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File: b1ca27ee74f8526⋯.jpg (265.44 KB, 484x398, 242:199, loa_cotton_picking.jpg)

3851bc  No.16904435

Sandbox MMO that became free to play sometime ago.

Ultima Online clone with full PvP except towns.

F2P only available through steam:


F2P restrictions are :

>No land or housing

>Less bank space

>Can't Create Guild

>Earn Loyalty Points (Good goy points for cosmetic items)

>Friends list

>Play on Community Servers (Private custom servers)

Pretty generous IMO, you can basically experience the whole game unless you're a hoarder.

Returning Players beware, there was a server merge, you will login to limbo, the NPC in the middle is used to delete your character in exchange for skill stones so you can auto skill up another character and store your items away for retrieval later on. You'll need to get down to 4 characters before you can proceed to the merged/new server.

They added stealing recently, so im just picking cotton whilst leveling up relevant skills.

Any of you guys playing/played this?

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00ac31  No.16904491


Why not play an actual UO shard instead of this, what's the special appeal here?

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8f4819  No.16904528

spent around 100 hours in this, it sucks, there is no content. It's an empty game

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2eab35  No.16904536


>spent around 100 hours in this, it sucks

Took you really long to figure it out.

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3851bc  No.16904546


Coz actual UO from AoS onwards turned into a bad diablo clone.

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e15d12  No.16904580


would you prefer a theme park MMO?

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cb449d  No.16904701


>Play on Community Servers (Private custom servers)

Anyone tried them? Some oldfags might be using modern tools to preserve original UO spirit.

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3851bc  No.16904717


The most popular server is a custom server called "Legends of Ultima" which tries to port as much as possible from Ultima Online namely T2A.

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3851bc  No.16904721

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



They are remaking the map by hand too, a lot of progress has been made.

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