>Every final boss is a fucking joke, specially Bill Gates Wesker.
>Cokehead Jill felt more of a threat than all the bosses together
>Running out of ammo is not creepy, is just fucking annoying.
>RE7 port on the PS4 is total ass, the Wii far more superior
>Tries to copy GTA's freestyle maps but with a lot of invisible walls
>The aiming has always been awkward
>The first three entries aged like cream on a sunny day.
>The remake of the first one is just bad as its original counterpart
>I'm surprised this isn't a Nintendo IP
>Only mutilated pleb taste virtual signaling faggots will defend RE3: The Remake.
The only one I enjoyed so far was RE5, but that's because you shoot niggers along side with your Aunt Jemina. How long until Monster Hunter follows the same path?