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[ /agdg/ | Mecha | Comics and Cartoons | Anime | Hentai Games | Contact ]

File: 3d00db9f68cecb5⋯.jpg (91.12 KB, 800x900, 8:9, 3d0_1_.jpg)

d53f6b  No.16894085[Last 50 Posts]


If 8kun is down or you can't post the bunker is vch.moe. If both go down gather at the smuglo.li 8kun thread


>An anon made /mg/ as a new monster girl board, check it out

>Persona 5 is censored, with both changes to the translation and some changes to the original Japanese



>EARN IT Bill would give government power to ban encryption and monitor all messages


>Marvel Comics Introduces New Non-Binary Superhero Character "Snowflake" (and partner "Safe Space") As Part Of New Warriors Line-Up.


>Love Live! Sunshine!! Mall Poster Removed Following Complaints of “Sexualizing Women"


>Nathan Grayson gave coverage to Game Loading: Rise of the Indies without disclosing he was filmed for it, though the footage wasn't used


>SJWs attack the fan-translator for Goemon 3 for translating "newhalf" as "tranny", may have driven him from doing any more fan translations:





Collect and catalog all of the various localization and censorship accounts of past video games into a single repository from these sources:







Sony's policies forces censorship; JP devs allegedly have to go through ENG approval process: https://archive.fo/awzFF

Japanese blog post about it: https://archive.fo/bF9bE

Sony Japan President Says PS4 Censorship Policy Is To Match Global Standards And Protect Kids


-Confirms censorship was deliberate https://archive.fo/XgAgP

-No rules for censorship policies, games judged case-by-case https://archive.fo/37DhK

-Marvelous partner starts petition against policy https://archive.fo/rxQtf https://archive.fo/84UHo

•Twitterfags: Tweet with Sony's stock code $SNE so that investors see your tweets and know you're pissed.

•Consider spreading OP Timber materials to targets as well.

>>>/gamergatehq/330858 >>>/gamergatehq/331149 >>>/gamergatehq/331150


A. Support archive.fo! Accountability needs proof: https://liberapay.com/archiveis/donate

B. OP DisNod: Contact the FTC and advertisers about violations and unethical practices >>>/gamergatehq/328644

C. Internet Censorship happenings: Spread the word about the dangers of FOSTA/CLOUD act/Article 13, etc. >>>/gamergatehq/332324

D. OP End the Era: Dig into resetera and their connections to journos, devs, etc. >>>/gamergatehq/332315

Reminders (important, READ THESE!):

•Use https://archive.fo to deny sites ad revenue and traffic and preserve pages in case they are deleted later

•Be civil if you have to argue with people on Twitter, Tumblr or any forum - don't make us look like douchebags

•Do not accept requests for any goal, demand lists or personal army requests: https://pastebin.com/p5dVp1e5

•Beware COINTELPRO: The Gentleperson's Guide to Forum Spies: https://cryptome.org/2012/07/gent-forum-spies.htm



>Summaries of #GamerGate:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wy9bisUIP3w - #GamerGate - If It's Not About Ethics

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5fnRSL3d_xU - #GamerGate in 60 Seconds

https://archive.fo/23Fde - GamerGate: A State of the Union Address

>Background and Evidence for #GamerGate:

•The #GamerGate Dossier: https://archive.fo/nv1Fb

•#GamerGate Wiki: https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=Main_Page

•History of #GamerGate: https://www.historyofgamergate.com/

•View the timeline links in the Current Happenings section!


•GG Steam Support & Boycott List: https://v. gd/vzRsRb

•Key GamerGate Hubs: https://v. gd/LNJbat

>Thread Repository:



>Full OP Text:

•Current: https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=The_GamerGate_OP

>How Can I Help?


•All OPs: https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/tree/master/Operations

•OP Vulcan: Learn logical debating: https://v. gd/Kbzw0L

•An Anon's Guide to Twitter; basics: https://v. gd/nwrbYF

>Want to Contribute to GitGud or Wiki?


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d53f6b  No.16894092

File: 9a286a091fa399a⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 110.91 KB, 600x800, 3:4, 5d78357f6fbd08d078b9dab89c….jpg)

Archive of last bread:


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b50ebe  No.16894095

So, second for benis?

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40cd26  No.16894099


>Japan's Ultimate Weapon Edition

Why did you ignore anon's request that this thread be about mask dildos? No one else suggested a thread title or theme.


>Not Found (yet?)

Your archive is borked.


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d53f6b  No.16894103

File: f17caf6bc233471⋯.webm (555.68 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Fuck_you.webm)


Fuck of anti-loli nigger, no one buys your shit.

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40cd26  No.16894108


No wait, archive's working now.


Buys what shit? I didn't say anything about loli. I said the OP made his own thread theme and ignore the only request for a thread theme from the previous therad.

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606323  No.16894110

File: aad2c0e13df0b23⋯.jpeg (51.67 KB, 483x464, 483:464, She_puffs_she_cheeks.jpeg)

What the hell went on last thread?

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b50ebe  No.16894117


Goons or bored people I guess.

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d53f6b  No.16894119

File: a3a90cf9b2b6c3e⋯.webm (3.01 MB, 800x450, 16:9, _incoherent_yelling_.webm)


Some goon was trying to going on and on about "Loli isn't cheeze, but it is pedophilia," to which everyone told the fag to fuck off, but he's still here and even baked another thread.

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2babb9  No.16894126

File: de57fde8542fe15⋯.jpg (56.14 KB, 569x559, 569:559, de5.jpg)


>and even baked another thread.

That heretic needs to fuck off. He knows damn well he's not welcome.

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40cd26  No.16894138


No, it's not. 99% of convicted pedophiles in the US since the rise of lolicon have not had any lolicon materials, and the insignificant handful that do had very small amounts. Pedos are not interested in loli and vice versa. There was also some scandinavian study that found cartoons are not a good measure of pedophilia.

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d53f6b  No.16894146


>There was also some scandinavian study that found cartoons are not a good measure of pedophilia.

Actually, that study relied upon a study done in Sweden that found out that the consumers of legit chezze pizza have little to know overlap with those who have sexual interactions with a child. There's was an updated version that had some more solid evidence, but Dutch came to the conclusion that if even the consumers of legit cheeze are relatively harmless (Apart from the fact that a child was abused to make that content), then fictional material should prove to be even less harmless.

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da6609  No.16894147

Does the paytreon ban on animu draws was discussed before?

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b50ebe  No.16894150


Is pretty old news not to be discussed. I guess Patreon is about to go down? they are kicking their biggest sources of renevue.

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73ad9a  No.16894151


>I guess Patreon is about to go down

Let's hope.

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40cd26  No.16894154


Yes. General consenus even from normalfags is that the idea that an anime face "looks underage" is absurd. However, there are many uninformed people that think loli was being banned and are okay with it.


>but Dutch came to the conclusion that if even the consumers of legit cheeze are relatively harmless

Well fuck. If it's based on that, then it won't be very convincing to normalfags.


They will soon go the way of Tumblr. The question is whether their retardation is purely their own, or partially at the behest of payment processors. If the latter, any replacement will follow the same path unless it's hosted in Japan, but then that would require all the porn to be censored, and western artists hate that.

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606323  No.16894185

File: 632552fe9b81b9a⋯.png (63.13 KB, 1706x339, 1706:339, moral_compaines_.png)

Why is this guy still fucking going about his autism from last thread and then jumping on tor in the shill bread defending his literal unironic boomer tier logic all while pretending it's not him?


All they needed to do was to their job not be moral gatekeepers.

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96132e  No.16894194


That faggot sounded very similar to the previous spergs this bread had over the past several months who tried to claim that liking loli was admitting to being a 3d pedo and other dumb shit.

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c54c60  No.16894201

File: 8170e0b4c5563a3⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 96.83 KB, 633x843, 211:281, eb38c89d78f78a6a825e691d50….jpg)

File: 697ff6685962dcd⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 90.3 KB, 634x845, 634:845, f242cbdf363b2d652d94602582….jpg)

<World is running out of condoms due to coronavirus lockdown


>Will they ever learn? Chinese markets are still selling bats and slaughtering rabbits on blood-soaked floors as Beijing celebrates 'victory' over the coronavirus


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c0f461  No.16894202

File: 5646b9433aa7ba9⋯.jpg (53.54 KB, 432x680, 54:85, Metal_Chick_by_Krump0.jpg)


The thread got shut down because the anti-loli goon came and ruined it for everyone, maybe next time I guess? I'm bad at backing bread.

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9c810d  No.16894204


What sort of poz occurred this time? Unlike Star Wars, I care(d) little for this series.

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1ec30c  No.16894205

File: a2cb888a87a0887⋯.png (34.86 KB, 325x320, 65:64, c29e06256fbdb79dea09511427….png)


backing bread

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37dafd  No.16894208

File: dd25490df3bdfd5⋯.png (110.62 KB, 680x589, 680:589, dd25490df3bdfd528603e75317….png)


Reminder that MacArthur was right and we should've nuked the chinks.

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606323  No.16894210

File: c6705f8e6451861⋯.png (647.45 KB, 1125x1600, 45:64, Marcile_in_armour.png)


He was the one who made the thread so it was fucked from the start.


Can we use meme magic to summon him back to the living?

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2babb9  No.16894212


Well the show's problems go beyond just current year propaganda. The majority of that is related to nearly all the female characters being cunts that suffer no consequences for their actions or words most of the time. But the real problems with Picard are relating to the fact it goes against everything that made Star Trek. In TNG, it's said multiple times earth is practically a utopia that's eliminated hunger, disease, poverty, racism, & pollution. But Picard writes the whole universe as a gritty cruel place full of corruption & racism. People swear endlessly, they built synthetic androids somehow as a slave worker class, the Federation doesn't help Romulans in their time of need, everyone shits on Picard despite being a decorated hero, & so much more. It's just a mess.

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37dafd  No.16894215

File: 544254effb13b65⋯.gif (620.99 KB, 287x400, 287:400, 544254effb13b65444887eeb44….gif)


And also Picard is just a Mass Effect 3 ripoff, literally ripping off the Prothean flashbacks AND ADDING THE FUCKING REAPERS INTO STAR TREK WITH THE SAME ASSININE OBJECTIVE OF "muh kill organics becuz they make the bad robots".

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39af44  No.16894219

File: 702c723df4f617a⋯.jpg (14.33 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 1436735100755.jpg)




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b50ebe  No.16894220


Yeah, Rich Evans said it a week ago at least.

I don't care much about Star Trekk, but what these people do is taking the few appealing things from different original works and taint or break them.Also they can't do anything but swear because they don't know how to behave like adults.

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2babb9  No.16894226


Yep. Along with visions so horrible anyone who views it besides the synths will go mad with the urge to suicide. Not that Star Trek hasn't had horror elements before. But it was just too graphic in this show.


It's clear no one working on the show cared about the history, the characters, or continuity. Data has this big connection to Picard despite never really being close in the series.

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361115  No.16894229

File: eb2dde5cd36b77e⋯.gif (2 MB, 500x467, 500:467, Beyond_Rage.gif)


A shame that such a faggot is around. Last thread started off good celebrating a new monster girl board then he had to come in and ruin everyone's day by the end of the thread.

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37dafd  No.16894230

File: a0efed03ff40f5d⋯.jpg (30.57 KB, 640x480, 4:3, fBS3S.jpg)


I mean TNG showed some hardcore gore, but in Picard/STD it's done for edginess and to reeks of "Look how mature we are :^)))"

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b50ebe  No.16894232


Like the hackfrauds said they probably saw the movies and also figured out the two most popular characters were Picard and Data, so they had to be best friends, right? Like Batman and Superman, or Captain America and Iron Man, or whatever two characters are the most popular in something. I'm being sarcastic.


That's another thing. Phasers made people literally explode or disintegrate. Why do they treat them as guns?

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361115  No.16894233


I stopped paying attention to Western media.

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2babb9  No.16894235


Very true. It's just like cursing. Too much is just trying too hard & isn't pleasant to watch.


Says a lot when the hack frauds of RLM know more about the true spirit & history of Star Trek than people paid millions to write this drivel.

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361115  No.16894237

File: f9b216159e2c45e⋯.jpg (57.12 KB, 480x600, 4:5, Bepsi.jpg)


Most hack directors these days are being given projects that they don't know or care to know the lore of.

They can't be assed to review on continuity or consult the previous show runners of older series. They got their jobs out of cronyism I bet.

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b50ebe  No.16894239


Well, they are trekkies, not so much fans of Star Wars.


They must suck some good dick to be given some loved franchises to ruin.

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c11be0  No.16894240


I don't like destroying ancient architecture, so how about we gas them instead?

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606323  No.16894242


>I don't like destroying ancient architecture,

Chinks did that already.

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2babb9  No.16894244


This past decade alone has been eye opening to the levels of lazy incestuous work environments in entertainment. We obviously know the cliques related to gaming but they're even worse in Hollywood. Good thing Corona-chan is destroying their profits right now.


There's not a lot of good Star Wars anymore. OT is the best. Prequels have good things about them but bogged down by poor acting. Disney trilogy is as bad as Picard. The Mandalorian had a good first season. Disney's censored & altered the final Clone Wars season. Forget about the games.

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b50ebe  No.16894245


I mean that they never cared about Star Wars as much as they cared about Star Trekk. That's why they make Star Trekk references in every fucking video.

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2babb9  No.16894246

Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.



More like Mike with Rich kind of roped along.

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361115  No.16894249

File: 8abf2024cf749b8⋯.png (91.51 KB, 225x224, 225:224, ClipboardImage.png)


>hey must suck some good dick to be given some loved franchises to ruin.

Not just beloved franchises, these are cultural cornerstones.

It's one thing for Harry Potter to get fucked. But it's a whole other level where cultural cornerstones like DC/Marvel, Star Wars, Star Trek, D&D, Rock, Nintendo and the like get ruined and fucked with.


Good thing the Government is refusing to bail out Hollywood.


These fucks don't get that Star Wars and Star Trek are completley different animals.

Star Trek is about Space Diplomats with guns.

Star Wars is about Samurai Space Wizards fighting an army of Nazi Space Troopers lead by a Cyborg Samurai Space Wizard. Star Wars is more of an episodic Sci-Fi themed Opera akin to a fictional period piece. Star Trek is more of an epic with a Journey of space travelers getting to meet alien civilizations.

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37dafd  No.16894253

File: eb4899c7b93a04c⋯.png (243.78 KB, 386x550, 193:275, eb4899c7b93a04c5514ae2f38b….png)


Kurtzman is a manchild that puts shit in because he thinks it's cool.

>"Wouldn't it be cool if Picard had a Romulan Ninja companion that decapitated people?"

>Wouldn't it be cool if 7of9 just shot a bunch of fucking people in an act of revenge?"


Thankfully everything after Enterprise is technically in an alternate universe due to copyright bullshittery, so I can safely log everything as "non-canon" and pretend that it's just some alternate universe Picard.


I personally always hated laser guns in fiction, especially when every series that have them have shields or ways to counteract them that would otherwise not be effective against regular guns, or generally not showing any benefits to using laser beams compared to firearms.

Remember that DS9 episode where they had guns that shot teleporting bullets that Starfleet decided not to adopt for some reason.

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b50ebe  No.16894255


You mentioned D&D, but they also ruined Shadowrun a long time ago. I loved Shadowrun and you could even include so much of modern's faggotry without being a preachy faggot.


I actually like Warhammer 40k because even in the 41th millenium there are still bullets.

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deb063  No.16894256

File: de7cfa867547fcd⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 936.38 KB, 956x1300, 239:325, ClipboardImage.png)


> Samurai Space Wizards fighting an army of Nazi Space Troopers lead by a Cyborg Samurai Space Wizard

That sounds more fun than the actual Star Wars we have right now.

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2babb9  No.16894257


>cultural cornerstones like DC/Marvel

Remember when comics were actually inspiring & about important things? Or had actual continuity? At the very least continuous numbers instead of fifteen different new series a year.


>Kurtzman is a manchild that puts shit in because he thinks it's cool.

That's pretty much why the Abrams Star Trek movies were the way they were.

>Thankfully everything after Enterprise is technically in an alternate universe due to copyright bullshittery

I forget about that. I remember watching a review of the final episode for Picard mentioning Picard wearing a uniform from the past but they didn't show the front of it because they don't own the rights. So thank God for once copyright does something right.

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b50ebe  No.16894258


Oh fuck, something I didn't notice on your post.


They tirelessly say that even if they don't get it. Hell, even in my fedoratipping phase I got into the science worshipping trend, but I accepted all of it. Also, for fantasy settings I made all my wizards just magic scientists because that's cool. People fucking with the creation of the universe just to know more and because why not?

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c0f461  No.16894263


Sorry, I mean baking.

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37dafd  No.16894265


Remember the line "THIS IS THE POWER OF MATH" was spoken in one episode.


I like how Mass Effect did it where it shaved a piece of metal the size of a grain of sand inside the gun, but shot it out so fast it did as much damage or more than contemporary guns.

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b50ebe  No.16894267


If they love science so much, why do they hare biology so much? so much they have to infiltrate their people into biological departments to push "the biological sex is a social construct" narrative.

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77127d  No.16894268

>China already claims "victory" against Covid-19 as the only remaining Chinese are either safe carriers or dead.

>Everything is open again, including borders on China's side

>Which means that Chinese people will be able to go to other countries' borders and try to sneak in, which some will probably able to do

>Which means more spreading of the virus, which in turn means most countries of the world paralyzed for longer, to China's benefit

And the worst is, it's probably planned by the CCP.

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b50ebe  No.16894270


Hell, they even act like fucking saviors sending stuff even if they were the fucking cause of it.

It is easy to become the savior of the disaster you created if you lie enouth.

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37dafd  No.16894271


They use science as a political tool.

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be03c9  No.16894273


>implying they listen to actual science

Pseudo science is still a deal, unfortunately.

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b50ebe  No.16894275


That's obvious. They are the commie equivalent of creationists. I just hope the Trump era brings a more balanced generation.

The Bush years brought actual fanatics into the spotlight, the Obama years brought faggot commies, let's see what the Trump years will bring.

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2babb9  No.16894276


Korea should just declare war at this point. China needs to get it's shit kicked in.

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40992f  No.16894282


I wouldnt say planned, but they are definitely actively trying to make use of the situation. They just fucked over burgers for non-working masks and some yurops for tests that have an 80% false negative rate. You cant chalk that up to mere competence anymore, thats straight maliciousness.

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d4da9a  No.16894283

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1cc20e  No.16894284


For god's sake, I hope chink Winnie the pooh get his ass kicked once this is over

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77127d  No.16894285





And the countries of the world let them do as they please. What I'm hoping for is a collective "Fuck you" from the world, as every country holds them responsible for the mess it brought them.

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96132e  No.16894287

Looting is starting to erupt in Italy, some people have gone broke and have no money to feed themselves.

Is this the beginning of society breaking down?

Did anyone here buy extra ammo to protect against the unprepared starving retards who were claiming "its just a flu bro" and never stocked food?

I have a lot of wood on standby to board up my house if mass looting starts, probably can have the windows closed up and doors blockaded in less than an hour or two.

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d53f6b  No.16894301

File: f8b3eee7abd1f75⋯.webm (Spoiler Image, 8.12 MB, 480x360, 4:3, Only_believing_what_they_….webm)


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3d4edd  No.16894307


>What I'm hoping for is a collective "Fuck you" from the world

woah, that's highly racist of you, anon. Probably even anti-semitc as well.

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deb063  No.16894314

File: 1f3bc67592e6005⋯.png (634.52 KB, 692x390, 346:195, ClipboardImage.png)

The mask shortage during this plague is so severe that Japanese men are wearing panties as face masks now.

I hope all you anons at least have face panties during these trying times.

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e6f165  No.16894316


They're doing it regardless if there's a shortage or not.

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2babb9  No.16894318

File: ba734257ce016cb⋯.jpg (149.92 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Shimoneta_Review_1.jpg)

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030f76  No.16894336

File: d2fb22658786305⋯.png (777.45 KB, 668x651, 668:651, Capture.PNG)

File: 5870f5e5a845afe⋯.jpg (60.04 KB, 600x888, 25:37, a50.jpg)

What the fuck was GW thinking that this is a good artwork to post on their fucking YouTube channel.

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b3bdd5  No.16894340

Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Stop being a "fan" of things, just enjoy and reward things for being good when they are good.

Hardcore fandom of an author/director that has had success encourages creators to stop creating and start producing more of the same to please fans. Hardcore fandom of an IP is even worse, as then the original creator doesn't even have to be involved. The IP owner thinks it doesn't need to please the fans of an established IP, they'll just slap the IP label on whatever crap they deem cost effective enough in order to print money. When this happens don't pay for the garbage and then get mad, just treat it like bad fan fiction, which it is, and ignore it.

CBS sold the fandom what they imagined in their nostalgia would be a return to form of Star Trek, but instead got fucked because this isn't the same show creators that made TNG, it's the same social-pandering hollywood nepotism ruining everything. Expecting Patrick Stewart's inclusion to right the ship only to have him sign off on all the mockery of the setting fans loved should teach them to stop their idiotic hero worship of star trek actors as if they actually are the characters they play.

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b65264  No.16894343

File: 5fa2793333b57f8⋯.jpg (993.02 KB, 1920x2676, 160:223, sister_hospitaller.jpg)


Whats wrong with it?

Its a sister of battle working on her miniatures.

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deb063  No.16894350

Another month with no rabbit rabbits. The virus killed the Tewi.

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457f28  No.16894351


Read The Science Delusion

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e6f165  No.16894352


what the fuck is wrong with this face

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762d10  No.16894355

File: c74a6491c4f6f9a⋯.jpg (122.4 KB, 500x500, 1:1, WHAdventures_May21_Books1e….jpg)


Are you not aware of GW going a new direction for a broader audience?

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39af44  No.16894357


That's nothing in comparison with all the other stupid shit they've been doing. At this point i'm wondering when will people just start ignoring all the new stuff.

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e6f165  No.16894360

File: 8adc1c7eb6befd5⋯.jpg (53.66 KB, 358x960, 179:480, 1567375313657.jpg)

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b65264  No.16894361


Didnt that shit get canned and ignored?

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59a67e  No.16894363


Imagine is the creator of Hellraiser did something likie this..

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1706b6  No.16894364

File: 1a59bb4481d6b4b⋯.jpg (15.07 KB, 259x194, 259:194, 1527989880014.jpg)


>a month has passed already


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030f76  No.16894368


her face looks like it belongs on an ape. Cut down upper lip size and not have the nose look like an upturned snout and it would look fine.

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146191  No.16894369


It's ugly as sin

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7c9f16  No.16894396

File: 92aa7d3639bffc5⋯.png (355.49 KB, 433x433, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


>Cultural cornerstones like Marvel

I've finally been reading the omnibi that I purchased too long ago to remember and finally get what people mean when they say comics used to be really good

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93d0fc  No.16894398


Looks like they got the squirrel girl artist

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ac38a6  No.16894402


>China already claims "victory" against Covid-19 as the only remaining Chinese are either safe carriers or dead.

Somehow I doubt they have "defeated" the corona, the numbers didn't add up since the beggining.

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603099  No.16894403



I would genuinely laugh my ass off if a series like this happens and it end with them facing the reality of the real 40k and dying horribly.

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40992f  No.16894404


If the virus was defeated there wouldnt be riots in Wuhan.

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000000  No.16894408


>world is running out of condoms

Coronavirus and the chaos following it was nothing more than high level plan by Abe to get FUCKING NEETS to marry and reproduce already. Sasuga Abe-sama.

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603099  No.16894410

If chinks die out there will be only 2 enemies to video games left - normalfags and SJW. How can the other be defeated?

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825e1d  No.16894414


Normalniggers will tolerate faggotry and scummy business practises because they don't think twice or think about other options besides just supporting the malpractises. The only way to avoid it is to not care about their opinions, and support good business practises.

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26ce66  No.16894415


SJWs need a culture shift to die out, but normalfags and their absolutely shit tastes are never going away. Look at redditors who think that games these days are literally the peak of games ever because of good grafix and "QOL" improvements to menus.

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73ad9a  No.16894420

File: 85b13571fbae4cb⋯.jpg (104.07 KB, 900x900, 1:1, rubik_the_lament_configura….jpg)

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ac38a6  No.16894424


21 million phone users in China suddenly disappeared since the beginning of the epidemic. Of course they have all the rights to start riots.

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2babb9  No.16894428

File: 664cd8a975b3173⋯.png (365.77 KB, 618x650, 309:325, ClipboardImage.png)

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928f25  No.16894435


China Virus may yet be the culture shift needed to end SJWs, and it will put a dent in normalfags since they're the ones who socialize and get infected more. But normalfags will never be truly defeated until autism overwhelms the gene pool and the next step in human evolution finally takes over.

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ac38a6  No.16894436

File: 9cc68a16aec6328⋯.png (31.01 KB, 252x240, 21:20, 2019_11_25_17_10_06_121_to….png)


My senses tell me he said something that the WHO and/or the Chinese didn't like.

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bb58d3  No.16894437

File: 018614eb4575517⋯.jpg (46.84 KB, 576x589, 576:589, ECgMpxUU0AEi7l6.jpg)


>Idiot kills himself.

>Instead of just quitting then going home to have a laugh and watch the world burn from the most comfortable chair he owned.

What a faggot.

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e6f165  No.16894441

File: 556a6f473f6bb3d⋯.png (45.94 KB, 1131x459, 377:153, china6.png)



>claims victory


He probably lost hundreds of thousands in stocks. Besides, it's one less shabbos goy in the world.

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b50ebe  No.16894442


Are you suggesting he has been "suicided" because of the coming german crisis?

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ab7a1b  No.16894445

File: 326f6aab899b398⋯.jpg (242.87 KB, 750x750, 1:1, 1581768374505.jpg)


If I were him I would say due to shame for not having any plan to handle a situation like this, the thought of knowing you could've avoided thousands of deaths has a heavy toll on your concious, however, we all know the kind of world we live in so >>16894436 probably said what really happened.

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8216b9  No.16894447

File: 0ae34ed8f52dd50⋯.png (366.36 KB, 701x1232, 701:1232, Gilda_Check_redone.png)


Quads of death confirm it's a cochincidence.

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bb58d3  No.16894448

File: 1aa6d173ff73364⋯.jpg (20.75 KB, 433x218, 433:218, unimpressed_cat.jpg)


If I lost a shit ton of money I would just accept I am getting fired and give zero fucks. Nothing to kill yourself over. EVERYONE is losing money right now.

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e6f165  No.16894450


Yeah, sure, poorfag. I'm sure you wouldn't be bothered by your standards of living dropping from high to shit at all.

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ac38a6  No.16894452



with these numbers, yes, probably.


I should look at the guy's history. I might find something.

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603099  No.16894456

File: 4e0902fa717b7ca⋯.jpg (78.96 KB, 702x960, 117:160, 1472209932716.jpg)


>muh standards

You do realize that what is most likely to happen is that you will just have to eat beans and bread for like a half a year?

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762d10  No.16894460

File: 3e9a0f5df471178⋯.png (352.96 KB, 500x759, 500:759, 3e9a0f5df4711789f5af8d53d9….png)


All those wallsteet merchants killed themselves during the depression. Sometimes I think people really want to an hero but dont have good reasons so they jump on the first semi plausible excuse. Bet there are already many suicides citing the virus.

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5538ea  No.16894461

Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Says a lot when the hack frauds of RLM know more about the true spirit & history of Star Trek than people paid millions to write this drivel.

>star trek: galaxy never ever

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140721  No.16894462

File: dc849acd7806fd1⋯.png (1013.46 KB, 800x1131, 800:1131, ClipboardImage.png)


>monster girls

I miss /monster/, it feels very lonley here without them.

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c54c60  No.16894466


come on that was some prank for the livestream. saw that weeks ago

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e6f165  No.16894467

File: e3c8e4b5472d104⋯.png (2.07 MB, 1024x2048, 1:2, 1571345276779.png)


>you pull 6 figures a month

>you put your savings in stocks

>crash happens

>you lose everything

>your 6 figure job is threatened

>from a richfag you drop to poorfag within a week or two, facing a divorce or separation with your trophy wife, selling your mansion and car etc.

This is what I mean. I personally don't mind eating beans, I just exercise my empathy and try to put myself in their shoes.

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140721  No.16894472


Neets with autismbux are probably faring better.

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c0f461  No.16894473

File: ee701a635fedb19⋯.png (542.19 KB, 800x1131, 800:1131, Ammit_chancheckem.png)


If you were capable of getting that high in society in the first place it shouldn't be too hard to get back up once this shit was over considering the corona virus can't survive for in intense summer heat. If he were more the wiser he would've save up emergency funds in the case shit were to hit the fan.


Are there anymore lewds of ammit-chan?

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140721  No.16894477

File: 7589082be84ba06⋯.png (52.69 KB, 448x567, 64:81, ClipboardImage.png)


Not that I know of. There should have been more art of her.

Anyways, I don't know how to feel about /mg/ replacing being the new board since it doesn''t even have Ammit as a mascot much less barely any /monster/ anons since most left for smug. But I applaud that board's effort.

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e6f165  No.16894478

File: e72cad873f30b16⋯.png (40.93 KB, 531x673, 531:673, corona_south_africa.png)


>If you were capable of getting that high in society in the first place it shouldn't be too hard to get back up

The higher you are, the harder you fall. Also see my post above.

>considering the corona virus can't survive for in intense summer heat

Was this proven or is it just a rumor? Considering that corona is thriving in South Africa which is becoming a chinese colony, it's doubtful.

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ab7a1b  No.16894481

File: ac517863921f270⋯.png (189.41 KB, 704x528, 4:3, ac517863921f2706f9e761b1a0….png)


Yeah I know what you mean, I also highly doubt any politician in Europe/America would ever feel even the tiniest amount of guilt in doing a shit job, this is why I was putting myself in his position, if I ever were to have such an important job as his, and my country goes up in flames due to my incompetence, I would definitely kill myself out of shame.

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361115  No.16894488

File: 9fbd736248f6a95⋯.png (2.9 KB, 539x48, 539:48, ClipboardImage.png)



Imagine being a motherfucker that wasted a good amount of years of your life building up a fortune only to lose most of it overnight?

All those years wasting his youth to build up now amounts to nothing.




/mg/ already surpassed /fur/ though. It just needs anons to discuss and post to maintain at least half those numbers.

I don't think every anon from /monster/ agreed with leaving 8kun.


I hear Euros are closing their borders, if true than it would be comical if the virus was finally what got them to close down their borders.

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ac38a6  No.16894491


>I hear Euros are closing their borders

They did, more or less. Macaron said in his last TV speech that the EU borders and Shengen would be closed.

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361115  No.16894493


I wonder if the virus will cripple the EU?

Be nice if National Sovereignty makes a comeback.

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603099  No.16894496


I don't know able cripple there has been quite a bit of anti-EU sentiment as they blame it for basically doing fucking nothing during the initial outbreak.

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3d4edd  No.16894498


>Macarena makes nationalism go viral

nu/pol/ on suicide watch :^)

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7c2659  No.16894499


>I wonder if the virus will cripple the EU?

no, it will destroy 90%of the world economic system or the dead will be just a thing that happens. either way I don't see a country coming out fine or even not that beaten up. it either destroys us as a society or it leaves mountains of dead people

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140721  No.16894502


>virus nationalism

Viral Nationalism sounds like a band name.

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f13d7f  No.16894504


Macron is just afraid for his skeleton beard's sake.

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ac38a6  No.16894505

File: 3786bf0dd52f26d⋯.png (253.49 KB, 462x476, 33:34, FUCKING_HELL_CHRIS.PNG)


>nationalism will be considered a virus and you will be sent to a hospital for "treatment" if you say you like your country

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b50ebe  No.16894506


It's slowly doing so. The poor countries are demanding Germany loans with no interests like they usually did because of the Corona, but now Germany is saying no, after feeding a bunch of poor corrupt governments so much money to stay in the union.

It's going to be very fun.

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140721  No.16894509


I wonder if they are going to leave the Union. The open boards policy of the EU is what helped them get into this mess and now they are realizing that they are the bitches of the parliment.

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b50ebe  No.16894513


Who knows? there are too many german cock sucking whores and chinese cock sucking whores. It could actually cause some civil wars.

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140721  No.16894516


I'm honestly disappointed that Trump isn't going hard against China. It's obvious that a lot of this shit China is doing is an act of war and many countries are getting fucked because of them.

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dc526a  No.16894522


Considering how much the EU was touted as a project where the different european nations would work together to be a better system than if they were separate entities it sure giving them a big dose of reality. The big EU countries literally started to horde resources for themselves and seize the others property when it was passing through their country. If this doesn't tell them to get the fuck out nothing will, the EU only exists to give the people running it more power.


I'm guessing it's optics at this point in time. If trump goes hard after China it will give an easy propaganda push against him as they say his priorities are wrong, bla bla. I know they're already doing this but at the same time if people see him talking about China instead of the Virus it will definitely turn some people against him.

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140721  No.16894527


> I know they're already doing this but at the same time if people see him talking about China instead of the Virus it will definitely turn some people against him.

A shame. I assume more nations are turning against China.

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cbcbaa  No.16894532

File: f0beb0570eb123a⋯.png (176.08 KB, 1773x301, 1773:301, like_casting_cure_on_a_zom….png)


>If you were capable of getting that high in society in the first place it shouldn't be too hard to get back up once this shit was over considering the corona virus can't survive for in intense summer heat.

>Corona is spreading around Australia and Iran right now in 70f-90f temperature

>not impeded at all

>can't survive in intense summer heat

>waltzes right into your 98f body to set up camp

>can't survive in intense summer heat

All that said, you're assuming the guy rose to a high level of government on merit instead of nepotism or cronyism. It's entirely possible the people he was related to are gone or those he was useful to won't find him so useful again.

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606323  No.16894537


He kinda has more important shit to worry about like making sure his nation doesn't fucking scum to bugbitch.

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140721  No.16894545

File: a40e0551069a6f2⋯.png (629.04 KB, 680x558, 340:279, ClipboardImage.png)

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4c41cc  No.16894546

File: 82dceee5f5dbca6⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 1.64 MB, 1324x2349, 1324:2349, reversesuitFreya2NOBG.png)

Special Freya for you guys, hope you guys practice some skill in this long self-containment period.

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1ffcc6  No.16894550

File: b7c8845ceedc20e⋯.jpg (159.31 KB, 573x677, 573:677, 1407179750707.jpg)


Actually, I'm just slacking.

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bb58d3  No.16894553

File: c6637fdad1fd706⋯.jpg (43.69 KB, 720x432, 5:3, 9217f3b7a1759e316cd2d5e341….jpg)


Flu could be bullshit and all governments are working together to cull the population. Well the flu is not bullshit thats a gook virus but the gooks are sharing the virus. Probably charging an arm and a leg for tanks of that shit.

Those documentation trucks are spreading that shit.

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993634  No.16894556

Watch out for GamerGate

The public enemy of the world #1

It is the main hashtag responsible for…

☑ Accidentally re-starting the French Revolution

☑ Weaponized Gondolas

☑ Hacking German politicians and media

☑ Played "To Catch a Predator" with Randy Pickford

☑ Masterminded the destruction of GDQ via the Catfish of Legend: Namazu

☑ Under the light of the Blood Moon; Self-destructed Western Journalism by having a some kid smirk at a drumming savage

☑ Just wanted to start a conversation with everyone, everywhere, eternally

☑ Watched Gawker die TWICE

☑ Guilty of face crimes

☑ When GameStop tried to sell itself; offered $3.50 in in-store credit

☑ Made telling "journalists" to "learn to code" into a hate crime

☑ Taught the Alt-Right

✅Then harassed said Alt-Right

☑ Started in 2011-2012 when 4chan tried to steal Anita Sarkeesian's SSN#

☑ Created "Boner Culture" which made cis straight male erections the most powerful force on earth

☑ Had a Jewish Mobster 'Take Care' of it

☑ Asked THQ about gaemu which somehow triggered World Wide Web War III

☑ Tricked /cow/ into developing and sharing their fetish for Mark's plump bagel with ResetEra

☑ Triggered GJP3.0 with 57 hitpeices on THQ Nordic's AA

☑ Orchestrated the incel misogynist review backlash against Marvel's Captain Woman

☑ Taught New Zealand about "White Day"

☑ Radicalized Spyro the Dragon

☑ Turned Pewdiepie into the Osama Bin Ladin of incels

☑ "The nerds and gamers were joined by the proto-storm troopers of the alt-right in a bond that has never been broken"

☑ Was a trial run for "will the US tolerate fascist behavior"

☑ Exploring new frontiers in sexual harassment via Jelly Bean

☑ Groomed young impressionable politicians into misogynists

☑ Created and trained the alt-right to take over the political landscape on a global scale (And succeeded)

☑ Arranged for Sonic the Hedgehog (movie ver.) to get "fixed"

☑ Remains undefeated for all time

☑ Turned Rage 2 into a Trump-esque attack on game journos

☑ Joined forces with Amazon

☑ Helped Mark impress Resetera

☑ Used Elliot Rodger's martyrdom to unite 4Chan and Breitbart to elect Donald Trump

☑ Will be looked back upon in 50 years as the root cause of the coming Cultural Civil War

☑ Government-sponsored shitposting

☑ Mastered the manipulation of the news cycle to their advantage

☑ Made Anita cry when Feminist Frequency went broke

☑ Destroyer of Worlds

☑ Russian Conspiracies (all of them)

☑ Extended Reanon's death/meme-magic to animation studios (please meme responsibly)

☑ An instrument of American Trumpian Power Worldwide

☑ Cured alleged "journalist" of dyslexic anxiety

☑ An aberrant, creeping horror

☑ As dangerous as Anti-Vax, ISIS, and Holocaust Denial

☑ Five years of ruining everything

☑ Came to the classroom

☑ Trained Google whistleblowers

☑ Never died and foreshadowed our toxic meme-strewn politics

☑ Blew up the Internet

☑ Made wanting challenge in videogames into supporting White Supremacy

☑ Was secretly fighting WWIII all along

☑ Stochastic Terrorism

☑ Being a national security threat according to the DHS

☑ Helped Mark win the lottery

☑ Gave the money back

☑ Living long enough to see itself become the villain in a TV Show THRICE

☑ Confused the FBI into thinking /v/ is /baphomet/

☑ Turned Anita Sarkesian into a crazy cat lady

☑ It's #Gamergate Forever

☑ Justifiably felt alienated by the neoliberal fetishization of feminism and the reductionism of politics to identity teams

☑ Was rabidly pro-corporate

☑ Manipulated a SJWeeb into review-bombing a LGBTWTFBBQ-friendly game as a "test"

☑ Non-meat based cam girls

☑ Caused the Corona outbreak which destroyed China to cheer up a depressed CIA glownigger

☑ Digisexuals

☑ Called the cyber police to put a cripple in cyber jail

☑ Weaponizing decency

☑ Made the games industry a nightmare for Women, Colored People, and Ashley Burch

☑ The inevitable ultimate horror of Sega's "toxic" advertising for ChuChu Rocket

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1706b6  No.16894559

File: 9766688273202f0⋯.png (1.01 MB, 1248x702, 16:9, image.png)


[spoiler]A month has passed already and I have done nothing for personal growth in it.

I'm too depressed to enjoy anything anymore, and too scatterbrained to focus on anything of value, everything I try to learn is absorbed badly and quickly forgotten.

And thanks to Corona-chan (and catching a cold/flu during this time, ironic), I can't visit psychologists to get this worked out, so I'm trapped at home, spending my time doing nothing all day except clicking through tabs and consuming text posts on the internet with no enjoyment.

Wish I actually had Corona and were an 80 year old man instead of in my early 20s, so that I could at least be released from this existential nightmare.[/spoiler]


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1706b6  No.16894560


Ron should fix the spoiler function already, I'm sick of attempting multi-line spoilers like I always used to and having them break, and people accusing me of newfaggotry for doing proper formatting.

Can't wait for Odin to be out so he can focus on actual usability this time.

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c88614  No.16894562

File: 10cf1eb3351065d⋯.webm (87.17 KB, 640x360, 16:9, doyouhaveasinglefacttobac….webm)


>I think the government made the plague on purpose to get rid of population growth.

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920a92  No.16894566



Get bullied.

Only advice I can think of is write a diary entry every day, or taking the text and information you learn and making graphics/images to make the bare essentials easier to understand.


Please work.

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993634  No.16894567

File: c2270ef9d9afd9a⋯.jpg (121.57 KB, 542x337, 542:337, pre_bully.jpg)


Have you tried just not being a newfaggot?

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2babb9  No.16894568


You're being too paranoid. It's only killed a little over 2,200 people in the US & has tanked the global economy. No one benefits from this.

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73ad9a  No.16894570

File: 3d78d2c441f6ff5⋯.jpg (98.83 KB, 500x500, 1:1, _kasodani_kyouko_touhou_dr….jpg)


Show us your cottontail bunny slut.

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606323  No.16894571

File: 5b8e112708c5597⋯.png (173.23 KB, 800x1672, 100:209, China_invaded.png)


I kinda do believe the chinks made the virus to fuck over the people they don't like in the country but them being Chinks fucked up perusal.

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f35a3f  No.16894572

File: 2e0c5ee5f8d8b2e⋯.png (186.18 KB, 660x652, 165:163, 2e0c5ee5f8d8b2e58182c485a5….png)



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140721  No.16894573


Good to see you're okay, you had me worry.

What's your opinion on /mg/?

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e6f165  No.16894576

File: e6841bb2acee36f⋯.png (422.01 KB, 1332x1949, 1332:1949, sig2.png)


Just copy and paste the tag separately into each line, you lazy fag.

Start working out if you can, calisthenics and running, you won't catch the virus by leaving your house to work out alone. If you're out of job, try to balance out your sleep schedule, try to get 10h of sleep each day. You can also attempt pic related; I have large pdf dumps available if you'd like some things to read in the meanwhile.

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606323  No.16894580


Not Rabbitnig but I think the BO is actually doing a decent job and the board will be good. If this site doesn't crash and burn.

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e6f165  No.16894581

File: 31bedc59d074fba⋯.png (77.35 KB, 750x780, 25:26, 86666666666666666666666666….png)



>thinking [spoiler] doesn't work

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57c52a  No.16894582


>all governments are working together to cull the population

What about the muslims? Are they working together to throw away an entire generation of jihadis they could instead use to further invade the weakened kuffar nations? How does that make sense?

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00a0f9  No.16894583

File: 79ce889ea6bab46⋯.jpg (114.28 KB, 800x533, 800:533, 11Yagnobi_people.jpg)

File: 52fbfa2763a711f⋯.jpg (339.52 KB, 518x535, 518:535, Yaghnobi_boy.jpg)

File: c754831c1671893⋯.jpg (191.31 KB, 800x1067, 800:1067, 800px_Westerner_on_a_camel.jpg)

File: ff7381721c04d94⋯.jpg (517.42 KB, 445x1000, 89:200, UrumqiWarrior.jpg)

File: 76bfb0b9416ecdc⋯.jpg (103.35 KB, 462x626, 231:313, BactrianZoroastrian.jpg)


Daily reminder that China used to be settled by ancient Indo-European Tochreans and Sogdians.

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c88614  No.16894586


I agree, it was just too perfect an opportunity to not post that.

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1706b6  No.16894590

File: 0f326689d27d13a⋯.png (130.7 KB, 1139x1437, 1139:1437, 0f326689d27d13af6894aaac1b….png)


Only single-line spoilers work, which defeats the whole point of the "*" star spoilers.

And no, I did this back when I was in school and it never helped, I still forgot everything, couldn't focus on studying too, which tanked my GPA when I finally did graduate by some freak accident.

What I'm hoping to do is get properly diagnosed and put on ADHD meds and antidepressants and fix my life from that point onward.

I'm a hollow shell of a person, I don't enjoy anything, I don't believe in anything, I have no skills and no passions to speak of.


No, I post too rarely to do shitty workarounds for a feature that's supposed to work, and always worked before.

I could do some weak calisthenics, but they don't do much, I'm 200lbs with bad knees and running just makes me afraid of turning into a cripple because my knees start hurting after a while.

I don't enjoy reading, I can barely focus enough to read short texts and I pass out from fatigue when reading books of any kind, used to be a terrible reader back in middle school, I'm extremely insecure about reading self-help books because of that.

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606323  No.16894593

Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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0c57d7  No.16894605

File: fbb75f39c9f5333⋯.jpg (13.67 KB, 286x197, 286:197, thumbs_up_gardner.jpg)


>no massive pube bush

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e6f165  No.16894610

File: 06b5d28d9ab4454⋯.png (230.49 KB, 1008x1045, 1008:1045, SIG1.png)


You're not helpful. You're complaining but you're unwilling to try anything people suggest in response. Lose your weight, you fat fuck. Do Armstrong pullup program, it works and doesn't rely on numbers of reps; if you can't do a single one, do assisted pullups until you can. Go to a normal doctor to check the knees and then start fucking moving.

>What I'm hoping to do is get properly diagnosed and put on ADHD meds and antidepressants and fix my life from that point onward.

>trusting the medicine to fix your life for you

Any psychiatrist will tell you that meds are supposed to work with you, not for you. Except on being massive money sink, brain pills have loads of side effects and aren't guaranteed to work because psychiatry is tribal magic of medicine, but even still, popping pills and doing exact shit every day will make things worse, not better. Especially that you want to take ADHD meds which turn you into a docile vegetable when you're one already.

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1ffcc6  No.16894611

File: c132dbac00f88dd⋯.jpg (299.03 KB, 1050x1400, 3:4, c132dbac00f88dd46dba7cdb0e….jpg)


One order of cottontail coming right up


Haven't browsed it so I have no real opinion, but having a small concession for certain kemono is nice.

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000000  No.16894614


Based and redpilled.

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361115  No.16894616

File: 277d284326afd88⋯.png (223.2 KB, 300x460, 15:23, ClipboardImage.png)


>but having a small concession for certain kemono is nice.

Naming that concession after Polt is kinda comedic on its own.

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131693  No.16894618


>[spoiler] when ** is more expedient and works as well

[spoiler] is for 4cucks and 4cucks only.



Get back to cuckchannel, that should work.

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8216b9  No.16894620

File: 840f027b32f2c7e⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 1.93 MB, 850x1265, 170:253, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 08fea1742c94118⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 1.04 MB, 2600x1950, 4:3, freyalaytanBUSH.png)

File: b81d4820ae9750d⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 2.69 MB, 2129x2919, 2129:2919, freyanekad.png)

File: 723dd7f13215303⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 1.02 MB, 1275x1225, 51:49, Freya_s_Fortitude.png)


I want to drink Pocari Sweat out of Freya's muscular lap. Or just normal sweat, either or.


They froze off from the cold.

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a13c43  No.16894621


>[spoiler] is for 4cucks and 4cucks only.

That's a pretty big implication there, anon

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361115  No.16894622


No one tell him how to spoil.

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1706b6  No.16894624


>You're not helpful. You're complaining but you're unwilling to try anything people suggest in response.

I received arguably two pieces of advice, one small one that I tried already in my life and know it doesn't work, and yours, which was just a "go work out" paired with a cringeworthy /pol/ screencap.

The rest was just people pretending to be oldfags and mocking me for forgetting that this site is an unworkable piece of trash.

And I already mentioned that most of your advice doesn't work, you tell me to do "assisted" pullups despite gyms being locked down (and yes I do have a membership that I used before this shit hit, I didn't enjoy it and I didn't grow either), you tell me to visit a doctor for my knees despite them being locked down too.

It doesn't matter if the drugs turn me into a docile vegetable because I already am one, I have nothing to lose on that front.


[spoiler] was the traditional one and used for multi-line spoilers you retarded newfag.

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606323  No.16894630

File: 9f8ddfb7defe64d⋯.png (1.35 MB, 751x1064, 751:1064, Doom_Eternal.png)

Anyone else played Doomsiders?

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140721  No.16894631

File: 264537adb3cee99⋯.png (304.16 KB, 300x450, 2:3, ClipboardImage.png)


I guess this is allowed under that concession.

>8. Polt Pass: Kemono are only allowed if they are based off monsters of myth and legend or have been a part of a monster girl series as one of the species. Any Kemono that fail to meet this criteria is not allowed.

> Western furshit is outright banned entirely.


Not yet, plan to one day. How is it?

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e6f165  No.16894632

File: 0248865beb32b5e⋯.png (852.47 KB, 1125x1385, 225:277, vice_exercise.png)


>cringeworthy /pol/ screencap.

It was /fit/ actually, but whatever, no difference for you since you're convinced on sitting and whining about how depressed and sad you are. My bad since I wasted time on responding to you.

>you tell me to do "assisted" pullups despite gyms being locked down

You can buy a pullup bar and accessories in the internet, but yeah, I know you won't.

>you tell me to visit a doctor for my knees despite them being locked down too.

Your knee problems started occuring after the lockdown?

>mocking me for forgetting that this site is an unworkable piece of trash.

Fuck off, faggot. Nothing and nobody is keeping you here.

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606323  No.16894634


>Not yet, plan to one day. How is it?

It's a NuDoom game ripping off Darksiders Now that's not wholly a bad thing But it's something to pass the time during NEETcation.

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140721  No.16894638


Sounds fun. I've been playing Dark Souls World: Iceborne.

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1ffcc6  No.16894643

File: 7855ba3c6ec056a⋯.jpg (56.82 KB, 604x875, 604:875, 1577839374018_3.jpg)


Yeah, since /monster/ freaked out over her hard rather than how bad the setting was in general. Pales in comparison to the monster girl wives doujin pages it was initially based on.

It would be great to have more kemono acceptance, but even this much is helpful.

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11ebc9  No.16894645


Leave it to autists to sperg out over the wrong thing. Actually, come to think of it everyone does that. Maybe everybody actually is autistic like I thought.

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993634  No.16894648

File: 535c28362966511⋯.mp4 (8.74 MB, 1028x720, 257:180, _18_GTAV_GTA5_dead_rabbit_.mp4)

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140721  No.16894649


>Yeah, since /monster/ freaked out over her hard rather than how bad the setting was in general. Pales in comparison to the monster girl wives doujin pages it was initially based on.

Explain. I don't get it since I'm kinda out of the loop.


The /mg/ BO is probably chill if he takes after /a/nimu.

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11ebc9  No.16894657


Yeah, instituting the Polt pass makes him okay in my book. It's the denizens of the board that are usually the real monsters, but we'll see.

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920a92  No.16894661


>sweet potatoes

I thought potatoes, particularly sweet potatoes, were on the bad list for some reason. If sweet potatoes are healthy I'd suck em like a lollipop or something.

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d53f6b  No.16894665

File: e2cfbfda4e64ff0⋯.jpg (363.81 KB, 1000x1466, 500:733, mamapera.jpg)

Software and sites to give attention to!

Operating systems

>AROS: http://aros.sourceforge.net/

>BSD (Net: https://www.netbsd.org/ Open: https://www.openbsd.org/ DragonFly: https://www.dragonflybsd.org/ )


>BigchainDB: https://www.bigchaindb.com/

>Gun: https://gun.eco/

>Hydrus: https://hydrusnetwork.github.io/hydrus/

Donation services:

>Fanbox: https://www.pixiv.net/fanbox

>Fantia: http://fantia.jp/

>Ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/

>New Project 2: https://newproject2.com

Email hosting

>Create your own: https://archive.fo/okVq4

>Cock.li: https://cock.li/


>Infogalactic: https://infogalactic.com/info/Main_Page

File sharing and storage

>anonfile: https://anonfile.com/

>BitTorrent: https://infogalactic.com/info/BitTorrent

>CacheP2P: https://github.com/guerrerocarlos/CacheP2P

>Catbox: https://catbox.moe/

>Cryptosphere: https://cryptosphere.io/

>Dat Project: https://datproject.org/

>Filecoin: https://filecoin.io/

>Holochain: https://github.com/holochain/holochain-proto

>Instant.io: https://instant.io/

>IPFS: https://ipfs.io/

>Kek.gg https://kek.gg/

>Onion Share: https://onionshare.org/

>ORC: https://orcproject.github.io/

>Peergos: https://peergos.org/

>Perkeep: https://perkeep.org/

>Rotonde: https://wiki.xxiivv.com/#rotonde

>Sia: https://sia.tech/

>Storj: https://storj.io/

>Swarm: https://github.com/ethersphere/swarm

>Tahoe-LAFS: https://www.tahoe-lafs.org/trac/tahoe-lafs

>Uguu: https://uguu.se/

>WebTorrent: https://webtorrent.io/

>Other sites: https://www.archiveteam.org/index.php?title=Pomf.se/Clones

Galleries and image hosting

>ArtStation (SFW only): https://www.artstation.com/

>Wysp: https://www.wysp.ws/

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d53f6b  No.16894666

File: c185622ba7acd3c⋯.jpg (427.68 KB, 937x900, 937:900, sachivsdrarin.jpg)


Internet and browsers

>Beaker: https://beakerbrowser.com/

>GNU IceCat: https://www.gnu.org/software/gnuzilla/

>Handshake: https://handshake.org/

>I2P: https://geti2p.net/

>InterPlanetary Wayback: https://github.com/oduwsdl/ipwb

>Iridium Browser (Guide to remove spyware: https://spyware.neocities.org/guides/iridium.html ): https://iridiumbrowser.de/

>MaidSafe: https://maidsafe.net

>Mysterium Network: https://mysterium.network/

>Namecoin: https://namecoin.org/

>Onename: http://www.onename.com/

>Pale Moon (Guide to remove spyware: https://spyware.neocities.org/guides/palemoon.html ): http://www.palemoon.org/

>Tor: https://www.torproject.org/

>Ungoogled-Chromium: https://ungoogled-software.github.io/ungoogled-chromium-binaries/

>ZeroNet: https://zeronet.io/


>DLsite: https://www.dlsite.com/eng/

>DMM Games: https://games.dmm.com/

>Fruitbat Factory: https://sites.fastspring.com/fruitbatfactory/product/buy

>Game Jolt: https://gamejolt.com/

>NekoNyan: https://nekonyansoft.com/shop

>OpenBazaar: https://openbazaar.org/

>Playism: http://playism-games.com/

>Top Hat Store: https://shop.tophat.studio

News and topic aggregation

>Voat: https://voat.co/

Search engines

>YaCy: https://yacy.net/

>Yandex: https://yandex.com/

Social media

>baraag.net: https://baraag.net/

>Fediverse: https://fediverse.party/

>Pawoo: https://pawoo.net/

>Steemit: https://steemit.com/

>Twister: http://twister.net.co/


>Smashcast.tv: https://www.smashcast.tv/

Video and audio platforms

>BitTube: https://bit.tube/dashboard

>D.tube: https://d.tube/

>Ferment: https://github.com/fermentation/ferment

>Mediachain: http://www.mediachain.io/

>MediaGoblin: https://mediagoblin.org/

>VidLii: https://www.vidlii.com/

Video downloaders and converters

>AudioToWebm: >>>/mage/158 ( https://tsun.itch.io/audiotowebm )

>boram: https://github.com/Kagami/boram

>ffmpeg: https://ffmpeg.org/download.html

>WebMConverter: https://gitgud.io/nixx/WebMConverter

>webm.py: https://github.com/Kagami/webm.py

>wybm: https://github.com/Kagami/wybm

>youtube-dl (Also download ffmpeg for best compatability): https://youtube-dl.org/


>Amateur Game Development General: >>>/agdg/

>Magic Wormhole: https://github.com/warner/magic-wormhole

>OpenTimestamps: https://opentimestamps.org/

Suggestions are always welcome!

Boards to give attention

>>>/8cup/ 8chan Cup

>>>/comix/ Comics & Cartoons

>>>/loomis/ Art Gains

>>>/8diamonds/ 8chan Intelligence Agency

>>>/css/ cssGOD

>>>/m/ Mecha and Toku

>>>/agdg/ Amateur Game Development General

>>>/cutebois/ boipussy

>>>/min/ Minimalism

>>>/alcoholism/ DRINKS

>>>/delicious/ Cake

>>>/monarchy/ Past, Present, and Future

>>>/alice/ Alice

>>>/dir/ 8chan's Board Directory

>>>/mu/ Music

>>>/animu/ Anime & Otaku Culture

>>>/fairy/ - The Fairy Realm

>>>/o/ Auto

>>>/ara/ 2D MILFs & Mature Women

>>>/fast/ Sonic the Hedgehog

>>>/polarchive/ redpill depository

>>>/arch/ Architecture

>>>/fit/ Fitness, Health, Exercise, Dieting, etc

>>>/qq/ Personal Issues

>>>/art/ Art & Creative

>>>/fringe/ Fringe

>>>/rec/ Weeb Help & Recommendations

>>>/biz/ Business and Finance

>>>/scurv/ Vidya Piratin'

>>>/blog/ Your own personal blog

>>>/gamergatehq/ The GamerGate Headquarters

>>>/slow/ Slow Board

>>>/bmn/ Bad Movie Night

>>>/gondola/ Gondola

>>>/tikilounge/ BIG KAHUNA'S Tiki Lounge

>>>/bmw/ The Bureau of Memetic Warfare

>>>/improve/ Self Improvement

>>>/tg/ Traditional Games

>>>/brains/ Neurophilia

>>>/inflation/ Inflation Fetishes

>>>/toku/ Tokusatsu

>>>/caffe/ Lounge

>>>/japan/ Japan★Channel

>>>/tot/ toddlercon

>>>/campfire/ Turn out the lights

>>>/jp/ The Last Bastion of VIP

>>>/toy/ Toys

>>>/chaos/ Monster Alternative

>>>/kind/ Random Acts of Kindness

>>>/trapshota/ Trap Shota

>>>/ck/ Food & Cooking

>>>/late/ Late Nights

>>>/xen/ Xenos

>>>/clang/ Robo/Mech/Cyborg Porn

>>>/loli/ Lolis

>>>/wooo/ Pro Wrestling

>>>/bane/ Big Guys

>>>/onee/ Sisterly love

>>>/quests/ Quests & Forum Games

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28fea2  No.16894669


Empathy isn’t the right response here. Those who live a lavish life, should they lose it and despair that they have to live like a normal person is essentially first world problem bullshit. Should they be hated? Not unless they’ve done actual evils to gain their wealth. Pitied? Absolutely. But to feel for a fool isn’t how you teach them.

The country is already obsessed with becoming the farthest from humble and kind, replacing good values of fellowship with a fake lifestyle of excessive lavishness and bowing to liars who take advantage of a rich man’s naivety and in consequence have harmed everyone with less.

To feel for them is insane. They won’t learn shit if you do.

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c54c60  No.16894675


Bill and his digital ID corona vaccine register?

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d83a57  No.16894678


China is trying to, to varying degrees of success, up to and including trying to play the hero, and buying medical supplies/ getting medical supplies donated by other countries via cucked politicians only to sell those supplies internationally at marked up prices.

Hopefully trump actually goes through with weeding out chink shills in media and sanctions china for this, as well as puts pressure on an international scale to bar china from being able to do any virus and other dangerous pathogen research. Besides why is any country doing research on this shit in areas that are not isolated. That was begging for trouble and I can say that the "virus escapes from lab" thing has been done quite a bit from fiction, enough so that percaustions should have been done better, assuming china did not release the virus on purpose though I believe they released it on purpose

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c54c60  No.16894681


there wont be a lot of veggies and fruits in future because people cant gather that shit in quarantine.

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291200  No.16894682


No, and I have no intention of playing it because it might be comparable to another game I liked either.

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d53f6b  No.16894687


>That pic

Wow, if that's all that you're losing by becoming healthy, then you probably should.

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993634  No.16894688

File: 04dc51f283e936d⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 143.26 KB, 726x660, 11:10, anon_is_quite_sane_.png)


>anon was the REAL /monster/ the whole time


>huwhite potatoes are good for you Are they from Argentina or Peru?

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11ebc9  No.16894694


Those are some really shitty shake weights and he's not even holding them right. I'd put a bag on my head, too.

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140721  No.16894695


You need to update that board list. /animu/ is /a/ now and /mg/ should be on the list.

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2babb9  No.16894700


Terrible meme. I watched a streamer play through it. It looks fun & better than 2016. The puzzles look fine instead of tedious like they are in Darksiders.


China isn't playing hero. They're trying to save face when it's far too late & even their own populations are turning on them.

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409374  No.16894714

File: 2f2bf3be20f1244⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 40.33 KB, 500x454, 250:227, rabbitfucking776561_11.jpg)


Rabbits are only good for one thing. Pic related.

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993634  No.16894716

File: b0a6076e9a99c78⋯.webm (1.54 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, potato_scream.webm)


Sweet potato fries are breddy gud, but my two biggest complaints about them are: they make you flatulent and arguing with Americans from the Southern United States about what the fuck a "yam" is during Burger Thanksgiving Day As yams nigger potatoes are from Africa and have purple flesh, while Sweet huwhite potatoes are from South America and have orange flesh.

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1ffcc6  No.16894717


Rabbits are for breeding; not for eating.

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409374  No.16894720


Of course. You breed them to eat them.

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d53f6b  No.16894721


But, don't rabbits resort to cannibalism if they breed to many offspring?

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409374  No.16894722


Not if you eat enough of them.

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1ffcc6  No.16894727



If you're breeding with the rabbit, you definitely wouldn't be eating your own offspring, right?

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d53f6b  No.16894729


Isn't that like all of the stories about harpies cooking the eggs that they lay?

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2babb9  No.16894731


Chickens at least lay eggs periodically that aren't fertilized.

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404074  No.16894733


That's why you genetically engineer the rabbits to be rabbitgirls instead.

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dc526a  No.16894734

File: 5cb837d339dc772⋯.jpg (63.62 KB, 800x533, 800:533, concern.jpg)

What's going on in this thread.

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409374  No.16894735

File: a6d89b11c984d3a⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 17.71 KB, 410x410, 1:1, bjc.jpg)

Some people are stewing over their rabbit fetish.

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409374  No.16894738

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7eba44  No.16894748

File: ac69aa2ea5ca571⋯.jpg (138.32 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, Milennia_feels_good_man.jpg)

What are some really good, non-mainstream Switch games? My backlog is already too big, but I just got Panzer Dragoon and it's fantastic and now I want more games to not get around to playing. No Mario/Zelda/blah blah usual stuff.

I trust anon's opinions more than any review site and Youtubers can eat my ass.

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b58774  No.16894813


I'd suggest Langrisser I & II, but the new designs are generic trash compared to the balls-out Urushihara designs, the combat just has units stand there instead of mobbing the shit out of each other like in the originals, plus >NISA. Hack it and throw on some emulators instead.

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993634  No.16894822

File: 80a58707118b7f8⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 37.9 KB, 244x200, 61:50, Fuck_you_Carlos.jpg)

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606323  No.16894832

File: 0853c1098d2b4da⋯.jpg (797.59 KB, 2000x2828, 500:707, _hikari_and_homura_xenobla….jpg)


Xenoblade 2 yes it's technically mainstream but still very good if you haven't played it.

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81308f  No.16894839


No, there is a 100% chance he did not kill himself. These people think we're fucking stupid. Not even "it was a horrific accident", it is always that they killed themselves. Laziness.

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548828  No.16894841

Why isn't there a /b/ board here yet? It was the most popular on 8chan. Makes no sense to me. I also miss /biz/. There's a lot of stuff happening in the business world, and there's no place to talk about it here.

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26ce66  No.16894842


>It was the most popular on 8chan.

No it wasn't, /v/ and /pol/ would constantly switch between being the most popular boards

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499b96  No.16894844

File: 5571e547e9ef54f⋯.jpg (46.38 KB, 854x480, 427:240, Kazuchika_Okada_Smile_5.jpg)


>/wooo/ is still alive

My joy right now have increased by 10.Thank you, Algorithm Ape.

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5e4c7c  No.16894847




You can still send Tewi (the toehoe, not the BO) your energy and luck by masturbating to her every day!

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2babb9  No.16894848


Why would we need a /b/ board when we have actual range of boards to use with many topics & no limits on what porn can be posted?


We don't need endless rage wojak posts.

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4c8c75  No.16894851

File: 0aa05e7d910701f⋯.gif (347.05 KB, 444x444, 1:1, 444x444.gif)


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511f13  No.16894854

any recent vivian stuff?

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8216b9  No.16894859

File: fd4e8636ac1887e⋯.png (125.62 KB, 837x1185, 279:395, Gilda_and_reverse_bunny_Vi….png)

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993634  No.16894862

File: ed428852539d5bc⋯.jpg (233.46 KB, 1236x838, 618:419, india_corona_bite.JPG)

Meanwhile, in India…

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7e39f7  No.16894863


>I'm unironically nostalgic for Sonic Adventure

Far from the worst thing to have nostalgia over, especially with Sonic.

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511f13  No.16894865


thanks, bro, I appreciate it

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f35a3f  No.16894866

File: 801500bcd32b85d⋯.jpg (345.18 KB, 1080x1069, 1080:1069, 1565145776501.jpg)

File: 0fe9f08ce2c8909⋯.jpg (66.7 KB, 426x407, 426:407, 0fe9f08ce2c890923e4b30bc77….jpg)

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5e4c7c  No.16894868


>Meanwhile in India

>Happened 20 hours ago

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1f85dd  No.16894873


Ah, so it only turns Indians into zombies.

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40992f  No.16894875


Paps is a faggot but good content is good content

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466447  No.16894876

File: b875f60c27301e9⋯.jpg (133.64 KB, 960x720, 4:3, vlcsnap_2020_03_23_15h54m5….jpg)


Can paps be anymore of a commie faggot??

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2babb9  No.16894877

File: 22e1e5f52837b35⋯.jpg (123.7 KB, 880x1038, 440:519, EEIHCcwU0AADTPg_jpg_orig.jpg)


>using the content of a traitor proudly

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f35a3f  No.16894878


Is he still trying to steal 8chan's tans?

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7e39f7  No.16894880


That faggot still posts here? I thought he was persona non-grata after he shat on /v/ a few months back.

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d53f6b  No.16894881


Here's a list of games that I either own (No guarantee that I've played or beaten them) or have interest in that are on the Switch (With some advisement that you pick up a few of these by the way of the seven seas):



>Astral Chain


>Bayonetta (2)

>Blades of Time

>Code of Princess

>Croixleur Sigma

>Darius Cozmic Collection

>Darksiders (2)

>de Blob (2)


>Deadly Premonition

>Dust: An Elysian Tail

>Fairy Fencer F: Advent Dark Force

>Freedom Planet

>Grandia HD Collection

>Guacamelee! Super Turbo Championship Edition

>Gunman Clive HD Collection



>Kunio-kun: The World Classics Collection

>Momodora: Reverie Under the Moonlight

>Monster Hunter XX


>Ori and the Blind Forest: Definitive Edition

>Retro City Rampage DX

>Secret Files: Tunguska

>Shovel Knight

>Snake Pass

>Sonic Mania Plus

>Syberia 1 & 2

>The Pinball Arcade

>Trine Series 1-3

>Turok (2)

>Valkyria Chronicles

>Volgarr the Viking

>World of Goo

>Xenoblade 2

There are a couple I intentionally excluded, such as Doom 3 and DMC, because I know that their rereleases are inferior to the originals (Abridged levels in the case of the former, altered graphics in the case of the latter); so I do suggest researching some of these games before you decide to acquire them (For example, I have the 3DS version of CoP, so I can attest to that, but I have no idea what changed with the game between it's Atlus release on the 3DS and it's Nicalis release on the Switch).

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289b17  No.16894882

File: 2459d90c8bfd457⋯.gif (1.62 MB, 680x383, 680:383, 6a936a8ef2392e07ff07d4ad0f….gif)


>tfw people saved your oc

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6b80e0  No.16894890

File: 3f816ab16ebe483⋯.png (444.24 KB, 444x444, 1:1, 4.png)


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5e4c7c  No.16894891


>444.24 kb

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526d2d  No.16894904

File: e679e4abcabd91a⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 3.63 MB, 2000x2000, 1:1, 75953834_p0.png)


>Dragon marked for death

>Umihara kawase fresh

>Girls und panzer dream tank match DX (handheld mode performance is utter shit and the UI wasn't meant for the soytch's tiny screen, play this one docked or don't play it at all)

>Daemon x machina

>Astral chain

>The ninja saviors: return of the warriors don't touch the other natsume remastered title, they added a le random heckin pupperino and a fat dangerhair tumblrina as playable characters, ninja saviors meanwhile added a fuckhuge samurai skeleton mecha and a robot with g-cup tits and the widest hips ever, pic related

I really hope you have a hacked switch though, because most of these games need a proper d-pad and i don't recommend wasting $75 on a switch pro like i did, thankfully sys-con lets you use all sorts of controllers, so far i've tested dualshock 2, dualshock 3, dualshock 4 and xbox 360 both wired and with the wireless adapter, they work flawlessly.

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b13d52  No.16894906


what episode is this?

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e03bff  No.16894911

File: 0388d23ed0922ba⋯.png (189.43 KB, 264x338, 132:169, no_4.png)


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e03bff  No.16894914



A Virus does not care for empathy. It was not his fault that money was lost it was the virus. He should not have killed himself no one was blaming him. It was a dumb thing to do full stop.

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000000  No.16894916

>pnd disabled tor posting

It's getting pretty radioactive up in here lately.

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7ae85a  No.16894918

File: 31253c49841e3be⋯.jpg (230.14 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, 618c784cc9b77d3c5a63158edb….jpg)


I got a little confused at the end of this picture. What exactly are you supposed to do after the 7 days? I'm thinking of trying this but I don't want to start until I know wtf I'm supposed to do afterwords.

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bb9d93  No.16894920


Was Milhouse a Meme? Will you ever fuck off.


I assume "zoomer" was what set you off. (You guys are seriously more easily triggered than the Youtube demonetization bot).

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d53f6b  No.16894921


Has anyone tried HDoom with this WAD?

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eae6da  No.16894935


>If chinks die out there will be only 2 enemies to video games left - normalfags and SJW. How can the other be defeated?

On sjws the government need to finally step in and do some heavy corrections to higher education. Once that happens then culture will slowly shift as the new upcoming generation people get hired at HR and PR positions and begin to replace the rainbow hairs there. It would takes years to repair the damage they inflicted on the industry.

We will always be plagued with normalfags on way or another as they bend with the wind remember there was a time they hated sjws under the flags tumblr because it was the "accepted thing to do". Nothing short of a video game crash would purge the masses away from gaming.


>China Virus may yet be the culture shift needed to end SJWs

I doubt it, they are still harassing artist twitter among other shit. The virus gave them a bloody nose(looking at comics) but things most likely go back to normal once this shit ends as much as I want the nightmare to end.

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43f26d  No.16894941



Looks like he spent 80 days squeezing that gut into his chest cavity.

I was never as bad as the 'Before' shot but I know once you're at your 'After' you don't want to lose it, thank god I have weights a bench and a multi gym at hand. Too easy to be lazy atm.


Rather than seeing your lack of progress as a challenge to improve yourself MORE and fuck your old weakness into the dirt, you see it as a defeat and and fall back on complaining and blaming problems you created in the first place. I know you can't now but swim when you can, running is for people who want fucked ankles from falling off a curb badly and have nearly everyone they 'run' past think they're a dickhead, if you need to get your legs going you could literally run on the spot over and over, you feel like a dumbass at first but it gets fucking tiring and makes your legs ready for further trouble.

Literally all anyone who is fit has is conviction. The drive to change what they were into something better, motivation to do this comes from within, you may be inspired by something external but the day-to-day push is down to the individual, you have to WANT to change more than stay the same, if you don't you won't. There's no miracle fix, it's not fast and you can look like you're getting nowhere for a while and if your diet isn't good then you can still feel like shit too, remedy that and grind, grind, move faster harder, eventually the muscle outweighs the fat and by then you're efficient, able to work out like a madman, eat like a pig and sleeping like a nigger on alimony day.

If you're hurt you've got to figure out your own rehab, I fixed my fucked up right shoulder and tennis and golfer elbow with a regiment of stretching that's totally eliminated all three issues, very often we're poorly stretched, people who don't work out are very prone to early setbacks with their joints until they learn to moderate their moves, stretch and allow a frustratingly long time to recover so you don't fuck yourself up again in short order.

Drink more water, protein shakes and fruit are a damn sight better than most shit people shovel in their face, make that your breakfast at least and you'll feel less shit on a morning.

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43f26d  No.16894943


I was just rubbing those faggots noses in it anon I don't go around using 'zoomer' for real, every variation and iteration of '-oomer' bullshit is for unimaginative normalfag tween cunts.

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d24509  No.16894944

File: 08f1fa4e6b65069⋯.jpg (114.13 KB, 750x409, 750:409, RocketSpirit_03_pr_001_001.jpg)

File: 7cb5f6ae605ea4d⋯.jpg (56.73 KB, 576x300, 48:25, untitled_2_1370138355.jpg)

/co/ seems different lately

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2babb9  No.16894946


The new BO takes on a more direct approach compared to Yanni.

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749a8a  No.16894949


One of the main reasons the industry has gone to shit is because developers are complete beta males willing to bend the knee to some pinko-haired tranny and its outrage about muh pronouns. I don't think that once SJWs disappear things will suddenly go back to normal, and you will most likely see another wave of cuckservatives demanding to censor everything because muh children, as they always have done. Also, normalfags are a human constant that we can't possibly get rid off so tough shit.

What I would suggest could improve things is if someone goes and bullies the fuck out of those nerds at vidya companies and instates some leadership at least capable of saying NO to random fuckos wanting to make ridiculous demands ruin things they come across.


>On sjws the government need to finally step in and

No, faggot. It's precisely the government getting its dirty hands into things that has caused most of the problems (the student loans that should have never existed, the absolute destruction of traditional education, etc). If you want to fix the problem you have to first get the government out of education, and that means all education. Once that happens then it could go back to normality, when children were educated at home, were only taught useful things that truly mattered in their lives, and higher education (high school-level shit and universities) was almost exclusively for rich nerds with too big of a brain and too much free time.

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5e4c7c  No.16894965


God damn, Venture Bros references everything. What's the series that comic is from?

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146191  No.16894971


It's actually a good board now

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f35a3f  No.16894973


I just wish it had more active drawfags.

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2babb9  No.16894974


Make better requests.

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d53f6b  No.16894978

File: 53edf01707cc49f⋯.webm (15.15 MB, 636x360, 53:30, The_Cash_Flow_Quadrant.webm)


>One of the main reasons the industry has gone to shit is because developers are complete beta males willing to bend the knee to some pinko-haired tranny and its outrage about muh pronouns.

>What I would suggest could improve things is if someone goes and bullies the fuck out of those nerds at vidya companies and instates some leadership at least capable of saying NO to random fuckos wanting to make ridiculous demands ruin things they come across.

You do realize that most of the "legacy" studios that exist are literally a shell of the people that made them great. Bungie, Bioware, Capcom, Nintendo, Sega, Criterion, Take-Two…with loads of game companies, you did have people who had balls leading the teams, but eventually left because they got tired of all the corporate shit they had to deal with. In some ways, I'd say let those companies rot because they're never going to be good every again (Unless you want to seriously undertake the task doing a hostile takeover of these companies, bringing everything their doing to a screeching halt, floor it in reverse, and deal with all the shit that comes your way for doing this). All that really can be done is that people create their own companies and seriously attempt to compete.

>when children were educated at home

Who's going to teach the kid when both of the parents are working all hours of the day?

The economy is such bullshit at this point that you need four forms of income if you want to survive: http://archive.vn/bdB4y

>were only taught useful things that truly mattered in their lives

<Video related: You mean being taught to live the exact same lifestyle that their parents were taught to live?

>higher education (high school-level shit and universities) was almost exclusively for rich nerds with too big of a brain and too much free time.

Higher education is a joke regardless: http://archive.vn/nE8Zh

Keep in mind that you have a good chunk of professors who are teaching THEORY, not real business experience: http://archive.vn/wip/nR10v

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d53f6b  No.16894979

File: 60c56c90073e738⋯.png (253.97 KB, 1613x1210, 1613:1210, ClipboardImage.png)



If you want to really look at the problem with education, let's boil it down:

>Students are taught to retain knowledge rather than apply it

>Test scores, rather than application of said knowledge, is the basis for how schools get funded

>School districts and administration make sure that funding goes towards everything BUT what it needs to go for

>School classes end up being designed around teaching to the lowest common denominator, with that standard getting lower and lower every year

>School structure is designed to teach students how to survive in an industrial society (Which the U.S. hasn't been for more than half a century)

>Teachers keep getting their hands tied to teach whatever propaganda and Marxist bullshit the administration, district, PTA, government, etc. wants the students to learn rather than teach the students important information (Like replacing tax filing with Islamic history)

>Teachers not giving a shit about teaching their students anything and just pushing it along to the next instructor

>The emphasis on teaching and making kids go to college after they leave school rather than teaching the kids information that gives them a decent chance to survive in the real world

>Teachers not actually knowing what the fuck they are teaching and are just kept on because of the unions and 10-year

>Schools not disciplining the students

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f35a3f  No.16894983

File: 47d8e9835525f8b⋯.png (384.9 KB, 463x466, 463:466, 54544.png)

File: 82065ad567a922a⋯.jpg (215.61 KB, 900x1384, 225:346, RocketSpirit_03_pr_1_51016.jpg)


>What's the series that comic is from?

Google the filename.

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cbcbaa  No.16894985

File: 97a19bce0a029d7⋯.jpg (118.07 KB, 1067x653, 1067:653, how_it_go.jpg)



>Literally all anyone who is fit has is conviction.

Actually, almost all of them have brains that issue chemical rewards for physical efforts.

Depressives don't have that.

Those endorphins from physical exertion?

Depressives don't get them.

They just get pain receptors wide open at all times for all the joint pain. He does it enough to fill his muscles with lactic acid, that'll be intolerable too. You look at that shit on an EEG, you'll notice pain receptors on depressives light up like they do on torture victims, not regular people.

That's why he ain't gonna do what you're saying.

Even if he pressed himself through the pain, with none of the upshots, when he's in good shape, he still won't feel good. His brain still won't release the chemicals that would allow him to feel good.

His pain receptors will still be functioning flat out, magnifying all the normal aches and pains.

>There's no miracle fix

No, but from his perspective - or at least mine - you're acting like there is.

There is no fix, there is no cure. If he's got actual depression, not that situational horseshit, he'll be fighting it until it kills him, unless something else gets there first.

>Drink more water, protein shakes and fruit are a damn sight better than most shit people shovel in their face, make that your breakfast at least and you'll feel less shit on a morning.

Fuck that shit. Drink more coffee. Caffiene's a fuckin' miracle drug for ADHD. Ridiculous amounts. What, you worried about your health? The dextroamphetamines they prescribe for ADHD would turn your brain into swiss cheese in a decade anyway, assuming you don't fall into the "trap" of realizing that street meth is cheaper, easier to get ahold of, and actually fucking works better; because that'll burn your brains even faster.

Pick up a smoking habit. Nicotine relieves anxiety and depression. There's a reason that twenty minutes after it hit the docks in Europe, fucking everyone wanted it. It's the gentlest antidepressant on the market, far and away. What's it gonna do, give you lung cancer? The pharmaceutical companies say so, yes, but don't forget they sell competing products, and the products they sell cause both liver AND kidney failure, at the same time.

And remember to blow smoke in the face of /fit/ faggots when they give you terrible advice reliant on neurotypicality, even after being informed that you ain't.

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466447  No.16894987


They can't draw without a request?

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3e2566  No.16894996

File: 343627f4b0eceb4⋯.jpg (77.57 KB, 746x731, 746:731, man_is_even_more_tired.jpg)


There's also no financial education, nor do they apply and tie math into it and motivate the students, who are in total gib me dat green mode because poor families are the norm now, into learning finance.

This lack of financial education has really shown in recent years since a lot of the choices made in the financial management sector (banks accounting marketing etc) have been excessively poor and that's the direct cause of the 2008 recession and the poor catastrophic finance planning that's mainly going to cause the next recession about a half a year from now.

There's also ABSOLUTELY NO closeness between students in modern american schools, since the class system is ass-backwards as fuck and we should have adopted the japanese homeroom system (teachers move from room to room to teach set classes) fucking decades ago because the most incidents occur when students travel class to class. In a pandemic it'd reduce transmission as well, but that's really a side benefit.

There's a shitload of flotsam in the school system. The main sectors were always Math (includes finance), English, Art, with electives based on interests, but electives aren't even chosen by the students anymore.

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26ce66  No.16894997


>nce that happens then it could go back to normality, when children were educated at home, were only taught useful things that truly mattered in their lives, and higher education (high school-level shit and universities) was almost exclusively for rich nerds with too big of a brain and too much free time.

So you want a dumbed down populace who only know their menial serf tasks with any higher thought being reserved for the ruling classes?

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2babb9  No.16894998


That's the point of a draw thread. To post requests. Then the artists fill them if they want to. If there's no good requests, an artist won't draw anything.

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b70c74  No.16894999


>School classes end up being designed around teaching to the lowest common denominator, with that standard getting lower and lower every year

Definitely true, I'm certain many parents are also lowering the standards for their own children. While its good not to push your children too far, you should make sure they have high expectations for themselves.

>Teachers keep getting their hands tied to teach whatever propaganda and Marxist bullshit the administration, district, PTA, government, etc. wants the students to learn rather than teach the students important information (Like replacing tax filing with Islamic history)

Fuck this shit, seriously. I remember it started with something as seemingly innocuous as changing BC/AD to c.e. and b.c.e. As a kid I had a huge appreciation for history so I would cross out that shit and replace it with BC and AD in pencil. The children that are growing up in these gas chambers are going to be absolutely fucked in the future and fuck the rest of us over as well

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b70c74  No.16895000


Also, I hope this was posted ironically. This guy runs a pyramid scheme and pushes 'get rich quick with 0 effort' strategies. Don't listen to this retard.

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d53f6b  No.16895003


>This guy runs a pyramid scheme

Actually define what a "pyramid scheme" is, smart-ass.

>and pushes 'get rich quick with 0 effort' strategies

Clearly you didn't watch the video because he's talking about the exact opposite.

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333325  No.16895005

Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.

We've talked about this a lot but did any of you watch Censoredgaming's video on the Persona 5 controversy? it pretty much lays it all out, shows all the dialogue changes from the original, original localization, and Royal changes and Royal localization. I'm glad after all these years Censoredgaming guy still keeps a level head.

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40992f  No.16895006

File: 0dc52f41e681f41⋯.jpg (149.4 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, 0dc52f41e681f413b921aa905f….jpg)


Well tbh only certain types of depressives cant develop reward reactions on a chemical level. For most cases the problem is a reaffirming feedback loop of feeling like shit which can be broken with a good amount of effort.

I wouldnt blame anyone assuming the guy is just a whiny faggot because thats the majority of cases.

Then again faggots espousing the just do it mentality dont understand the fragility of their own state and often relapse into being whiny faggots.

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e7e0b2  No.16895012

File: e72f402c8acee1b⋯.png (94.44 KB, 500x360, 25:18, a_greek_physician_of_first….png)


>2 days of onion abstinence


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8216b9  No.16895015


>I'm glad after all these years Censoredgaming guy still keeps a level head.



I'm glad he still has a head, what with the shitty situation he's living in right now. Him and Nuclear Negrodamus are the only two sane people covering videogames.

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473116  No.16895016


Can we just start killing the localization industry all together and build the translation industry instead?

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e03bff  No.16895017

File: 3d0fdbb414ebeec⋯.jpg (73.43 KB, 640x380, 32:19, 3d0fdbb414ebeec4c2e2dc12f7….jpg)


>Fictional gay guys hit on a fictional character thats legal in Japan.

>Retards on Twitter complain.

>Atlas changes it.

>Twitter fags never buy it.

>Other folks do not buy it due to censorship.

This version will flop like #TMS did.

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3e2566  No.16895020

File: 27a8b2ecf24a476⋯.gif (384.1 KB, 500x429, 500:429, begone_ghosthot.gif)


>If you recruit 2 guys you get paid

>If he recruits 2 guys you also get paid and he gets paid less

As it goes on it becomes unsustainable with only the top levels benefiting, while the bottom levels are essentially slaves. It's illegal because it's a scam to drain cash off of people, because entry to the scheme, which is presented usually as an entrepreneur thing means you have to pay these people to secure product to sell.

It's "multi-level marketing". There's lobbyists that want to keep it "legal" when in fact these schemes provide no services and no benefit to any community. The reason being once one of these get big enough it just becomes a scam call center in function. It's a scam industry.

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b70c74  No.16895021




Theres also a funny story how I even learned about this asshat. In college, some MLM people tried talking to me and telling me they had a job offer for me. Went to the first interview and I tried to ask questions about what company it was, etc but they were dodgy and vague. They said I passed and I moved onto the second interview. In the second one, I continued to ask but they dodged again and at the end they said I passed and told me to read the "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" book and come back with notes on it. Being a lazy ass myself, I went to look up the cliff notes on it because im not going to read shit. I found out that other people had the exact same thing happen to them and this book/the process they used was a common denominator. Check the link above for a detailed description on why the guy is an asshole. The second link is a medium article which had a very similar situation to what I went through in more detail.

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3e2566  No.16895028

File: b9354c2cd85d2fd⋯.png (93.92 KB, 500x500, 1:1, cuphead_sMUG.png)


Coffee in large amounts of use for a long period of time causes caffeine crashes that will make you feel like shit, depress the shit out of you and exaserbate ADHD. It's best used not as a regular daily drink, but treated with respect as a brain altering drink akin to alcohol and drunk moderately only, or situationally, as in before a project or work.

Ciggarettes will give you lung cancer, this isn't a fake thing. Yes it does act as an anti-depressant. But it's like stabbing yourself in the neck to fix something that you could in a better, more efficent and altogether more permanant way without relying on a substance that determines your mood whether or not you get it.

Coffee is good, but cigs are expensive and will drill through your wallet.

Cigs also make you look like shit down the line. You don't want issues breathing later in life either, which, if you dodge the lung cancer they WILL give you issues with breathing and thus mobility.

Ciggarettes are fucking garbage and you act like a garbage human being for not caring what you put in your fucking body.

You need to eat good food, stay hydrated, and if you have to do something risky treat it with respect, like a loaded gun.

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3e2566  No.16895035

File: 6ea37c69702820d⋯.jpg (37.46 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, Alexander_Anderson.jpg)


Yeah and I bet your life expectancy is 35 too you russkie dumbass. Cough up a lung or two for me, i'll fry it up for you to eat when we all go to hell.

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2babb9  No.16895036


Lung cancer & neck holes are not good traditions.

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993634  No.16895038

File: 48f4fd4373788c0⋯.jpg (50.57 KB, 575x567, 575:567, Typical_TOR_Onion_posts.jpg)


Onions are the anti-soy.

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0c57d7  No.16895039


You could do what my dad does to mitigate the cost: buy loose tobacco, cigarette tubes, and a machine to pack them and make your own. Or i guess use a pipe, which would be a lot more sensible but i suppose my dad likes his ciggies. Conversely, shitposting on the internet is the cigarettes of social activity, so rather than gallivanting about here you should probably go talk to some flesh folk face to face.

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3e2566  No.16895049

File: 23c410098c0d0d2⋯.jpg (20.71 KB, 500x280, 25:14, tom_nook_lost_it.jpg)


Trying to make a dozen workarounds to smoke tobacco or buying an expensive pack of shitsticks just makes me not want to fucking smoke, not that I was even interested in the first place.

If you want to light up, fine. But you're a basically a fucking vegan since you push your lifestyle around on others like a bitch. I don't need what you need to function because i'm better then you in general. And I actually had anxiety issues and worked through them on my own with no one and no substance to help me.

You want a cure for anxiety? Take a bath with the hottest fucking water you can use without burning yourself. Always works. Don't need to buy shit.

And I hate people. They're trivial.

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6b80e0  No.16895051

File: b6991b2787d02d3⋯.jpg (38.02 KB, 704x396, 16:9, DcxNXoqWAAA6BGW.jpg)


There is a wide range of things that can be used to counter soy. Red meat, onions, garlic, mushrooms, broccoli, and even spinach all help with testosterone growth, and all of these can be cooked into a single dish if you felt like it.

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d53f6b  No.16895054


>As it goes on it becomes unsustainable with only the top levels benefiting, while the bottom levels are essentially slaves. It's illegal because it's a scam to drain cash off of people, because entry to the scheme, which is presented usually as an entrepreneur thing means you have to pay these people to secure product to sell.

Yeah, that's the business model which Charles Ponzi invented back in the 1920's. And, according to all legal rulings, it is an illegal business model, UNLESS the business is owned an operated by the government (Like social security).

>It's "multi-level marketing".

No, it is not. That was ruled on back in the 70's with the FTC getting their ass handed to them over this: http://archive.vn/lrRTO

>In 1975, the FTC accused Amway of operating as an illegal pyramid. After four years of litigation, in 1979, Amway prevailed. An administrative law judge ruled that Amway's multilevel marketing program was a legitimate business opportunity as opposed to a pyramid scheme.


>This entire post

>The second link is a medium article which had a very similar situation to what I went through in more detail.

No, you're right, those guys you are talking to are complete idiots, and part of the reason why there's been so much misinformation spread about. MLMs, at least the successful ones, have absolutely NOTHING to do with focusing themselves on sales, recruiting, or products. All of those exist, as that's how the business model works (And how it remains legal), but that's not the emphasis of it. The emphasis of those successful MLMs is about being mentored on coached on how to own and operate your own business; sort-of like franchising works (Which was another business model almost ruled illegal because of how department stores were losing money) without the millions of dollars of overhead and the business being 100% yours to control. Those fags you were talking to sounds like the stereotypical idiots who convince themselves that it's a "Get rich quick scheme" when the people coaching them say the exact opposite, and then drop out a few months later wondering why they didn't "get rich quick". You know, like all those people who make a fitness plan, and then drop it three days later for donuts and soda.

As far as ditching the book, it sounds like you're the retarded one in that regard. At the very least read it and decide if what he's talking about makes sense or is a load of crock. Even look up and verify what he's talking about along the way, rather than rely on the brainless idiots that think porn and video games cause rape and violence, or that 8chan was responsible for the Kiwishooter.

>Check the link above for a detailed description on why the guy is an asshole.

<Dangerous advice

<2. Convinces people that college is for suckers

Yeah, I can tell that this is a well written article.

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3e2566  No.16895057


Onions can basically be cooked into anything, garlic is insanely healthy in general aside from testosterone shit and while I don't like mushrooms whole, you can easily chop them finely to add a nice heft to a meat sauce. Spinach can add a lot of flavor to a tomato sauce and can be served chopped finely with a simple pasta alfredo sauce, which enhances the flavor without revealing the taste of spinach. If you don't like the taste of ANY of these, let it be known that they can instead be used to enhance existing dishes that you already eat. Soy and sugar are the enemy. Salt and garlic is where it's at.


You fail to mention that there was a heavy lobbyist cult behind it, the FTC ruling means jack shit when the structure of the company is simply a rebranded pyramid scheme.


>Defending marketing

It already outs you as an idiot.

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d53f6b  No.16895062


>You fail to mention that there was a heavy lobbyist cult behind it

Would you mind providing a source for that? Neither of your sources mention anything about lobbying?

>the FTC ruling means jack shit when the structure of the company is simply a rebranded pyramid scheme


<In a pyramid scheme an organization compels individuals to join and make a payment. In exchange, the organization promises its new members a share of the money taken from every additional member that they recruit. The directors of the organization (those at the top of the pyramid) also receive a share of these payments. For the directors, the scheme is potentially lucrative—whether or not they do any work, the organization's membership has a strong incentive to continue recruiting and funneling money to the top of the pyramid.

<Such organizations seldom involve sales of products or services with real value. Without creating any goods or services, the only ways for a pyramid scheme to generate revenue are to recruit more members or solicit more money from current members. Eventually, recruiting is no longer possible and the plurality of members are unable to profit from the scheme.


<Amway has avoided the abuses of pyramid schemes by:

<not requiring an entry ("headhunting") fee;

<making product sales a precondition to receiving the performance bonus;

<requiring the buying back of excessive inventory;

<requiring that products be sold to retail consumers.

<The administrative law judge also found that "Amway is not in business to sell distributorships and is not a pyramid distribution scheme."

But, then again, I could be misunderstanding you, and you could be referring to the "corporate structure" of businesses being designed like pyramids, in which case, I would like for you to show me ANY business that isn't designed like a pyramid when it comes to how power and wage is delegated.


>>Defending marketing

What is wrong with marketing? That's how you sell any product? That's how you get a job, you market yourself.

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e03bff  No.16895063

File: 78024877adfc501⋯.jpg (92.44 KB, 1024x758, 512:379, corona_chan_doing_nothing_….jpg)

File: 018883cb1763299⋯.png (145.66 KB, 360x450, 4:5, 018883cb1763299b059a21c917….png)

File: ad5feb49d67b1ba⋯.png (122.46 KB, 644x470, 322:235, Smug_Corona_Chan.png)



Grated garlic and onions in your grilled cheese is the shit. Shove some chili peppers in there as well and you are in for a good but healthy time. It will counter any soy and tho it wont prevent Corona-Chan it can not do any harm to kill off minor bugs with garlic.

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d53f6b  No.16895066


Excuse me, I just realized that this response: >>16895062

>Neither of your sources mention anything about lobbying?

Attributes you to being the Anon in this post: >>16895021

Sorry about that.

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3e2566  No.16895068


Something tells me that you're in one and you're desparately defending your life choices when you should instead cut your losses and leave.

If you're defending it this hard you need to cut yourself off from the people at your "work". This isn't a healthy way to deal with your issues.

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d53f6b  No.16895080


>Something tells me that you're in one

Yes, and?

>and you're desparately defending your life choices

Wouldn't you defend something if someone is talking shit about it with baseless statements and faulty arguments? Like that one fag we had earlier trying to attribute loli as cheeze?

>you should instead cut your losses and leave

Why? All the stuff I'm buying is stuff that would need to be bought anyway, like soap, and vitamins.

>you need to cut yourself off from the people at your "work".

No, you don't. Where do you get that perception from?

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3e2566  No.16895083

File: f113938bb148d21⋯.jpg (21.68 KB, 361x370, 361:370, Like_really_scared.jpg)


Holy shit you are so fucked if you don't leave. You're going to be homeless in three months.

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11ebc9  No.16895084


That's probably not true. These folks want people who can keep paying. It's kind of like that theory that successful parasites learn to coexist with their hosts instead of killing them.

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2babb9  No.16895085



This is some advanced brainwashing.

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d53f6b  No.16895086


>You're going to be homeless in three months.

How? It's been four years since I signed up, and I've paid off my credit card debts and student loan.


>These folks want people who can keep paying.

Excuse me, but isn't that the function of every business? To give customers a reason to keep paying them over the other guy?


Again, how? Where is the fault in the logic?

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26ce66  No.16895088

Is this nigger really pretending that amway isn't a pyramid scheme? The sales aspect is literally just a loophole to get around the laws banning outright pyramid schemes, the stock of product you buy to "sell" is the "buy in" to the scheme. Almost no one is going to sell that shit in a timely manner and the main moneymaker is recruiting people to move you up a tier so that you don't have to try to sell shit anymore.

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3e2566  No.16895090


Pyramid schemes are short term. They're always dine and dash affairs because of their illegality so as soon as the "host" is satisfied and gains enough capital to start an actual business or run an investment he ditches the scheme and the rest turns into shit. These folks want people who they can take from, not to keep paying. This isn't a customer based system, they're directly scamming their EMPLOYEES, not selling to consumers, the products they sell aren't going to get bought and the recruiting pyramid dies as soon as it hits a certain size since there's an 87.5% loss rate as the pyramid as soon as it hits it's 8th iteration, with lower tiers literally making chump change before that point. If you're recruited into one you're losing money.


>How? It's been four years since I signed up, and I've paid off my credit card debts and student loan.

No you haven't, otherwise "4 years in" you wouldn't still be recruiting like you're trying to here.

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5e4c7c  No.16895091

I'm just gonna report this fuck, because defending pyramid scams sure as fuck isn't Gamergate or V I D E O G A M E S

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d53f6b  No.16895094


>you wouldn't still be recruiting like you're trying to here

Why the fuck would I recruit on here?

I come here to shoot the shit.

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cbcbaa  No.16895098

File: f9fe270685fd158⋯.gif (373.91 KB, 480x230, 48:23, measured_response_to_fitfa….gif)

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3e2566  No.16895103


You sure are spewing a lot of that.


>Even the Jackass faggots are still alive in their fucking 50s after tons of drugs, alchool and cigs

They're skaters and did a shitload of exercise just with their hobby alone. Plus Allingham was Air Force and bootcamp + shooting fuckers under g-force.

Cigs on a civilian isn't going to help them.

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11ebc9  No.16895105


I wish I knew what it was about smoking that makes smokers go so wildly out of their way to defend their addiction. It's sad.

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3e2566  No.16895109


<The only vegan hippie tier faggot here trying to push his sheltered life choices here is you chucklefuck.

You do know you started a bitchfit and started pushing cigs yourself, right? Getting shot down for being a faggot is what you get for pushing your lifestyle like a goddamned mentally ill vegan, dumbass.

No one has to take your bullshit, and you're the one pushing it. Stop justifying your addictions with faux-bravado foolishness, it's pathetic. Smoke your lungs out, but stop recruiting.

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d53f6b  No.16895117


>You sure are spewing a lot of that.

A lot of what? This entire discussion on MLMs started because this faggot spewed some baseless shit and completely missed the point of the webm I posted: >>16895000

The entire reason I even posted that webm because it was pointing out how "learning from our parents" is only a smart decision if you want to end up in the exact same mess they're currently in.

I called him out on it, and then everyone is letting loose basing all their facts upon rumors, anecdotes, and stories idiots like to tell themselves (Like all those baizuo going "It wasn't real Socialism" despite all signs being that it is). And, that's also leaving out the irony that you fags have been one of the main reasons why I've been trying to take it more seriously since a lot of the "leaders" are repeating the exact same shit you guys are.

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3e2566  No.16895127


If anyone's hysteric about this it's you. You come into a thread pushing ciggarettes, spouting outdated knowledge from a backwards ass country and projecting your hilarity onto everyone else.

Who here's the hysteric? We just told you to fuck off.

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26ce66  No.16895129


Did this guy really get banned and his posts deleted? He's a retard but come on mark

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3e2566  No.16895131


>Like all those baizuo

Oh you're chinese. That makes more sense.

Even without the plauge your country is fucked. Ciao, you stupid asshole.

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d53f6b  No.16895132


Looks like it.

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000000  No.16895133


Probably for "muh off-topic" in the designated off-topic thread where only "off-topic" that Mark personally doesn't like gets deleted and literally everything else is left up.

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3e2566  No.16895135


Then don't be a blatant retard.

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d53f6b  No.16895136


>Oh you're chinese

<Using a term that has reached the West for the past several years

Started using it as a general term for the Left because it doesn't keep pushing that Napoleon era thinking of politics, and because it compasses "Current liberals" and the SJWs and a few other retards that I forget.

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000000  No.16895138


>just don't disagree with me and you won't be banned

<Speak freely, legally

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cbcbaa  No.16895139

File: e49a8d0070643de⋯.jpg (213.22 KB, 800x1058, 400:529, The_Big_Book_of_Online_Soc….jpg)


>You do know you started a bitchfit and started pushing cigs yourself, right?

No, he didn't. That was me, here.


I did it because fitfags gave shit "work out and eat right" advice to someone complaining of depression and their inability to talk to psychologists due to the ongoing pandemic.

Tobacco, as stated be me, and even confirmed by you, is an anti-depressant.


>Yes it does act as an anti-depressant.

See? That's (you)!

Tobacco's also available over the counter damn near everywhere, so the inability to find an MD willing to fork over a prescription isn't a problem. Anon also won't have to stand around in a pharmacy for it, even if the idea does give you a hardon.

The health risks of tobacco are irrelevent, because we're measuring them against presrcription anti-depressants, which, as I stated, might not be bad for your lungs, but will certainly give you fucking cirrhosis and send you into renal failure.

But did you pay attention to that?

No. You cunted on about how daaaangerous they are to healthy people!

I wasn't advocating them for a healthy person, you retard.

Stop worrying about your diet and learn to fucking read, instead.

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3e2566  No.16895140


>Using a term that has reached the West for the past several years

>Thinking "baizuo" is in any way common

It's because you're from China and the chinese got propaganda'd into thinking they're the center of the world. You're barely even part of it, really,

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26ce66  No.16895141



That's sad, it just leaves half a conversation and its not like the person saying smoking is bad is any less off topic than the retard who says smoking is good. Like come on, at least delete both.

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d53f6b  No.16895143

File: 47251bf3717fcc1⋯.mp4 (4.92 MB, 640x360, 16:9, China_on_the_White_Left_Tu….mp4)



<Here's one of the news vids that really spread it's usage

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d53f6b  No.16895144


>It's because you're from China

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

Is that enough bugspray for you, smartass?

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3e2566  No.16895145



>I can say what I want AWESOME

>I'm going to say some stupid shit!

>Wait why don't people like my stupid shit

>Wait why did I get banned for a day for saying stupid shit

Free speech doesn't mean we have to buy what you're peddling, spambot.


No one says baizuo, chink.

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3e2566  No.16895150

File: ec55dbfda8452fa⋯.jpg (241.08 KB, 1471x1469, 1471:1469, hide_the_painHIDETHEPAINHI….jpg)


You're more likely to get killed at night or even the day in Britain, Germany or France then in a dark alleyway in Detriot, which is pretty bad already. Countries report falsely on death and report America's deaths as "gun crime" on top of other weapon crimes while downplaying their own. On top of that people use America's fuckhuge population as a bludgeon in statistics. Per square inch there's more crime in the quietest villages of the shires of britain then most states in the US. Plus, most of the deaths are black on black deaths, some of which other developed countries are dealing with increasingly as they import minorities.

And no matter how you wave the death ratio around, even if it wasn't loaded, your country is still more shit then America. And that's pretty bad because it sucks here.

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3e2566  No.16895152


That's a meme, and you're still chinese. You've been using a VPN this whole thread anyway, otherwise you couldn't even come here. Hope Winnie the Pooh is masterbating more then he's looking at your VPN's history on interracial-sex-with-black-gays.com

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d53f6b  No.16895153


>Much more being an Amerinegro since you'll stop smoking to keep healthy only to be shot by a nigger on the way home

Isn't it reasons like that the reason why you don't base the status of a country off of it's "life expectancy"? I remember someone pointing out that despite America having a "lower" life expectancy than other countries, we still have a better system of healthcare over all. All that being said, however, you don't live your life like you're going to die tomorrow. That's just plain carelessness.


You're also leaving out that the crime rate in the U.S. has steadily declined to where it is a fraction of what it was 25 years ago (Both percentage wise and in the amount of people harmed).

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993634  No.16895154

File: 68d0e57b2c14e50⋯.webm (7.29 MB, 574x480, 287:240, GGrevolt_My_shitposting_i….webm)

Time for this WEBM again.

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000000  No.16895158


Why did you quote me? That post doesn't even make sense in response to mine.

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57c52a  No.16895163

File: 62923d4b951270a⋯.gif (3.77 MB, 483x556, 483:556, animu_gril_for_the_anti_ch….gif)


>everyone who disagrees with me is the same person!

Funny story.

This your first time off reddit, gweilo?


My nigga.

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3e2566  No.16895164


>Doesn't take vaccines

Oh no the common cold I guess I'll die

Also prescription drugs are in steady decline after the boomer generation, most people cook with butter and flour in america, binge drinking is looked down on in most states outside of California, which is a hellhole, and is even especially looked down on even in black communities let alone white communities where it's already a huge taboo that usually leads to familial ostracization, so on an so forth. You have a warped view of reality and that's already been certain since your presence in the thread.


Yeah you can smell like shit all you like, but try speaking out against your police or government to actually enact reform and see where that gets you.

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3e2566  No.16895166


It's easy to tell who's using an ID changer or a method alike to it since you're consistently being a faggot.

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3e2566  No.16895167


Oh no I touched a nerve. Have you had your government sponsered propaganda today? Is your country the one that confiscates bike wheels or the one that made your cousin into the latest gulag employee because he accidentally said hello to a chinese soldier the wrong way?

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d53f6b  No.16895168

File: 2a4ca0fccee5b3d⋯.jpeg (1.79 MB, 1691x1600, 1691:1600, 8507EF75_64F8_47FF_AE68_2….jpeg)


>That Anon is a schizo

<Coming from the same fag who doesn't give one single fuck about his health

I need to sleep, and see what patchwork of a thread is left tomorrow morning.

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603099  No.16895169

File: 2ddf939039f89f5⋯.jpg (68.48 KB, 750x753, 250:251, 2ddf939039f89f57462d13d12f….jpg)

This is a retard tier argument like

>more people die in car crashes than terrorist attacks thats why there is nothing wrong with terrorists

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75ae3f  No.16895170


There was a paper published out of China, so trust it at your own peril, that claimed by looking at different cities about Jan 21-24 that heat or humidity would help prevent new cases. Swear it was in a previous bread.

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26ce66  No.16895172


He's probably a yuropoor, of course he's fine with terrorists and muslims

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466447  No.16895173


>I wouldn't expect an Amerimutt normalnigger to understand

Drinking and smoking is peak normalfag behavior.

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cbcbaa  No.16895177

File: c1302b50885f5c4⋯.jpg (179.58 KB, 800x600, 4:3, Erin_ALWAYS_has_dubs.jpg)


If you say so, cowboy. Who all do you think I am, then?

Spot me out.

Be interesting.

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26ce66  No.16895178


That's right anon open borders are great! Diversity is our strength!

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3e2566  No.16895179

File: cf7f2bba155ba40⋯.jpg (46.49 KB, 500x500, 1:1, good_shit_skull_servant.jpg)


>100 times more Amerimutts have died in Iraq, 9/11, Boston bombing and Afghanistan than every Truck and Knife of peace combined in the last 5 years in Europe.

That's because we have 200 times the population you do and you're first on the chopping block for the EU if they want you gone.

25% armed is a joke compared to America. You'd better arm 80%.

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93d0fc  No.16895180

File: a17c0c1fac17b56⋯.png (840.34 KB, 1016x1080, 127:135, 1470926379724.png)

>It's another america vs europe argument

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badee6  No.16895184

File: 11f0e5a031820b3⋯.jpg (19.69 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 11f0e5a031820b3f0862fc29d7….jpg)


>unironically advocating smoking

>"mudslimes aren't that bad"

>whining about guns

>pussysaging in hopes nobody will keep arguing with him

You're a wreck mate

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26ce66  No.16895187


>Half of Europe had them closed during the rapefugee wave

They didn't though that's just an outright lie

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3e2566  No.16895193


>Look all of our desolate farming countries don't have refugees in them

That's not an achievement.

And at least the people who moved here actually earned their goddamned keep, and the blacks that started as slaves don't compare to your countries which now willingly let in refugees en masse who only come to your countries because it's a step up from literally bathing in shit.

You actually have to earn a fucking passport to stay here, you know.

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3e2566  No.16895196


At this point you're just retarded.

>There is no Europe vs USA, the USA was created and maintained by Europeans.

And broken off when you decided to put the boot down on our colonies, and you LOST that war.

You want to fight round two? Oh wait

Guess who owns your fucking guns.

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57c52a  No.16895202


>You want to fight round two?

Round two was in 1812.

The burned down the capitol after we failed to violently annex Canada, and told us to knock that shit off, it wasn't cool to suckerpunch them while Napoleon was slapping their shit around three continents.


I'm just saying, it'd be round three.

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77127d  No.16895208


>Erin always has dubs

>gets dubs

You know what it means. Post more Erin lewds.

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7e39f7  No.16895210


>Whites are European you dumbfuck

Then what is your Slav ass doing here. Those aren't whites.

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603099  No.16895212


>>Equating smoking to attempts at live towards other people

>What's next? Food analogies?

Good job missing the entire point of the analogy you retarded cuckchanner.

The only thing you are right about is that Americans are way more raped by shitskins that Europe.

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77127d  No.16895217


Lewd. But I approve.

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993634  No.16895221

File: 513ccdbeab46ece⋯.png (212.38 KB, 300x300, 1:1, europoor_propaganda.png)

Stupid Americans!

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cbcbaa  No.16895225

File: 5e023161585aba3⋯.jpg (1.97 MB, 2508x3541, 2508:3541, Erin_flirts_subtly.jpg)



But I feel bad for >>16895208

So... pic.

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ef8a00  No.16895239


truly a country ahead of its time

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26ce66  No.16895240


Anons are criticizing you specifically for your actions and you're attempting to deflect by attempting to associate the anons criticizing you with the imagines your posting which just makes you a retard with black lungs

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7e39f7  No.16895241


>Pics very related

<An Israeli and another Slav



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993634  No.16895246

File: 88822be827f4e30⋯.webm (368.71 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, desperate.webm)



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548828  No.16895247


I remember that, towards the end, /b2/ was ahead of /pol/.


Business is interesting, dude. And there's money to be made in predicting the market. /biz/ and the stockmarket generals on 4chan are amazing.

>inb4 go back

No reason why we can't have it here. Wish the old board owner would claim the name.

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825e1d  No.16895280


As education continues to get shittier, I've always had the fear that one day there would be a generation of kids so mistaught that not a good number of them would go into productive fields like medicine and engineering. It's probably been happening for a long while considering the people I graduated with, but it's likely more apparent now.

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606323  No.16895325

File: 36b11efb46f360a⋯.jpg (104.15 KB, 1442x705, 1442:705, what_you_get_from_school.JPG)

File: 195c3af78e57919⋯.jpg (277.82 KB, 1763x698, 1763:698, high_school_and_bullies.JPG)

File: 5fdc4fef4ca8953⋯.jpg (201.57 KB, 1744x633, 1744:633, high_school_is_BS.JPG)

File: fd647e6d5daf700⋯.jpg (88.64 KB, 1765x296, 1765:296, Fined_at_high_school.JPG)

File: 2badbcbaa03eead⋯.jpg (200.98 KB, 1799x604, 1799:604, comoncore_and_gamergate_an….JPG)

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825e1d  No.16895349

File: 266c2fca0743705⋯.png (139.74 KB, 442x509, 442:509, 266c2fca0743705744ff59879e….png)


For critical thinking, I think I know what the education system is attempting to do. One of my friends went to a different school then me, and his offered classes about technology and computer's relationship with society. Nothing like what uncle ted wrote about, or anything serious like the implications of automation but just pencil pushing sjw shit. HOW CAN WE MAKE BLACK PEOPLE USE COMPUTERS MORE ANON? It's a way for them to act like they're teaching people ways to think for themselves when its just a fed agenda every time.

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fc9d8d  No.16895358


Anon, are you a communist? I'm not going to hate a hard working white man just because he has more dollars than me. Wealth corrupts most men and makes them do retarded things (like going for high maintenance vaginas), but they need not lose all they have achieved to learn that lesson.

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fc9d8d  No.16895363


>Eat well, exercise, talk to people, be productive, read, organize your space. You will feel no impulse at all to do any of the bad habits, so you're free to choose now: you can cut them forever, wait a few days to re-introduce them with less intensity.

You're safe as long as you don't jump back into the habit.

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fc9d8d  No.16895385

File: 2b928dc11e2698f⋯.jpg (66.08 KB, 600x678, 100:113, 2b928dc11e2698f0dffaccfc58….jpg)


>I did it because fitfags gave shit "work out and eat right" advice to someone complaining of depression

This is an advice given by psychiatrists to people with depression. Really. Also this guy is a lazy, pathetic, fat fuck who would get all the benefits from getting off the couch. He cannot say it isn't for him if he didn't even try and acted as a wall prop in the gym.

>Tobacco's also available over the counter damn near everywhere, so the inability to find an MD willing to fork over a prescription isn't a problem

As someone else said, argumenting that tobacco is a solution is like saying that a cure for tooth ache is pulling it out with pincers. Cigs sold in most shops are loaded with carcinogenics and filler shit that will ruin your body. This is nothing like tobacco our great grandfathers smoked. You're literally arguing to use a kike poison designed to hook you up and destroy you.

I'm not arguing for psych meds either. It's expensive like hell and psychiatry is in very large part tribal magic and guessing which magic pill is going to solve your problems. There are good psychiatrists but the foundations they're building on are flawed and very underdeveloped compared to any other branch of healthcare.

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7e39f7  No.16895409


>Anon, are you a communist? I'm not going to hate a hard working white man just because he has more dollars than me.

Then why are you defending >>16894428

He looks like a jew, and has one of the co-opted surnames like a jew, and killed himself over the threat of having to do real work.

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1d9df4  No.16895437

File: 4846ab0e72a4ca0⋯.png (155.68 KB, 200x285, 40:57, ClipboardImage.png)

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1d9df4  No.16895438

File: f25f789e1d197ab⋯.png (2.47 MB, 1280x1280, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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607e4a  No.16895439



He just fucked up the finances of his state big time and killed himself because of that. Their derivate portfolio went downhill if I remember correctly, and at the same time the state of Hessen spent lots and lots of money because of Corona chan. I don't think there's a conspiracy, why would someone someone want kill the finance minister of Hessen? Was there anything special about him at all? He always seemed like another faceless state-level politician nobody really noticed as long as he was alive.

Really the only German states that can manage money properly are the southmost ones and they are paying for the rest of Germany.

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c0f461  No.16895450


Can you give me a rundown on the good points of dragon marked for death? I'm thinking of getting sometime in the future because I can't choose between hollow knight or DMFD.

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73ad9a  No.16895511



On the plus side that means that it's ultimately a self limiting problem.

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d53f6b  No.16895555


>but rather the fact that you need to be a licensed professional before you can do shit. And the amount of shit you need licenses for isn't going down.

That reminds me of how schools require the teachers to have a degree to teach whatever subject their involved in and pay absolutely zero interest to the actual experience the supposed professor has. As I posted about earlier: >>16894978

>Higher education is a joke regardless: http://archive.vn/nE8Zh

>Keep in mind that you have a good chunk of professors who are teaching THEORY, not real business experience: http://archive.vn/wip/nR10v

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6b7fcc  No.16895563



>The average length of an untreated depressive episode is six months. People who have one depressive episode have an 80% chance of having another sometime in their life. The average person with major depressive disorder gets four depressive episodes during their lifetime.

Most people don't experience depression continuously forever. Changing life situation or habits can help a lot, as can exercise, as can anti-depressants of course.


The vast majority of Amway distributors lose money. Those who don't could do better if they expended all that time and effort on something that isn't designed to drain their money, like a real sales job. Do the math on just how much money you've actually spent (including transportation costs etc.) vs. received. You mentioned multiple incomes earlier - for most participants that extra "income" is actually negative and drains from their real job. Then also consider the time you've spent and how much you'd have gotten from it even with minimum wage, let alone the money that talented and hard-working salespeople can get paid.


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39c9d8  No.16895576

File: 25268d73767008d⋯.jpg (307.86 KB, 836x821, 836:821, Sex_and_Dungeon_Ch_3_23_1.jpg)

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d53f6b  No.16895600

Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>The vast majority of Amway distributors lose money.

And the vast majority of people who bought games waste money, going by the amount of people who have beaten DMC5: http://archive.vn/hqPvH


Or Left 4 Dead: http://archive.vn/EW4qz


Or Shantae: Riskey's Revenge: http://archive.vn/26wXf


Or something as old as Half-Life 2: http://archive.vn/Zq2sZ


Or something as popular as Modern Warfare 2: http://archive.vn/SMDaQ


Or something as widely praised as nuDoom: http://archive.vn/cTVsn


Sounds like people have just as much success beating a 6-12 hour game as they do trying to own and operate a business.

<And, they should probably get behind the French court in forcing Valve to allow users to sell their digital games. In fact, why don't they sell their physical games right now if it's nothing more than a drain on money, and they could probably put that money towards much better uses.

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be03c9  No.16895604


>The "I would gladly pay double" shit stains are probably in the didn't complete percentile

I am livid thinking about it.

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36734c  No.16895624

File: f86f23dfaa258b4⋯.png (16.94 KB, 800x473, 800:473, 1468724115562.png)


>The average length of an untreated depressive episode is six months

Well, mine has lasted for more than 5 years and it's still ongoing.

Kind of funny that my venting blogpost made the thread shift into arguing over drugs, determinism and workout advice for a while, with people so sure of themselves that they scream and insult others that they're right and the other is a whining manchild or a /fit/fag normalfag.

>>16894941 gave me actual good workout advice, but my problem isn't really fitness as much as it's passion, concentration, memory, growth, that sort of thing.

I've worked out consistently for 4 months and I never felt any better, I just felt the soreness from lactic acid and the pain when I did something wrong, I didn't feel anything else, like >>16894985 said.

Not even the SSRIs I'm currently taking are doing much if anything to make me feel better, I still don't enjoy anything, and it's been a month since I started taking them.

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146191  No.16895637

File: c74ef18b06e1f60⋯.jpg (149.67 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, EUKVsfdXkAYWHFB.jpg)

Anyone else frustrated with how nichegamer basically turned from a promising news site into a fucking meme site? They're not even reporting on niche games anymore, They didn't even report on Synaptic Drive's release date, they're constantly late with both news and reviews, and don't have anymore interesting editorials. How hard is it to just paraphrase press releases?

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6b7fcc  No.16895645


If they continue not working for another month ask to be switched to another anti-depressant. Lots of people will respond to one kind but not another, but if you don't ask to try something else some people will just keep you on the same thing forever even if it isn't working.


>In fact, why don't they sell their physical games right now if it's nothing more than a drain on money, and they could probably put that money towards much better uses.

Jobs are supposed to make money, not cost money.

According to the statistics I linked above we're talking about less that 1% of Amway distributors making a profit, after decades of losing money. By comparison:

>For example, the SBA (Small Business Administration) found that 44% of small businesses survive at least four years, and 31% at least seven years 26 . Also, according to the NFIB (National Federation of Independent Business), one nationwide survey of small businesses 27 showed that over the lifetime of a business, 39% are profitable, 30% break even, and 30% lose money. Cumulatively, according to this study, 64.2% of businesses failed in a 10- year period.

A lot of people try to found small businesses that probably shouldn't, it's not a great idea most of the time. But not only do a far larger fraction make money than MLMs, even most of that small fraction of profitable Amway distributors would make much more money if they put that much work into a real job or a real small business.

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606323  No.16895650

File: 23795e0c0ce6383⋯.jpg (381.94 KB, 2047x1899, 2047:1899, EMj39u5UwAAsMv4.jpg)


Because they lost track of what's important like talking about censorship or the interesting articles of JRPGS they once had, they now have shit like how they copied from other sites because Brandon is a lazy hack as a major stain. It's sad because the biggest thing I feel like people in GG didn't pay mind to was OP rebuild, you can rid the industries (this is media in general I mind you) of the cancer but if you don't actually rebuild or make good shit to replace the pozz then you failed.

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361115  No.16895652

File: 46347074640248b⋯.png (706.9 KB, 700x458, 350:229, Paint_me_like.png)


>Buying a game to never finish it


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146191  No.16895653

File: 651932097177071⋯.png (542.56 KB, 462x653, 462:653, 6519320971770717021faeba58….png)


Well it's not just Brandon anymore, he went purely web dev after the whole Gematsu controversy. I'm pissed off that they haven't tried fixing these issues and are just going LOL ELON MUSK MEME XD. Here you finally have the chance to fix the issues that niche gamer has like having people report on more niche games, more editorials, more reviews, etc. It's a fucking waste.

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d53f6b  No.16895657


In that case, would XBL achievements and PSN trophies be a better indicator?


> Jobs are supposed to make money, not cost money.

Unless you starting your own business, which you wouldn't expect to see a dime in profit until five years down the line (At best).

>According to the statistics I linked above we're talking about less that 1% of Amway distributors making a profit, after decades of losing money.

And, according to statistics, less than 4% of new businesses manage to survive beyond the first decade: http://archive.vn/giwxR

Also, where those people "losing money" because they did same thing you have idiots at the gym do where they buy a membership and then proceed to never visit it? You know, where less than 6% of those signing up stay beyond the second month: http://archive.vn/SB2mg

Why don't people talk "the great gym scam"? Also, does that stat account for people who actually followed the process that was laid out for them or did they proceed to do their own thing and try to be a "trailblazer"?

> A lot of people try to found small businesses that probably shouldn't, it's not a great idea most of the time.

If that's the case with small businesses, why is it not the same case with MLMs? Where you get a lot of yahoos involved with it who probably shouldn't have been?


The same reason you buy a book and never read it. Or, make a promise and never keep it.

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7e39f7  No.16895659



Impulse buy. It's not uncommon for the fucking things to be bundled together with a bunch of other shit and sold for anywhere between, like, 1-20 bucks depending on the games.

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606323  No.16895664

File: a022465cf4b9aa4⋯.jpg (97.37 KB, 550x851, 550:851, 49394398_p0.jpg)


Like I said people needed to learn what OP rebuild was or we should try doing an OP rebuild 2.0, on the topic of old ops coming back a real focus on TD should come back especially since Threehouses wasn't pozzed and overall non spergy shit on censorship should be talked about more.

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d53f6b  No.16895668


That's what some Anons have been trying to do for the past month, with revitalizing Downpour, gathering up archives of the past several months of threads, trying to find something to actually do, but you keep getting the schizo-Anon as well as several /leftyfag/ posters (Like that one idiot from last thread) who keep derailing discussion. You even had the one "Amerimut" idiot last night who shit up the thread and pushed it over the bump limit.

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a52568  No.16895670

File: f68841327ae7eb9⋯.jpg (270.77 KB, 1192x606, 596:303, EUXelfEX0AIPJ_9.jpg)

File: 9ba97f25c6c9bf7⋯.png (76.73 KB, 329x134, 329:134, ES9o3veWsAAq679.png)

☑ Has the highest body count of any COVID-19 disinfo group


Main: http://archive.is/NRHDS

Bonus: http://archive.is/trGhZ

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1e4c54  No.16895676

File: 38fbd7de783b23c⋯.jpg (67.55 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, 38fbd7de783b23c3660ebc259b….jpg)






Fun fact, I was actually gonna do an interview with them about /v/, the AMA reaction, The current state of video game discussion on the internet, and a whole bunch of other topics. But it was denied because they were worried that people would physically attack them at events because of "giving me a voice". I can kinda understand the reasoning behind it, but at the same time, I'm also frustrated since I do have a story to tell and I do wanna come forward and tell my side of said story.

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606323  No.16895677

File: 982a4193ae6a194⋯.jpg (258.77 KB, 1450x2048, 725:1024, ENHJllrU4AEPhCs.jpg)


I'm going to write some shit up to hopefully help and try getting focus back. I tried something similar to a questionnaire on TD/Censorship in general topics a few threads in Greentext form they had some good responses but shills derailed the thread harder then Justin Castro's political career, I'll find the archives of my posts so I can post them here again and bring up relative topics to TD or Rebuild.

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361115  No.16895683


You're better off interviewing Raging Golden Eagle since he's an anon here with a quite a following. Even admitted to using 8kun not so long ago.

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606323  No.16895684


RGE seems like he isn't a fucking idiot from what I can tell.

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361115  No.16895686

File: 58bbfac70c6e6dd⋯.jpg (169.99 KB, 584x626, 292:313, Wide_Hips.jpg)

File: fd93c3bc4b3c7d5⋯.jpg (180.1 KB, 558x608, 279:304, Thick_Thighs.jpg)


Honestly I think Mark should try to do an interview with him on his livestream someday.

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d53f6b  No.16895689


Speaking of which, anyone have a link to that Rekita livestream where our Mark and ex-Blizzard Mark came in?

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361115  No.16895702

File: 918c4bdfa929bff⋯.jpg (540.54 KB, 1059x1500, 353:500, Hang_in_There.jpg)


I think I missed out on that one.

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606323  No.16895705

File: 5c593e29aeff90d⋯.jpg (160.14 KB, 1024x869, 1024:869, Waifu_Emblem_in_a_nutshell.jpg)

Ah found my post but I'm going to expand on it https://archive.fo/kPCYl#q16868807

>How much of P5 vanilla's localisation was pozzed but fixed before launch theory is actually true given the P5R P5 Crimson fuck you I'm still referring to it as that censorship?

>Do you think NiggerERA got people in the team in Atlus over the years in spiteful revenge for P5's surprisingly non pozzed localisation in 2017?

>Do you think Fire Emblem Three Houses not being pozzed was a direct result of Torrential Downpour?

>Do you think TD had a positive impact on localisation as a whole?

>Other games or not being as pozzed mean that TD's crusade on NOA/Treehouse was a success?

>Do you think the recent shit with BHA and Ishuzoku Reviewers will negatively impact Japanese anime or manga and Japanese games

>Do you think that Western animators going to Japan to work on anime will allow pozz to flow in

>Do you think westerners working in Jap game studios will or has allowed pozz to flow

>Do you think we should by Licensing since sjweebs or spergs will buy the right to something in English to gatekeep or deny shit out of spite

>Do you think (((Treehouse))) was actually told to shut it or did they take a new approach since pozzing Fates brought too much attention

>Do you think using the RetardERA leaks of localisation teams using the shithole to collude will cause the Japs to come down on them for gatekeeping and etc

>Localisation aside how compromised do you think Japanese to English translation in general is

>Do you think the SJWisation of fansubbers, scan and piracy sites of Japanese media will gatekeep obscure stuff from coming

>Do you think now that RetardERA has smelled blood in the water for it's latest victories that it will ramp out more campaigns to pozz shit in animu & mango or Japanese games?

>Do you think we all should autism and do post talking about good or bad dubs/localisation in no spergy but non twittertard pussy manner will help normalfags or at least people give a shit

>Should we be even more aggressive in contacting Jap devs in ways we didn't before

>Should we push to make Torrential Downpour an true legitimate sibling of Rainfall by being even more proactive in getting our points across to Jap devs

>How can we counter RetardERA currently in our post fourth crusade Byzantium state to really show them how TD or Anons in general can subvert their pozzing

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d53f6b  No.16895727

Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.


<Found it!


>>How much of P5 vanilla's localisation was pozzed but fixed before launch theory is actually true given the P5R censorship?

From what I know, none of it was either proved or denied. Also, all the changes to P5R were done by people they just hired on.

>>Do you think NiggerERA got people in the team in Atlus over the years in spiteful revenge for P5's surprisingly non pozzed localisation in 2017?

No, it was happening regardless. All that really happened is that they had a bigger incentive to do it.

>>Do you think Fire Emblem Three Houses not being pozzed was a direct result of Torrential Downpour?

Possibly, but it could have also been due to Treehouse advising against IS putting in "questionable content"

>>Do you think TD had a positive impact on localisation as a whole?

It made the public more aware of the subject, and I am see a lot more people standing up to the bullshit happening with translations (Despite being ignored by the press and baizuo running these companies).

>>Other games or not being as pozzed mean that TD's crusade on NOA/Treehouse was a success?

Define "success"?

>>Do you think the recent shit with BHA and Ishuzoku Reviewers will negatively impact Japanese anime or manga and Japanese games

Doubt it.

>>Do you think that Western animators going to Japan to work on anime will allow pozz to flow in

Again, doubt it, but now denying the possibility.

>>Do you think westerners working in Jap game studios will or has allowed pozz to flow

No because Westerns have been involved in Japanese productions since the end of WWII.

>>Do you think we should by Licensing since sjweebs or spergs will buy the right to something in English to gatekeep or deny shit out of spite

Care to rephrase that?

>>Do you think (((Treehouse))) was actually told to shut it or did they take a new approach since pozzing Fates brought too much attention

Probably the latter, which is why their now involved with the development process of games.

>>Do you think using the RetardERA leaks of localisation teams using the shithole to collude will cause the Japs to come down on them for gatekeeping and etc

If it hasn't happened already, I doubt it.

>>Localisation aside how compromised do you think Japanese to English translation in general is

Very compromised since you even have fansites that are willing to bow down to these screeching monkeys. But, like said earlier, a lot of people are waking up to how bullshit all of this is.

>>Do you think the SJWisation of fansubbers, scan and piracy sites of Japanese media will gatekeep obscure stuff from coming


>>Do you think now that RetardERA has smelled blood in the water for it's latest victories that it will ramp out more campaigns to pozz shit in animu & mango or Japanese games?


>>Do you think we all should autism and do post talking about good or bad dubs/localisation in no spergy but non twittertard pussy manner will help normalfags or at least people give a shit

It would help to inform people about the changes in media.

>>Should we be even more aggressive in contacting Jap devs in ways we didn't before

Yes, such as getting in the process of learning moon runes if you are not already.

>>Should we push to make Torrential Downpour an true legitimate sibling of Rainfall by being even more proactive in getting our points across to Jap devs

It could help.

>>How can we counter RetardERA currently in our post fourth crusade Byzantium state to really show them how TD or Anons in general can subvert their pozzing

Be decent, talk to people, be informative, those are the first things to come to mind. Best advice that I can really give in general is just see about breezing through a copy of How to Win Friends and Influence People: https://images.kw.com/docs/2/1/2/212345/1285134779158_htwfaip.pdf

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606323  No.16895739


>Care to rephrase that?

There are faggots who sit on English rights to Nip IPs to gatekeep it's been the case for a few JP/tg/ games I'll need to dig to find those archives but it's a thing I've noticed recently.

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606323  No.16895741


Should have added this to >>16895739

>No because Westerns have been involved in Japanese productions since the end of WWII.

I'm talking about the current crazy sjwifed westerns who have a very clear goal of pozz.

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d53f6b  No.16895760


In that case, all I can see it doing is resulting in more people resorting it piracy and fan-translations of you have fags who will buy an IP and just sit on it.


In that case, I would have to change my tune to "not necessarily". First of all, you already have your own brand of Liberal operating in Asia (Such as that one gook who censored REmake 3). Then, there is also the fact that Japan has high standards if someone wants to immigrate to the country, which disqualifies a lot of baizuo.

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6b7fcc  No.16895781


It's not that it's high-risk, it's not a matter of dividing people between the hard workers who succeed and the slackers who don't or whatever narrative they try to push. It's that fundamentally it's set up to take money from workers more than customers, so no matter your level of "success" you're getting screwed compared to being a regular employee or a regular small-business-owner. The fact that only something like 0.5% are profitable is a symptom of the fact that the system is set up that way.



Even 4% would be better than Amway, but your article provides no source and seems to be complete bullshit. Here's statistics from the Small Business Administration Office of Advocacy, which should have data from sources like tax returns, indicating that around 1 in 3 of businesses survive 10 years. 33% is a lot better than 4%, let alone 0.5%.


Furthermore, the article you linked was written by Bill Carmody, who advertises himself as a "visionary digital marketer". The way the article is written reminds me of the undisclosed advertorials I've read when digging gaming sites, like it's trying to shill Keith Cunningham and his CFO Scoreboard site. Especially if you use archive.org to check the earliest version of the article and see how it repeatedly linked the site each time it used the name, as if for deliberate SEO (Search Engine Optimization) value.


By itself the statistic being false, the way the article is written, and the fact it was written by a marketer would make me wonder if he was compensated for writing that article somehow. But also if you check the author's site the first thing you see is an advertisement for "How to Build Your 7-Figure Coaching Business - Free Webinar", which sounds pretty suspicious, ranging from just someone bullshitting you about how you'll be a millionaire if you follow his advice to the beginning of a MLM scheme itself where you end up paying him to coach you so you can coach others. On his "Hire" page he advertises both "Leadership Coaching" and "Performance Writing":


>PERFORMANCE WRITING: Over the past 24 years, I have perfected the written word. It’s not just about copywriting, it’s about combining rich storytelling with the science of influence. You can’t make anyone do anything they don’t already want or need. However, you can tell a powerful story that moves them to action.

I wonder if publishing some of his "rich storytelling with the science of influence" using his Inc. column to provide a credible-seeming article is one of the services he provides? Inc. seems to be one of the sites it's very easy to write for, like the Forbes bloggers, here's a previous case where a marketer was getting paid for undisclosed "Brand Mentions" in Inc., Forbes, and Entrepreneur articles:


Anyway, even if my suspicions are baseless, at best he still published a bullshit statistic that he was told without fact-checking it.

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23ee02  No.16895805

File: c73f50e53836472⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 2.42 MB, 1324x2349, 1324:2349, reversesuitDan.png)


Finished Daniella.

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36f261  No.16895820

File: a29f8b731018da5⋯.jpg (112.72 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 1400731287605.jpg)

File: f9f164f2522fde2⋯.png (556.21 KB, 850x992, 425:496, 1564839506623.png)

how am I supposed to make money in corona economy? (for pc and butterlord)

everyone is just firing people, my part time included

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5fc2f2  No.16895826


Get a job at a grocery store.

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c11be0  No.16895828


Is there supposed to be stripes on the crotch heart?

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d4da9a  No.16895829

Hey, games media and journos are still corrupt!

What is taking so long?

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606323  No.16895835


Good fucking luck getting one.

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2babb9  No.16895842


Stockers & cashiers are always needed.

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dd8aef  No.16895860

File: 487fb898caa0c07⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 2.44 MB, 1324x2349, 1324:2349, reversesuitDan.png)


Oh shit, damn anon ya got nice eye.

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f5dc2c  No.16895866


>How much of P5 vanilla's localisation was pozzed but fixed before launch theory is actually true given the P5R P5 Crimson fuck you I'm still referring to it as that censorship?

I don't know

>Do you think NiggerERA got people in the team in Atlus over the years in spiteful revenge for P5's surprisingly non pozzed localisation in 2017?

You overestimate them. They are not the Illuminati.

>Do you think Fire Emblem Three Houses not being pozzed was a direct result of Torrential Downpour?

I think the controversy surrounding fates and TMS was probably brought up a few times but I am unsure if we could conflate that with TD and it is hard to make a judgment on this without some insider leaking if it did.

>Do you think TD had a positive impact on localisation as a whole?

see below

>Other games or not being as pozzed mean that TD's crusade on NOA/Treehouse was a success?

I'm unsure if many people outside of gg circles can separate TD from the fates controversy. The controversy itself probably had some effect on Nintendo but again without some outside confirmation it is hard to say. Let alone stuff outside of nintendo.

>Do you think that Western animators going to Japan to work on anime will allow pozz to flow in

>Do you think westerners working in Jap game studios will or has allowed pozz to flow

It doesn't help but I think random ass people going to work in Japan probably have a negligible influence. For better or worse otaku whales still have a deathgrip.

>Do you think we should by Licensing since sjweebs or spergs will buy the right to something in English to gatekeep or deny shit out of spite

I'm sorry? Are you saying we should should and have the ability/money to buy the rights for English releases? If you can by all means do so.

>Do you think (((Treehouse))) was actually told to shut it or did they take a new approach since pozzing Fates brought too much attention

Probably a bit of both. They were allowed to advise the development teams but they are also supposed to reign themselves in when translation.

>Do you think using the RetardERA leaks of localisation teams using the shithole to collude will cause the Japs to come down on them for gatekeeping and etc

I doubt they would notice unless someone outside brought it to their attention.

>Localisation aside how compromised do you think Japanese to English translation in general is

It is not the worst it could be but it is very bad.

>Do you think the SJWisation of fansubbers, scan and piracy sites of Japanese media will gatekeep obscure stuff from coming

If it is good enough things tend to find a way.

>Do you think now that RetardERA has smelled blood in the water for it's latest victories that it will ramp out more campaigns to pozz shit in animu & mango or Japanese games?


>Do you think we all should autism and do post talking about good or bad dubs/localisation in no spergy but non twittertard pussy manner will help normalfags or at least people give a shit


<not spergy

It should be talked about but I question reach and audience. I feel it would either be preaching to the choir or to someone who does not care. It should be tried though

>Should we be even more aggressive in contacting Jap devs in ways we didn't before

I think sending polite email or physical mail would be best. don't spam them all the time.

>Should we push to make Torrential Downpour an true legitimate sibling of Rainfall by being even more proactive in getting our points across to Jap devs

see above

>How can we counter RetardERA currently in our post fourth crusade Byzantium state to really show them how TD or Anons in general can subvert their pozzing

see above.


see if your local/state government is hiring.

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36734c  No.16895868




Grocery store workers are currently in high demand because of the virus, my country's bigger supermarket chain has just handed out fliers in all their stores for sales and logistics-related jobs to fill out.

Try asking there, but once this panic is over, don't expect your new-found job to last.

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606323  No.16895883

File: 8a7264968fe88b7⋯.jpg (99.18 KB, 758x1000, 379:500, b8175b99207b8f6db4a2b5658c….jpg)


>You overestimate them. They are not the Illuminati.

I say this because of the large number of industry faggots who have pull going on that hellhole of a site, I wouldn't give CuckERA the time of day if they didn't unfortunately have the ability to pozz. But I get you Anon overestimating a foe is as bad as underestimating them.

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825e1d  No.16895889


for>Do you think we all should autism and do post talking about good or bad dubs/localisation in no spergy but non twittertard pussy manner will help normalfags or at least people give a shit

anyone who would care enough about a translation would hopefully also care about its quality, the audience to reach is people who don't care either way or those who realize there's an issue but don't know what to do/continue to buy


I listened to the recent episode of SMTN about P5R. The host was at least understanding of both sides. However it seems that the guest on the podcast, a homosexual, appreciated the change, but didn't like the fact that the gay man lines were unchanged in the JP version. You have a give an inch situation here, where its not enough that atlus USA fags it up, all of altus has to understand why its offensive or whatever they think it is. Regardless, I have a feeling that P5R will do bad here and outside of Japan, there's little appeal to anyone besides nusona diehards. People like me who played the game and enjoyed it, but aren't superfans, don't have a reason to get it, and the non-jrpg fan doesn't either.

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f5dc2c  No.16895909


It is more that they are not a monolith. While some individuals with connections may tried to get their friends into it I doubt there was much if any conspiracy and I don't think it was out of some sort of revenge just business as usual to them.

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606323  No.16895925


>if any conspiracy and I don't think it was out of some sort of revenge

I would agree but remember how many of these people think or have acted over the years, now I'm not going to say it's always a conspiracy but I won't dismiss the possibility of it being one either.

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eae6da  No.16895926


Treehouse is still up to old tricks jugding by animal crossing. Look at how Reggie said NoA wouldn't get political, I have a pet theory that he saw the TD backlash and put a leash on treehouse and now that he is gone whatever restrictions he had on Treehouse gone with him.

Animal Crossing's success is going to allow treehouse to continue along the with fagging up the scripts of future titles. We need another campaign like TD when that happens.

There have been western interns working in anime studios for years, and they don't have any power. BHA only cucked out because of chinese/korean based WW2 references. Anime/manga will be safe once we make it out of the olympics era.

English localizations are shit because you have fags who either are bored and want to meme up the script or the agenda pushers who remove sexual dialogue under the guise of adapting puns. I heard that other language localizations(like Spanish and French) are much better when they aren't localizing from an NA translated script.


The problem with normalfags is that they see any criticism as infringement of their fun and "hype" and see us as an enemy when we bring these problems up along with the fags who want abridged meme scripts and the sjws who play centrist this is a massive uphill battle.

I argue that shitposting with the masses is useless and we should focus on contacting japanese companies with an email or better yet a physical letter campaign who localizers fuck up, even alerting japanese fans and bloggers/pro otaku media. As TD's success was largely because the japanese fans and media found out about the hashtag. This is one of the only ways we can counter resetera's faggotry.

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2babb9  No.16895937

File: 4859d838672733b⋯.png (1.27 MB, 944x926, 472:463, ClipboardImage.png)

Life is turning into a movie.


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993634  No.16895942



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7e39f7  No.16895952


>Localisation aside how compromised do you think Japanese to English translation in general is

In general? I would say it's mostly contained to Video games and jap cartoons/comics. Partly because the faggots only really care about those things, partly because they're not skilled enough to get them

>Do you think the SJWisation of fansubbers, scan and piracy sites of Japanese media will gatekeep obscure stuff from coming

Most likely, yes. They're all vying to be the authority, and will likely try to sabotage anything that is translated more properly.

>Do you think now that RetardERA has smelled blood in the water for it's latest victories that it will ramp out more campaigns to pozz shit in animu & mango or Japanese games?

They were going to keep trying regardless of if the company in question bowed down or not. They certainly have the influence as we've learned(Just look at how sony Kowtows to them), and for them it's really just a matter of attrition.

>Do you think we all should autism and do post talking about good or bad dubs/localisation in no spergy but non twittertard pussy manner will help normalfags or at least people give a shit

It's always good to have an explaination of why you think something is bad and have examples of it being done properly. You'll never get anyway by saying it's all shit, no matter how true you think it is, or it might be.

>How can we counter RetardERA currently in our post fourth crusade Byzantium state to really show them how TD or Anons in general can subvert their pozzing

I don't find it necessary to attack them all that much, few seem to really like the place, even among the normalfags and/or leftists as it were, it isn't especially well liked. I suppose just take advantage of their continuous string of fuck ups whenever they appear. Eventually they will break under sustained pressure, and or the loyal drones that end up joining the company.

>Do you think we should by Licensing since sjweebs or spergs will buy the right to something in English to gatekeep or deny shit out of spite

Of course. Or start with fan translations since that would, in theory, be an easier way to get your foot in the door, and it is also under attack.

>Do you think that Western animators going to Japan to work on anime will allow pozz to flow in

It's certainly a bad idea for the art style, but it's not like keeping it to the Japs really helped in that regard. Just look at Funimation, They only got Dragon Ball because the CEO was nephew to a Toei executive.

>Do you think using the RetardERA leaks of localisation teams using the shithole to collude will cause the Japs to come down on them for gatekeeping and etc

Victor Ireland is dying last i checked, and he got the licenses to games from having industry connections, so no to that. From what i've heard over the years ATLUS doesn't seem to really get involved in what it's USA division does much beyond making sure they publish their games. Hell, Fatlus America was doubling as an indie dev publisher before SEGA bought them out. I don't know the others.

>Should we be even more aggressive in contacting Jap devs in ways we didn't before

I wouldn't say don't do it, you might luck out, but honestly i don't think most care. Some of these are based around nepotism, or the hacks just being cheap enough(NISA/Falcom relationship for both.)

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8216b9  No.16895966


So how come there's no BG for the Freya version, but a BG for >>16895828 >>16895860 the Danielle version?

Or am I missing some other art posts?


Speaking of Animal Crossing, what differences between Eng and Jap versions are there?

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5f6774  No.16895968

File: f3fe8f12eeb4c77⋯.png (279.01 KB, 592x501, 592:501, 1438938456290.png)

Just got a leave of absence for my job now I can live that dank NEET lifestyle again for a month. Plus two days ago I gained another level in wizard turned 31 years old.

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d53f6b  No.16895969


>It's that fundamentally it's set up to take money from workers more than customers, so no matter your level of "success" you're getting screwed compared to being a regular employee or a regular small-business-owner.

How does it do this? If your source actually details this, then quote the sections.

>The fact that only something like 0.5% are profitable is a symptom of the fact that the system is set up that way.

Again, does your source detail what is it that these people did to succeed or fail?

>33% is a lot better than 4%, let alone 0.5%.

And, having lower start-up costs to where all you really pay for is a business license is better than dropping 3k on the lower end ( http://archive.vn/siGer ) on upwards to 30k on average ( http://archive.vn/qEHnh ) just to start your business. Also, upon looking it up, the SBA actually fudges their numbers as well (Falsifying them by including "voluntary" closures as part of the failure rate, and only counting companies with employees and not self-employed businesses): http://archive.vn/lOVXm

And, the closest I kind find to information including the self-employed is this one article, with zero mentions of the failure to survival ratio: http://archive.vn/b6ujF

And, all the articles that came up in my search for that were just boast about how now is the best time to start your own business.

In fact, it looks like "solid" facts in regards to the "failure to survival" ration exists anywhere between something similar to the SBA's "official" saying of 70% failure rate: http://archive.vn/ExjdE

To anecdotes saying that the number is really as high as 90%: http://archive.vn/2mbGi

And, then you have even more information coming out about how (Supposedly) 90% of internet businesses close within four months (Not even a full year): http://archive.vn/XAa1o

But, then that also brings up the question of how reliable are the numbers provided by the one guy you're sourcing: >>16895563

Body too long

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d53f6b  No.16895972

File: a626e9e99c087f7⋯.png (27.25 KB, 216x300, 18:25, ClipboardImage.png)



And, deciding to read through it a bit, it looks like your "damning evidence" is this line right here: http://archive.vn/PnmJt

>The SA-4400 states that about 1% of all active distributors qualify as directs. Since 46% of all distributors are active, that means about 0.5% of all distributors are direct distributors–or that direct distributor qualification places one at the 99.5th percentile.

Nowhere in the article (Upon a quick search looking for the words "qualif-" and "direct") does he ever detail HOW it is that one does become "qualified" to become one of the 0.5%. Using the gym example I provided earlier ( >>16895657 ), the argument can be made that roughly 1% of the people who sign up for a gym even benefit from it. You don't know what that number entails, but that fact can be made. And, I find it a little ironic that the guy's opener is this:

>I am motivated by statistics and feel they are important to informed decision-making (not everyone feels so, of course), though they do have some limitations. First, it is possible to manipulate statistics to support virtually any viewpoint.


>Though I acknowledge that decisions should not always be based solely on statistical likelihood…

It's almost like the guy acknowledges how the numbers can be twisted to say whatever you want, and then proceeds to do the exact same thing that he stated that he is trying to avoid, even to the point that he "interprets" the definition of some things and outright state that he's unsure if that's what it really means. Although, I find the last little bit to extremely hilarious:

>Under this scenario, it takes about 28 years to qualify as a direct distributor.

Meanwhile: http://archive.vn/pdw2Q

<While young Americans aged 18-29 expect to retire at 63, a 2018 Gallup survey says that the average American predicts retirement at age 66.

So, assuming the worst, you're 18 years old, and deciding that you want join Amway (As this is the MLM that you're using as a "failure rate", there's other MLMs aside from Amway), and you're in the bottom percentile of that statistic that your source is providing, you would be able to retire 20 years earlier than you normally would be able to at a regular job, with money still coming in all while requiring no additional effort of your part. All things considered, that doesn't sound half bad, with your source stating it could possibly be done in half the time (Who would mind being free to do anything for an additional three and a half decades than you're "suppose" to?).

>Anyway, even if my suspicions are baseless, at best he still published a bullshit statistic that he was told without fact-checking it.

Honestly, I did not know that about Bill Carmody because I didn't see his article until today. I was just looking for a quick internet source because I remember reading Burke Hedges bringing up, back in 2007 (Pic related), which is a revision of his book from 1992, that 99% of businesses fail in the first decade.

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d53f6b  No.16895984

File: 61d579d4153ab44⋯.webm (1.01 MB, 800x448, 25:14, If_you_don_t_like_rip_and….webm)


>Look at how Reggie said NoA wouldn't get political, I have a pet theory that he saw the TD backlash and put a leash on treehouse and now that he is gone whatever restrictions he had on Treehouse gone with him.

Wasn't there also a theory that Iwata also kept a tight leash on Treehouse, and it's part of the reason why thing immediately went to Hell after the guy died?

>The problem with normalfags is that they see any criticism as infringement of their fun and "hype" and see us as an enemy when we bring these problems up along with the fags who want abridged meme scripts and the sjws who play centrist this is a massive uphill battle.

<You mean like vid related?

>I argue that shitposting with the masses is useless and we should focus on contacting japanese companies with an email or better yet a physical letter campaign who localizers fuck up, even alerting japanese fans and bloggers/pro otaku media. As TD's success was largely because the japanese fans and media found out about the hashtag.

Well, the Japanese learning thread is that way if anyone wants to get started: >>16853608


>Speaking of Animal Crossing, what differences between Eng and Jap versions are there?

AFAIK, the only confirmed difference is that the game uses "gender neutral" pronouns and the listing of the character's sex has been removed.

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993634  No.16895987

File: 0e1cab444607aad⋯.jpg (77.29 KB, 635x636, 635:636, JC_A_BOMB.jpg)


>anonymous gangbangs

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5f6774  No.16895994

File: 0bcc07ecf5e1906⋯.jpg (189.56 KB, 450x563, 450:563, 1458771819783.jpg)


I was never properly trained in it's operation.

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eae6da  No.16895998

File: e581893e2ddeb06⋯.jpg (1.34 MB, 1622x1272, 811:636, vrwgvrwvsw.jpg)


>Speaking of Animal Crossing, what differences between Eng and Jap versions are there?


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606323  No.16896011

File: 1bd2dd0d444c7cb⋯.jpg (43.03 KB, 576x432, 4:3, raindomontenkyoken.jpg)


>Look at how Reggie said NoA wouldn't get political, I have a pet theory that he saw the TD backlash and put a leash on treehouse and now that he is gone whatever restrictions he had on Treehouse gone with him.

>Wasn't there also a theory that Iwata also kept a tight leash on Treehouse, and it's part of the reason why thing immediately went to Hell after the guy died?

Honestly if this theory hold even a salt of truth, it goes back to this cap >>16894185 Also I'm realising that more and more theory aside at how much Reggie or Iwata kept this madness in check, for all the criticism I or the rest of /v/ gave the two former CEOs they put the cookie jar out of the hands of the brats.

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36f261  No.16896026

File: 4effd4136de1e00⋯.jpg (66.3 KB, 1469x313, 1469:313, abolish.jpg)

oh its some trans day so twitch is promoting those streamers to front page.

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8216b9  No.16896033



Thanks. I'll keep that article archive bookmarked.


Couldv'e sworn it was on the 10th of September. :^)

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eae6da  No.16896050


>Gender Abolition

I knew they were going to push for this when "they" was co-oped.

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606323  No.16896061

File: 90475f1eb30dc49⋯.jpg (53.78 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, what_the_shit_anon.jpg)


>Gender Abolition

Can someone please explain why the bloody hell this means?

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57c52a  No.16896067

File: 237dc1d2bd32c2f⋯.png (310.08 KB, 1612x1584, 403:396, Erin_found_the_anon_that_l….png)


>This is an advice given by psychiatrists to people with depression. Really.

I attend a clinic with psychiatrists serving their residencies. I've probably met more of them than you have, and observed them "doing their jobs" more than you have. As >>16895325 points out in one of the images, most just push whatever the pharmaceutical reps taught them to parrot this week.

Most of them are fuckin' incompetent, and conflate actual depression with "just feeling bad". And you can bet your ass that if they said "pharmaceuticals can't fix it, and it wouldn't be profitable to do so even if they could", or advocated someone start smoking tobacco, they'd lose their fucking license to practice. Because, again, tobacco is a product that competes with the industry they're paid by.

>He cannot say it isn't for him if he didn't even try

He did. He even said so. Right the fuck here.


>I received arguably two pieces of advice, one small one that I tried already in my life and know it doesn't work, and yours, which was just a "go work out" paired with a cringeworthy /pol/ screencap.

What he tried, which he says failed, was the diary recommended here. >>16894566

I'm working off the assumption that if pro-active self reflection achieves nothing but wasting time, environment isn't a big causal factor.

Learn to fucking read, nigger.

>As someone else said, argumenting that tobacco is a solution is like saying that a cure for tooth ache is pulling it out with pincers. Cigs sold in most shops are loaded with carcinogenics and filler shit that will ruin your body.

>all tobacco products are cigarettes!

In fairness, I have access to res products locally so it didn't occur to me other people don't, but I'm pretty sure anon can find a way on to the internet to order something decent. I should have advocated anon look for actual fucking tobacco with a minimum of additives.

That's a fair cop, I'll take it.


>He just fucked up the finances of his state big time and killed himself because of that.

>he lost a bunch of criminals a bunch of money

>I don't think there's a conspiracy, why would someone someone want kill the finance minister of Hessen?


I'm just saying, if I lose several hundred million dollars of the mafia's money, and I suddenly kill myself, THE MOB PROBABLY KILLED ME, on account of having heavily fucked up their finances.


>Most people don't experience depression continuously forever.

Most people don't have clinical depression, they just feel shitty for entirely explicable reasons which is why changing those reasons causes them to suddenly feel better. You're confusing the actual diagnosis with fucktons of cases of depression meds being prescribed for what would most likely be a lack of critical thinking and learned helplessness, not depression.

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7e39f7  No.16896071



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cbcbaa  No.16896072

File: bcc9a40ba7b51d6⋯.jpg (1.09 MB, 1917x1075, 1917:1075, Erin_no_condoms.jpg)


>the vast majority of people who bought games waste money

This logic only works if the people bought the games for the purpose of completing them, and not to enjoy actually playing them.

I've got like 1,700 hours in Mountain Blade, don't think I've ever "finished" a game. Something like 3,000-4,000 hours across various Grand Strategy games, never finished one. But you know what? Enjoyed myself THE WHOLE TIME, which is what I paid for. An enjoyable experience.

Focus less on an arbitrary goal, more on the journey, you seem a bit closed off to the notion.


>I mean that they have beaten level 1 but have simply quit playing the game immediately after finishing it.

So, games journalists?


>Well, mine has lasted for more than 5 years and it's still ongoing.

Twenty years. Uncle by marriage is going on fifty plus.

Buckle in, anon. I wish I had better advice for you, but mostly it's keeping your expectations low to avoid sudden shocks, and riding out medication changes until you find a cocktail that works enough that you can pass for functional provided nobody's really looking at you.

Do not, I repeat, do not listen to any asshole who thinks the solution is to prescribe one thing and ramp up the dosage until you're a Goddamn zombie.

Good luck finding a competent alchemist, though.


>If they continue not working for another month ask to be switched to another anti-depressant.

Pretty much all the psych meds I've encounter take two or three weeks to actually build up in your system after you've started taking them, so yes. Absolutely, give it more time, unless you've tripped on some sort of side effect that's intolerable.

As an example, I was on Depakote for a bit, made my mouth and tongue numb. Being unable to speak properly and drooling isn't good for anyone's mental state.

Well, maybe one of those adult baby fetishists…


In the case of some games - I've already cited Mount & Blade and Grand Strategy, those are good examples - your faction has occrued so much power that there's nothing in the game that can actually stop you, or even really challenge you, and the completion stage is still several hours away. You don't need to put any thought in it, you need to wait for casus belli to come in, peace treaties to time out, your vassals to finish chasing down errant lords at the ass-end of the map. It's just not entertaining or enjoyable, and I paid for the game to be entertained and enjoy myself.

Alternatively, I'm prone to not finishing games because I got bored and fucked off to do something more entertaining with my leisure time, because my leisure time is spent enjoying myself, not jumping through hoops a developer set up for the sake of a cheevo.

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a13c43  No.16896081


Actually, I think that one's a woman who wants to be a man. Could be wrong, but the avatar looks like it.

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7e39f7  No.16896088


>Actually, I think that one's a woman who wants to be a man.

Wasn't really paying attention to the image, just speaking more in general. If they're genuinely trying to get rid of Gender it's because they're asshurt people can see through the facade.

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26ce66  No.16896092


The ones who are asshurt about gender are usually ftm trannies or girls who are "non binary" aka girls who think that wearing a baseball hat makes them special. They don't really want to do much except occasionally dress up as a tomboy and pretend to be special and they can't just be normal girls who are having fun playing dress up, they have to be special non binary no genders. Otherwise they'd have to face the fact that they're basic ass bitches.

I've come across quite a few of these in university and nearly all of them are just girls who want to fit in with the special crowd. Then there's like a couple gays who would just be flamboyant gays but also want to play pretend .

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3780b8  No.16896094

File: 64adacef5bf983d⋯.png (627.56 KB, 1075x1518, 1075:1518, 1581634069593.png)


This clown world has gone far enough. They need to eat more boiled plastic so they can get cancer and die.

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993634  No.16896104

File: 9a5faaf7d923fc9⋯.jpg (259.94 KB, 960x1689, 320:563, Tumblr_Tranny_Blues.jpg)


It means that HRT is one hell of a drug.

A "person" (trannies aren't people) deliberately overdosing on hormones meant for the opposite sex is making them become the dictionary definition hysterical. Fun fact: The origin of the word "hysterical" comes from the "hystera" (ὑστέρα), the Greek word for uterus. Until the 20th century, "Hysteria" was considered a female-only condition which was attributed to the over-production of hormones in the uterus, for-which the usual treatment was the removal of said uterus, via a hysterectomy. Thus, "hysterical tranny" is a redundant term, as the trannification process, via female-hormone-overdose, is literally driving them insane; this is why arguing with trannies is so tiring, as trannies have to deny the reality of biological sex, or reality as a whole, in order to function …until their inevitable gory suicide.

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606323  No.16896111

File: b4c96ae5c3de351⋯.jpg (223.61 KB, 862x1920, 431:960, Fucking_clowns.jpg)


I want off this clown car.


That was a redpill I didn't know I needed.

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2babb9  No.16896112

File: e90f609c8bafebd⋯.png (257.59 KB, 340x893, 340:893, TregearTaigaSeries.png)


This world is one big circus. There is no escape.

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0a0b95  No.16896115

File: 4b8c97bf6d0d554⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 2.56 MB, 1324x2349, 1324:2349, reversesuitFreya2.png)


Heres Freya BG version, I think the background version look weird

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36f261  No.16896122


>Mount & Blade and Grand Strategy

I checked few streams of M&B on twitch and the most popular streamers are so clueless without big question marks or cinematic, they also kept dying to bandits. sad.

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36734c  No.16896125

File: 2e035fa2184a461⋯.jpg (569.64 KB, 1024x520, 128:65, 4bd4ae42a1ce0754b090921b69….jpg)



You sound like you know what you're talking about.

So is barely passing for functional going to be the best I can do?

What I want is to be able to enjoy things, to have an endorphin release for doing things close to what normal people get, and to remember and focus on things so I can actually develop a personality and grow as a person, because all my life I've been an empty shell.

I know that it's going to take a lot of work, there's no panacea for me, especially in a field as full of quackery as Psychology, but I at least want to come out of this markedly better than before.

Do I have too high expectations?

I don't know exactly what conditions you have, you mentioned you took Depakote, that's an anti-seizure drug also used for bipolar disorder.

My condition's unipolar, I'm constantly fatigued and languid.

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cbcbaa  No.16896144

File: 46744e5bd2ba6a3⋯.png (146.44 KB, 1433x1012, 1433:1012, Erin_backpack_cucks_Vivian….png)


>So is barely passing for functional going to be the best I can do?

Probably. I'm sorry.

>What I want is to be able to enjoy things, to have an endorphin release for doing things close to what normal people get, and to remember and focus on things so I can actually develop a personality and grow as a person, because all my life I've been an empty shell.

Mostly I just run out the clock with distractions until the family has a use for me. I have the dubious benefit of being one of the few men in a family full of women, so it's only so long before someone needs some furniture moved, or some amateur plumbing, or a furnace fixed/replaced. Occasionally play therapist for people that can't afford or won't see one. Then I get to feel less useless for a little while. Then I check out until something else comes up.

>Do I have too high expectations?

At this point, I've defined my victory conditions as not killing myself, and not killing anyone else who didn't have it coming.

So far, so good.

>I don't know exactly what conditions you have, you mentioned you took Depakote, that's an anti-seizure drug also used for bipolar disorder.

>My condition's unipolar, I'm constantly fatigued and languid.

I go up and down. Few years ago, I woke up on March 13, didn't sleep until well after Easter. Don't remember most of it. Conversely, I'll have weeks or months where I can't keep myself awake for more than maybe three or four hours a day. Spend so much time laying down, my ribs'd ache.

Both ends of the spectrum suck, but variety's the spice of life, so I guess I come out ahead of you there.

Do your best to understand your own psychology, because you're gonna need to come at your own mind sideways as often as not. MBTI is a good jumping off point - if you're gonna type yourself, identify your fourth function first. Dunning-Kruger is a thing, but most men can figure out what they absolutely suck at, because no one cuts them any slack for that shit.

Once you've identified your weak point, your primary is the opposite function. Then it's procedural to slot in the other two.

That said, it's entry level shit. On top of that basic data processing is nature and nurture, and that gets a hell of lot more complex, fast. Fortunately, you only really need to understand yourself, because you're almost guaranteed to be the biggest obstacle you're gonna face.

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993634  No.16896152

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Quick, Jim is cleaning his pens again on-stream!

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6b7fcc  No.16896154


>How does it do this?

By having participants either buy overpriced Amway products or recruit other participants who buy Amway products. Also by having participants pay for seminars and shit like that. Here's a free ebook on MLMs I found that you might want to read:


On page 50 it mentions that in a 2007 court case it was disclosed that only 3.4% of Amway/Quiztar sales were to non-participants, the other 96.6% are all to people participating in the not-a-pyramid.


0.5% is from the chart under "Here is a summary of what I have discussed:", remember that the numbers in (brackets) are net losses not profit. Ultimately this is based on information they were legally required to disclose in their SA-4400.

>So, assuming the worst, you're 18 years old, and deciding that you want join Amway (As this is the MLM that you're using as a "failure rate", there's other MLMs aside from Amway), and you're in the bottom percentile of that statistic that your source is providing, you would be able to retire 20 years earlier than you normally would be able to at a regular job, with money still coming in all while requiring no additional effort of your part

That isn't how long it takes to make money without doing anything, it's how long it takes to start making money at all. That's not retirement, it's employment, the decades before that are a job interview that you pay for. Since at that point you've lost around $80,000 it takes even longer to break even - his model finds around 35 years before you've recouped your losses. After 50 years, with an estimated group size of 25,427 other suckers, he estimates you'll have made a cumulative profit of around $1,130,421 - $22,608 for each of the years you've worked, barely more than working minimum wage all that time. Assuming the government doesn't end up shutting them down at some point during that time, of course. Most people realize they're being scammed long before this and quit, but a tiny number are deep enough in sunk-cost fallacy to keep going.

>there's other MLMs aside from Amway

All I know is you said you were in a MLM and you mentioned Amway previously, I don't know which one. If you give me a name I'll try to investigate it myself. Please sit down and calculate your expenses vs income from it, including the product you've bought and transportation expenses and so on, chances are you're losing money. Especially if you also account for the time you've spent, valued at even minimum wage. And you're not going to start making a bunch of money in a few years, no matter what the others say. Any job you're going to spend years at you can spend some time investigating - read that ebook I linked above and look up accounts from ex-members of your MLM (keep in mind that if it's anything like Amway they probably publish a bunch of shill articles across the internet, look for the real people complaining). Try to look into it objectively, don't get invested in "winning" the argument and justifying the time and money you've already spent.

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8216b9  No.16896161

File: afb23c968a65ed5⋯.jpg (132.56 KB, 1600x916, 400:229, King_toast_dv9lity_.jpg)


Tanks. It doesn't look weird to me.

>>16896144 This is bringing back memories of both the backpack cuck and the dyke cuck.

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46d589  No.16896171

File: 2763c262fa7410a⋯.png (1.08 MB, 1472x828, 16:9, 71780327_p0.png)

Whats a good DNS? For speed/latency. I've only considered Cloudflare's so far.

I haven't been in these threads since forever. Just skimming over the images makes me feel these people are more detached from reality than I thought from before 8ch went down, even if I've been somewhat shut-in the past few months.

I still haven't gotten a job with all the free time. Been looking and saving a lot of hentai and thinking of making an encrypted volume for it.

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7ae85a  No.16896173

File: 97a7cae1ec74a50⋯.jpeg (76.74 KB, 792x754, 396:377, 1c1d008e99f4bc8d.jpeg)


So generally just continue with my life as normal, but cutting down on vidya, porn, junk food etc? Sounds easy enough because I don't crave those a whole lot, I'm generally just bored when I go for those kinds of things.

I don't know if I can try this right now, though. I have a lot of college work to get through that requires use of computer and need to stay in communication with a peer who is helping me + family who are worried during the pandemic. I feel I can definitely cut out unessecary computer usage but it just feels like I wouldn't be following that guide strictly enough. Perhaps after my projects are all completed and uploaded, or when I know I have a week where there's nothing due and no work needing to be done.

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36734c  No.16896176

File: b75b8bcdd653cad⋯.jpg (723.8 KB, 1000x1050, 20:21, 1585310284271.jpg)


>Probably. I'm sorry.

I'll choose not to believe you, not because I think you're wrong but because the thought of getting better is the only thing keeping me alive and seeking help at the moment.

>At this point, I've defined my victory conditions as not killing myself, and not killing anyone else who didn't have it coming

You're saying you got a kill count?


>Do your best to understand your own psychology

I've got a really hard time doing that, because I'm not really the sharpest tool in the shed, and my depression has rotted by brain for so long that I can't find anything that feels like it's mine.

It's like someone asking you what your blood type is as a skeleton.

>MBTI is a good jumping off point - if you're gonna type yourself, identify your fourth function first

I do those tests occasionally, my fourth function constantly jumps between J and P, pretty much all of them do except the first which is always 'I', I can't reply to the questions properly since they assume that I'm an actual human being, the only constant factor is that I'm alone and socially isolated, which nails me at 'I' every time.

>Once you've identified your weak point

That's my problem exactly, I can't find my weak points because everything is a weak point.

I just don't know at this point, I wanted to find a therapist to discuss my issues with before the plague hit, and I'm currently at a dead end until it blows over or I lose my flu.

Therapists seem less like quacks than psychologists since the former at least don't sell you any drugs, they just tell you things that can be bullshit or not, I'll just have to wait and see.

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993634  No.16896180

File: 8e4e12fcbe0ab1e⋯.jpg (209.27 KB, 1012x750, 506:375, sad_broken_loli.jpg)



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cbcbaa  No.16896203

File: 6446bb4c9589560⋯.jpg (2.26 MB, 2894x4093, 2894:4093, Erin_and_Viv_All_Smiles_Ro….jpg)


>I'll choose not to believe you, not because I think you're wrong but because the thought of getting better is the only thing keeping me alive and seeking help at the moment.

You do exactly that. Neither of us knows the future, and crazy shit can happen.

>You're saying you got a kill count?

Nah, and I don't want one, but I had a very violent childhood and I'm not going to put myself in a failstate just because some motherfuckers really need killing and I happened to be the dumbass in the spot at the time.

>because I'm not really the sharpest tool in the shed

You made it this far, anon, and that's a lot Goddamn further than quite a few people whose worst disadvantage is being unremarkable in Clown World. Don't sell yourself short.

>I do those tests occasionally

Ignore the tests, read the theory. I know it isn't easy. Nothing worth doing ever is. But on the other hand… hell else have you got to do that's more important than getting your own head on straight? Take breaks, play vidya, there's no rush. Don't try to cram it all in there, you'll retain more than you think. Just takes a while.

>Therapists seem less like quacks than psychologists since the former at least don't sell you any drugs, they just tell you things that can be bullshit or not, I'll just have to wait and see.

It's actually a weird opposite situation. Therapists and counsellors are the quacks (least required training) while psychologists require a PhD and psychiatrists require both a PhD and an MD (they're the ones that prescribe meds, without an MD the psychologist usually can only recommend a prescription to your general practicioner, family doctor, whatever).

But similar to what we see in vidyagames, the enthusiastic amateurs, in aggregate, put out way higher quality work than the accredited professionals, who got their creative reasoning ability ground out of them through seven to fourteen years of university, most of which became outdated before their training was even finished.

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26ce66  No.16896209


>I've only considered Cloudflare's

That one is shit and doesn't work for like half of websites, as I recall it broke archive.is. How have you used it beyond like a week?

Google's is decent and I use it more often than not.

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59a67e  No.16896212

oi, Groovy Guidos, its seems that The Micheal Rosen got the virus and was in intensive care

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46d589  No.16896213


I haven't changed from my ISP's provided servers.

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36734c  No.16896224

File: 5599e34f471fe8f⋯.png (12.33 KB, 222x193, 222:193, 1504306958478.png)


>Don't sell yourself short.

Low self-esteem and inferiority complexes are absolutely horrible, they're even worse when you don't have much to be proud of, so they keep feeding into each other.

>Ignore the tests, read the theory.

I think I mentioned with my initial blog post that I have extreme trouble with concentration, focus and memory retention, I don't have a diagnosis on that so I can't say if it's due to depression rotting my mind, or due to ADHD, it's just extremely difficult for me to read books, they make me extremely fatigued.

I'm still going to try finding something about cognitive functions and reading up on them as best as I can in my current state, that's the least I can do to stop being a confused recluse, and to not make your honest attempts at advice go to waste.

>Take breaks, play vidya, there's no rush

I have an extreme anxiety that the longer it takes for me to get into a better state, the less time I'll have to actually grow as a person before brain calcification due to age kicks in and I'm stuck with my current brain for the rest of my natural lifespan.

I also don't enjoy vidya anymore, my days pass with me sitting in front of my PC and clicking through tabs that I don't read, and daydreaming, I have no friends so I have nobody to talk to apart from anons on imageboards, and I lurk almost constantly, I'm going crazy from the silence.

I've got no choice now except waiting thanks to the Wu Flu, but once that's over I'll have nothing else on my mind, I have already spent 5 years suffering like this with no working attempts at getting better, I don't want to let it steal any more.

Before I go to bed I just want to say that I appreciate what you did today, writing up these long posts with descriptions of your own path and advice for me to think over while I work through my wrecked life, thank you.

Also sorry for derailing the #GG thread into a #QQ one, please don't hurt me Mark.

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d53f6b  No.16896227



<My preparation for this book includes (but is not limited to) the following:

<MBA with 2 years study in statistics, economics, accounting, and finance

And, as was already established, MBAs are a fucking joke: >>16894978

<Higher education is a joke regardless: http://archive.vn/nE8Zh

<Keep in mind that you have a good chunk of professors who are teaching THEORY, not real business experience: http://archive.vn/wip/nR10v

Also, reading his lengthy introduction on his history, he's never actually been involved with operating a business. Outside of his brief stint with one MLM (Before declaring war on the entire industry), the most business experience he has is using his fancy degree in business theory to work as a consultant and write books, which is the exact same criticism that you gave me earlier for using Carmody as a source: >>16895781

>On page 50 it mentions that in a 2007 court case it was disclosed that only 3.4% of Amway/Quiztar sales were to non-participants, the other 96.6% are all to people participating in the not-a-pyramid.

Mind actually finding me a copy of this "Notice of Errata re exhibits E, F and G to Affidavit of Billy Florence submitted with complaint, US Dist. Ct., Central District of Calif., Western Div., Case No. CV 07-05194), § 97) p. 13" because search results are just bringing up chunks of this book that you just linked.

>you mentioned Amway previously

That's because they're the one's who won the legal case that MLM's are a legitimate business.

>Please sit down and calculate your expenses vs income from it, including the product you've bought and transportation expenses and so on, chances are you're losing money.

Okay, let's take a look at my most recent order. One of the thing I am ordering is echinacea (Because I need to order echinacea). The price I am paying is $30 for a bottle of 120 tablets that you take (At most) three times a day (With the notice that you should do this for no more than two consecutive weeks, so probably two a day would be a better amount). Looking at Walmart, their cheapest echinacea is, normally $6, currently $4 for a bottle with 100 capsules that you need to take seven times a day. Now, let's run the math. With the echinacea coming from my MLM, that means that if I follow the max instructions (3 for two weeks, 2 until the bottle is empty), that bottle is going to last me 53 days. Looking at the bottle from Walmart, 7 pills a day (With no other instructions), that bottle is going to last me 14 days. And, in order for it to reach the amount that my MLM's echinecea reaches, I need to buy 4 bottles which is going to cost me $24 regular, $16 at it's current sale price. So, at first glance, I'm getting "ripped off" $14, until you look at the bottle coming from Walmart and see that the product doesn't have any evaluations from ANY sort of drug administration, meanwhile the one from my MLM is evaluated and approved; and there's also the fact that I get part of the money coming back since I AM the store and the MLM acts as nothing more than the distributor of goods. And, then I proceed to buy everything that I can through my MLM rather than buy it from the local Wallyworld. Now, you also said to account for shipping. Ordering just the bottle of ecchinecea from my store is going to cost me $7, which brings the total order up to $37. Looking at Walmart, their shipping cost is $6; which means I am spending a $40 total ($48 regular) if I make four separate orders for when the bottle is getting empty, $22 total ($30 regular) if I buy all four in one single order, or just go for the free shipping and order nine bottles at $36 (Six bottles at regular price). But, then again, Walmart is a retail store, so you could go there and buy the echinacea directly, but then that also brings up the variables of gas and time spent actually going to pick up the darn thing, and I don't want to go through the hassle of calculating that math.

So, long story short, I'm spending money that I would have spent anyway, and having it go to my store rather than someone else's. Where exactly am I losing money? But, then again, that's just an anecdote based on the MLM I'm involved with and the goods they provide. You have other MLMs that deal with products and services from insurance to telephone cards (Remember those?), so I cannot attest as to how people have become successful with those businesses.

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6b7fcc  No.16896232


Cloudflare DNS and archive.is don't work together. Your own ISP will often be the fastest for you, so it might be the best assuming it doesn't fuck with DNS results by redirecting non-existent results to ads or similar bullshit. You can test what DNS is fastest for you using this tool, it'll test a bunch of preloaded DNS servers, the DNS server you're using now, and whichever ones you put in manually:


Some possibilities I know of include (Google's DNS), OpenDNS (which doesn't do redirection on nonexistent URLs anymore, blocks malware/phishing by default), Freenom World (focus on privacy), (Global Cyber Alliance and IBM partnership, blocks malware/phishing domains), and (same people but doesn't block anything). Keep in mind DNS is rarely a significant contributor of how fast a page loads, anything site you've visited is the past day is cached.

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825e1d  No.16896240

File: 56b7bb003b75cf8⋯.jpg (87.5 KB, 764x602, 382:301, _.jpg)


> I have no friends so I have nobody to talk to apart from anons on imageboards

kind of the same, old style namefag boards are dead, as are irc and usenet because of zuckbook and twitter

here's about the only place I can get some sensible talk; I mean for as much as we all shit on each other, there's a lot of good lads here, including you, so godspeed anon

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d53f6b  No.16896254


>I think I mentioned with my initial blog post that I have extreme trouble with concentration, focus and memory retention, I don't have a diagnosis on that so I can't say if it's due to depression rotting my mind, or due to ADHD, it's just extremely difficult for me to read books, they make me extremely fatigued.

Not the other Anon you're talking to, but I remember hearing that the best way to keep yourself accountable is to make something like a score card and set up reminders. Also, there was something else someone mentioned about how you need to also put yourself in a position where your habit becomes natural (Like make a habit of getting out a drawing pad if you want to draw or just go to the gym if you want to exercise; you don't immediately plunge yourself into doing the activities of drawing or exercising, you just make it a habit to be "in the place" first and then the next step to getting something going comes easier).

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6b7fcc  No.16896341


>Mind finding me a copy of this

Apparently it's based on an internal 2006 Quixtar/Amway report, which was submitted as Exhibit 7 as part of Orrin Woodward et al v. Quixtar, Inc. Here is the complaint submitted as part of the lawsuit:


>The vast majority of "sales" by Quixtar are actually to the distributors themselves. [Ex. 7, Marks Aff. 27-28.] In fact, a 2006 report prepared by Quixtar states that only 3.4% of its total volume comes from those who did not participate in Quixtar's compensation plan.

Here's the case but it won't let me access the actual documents without a PACER login that I don't have because I'm not a lawyer:


Apparently Quixtar sued them back and one of the things they sued for was a restraining order about releasing "confidential information", so I wonder if they got the 2006 report sealed from the case and it's not publicly available. It might be attached and just require the PACER login though, the only reason I had access to the complaint itself is because I found the PDF uploaded elsewhere. It might also be quoted more extensively in some of the other documents.

>Okay let's take a look at my most recent order.

If you're only buying things you would have bought otherwise then generally you'll just be somewhat overpaying. Of course it's not really a business at that point, just a membership at a pricey store. However generally MLMs are designed to push you to buy a minimum amount of product or recruit others (and recruitment can do all sorts of damage to your personal relationships), with the promise this will get you ahead as a "business" - are you sure you're not buying things you otherwise wouldn't have bought? How much are you spending on their products per month? You mentioned soap earlier, is there a reason their soap supposedly justifies a high price too?

>I get part of the money coming back since I AM the store and the MLM acts as nothing more than the distributor of goods

How much money do you get back, exactly? How does it compare to the price difference of just buying soap from a store?

>until you look at the bottle coming from Walmart and see that the product doesn't have any evaluations from ANY sort of drug administration, meanwhile the one from my MLM is evaluated and approved

This is mostly besides the point but echinacea isn't approved by the FDA to treat anything, it's just supplements don't require approval for anything besides safety to be sold. There's some mild evidence that it increases immune response and thus might slightly help against some diseases, though conversely this means it might slightly hurt in some situations for diseases that cause problems via your immune system or if it causes any side-effects. Anyway I'm skeptical that the evaluation you're talking about extends beyond the basic safety and purity standards the FDA enforces.

>seven times a day

There's not really consistent dosing standards for echinacea anyway so this doesn't mean much, you could just look for supplements that have the same number of mgs per pill as the MLM one.

Anyway, if you're not spending a significant amount of money on it, wasting time on it, or alienating your friends and family by trying to recruit them, that's a relief at least. It's probably still a waste of money though. Is there any particular reason you don't want to just name the specific MLM? Some MLMs are less exploitative than others, I could look into what people say about yours. Right now I'm going to sleep but I can do so tomorrow.

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57c52a  No.16896355

File: a2dd66393beb4d3⋯.jpg (113.91 KB, 839x1191, 839:1191, Erin_accidentally_her_hip.jpg)



You can get two ounces of the root on Amazon for $16, suspend a pinch in a bottle of the cheapest, strongest vodka you can find (probably about $50), take one drop per day.

$66, will last you well over a year.

The shit you're selling, for a one year supply, would run you… ~50 days a batch, seven batches in a year, $30 a batch, 30x7, $210.

You'd be spending only a third what you are now.

amazon dot com/Organic-Bio-Herbs-Organic-Echinacea-Purpurea/dp/B07JPJTS57

You could invest a further $62 for a dozen 2oz eyedropper bottles and a second bottle of wodka (assuming that the wodka was $50)

amazon dot com/Amber-Glass-Bottles-Eye-Droppers/dp/B00V73OA6O

Then sell the bottles to friends, family, and coworkers at $10 a pop - a fucking steal compared to the shit you're peddling now - and you'd have laid out $128, pulled in $120, have about 1.8 oz of echinacea root left, your own bottle of echinacea extract (presumably about 25 fl oz/750 ml). I other words, it'd cost you ~$8 and a month of keeping the booze in a dark cupboard for the extraction to… extract.

You'd have a year's supply of echinacea extract for yourself and enough root left to easily make another dozen batches, and your total target market is just a dozen people.

>but it's inappropriate to try and sell people my handmade hippy potions!

Nigger, if you think it's appropriate to try and sell me fuckin' Amway…

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d53f6b  No.16896358


>Is there any particular reason you don't want to just name the specific MLM?

Attempting (Although probably failing) to be non-biased on the subject, and because I've only been expose to a handful of other MLMs myself. Aside from the one I'm currently in, another two I turned down with them being very respectful of my decision, another I've only seen in passing and heard as an example of one of the "legacy businesses" with no real drawbacks aside from their lack of a process, another one I went in as a legit job interview and almost had tell them to "Fuck off" when they went "But you'll earn the real money with us rather than that rinky-dink one you're currently in" (Which saddened one of my folks because that was another legacy one that used to have a good rep), and the most recent one had some guys trying to recruit me at a mall booth and required me to keep repeating that I was not interested.

> Some MLMs are less exploitative than others, I could look into what people say about yours.

You can tell how "exploitative" the MLM is by their approach in recruiting people. If they're upfront about who they're working for, emphasizing that you are operating your own business, and/or don't attempt to hide that it will require real work over and will take some years to make, there's a very low possibility that you're going to get screwed. However, if you encounter idiots that talk about how easy it is to recruit, how their products turn "babies into adults" (As one person put it), and/or try to jazz with with a "Look at the easy moneys you could make", then run for the hills as those people are either brainwashed or eventual burnouts.

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d53f6b  No.16896368


I should mention that the second reply in this post is what you should look for if you do have any interest in wanting to join an MLM. If you don't, then just make it clear to the guy that you're not interested and move on. If they know what's good for them, they won't press it further. So, want to move away from talking about MLMs and onto something productive?

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333325  No.16896380

File: 995b1a141be3905⋯.png (295.08 KB, 550x886, 275:443, Brianna_Wu_1.png)

File: 98aa606998a5b03⋯.mp4 (4.59 MB, 720x720, 1:1, Brianna_Wu_2.mp4)


Kind of old but did this thread ever post? Don't remember seeing it.

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993634  No.16896393

File: 95dc679039314b8⋯.png (531.15 KB, 324x558, 18:31, _The_tranny_stares_in_your….png)


I unironically forgot that Wu even existed.

Also, I found out by (((pure coincidence))) Wu recently defending mediocre Star Wars and Marvel alleged writer Chuck Windig's whining about the Internet Archive sharing his books as part of "e-books for the disabled" library-program as "piracy". His books were downloaded a whole 12 times during during this campaign.

No one has time for Wu's winging tranny bullshit anymore.

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36f261  No.16896508

File: 2173bc15b38de1b⋯.png (957.4 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 1578519178541_0.png)

File: ff40b9e02b963d2⋯.png (559.83 KB, 707x1000, 707:1000, 1573921774024.png)



>I also don't enjoy vidya anymore, my days pass with me sitting in front of my PC and clicking through tabs that I don't read, and daydreaming

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ac38a6  No.16896510



The more you draw them, the bigger you draw their tits. I don't mind at all, but at this point, I expect pregnant art.

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1ce138  No.16896556

File: e8e7002fcf6d1b5⋯.jpg (983.63 KB, 1447x2047, 1447:2047, illust_80476338_20200331_0….jpg)

Don't forget your rabbits tomorrow!

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d53f6b  No.16896562

File: 35840075baa545e⋯.jpeg (430.91 KB, 1003x1395, 1003:1395, F8500C1D_71CE_4768_9278_E….jpeg)


Trying to redownload my game collection just reminded me that this game existed.

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a4fdfb  No.16896564


and remember, saying the rabbits on april 1 only works if you yell 'april fools' right after.

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b50ebe  No.16896566

Well, I can't wait for my country to not only be erradicated by Corona Chan, but also have the commies push for more power to them and the fucking economical crisis that is going to send us to civil war life conditions.

**I'm getting fucking infurated how people just think this virus came out of nowhere and that our government wasn't responsible of this fucking epidemy.

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b50ebe  No.16896568


And messed out the spoiler because of anger. Just bully me and end my suffering.

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606323  No.16896569


Spain Anon?

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b50ebe  No.16896570


yeah, at least one of the few.

Everything is horrible and I'm starting to realiza how Gookanon feels except for wearing a dress.

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6b7fcc  No.16896580


>You can tell how "exploitative" the MLM is by their approach in recruiting people. If they're upfront about who they're working for, emphasizing that you are operating your own business, and/or don't attempt to hide that it will require real work over and will take some years to make, there's a very low possibility that you're going to get screwed.

What determines the level of financial exploitation is how the math works out. "Get rich quick" vs. "you'll have to put in years to build your business" is just a difference in marketing, appealing to different kinds of people. Since participants aren't actually going to end up making a profit, "take years to make" has the advantage of making it easier to string along participants for years before they wise up and cut their losses. This is independent of the math, which rests on factors like whether you're pushed to buy product for yourself and how much, whether you're supposed to hold a certain amount of product, whether you're supposed to buy marketing material/seminars/etc., how much you're pushed to recruit others, how overpriced the product is, how much of a profit distributors keep, and how much of the product is sold to participants vs. normal customers. If the product is worth the price then why do they end up selling so much of it to participants? In addition to financial exploitation there is also often a level of social exploitation, with some MLMs incorporating cult-like elements, getting people to try to recruit from people they have personal relationships with, using various psychological techniques to convince people that they just need need to buy more product/marketing materials or spend more time and they'll finally make it, trying to make sure people don't listen to any outside critics, etc.

>Attempting (Although probably failing) to be non-biased on the subject, and because I've only been expose to a handful of other MLMs myself.

But I'm not having this conversation because I want to win an abstract argument. I'm having it because I don't want you personally wasting more money or time or otherwise getting hurt. I don't want it to take another 4 years before you realize you've been wasting your time on this instead of on achieving real goals. Even if right now it's just a matter of occasionally buying overpriced products, I don't want you getting drawn deeper in and wasting a bunch more money/time later on. You're a fellow anon from the GG thread, based on an image you posted you're probably the anon who mentioned Citrus a while back which got me reading more manga again, I'd like if I could at least persuade you to do more research into criticism of your MLM or convince you to more closely track all MLM-related expenses. It's not really to convince anyone else, you're probably the only anon in this thread that doesn't already think MLMs are bullshit. So I was hoping that if you gave me the name I'd be able to research that MLM specifically and find relevant information for you.

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d53f6b  No.16896624

File: 02b79c610a42f47⋯.webm (835.54 KB, 722x480, 361:240, _but_muh_wage_gap_.webm)


>So I was hoping that if you gave me the name I'd be able to research that MLM specifically and find relevant information for you.

Okay, you help with research for two things: First, can you find anything about the background of the "FTC Franchise Rule" enacted in 1979? All internet searches are bringing up zip, and the only "outside" information I can find about it is that there was a big media campaign against the business model back in the 50's and 60's (With every franchise that "failed" heralded as "the crime of the century") to the point it was one vote away from being declared illegal (Apparently), which is one of the big points in the book that I brought up earlier (One of the guy's biggest defenses for "Why you haven't been told the truth about MLM"). Now, keep in mind, franchises now account for half of the sales of products in the U.S.: http://archive.vn/nCIe4

And infamously known for having a "low failure rate" (After you pay an arm and a leg to get in, and forced to go to Hamburger University): http://archive.vn/aPOvu

Now, given the fact that franchises are such a powerful arm, with an "unrealistically high" success rate, and became important enough to have the FTC breath down their neck (And still are and still are 40 years running), you'd expect there to be widespread information about the history of franchising and all the "legal trouble" it went through. But, there isn't. This is the closest there is: http://archive.vn/2SclJ

Now, either Burke is lying out his ass about the history of franchising, which causes half the foundation of his book to cave in on itself (Which could be possible as scanning through the "brief collection" of L.A. Times front pages from 1950-1970 don't make any mention of franchising; with most of it being on the USSR, political campaigns, space, and the Middle East), or the media has been trying to blot out that bit of history because franchises are now considered an "acceptable" business practice.

Second, how can you expect to find "relevant information", when it is illegal to mention the real figures: http://archive.vn/kY7tj

>In addition, these five states prohibit companies from representing that distributors have or will earn stated dollar amounts.

Tell me, do laws like this exist for ANY other industry, where you cannot sit down and lay out exactly how much money will be earned and all that "can" be given out are estimates and averages (Like making claims about how the "average" woman makes less money than the "average" man), with all the "real numbers" coming in are just from people who have a bone to pick (Like asking a Kike for an honest opinion of Hitler and Germany)?

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59b464  No.16896679


>Don't you fucking lie to me.

Does thinking about doing them count?

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59b464  No.16896703


Can I think about doing them?

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d53f6b  No.16896709


Should we also adopt the designated shitting circles?

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59b464  No.16896723


>sake a shit

Done. I wouldn't want to see a shit get drunk on sake.

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606323  No.16896726

File: 433ddb202b74f51⋯.jpg (143.83 KB, 1072x1310, 536:655, ECN_BotUcAA4Y4R.jpg)


At this point I'm just going to sit back and enjoy how Corona chan emptied more clowns into this cirrus of a world.

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2babb9  No.16896727


Only managed 10. I'm not very in shape.

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0c57d7  No.16896735

File: 105b7c475322300⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 2.25 MB, 1712x3126, 856:1563, DanSleepWear.png)

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0d0f84  No.16896750

File: 9ff1bce98588a15⋯.png (690.87 KB, 1492x591, 1492:591, jahypraise.png)


Does Ring Fit Adventure count?

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606323  No.16896755

Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Ring Fit

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6b7fcc  No.16896773


>Second, how can you expect to find "relevant information", when it is illegal to mention the real figures

This seems to be a misrepresentation by the author of MLMLegal, who seems to be a lawyer who primarily defends MLM businesses. If you go to one of his pages regarding specific States, specifically Georgia, he quotes a law that at first glance seemed to back up his claim:


>(5) Represent, directly or by implication, that participants in a multilevel marketing program will earn or receive any stated gross or net amount or represent in any manner the past earnings of participants except as may be permitted under this part; provided, however, that a written or verbal description of the manner in which the marketing plan operates shall not, standing alone, constitute a representation of earnings, past or future. Multilevel distribution companies shall not represent, directly or by implication, that it is relatively easy to secure or retain additional distributors or sales personnel or that most participants will succeed.

But wait, what does "except as may be permitted under this part" mean? That's the language that laws normally use to dictate HOW you have to do something, not that you can't do it at all. But the quoted law on MLMLegal ends there without telling how it "may be permitted under this part", as if it's prohibiting it entirely. I was confused until I looked up the actual law on another site and found that the actual text of the law keeps going:


It's too long to quote so go there and read the whole thing, but essentially it requires that they provide a disclosure document that includes certain information. This is the most relevant part:

>(10) If the seller or company makes any statement concerning sales or earnings or range of sales or earnings that may be made through this business opportunity, the following disclosures:

>(A) The total number of purchasers of business opportunities involving the product, equipment, supplies, or services being offered who, to the company's knowledge, have actually received earnings in the amount or range specified within three years prior to the date of the disclosure statement; and

>(B) The total number of purchasers of business opportunities involving the product, equipment, supplies, or services being offered within three years prior to the date of the disclosure statement;

So it's not saying they can't tell you information. It's saying that IF they say you'll make any particular amount of money they ALSO have to provide a disclosure document telling you how many people in the past 3 years have actually earned that amount compared to the total number of people who have tried.

Of course this is a lot more loose than the disclosure requirements for franchises, under laws like the FTC's Franchise Rule you mentioned and the disclosure documents it requires:


Despite sometimes comparing themselves to franchises MLM schemes are not legally franchises and don't want to be considered franchises, because if they did they would have to comply with the requirements of actual franchise businesses. MLMs also successfully avoided being covered by the FTCs Business Opportunity Rule, leaving only state-level laws like the one above and some loose FTC regulations:


I don't know much about the history of franchises and I haven't read the book you're referring to so I don't know how much it exaggerates or distorts things. It seems plausible that there used to be more franchise fraud until they cracked down. This page talks about the history of franchise law some:


I don't see how that history has that much relevance to whether it's a good idea to participate in a MLM though. Fundamentally whether something is illegal and whether it's a good idea are very different questions.

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993634  No.16896794

Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The feminists in their hubris have likewise doomed you. It's fenceshitter tim, but he's right.

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b50ebe  No.16896796


And like always, he is two weeks late.

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71f547  No.16896798


>Reverse bunny suit

Is this a new trend that the japs made? I'm seeing them a lot in artist drawing Fate/GO characters with the suit?

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46d589  No.16896801


I tried it out. ISP was fastest for cached and average for the rest. Meaning nothing. I must be under the false impression that it helps routing efficient paths. Thanks anyways.


>Is this a new trend that the japs made?

I've seen it a ton on my pixiv feed. So yes.

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278b80  No.16896807

File: 580ef9e97af3422⋯.png (129.36 KB, 554x439, 554:439, 288_6SlYe4r.png)


Soon, I've somehow feel the urge to draw the copulation process before draw any of them preggo.


Old forgotten design suddenly got popular when the nips drew it on Gacha(Fate/Boatslut) games characters.

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993634  No.16896817

File: c7d11090153b4e1⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 60.45 KB, 500x625, 4:5, LEWD_hand_holding.jpg)


Start with lewd handholding.

Unrelated, but some things make you go "Hmmmmm…" https://archive.fo/YWBJ0 Suspected SARS Virus And Flu Samples Found In Chinese Scientists’ Luggage Arriving In The U.S

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b50ebe  No.16896824


Just to expose the fucking incompetence of our commie government. But of course nobody watches spanish youtubers talking about this shit.

Fuck, some people has been arrested for threatening government officials on facebook or whatever. Right now the country is split between governmentally agreeing cucks and people hungry for another 23F.

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b50ebe  No.16896827



Shit, I hate to doublepost but just to see how shitty this is the left kept retweeting some supposely researcher profile writing how nobody could have predicted it and all that shit, and that person is just a sockpuppet of the government and doesn't even exist, literally. Name is fake and the profile image is some AI generated face you coupd get from google search.

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5e4c7c  No.16896842

Did you know it's #TransVisiblityDay /v/?

If I had a sockpuppet account, I'd be reminding them to stay indoors

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5e4c7c  No.16896847


>Chink bioterror

Why can't this fucking society just end already? I just wanted to grow up and be happy and play videogames, I'm tired of everything. Not blackpilling, but where is the breaking point where the reset button is pressed?

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920a92  No.16896848


Is there an article or some news source for this? I have no problem convincing people the CCP is evil, but showing them that the average Chinese person isn't trustworthy is much harder.

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993634  No.16896855

File: b0c000109e40a6f⋯.jpg (123.51 KB, 869x1115, 869:1115, god_cleans_trannys.jpg)



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aa267e  No.16896860


Why not both?

Instant loss 2koma.

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b50ebe  No.16896862


That evilness in her voice. Maybe the nazis were wrong and the ones who are actually a menace to the world are the chinese instead of the jews.

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6b7fcc  No.16896865


>average Chinese person

You're never going to show that with a video of a single person, anon. You can prove anything by generalizing from one person.

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920a92  No.16896870


Between this, one video of a Chinese person wiping surgical masks with their feet, and one in Australia of one going to Costco twice for all the TP, I don't know, I feel like trusting the average Chinese person isn't worth it in the end.

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5e4c7c  No.16896893

File: 0ec9b98ea068a50⋯.png (193.18 KB, 680x380, 34:19, sylveon_s_bad_day.png)

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df91a2  No.16896912


Does doing dips in my steel chair count?

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d53f6b  No.16896927

File: 35a9264322562a3⋯.jpg (74.55 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, 4691148_Ronald_Reagan_Quot….jpg)

File: 35a9264322562a3⋯.jpg (74.55 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, 4691148_Ronald_Reagan_Quot….jpg)


>So it's not saying they can't tell you information. It's saying that IF they say you'll make any particular amount of money they ALSO have to provide a disclosure document telling you how many people in the past 3 years have actually earned that amount compared to the total number of people who have tried.

So, that brings it back up the points brought up here: >>16895600

And, here: >>16895657

Also, looking into the other four, they all have similar wording except for Wyoming: http://archive.vn/JU1YM

<Multilevel distribution companies shall not represent directly or by implication that participants in a multilevel marketing program will earn or receive any stated gross or net amount, or represent in any manner the past earnings of participants. A written or verbal description of the manner in which the marketing plan operates shall not, standing alone, constitute a representation of earnings, past or future. Multilevel distribution companies shall not represent directly or by implication, that it is relatively easy to secure or retain additional distributors or sales personnel or that all or substantially all participants will succeed.

>It seems plausible that there used to be more franchise fraud until they cracked down. This page talks about the history of franchise law some:


That's the exact same source I provided earlier. And, like I said, I cannot find one single explanation as to how or WHY those laws were enacted in the first place. That source just gives such a general overview that I'd probably find a more detailed history how franchising rose and came under government regulation if I read Ray Kroc's book. Everything else just goes along the lines of "That's the law" and leaves it at that. There isn't any mention on how the companies operated previously, there's no mention of how their structure changed after the law, there's zilch explaining why these laws even needed to exist (Which send up a whole bunch of red flags). And, I'm not denying the fact that there probably was some companies who did scam people, but why is it that there's zero information about evn those "atrocities" that would justify the existence of said laws. The closest thing that even exists (Aside from the summary) is a paragraph in a House opening statement from 2002 that basically goes, "Wew, good thing we hammered down in all those pesky franchises before things became terrible. Isn't the American government so great?": http://archive.vn/Lx4KN

>Fundamentally whether something is illegal and whether it's a good idea are very different questions.

Not if you're losing money. If a business model is stealing your customers: http://archive.vn/ASgvH

And proving to be a lot more profitable than was previously possible: http://archive.vn/wPKIH#selection-1391.1-1487.347

You can bet your ass the people will be trying to make anything close to a "good idea" become illegal to prevent them from competing (After all, people here are no strangers to the public completely trying to misrepresent something in order to sell a narrative):

<Multi-level marketing schemes are scams. Here's how to avoid them.


<Be careful. That multilevel marketing side hustle could be an illegal pyramid scheme.


<MLMs Are A Nightmare For Women And Everyone They Know


<How 'MLM' schemes sell a dream life but can create a financial nightmare


<How MLMs Sell the American Dream and Steal Your Money


I have to admit, I really like the titles of the last two articles because of how they detail that there's a business model trying to get people to dream of something better, and they're saying that it's a BAD thing.

But, then again, the media attacking anything isn't a sure sign that you should root for the other guy. But, who knows, perhaps the FTC will answer the question and go to battle against MLMs the moment the virus clears up: http://archive.vn/G4Er9

And, now I know why there was several company wide emails tell people not to spout that stupid shit.

Because of how a lot of "traditional industries" were completely uprooted in how to operate and they need to make up for lost money: http://archive.vn/Qxkvf

If anything, it will answer the question of if they're "seeing" a need to institute more regulations or not.

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71f547  No.16896929

File: 0d301a6b846d894⋯.mp4 (3.4 MB, 854x480, 427:240, Tim_pool_hat_is_removed.mp4)


>nook and tranny

Was that a typo?


>Tim Pool

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d53f6b  No.16896937


>Also why always this fag?

It's possible that it's Pool or one of his fans who wants to give the guy exposure (Despite being a "big" e-celeb). Personally, I'm just tired of Anons posting news videos where it's just one of the fags reading an article instead of actually linking the damn thing for everyone else to read.


Going by the history of China, it seems like the Chinese just "accepts" everyone into their club (Including invading foreign powers) and make those people a part of "China's rich history of culture".

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b50ebe  No.16896973

It seems like Fakku is doing in my country like pornhub did in Italy and I believe in my country too.

Is Fakku safe?

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f35a3f  No.16896979

File: fa23b82967dd02c⋯.png (234.84 KB, 480x360, 4:3, Look_at_this_fag.png)


>Fakku safe

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b50ebe  No.16896987


I guess not.

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993634  No.16896995

File: 680c97f81731662⋯.png (267.46 KB, 1152x1536, 3:4, fakku.png)

File: 10931e2bdbcdf9b⋯.png (288.46 KB, 453x487, 453:487, fakkubook.png)


Tim pool's superpower is that he looks huwhite with the beanie on and gook with the beanie off.



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606323  No.16896998

File: 787c47f3323374e⋯.jpg (42.45 KB, 402x548, 201:274, nigga_are_you_for_real.jpg)

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b50ebe  No.16897004


Who would link their facebook account with a porn page anyway?


I knows the business practices are shit, but it was more like asking if they were a page full of malware ads like most porn pages.

To be honest I even forgot about it until a brother of mine sent me a ling for stay at home fakky page like if he was doing me a favor or something.

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993634  No.16897012


>I don't read my own posts

That's understandable.

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d53f6b  No.16897016

File: d3df6f9e692fdb7⋯.mp4 (740.77 KB, 326x326, 1:1, mildy_perturbed_sponge.mp4)


>Such as pic related, whose mom can see every single one of those posts.

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606323  No.16897018

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b50ebe  No.16897022


Yeah, an even more suspicious link. Thanks.

I regret asking anything.

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50b34a  No.16897024

File: 6d319d83cf9ea9c⋯.png (343.73 KB, 595x387, 595:387, when_13_percent_meets_41_p….PNG)

ayo we be dilatin n shiet nigga

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a13c43  No.16897025


>Who would link their facebook account with a porn page anyway?

I hate Jewcob as much as the next guy with any knowledge of the history of hentai on the internet, but that particular instance with "Facebook integration" was an april's fools thing.

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606323  No.16897027


It's a link to all the fakku shit via Torrents.

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3780b8  No.16897036


How much porn does the average person need? I have distinct tastes and can survive off a couple dozen new releases for a year since there's always older stuff to read. Seems like a waste of hard drive space to have doujins that don't cater to your needs. Example, I don't think most people get off on being NTR'd.

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993634  No.16897038


That IT. It's torrent magnet links to all that Fakku has.

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a13c43  No.16897042



>suspicious link

Why do you insist on revealing how you're a newfag and don't belong here? What's next, are you going to complain about a sad panda image?

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993634  No.16897052


>How much porn does the average person need?

There's something called "Sturgeon's Law" which states "90% of everything is crud" as 90% of all media, including porn, it probably not to your particular taste, but the remaining 10% will be. The problem is: finding that 10% without searchable tags.


While pantsu is the better option; it doesn't have everything due to cartel fuckery

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b50ebe  No.16897053


I just ignorant. I didn't go to any other page but image boards for the last 8 years. But it is true I should have keep to myself my own ignorance.

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606323  No.16897059

File: 3a68a8fcf801754⋯.jpg (6.59 KB, 223x226, 223:226, Almost_unpleasant.jpg)



Anon what the hell is this?


I only linked it because it has all the fakku shit and because it regularly updates.

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993634  No.16897070


>what the hell is this?

Trannyfarms-/cow/ trannies getting triggered by "muh skeptics"/"muh ecelebs" Read: Something Awful goons

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606323  No.16897075


> Kraut related shit.

I do remember that shit because it was such a shitshow that even normalfags were talking about it.

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d53f6b  No.16897076


>It's something that came about from the IBS threads

I almost forgot about that, and still remain confused as to how that became a thing in the first place. Are they still carrying it on?

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b50ebe  No.16897079


I guess I said something I shouldn't have say.

Let's stop the e-drama talk.

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6f1b78  No.16897094

File: d0bfc891ca9c9be⋯.webm (979.44 KB, 640x360, 16:9, inkling_orgasm.webm)


you fucking better draw preggo Freya if you know whats good for you.

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57c52a  No.16897098

File: 7919174433657ed⋯.png (47.02 KB, 950x573, 950:573, _Grorious_China_produces_e….png)

File: b6b5c392247c5d2⋯.jpg (882.34 KB, 1425x4413, 475:1471, Indonesia_vs_China.jpg)

File: a3b954ec63c47ef⋯.jpg (68.32 KB, 1099x472, 1099:472, NEVER_TRUST_CHINA.jpg)

File: 847f2ed4d240d13⋯.jpg (1.2 MB, 1325x5901, 1325:5901, DO_NOT_LEARN_CHINESE.jpg)

File: 554893917da34d5⋯.jpg (52.03 KB, 599x800, 599:800, the_chink_in_my_armour.jpg)


>But of course nobody watches spanish youtubers talking about this shit.

I don't speak mexican.


Download and share the NTR, bigot.


>There's something called "Sturgeon's Law" which states "90% of everything is crud" as 90% of all media, including porn, it probably not to your particular taste, but the remaining 10% will be.

That's Sturgeon's revelation.

Sturgeon's law states "nothing is always absolutely so".

Sturgeon's revelation is also recursive; once you've weeded out the 90% that's crap, you'll find nine-tenths of the 10% you have left is crap, too. Refine that, and you'll note that you still have 90% crap, on down until your pool is too small to work with.



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6f1b78  No.16897149


3D? i need none.

2D? i literally require every piece of porn in existence

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606323  No.16897161

File: af79840c04e1607⋯.png (246.11 KB, 501x291, 167:97, nigga_you_got_autism.png)


I mean thanks for the story but good lord is this autism.

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a85fc7  No.16897164

File: 2f03b57350b46ab⋯.png (605.66 KB, 885x501, 295:167, what2.png)


What the fuck is that?

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73ad9a  No.16897255

I see that we have the hardcore captcha back on. What happened?

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b3bdd5  No.16897275

Apparently today is Tranny Day?

Shouldn't it be tomorrow, for 4-1?

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410e09  No.16897285


it's cuz of far east fags

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5e4c7c  No.16897287


Tranny visibility day was March 31. Which means you should be on Twitter reminding them to stay indoors.

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993634  No.16897294

File: 09495f9825177d1⋯.jpg (40.24 KB, 654x671, 654:671, phase_of_trans.jpg)


We're celebrating it by talking about the trannyfarms.

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333325  No.16897331

File: 2b8933e8c0cf316⋯.png (414.63 KB, 593x835, 593:835, Vox_1.png)

File: f6a740cb25c695a⋯.png (45.25 KB, 609x404, 609:404, Vox_2.png)



Few days old but I find it amusing that Vox had to come out and delete this tweet, likely after it got showcased on Tucker. Isn't it great how modern journalism can just hide their tracks and pretend they did nothing wrong?

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46d589  No.16897342


At the time they were simply saying the opposite of what Trump was doing, which was banning Chinese travel. How many said "the flu is more deadly" and are now blaming him for downplaying it or responding to late?

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a4fdfb  No.16897343


It should be illegal for 'journalist' organisations to delete their failures. They need to be held accountable. Their harmful propaganda needs to be remembered forever.

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3ead4a  No.16897344

File: 10fbc703981ffe1⋯.png (348.05 KB, 1630x873, 1630:873, fbb399c1228eaf835eaa4881a7….png)

rabbit rabbit rabbit

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a85fc7  No.16897364

File: 2a2acd82dc4d914⋯.png (228.47 KB, 411x379, 411:379, Really.png)


They should be forced to keep the article up so everyone can see what type of journalist they are

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acba9d  No.16897395


alright, I said it you rabbit fuck, now hand the luck over.

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e5b0ed  No.16897429

File: 019d4cf3ae15ae9⋯.mp4 (5.58 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Assange_journalism.mp4)


They are just going to cry about the free press being endangered like they always do, claiming it is compelled speech while acting like self-censorship is magically different because it's a private company doing it and not the government.

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1ffcc6  No.16897432

File: e2ac6dbf3b0f19f⋯.png (261.83 KB, 800x600, 4:3, tewi_rabbitrabbit2.png)



Good luck anons!

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ac38a6  No.16897434


Please do.

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a4fdfb  No.16897436


No one compelled them to say it, the fact that they did say it is historical record. They're trying to re-write history by deleting their own fakery.

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e5b0ed  No.16897454

File: a1277feef989be9⋯.png (250.08 KB, 796x688, 199:172, Washington_Post_says_the_e….png)


Well they also re-write history by editing articles with footnotes to protect themselves from libel charges when knowingly putting out false information. Because, you know, everyone reads their articles five months late and reads it to the very end to see the footnote that says "lol it was 100% fake" that exists only so they wouldn't get sued.

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24ce85  No.16897559

File: e2651713ba5191d⋯.jpg (901.8 KB, 2220x1080, 37:18, disgusted_dino.jpg)

<Polygon, Laura Dale: Atlus tried, and failed, to fix Persona 5’s most controversial scene.

<The updated scene is slightly better, but the core issues remain


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2babb9  No.16897577


>Persona 5’s most controversial scene.

Yeah all the stuff about blackmail for sexual favors, rape, prostitution, murder, & abuse is tame compared to…. two gay men ogling Ryuji.

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c0f461  No.16897583

File: 800d41c4dac2adc⋯.jpg (31.73 KB, 680x688, 85:86, Drinking_Corona_Chan.jpg)

>>16897577 (dubs)

It's rather telling where their priorities are. Anything goes so long as the feelings of the champions of alternative sexuality are never threaten which is an impossible goal considering how frequently they take things out of context to cry wolf.

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606323  No.16897592

File: d81ad41f595830e⋯.png (81.92 KB, 932x508, 233:127, why_female_Akira_in_person….png)

File: 74bc2529483177a⋯.jpg (147.14 KB, 1575x541, 1575:541, The_issues_with_female_pro….jpg)



Remember how mad they got over no female Joker but if it was in they'd have an even bigger meltdown?

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d53f6b  No.16897635

Does anyone know which site posts a TRUSTED copy of KMSpico?

There's about 30 different sites boasting how they're the "original", and I'm just trying to find a version that didn't have malware installed. Unless, there's an easier way to activate W7.

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40cd26  No.16897637


>Or something as popular as Modern Warfare 2

I don't think that one's really useful for this metric, since a ton of people buy those games just for the multiplayer.

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4f00cf  No.16897649

File: 726e3c2705ed2e3⋯.jpg (28.29 KB, 350x464, 175:232, 726e3c2705ed2e3ba02016d8c6….jpg)


Never even heard of this until now. So glad I don't have to deal with crap like that anymore. My only advice is drop windows for linux

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73ad9a  No.16897691


We've always been at war with East-Asia.

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52f568  No.16897703

So with all the subversion happening, has anyone found a way to counter it? Everything I love is being taken from me, and I want to do something about it, even if it's too late.

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e5b0ed  No.16897720


That is a very vague description. You're going to have to give a bit more detail if you want a solution.

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b50ebe  No.16897724


Coronachan is working on it. Celebrities are oficially useless now because they just admitted it comics are gone and just a few "problematic" people are selling comics and I'm not sure if games are getting a new crash.

Hell, it might be a good time to start a youtube or other media channel because companies are going for cheaper options of adversitement.

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8216b9  No.16897731

File: 758d570bf1b3761⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 552.55 KB, 1357x1000, 1357:1000, rabbit_rabbit.jpg)

Rabbit rabbit.



This is also the same nutcase that wrote the "retort it" article.


Goes to show not only how little >she knows, but also how little thought >she puts into >her articles.

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6f1b78  No.16897739


now thats a big fuckin rabbit.

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52f568  No.16897741


Basically, everything I love is being turned to shit. Open source, comics, video games, anime and manga, even speech itself. Everything's becoming politics above all. Every time, it's arguing some point as the moral highground, and anyone that tries to appeal to logic gets labeled and shouted down. It's stupid effective, but it can't be perfect.

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877f2a  No.16897755


no first for benis, therefore sage


each benis is a step forwards but you must try harder

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6b7fcc  No.16897770

File: 0877df450e5c62c⋯.jpg (125.34 KB, 564x1101, 188:367, unseen_japan_shimura_ken.jpg)

File: 1c64cc2fecc3fb4⋯.jpg (35.38 KB, 589x359, 589:359, unseen_japan_shimura_ken_2.jpg)

After Japanese comedian Shimura Ken was diagnosed with COVID-19 and was on a ventilator Unseen Japan accused him of "encouraging sexual harassment" for a comedy skit where his "Bakatono" ("Idiot Feudal Lord") character uses a bunch of women as a futon. Shimura Ken has since passed away.



Article from a SJW clickbait site mad about the skit in 2019:

>SoraNews24: “Meat futon” skit with girls in bikinis on Japanese TV slammed as sexist and outdated


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dc39c6  No.16897773

File: 9a5c10975bf4136⋯.png (115.39 KB, 200x295, 40:59, 200PerCentDisgusting.png)


This fucking Unseen Japan nobody needs to get bullied hard.

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c346b4  No.16897776

File: fa9d8a11c1b4022⋯.jpg (279.43 KB, 900x1400, 9:14, 8a0e259888389fe9107f7ed0c9….jpg)


>Accusing a dying man of sexual harassment just before he passed away

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e5b0ed  No.16897794

File: b0c8e679fa79d8c⋯.webm (5.76 MB, 480x854, 240:427, Masks_confiscated_from_Ha….webm)


Only destruction of the banking sector will stop it from happening, since that is ultimately the source of progresive politics being injected in places where it doesn't belong. It might sound like a pretty huge leap but that is where it eventually leads to.

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0f1fb0  No.16897796

What happened to the spoiler check box?

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b50ebe  No.16897812


Why are they confiscating the masks? for hoarding?

If the jews bought them before the pandemic alarm they shouldn't be punished because of that.

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02cbc8  No.16897818

Sweden just started this today. The government can legally hack into your phone now. Google translated this.

"The law on secret data reading takes effect

Published April 01, 2020

Today, on April 1, 2020, the Act on Secret Data Reading comes into force. The new law is an important tool for law enforcement and part of the government's 34-point program with additional measures against gang crime.

Criminals often communicate with each other through encrypted apps that outsiders cannot access. They also avoid places where they know they can be eavesdropped or filmed. This means that important information, which can lead to the clearing of serious crimes, is lost to law enforcement authorities because they do not have access to this information. To address the problem, the government proposed in the Bill Secret Data Reading (Bill 2019/20: 64) that law enforcement agencies should be given the opportunity to use a new secret coercive device in the event of suspected serious crime. In February earlier this year, Parliament voted in favor of the government's proposal.

- The new law is an important part of the government's work to counter the serious and organized crime in Sweden. Secret data reading provides better and more efficient means of accessing previously unavailable information. It is a powerful tool for accessing the individuals and gangs that have previously been able to escape, ”says Interior Minister Mikael Damberg.

In practice, secret data reading involves secretly accessing a computer or other technical equipment used for communication, in order to see what information is in it. The new coercive device should be used during a preliminary investigation, in intelligence operations and in special foreign control."

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2c7341  No.16897821


Still works for me.

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02cbc8  No.16897822


Not just hack into your phone. Whatever you own.

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71f547  No.16897825


>Isn't he some SJW Gaijin?

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71f547  No.16897826

File: 9dd99b68f0fffa2⋯.jpg (9.93 KB, 181x255, 181:255, dealing_with_this_bullshit.jpg)


God dammit, I wasn't suppose to put a greentext on that.

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e5b0ed  No.16897827

File: fd6fb418e7b5f0e⋯.webm (5.68 MB, 352x640, 11:20, Ecuadorian_woman_begs_for….webm)


Probably because he bought absolutely all of them. Chinks did the same except that they took flights from China to other countries and then cleaned out all the stores. Not just bought a lot of them but completely cleaned them out.

>they shouldn't be punished because of that

I think it's less intended as punishment and more that their hoarding has ensured a shortage in supplies for medical personnel, as a result of which the government is simply taking whatever they can get their hands on regardless of whether he was in the right or not.

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40cd26  No.16897830


How long until they get into trouble with other countries for violating privacy laws or some shit because they hacked into the wrong fuck's cell phone?

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b50ebe  No.16897833


Oh, if they purposely created a shortage then yeah, they should be punished. I'm just not a fan of expropiation when you prepared yourself. I bought all the water and soda to last two apocalypses two weeks before the alarm, also canned food and fresh food to last 2 months.

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e5b0ed  No.16897843

File: 6c1583e50363de1⋯.webm (5.51 MB, 368x592, 23:37, Chechen_police_got_inspir….webm)


Laws that fuck you over aren't always intended to be punishments, although they definitely do feel like it. Plenty of people are fucked over right now by being forbidden to work.

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b3bdd5  No.16897844


>all those kikes hanging around to spread more coofs

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a39bab  No.16897851


Games apparently are selling like crazy now, given they're one of the few entertainment options still buyable during societal shutdown. On one hand, massive infusion of cash is the opposite of what you want if you're hoping for a crash. On the other hand, many might be having their first contact with the pozzed trash the industry has been pumping out recently, so there should be plenty of newly opened minds to the dangers of microtransactions and localisation that could be convinced to become vocal about these issues in the future. Interesting times.

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b50ebe  No.16897856


You tell me. It was hard yo buy a switch and Animal Crossing.

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a39bab  No.16897866


What I mean is that a lot of bored people are right now finding out what all the other games on the download store of their sportsballstation or -box are like and they might be less than happy about it. Good opportunity to nudge them towards friendly info sources for example links to some of RGEs glorious rants if it comes up.

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20286b  No.16897869

File: e8b5e8f15bf464e⋯.png (294.08 KB, 344x502, 172:251, 903c643e5747967c58774d84b7….png)

File: b573d7ae49e71c3⋯.png (986.95 KB, 716x872, 179:218, 398_3987396_987_kb_png_mon….png)

File: 06b66a101180986⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 2.24 MB, 1955x1680, 391:336, 283d12502676a709524810f544….jpg)

File: e3cdc29c441187d⋯.png (35.17 KB, 297x279, 33:31, ClipboardImage.png)


This is what happens.

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993634  No.16897876

File: 2cd65baca8d5963⋯.jpg (83.92 KB, 1024x653, 1024:653, raphi_says_good_job_by_red….jpg)


Finally! Ron fixed a thing!

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dd4b56  No.16897878

File: c785c4b45abf92a⋯.jpg (62.23 KB, 802x712, 401:356, EKj8JmJUEAA7ZtF.jpg)


Now thats a nice features.

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c0f461  No.16897881


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361115  No.16897883



Me, Mark and a few anons have been asking Ron for it for a long time now. Glad he kept his promise.

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d53f6b  No.16897884

In other news, the Dow continues to bounce around like a pinball.

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8216b9  No.16897885

File: faff92df78a5113⋯.png (126.17 KB, 800x800, 1:1, 79777077_p0.png)

File: 1c515d3927ffb03⋯.jpg (2.18 MB, 4229x5991, 4229:5991, 80315202_p0.jpg)

File: 59fbcf973b1a0ba⋯.jpg (368.88 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, Noi_lips_Auri01927202_.jpg)

File: 391a9dfd8613328⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 211.82 KB, 1462x1600, 731:800, Naked_Noi_EzzyEcchi_.jpg)

File: 91d6be0b2607737⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 529.6 KB, 992x1403, 992:1403, 79288312_p0.jpg)


Kind of wish this was implemented years ago, but better late than never.

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2c7341  No.16897886


Too early.

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361115  No.16897889


I have the urged to call her "mommy" for some reason.

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e5b0ed  No.16897893


Because your parents didn't love you?

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361115  No.16897894

File: b6ba4dc8061f6ce⋯.jpg (177.25 KB, 600x630, 20:21, Mother_Daughter.jpg)

/mg/ is doing fine though the board slowed down. If some are OC makers that are into monster girls. There's a greentext/writefag thread with three original greentext stories. Last time to shill, just want to let /v/ know.


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361115  No.16897895


No, my parents loved me. It's more like I read too much ara ara doujinshi and thought that the kind of motherly effection that can be sexual seems nice.

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20286b  No.16897898

File: e164f19db5872d2⋯.jpg (255.53 KB, 1200x1697, 1200:1697, The_title_of_big_mom_35fe4….jpg)

File: 36df86ca1f13815⋯.png (1.02 MB, 1242x1235, 1242:1235, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 07fe1e934aa1af0⋯.png (525.89 KB, 720x683, 720:683, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 133c117a4eba207⋯.png (53.98 KB, 400x283, 400:283, ClipboardImage.png)


>the kind of motherly effection that can be sexual seems nice.

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6b7fcc  No.16897932


He's white and lives in Seattle, yes. Don't worry though, he's just faithfully conveying the inner thoughts of all Japanese women, that's why he quoted a cherrypicked tweet to back himself up (from some woman who primarily tweets in Japanese but lives in California).

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dd4b56  No.16897940

File: 637ed4a3b0bb9b5⋯.png (741.17 KB, 1076x1220, 269:305, sketchabslick.png)



Here's some freya abs licking sketches, I pretty some anon want this

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8216b9  No.16897946


You came in at the perfect time.

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59b464  No.16897955


Is that Daniel not Freya (Freya typically having a smaller chest than Daniel)

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8216b9  No.16897960

File: af795320dd74f9b⋯.png (317.78 KB, 824x912, 103:114, laughing_ethics.png)

File: 46aaae89f4d8a28⋯.png (577.78 KB, 859x784, 859:784, DF_Dakka.png)

File: 247ff4b416cbc67⋯.png (856.36 KB, 2024x1202, 1012:601, babyDP.png)

File: fb625d46553ea6f⋯.png (967.02 KB, 2025x1240, 405:248, simpleV.png)


That's Freya. They've both been expanding through the years.

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dd4b56  No.16897968

File: 695dad8cb1bd535⋯.png (571.73 KB, 832x960, 13:15, breastsize.png)


Probably my hand acting again, but Freya chest reach to bottom of her rib cage and Daniel chest reach to her navel


I better make some character design sheet so I don't accidentally add more cup size in every iteration.

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b50ebe  No.16898013

So… now that china is mostly confirmed to be lying all this time and that they were actually sending defective material on purpose, when do we get into World War 3: Trouble in Big China?

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956a18  No.16898026


At the earliest when the outsourced manufacturing capacity is half of its way to being "reverse outsourced" back to the nations outside China. Even if the nations of the world decided to make this priority number 1, it would take years and probably end up with those who got out faster vs those who couldn't achieve independence and therefore became Chinas captive "allies". How nations react now probably will determine on which side they'll fight in WW3.

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d53f6b  No.16898029


So, WW3 isn't a question of "If", it's a question of "When"?

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b50ebe  No.16898032



Well, aren't a lot of world politicians paid by China one way or another?

How can this fucking bug country survive a bubble that would cause a nuclear explotion if it bursts and a plague that is killing so many of their people?

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b50ebe  No.16898035


Fuck, let's not forget a fucking demographic problem with so many males left with no women to procreate.

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d53f6b  No.16898036


>Well, aren't a lot of world politicians paid by China one way or another?

Yeah, in the same way that the U.S. pays for the U.N., NATO, W.H.O., and several other things. However, unlike the U.S., China makes the lives of those people a living Hell if they go against the governments propaganda.

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956a18  No.16898044


Come on, it has always been a question of "When", not "If". Only thing that changes is who you'll be expected to kill and who you'll be expected to protect. And that question won't be answered by ideology or ideals, it will be answered by how fucked your nation would be without trade with another nation. Wonder how many will manage to be autark and strong enough to lean back and watch the world burn this time.

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40cd26  No.16898045

File: 9d3ea45a418d7dd⋯.jpg (71.13 KB, 387x335, 387:335, 1451448900612.jpg)

File: b7ed259eea1ceba⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 404.23 KB, 986x1182, 493:591, 68221677_p0.png)


>It's real

>Not April Fool's

I just spontaneously ejaculated.

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b50ebe  No.16898048


I'm pretty pesimist and believe that most people won't learn their lesson and still make deals with China. Maybe America will break away from their dependency of China, but will it last when Trump ends his second legislation?

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146368  No.16898053

Why have the anime boards just lost many anons?

Why is it slow today?

Is April Fools responsible?

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993634  No.16898057


It's due to tranny suicide. Sad.

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40cd26  No.16898058

File: 2351c33c56a48ba⋯.png (270.99 KB, 519x474, 173:158, Confused_Sex_Maniac.png)


>gentle femdom gf

>how do you feel about being a house husband

>It doesn't bother you that I pay for our dates, right?

>If I get ths next promotion, you migh be able to quit your job

Is this, reverse findom?


Well last time someone waited until the last minute to bake and that resulted in an anti-lolifag baking poison bread.

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2babb9  No.16898061


Honestly I would've thought activity would increase with all these quarantines & stay at home orders.

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146368  No.16898067


>Being an anti-anime goon.


That's why it's so weird.

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0c57d7  No.16898070

File: ad3bef8c9e44a0f⋯.jpg (31.43 KB, 519x390, 173:130, kancho_jpg_optimal.jpg)

File: abab09529b9d456⋯.jpg (262.51 KB, 800x1200, 2:3, Kanamara_mikoshi2.jpg)


>encouraging sexual harassment

>in japan, the land of the kancho and the penis festival


Well yeah, because then he can't defend himself, not unlike Michael Jackson.

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361115  No.16898076

File: 501717b8d576f6a⋯.jpg (695.02 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, 1c5ae2c5ed4d73468e41975eef….jpg)


This thread is also slower than usual.

I don't know if anons are losing interest in discussing anime anymore.

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40cd26  No.16898084


>Honestly I would've thought activity would increase with all these quarantines & stay at home orders.

Maybe the truth is the majority of activity already came from people who mostly stayed at home.

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361115  No.16898089


I think something recent has happened. I guess anons are probably too busy or something.

Either that or many anime this season is postponed due to virus.

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606323  No.16898102


>discussing anime anymore

Because there isn't much to talk about save for manga and a lot of anons are reading their backlog,

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361115  No.16898104

Anyone relieved about the Olympics being cancelled?

If it is postponed, I hope it will take place in another country.

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d53f6b  No.16898106

File: 3ec0f924675171c⋯.webm (6.49 MB, 640x480, 4:3, FUCK_YOU_BALTIMORE.webm)

You guys remember how I'm reading that Chinese history book written by a Western Communist?

Okay, so the lady is talking about how the Southern Song period of China instituted a similar environment to when Europe left the Dark Ages for the Renaissance: https://infogalactic.com/info/Song_dynasty#Southern_Song.2C_1127.E2.80.931279

Now, one of the things she points out is that this development is the "original" origin of the so-called "bourgeoisie" class of society, which, when looking it up, results in the green definition being "true" definition: https://infogalactic.com/info/Bourgeoisie

<a sociologically defined class, especially in contemporary times, referring to people with a certain cultural and financial capital belonging to the middle or upper stratum of the middle class: the upper (haute), middle (moyenne) and petty (petite) bourgeoisie (which are designated "the Bourgeoisie"). An affluent and often opulent stratum of the middle class (capitalist class) who stood opposite the proletariat class;

<a legally defined class of the Middle Ages to the end of the "Ancien Régime" (Old Regime) in France, that of inhabitants having the rights of citizenship and political rights in a city (comparable to the German term Bürgertum and Bürger);

>and, originally and generally, "those who live in the borough", that is to say, the people of the city (including merchants and craftsmen), as opposed to those of rural areas; in this sense, the bourgeoisie began to grow in Europe from the 11th century and particularly during the Renaissance of the 12th century, with the first developments of rural exodus and urbanization.

Now, if I'm understanding this right, that means that when Communist talk about "taking down the bourgeoisie", what they really mean is that they want to destroy cities. It has NOTHING to do with taking out the rich, they just want to destroy the large "centers" for public activity and commerce unless it is under firm control of the government. And, how she details that is talking about how a "bourgeoisie" class didn't develop in China due to nearly everything being state-controlled (Which she even admits is an extremely stupid and unproductive idea, primarily because it takes centuries until the next "breakthrough" takes place since the Chinese are lazy don't see a need to make anything of their own unless it is absolutely necessary because they can just rely on the work provided by people who have been dead for centuries already, and that's on top of the fact that operating ANY business literally results in you being ostracized from society) until the "evil Europeans" brought over capitalism several centuries later.

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361115  No.16898117


When I first saw the word "bourgeoisie", for the longest time I thought it reads as "Burger-oise"" for some reason.

Anywho, The US should launch a probe against The WHO for cocksucking China and downplaying the virus.

I'm surprised world leaders are still willing to suck the Chinese cock instead of just all placing an Embargo on China.

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993634  No.16898121

File: b56f85e94f1e9f8⋯.png (57.36 KB, 239x255, 239:255, vert_laugh.png)


>the greatest loss of activity has been on /leftypol/ /fur/

>/leftypol /fur/ is somehow a bastion of anime fandom

Commie tranny furfaggots on literal suicide watch lel

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3780b8  No.16898128


Bucshwa is how it's pronounced when I listened to the audio Communist's Manifesto. It's weird like how Sun Tzu is pronounced Swinzle..

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956a18  No.16898132


If you think this is primarily about China you should take a moment and reflect on this beautiful powderkeg called Earth. Globalism makes any shitholes problem your problem if that shithole is involved enough with your industry. Maybe the shithole you're most dependant on is China. Maybe it's another shithole that has a conflict with China, or with a 3rd different unrelated shithole. All those dependencies will come crashing down one day just like the network of support pacts came crashing down over everyone when WW1 started. Only thing preventing things from escalating is the good old Mutually Assured Destruction of the thermonuclear kind.

Let's hope people keep overlooking that biological warfare is a few steps higher on the apocalyptic scale then some relatively harmless MIRVs here or there…

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361115  No.16898136

File: 275eb7ab6cc42fa⋯.png (24.63 KB, 614x324, 307:162, ClipboardImage.png)


That's humerous, even an upstart like /mg/ is more populated.

Hopefully /a/nons are just reading and binging anime comfly to post again tomorrow.

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361115  No.16898144

File: 7a50ff7993b5417⋯.png (705.59 KB, 1024x824, 128:103, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6bdb634e3350d15⋯.png (1.75 MB, 1157x1157, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ec3d8117cfeae38⋯.png (2.94 MB, 1404x2000, 351:500, ClipboardImage.png)

Also reminder to stay stafe and stay home if you can. Don't let Corona-chan into your home.

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3780b8  No.16898158


>facemask fetish

Human degeneracy knows no bounds.

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825e1d  No.16898160


/a/ right now is for the most part populated with people who came from the /animu/ bunker, as most of what was the legacy board on here seems to be staying on smug

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361115  No.16898163


Thing is that it was 80 in the weekend and it used to be 100. I wonder how many on /v/ can get into anime and manga to discuss the mediums?

Then again, it's just one of those days where numbers simply fluctuate up and down.

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f13d7f  No.16898183

File: a1a45b932de5a4e⋯.jpg (143.72 KB, 1024x762, 512:381, APU_big_thunk.jpg)


>A hasidic JEW stockpiling tens of thousands of masks

>honestly believing he wasn't selling them at a 6million percent mark up


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825e1d  No.16898187


I'm not sure, it depends on the person and if a lot of someone's tastes are defined in their teens. I've posted a couple of times on /a/nimu this past week, but my interaction is pretty limited since I'm not into ongoing and seasonal series. Mind you, /a/nimu is a lot better on discussing old stuff than old /a/ is. I think the numbers are just fluctuating, they'll continue to do so.

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361115  No.16898198


I guess it's just one of those days then. Hopefully there's a more exciting next season.

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dc39c6  No.16898207

File: 24d8ac24bb93951⋯.png (276.27 KB, 500x480, 25:24, when_you_finally_catch_the….png)


Hot damn, weve needed this forever! Doesnt seem to be displaying for me though, incompatible with Water/Firefox?

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8216b9  No.16898212

File: d807e2103ea7366⋯.jpg (185.89 KB, 1075x1500, 43:60, EUeJVHIUUAA6J45_Kloah13th_.jpg)

File: ca9fc0f82349343⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 1.05 MB, 1089x1516, 1089:1516, 80478614_p4.jpg)

File: 7fe2b4a20118a97⋯.jpg (405.82 KB, 645x875, 129:175, EUQb167VAAAHyoG_mikan_bata….jpg)

File: 917ccd6bda4db3d⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 575.89 KB, 728x896, 13:16, 80384097_p0.jpg)

File: 05d6a3158574205⋯.png (266.16 KB, 1785x392, 255:56, ClipboardImage.png)


Works on my end. Try refreshing this page.

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6b7fcc  No.16898215

>Funimation: What Does It Mean To Be on an Anime Production Committee?


>Instead of simply licensing the rights to a finished show (as companies usually do), Funimation is now able to take part ownership of some titles directly when bringing them to the rest of the world. There’s no fear about losing the rights to these shows either; they are here to stay in the Funimation library in perpetuity. Conversely, Funimation is trusted by the rest of the committee to use their international expertise to better market the show to foreign viewers and provide more detailed input to the other Japanese companies regarding what fans abroad would like to see. It’s a win-win.

>Anime is no longer focused solely on the Japanese market. Japanese companies are looking to foreign fans’ interest in titles more than ever before to increase the financial return on their investment as well as allow them to reinvest that money into new productions of ever higher animation quality. This means that subscriptions to Funimation and purchases of home video releases, digital downloads, and merchandise supervised by Funimation will help creators in Japan more directly than having a finished title licensed as-is would.

>provide more detailed input to the other Japanese companies regarding what fans abroad would like to see

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993634  No.16898217


Restarting the browser seems to work.

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40cd26  No.16898262

File: 2c5214b95004baf⋯.gif (3.75 MB, 800x800, 1:1, 2c5214b95004baf91792120bba….gif)


>It’s a win-win.

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d53f6b  No.16898265

File: 3825c79c7efa918⋯.webm (478.86 KB, 424x376, 53:47, Don_t_understand.webm)


>This means that subscriptions to Funimation and purchases of home video releases, digital downloads, and merchandise supervised by Funimation will help creators in Japan more directly than having a finished title licensed as-is would.

How the fuck does importing the merchandise directly from Japan give the creators LESS' money than if I bought it through Funimation?

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8216b9  No.16898266


You see anon, with merch, you're not watching the anime, therefore less money automagically goes to the creator! :^) God help you if you come across some dumbass that actually believes this.

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dc39c6  No.16898270

File: 3e48ed90920070c⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 273.01 KB, 383x684, 383:684, 3e48ed90920070c57d26c1c2bf….png)

File: f9927aed92e56ef⋯.jpg (6.41 MB, 2508x3541, 2508:3541, c6446967d9b419ee91fa6b20d5….jpg)

File: 5254f6acdd4c94d⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 192.08 KB, 1280x1618, 640:809, 014.jpg)



Got it, thanks!

This is great.

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24ce85  No.16898316

File: f1b8005a5e3d002⋯.png (547.27 KB, 602x545, 602:545, america_chavez.PNG)

<Carlos Gomez Reveals His Final America Chavez Design – “Fans” Deem It “Oversexualized”



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40cd26  No.16898326


It's never enough. Someone apparently missed the memo that Sexy women aren't allowed at Marvel anymore.

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2babb9  No.16898327

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8216b9  No.16898347

File: c326128e5029d3d⋯.png (694.58 KB, 447x680, 447:680, ClipboardImage.png)


Funny, it looks like some effort was put into it, yet that looks like its triggering Twitblr all the same. Makes me wonder just what exactly sets them off, given that this hasn't drawn any ire, at least to my knowledge. Pure conjecture on my part, but I suspect half of the Twitter reactions are sockpuppets for competing Marvel artists, seeing that similarly "sexualized" designs don't get that much flak.

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40cd26  No.16898348


You forgot the quotes.

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40cd26  No.16898354


Regardless of what anons say when arguing that a bara with tits, vagoo, and a female head isn't gay, SJWs see muscle women as closer to men, breaking norms, blurring gender roles, etc. So they have less issue with them than traditionally attractive women.

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2babb9  No.16898361



I'm saying America Chaves has no fans. No one read her trash solo series beyond /co/ for the purpose to suffer.

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a2a69e  No.16898368

File: 86e1abcc36f2a33⋯.jpg (85.11 KB, 1024x716, 256:179, michelangelo_night.jpg)

File: 58da1edd8309b70⋯.jpg (37.4 KB, 505x442, 505:442, last_judgment_michelangelo….jpg)

File: cc5c9e4f857a960⋯.jpg (692.3 KB, 1500x2250, 2:3, _Cumaean_Sibyl_Sistine_Cha….jpg)



That reminds me of how Michelangelo was unable paint or sculpt the woman's body correctly, because he never saw one naked

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d83a57  No.16898372


I can garuantee that merch attributes for at least 30% of any ips yearly profit, otherwise gunpla would never have taken off and that so many decent western cartoons would not have been cancelled to only be rebooted into johnny test teir calart shit.

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40cd26  No.16898377


>I'm saying America Chaves has no fans.

So was the article title. That's why they included quotes.

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2babb9  No.16898378


I cannot read, dubsman.

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b3bdd5  No.16898381

File: 849b40ff9d0ea13⋯.jpg (87.64 KB, 714x386, 357:193, are_you.jpg)



I know it refers to paypiggies but every time I read this it makes me think of getting bullied by a shark.

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404074  No.16898386

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8216b9  No.16898389

File: 1cdbb9c0a04e2ce⋯.png (5.25 MB, 2187x3291, 729:1097, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7e38d5730a0f619⋯.png (4.81 MB, 1200x1815, 80:121, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c304574fb7e2264⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 2.18 MB, 1280x1920, 2:3, ClipboardImage.png)


That's just She-Hulk's build. The artist, チバトシロウ, drew a whole bunch of body types, which is more than I can say for most artists that worked for Marvel. Funny thing, I checked the artists Japanese Wikipedia page, and his Twitter is apparently suspended. Actual child predators with shittons of followers on the damn platform, not the male feminists, mind, but Twitter mods are banning professional artists and meanies with differing opinions.

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a2a69e  No.16898396


>That's just She-Hulk's build

I was talking about how some of those SJW never saw the body of a naked woman, and they have some serious problems trying to represent or have a realistic idea of what the female body is and the different ramifications of those shapes

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8216b9  No.16898397

File: 259884e6a6223f9⋯.png (973.66 KB, 1280x1810, 128:181, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 16304de2c2a1a44⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 2.22 MB, 1280x1822, 640:911, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1aa81b59d01bfc2⋯.png (4.27 MB, 1200x1685, 240:337, ClipboardImage.png)


Funny thing, I was deleting images to go under the 16MB limit, and it remembered where the spoiler checkmarks were in the 5 image list, but removing some images didn't move the checkmark alongside that image. Maybe Ron will sort that out in the future, maybe I'll just remember to recheck some images.

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11ebc9  No.16898413


The only way it makes sense is if they're claiming that they offer additional promotional or market deals that the creators wouldn't be able to get without them, and that the value of those is greater than however much overhead they put in the process. I don't mean just "we'll give you access to weebs too lazy to import," which is a fancy way of saying they couldn't reach a certain paying market without them, but rather stuff like "you'll never get this company's to buy your licensing/they'll never make your merch crap/whatever if you don't work with us." I don't claim what they say is true, I'm just trying to figure out a way that it makes sense in their minds as something other than pushing percents of a market around.

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d53f6b  No.16898447

Site archiving is working again:


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8216b9  No.16898455


I see.


Speaking of which, were there ever any examples of American companies helping Japanese companies on business/advertising related matters? I think Sega cut some deals with rental services in the states in the 90s, but I'm not entirely sure.


The quarantine must be making Ron bored enough to work on the site itself.

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57c52a  No.16898468

File: b954eb5e68a7e63⋯.jpg (141.32 KB, 640x975, 128:195, Brown_Erin_Candystriper.jpg)

File: 1b790d7e5744010⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 351.05 KB, 800x1003, 800:1003, Brown_Erin_is_totally_a_vi….png)

File: 73e961d41e25544⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 2.21 MB, 1200x1524, 100:127, Brown_Erin_shows_what_gets….png)


>when do we get into World War 3: Trouble in Big China?

>China attacks rest of the planet with biological warfare

You're already in it. We're just waiting to see who's going to return fire first.



I'd assume a lot of anons do not live alone, and are being press-ganged into being "sociable" by outgoing family members and roommates who find themselves unable to gather all the attention they need while self-quarantined at home.

Bob Chipman's said one thing I'll get behind, and he probably stole it - "that most tyrannical of all majorities, the extroverts."


>When I first saw the word "bourgeoisie", for the longest time I thought it reads as "Burger-oise"" for some reason.

I see nothing wrong with saying communists seek to destroy the burgeroids.


>This means that subscriptions to Funimation and purchases of home video releases, digital downloads, and merchandise supervised by Funimation will help creators in Japan more directly than having a finished title licensed as-is would.

>Funimation being able to directly influence the creators is better for the creators than just paying them for what they create.

They're claiming the "get woke, go broke" phenomenon is a desirable selling point of their service, apparently.


Dat ass. I'd whiten up her genepool.

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f35a3f  No.16898478

File: 76eebca249ddb30⋯.jpg (26.3 KB, 305x320, 61:64, EUJgBTPXQAAVHVv.jpg)

File: d25f0c2b2121666⋯.png (629.32 KB, 700x423, 700:423, Screenshot_2020_04_02_EUJg….png)

File: 12e51d129154120⋯.gif (1.08 MB, 240x184, 30:23, ezgif_7_8fae165f0225.gif)




/co/ here. Fun fact, when Marvel was making the 2006 Fantastic Four cartoon with the production company that made Code Yoko, the studio who was animating also did hentai and accidentally gave all the women nipples, which were eventually removed. But not all of them, gif related doesn't have anything I just wanted to post She-Hulk

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c0f461  No.16898485

File: 4a46af20df27239⋯.jpg (51.15 KB, 538x800, 269:400, Monkey_Nessa.jpg)

What should we name the next bread? I'd like to try face mask edition again since the goon ruined it.

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2babb9  No.16898490

File: 3b4896115f03b0c⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 482.88 KB, 550x850, 11:17, 2c6be1f4a1751ac42da0c02aeb….jpg)

File: 6beefbaa1faa2ae⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 390.97 KB, 550x850, 11:17, c3bbf2d91b54318e36d866af9f….jpg)

File: 48eeff2b4d45867⋯.png (13.79 KB, 610x177, 610:177, ClipboardImage.png)


Speaking of She-Hulk, the writer for the upcoming show has been having a lot of frequent breakdowns on twitter lately. She has no experience with superheroes & shamelessly has agendas she wants to push. Berating anyone who criticizes people putting agenda over writing quality stories. Well at least now she's being cancelled over a joke.


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f35a3f  No.16898491


Yeah the show is going to be shit.

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956a18  No.16898499


Still in favor of Darwin Awards Edition.

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c0f461  No.16898501

File: e91028c8c81f6a5⋯.jpg (61.77 KB, 416x750, 208:375, Double_s_check_em.jpg)

>>16898499 (dubs)

I'd have to agree with digits like these.

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d83a57  No.16898506


Thanks for reminding me that pre disney marvel cartoons were good, and that the cgi fantastic 4 cartoon was much better than the movies.

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eae6da  No.16898514


>Anime is no longer focused solely on the Japanese market. Japanese companies are looking to foreign fans’ interest in titles more than ever before

So anime is going to get fucked now?

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f35a3f  No.16898516

File: 1f10ce8dde5b162⋯.png (138.2 KB, 171x324, 19:36, 1f10ce8dde5b1623bb87bfaba8….png)


> the cgi fantastic 4 cartoon

There was no CGI Fantastic Four cartoon, I think you're remembering Iron Man armored adventures.

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c0f461  No.16898518


Looks like it now considering the Zaibatsu's believe in the mythical wider audience myth.

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eae6da  No.16898521


The olympics isn't cancelled it's postponed to july 23 next year 2021.

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eae6da  No.16898525


I mean that we knew that crunchyshit was apart of these committees for years so I assume they aren't as important as they are making themselves out to be especially how Fire Force still triggered the sjweebs on twitter. Along with producers adamantly stating they don't make shit from the west, I don't completely buy that they have any real say outside of what they are doing with their streaming rights.

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d53f6b  No.16898593

File: a95edb41b0e4588⋯.jpeg (133.17 KB, 807x1280, 807:1280, E463832A_F88B_4311_B2D9_9….jpeg)

File: fec31911fb5b8c7⋯.jpeg (154.55 KB, 825x1280, 165:256, AE087D46_69FD_4C07_B3E6_C….jpeg)

File: dca1649dbc4bea1⋯.jpeg (171.32 KB, 804x1280, 201:320, 6A4EE09E_6439_4ED3_A964_D….jpeg)

>Decide to read a manga about a girl traveling back in time to 14th century Turkey

>Get to the sixth chapter

<Oh my God, she's riding a horse. Why has no one thought of this before?

>Want to call instant bullshit

>Decide to look it up anyway


< A difficult question is if domesticated horses were first ridden or driven. While the most unequivocal evidence shows horses first being used to pull chariots in warfare, there is strong, though indirect, evidence for riding occurring first, particularly by the Botai. Bit wear may correlate to riding, though, as the modern hackamore demonstrates, horses can be ridden without a bit by using rope and other evanescent materials to make equipment that fastens around the nose. So the absence of unequivocal evidence of early riding in the record does not settle the question.

<Thus, on one hand, logic suggests that horses would have been ridden long before they were driven. But it is also far more difficult to gather evidence of this, as the materials required for riding—simple hackamores or blankets—would not survive as artifacts, and other than tooth wear from a bit, the skeletal changes in an animal that was ridden would not necessarily be particularly noticeable. Direct evidence of horses being driven is much stronger.

<On the other hand, others argue that evidence of bit wear does not necessarily correlate to riding. Some theorists speculate that a horse could have been controlled from the ground by placing a bit in the mouth, connected to a lead rope, and leading the animal while pulling a primitive wagon or plow. Since oxen were usually relegated to this duty in Mesopotamia, it is possible that early plows might have been attempted with the horse, and a bit may indeed have been significant as part of agrarian development rather than as warfare technology.

Huh, you learn new things every day.

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466447  No.16898601

File: 36515b8d2d4fcf8⋯.webm (4.45 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 90s_She_Hulk_Best_She_Hul….webm)


They don't make 'em like they used to.

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cbcbaa  No.16898616

File: c7fcae89140f937⋯.png (478.62 KB, 881x905, 881:905, Christ_tan_executes_God_s_….png)


>14th century Turkey

>horse-riding unheard of

If they'd aimed for, say, the bronze age…

But the Turks were descended from horse nomads displaced by other horse nomads, displaced by still more fucking horse nomads, pushed ever westward. The muslim world had been at war with the mongols, under Genghis Khan, a century earlier, in the east. Rumours of this were even known in Christendom, although the chinese telephone meant that the Christians thought the muslim menace was being pressed from the east by a fellow Christian, named Prestor John.

Proposing horse-riding as a novel concept to 14th century islam, famed for being cavaliers themselves, is just wildly out of… steppe.

You sure you got the period right?

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333325  No.16898618

File: 0cc3ea5d31fcfd0⋯.png (291.95 KB, 528x855, 176:285, UnseenJapan_1.png)

File: 8af8892d9cd0a41⋯.png (106.19 KB, 553x872, 553:872, UnseenJapan_2.png)




Just a reminder that UnseenJapan and his associates are faggots.

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26ce66  No.16898620

File: 4255f84f57b5a80⋯.jpg (30.12 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 1533405133.jpg)


>is just wildly out of… steppe.

Carlos you fucking spic, I swear to god

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466447  No.16898633

File: e2f1317ea8e749a⋯.jpg (153.89 KB, 960x720, 4:3, vlcsnap_2020_03_29_00h13m5….jpg)

Anyone else still have a problem with broken thumbnails and images and videos not loading? I can get them to load only when I click on the image over and over or open in a new tab and constantly refresh it. Same with posting. I keep clicking post then ok on the message that pops ups over and over until it finally posts.

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36f261  No.16898736


is that him or is it someone else?


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d53f6b  No.16898761

File: 78efec8405f4486⋯.jpeg (331.85 KB, 1650x1280, 165:128, FD162890_7E70_4ED8_B08B_3….jpeg)


>You sure you got the period right?

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6b7fcc  No.16898769


You just said "14th century Turkey" so he thought you meant 14th century AC, not BC.

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606323  No.16898775



Anatolia, fuck using Islamic invader terms.

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d53f6b  No.16898839

File: ba9054675f3e471⋯.png (3.99 MB, 1856x3500, 464:875, 297a4e1232d18bcceacff541e0….png)

File: 29242396c65a497⋯.jpg (42.65 KB, 636x380, 159:95, Last_escape.jpg)

File: 083d947ebfdd238⋯.jpg (68.76 KB, 432x1199, 432:1199, Tubetop.jpg)

File: 9b72d4aa90bf795⋯.png (311.39 KB, 665x1080, 133:216, 9b72d4aa90bf7950c70df1b71b….png)

File: 0e463fb40f944e0⋯.png (1.26 MB, 2330x1118, 1165:559, 0e463fb40f944e0cade9876c3e….png)

REmake 3 "Classic Outfit" is STILL censored: >>16898820

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bef52b  No.16898846


I can't believe a mobile game was the last appearance of Jill's classic outfit as it should be.

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b50ebe  No.16898850


How much influence do westeners have in modern capcom? The hyper realism shit going on these days is horrible and they are following the DmC way to add "maturity" by swearing a lot when it isn't needed.

The handler of Monster Hunter World is cute in a weird way at least.

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333325  No.16898851

File: a02cb85e188aa06⋯.jpg (16.65 KB, 300x533, 300:533, Claire_Original_.jpg)

File: 141dc8d5f2e0250⋯.jpg (210.36 KB, 2048x1152, 16:9, Claire_Classic_Remake_.jpg)


No surprise, they fucked up the classic outfits in REmake 2 as well. Why they keep doing this I don't know. You'll never get the love in a game like REmake 1 ever again

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b50ebe  No.16898853


Because it looks like it was done by westeners, or that's what I think.

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d53f6b  No.16898855


>How much influence do westeners have in modern capcom?

The art director for REmake 3 is a Gook: https://archive.li/vJkLv


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b50ebe  No.16898859


That would explain a lot. Especially how the game went all its way to make everyone ugly.

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40cd26  No.16898864



I second face mask dildo gags.


I never thought of that even once. Every time I see it I think of some sort of Finnish superiority fetish.


Go to the technical meta thread. This has been an issue for some anons ever since the server crash in January, myself included. In short >>16891768

>the site, the media servers, and the system servers have all been having incongruous connection issues at random ever since the server crash in January and only for a minority of users.

Because it doesn't effect the majority, don't expect it to be fixed any time soon.

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686cf0  No.16898899


>Censor Jill

>De-censor(?) Claire

I don't understand.

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36f261  No.16898900


they look same to me

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bb9d93  No.16898915


Preventing pantyshots is a prime objective,

preventing cleavage not so much.

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d53f6b  No.16898919


So, it's okay to look at female breasts, but NOT their underwear?

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993634  No.16898994

File: 6cfb3b3f29dfbd5⋯.jpg (420.65 KB, 1000x1100, 10:11, Aqua.jpg)


Aqua used her goddess powers to make her panties invisible so she won't be embarrassed in case someone saw them.

Aqua is a genius.

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b3bdd5  No.16899002

File: f9a8f589f430ad7⋯.jpg (16.06 KB, 304x226, 152:113, shimapan.jpg)


Is this anyway related to the tranny agenda, they'll never be real girls because tight pantsu would always expose their lies? Preop bulges or mangled postop leakage will never look pristine in shimapan

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9fb0f3  No.16899010


At that point making some mist or using "Light" would be better idea.

I fucking hate that 8-sign captcha.

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146191  No.16899021


So basically she's not wearing pantsu

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eae6da  No.16899025


Funny I saw that tweet that faggot is talking about and a good number of the people responding are saying shit like "it is just as good as the old" "theres nothing wrong with the old one". For those who don't know the collab with the oranges have ended and they are doing a new collab with tea.

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3780b8  No.16899026

Come on baker, save us from this tranny discussion.

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d53f6b  No.16899039

File: 8cf439056cda7c9⋯.webm (4.19 MB, 852x480, 71:40, One_issue_politicians.webm)


<Finally made a webm for the relevant section

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40cd26  No.16899052

File: 3fae9f3f303032b⋯.png (661.55 KB, 677x1023, 677:1023, What_the_fuck_is_going_on.png)

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146191  No.16899059










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