c2cf86 No.14414330
March Event Schedule
02/28~03/11 - What Makes the Sky Blue 2: Paradise Lost
03/12~03/18 - Rise of the Beasts
03/18~03/24 - Xeno Corow
03/24~03/30 - Robomi Generations (Rerun)
03/31~04/08 - New Scenario Event
1.Infinity - 692908
2.Kihou - 740471
3.Sky Lords - 733000
4.Raven Nest (Dead) - 1024216
Guides and info
>How do I even play this shit?
You can play it from your browser by going to http://game.granbluefantasy.jp/
>I'm not going to use google botnet to play this.
You can use chrome alternatives, such as Slimjet or Iridium. If you don't like doing that, use an agent spoofer for the browser you do use to spoof chrome.
875e0b No.14414358
First for Lyria best waifu
a30739 No.14414393
I hope after they finish xeno corow they either put them into the regular rotation or make a combined event with all the showdowns and have it be fucking more regular than twice a fucking year.
737ae0 No.14414408
but vira is best waifu
1f120e No.14414518
I can't get anything done because of all this fucking lag. Worst 4th birthday ever.
748c34 No.14414817
Not a bad start to this anniversary.
6e748b No.14414908
Really hoping I get something good from the free tickets and rolls. So far this legfest gave me the sr birdman, and a couple of fodder weapons.
34f8f1 No.14414930
File: e3351308c3c6d59⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 976.94 KB, 850x734, 425:367, 69af93bb84d85487a8dd56bb6a….png)
So with Sandalphon joining the crew, there really is no reason why you-know-who shouldn't be able to join.
c46485 No.14414944
d0cb47 No.14415017
Fenrir redemption arc when
67f92b No.14415058
Reminder that if you like Azur Lane or other literal chink knock-offs, you are both a mobage good goy AND a traitor to grorious nippon.
52814d No.14415071
Does she even need one? Sandy is a mass murderer and didn't get much of one. Eating a few folks is no big deal after that.
6e748b No.14415099
next thing you know, part 3 will have a recruitable belial or some stupid fujoshit.
be25b1 No.14415159
>recruitable belial
You say that as a joke, as if you don't know damn well its exactly what is going to happen.
I'm far more interested in what the premium char to offset that is going to be. Playable Celeste maybe? Since that will then cover all the female primals as playable.
34f8f1 No.14415162
I want to redeem her with my dick
6e748b No.14415210
I know it's going to happen. Seeing that fujos and Tumblr are fawning over him.
8a080c No.14415218
He's great as a joke character tbh, best villain of the year so far. But I don't get all the gay shit ruckus
8a080c No.14415259
weren't you in crew 3? what happened?
67f92b No.14415263
Weren't you in an 8ch crew before?
06d4cb No.14415266
Wew lad, we both left crew 3, then? Good luck, then, Silver.
Nothing really, not him, and the crew is fine, probably Silver is interested in his own goals, good for him.
3ca3e7 No.14415277
>Playable Celeste maybe?
That will most likely be grand ferry as grand vira was playable chev
c2cf86 No.14415302
First crew a.k.a. Infinity is looking for member(s)
6e748b No.14415338
>sandals into coffee, but he's not really much of a talker to the crew
Guess he can't expresso himself to others unless they're lucifel.
55d7ca No.14415340
Yes, I don't know if this will make any sense but I wanted to meet new people, experience new laughs, hear new stories, that kind of thing
I still love you guys, no homo yet a little bit homo
Crew 3
Thank you stranger
06d4cb No.14415349
Do his Skill fate, he opens up quite a bit, and now enjoys being non talkative as a way to add mystique.
I was gonna say who I was, but we don't do kinkshaming around, mate.
55d7ca No.14415361
55d7ca No.14415363
06d4cb No.14415369
Good luck in Crew 1.
I am probably quitting, so I left the crew to avoid corpsing on them.
af4394 No.14415554
>decided to drop a few tickets because I had more than enough to spark Zooey next flashfest
>Fire Metera and Fire Societte
On one hand, both are pretty good, on the other hand I need to get my baha dagger to coda now more than ever. But that fight is such a pain, and I don't feel like I can contribute to it as much as I should. And I always miss the ones in the thread, too. At least WMTSB rerun got me a free horn.
1f120e No.14415640
Look for BahaHL raids in coop. Got this from doing four of them.
a50178 No.14415656
You didn't spend money on this, right?
34f8f1 No.14415685
bought two ten rolls today
only got a single SSR
it was a gold moon
942261 No.14415943
I sent you a request!
Welcome to Lilium~
072370 No.14415953
Can an honest man get some big fat draph tiddies?
942261 No.14415979
fa9807 No.14416153
So, from someone that doesn't know any better, the Summoning Cradle- should I get a Demi-Summon, or a Sunlight Stone that I save for a premium SSR summon?
3c52d0 No.14416165
You've got until the 18th JST to figure it out, no need to jump the gun. See what kind of draws you get until then, check your teams and grids to figure out which you'd be willing to farm for.
2de9eb No.14416198
e4c08c No.14416203
What the fuck is this?
Primals suck unless you have a bunch of limited/moon weapons and magna is only going to get better with the anniversary. It would be best to wait right now.
d0cb47 No.14416270
000000 No.14416441
As a half-assed 1+ yr player…this is the conclusion I have come to. The upcoming magna II shit pretty much seals the deal.
I will never be a whale, and if I was I wouldn't settle for a watered down primal summon.
4bb78b No.14416445
I just wanted to get cute girls, instead I got all giant indian hulk warrior, should I just off myself? Why does gacha God hate me?
a79c74 No.14416455
>Azur Lane
Doesn't the people who own Kantai Collection regularly screw over their customers? Now that I think about it; whatever happened to Chinese Overwatch?
Vyrn character for next event and Belial Granblues character for next April Fools.
This level of head cannon needed to pair Vira up with anyone but Katalina is poisonous to ones mind.
>It's not you; it's me
I wonder if Crew 3 was clingy or boring.
At least you got a chance at crystals.
67f92b No.14416592
Vira x Djeeta is quite clearly the best possible pairing and if you disagree you're a pleb, especially considering Light Vira's fates.
34f8f1 No.14416678
do you have a job
34f8f1 No.14416726
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Cygames has set up an official Granblue Fantasy youtube channel, they'll be streaming the anniversary event straight to youtube in a few days
maybe we can get a mod to edit the OP with the stream once it's live
34f8f1 No.14416728
kek nevermind then
52814d No.14418246
Anyone have a link to viramate? Looks like it was taken down from the extensions store.
66be55 No.14418715
Honestly, go for the Sunstone if you got a 120% or so. Demis aren't useful unless you can superwhale, and if you can superwhale why not get the full primals already?
e108ca No.14419214
Nanking pt.2 coming up.
Kadokawa has certainly pissed some fanbases off, but from what I know KanColle isn't a typical Kadokawa game. It was DMM who paid to develop and host it, and consequently made all the money off the game itself. Kadokawa retains the legal rights but only makes money off merchandising as a result. The actual KanColle staff is only like 4 people who seem to be more or less independent of them, and the game's creator Kensuke Tanaka is the still the guy in charge.
a1001c No.14419412
a1001c No.14419426
My Dick x Mahira>(you)'re shit taste
2de9eb No.14419436
congrats, Jervis is cute, and somewhat lewd.
Yes, you've got strong teams for elements that aren't light and wind. Get one more sword fire SSR character and you've got a great fire team too.
a1001c No.14419441
Is Sturm still stronk? I could spark for her.
2de9eb No.14419443
Yes, strum is stronk. You could also aim for the newest Therese, she's also really strong.
a1001c No.14419451
wew and she is human. That works great with my grid. Shit I completely forgot about her. She was my first non-story character I got when I started playing. I didn't recognize her without her funny hat.
a1001c No.14419496
Whelp I guess it makes sense my crew kicked me out. The sword homos and disappointment in lack of cags during the Sakura event burnt me out.
Anyone looking for a crewmate?
3ca3e7 No.14419530
The dissolution juice is made of Harvin!
6f1aae No.14419571
why does 8ch have a gachashit general?
8c0028 No.14419578
two gacha shit generals, anon
b9af3e No.14419588
Because people post on it.
a1001c No.14419796
Aw geez I forgot how fun Draphtective is. Man this shit has a lot of fun characters. It needs another season of the amine.
a1001c No.14420013
Okay I just need to avoid shitty events and I could definitely enjoy this shit again.
52814d No.14420513
WMTSB-2 is a large downgrade from last year. Even if Sandy didn't join the crew it'd still be a poor event, that just makes it worst.
3ca3e7 No.14420534
The first 3 chapters with the angel twins and the tension of flying to the island were good.
a1001c No.14420539
Yeah, I'm just not going to force myself to try and do every fucking thing like I used to. It's just not fun grinding shit you don't like to do just for the sake of completionism.
52814d No.14420546
Don't play anywhere near what I used to. Only got gold on drops last two months. Mostly show up to do story events and not the grind stuff like when the dog girls came back, didn't even touch them.
a1001c No.14420552
They didn't change spark exchange did they? It's still 30K, right?
52814d No.14420561
Always been 90k.
a1001c No.14420566
Fuck that's right. 300 at 300.
a1001c No.14420567
Does Wind Omega still outclass Wind Primal?
2de9eb No.14420568
I dunno man. Besides belial being a HUGE faggot this wasn't that bad. Someone of consequence actually dying was pretty interesting. Ending could have used some work though.
ffa653 No.14420579
>implying lucifer's staying dead
fa9807 No.14420580
Seriously, I'm still shocked that they actually killed off LUCIFER. And like it was nothing, at that. Still, this game is 4 years old now? And if this second part is new, how long will it be before they do the obviously-incoming part 3? Will the game still be going when it comes?
a79c74 No.14420584
Oh shit, where you been Hitler? Crew 2s Hitler; right?
Yep but if you're a whale you can apparently do something with Rosettas dagger.
52814d No.14420591
If lucifer had showed up in more than one dream maybe it'd mean something. Any of the four Primarchs getting killed off would have meant more, at least we got to spend some time with them.
a1001c No.14420598
I appreciate you fam.
Yep yep. I got completely burnt out when the chainfag event came up after Sakura. Spent some time working on a new beer recipe, wrote a couple of new songs, a lot of shitposting and just moderating my board.
>Implying I am not a whale.
Come on now, kid. I thought you faggots knew me better than this.
a79c74 No.14420634
Didn't pace yourself?
>I thought you faggots knew me better than this
You're saying you'd buy a load of crystals until you can put Love Eternal in around 7 spaces of your grid and then buy even more to FLB them because you don't wanna wait to grind out the chocobars?
a1001c No.14420648
>Didn't pace youtself?
playing 8-12 hours a day to grind a shitty event you hate is pretty lame, dude.
>Love Eternal
We won't know until we try. Someone has to keep the yakuza running.
e4c08c No.14420653
4 Love Eternals is optimal for a Zeph grid.
a79c74 No.14420673
>playing 8-12 hours a day
No wonder you got burnt out; I always just tried to run the dailies before maybe spamming some raids while watching something and even taking breaks when I feel like it.
Always thought they were supposed to replace all the bolts.
e4c08c No.14420709
It's the problem with wind's best characters, they all have buffs on the normal multiplier. So you use enough daggers to reach the DA cap then a couple of xeno spears and magna weapons. The last spot is either the seraphic for earth enemies or the damage cap up spear from RotB.
2de9eb No.14420745
He was the gatekeeper to Pandemonium, which is imprisoning the fallen angels, and keeping the otherwordly beings from coming into the skyrealm en masse.
With DAO outside she's probably going to end up opening the gate to Pandemonium to free the fallen angels, and will probably unintentionally let in the otherworldly beings. Lucifer dying was pretty significant in universe, even if the world doesn't feel the full effects of what has happened.
If you consider Lucio and Lucifer to be the same being there was some sort of emotional investment there.
1f120e No.14420772
I hope Magna II gives water some good shit because it's the only one where I'm considering going for babbyVaruna.
34f8f1 No.14420793
Do you have any Murgs? Do you have Fimbuls?
1f120e No.14420800
I have a single FLB Fimbul. Fenrir was being a bitch and I wasted a shit ton of pots to get it.
a1001c No.14420809
When is Aaron going to be a playable character or did that happen while I was away?
b07c68 No.14420817
what if I got a FLB Love Eternal and a 0* Reunion, should I choose babbyZeph?
e4c08c No.14420838
No, you only start using Zeph at 3 Love Eternals.
34f8f1 No.14420846
Water relies pretty heavily on murgs and fimbuls, you'll want at least two fimbuls and a few murgs to really get good use out of varuna
I'd recommend against getting a zeph simply because magna wind is so strong, but wait until the anniversary stream anyway to see what details we get on magna II
1f120e No.14420891
So should I just get the sunstone for Bahamut then? I mean I COULD possibly pull varuna in the future with some Murgs, but I don't know the chances of both happening. Unless I stop being a fucking retard and actually SAVE for my spark target
e4c08c No.14420919
All advice as to what you should use your summon's cradle on can be summed up to wait until the anniversary.
320177 No.14421028
It's because we got no cameos possibly, last event we got Cameos of some previous event characters, I wouldn't actually minded if Walder and Arthur appeared in this event, would have make it better.
a1001c No.14421110
Dead within seconds of entering code.
1f120e No.14421176
As in no one else or the room didn't exist?
I ain't clicking that shit.
a1001c No.14421180
34f8f1 No.14421196
>Kira Buckland as Lyria
1f120e No.14421198
Well it was opened when you put it in. I had the rank set to 120 or higher.
3ca3e7 No.14421199
Gran, Kat, Rackam, Vyrn, Sturm, and to a degree Io are ok
Lyria and Drang are irredeemably shit
a1001c No.14421205
I'm actually streaming the sub right now and crunchykike has a new catagory for the dub so they are probably going to upload it this weekend. I figured they would have taken the series down since they are partnered with Wright Flyer Studios to work on the english version of DanMemo.
Forgot about ranks.
3ca3e7 No.14421332
Cygames tweeted this out
>no arulu
a79c74 No.14421339
File: bce75704dd9c252⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 422.21 KB, 1200x1097, 1200:1097, 9662ed2a46e9613c267bbf17ec….jpg)
At least it didn't land in Funimations lap; I mean it's still shit but it's not irredeemably so.
They fucked Seiro too.
b07c68 No.14421418
They remembered Toot and Robertina, let them be, as much as I love Aruru she shouldnt be shilled that much, all potatoes deserve love.
a1001c No.14421458
>Press F to jump towards the end of the world
>Press F to stab the end of the world
>Congratulations you killed a god
Fuck that noise. What the fuck kind of ending is that? They had to do that as a cut scene? Jarring as fuck. I mean if it had to be a cut scene whatever, but the fake interaction is hella lame.
e4c08c No.14421469
They're all musicians other than Riruru who is a singer.
b07c68 No.14421493
What instrument does Chicken play, m8?
b07c68 No.14421499
I know its drums, but what is the specfic name.
c2cf86 No.14421513
Would it kill you to look it up yourself? It's called Tsuzumi.
a1001c No.14421617
Did stickers always make sound?
ab14df No.14421727
>Lucifer dead
He'll come back, probably as a shota.
55d7ca No.14421762
No, it was added in a few months ago, check the wiki or ingame to see which ones do
cf5fb9 No.14421783
>browser based games
For what fucking purpose? I can understand it for office workers who don't have a lot of stuff to do at their jobs, but why anyone else at any other time?
a1001c No.14421898
Holy shit, sub-aura is amazing. This shit should have been there from the start.
33f8bc No.14421949
Only the ones with the speaker symbol on them
d7958d No.14421954
Not sure if anyone has brought this topic up yet but we saw Lucillius in the recent event and that made me think if Lucio (playable character), is actually different from Lucifer somehow?
Could Lucio actually be a clone of Lucifer or just another archangel look-alike?
Or did the cygames just name Lucifer Lucio because it would collide with the summon name?
a1001c No.14421967
Probably not since there is Yugs.
3ca3e7 No.14422343
Livestream will go live in 24 hours from this post, with presumably half an hour of preshow ads before that time. Should get three more events to add to this webm
4b8a6f No.14422355
Guys I'm looking for some investment advice.
Rapidly approaching HL, and have a fairly well rounded roster for wind. Shit like Gawain, Lennah, Korwa. Short term I'm aiming for Smugman, and eventually Nio. Other elements are sort of trash, but I am sitting on a titan.
Do I go full windroach and spark Lecia/Monkey?
Or draw next flash gala to bolster other elements, spark Ayer, become one with the muscle?
e4c08c No.14422537
You won't be able to spark Ayer, Monkey isn't that great and Smug/Lecia/Nio is probably the best team for wind right now. With all all these things taken into account, you should wait for the anniversary to decide.
02aaf6 No.14422598
Consider that the game is in a full blown rainbow meta. You should probably try and close gaps and fill holes in your teams first.
Investing to heavily into one element may end up making some content too hard.
Since you are not hl yet you might also want to wait before deciding on a gw 5* and sparking will change a lot in terms of team comps.
As for spark targets, they are only Limited or freshly released characters so you should probably look at Zooey, Lucio, Sturm or the summer limiteds if you can wait that long.
If you want more specific help, post your characters.
02aaf6 No.14422639
I got in because of the porn.
Then stayed in because of cute/funny characters, decent events, good music, an alright gameplay and Lecia.
I also work 10 hours a day 6 days a week in black, with a shit pay and no prospect of moving up or building a future for myself and when I get home I'm too tired to play anything that requires 2 hands or any sort of reflexes.
So GBF is a good option to tickle my autism with until I either save up enough money to get the fuck away from here or the depression sets in even deeper and I finally throw myself off a bridge.
1f120e No.14423288
Magic Miki becomes playable when?
67f92b No.14423376
According to Olivia's fate, she's actually just a part of the main DAO who's still locked in Pandemonium. Lucio is probably similar.
a1001c No.14423377
Either of the crews recruiting?
cf5fb9 No.14423518
So is it an MMO? That's the only reason I could see why it lacks a client for computers.
4b8a6f No.14423543
Yeah, I kind of figured Nio supersedes Anchira currently, but I wasn't sure if her unpopularity was just because she's been drawable so rarely.
Sitting on the spark for a while longer does look like the best choice, now that you mention it. Draws in the summer gacha pool will inevitably be much more valuable than the current one.
Thanks for your inputs, really helped me sort my shit out and not make hasty decisions. Guess I'll push on to HL before summer to get a better idea of my needs and spark based on that.
a1001c No.14423570
Should I bother putting my pendants towards light shit for the next GW even if my light team is shit tier, or put them towards finishing one of the grids I have for a good team?
737ae0 No.14423585
do you intend on farming gw when it comes up?
a1001c No.14423606
If I can find a crew.
50e541 No.14423614
Its a mobage, its technically for mobile phones (to let overworked japanese salarymen do their shit whenever they have two seconds to breathe) but using a computer to play it is best for a multitude of reasons. If you want to check it out, you can start at game.granbluefantasy.jp, and if you like it, you can politely ask Account-Anon for one of his super good rerolled starter accounts. I highly recommend getting a starter account if you do like the game.
737ae0 No.14423644
cb02ad No.14423780
Superb, thanks, because I was gonna put "lol what is that jap stringy drum from ranma 1/2" in fucking jewgle. I don't know man, maybe puitting stringy drum would have worked, who knows, now thanks for telling me what that stuff is.
Most of us who play this shit are wagecucks that slave too many hours a fucking day and cant seriously game anymore. So, this shit has waifus and comfy stories and good music, and its free, so what the shit.
Lucio is a vessel Lucifer can send among skydwellers, Lucilius is the one creator, but hes a trickster type of creator God, in that he loves raising species only to pit them in wars for his own fun. And he made Lucifer in his own image for mere egocentrism. Sandalphon is Lucifer's intended backup, Beelzebub is his own universes's Gran who fell down a dark path. Belial is a hot damn mess.
cb02ad No.14423843
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Here's some goodies.
Been trying to post mp4s for two days and to no avail.
ef62fe No.14423920
Monkey is a poor support in an element with Korwa and Nyon, she might get better with her 5* but we're gonna have to wait for the next year.
As for the spark, it's absolutely worth it. except for that one anon that got a 3.3% SSR rate
Just make sure who you can spark for, because the pools are separated.
On an unrelated note, for some reason my wishlist got longer after I sparked.
d7958d No.14423970
Someone post that picture of Charlotta trying to wear virgin killer sweater.
c532e3 No.14424041
Wait until the end of free draws, then choose either Titan, Varuna or the Sunlight Stone depending on your results.
Earth and Water are pretty viable F2P though, I wouldn't exactly call it watered down. Sure, Murgleis and AK-4A are insanely good, but your base grid is Fimbuls and Auberons or Baal Axes anyway. You could also make a case for the magna dirt grid being as strong as primal earth, specially with Magna II in the near future, but I'm not seeing magna II saving wet from dagger hell, and assuming you get enough Ancient Auberons for a viable magna grid, you will probably have enough normal ones for a Primal Water grid, so Varuna is a straight upgrade either way
c532e3 No.14424300
>Lyria is always loud (in an endearing way for me at least) and energetic
>Dub gives her a soft voice
One job.
c532e3 No.14424392
Lucillius isn't the Creator, he's just a bored Astral researcher. But apart from that, as you say, he probably is the one behind the creation of the Primarchs and subsequent development of Primal Beasts.
Astrals aren't the primordial race though, it is heavily implied that the moonfolk came before them.
As for the real one creator, it gets kind of sketchy, but from what I can remember there was either a duo, or it split into two aspects: One of creation, representing the Astrals, and another of Destruction and Rebirth, Bahamut, representing the sky dwellers. Creation was stagnating and then straight up disappeared, leaving Bahamut to mantain the sky realm, a job that, if you take it from Ubaha BGM, he takes very seriously. Can't give you source because I don't remember where I read this shit (besides Right Behind You ), so I can't even tell if this is reliable data or my brain playing tricks on me.
cb02ad No.14424473
I should have specified, Lucilius is named by Sandy and Belial as their creator entity, I fucked up on that spot. Neutronon lied under his breath so we need other Moonfags to show up to clarify shit.
c532e3 No.14424498
Ah, I get what you meant now.
And a sequel Moonfags event would be greatly appreciated not only because they left us hanging, but because I'm 90% positive they are going to give us event SR Beato to go with it.
cb02ad No.14424561
Exactly, this is what has kept me around, but it's been ten months now since the last potato girl, and the wait game sucks
a1001c No.14424801
The event SSR tickets draw off a set pool so there really is no need to save them, is there?
c532e3 No.14424816
Yes, they draw from the non-limited pool and do not give sparks. Drawing them in or out of legfest also doesn't matter.
2de9eb No.14424923
I'm done, this is the fifth one. Lecia loves me, and I like Lecia alot, but cygames hates Lecia so much it hurts.
031127 No.14424939
Keep her close to your heart, buddy.
c532e3 No.14425025
Well, I mean, maybe you can make a double zephyrus grid and still hit cap?
50e541 No.14425306
I'll be king windnigger one day!
I was saving to spark lecia until this magnafest came with her rate up, and I blew all 125 of my saved rolls. She came to me on my 125th roll, I couldn't possibly be happier. I just hope I can roll Grimnir or Gacha Zephyrus in the next couple weeks so I can begin windfagging to the extreme.
a1001c No.14425915
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Regarding Arcarum is there anything I should know that the wiki doesn't cover?
814fd8 No.14425916
>try to find that model so I could undress it and play with it
>find it, but there is no way to download it
>have to send the maker a literal application to get a link
>he has to log in and review it
>"Japs onrry baka gaijin get out" in the description
Such is life.
Good thing I know a bit about drawing, so maybe I could do something if I stop being lazy.
It's a nice video though.
I don't even play this game, but I like this girl so much, I'm tempted to go into it.
a1001c No.14425925
Charlotta was one of my first characters. She is a good girl with a heart burning with justice bigger than anyone else.
814fd8 No.14425964
Nicovideo embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>14425925
I love this one so much.
Maybe I should just fall for the gacha meme already.
I remember you guys were celebrating how they'd give responses when receiving chocolate on Valentine's.
That looked really nice.
50e541 No.14425990
Wiki has most information up-to-date. The only things you should know is that Cantankerous Leopard is the worst enemy in arcarum and you need s.zoi to defeat it, always fight all the enemies in your stages, and always have a full-revive arcarum pot available in case you fuck up on stage 9.
8d1aa7 No.14426010
>he needs S.Zoi to beat the Cancerous Leopard
>he can't just blow it away with sheer stat overpower
3ca3e7 No.14426017
sarasa is arcarum core. You can clear the fastest with her ground zero. Watch out for the cantancerous leopard. It has ~90% reflect that can't be dispelled. Use plain damage to get through it, but if you leave the fight open for 2 hours, all debuffs will clear as they are hard coded for a 2 hour limit.
Focus on one summon as sephira stones and hazes are a bottleneck for all summons. Getting the item that lets you reroll the end boss is a good idea as you need a lot of ideams and astras for the summon and the boss drops the most. This image is a fan mockup, so ignore the arcarum names on the characters as they might not be accurate, but it shows which summon unlocks which character so you can choose now.
If you want Charlotta, she is a starter character. Look up rerolling an account on the wiki and do that until you get her in your starter roll. The characters have a number of holiday messages. Next one is white day or your birthday, whenever that is
814fd8 No.14426057
>Look up rerolling
Oh, so it's that easy then?
It surprises me how many good girls this shit has.
They really did pour their entire budget into the designs and it shows.
c2cf86 No.14426058
Is this picture real or did you get this out of reddit or some shit?
fa9807 No.14426067
She was my first. And so I must also ask- do Harvins usually order Kids Meals like her, or is that just a Charlotta thing?
I wonder if she'll be in Re:Link too.
3ca3e7 No.14426068
>Is this picture
>This image is a fan mockup
7ad47d No.14426075
Those are the characters associated with the summons based off trailers and who shows up after you defeat the bosses. Anything more than that is unknown.
c2cf86 No.14426081
Alright, nothing is confirmed and it's some bullshit then.
67f92b No.14426093
Those are the characters that show up after you defeat the associated Arcarum boss. It's already been confirmed by Cygames that they'll be available to recruit in the future, you dingus.
a1001c No.14426098
Also seiyuu. They have everyone, and I mean everyone. You have a voice actress you like? She is in granblue. Hell I once made an entire party of nothing but Gintama characters.
c2cf86 No.14426111
I'm not talking about the characters you stupid nigger. I'm talking about the tarot names associated with the characters.
3ca3e7 No.14426114
The character links to the summon are confirmed. That image just puts all of them together with their unhooded art. Anything beyond that is speculation.
a79c74 No.14426133
Could wait and see if the Platinum game is good if you don't wanna feel like you sold your soul to the devil.
No, Charlotta's just that pure. Also pic related.
Anyone knows the name of the manga that picture is from?
c2cf86 No.14426134
No, i'm well aware of that. But is the tarot names for the characters real or not?
3ca3e7 No.14426140
>But is the tarot names for the characters real or not?
No. I said this in the post
>This image is a fan mockup, so ignore the arcarum names on the characters as they might not be accurate
67f92b No.14426141
Oh. It's from the summon descriptions. It's not 100% confirmed, but the names fit considering there's no else we've seen associated with the summons.
a1001c No.14426168
Mitsuboshi colors
814fd8 No.14426171
So they went all out then?
Good to know.
I've seen the trailer, but I don't have a PS4 and even if it were to come out for PC, I'd still want to know at least a little bit about the character before going into it.
If I'm going to get a game for the sake of cute girls, it would only be proper of me to get to know them first, yes?
fa9807 No.14426195
1f120e No.14426234
I hope to God that EX makes them actually fucking drop because this time gating shit is annoying even if the item cost is low compared to everything else in the game.
a79c74 No.14426235
File: a99b0947dfc4918⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 278.71 KB, 1500x1786, 750:893, 9a92c719a7251513de4c4b67a4….jpg)
That the series where the creator got inspired by Strawberry Marshmallow?
Fate episodes get uploaded to youtube all the time.
a1001c No.14426303
idk It's an airing anime at the moment and it is pretty great.
cb02ad No.14426314
why is not letting me post mp4s fuckin damnit
c532e3 No.14426324
>Using Summer Zooey
>Which means Conjunction
>Sets your HP to 1
>Against Cantankerous Leopard
>Reflect is plain damage, the only thing that pierces Conjunction's unchallenged
You what, mate?
Also, you just need to nuke it. Works on literally every non-boss enemy in Arcarum as long as you don't get the skill seal field effect.
a79c74 No.14426342
Maybe you pissed off the site.
50e541 No.14426781
>resolution for half its health, zoi dies
>mc uses attacking skill
>25-40% HP, mc dies
>sweep him up, other two members of your team die
1f120e No.14426927
So what does anyone expect we get from the stream? I'm hoping we get a gold bar at least. I'll also take a Siero tix
8d1aa7 No.14426991
>RNG for free shit
>Lyria VA making a fuss
>preview of new events
>some stats like the number of players who 3 turned baha in WMTSB challenge quest
defense order
34f8f1 No.14427036
>some stats like the number of players who 3 turned baha in WMTSB challenge quest
it wasn't that hard
a9eec2 No.14427190
we can expect another Gold Bar from my wife Cagliostro, the cutest girl in the world.
d7958d No.14427324
cough cough
Drang sphere 4* uncap
34f8f1 No.14427351
Wouldn't Ixaba get an uncap before that?
ef62fe No.14428143
Or just ask a guy who already did that and has 8 more accounts to give away.
9 and 2 are taken, if you like Charlotta, Account 3 is available.
I make a new google account to transfer the gbf account ownership to, then send you all the log-in informations.
ef62fe No.14428258
Don't mind me, just posting potatoes.
737ae0 No.14428276
>potatoes only posts charlotta
3c52d0 No.14428282
Thanks again for number 2, anon. I've put it to good use and legfest has decided I am to become a water lord.
30f307 No.14428307
Oh man, the revelations in the crew.
One of the people did some video with Aniki back in the days, and apparently it was famous enough in Japan.
f90506 No.14428311
moon is clearly the superior version.
737ae0 No.14428319
and that's where you are wrong
ef62fe No.14428392
As usual, I do this thing to help me focus on a progression point.
This month I guess I'm gonna try and 5* Tweyen, get Amira and remake my Atma Sword into an Earth element one.
4e43f9 No.14428686
File: 34b958bd0102d31⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 101.1 KB, 577x815, 577:815, 0079_352dbf7777c9c0b1304f5….jpg)
Yummy potato.
Do you like them fried or creamy?
e984c9 No.14428745
including cancerous english commentary version of the stream on twitch /vibratingsheep
3ca3e7 No.14428801
Get in the stream. A gold bar is on the line for viewership numbers
3c52d0 No.14428807
I thought it was a dam bar, I didn't hear anything about gold bars.
748c34 No.14428812
How does the free shit work?
ba81c7 No.14428817
bbccf3 No.14428819
more people= better gibs
3ca3e7 No.14428824
It'll get sent to your crate after the stream
e984c9 No.14428861
>Please lower Siero tix cost to 100 moons
I love him
e984c9 No.14428909
>Normal, Hard, Maniac, Hell questions
>[Nakamura activates]
e984c9 No.14428931
ef62fe No.14428976
So, did you get our Linksmate promotion yet?
3ca3e7 No.14429021
Kat stamp this dark player
ef62fe No.14429039
737ae0 No.14429041
mlb not even flb
3ca3e7 No.14429046
The important stats first
3ca3e7 No.14429061
number of GW characters picked and 5*s made
2de9eb No.14429133
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >94 mil damage is the most done in one turn
Fake news
c26282 No.14429164
What is up with all these counter weapons though?
3ca3e7 No.14429183
New magna summon uncap with new art. 120% aura
52814d No.14429193
3ca3e7 No.14429196
4th row are stat rings. They drop from blue chests
52814d No.14429216
e984c9 No.14429219
So what were the weapons for Dark magna2?
52814d No.14429222
Please look forward to it.
e984c9 No.14429226
No I mean skills, they said them but I dont know moon
3ca3e7 No.14429228
Extreme arcarum coming (as we knew), with weapon drops
52814d No.14429234
They plan these classes to make DJ look cute and end up making Gran look homo.
c26282 No.14429240
>Xeno Corow weapon is a sword
3ca3e7 No.14429266
jutenshu skins.
detective conan collab
814fd8 No.14429284
That girl is a real cutie.
3ca3e7 No.14429318
Get ready for the roulette
ef62fe No.14429322
I'm ready for a part 2 of the alts race.
1f120e No.14429323
>Magna I 5* uncap
Then we better be getting SSR angel weapons because upgrading to LV150 is just obnoxious as fuck using R and SR angel weapons.
ef62fe No.14429436
y'all might want to check them inboxes
just sayin'
1f120e No.14429583
>No gold bar
That's fine. Guess I'll finish my Coda weapons and 4* the AK-A4.
c532e3 No.14429612
Having to elechange every EX weapon will be painful in more ways than one
In other, more pleasant news, Magna has been saved. No longer shall omega scrubs be opressed by primal lords (until their FLB comes out)
1f120e No.14429622
So apparently we can get (buy) an Anniversary Tix that let's you pick any character that's not a grand series.
Don't know about that Magna II for Water fucking blows. Might as well stick with Daggers and Ancient Fist.
fa9807 No.14429644
Nibelung Saber; simple, yet classy. I want it.
Chances of Panther being a part of it?
c532e3 No.14429645
Well, at least Earth got decent weapons, Light might be able to finally hit cap and FFLB weapons and FLB summons will let Wind and Dark (and Ancient Egg Sex fire) hit cap earlier with their extra stats and enmity boost.
1f120e No.14429656
I might get an Earth Katana for my grid since it seems like a direct upgrade for the Ygg sticks. So I should get Babby Varuna now because it still looks like F2P Varuna is better than Magna water.
1f120e No.14429666
Also now that there's an AnniTix that let's me choose any limited character, I'll save for S Heles. Because tits.
c532e3 No.14429676
Well, magna water never was really that impressive. Even ancient auberons can't make a decent grid compared to F2P Varuna.
The real shame is that none of the Europa weapons look like they are worth using as an omega modifier over the humble snake dagger FFLB, unless their ougi effects are secretly great.
1f120e No.14429678
Also Dim halos will have a 100% change as long as you have an eternal in your party.
ab808f No.14429773
Well I'm gonna be buying it for Lucio. That way I can save my spark for regular grand series.
7de7b6 No.14429840
I'm not sure if these earth weapons will change much. Right now earth doesn't have many attackers that can take advantage of stamina very well. They need an attacker that's more suited for it since there are plenty of good earth healers/buffers to help keep stamina going.
Siegfried, Halle and Nemone are the only options earth has for that role. Siegfried is always just a nice all-round pick. Halle and Nemone just because they don't want to get hit anyway. The problem being that Halle already caps with an MLB sword grid so building an entirely new grid isn't really necessary. I suppose you could also just use Sarasa but never press her Ground Zero.
Just like last year, i'm not a fan of where this is going. They seem to be introducing weapons and characters that don't fit the current playstyle of a lot of elements. There were some anomalies that did this like dark Cag last year but we've been bombarded with those things as of late. Things like pushing Stamina on wind, the element where half the characters want to get hit or the "get a random buff" and "Something happens when the enemy has full diamonds"-mechanics earth got recently.
737ae0 No.14429912
>forgetting pic related
737ae0 No.14429933
ops wrong pic, i meant this one
a1001c No.14429936
Man that was a nice box full of goodies to wake up to. Also I told the Nip crew that scouted me
>please be patient, I have autism
and the captain responded
<I see, I'll exert myself slowly
What did he mean by this?
7de7b6 No.14429986
Yeah, i could see Okto working in a stamina team. He wouldn't really help with the whole Stamina gimmick but he'd be a better fit than Sarasa especially if you have good "on Ougi" effects.
I do wish Funf was better. I would 5* her and actually start playing light if they gave her a nice big buff. Even though her voice can be quite grating at times.
737ae0 No.14430022
funf is actually very good , she's simply not needed for most contenent but if you want to solo dao/anubis or any dark boss she's the woman
1f120e No.14430083
So I have to make a second one or EX 2 classes? Why? CCW fucking suck, even the FFLB didn't do shit for people to get them.
7de7b6 No.14430140
I'm gonna wait for the arcarum characters specifically the moon oracle to be fully laid out before i start grinding another character but Funf is going to be at the top of my list if the others turn out bad. Too bad my light grid is in the state it is.
737ae0 No.14430159
berries are "worthless" spam chev hl or canon
a1001c No.14430170
67f92b No.14430179
I was sleeping through the stream, did they announce when EX Arcarum is happening?
b2a3b7 No.14430246
5d88e1 No.14430563
Heles skin is hot, too bad I'm a freeloader. She'll just have to stay in the swimsuit til she gets an event SR.
a1001c No.14430590
Hallessena had a hard life
a79c74 No.14430624
They say she had a hard life but I get the feeling people were only shit posting with her or calling her out for being such a sperg.
1f120e No.14430688
Now that I think about it, you can build different grids for Earth and Wind because there are characters that can give shields in Earth and Grimnir in Wind. In earth alone, Halle loves shield since she doesn't want to get hit making her a good choice for it.
0d3970 No.14430709
Seasonal Ticket will include all of these.
67f92b No.14430719
No Valentines characters?
1f120e No.14430721
>S Bea
Guess I can save my spark for someone else now.
0d3970 No.14430729
KMR confirmed no Valentines as they're a new thing. This is more for unluckshitters.
C.Aruru is def. my dick pick.
a1001c No.14430734
1f120e No.14430750
I might actually build an Earth Stamina team with Halle, Sara, and either Dirt La Fille or Ygg and see how far I can go. I'll still keep my standard earth magna grid though for Threo..
67f92b No.14430752
>no zodiacs
>no valentines
At least I can complete my Vira collection.
a1001c No.14430797
Hey I finally got something from the free draw tickets. Wasn't this nerd from the dragonslut's event?
67f92b No.14430802
Yes. He's also better than several SSRs.
a1001c No.14430809
He's still a nerd and my water is top tier.
2f7b1f No.14430823
Woo! After a few months I finally managed to get Yuel to lvl 100.
S.Bea here I come!
0d3970 No.14430836
I just got Azazel to 80 from the day he got released, so we're on the same boat fellow slow leveler. But with the free book C.Aruru will be ez to get to level.
1f120e No.14430846
Anyone know when the tix is suppose to happen? I figure during the Anniversary, but when.
7de7b6 No.14430857
March 10th, when the current drawperiod ends, seems to be the safest bet.
a1001c No.14430870
I got Cags with my start dash and she still isn't 100 yet.
737ae0 No.14430894
you dont deserve her then
a1001c No.14430899
Well it's not like she can't be replaced.
a1001c No.14431097
Zeta has such a needlessly erotic body. Dark Zeta espcially. Why are the two titty agents better in the other's element anyways?
a79c74 No.14431211
Because they're newer.
2de9eb No.14431247
from this tix? Diantha, easily. She makes water magna tolerable. Other characters to watch out for, Vane, he's probably water's best ticketable attacker, and Yuel, for data boosts.
a1001c No.14431254
I was asking about building a water team with the characters I listed. I am getting SSR Theresea because fire is one character away from usefulness. My water is fine, I got plenty of good characters in it.
1f120e No.14431292
Altair 5*, Charlotta 5*, S Izmir, and Silva 5* are the best you can do in Levi grid. I suggest getting the ticket to get S. Dianthia and combine her with Altair and Silva in the front line, then but Charlotta and Izmir in the sup as back up.
ab14df No.14432159
I'm ready to get nothing but 10 rolls, and hoping to get something decently nice.
1f120e No.14432274
Did you know only one person has an SSR Arc summon? One person out of 18m (probably less). 1 single fucking person, out of 18,000,000 people who play the fucking game, only one, ONE person has an SSR Arc summon. Though I'm sure it's that some people have not done the process yet waiting for the character reveals
8a080c No.14432299
I think the fact that someone made 14 xeno katanas is more shocking tbh
fa9807 No.14432301
Is there a better place than Cerulean to farm Whorls? I can't believe that what seems to be the rarest sort of drop in the common materials is what is needed the most for Seraphic Weapon upgrades.
8a080c No.14432307
fa9807 No.14432332
>Runs Very Hard once
>14 Whorls
Jesus Christ. Thanks for the tip.
1f120e No.14432462
So what are the chances we get more gibs for the actual anniversary.
67f92b No.14432492
Wind stamina being a thing soon made me get off my ass and use my spare gold bars. Now I just need two more to 5* Nio. Have they announced anything about adding another one to the shop this RotB?
I wish I could return Quatre
67f92b No.14432617
>first nightmare halo since getting Nio
Is it fate?
16473a No.14432640
Welcome to the angel mines, I hoe you enjoy your indefinite stay :^).
Also, is a chev gun build good enough and how many would i need? I only have one sword and need 2 more to mlb it.
50e541 No.14432759
Sword is garbage until FLB, which comes at rank 101. Chev guns are more than okay until then. Make a grid of six 0*chev guns and keep your chev swords safe, MLB each sword as new swords drop.
a42dae No.14432843
Fenrir has much more leeway than sandalphon does, considering her common friendship with Jade and Walder, also theres a difference between being a literal slave to an astral and willingly sinking islands full of people because daddy didnt love you
a42dae No.14432850
cant wait to see that in motion
Also did my spark yesterday for monki, did okay, couldve done better, also heard that magna II is going to wipe the floor with F2P primals so not as excited about agni and titan
90be8e No.14434831
>go through 4 emails
>still didn't get Charlotte
>keep getting other interesting girls
Pic related.
Is she rare or good?
737ae0 No.14434844
she is good nice damage output some buffs and 25% def down that stack with mist
55d7ca No.14435272
>Is she rare
The "rare" characters are the one's only obtainable during a certain time during the month and the new years zodiacs
List of "rare" characters listed below in gbf.wiki link
>or good
check the gbf.wiki tier list, written by autists for autists, mostly shit opinions but gives a quick gestalt on "is this character good"
2800fd No.14435324
All right thanks lads.
I'm here for the girls, really, but knowing what I have is good as well.
Anyway, I burned through two more emails and finally got Charlotte.
For some reason, I drew this Jeanne girl again. She does not want to leave me alone.
Katalina a cute.
737ae0 No.14435328
that's a nice starter pack
3c52d0 No.14435347
>3 ssrs out of 7 draws
Goddamn anon that is some luck.
>She does not want to leave me alone.
Her draw rates are boosted today.
Excellent taste. I want to impregnate her and put those hips to use.
def9e9 No.14435348
She's good but that doesn't really matter, just go here and let your dick pick a waifu https://gbf.wiki/SSR_Characters_List
33f8bc No.14435392
If that's true, why isn't Narmaya higher on that tier list?
737ae0 No.14435400
cause naru is actually overated
e984c9 No.14435416
because KMR reserved sword profinency for her new earth SSR version as opposed to giving it to her dark version with 5* upgrade
2800fd No.14435435
I only really wanted to start with Charlotte because I thought she was cute and those videos with her baited me.
Besides, there are not enough party slots for all the cute girls that I'd want to impregnate.
I'll have to think carefully about which is the best one.
Thanks, I was about to let that be my final try too.
b7b996 No.14435451
because goddamn nigga, who the fuck gives a shit on arcarum.
Here's to you, Boxfag. Nice waifu, shame the Lumiel gourmet event made her too annoying to me.
b7b996 No.14435456
after this point I'd have to spoiler this stuff, because I got several lewds on Box.
b7b996 No.14435475
so do you want the lewds or not?
50e541 No.14435516
Hand em over anon, potato lovers gotta stick together.
2800fd No.14435518
Sure, why not.
What's the worst that could happen?
Nice pictures though, I better get a folder for her.
b7b996 No.14435520
File: b37c60d397912fe⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 82.24 KB, 599x848, 599:848, 43db4e79744afbb24b17872f32….jpg)
File: 15a4cf623f3adfd⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 80.34 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 09f8f8a18d880d344a72ad9b43….jpg)
File: a463a0c8e950457⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 68.76 KB, 599x848, 599:848, 29fe41af2944fa3fea6b8c2b3b….jpg)
File: 6f002f4b4ad5d3d⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 91.37 KB, 454x672, 227:336, 093dfef3b953f89aa536942bda….jpg)
Are you in a crew, or is there a potatofag crew?
b7b996 No.14435528
File: 4942ffbb0c4d295⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 118.18 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, 97601a7f7c43b4d29e14a28bc9….jpg)
File: 2b8a35f5f65dd63⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 108.51 KB, 757x900, 757:900, e7abb0b305e4b0ddb7b1f8cb58….jpg)
the worst that can happen is Narufags, erunfags or overall draphplebs coming to shit up our potato harvesting.
50e541 No.14435535
Crew 2, Kihou. I'm the primary potato lover there. I don't think we have any spaces open and the next open slot is going to Hitler-sama, but if you have a way of contacting me in-game or something, I'll ask that you be put in the queue to join. However, try to get in any 8chan crew you can ASAP, as it gives bonuses to drop rates, 2 free green pots every battle, 30% charge bar at the start for all allies, among other perks.
b7b996 No.14435551
I left crew 3, and am in some plebian nip crew, I'm more interested in joining fellow potatofags than a crew overall.
50e541 No.14435561
>I'm completely unwilling to leave my crew because I love the people in it, but I'm sure you can cobble together a potatofag crew if you advertise it and try hard enough
2800fd No.14435566
Erunes are fines.
What I'm more interested in is if it will fit.
Welp, I better get into one when I have the chance.
50e541 No.14435567
Accidental greentext, sage for doublepost
a1001c No.14435589
Some nip crew picked be up, and they seem pretty nice. I can deal with the language barrier since I pretty much know what I am doing. I would never be able to forgive myself if Ieft a fellow potato afficianado out in the cold.
b7b996 No.14435602
File: f469200f0221d34⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 121.09 KB, 700x978, 350:489, 4f7e2e258d3f4c9f156a9f9f79….jpg)
well, we can establish a potatofag ship, GWs be damned, I just want other guys that like to mash potatoes to hang around with.
a1001c No.14435636
Have you accepted Cocorico as your lord and saviorof dirt?
2800fd No.14435637
>this fucking girl
This is great.
a1001c No.14435657
Wait until you get to her 5* and you realize who she actually is: a champion of justice with a righteous heart larger than anyone else your crew will ever find. A girl willing to throw away her passions and dreams to protect people's smiles.
Because he's the hero the Gran Cypher deserves, but not the one it needs right now. So she'll be the butt of the jokes. Because she can take it. Because she's not our hero. He's a short guardian. A tiny protector. A Dork Knight.
b7b996 No.14435659
these are for you
I had never known the autist chicken artist, but I love his deadpan makira. do you have more?
a1001c No.14435683
Botamochi a.k.a Exwelder they really really like Mahira
I apologize for the third pic being a sample. My booru is dying.
2800fd No.14435768
Is there a way to view the fate episodes again if I ever want to?
I can't seem to find anything.
b7b996 No.14435773
File: f1663aab3d9821f⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 181.11 KB, 1084x2301, 1084:2301, 0177ac923f75fe4431b81e2052….jpg)
File: 4dcbd45734248af⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 193.56 KB, 1040x1339, 80:103, 77fe9a806f4a8e8c4a15f0eb1a….jpg)
File: 88ccbdd06242b88⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 125.56 KB, 1280x1621, 1280:1621, 138765_20170128024956_0.jpg)
Thanks, man, I owe you more potatoes.
Gonna make the potatocrew, any potatofag will be welcome starting tomorrow, I still have no idea what to name it.
737ae0 No.14435783
please dont lewd bridgette she is for vanilla love only
55d7ca No.14435791
Name for the crew should be
a1001c No.14435797
Menu>Journal>People and chose a character
b7b996 No.14435811
File: 464026f2e18291c⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 71.75 KB, 566x883, 566:883, edb0686cbf1c763ee05ab60357….jpg)
aint she a lesbian for Cordelia, just like Sahli Lao and Miraoru got lesbian'd over the lack of waifufags.
all potatoes get lewd in this thread, shit, let's hope I can find Leonora and Balurga lewds to begin with, I haven't considered adding Elmelaura.
I was about to call it MASH. But it also works.
a1001c No.14435812
sorry Menu>Journal>Field Notes>People
2800fd No.14435835
a1001c No.14435836
Will story Lecia ever get a 4*? This shit is getting ridiculous.
b7b996 No.14435853
hah, no, Cygames hates her.
a1001c No.14435862
My wind is so shit they can't even throw me one little bone?
b7b996 No.14435888
So what? use what you have and learn to love all characters.
a1001c No.14435899
Scat is the best wind grill. That's a fact, dude.
b7b996 No.14435924
I have her, and I dropped her to build potato only teams, and gobu, who is not a potato, but deserves headpats and shiny stones.
a1001c No.14435930
I like this Rackam way better than the gay Rackam he used to get portrayed as.
>The year of our board, current plus three
>Not wanting loli dragon cloaca
smdh fampai
a79c74 No.14435932
That name just makes you all look like a bunch of toddlercons. Try to think of a potato based dish with a cute name.
I think Cordelia's lesbian for Bridgette who's more down the lines of a fan of the Order.
>build potato only teams
Sucks to be you with how Cygames treats Harvin.
b7b996 No.14435948
Also, yes, yes, Kikegames hates potatoes, but I am not an HLfag, Im fine where I am with my potatoes.
a42dae No.14435982
a79c74 No.14436006
There's really not enough Balurga.
b7b996 No.14436029
exactly, and its a shame, she has an actual personality and can fight with you in a sparring session without backing off, shes the ideal waifu that can party like a bro.
55d7ca No.14436047
>That name just makes you all look like a bunch of toddlercons
I get where you're coming from but this crew the anon is proposing is for people who want to hug n' fug the potato's
There are no cute named potato dishes
Tater-tots because they're small, look appetizing, and are delicious
Just like Harvins :^)
a1001c No.14436074
>Gnocci: Small, thick, dumplings made of cheesy potatoes
Pretty cute to me, dude.
50e541 No.14436080
>cheesy potatoes
a1001c No.14436088
Or what about Bangers and Mash? Mash the potatoes and add plenty of sausage
737ae0 No.14436100
A9B074B4 baha hl mostly free horn
b7b996 No.14436101
well, we can discuss potato made dishes until we reach a consensus here.
55d7ca No.14436106
Hash Browns?
Chips n' Dip?
Baked Potato?
I say go with Tater-Tots, if it gives off a pervy vibe then it shows just who is in the crew is all
737ae0 No.14436109
jesus christ hitler can you join as a decent class at least
a1001c No.14436112
Leveling my new class, dude.
b7b996 No.14436127
I'm like three seconds away from calling it just "Tater-tots" and running to the hill with it.Hash Browns also sounds good.
a1001c No.14436128
55d7ca No.14436138
There's also Potato Cake, an Irish dish
b7b996 No.14436150
I want to make jokes about the famine but, yeah, sounds good, mate, lets vote either Tater Tots or Potato Cake. Mashed Potatoes and Hash Browns are also available as options.
55d7ca No.14436167
Make a strawpoll for the next thread?
Is it possible to name the crew Potato Famine?
a1001c No.14436178
Phalanx were on point. That has to be the first time I have done Baha and not had at least one character die.
a1001c No.14436183
It's not so much we are hungry, just thirsty as fug.
55d7ca No.14436186
a79c74 No.14436224
Sounds like like a buddy cop Harvin series.
There's also cookies and icecream made out of potatoes.
a1001c No.14436241
Tater tots is fine, but you won't get anyone to join for 24 hours as they are on cooldown form leaving their last crew.
>Damnit Charlotta that is five step stools you have broken this week
<Hey common chief you know how she
>I don't want to hear another word out of you, Altair. You are a good cop, but your partner is a hothead
<But chief
>No buts! Now get out there before I take your badge and gun
ef62fe No.14436336
Look at >>14428143
I'm happily giving them away with no strings attached, they're all full of stuff an there's another roulette coming with even more free shit.
Accounts 1 and 3 have Charlotta on them.
33f8bc No.14436348
One potato famine wasn't enough, you Harvin lovers need to be taught the superiority of the Draph.
a1001c No.14436359
Go to sleep /tg/. You are drunk.
2800fd No.14436367
I saw it too late.
I got her and I'm quite happy with my team as it is now, but thanks anyway.
bbccf3 No.14436373
Wake up, feel lucky enough to 10-pull
55d7ca No.14436394
Stop making me want to use my crystals anon
33f8bc No.14436407
Every 10 pull has a 40% to give you at least one SSR during a legfest. You should give it a try.
3c52d0 No.14436418
>drawing outside of fest
>get two SSRs
You lucky son of a bitch.
Anon, make sure you get the free daily premium single draw we get for the anniversary celebration. It resets at 5 AM JST, which just past.
Legfest is over.
ef62fe No.14436457
But it's not legfest anymore.
How long have you been playing?
I rolled 10 accounts for shit and giggles to see which one got the most free shit, I'm giving away all the leftovers. Honest to God, all I want is for someone to play with them.
Pic one is how my main account looked after a week of playing. (I guess yours won't be too different). Pics 2 and 3 is what is currently on a fresh lv 2 account. You might have to regrind a little bit of shit, but I'd say it's well worth it.
2800fd No.14436458
I think I got pretty much everything that I could for day 1.
Also, all of this potato posting seems to have rewarded me with another one.
By the way, why people call Harvins potatoes?
16473a No.14436472
Because they're grown from patches.
2800fd No.14436478
>How long have you been playing?
A few hours now, this is the result >>14436458.
Patches of what? Dirt?
16473a No.14436494
Dirt, where they belong.
a1001c No.14436514
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>14436478
Have you watched the anime? The consistency fluctuates between quality and QUALITY but Charlotta's dynamic entry is tight as fuck.
55d7ca No.14436517
Potato is just a generic term for short races from fantasy games as their 3D models make them look like a potato
50e541 No.14436581
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>14436514
>linking a shitty AMV clickbaiting preteens with Gran having edgy eyes
Either find the Charlotta intro you're talking about as your youtube link or find something actually worthwhile from the anime if you're trying to get someone to watch it, nobody wants to sit through a shitty AMV, that shits just gonna turn people off of wanting to watch it.
3c52d0 No.14436586
No, anon, the free draw I'm talking about is the one that normally costs 300 crystals or a ticket. Seeing as 5 AM JST just swung around it reset. So if you got it before there's another waiting for you, if not then at least you won't miss this freebie too.
162bc8 No.14436645
How the fuck do I pick who to use in a party?
I have every top tier Earth SSR but I don't know who to focus on uncapping and who to put in the backline.
2800fd No.14436647
I saw that there was an anime, but I think I specifically checked to see if Charlotte appears in it and did not find her on the list of characters.
Maybe I'm blind.
I got both draws.
I actually missed the first one and started the next day, pulled the free birthday ticket, but then got another one a minute later.
Ah, so that's how it is.
At least now I know.
50e541 No.14436653
>SSR for every element except wind
>only been playing for a couple hours
Jesus fucking christ, anon. My advice now is to save your crystals, at the middle of the month and end of the month theres a period called Flashfest/Legfest where SSR draw rates off the premium gacha are doubled. Try to get a multiple of 3000 crystals and save any single draw tickets you receive for those times, thats when you will be drawing. Until then, avoid drawing. The SR/SSR ticket you get daily that is in the Rupee tab of the draw screen is not affected by any rate-ups or increases in chance, so feel free to use that as soon as you get it.
2800fd No.14436709
Good to know, thanks.
I was wondering when I should be drawing anyway.
I'd say it's a lot thanks to the 4 year anniversary bonuses, but after 6 emails and nearly giving up on Charlotte, I think everything turned out nicely in the end.
3c52d0 No.14436761
>pulled the free birthday ticket
No, anon, I expected you to get the ticket as it tells you about it, but this one isn't advertised. It would say "free daily draw" here if I hadn't already rolled it.
I just don't want you to miss out on free shit.
You also get a SSR character ticket from completing the fourth pinboard you don't have to wait to use.
ef62fe No.14436797
don't forget to get the event ssr character, you still have a few days, good luck with the rest!
50e541 No.14436955
Make your way through the story, level all your main character classes to 20, do the basical sidequests, and gather as many crystals as you possibly can. Also something to note, SSR characters get a third skill at level 45, which requires a single uncap. The materials for the first couple character uncaps are very easy to get, and the latter uncaps to the maximum of level 80 is pretty easy. Dark Jeanne, Dorothy and Claudia, and Sara are fairly dependent on their third skills gained from reaching level 45, so try and get those quickly. As for battles, when you start a fight, you get to choose another player's summons they designate. Since you do not have a clear team for a single element, get either Kaguya for the free autorevive at the start of a battle or Grand Order, which is a 100-200% damage boost if all 3-4 of your allies are different elements plus a call that gives HP back upon autoattacking. If you have any more questions, please voice them in the thread.
fa9807 No.14437289
Well, I'm glad I didn't get a Demi-Agni. Just pulled the real Agni with the birthday ticket. I'm guessing this'll be more than enough reason to work obsessively hard on the upcoming Rise of the Beasts to get 2 Zhuque katanas?
2800fd No.14437363
I'm at 20 with all of them except one.
I'm looking into classes for my character now and lancer seems like my kind of thing.
As for the player summons, I've been using that +15% exp and drop rate rabbit so far, but I should probably switch to Grand Order for the more difficult fights because everyone on my team is of a different element.
Anyway, I think I'll be working towards getting all the materials needed for unlocking more levels for now and maybe join the potato crew when someone makes it.
Not sure what to do about the weapon upgrades though.
Do I just feed the SSR weapons with the lesser ones until I hit the cap?
I took a look at it, but I don't know if I'll be able to level up fast enough to try it.
It seems like a late game thing.
Oh, I pulled everything then.
>fourth pinboard
That's not happening soon, I think.
Thanks for all the help, lads.
Aside from the initial mess, the gacha has been merciful to me so far, it seems.
3c52d0 No.14437388
>That's not happening soon, I think.
It happens pretty quickly, I autism'd mine on my second day. I think the most difficult one was to win 1000 chips at the casino.
e4c08c No.14437456
Agni sucks, don't bother with it. The Zhuque katana is always useful though.
3ca3e7 No.14437542
>I took a look at it, but I don't know if I'll be able to level up fast enough to try it.
>It seems like a late game thing.
It's not. The event story is pretty easy to clear. The actual raids to grind after you complete it are more difficult, but they are group raids, so you can just call for other players to kill it for you. Usually events are stories unrelated to the main story, so you can do them without fear of spoilers, but because this one uses a lot of story characters, you can get to chapter 14 before doing it. Just clear it before the 11th or you'll miss out on the character
a1001c No.14437572
Cags is meh until she hits 100 and you can put reverse Oroborus on the entire party. Ayer, Makira, and lvl 100 Cags.
67f92b No.14437589
You will want to do the event, as despite being a shit the event character's actually really good considering you get him for pretty much nothing.
50e541 No.14437616
Rush the T3 class Dark Fencer by completing Sentinel and Arcana Duelist, it'll be your main class going into rank 101. Of course, you want to max all of your classes, but Dark Fencer has a skill useful on literally every single class as a subskill.
16473a No.14437650
He can also clear the lights reverie as well. I did it on on my rank 13 alt with no summons or weapons leveled or a full element team with a kaguya summon. Although it did take me about 80+ turns.
You can die retreat once and you get a nice buff then can retry again hit auto and go watch an anime or something
a42dae No.14437703
much like wyverns reverie from the first event, its impossible to fail, it just takes forever to do
3c52d0 No.14437796
>Do I just feed the SSR weapons with the lesser ones until I hit the cap?
Save any SR+ you get from draws, when reduced they give more mats than farmable weapons. Also save anything that has a skill as that can be used to raise the skill level of a weapon.
Most of your weapon upgrading XP will come from angel weapons, which you'll eventually be flooded with until you actually need them again.
a1001c No.14437841
So somewhere along the line my Vlisragna disappeared.
2800fd No.14437882
All right, fair enough.
I think I can do that, I'm just stuck here for now farming orbs so I can gather the mats for unlocking levels.
Levelling is surprisingly quick in this thing, so it shouldn't be a problem.
In other words, I shouldn't worry about it for now.
I'm saving my good weapons then.
50e541 No.14437966
Complete the event by the 10th. The event technically ends on the 11th, but thats JP time. The time that it ends is going to be somewhere in the March 10th range because most of us are western, and the time zones are thus vastly different. Look at the SSR characters granblue has and also look at the eternals, and try to pick an element. Theres a solo raid at the end of the event that you'll be able to clear, but it'll take a long time. The reward is a base version of the strongest summons in the game, but 10% weaker than the gacha versions of theirselves.
a1001c No.14437977
Did they change L. Clarisse's disolution cost for one of her skills? I used to only be able to afford two before an Ougi and I just noticed that I had one left over.
e984c9 No.14437983
they buffed her a while ago iirc
a1001c No.14438000
Fug that is a game changer. She might actually be useful if I can stack her third skill.
a79c74 No.14438125
>The reward is a base version of the strongest summons in the game, but 10% weaker than the gacha versions of theirselves
You forgot about the Sunlight stone.
50e541 No.14438166
A babby player might get more use in the long run from a primal summon like Varuna or Titan. >>14437882
A Primal summon is a special summon which boosts the power of "normal type" weapon skills assigned to certain weapons in that element. Omega primal raids drop weapons and summons which boosts weapons whose weapons skills fall into the "magna/omega type", AKA weapons they drop. A primal summon lets you in essence largely ignore grinding magna weapons for that element. A sunlight stone is a special consumable item that lets you uncap any summon without needing a duplicate copy of said summon. Never ever use a sunlight stone lightly. Only use then on Primal summons (Varuna, Titan, Agni, Zephyrus, Hades, and Zeus), summons with 120% called the Shivas (Shiva, Europa, Alexiel, Grimnir) or Bahamut/Lucifer. Never use a sunlight stone on any summons besides these, to do so would be a terrible mistake.
You can only choose a single primal summon or a sunlight stone. Both are excellent. Most people will advise you getting the sunlight stone, but its up to you.
3ca3e7 No.14438187
>A babby player might get more use in the long run from a primal summon like Varuna or Titan.
I doubt it. Magna is probably going to be on par with primal and even if they went for one of the f2p primal grids, a new player is better off farming omega raids for SR fodder and other resources than something like baal or macula
fa9807 No.14438196
Okay, so I get that Gold Bricks, despite being able to uncap SSR weapons, should be saved as they are also important parts to the production of the high tier weapons. What about the Damascus Ingots, anything they're needed for? I just noticed I had one in my inventory. I'm wondering if an EX weapon I wasn't able to finish (Bell Ringer, only got to 2*) might be a good choice to use it on.
50e541 No.14438224
>important to the production of high tier weapons
No. Gold brick's purpose is as materials needed to build the weapons that unlocks the eternals, which are the strongest characters in the game. Never ever use a gold brick unless building a revenant weapon calls for it, which it does on step 6, the final step of completing it and unlocking the corresponding eternal. Damascus bars, on the other hand (at least as of now) have no purpose other than to be used in uncapping SSR weapons. The ingot does not work on summons. Save the ingot for the weapons legfest and flashfest exclusive characters give, IE Murgleis for Limited Katalina, AK-4A for Eugen, Eden for Lucio, etc. Using a damascus bar on anything except these is foolish and a complete waste. Also, don't bother using a sunlight stone on bellringer. See my post above; >>14438166
fa9807 No.14438241
Bell Ringer, the EX Wind Axe from the New Year event. Not Bellringer Angel.
50e541 No.14438283
Ah. Regardless, thats a fucking garbage weapon compared to the SnK sword or the Xeno Sagittarius spear, the latter of which will surely pop up again. If youre absolutely desperate for a wind unknown for some reason, either get yo rank 101 and farm the wind Rose Queen weapon or do the Shadowverse collab in the sidestories for the unknown bow thats available. Do not waste that damascus on trash.
1f120e No.14438347
Doubt Magna water will be able to match f2p primal water. The only upgrade water got was have SL20 daggers.
1f120e No.14438361
However I suggest saving just in case you get regular Varuna before free draws are up.
a1001c No.14438367
Oh shit, Arcanum drops Omega weapons? Noice.
1f120e No.14438376
Arc can drop fucking T1 and T2 weapons for a while now.
a1001c No.14438382
When I left Arc wasn't a thing.
a1001c No.14438502
Did you know Percival's Anzuenden stacks? If you go into ST with a mechanic and Ougi twice he will useTzaraisen three times if you saved it for the third turn.
a79c74 No.14438640
In the long run they'll likely end up with a good summon to uncap before they get anywhere near a useful Primal grid.
1f120e No.14438661
>Built F2P Agni grid since I have Shiva
>Colo 120% happens making AES grid better
When is the T1 HL guaranteed weapon shit suppose to happen? Didn't they say something in a past stream? Where the FUCK is it?
e4c08c No.14438862
AES grids have been better than f2p Agni since ultima weapons were added to the game.
8612f8 No.14438938
> She might actually be useful
Whale Light runs Song/Io/Clarisse and Ultima Staff. She's more than just "useful" now.
a1001c No.14439038
Sturm, S. Bea, SSR Therese
Running an enmity saber grid
Swordmaster with either Antwerp or Sword of Pallas.
Viable in GW or just memeshit?
ef62fe No.14439317
For starters, you want a good damage dealer, you want to cap defense down (at least when soloing) and you want to have some form of DATA buff.
If you can, debuffs like blind, charm, gravity and delay are always useful.
Depending on what boss you're facing, you might want to bring clear, dispel or Phalanx.
My only earth characters are Ayer, Sarasa, Cagliostro, Siegfried and Sara, I have them in a team in that order and use Elysian MC with the Xeno harp.
4e43f9 No.14439324
File: 3ddb36287a79b67⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 324.33 KB, 700x1112, 175:278, 0099_9608f21fcfd4bdd109583….jpg)
c2cf86 No.14439402