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[ /agdg/ | Mecha | Comics and Cartoons | Anime | Hentai Games | Contact ]

File: c6cb81b35f1a718⋯.jpg (86.9 KB, 640x614, 320:307, 9adb49c868f1a6eb0f11349262….jpg)

File: 11ad74176698534⋯.mp4 (7.44 MB, 480x360, 4:3, videoplayback.mp4)

3038c0  No.16892352[Last 50 Posts]

I know last one still there but is pretty much dead anyway.

Archive of last thread: http://archive.vn/cZTTx

Thread making resources + the OP can be found here: https://mega.nz/#F!Suhz0D5Y!BSrBrV1kxK9B5G1SSiJmwQ

If you want something else to be added, post it in the thread

Books and Tutorials

Sometimes they get nuked but "we" try to keep them updated.


PW hint: You always have to read more of it

Helpful Resources

Learn fundamentals with excercises: drawabox.com

8Chan Art Wiki: infiniteart.wikia.com/wiki/InfiniteArt_Wiki

Online poses with timer: quickposes.com/en/gestures/timed

HOW TO DRAW - an /ic/ guide: hubpages.com/art/how-to-draw-learn

Drawfag resources: mediafire.com/folder/5strtvods5gda/Drawgfag_Resources

Helpful Video Resources, mostly YouTube

ProkoTV: Good for basic anatomy needs

Sycra Yasin: General in-depth talk about ways to improve and being an artist

CG Cookie / ConceptCookie: Advanced techniques and many livestreams (on Wednesdays) and tutorials

FZDSCHOOL: Founder of FZD School (in Singapore) Feng Zhu showcases his workflows by re-working art from his students

Scott Robertson: Advanced lessons on drawing fundamentals and concept artwork

Ctrl+Paint: Free lessons on basics and fundamentals of drawing and painting

Draw Mix Paint: Free lessons in traditional painting

Booru and Delivery Archive

8-booru.booru.org/ (Retiring this booru because the owner is fucking dead)

https://ourobooru.booru.org/ (Superior new booru)

This is the closest thing we have to archive every delivery safely in a centralized area.

Participation here would be greatly appreciated from those with accounts.

Tips for a healthier Drawthread

>Spot out any autistic shitter and repeat offenders You know who they are unless you're new, in which case lurk moar

>Anyone can participate, even if you're dog shit. The livelier it is, the better, but don't go begging for (you)s or pity. This is not deviantArt.

>If you do draw, draw to the best of your ability! If you're not giving it your all people will notice.

>Any drawfags with works in progress, please post any updates so that the requester and everyone else knows that people are still working hard!

>If for any reason a request is scrapped, upload what you have and say it's at its most complete state. Maybe ask if someone wants to take over and finish it for you.

>Comment. Every artist loves a compliment, it validates their hard work. Don't be afraid of dishing out them (you)s as long as you feel they deserve them.


These threads are not meant to be spammed every day like a fucking general.

This isn't an art board. Give the Drawfags their time to do their thing and leave the thread-making to them.

Anyone attempting to make this thread in a newfag/cuckchan/low effort manner will be met with disdain and mockery.

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3038c0  No.16892362

File: ef38e19d6dfd7e4⋯.png (97.29 KB, 591x536, 591:536, 000_request_anchor.png)

Request Anchor

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3038c0  No.16892363

File: 693ca902a41f946⋯.png (102.15 KB, 591x536, 591:536, 000_delivery_anchor.png)

Deliver Anchor

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b70a9d  No.16892372


requesting anon in front of a fireplace sitting comfy and smug next to his prepper stash of food and ammo and vidya while the hordes of infected normalfags desperately bang at his window

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443347  No.16892379



Counter-requesting anon's window as a sexy lady, being banged while he watches on helplessly.

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e2125d  No.16892380

File: a8c8e50f3c156aa⋯.png (7.87 KB, 1160x145, 8:1, doomguy.PNG)


A cross between Samus, Fox, Captain Falcon, Snake, Little Mac, and Bayonetta.

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443347  No.16892381


I hope the artist takes this literally and ddraws some kind of awful body horror fusion

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4c0616  No.16892389

File: ab2445a9f53cc9c⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 109.03 KB, 900x1200, 3:4, 51594489_p0.jpg)


Requesting a bunch of tiny people living in Chun-Li's asshole.

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cdd387  No.16892396


You'll probably get Zero Suit Fox with the zero suit made of his own fur, wearing boxing gloves and smoking while sitting in the Blue Falcon. I guess Blue Falcon is grunt slang for a real-life teamkiller? Learn something every day. Probably getting a blowjob from Falco while he's at it knowing the kind of people who draw Fox.

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1fc445  No.16892400

File: 944277ee758e751⋯.png (1012.18 KB, 641x622, 641:622, ClipboardImage.png)


Requesting Abigail doing this as Ken whiffs a shoryuken in front of him.

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443347  No.16892402


The kind of people who draw Fox and Falco also include a building for a threesome

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5fd9b4  No.16892407

File: f1b51cfee988158⋯.jpg (419.2 KB, 2288x1350, 1144:675, 001.jpg)


Some rape-deserving cuckchanner wanted a nuoom eteanal picture, here you go faggot

I'm not coloring it, I spent hours drawing doom guy's face over and over like an autist because I wasn't satisfied with it and I'm still not but I've had enough of drawing

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3038c0  No.16892410


Very good, anon.

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31bff2  No.16892413

File: c0d984e85ce8389⋯.png (118.17 KB, 378x720, 21:40, c0d984e85ce8389b96556607fe….png)

Booru is going to ban 3DPD shit from their site, but is there a chance they could ban more than that?

They say hentai/2D is safe but i'm pretty sure their TOS says some stuff isn't allowed

Wonder if real pornography and advertisement is why some of those rules were even there in the first place

Because i kinda wished how Sadpanda was saved and brought back also applied to Booru, where the servers were placed in a better place


For anyone that does 3D shit and gives a fuck about Gravity Rush










Below is some stuff i hoped to see happen

>Making these models available/accessable in any relevant/popular/easy 3D model hosting site unless said site is kinda shit and there's better sources

>Making them work/giving them ports for Blender, SFM, MMD, Maya or any other relevant 3D software that people use and give a shit about

>Fixing some problems and flaws of the models (Hair physics, facials, some bone stuff, animated textures like how they work in the game)

>If possible, good recreations that could use the current flawed models as reference

>Some actual content being made with the models, whether it's just images, animations or even useable models for game mods

>Enough 3D content creators being aware and interested, unless they're faggots for some reason, like Patreon shekels

>Back ups and preservation, in case some of the sources are gone (Some are already)

At this point, it's not even just porn or mod content for another game, these models are rare and there's a bit of videogame history being lost when something like this vanishes

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5afd7f  No.16892415

File: f736a4e8bfee44b⋯.mp4 (8.07 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Doom_is_Hurt.mp4)

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e0eee0  No.16892420


Why the censored pic? I just want to see Kat's canon cunny without having to download the actual models. Come on.

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b70a9d  No.16892429

File: 9e3894268b95ae3⋯.png (87.83 KB, 273x323, 273:323, 23e557e86e490c98f014bc9d4d….png)


but how do you fuck a window

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31bff2  No.16892441


It was like that in the DA post

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443347  No.16892444


You draw a woman made out of glass with a hole where his window used to be? I don't fucking know

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e0eee0  No.16892446


Well yeah I wasn't asking why you censored it. Just why it would be censored at all, and how the uncensored version hasn't already become popular enough here that someone would post it in response to my inquiry.

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31bff2  No.16892450

File: 4d0554d1c0f6703⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 1.15 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, yep.png)


I remember seeing an image someone made with the models, so it's like the only content made with them so far

Not sure if the people behind pic related made more with them

Source was a thread from cuckchan's /e/ board, some MMD thread

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965f72  No.16892493

File: 6ecbbe188067aaf⋯.png (169.59 KB, 476x370, 238:185, Smug_Sluts.png)

File: 9d0457803091b6d⋯.png (462.95 KB, 826x657, 826:657, Corona_chan_x_Ebola_chan.png)

File: b55e705780d470d⋯.png (2.48 MB, 1240x1754, 620:877, Corona_chan_with_Support_o….png)

File: ba768629aa953fc⋯.jpg (352.48 KB, 1126x636, 563:318, Nurgle_Troops.jpg)

File: f28976478888ec3⋯.png (113.5 KB, 310x286, 155:143, Symbol_of_Nurgle.png)


Corona-chan and Ebola-chan being smug as fuck. Maybe put a reference to Grandfather Nurgle in there as well!

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3c24e4  No.16892635

File: 350988b4e11fe4e⋯.png (233.57 KB, 678x754, 339:377, Drawthread_The_Game.png)

did the last draw thread just get flat out deleted

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997fef  No.16892665


Yeah, I was about to save the images from that thread until it was gone, what gives?

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5d5e84  No.16892670

File: fd4e8636ac1887e⋯.png (125.62 KB, 837x1185, 279:395, Gilda_and_reverse_bunny_Vi….png)


Got this one, at least.

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6f4186  No.16892684

File: 5fa6a981d2a192c⋯.jpg (30.46 KB, 400x416, 25:26, Primarch_XIV.jpg)


Them laughing at Mortarion because they accomplished in a handful of months what he's failed at for 10,000 years, covering Holy Terra in plague

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3038c0  No.16892685

File: 58e5f8fc1125d59⋯.png (650.24 KB, 1100x890, 110:89, shit.png)

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3038c0  No.16892687

File: ddc749c5be7aa95⋯.png (641.02 KB, 1100x890, 110:89, shit.png)


Fixed the shirt.

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991ab4  No.16892688

File: 5d7883313374d30⋯.png (441.54 KB, 1434x1200, 239:200, abigail.png)



It's not exactly what you wanted, but I hope you like it.

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907127  No.16892689


Breddy gud

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997fef  No.16892701


Were the rest uploaded to the booru?

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1fc445  No.16892755

File: 95cf6ebcb945c94⋯.png (4.52 KB, 303x243, 101:81, wariothumb.png)


It is most excellent, Anon. Thank you very much.

Any chance of a colored version?

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2ff137  No.16892772




>gamecube present

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b70a9d  No.16892849

File: 3042f2868cc9757⋯.jpg (129.55 KB, 1181x864, 1181:864, 3042f2868cc9757040c45f5de3….jpg)



that's more or less like how I envisioned it in my mind, however I meant infected as in by the gift of coronachan not literal fukken zombies, still A stuff, didn't expect someone to fulfill it so quickly AND with color.

isn't that tv right the fireplace a fire hazard? also he's sitting uncomfortably close to it

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38a707  No.16892942

File: f40403a97afa1a3⋯.png (628.32 KB, 2480x2552, 310:319, doodle196.png)


Could you make art of the regional board tans (Texas-chan, Putsch-chan, that /hisparefugio/ chick, Rita Ciano etc.) feeling sick/being bullied by Corona-Chan?

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6ef44d  No.16892965

File: fd89fc948c86cb0⋯.jpg (350.97 KB, 1200x1563, 400:521, TyphusFull.jpg)


Isn't Morty more into the chemical warfare and death part of Nurgle's portfolio rather than the disease part?

It's Typhus that's Grandpa Nurgle's prize poz pig.

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c5dfa3  No.16893040


>super hairy unkept cooch

This drawfag knows the good things.

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5d5e84  No.16893079

File: 24d076ccb69d554⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 2.03 MB, 1741x1400, 1741:1400, Slap_City.png)

File: e59b90e30a45503⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 4.68 MB, 2480x3508, 620:877, gerf_.jpg)

File: 985ef432427b79d⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 4.35 MB, 2894x4093, 2894:4093, viv_pansu.png)


I think so, but I can only say for sure that two images that I liked, the aforementioned Vivian bunny pic and this first one, got saved. Don't feel like checking the archive in the OP for all of the possible saves to the booru.


I take it he took some ques from another drawfag.

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38a707  No.16893090


isn't this paps, the commie portuguese guy?

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aea963  No.16893358

File: f4f79ff26073a75⋯.png (141.9 KB, 653x510, 653:510, Kimoi_Corona_Ebola_no_text.png)

File: a8c6d4319ab3f07⋯.png (159.59 KB, 653x510, 653:510, Kimoi_Corona_Ebola.png)

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e1ee47  No.16893373

File: 3afe368caaf0128⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 673.32 KB, 2056x1956, 514:489, mara.jpg)

File: 06720e3126505a4⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 125.91 KB, 900x1211, 900:1211, Pathetic_bird.jpg)

File: e8e8805826e8dac⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 281.82 KB, 960x1280, 3:4, benis.jpg)


Requesting Mara from Shin Megami Tensei drawn towering over and looking at you like the second pic and looking extra melted similar to the third pic.

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107cad  No.16893378

File: 54a7e1588d7b2f6⋯.webm (127.33 KB, 666x666, 1:1, Bartleby_Sonic.webm)


Sonikku characters practicing social-distancing from Rouge.

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6f3aa4  No.16893443

File: 4ab609c41d87713⋯.png (161.35 KB, 605x1017, 605:1017, cacodemon.png)

File: 67b70c310ed2afb⋯.png (196.03 KB, 658x850, 329:425, pain_elemental.png)


Doom 64 Cacodemon and Doom II Pain Elemental going for a walk through Hell and holding each other's hands.

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449a87  No.16893448

File: 083350c7b3baa6c⋯.png (303.73 KB, 423x592, 423:592, Beastars_shock_disgust_dis….png)


A victim of 3rd degree burns?

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449a87  No.16893449

File: 3c58af8c3ad8503⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 33.7 KB, 599x520, 599:520, Flaming_penis_Fire_bending….jpg)

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6ea2ac  No.16893452

File: d41086492c6a30d⋯.jpg (556.91 KB, 768x768, 1:1, 72456831_p1_master1200.jpg)


I thought the same shit. The pee flow must also be really weird, and it looks like it hurts a lot when it gets hard. It kinda makes me glad i have a normal penis, thank heavens, holy shit.

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5f8d76  No.16893522

File: 8ca89b69071361b⋯.jpg (73.41 KB, 887x373, 887:373, Mark_has_corona.jpg)

I'm surprised at your guys' restraint at not making fun of mark dying of corona.

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70dca1  No.16893527


mark bent over face-first into a cake, looking green and ill and pants full of shit cause hes dead

not a request just what came to mind

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997fef  No.16893532

File: 8866f3f47788bd0⋯.jpg (174.83 KB, 1280x1278, 640:639, Corona_over_Great_Wall.jpg)


At least he found somebody big(?) that loves him :^)

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5f8d76  No.16893535


She is a big guy. He would die happy crushed under Corana-chan ass.

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6f3aa4  No.16893555

File: 7f3814120d2bc99⋯.jpg (27.59 KB, 500x425, 20:17, mcnuggies.jpg)



McNuggies on the TV?

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750c54  No.16893568

File: 0780a96c8eabee3⋯.jpg (95.41 KB, 695x1200, 139:240, 1a07b1fac8b770208c37aaef1c….jpg)

File: 4775c37fef79bd0⋯.jpeg (1.6 MB, 1496x2464, 17:28, Divinit_sul_tipo_della_he….jpeg)


Requesting nagatoro drawn as the goddess Hera

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f451af  No.16893819

File: 87c08e2368e22c2⋯.jpg (133.41 KB, 800x800, 1:1, golden.jpg)



>tv on top of the fireplace

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8d827f  No.16893823

File: 7b13382dd9bb959⋯.jpeg (332.59 KB, 1279x1800, 1279:1800, _comicLObot_CFTsnhRUIAA5f….jpeg)


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ffc82f  No.16893835


No, just the victim of jewish customs.

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d8b9eb  No.16893955

File: b31c39619217fea⋯.jpg (498.8 KB, 899x1589, 899:1589, antiviral_measures.jpg)


requesting this but either Vivian or Danielle

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31bff2  No.16894056

In case the booru's fuck up, is there like an 8chan equivalent of booru?

Something with similar features and formula but with more features and freedom?

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38a707  No.16894128


Download the booru using Grabber and rehost it on mega for the time being.

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e781cf  No.16894195

File: 960d7691103f10f⋯.jpg (62.74 KB, 571x852, 571:852, 960d7691103f10f7ec6ec45a64….jpg)


>excellent art

>hitler dubs


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31bff2  No.16894308


Maybe this should be considered too


Also, is it possible to make Hydrus galleries "online" or share them with other people?

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6f3aa4  No.16894334


What's happening with the Booru sites?

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31bff2  No.16894338

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546c4b  No.16894392

File: 3bcd0358273c60b⋯.jpg (162.54 KB, 850x1203, 850:1203, hing_corona.jpg)

File: 04d0ad28611e261⋯.jpg (70.73 KB, 1400x788, 350:197, flat.jpg)

File: a26e413581f1e24⋯.gif (156.38 KB, 800x503, 800:503, lewd.gif)


Draw Trump and his science team explaining their plan to Flatten the Curve by converting Corona-chan into a loli.

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162891  No.16894474


>Putsch-chan, that /hisparefugio/ chick


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3038c0  No.16894475

File: b4ad32e804b1da5⋯.png (446.4 KB, 1100x890, 110:89, dic.png)


I gave it another try.

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0248f4  No.16894512

File: 7c03c05f6b1c842⋯.jpg (16.09 KB, 407x305, 407:305, Brock.jpg)


Epic Anon

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38a707  No.16894539


A German-tan and some spanish chick for a right wing party

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aea963  No.16894664

File: 730d23c232edc4b⋯.png (393.77 KB, 900x1211, 900:1211, Mara.png)

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6f3aa4  No.16894693

File: b7543905f880bcb⋯.webm (5.82 MB, 640x360, 16:9, NICE.webm)

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5f8d76  No.16894937

File: 5269c2af4c99fe3⋯.png (248.06 KB, 680x493, 40:29, flatter_boobs_would_have_a….png)


meme magic

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546c4b  No.16895014

File: cdf9ce8d78cb128⋯.png (30.86 KB, 481x213, 481:213, squeeze_intensifies.png)


>pettanko are interdimensional projection of colossal titty monster

so lewd Orz?

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965f72  No.16895844


Not quite what I was imagining, but thank you anyway. What does the text say?

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2b74b9  No.16895915

Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.


it's basically the exact same text as in IOSYS's overdrive, embed related, but with easy mode replaced with the word for "to live".

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965f72  No.16895940


k thanks

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3038c0  No.16896175

File: ec659fc10b953b1⋯.mp4 (1.75 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, NakeyJakey_Pizza_Hut_song.mp4)


Draw a bear eating pizza hut.

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31bff2  No.16896196

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991ab4  No.16896362

File: 0cf1e12fa772b64⋯.png (461.33 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, dt.png)

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0adc05  No.16896374


Because lolis are weaker and easier to bully.

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b70a9d  No.16896398

File: 21feb72220d2611⋯.jpg (51.46 KB, 292x302, 146:151, 8d4ec60f660b1f57c206936789….jpg)


>legs like tree trunks

>gloomy room lit only by the tv glow

>sandals with socks

>fully colored

<fucking kiss t

it was going to be perfect but you had to give anon WORST band shirt

also saved

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3c24e4  No.16896426

File: 368848c212fbbc1⋯.png (290.72 KB, 1088x1476, 272:369, doodle171.png)

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f485d1  No.16896431

File: 4105b146c0be942⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 483.78 KB, 1084x1010, 542:505, anne.png)

Open for a surprise.

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5f8d76  No.16896438


Now someone re-do it in ballpoint pen.

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dd6eaa  No.16896441


Don't do exposed feet stockings like that. Normal boots are cuter. And remove the bottom crease.

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39c673  No.16896446


True art drawfag. Very happy.

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dd6eaa  No.16896450

File: 4499cedbe15b994⋯.png (430.51 KB, 1084x1010, 542:505, new_and_improved.png)


Here's what I had in mind. Sorry for removing the feetsies, not my style. I turned down the face way more imo. Too masculine tbh. I thought I did nice on the boot, but the sock could definitely use more work. Thoughts?

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a91d5f  No.16896452

File: f9d30a70b77504a⋯.gif (2.93 MB, 222x400, 111:200, banished_to_the_shadow_rea….gif)


>Because lolis are weaker and easier to bully.

<just, like, leave your door unlocked, onii-san bro. nothing's gonna happen to your dick haha

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9c7e55  No.16896468


What happened to him?

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0c2cfc  No.16896470


He lost an important Duel Monsters game.

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54e71e  No.16896477


This gif always kills me. It's like somebody managed to record a dream.

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3038c0  No.16896731

File: fe21a3559be0ab4⋯.png (449.83 KB, 1100x890, 110:89, BlackSabbath.png)

File: 52a8f13e21a063f⋯.png (446.63 KB, 1100x890, 110:89, Dio.png)

File: 352ea69da20f833⋯.png (445.75 KB, 1100x890, 110:89, Manowar.png)

File: 121057fdafe8376⋯.png (445.39 KB, 1100x890, 110:89, BOC.png)

File: 73d98eb7d0c389b⋯.png (448.83 KB, 1100x890, 110:89, Dethlok.png)


Pick you medicine.

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f08dc5  No.16896815


I hope your medicine is that gun.

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3038c0  No.16896826

File: a05b2c96fbf050c⋯.png (1.52 MB, 900x900, 1:1, gun.png)


oh yeah, Gun is good too. I especially like Race With The Devil.

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5d5e84  No.16896839

File: a879ea01f0d7da1⋯.webm (5.95 MB, 720x720, 1:1, Gun_Race_with_the_Devil.webm)


Just to keep it mostly on topic.

Isabelle standing on top of an oven, with a bell or dollar bill in her fishing rod's hook, trying to bait one of the Nooks into said oven.


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799208  No.16896908

File: cef1071e9ad0595⋯.png (242.84 KB, 1080x783, 40:29, coronagraph.png)




That image and the request make came out with this.

I think the dialog should be fix a bit, but I'm not good at it.

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799208  No.16896913

File: ba1f4a0bcf84376⋯.png (196.33 KB, 1080x783, 40:29, coronagraphNONDL.png)


Non dialog version if you wanna try to fix it.

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3038c0  No.16897019

File: bbdf5999f071737⋯.png (367.93 KB, 1080x783, 40:29, johnmadden.png)

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0c2cfc  No.16897026

File: 73f70623a616f57⋯.png (81.68 KB, 400x237, 400:237, Nuclear_bird_is_moved_to_t….png)



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cae9d9  No.16897057

File: 1b615f2934d50bb⋯.jpeg (5.48 KB, 236x225, 236:225, CHINESE_EARTHQUAKE.jpeg)

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31bff2  No.16897064

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965f72  No.16897095

File: 5b77b3bded48f06⋯.png (326 KB, 500x900, 5:9, Trump_tan.png)

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427730  No.16897102



big amerikan tts

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546c4b  No.16897140

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d2fc9d  No.16897347


Nobody will ever know.

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827bb2  No.16897621

File: 3731a32ca0752c3⋯.jpg (218.34 KB, 640x480, 4:3, flanders.jpg)

Any chance of getting this edited so Homer is Terran Republic and Flanders is Vanu Sovereignty?

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931f25  No.16897709

File: f6b33da2155e612⋯.jpg (90.72 KB, 946x364, 473:182, senran_flat.JPG)


Funny all the titty ninjas got turned into lolis for april fools.

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d88633  No.16897717

File: 7b06738c0fb7c86⋯.gif (1.87 MB, 1208x860, 302:215, 1441220869873.gif)



I need more flatty ninjas please

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1fc445  No.16897790

File: 7762403b56e03dc⋯.png (1.17 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


>All the titty ninjas got turned into lolis

You got your cancer in my Senran.

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aea963  No.16897892


I think that already exists.

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276e2c  No.16897903

File: 067579f2be8197f⋯.png (446.43 KB, 523x612, 523:612, Acrid_RoR2_profile.png)

File: 450a4b4e2105d7c⋯.jpg (192 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, Corona_chan_explains_the_f….jpg)


Can someone draw Acrid the aids doggo from Risk of Rain1/2 hugging and getting hugged by Corona-chan while licking her face and getting a bit of green slime on her cheek?

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b70a9d  No.16897922

File: 153e68975c813be⋯.jpg (6.4 KB, 240x240, 1:1, 153e68975c813bea31fbedf8fa….jpg)




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38a707  No.16897933




I need more fatty ninjas please

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210dc5  No.16898012


looks like his work

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5f8d76  No.16898129

File: dc887873d946805⋯.jpg (69.72 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, dio.jpg)

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857361  No.16898597


My googlefu has failed me then.

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470004  No.16898599


Ackchualy, it's the other way around.

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d971bf  No.16898610


What did words did you searched, anon? You probably went to images rather than websites

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d971bf  No.16898611


>what did words

what words*

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4f5672  No.16898712

File: 6f8ebb2a0a9b9c7⋯.png (1.21 MB, 889x667, 889:667, literally_the_first_hit.PNG)

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31bff2  No.16899221


I heard GeneralButch had its Mega nuked, so i don't think Mega is that safe either

You may not like his shit but the situation could say a lot about the future

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38a707  No.16899419




if it's some lolifag, not having multiple backups and fallbacks is for dummies

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31bff2  No.16899587


Some guy that does SFM Blacked videos of Overwatch characters or something

Still hope there's a better Mega alternative

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da2c5b  No.16899762

File: 9ad1d0cc1c2518a⋯.jpg (42.79 KB, 419x594, 419:594, boltman.jpg)

File: f3d9ce8762dcc40⋯.jpg (104.55 KB, 640x428, 160:107, boltman1.jpg)

File: c5663f62e9f9613⋯.jpg (38.32 KB, 654x491, 654:491, boltman2.jpg)


/r/ing more drawings of Boltman.

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5afd7f  No.16899769

File: 40a20a5c47d712e⋯.jpg (95.3 KB, 276x256, 69:64, 40a20a5c47d712e26de717a45a….jpg)


Fucking glorious

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38a707  No.16899895


I mean, just put your stuff on multiple backups

There's no non-jewed alternative unless you count of having everything on anonfile or on your own servers, so just open two megas, a mediafire, a zippyshare and put stuff on anonfile for good measure and keep them there.

Bonus points, encrypt the files and only handle decrypting keys to trusted people. Another thing I like to do is delist my mega folders occasionally and give back another link when asked about it.

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96a3d2  No.16900078

File: bce0cf9c88fa3c1⋯.png (2.31 MB, 1946x854, 139:61, MarielBattleMaidOutfit.png)


Requesting this MMO character from the game "Mabinogi" loading a gun/shotgun/uzi while sitting in front of a PC.

Alternatively, holding any fireweapon you like while saying "SOON".

No lewd allowed, it will be ignored, instantly rejected and sealed away.

Please and thanks!

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247bfb  No.16900082


Requesting this character from "Mabinogi" getting raped and eaten by an ogre at the same time.

Preferably with her facing him as he rips off a breast with his teeth.

Please and thanks!

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32686b  No.16900084


take your pills schizo

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ad8f80  No.16900110

File: b0a922e9e763422⋯.mp4 (180.03 KB, 578x360, 289:180, beanposters_beware.mp4)


>different request

Did someone actually make a delivery to this parasite?

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46d961  No.16900115

don't forget

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d88633  No.16900133


Maybe he just got bored of the old request.

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037881  No.16900139


No. He does keep changing them up every so often.

It used to be her standing in the rain at some bus stop, then her sipping tea under water.

Don't fall for it. Never reply. Ironic deliveries are still deliveries.

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188a13  No.16900148


The fee version is better but I like the second expression more.

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157f70  No.16900194


Don't forget what?

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3038c0  No.16900329

File: 10481b18638899d⋯.png (250.7 KB, 800x800, 1:1, boobies.png)

some shit.

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32686b  No.16900338



Why are you sperging over this request? Because he didn't want porn?

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907127  No.16900339

File: cd33d218bf3b582⋯.png (260.01 KB, 449x462, 449:462, 1582858260701.png)


I smirked.

Your anatomy's improving

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d88633  No.16900346

File: 3b57682bbe0af15⋯.png (448.88 KB, 658x415, 658:415, EKSDEE.png)



>newfags trying to police people again

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32686b  No.16900351


>muh newfag

I just asked a fucking question.

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037881  No.16900354

File: 36a46988d8dfe9e⋯.jpg (5.07 KB, 255x143, 255:143, spoonfeeding.jpg)


Maybe just lurk for a couple years instead.

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6ca312  No.16900355


Lurk Moar

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ad8f80  No.16900375


Fine, you want some kind of rundown?

Imagine someone posting a request in every drawthread on several boards of several imageboards, usually with the same exact request, over and over for months at a time, if not longer.

Now imagine someone doing that for several years,

Now imagine someone reposting the request once it gets removed.

Now imagine someone reposting the same request up to nineteen times in the same thread and feigning ignorance about why the post has been removed, oh, tee-hee, must have been a glitch, I don't understand why it keeps disappearing.

Imagine devoting your life to doing this over and over because there's always the slim chance that every now and then, some innocent newcomer doesn't know any better and actually gives him what he wants.

This someone is MarielX, and this is why people sperg.

Also something about trading dick pics for digital goods or a beta key or something, being a rabid fan of My Little Pony and being a beaner.

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d88633  No.16900377


You were obviously trying to defend him.

What the hell is your problem? Got some insecurity from people calling you new one too many times?

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1fc445  No.16900383

File: c202f49f1753443⋯.jpg (489.62 KB, 900x1179, 100:131, tumblr_nyf40xjZ2I1r5093jo1….jpg)

File: 74e1761ce45761a⋯.jpg (151.09 KB, 880x1281, 880:1281, zmoxpkvaxvh31.jpg)

File: 699aa6872c5fa5b⋯.png (135.06 KB, 360x450, 4:5, ClipboardImage.png)


Requesting Samus meeting canonically tiny 2cm tall Olimar, catching him doing something naughty like attempting to steal her fruits

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3c24e4  No.16900420

File: e3a44959f39f92e⋯.jpg (488.61 KB, 1500x3000, 1:2, marielx_facts.jpg)

File: 73881d915b3776d⋯.png (87.31 KB, 483x539, 69:77, autism_meido.png)

File: 190d653fd03c83c⋯.png (12.06 KB, 819x460, 819:460, autism_in_the_rain.png)

File: acfbd4529e322d6⋯.png (719.24 KB, 4535x2834, 4535:2834, Nigger.png)

File: 5fb025a0ef1f011⋯.png (212.47 KB, 1186x1188, 593:594, mabinogi_chick_n_anon.png)


If you don't have the hot deets on this poor bastard after years of his grubbing for arts, then yes, you are a massive faggot of the new variety.


Draw more art you sad bastard. The more you draw and the harder you work, the better you get. If that Elmer Fudd fetishist can keep working on it, so can you.

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3038c0  No.16900440


>that Elmer Fudd fetishist


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fd0d43  No.16900447


>that Elmer Fudd fetishist

The what.

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3c24e4  No.16900463

File: 854a5089db7cc8e⋯.jpg (51.75 KB, 625x531, 625:531, smug_Joe_Q.jpg)


You're the one who said it, not me. I would have come up with that annoying red riding hood first, or fake Jessica Rabbit.

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3038c0  No.16900492


how 'bout a sexy (non-furry) Animaniac?

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fd0d43  No.16900552

where the fuck is doodles

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3c24e4  No.16900558


The only non-furry female animaniac is Hello Nurse, and that's not the kind of wacky girl you were trying to find a comparison for.


lurking i bet; quick request a trolltaur or something thatll flush him out

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fd0d43  No.16900569


I'm like 40% sure that he just forgot about us.

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297240  No.16900586


What is it about imageboards that inspires such autism?

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fd0d43  No.16900592


anonymity probably.

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157f70  No.16900610


Anonymous expression fundamentally runs contrary to the human need to assert identity and the self.

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5fd9b4  No.16900732



He's not a newfag, he's MarielX ip hopping

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1f2503  No.16900754

File: d20531d0f8586a2⋯.jpg (358.23 KB, 1500x1705, 300:341, samus_olimar.jpg)

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6f3aa4  No.16900816


Post a pick of your cock and asshole with your buttcheeks spread out.

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1fc445  No.16901052

File: 4a05b3b4aeeab4a⋯.png (160.71 KB, 463x411, 463:411, ClipboardImage.png)


Beautiful, Anon. Thank you.

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037881  No.16901257

>>16900420 dude weed

Never deliver even ironic deliveries to speds and autists. They deserve absolutely fucking nothing.

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000000  No.16901313


>Never deliver even ironic

Always deliver to speds and autists owo

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d1314a  No.16901475

File: f737af1b21660ee⋯.jpg (102.75 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, f737af1b21660ee0da49a5e6f2….jpg)



I was wrong, I'll show myself out.

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210dc5  No.16901884


>Elmer Fudd fetishist

i want to hear this story

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1fc445  No.16903152

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Requesting Big Mac Nigga meme but with Cooking Mama.

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6aed6d  No.16903162


Who would slap the big mac out of her hands?

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1fc445  No.16903171

File: ba047170fbfc866⋯.png (191.59 KB, 300x360, 5:6, ClipboardImage.png)


I dunno… some other video game chef?

Or it could be Mama slapping a burger out of Chef Kawasaki's hands but I kinda wanted Mama to be the victim given today's news about the secret bitcoin mining operation in her game

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3248d5  No.16903230


Post more reference please

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89eda5  No.16903243

File: 958e70d9c2de26e⋯.jpg (268.41 KB, 1457x2064, 1457:2064, 52b3854be6c0300c2d2124072b….jpg)

A Potara & Fusion Dance results of Erin Stout and Vivian James.

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b518db  No.16903420

File: bba3890040dfe6c⋯.png (418.47 KB, 800x1200, 2:3, bba3890040dfe6c90e6a322813….png)


Requesting Artist Anon who did Operator Vivian and didn't Finish the Scar-L with a Magazine.

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238ece  No.16903474


The Burger Time chef.

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210dc5  No.16903486

File: 93ca36fb0ff7910⋯.png (195.77 KB, 488x750, 244:375, tumblr_pazmhl9uvH1r5el4yo2….png)

File: 074e7c6b9e47068⋯.jpeg (Spoiler Image, 1.44 MB, 1739x1800, 1739:1800, 129f5d6f2a30953fa2df94bdf….jpeg)


requsting vivian fucking miko from glitch techs being fucked by a futa vivian james like pic related 2 with vivian still wearing her jacket but open so we can see her tits. please and thanks.

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e15bd4  No.16903492

File: e2e7d980ae5ea12⋯.png (11.56 KB, 756x110, 378:55, The_virgin_haram_vs_THE_CH….png)


Can somebody please draw what they think this scene would have looked like

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297240  No.16903521


Chad turns Boko Haram into Boku no Haram.

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238ece  No.16903631


Boku Harem

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3038c0  No.16904418

File: 69cab06b5fb5270⋯.png (362.03 KB, 800x1200, 2:3, nipple2.png)

more italian

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eee107  No.16904422

File: 2ebb119afc7e352⋯.png (50.06 KB, 273x221, 21:17, oi_stop_that.png)


If you are looking for a trash pile to dump your shit in, go to /loomis/ and they'll give you pointers on how to improve.

This is a Draw Thread for mostly video games based requests.

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3038c0  No.16904424

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12b5c4  No.16904427



I'll post what ever I want. Request or no.

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8d827f  No.16904480

File: 8515881daf8ada2⋯.png (17.38 KB, 487x2100, 487:2100, if_i_cant_be_beautiful_no_….png)

1488 hours in mspaint


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5afd7f  No.16904582


I dun git it

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238ece  No.16904756


the smol 2hu turned the lights back off because she didn't want the fat tits to make herself feel bad

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1c03c7  No.16904770


Your special needs card has been verified.

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b9b6a7  No.16904859

File: a71bb54b9be71f9⋯.png (1.11 MB, 894x894, 1:1, 1581364731771_3.png)


>the version of that pic with the bottom cut off because of the technical problems with the site about a month ago

here's the full one

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297240  No.16905163

File: 21add8b2909c9c0⋯.jpg (114.21 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, castlevania.jpg)

File: 17d40c90cee16fc⋯.webm (5.49 MB, 400x590, 40:59, ausie_with_a_whip.webm)

File: 43e56100570641c⋯.jpg (207.04 KB, 553x739, 553:739, Xi_Jinping_2019.jpg)


Requesting this pic remade with this fucking legend as Simon and Winnie the Flu as Dracula.

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c5706d  No.16905408


>2nd webm


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3be5b5  No.16905625


Surely you're not talking about Ben "Slope Slicer" Garrison?

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470004  No.16905635

File: 505c20cd5c5bec4⋯.jpg (1.83 MB, 1654x2339, 1654:2339, Vivian_erin_makes_Vivrin.jpg)


This was the last thing I needed to see today.

What would she be named tho.



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276e2c  No.16905636

File: a47aedefe8ba322⋯.jpg (113.55 KB, 654x439, 654:439, Acrid.jpg)

File: 34d702155afb5e8⋯.jpg (85.73 KB, 661x529, 661:529, small_dog_kissing.jpg)

Is anyone still interested in doing my request here?


Here is a reference picture that you can use as some sort of template, of course I want Acrid the Aids doggo to be bigger though.


>got a you

Oh goodie

>full coronachan pic

Wait what the fuck.

That isnt my request.

But thanks anyways I guess?

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11f76c  No.16905638

File: af741b9bd1c07a2⋯.png (1.08 MB, 1024x768, 4:3, them_aussies.png)


No an aritst, but an attempt was made

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5d5e84  No.16905684

File: b9d2afff6302985⋯.webm (123.92 KB, 640x360, 16:9, Oh_yes.webm)



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0f23b9  No.16905717


Now to wait for the porn of Viverin raping /v/ while simultaneously berating him for fucking his daughter.

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1fc445  No.16905728


Elton you're back <3

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e87016  No.16905729

File: 8bbbfa8037ecb20⋯.jpg (31.87 KB, 455x344, 455:344, Bring_me_mobius_skull.jpg)

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297240  No.16905732

File: 5c4b220a5d4af10⋯.gif (1.09 MB, 612x344, 153:86, STOP_my_penis_can_only_get….gif)

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b54a94  No.16905737


>Viverin rapes /v/ in amazon position

just like in my javs

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470004  No.16905739

File: a9c0120fca90768⋯.png (7.02 MB, 2893x4093, 2893:4093, erin_pinup_crop_clothed.png)


No one's truly really gone.


And there we go.

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3be5b5  No.16905744

File: e2efa5b1f34ae6c⋯.png (1.23 MB, 1440x1080, 4:3, consider_the_following.png)


Erian sounds like aryan, so that has my vote

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1fc445  No.16905758

File: 225c45c28e7beca⋯.jpg (115.34 KB, 1000x1112, 125:139, 1555912770688.jpg)


Elton are you taking commissions I want her milkies

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5d5e84  No.16905760


Fuck it, I'm voting Erian too.



Just to make it worse, put Gilda Mars in a corner by herself watching it all happen while jilling off.

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3038c0  No.16905766

File: 318adc69d145016⋯.png (796.36 KB, 2079x3150, 33:50, italian.png)



If you are would you redo my donut steel?

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92cb24  No.16905777

File: 5fdc16978602fb3⋯.webm (363.16 KB, 640x360, 16:9, Geoffrey_YES.webm)


Requesting what >>16905717 said.

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3be5b5  No.16905780

File: 4cb5b00124cb75f⋯.png (174.71 KB, 384x390, 64:65, almost.png)

>>16905777 (checked)

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e21ccd  No.16905851

File: a0b9483a5865082⋯.png (142.87 KB, 375x575, 15:23, joecartoon.png)


maybe you ought to go nuts and embrace the cartoony style rather than realistic, at least not until you got some more practice?


Hey elton-boy

I don't have a request, just wanted to wish you a good day

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fde2d0  No.16905893


>Blessed by the man himself

I'm capping this and adding it to my Elo folder. Bless you- and may you survive the currrent apocalypse.

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3038c0  No.16905920

File: 29cd647895deeb8⋯.png (302.97 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, lick.png)

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5d5e84  No.16905926

File: 65faa539377bb72⋯.png (76.56 KB, 1586x1608, 793:804, doodle129.png)



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546c4b  No.16905928


Now draw Vivrin raping Erian

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297240  No.16905946

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I'm imagining a Flexile Sentry sort of deal here.

You know what, I want to see that. I'm making it an official request. >>16892362

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e4f572  No.16905952

Could anyone draw /v/-tan as Gehrman, the First Hunter in his wheel chair?

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d2f826  No.16905988


Go full wacky races with him sitting in a pimped-out ride next to a coughing Orphan of Blobb.

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6aed6d  No.16905992

File: 04a2d59dbda2f7a⋯.png (1023.35 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, castlevania.png)

File: 778ed4295d33188⋯.png (1015.18 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, castlevania_bonus.png)

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297240  No.16906015

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f83ab0  No.16906035

File: f31672d847f9cd3⋯.png (424.96 KB, 800x1200, 2:3, viv_mil2.png)


Here you go man.

||Any other requests?||

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f83ab0  No.16906037

File: 2c87b23213b6b57⋯.mp4 (309.84 KB, 384x288, 4:3, ABANDON_THREAD.mp4)


>tfw you haven't been on the boards for so long you forgot the format for spoilers

God dammit

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eee107  No.16906042

File: f9a7894ee60daad⋯.webm (11.87 MB, 1920x960, 2:1, Bo_Burnham_Kill_Yourself.webm)

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fb3c56  No.16906043


I mean, technically that could have just been your user format for spoilers.

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3038c0  No.16906044


Draw big tiddie milf breastfeeding or/and masturbating her little alien son.

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ca968b  No.16906052


Trump tan should be a busty orange gyaru, hell.


I request Trump tan as a blonde busty orange gyaru

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6b044c  No.16906053

File: e6ba26bec8e57df⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 78.38 KB, 800x800, 1:1, DYeqO5LVAAAEJBU.jpg)


Seconding this but it's these two characters

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9240f0  No.16906055


that's pretty neet

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7f38a8  No.16906064

File: b47d6403272e97d⋯.png (4.88 MB, 800x6363, 800:6363, cosmoseed_by_chencoilufi_d….png)


I have a suggestion for an alien son that could stand to be milked.

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6681fd  No.16906073


Fuck off Josh

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6b044c  No.16906076


I'm not he but I know it's something he'd like.

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19f19c  No.16906204



Awesome. Thankyou

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210dc5  No.16906259


i loled. great job

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470004  No.16906389

File: 85f853f16456612⋯.jpg (7.57 KB, 61x67, 61:67, grindan.jpg)


If you don't mind waiting like a month or two everything can be discussed


Hey, it's you. You've improved a fair bit. Keep it up man.


Same to you. Protect your face from Coronita-chan.


I'm just an anon that happened to draw a girl from a silly e-comic for fun and giggles and it spiraled out of control.

Thank you, and please take care of youreslf too.


I would but I have no more time left this week.

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ad8f80  No.16906779

File: a85508100fdac41⋯.png (733.88 KB, 2079x3150, 33:50, original_the_character.png)


Not him, but I think this might be little closer to what you've been aiming for.

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9c7e55  No.16906785


Add the tits and it’s good.

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3038c0  No.16906820

File: 728bb52285ce926⋯.png (570.07 KB, 2079x3150, 33:50, OG_Character_dont_steal.png)


Maybe something more like Hello Nurse or Rogue from X-Men: The Animated Series would work better. Good stuff though.


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3c24e4  No.16906869

File: 93a5afff98420b7⋯.jpg (86.56 KB, 512x768, 2:3, questionable_rabbit.jpg)

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210dc5  No.16907179


looks really cute for a deadly virus


im 90% sure that exists already

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5afd7f  No.16907188



Would you Elmer Fudd /v/?

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1d609c  No.16907201


Well I would an Elmyra Duff anyway.

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e15bd4  No.16907248

File: cb3202c50f8e879⋯.jpg (73.5 KB, 500x385, 100:77, 1432228752515.jpg)


Jesus dude you just fucking killed him

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38a707  No.16907419


That came out really good, friend.

I don't get why people in this thread are so hell bent on making fun of your art. Sure it's not perfect but it's getting better.

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3038c0  No.16907428


Thanks, mate. I'll keep practicing until the day i expire no matter what.

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38a707  No.16907443


Now that's a good lad.

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21021b  No.16908003

File: 1e3eda1d51b01d6⋯.png (88.59 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 18386_c7OzlJ2m.png)

File: 96db16fe6265496⋯.png (85.62 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 18386_c7OzlJ2n.png)

File: 6b2f1fde9375566⋯.png (103.35 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 18386_c7OzlJ2o.png)

File: a30bf74c219289f⋯.png (104.41 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 18386_c7OzlJ2p.png)

File: a0b2ccf7ae720d6⋯.png (107.54 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 18386_c7OzlJ2q.png)

Ka chow, what's poppin fellow faggots, it's ya boi Anon back at it again with the Picrew edits.


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210dc5  No.16908323


nicely done!

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f83ab0  No.16908407

File: f2ef661ca36065b⋯.png (654.93 KB, 1600x1600, 1:1, polina_bunny.png)

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f83ab0  No.16908410

File: d068bca7ea28794⋯.png (388.21 KB, 800x800, 1:1, disgusted_polina.png)

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8d827f  No.16908423

File: 62af1a02abf2510⋯.png (21.64 KB, 487x1097, 487:1097, weak_humans_herd_vs_strong….png)



new one

i'm not sure if i'm getting the point across right this time

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5d5e84  No.16908642

File: e7536b86922369b⋯.jpg (101.98 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, great.jpg)



That second image my reaction to today in general.

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aa2898  No.16908676


if she is an impersonation of /pol/, she talks too gently to be one, it would be more like

>i literally fucking swear to fucking god if you fucking oven dodgers don't fucking release me this fucking instant

>i will fucking literally open your fucking stomachs and fucking have literal crows fucking eat your nigger instenstines.

you could fit a "faggot" somewhere.

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3b49d7  No.16908682

File: 94627f0a04b96fb⋯.png (556.01 KB, 1024x978, 512:489, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e6de7412ddf4494⋯.png (7.5 MB, 1022x1920, 511:960, Nanashi.png)

File: a3337b40beccb9c⋯.png (1.42 MB, 729x2263, 729:2263, Aleph_render.png)


This pic but with Aleph's or Nanashi's clothes/hairstyle.

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3038c0  No.16908690

File: 205b7de2a0f4891⋯.png (290.51 KB, 800x1200, 2:3, drunk.png)

Last pic of my donut steel for now i swear. I'll do vidya stuff now.

If anyone thinks i can fulfill his request tell me baybee.

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d002af  No.16908714


>Last pic of my donut steel for now

i like it, post more.

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3038c0  No.16908721

File: 943e661195e7d8d⋯.png (313.91 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, boltman.png)

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814c32  No.16908770

File: 7be69e83f69441a⋯.png (469.19 KB, 629x683, 629:683, Maradonia_NUT.png)

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38a707  No.16908890


Those are pretty cute!



Whoa, I really like your style. Do you sketch first or do you go straight to colors? Cause it seems to me that you do the latter, which is insanely good.


Play some Wario Master of Disguise music to get you in the mood for this OC.

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0c74ac  No.16908981

File: 4824af94fc4560a⋯.png (74.48 KB, 785x613, 785:613, Hijack.png)



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b48393  No.16909015

File: fb3614e17632cce⋯.png (38.59 KB, 760x955, 152:191, Faggot.png)

File: fa0d36814587bcf⋯.png (467.24 KB, 705x853, 705:853, Got_the_life.png)

File: fddf0c2249f5bf4⋯.png (143.08 KB, 692x610, 346:305, Better_Version.png)

File: 5b0c81458a7c8e0⋯.png (72.68 KB, 288x513, 32:57, OC_Tan.png)

File: 866ec61e9739177⋯.png (621.31 KB, 1548x2975, 1548:2975, Real_Version.png)


Marielx is a gay

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f83ab0  No.16909057


I paint my sketch then paint right on top of the sketch.

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da2c5b  No.16909166

File: a835da488ab5b79⋯.jpg (70.23 KB, 417x400, 417:400, 1414646874687.jpg)

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cd003a  No.16909320

File: 82e63a279c4b0b2⋯.png (1.51 MB, 1824x904, 228:113, 1579099384461.png)


Requesting this https://files.catbox.moe/rqx4fd.png with Elizabeth.

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1aeb37  No.16909369

File: 1d8c15e573a2b36⋯.jpg (70.52 KB, 750x553, 750:553, 7ohOuoRuSb_tmBf8FAjibSM3ui….jpg)


>4th image.

Why can't you just stay fucking dead.

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8354df  No.16909393

File: 9440ff1483dada7⋯.png (80.23 KB, 1022x234, 511:117, Persona_Autist.png)


>linking to images on an imageboard

Your kind is still not welcome here, faggot.

No matter how often you change your shit up.

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210dc5  No.16909727


you do realize you can post more than one image at a time here right?

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ca10b1  No.16909836


Its probably too high rez. Its also the kind of thing that will get people to rage at you. That kind of smut is what you pay people to draw, and if you can't afford that then you shouldn't be requesting it.

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b48393  No.16909879

File: 7c0660e1be235c0⋯.png (14.43 KB, 492x450, 82:75, Soulja_tan.png)


If Corona couldn't kill me, you think you can?

Any requests?

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8354df  No.16909912


Your suicide. Checkmate.

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f485d1  No.16909938


mark having sex with corona-chan

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b48393  No.16909959

File: 18dcc95c3dc8711⋯.png (583.6 KB, 757x3030, 757:3030, Words_Words_Words_Words_Wo….png)


Request denied, bitchboy



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8354df  No.16909978


>Request denied

Looks like you're not good for anything after all if you can't even deliver that.

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b48393  No.16910009

File: ec57ca05de01695⋯.png (1.01 MB, 7086x4133, 7086:4133, Kosha.png)


if my mere existence is hell for you faggot, then I'll stick around for as long as this site is up (which won't be for long)

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8354df  No.16910033


>my mere existence

You're just not good at art or videos.

As long as you haunt these threads I will remind you of that.

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b48393  No.16910044


who said I was good? I don't need to be good to have >fun

You gonna remind me of what I already know?

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8354df  No.16910058


>haha, I don't need effort as long as I have fun!

Pretty much, yes.

Obnoxious as you are, you just need to insert yourself wherever you go.

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b48393  No.16910075

File: 8af09de6f8d3141⋯.png (265.3 KB, 700x700, 1:1, _You_.png)


okay, where? tell me where have you seen any of shit as of the past months? I've been on /v/ all along without ever bringing attention to myself. I merely came here to draw, so you sperg better have an actual request instead of bitching.

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8354df  No.16910093


>without ever bringing attention to myself


You cannot ever make a single post without your gay little OC. No matter where you go.

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5afd7f  No.16910117

File: 3184498754635ef⋯.jpg (77.37 KB, 600x791, 600:791, Grinman.jpg)


>That last one

God, I want to go back

never stop drawing this 2000s internet shit Souljanigger, it soothes my soul

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b48393  No.16910123

File: 0364387687919ff⋯.jpg (289.28 KB, 900x893, 900:893, Phlowey_Collins.jpg)


nigger, i've been posting all over, where have you seen my shit as of late? or do you assume that anyone that posts my shit outside of drawthreads is me? it's the same paranoid crap i've had to put up by whiny niggers like you. let's not derrail this thread any longer.

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8354df  No.16910144


You've been dumping plenty of shit in webm and LOL threads. No need to pretend, there was content posted there that you had not posted anywhere prior to that, so I find it hard to believe someone else did that.

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b48393  No.16910182


nigger, read my post and think. Too busy drawing the one request

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8354df  No.16910223


You put about as much effort into your posts as you do your "deliveries".

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959cb8  No.16910292

File: 761da6d61367e20⋯.png (5.6 MB, 2140x4051, 2140:4051, 1585575269108.png)

File: 1f33fd99d017a8f⋯.jpg (838.83 KB, 1280x953, 1280:953, 42755508_p0.jpg)

File: de651ae2333b5ea⋯.jpg (413.21 KB, 1200x1600, 3:4, 1464473417572_4.jpg)

File: 8f268e32e1aa1d7⋯.jpg (290.24 KB, 1280x876, 320:219, Cadia_Stands.jpg)


Same anon before who requested Vivian. Arran Danner (Killzone Mercenary) but he is a Stormtrooper/Imperial Guardsmen and He still keeps his Baseball cap

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f485d1  No.16910732

requesting drawing of Mark dead in the street, bleeding, while Jim does some boomerspeak holding a shotgun

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6f3aa4  No.16910735


Mark getting fed to Jim's pigs on his pig farm

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fcd9cc  No.16910737


whats' your problem hes just havin fun? Most drawfags just wanna use these threads as practice and know they aren't any good. Spergs like you are the reason why drawfags avoid these threads.

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1fc445  No.16911895

File: 779d80a97428bd1⋯.png (9.59 MB, 2376x2304, 33:32, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c3df8412fb3eb55⋯.png (4.18 MB, 2715x3840, 181:256, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3e68d42c8526c14⋯.png (250 KB, 438x674, 219:337, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e84e0ee4cc2ce2d⋯.png (184.96 KB, 390x600, 13:20, ClipboardImage.png)


Requesting Shelly from Ion Fury just relaxing with a margarita and a ton of junk food but she doesn't get fat, just gets way overhealed, like in that one secret level

Bonus if you can work in her old concept look.

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210dc5  No.16911941


if you still want to do requests i like to see mine in your style >>16903486


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ca06c9  No.16912110

File: a78ff97679c3a60⋯.png (60.93 KB, 384x720, 8:15, D4MmxrcW0AEyC6S.png)

File: 5b5d38cbb5b93e5⋯.png (72.49 KB, 689x889, 689:889, dd6ghiw_312d037d_5755_402a….png)

File: 16c499c594b63a2⋯.png (11.32 KB, 414x713, 18:31, nh4geqYr8m1r7c9foo1_500.png)

File: fff7c070aefaa1a⋯.jpg (28.17 KB, 333x333, 1:1, sqiQx9x1w5ojzzo2.jpg)

Draw a cute Vibri!

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8e777c  No.16914721



Also draw a lewd Vibri.

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5fd9b4  No.16914736

File: 61ecf79eb4ed7c6⋯.jpg (273.76 KB, 2338x1700, 1169:850, Happy_Easter_001.jpg)

File: 9a9a10c33d4e175⋯.png (469.63 KB, 1720x1918, 860:959, Happy_Easter_001.png)

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3c24e4  No.16914811


i thought the blackface was for christmas

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6ca312  No.16914812


The sketch looks far better. Almost looks like something out of a horror game.

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5fd9b4  No.16914853

File: 2bb85d3e17aa74d⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 467.92 KB, 1720x1918, 860:959, 9a9a10c33d4e175d2bdd2d98f9….png)


Is this better?

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3038c0  No.16914943

File: aa196d437a1699d⋯.png (241.45 KB, 700x1200, 7:12, Crossain_di_ferret.png)

ferret boi

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d5c9f0  No.16915054



>hot cross buns

These things are great, I make them every year.

Never use candied orange peel, it's gross and chewy. Always use freshly grated peel.

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dd6eaa  No.16915059


Great, now give her a leaking boner point directly at his ass.

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38a707  No.16915240


Really good, friend

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8e777c  No.16915280


Well it depends on whether you candy it yourself or not.

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d5c9f0  No.16915287


Candied peel is gross, I've made it several times. Just eat kumquats.

I've always found plain peel to be far nicer in buns.

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38a707  No.16916276

File: f93741c3d5b8c82⋯.jpg (603.01 KB, 1627x1800, 1627:1800, 5b635243a15f7ef81bd64acc13….jpg)


>More references

I just got them off of the booru. Dunno if the other tans have any.


You up for mine?

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9e52c8  No.16916613

File: 85b979b098a965d⋯.png (53.67 KB, 130x262, 65:131, B363D5E8_6247_4168_BC7F_DB….png)

File: 27ef5e0dbf4d0e1⋯.jpeg (13.71 KB, 140x150, 14:15, B128F7A8_E438_4051_9B25_4….jpeg)

Requesting this but with animal crossing Rosie

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9e52c8  No.16916615

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0c74ac  No.16916660

File: 7f22f4a25916ce3⋯.png (51.84 KB, 349x476, 349:476, Del_Soldier.png)

File: cd6e8a3fe9722f3⋯.png (924.88 KB, 1268x788, 317:197, MarielMaidOutfit.png)


Requesting this MMO character from the game "Mabinogi" dressed as the BLU Soldier from TeamFortress2, loading or cleaning her rocket launcher in front of a PC, saying "soon" or just grinning.

No lewd allowed, it will be ignored, instantly rejected and sealed away.

Please and thanks!

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8d827f  No.16916740

File: cc26dce5e10ae65⋯.mp4 (1.83 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Favorite_Franchises_Down_i….mp4)

File: e2c999a42ae546a⋯.png (1.78 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, youjo_senki_6.png)

File: 954a6567eea5a59⋯.png (783.03 KB, 938x1238, 469:619, youjo_reviews.png)

feels like it's misisng somthing

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3038c0  No.16916974

File: 98e95074a9a73a1⋯.png (366.22 KB, 800x1200, 2:3, pasta.png)


I tried.

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3038c0  No.16917003

File: 8beca4bebd12597⋯.png (136.48 KB, 800x1300, 8:13, captain_space.png)

File: 841f14271379fbd⋯.png (123.2 KB, 800x1300, 8:13, prometheus.png)

Also, what do you think of these designs?

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d971bf  No.16917050


Try toning down the amount of visor window by one for prometheus unless you're aiming for comical villain. Looks pretty okay

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5fd9b4  No.16917121

File: 83ed01edfe7075e⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 32.38 KB, 932x988, 233:247, Soldlier.png)



Spoliered due to low quality

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5d96cf  No.16917127


Ironic deliveries are still deliveries. Remember that.

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38a707  No.16917302





I shall treasure this

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b54a94  No.16917433

File: b26381067f23320⋯.png (114.34 KB, 553x553, 1:1, krita_5ENso5tRHL.png)


i moved some of his visor around

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4ecfdb  No.16918357

File: 7054240becd3c01⋯.png (5.07 KB, 320x320, 1:1, Lanturn.png)

I figure I could show my Pixel art of lanturn here.

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d5c9f0  No.16918481

File: 770352fe45e7ec6⋯.png (6.8 KB, 340x318, 170:159, stack_lad.png)


Hello fellow pixel doodler

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4ecfdb  No.16918550


Awww, I love that.

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574357  No.16918561


Now it looks like he has chameleon eyes.

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4ecfdb  No.16918632


Honestly after today I want to draw more pixel art, both complex and simple I have a solid program that is made for just drawing pixel art.

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b3a6fd  No.16918644


>I have a solid program that is made for just drawing pixel art.


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e2125d  No.16918665

File: c4ab9d61d5c1d68⋯.png (4.89 KB, 320x320, 1:1, Untitled.png)


Isn't that just regular art but with no anti aliasing?

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4ecfdb  No.16918691


It does more than just that, it's a very accessible software, makes it really easy to do sprite work and sprite animation, I was honestly wanting to trying add more to my lanturn make it have a little animation to boot.

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b3a6fd  No.16918700


Yes but what is it

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4ecfdb  No.16918706


Sorry it's called aseprite

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1fc445  No.16918732

File: 6fef054f10dcfc6⋯.jpg (21.15 KB, 480x456, 20:19, 6fef054f10dcfc6bc970cb2b48….jpg)



>Monkey's pawing cancer with more cancer

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e6f53a  No.16918741



Excellent taste my friend

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22987d  No.16918758



I don't know the context of this but I like what I'm seeing.

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5fd9b4  No.16918779



That would imply it was meant to be pornographic, which despite the nudity it was not. The hint was that it was a shitty mspaint drawing.

Maybe you're just projecting

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3038c0  No.16918948

File: 6370de8e99e3040⋯.png (584.02 KB, 800x800, 1:1, BGC.png)

File: 1bd426aa0228ae4⋯.mp4 (13.24 MB, 640x480, 4:3, Gondola_of_unknown_origin.mp4)


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3038c0  No.16918951

File: d469e7d9c5e211d⋯.png (414.41 KB, 800x800, 1:1, Fug_Sabbath.png)

File: 6e5ce6cea28afaf⋯.mp4 (5.43 MB, 640x480, 4:3, Paranoib.mp4)

fug 2 because size limit.

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d5c9f0  No.16918952



What export settings are you using? The files aren't coming out the right ratio.

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3038c0  No.16918953


Movie Maker.

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cc18ee  No.16918954



Hey, if you're doing Gondola album covers would you be able to do one for Fishing For Fishies? I always thought that cover would fit Gondola well.

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1fc445  No.16918974


>That would imply it was meant to be pornographic, which despite the nudity it was not.

Guro is just another word for gore. Whether it's pornographic or not is subjective and irrelevant.

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5fd9b4  No.16919123


>Guro is just another word for gore. Whether it's pornographic or not is subjective and irrelevant

That would make a lot of things "cancer"

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9fd43e  No.16919147


>guro means gore, you guise!


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f451af  No.16919163


Is she okay?

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4ecfdb  No.16919500


I could maybe try this, it depends on what I want to do the style in, funny enough he was my favorite to play in the first game, plus when you can fight him it's a pretty cool fight. Would you mind if I did it in a Sprite style animation of the two, in the style of risk of rain, cause I really want a excuse to try out animation on my software.

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0c74ac  No.16919522

File: fb0bcb7393b9680⋯.png (18.54 KB, 455x453, 455:453, laughmarielx3.png)





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5fd9b4  No.16919560


Only if you define "okay" as being brutally raped by massive ogres daily until your body can no longer withstand the physical trauma, then once you die having your dead corpse tossed into the woods like a piece of trash to be eaten by wolves

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ee06c3  No.16919562

File: d2cffea7d1db25b⋯.png (9.43 MB, 2264x2847, 2264:2847, kplqk1.png)

File: f3d68e041155ecc⋯.png (2.24 MB, 1152x1792, 9:14, 345456456.png)

File: 029c94a11c8f568⋯.png (1.76 MB, 1332x1209, 444:403, 324233455.png)


Requesting Batoria(first picture) from the german pc video game "Die Schule der kleinen Vampire: Knoblauchalarm" https://youtu.be/BLNIauIGy_0 dressed up as Quiet from Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain(second pic attached, wearing that micro slutty bikini). Draw her holding a silenced 1911 pistol and posing in a tactical way. It would be great if you draw her in a way that we can see her crotch.

That or she wearing the same Quiet's outfit and forcing Ocelot from MGS3 to smell her crotch as in the reference(third picture attached, same pose and angle). Draw Batoria holding Ocelot's Colt Single Action Army revolver and threatening him with that in order Ocelot obey her orders.

Thanks in adavance.

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247bfb  No.16919571


you got your delivery. Stop hogging the drawfags.


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1fc445  No.16919592



I got a question. Why are you still here?

We know you think you're accomplishing some great spiteful goal, like "haha if I keep posting the same thing and being an annoying fucktard that'll show everyone who hates me", but we all know you do this in bad faith. You know your request is never getting fulfilled with all the hate you've garnered so the only reason you still post this is out of immature spirte, which belies your social problems in real life. This is the behavior of someone scorned at large by society, not just someone spurned on an internet message board.

We know you have no friends and this trolling for hate (You)s is pretty much the only human interaction you experience. I'm just asking a legitimate question why you even bother.

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d5c9f0  No.16919593

One of the few good things about Mark is how he'd ban the shitters in these threads, the other mods don't seem to want to do that.

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b3a6fd  No.16919613

File: 8a0d552f8b508fc⋯.png (206.55 KB, 512x512, 1:1, solemnlook.png)


No, Marielx serves a purpose today.

You see, some newfags are so abhorrent and contrarian lately, that if they see someone being hated, they'll protect that person(See: A few days ago when someone was defending him)

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4ecfdb  No.16919700

File: 05b8552a7615427⋯.png (16.05 KB, 309x322, 309:322, chaos.PNG)


Honestly it's just surprising how not more people know about how he does this shit, you kinda deserve to get shit on for not knowing how toxic this little gremlin is.

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4ecfdb  No.16919701

File: 73430867f653735⋯.gif (1.05 KB, 200x143, 200:143, I_love_you.gif)


the only reason I like getting on draw threads is to just share my art, being inspired helps me out a lot and I always like to share something new I learned, I really want to learn to fully explore pixel art, like seeing what can be done with it, really makes me happy and makes want to do more.

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3038c0  No.16919730

File: 99df61bf8b28fba⋯.gif (33.24 KB, 220x220, 1:1, Everlasting_Summer_Eri.gif)

File: 70f937efbb5db5d⋯.png (2.17 KB, 480x237, 160:79, s81efJWieJJnfRsCXJlI4lhOmn….png)


If you like pixel-art you should study Metal Slug animations and go from there so you don't end up doing generic and lazy stuff like most of sprite work nowadays.There are a lot of others examples but i think MS is the one that shines the most. At least if you want to work on games in the future anyways.

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4ecfdb  No.16919750


I fucking love metal slug, great idea thanks man, that will be a great idea to study since the sprites are so beautifully animated.

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706ab6  No.16919752

File: 467bc20e369dbf9⋯.gif (268.46 KB, 500x391, 500:391, e166b49f465b5752031b59a193….gif)

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e3bf9e  No.16919754



were drawthreads always a tumblr circlejerk

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4ecfdb  No.16919764

File: e34971e2e391555⋯.jpeg (133.44 KB, 1080x1064, 135:133, e34971e2e391555af4353920a….jpeg)


Clearly you uninformed on this one person, I used this word to fit perfectly, he's toxic because always comes into these threads and shits on them with shitty oc, continuously constantly ruining the overall quality of the thread, you can see his posts very clear and easily though out this very thread always requesting his oc, even when some fool does it for him, he always comes back, he is a 4cuck faggot that never learn to stay gone, The fact I have to explain this means your new, he did this back on 4chan, then he moved to 8chan, then he moved to the bunker, and now he's here, you should see the disgusting amount of art he has for his shitty oc, he also has real life figure shit, a fucking keychain holder, toxic is a word I fucking hate, so the only reason I use it for him and just him, is because he is one who does the same shit anyway, despite everyone hating him.

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16e4ad  No.16919793


If you want to make pixelart like MS, research sub-pixel animation.

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e3bf9e  No.16919799


iI don't really pay attention the the drawthreads, you just sound like a tumblr refugee

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cf3ab0  No.16919801


Do whatever you'd like anon.

Knock yourself out.

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000000  No.16919937


Toxic is an actual word with a definite meaning. Just because cancerous faggots abuse words, doesn't mean those words just lose their meaning. The other anon used it perfectly correctly. But hey, letting tumblr and twitter strip you of your vocabulary is how you own the libtards I guess.

If you let your enemy steal your words, you win. Great plan there, buddy.

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7566b5  No.16920022



Requesting someone dox Marielx, go to his house, and shoot him in the fucking head.

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3038c0  No.16920116

File: 5b57001967a4fb2⋯.png (214.41 KB, 800x1300, 8:13, italian_2.png)

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d971bf  No.16920163



Ayy, looks swell

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3038c0  No.16920402

File: 49d90eb29c1793b⋯.png (248.03 KB, 800x1300, 8:13, 5b57001967a4fb2dc8596ac041….png)

fixed some details.

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d5c9f0  No.16920488

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3c24e4  No.16920842


if nobody actually did that for the guy who was holding city of heroes hostage why would they bother for a fuckwit who doesnt have anything anybody wants

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737020  No.16922978


Requestan gopnik skaven in Adidas tracksuit with a gas mask (maybe an ushanka if it pleases the drawfriend)

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31bff2  No.16923188


Looks cool

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0c74ac  No.16923832

File: ea9e36a44597c15⋯.gif (174.91 KB, 470x470, 1:1, procastinating.gif)

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61af92  No.16924801

File: f76fc69cbd6430b⋯.jpg (12.54 KB, 277x250, 277:250, suicide_adapter.jpg)

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3038c0  No.16925694

File: d5fe84c8f77ac9d⋯.png (177.01 KB, 800x1300, 8:13, Pizza_hut.png)

Cheesy Crust

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407076  No.16926288


Vivian? Or random redhead?

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1b791c  No.16930296

File: e96dcca22e8cff1⋯.png (731.47 KB, 342x906, 57:151, 3FFC19D3_CBE4_47B6_AAD9_11….png)

File: 2317faa57b055f7⋯.jpeg (181.61 KB, 1000x1097, 1000:1097, 4841B608_747D_4B60_9C4A_B….jpeg)

Requesting a butt view of Serena in the Pokemon anime wearing Ash's clothes from XY in a pose like the one below of her ref.

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a25033  No.16931190

File: cd776618bf8c71f⋯.png (263.05 KB, 800x1300, 8:13, 5b57001967a4fb2dc8596ac041….png)

File: d4e376f799cf167⋯.png (252.78 KB, 800x1200, 2:3, gal.png)

File: 66075b1a4732b54⋯.png (469.88 KB, 900x750, 6:5, Loli_Friday.png)

some of my drauins from fatchan.

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24c755  No.16931988

File: 70b7ee90e6523d9⋯.png (344.08 KB, 530x416, 265:208, 1455655949355.png)

I have a great idea for a new banner for 8kun. Base it on this image, but with the girl being eaten replaced with a loli Vivian, and the two tigers replaced by two pigs. It would be perfection.

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