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File: bdd6e079e63d79a⋯.png (208.68 KB, 960x800, 6:5, Joker_A.png)

File: 68e170f6e076c8c⋯.png (214.45 KB, 960x800, 6:5, Joker_B.png)

bba489 No.15028957



June Event Schedule

05/31~06/09 - Handsome Gorilla

06/10~06/17 - Xeno Ifrit Clash

06/18~06/29 - Persona 5: Thievery in Blue

06/30~07/09 - New Event Scenario


1.Infinity - 692908

2.Kihou - 740471

3.Sky Lords - 733000

4.Raven Nest (Dead) - 1024216

Guides and info


>How do I even play this shit?

You can play it from your browser by going to http://game.granbluefantasy.jp/

>I'm not going to use google botnet to play this.

You can use chrome alternatives, such as Slimjet or Iridium. If you don't like doing that, use an agent spoofer for the browser you do use to spoof chrome.

bba489 No.15028963

File: 81d2a52b9b82731⋯.webm (1.33 MB, 640x360, 16:9, GBF x P5.webm)

57fc28 No.15029657

File: 41f8c2f2e875b7d⋯.mp4 (2.89 MB, 640x360, 16:9, pHKWQCJ4edJW6N7a.mp4)

File: 81b3c2c2fbcf738⋯.mp4 (2.88 MB, 640x360, 16:9, o6Vn7-LSsGNkP3EB.mp4)

File: ba47df5369921b1⋯.mp4 (2.93 MB, 640x360, 16:9, k2eIJd9SGVDw_3xA.mp4)

>Shadowverse has tainted granblue fantasy with english voice actors

5cafdd No.15029699


God, that Zooey one is awful. She's supposed to sound heroic and autistic, not like a generic girly girl. Kurwa is passable.

d32b26 No.15029715



I'm scared to listen to them. Did they at least hire someone decent like Jack Nicholson or Tom Hanks to voice Uncle Cog?

e3e13d No.15029761

File: 8de36bee472c2d6⋯.jpg (289.28 KB, 2048x1448, 256:181, 1529415305028.jpg)

File: 7a9ca8a79c2d6ad⋯.png (1.29 MB, 1359x929, 1359:929, 1529406582210.png)

File: 1d22f2370d6d568⋯.jpg (54.75 KB, 700x735, 20:21, 1529418722495.jpg)


Why would they hire a man to voice a cute girl?

037646 No.15030246

File: ecd52224ec90be5⋯.webm (1.86 MB, 800x640, 5:4, Sturm love.webm)



Voice is too weak; needs a more commanding tone.


Too forced


Not that bad

All together a 4/10 but makes me feel like RE:Link will have a better chance of making it out of Japan filled with wrong sounding voices.


Shoulda been Sakuras english VA.

995431 No.15030260

File: 1b657b7279bcc91⋯.png (129.53 KB, 252x296, 63:74, 1529367622195.png)


Why wasn't this just a gif, webm with no sounds are gay.

037646 No.15030307

File: 328326cac8ab06f⋯.mp4 (13.58 MB, 640x360, 16:9, グランブルーファンタジー-Paradise Lost.mp4)


Here's your sounds.

669a0f No.15030323

File: 018875d344f78c6⋯.png (378.13 KB, 640x352, 20:11, 1447881770271.png)


>Persona collab

>not SMT

Fuck you, Cygames.

d32b26 No.15030331


SMT collab when SMT 5 actually releases.

Release date announcement fucking WHEN?

037646 No.15030391

File: d3885ffd48c115c⋯.jpg (217.14 KB, 1600x682, 800:341, f9af7462728e7aba7e0c94c91f….jpg)



Maybe if it ever gets an anime.

284403 No.15030485


You really want the Persona crowd more aware of the mainline series so they can further destroy SMT like they did the spinoffs?

669a0f No.15030518

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


What spinoffs did they destroy? Apocalypse? The supposed SMT x FE?

284403 No.15030556


They destroyed Persona itself. All of the entries have been

>School student does demon things in an otherwise normal world

but the crowd that picked it up from P3 onward is the same shit crowd that destroyed FE, barring the localizers/devs themselves, and changed it into some grimdark school life simulator.

If you tell them this/discuss newer entries being radically different they'll spout some bullshit about

>We SAVED the series, it would have ended otherwise. BE GRATEFUL.

As if propping up a corpse is a noble deed.

The SMTxFE game was just a metastasized example of the cancer both series have become due to their "fanbase"

And you want to remind those sorts of faggots that the mainline series isn't entirely shit yet?

4579d6 No.15030640


>hurr gamers killed the games, not the devs

I thought gamers were dead, Kotaku

284403 No.15030868


>hurr gamers killed the games, not the devs

<barring the localizers/devs themselves

I covered that. Obviously devs are going to make games they think will sell. That doesn't stop the games being shit and it certainly doesn't stop the people who buy shit games from having objectively shit taste.

What it does do is infect secondary properties from the same and similar developers with the cancerous fanbase of the colonized property.

The community, or perceived community, will have a significant effect on the direction of a game series.

It's what caused the Rhythm games after the "success" of P3/P4, it's what caused a bunch of faggots to decide Kanji was a faggotegged on by (((localizers))), of course, it's literally the root of every problem in gaming right now.

>We need to chase the loud voices, that will make sure our games sell well

Even if the games themselves were decent such as the half attempt with P5 where the "new additions" were just mechanics removed after P2 the "popularized" western community is garbage and the (((localizers))) indulge them.

The less visible a series is to Western audiences the less likely it is to turn into a pile of shit.

bdd879 No.15031024

File: 16562ad7f00f508⋯.png (593.77 KB, 593x612, 593:612, ClipboardImage.png)

After my "fuck spark" two ten rolls today I decided to blow my ten part ticket. I'm pretty happy even if I have no ferry

ba651a No.15031612

File: c3d04a8eb579f3b⋯.png (1.56 MB, 1289x1183, 1289:1183, zo1.png)

File: a9d209a27b4da9a⋯.jpg (116.27 KB, 881x1173, 881:1173, zo2.jpg)

File: c482a74c45c0bda⋯.png (5.3 MB, 2100x2722, 1050:1361, z02.png)

File: 6153df70785cc19⋯.png (1.3 MB, 876x1500, 73:125, z03.png)

File: fb09b24e0bf1f37⋯.jpg (447.89 KB, 707x1000, 707:1000, zo4.jpg)

The only time I put money into this game was when I start dashed her.


Zoi always sounds like she's speaking a second language, this misses any of that. Bet they just told the va to do a anime girl voice and took the first take.

8a4c5f No.15031922


>Got Lucio and Kaguya

Lucky. Used my 10-part also, but I got nothing but a 1+ summon and a couple of bronze moons.

d32b26 No.15031936


Cheer up anon, you'll get a second chance next week when they give us the twitter ticket.

ebf1b1 No.15031946

Should I assume there will be no crew member Panther? It'd be a shame if Joker is the only one that gets to be playable (plus Morgana-van summon).

d32b26 No.15031956


There's no news for any of the thieves being added when the second part starts.

284403 No.15032012

Why is one pair even mentioned as a hand in the casino if it still loses chips?

bdd879 No.15032259

File: d9e7d1135bf6107⋯.png (9.81 KB, 209x241, 209:241, dQvBOMJ.png)


That sucks sorry dude but luckshitting comes and goes, I'd be on a real dry spell. I spent like 100 rolls last flash gala for nothing. This one 30 rolls got my 6 good ssrs.

974cff No.15032530

File: 24f73cea42de242⋯.png (44.46 KB, 302x201, 302:201, ClipboardImage.png)

So there are two seperate gold chests for weapons?

6d5786 No.15032679


No, if you're second and fail to get a red chest you'll get another chest.


7f8e74 No.15032787

Anyone know the best way to farm Thieves Medallions? Already beat my daily maniac missions and doing Vyrn Extreme fairly easily, but Vyrn Extreme only gives like 0-3 per session when I need fucking 300 for the 10 part ticket.

f5c9e7 No.15032848


Do the Solo Extreme one, they give out ~10 each time.

7f8e74 No.15032878


Yeah thanks, I'm getting a good amount now

974cff No.15032892


You're having issues with medallions? I'm having issues getting the dolls.

7f8e74 No.15032919


It's because I was only doing Extreme raids that gives a paltry amount of medallions, but decent amount of dolls and calling cards.

bdd879 No.15032934

File: c778eb19c73ed00⋯.jpg (148.53 KB, 357x524, 357:524, 200% nice.jpg)


Ah thanks, didn't think of trying those for dolls. Cheers.

e10548 No.15032940



anon, I... >>15018761

57fc28 No.15034030

File: b66bbb823e8fb41⋯.png (157.58 KB, 480x400, 6:5, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f83182a1ffa541a⋯.png (440.13 KB, 619x309, 619:309, Ejaeli.png)

File: 4392d4854c6fbea⋯.mp4 (910.44 KB, 720x360, 2:1, IWe9U2l88CPjfDGc.mp4)

If I take that mask off will you die?

Also Selfira side story will be added tomorrow

768542 No.15034241

File: fcf50e88af1d4ba⋯.jpg (136.53 KB, 740x1044, 185:261, ¿¡Á¦¸®.jpg)

File: 78f103aa688a63c⋯.jpg (164.62 KB, 500x849, 500:849, selfira.jpg)


>Passive that gives her 20% echo when at 80% HP

>Third skill gives a buff that heals everyone for 20% of the damage they take

Pretty nice. Not quite SSR-nice, but still nice. I'd probably 5* her just for that art.

>Also Selfira side story will be added tomorrow

I'm not gonna get my hopes up because the early few events haven't been too enjoyable, but I'll admit that I've been a bit curious about this event since drawing Keehar a long time ago. Looking forward to Selfira though.

c8a632 No.15034506


>Her gimmick is that she doesn't age because she can't eat, but the mask keeps her alive.

>She breaks the curse of the mask

>She goes back to being a mortal

Too bad, I'll miss her mhhh mhhhs

43c948 No.15034522


>she doesn't age 100 years in seconds and dies when the mask is removed a la Dorian Grey

Some curse. Immortality for wearing an unremovable mask sounds like a pretty good deal to me.

57fc28 No.15034627

File: 67af6f93cc2511b⋯.mp4 (2.96 MB, 640x360, 16:9, 2HtWTBtHToYnc3rM.mp4)

File: 35440570e903f71⋯.mp4 (2.87 MB, 640x360, 16:9, 0bfoHuTgTYe1VGkw.mp4)


Ferry is up next. Why do all female english VAs sound the same?

c8a632 No.15034638


Are we sure it's not just Ashley Burch doing the voices?

9d888e No.15034736


Could be worse, could have hired Kira Buckland.

c2a743 No.15034775

Keep that shadowverse crap on its own containment thread. This thread is about gbf.

d32b26 No.15035186

Besides Ejaeli, we also got Typhoon FLB (Full Charge Bar), Lilele's Harp (but that's shit even with the DA against charmed enemies) and the Stratomizer.

Yes you heard it right anons, the Stratomizer is back and with SL15 Big enmity, ATK up on ougi, 2% normal ATK and a skill damage cap up. If you don't have 6 AKs and don't want to suffer through Alexiel you could stand using one or two in a Titan grid.

534cb4 No.15035424


English dubbing doesn't pay much, so doesn't attract talent. So you get the same yahoos who happen to live close to the dubbing company over and over.

bdc4df No.15035456


it's not full charge bar it's 100% charge bar get it right

d32b26 No.15035583


Fucking samurais and Shellfisters

768542 No.15037164

File: 383616e62731b35⋯.png (159.14 KB, 960x800, 6:5, Leona_A.png)

>Has a complex about being too tall

>Wears high heels

Explain this.

78730b No.15037177

why is this game popular? Does it have a dating sim like ME?

974cff No.15037321


Well she can still be tall without the heels. So not like it fucking matters at that point.

2395e9 No.15037828


too tall or not a girl's gotta make her ass look the best she can

d32b26 No.15038429


>Leona is the tallest non-crossover woman in the game


The sky is populated by womanlets. Female draphs and harvins certainly don't help, but Korwa is the tallest female erune at 1,74m

06a65c No.15038650

File: 93876d789e6b743⋯.png (49.27 KB, 675x827, 675:827, 1516235647378.png)

where is all the maskless ejaeli art

ba651a No.15039531

File: 698d16915ec52c7⋯.png (878.37 KB, 637x684, 637:684, lev blue.png)

Paizuri sisters summer unit confirmed.

57fc28 No.15039534

File: a2647724b9c6325⋯.png (2.41 MB, 1080x2102, 540:1051, playable when.png)


Just give me Mona

bb91f6 No.15039572

File: 598dcf294c1cb36⋯.jpg (89.58 KB, 532x745, 532:745, 0275cb9b66c66e88918b3ff49a….jpg)

57fc28 No.15039576

File: 9557aaf24cc5bd6⋯.mp4 (2.96 MB, 640x360, 16:9, k_fb2AFel9YezxtY.mp4)

File: 4b0e9f5e478e2fa⋯.mp4 (2.95 MB, 640x360, 16:9, o18YU816OtO87lga.mp4)


I think this is the last one they are going to reveal. Vira doesn't sound right at all

bb91f6 No.15039586

>half ap and half cost for side stories

>I farmed to buy the harps from the imas sidestory yesterday

Of fucking course.

ba651a No.15039679


I'm already playing with flat Monika. But these are all pretty desirable, other than the dude, not sure why he's on the list.

d32b26 No.15039684


It's been one year and a half

d32b26 No.15039740

File: dc92d7e4a51141b⋯.png (485.99 KB, 477x689, 9:13, Press F to pay respects.png)

File: f5e763084a07b65⋯.png (405.03 KB, 478x683, 478:683, RANGER.png)

File: e5ae32669800b1f⋯.png (357.15 KB, 479x683, 479:683, SIGN.png)

File: a351d44e8017411⋯.png (410.94 KB, 477x676, 477:676, BRAVO.png)


Though it has VN elements, they don't really extend to dating.

I'd have to say a big part of its popularity is due to having an official english translation that runs at the same time as the japanese version (that is, anything released in japanese apart from Grand Blues(the 4koma) and the news are, at the same time, also available in english).

Apart from that there is your standard Waifu and, unlike some games, there is also a big number of dudes too, about 30% or 40% collecting (ft. famous VAs for seiyuu fags) for all you gif collecting needs, each of which comes with their own backstory and interactions, neat storyline with enough depth to bait LOREfags, silly events, the Cygames's relative generosity when it comes to freebies, and all the grinding you have to do to get/stay strong tickles some people's autism (not like you really need to if you just want to read the stories).

Picture related is an example of a standard VN scene.

ba651a No.15039786


Thought that was gonna be a silly event.

d32b26 No.15039804

File: bf9ff2fda1dcab1⋯.jpg (498.93 KB, 1534x2202, 767:1101, Ranger Sign Bravo.jpg)

06a65c No.15040242

File: 20c0561343dc02b⋯.png (620.71 KB, 700x1050, 2:3, 20c0561343dc02bc802975e243….png)


>try not to cry

>cry a lot

b4d6d5 No.15040401

File: 1af16c68aa9cbd2⋯.png (183.64 KB, 960x800, 6:5, Narmaya_B.png)

File: 65a89b648f58123⋯.png (164.94 KB, 960x800, 6:5, Nemone_A.png)

What are your bets on the next event?

Chococat threesome or Okto+Narmaya?

d32b26 No.15040431


I don't think Naru and Octo's event will be a beach themed one, and next event should be the yearly Summer event. More so because Naru already has a summer version.

None of the Chococats have summer versions though, so that might work.

Inb4 Birdman becomes Seagullman in his quest to save his village

7f8e74 No.15040499


The only thing I want in the upcoming event, is for it to be fucking fire biased with wind enemies. It's ridiculous how long since we had an event where fire teams got to do their thing, it's my best team and I haven't been able to do shit with them since February because Cygames wants to pander to literally every other element than fire. Let me use my brand new xeno scythe to smash niggas

037646 No.15040555

File: 09bb8886a57189f⋯.jpg (123.04 KB, 1200x643, 1200:643, 7764aeefa47dc82476ff1607e0….jpg)


>Not wanting an uncensored, memeless summer event above all else

Fire probably doesn't have many using it compared to other elements.

b8b1cb No.15040612

File: ef6535eb60f28a8⋯.webm (579.87 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, granblue_fantasy_in_a_nut….webm)

I hope you didn't spend money on this.

c46ef4 No.15041049


That's not your usual line Siero poster. You're clearly an impostor.

dc6a6a No.15041666

File: 91b8e6e1f8ee79a⋯.png (393.61 KB, 434x455, 62:65, ClipboardImage.png)

File: cd5bb7b8e789156⋯.png (42.73 KB, 1167x517, 1167:517, light_grids.png)

blogpost Well, after "finishing" my light grid I decided to tinker with motocal to find out if I needed to grind one more bow or not. Results are image related.

With the 3 bow 2 dagger grid the extimated crit rate is 78%, while the 4 bow 2 dagger it's 99%. I don't know how motocal works with crit rates which is why the results worry me. If anyone has any info on that I'd be glad to hear.

All in all, I guess 3 bows should be enough because at 4 bows you are replacing one chev sword and the damage fallout is higher at lower HP.

tl;dr Chev swords are still OP, bows are broken and daggers aren't useless.

07f6dc No.15043192


Sevilbarra event possibly, the Summer event might be in August.

2395e9 No.15043323

File: 6dae4905eabcdc7⋯.jpg (13.74 KB, 143x152, 143:152, 253456.JPG)



my niggah, he was one of the first non event characters I got, been waiting for his story to get some progress for a while now

bb91f6 No.15044078

File: 259690eb2fe9e40⋯.jpg (60.89 KB, 487x551, 487:551, Capture.JPG)

ba651a No.15044566

File: 5cf52462c99e124⋯.png (80.39 KB, 637x149, 637:149, the V question.png)


Get out here with your conspiracy theories Lyria.

b49632 No.15044652

File: d8dd585ff54ef55⋯.png (134.38 KB, 521x225, 521:225, worthless material belongi….PNG)


I have transcended petty material desires. Indeed; baiting a permaban without ever touching these crystals seems like a worthy next step.

284403 No.15044683

File: 9441c22e55a9431⋯.png (428.8 KB, 605x751, 605:751, e4598yge08g.png)

>Rank 105

>Double SSR drop

>New loot window pops up

>SSR Glaive drops from host chest

Am I not allowed to get shit that I actually need until I'm behind?

My Wind party has all the Omega modifiers I need it just refuses to give me the fucking summon.

768542 No.15044688

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

It's like they took Bahamut's theme and stuck it into P5's soundtrack.

b4d6d5 No.15044889


>Rank 105

>New Loot

>Tia summon

How the fuck? Did you never leech magna raids?


Yeah this sounded kinda weird.

037646 No.15044906

File: e681e422b53e771⋯.jpg (109.41 KB, 647x1122, 647:1122, DMM3m3rUQAAn-3m.jpg)


Leave Persona to make shit sound gay.

284403 No.15044922


I did leech magna raids, I just have horribly shitty luck with summons and useful SSR weapons.

I actually have most elements with a basic magna grid minus weapon skilling but they're largely useless because I don't have the summons.

Outside of this I still don't have Celeste Omega and, other than Colossus, none of my magna summons are three star uncapped.

d32b26 No.15045104

File: 04e268199fdde0a⋯.png (337.29 KB, 318x448, 159:224, Persona 5 Crimson and coll….png)

File: 187ccac73f6ce60⋯.png (291.81 KB, 324x444, 27:37, Double Confirmed.png)

Persona 5 Arena when Arcsys?


Part 4 of the story confirmed for SOON.

28f843 No.15045143

So if I say roll Griminir, I don't need to use Tiamat Omega summon?

4540b8 No.15045145

File: 4090417f5ddc452⋯.jpg (256.72 KB, 850x1135, 170:227, __fenrir_granblue_fantasy_….jpg)


That was a pretty good event because Fenrir saved the day


fuck you

721e6a No.15045152

d32b26 No.15045197



That's a loaded question, because, unlike most other elements, Double FLB Colossus and Double FLB Tiamat are better than their Double Elemental and Double Primal setups (because of Critenmity and Critstaminity respectively).

You could make a case for earth, but Double Alexiel, Double Titan, and Double Yggdrasil all hit cap and with different perks (Being able to mix 3 of each weapon vs. lodes of Health vs. TA).

721e6a No.15045272

File: d713f650c99769f⋯.jpg (18.36 KB, 190x285, 2:3, contemplating arisu.jpg)


yes and you expect a random anon on the internet to have all the weapons necessary for double magna. FLB colo killed double colo builds , tiamat needs 3 grim harps, and yugu needs 3 axes and you lose a 100% lanx

d32b26 No.15045428


Hey, I'm just saying bro.

And FLB Colossus actually made it so you need one less AES with Double FLB Colossus to hit 100% crit, so rather than killing double colossus builds I think they made them even better by freeing a slot.

Besides, how often do you REALLY need that 100% damage cut in a wind boss?

d32b26 No.15045445


in a water boss*

ba651a No.15045680


>Fenrir saved the day

By mauling Hero Ranger within an inch of his life?

d32b26 No.15045701


She did open a hole in the realm that was collapsing on top of Walder and Jade during the end

284403 No.15046156

I was planning on getting two FLB Dark Ex guns for my grid from this event but the tiny HP pool of the event raids makes it difficult to get into them while getting any valuable chests and the guns themselves seem to be rather scarce.

and fuck pistol stones

80aa1b No.15046591

File: 37786b2e0bde783⋯.jpg (36.69 KB, 250x323, 250:323, 377.jpg)

What's the best way to get into UBaha raids? It's supposed to be the best thing for primarch animas, and I want to get my atma sword, but getting the mats to host is a bit of a bitch and I don't feel confident in hosting a pub raid in case of failure due to leeching. Joining a train is also a major time sink (or do 30-run ubaha trains not take that long?), and if the train loses steam, there goes my host mats again. Is there a certain message to look for and/or include in the room description when making a raid room for UBaha? Not talking HL, just to be clear.

974cff No.15046611


You could try getting one together here. You'll likely be more successful than a pub one and coop trains takes between 1 to 2 hours depending on who joins.

6d5786 No.15046654


If you just want to clear it start a non-repeating co-op room named something like "アルティメットバハムート Ubaha" and wait for it to fill, if you want to farm it make the room repeating and make sure you've got time to finish it.

80aa1b No.15046681



So commit to about 2 hours for a full train, got it. I'll also save アルティメットバハムート Ubaha to a notepad for later. Thanks, anons.

57fc28 No.15047449

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


It sounds like they tried to imitate the persona 5 sound, but they missed two points. 1. Persona 5 uses a female singer to make it sound like a classy jazz club, and 2. the persona 5 boss themes have more energy to them. It's the themes in the real world that are more chill.

b516d8 No.15049505

anyone know how to stop the invite other people to a raid to always appear when you enter? due to how quick the event raids end unless I try to get stuff through immediately I have like a 50% chance to not even get any honor due to how it slows me down.

b4d6d5 No.15049528

File: 5965ce100ac1da9⋯.png (411.71 KB, 480x741, 160:247, stop.PNG)


top menu while in raid, backup, the first option

b516d8 No.15049832

b516d8 No.15049835


meant to reply to this:


I'm stupid please bully me

284403 No.15049963

With how often they do half off/free raids it's getting more obvious how much they probably should make low rank raids free all the time or significantly less AP.

Nobody is really "progressing" off of them anymore with how often free SSRs are released, they're not even really a good timegate with how often free elixirs can be obtained.

57fc28 No.15054324

File: 087f867f31ba223⋯.png (3.49 KB, 252x38, 126:19, rank.png)


284403 No.15055119

File: 7634cad15dbaec6⋯.png (305.55 KB, 550x510, 55:51, redh7g8g.png)

Can't get the fucking gun to drop twice more but Mary finds fucking Supreme Merits on the ground.

Life is pain.

57fc28 No.15056011

File: 8329da8c6d5eccd⋯.png (69.4 KB, 459x89, 459:89, new selfira.png)

But we just had that side story

57fc28 No.15056170

File: 69b73f609842894⋯.png (883.34 KB, 596x682, 298:341, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 402acbea65182c9⋯.png (465.76 KB, 417x477, 139:159, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f5e44b4adea634d⋯.png (415.1 KB, 417x477, 139:159, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d3be2daa6277549⋯.png (430.58 KB, 600x401, 600:401, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 275451325cde91e⋯.png (922.66 KB, 638x900, 319:450, ClipboardImage.png)


More info on it. Nio will be in it (along with a skin for her probably). Also we can pick an orchestra girl without going to a concert in Japan. Time to get the unobtainable draph

a09238 No.15056349

File: 477246c3878af8d⋯.jpg (16.97 KB, 500x388, 125:97, 477246c3878af8d3aa2355c33b….jpg)


ネクロマンサー (Necromancer) —→ Shadowcraft


ヴァンパイア (Vampire) —→ Bloodcraft

Just wonderful to see muh localization in action.

fec74a No.15056592


This looks like it's going to be a lot of fun.

Except for the part where I forgo getting Uno and 5* him to get Nio instead.

037646 No.15056812

File: b231cff58dd091a⋯.gif (405.99 KB, 400x230, 40:23, c12a1a179c1659708cd4a603ea….gif)



ba651a No.15057272

File: c28b559cd829002⋯.jpg (306.47 KB, 1811x510, 1811:510, summers.jpg)

Summer limiteds coming to princonne. 3* Pecorine and 1* Kokkoro. Saving those 20k crystals was a good idea.

7bff83 No.15058271

So why are Lumineria swords better than Bolts? I have some renown to spend but I'mjust not seeing the worth in Swords with small boost when Bolts has a big boost instead.

974cff No.15058298


2 small Atks (one Magna mod + one Normal mod) on one weapon is stronger than a single Big I attack.

f91394 No.15058325


Until you can limit break them they are not. Once you can level them until they get their 2nd skill the provide more attack and some HP. Double skills make a huge difference.

9dcf41 No.15058664

File: 06d6f37f0064fe7⋯.png (865.79 KB, 745x1000, 149:200, 66768906_p0.png)


Because swords will always be the best, my friend.

974cff No.15059120

>Leeching Shiva for animas

>Already half way through to the weekly cap

This is wrong, this is just wrong.

c46ef4 No.15060304


I missed the stream. Wasn't expecting any limiteds though.

974cff No.15060424

File: 60144f182974a2b⋯.png (28.85 KB, 296x177, 296:177, ClipboardImage.png)

Cool fucking chest.


bb91f6 No.15064108

File: a0648fb469b97e1⋯.jpg (49.07 KB, 475x389, 475:389, Capture.JPG)

f54563 No.15064888

Since the F/GO fags have some kind of inferiority complex with you fags here's the obligatory post insulting all you disgusting faggots

You fags are as bad as FGO fags if not worse for contributing so long to gachashit cancer. I don't care how little you've spent, you're providing value to a social network game that has no value as a video game

94dad5 No.15065244

File: 7e000d2215a3586⋯.jpg (64.82 KB, 431x450, 431:450, ok kid.jpg)

b4d6d5 No.15065483

>>15064888 (checked)

I appreciate your hard work anon, thanks for keeping the board balanced.

Still, GBF is as fair as gachachit can go and if we value videogames based on the fun/entertainment they provide, GBF has some nice art, great music and a decent turn-based rpg combat below all that.

52354a No.15065817

File: 2cd442b960c6c96⋯.png (708 KB, 480x698, 240:349, unknown-35.png)

Why does nobody appreciate Soiyaman?

57fc28 No.15065853

File: aaa45247b7f303d⋯.png (538.06 KB, 515x623, 515:623, ryuji erune.png)

File: f34a789259c8d86⋯.png (540.53 KB, 514x625, 514:625, Ryuji draph.png)

Ryuji knows what's up

974cff No.15065976

So when is Sig gonna get a SSR and/or Summer version?

Also is the site being slow for anyone else or just me?

cb158d No.15066003

File: 9fb2254d66093c3⋯.jpg (29.99 KB, 238x211, 238:211, can't handle.jpg)

File: 77311542b4dad42⋯.jpg (65.11 KB, 496x401, 496:401, weirdo furries.jpg)

File: 0955d036ec3d58e⋯.jpg (48.84 KB, 358x399, 358:399, weirdos.jpg)

>play until level 90

>now dread even doing the daily maniacs despite having a superb light team

>no reason to play

>150 rolls banked for spark

>don't want to spend

>don't want to keep saving

as an apology for blogposting you all can have these

4a0053 No.15066096

File: f5d8d8c15833487⋯.png (325.71 KB, 382x542, 191:271, skin when.png)


Probably because there's not as much info in it the retard that does the character sheet hasn't updated since last month, and Dirt doesn't really get as much attention from the players while the game has been pampering it quite a bit. Feels good even if I haven't gotten a new dirt in a while. RNG really wants me to switch to Wind.


Don't be a fag, you're halfway through a spark. See if your other elements need help because fuck you, gotta have at least one grid for each.

Or you can blow it on leg/magnafest, the summer shit should be coming soon anyway.

dc6a6a No.15068038

File: 3139eb374f2bf0a⋯.png (254 KB, 299x376, 299:376, ClipboardImage.png)

so this is what happens when you take memes too far

9da5d3 No.15068053


cause omoshiroiman exists

bb9abd No.15068146


With horns like that, she must have some very, very strong (and lopsided) neck muscles.

bba489 No.15068167

File: 2e0c3546231f4a7⋯.jpg (86.56 KB, 624x800, 39:50, christmas arulumaya.jpg)


That's just a crescent moon headband

57fc28 No.15068170

File: befd5db38ee7a34⋯.png (191.13 KB, 480x400, 6:5, ClipboardImage.png)


it's a moon shaped hat.

bdd879 No.15068342


If you're going to blow a spark fund only ever do it on a flashfest for the upped rate and chance at limited chars. The current draw is fucking shite.

fec74a No.15068396


nigga chill

Keep in mind that a spark will net you 18 ssrs on average (mine was 22) and the ability to pick a character you want afterwards.

Make a list of your most desired girls, set a spark target and a couple more in case you roll your first. Keep holding up at least till the last legfest of August, when all the summer characters will be in the pool, then blow it.

We're probably going to have another magnafest and one or 2 more sidestories till then, also GW betting can help if you are in the yakuza

bdd879 No.15068404

File: 4297682d2b2c0fe⋯.png (391.68 KB, 720x600, 6:5, 720px-Sen_B[1].png)


Always bet on SEN.

fec74a No.15068540


Sen gave me 7k crystals once

b8c2d2 No.15068987

File: 45d27a94b88a0d2⋯.png (112.77 KB, 600x453, 200:151, 45d27a94b88a0d22f40770018d….png)

I feel like a complete retard but I'll just ask.

How in the hell do I host Omegas? Do I have to host it in Co-op every time? because no one ever joins that so I can't start it.

52354a No.15069012


They're at Zirkenstill

b8c2d2 No.15069149

File: e9231a8442c6426⋯.png (452.22 KB, 536x463, 536:463, e9231a8442c6426dfd53a7c8e2….png)


Thank you, jesus I never bothered to check that place again, I though they would unlock in their respective areas like the hard ones.

d32b26 No.15069251


You should also note that when you finish your daily hard (Tiamat & Co) raids from the Recommended quest section, the Omega raids will take their place for easy hosting. And you really should do your daily hards for omega animas.

b8c2d2 No.15069400


Yeah I've been doing them, I still can't take on a Omega alone, but I did manage to score a MVP and got one Omega Weapon.

Is it pretty much a guarantee if you get MVP or did I just got lucky?

2a8fb2 No.15069428

>>15069400 (checked)

IIRC I think it's about a 2% chance total for host+MVP. Sadly, it's the most reliable way of getting them.

d32b26 No.15069435


Rates are pretty decent.

If you Host+MVP all your 18 omegas in a given day you should get at least 2-3 SSR drops (selfies and random weapons) every day.

Of course, there are still days when you get squat, but more often than not you should get a decent fodder haul.

284403 No.15070225

Are the solo quests any better or worse than doing the raids if I'm trying to get the event guns?

I've been trying to get two more guns this entire week and all I've gotten are the summons.

b8c2d2 No.15070565

File: 1f173da014bc775⋯.jpg (63.18 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 1f173da014bc775653a4bd695e….jpg)


>I think it's about a 2% chance total for host+MVP


>Rates are pretty decent.

I don't like what this means.

On the plus side I managed to step up and beat Colossus solo and got another one, so it seems to work for me so far.

What are other Omegas recommended to start off with? I feel like Colossus is pretty doable minus his 1 shot bullshit, my light party has a pretty decent chance to survive but I'm not dealing with Luminiera until I manage to find a way to deal with her buffs.

284403 No.15070601


>I'm not dealing with Luminiera until I manage to find a way to deal with her buffs.

Bring a dispel. Either level a Bishop and use it as your extra skill on whatever your main class is or hopefully you have a character that can use dispel. Dark Knight has one

You only need to dispel her debuff resistance or her double attack. After that she'll use a turn to use Aegis unmerge on her next turn and you can hit her for a bit.

b8c2d2 No.15070623


Yeah that's what I'm doing, sadly I don't have enough CP to get Bishop right now.

I'm thinking of using up my thief medals from the event to get some, but that feels like a waste.

How the hell are you supposed to get 2000 for the IV row classes?

b4d6d5 No.15070635

File: c41bbee945c0307⋯.png (138.72 KB, 453x222, 151:74, random run with no droprat….PNG)


Other than the bottom right harp, this are the SSRs from a full magna train run solo.

I think they upped the droprates some time ago, getting a grid up shouldn't be a big problem anymore. Just get'em at 49% and open them up, you'll be golden.

As for Lumi, don't start debuffing her right away, hit her once, dispel, attack, then start the raid.


Events give a lot of CP, GWs give a lot of CP, you can trade a gold moon for enough CP for a Row 4 class even though that shouldn't really be needed.

57fc28 No.15070638


I think Tia has the lowest HP of them all. She should be an easy start

b8c2d2 No.15070708


My fire team is kinda shit, I can deal good damage but besides some summons I really don't have a way to heal up.

That's why I still want Bishop, to at least get someone capable of healing in that team.

8fe6fb No.15070776

File: 0c229a8d7f743af⋯.jpg (109.1 KB, 591x887, 591:887, __okita_souji_and_okita_so….jpg)

File: 2a69a0bb06536fe⋯.jpg (746.94 KB, 1903x1987, 1903:1987, __okita_souji_and_okita_so….jpg)

File: ed608db0ebbf760⋯.png (1.28 MB, 900x1386, 50:77, __okita_souji_and_okita_so….png)

I like Zooey's new design.

6d5786 No.15070787


For weapons Colo and Levi have the worst, with Colo sticks being the worst 'best' magna I weapon. Most people treat them as filler while they farm eggsacks from TE.

For difficulty, from easiest to hardest, I'd say Yggy>Tia>Colo>Levi>Lummy>Cele is about right. That said you should be hosting all your omegas everyday for filling grids and fodder.

Fodder is insanely important. My skilling method is SL1 SR for 2-7 and SL2 SSR for 8-10, which costs a total of 48 SR and 3 SSR to skill a single weapon to SL10.

ba651a No.15070885

File: be65f460b1567e1⋯.png (2.86 MB, 1618x904, 809:452, loli erune dragon.png)

At last I get Scathacha.

4a0053 No.15070960

File: 543b76a979fa4a7⋯.jpg (111.02 KB, 655x1164, 655:1164, DelBJz-UYAAaXpB.jpg)



I want Arulu to heat my meat up.

b4d6d5 No.15070996

File: 0c0c0df8472f641⋯.png (1.94 MB, 1204x834, 602:417, Adramelch.PNG)

File: 4b6a20c5d9c7004⋯.png (2.1 MB, 1192x806, 596:403, Faggot Knights.PNG)

File: 643868ac3d65d1c⋯.png (1.92 MB, 1180x725, 236:145, slutera.PNG)

File: 19c054837cd2847⋯.png (1.85 MB, 1195x715, 239:143, Uncle Cag.PNG)

File: 9cb1e42174f0166⋯.png (1.92 MB, 1228x756, 307:189, mordecai.PNG)


I don't even know what I'm getting, are these any good?

037646 No.15071561

File: a60eb0aaea8bbe9⋯.png (303.62 KB, 640x940, 32:47, DBKjDWHUQAAQTiM.png)


Oh god, please don't tell me she got the dub treatment too.

d32b26 No.15071866


I don't remember if Tiamat or Yggdrasil was lowest health one, and Yggdrasil hits like wet noodles except for her OD ougi, but breaking her is fairly easy.


Shiva should be enough that you can blow away a good chunk of Tiamat's health on strike time, even with a subpar grid.

And if you haven't yet, consider working on the main story for the sole purpose of acquiring Mechanic, the "Anytime is Striketime" meme.

Don't bother with healing for the most part, most early content can be rushed to death before anyone dies, and also use your silver moons to trade for CP, half pots and rupies.


Shame her draw rate is so low. :^)

52354a No.15071997


The drop rates are actually quite generous when you have berries to spend and are at the point where you can just one-shot Omegas. Sucks for newer players though, yeah.

768542 No.15072218

File: dfc84355908958e⋯.jpg (98.84 KB, 640x800, 4:5, armpit mvp.jpg)

>Make an Arcus Deck just because I drew a Ferry

>OTK an opponent on ladder using her

I'll miss using Support Cannon in Rotation, but this more than makes up for it. I should really stick Ferry back into my light team.


Everyone in Shadowverse has a dub even Yggdrasil so naturally the loli dragon erune was not spared. She sounds older than how she looks, but at least that's better than the unnaturally squeaky voice that characters like Clarisse got.


The Gay Knights are a ridiculously versatile card and Uncle Cags does a million things at once, so I'd say they're the stars of your packs. Adramelech is good but he's mainly Lindworm support and that's a legendary in the previous pack, while Mordecai is really strong but you'll need some Reanimate options to make the most of him and the only options to do so are in previous packs as well.

98662d No.15073287

quick question from a new player: Since I joined the game halfway through the P5 event I can't get all the stuff. I can farm solo Extreme Dragon with about 99% succes chance and have a lot of half elixir to keep spamming it but don't have eternity. what are the things I should get out of the event trade 100%?

353cc9 No.15073309


Nothing about the event items are too urgent for a new player. Get a copy of Morgana Car if you want, as a filler for your dark summon if you don't have any better. Otherwise, get the tickets, dama, and rings in that order.

ba651a No.15073315


The draw tickets are the first things to get and can get a few pots and berries each day. If you somehow get all those get a ring.

d32b26 No.15073324


You absolutely want the draw tickets.

After that, an FLB Summon and FLB Gun would be helpful, though the gun's 4th uncap is very expensive.

Rings and Damascus Crystals are nice but only if you can spare the materials.

5b191b No.15074998

I just finished Pinboard #4 and got the SSR Weapon draw ticket, is there any use in saving it or should I use it ASAP?

9d888e No.15075014


You should use it straight away, that ticket is special

And you should ask about free accounts that are being given away here, they got free stuff from Christmas.

6d5786 No.15075019


Just use it. It draws from a set pool, so no limited characters will come if you wait for a banner change.

Seconding >>15075014 grabbing an account from account anon has made the game a lot more enjoyable.

5b191b No.15075082



Alright, thanks for the advice.

Sadly I have invested a bit too much time and effort into this account to switch it up now, thanks for the offer though.

b4d6d5 No.15075130

File: 45ad6b70ca99808⋯.jpg (1.66 MB, 1853x1658, 1853:1658, Accounts 1-5.jpg)

File: 4416eedbca88286⋯.jpg (1.61 MB, 1853x1357, 1853:1357, Accounts 6-10.jpg)


Anon I…

6d5786 No.15075170


I originally thought that as well. It's all about what you value more; the time you've invested in your account now, or the hundreds of free rolls you missed just for starting later.

b4d6d5 No.15075182


I should probably have added that Account 2 is taken, 4 got taken, payed with for a few days and killed (abandoned after changing the gmail password) and 9 is dead ("Anon I tried playing it again but it's too hard for me" says the faggot I rolled all this shit for. What a fucking faggot.)

I had some fun rolling during the free gibs around christmas and I'm giving them away to interested anons.

All of them have Conan, Joker and SR Mahira.

All I want is to not have them gathering dust.

If you're enjoying the game and you're not planning on qutting within the next couple weeks, try looking into one.


About 800 rolls.

284403 No.15075254

File: 3820d31ea38ae4a⋯.png (162.6 KB, 591x321, 197:107, er8u9jdgjgh9pj.png)

I'm a little bit fucking mad.

I've been unable to get two more fucking guns to drop.

All fucking week.

This is the second damascus grain I've gotten off this fucking faggot in two days and around the twelth Supreme Merit total.

Normally this would be great except that I can't fucking get the two fucking guns I want.

Fuck this event.

6d5786 No.15075276


Are you only doing raids? I got enough guns to FLB one and some spare from solo extremes and NMs. Just slap on the shop bonus and kaguya/rabbit.

284403 No.15075315


I've been alternating between the solo quests on extreme/+ and the extreme/+ raids.

I have one FLB, I'm trying to get two more drops to get a second FLB bcause I have no other EX dark weapons. That's where I'm having issues with drops, even when I do get flip chests they are summons.

6d5786 No.15075336


Oh, you want a second EX. Go leech Qilins instead and get enough reams for a sword, that'll serve you a lot better than a second gun. You'll probably end up dropping the gun(s) later once you've got a Cele grid anyways.

In case you don't have viramate, or refuse to use it like me, you can find qilin raids here: https://gbf-raidfinder.aikats.us/

28199f No.15075598


Are there any accounts still around that people are giving away?

I could trade stuff for it.

b4d6d5 No.15075619

57fc28 No.15075893

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>tfw last day of persona collab

>no more hearing this song on the daily scene

28199f No.15076102


How much for 7?

b4d6d5 No.15076145


>how much

Nigga what part of "I'm giving them away" didn't you get?

As long as you play with it I'm ok.

d32b26 No.15076167


Someone in /v/, doing charity from the good of his heart?

Perish the thought anon.

28199f No.15076253


So how do I get said account?

I know a way of convincing you won't refuse.


I can't believe it myself, I thought all GBFags were too busy farming their own stuff to care about each other.

b4d6d5 No.15076313


Make a new e-mail adress and leave it here so I can contact you on it.

I'm going to transfer the ownership of the GBF Account to a new g-mail adress and then give you all the login info for both the gmail and gbf accounts. You'll need both since Cygames likes sending around confirmation codes.

Then you can either change passwords or do like Account 2 has done: leave it as is.

I do come take a peek from time to time but I don't touch anything unless specifically requested, I like to see the account progress and grow in his own way and that's all I ask of you. Play with it and enjoy the game.

Jumping through hoops to reach out and give away an account filled with good SSRs only to see it be abandoned to rot is a huge kick in the balls.

28199f No.15076335



I have so many things to tell you in private.

b4d6d5 No.15076357


Please don't be scatological poetry.

28199f No.15076431


It's really important, you might like the content.

b4d6d5 No.15076472


Alright, sent

bb91f6 No.15076490

File: 1b4f8be04ddae2d⋯.jpg (31.42 KB, 460x311, 460:311, Capture.JPG)

>2 shards away from 3* uncapping my bow relic

>get one shard and one relic

I was expecting it. Now waiting next guild war to 40 box that shit. How do people do it? One turn nightmare 90 and using 500 half elixirs?

6d5786 No.15076548


I think most people onepunch NM 100, just did the math for it, it'd take around 1800 NM (1744 based off of the last GW's numbers) onepunches to completely empty 40 boxes.

80aa1b No.15076589

File: ccd3b68f3e99ed6⋯.png (51.88 KB, 368x109, 368:109, f.PNG)

for fuck sake chev

bb91f6 No.15076804

File: 3ef64095a676f62⋯.jpg (11.94 KB, 154x104, 77:52, Capture.JPG)


I'd have to use my whole stock just for one character. And then there'd be all the grind to upgade them. That shit is really crazy.

974cff No.15076847

And so, another I'm going to kill myself grind this RotB.

974cff No.15076851

File: 414d4366172cc70⋯.png (166.84 KB, 318x350, 159:175, ClipboardImage.png)


Forgot the image because I'm a fucking retard.

bba489 No.15078492

File: ef6a45c61c68f0a⋯.jpg (29.95 KB, 196x408, 49:102, Dg2fnvRUEAAgIcG.jpg)

New trial characters, Maniac difficulty for Rise of the Beasts, and another gold bar to trade in.

faaf80 No.15078515

File: 7b56451c28dc772⋯.png (329.67 KB, 640x688, 40:43, ClipboardImage.png)

bb91f6 No.15078559

File: d98cd844b980912⋯.jpg (72.39 KB, 479x555, 479:555, Capture.JPG)


57fc28 No.15078755

File: f6616c69d1e5ef4⋯.png (280.28 KB, 371x452, 371:452, auguste.png)

File: fc364220e90d19b⋯.png (264.63 KB, 363x428, 363:428, robertina.png)

57fc28 No.15078770


surprisingly you dont use as many berries as you may think. Just due to natural regen and the berries you get from the boxes themselves. Plus you can get to 20 boxes in the first 5 days with pots

b4d6d5 No.15078965


>Maniac difficulty for Rise of the Beasts


52354a No.15079855

File: b5e599f6d12c08a⋯.jpg (194.23 KB, 720x889, 720:889, _20180629_112208.JPG)

Should I replace something with an FLB gun?

FLBing 7 of them was a fucking mistake

974cff No.15079921

File: 2c336239bcd5c6b⋯.png (351.9 KB, 310x647, 310:647, ClipboardImage.png)

Playable Shiva conformed?

d32b26 No.15079981


Maybe it's Reinhardtzar

d32b26 No.15079994


No, 4 is good enough, but you should replace one of the EX and the Bahamut Dagger with more Grimnir Harps.

Rejoice anon, your tomfoolery shall be rewarded once Gunslinger 2 revives the glory days of late 2016

284403 No.15080196

As I understand there are reasons to keep Damascus crystals as crystals until you need them as bars but are there reasons to keep the grains as grains?

974cff No.15080240


No. Make grains in choco chips.

000000 No.15080250

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Daily reminder that Granblue Fantasy is a game for spending all your time alone in a grand community with manly men.

No filthy onas allowedo.

974cff No.15080637

Is anyone else getting a shit ton of lag where they have to refresh the page? Guess the bots for legfest are awakening.

9d888e No.15080729


>Maniac difficulty for Rise of the Beasts


284403 No.15081112

If the Mechanic's weapon selections are both Gun does that mean the Extended Mastery for Specialty WPN DMG I & II both increase gun damage or have I been misunderstanding what that mastery actually does this entire time?

d32b26 No.15081363


That is exactly what happens.

Same for any double same proficiency.

fe23b3 No.15081521

File: 847c68e519640fb⋯.jpg (110.21 KB, 554x680, 277:340, 1483244068788.jpg)


>big fat draph tats

>doot potato

How is a man supposed to choose just one?

974cff No.15083171

I don't understand the challenge quest. Even following what they say doesn't matter because they do no damage. 0, even when they do an ougi.

6e921c No.15083533

File: 890b297724d6655⋯.jpg (280.7 KB, 850x988, 425:494, Kogane 03.jpg)

Hope this helps you pick your character

Augusta (earth) - 10% echoes charge attack, defense buff during concerto

Cecile (fire) - Party ATK buff charge attack, C.A. Damage during concerto

Novei (Light) - Debuff Resist up charge attack, Dodge during concerto

Pamela (Water) - Party heal (1000) Charge Attack - Refresh: 100 normally, 300 During Concerto

Robertina (Wind) - Party DA buff during Charge attack - Charge Bar Speed Up 20% during concerto

037646 No.15083817

File: bedf468070518fa⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 200.59 KB, 1125x1500, 3:4, DfA2I81VAAEDBJu.jpg)

File: 4e9be7c91221faf⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 267.76 KB, 1500x1125, 4:3, DeXz0yeV4AAGcA5.jpg)

File: ee49c3101c99ad9⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 276.41 KB, 1500x1125, 4:3, DeXz0yeVQAERAXc.jpg)

File: 9e57d12c937078d⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 269.43 KB, 1500x1125, 4:3, DeXz0yfUQAY2okV.jpg)

File: 639a10483889773⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 288.95 KB, 1500x1125, 4:3, De-v-SAVMAEyeFe.jpg)


I have a better way since I doubt they'd outdo anything people got out of the gacha.

>Who's the cutest?

>Which instrument do you like more?

>Who has the better voice actress

>Whose VA has a history with characters you like

If you still have more than one after that; flip a coin faggot.

f7902b No.15083935

seeing as there's a festival on is it worth spending the few draw tickets and gems I have now or should I wait until I have a bigger stockpile for later festivals?

Keep in mind that I have few SSR's in my line-up right now due to being new.

d32b26 No.15083954


Well bro. Normally I'd say "Just draw now, Legfest and Fleshfest are as good as it gets"

But next month we get summer.

This means bikini girls.

Think about that and the answer should be clear.

4304d0 No.15083956


They'll probably release the limited summer character in july, so you might want to wait 2 weeks for the flash fest.

f7902b No.15083984



Alright, thanks for helping a newbie learn when to spend their resources efficiently.

d32b26 No.15084022


If you really want to minmax your bikini girl chance, you'll want to draw during the end of August's legfest. At this point ALL summer characters should be available, including the ones they'll release during July and August, and you'll have 6% SSR chance to boot.

Mind you, I have no guarantee there will be such a Legfest since they implemented Flashfest after last year's summer, but you'll probably be fine believing in it unless they straight up tell us they won't do it.

b4d6d5 No.15084117

File: dbe58b5b30b5789⋯.png (2.12 MB, 1080x1920, 9:16, Screenshot_20180630-091600.png)


Just the usual 3 tickets.

[Mask autism intensifies]

bb91f6 No.15084702

File: 726db72d723d424⋯.jpg (21.2 KB, 341x120, 341:120, Capture.JPG)

File: cf053daf07b52a4⋯.jpg (45.04 KB, 460x349, 460:349, Capture1.JPG)



I can only pick one.

>roll my 6000 crystals and 22 tickets

>first 10rolls gives dupe Anubis summon

>second tenrolls gives baal summon (thanks for the quartz I guess)

>tickets give 3 new characters

All I wanted was a new ssr wind character, I only have 6. My earth team is already my strongest and dark is where I have the most ssr char (11 now). Fuck, shit like that makes you want to stop playing.

6d5786 No.15084733


>bitching when he has a 9.5% ssr rate

I've got 0% at 29 rolls.

ba651a No.15084807

File: 78c3b99cacfa89e⋯.jpg (140.31 KB, 979x549, 979:549, small elf.jpg)

Time to burn everything trying to get big wet Pecos. At least the little elf is free this time.

ba651a No.15084828

File: aeea1c259782eb3⋯.png (709.35 KB, 1273x721, 1273:721, pecos.png)

File: a0af471dc3127b2⋯.png (276.62 KB, 954x388, 477:194, done.png)

Four ten rolls in and done. Hope summer in granblue goes this well.

bba489 No.15084926

File: 33543f6902f2fa9⋯.png (5.72 MB, 1600x1248, 50:39, summer time.png)

July Event Schedule

06/30~07/08 - Together in Song

070/9~07/15 - Rise of the Beasts

07/16~7/23 - Unite and Fight (wind favored/earth bosses)

07/24~07/30 - Poacher's Day (rerun)

07/31~08/08 - New Event Scenario

bdd879 No.15084974

File: b86a4b0204e9ce1⋯.png (72.29 KB, 281x153, 281:153, ClipboardImage.png)

>See Rosetta on rate up

>Want Rosetta

>Use my free Shadowverse tickets

>Get fobbed off with these two losers

Vajra a cute though even if worst Zodiac

bb91f6 No.15085108

File: 598d26f78df8c5c⋯.jpg (48.59 KB, 472x470, 236:235, Capture.JPG)

All Hail Hayamin!

Need more events like the one with unapologetic Lucius than events like this one where they are all crying.


Sure, getting something but not what you'd like is better than not getting anything.

Guess next guild war I'll take the weapons to unlock both wind eternals rather than trying to 40 boxes for Tweyen. That shit is more for end game players or something.


That's a cute girl.

57fc28 No.15085111

File: 173f2b730002c7b⋯.png (459.73 KB, 720x600, 6:5, ClipboardImage.png)


>07/24~07/30 - Poacher's Day (rerun)

I wonder if they will fix some of the meme filled translation like they fixed Izmir's boob censorship. Either way, for people who weren't around last year, you get to start summer off with a free redhead in a bikini

b4d6d5 No.15085157

File: 968ac2a674683b1⋯.png (73.42 KB, 586x879, 2:3, summer rosetta.PNG)

File: 2510edf0d266c9f⋯.png (8.93 KB, 314x146, 157:73, the time has come and so h….PNG)

File: 92c96eeedaa4267⋯.png (221.06 KB, 470x301, 470:301, Right Choice.PNG)

File: 624093c53d7d14b⋯.png (344.56 KB, 478x380, 239:190, summer tweyen.PNG)

File: 44c1162477aa9ee⋯.png (313.39 KB, 479x384, 479:384, Summer Threo.PNG)

>>15085111 (checked)

It feels a bit too soon for that rerun though. Or…h-have I been playing for that long already?

On another note, THEY'RE COMING, ARE YOU?

57fc28 No.15085252

File: e31fd3bb5cb6c6d⋯.png (549.34 KB, 512x476, 128:119, auguste.png)


How can anyone say no to such a happy cow?

bdd879 No.15085296

File: fce776baaf44fcb⋯.png (1.15 MB, 1265x714, 1265:714, Man of culture.PNG)


Her voice is annoying as fuck.

bb91f6 No.15085459


I went with Manaka when I played Love Plus for more than year. I had to choose the character with the same VA.

974cff No.15085504


>Summer Ilsa

Please, I don't think my dick can take it.

534cb4 No.15085528


If it happens, hope she's light for the gun meta.

d32b26 No.15085709


So let me get this right: De La Feels, the Former fire garbage queen and Out on a maternity license all get a new image/sprite when they hit max level (80, 70, 50 depending on rarity) even if they don't have a 5*?

And they will finally add the eternal skins. Hope they are free, though I can feel the jewery coming. inb5 Gacha skins that you have to draw, come with a SSR weapon, but do not give you the associated character, you need to have them already

>Summer Rosetta

I thought the summer sun wasn't very kind to old people's skin. That's why Uncle Cog doesn't have a summer version too, after all. Will there finally be Summer Alchemists this year?

>Summer Ilsa


d97079 No.15085969


Neverending erection time.

9d888e No.15086170


I'd put my tit in between Threo's dicks if you know what I mean.

8a4c5f No.15086681


I rather hear her voice than Eltas'.

037646 No.15086834

File: d6f7e5ba8ecc7ac⋯.jpg (146.82 KB, 723x919, 723:919, DXVtbhiU0AAiyfH.jpg)


>start summer off with a free redhead in a bikini

If they haven't fixed the translation, it won't be worth it if they can't bring themselves to skip the story.

8fe6fb No.15086918

File: 3e564fb576e9e9e⋯.jpg (82.43 KB, 479x689, 479:689, Untitled.jpg)


dc6a6a No.15087800


cringey translations

c3775a No.15088048

Did anyone pick the bassist?

284403 No.15088093


I'm pretty sure it's a Cello, not a bass.

6e921c No.15088554

File: baa91adb7c13a47⋯.png (806.78 KB, 838x456, 419:228, Ilsa.png)

Well you better have those sparks ready, it got confirmed on TV

fe23b3 No.15088567

File: 731ee9981d4667d⋯.gif (952.96 KB, 320x239, 320:239, 1457596632692.gif)

File: 2a210b241811cc1⋯.png (64.28 KB, 223x201, 223:201, 1443364254603.png)


>summer Rosetta AND summer Ilsa

So much for my Golden Knight spark

974cff No.15088609


>Summer Ilsa

Yep, my dick wasn't ready.

974cff No.15088617

File: deb2c33a038c9ae⋯.gif (498.35 KB, 500x282, 250:141, 836487351861.gif)


I have no idea why that went from .gif to .png.

8e0f66 No.15088669


>summer Ilsa

Well fuck, and here I was, thinking that I was finally free from this shit.

dc6a6a No.15088675

File: 0ce321860580f30⋯.png (1.25 MB, 1000x1000, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a4c06a9e3ef7298⋯.png (1.73 MB, 781x1200, 781:1200, ClipboardImage.png)



Also do you guys reckon they released info on her now so she wouldn't crash the game like summer jannu did?

dc6a6a No.15088751


is that you Hitler? come back to us

e72644 No.15088816


Nobody picks the bassist, not even beato

037646 No.15088924

File: 6e68d18d9b80abd⋯.jpg (597.13 KB, 1453x2047, 1453:2047, Dcamw4eVwAAlRcf.jpg)


Nothing can reach that level of want in the Japs.


Is the guy and ass or just wrong place/wrong time that made him stay such a meme?

Hey, anyone knows if there's any more Azumanga Daioh VAs in Granblue beyond Rosetta and Petra?

6e921c No.15088976

File: d54b57b1959c84d⋯.mp4 (9.74 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, gbf.mp4)

Now on Motion

284403 No.15088981

File: cc82803ad09bc5e⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 191.79 KB, 606x273, 202:91, 8htsd0htgh.png)


I didn't realize fat tits were so unpopular

How the fuck does teambuilding actually work? I seem to be horribly shit at intentionally building any sort of coherent teams on my own other than

>I need damage reduction, better be a Holy Saber there's a debuff better bring cleanse

This seems to become more and more obvious as my grids start being less shit and I begin to die to shit that was obviously avoidable.

1b6e8b No.15089005

File: a87707035c112d2⋯.jpg (52.98 KB, 597x652, 597:652, DQSnssAUEAAJaKN.jpg)

File: 371fccdaa876bd0⋯.png (132.15 KB, 484x682, 22:31, Birthday #2 Scene 8.png)

File: f7761b355f3eeea⋯.jpg (161.77 KB, 675x1200, 9:16, DgSoH7WV4AAkpws - バルルガン EM….jpg)

>no summer potatoes

I sleep. If it wasn't ROTB/GW Month I'd quit the entire month, Ilsa and JK a shit.

bba489 No.15089017

File: ad4b14c1bc333c2⋯.jpg (195.6 KB, 868x1200, 217:300, DehTd31VQAA-byB.jpg)

Future of Granblue for July


bba489 No.15089033

File: 0952ae4bd70dbf4⋯.png (450.89 KB, 600x500, 6:5, jashdjhasjhdasjhdjsahjkdhj….png)

File: df954f72bb14987⋯.png (496.19 KB, 600x500, 6:5, asjdhajsdsahdjkhasjdjasjkj….png)

File: 6645849f5257224⋯.png (453.11 KB, 600x500, 6:5, asjdjahsdjhsajdhsakjhjhk.png)

ba651a No.15089136


Io and gem are huge improvements. Io the most, good day to be a lolicon. Kat is better looking, but the lack of her being embarrassed about showing herself off is missed.

0533e1 No.15089183


I actually like Kat not being ashamed for once, good sendoff now that Sawashiro is gonna be gone for a year.

fe23b3 No.15089274

File: 9d3cc762f6d6ad5⋯.png (546.78 KB, 505x586, 505:586, how.png)

File: f3a7fda0050f36d⋯.jpeg (172.14 KB, 540x553, 540:553, f3a7fda0050f36de0e0b63aed….jpeg)

How am I supposed to choose?

721e6a No.15089808

File: c9123316a0db4d9⋯.png (32.93 KB, 188x100, 47:25, strike time.png)


i want to destroy io's pussy i swear

ba651a No.15090153

File: cb573a94937022d⋯.jpg (193.15 KB, 1754x744, 877:372, pairs.jpg)

>silver this month

I don't even play this game anymore.

b4d6d5 No.15090164

File: 59e1423fb29c24c⋯.png (44.37 KB, 837x477, 93:53, Teambuilding 1.PNG)

File: c2a7ecd56af10ad⋯.png (50.21 KB, 842x551, 842:551, Teambuilding 2.PNG)


I am a bit too autistic about that and I also try and use most of my characters, to the point of making teams just for them.

This is generally how I go about teambuilding, for the A teams aniway.

On the B side I keep an R team a "Story characters" SR team, then make a new SR team for every new story event.

22f694 No.15090194

File: ea910dc0e383e14⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 68.08 KB, 532x721, 76:103, 1cace2075e0673ad43cd762b17….jpg)

File: a9c8817f013602f⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 4.11 MB, 2828x4000, 707:1000, 907d31da7a2454ed51151197ae….jpg)

File: 28574f229bdefa7⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 287.53 KB, 1000x1470, 100:147, c69af19a019dfe69d8c2b75cb9….jpg)

File: 53468da1bdbf1e3⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 124.88 KB, 600x778, 300:389, e4880ca5df8ce1b1cb9750d74e….jpg)


I want to impregnate Io.

57fc28 No.15090239

File: 6f48db7909a0a22⋯.png (689.39 KB, 502x595, 502:595, augusta cap.png)


A comprehensive teambuilding guide:

1. complete your grids

2. put any waifu in your team, even SRs, and cap anyway.


Here's a summary:

Rotb will have maniac difficulty which can be done twice per day. Each clear instantly fills your crystal.

They're adding draw tickets and primarch animas to the rotb badge rewards.

Another Gold bar will be added.

Dark Giant of the Blue Sea will be added to the side stories, which fills in the chronology of the first 7 story events.

You can upgrade your ship while drawing your GW boxes now.

If you own all jutenshus, you can choose damascus dust as your drawbox reward. 4 dusts are needed to make 1 damascus grain.

Tier C's losers badge requirement has been dropped from 250k to 150k, with the crew amount being lowered to 5mil from 15mil.

The art above are new 'EX poses,' which unlock at max level. Only for those 3 summer girls so far.

You can recycle items into a cup which then spits out a big exp item when it reaches enough. You can auto-direct items to it from battles (and i assume from drawboxes too).

Livestream from Osaka's Granbluefest on the 15th.

b4d6d5 No.15090287


>Livestream from Osaka's Granbluefest on the 15th.

Please let this be the big summer livestream with tons of new info.

Mainly the fucking Arcarum characters and the return of Defense Order.

ba651a No.15090291


The 'worst loli' meme should be at an end. Io doesn't have a furry with her, so she's miles better than the last one added.

88372c No.15090311


>gets no porn despite being one of the main characters in a popular mobage

>the same 10 or so lewds keep being reposted precisely because of the lack lewds

Worst loli is still worst.

721e6a No.15090312

EC098A5A just be urself

bb91f6 No.15090446



you check which characters you have who can (de)buff without overwriting each other.

669a0f No.15090462


>Summer Rosetta

Looks like it's time for this man of low skill to return to grindblue after all.

b4d6d5 No.15090491

File: 2930e8d0daa1ebe⋯.png (737.32 KB, 817x381, 817:381, no pantsu.PNG)



>When Ilsa has no pants and is probably already wet

669a0f No.15090535


Mighty bold of her.

037646 No.15090986

File: 5b01bab9b90633b⋯.mp4 (3.81 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, funfposting.mp4)


You forget about Charlotta, Andy.


Io's out lewding Fille; did Granblue end up with a lolicon brought in at an influential position?


Beach wrestling collab event when?



>miles better than the last one added


I thought Fif was supposed to be the worst.

I should go do Renies fate episode.

8e0f66 No.15090993


No, I'm a ghost from the 1st crew.

4a0053 No.15091022


>no summer potatoes

I think they'll be in anyway, but the casuals or newfags to the game (which are the CM's audience anyway) won't care that much about midgets in skimpy clothing.

Here's hoping for summer Arulu or Zahl


>good sendoff now that Sawashiro is gonna be gone for a year.

what happened?

534cb4 No.15091240


She's ensuring the future of her people. Are you?

d32b26 No.15092042


If you want a good, all purpose team you need the following:

1. Some way to cap ATK and Defense down. MC can do both on his own if you use Berserker, at the cost of Rage IV.

2. A DATA source.

3. A buffer.

This is the bare minimum you need for your party to be functional.

Depending on the enemy, however, you may also need the following, and need to adjust accordingly:

4a. A Tank for single target special attacks


4b. Someone with damage cut to survive AoEs (you normally can get away with Carbuncles)

5. A healer if you can't kill the enemy before it kills you, or if you need Clarity or Veil to protect you from CancerAIDS.

If you fulfill the first three criteria, and the boss doesn't require the other two, place attackers in the extra slots until your party is full.

This basic framework works in most content, solo or raids, except Arcarum (nukefest) and Mechanic/ST teams (Who wants to be a Burstillionaire?) and raids where you need to follow precise instructions and not die or everyone gets fucked (6-man mostly).

0b4df4 No.15092454


>wich gurl wud u fuq

bba489 No.15092839

File: 5a1050c0a121849⋯.webm (2.32 MB, 586x746, 293:373, my disgust.webm)


>windows 10




Get the fuck out of here nigger

bba489 No.15092854


well fuck me that was twitch and not discord but still fuck off

28199f No.15092894



lmao nigga nice you ruined your own shitpost

/mbgg/ on 8chan when?

06a65c No.15092895

File: 475791b7d5285f9⋯.png (371.16 KB, 633x758, 633:758, cec4d6c33e0ff04b59adcf001a….png)


000000 No.15092982

How do I play this on TempleOS?

57fc28 No.15092993

File: b3b5dff7a358f96⋯.png (509.88 KB, 783x1414, 783:1414, Teambuilding Basics.png)


I tried making a visual guide

9d888e No.15093126


By praying to god everyday and running over glow in the dark CIA niggers.

000000 No.15093134


All joking aside, this seems like a pretty good write up.

432095 No.15093192

File: 27f7175042caf00⋯.png (880.26 KB, 610x838, 305:419, 1530333808641.png)

File: f006df0855e359a⋯.jpg (253.54 KB, 1200x809, 1200:809, 1530441981691.jpg)

File: 4b4a6a49e11e495⋯.jpg (59.17 KB, 494x620, 247:310, 1530410073974.jpg)

File: 34830dc42847226⋯.jpeg (240.23 KB, 1200x809, 1200:809, DhAoIAuU0AAQcgY.jpeg)


That was last year, we need new potatoes in skimpy clothing, and give me a playable Platinum Sky tater skin goddamnit.

57fc28 No.15093221

File: cebdaef6b0cc8fa⋯.png (709.27 KB, 600x849, 200:283, ClipboardImage.png)


>summer Augusta

Oh god please.

Even cygames picked draph tits from the orchestra girls. How can the others even compete

284403 No.15093261

File: 6edd702fa8db35c⋯.png (293.58 KB, 554x284, 277:142, fp.png)

File: dfac0e800430198⋯.png (257.19 KB, 593x304, 593:304, fc.png)

File: 4447d480ba14852⋯.png (619.54 KB, 628x534, 314:267, fg.png)


If a skill applies def down and elemental defense down is that still a dual? I'm presuming yes.

Based on that, this is my current party with an attempt to follow the basic advice.

The changes made currently were swapping Aliza to the back line for Societte and swapping Double Trouble III with Rain of Arrows III on MC

I don't have a ton of Fire characters to really work with but I can do most shit I need to do against Wind.

I also have no Row IV classes unlocked yet because getting 70 crystals for any weapon is holding me back

432095 No.15093262

File: 22d7b2a26c7de10⋯.jpg (198.93 KB, 786x1024, 393:512, 1530333884686.jpg)


Robertina practically orgasms on the home screen, everyone got blinded by fat bags instead of loving dfcs, goddamnit.

d32b26 No.15093269


Elemental Defense down and Stackable defense down are both different debuffs to normal Defense down. They will always stack with Defense down, regardless if it is single or dual sided, but the cap will always be 50% (except for Feower 5*'s unique Forfeit (and I think there was something else))

8e0f66 No.15093279




Elemental defense down works on an entirely diferent mechanic, so it isn't always dual, like summer Jeanne. However it still caps at total 50% reduction.

d32b26 No.15093286



Oh, I think I understood your real question now.

You probably will have to check on the wiki for info on each skill, because the number of debuffs doesn't mean jack about it being single or dual sided. You can see that comparing Altair's second skill (ATK, DEF, Water DEF down, dual sided), Lancelot's Nuke (ATK and DEF down, single sided) and Drang's third skill (Debuff Resist down, ATK and DEF down, single sided).

432095 No.15093296

File: 266842f3486b63e⋯.jpeg (65.02 KB, 560x560, 1:1, Dg0WB3WU0AA6Hau.jpeg)

File: 8a28f9d0d5ada78⋯.jpeg (154.54 KB, 857x1200, 857:1200, DgXXVKAU8AAHdB1.jpeg)

File: e996246506df5af⋯.jpg (401.04 KB, 1000x1192, 125:149, 1530338971530.jpg)

File: d9479b052a813dc⋯.jpeg (94.16 KB, 675x1200, 9:16, Dg7JZOKVMAYmOZZ.jpeg)

>non potato conversation

I sleep, but also, I started today with 5 BSC, and hitting Grand Orders I went to 25, wish me luck, it's the last step to open up Nio fight.

284403 No.15093354


>Elemental defense down works on an entirely diferent mechanic, so it isn't always dual, like summer Jeanne

So Summer Jeanne's def debuff is not dual?


>the number of debuffs doesn't mean jack about it being single or dual sided.

That's very disappointing but I learned Nano Analyze is single so I can run miserable mist and cap def down+25% atk down.

037646 No.15093374

File: be07dc883436e94⋯.png (407.43 KB, 672x800, 21:25, be07dc883436e94f300bcdf15e….png)


>School pic

I don't get the joke but I get Belial.


I'd rather have a Christmas tator using an oversized Draph coat as an igloo.


She has too big of an obsession with snacks.

57fc28 No.15093375

File: 77ebc4b9cda96bd⋯.png (6.77 KB, 480x117, 160:39, def down single.png)


It's a single. The older characters stick to the rules mostly, but as time has gone on and they have designed more combinations of skills, they have broken the rules and made exceptions. Just check the wiki for each skill

57fc28 No.15093545

File: 6b1c0f39afbbf8d⋯.png (590.81 KB, 514x607, 514:607, All. Night. Long.png)

File: 72776989995153b⋯.png (682.07 KB, 513x634, 513:634, Augusta's mother.png)

0533e1 No.15093618

File: 2fe24465668901d⋯.png (269.51 KB, 551x606, 551:606, Beriaru.png)


Come on, lad, you don't know Belial's theme song? That's part of the lyrics, playable Belial when.

876fca No.15093649

File: 0c5e9398e342351⋯.png (966.35 KB, 639x887, 639:887, HotorNotgbf.png)

Are these stats ok or not?

bb91f6 No.15094320

File: 55ba9063afcf7d1⋯.jpg (132.75 KB, 877x768, 877:768, 1.JPG)

File: 329958bc38c8f70⋯.jpg (41.94 KB, 565x619, 565:619, 2.JPG)

0c3511 No.15094416

File: 2c5aa13b226d382⋯.jpg (241.24 KB, 800x1000, 4:5, 8b54f974.jpg)

I need more gibs. Where are the gibs?

7f8e74 No.15094428


You're not one to talk gachanigger

bba489 No.15094449


What are you talking about? I don't use any of those listed nor go to cuckchan.

57fc28 No.15094452


maybe we'll get a magnafest with the livestream on the 15th (Lowain had fun showing his free rolls last time), but that would overlap with GW which is poor timing. It may start with rotb and run through, though. Either way you'll get some gibs from the stream itself.

ba651a No.15094558

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


Horses are now set for winter 2018. There should be some when that releases.

bba489 No.15094572


Not sure where you're going at. You're cancer yourself since you play this too looking back at your posts if you're assuming gachashit is worst than being on cuckchan.

28199f No.15094574


Dragalia when?

f5c9e7 No.15094584


Can't wait for the horse event where Spe and crew think Rackam is their trainer.

8fe6fb No.15094908

>I still haven't done the challenge

>At least I can spark whenever now

>Summer is near, but there's at least Rosetta and Katalina grand


037646 No.15095182

File: 425e950974563d8⋯.webm (11.62 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Granblue_Fantasy_OST_Dark….webm)


Songs always sound like gibberish so I never pay them any heed.

284403 No.15096150

Are there any Earth Characters other than De La Fille that give Earth ATK Up at reliable intervals?

I don't even see any MC skills with it, other than Ultima (Earth) weapons am I stuck with summon effects for now?

974cff No.15096169


Well there's Mahira, and that's it really.

865614 No.15096203


MC has elysian's default skill that gives whatever your element is 20% attack up.

284403 No.15096270


I thought Mahira was ATK Up and Bonus Earth Damage. Does that still work with Alexiel's passive?


Seems like everything I need somehow ends up being in a Row IV class and most of my parties are sitting at an awkward point between struggling significantly and being reasonably able to do the coop quests that the gems drop from.

57fc28 No.15096299


swordmaster with a ygg sword awakens for team earth atk

e0dd0a No.15096691


5* Okto, Augusta or Halloween Eustace.

284403 No.15096752



I'm currently using Ascalon because it has nearly the same skills as the crystal blade including the Earth ATK Up but it has a 3 hit counter instead of a def down.

I'm thinking in the long run I'll probably get the Atma/Ultima Sword due to most of my Earth party getting bonuses from Sabres.

That or get lucky during Summer legfest rolls.

974cff No.15096773


You should probably work on turning it into an Aschallon Terra (unless you're not Rank 101 yet) since you can unlock all of Row IV with it and get one EX2 class. Then turn that Aschallon into a Ridill. I would just use prestige to buy distinctions you need because relying on coop kinda sucks even with the rate buff.

284403 No.15096784


It's the Siegfried SSR, not the Sword Master Class weapon. https://gbf.wiki/Ascalon

I've been trying to get an Aschallon Replica for a week or two though.

I haven't bought a replica outright because I don't have the gems to reforge it anyway.

974cff No.15096812


Forgot about the Sieg weapon since Aschallon was also named it before. Also I wouldn't suggest buying a replica unless you're despite for one. The replica drops from Ifrit or Rose Queen (but it does have to contend with 19 other weapons and the share chest might have it). I could try to help with farming Ifrit, but I probably have any coop resources left to buy the feathers for Bounty 9.

284403 No.15096887


>The replica drops from Ifrit or Rose Queen

I knew it would be something horribly inconvenient particularly with how terrible my Water grid currently is.

I've been farming co-op Vohu Manah because it wasn't complete dick to do on my own while doing Ifrit when his showdown came up but my Infernal Garnets were decimated by Xeno weapon reforging so I've currently only got seven.

Since I still have lots of other shit I can do, particularly in regards to gathering fodder for weapon skills and getting EX weapons, I figure it's not an extremely pressing matter for me.

284403 No.15096890

File: d30da8024596975⋯.png (1.01 MB, 565x964, 565:964, wpg.png)

6d5786 No.15096907


Co-op Ifrit is a joke. You can probably solo it quickly enough with whatever element you have the best grid in, so long as it isn't fire.

284403 No.15097025


Fire is my best grid with 36.7k sheet damage, the next closest would probably be Earth at 29k sheet damage.

I'll do my best.

6d5786 No.15097183


>sheet damage

Do you mean the estimated damage? Ignore that, it's fucking useless. The important things to consider are weapon skills, main/support summon auras, and character skills. DATA is also king as it means more hits and faster ougis.

bb91f6 No.15099140

>doing train for first time in coop

>it's shiva*15

>each raid lasts 60sec at most so 3-5 turns for me even though I reload, reload, reload (something I never do usually)

>finish 13th or so every time but still get 5-7 animas and my first scimitar

Man, it's really efficient timewise. I'll have to do more during my strike time.

865614 No.15099327


Sometime, reloading is slower. You should only reload when there's a charge attack or a long enemy animation.

284403 No.15099552

File: faf7ff63b390818⋯.png (1.05 MB, 1142x725, 1142:725, ex.png)


Well, I notice that "sheet damage", while not directly translating to party livelihood, is pretty close in regards to single hits from the MC minus outside modifiers which allows me to get a rough estimate of my party's capabilities within most content, minus mechanics that require specific tactics such as Luminiera and Extreme/HL raids that I can't do yet.

So while I'm not blindly following it for weapon recommendations it does give a decent piece of a larger picture.

In order of slightly mediocre to pants on head retarded, the "sheet damage" of my parties and their respective grids look like this







and, through nothing intentional on my part, that also seems to mostly, outside of Earth correlate with my parties that have the highest ability to rapidly get ougis out.

It also matches coherent grids and their weapon skill development.

8e0f66 No.15099747


Well, if you ever build a primal grid, forget about these estimations, for my varuna grid is estimated at 19k dmg and I can almost cap.

d32b26 No.15099939

File: 513987ebe9278f3⋯.png (463.85 KB, 481x594, 481:594, Next time on Drang Ball Z.png)

File: 76b00fecb8002a6⋯.png (459.35 KB, 472x630, 236:315, I'm still waiting on Drang….png)


Check again fucker, they added Stamina and some other stuff to the Estimated Damage calculation.

284403 No.15099965


Wouldn't that be an outlier due to most Varuna builds making use of Hoarfrost's Stamina/Aegis/Majesty rather than all primal grids having low sheet damage?

Do all Primal grids make use of Stamina skills over straight ATK skills?

d32b26 No.15099976


I don't think Primal grids apart from Water and Light have Stamina. Titan and Agni use enmity, Zephyrus is


and Hades is the Gislamemelord.

284403 No.15100065

File: 1a29bad7b613b21⋯.png (656.01 KB, 627x799, 627:799, eg.png)


>Titan and Agni use enmity

Does that mean my alt's fledgling Titan grid is a losing start?

d32b26 No.15100098


You could use AK-4As instead of Stratomizers and Solomon Axes, but you only need 2 Stratomizers to have ungodly enmity, while you need as many AK-4As as you can fit in your grid.

But yes, using more than one Tribunal Thunder is pretty dumb.

721e6a No.15100129


calling that grid a titan grid is an actual insult

974cff No.15100134

>Leeched 2k prestige in hopes of getting Shiva animas last week

>Capped that 2k and I could only make 1 omega

If getting the weapons wasn't shit enough, getting the shit to uncap the said summons and weapons is even bigger shit.

d32b26 No.15100144


>uncapping Shiva weapons

Come on lad just use AES.

284403 No.15100168


Well, I'll keep that in mind. I tried to get all the Tribunal Thunder I could buy from the Showdown shop last month to get enough Titan weapon skills to fill in the grid.

>you only need 2 Stratomizers to have ungodly enmity, while you need as many AK-4As as you can fit in your grid.

That sounds like an extreme whale grid so I'm most likely going to transition out of this attempt and just get Primal swords.


fledgling in that it is only an attempted start and still doesn't even have all Titan/Mountain/Earth weapon skills yet. I know it's currently horrid and I have no idea what I'm doing.

974cff No.15100170

File: 59a32168751c9fa⋯.png (212.85 KB, 320x407, 320:407, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7eaa9e0f1e04000⋯.png (332.24 KB, 318x666, 53:111, ClipboardImage.png)


>Magna Fire

I'm sticking with primal fire because fuck M2 blue chests.

d32b26 No.15100221

File: 13acbb7072c5b5b⋯.png (450.79 KB, 473x629, 473:629, 0 Star Demi Titan main sum….png)


A F2P Titan grid should look something like this. Feel free to exchange Perseus for Solomon Axes or vice versa depending on your DA buffs/HP needs/Enmity enabling characters. Ideally put another Perseus in place of the Tribunal Thunder. This grid even features a fully capped Demi Titan so it is 100% F2P if you replace the Stratomizer with a Solomon Axe. I'd do so but I put my extra axes inside my stash and I can't really be arsed to take it out just to make a point.

721e6a No.15100249


f2p titan died with alex weapons unfortunately

d32b26 No.15100261


It didn't really die since you hit cap and swim in HP anyway.

I blame KMR giving dirt all the good stuff like the Perseus rebalance, the Alexiel weapons, the Uriel summon, et cetera.

974cff No.15101232

Can we get rid of berries in blue chests and have centrums back please? The quartz can stay, but there's no reason berries should be any kind of reward in HL raids.

9e568e No.15101254

File: dfb82a19f6e9fa3⋯.jpg (845.86 KB, 2143x471, 2143:471, Untitled.jpg)

R91 here, do my grids have terminal cancer? Keeping in mind that neither of the XVM weapons in the Earth grid are the ascended form, they're plain old Sahrivar/Xeno Judgement Lyre.

6d5786 No.15101329


Just make sure to, at least, host your daily omegas and you'll eventually get to the point where your grids won't have all that gacha filler. When RotB comes there'll be a lot more people hosting Huan/Qilin, leech both enough to at least get the Huan fist and the Qilin sword.

For skill levels you're everywhere. You're going to regret all the fodder you sank into weapons you'll soon discard later.

974cff No.15101340

File: 901c6f1da8f6784⋯.png (67.23 KB, 275x162, 275:162, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ca72121818500fd⋯.png (246.54 KB, 317x442, 317:442, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a5dad8e135b4dc2⋯.png (229.82 KB, 315x333, 35:37, ClipboardImage.png)

Is it worth putting in a 0* harp or should I wait till I MLB it to replace a gun?

57fc28 No.15101394


keep the guns. a 0* harp only gives a little bit more damage at full health than a gun, and based on past GWs, you can expect your hp to drop fast.

d32b26 No.15101467


You want at least 5 of the omega weapons in each grid, mostly so you can take out the off element shit you're using and effectively chemo your grids. Also, get a Bahamut Nova Dagger or Sword from What Makes the Sky Blue sidestory ASAP, and put it in all of your grids, again taking out off element stuff first, non seraphic SRs second and Gacha weapons third, if needed. (Except your Eden, that's fine). WMTSB also gives you a Light Harp which is a better mainhand than the Luminiera's harps.

I don't blame you for your shitty grids at rank 91, this is Eternal Magnafest's fault.

And it's never too late anon, just keep farming those omegas.

974cff No.15101486


Because of eternal Magnafest, you now have to be rank 185 to enter UbahaHL coop rooms. Chances are you'll be rank 150 before you even FLB a Magna grid of your choice excluding light if eternal Magnafest continues. Which I think might happen very soon.

284403 No.15101761

Are there any decent ways to get a large amount of weapon skill fodder?

Even all the EP raids in a day seem to only give me Primal Bits and Green Eyes.

57fc28 No.15101777


the side stories have plenty of SR weapons to buy, plus the event is a reliable source of them. You can do your daily hard magnas too

6d5786 No.15101814


Leech Celes, they take long enough to die that you won't be getting cucked before you can put even a single hit in.

>>15101777 (Impressive)

>side stories

>for fodder

I think he'd have better luck on the rotating showdowns, AP wise.

02e527 No.15103399

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

Here are the Granblue collab cards in Shadowverse.

fe23b3 No.15104532

File: 5c324d8d9d41644⋯.png (118.97 KB, 517x377, 517:377, battle.png)

File: ecf27c8bbb7a1ef⋯.png (372.34 KB, 520x457, 520:457, FLB.png)

Hopefully I'll never have to farm Europa again.

721e6a No.15104984

File: 76f82c6eac3336b⋯.jpg (95.93 KB, 569x789, 569:789, moontato.jpg)


moontato says hi

28199f No.15105217


The Jap voices are so much better, thanks for the upload.

739e4c No.15107640


Farm events, do your daily maniac showdowns, side stories are good for SSR fodder, if there's any extreme+ battle available then focus on it. Summing it up, just play the game not focusing on fodder, for the desire censor does exist.

284403 No.15107911

File: 12cb088bccd1356⋯.png (1.4 MB, 514x1350, 257:675, dpc.png)


My biggest issue is the massive amounts of fodder needed for any real progression. All the shit I can do I've been able to do for nearly a month or more.

I have most of the Omega modifiers I need for all my grids. I don't have 120 fodder SRs and 18 fodder SSRs and the shit that should reasonably be dropping from raids just isn't.

I can even solo Luminiera Omega, not because my Dark party has become any better but because I've done the fight so many times that she can't reasonably do anything I haven't built my party for, even down to "random" auto-attacks and my Dark party only ever gets to do that fight.

Even focusing on this event has just been a massive struggle with my garbage Wind grid and very little useful drops.

I'm 350k honor away from the last Damascus Crystal in this event and my motivation is just gone because, even though I got a second Earth EX weapon at skill 10, the damage boost wasn't even marginally noticeable and it feels like I wasted so much EP and time for nothing, even the SR fodder was rather meager, I probably got one or two weapon skills out of it.

I understand that everybody hits this point but even the past three or so events have made the game feel like a chore because it consistently picks my worst elements.

b4d6d5 No.15108333


Progress has some walls for everyone, but they are honestly not that hard to overcome. The fodder also comes in quite easily as long as you do your daily hards and host and MVP a few magna raids.

You'll eventually get there, a few skill levels at a time, just don't expext to progress a lot by farming mostly Chev, you'll get a fully incapped gun grid up before you see any sword drop.

Also do try not to leave other elements too far behind or you'll have a harder time in their respective events. ROTB especially might be hell for you.

91a077 No.15108391

File: 9fee07ce6118705⋯.png (74.16 KB, 305x1017, 305:1017, Poll Results July 2018.png)

watch this shit negros

b4d6d5 No.15108406


>All this shit taste

Jesus christ where will we end up?

c3775a No.15108416

File: 9994ee70cefcbe0⋯.jpg (213.06 KB, 691x1000, 691:1000, 66720g1.jpg)


>1st place


6d5786 No.15108455


I don't understand how you have the Halloween stick and only 4 dark magna weapons, I'm assuming the only MLB'd one was the free MLB SL10 spear everyone got a couple months ago. Which means, somehow, you've only gotten 3 non-MLB'd dark magna weapons within the span of at least ten months.

All you have to do is your daily 6 hard+s and 18 omega hosts, you'll be swimming in fodder and will be able to use Cele as a main summon rather than the persona summon

If you are doing your daily chores and this is the result of abysmal luck then I'd make a new account, because there's it must be fucking cursed.

284403 No.15108483

File: 82986abb304df11⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 548.38 KB, 549x754, 549:754, ls.png)

File: 6c62a1ba0b0cbac⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 520.36 KB, 558x694, 279:347, dw.png)


>just don't expect to progress a lot by farming mostly Chev, you'll get a fully incapped gun grid up before you see any sword drop.

Well, I'm actually farming her because I need two more of her summons. My light grid is currently propped up by a workably shitty Zeus build.

As for guns vs swords… I'll admit I messed up uncapping a gun before I had enough for a grid but even the 4th gun I got was from purchasing it with pendants last month.

>Also do try not to leave other elements too far behind or you'll have a harder time in their respective events.

I'm trying my best but currently I'm getting fucked all different ways in each grid.

>Water daggers hardly ever drop

>Wind needs infinite fodder before summon is useful, lacks any EX boosts I can fix the second bit with some side stories though

>Earth is doing alright but most of that was luckshitting to the extreme

>Dark and Light don't have their omega summons at all

>Fire is only succeeding because double FLB Xeno weapons

>most are being floated with double Baha weapons


I have other Dark Omega weapons. What I lack is any Celeste summons.

6d5786 No.15108543


>grand total of 4 spear drops 2 ax drops 1 claw drop 1 corty drop and an arcar ax

The account is cursed. I'm serious, see pic related. It's what I use to sort what SSR fodder I have available I have at a glance, keep in mind I pretty much wiped all of my previous stockpile in order to skill my water grid from scratch for Xeno Ifrit, so most of the 0*s are fairly new.

>4 0* lummy swords

Anon, I'm sorry no one told you this sooner, but Lummy swords are only good at 4* and level 120, as that's when their second skill unlocks.

I hope for your sanity that you didn't skill them.

6d5786 No.15108546

File: 9587b4959dfa7f5⋯.png (42.47 KB, 227x892, 227:892, ClipboardImage.png)


>see pic related

284403 No.15108561

File: f0252381959e812⋯.png (838.16 KB, 589x747, 589:747, lz.png)


>Anon, I'm sorry no one told you this sooner, but Lummy swords are only good at 4* and level 120, as that's when their second skill unlocks. I hope for your sanity that you didn't skill them.

I know, I only leveled them with fodder I got from doing Chev because I figured a smaller amount of attack is better than an entirely different modifer.

They haven't had too much wasted on them, three are only level 2 with one at 3.

My currently light grid is a 0 star Zeus that looks like this.

739e4c No.15108723


Bear with it man, the game is more a chore than a game at all. No wonder people quit a lot.

57fc28 No.15108760

File: a87621a80b8bc22⋯.jpg (141.48 KB, 333x581, 333:581, Only 60 weapons.jpg)

bb91f6 No.15109765

>finally join 30players train during my strike time

>boss is at 50% when I 'm in

>press attack then reload

>boss is at 10%

>press a skill, boss is dead

And I end up with 60k honor while 9 times out of 10 it was the same faggot that got first place with at least 290k honor and at most 380.

I know I don't have nip ping and only a basic magna grid but it still hurts.

bba489 No.15109775

New thread


57fc28 No.15109781


15 or lower trains are probably better as omega animas drop from blue and red chests, so you will probably earn animas faster that way while also never missing the kill

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