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File: 7ff99d801ba36d8⋯.jpg (115.29 KB, 760x1075, 152:215, DUmssrCVwAAoMcb.jpg)

527a2b No.14241679

Sweet Dreams


January Event Schedule

12/31~01/09 - Right Behind You

01/10~01/16 - Rise of the Beasts

01/17~01/24 - Unite and Fight (Wind Enemies/Fire Advantaged)

01/25~01/30 - Miscolored Memories (rerun)

01/31~02/08 - Auld Lanxiety


1.Infinity - 692908

2.Kihou - 740471

3.Sky Lords - 733000

4.Raven Nest (Dead) - 1024216

Guides and info


>How do I even play this shit?

You can play it from your browser by going to http://game.granbluefantasy.jp/

>I'm not going to use google botnet to play this.

You can use chrome alternatives, such as Slimjet or Iridium. If you don't like doing that, use an agent spoofer for the browser you do use to spoof chrome.

527a2b No.14241695

File: 6e315e31549c459⋯.jpg (138.98 KB, 596x682, 298:341, DUngOT1VwAAYadr.jpg)

The month is almost over and the next event starts today featuring Zooey and the divine generals.

aa9d37 No.14241811

File: e4247c75d6c897c⋯.png (837.95 KB, 800x616, 100:77, 1499805010789.png)

File: 8c8388adc01dfdc⋯.png (459.56 KB, 700x434, 50:31, makira_granblue_fantasy_an….png)

File: 00660a8b7e06ebd⋯.jpg (29.29 KB, 360x360, 1:1, Mahira_thinking2.jpg)

File: 3ab9189369335e0⋯.jpg (88.74 KB, 325x572, 25:44, tiny erune.jpg)


thinkin' bout them cocks

527a2b No.14241812

File: 672d127822f6090⋯.png (157.99 KB, 468x349, 468:349, balanced.png)


>event starting today

I mean tomorrow

6e8774 No.14241818

File: b94fd4625769a34⋯.png (11.39 KB, 87x74, 87:74, darkbornastra.PNG)

Darkborne Astra were a mistake

ed65a8 No.14241830

File: 4e49d482bfc42af⋯.png (879.07 KB, 957x900, 319:300, 3b9.png)


d1c666 No.14241852


oh it's that butthurt dude again

2100d8 No.14241863

File: 3ea96c96c062676⋯.jpg (50.26 KB, 336x350, 24:25, IMG_4606.JPG)


Faggot tons of people on /v/ hate your mobile game general

d1c666 No.14241871


You and how many of your IDs?

2100d8 No.14241919

File: cba97e3adfd38b7⋯.jpg (41.26 KB, 364x354, 182:177, IMG_3309.JPG)


Nigger go ask any other thread their opinion.

0588eb No.14241935

d1c666 No.14241972

File: 713fe4846b84195⋯.jpg (27.24 KB, 242x222, 121:111, yugu_in_disbelief.jpg)


>he comes here expecting us to care about his opinion

Go back to reddit or tumblr my friend. I took pity on you and your baiting attempts and decided to guide you to a place where you might feel more comfortable.

2100d8 No.14241987


Nah, playing gachashit is behavior that belongs on reddit and cuckchan. You need to leave.

9d232b No.14242008

File: 5a35d89bec528bf⋯.jpg (44.15 KB, 400x480, 5:6, 1406768670581.jpg)

Is there something special about the event tomorrow? Why does it start at night time and not the usual early morning?

f9e7d0 No.14242063


probably just to start at the same time as legfest

aa9d37 No.14242255

File: fc2f0791abda54a⋯.png (111.95 KB, 640x688, 40:43, 1515987604401.png)


Get all the ideans and hazes for Death, then use the arcarum points you accumulated to but the rest of the sephira stones and astras you need.

3a5f02 No.14242285

File: ef6535eb60f28a8⋯.webm (579.87 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, granblue fantasy in a nut….webm)

You didn't spend money on this, right?

000000 No.14242919


Not yet Seiro-chan…however after playing free for a year I'm considering buying SSR Monki next time my beginner pick comes around.

Anyone have good advice for converting big strong american dorrar into nipbux?

0588eb No.14242967


>Anyone have good advice for converting shit to gold

Try finding a sorcerer's stone.

aa9d37 No.14242969

File: b5e068aed821f3f⋯.png (15 KB, 259x224, 37:32, 1459528303152.png)


Put cash on a google play account and use QooApp to emulate Granblue, paying for granblue doesn't work on google chrome. 3000 granblue coins (cost of a beginner ticket/suptix) is about $25.74 last time I bought a suptix, which was 2 weeks ago. The price fluctuates slightly.

aca651 No.14242996


Maybe when/if SSR Summer Arulu or SSR Sierokarte become a thing.

At least they're more of a possibility than Fenrir.

000000 No.14243124


Much obliged Vee-sama

21b537 No.14243345

File: 30eb7a1ed52994b⋯.png (187.59 KB, 500x445, 100:89, mushrooms.png)


Nope. Saving those free crystals, and waiting to blow my load. How many crystals and tickets do you exactly need to spark?

a328af No.14243357


whatever adds up to 300 sparks. A ticket is one spark, and 300 crystals is one

aa9d37 No.14244175

File: c78b3c2f2786409⋯.png (181.41 KB, 281x265, 281:265, F E A R.png)


90,000 crystals total. Single tickets are the equivalent to 300 crystals each.

a328af No.14244222

File: d3f86fa3ee76008⋯.png (433.64 KB, 600x300, 2:1, anila.png)

Anila 5*


She now has fist proficiency

ougi give 1000 damage shield

4th skill heals team and gives stamina buff

her 3rd skill buff now lasts 5/7 turns

her passive attack up for team is increased and now also gives passive wind damage reduction (for the team?)

1st skill is now aoe, gives a stronger echo and applies every element attack and defense down on the enemy.

ca5b1a No.14244330

Will andira be in legfest? my spark is just waiting to burst

a328af No.14244344


There will be news on legfest in a few hours, so you can find out soon

6698c0 No.14244351

File: db0d85b97afb403⋯.png (459.92 KB, 481x819, 37:63, sheep emp.png)

File: 11ea567453da6b7⋯.png (805.2 KB, 736x795, 736:795, sheep.png)

a328af No.14244494

File: 44828903ffe91b8⋯.png (553.25 KB, 606x625, 606:625, new zoi.png)

File: 0671d873066b825⋯.png (507.91 KB, 646x639, 646:639, randal.png)

legfest info


New SSR light zoi

SR Randal

Rosetta rate up

Anila returns, but no vajra or andira

0dcb49 No.14244588

File: d9aa6be2900e46c⋯.jpg (192.23 KB, 1000x1250, 4:5, zooooooey.jpg)


>First used a Cosmic Sword

>Event version using a Cosmic Lance

>New version using a Cosmic Gun

We better get a Zooey for each Cosmic weapon at this rate.

That third skill sounds interesting though. Sure hope its cooldown isn't something stupid like 10 though.

a328af No.14245313

File: 6aa6c59f4503d1e⋯.png (98.4 KB, 483x127, 483:127, sheep uncap.png)

It's sheep time

a328af No.14245365

File: cf8ce09813e035b⋯.png (459.94 KB, 508x734, 254:367, sheep.png)

File: 45b59cecf1ab831⋯.png (653.39 KB, 509x737, 509:737, penguins.png)

37346f No.14245373

File: c475d324d736b4f⋯.jpg (235.56 KB, 850x1512, 425:756, __djeeta_and_gran_granblue….jpg)

a328af No.14245460

File: 6d0a9a43abf6599⋯.webm (2.05 MB, 640x480, 4:3, Anila Dancing.webm)

File: 1dca85604f2f42a⋯.webm (2.88 MB, 640x480, 4:3, Anila combat.webm)

Here's her new sounds, animations and ougi. Plus her being cute.

033176 No.14245547

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>dat Buster Wolf

53fee3 No.14246288

File: 16350b9d6191818⋯.png (58.97 KB, 1533x489, 511:163, FINAL.PNG)

File: e300ca43021f4ba⋯.png (23.72 KB, 585x441, 65:49, Anon delivers.PNG)

Friendly reminder for all the newfags that all accounts exctept 9, 1 and 2 are still up for grabs.

0dcb49 No.14246307

File: c38f32554d2ae61⋯.png (849.96 KB, 640x934, 320:467, I still need urns....png)

This took far longer than it deserved to.

62171f No.14246384

File: 4ddacb4476b1726⋯.jpg (95.86 KB, 600x800, 3:4, esser the cute queen.jpg)


congrats anon

d6ce47 No.14247859


It is but you can use green and yellow skills to reduce the initial lockdown. CD after use is 12.

0dcb49 No.14247971

File: 541b58618261a19⋯.jpg (34.4 KB, 682x432, 341:216, zoi kill.jpg)


Thanks, but I didn't realize I only had 2 Fire Urns until just now. Never fought HL Twin Elements before and I can't say I'm looking forward to the experience, but I'll pull through somehow.


Oh, didn't even know we had more information on her already.

>check the third skill out again

>It has an annoying 10-turn initial cooldown

>It really does have a 12 turn CD

>heals and buffs don't reduce the normal cooldown, just the initial cooldown

At least a 5 turn duration is pretty nice, but that ATK buff better be great.

b540fb No.14248029

File: cec4d6c33e0ff04⋯.png (440.04 KB, 633x758, 633:758, cec4d6c33e0ff04b59adcf001a….png)


>but that ATK buff better be great


I wouldn't count on it.

3ca554 No.14248060


>Never fought HL Twin Elements before and I can't say I'm looking forward to the experience

If you feel insecure, fight prometheus instead, much faster + never fails.

0eae87 No.14248125

File: 839f9a9c37b94ec⋯.jpg (19.33 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 1263183883803.jpg)


>Yfw Zoi becomes the damage enabler of all enmity AND light grids.

>Her new version type is Balanced

397b9d No.14248701

Taking bets on the next (Grand). My cards are on Ferry.

0eae87 No.14248832

672614 No.14248841


Cain, the hero nobody asked for.

a328af No.14248849

File: e28274b0f260946⋯.png (273.74 KB, 506x406, 253:203, fleece.png)


Her 4th skill makes sheep pop out of your party

0dcb49 No.14248865

File: a3b4744465cabf7⋯.png (1.35 MB, 646x1568, 323:784, Tsukuyomi.png)

>Dark Tezcat


d4c56b No.14248875

File: 8a43103c65652f8⋯.jpg (153.76 KB, 852x1202, 426:601, 041.jpg)

I need a bit of advice regarding my Dark grid. It's by no means endgame, with six Celeste Zaghnals at Lv. 9 and two spears at 7.

Before I replaced one of those spears with a Celeste Claw, following advice I've seen in the wiki. I can't help but wonder if there's a point, though: I'm not running an enmity grid, nor am I aiming for low HP at all. (Naru-neechan is the mainstay of my Dark grid, after all, and she can't afford to stay at low health.)

So here's the question: should I bother with the Claws, or should I ignore them and level the spears up to 10? The claws do have slightly high ATK, and two attack skills as opposed to the spears' one…but only one of them will earn their space unless my team's HP is low (or Enmity affects each character individually–I don't know the details). If that's the case, the spears' attack skill (big boost) is stronger than the Claws' one stable attack skill (medium boost).

Advice would be much appreciated.

a328af No.14248948

File: fd2e48627bbe668⋯.png (491.8 KB, 513x443, 513:443, zodiac art.png)

92b786 No.14248949


No Zoi, no claws. But whatever you end up doing do not use Celeste spears in your grid.

2e727a No.14248991

File: f947c65ec75a221⋯.png (77.48 KB, 640x688, 40:43, Gong.png)

0eae87 No.14249010

File: 57bc25edc07159c⋯.jpg (45.38 KB, 241x313, 241:313, 1335772323855.jpg)

>Corrupted Anthuria

a328af No.14249027

File: 4dd57675db9a95f⋯.png (645.82 KB, 509x732, 509:732, handholding.png)


>Degenerate handholding in my draph titty game

d6ce47 No.14249102

9dd463 No.14249159

Should I try one 10-draw or save for my spark? Kinda want to try at least once.

397b9d No.14249227

File: 4aa0616cb090ba9⋯.gif (549 KB, 500x281, 500:281, gotcha luck.gif)


What's the worst that could happen?

9dd463 No.14249240


Characterless and moonless SR.

Though perhaps I should put it like this. I have around 40k crystals and the spark I want will come in August (S. Bea). How many 10-draws can I do while still being on target?

a328af No.14249256


S.Bea was released last year around this time when they renamed them from summer characters to swimsuit to allow them to do promotions around the year. It might be too early to dump your crystals

53fee3 No.14249273


I sparked in in the last years flashfest and I'm back at 20% of the spark requirement already. I'm counting on being able to spark again in August.

You could probably ger as low as I am right now, or you could be smart and save everything to roll after you spark.

397b9d No.14249291

SR Zoi is damn cute with all the zodiac critters with her.

2e727a No.14249314

File: 10f682886a1d65b⋯.png (380.14 KB, 479x500, 479:500, SongSilverWeapon.PNG)

File: aa1d5e3720077c2⋯.png (836.06 KB, 483x688, 483:688, 4th5StarEternal.PNG)

4th 5-star Eternal uncapped, probably my last one unless KMR decides to throw 3 more gold bars my way.

9dd463 No.14249341

File: b4c34e2023505bb⋯.webm (6.74 MB, 480x360, 4:3, Spaceballs Mega Maid Scen….webm)

Here's Joya in a nutshell.

397b9d No.14249354

File: 75dec56dcca9bd3⋯.png (257.18 KB, 562x416, 281:208, mad JK.png)

>throw out a ticket and get rainbow first shot


397b9d No.14249374

File: b65c52ee4331b80⋯.jpg (106.2 KB, 436x425, 436:425, shit again.jpg)

>six tickets later


53fee3 No.14249387


>Roll 3

>Can't believe it's actually a rainbow


I don't want to build a homo water team And I already have too much water. Fuck.

397b9d No.14249411


Lancelot, Romeo, and Lilele were my water team for a year before she was replaced with Altair.

9282b0 No.14249448

File: f459d723f96e923⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 609.89 KB, 1280x1837, 1280:1837, 16.jpg)

Is fire slut any good?

d6ce47 No.14249597


Do you hit auto cap?

If so, press her 1 and that's another 80% more damage she does on echoes, which adds up to 240% extra damage on a TA. However, she has no utility besides an unreliable charm and delay, and no buff besides her echoes. You can abuse her third skill if you have Crimson Fingers or Egg Sex in your grid though

tl;dr Completely selfish auto attacker

a328af No.14249604

File: b9c61742652a241⋯.png (813.96 KB, 513x771, 171:257, Anila.png)

File: 416ba860bec40d7⋯.png (769.25 KB, 512x769, 512:769, andira.png)

File: cbe2e4e041cbc09⋯.png (768.66 KB, 510x766, 255:383, Mahira.png)

So who did you pick, /v/?

d6ce47 No.14249608

File: 6075f79b0f64b86⋯.jpg (10.61 KB, 266x207, 266:207, Smug.jpg)


>Picking Chicken


a328af No.14249625

File: e6a14e0bfa11a0b⋯.png (91.97 KB, 265x198, 265:198, anila alt ending.png)

5* Anila alternate end pose

f9e7d0 No.14249638


Anila, the only one I didn't have. If you asked which one is the best girl though it's Anchira.

21b537 No.14249663


Picked Andira, since I barely have any SR/SSR wind types.

d0fc2a No.14249709

File: 3904d2c5b325b56⋯.png (45.77 KB, 200x200, 1:1, loli grabber.png)


The chicken because I'm a scrub that was too lazy to log in last year and I must have the little girl

d4c56b No.14250501


>No Zoi, no claws.


>But whatever you end up doing do not use Celeste spears in your grid.

Alright, but why not?

c037a4 No.14250507


Exactly the same skill boost as the axe, but has less atk. Keep only one for mainhand use if needed.

ff8a13 No.14250511


lvl 100 axes have 305 more attack than spears

92b786 No.14250589


Celeste spears have lower attack than axes and 6 axes is plenty of magna modifier anyway. You should go grab Luna's Friend from the Duelist of Eternity side story and a Bahamut weapon if you haven't already.

90b0b9 No.14250880

File: 4d4e3df6d3df0fe⋯.png (585.9 KB, 620x877, 620:877, 60988465_p0.png)

>fuck it throw ten single tix

9 terrible R pulls, and AK-4A. this is what I needed. Still saving for S.Zoi, 40/300 after I tried with 130/300 and BIGGEST and still couldnt get her

53fee3 No.14250900

File: e125317e9c4e341⋯.png (790.62 KB, 477x682, 477:682, when you least expect it.PNG)

File: 0b23a680a2578d2⋯.png (828.39 KB, 484x693, 44:63, ANILA ON THE MAIN ACCOUNT.PNG)

File: c06b523ae6fd386⋯.png (343.44 KB, 476x530, 238:265, pinch my cheeks I think I'….PNG)

>Get back home from work

>Fuck it' let's go 3 more tickets


112feb No.14251033

Used 10 tickets.



>1 gold moon

I guess I'll have to wait till next time.


>Villager 6's voice

8612b7 No.14251062

Gachashit threads are as bad as overwatch threads

10dc66 No.14251670

>6 ticket just for a silver moon

Back to not drawing for several months.

9dd463 No.14253130

I did a retard and did 3 ten part draws. Only got two gold moons and one SR character.

707a54 No.14253890

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I don't have anything against Granblue, but until they make a proper game out of it, they can take their waifubait mobage crap and fuck right off.

We're never getting a western release of RE:Link, are we?

d4c56b No.14253975

File: f709a8a021eb458⋯.png (274.27 KB, 321x420, 107:140, Spark000.PNG)

File: 3b6ca04d04a7d13⋯.png (275.87 KB, 321x440, 321:440, Spark001.PNG)

File: 66691f53fd03545⋯.png (250.34 KB, 322x295, 322:295, Spark002.PNG)

File: 326ba09fc425ade⋯.png (248.08 KB, 321x296, 321:296, Spark003.PNG)

File: 98079bd71ba4add⋯.png (230.89 KB, 322x294, 23:21, Spark004.PNG)

Spark complete. Posting results now.

d4c56b No.14253979

File: 4e35cfa2d44e5b8⋯.png (240.68 KB, 320x295, 64:59, Spark005.PNG)

File: 989d816aa083aa1⋯.png (246.86 KB, 321x294, 107:98, Spark006.PNG)

File: ab69214dca4df49⋯.png (241.71 KB, 321x294, 107:98, Spark007.PNG)

File: 0d83bf1ec0385d7⋯.png (239.26 KB, 322x295, 322:295, Spark008.PNG)

File: 0589b3e3cf80cfe⋯.png (232.54 KB, 321x294, 107:98, Spark009.PNG)

d4c56b No.14253982

File: 6f290fa435200e3⋯.png (236.15 KB, 320x295, 64:59, Spark010.PNG)

File: f9b33d4b2b17bf0⋯.png (230.28 KB, 322x295, 322:295, Spark011.PNG)

File: 6b3a9671b2c43f1⋯.png (239.11 KB, 321x294, 107:98, Spark012.PNG)

File: 2f7176947c5ed27⋯.png (228.55 KB, 322x295, 322:295, Spark013.PNG)

File: 0f20a4e841e7a4c⋯.png (247.67 KB, 321x294, 107:98, Spark014.PNG)

d4c56b No.14253986

File: 7318d9af0a42274⋯.png (234.43 KB, 321x294, 107:98, Spark015.PNG)

File: 2e5576d05a1eecd⋯.png (238.09 KB, 321x295, 321:295, Spark016.PNG)

File: 400b8d32bb96dc9⋯.png (237.46 KB, 321x295, 321:295, Spark017.PNG)

File: 808e993619b9a7b⋯.png (244.61 KB, 320x295, 64:59, Spark018.PNG)

d4c56b No.14254002

File: 6d817f6c6c817a1⋯.png (393.94 KB, 323x462, 323:462, Silva.PNG)

File: 4040cbda8e0ac0a⋯.png (354.57 KB, 323x466, 323:466, Grea.PNG)

File: 9a99462c14c8793⋯.png (385.75 KB, 323x466, 323:466, Chat Noir.PNG)

File: 079181982528f56⋯.png (348.27 KB, 320x463, 320:463, Typhon.PNG)


Single draws yielded some notable (and some…not-so-notable) acquisitions, which I'll show here.

d4c56b No.14254010

File: f5dccb0e4ebd462⋯.png (384.62 KB, 322x482, 161:241, Ramulus.PNG)

File: a8bf6e0089ba601⋯.png (390.13 KB, 322x483, 2:3, Anila.PNG)


And, of course, the one I did all this for.

500% mofumofu.

d4c56b No.14254024


I forgot to add that I'm doing this again, next year.

There's no point in playing by their exploitative rules, especially when they're caving to what's likely SJW influence (to a certain extent; I mean what happened with Izmir). Speaking of whom, Izmir is my next spark target, unless someone comes along and distracts me.

d4c56b No.14254043

My crewmates pointed out that I cropped out the results in the images. My mistake, folks. I'll detail the notable SSRs.

>>14253975 has Yodarha, Wind Lancelot, and Catherine.

>>14253982 has, as I'm sure some can tell, Zooey and Zeta's Sunspot Spear (I already have her).

>>14253986 has Anne's weapon; I already have her, as well.

8af336 No.14254046


good shit anon

I also plan to hop on the spark train, at the rate I'm going it's I'll have a great summer


is it faster to spark if I save tickets? What is the crystal/ticket ratio that I should strive to get, like 200/100 or 180/120?

d4c56b No.14254067


If I were you, I'd just save everything. It'll help you reach your mark faster, rather than waiting for a full spark by one means or the other.

Only problem is going through single tickets is pretty tedious. I also suspect that it lessens SSR drop chance, but that's just a suspicion. I got tons of Rs before even one SR when I was done with the 10-draws.

a328af No.14254080

File: a397e4c2c8d05da⋯.png (794.74 KB, 601x501, 601:501, gbf valentines.png)

February News


>One more fimbul and cerb order will be added to the shop on the 9th.

>Valentines will be a remade 2015 event with challenge quests.

>Cutoff for GW is now A tier: 3500, B tier: 9000, C tier: 16,000

>You can change the selected revenant weapon after first picking it.

>Box contents change after the 45th one

>The SR weapons in GW boxes that unlock Abby and Naoise will be changed to the ones that unlock Ceylan and Pengy. Abby and Naoise weapons will appear in future alternating GWs.

>The eyes are now single battles, not raid battles. No more eyes clogging up the list.

>C tier getting some more rewards for a win

>RP and Exp 'adjustment'. Not sure if that is more buffs or reverting the buffs.

>Lecia and Orchid weapon FLBs this month. One mid feb, the other late feb. Orchid's dagger will get an ougi buff like the GW dagger.

>Olivia's first skill stopped boss ougis, but not hp trigger ougis. They are going to buff it to stop all ougis now. The change will be put in before GWs. Olivia rush meta confirmed.

>You will now be able to crit on neutral enemies. Just in time for What Makes the Sky Blue 1 and 2.

>Final level of Pandemonium will be added.

>Next stage of class weapons coming. You will be able to raise them to level 200. You can change the second skill on them.

>Adding masteries for collab characters who don't have them yet.

>along with auto-sell from draw boxes, you can now auto-upgrade the ship with them.

>storebox capacity increased.

>anniversary livestream set for March 4th

0dcb49 No.14254111

File: 06b973271822e53⋯.jpg (2.42 MB, 1240x1754, 620:877, dao.jpg)


>>Olivia's first skill stopped boss ougis, but not hp trigger ougis. They are going to buff it to stop all ougis now. The change will be put in before GWs. Olivia rush meta confirmed.

Dark is now my favorite element.

a328af No.14254115

File: 798ea16cec9fed3⋯.png (385.45 KB, 600x427, 600:427, ClipboardImage.png)


Last year I started saving for a spark in February and was ready by August due to anniversary and summer goodies. If you start saving now, you might be able to spark izmir by summer.

Grats on Anila. I only have her at 90, but she feels much more solid with her 5* than she was before.

53c4e3 No.14254120

File: 09f216ee5f8664e⋯.jpg (137.62 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, lame.jpg)


f9e7d0 No.14254226

File: 243825dcecc8a6c⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 452.05 KB, 1275x1792, 1275:1792, 67021147_p4.jpg)

53fee3 No.14254329


>You can change the selected revenant weapon after first picking it.

If this is true next gw is going to be hell for me. I want 2 Harps, 2 more Daggers, a Fist and I need to continue getting spears after that.

>Olivia's first skill stopped boss ougis, but not hp trigger ougis. They are going to buff it to stop all ougis now. The change will be put in before GWs.

Nevermind! Walk in the park confirmed!

5fc0c9 No.14254340

File: 9b18fb9f10341c0⋯.png (2.98 MB, 2114x823, 2114:823, 10partdraws.png)

File: ed2919818892983⋯.png (2.15 MB, 1825x989, 1825:989, singledraws.png)

File: 2f10fedea83b55c⋯.png (739.07 KB, 1083x763, 1083:763, sp3.png)

just got done sparking

Single ticket SSR rate: 5/120 = 4.17%

10-part draw SSR rate: 5/180 = 2.78%

Net total SSR draw rate: 10/300 = 3.33%

Sparking during legfest gave me a 3% SSR rate. I'm actually pretty fucking frustrated. I feel like quitting after this bullshit.

672614 No.14254682

File: 5e3a72b43a4622c⋯.png (480.35 KB, 631x919, 631:919, get.png)

I'm not sure how I feel about this.

ca5b1a No.14254791


ayer is top tier earth aint he? also his fate episodes are fucking fight club

672614 No.14254809

File: bb2d70b7d5bb2ae⋯.jpg (48.27 KB, 400x600, 2:3, cake cow.jpg)


I've now got all the top tier earth characters and cake eating cow. Any other element needs more help than my dirt team.

a9c3e0 No.14254873

File: d399a70177a65d9⋯.png (339.01 KB, 379x788, 379:788, v1g3u360.png)

File: 17bc160d1cdff84⋯.mp4 (618.03 KB, 638x360, 319:180, 17bc160d1cdff846051f96422e….mp4)


>Still no Drang sphere 4*

a9c3e0 No.14255491


Just quit already. I will do the same when Im finally done with my spark.

c2902c No.14255507

File: 58237039be04d3b⋯.jpg (32.19 KB, 657x545, 657:545, anhonestman.jpg)

Can an honest man get some big fat draph tiddies?

b74f9c No.14255548

File: 0fbad3ce271e6c7⋯.jpg (1.46 MB, 1920x1200, 8:5, 64081350_p0.jpg)

File: a9878b9286e5918⋯.jpg (1 MB, 1369x1385, 1369:1385, 63789910_p5.jpg)

File: 1be55b967d8c3c8⋯.jpg (156.13 KB, 600x835, 120:167, 65008180_p1_master1200.jpg)

File: 7ec3760633c9212⋯.jpg (3.24 MB, 2039x2894, 2039:2894, 63789910_p1.jpg)

File: abb7dc276377379⋯.jpg (693.83 KB, 992x1402, 496:701, 63663007_p0.jpg)


Big fat doraf tiddies, my dude.

Also, Grand Lecia/Grand Rosetta/Skasaha

or does somehow Meteon or Levi still get use now that wind frontline looks like this?

c2902c No.14255568

File: cfbc2b6716bee0a⋯.png (297.69 KB, 377x360, 377:360, 1312059096445.png)


Thanks friend :-)

62171f No.14255573

File: 965845f78daa58d⋯.png (210.8 KB, 466x533, 466:533, iridium_2018-02-01_13-47-2….png)

another one joins me

b74f9c No.14255607

File: 5160210f234ef83⋯.jpg (78.08 KB, 700x600, 7:6, RandallSR.jpg)


Grats, man, soon Ill finish my race to get her.

>burned 20 more rolls trying to get Randall no luck

f1af35 No.14255637


While I'm always looking for an excuse to post lewds, that is a clear cut case of don't.

b74f9c No.14255652

File: bb1265e4d0ad17b⋯.png (2.1 MB, 1131x1600, 1131:1600, 65973678_p0.png)


Hell, I didnt even posted lewd shit, two are summer pics, the other ones are just Sheep. Its not like I posted ahegao shit, man. Also someone throw me a hand, post Zoi pics, preferably armored zois. Also, goddamn it, Rosetta/Lecia/Skasaha or Lecia/Skasaha/Levi or Meteon in the front and Rosetta in the backline?

62171f No.14255657


unless you have atk order with lecia why bother… if you solo just use rosetta a lot

b74f9c No.14255663

File: 316b9176d0e493f⋯.png (956.15 KB, 590x772, 295:386, Summer Zoi.png)


Thanks, this is what I wanted to know.

397b9d No.14255667

File: e9c5b174f06e1cc⋯.jpg (75.42 KB, 623x457, 623:457, Katshake.jpg)

>didn't spark DAO

7cdcf4 No.14256220

Lightmemer here. Anyone know how good the new Zooey's unique light buff is? I plan on suptixing her whenever she becomes available but I just wanna know what sort of silly buffs I'm missing out on.

62171f No.14256237


gamewith rate the new zoey 8.5 unfortunately i dont know much else

b74f9c No.14256286

File: 9564ac4d0879b1e⋯.jpg (551.99 KB, 1120x1626, 560:813, Bunny Zoi.jpg)

File: 8109388d7564ad0⋯.png (3.24 MB, 977x1500, 977:1500, 61321532_p0.png)

File: 266b626083e2c08⋯.png (412.23 KB, 703x1024, 703:1024, 62904758_p0.png)


Its worse than homosword.

Its slightly above crytato. Shes cute and a good skin. But do not toon tix unless you have completed teams.

7cdcf4 No.14256400


I have pretty much every light SSR which is the main reason I main light so it's not like I'm hurting for characters, I just like messing around with different team builds.

62171f No.14256541


phil give me meidos

4aecfb No.14256619


What's the source of that pic?

d1c666 No.14256708


Well her buffs are normal which doesn't work too well with light if you have many swords. She's basically Korwa except locked behind a 10 turn lock and with not so great buffs

But she's cute af so follow your dick anon

7cdcf4 No.14256815

File: dd2173b3995cba8⋯.png (360.3 KB, 452x567, 452:567, light ssrs.PNG)




>her buffs are normal


489920 No.14256828

Is there a way to download all of the character art in one go? I found a site where you can display the art for individual characters, but downloading them one by one would take ages.

I dig the character art and would love to download it for my collection.

6f00a5 No.14257005

File: 60e4a596adc62c4⋯.png (295.6 KB, 800x568, 100:71, 60e4a596adc62c451fc026080a….png)

File: 02216d388713775⋯.png (1.73 MB, 1259x2000, 1259:2000, 02216d388713775bdaf9cd549e….png)

File: cd22d39151603a9⋯.png (1.06 MB, 1200x1670, 120:167, 1515314253006.png)

File: ba0c0d5e84003a5⋯.png (1.87 MB, 1125x1728, 125:192, ba0c0d5e84003a53dd5c970042….png)

File: d26866ebe30d54e⋯.jpg (823.46 KB, 2700x3750, 18:25, C_IKpg-UMAEfzL2.jpg)



I bring you Zoi

6f00a5 No.14257021


you dont really need to use that site since the wiki has all of the artwork for each character on their page, but downloading all of them…never heard of a way

397b9d No.14257025

File: cad4fd4402c2bed⋯.jpg (110.26 KB, 700x800, 7:8, zoi ss.jpg)

File: f9d47ea6b2171e4⋯.jpg (1.47 MB, 1280x904, 160:113, zoi brown ass.jpg)

File: 3f4f5eea966a277⋯.jpg (167.72 KB, 1035x740, 207:148, zooey lay.jpg)

File: 7234f5a10ef29c4⋯.png (1.05 MB, 846x900, 47:50, pumkin knight zoi.png)

53fee3 No.14257049

File: 8f74cea9b71a07f⋯.png (153.83 KB, 1243x966, 1243:966, art.PNG)



Manually is the only way.

6f00a5 No.14257060

File: 9aa3a55f4b05c76⋯.png (2.27 MB, 1240x1754, 620:877, 58088973_p0.png)

File: 8a1fe7859a4e29b⋯.jpg (1.06 MB, 1200x850, 24:17, 58644412_p0.jpg)

File: db7585a3e966692⋯.jpg (3.09 MB, 2480x3661, 2480:3661, 58678857_p0.jpg)

File: fb09b24e0bf1f37⋯.jpg (447.89 KB, 707x1000, 707:1000, 58826360_p0.jpg)

File: 6153df70785cc19⋯.png (1.3 MB, 876x1500, 73:125, 58922179_p0.png)


I want to pour some sweet vanilla cream on that hot chocolate

6f00a5 No.14257066

File: 08163132b9fd5fc⋯.jpg (1.51 MB, 2436x3492, 203:291, Granblue_Fantasy_Graphic_A….jpg)


technically there's the Graphic Archive

397b9d No.14257111

File: ce089be02f76654⋯.jpg (653.48 KB, 852x1281, 284:427, zoi load.jpg)

6f00a5 No.14257142

File: b01d3c10ef5410b⋯.jpg (1.61 MB, 1500x1500, 1:1, 1494473805701.jpg)

File: 20e41ea10d3caf5⋯.jpg (1.19 MB, 1200x1011, 400:337, 1495386229932.jpg)

File: ca7662fa5b9e54f⋯.jpg (474.69 KB, 1507x1052, 1507:1052, 1497956756503.jpg)

File: d717575a4d5664c⋯.png (1.22 MB, 680x1149, 680:1149, 1502528068618.png)

File: 55cd46bf0d45405⋯.png (1.43 MB, 1000x1291, 1000:1291, 1503856892729.png)


Can a keeper of balance become pregnant?

9dd463 No.14257177

>Had 40k crystals in sparking and now down to 10k because I don't know when to stop

I'm Anon and I have a gambling problem.

ec344a No.14257391

File: 7485b9003d83a00⋯.jpg (171.68 KB, 850x887, 850:887, 1515941247477.jpg)


no idea, but I'm so goddamn willing to try.

Providing a table of

9282b0 No.14257410

File: acf239c90aef6fc⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 52.2 KB, 501x457, 501:457, qacZQkX.png)


A table of what?

ec344a No.14257472

File: a48526d74e6299a⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 924.96 KB, 4100x1600, 41:16, The best chart to ever gra….jpg)


post got cut, the a table of harvin heights.

9282b0 No.14257502

File: d89615d36516646⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 396.65 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, d93e48e7003c0b4163f45ae5db….jpg)


Arulumaya should be have a bush though.

ec344a No.14257563

File: 3d96d3a4d5cc3e9⋯.jpg (69.93 KB, 522x873, 58:97, DNXf_p_VQAETqVM.jpg)


maybe racially they dont grow pubes?

Personally I like them pubeless.

9282b0 No.14257601


She is supposed to be the equivalent of a harvin ara , ara's need some hair down there. Teasing her for having an undeveloped body would be good too though.

d1c666 No.14257608

File: 9a10c3b81c9b4ec⋯.png (33.93 KB, 126x128, 63:64, katasiete.png)

CB4899B4 baka hl

ec344a No.14257642

File: c43f9467d4a21d4⋯.jpg (210.95 KB, 789x1146, 263:382, and the bullying continues.jpg)


what if they actually dont grow any, but tormenting Drusilla over it would actually be fucking hilarious

9dd463 No.14258508

File: 02d3e3b0376afde⋯.jpg (34.36 KB, 308x459, 308:459, Relic Flip.jpg)

First relic flip. Just need three more to go.

0588eb No.14258557


The ones in a language you can read, dumbo.

6ef3d2 No.14258581


so i guess the crunchyroll subtitles will be fine?

a328af No.14259326

File: 1351a44d44cff95⋯.png (803.26 KB, 728x1032, 91:129, ClipboardImage.png)

>Already getting art

How can the other arcarum characters even compete?

527a2b No.14259363

File: 76f82c6eac3336b⋯.jpg (95.93 KB, 569x789, 569:789, DJBnujfVYAA4v1E.jpg)


The Moon oracle beat her the artist thought she had short hair but later revealed that she has a ponytail

ca5b1a No.14259382

File: ddfd21d8f4a3417⋯.jpg (190.04 KB, 473x755, 473:755, 59186971.jpg)



you guys are too slow, you need to keep up

527a2b No.14259406


>Revealed earlier than anyone else

That's cheating

6e8774 No.14259462

File: 1d8f199e5157ea9⋯.jpg (62.94 KB, 814x460, 407:230, death.jpg)

Any artwork of death-chan?

aa9d37 No.14259463

File: 6176803b45f2af6⋯.jpg (63.15 KB, 810x457, 810:457, DGO_xZyXkAAc0dn.jpg)




Its a shame Temperance's oracle has no fanart whatsoever, I'm building him first because he reminds me of my grandpa, and his wizard robe hoodie is really cute.

aa9d37 No.14259495

File: 74360047c230a0c⋯.png (155.59 KB, 371x329, 53:47, 1514935817985.png)


Death is gonna be my second oracle, she looks amazing. Wheres her fan-art?

79d0da No.14259964


How else would she help increase a deathly low UNBALANCED population when devastation strikes.

ac0e8f No.14260768

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>we need a new theme song

>let's just rip off IRON ATTACK's metal EMIYA remix

397b9d No.14260862

File: 5bf5ecb9a172200⋯.png (682.03 KB, 626x789, 626:789, jelly Ly.png)

Lyria can't handle these erune sluts.

62171f No.14260908

File: ebf90197d33794d⋯.jpg (761.22 KB, 718x822, 359:411, 9yo.jpg)


i'll fuck sara deep and hard in front of lyria and you wont stop me

397b9d No.14260925


Was Orchid the last loli to be released? Feels like it's been a long time.

ac0e8f No.14260937


The last loli we got was Sakura, if we're not counting different versions of characters.

62171f No.14260943

File: b02675edf24d37e⋯.png (132.25 KB, 388x277, 388:277, yaia.png)


yaia ssr never ever

397b9d No.14260949


That's right, forgot about the collab, was only thinking of the gatcha ones.

ac0e8f No.14260971


I'm still trying to make her work, but I drew a bunch of 5* SSRs and I don't have a slot to spare to pump exp into her EMPs. Can't see her working without additional def/dodge chance.

d1c666 No.14261415


There was also Scat

53fee3 No.14262553


Dark Cagliostro was released before or after Scat?

'cause the old man probably counts as a loli too

d6ce47 No.14262734


I had to draw like 40 times to get Ippatsu SR.

Got 2 of him on the fourth ten draw

d6ce47 No.14262756


Did you get anything good at least?

9dd463 No.14263210

File: c51e8e21e29cdb4⋯.jpg (15.88 KB, 314x274, 157:137, 1star.jpg)

File: 12fee2039040bb6⋯.jpg (29.92 KB, 304x375, 304:375, Second Relic Flip.jpg)

Tien placebo effect is real.

d6ce47 No.14263414

File: d09a67d394835f3⋯.jpg (199.17 KB, 1139x1280, 1139:1280, DAO.jpg)


Dank Angle Olivier


7cdcf4 No.14264729

>keep trying to get the new zooey or anila before legfest ends

>keep getting love eternal/benedia dupes

d6ce47 No.14265036


>Complaining about JK daggers

Just go and MLB your Zephirus already.

94281b No.14267742

b0d8d6 No.14268745

File: 288523b332d681c⋯.jpg (234.47 KB, 628x709, 628:709, dorkgrid.jpg)

So here's my dark grid. Decided to go for claws since they're rarer and I'm sure im gonna be below half health 100% of the time during gw anyways also went for holy saber to try to be useful. I also have no fucking clue what im doing tbh.

0eae87 No.14268906


Luna's weapon can be farmed from Side Stories and it can get to SL15. Would be a better option than the architect staff.

b0d8d6 No.14268954


would the gw dagger be a worthwhile investment for dark?

8c7863 No.14268994

Can anyone confirm that Squidpiercer actually drops from the Architeutha RM in the Balmy Breeze side story? I've been farming the RM for the past couple days to get the weapon for journal completion, but no luck thus far. Hoping that they didn't remove the chest from the drop table when converting the event to side story form.

d6ce47 No.14269320


8 Omega modifiers is overkill no matter which way you cut it. At this point you might want to throw in another normal or EX modifier in the place of one or even two of the Zaghnals.

Luna's Friend >>14268906 mentioned would be a good start. I'd even go for another Bahamut weapon but a dagger would leave Narmaya with 30% less normal attack than the rest of your team. A better choice would be a Qilin weapon if you happen to have any from RotB. Last case scenario you can use a Hellward dagger from Cerberus's Showdown.

d6ce47 No.14269360


A GW dagger is always a good investment for any element unless you have a Flashfest or Legfest dagger (Parazonium for dark and Love Eternal for wind), a Hermanubis (Dark) or the Xeno Ifrit Scythe (fire), or already have a character that gives DATA on ougi.

You might want to skill level up Olivia's weapon and use that in your grid instead of one of your Zaghnals since that is a Normal II skill and has high chances of eventually being very good when FLB comes out. Don't spend any chocobars in it until that info comes out though, just use it as a normal modifier for your grid.

You might want to run motocal to check which weapons are worth replacing though.

d4c2bf No.14269380


It's unlikely that a GW boss is going to be so kind as to leave your party alive after a few hits, so it might be better to go DF, Vampy, DAO and Grey for maximum stall memes.

ffdf66 No.14269439


It's awkward. The first time I saw this trailer, I had never gotten into Granblue Fantasy. Now, I realize that this isn't a new perspective in the world, it's main characters.

Also, seeing so many recurring characters from RoB, I have to ask- Is (Possessed) Dark Knight Luciella in this game anywhere?

8c7863 No.14269461


>Dark Knight Luciella

Not yet that I know of - though considering more and more are steadily trickling in, it may just be a matter of time.

a328af No.14269465

File: 028f18bd5c6a294⋯.png (661.37 KB, 960x800, 6:5, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b845254a3a3a89f⋯.png (478.36 KB, 960x800, 6:5, ClipboardImage.png)


No she's not. Closest to a RoB character that turns into a demon is Amira

b0d8d6 No.14269538



Alright. I have enough stuff for a GW dark dagger but was saving it to turn it into a water dagger instea but since I'm gonna have to replace 2 of my axes then what should i do to them now that i wasted fodder on SL? Should i use them to level up the SL for my baha sword or does uncapping also help raise SL?

9dd463 No.14269551

File: a5ae7a4f1e192eb⋯.jpg (45.46 KB, 317x443, 317:443, Dark Grid.jpg)

File: 60b5d91152776b5⋯.jpg (40.12 KB, 317x399, 317:399, Water grid.jpg)

Hope the T1 HL guarantee weapons happen soon since I now need prestige for Gun distinctions.

92b786 No.14269564



Who told you that?

b0d8d6 No.14269607


I did. Since my last claw flip was about 6 months ago and i autistically started grinding celeste only to reach pendant cap after the last gw and those 4 claws that i have were all bought by pendants by grinding celeste. after all my trouble i managed to get 3 axes, 12 spears, 7 harps and 20 selfies 0 claws.

d6ce47 No.14269618


As I said at the very end, you might want to check in motocal if it really is worth trading your axes for the other weapons I mentioned. I didn't do the math and I'm just speaking based on diminishing returns. Actually testing the grids on motocal might give you different results on what is worth keeping or replacing.

Also, even if you take them out of your grid now, you can save them for a dark stamina grid, since many raids are so CC'd you can't lose the HP you need to lose to make the claw grid work. Another option, as you pointed out yourself, is using them as skill fodder for Bahamut Weapons or seraphic weapons.

53fee3 No.14269622


Keep the axes, there's supposedly a rebalance incoming along with the new Magna 2 weapons so nobody knows.

Hell weapons considered fodder today might become useable or even better than the current alternatives cough cough Colo Canes cough

Also, you might want an axe grid in the future if certain content (the higher levels of the upcoming Pandemonium or magna 2 Bosses) won't allow you to make use of enmity.

a328af No.14269830


I could imagine that anything cygames puts out for magna 2 will be better than canes. Staves have the lowest base attack stats and only big attack skill. They said in an interview that they wanted magna 2 to have second skills, so there's a high chance that it will outpace canes.

53fee3 No.14269936

File: 4d606c5fd3f93b1⋯.png (118.91 KB, 643x782, 643:782, F Viramate.PNG)


a328af No.14269961


Given that this happened so soon after the bookmaker shut down without a public reason, it looks like cygames may have contacted them too. Shutting down all third party tools.

9dd463 No.14269998


You know, if the Nips could make a fucking UI to save their lives, maybe something like Viramate wouldn't have happened. I don't need to click twenty fucking million menus to do one fucking thing.

000000 No.14270367


Seriously, if they are gonna shutdown viramate, they had better incorporate some of the UI improvements or I'm fucking out. I'm already irritated by the Tweyen "improvements", and the fucking meme translations.

d0fc2a No.14270813


Can't they just move vitamate to a third party site and make people install it as a third party extension? It's slightly more inconvenient, but I don't think being taken down from the chrome store is a death sentence unless I'm missing something. The translation for this game is really garbage though and the people who work on it need to fuck off and never translate anything ever again. There are pieces of dialogue added in that wasn't there in the japanese, things are arbitrarily omitted, dialogue is rearranged for no reason, names are changed for no reason, and it's just a fairly shitty translation. Then they add in meme dialogue just to make a shitty translation shittier. This is what made me quit early on, but I only came back recently because I'm using this game to practice japanese and its much more enjoyable now.

7cdcf4 No.14270890

File: dbc8ef73f0ff05f⋯.jpg (189.27 KB, 950x752, 475:376, C6zsAS2VAAA84Lk.jpg)

Alright faggots, Valentine's Day is right around the corner. Cygames will be taking orders for Valentine's gifts from any character, and they'll send an illustration to you.

Do I splurge on a remailing service to send me a gift from Fenrir?

d6bb02 No.14271042


Hold on, any character? How do I order my Balurga st valentines card?

9282b0 No.14271067


Japanese only, you would need a forwarding service at the very least.

fa7e7f No.14271084

There's also a Valentine's illustration of Percival's mother? Cygames, you trying to tell us something?

a328af No.14271087


ara > fujo

fa7e7f No.14271094

File: d6d957cef29243a⋯.jpg (16.92 KB, 253x253, 1:1, 1437120184596.jpg)


You got the right idea.

9dd463 No.14273955

File: dca91445d9b8295⋯.jpg (23.61 KB, 315x333, 35:37, Part2.jpg)

This part doesn't seem as bad. At least I have enough fodder to LV 150 some weapons and summons I have.

8af336 No.14274590

Here's a question directed towards crew leaders and those who participate in crew chat

What do you do with annoying crew members?

By annoying I mean those crew members who treat the chat like their own personnel blog

I don't care about your fetishes, I don't care about your search history, I don't care about your favorite kind of music, I don't care about your failed attempts at shitposting, I don't care about your life, stop posting and just inform the crew if you're hosting a raid or read the fucking wiki first before asking retarded questions that could have been answered if you just read the wiki

fa7e7f No.14274690


You're from Crew 2, aren't you.

9bb863 No.14274735

File: cea985f11a7827d⋯.jpg (92.54 KB, 535x767, 535:767, DUk9G7PVoAAE-4o.jpg)


…NSA, is that you?

I'm not a leader but I'm pretty sure they'd just kick the guy unless he's a well liked member who has people talking.

b0d8d6 No.14274942

File: 815d31db6dafa9e⋯.webm (2.93 MB, 406x412, 203:206, forrest gump explains hen….webm)

d0fc2a No.14275382

Do sidestories restock their items, or will I only ever be able to get 4 copies of Luna's Friend?

d6ce47 No.14275389


No restock, you only get one FLB.

cc69d1 No.14275652

File: c81eedc242da6ce⋯.jpg (34.72 KB, 500x303, 500:303, be4.jpg)


>this part doesn't seem as bad

>1/10 centrums

>0 gold bricks

>still need to reduce another weapon

The centrums alone are hell to farm

a328af No.14275988


>still need to reduce another (1) weapon

Man up and 40 box or you'll never have gold bars again

b0d8d6 No.14276485

File: 1a58e1fda32229e⋯.jpg (308.12 KB, 642x1114, 321:557, watergrid.jpg)

water is a gay

297e80 No.14276522

File: 6c88f5490247fd9⋯.gif (470.53 KB, 500x270, 50:27, 1467856575924.gif)


>Implying crew 2 has issues with shitposting, and isn't overall chill.

We also caused the collapse of a cuckchan crew lel.

9bb863 No.14276639

File: bbdc345e091a74a⋯.jpg (156.34 KB, 1000x1200, 5:6, DUdgt6qVwAA3hOh.jpg)


No one ever said whether it was from the battle of autism or that they started talking too much shit that was the reason their original leader abandoned them.

92b786 No.14276654


Crew 2 might as well be a cuckchan crew at this point.


They probably collapsed that crew by taking

all their members.

d0fc2a No.14276817


That's a shame, it's pretty cute and the thought of having a grid full of mouse stuffed animals is amusing. So if I wanted a second ex weapon I'd have to wait until the cardcaptor sakura event to return?

3f1724 No.14277721



538bb6 No.14277856

File: 914a76fae86769f⋯.jpg (112.26 KB, 638x960, 319:480, 4d87d153792296fc2d5e7eaba8….jpg)


Quite the anal pain over Crew 2, too bad you don't know our no cuckchan policy.

Stay mad faggot

a31f7f No.14278088

File: 3a9275ca1476027⋯.png (181.08 KB, 960x800, 6:5, Chef_Lyria,_Chef_Vyrn,_and….png)

As leader of crew 2 I only remove members that have not logged in 3 to 5 days with some exceptions. I don't care about shit posting or people talking about their fetishes. It doesn't detract from the game and you don't have to have the chat up 24/7. Also we are casuals because it's wrong for me to expect full autism when I can't even autism myself due to wagecuck.

92b786 No.14278226



>crew 2


This makes sense, you guys mostly post on cuckchan after all.

c1faf3 No.14278338

File: 564a1a61fbca49d⋯.png (214.39 KB, 960x800, 6:5, Echidna_NPC.png)


Don't know where you're getting that from? Sounds to me like youre upset about something? Oh did I kick you maybe? Please just keep telling me I and everyone posts on there.

26e14a No.14278490

File: 35258f2efae55bd⋯.png (128.46 KB, 600x700, 6:7, RandallFish.png)


IDs change a lot, Ive had like six posts in this thread and Ive got around 4IDs, seems to me you just want to feel like the ebin gatekeeper of the sekrit club. Fuck off lad, talk about the game or drop the topic, its taking this thread nowhere, faggot. On topic, As I'm using filer SRs in Fire I wanted to ask who to put in frontline, Miko Zoi or the Jougasaki amazon twin?

ea3bf2 No.14278553

File: d99c8e2cee1fb92⋯.jpg (82.27 KB, 480x360, 4:3, loli rape.jpg)


show your other members

26e14a No.14278578


Ruria, Percy.

ea3bf2 No.14278582

File: 6a2ea02ebc7c91c⋯.jpg (153.85 KB, 1000x577, 1000:577, 1473722780612.jpg)


rika is actually pretty great while zoi helps you with her atk/def downs so it's just a matter of what you really want (i'd use rika though she's sexy)

26e14a No.14278627

File: 2f5b8d8c4d4fc1c⋯.png (703.28 KB, 736x795, 736:795, sheep.png)

File: e221e0ec10bdc46⋯.png (893.8 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, Sheep 012.png)

File: 43159c01cd6b5d9⋯.jpg (1.51 MB, 2560x2752, 40:43, Zodiac girls kotatsu.jpg)


Id take ruria then to put both zoi and amazon twin. At least grid's going great.

Lets hope I get lucky eventually.

9bb863 No.14278887

File: e32e6b6c6229f68⋯.jpg (38.27 KB, 400x400, 1:1, e32e6b6c6229f68472d8186c4a….jpg)


Yes, an actual sizable picture of the Generals and their kotatsu; thanks!


There will likely be another dark ex event in the future and you could always use choco bars if you're mad enough to waste such a large amount to at least have four slots with them.


>not letting your dick choose

397b9d No.14278936

File: 5fc67f7c95b9bc2⋯.jpg (156.17 KB, 707x1000, 707:1000, cag cheer.jpg)

>thread gone to shit

>must post something everyone agrees on

0588eb No.14278955


>pic unrelated

fa7e7f No.14278970

File: 2fd3a2c7954cb16⋯.png (603.56 KB, 590x800, 59:80, b3a835985138df6a94dc0ffeae….png)


Post an actual woman next time, buddy.

d1c666 No.14278974

File: 72c7a8667353bcb⋯.png (597.37 KB, 600x849, 200:283, don't_open_the_dor.png)


She's not even the cutest alchemist

ea3bf2 No.14278982

File: 08b700c9b0b04cc⋯.png (545.2 KB, 900x1250, 18:25, ganbaru.png)

let's all agree yaia is the cutest tiny cow!

397b9d No.14279011

File: da130ed52f84fed⋯.png (546.82 KB, 638x887, 638:887, clar.png)


Was happy to get both her Christmas and Light units during new years. The alchemist event helped her a lot.

776db6 No.14279029

playable fenrir when

fa7e7f No.14279046


Screw that. Echidna when.

397b9d No.14279050


Never. She ate people on your home island. That evil beast will never join the crew. What's she gonna do,

>Hey sorry for killing and eating people you've known your whole live, my bad dude.

It doesn't work.

ddb04c No.14279051

File: a3ca8de0c07cdbb⋯.gif (804.73 KB, 435x244, 435:244, be4b21d6ce25680ebf0bddf3b6….gif)

That slut Celeste refuses to give me claws, arcanum also has been trash drops lately. I guess it's time to just get the dark EX weapon from the side story.

040ab5 No.14279057

File: aea80d0cc188b82⋯.png (246.26 KB, 465x577, 465:577, MULTIPLY.PNG)


That's not how you spell Lamretta.

ca5b1a No.14279132

File: ae9a6869373f296⋯.jpg (145.74 KB, 600x848, 75:106, 65973678_p0_master1200.jpg)

Zooey is the real QT

be3588 No.14280150


>black knight didn't kill anyone as a commander in the empire

>people haven't died because celeste trapped them on her island

a328af No.14280204


we're going to get playable sandy with what makes the sky blue 2, and he pushed us off an island and tore islands out of the sky

aa9d37 No.14280316

File: c4dff7bbb32729a⋯.png (95.35 KB, 329x377, 329:377, c4dff7bbb32729a8e1793e197b….png)


Celeste literally made everyone immortal on her island though

ca5b1a No.14280318


Citation needed.

a328af No.14280376

File: 2d131b9bc5cb2fd⋯.png (3.59 MB, 1919x1080, 1919:1080, new sandy art.png)

File: d5cc9337e569f2a⋯.png (351.06 KB, 640x688, 40:43, story sandy.png)


>new sandy art shown during the christmas stream that looks neither like a standing story art, nor a boss pose. More like character art

>dev interview in one of the latest famitsu said they heard that players reacted well to sandy and wanted him playable. Gave a cryptic answer about listening to that.

ca5b1a No.14280401


wow its fucking nothing

397b9d No.14280558


There's a difference between soldiers and and a man eating monster.


If it happens it's bullshit, he's a mass murderer who nearly killed you.

9bb863 No.14280649

File: d920c590f5c1b04⋯.png (910.57 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, 62100430_p4.png)


Didn't his plans have his way of gaining power lead to the whole Skydom being destroyed if he ended up with all the Primarch wings?

a328af No.14280689


>If it happens it's bullshit

fujos, man. fucking fujos.

be3588 No.14280705


yes, and there's also a difference between soldiers and slaves, which is what fenrir is to loki, a failed weapon of war he keeps as a slave

000000 No.14281750


Yeah, I don't think that's enough to justify her joining the crew. She clearly lusts for the chance to eat humans.

d6bb02 No.14281782

File: 1fbca2694543da9⋯.jpg (122.33 KB, 434x612, 217:306, 1517713390178.jpg)


And Garma was a career thief and kidnapper, no one bats an eye at him, Phoebe/Oneiros nearly kiled them and no sweat, what would make Fenrir and Sandy get no sympy from the jabronies in the crew.

527a2b No.14281819

File: 03621951e51b38c⋯.png (630.22 KB, 714x1000, 357:500, 55e1b8024a24a3a9fcda8cb6b9….png)


>comparing characters that didn't kill anyone with characters that slaughtered a bunch of people

Fenrirfags and Sandalfags are the worst.

d6bb02 No.14281880

File: 592bf979d92d436⋯.jpg (14.1 KB, 443x332, 443:332, images.jpg)


Oneiros killed everyone in her island, and it was no problem for MC and the band of vanilla midgets.

a328af No.14281885

File: fd6d8afcac90024⋯.png (1.33 MB, 850x856, 425:428, ClipboardImage.png)

9bb863 No.14281891

File: e5cbd2b0336f5e3⋯.jpg (274.68 KB, 1100x1553, 1100:1553, e5cbd2b0336f5e3130e65445ae….jpg)

I can't tell if Fenrir killing people in MCs village is just a meme or that people actually believe she was able to get anyone before you run out to stop her.

000000 No.14281896


>sympy from the jabronies

You have to go back

527a2b No.14281903

File: 69e753b9ec19d31⋯.png (1.3 MB, 1120x1036, 40:37, __skasaha_granblue_fantasy….png)


Do you have proof of that?


Around chapter 45-48 she killed people in MC's island.

d6bb02 No.14281942

File: 1251ea66530c2eb⋯.jpg (12.49 KB, 529x278, 529:278, I can already hear Sprach ….jpg)


Lucha Gran makes this /wooo/ territory, stop getting worked over it.


We just had Oneiros event last week or so, read it. Morphe mentions everyone in the island was dead and the remaining were trapped in nightmares. Oneiros went hard on that island.

998045 No.14281943


The only thing that happens in chapter 46 is a guy screaming when she vanishes, but then the crew rushes out and fights her. Nothing in text says she managed to kill anyone before the crew got to her.

8c7863 No.14281944


From what I remember, Oneiros/Pheobe created Morphe with fake memories of a "home island" so that he would lure the party into the dream world where she had home turf advantage, because she wanted to eliminate the captain/Vryn/Lyria due to the threat their powers potentially posed to her. She even later teased Morphe to try and remember the names of anyone from the island in order to prove to him that he was just her creation - there was no "home island" for her to have killed anyone on. If anything, during the event character's second fate episode, she tries to lead the party to where she remembers a flower garden being on an island she was before, only to find a thriving village there, so to say she wiped out any island at all is a bit of a stretch.

d6bb02 No.14281956


The island was there, but the time inside the dream realm moves at a fucky speed, if you also recall, Phoebe before Oneiros fight mentions that theres no way to know if you will wake up in days or years, and her being the dream beast and possibly spending there ages means the island is there but times has gone so forward that the ones they originally put to sleep are no longer there. That is if the "flower garden" island is the origin one. if not then probably their origin island went on a dream undeath status, a la Celeste but asleep.

be3588 No.14281963

File: 5c7d9596a2af102⋯.jpg (62.63 KB, 446x497, 446:497, 2544758678.JPG)

File: 5b00b6e22ac55ca⋯.jpg (66.95 KB, 472x499, 472:499, 346475867587.JPG)

File: 809ededc9737bfa⋯.jpg (60.04 KB, 459x480, 153:160, Fenrirfags btfo.JPG)


In fact, Fenrir's dialogue says she hadn't had a chance to eat anyone yet

b0d8d6 No.14281974


>Fenrir said HE was hungry

fenrirfags are gays

000000 No.14281975


>Fenrir said he was hungry

Finrir is a boy confirmed

d6bb02 No.14281979

File: 30c452d9ae0c2b3⋯.jpg (10.49 KB, 511x288, 511:288, Mfw Duggan still thinks he….jpg)

8c7863 No.14281984


Still, there is no evidence of any island that she put to sleep outside of what Morphe tells the party, and all of Morphe's memories were fabricated by Pheobe since in the beginning he was just a tool she was using to gain their trust and give them a motivation to enter the dream world. She potentially may not even have the power to permanently put someone to sleep as Morphe implied, because if she could there would be no reason to even bother physically luring the party into the dream world - she could have just coma-ed them all without even exposing herself to danger, otherwise.

527a2b No.14281988


Just reread it on both language versions. I guess Fenrir didn't kill anyone despite trying to.



I'll reread the event and i'll get back to you

9bb863 No.14281993

File: 1dacde6829c89a7⋯.png (355.58 KB, 533x746, 533:746, 63708749_p0.png)


I've caught up to around chapter 68 but what I remember is just people screaming before you run out to stop her before she digs into anyone; if anyone was dying, they would've done what they did elsewhere and have character pics dropping. The screaming itself can just be attributed to her being a Primal who likely is taunting the villagers with her intentions of eating them.

a328af No.14282002

File: 600a3dec8bf06f5⋯.png (395.9 KB, 508x843, 508:843, Pholia 1.png)

File: be46716724ec826⋯.png (488.65 KB, 507x757, 507:757, Pholia 2.png)

File: 70b8c9f1f8914e8⋯.png (645.92 KB, 507x1069, 507:1069, pholia 3.png)

File: 5ee5e893877ee6c⋯.png (551.63 KB, 507x981, 169:327, pholia 4.png)

I'd still let her in my crew

9bb863 No.14282006

File: b2106cd22d1140a⋯.jpg (170.06 KB, 1270x910, 127:91, DUgV4QcV4AAZEjV.jpg)




Fenrirfag can't catch a break.

Phoebe was likely at best just a tool to help with Astral narcolepsy or whatever and never ended up being used as a tool for war.

672614 No.14282018

File: 193b13f54881741⋯.png (637.51 KB, 646x747, 646:747, SHE.png)

a328af No.14282020

File: a7a1d38e18c35cc⋯.png (728.5 KB, 506x728, 253:364, her.png)



her refers to her as her in that same scene. Not sure if the he is a typo, or if they're just playing it for ambiguity

8c7863 No.14282026


>Phoebe was likely at best just a tool to help with Astral narcolepsy or whatever and never ended up being used as a tool for war.

Considering she couldn't even fight off her own nightmares during her second Fate episode, that may actually make the most sense - a primal built for civilian utility rather than warfare.


Japanese, AFAIK, doesn't have gender-specific pronouns, so most likely shitty translation. Quite a few of the older translations actually have the same character be referred to by both he and she - sometimes even in the same scene/event.

527a2b No.14282034



You're right, Phoebe/Oneiros didn't kill anyone. Everything was a made up and she only went after MC and Lyria because they reminded her of the astrals that hurt her.


At this point I don't like Fenrir because that/those faggots who keep posting "playable Fenrir when" almost every thread won't shut up. You know who you are

9bb863 No.14282167

File: df4c774bf48bc96⋯.jpg (153.9 KB, 701x1010, 701:1010, DUxxg05V4AAOnDr.jpg)


Eh, Fenrirfag never seemed like much of a pest but then not much would if you compare it to the Cagliostro debate team.

ea3bf2 No.14282924

File: fd3ca391e644993⋯.jpg (158.69 KB, 1070x1200, 107:120, machopihna.jpg)

A664BA32 baka hl relatively free horn

f7bb1f No.14282965


Thank you for the kill.

ea3bf2 No.14282972

File: 90fb017d9c620df⋯.png (654.81 KB, 723x1023, 241:341, laguna.png)

4D7CAC2C more relatively free horns

397b9d No.14284013

File: da683813fb04bfb⋯.jpg (116.94 KB, 707x1000, 707:1000, erunes breathe from their ….jpg)

a9c3e0 No.14284034

It seems some people didn't read Sandalphon's lore very well. Guy was born with no purpose and he was also used as an experiment of some sort.

Then he started plotting against Lucio and Seraphs and we never even really find out his entire past at all. People are fucking retarded for telling that character is worst even when his past is completely unknown.

Fenrir ate humans. Yes, very big sin.

Sandalphon did what? Killed 0 seraphs, pushed Danchou of the cliff? Wow, big fucking deal.

Oneiros created false memories and killed god knows how many people and still some retards think this was justified in some way. Seriously? Fuck off.

397b9d No.14284063


Sandalphon caused islands to fall out of the sky.

His failed plan killed thousands, had he won all islands would have fallen killing everyone.

ea3bf2 No.14284065

File: 51aec784137fc51⋯.png (275.07 KB, 339x550, 339:550, beato memes.png)


>destroys literal islands and almost the world

oh jeez sandalphone what a cheeky brat

ea3bf2 No.14284179

File: a011325efd51fc1⋯.jpg (228.31 KB, 1296x1813, 1296:1813, nya.jpg)

36A1071C darkzebra

8c7863 No.14285601


>Oneiros created false memories and killed god knows how many people

<Previous posts explain how that's bullshit

>dindt reed lol xXXDDDdDD

Pheobe created a drone from her own power and instilled it with false memories to act as a lure, and caused some of the party to be trippin' balls for a couple days in a failed ploy to eliminate those of them which she (wrongly) assumed to be a threat to her well-being. Nothing points to her actually using any of her power to kill people prior to that, as the whole "putting islands to sleep" was a false memory given to Morphe, so that he could convince the party that Oneiros was a sufficiently credible threat that they would be willing to go into the dream world to face her.

Not that it makes her targeting the party a non-shitty move, but you're comparing this to an edgelord faggot whose shtick was "Wah, I don't feel like I have a purpose in life because Lucifer don't need no help… I know, I'll just destroy everything!" who then proceeded to try and drop everything out of the sky. As for the "he was also used as an experiment of some sort" bit, practically every single primal beast is the result of Astral experimentation. He isn't in any way special in that regard, just more of an insufferable queef about it.

d1c666 No.14289493

File: 0283c1c912ff775⋯.jpg (36.36 KB, 328x482, 164:241, Lucha-gran_does_it_again.jpg)

D7AD60C8 baka hl

9dd463 No.14290715


4a1fce No.14291464

File: 005374050db190a⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 515.58 KB, 1446x1437, 482:479, 05e57a5d9fb2f74a1e6efa0fbe….png)

Polite sage for somehow on topic in a GBF crew chat but off topic here.

000000 No.14291846


Top larp. If he's dead and released a deadman's switch, why hide his name?

a328af No.14291880

File: 1d7e6e33dd7662f⋯.png (915.48 KB, 635x903, 635:903, ClipboardImage.png)

Death-chan finally got some art

000000 No.14292038


wtf I hate Death-chan now.

looks like a cross between between Koume and Yuel, but not as cute as either.

ea3bf2 No.14292700

File: 53727405bc42dd4⋯.png (1.5 MB, 1280x824, 160:103, hotaru.png)


she's closer to a sleep deprived hotaru tbh

ea3bf2 No.14292773

File: a368029e429698b⋯.gif (1.75 MB, 390x215, 78:43, endless rage.gif)

9ADDDD5A baka hl of DOOM

9bb863 No.14293729

File: a90e16e3e33edc1⋯.gif (826.55 KB, 500x281, 500:281, 1434301402210.gif)


>Koumes face and size but with Yuels hair and ass

9bb863 No.14295493

File: 7c5671669180a1c⋯.jpg (283.43 KB, 488x490, 244:245, 1403675568308.jpg)

Hey, why do we have 51 spaces in the friends list now?

Did anyone else see who the Japs lowered the scores for?

>Almeida 7.0

>Andira 9.0

>Beatrix 8.0

And the most fucked up one

>Korwa 9.5

I wanna nuke the Japs but first I wanna ask them why Mellissabelle moved up to a 9.0 when I don't think she got a buff or anything.

92b786 No.14295540


The maximum number of people on your friends list is determined by your rank. Don't pay any attention to gamewith, they're shills.

9bb863 No.14295599

File: 916c8e2ee87db98⋯.jpg (398.22 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, DUeYIUyU0AAySVB.jpg)


>The maximum number of people on your friends list is determined by your rank

The hell kinda sense does that make?

aa9d37 No.14296067

File: ca210f9609a3b13⋯.png (292.61 KB, 574x548, 287:274, 1499792186140.png)


Its to potentially minimize the amount of high-level players new players annoy by asking them for friendship. Friends in granblue is all about finding people with good summons.

a328af No.14297370

File: b1bf97a249f0ff6⋯.png (223.28 KB, 507x645, 169:215, auto upgrade ship.png)

Just added under gameplay settings.

a328af No.14297655

File: 5c8d312e64642df⋯.png (1.97 MB, 1165x1080, 233:216, Playable Tiamat.png)

There's a new trial SSR

040ab5 No.14297776


Korwa is too slow to be core any longer, Melissabelle is a Sabre character and got her score increased becaue Atma swords are a thing.

672614 No.14297826


Not to mention with the increase in animation speed she can actually get her nukes out before the raid ends.

f9e7d0 No.14298302

File: cf5118aa43e983d⋯.jpg (309.38 KB, 473x2070, 473:2070, episode_822.jpg)

3d5a19 No.14299917

File: ccd9f7010477da4⋯.gif (4.26 MB, 500x500, 1:1, kooseternally.gif)


I foresee absolutely nothing bad happening as a result of this. Nothing at all.

397b9d No.14300684


A week of only logging on for bonus.

a328af No.14301269

File: 8c1474275152046⋯.png (372.03 KB, 846x544, 423:272, ClipboardImage.png)

397b9d No.14301323

File: 8eda929c3274a29⋯.jpg (100.05 KB, 900x773, 900:773, jas leash.jpg)

301115 No.14301985



Maybe because "Tom" is based on a real person who isn't actually dead, and the events described never actually occurred because the post is an account of a wargame.

a9c3e0 No.14302294

File: 25db043f31f3dbd⋯.png (8.76 KB, 120x120, 1:1, t14r3570.png)

Shitty dog event only drops useless weapons.

Anniversary better be good.

9bb863 No.14302383

File: 0104083f9032fdb⋯.jpg (26.12 KB, 380x380, 1:1, DUyX4XAVQAA55LV.jpg)


Use them to beef up your dark grid or do what I'm doing an using this moment of freedom to get on top of other things you've been meaning to do.

000000 No.14302630


Huh. The pasta gets pretty detailed and specific to just be a "wargame" eh?

b33134 No.14303625

File: 3028ae96eef915c⋯.jpg (117.39 KB, 675x1000, 27:40, Chloe.jpg)

And the news about radio.

>Guraburu Free Quest will be added on February 16th

>Arulumaya will get her FLB, she will get a 4th skill

>Aphrodite will get her FLB

>Final Chapter of Pandemonium will be released on Late Feb

>What Makes The Sky Blue rerun will feature the free Baha Weapon again

397b9d No.14303727

File: 5eb4c5e8f34e745⋯.jpg (133.6 KB, 858x1200, 143:200, bath time.jpg)

File: 7025afd968b89a4⋯.jpg (126.48 KB, 858x1200, 143:200, bath time 2.jpg)

a9c3e0 No.14304566



9bb863 No.14304807


>Arulumaya will get her FLB, she will get a 4th skill

Wonder if it will be enough to have her rejoin my Earth team.

>What Makes The Sky Blue rerun will feature the free Baha Weapon again

Hope it doesn't know about people getting it the original run because I need the Baha sword for my Earth and Dark teams.

527a2b No.14305908

New thread


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