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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

5f5f65 No.14116256

Koji Igarashi is making a spiritual successor to SotN, I really question the choice of not making it 2D.

cd78fe No.14116305

Looks interesting but the graphics scream "average". Would be nice if the environments looked more like Hollow Knight or something.

5f5f65 No.14116332


I want to like this game but it looks average.

ab982a No.14116339

It could be neat but it sounds so average. What happened to good music?

1cc57d No.14116347

They better have a complete overhaul of the graphics and animation planned, or this is going to be the new Mighty Number 9. This looks so rough and generic.

c1c2dc No.14116369


>being a graphics baby

hehe nothing personal kid but grahpics are gay

6c00f5 No.14116395

File: de04e1009e6dc7e⋯.png (417.82 KB, 900x1476, 25:41, 886e7ae2e8752548623faaeed9….png)


Caring about graphics in a videogame is like caring about the man in porn. Only faggots care.

672488 No.14116398

File: 06c860cd84d80a2⋯.jpg (21.54 KB, 400x289, 400:289, 06c860cd84d80a212b9fbf544e….jpg)

It's ugly, the gameplay isn't anything special and the waifu doesn't appeal to me.

It's only going to sell because of the name behind it.

cd78fe No.14116429


>it is "wrong" to want every area of a game to be top-notch and excellent

What utter bullshit

5e591b No.14116475


We had a thread about this a month ago, all the gameplay footage since 2016, everything looks slow as shit. And there's little to no hope yet that they'll fucking optimize the game to make it perform and look good.

a47b0c No.14116489


They stepped up with the music since the last trailer. I'm glad, although, that boss fight song screams "SOTN" way too much.


I will like it anyway. I don't care if it's average, it's basically more SOTN along the other Igavania games, which is actually what people expected when they pledged for the Kickstarter, and the game seems like it will deliver even if it looks ugly unlike another project like it.


It looks just like the Demo they showed at E3. Yes, it looks rough and generic, but it have always looked like that.



You my be baiting, but i just looks bad, specially compared to, say, SOTN.


It is special if you want more Castlevania without having to rely on Pachinko.

b1e017 No.14116494

It really needs to be faster, maybe it's due to the fact that they're using polygons, but the game looks slow as fuck compared to previous games with the same gameplay design.

c1c2dc No.14116502


>You my be baiting, but i just looks bad, specially compared to, say, SOTN.

except SOTN looks worse than the DS Castlevanias, pixelated and faded colors. Go look at it again, it hasn't aged well at all.


>a game can only be good if it has a triple A quality graphics

god damn Call of Duty teenagers

a47b0c No.14116522

File: f983b9e32a7f687⋯.png (141.91 KB, 922x1330, 461:665, 3228.png)

File: 32fbdf5fc15a08d⋯.png (723.49 KB, 640x900, 32:45, 32fbdf5fc15a08debd205f040b….png)


>except SOTN looks worse than the DS Castlevanias

Kill yourself. I play the game yearly and to this date it has to be one of the best looking games made in 2D, specially for the animation frame and the attention to detail.

4f5c55 No.14116523

Hooktube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


<Since OP is a faggot

24bfec No.14116528

these graphx are jarringly bad. I would do anything to see real art design in vidya

a47b0c No.14116530


>There are Hooktube embeds now

>They don't have thumbnails

Oh well, nothing can't be perfect.

cd78fe No.14116531


Call me whatever you want, faggot. I just want the games I get to strive for excellence in all regards. But DON'T besmirch my name by saying I like that fps trash.

a47b0c No.14116548


Well, yeah, being ableist towards shit graphics only enable more games with shit graphics because "it's ok to be shit", but that's why acknowledging the fact that the graphics are shit and even the gameplay may be shit is ok.

The reason I defend the game, however, it's because it's shaping out to be what people expected from the kickstarter, specially for someone who have finished the DS castlevanias so many times that can do it blindfolded.

107355 No.14116552

Its gay

t. fag who made the last thread about it

672488 No.14116560

So, really, the only thing that makes this game special is the name behind it.

there are a bunch of these kinds of games you can play nowadays, but you probably dismiss them due to the graphics or artstyle, which is amusing given the posts in this thread

4f5c55 No.14116564

Hooktube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

Also, why does this game look like a doujin title even though it got $5.5 million from the Kickstarter campaign, meanwhile the there was a budget Castlevania title on the 3DS that looks more appealing and complex (Notice that I didn't say good).

<Gameplay of said 3DS game

107355 No.14116565


>being ableist

I think I'm going to be sick


This is correct.

053e19 No.14116566

File: 1a7f3ce2221fdcb⋯.png (244.87 KB, 501x550, 501:550, trashman5.png)


You know where it belongs.

t. Classicvania master race

c1c2dc No.14116569


> I play the game yearly and to this date it has to be one of the best looking games made in 2D

take off your nostalgia glasses.

maybe you're confusing concept art and style with actual execution. SOTN has great style but the execution hasn't aged well, its really awful looking today.

107355 No.14116576


>its really awful-looking today

Excellent bait my friend

c1c2dc No.14116579


> I just want the games I get to strive for excellence in all regards

modern graphics are already beyond what they need to be, developers should pay more attention to game mechanics, design and story telling.

OPs video shows good graphics for a simple 2D platformer….if you want better then you're a graphics whore aka a Call of Duty faggot

1b9f3f No.14116589


You'd have a point if they had decided to go with cheaper looking sprites instead of the hand-drawn look they were originally going for, but this shit looks like a Comiket indie project.



A Rocket League player I see. :^)



Get gone, NeoFAG.

c1c2dc No.14116592

File: 0937dd08e09a9d1⋯.jpg (135.47 KB, 640x480, 4:3, pixelated shit.jpg)

File: 3d74182cab250aa⋯.jpg (7.93 KB, 300x168, 25:14, pixelated shit2.jpg)


OoE and PoR have better graphics than SOTN and they run on shitty NDS

107355 No.14116594


>SOTN's graphics have aged terribly, its shit

>Bloodstained's literal garbage 2.5D graphix are good and if you don't agree you're a "Call of Duty faggot"

At last I truly see, you were a shill all along

4f5c55 No.14116600


>developers should pay more attention to game mechanics, design and story telling.

That is no excuse for games to ever look like shit in today's age.


>OPs video shows good graphics for a simple 2D platformer


1b9f3f No.14116605

File: ea6e4d27380c473⋯.jpg (19.4 KB, 413x310, 413:310, dubsmasterresume.jpg)



No wonder it looks like shit.

Nice triple dubs, by the way.

c1c2dc No.14116606



good, hopefully 90% of that went into mechanics and level design to make a more fun game with deeper content, rather than more 2D special effects. It already looks decent

a47b0c No.14116615

Hooktube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


>Notice that I didn't say good

But you still said appealing and complex, when that's just wrong.


>there are a bunch of these kinds of games you can play nowadays

No there aren't, specially thanks to the stupid metroidvania genre tag. Most if not all of the games that claim to be metroidvania are more metroid than castlevania, almost fucking carbon copies. The only game that is remotely close to be a castlevania game is Valdis Story.



>I think I'm going to be sick

I went and looked for the definition of the word, and seems like I've been using it incorrectly. What I mean is, that by forgiving a products flaws just for some good things about it means it will encourage other companies to do low effort games because they will be forgiven. The best example I can give is The Emoji Movie.


>Classicvania cry baby


>SOTN has great style but the execution hasn't aged well, its really awful looking today

What you say doesn't make any sense. Only 3D games usually age badly, and that's not the case of castlevania. Everything looks as good now as it looked then. Here, the captures you posted yourself even prove you wrong. >>14116592


The problem is that all games look the same because of stagnation. Stylization > Realism. All games aim to be as realist as they can, so the best looking games are usually the ones that do something different instead of the same shit over and over, just like this game is doing. The game looks exactly like any other Unreal Engine game ever made.


>It looks decent

>Shits on SOTN graphics


c1c2dc No.14116616

File: ae402e64369922a⋯.jpg (7.74 KB, 300x168, 25:14, images.jpg)

File: 4ee878ebb687690⋯.jpg (19.36 KB, 480x269, 480:269, Castlevania_SOTN_Nightmare….jpg)


>No wonder it looks like shit.

yet still 10x better than SOTN

c1c2dc No.14116625


>Only 3D games usually age badly,

SOTN has ugly menus, ugly text, really ugly colors and its sprites are extremely pixelated by todays standards hence it hasn't aged well.

get your eyes checked asap

544133 No.14116635

File: c70903a3078e919⋯.jpg (124.07 KB, 450x600, 3:4, 1484858603372.jpg)

File: 58f0ba690864b99⋯.png (2.82 MB, 1416x1000, 177:125, 4269babd7be3082ba56781b54d….png)

>whores everywhere

>no cool dude like Jonathan

why bother

4f5c55 No.14116636

File: d90eadcbe5d596a⋯.jpg (64.31 KB, 640x480, 4:3, gfs_13576_2_44.jpg)

File: 596391b7243f092⋯.jpg (26.33 KB, 480x360, 4:3, gfs_13576_2_6.jpg)

File: cda31c7f5fd4baa⋯.jpg (34.09 KB, 640x480, 4:3, gfs_13576_2_30.jpg)

File: 649d1dd3cba5493⋯.jpg (52.68 KB, 640x480, 4:3, gfs_13576_2_25.jpg)

File: 87ff8e75d7ff7c4⋯.jpg (57.95 KB, 640x480, 4:3, gfs_13576_2_8.jpg)

107355 No.14116638

File: 3cb6db7604339b5⋯.png (694.91 KB, 680x638, 340:319, 827e1546856ec3d6fead164e83….png)


>it already looks decent





>can only take thumbnails from google images with random and varying resolutions

Filtered, shill-kun


The aesthetic is far better

c1c2dc No.14116641

File: fae6b463b9880eb⋯.jpg (587.08 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, 928902.jpg)

ugly pixelated character models

shovel knight looks better

1b9f3f No.14116645


SOTN was released twenty years ago, so it's not like that's something to brag about. Doesn't change the fact that it looks like shit by today's standards.

107355 No.14116652


>he's just pulling shit from google images, now not even checking what game he finds the image from

last (you) because i just saw this one, holy shit

c1c2dc No.14116659

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


actually it has more atmosphere than its original generic anime concept art


yep its aged horribly, go look at Dragon's Crown if you want to see good, modern 2D art and graphics.

Also Dragon Ball Fighter Z if you want even better 2D…yes SOTN aged horribly, it looks worse than most pixel-art indie games, it looks worse than Order of Ecclesia and Portrait of Ruin….

c1c2dc No.14116663


>SOTN was 20 years ago

yep,, great game, but it shows its age, i can't even play it anymore because it hurts my eyes how ugly the graphics are

c1c2dc No.14116671

File: ae4442d97c1d0e1⋯.gif (564.28 KB, 500x370, 50:37, giphy.gif)


> now not even checking what game he finds the image from

implying it makes a difference, SOTN looks on par with NES and SNES quality, actually worse in terms of colors, and some areas like the menus and text

1b9f3f No.14116677


>can't play game because of the graphics

>calls others graphics babies

You're either baiting or genuinely retarded. Either way, i'm done.

a47b0c No.14116686

File: 0cfeae094388d79⋯.png (879.64 KB, 2940x1916, 735:479, PlayStation - Castlevania ….png)

File: e0bf490670faa59⋯.png (50.48 KB, 199x212, 199:212, e0bf490670faa59cfdc4078863….png)


Your screenshots are terrible, just take a look at every sprite and the whole castle map with backgrounds and say with an straight face that it looks bad.



>SOTN has ugly menus, ugly text

Nice goal posting.

>its sprites are extremely pixelated by todays standards

By what standards? Your shit taste?


Bloodstained supposedly have a playable male character, but he doesn't look as cool as Jonathan.


>Liking Fighter Z

>Comparing 2D with 3D.

>Comparing Pixel Sprites with hand drawn art

>Falling for the "pixel-shit" meme


That looks beautiful, you like it or not.

4f5c55 No.14116688


>SOTN looks on par with NES and SNES quality

<Implying that's a bad thing

The Genesis was still selling rather well into '96, you idiot.

a47b0c No.14116694


I'm guessing he means that it looks like an SNES games even though it's a PS1 game. So what? That doesn't make it look bad. It looked good then, and it looks good now, specially on it's own. Saying it looks like it's NES is a fucking stretch, though.

86cb35 No.14116716


<maroon red as the backdrop

Wow, why do people like this piece of shit metroidvania game if it looks like complete dog shit?

c1c2dc No.14116724

File: 63c77090319fa1c⋯.jpg (8.06 KB, 225x225, 1:1, sotn gif lol.jpg)


>hard to see map

terrible demonstration of graphics

gif related is better, ugly text, look at that coffin outline, looks like it was drawn in MSPAINT

and the sprite is so pixelated edgy you'll cut yourself on him

>That looks beautiful, you like it or not.

nostalgia glasses

if the game sucked you would judge the graphics more fairly

107355 No.14116728


This post is so beyond retarded that I just had to give it a (you)

c1c2dc No.14116730


because the mechanics were fun

yes it looked like dogshit back then and still does today, but actually gameplay was fun

890357 No.14116731


>except SOTN looks worse than the DS Castlevanias, pixelated and faded colors



Are you fucking retarded anon. Of course it's pixilated. It's pixel art.

c1c2dc No.14116733


> Of course it's pixilated. It's pixel art.

they weren't going for the "ugly pixel art" look though, ideally they wanted smooth 2D graphix but they got jagged pixels instead

c1c2dc No.14116745


>hat doesn't make it look bad. It looked good then

>it looked good then

no it didn't, just be honest it looked like shit back then and still does today.

if you wanna see an example of a nice looking 2D game on ps1 go see Breath of Fire IV

f97ae9 No.14116748

File: 384a5abe8a04899⋯.png (248.16 KB, 800x720, 10:9, 384a5abe8a048991197365156f….png)

>Still giving (You)s to a faggot posting thumbnails and saying anything after SoTN which got a fuckhuge budget looks better

It's like saying KoFXIII looks worse than XIV

Jesus, just stop replying

890357 No.14116752

File: 6d8f719ee06f4a2⋯.jpg (47.51 KB, 335x488, 335:488, did you eat a bowl of stup….jpg)

4f5c55 No.14116761

File: f96e4ce929072e2⋯.png (357.78 KB, 640x480, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4d4b4410b2012e3⋯.png (522.08 KB, 640x448, 10:7, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 189e048829fb3e2⋯.png (63.24 KB, 384x224, 12:7, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1d397e9675af49b⋯.png (29.7 KB, 320x240, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)


>I'm guessing he means that it looks like an SNES games even though it's a PS1 game. So what?

I think the even bigger kicker is that there are a lot of PS1 and Saturn games, and even Sega CD games, which used their new capabilities of the compact disk to deliver better audio and more content rather than push games graphically. In fact, most of the graphics just gave the games a little more "depth". They were not aiming to compete with full 3D titles like Silent Hill or Forsaken. They were just continuing on game development from the fourth gen.

<Wild Arms

<Albert Odyssey: Legend of Eldean

<Terra Phantastica

<Darkstalkers: The Night Warriors

<The Terminator (Sega CD)

4f5c55 No.14116768

File: ad47e47d8596f88⋯.png (572.73 KB, 640x480, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)


For some reason, the Terra Phantastica image didn't stick.

c1c2dc No.14116776

File: 9e541643e21fb99⋯.jpg (18.52 KB, 480x360, 4:3, hqdefault.jpg)


>being this much in denial

this looks good to u?

c1c2dc No.14116778


all those games look much better than SOTN

SOTN is HARD on the eyes it looks so bad

e69f39 No.14116784

File: 6b6855018e54344⋯.png (20.58 KB, 625x790, 125:158, 1432053971815.png)


>take off your nostalgia glasses

what an alureing post

7231df No.14116792

File: ef1ebaf243ba7bf⋯.gif (2.36 MB, 500x341, 500:341, 1449318854184.gif)

>All these people who think Portrait is good

Just goes to show if you turn a game into weeb-bait it'll get shilled endlessly regardless of how bad it is.

107355 No.14116794


>It was not by my hand that I am given cash

>I was brought here by IGA, who wished me to shill his product

741880 No.14116800

File: 8bd45e6e6c9c505⋯.jpg (63.91 KB, 790x447, 790:447, castlevania_dracx-4.jpg)

File: aafc1b707673264⋯.jpg (51.2 KB, 720x408, 30:17, 2007517121310_1.jpg)

File: 9eb6dc1779bdd3a⋯.jpg (81.05 KB, 1280x725, 256:145, 157209-Castlevania_-_The_D….jpg)

Not sure why you're comparing it to SoTN when that's a sprite based game. I think Rondo of Blood would be a better example. While I think the game could definitely look better, it's good enough to not bother me from the whole experience.


Concept art is concept art. It should be well know it's not always something devs stick with. The concept art usually looks better than the final product too. Usually changed either because it was too hard to pull off or build a game around it. Looking at that, it looks like something made by Vanillaware.

86cb35 No.14116809




The game isn't even fun, like what happened to having a cool whip, but no you have to play the boring game as alcuard, sounds like a shitty name, like dracula but backwards or something. You have this dinky sword, this dumb menu about numbers and all this boring music that goes dodododdueudeduebleslsehslhlshs because it sounds like that at the end because it sounds like shit, you have to be a fucking moron to believe in the idea that a metroidvania-like game is a good game.

5f5f65 No.14116822

File: ffe640d6487a9c5⋯.png (46.29 KB, 690x968, 345:484, jesus2.png)

>(18) posts sperging

>Cuckchan trying to say SotN was a bad game

>people giving (you)s


I just want a 2d sprite or handrawn SotN like game is that too much to ask?

107355 No.14116823


Ya got me.

6168c9 No.14116861

File: 9816d18ae1a8a94⋯.jpg (56.92 KB, 640x480, 4:3, LOL 9.jpg)


Whats up with the purists lately?

Why do they saying they don't like the Metroidvania games because of MUH NOSTALGIA?

52cac0 No.14116865

File: 737e5adf129cd50⋯.png (45.88 KB, 253x276, 11:12, Untitled.png)

>tfw Konami pulls a Capcom and puts out a trailer for a new Castlevania game with an actual budget after this flops and Igarashi becomes the next Inafune.

If only

29dce6 No.14116880

File: 96994adae6eed0f⋯.jpg (26.19 KB, 540x303, 180:101, 1483743203419.jpg)

>symphony of the night will be 21 years old in march

4f5c55 No.14116888

File: 287563e1ad2da6b⋯.png (1.37 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 840823e05c882f7⋯.png (709.23 KB, 960x544, 30:17, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4b5017eea3f83b4⋯.png (667.82 KB, 960x544, 30:17, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d787f8375aad2ed⋯.png (3.09 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ed46788998a9e43⋯.png (656.99 KB, 960x544, 30:17, ClipboardImage.png)


It's pretty much acknowledged that c1c2dc is baiting. Just ignore the guy (Or bully him, since we've been getting a lot of out-of-place characters lately).


>I think Rondo of Blood would be a better example.

You're still comparing a handheld Castlevania game to a title that is suppose to be releasing on everything from the Vita on up in terms of system power.

<Some of the "2D" games on the Vita

4f5c55 No.14116910

File: 1811160145d3fab⋯.png (737.58 KB, 960x544, 30:17, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9c1370e57a12cae⋯.png (866.33 KB, 960x544, 30:17, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7e34bdf7af6acbf⋯.png (877.61 KB, 960x514, 480:257, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3c2989615c0451c⋯.png (568.6 KB, 800x453, 800:453, ClipboardImage.png)

File: bb28bcf32f1174f⋯.png (658.17 KB, 960x544, 30:17, ClipboardImage.png)


And, before someone shows up to talk about how "gimped" the Vita is, shut up as that monster has games like Freedom Wars, Gravity Daze, Uncharted, Killzone, and Assassin's Creed.

b1e017 No.14116969




>Posts mostly garbage

This better be bait

656896 No.14117006



Could have chosen better examples rather than Uncharted, AssCreed, Batman and those two indie shits tbh

107355 No.14117015



I think its more meant to show off the power of the Vita as a handheld than anything

4f5c55 No.14117030


I just want good games anon…

That look good…

And sound good…

And play good…

And, all that we end up getting are either games "pushing the graphics" to the point where the player has no involvement in the game because the programmers are shit diversity hires, or "Indie games" that are trying to lowball everything with a simple or "retro" look and getting outshined by games not even a generation old who weren't even trying.

And, yes, I know we have gotten some good titles in the past year that are not complete shit like Nier: A, Persona 5, Cuphead, and Sonic Mania, but the problem is that none of those titles really grab me as much as wanting something like a getting the next actual Star Wars Battlefront or Rogue Squadron or Star Fox: Assault, or a follow-up to XIII or The Darkness II so that we can complete the fucking story' (Without having to read the comic for the former), or another arcadey racer giving my a comfy coastal feel as Metropolis Street Racer.

8d1179 No.14117606


But it is 2D?

890357 No.14117614


Sort of.

8519fa No.14117776


>Koji Igarashi is making a spiritual successor to SotN, I really question the choice of not making it 2D.

This is quite literally the most transparent shill thread I have seen in months. Notice the rethorical non question in the end, because God forbids you actually smear the product despite this being dangerous waters.

8519fa No.14117789


Because elitists level up to SJWs when the attention they crave is no longer enough. And anything japanese is forbidden

a47b0c No.14117864


Do you realize that the only bad thing about PoR is having Anime portraits, right? Pretty much everything else is top tier, including character interaction, attention to details. Of course, it suffers from lack of gameplay complexity or difficulty like most igavania games, but the game has to be the best DS castlevania in terms of content. Also, it's a huge wasted potential with the whole partner mechanic. It's on par with OoE, but autists like OoE more because muh difficulty, same shit with CotM even though it has to be the worst GBA castlevania.


Jumping 2D, specially concept, to 3D is hard, and it's usually ugly as sin too. 3D is a mistake unless it's designed to be 3D.


>hand drawn

Stop, that's just a meme too. I guess that if you do it correctly, you can get a good game, but that shit is really expensive. Just compare Shantae 1/2 hero to pirates curse, and that was done because the budget wasn't enough, so they went with a blend of hand draw and 3D. Everything hand drawn looks good, though, like Cat Girl without Salad.


Megaman 11 will flop to, and if it doesn't it will be only because of it's name. If Konami releases another castlevania it will probably be LoS shit.

b539d2 No.14117953


This isn't a graphics problem, it's an art direction problem. Something that is middling graphics-wise can look good if the artists are good. Bloodstained currently has neither. It looks like lazy crap with no appealing aesthetics whatsoever, plain and simple.

130795 No.14118021


>This isn't a graphics problem, it's an art direction problem. Something that is middling graphics-wise can look good if the artists are good. Bloodstained currently has neither. It looks like lazy crap with no appealing aesthetics whatsoever, plain and simple.


Being a graphics whore and wanting a game to look good/have a good art style are 2 different things.

f9ea58 No.14118177


>looked more like Hollow Knight

I hate you with fierce passion, Hollow Knight is the epitome of ugly game artstyle.

Bloodstained looks already a million times better than that blue/green/grey goo mishmash of a turd.

69166b No.14118244

File: 0969921910bdb07⋯.jpg (15.9 KB, 600x600, 1:1, stefan-molyneux-argument.jpg)


All Vita games with good graphics are shit though.


AAA is dead anon, It's been dead since 7th Gen

It's been dead since 2007-2008 when normalfags completely flooded tech while companies were having a bad time producing anything due to the Financial Crisis and published lots of garbage that said normalfags consumed bringing down standarts to a completely new low while not caring about kike tier monetization at all from paid online to paid maps to DLC whoring.

It's become so bad that people now defend microtransactions in 60 dollar games and as a consequence many people are simply not buying AAA.

TL;DR: AAA is dead, they have no ambition nor they need to have any since simple minded people bordering on retarded buy their games out of brand loyalty and conditioning alone.

8d1179 No.14118300

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>All Vita games with good graphics are shit though.


fdbae7 No.14118338

File: b57bd4cdaf00037⋯.jpg (39.51 KB, 261x260, 261:260, 1458806034557.jpg)

>slowly slashing an enemy twenty times until he finally dies

Yup, this is a successor to SotN, alright.

f97ae9 No.14118340

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



>Good graphics

Anon please, those arent even good, just stylized and visually appealing.

Outside the battle CGs

4f5c55 No.14118364


>TL;DR: AAA is dead, they have no ambition nor they need to have any since simple minded people bordering on retarded buy their games out of brand loyalty and conditioning alone.

Okay, and what about the AA and Indie scene outside of Japan?

>…or "Indie games" that are trying to lowball everything with a simple or "retro" look and getting outshined by games not even a generation old who weren't even trying.

The only one that seems to be making rounds is CD Projekt, and they seemed to have given up once they finished making The Witcher 3. Titanfall I…guess would sort-of count, but I'm willing to bet it will be one of the game's EA willing be pouring all they're money into after the disasters of this year (Since it was their only recent game that was actually good, and enjoyed by a wider demographic than just the normalfags). And, we can only pay that they don't Fuck up Titanfall 3 since it's almost certainly a guaranteed unless someone is constantly slapping some sense into the project leads.

4f5c55 No.14118369


>…only pray

185ec9 No.14118379


>visually appealing

>not good graphics

Are you one of those faggots who measures graphics quality exclusively by poly count?

961549 No.14118391


>being ableist

It's like you love sucking cocks and being a massive faggot.


Nigger are you just googling this shit and lazily taking the first screenshots you see?


Please enlighten me. What's a ideal menu as you're just talking out of your ass at this point.

8d1179 No.14118404


>visually appealing

Exactly - Super Robot Wars literally has the best graphics of any video game ever for that very reason.

107355 No.14118442


>all these shills popping up

If you aren't then goddamn, your taste must be so incredibly shit that you aren't even worth talking to, goddamn

654e67 No.14118505


Having hope for or liking a product that is not even out is useless.

Wait for it, and when it is done, you can start to like it or hate it.

Never get hyped.

f97ae9 No.14118524

File: f26bc3e6c4e246b⋯.png (268.35 KB, 284x431, 284:431, Fred.PNG)


The term "graphics" came from the advent of needing graphics to make polygons and 3D surfaces.

So yes


Good visuals =/= good graphics

185ec9 No.14118545


>So yes

Thanks for confirming both your retardation and homosexuality.

bd7f13 No.14118549

Strider 2014 is the perfect example of how an old school platformer should look and play in 2018.


8d1179 No.14118551


>The term "graphics" came from the advent of needing graphics to make polygons and 3D surfaces.

Polygons and 3D models are always uglier than 2D sprites though, so if we accept your claim that graphics are a 3D thing, they are inherently shit by definition, and we should never have graphics and just have visuals.

f97ae9 No.14118564

File: 3dd8b0343554ba2⋯.jpg (26.3 KB, 500x500, 1:1, steve-o.jpg)


Not an argument


>and we should never have graphics and just have visuals.

Pretty much

Majority of 2D games on the PS1 are superior to 3D ones for that very same reason.

And I'm not arguing SRT isn't good looking, the battle CGs looks great, though I wish the units and maps looked a little bit better and less chibi.

185ec9 No.14118577


>Not an argument

What tipped you off?

215ff4 No.14118584

File: b26aec069ab701c⋯.jpg (822.45 KB, 1280x1693, 1280:1693, graphics.jpg)


> The term "graphics" came from the advent of needing graphics to make polygons and 3D surfaces.

Are you retarded?

Old game magazines were rating games in the "graphics" category since the 8-bit days (probably before that but I never saw them). They were rated depending on the quality of the sprites, the colours, the size, the frames of animation, the amount of slowdown and flickering the sprites would cause if there were too many of them on screen at once.

The idea that the term graphics was created for 3D polygon shit is a joke. Jesus Christ, how young are you?

Pic related is a review from a Nintendo magazine for Kirby's Dream Land on the original Game Boy. Not that there's a category in the scoring system for graphics.

107355 No.14118600


Goddamn, this thread is revealing all the cuckchanners too

thanks for nothing modpockets

654e67 No.14118623



Muh, "not an argument".

Go back to worship whores that will fuck other guys, soyboy.

Also, idiots that think that 3D started gaming and graphics: you are failures as are your lives.

Graphics ARE a major fact in gaming, like it or not.

Nobody that is a functional human being will buy a current game that looks like something made more than 20 years ago.

f97ae9 No.14118629

File: 697cdccd8a36c48⋯.png (416.37 KB, 955x1161, 955:1161, Supcom.png)


I live in the middle of nowhere in a third world shithole, I only heard that term in marketing during 5th Gen after I owned a Mega Drive for years.


A cuckchanner would just call SRT "weebshit"


>Graphics ARE a major fact in gaming, like it or not

I never states otherwise

Guess I was wrong

193a94 No.14118661

Character models look nice. Environments still need work. Just making everything less shiny might help, honestly.

5f5f65 No.14119015


>Stop, that's just a meme too. I guess that if you do it correctly, you can get a good game, but that shit is really expensive

They had the money to pull it off.

5f5f65 No.14119018


>This is quite literally the most transparent shill thread

Seeing as I've been shitting on the game I'm not sure how this a shill thread.

86558a No.14119065


its easier to animate thats why 2d games are dying

a47b0c No.14119101


>It's like you love sucking cocks and being a massive faggot

See >>14116615


Expecting a game is not being hyped. U¡I'm glad the game is being done ad the direction it have been shown, but I know it is as flawed as all fucks.



Also, nice change of ID.


Not really. People tend to think that just because the game made a significant amount of money it suddenly becomes magical. Hand drawing takes time and it's not as easy to handle as 3D models.

However, cuphead exists now, so I guess there's no excuse, I give you that it's pure laziness and incompetency, but it's still expensive, just like cuphead.

9043c2 No.14119138


Like shit? Hell Strider 2 was mediocre as fuck, the only good one is the first.

4f5c55 No.14119139



>Hand drawing takes time and it's not as easy to handle as 3D models.

2D work is actually much cheaper to produce than 3D work. The only reason 3D is ever more cost effective to use is if the company plans on reusing the assets (Which it seems like modern game companies do not do anyway).

bd9d3f No.14119149



>costing anywhere near 5.5 gorillian dollaridoos

>Hollow Knight

>made by 4 people on a literal shoestring budget

>all hand-drawn and inked for a massive world

Yeah nah they have no excuse

4f5c55 No.14119176

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



>>Hollow Knight

What about Dust? That game was developed entirely buy one guy, and this was a few years before most of these Indie characters popped up. And, apparently, the development cost for that game was $40K.


a47b0c No.14119206


As I pointed out, the only problem isn't the money.

>The only reason 3D is ever more cost effective to use is if the company plans on reusing the assets

You forget the fact that 3D models can be easily edited as needed unlike 2D sprites or drawings. You don't like something? You simply change it. It looks ugly? Change the textures. It looks weird? Reshape it. If you're clever you can pull out cool things like that Jojo Bizarre adventure game where in order to pull the poses they had to stretch some of the models limbs off-screen.

3D can look as good if not better as 2D, either sprite or drawings, but devs are lazy, which was my point. Money and time are also a factor in the whole thing, even in 3D and that is not counting actual talent


>5.5 gorillion

All that goes to different things like the stupid psychical rewards, advertising, and a huge and pointless dev team as if it was AAA. Cuphead was made by Chad and his brother alone. I'm not justifying it, though, if something, I'm saying Kickstarter model is simply efficient, it's more promise than anything, and the money is lost in things that it shouldn't be lost, plus the incompetence of their owners, like Con Man.


You can embed hooktube now. Game sounds interesting, might as well try it. Please tell me is more castlevania than metroid. That video made me realize that Con Man wanted to appeal to speed runners cancer

c0aa19 No.14119217


it took 3 and a half years and the furry who made it did everything himself.

also it doesn't look very good tbh, deans art is ass

654e67 No.14119222


Being easier does not make it better.

Mostly, it makes it shittier.

Only high effort is worth anything.

5b393b No.14119269

>>14119222 (checked)

Trips confirm, beautiful post anon


I think its pretty decent; much better than a lot of shit that we're seeing from AAA.


>the fuckups mismanage the money

>it goes towards things that are tangential at best in terms of game development

How does this prove kickstarter as being efficient at all?

a47b0c No.14119288


>How does this prove kickstarter as being efficient at all?

I fucked up myself, I meant it's not efficient.

4f5c55 No.14119291


>You can embed hooktube now.

Yeah, but the thumbnails don't work.

>Game sounds interesting, might as well try it. Please tell me is more castlevania than metroid.

<Goes to look up what actually is the difference between Metroid and Castlevania since I've only played the former

<No one has actually said what the difference is between the two

Let me go quickly make a topic about it (Since I know that discussion will derail this thread)…

bd9d3f No.14119306


>derail a shit thread about a game we know next to nothing about besides a few negative things and a few "okay" things at best

Its fine to discuss it here faggot

c0aa19 No.14119308


>I think its pretty decent; much better than a lot of shit that we're seeing from AAA.

what the fuck kind of comparison is this

bd9d3f No.14119318


what the fuck kinda post is this?

4f5c55 No.14119361

File: 5413ff2aded1298⋯.png (597.12 KB, 630x420, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)


Okay then…

What is the actual difference between Metroid and Castlevania?

I have only every played games from the former series, so I have no idea what it is that makes a "Castlevania-like" game. And, it doesn't help that you have idiots throwing everything with the minimalist similarity between the two under the tag of "Metroidvania". Also, let's discuss beyond what's present in SotN, since there are 35 Castlevania games to Metroid's 14 (Soon to be 15).

5b393b No.14119469


The issue is that a "Metroidvania" is basically when a major split happened in the Castlevania series. (Well you can argue Simon's Quest but that really doesn't count) where the structure of the game was changed entirely.

In terms of what makes Metroid different from Castlevania for practical purposes (assuming you're not comparing Classicvania, which are the games before SotN which used the standard linear castle-crawling formula with a single weapon and subweapons), Castlevania basically has a massive trove of weapons and items for use, and it uses a typical RPG-leveling system with statistics and whatnot.

The Metroidvania Castlevanias (retarded, I know) and Metroid are similar in the way the map design was handled, with both being non-linear, massive and interconnected for the most part with many secrets to discover. They both have powerful upgrades and powerups that are used for map progression. Both are highly customizable as well, though Castlevania places a higher emphasis on this due to the way its inventory and subweapons system works. Metroid focuses more on a few powerful, very unique upgrades over SotN's massive trove, some of them being redundant

Metroid places more emphasis on the platforming elements I'd say, too. Metroidvania Castlevanias generally have babby-tier platforming

a47b0c No.14119551



>They are both 2D

>They are both focused on exploration

>They depend on similar maps

>They both have huge maps with relatively different locations

>You collect things to progress



>You depend of permanent power-ups, including your weapons

>Ranged combat

>More platforming


>Huge ton of different items to collect and equip although with very little differences

>Stats and levels

>Melee combat

It doesn't sound like a lot, but it's a really different feel. When I play Metroid, I do it to keep forward, I don't care about life power-up or similar collectibles, since they doesn't make a lot of difference gameplay-wise except for completion, I get the same feeling with Shantae or Guacamelee, and they are considered "metroidvania", when the mechanics are more metroid, even when they are melee. The main appeal I see in castlevania is the collectible aspect. There are a ton of items, and some of them have hidden interactions, different stats, some are dropped by enemies, and shit gets better with AoS/DoW where you can also collect abilities and some have interactions with each other. Literally no game after castlevania have felt like castlevania other than having similarities here or there.

Then there's also the whole deal with pre SOTN castlevania, that is also completely different.



That's why people started calling them Igavania rather than Metroidvania, because any 2D game with a map is considered metroidvania now. The term is fucking cancer, and honestly, I rather metroid-like for those games since metroid did it first and it's more accurate.

654e67 No.14119617


Taking the turn point that is SOTN, a "igavania" game is made with action in mind. The main character has a wide array of moves done by all kinds of commands and/or items and power ups that do not necessarily make the earlier ones obsolete when the newer ones are acquired.

And even then, the game is build around the classicvania gameplay, in a way that a Gamer can challenge it by choosing to use or not use any combination of said moves and power ups. Almost anything can be turned on or off (or used or ignored) AND the game can still be played until the end.

The whole exploration thing is secondary to the way that the game plays, and it is more of an addition, without being mandatory nor the center piece of the game.

Other differences would be the aesthetics. The visual theme of gothic architeture + horror themed monsters, and the style of the soundtrack, that in Castlevania is less ambient and more of an "opera that tells through music what the theme of some stage/area is", with varying themes of heroism, sorrow, adventure, and many others, depending on the area/stage.

4f5c55 No.14119664

File: 3debbb42f92e305⋯.png (1004.51 KB, 640x905, 128:181, ClipboardImage.png)


From what I remember, Dust doesn't have a collectible aspect in it. It's more of a 2D ARPG with the only "collectibles" being the items you can use that adjust your character's stats.


>The main character has a wide array of moves done by all kinds of commands and/or items and power ups that do not necessarily make the earlier ones obsolete when the newer ones are acquired.

>And even then, the game is build around the classicvania gameplay, in a way that a Gamer can challenge it by choosing to use or not use any combination of said moves and power ups. Almost anything can be turned on or off (or used or ignored) AND the game can still be played until the end.

>The whole exploration thing is secondary to the way that the game plays, and it is more of an addition, without being mandatory nor the center piece of the game.

>…less ambient and more of an "opera that tells through music what the theme of some stage/area is", with varying themes of heroism, sorrow, adventure, and many others, depending on the area/stage.

Yeah, that describes Dust. However, you do have to use some of your "upgrades" to open certain "doors" or reach specific places.


>Igavania rather than Metroidvania, because any 2D game with a map is considered metroidvania now.

Did you miss out on all the advertising last gen where the Batman: Akham games were being called a "3D Metroidvania" by every reviewer?

7231df No.14119885

File: 2ee6a6a20a14341⋯.jpg (21.26 KB, 272x348, 68:87, b9aab748c85967a2d0c634ddee….jpg)


I might have agreed with you, except I'm in the process of replaying Portrait and it's shit. 'IN THE FIRST LEVEL WHEN YOU'RE SUPPOSE TO BE WEAK AS SHIT every other enemy takes up half the screen, but still only takes a couple hits to kill so killing them not only is really unsatisfying, but every other giant enemy in the game (like bosses) are not satisfying at all to kill, because you're killing gigantic enemies left and right. And it's not even like SOTN where you're strong but death takes away all your powers. The game just has no concept of strong enemies. It's also mind numbingly easy. It's one of those cases where you'd have to ignore half the features in the game, like health potions, to get any sort of challenge out of it. Hell I even remember the hard modes later in the game just remove levelling or put a cap on it. Couldn't design the game well so their solution is to turn every enemy into a whip-sponge.

The dialogue is all cringey as fuck and there's a ton of it. I just skip it all. How many times have you seen this in an anime (including bad ones)? Hell it probably even comes up in tales gets trolled

>Protagonist: Who are you?


>Conceded Antagonist: Now now they are only humans they have no respect

There was even an interaction with death that was just as cliche and fucking bad. This shit is why I stopped watching anime all together, because for every amazing one there is 99 shit ones that get shilled because people just want more of the same garbage.

The two levels I replayed before quitting where both bland and shit. One was a foggy city, except the only thing foggy was the background, while the foreground is brown and bright. The next was a pyramid. Just a generic pyramid level like from mario 64. Oh yeah. Both of these levels where fucking tiny. All the levels in this game are tiny. I remember the circus being the smallest level (although that was ages ago), but I honestly don't see how it could get much smaller than these. A huge part of castlevania was exploration, and when the locations are uninteresting and tiny, this part is basically non existent.

It's funny, because I remembered this game being good (although it was years since I played it) and OoE being shit, which makes me wonder just how fucking shit that game is. It does have a waifu-bait female pro-tag which explains the shilling. Also COTM is not the worst GBA game, harmony of dissonance is easily 100x worse.

86558a No.14119900


i never said it was better i said it was easier

im implying game developers are not puting as much effort in their games like they use to.

5f5f65 No.14120312


> Batman: Akham games were being called a "3D Metroidvania" by every reviewer?

Are you fucking me?

a47b0c No.14120817

File: 81df38649faf01c⋯.png (155.17 KB, 1919x755, 1919:755, soma.PNG)

File: cf1e4c2db191f7a⋯.png (245.09 KB, 1276x478, 638:239, city.PNG)

File: c9102aeda671cd5⋯.png (139.76 KB, 1273x483, 1273:483, thing.PNG)

File: 9066afff559a94b⋯.png (12.96 KB, 240x160, 3:2, 677screenshot1.png)


>Batman: Akham games were being called a "3D Metroidvania" by every reviewer?

I'm glad at the time I didn't gave a single shit about reviews or game news.


I played it very recently as well, and fucking loved it.

>Killing weak giant bosses is unsatisfying

I can't even grasp how is that a problem, starting with the fact that you're asking for difficulty in a IGAvania game that doesn't mean it's a good thing for it to be easy as shit, but it's a constant problem in the serie, not only this one. I would say that in that sense, yes, PoR is the easiest of the DS castlevanias, but I wasn't praising it for difficulty, in fact, I said completely the contrary, I was praising i for it's content, which is simply more than the other 2.

>Hell I even remember the hard modes later in the game just remove levelling or put a cap on it

That's one of the reasons people praise OoE too, though.

>There's a ton of dialogue

>And it's bad

The usual amount for IGAvania games, which is actually not a lot, but I do like Jonathan and Charlotte interactions. Story have always been one of the weakest point in IGAvania games, including dialogues, to the point they are irrelevant AND dumb, so no, not a problem only with this game, and yet is a really minor problem, not to mention that SOTN is famous for having one of the cheesiest dialogues ever. http://hooktube.com/watch?v=OMTizJemHO8

You'd have a solid complain if you said the dialogue it's weeb bait, because it is.

>The two levels I replayed before quitting where both bland and shit

I disagree, they look good, but here is why I like them: They are settings you usually don't see in castlevania, specially the pyramid, the reason you want to explore them is because they at least look and feel different. However, I'll give to you that is a wasted potential of mechanic

<You have portraits in all the castle that can transport you to any kind of landscape

<You explore cliche and bland landscapes

>Also COTM is not the worst GBA game, harmony of dissonance is easily 100x worse.

Harmony of dissonance is a proper IGAvania game and not the disaster CotM is. It is a disaster of it's own, but it at least knew it wanted to be a SOTN copy, and that worked better than the half-assed attempt of classic + metroid CotM was, and thehack that removes the glowing makes it look better.

8d1179 No.14121306


>Did you miss out on all the advertising last gen where the Batman: Akham games were being called a "3D Metroidvania" by every reviewer?

Jesus. I'm playing this game for the first time now, and while I can see why a reviewer would think that because it's a lot of exploration and environment puzzles more than anything, no one who actually plays video games would describe it like that.


>Conceded Antagonist: Now now they are only humans they have no respect

While I agree that it's overdone, one of the core aspects of the vampire character that's been established to distinguish them from ghouls or other more bestial undead is a focus on refinement and aristocracy, and that kind of shit is what people expect out of aristocrats. Also the word you wanted was 'conceited'

>OoE being shit, which makes me wonder just how fucking shit that game is.

The maps are tiny as fuck until you get to Dracula's Castle itself, and while it surpasses any other dungeon/area in the game, by definition it's never going to be as large as the castle is in any of the games where the castle is the setting for the whole game (read: most of them.)

4f5c55 No.14121650

Hooktube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.




<Link below is time jumped to it


IIRC, wasn't this back before "Metroidvania" became a meme?

8d1179 No.14121694


Before it got popular with the reviewer crowd possibly, but the term has been in use for far longer.

de98b8 No.14121856


If he plays it yearly then it's impossible for him to have nostalgia, you have to stop playing a game for a long period of time before you forget all the things you don't like about a game or even superimpose outright misinformation in your own memories.

0859aa No.14121916


I'm a sucker for dialogue like the kind you'd find in SotN

In my opinion I actually found the voice acting lovely; Richter is the perfect blend of medieval mixed with 80s action hero and Dracula is just… perfect

a47b0c No.14122074

Hooktube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


Well, the general opinion is that the voice acting is superb, the problem is the syntax of the translation and how shitty it is. The voices are one of the best ones I've heard and I wish I could hear Alucard's voice more oftenWhenever I think of Alucard, I just heard him saying "I will not"

a47b0c No.14122183

File: 8c2d42ecc5ed5d9⋯.png (149.67 KB, 828x2786, 414:1393, 10321.png)

File: a0dcd4bc125e0c7⋯.png (29.07 KB, 259x389, 259:389, 3662.png)

File: 7454d654ed14bbc⋯.png (68.04 KB, 763x362, 763:362, 3657.png)


Also, now that I posted this, one of the things I really hated of SOTN death fight for a number of reasons. Firstly, they don't use the sprite they used at the beginning, they use some other shitty looking sprite, and that's not to mention the stupid and horrible transformation afterwards.

I wish there were more death fights like the one in Rondo, despite the stupid ship setting, the fight is fucking epic.


>Death comes flying as he is shown in the intro

>He starts flinging every single shit he can think of to you as he floats around

>He goes back to the background, attacks you and then he transforms

>He becomes a badass melee fighter

The only bad thing is the voice.

bd9d3f No.14122246


>I'm interested in this

429359 No.14122334


Demo was pretty fun, I'm hoping the rest of the game is as well.

a892f0 No.14122386

I don't really get it, just seems like more work. Drac X Chronicles did it alright but it just seemed silly and not really a compliment to the layout. I could see maybe doing backgrounds in 3D but not the play field.

4bac18 No.14122399

File: 1e2bed404be6b5a⋯.gif (491.4 KB, 441x341, 441:341, captain polution.gif)


The decision to go 2.5D instead of sprites is actually the reason I totally lost interest in the game. Every 2.5D castlevania is shit, every 3D castlevania is shit. This will be no different.

bd7f13 No.14122420


It sounds like you didn't play Strider 2014 or the original. You're probably quoting someone else on Strider 2. Strider 2014 is the best Strider. This is an absolute FACT.

01c503 No.14122807

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

it looks much worse than the touhou castlevania thing. how can they fuck it up this bad on a 5.5 millions dollars budget?

kickstarter not even once

6c00f5 No.14122864


What's shitty about the syntax? It's perfectly grammatical. This isn't Zero Wing.

c52c18 No.14123133

File: 462754a27611055⋯.png (29.98 KB, 747x491, 747:491, 462754a276110553dd76bbd069….png)

It looks pretty shitty. Then again there's barely any gameplay videos out there

193a94 No.14128576


That doesn't look that good.

5998a0 No.14128738

File: dd10a6167f24ecc⋯.jpg (1.21 MB, 2100x770, 30:11, 2hus.jpg)


That's his point. A doujin game based on Touhou x Castlevania beat out supposedly pro developers with millions of dollars at their disposal. It's the ultimate proof that money doesn't buy good taste.

c25298 No.14128800


>It's the ultimate proof that money doesn't buy good taste

Or talent, or common sense. The game, gameplaywise, doesn't look so bad from the demos, as I've said ITT already, it plays exactly as people wanted, and it looking like shit isn't a disappointment because it was announced as so They had to put a disclaimer in the concept art to avoid what happened with MN9But it happened anyway. In that sense, Igarashi does get what he is trying to do even when one of the biggest appeal of SOTN is how it looked like, but they at the very least got the gameplay right, which is one thing they got right, unlike MN9 that didn't got any.

It's also worth mentioning that just like any video game, SOTN wasn't done by a single person, something nobody gets when they funded Con Man and IGA. I'm guessing the lack of Toru Hagihara makes a difference, since they worked together to make SOTN what it was, plus the whole fucking team behind it.


I didn't said bad or wrong synthax, I said shitty because it sounds shitty. The words choose for the dialogue weren't exactly the best ones, and even if it isn't a literal translation from the japanese text, it's not that far from that.

047acd No.14128848

File: 8fcab146f3db585⋯.png (246.06 KB, 908x539, 908:539, 8fcab146f3db585404fa65dd6e….png)



For what reason.

98728d No.14128851

File: 86552d4d971d473⋯.gif (455.88 KB, 407x278, 407:278, FoolhardyCheeryAmericanpai….gif)


>Iga trying to duplicate the success of SOTN yet again for the billionth time

OH BOY I CAN'T WAIT TO NEVER PLAY IT. At the risk of stating the obvious Iga is a fucking autistic furniture-obsessed lunatic who keeps remaking the same game over and over again. Was he always like this or did SOTN do this to him? Did it break his mind?

c25298 No.14128882

File: b9c61faf8c70da7⋯.jpg (99.52 KB, 577x514, 577:514, Capture4.JPG)


It broke the mind of the people who played it including me and my father. So I'll play it and finish it 100 times like all the others.

890357 No.14129008


Yeah that's what gets me about this game. Something like Blasphemous at least looks good.

8d1179 No.14130349

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>even if it isn't a literal translation from the japanese text, it's not that far from that.

Exact opposite problem if anything, the US version of the SotN opening speech was maybe half accurate.

Richter: Die! This is not the world for the likes of you!

Dracula: I do not resurrect by my own power. I am revived by men whose greed run deep. Because might is the one true justice.

Richter: That's but a self-serving excuse! People seek out one another, band and walk together under the same conviction.

Dracula: But in reality is it not through greed, through desire that mankind has progressed and developed, and that faith has but bound them to its command?

Richter: Power alone cannot command men's hearts. It is because a man possesses a heart that can respect, that can love, that he may command others.

Dracula: Rubbish… then I shall bring to you understanding of which of us is correct along with your death!

316866 No.14130355

Aria of Sorrow is the best Castlevania.

8c70e2 No.14130393


>oh boy I can’t wait to not play it

So we should disregard everything you have to say because you admit you’re going to be an ignorant fool.

7af7ae No.14130914


>implying that Graphics = Aesthetic

are you being deliberately incredulous? Caring about "graphics" in terms of "processing power" is like "caring about the man in porn". Caring about weather a product looks good is just common sense. However, this Igarashi game looks like shit, when you realize how long it has taken them to produce nothing significant compared to last years "Galleon" Demo.

e4ce9a No.14130925

Would you an isometric castlevania?

ae3335 No.14130952


It's not a creative choice, high-res sprites are extremely expensive to make, KoFXIII ran out of budget and had to cut tons of characters because making the sprites was too expensive.

bdfb46 No.14130973

That jump looks kinda clunky

The rest looks kinda clunky too

The fight looks as balanced as a amateur game i did last year, probably worse.

5f5f65 No.14131067


> high-res sprites are extremely expensive to make

Is sprite making that expensive?

ae3335 No.14131084


High resolution ones, yes. It's pretty much traditional hand-drawn animation at that point.

92dedb No.14131154

It's better to have to half-ass 2D and wind up with a $1mil Dragon's Crown than half-ass 3D and wind up with a Mighty No. 9. Or Bloodstained, from how it's looking.

1e7a3e No.14131216



Fairly certain there's an interview from early on in development where Iga says he wanted to make it 2D but the problem was that no one is specializing or marketing themselves as pixel artists in Japan anymore. It happens here because we have a thriving indie scene, and they don't(yet).

4f5c55 No.14131232

File: b10ea6675637782⋯.png (640.64 KB, 960x540, 16:9, stupid people.png)


>we have a thriving indie scene, and they don't

8d1179 No.14131251


>It happens here because we have a thriving indie scene, and they don't(yet).

The sad part is there are people who will fall for this.

5f5f65 No.14131331


Fuck I'd take the risk seeing how games like cuphead did so will granted it's full on 2d animation instead of sprite based.

1e7a3e No.14131361



Apparently I'm ignorant as fuck. Please point me to this treasure trove of 2D japanese indie games because whenever I try and look into it I can't find shit.

4f5c55 No.14131373


That's because they're not called "Indie games", you dimwit.

1e7a3e No.14131393

File: 3f7b94738ff77fc⋯.png (140.16 KB, 255x255, 1:1, best.png)


>read doujins and eroge constantly

>still somehow didn't make that connection

Alright I feel dumb. Didn't have to be such a dick about it, though, anon.

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