (700.5 KB, 850x1363, 850:1363, ClipboardImage.png)


>sparking before the final legfest free draw

All these people just throwing their sparks away. It's like you don't want to spark again at the anniversary

9a1914  No.15939868

File: d9e58e9d2230d8b⋯.png (89.15 KB, 591x238, 591:238, Untitled.png)


>not doing constant calculations to ensure that you spark with just the right amount of free draws

a9bc58  No.15939877

File: b46ff7c60b937c6⋯.png (502.32 KB, 599x599, 1:1, gottem.png)


Got everyone, even the new Bea (only SSR shown)

661b94  No.15939889


but what if you get your spark target from the free draws? You could save your sparks for another legfest. If you have a second target in this pool, then that's fine

9a1914  No.15939940


I have maybe only 1/3 of the sparkable targets, so that's almost certainly not going to be a problem.

6ba4da  No.15940360

File: 251156bff36d272⋯.png (549.79 KB, 473x492, 473:492, riding 1.PNG)

File: b4f757baf27314a⋯.png (564.63 KB, 476x507, 476:507, ride 2.PNG)



60f4fa  No.15940549

I wish the roulette stopped giving me homoknights.

First Aglovale and now Siegfried.

861f05  No.15940607

File: ae6b9f9e1770e30⋯.png (496.94 KB, 479x709, 479:709, GBF_2019-01-02_free_10_01.png)

File: e71bc6aeb343c34⋯.png (622.54 KB, 471x690, 157:230, GBF_2019-01-02_Gachapin.png)

File: 4bc85187dde9d7a⋯.png (458.29 KB, 478x630, 239:315, GBF_2019-01-02_Gachapin_01.png)

>Getting pumped up for pig spark tomorrow

>Have a 1 10 pull roulette

>Gauge fill up

>Roll those 10 pull

<Pig and Lunalu



I guess I'll reconsider the spark. I'll wait if by chance there's a special gacha for monkey, and sheep is also in the lot.

a314ee  No.15940618

Saving spark for Valentine doll joints.

6ba4da  No.15940677

File: 028aa952ebb0287⋯.png (13.86 KB, 282x512, 141:256, new year spark.PNG)


You and me both m8. I could go for Pholia but she can wait, Athena is suptixable and I already have Kat and Io.

Or I could make the crazy choice to go spark Shiva or Chevira, or even just wait for Valentine.

7bb2d3  No.15940830

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

1e4439  No.15940862

File: 4d75f7b23079829⋯.png (115.59 KB, 960x800, 6:5, __beatrix_granblue_fantasy….png)

She is looking good.

2d45e2  No.15941030

File: 5d9585c3e4d2b71⋯.jpg (48.88 KB, 670x671, 670:671, 0a6d6cbac66287d8750b17f8e7….jpg)


Videos like that is what creates anarchists.

661b94  No.15941602

File: 56b3ba5c5af8c87⋯.png (108.25 KB, 348x375, 116:125, ClipboardImage.png)

I want to protect that smile

9f2a86  No.15941943

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I wasn't ready for this ride to turn like this…

8fe947  No.15942985

File: 4b18a46990967b6⋯.png (780.08 KB, 480x691, 480:691, spark target get.png)

File: 95321618ba3cb6f⋯.png (2.89 MB, 1917x1500, 639:500, 69255306_p0.png)

Another spark goes by, and this one was actually fairly decent. The only things I could have really asked for fairly is a gabriel summon and water quartz.

After action report as follows

Spark priority: Anila > pholia > io

SSR Summons (usable)


SSR Summons (quartz)





SSR characters


New dark Eustace

light clarisse




Gold moon count:7

Sparked: Anila

SSR count total 18/300 exactly 6%, as advertised luck

AAR finished

light Clarisse means that I can form a bonito kengo light team that leeches avatars or HL celeste with great blue chest efficiency. Pholia probably won't enter any serious water teams, but she's top tier cute and so will be on my fun teams. Cain is literally my first SSR Earth Grand in my 3 or 4 years of playing now, dunno why the gacha doesn't want to give me earth things.

e2680f  No.15942991

File: 87f911b2c543666⋯.jpg (774.64 KB, 2446x1310, 1223:655, 100 draws.JPG)

>lucky enough to get 100 draws during legfest

>roll, excited

>no pig (and not enough to spark)

Guess it wasn't mean to be.

I know that 8 ssr is better than the 6% rate but 6 dupes (including 2 Athena) and only 2 new ssr (Gabriel summon and water Yuel) is disappointing.

d27dba  No.15943026

File: 6a97956f88e7ef3⋯.png (1.46 MB, 1920x1200, 8:5, 6049de97042614c79d7c673640….png)


I haven't played this in months, is Lily somehow relevant now?

8399ca  No.15943028

File: cf1d00338245561⋯.png (196.91 KB, 418x308, 19:14, spank_char.png)

File: b389b19e58a20bb⋯.png (234.63 KB, 424x410, 212:205, spank_wepon.png)

File: e06e30b0606da65⋯.png (82.97 KB, 512x99, 512:99, spank_summon.png)


just did, chat noirmoonfest spark

75cb48  No.15943085

File: f6ba9fe77c44a49⋯.png (261.83 KB, 333x412, 333:412, Sparkchar.PNG)

File: 37dd8c9da46605f⋯.png (39.27 KB, 297x66, 9:2, sparksummon.PNG)

spark results:

21 ssr weapons, 6 ssr summons, 7 gold moons

sparked pig

4ef360  No.15943090

File: 434114a314eb54d⋯.jpg (1.74 MB, 2764x1380, 691:345, Spark 4 1.JPG)

>didn't get the 100

>only rate up ssr was gabby

>got less than 18 SSRs

A bit disappointed

b6fd5c  No.15943160

>prepared to spark on last day

>start the burn through single tix

>get Pig

>already have Sheep

>still have 250 draws

I think I'll save for Valentine's Day. Those characters only show up once a year.

60f4fa  No.15943180

>Get Percival Gold Moon off gachapin frenzy's first 10-draw

>Get so mad I dump all my resources on the banner even if I only have 1/3rd of a spark's funds

>Get Gabriel, Aphrodite, Tezcatlipoca, Light Jeanne and Cucouroux today

>Got Nezha, Rose Queen, Siegfried and Aglovale on the days before

>I had 1 Gold Moon before this and now I have 9

>Exactly 18 items but half of them were fucking dupes

7b4298  No.15943558

>30 draws

>More boar gold moons

I already got boar, give me something else please.

599924  No.15943613

File: c7332e8958f8515⋯.jpg (1.16 MB, 1200x900, 4:3, 2395543 - Granblue_Fantasy….jpg)

Important question:

Should I spark Pholia, Rosetta or Cain? I just pulled all the others.

My dick says Rosetta

Thanks in advance and good spark for those who can afford it.

661b94  No.15943779

File: 83d7ec17f2b6bbf⋯.jpg (2.41 MB, 1809x1962, 201:218, Spark.jpg)

23/300 ssr rate, mostly girls, not weighed down by useless summons, 4 limiteds, sparked piggu

perfect spark

60f4fa  No.15943830




I don't like you. You remind me of the pain this roulette gave me.

75906c  No.15944015


>Guess it wasn't meant to be

Maybe not now, but maybe later when you have enough to spark or during the game's anniversary. Didn't get the 100 draws on legfest nor gyaru piggy myself, but happy enough to get water Yuel and a Shiva summon from the 20 draws today.

c3c396  No.15944267


>Lily somehow relevant now?

cuckchan golem cursing and immunity lilly memes along with reddit stealing their memes and posting them in videos like this

that's all there is

3602f3  No.15944469

File: 31a2125f07a8524⋯.png (100.76 KB, 330x155, 66:31, ClipboardImage.png)

Is this a good team composition?

2d45e2  No.15944529


Rosetta comes with best wind dagger but if you have Vajra, you have a duty to get Pholia.

31dc5b  No.15944751

File: 33b54bcca8ee2e7⋯.png (1.69 MB, 986x2128, 493:1064, a year in paint.png)

File: a0021ebef4f38f6⋯.png (330.31 KB, 462x679, 66:97, a year in paint2.png)

I wanted boar but since she was part of the spark I picked the loli instead. Not even mad that my guarantee 100 draw is tomorrow.

a314ee  No.15944902


Didn't think Pholia would count as a loli. Is she age or body type style loli? Didn't know she was an erune for the longest time with that dang hat.

7e433a  No.15944913

File: a66113c75d13e5c⋯.jpg (129.63 KB, 748x1200, 187:300, 1546448734336.jpg)

File: da3edb59fd81107⋯.jpeg (91.96 KB, 608x900, 152:225, Dv1aj10U0AANKaJ.jpeg)

File: 06fa31b42405c15⋯.jpeg (126.98 KB, 783x900, 87:100, DvwlA0FU0AEdjgv.jpeg)

File: 93aff975726f095⋯.jpeg (100.07 KB, 680x638, 340:319, DvwHKyuVsAEoDX7.jpeg)

File: 6ed7e4d729ca44d⋯.jpeg (92.7 KB, 478x679, 478:679, Dv0tYrQU8AANx-P.jpeg)


lolibaba, she's mid 40s.

b217b4  No.15944921


Grandfest or Flashfest

a314ee  No.15944946


This feels like a case of mistaking pettanko for loli.

5de6e1  No.15945229

File: adf7f626fc17a97⋯.png (279.39 KB, 606x306, 101:51, piggu accomplished.png)

File: f106a1497a33e76⋯.jpg (136.92 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, 48da3e_6861891.jpg)

>Decide to make one more roll while legfest banner's on because 10 roll this morning was shit

>This happens

Today was a good day

b217b4  No.15945284


I call bullshit but my jealousy knows no bounds


b217b4  No.15945355




more like


d27dba  No.15946086


So nothing new at all.

Thanks for letting me know.

72946a  No.15947575

File: 238d7a4d98bd680⋯.png (403.01 KB, 475x490, 95:98, ThisOrMonkey.PNG)

I've been ready to pull the trigger on this for the past month, but since Monkey's FLB is so close, I'll just wait to see if she is core, and if she gets a fist proficiency.

5d1048  No.15947585

File: 8df6c2a7fb9d98c⋯.jpg (76.05 KB, 487x637, 487:637, Capture.JPG)

File: 47ee50698033194⋯.jpg (118.99 KB, 932x584, 233:146, result.JPG)

10 draws for last day and sr Sophia.

In the end, the free draws gave me:

8 new SSR char and 9 dupes (also 9 new SR and 2 new R)

1 new SSR summon and 1 dupe

From what I recall, last year was better.

bf5774  No.15947586

File: 29012c6d42f9321⋯.jpg (1.18 MB, 1080x1920, 9:16, tmp_20190103_1528471456891….jpg)

File: 1cd5c984063cda0⋯.jpg (1.19 MB, 1080x1920, 9:16, tmp_20190103_1528143223474….jpg)

File: 56764cc987a2001⋯.jpg (1.2 MB, 1080x1920, 9:16, tmp_20190103_1527255520477….jpg)

Last free draw today. How'd biggest go for you? Pics related. Wasn't pretty bad overall.

b217b4  No.15947642

100 draw on the final day

A bunch of bronze moons, a few silver moons, no SSR's, 2 new R characters, and 1 SR character

I'm not even angry or disappointed, it's just awful for the ending of something so great to be sour

Got some neat SSR and SR characters from the whole event

Can't wait for next year

Really looking forward to the anniversary

4fca76  No.15947650

File: 5cb491933a77617⋯.png (413.61 KB, 448x561, 448:561, biggest1.PNG)

File: 3e25198051c2e25⋯.png (185.82 KB, 452x283, 452:283, biggest2.PNG)


I'd say it went pretty fucking well. Didn't manage to get any good summons (Bonito I already have at 4*, Athena and Varuna will save me 2 Sunlight Stons), but Melissabelle, Kumbhira, Narmaya and finally Zeta were all in my wishlist.

I didn't even have to spark so I might save those 230 rolls I have for Shiva or Chevira.

I'm gonna start working on an Ultima Spear now, as well as an Akasha one.

1e0d7c  No.15947689


Got everyone else but here and ran out of time trying to get enough crystals to get 300 ceruleans. And of course they take her off as soon as the free 100 draw comes out.

60f4fa  No.15947699

I got Water Lancelot, SSR Sara and Veight on today's 100 roll.

How did I get more shit than on fests is beyond me.

75906c  No.15947816

File: dac698eba40685c⋯.png (477.03 KB, 458x569, 458:569, 2018roulette1.PNG)

File: 84c32bf81c8fb0a⋯.png (383.62 KB, 463x451, 463:451, 2018roulette2.PNG)

File: 754315883660e64⋯.png (367.27 KB, 455x444, 455:444, firstsparkresult1.PNG)


Comparing to last year, this was pretty nice, and sparking during flashfest was decent too.

3daf2d  No.15948007

rate my spark

free rolls (60)

dcog (moon)







spark rolls (240)





quart light (odin)

moon (dlf)


chat noir (moon)


romeo (moon)


spark : piggu

7b4298  No.15948054

I got boar from 100 free draws and sheep from sparking. I'm satisfied with what I got.

661b94  No.15948645

File: 2f11601689f4168⋯.png (585.21 KB, 513x626, 513:626, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a077bc917c2a6f5⋯.png (948.66 KB, 512x1222, 256:611, kumbhira and vajra.png)

File: 83a0222853743fa⋯.png (499.23 KB, 511x621, 511:621, ClipboardImage.png)

lewd headpatting

3ea5ce  No.15948804


Kind of shit honestly. 15 SSR, only 4 that will really make a difference. Which are Scathaca, Water Societte, Siegfried, and Melissabelle. Maybe Juliet. Everything else, not so much. I ended up getting 5 of those SSRs today of all fucking times. It's crazy that I had a higher SSR rate outside of legfest.

a314ee  No.15948875

File: ff538041764cdd6⋯.jpg (156.51 KB, 1039x1403, 1039:1403, scatcat1.jpg)

File: 13c87021b8d07f6⋯.png (12.41 MB, 1748x2480, 437:620, scatcat7.png)

File: b544e6614692762⋯.jpg (99.19 KB, 929x1032, 929:1032, scatcat3.jpg)


Scathacha worth it all.

3ead45  No.15948956

File: 3001f89080609ea⋯.png (372.16 KB, 428x464, 107:116, 900k.png)

Is light a real element yet?

661b94  No.15949040

File: 6810588b91980db⋯.png (1.27 MB, 850x1258, 25:37, ClipboardImage.png)


Kumbhira best girl

a72af9  No.15949095

File: 9ef5066f026f9a7⋯.png (73.05 KB, 242x237, 242:237, 17023091555.png)


Holy shit.

Post weapon grid pls

3ea5ce  No.15949124


She might just be. She shits out so much fucking damage at 5*.

3ead45  No.15949226

File: ddcd236176d0497⋯.jpg (148.88 KB, 992x1403, 992:1403, Dv3GTRmU0AAIqdW.jpg)




It's nothing special at all.

3ca01c  No.15949274

Fuck this game. I am now 100% sure that this gacha is rigged to not give any zodiacs unless you spark. Oh and this "generous" guaranteed 100 draws during last day after legfest gacha leaves, just fuck off. I got shitty SSR summons that mean nothing.

661b94  No.15949302

File: 33526a03ed4a7fd⋯.png (964.81 KB, 685x900, 137:180, ClipboardImage.png)


Rig the gacha against itself, anon. Where is your spark? Start saving now and always get who you want Plus one more character than your luck would usually allow. You can have one ready by summer when there will be a 10 draw magnafest

c08f5f  No.15949344


I rolled 3 piggy during my 100 rolls but not a single story SSR sadly

661b94  No.15949476

File: c85982fafbc417c⋯.png (114.53 KB, 265x220, 53:44, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ed83fd65c139819⋯.png (128.34 KB, 291x219, 97:73, ClipboardImage.png)

Monkeyman! Why does the pig axe float in my hands?

c82ab5  No.15949716

File: ee796df197ac99e⋯.png (242.85 KB, 640x688, 40:43, 3040202000_cutin.png)

versus when?

8399ca  No.15949735


you could hit that with only chev swords if you try hard enough. I'm guessing he is using akasha axe + Star FLB

661b94  No.15949743

File: a19434c071d387c⋯.webm (397.21 KB, 512x500, 128:125, Cute pig noises.webm)

[cute pig noises]

3ead45  No.15949791

File: 19c28f107e2bfa7⋯.png (409.23 KB, 474x486, 79:81, Light grid 2019.png)

File: 9ec22f6bca155a3⋯.png (88.12 KB, 271x124, 271:124, 959k.png)


I haven't fought the Akasha raid yet, my grid really isn't anything special. The axe would send the third attack over 1 million damage.

50cba6  No.15949828

File: 68361dc9f70ba9d⋯.png (1.48 MB, 1350x1900, 27:38, rosamia_granblue_fantasy_d….png)


drop the baha for atma or cosmo or something, you have more than enough normal mod already in. How much HP are you at with that set-up?

3ead45  No.15949852


No thanks, I'm good.

8399ca  No.15950759

File: 1ce4b9d7bad0514⋯.png (448.85 KB, 443x561, 443:561, ClipboardImage.png)

File: af7a793480c8227⋯.png (395.74 KB, 436x446, 218:223, ClipboardImage.png)


You legit would benefit more changing that baha for a cosmo or an atma. There comes a point where even another chev sword would give you more HP than the baha sword.

Also, how the fuck are you doing it? Maybe it's the lack of my MC EMPs, but this is as far as I can go. Kubira is hitting more than MC.

72946a  No.15952118

File: a5180111285f8cf⋯.png (816.76 KB, 628x883, 628:883, 894k.png)

File: 6a673c815346d95⋯.png (561.76 KB, 638x651, 638:651, nodamage.PNG)

I didn't roll Kumbhira, so I don't do any damage.


At rank 195, you get another 5% damage cap on MC. you are also probably missing out on a summon cap up buff, like Kaguya (15/20), or Freyr (10). I think that is a Freyr in your summon grid, but it seems to not be summoned.

7b4298  No.15952239

File: 3c2341c1fdc6337⋯.png (66.43 KB, 272x158, 136:79, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6665e699bd9fdcb⋯.png (248.32 KB, 316x405, 316:405, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 296513561dbefc1⋯.png (230.27 KB, 318x330, 53:55, ClipboardImage.png)

So despite using a primal grid, Anila gave me a big boon to damage and fuck wind enemies. I'm working on my CF.

3ead45  No.15952598


I'm not looking for grid advice.


Don't do it, it's not worth it.

2a558a  No.15952711



72946a  No.15953085

File: 3aa38b9d7ead427⋯.png (711.52 KB, 639x591, 213:197, notarealelement.png)

I'm missing out on 5% damage cap from Kaguya's MLB call, 7% seraphic boost from Sun FLB, and Pig's 15% special cap buff.

45c7dc  No.15953176

File: 4b45237a29be9b6⋯.jpg (79.87 KB, 720x751, 720:751, CFs.jpg)

File: 16754794626faed⋯.jpg (27.67 KB, 573x787, 573:787, fingers.jpg)


dont listen to them

2a558a  No.15954148

File: 6bd157f151df94a⋯.png (703.22 KB, 511x740, 511:740, mamacita.png)


daaace  No.15954224


Yes, I can deal 880k with Freyr, but that's only for 2 turns so it doesn't count

7bb2d3  No.15954749

How many AES do you want in a fire magna grid? 6 or 7?

50cba6  No.15954965


you need 6 for the 100% crit, but go for just 5 in the hopes they get a FLB soon. A Shiva sword or two also does a lot of good for magna.

14d6ce  No.15955271

How useful is the final uncap for Fallen Sword?

Is there any sort of Dark grid that wants stamina over enmity?

661b94  No.15957242

File: c2e874dd436c359⋯.png (653.03 KB, 511x654, 511:654, ClipboardImage.png)


It's not the highest damage, but it's the highest you'll see from someone running Kaguya as their support summon

c9ba3e  No.15957265

File: 8c49cb8401404da⋯.jpg (127.52 KB, 1057x795, 1057:795, 1546569222916.jpg)

File: 7e590ba56d75d35⋯.png (272.66 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 1542793492393.png)

File: 318c00963b974be⋯.png (254.28 KB, 907x456, 907:456, 1542581130617.png)

File: d52f6f802b4ba87⋯.png (634.21 KB, 1280x677, 1280:677, 1542491267549.png)


Been tinkering around with Apsaras and Stamina Dark, as Crestfallen Flower, Apsaras' EM Skill gives Strength on above 50%HP, Dark Cagliostro increases Healing Cap, so does Will's EMSkill, S.Arulumeia is missing from my stamdark bullshit team, Cassius works well with this StamDark, I'm using Phantasmas gun, Cortana, Fallen Sword and it's actually ok/10, as I have no Zoey and no Six enmity isn't that good for me.

2d6b63  No.15957332

File: 4e72a7359c20d02⋯.jpg (52.8 KB, 431x620, 431:620, 4e72a7359c20d02cba470751f2….jpg)

>decide to finally play the game for myself

>choose the english option and start playing

>get to the point to where you fight the hydra and those other soldiers

>get through just fine, this is actually pretty fun

>suddenly the game switches back to japanese for no reason

>have absolutely no clue what the fuck is going on

>oh well at least I can try to change it back later

>unskippable tutorial sequences

>suddenly at this verification page with several options only in japanese


661b94  No.15957354

File: 2813cea52bcff3e⋯.png (1.25 MB, 850x1210, 85:121, ClipboardImage.png)


It's a weird bug that hasn't been fixed, but after the tutorial you can change it back to english and it'll never revert again. Just sign up on mobage with a burner email you don't mind being spammed.

See if race anon is giving away any of the accounts that he did the roulette on. You might get to start with piggu

2d6b63  No.15957387

File: 153f2002aeda083⋯.jpg (298.66 KB, 1200x863, 1200:863, all settled.jpg)


I'll just start fresh with my own account, thanks for the advice. Guess I'll do some questan for a bit.

Also Vyrn a cute.

661b94  No.15957416


consider it if he is giving them away. All the accounts are just after the tutorial, they just have the free rolls that we got over christmas and new years, so they're no further along than you are now. Draw rates can be bad, so don't assume you can just roll them all anyway.

Either way, make sure you do the second advent event before it goes away on the 9th for the free character. It's a side story to the main plot, so you won't spoil anything by reading it.

c9ba3e  No.15957497

File: 199301f10df1a9b⋯.png (376.49 KB, 744x389, 744:389, 1542638639715.png)


Listen to them, bro, I started on my own, and spent almost a year on swimming against the current with R characters only and the worst SRs out there, took me six months to get an SSR character, mind you this was before the obligatory SSR they now give on first roll. I also spent too long on my ass barely surviving story mode without hosting or leeching raids. Some of the accounts could set you up for the entire game.

0e5e5b  No.15957538

File: f63bafb0159bf10⋯.jpg (457.58 KB, 1437x959, 1437:959, week in.jpg)

File: 3d738c63c2bfdff⋯.png (6.92 MB, 2168x1849, 2168:1849, Accounts for anons.png)

File: 98a259a3ed1a675⋯.png (226.76 KB, 458x329, 458:329, bars, stones books.PNG)


You'd be "starting fresh" right after one of the biggest giveaways of the year, with little to your name.

Or you could start with one of Pic 2 Accounts.

I'm not actually asking for anything in return, I just want to see them being played with and if I can help a fellow anon in the process, that'd be all the better.


> All the accounts are just after the tutorial

Most of them are, a couple got played with a bit. A4 got returned, A6 got abandoned.

Also, they all have old collab characters like Conan, Joker and the LL Idols, Pecorine and Kokkoro. Some 20k crystals, 2 gold bars and 3 Sunlight Stones.

I'd like to keep the Salt race accounts for the moment, as I'll be using them again in March, after that I'll probably start giving them away too.


I started playing around the 18th of March 2016, I know this pain all too well, along with the pain of having missed Christmas+Anniversary.

9626df  No.15957549


I'd say start a new account then play it to ~rank 40. If you like the game then grab an account from account anon, that's what I did and I can't say I regret abandoning my learning account.

I do regret uncapping a strato with a strato on the new one though.

661b94  No.15957552


>account 1 has vajra, kumbhira, narmaya, S.Zoi, drang, and europa

Shit, anon. You could sell that account with all those limiteds

3ead45  No.15957570


You didn't just make a GW character?

75906c  No.15957574


>I'll just start fresh

That's fine and dandy. Done that too myself along with having lackluster teams and dirt grids in the beginning, but like the other anons said, you can always snatch an account if want to have a little bit of advantage in the game.

c9ba3e  No.15957586

File: e486bcd4546e8f1⋯.png (722.85 KB, 627x829, 627:829, 1546657506351.png)


I did one recently, but watching them getting powercrept even at 5* is stopping me from making them and using my time instead to get Oracles by now. Back then? I spent about 8mos crewless, staring at the screen hoping to roll anything everytime I got 300crystals. As someone crewless I had no shot at GW characters. As I said, I spent around my first year in shitville, then I quit for 6 or so months, returned in October 17' and continued from there.

75906c  No.15957600


>Isabella in a different outfit

Will she and that dyke traitor ever going to come back and make the homo knights stories a little more bearable and interesting than that bistro bs?

f1f03e  No.15957612

I'm starting to gather up more ssr premiums and I'm not exactly sure what to do with them. Do I keep the ones with the massive increase of damage at star 4 to do some crazy stuff and reduce the rest I have no use of?

c9ba3e  No.15957652

File: 0277e6bc72b5fca⋯.jpg (146.92 KB, 604x604, 1:1, 5d7644f6d85c5c87f3c45fea76….jpg)


I fucking rather have a fujofest hosted by Belial and Lunalu than this garbage. >>15957612

Care to post what you got, homeboy? Mostly if it's a Grand/Legendary Fest weapon it's worth to keep it, other gacha weapons like Brahma Gauntlet are also worth keeping, let's see what you got.

b217b4  No.15957659

Should I take 5/6 magna weapons and 0* 10sl them

I want to have a grid ready for next Xeno so I won't have to spend 800+ berries

Would that grid be enough to do EX Xeno and 70 NM if I used a 100%+ summon with a omega summon?

Which Xeno is next?

Next Xeno will happen during February or March?

50cba6  No.15957672


yes, the skill levels are worth more than the stats you get from uncapping. The main exceptions are weapons that gain skills on FLB like Lumi swords or fimbuls.

probably, though it depends on your characters too.

We don't know which xeno is next, or which one it will be.

9626df  No.15957679


Just let them sit in your crate, if you've been cluttering your inventory with them first buy a weapon stash, shove them in there, then favorite them once they're stashed. Favoriting them after stashing allows you to both stash favoriteds and keeps you from accidentally using them as fodder. When you need stones grab a shitty one out and reduce.

Your grids should still mostly be magna which, by rule of thumb, should be made up of 6-8 magna weapons, 1-2 EX, and 1-2 normal. Trying to do crazy shit with normal mod weapons without a primal summon won't work out as well as you think it would.

75906c  No.15957687


>rather have a fujofest hosted by Belial and Lunalu than this garbage.

Wish hard enough, and that might happen in the future. Kinda wish they didn't go for filler event for the Dragon Knight's series, but the fujoshits demand stuff like that. Hopefully WMTSB3's story line doesn't fall in that territory though I wasn't too thrilled of Sandals being a part of the crew when that was announced and the crew forgiving him so easily was horse shit.

7bb2d3  No.15957698

File: 4a050faa4604104⋯.png (187.98 KB, 395x383, 395:383, fen.PNG)


I'm fine with villains suddenly being accepted into the crew. They should do it more often.

9626df  No.15957703


>the crew forgiving him so easily was horse shit

Don't know why that surprised you, enemies being forgiven in nip media is as common as dead mothers in Disney. Fuck if I know why.

75906c  No.15957704

File: 8dcac29d1177eb5⋯.png (1.02 MB, 850x1189, 850:1189, ClipboardImage.png)


Of you course you would say that blue dog fucker. Though to be honest, Fenrir did have a couple of moments like helping Waldur out in Ranger Sign Bravo so I don't mind her being obtainable if that ever happens.

0e5e5b  No.15957705


/r-ing the "I will never leave your side no matter what you do to me, Loki" screenshot

f1f03e  No.15957706


I'm too retarded to get all of the weapons in one picture in mspaint and too lazy to pirate photoshop again. But I have 2 Benedias and 5 dama bars and was thinking about 4 staring one of them for a main hand weapon.


I actually went ahead and just thought of that actually. I'm just not sure what exactly is a good gacha weapon and what isn't. All I know is some of the grand weapons are great for the massive boost from their weapon skill.

c9ba3e  No.15957707

File: ebf70b74e3f3b8b⋯.png (525.25 KB, 650x616, 325:308, 1544059662839.png)

File: cea0b461ea9f8aa⋯.png (227.06 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 1544059881799.png)


Must be the fact that Weebland and Burgers became pals even after ww2

7bb2d3  No.15957709

File: 16c737c01b7e1c9⋯.png (92.95 KB, 271x224, 271:224, fen2.PNG)


But the line she said immediately after that showed she was questioning that

c9ba3e  No.15957736

File: 171858ee4c0bd29⋯.png (1.05 MB, 800x1200, 2:3, f0bb34b92ab6162daaca3fccb4….png)


I'd rather have Pommern and Gilbert in the ship than Fenrir.

9626df  No.15957753


>I have 2 Benedias and 5 dama bars

Never uncap a gacha with itself, especially grand weapons. You'll be kicking yourself when you roll a primal that could've used it.

It's the second skill on top of the massive that makes them great. Benedia is pretty meh for a magna grid because unboosted DA and crit are pretty much a waste of a slot. Stam/enmity, cap up, TA/DATA, and ATK up are amazing second skills though.


Ever notice how whenever there's a qt3.14 grill she's a euro, and when there's a rude and annoying NPC he's a burger?

Nips and Burgers aren't pals, they just learned that nukes are bad after the first two.

f1f03e  No.15957821


>It's the second skill on top of the massive that makes them great.

You mean below? Also, if that's what you mean then Fallen Sword would be a good example then right? When would it be a good time to decide when I want to fully uncap a weapon like that? When I get the respective 120% elemental summon?

5de6e1  No.15957841

File: 58333e2cd0cee57⋯.png (380.75 KB, 618x814, 309:407, tien.png)

and that makes 4

9626df  No.15957886

File: 70240c6809cc7d5⋯.png (3.78 MB, 1466x1820, 733:910, Grids at rank 151.png)


I meant as in what it adds along with the massive attack. Fallen Sword is kind of iffy, because magna dark is really enmity heavy, with a bunch of boosted enmity skills. A single unboosted stam skill in a magna grid won't really add much. There's the Qilin Bow if you really want normal massive dark attack up, the 10% damage cap up is nice too. I used to run it, but replaced it with the harp so that I could heal a little bit more with Zoi's drain.

>When would it be a good time to decide when I want to fully uncap a weapon like that?

After you've gotten a understanding of the damage formula and have run the numbers to see how much of a gain you'd get in return for your 3 dama bars. It doesn't have to be 120 or primal summons as a massive normal attack can be great on a magna grid too.

I'll post my grids so you can get a general idea of what I've slapped together, all of these can auto NM100 xenos well enough. Wind and Earth aren't as much fun as Dark, Water, and Light. I get away with three EX mods in light thanks to the magna and normal attack up skills on Lummy swords.

I've only uncapped two gacha weapons. Love Eternal due to it's two attack mods and the Blue Sphere for it's boosted CA boost thanks to Varuna. Don't think I would've done the sphere if I was still running Snow White.

a314ee  No.15958116

File: 44939bc870adf87⋯.jpg (356.77 KB, 956x1000, 239:250, neverforget.jpg)


Was that before or after she nearly mangled him to death? She'll join the crew just like Sandy did. Dog fuckers just need to remember they are on the same level as the fujos,

60f4fa  No.15958280

>Think that, because the Love Live movie came out some days ago, we'd get the side story quite soon

>Check the game

>Niggercats 2: The Niggering teaser

9d4baf  No.15958760


Pommern will never join us since his arc emphasized his dedication to the crown and kingdom

2d45e2  No.15959975

File: 0a97852bc860ab0⋯.jpg (354.05 KB, 1399x2018, 1399:2018, Dv-4C-fU8AATkox.jpg)


>Ever notice how whenever there's a qt3.14 grill she's a euro

That's just because Japan is gay for France.


The only way he could join is if there was something that forced his hand into leaving to help his people.

17c3f6  No.15960543

>the weebcucks will gamble away their wealth as long as they get to see cuckime bitches

cd85d9  No.15960663

>implying we spend money

3767a7  No.15960697


Replying to someone with an Australian flag.

75906c  No.15960957

File: 3d59935c91cd759⋯.mp4 (15 MB, 640x360, 16:9, GBFRoulette2018.mp4)


>Was that before or after she nearly mangled him to death?

After mangling him.

>She'll join the crew just like Sandy did

No doubt that will happen along with Pommern joining especially if the next big bad fucks up his kingdom again.

60f4fa  No.15961121


I love how everyone just shits on FEH for such a shitty New Year's "celebration".

7b4298  No.15961811

File: 25cadbee4c6f790⋯.png (183.88 KB, 317x371, 317:371, ClipboardImage.png)

Can't wait for the oracles to be delayed again.

75906c  No.15961844

File: 4d61b669623064d⋯.png (1.44 MB, 850x1175, 34:47, ClipboardImage.png)


It's pretty wonderful since FEH is such a shitty game, and anyone paying $70+ dollars on it should detonate.


Shit, I'm not even close to completing that for an Oracle character or an Eternal weapon for an Eternal.

7b4298  No.15961864


Don't worry, you'll want to kill yourself when you find out the thing keeping you from doing shit is sephira stones. Also hated the fact I used centrums since I plan on Song 5*.

75906c  No.15961906

File: 8c23ab64aa9c6d2⋯.png (656.42 KB, 850x476, 25:14, ClipboardImage.png)


>you'll want to kill yourself when you find out the thing keeping you from doing shit is sephira stones

True, and just thinking about dealing with Alexial, Europa, or any of the other primals with my low tier grids is almost a nightmare. Mind as well put the Oracles on the side, and just deal with Eternal shit for now since I finally upgraded Siero's shop.

3ce1b8  No.15961930


>41 of those things

do you not know fast expeditions are a thing?

7b4298  No.15961934


>Need sephira stones for summons

>The special monsters give stones

Why would I do fast expeditions when my Threo just GZs everything?

661b94  No.15961945


>not wanting the extra exp/rp and the sephira stones the special monsters drop. Plus the chance for a chest to turn into a mimic

45c7dc  No.15961979

so if i desire to make anbother atma weapon i'd have to do impossible ubaha right or wait 5 months buying the units correct?

3ead45  No.15962023


Or you could get one for free at the end of next month.

661b94  No.15962089

File: 4e14ae7c996b10c⋯.png (908.92 KB, 640x688, 40:43, ClipboardImage.png)

60f4fa  No.15962115


I wonder if, should the game last that long, Cygames will give Gran/Djeeta a Zodiac skin for having all 12 just like the one they'll give for those who have all the Eternals.

2d45e2  No.15962240

File: 8747da8c2144130⋯.jpg (309.63 KB, 2048x571, 2048:571, Dv0weP-UYAAfh6g.jpg large.jpg)


Holy shit, Fire Emblem Heroes beat FateGO for shittiest gibmes of 2018?

Persona collab was a mistake


I've just been shitting on Fate players like I've always been.


Dont' forget the chance of a map full of chests popping up from a trigger.

75906c  No.15962456


What was FateGo's gibmes anyway? Hopefully it's better than what FEH was trying to pull.

661b94  No.15962793

File: 055e19098e5794e⋯.png (307.43 KB, 556x335, 556:335, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c588dc06a12db66⋯.png (614.94 KB, 1052x436, 263:109, ClipboardImage.png)

Director letter from FKR


He addressed his event plan from last year and considers Naru's 5* to be the event he wanted to do for her, but I don't see how the chococats were given a story.

It sounds like end of month events will be changed to start on the 25th around May or June. Perhaps to allow for a christmas event or maybe just so legfest doesn't spoil characters in the events.

It sounds like they're going to do away with the special quests being tied to days of the week and make them all available (similar to when agnel halo went from weekend only to every day).

Since more players are at HL, they want to add more HL content.

He also mentions that he wants to make it easier for players to get into gbf and for returning players to have equiment and characters. Maybe this is the justification for roulette being so generous.

Lily will get a 5* with the rerun of a piece of pie

Something about extra story at rerun, maybe it's event lily who will get the 5*.

Apparently set for after the anniversary

What makes the sky blue part 3 is the final chapter in that story. Hopefully no more fujo angels for the anniversary

The anniversary livestream will announce more characters for versus

concept art for re:link

3ead45  No.15963086

File: 441cf55d5a6ad10⋯.png (407.07 KB, 473x492, 473:492, Enmity water.png)

661b94  No.15963089

File: 7fa6d00d4d718e0⋯.png (608.88 KB, 513x666, 57:74, ClipboardImage.png)

So close

ec0ae9  No.15963097

Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Gotta get Athena

b6fd5c  No.15963158


I want Pommern to join, actually.

He was a big enough mid-level bad guy to warrant always managing to do questionable bullshit at the behest of fags who were either just broken people or an astral who needs bully, despite still doing things because of his nationalistic fervor.

Him joining could be because of three possible things:

1. Orchis ordered him to do so.

2. Adam needs an official liason with the crew due to the new threat from the True King and nobody has as much history with the crew as Pommern does.

3. Pommern's failures in his duty against the Holy Erste Empire (specifically Dark Essence overuse) force him to acknowledge his weakness and, seeking help from the one person who consistently beat his ass, begins a quest of self-improvement so he can better serve Her Highness.

3ce1b8  No.15963854

File: 00ca201cc135c65⋯.jpg (59.62 KB, 500x504, 125:126, 1424116432002.jpg)


>playing the game

2d45e2  No.15965120

File: 174eed1a52b0432⋯.jpg (260 KB, 2048x1034, 1024:517, 2018 Holiday Gibmes.jpg)


This is what was posted last thread.


Oh shit, Granblue's about to go Armored Core!

>maybe it's event lily who will get the 5*

Hope not, it would be a massive waste.


3 sucks because he got over all that by the end of that arc and had his redemption being helping Agastia rebuild. Didn't Orchis give Agastia its independence?

75906c  No.15965692


>Second pic

Could that be the next class after Mechanic?

>Wants to make it easier for players to get into gbf

Bit on the fence about that.


Would like him to be recruitable too because of the True King like you mentioned, and Orchis will most likely ask for help.


>10 quartz, a couple of apples, and some 1 ticket thing

Never and never will play FGO, but will say the gibmes from them is 10x better than what FEH tried to offer.

7b4298  No.15965776



661b94  No.15966303


>Bit on the fence about that.

When it's in the same paragraph as 'wanting to add more HL content because more players have reached HL', I think it's fine. For a gacha getting more people into it is giving free gibs. They even say they want to make it easier for new players to have characters. Although giving skins from events rather than characters goes against that

75906c  No.15966501


>When it's in the same paragraph as 'wanting to add more HL content because more players have reached HL', I think it's fine. For gacha getting more into it is giving free gibs.

That is true, and more content means more replayability which is a plus, and more people playing means more free content which is another plus.

>Although giving skins from events rather than characters goes against that

I really don't understand how to they do shit. When Second Advent was announced, I thought it was going to be free skins of Bea and Eustace since Varja was a fucking skin instead of an SR, but surprisingly it's a free moon man that has a decent kit.

72946a  No.15966542

File: b08bd4cc48dfc1f⋯.png (344.43 KB, 477x437, 477:437, DevilFLB.PNG)

Done with my 2nd Arcarum summon, now to aimlessly use tickets until anniversary.

63463c  No.15966552


>Devils got a thigh gap

( ° ʖ °)

a3e65d  No.15968030

File: 7f57b779d8ca728⋯.png (304.51 KB, 481x267, 481:267, big splurge.PNG)

File: 51eff90d0e141fc⋯.jpg (77.06 KB, 312x414, 52:69, big splurge.jpg)


>thigh gap

The art team keeps being the gods they are.

c839c1  No.15968280

File: c51ee5cfe0e0d1d⋯.jpeg (Spoiler Image, 20.69 KB, 594x517, 54:47, the sun.jpeg)

b9eb46  No.15968681

File: 32273eef4b47360⋯.png (492.93 KB, 800x798, 400:399, 1546746714246.png)

People say Sephira Stones are the real timegate for summons, but for me it's Earthborne Astras, I got enough Centrums, Sephiras and the Sunrocks to SSR Tower, but instead I got only 9/30 Astras. What in the goddamn hell is this.

7b4298  No.15970654


Is Tower your first summon? Because sephira stones become the time gate after that first one.

661b94  No.15971003


If you run out of earthborne astras, you can just switch to a different element. Work on a fire summon, a wind, water, light, or dark one. If you run out of sephira stones, there's nothing to work on in the meantime until you grind out more of them. That's why they're the real timegate. Astras are just a temporary time delay on that element, not on crafting arcarum summons as a whole.

c0da48  No.15971052

File: 11c6d2ea543c106⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 429.13 KB, 616x816, 77:102, mollyf_kickstarter.jpg)


I forgot I had this

cd85d9  No.15971475

File: 999baa91082e7f7⋯.png (208.42 KB, 625x482, 625:482, Damn it KMR.PNG)

Hope you didnt spend your spark funds on dumb cow

df7d95  No.15971485


I would explode with the force of a thousand suns inside her

c839c1  No.15971514



Hi Candi

df7d95  No.15971524

c839c1  No.15971531


LF's >girlfriend

cd85d9  No.15971552


Did we take a page out of cuckchan's /gbfg/ book?

ee77ed  No.15971559

File: 9443dd2f26c547d⋯.png (166.9 KB, 960x800, 6:5, Npc_zoom_3040151000_02.png)


Nope, valentine's can't come soon enough

661b94  No.15971987

File: 217d0cfebdac5bd⋯.png (3.23 MB, 1500x1090, 150:109, ClipboardImage.png)

c69037  No.15972010

File: cba1cbca100b5bd⋯.jpg (145.86 KB, 963x703, 963:703, art team skipped the story….jpg)

daef42  No.15972817

How do you even bot in this game? All I found in Google was this Zoey Bot which seems a tad antiquated.

Tired of all the manual grind and stuck at rank 110.

2d45e2  No.15972977

File: 8a6a34e00fe8a23⋯.jpg (187.38 KB, 880x1200, 11:15, DvvPCkHUcAAv5Zv.jpg)

Anyone got a Draph height chart?

661b94  No.15973503

File: 7cf2c69b9db295a⋯.jpg (651.9 KB, 2048x1154, 1024:577, Draph height chart.jpg)


I have the old one, but it hasn't been updated with kubira yet. This >>15962240 one has her

2d45e2  No.15973729

File: 6f670cb010c5ba9⋯.gif (55.21 KB, 376x360, 47:45, Auld Lang Load.gif)


Thanks; was also hoping the maker made a bigger version of the bust chart but it looks like they didn't.

4b5b90  No.15973872

File: 7a9c78a9a5fec34⋯.jpg (98.82 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Hold this shit.jpg)

The OP should be edited to remove Iridium from the playable browser list since it doesn't seem to work anymore. I get the same error message on Iridium as the other browsers that don't support it. Slimjet still works fine though.

add493  No.15973959


Iridium still works, you just have mess with settings. Do you allow cookies from granblue?

2d45e2  No.15974584

File: a7694dbaf4fc5d0⋯.jpg (230.3 KB, 1099x2018, 1099:2018, Dv-4C-eV4AE2ObD.jpg)


Anyone ever went through all of Chrome alternatives to see which ones got rid of Google datamining and didn't put their own datamining in its place?

f1ff25  No.15974650

File: 9953275afa03366⋯.png (73.54 KB, 493x647, 493:647, 76d5eac92cd5589240a3fb57a9….png)

c839c1  No.15975135

add493  No.15975302

ca6b79  No.15976384


Most probably reddit, but the "are you gay" in there implies being gay is a bad thing and he was probably banned for homophobia.

ec0ae9  No.15978889

File: 6188fb61d4408f1⋯.png (135.39 KB, 375x460, 75:92, grand order solo.png)

Soloed Grand Order no centrum share chest though

ec0ae9  No.15979477

Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Kengo/Bonito one turn Celeste

10713e  No.15980792

>random half ap side stories until the end of the month

Why now?

60f4fa  No.15981133


Considering it ends on the 31st it's for the addition of the Love Live collab as a side story during the month.

2d45e2  No.15982607

File: 487ae221db713c5⋯.png (270.51 KB, 600x700, 6:7, Dv3nVLOUYAAQeKg.png)


The fuck are you talking about, I don't see anything mentioning half AP for Side Stories and if there is, why not half off item cost?

661b94  No.15982630

File: 530541ecbabb301⋯.png (263.19 KB, 506x760, 253:380, ClipboardImage.png)


It's in the ingame news. It's both

2d45e2  No.15982876

File: 34287c856888fe5⋯.jpg (179.8 KB, 678x800, 339:400, Dv5vm7ZUwAAXxJ0.jpg)


Ah, thanks; don't like half AP but half off treasures makes up for it.

a3e65d  No.15983636

File: 11539cf5aea1ee1⋯.webm (2.25 MB, 800x450, 16:9, New Year Jizz.webm)

I should have made this earlier

oh well

c82ab5  No.15984126

File: 2a47b8bfa7dd830⋯.png (1.53 MB, 955x1415, 191:283, ddddddddddddd.png)

File: 6b8639575ddff56⋯.png (503.78 KB, 931x945, 133:135, fgfkfgyyyyyyyuu1.png)

File: 054418e03911796⋯.png (1.21 MB, 962x1341, 962:1341, soon :^).png)

Fuck avatar, magna 2, and the pretend element known as light.

53dfa1  No.15985841

>3000 crystals in the box

They should do that (no matter what it is) more often.

7bb2d3  No.15987340

>random 3k crystals in crate

th-thanks cygames

60f4fa  No.15987354


This must be in response to Matsuura's letter in Dragalia!

661b94  No.15989336

File: 3321e35947d5ed5⋯.png (1.11 MB, 850x726, 425:363, ClipboardImage.png)

1407f6  No.15989914


Vivaldi works if that counts for anything.

1407f6  No.15989979



Well shit nevermind what I said.

661b94  No.15990501

File: 4770e72faeac370⋯.webm (2.76 MB, 370x500, 37:50, Light axe.webm)

File: eb8a1a9a93572c1⋯.png (599.05 KB, 507x669, 169:223, ClipboardImage.png)

Light axe is new core cute/strong.

I just need an ultima axe now

ec0ae9  No.15997275

File: b83322692503705⋯.jpg (280.68 KB, 900x1200, 3:4, DbtWHkvVwAEuIaU.jpg)

Unite and Fight starts in a few days. Show me your dark team and grid.

a3e65d  No.15997308

File: 3ad736395655442⋯.png (349.5 KB, 451x559, 451:559, 6.1 Dark Team.PNG)

File: f7f783d013128cb⋯.png (398.88 KB, 475x412, 475:412, 6.2 Dark Grid.PNG)


I kinda wish I could start getting away from Zooey.

60f4fa  No.15997543

File: 12de0632104b12c⋯.png (280.48 KB, 312x415, 312:415, Sin título.png)

File: 224095b9ef1f8e3⋯.png (55.61 KB, 299x183, 299:183, Sin título1.png)


I ain't ready.

3767a7  No.15997719


Quit eating tacos and go back to farming.

c839c1  No.15997940


>wulf, veight and black knight

You have a top tier tean right there, stop complaining.

f1ff25  No.15997968

File: c13982a77ee38da⋯.jpg (160.95 KB, 620x484, 155:121, dork.jpg)

File: 4785d0633f35245⋯.jpg (171.28 KB, 605x641, 605:641, DORKTEAM.jpg)


I have no idea on what to do with my grid and what i want in it.

60f4fa  No.15997989


I do find them quite fun. Especially Veight.

2d45e2  No.15998177

File: f3e88b3ad6b2800⋯.jpg (59.42 KB, 486x366, 81:61, Dark SSRs.jpg)

File: 60761a373e0ade0⋯.jpg (95.21 KB, 510x644, 255:322, Dark Grid.jpg)


Can finally make a team I don't hate.

661b94  No.15998270

File: f0ab840d7c430e3⋯.png (599.19 KB, 508x674, 254:337, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c637c9ea7c9cbed⋯.png (488.1 KB, 508x538, 254:269, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 28951976ef455f8⋯.png (460.66 KB, 488x665, 488:665, ClipboardImage.png)


I'll move my plus marks over closer to the prelims

f6eb25  No.15998721

File: b03cc89c891b7a0⋯.jpg (39.92 KB, 434x216, 217:108, 1.JPG)

File: a00e1a6e803302a⋯.jpg (130.37 KB, 472x843, 472:843, 2.JPG)

File: dfc453ad1f2275e⋯.jpg (103.03 KB, 491x629, 491:629, 3.JPG)

File: eb7df6875c70053⋯.jpg (95 KB, 478x625, 478:625, 4.JPG)

File: d53562da92cc2e9⋯.jpg (58.69 KB, 488x318, 244:159, 5.jpg)


What about yours?

>can't one turn extreme+ with my basic grid


952020  No.15998788

File: e20d2e2773a14a3⋯.png (1.02 MB, 1013x867, 1013:867, dark.png)

ec0ae9  No.15998808

File: d3fe34f53a162ae⋯.png (343.82 KB, 380x480, 19:24, dark grid.png)

File: c41834d10b38e69⋯.png (294.96 KB, 360x510, 12:17, dark characters.png)


Here you go

3ea5ce  No.15999121

File: 24bd9a24f0edc32⋯.png (720.34 KB, 640x812, 160:203, 1-15-dark2.PNG)

File: cc9bb2c7f76f5b9⋯.png (228.98 KB, 554x183, 554:183, 1-15-dark.PNG)


Here's my setup.

661b94  No.16000192

File: 3fefb7f20c5f338⋯.png (74.24 KB, 249x153, 83:51, ClipboardImage.png)

I finally saw one in the wild. The 10 TH

72946a  No.16002089

File: 1825f12817dbbb9⋯.png (589.86 KB, 480x640, 3:4, DarkGrid.PNG)

File: e5e4d20657e2601⋯.png (197.8 KB, 429x255, 143:85, DarkTeam.PNG)

Avatar staff drops never ever.

a314ee  No.16002122

File: 8f7c03cb00db416⋯.png (669.38 KB, 631x798, 631:798, DGrid.png)

File: 05ea0a2ab514feb⋯.png (205.07 KB, 557x195, 557:195, dteam.png)

I hope Zoi claws still works, cause I'm not farming magna 2.

fd1915  No.16002496

File: 7e31887e4955225⋯.png (146.12 KB, 416x212, 104:53, EX Team.png)

File: 244a62d89e428cf⋯.png (498.38 KB, 478x608, 239:304, Dark Grid.png)


Mist+Azazel already caps def down, you could easily swap Lady Grey out if you have someone like Orchid who does more damage. Hollowsky weapons are also EX mod so you could think about swapping your Qilin Sword out for a Baha or Qilin Bow.

For those who haven't already, getting 0* Death from Arcarum might help you get a bit more damage for meatsack teams.

f6eb25  No.16003426

>avatar*30 train

>get 6 anima and one harp

Fuck this shit.

e7a698  No.16003439


You should join trains with fewer people, unless you can get top 6 on 30 man trains. Most of my drops were from top 6 red chests

12c01c  No.16003449


Joining a 30 man train is even worse than joining tweeted ones.

3ce91d  No.16003462

File: 4c81384cf8b9bae⋯.png (200.84 KB, 469x257, 469:257, characters.png)

File: 7c1e717ec9c602b⋯.png (681.66 KB, 518x658, 37:47, grid.png)


I'll probably switch Bea for Olivia if the anti-Zoi mechanics are a bitch.

12c01c  No.16003872

File: 3ce7356c16d3e94⋯.png (394.01 KB, 420x434, 30:31, dark grid 2019.png)

File: e750ff887b9dd54⋯.png (157.98 KB, 395x168, 395:168, dark team 2019.png)


I have a couple of guns that I'm not sure that I should FLB.

661b94  No.16005316

File: 8be279af37014fd⋯.png (150.83 KB, 322x240, 161:120, ClipboardImage.png)

GW in 10 minutes.

In times when grinding gets hard, think of naru's thighs

661b94  No.16005327

File: 6b8edfc623bf52a⋯.png (1.11 MB, 1024x512, 2:1, ClipboardImage.png)

00dc34  No.16005331


5* or new version?

00dc34  No.16005334


nvm, new summon, RIP

661b94  No.16005476

File: 8a0a18bebc01c42⋯.webm (10.9 MB, 360x500, 18:25, NM90.webm)


2 min clear time with this grid.

8fe947  No.16007540

File: 37c53ae3e444b24⋯.png (358.8 KB, 456x491, 456:491, smug intensifies.png)

going the 10 element changed gw weapons route sucks

119536  No.16007990

File: 02b544bc0924d6e⋯.jpg (51.61 KB, 654x542, 327:271, __farrah_granblue_fantasy_….jpg)

>Usually play on my phone while out/at work

>Decide to try playing on my browser

>Link to mobage to use my mobile account

>Loads the home page

>A second later the page automatically reloads and I'm back at the title page

bfc17c  No.16008000


Stop blocking our adware, goy.

119536  No.16008041


I literally just installed Iridium today to play this. I did install some security extensions, only to immediately remove them to try and get the page running. I'm not sure what could be blocking it. Also jumped through hoops to figure out how I had a mobage account without an email or password to link with and blindly stumbling through moon rune menus to fix it was a pain in the ass, plus the fact that the captcha wasn't loading when I finally did have it.

f1ff25  No.16008056


I get stuck in an near infinite loop in mobile chrome like that

bfc17c  No.16008118


You have to allow third-party cookies in Iridum's settings.

b217b4  No.16008139

File: d2c8282f5f55c8f⋯.png (260.35 KB, 500x373, 500:373, goodbye LUCK.png)

>10 draw

>waste my LUCK for the year

f1ff25  No.16008181

File: cbfea0f9b239fb2⋯.png (839.13 KB, 640x853, 640:853, 1c53lx4192b21.png)


>using mobile

7b4298  No.16008196

File: 9c0dee9db87260e⋯.png (187.21 KB, 312x225, 104:75, ClipboardImage.png)

Best summon right here folks. Too bad I have Baha though.

119536  No.16008208


That seems to have been it. Thanks anon!

524d7f  No.16008235


do it on a dsi now

00debf  No.16008342

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The only way to farm GW.

8f9267  No.16008363

File: d7c9601620b56f0⋯.png (718.84 KB, 601x865, 601:865, ClipboardImage.png)

File: aa0822a53bb942f⋯.png (7.51 KB, 601x548, 601:548, 9d111e13ceee4c6f1e7db60ac3….png)

Meme ten rolled, have to say I'm quite happy with this one.

8f9267  No.16008373

File: 25c0e44251f222c⋯.png (617.44 KB, 587x687, 587:687, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 30f7d27d89a4d5b⋯.gif (541.71 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 7122bf1022b51ba9ec174ca84f….gif)


Second meme roll completely worth it, no regrets.

a6201a  No.16008420

File: 13ea82cf3fb10c5⋯.png (104.15 KB, 640x688, 40:43, 1547771841758.png)

72c35e  No.16008620

File: 1ea6c63c3104896⋯.jpg (1023.43 KB, 1674x2048, 837:1024, Hollowsky 1:17:18.jpg)

File: 8ee0cac2dc1e2d8⋯.png (469.57 KB, 922x1074, 461:537, bceec5a37a4306340ddc992b36….png)

updated version of Akasha Weapon speciality chart that was floating around on twitter a while back.

If we end up getting a couple more sword/dagger characters I'll have to end up remaking this entirely.

3ce91d  No.16008658

File: 3ed1866ccaefadc⋯.png (1 MB, 920x1236, 230:309, 064c5473864289d8d74fe5fdec….png)

File: 81097b30bb5911e⋯.jpg (550.96 KB, 1000x872, 125:109, 81097b30bb5911e7dc8f6496ed….jpg)

File: 07105586eb80977⋯.png (1.26 MB, 850x1190, 5:7, 07105586eb80977cea9246fd63….png)


Excellent taste.

661b94  No.16008689

File: f161297b836c034⋯.png (159.99 KB, 480x400, 6:5, 480px-Npc_zoom_3020024000_….png)


>No Daetta in light axe

9407d2  No.16008693

File: 991826141850745⋯.jpg (190.57 KB, 942x1319, 942:1319, __claudia_granblue_fantasy….jpg)


Slightly better resolution

fd1915  No.16008706


no SRs, or fursuit-wearers allowed.

661b94  No.16008884

File: ed565030b0f7adb⋯.png (1.5 MB, 850x1275, 2:3, ClipboardImage.png)



actually, even though she's an SR, Predator should be on the dark axe/fist list. She has 100% TA so she can proc the 100,000 bonus damage every turn. The axe is perfect for her

661b94  No.16008945

File: b1c42371e7f9ca7⋯.png (69.56 KB, 512x95, 512:95, ClipboardImage.png)

check 'em

e7a698  No.16009131


Another main story loli that will never be playable?

661b94  No.16009157

File: 347487b4e67f0af⋯.png (386.69 KB, 1280x721, 1280:721, ClipboardImage.png)

Granblue channel suggesting that Grea has her back exposed at school like some erune slut


It's tanya

2d45e2  No.16009201

File: ed867377db8dd9e⋯.gif (209.76 KB, 480x320, 3:2, ed867377db8dd9ec475feeea67….gif)


>Loli Tanya was also perfect

Jesus fuck, this can only mean one thing, old age is gonna hit her like a truck. Is she just as socially awkward?

a314ee  No.16009416

File: 128f3a457254253⋯.png (91.73 KB, 278x281, 278:281, swirl.png)


Goddamn cyclops loli fucking cute man. Too bad she's just in a fate and will never be seen again. With any luck valentines will have another little girl this year like medusa last year. Got a spank saved up just in case.

72946a  No.16009489

File: a7d6b0c3d8b1239⋯.png (122.27 KB, 454x137, 454:137, Meats.PNG)

Bonito is both a blessing and a curse.

6a8a69  No.16009548


I really hope KMR isn't a huge asshole and has flashfest up when she and the new Valentine's characters show up.

f6eb25  No.16009899

File: 2ceea4f59276f35⋯.jpg (19.95 KB, 476x175, 68:25, 1.JPG)

File: e0fd13b09073f25⋯.jpg (23.6 KB, 486x205, 486:205, 2.JPG)

How did you fare?

>couldn't qualify for A class with my nip crew

>barely reached top 30K even though I played pretty much nonstop (except for sleeping) so I'm sure to drop at least one tier

Reality is harsh ;_;

72946a  No.16009914

File: 48cb174e94341f1⋯.png (125.88 KB, 463x159, 463:159, Infinity.PNG)

File: 6d0f81c112e8b1e⋯.png (108.18 KB, 460x148, 115:37, Individual.PNG)

Infinity was off by one rank.

2d45e2  No.16010248

File: 2c3cc88b97d3e51⋯.jpg (165.21 KB, 810x1145, 162:229, Dudq-G7VYAAcjfn.jpg)

File: 452a53590560c7a⋯.png (179.17 KB, 500x663, 500:663, Dw902ahVsAA7R2B.png)

File: 59bffb4d4b88339⋯.png (999.8 KB, 1023x724, 1023:724, Dw3_k2BVsAEoc5l.png)


Always hope in Cygames using the alternate universe/delusion characters as an opening to put out younger versions of characters.


He'll never help you get his waifu.

7c80c9  No.16010468


>put out younger versions of characters.

I'm still pretty new to the series. Are there any actually young/loli Harvins, or are they all adults? Perfect opportunity for some if not. Extra small and extra cute. If there are some, then they're the prime candidates for it.

00debf  No.16010540

File: 0e9aa964bc38a2b⋯.jpg (64.76 KB, 639x889, 639:889, 0e9aa964bc38a2bfd11b0d8325….jpg)

File: b75233afc049bd8⋯.jpg (331.97 KB, 2048x1195, 2048:1195, b75233afc049bd805e3fa53995….jpg)

File: beab375e9100362⋯.jpg (93.98 KB, 716x1011, 716:1011, beab375e9100362c63adf65156….jpg)


There are only a few, mostly because there aren't a lot of harvins in the first place. Funf is the youngest at 7. Then there's Drusilla, Leonora, Lilele and Makira who are 16 or younger. Most harvins are between 18 and 30 years old.

2d45e2  No.16011159

File: 9c5d5c83651a5b2⋯.jpg (340.05 KB, 2048x1450, 1024:725, Dw6CDhGU8AAFsiV.jpg)


A couple but don't expect more; they hate putting out Harvin. https://xn--bck3aza1a2if6kra4ee0hf.gamewith.jp/article/show/34550



How is it one of the few young characters in the game the only character with weight problems and none of the adult women?

7b4298  No.16011489

>Viramate's auto summon no longer works

Now how am I suppose to leech M2 raids? Those fucking things die in 5 seconds, ESPECIALLY Grimnir.

6a8a69  No.16011666


You never know since he's literally whoring her out for his data plan.

9626df  No.16017701

What's the name of the twitter account that posts the GW charts, panda something?

00debf  No.16017738



d53f77  No.16018032

File: 6641d368f1054a2⋯.jpg (186.19 KB, 1015x1132, 1015:1132, I want to die.jpg)

I hate GW

6a8a69  No.16018096


Is there a single person who actively enjoys it?

a314ee  No.16018118


Need to change it up sometimes. Just the same format over and over. Steal princess connect's clan battle and take turns with the normal mode. Just something.

72946a  No.16018373

File: 47186285e30bf3f⋯.png (139.62 KB, 452x180, 113:45, ClipboardImage.png)

SEN is the best.

661b94  No.16019836

File: 2733eadc224ddc8⋯.png (37.98 KB, 162x155, 162:155, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0ff467f874c312a⋯.png (1.42 MB, 1199x848, 1199:848, ClipboardImage.png)

Interesting next matchup

b300a4  No.16021139

Team One is currently fighting a tranny. Shit on it Team One.

661b94  No.16021818

File: 50d505a5a48c37a⋯.png (595.79 KB, 1446x832, 723:416, ClipboardImage.png)

It's one of those days

661b94  No.16021878

File: c96475359cde92d⋯.png (626.61 KB, 1446x830, 723:415, ClipboardImage.png)


This wont get easier

a314ee  No.16022756


I'm sitting on 130 tickets. Soon as I bet the yakuza will take them all.

00debf  No.16023233

File: 5cd2ec7d39dbbb6⋯.jpg (117.3 KB, 1200x697, 1200:697, DxcZh2vUUAA0IfW3.jpg)

File: 6d2a1e5a2958c55⋯.jpg (12.26 KB, 573x97, 573:97, 2019-01-21_17-32-35.jpg)


Smart move. I got Yakuza'd this round.

79bf59  No.16023481

File: 9e6d3d04f23caed⋯.webm (5.52 MB, 800x450, 16:9, The Tranny Wars.webm)

2a558a  No.16023502

File: e1b7f813688212e⋯.jpg (14.1 KB, 480x534, 80:89, donut mouth.jpg)


Done God's Work, Anon.

2d45e2  No.16023515

File: 0944cf6c7bbe9ab⋯.jpg (52.91 KB, 524x572, 131:143, DwgY2aaUUAI8qW4.jpg)


Great work but it sucks they had to drag Anne and Grea through the mud.

b583cf  No.16023519

File: a6cdb3433d5f1be⋯.gif (2.99 MB, 600x402, 100:67, iyari.gif)



>these literal fags in my karate bugmen/punching magical girls

f6cdcc  No.16023680


>straight up Imperium of Man vs Chaos

What a fucking timeline

6a037d  No.16024103


Proud to have done my service against the gay community. I'd curbstomp them again if I could.

661b94  No.16024516

File: ced3883dad3af05⋯.png (1.61 MB, 850x1215, 170:243, ClipboardImage.png)


Good shit

f6eb25  No.16024800

File: 5c3512455a8c17c⋯.jpg (68.17 KB, 467x448, 467:448, nm100.jpg)

>36min and 85 turns to solo level100.

Didn't even have to use a full elixir, the other healings available were enough. Too easy.

I'll go back to soloing nm95. 12-15min to do it is already long enough with my shit grid.

c839c1  No.16024807



a314ee  No.16024855

File: 6f41a713c063b19⋯.png (792.35 KB, 634x617, 634:617, kick.png)


Proud to have done my part for justice.

376035  No.16025061

File: f1856670d3f4302⋯.jpg (73.98 KB, 480x613, 480:613, mentalillness.JPG)

File: 2ba5c3d4da25a6b⋯.jpg (266.79 KB, 537x600, 179:200, 2ba5c3d4da25a6bd97b29978be….jpg)


>my dad wouldn't let me be a fag since I was young

>I just want to be accepted as kawaii uwu

c839c1  No.16025910

File: e9ef6146c550094⋯.jpg (45.6 KB, 512x288, 16:9, unnamed.jpg)

Guess what I found

75906c  No.16026109


If it makes you feel better, at least the crew brought justice and honor to those two QTs. The crew that I'm in didn't make it, but it's nice to see this shit on the sidelines.


Western fujoshits and himeshits are fucking cancer.

661b94  No.16026184

File: acf81a65e7dd9d9⋯.png (631.03 KB, 1446x830, 723:415, ClipboardImage.png)

2d45e2  No.16026214

File: 64b6e76a0a0a273⋯.jpg (71.7 KB, 679x679, 1:1, 0dedc8a19b251cfd669ac167ca….jpg)

File: 18871ea617c2b73⋯.jpg (264.46 KB, 1852x1579, 1852:1579, DuScVAxVsAAxKM8.jpg)

File: 4ae8974ceb5d929⋯.png (2 MB, 1763x1975, 1763:1975, 4ae8974ceb5d92977650c4ecfa….png)

File: 2b81c8f9fb40f2d⋯.jpg (243.79 KB, 1363x1895, 1363:1895, Dv5K7lXVsAAFKnq.jpg)

File: fd4345845b27f54⋯.jpg (264.34 KB, 1439x2048, 1439:2048, DwKp1XaUYAAnPl0.jpg)


>Precure is also tied to that crew

Why can't they stick to Sailor Moon and leave the good shit alone?

d4b7ad  No.16026226

File: dd6d787eb3608c4⋯.png (446.08 KB, 549x428, 549:428, thsw.png)


Being a weeb is bad enough. Being a gay weeb is just awful.


Why would you want her to be playable?…

a314ee  No.16026431


>Why would you want her to be playable?

I'd like to give her a ring and hear her wish me a happy birthday.

9450a7  No.16026533

File: abe61092f6025c7⋯.png (77.66 KB, 308x333, 308:333, 0809.png)

Looks like I'll need to move to Japan to get my time under 5 minutes.

c839c1  No.16026585

File: f5f602ab526250d⋯.png (1.9 MB, 3640x2140, 182:107, Candi_GB.png)

Here's a pic of Candi visiting AnneGrea.

60f4fa  No.16026704


Jesus. I can only hope they give either Anne or Grea a boyfriend so this thing can squirm.

b583cf  No.16026828


You belong with the trannies, yurishitter.

c839c1  No.16026833


Yuri is just a lesser form of tranny faggotry and must be exterminated.


87c377  No.16026865

File: ffc384f4d196452⋯.jpg (859 KB, 2576x1920, 161:120, Do it.jpg)



3ca01c  No.16027053

File: 8daf4b26bc9024c⋯.png (2.22 MB, 1500x1347, 500:449, 3c175e9a81ec8059956e60c8ab….png)


Even though I left infinity and quit playing the game Im happy you still get enjoyment out of this. Keep on fighting the good fight.

2d45e2  No.16027216

File: 6ae66c75a963804⋯.jpg (62.86 KB, 410x532, 205:266, 6ae66c75a963804ac72fdf2a28….jpg)


No, I belong with the trannies when I start posting lesbians and western yuri.

79bf59  No.16027485

File: 550f3ac31aaae1d⋯.png (138.34 KB, 457x174, 457:174, AW YEAH BABY.PNG)

I feel sorry for SENs

5fb726  No.16027785

File: 38ba8128d126e6e⋯.png (196.16 KB, 557x605, 557:605, 1500956057808.png)


Good on you, Infinity. Though i am no longer part of the crew, I'm real proud of you tryhards.

e7a698  No.16027930


post grid and chars asking for a friend

661b94  No.16027932

File: 358e96122d84c78⋯.png (152.96 KB, 478x180, 239:90, ClipboardImage.png)


feels good

9450a7  No.16028991

File: fcd02ba5f150265⋯.png (63.22 KB, 303x307, 303:307, 0757.png)

File: 6a55f320ff92861⋯.png (177.8 KB, 316x325, 316:325, 0757_grid.png)

File: adb77c807e5e0d1⋯.png (255.95 KB, 318x532, 159:266, 0757_characters.png)


Forget about that time, it sucks now.

6db104  No.16029100

File: e8f185184857b1d⋯.jpg (142.92 KB, 947x1024, 947:1024, 1547918319808m.jpg)

File: 0fec91ab300bfdc⋯.png (367 KB, 652x793, 652:793, 1547916745189.png)


And what's the song used in the video? Sounds awesome to grind a bit.

b583cf  No.16029177


Youjo Senki's ending. I don't blame you if you don't want to watch it because of duck.

6db104  No.16029254

File: c2f4dabc914cb40⋯.jpg (470.16 KB, 1448x2048, 181:256, 1548176316074.jpg)

File: 0f8e12126ddcaab⋯.jpeg (268.86 KB, 1200x1600, 3:4, DxbIhkhV4AA4FkL.jpeg)

File: bb5c8574096efd7⋯.jpeg (84.59 KB, 800x811, 800:811, DxMDrH7XcAAWusf.jpeg)

File: 77aefb51e0e2ef3⋯.jpeg (289.25 KB, 1100x1500, 11:15, DxNAZ8UVsAAK0Ro.jpeg)

File: c6fd4073318b039⋯.png (174.6 KB, 680x585, 136:117, 1547774758604.png)


I'm really fucking tired of isekais. I'd rather watch grass grow at this point. Wish sport animes were more popular. We recently got that sumo one, but I heard is basically male crotch shots: the show.

661b94  No.16029802

File: 41aa284170639af⋯.png (492.43 KB, 1442x832, 721:416, ClipboardImage.png)

Today's numbers

661b94  No.16029860

File: c1f29420aff8191⋯.png (509.07 KB, 1442x832, 721:416, ClipboardImage.png)

603a51  No.16029898

File: 8a02c59d1f7640a⋯.png (467.26 KB, 741x1111, 741:1111, pingponggirls2.png)


>tfw no conservative soccer mom gf


Youjo Senki is technically an isekai but it didn't feel like one to me. There's no pathetic wish fulfillment going on unless your wish is to fight for the not-German Empire and you aren't supposed to self insert as Tanya, just watch the wild ride of a sociopathic Japanese businessman reborn as a magical loli killing machine.

>Wish sport animes were more popular.

Watch Takkyuu Musume if you haven't already.

661b94  No.16030083

File: 7bb81e79fff8d46⋯.png (168.98 KB, 495x201, 165:67, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0ee6dc9e71195f9⋯.png (132.44 KB, 492x152, 123:38, ClipboardImage.png)

Everyone from crew one is needed to help. We're close to losing our SSR ticket

3cfc8e  No.16030350


>and you aren't supposed to self insert as Tanya

Never stopped me.

fe7008  No.16030589


>Who would win in a Japanese Mobile Gacha game?

>A crew of SJWeeb trannies and dykes who spent thousands of dollar in game and spent most of their time whining in social media

>Or a crew of neets who spend their days in-love with potato creatures and goat/sheep girls with utter autistic dedication in their progress and tactics?

Well done you magnificent bastards.

60f4fa  No.16030603

>You can buy the Cygamesfest pamphlet

>It includes an Easy Eternal unlock set

Sneaky bastards.

72c35e  No.16031674

File: 1dadcf2349cea5e⋯.jpg (331.1 KB, 1786x1001, 1786:1001, a9a71918a22a24f8ea05d5f679….jpg)

File: e881d6d2dd652c9⋯.png (76.64 KB, 452x176, 113:44, thanks grimnir.png)

Remember to never host for your crew so you get better drop luck

72946a  No.16031803

File: 6387ef232d05e85⋯.png (378.06 KB, 477x502, 477:502, EahtaGET.PNG)

File: dab8ffcc084a23a⋯.png (230.94 KB, 416x443, 416:443, EahtaRecruited.PNG)

9 down, 1 more to go.

661b94  No.16032013

File: 8f1b7b8e7b67903⋯.png (565.54 KB, 504x709, 504:709, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f414674d6a81271⋯.png (459.26 KB, 515x707, 515:707, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 36361255924bb1d⋯.png (534.66 KB, 513x623, 513:623, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 80523f66cd2c083⋯.png (777.73 KB, 511x737, 511:737, ClipboardImage.png)

>fif gets Rosetta voice lines in her uncap episode while the other jutenshus get no one

a7d02c  No.16032132

File: 9aa351c25385f2f⋯.png (153.01 KB, 318x312, 53:52, ClipboardImage.png)

Why is sephira stones shit to get? Why not make the ideans harder?

f6eb25  No.16032209

File: 18f427b7e6d6b5d⋯.jpg (93.81 KB, 480x655, 96:131, 1l3w.JPG)

File: e9b947efd76fc64⋯.jpg (24.92 KB, 471x185, 471:185, 8k.jpg)

File: fd40b3f6832ee09⋯.jpg (50.11 KB, 465x424, 465:424, 68k.JPG)

File: ff106156a74b0aa⋯.jpg (55.01 KB, 462x547, 462:547, 90.JPG)

Finishing this one with 1 loss and 3 wins in B.

My nip crew went from above 6k to below 8k and myself from above 30k to almost 70k.

The grind was too strong.

6a8a69  No.16032266


It's a good all around time gate because Oracles keep getting delayed pls understand.

a7d02c  No.16032273


You got those gold bars right Anon? Because you'll need 3 of them to get them.

6a8a69  No.16032286


I bet they're going to need 50k arcapoint items too.

And maybe some more sunlight stones or damascus bars.

And don't color me surprised if they need 2 months worth of class distinctions but don't say so until after the reset.

952020  No.16032980

File: fffbbe3f0d6e08d⋯.png (493.1 KB, 470x813, 470:813, eahta get.png)

File: 2bab146180e1f8b⋯.png (138.43 KB, 464x436, 116:109, ten juu club achieved.png)

Almost there.

ac85c1  No.16033797

File: d6471f895af18c9⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 270.49 KB, 522x284, 261:142, niggawhat.PNG)

Netflix is preparing to shoot an adaptation of the Granblue Anime, but with real actors, here's Korwa!

e7a698  No.16034882

File: 62c03aa0a2d1624⋯.png (37.1 KB, 411x67, 411:67, ClipboardImage.png)

they exist

6a8a69  No.16036000

>Next GW is Valentine's GW


I bet there'll be no Flashfest too, at least until GW is over.

661b94  No.16036019


>next grandefest is valentines characters

>GW begins on valentines day

<There'll be no flashfest until GW is over

6a8a69  No.16036032


>next grandefest is valentines characters

Do you have any source/proof on/of that? Otherwise I'll stand by my previous statement.

661b94  No.16036040


>Do you have any source/proof on/of that?

It's february

6a8a69  No.16036046


Well, last year also had the month of february and that didn't help any.

661b94  No.16036126

File: 4439d3e97251e92⋯.png (433.16 KB, 720x600, 6:5, 720px-Npc_zoom_3040151000_….png)

File: 57f8d2a0a2dd5cd⋯.png (361.74 KB, 720x600, 6:5, 720px-Npc_zoom_3030235000_….png)

File: 36231c15b3f5f04⋯.png (670.56 KB, 720x600, 6:5, 720px-Npc_zoom_3030236000_….png)


>Well, last year also had the month of february and that didn't help any.

what? Did you forget the valentines characters we go last february for the valentines grandefest or are you retarded? They even had a little valentines event

9450a7  No.16036249


Flashfest will start on the 14th next month, the same day as GWs. With a Certificus rate up of course.

6a8a69  No.16036468



I legitimately forgot that the Valentine characters had already been released when flashfest started. I don't even know why I had this stuck in my head that you couldn't spark Medusa last year. Maybe I confused it with her not being Birthday ticketable.

2d45e2  No.16036664

File: 06bc9cee18ca6c1⋯.jpg (6.85 KB, 205x246, 5:6, 1546596966991.jpg)


>You'll never live to see snake buns in your party

If only I was into snake thighs…

661b94  No.16036747

File: 6e9911fc8aea458⋯.png (528.33 KB, 511x736, 511:736, ClipboardImage.png)

It's time

00debf  No.16036772

File: cedc013971b87eb⋯.png (709.31 KB, 628x900, 157:225, 2019-01-25_06-38-31.png)

A new character from Anchiras new fate.

661b94  No.16036967

File: 2b3d5dd360276f0⋯.png (253.3 KB, 640x688, 40:43, scene_cp120_02.png)

File: 4d761c6894b6042⋯.png (675.29 KB, 640x688, 40:43, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 282edc893ce5a99⋯.png (105.07 KB, 640x688, 40:43, 3990002000_astral_laugh.png)

File: 1a2d6f57d1ad072⋯.png (106.06 KB, 640x688, 40:43, 3990153000_astral.png)

Some art from the latest chapters. New Black knight and freesia art.

661b94  No.16037156

File: 3f6a64014981f00⋯.png (689.9 KB, 511x691, 511:691, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b22021cad83d96f⋯.png (127.45 KB, 161x324, 161:324, ClipboardImage.png)

f6eb25  No.16037266

>still had 87 chrome steel to farm

>now has 76 more from past daily missions to do too

The grind never ends.

ac85c1  No.16037363



Dear god, please stop, my dick can only get so hard.

a8ef08  No.16039161

File: 9dc66765e44c44e⋯.png (729.59 KB, 478x992, 239:496, Silva_Light.png)

72946a  No.16039756

File: 69cb542b0cac9e1⋯.png (154.78 KB, 398x468, 199:234, SongRing.PNG)

And now that my Parabotting NM100 days are over, it's time for Song to take all my red ring luck.

3ce91d  No.16040583

File: 4b540bc196d7cac⋯.png (136.17 KB, 496x350, 248:175, eternals.png)

File: ca90450b053899c⋯.png (223.02 KB, 600x800, 3:4, aecabefdc7beea9f1d0ab5b10d….png)

MC skin when?

9450a7  No.16041730

File: 3ba1c2483a16bfd⋯.gif (1.04 MB, 580x110, 58:11, it_moves.gif)

661b94  No.16041907

File: fe64ab0b6744a2d⋯.png (75.47 KB, 455x85, 91:17, ClipboardImage.png)


Fuck that cat. This cat!

a314ee  No.16042266


Always bet on SEN.

a7d02c  No.16042572

File: c32c542fc522877⋯.png (189.37 KB, 312x307, 312:307, ClipboardImage.png)

Dick picking will always prevail.

c839c1  No.16043238


Nope, we all only recruit 200+ only

If you are willing to have less toilet breaks we might consider you.

9773bf  No.16043247

post id nerd

b6fd5c  No.16043251


Third Crew's got a slot, post it.

c839c1  No.16043278


Just post your id, we'll scout you

b6fd5c  No.16043280


Nerd, just go to game.granbluefantasy.jp/#profile and post your fucking ID. It's 8 numbers long.

b6fd5c  No.16043294


What, you got banned from cuck/vg/ for ebegging?

c839c1  No.16043305


You can explain in the thread

b6fd5c  No.16043337

File: 699096c7036f940⋯.jpg (35.91 KB, 631x591, 631:591, 699096c7036f9401d7b660535a….jpg)



>will kill me

What magical bullshit did we run into this time?

b6fd5c  No.16043342

File: 2f34ebb8eb4f87c⋯.png (160.53 KB, 637x389, 637:389, already deleted.png)

File: 01bd28fd42e89f0⋯.png (6.81 KB, 508x76, 127:19, mt32-haha.png)


>he already deleted it

a3e65d  No.16043350

File: 95861c3ba615a40⋯.png (9.07 KB, 120x120, 1:1, Stamp117.png)




Nani the fuck is this?

c839c1  No.16043359

For those who didn't know.

sdaxzcawq@hotmail.com is the email of an ebegging cuckchanner. A quick google search lead to cuckchan archives where he was found ebegging in every single thread.

Let's hope the ban was permanent.

b6fd5c  No.16043363

File: b214ce91eed72d1⋯.png (59.05 KB, 651x1037, 651:1037, all deleted.png)

File: 63815a23392f5d2⋯.webm (1.34 MB, 640x272, 40:17, [incoherent_laugher].webm)






>he deleted all of it

d9f067  No.16043437

I miss Cagliostro

b6fd5c  No.16043445


Thanks Mark.

01b2fe  No.16043552


Sorry dude no gbf discussion allowed.

a314ee  No.16044220

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


She got a cute music video last month, expect to wait months for more.

9450a7  No.16046119

File: 6822dfb923afeb1⋯.png (607.12 KB, 426x612, 71:102, Funf FLB.png)

Two more to go.

661b94  No.16046283

File: 5ec4c1d65f8d9b6⋯.png (564.03 KB, 850x529, 850:529, ClipboardImage.png)

>Sen art just from a teaser banner

a314ee  No.16046367


Let's just hope she doesn't sing.

e7a698  No.16046845


is her VA bad?

3767a7  No.16046903


Her VA's good, her singing's not.

661b94  No.16047777

File: a219ffaa5e5a789⋯.webm (1.67 MB, 640x480, 4:3, Nyan.webm)


her VA is perfect

96ef88  No.16047905

So did Daitan ever fix that bug I reported before he nuked his Lyria github, where the daily raids tab would bug out and show nothing in the list?

Last version I saw was a while back but it still had that bug, so I just kept using the ancient version I manually patched to fix the problem. Would be nice to update one of these days.

4cfef0  No.16047919

File: cc224139df5c393⋯.jpg (143.92 KB, 679x978, 679:978, DZWZR7iX0AM5-JI.jpg)

Is there any decent place to grind out grey sand stones? The wiki is coming up a little bare on that

00debf  No.16047945


Sadly, the best way to get them is to use cerulean stones. I had the most luck with Ch.89-4 where you fight Zeyen.

72d94e  No.16050638

File: 48b34877f1a74b4⋯.jpeg (102.65 KB, 596x682, 298:341, Dx-7nqzUwAAFS1e.jpeg)

File: a1e26eac32c3a36⋯.jpeg (110.73 KB, 596x682, 298:341, Dx-7mXzUwAAX-KE.jpeg)

File: 1725289be065038⋯.jpeg (122.64 KB, 596x682, 298:341, Dx-7kxDU0AEXIGt.jpeg)

Playable R cato, Riviera? Sen skin? Who knows what the fuck Kimura smoked now.

661b94  No.16050643

File: 88ed618267c6ba1⋯.png (779.21 KB, 596x682, 298:341, ClipboardImage.png)


>R event character

If SRs are too strong now, then I welcome event Rs over damn skins. It'll give me more team options for arcarum R locked rooms.

You get to name him too

72d94e  No.16050650


>an influx of Nyancats in our feeds pretending to be oldfag memelords is upon us

661b94  No.16050663


>inb4 we discover that many innocuous words are censored from naming it

>But only in the english patch due to over-zealous translators pulling another Izmir's tits

9961b4  No.16050717


I still don't get why "1080" is banned.

2d45e2  No.16050719

File: b1c844d5e781119⋯.jpg (46.42 KB, 551x615, 551:615, DwowTcWVsAEUn4h.jpg)


>Furfaggotry begins

This is far worse than skins, even with the 50 crystals.


So how many are gonna name it Hitler?

72946a  No.16050732


Double digits at the least with just the people who frequent this thread.

72d94e  No.16050739

File: 09b66552bd9ddc9⋯.webm (3.86 MB, 640x360, 16:9, they_hate_social_germany.webm)


Probably like 88 people lmao

658ad3  No.16050790


It's 080 that's censored. It's so nips don't give away their phone numbers.

72d94e  No.16050803

File: cae9e71a78483b2⋯.jpg (23.22 KB, 401x474, 401:474, uXN4WtN_d.jpg)


That finally solves the mystery. Speaking of mysterious stuff, the cat's profession is unknown or will the cat just run with any weapon?

661b94  No.16050817

File: 1f0ef5917c2d108⋯.mp4 (1.88 MB, 720x360, 2:1, bx4aSN_eGYBtrF0u.mp4)

a314ee  No.16051071

File: 2db755ff8a0225e⋯.png (1.46 MB, 1280x1598, 640:799, fat tail.png)

661b94  No.16051087

File: 31d35e264d325ff⋯.webm (907.74 KB, 480x650, 48:65, Earth Axe.webm)

654635  No.16051559

Didn't realise there was maint today. And to answer your question Vaunor I just saw the ougi. It looks great

c839c1  No.16052191


Yup, so if you ever need to burn pendants. You can't go wrong with a grim harp.

6a8a69  No.16052269


In memoriam Hitler, banned for linking to blacked.com while making a joke

72946a  No.16052769

File: 4927981db3abcba⋯.png (701.07 KB, 455x867, 455:867, Apologems..PNG)

Get your apologems

a7d02c  No.16053015

I might be quitting the game depending on if the the load times I'm facing don't go away.

952020  No.16053736

File: c98ce35b829b4bb⋯.png (434.17 KB, 479x815, 479:815, pendants well spent.png)

That was fun.

661b94  No.16054501

File: 4e0dae4ccd65848⋯.png (786.56 KB, 850x655, 170:131, ClipboardImage.png)

Finally some GW art.

>tfw you scored more points then some top tier guild nip.

What a slacker

000000  No.16054598


Nooo….I'm going to name him Adolf.

cd85d9  No.16055638

Can I uncap Xuanwu Mace before upgrading it to Malus/Pontus/Regus or would I need to uncap it again after changing

f6eb25  No.16056064


What? You uncap it just once. The scroll just gives a second skill. They are not related.

ec0ae9  No.16057295

New thread


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