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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

5a6ca3 No.14249488

>Current Happenings:




1. 8chan is being trolled by shills to create chaos on the site: >>>/n/586729

>Evidence of this happening has already taken place over on /co/: https://archive.is/6dPTA#selection-9011.0-9011.6 A couple times: https://archive.is/8vwcE

>Remember, report potential shills and see about reviewing COINTELPRO tactics: https://cryptome.org/2012/07/gent-forum-spies.htm

2. DIG: W.H.O. Proposing to Classify "Gaming Addiction" As a Disorder


3. OP Timber: Nintendo Localizers working with Japanese Devs to Censor Games




4. OP Chickasaw: Big Tech Companies are already violating the Constitution


>SPREAD: Twitter caught red-handed admitting to shadowbans & censoring "problematic" viewpoints, spying on user's sexual activity: >>>/gamergatehq/331496

5. OP GOOLAG: Hit Google Where It Hurts



A. Archive.is isn't sure you'll donate money to them. Prove them wrong: https://liberapay.com/archiveis/donate

B. OP DisNod: Contact the FTC and advertisers about violations an unethical practices


>Polygon and The Verge violate FTC regulations: https://archive.fo/ii01W

C. Anti-Internet Censorship Database Operation: Defend Free Speech!


D. OP DICKTIONAIRY: ''The Destruction of Words and Language




>inXile has some skeletons in their closet being revealed (Possible happening): https://archive.fo/V4tr7

>A series of unverified images were released on 4chan that detailed AI controlled marketing and monetization practices achieved through "legal" surveillance methods: >>>/gamergatehq/331502

>NISA porting Ys 8 to Nintendo Switch: https://hooktube.com/watch?v=a_u7g5BlfiY&feature=youtu.be&t=328

>MTG pedo controversy has started blowing the lid off of the sex offenders in similar fandoms: https://archive.is/QMEAF

>EA shit the bed with lootboxes in Star Wars Battlefront II and are taking major heat: https://archive.fo/wBFd8

>Tencent promoting socialism: http://archive.is/0Zpbu

> Thread Repository:



> Summaries of #GamerGate:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wy9bisUIP3w - #GamerGate - If It's Not About Ethics;

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5fnRSL3d_xU - #GamerGate in 60 Seconds;

https://archive.is/23Fde - GamerGate: A State of the Union Address.

> Reminders (important, READ THESE!):

• Use https://archive.is to deny sites ad revenue and traffic and preserve websites in case they are deleted later;

• Beware of COINTELPRO tactics: The Gentleperson's Guide to Forum Spies - https://cryptome.org/2012/07/gent-forum-spies.htm

• Be civil if you have to argue with people on Twitter, Tumblr or any forum - don't make us look like douchebags;

• Do not accept requests for any goal or demand list: https://pastebin.com/p5dVp1e5

> Background and Evidence for #GamerGate (read and spread these):

• The #GamerGate Dossier: https://archive.is/nv1Fb

• #GamerGate Wiki: http://gamergatewiki.net/

• History of #GamerGate: https://www.historyofgamergate.com/

• View the timeline links in the Current Happenings section!

> How Can I Help?

• All Operations: https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/tree/master/Operations


• Operation Disrespectful Nod: https://v.gd/jtftaG (email advertisers)


>Update: A representative for Vox Media has stated that they will update their public disclosures across all their websites

• Operation Baby Seal: https://v.gd/iwvyPm (reporting Gawker for violating content guidelines)


• Operation Vulcan: https://v.gd/Kbzw0L (educate yourself on logical debating)

• Operation UV: https://archive.is/N9ieT (contact the FTC about Gawker)

• An Anon's Guide to Twitter: https://v.gd/nwrbYF (the basics)

> Lists:

• GamerGate Wiki Support List: https://v.gd/0fOHO3

• GamerGate Wiki Boycott List: https://v.gd/n6GPPt

• GamerGate Steam Support & Boycott List: https://v.gd/vzRsRb

> Key GamerGate Hubs:


> Full OP Text:

• Current:


• Old:


> Want to Help Contribute to GitGud?


4d4dbe No.14249493


b94558 No.14249505

File: ae7111dad0e42ba⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 316.31 KB, 1050x1400, 3:4, amazing_chocolates.png)

Lewd Vivian for February. >>14249503

10dad0 No.14249506

File: b399d3937a01a6d⋯.jpg (139.26 KB, 622x700, 311:350, 1e5df74bae3391b7df4fc03ed0….jpg)

Please contribute to the wiki!

Make those archives good for something!


4d4dbe No.14249509

File: 605c2b74caf3b76⋯.png (141.97 KB, 581x608, 581:608, vivian recognizes lewdness.png)

d7b502 No.14249516

File: e4f148de6c58784⋯.webm (15.83 MB, 960x540, 16:9, Made_in_Abyss_balloon_sce….webm)

Watch Made in Abyss.

5b48eb No.14249526

File: 6d1d904d88bad6d⋯.webm (2.47 MB, 640x360, 16:9, amateur pediatric surgery.webm)

4d4dbe No.14249530

File: 450c13f69b1accf⋯.png (61.98 KB, 340x148, 85:37, ClipboardImage.png)


Here I come aga-


Miranda? You son of a bitch

231869 No.14249531



Reminder that this is on topic and does not constitute more than 3 or more posts'

10dad0 No.14249536


We really need to update the OP.

5a6ca3 No.14249540


That's the latest that was linked to me last week. I just copied it.

0c6ca7 No.14249542

File: ee004e64709f11a⋯.png (355.3 KB, 647x866, 647:866, 1466560983041.png)

File: 75d90c816eb7f00⋯.png (89.35 KB, 320x320, 1:1, 75d90c816eb7f00f98b9606c86….png)

File: 6b9e45e867ce6ea⋯.jpg (54.52 KB, 461x433, 461:433, 1416698535191.png.jpg)

File: 6a882255e68bd44⋯.png (154.47 KB, 370x315, 74:63, 1420781666922.png)

File: 6d4395ae8f040ef⋯.png (57.9 KB, 1117x943, 1117:943, 1448516680264.png)




67a9bc No.14249557

File: 0cccf6c61398cdd⋯.jpeg (166.94 KB, 1318x1500, 659:750, Asuka pillow.jpeg)

Don't lewd the Daughteru. Bakas.

5a6ca3 No.14249561

File: 3cd37318fe78f8f⋯.png (1.05 MB, 819x1099, 117:157, Localization 6.png)

Be reminded that this is actually a person from XSeed is advocating for.

5d3f2b No.14249567

Might as well ask here since creating my own thread for it seems to get removed,anybody want some steam keys? I have em leftover from a bundle.

10dad0 No.14249572

File: cab2c81d60d04ca⋯.png (62.74 KB, 669x611, 669:611, 1.PNG)

File: e00c561f5a6c294⋯.png (40.72 KB, 748x346, 374:173, 2.PNG)

File: 4a8b0ebebdbcffc⋯.png (45.61 KB, 844x563, 844:563, 3.PNG)

File: e1c5709f5be0e91⋯.png (64.32 KB, 724x563, 724:563, 4.PNG)

Which one looks best?


You're not very acquainted with Tom, I see.

7c02d8 No.14249574

4ed450 No.14249576

File: 6a5556d7ad64237⋯.png (271.22 KB, 1290x1395, 86:93, majin_mark.png)

File: eea933b69d57711⋯.png (101.85 KB, 539x426, 539:426, bc7d5bf1af8205ec20864b11fa….png)


He can't be for real.

5d3f2b No.14249578

File: c967cdfce667d30⋯.gif (2.92 MB, 433x615, 433:615, 1348528936064.gif)


Infectonator survivors

galak z

holy potatoes we're in space

the way

space hulk ascension


If you have any of em wishlisted or would actually play em let me know,i'll drop a key

5a6ca3 No.14249581


I like the 4th one.

4d4dbe No.14249585


is space hulk good?

5d3f2b No.14249589


That would not be a question i could answer,i haven't played it.

Looks decent,but that's not saying much.

c7674f No.14249590

b7bfd9 No.14249592


Sequel with Gilda joining the action when?

4d4dbe No.14249599

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I played the original in the 90s. I saw totalbiscuit play a 3d version of Space Hulk and disliked it. (TGS is known to give their license to shitty publishers)

5d3f2b No.14249606


Well,if you'd like to give it a try,i'll gladly give you the key nonetheless

4485c4 No.14249627

Watch out for GamerGate

The public enemy of the world #1

It is the main hashtag responsible for…


☑ Making an ugly ass sweater

☑ Made Logan Paul level up

☑ Gave the Alt-Right an Asian fetish

☑ A precursor to the Alt-Right movement

☑ Trained a sealion to attack hipsters in San Francisco

☑ Defeated magical pedos in card games

☑ Helped a Korean improve his English Grammar

☑ Made Cathy Newman lose the lobster debate against Jordon Peterson

✓ Destroyed 4chan image posting

☑ May have exercised[sic] the evil from NeoGaf

5b48eb No.14249647

File: ba23993d5f680d3⋯.gif (101.86 KB, 758x696, 379:348, SUPERIOR.gif)

This is why the Japanese games industry is superior.

4d4dbe No.14249650

File: 3164cec70c849a3⋯.png (242.51 KB, 745x673, 745:673, this is why japanese games….png)

5d3f2b No.14249654


Yeah but what if i find that hot.

5d3f2b No.14249660


less of a problem and more of a turn on that she's got a demon hole face.

fe24ae No.14249716


>I ain't clicking that shit.png

10dad0 No.14249727

How do I look at a board's assets?

2f60c3 No.14249729


2 looks the most concise and organized while still offering proper chronological order.

f7c441 No.14249749

File: e0a3b7c6e22b56b⋯.png (435.13 KB, 554x582, 277:291, tfw your son wins another ….PNG)


3. definitely.

d4f088 No.14249755


I always found it weird that the "how to win an argument" guide is basically still called project vulcan as if anybody knows what that is anymore. By the way did anyone else have 8chan be down this morning? I couldn't get on for hours.

f7c441 No.14249760

File: d39696e1292c7d8⋯.png (594.3 KB, 734x1000, 367:500, 01aea3c1de1347ffb2bf46e1c0….png)


Yeah, it was fucking up hours ago. What happened back then?

d4f088 No.14249765


I don't know, I just know that various sites said "8ch.net isn't down" but then posting across the whole site basically halted for hours. And why OP is a fagget.

f041a0 No.14249777

File: 8dfb39085ba051d⋯.png (114.69 KB, 222x351, 74:117, 8dfb39085ba051dbd0dd004e62….png)

67a9bc No.14249790

File: 2ec95b9b4b58be0⋯.jpg (49.13 KB, 177x255, 59:85, Dubs Call.jpg)


The /spee/ is strong with this one.

fe7c16 No.14249791

>>14249574 >(1)

>>14249590 >(1)


>>14249749 >(2)

Why 3?

You're not ip hopping are you?

d4f088 No.14249797


Well it doesn't look like a raw block of text for starters, it's overall more pleasing to the eye. So I'd go 3 too.

c7674f No.14249800


We're 60 posts in for one thing. And 3 is the easiest to sight at a glance, if you vaguely remember either the bread name or the rough date.

00f5ea No.14249804


Found diaperboy

fe7c16 No.14249838


>We're 60 posts in for one thing.

Sh-shut up. I forgot

d4f088 No.14249932


Nah it's fine.

439f70 No.14249987

File: e3abd5942c05eeb⋯.png (51.38 KB, 300x100, 3:1, Untitled-2.png)

File: ecd37d91d5ff697⋯.png (51.68 KB, 300x100, 3:1, Untitled-1.png)





I made a lewd banner with Eltonel art. Only one made it in.


33dc9e No.14250038


sauce on both pics?

439f70 No.14250049

File: 7e383e136beaa91⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 2.5 MB, 2508x4752, 19:36, 7e383e136beaa9134d72fdcbe5….jpg)

File: 3011b9ebe5fa969⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 2.61 MB, 2508x4752, 19:36, 1 (2).png)


Its weird because I never saw these two before that banner thread.

d4f088 No.14250061

File: 24ce99400c9505f⋯.png (971.16 KB, 1000x800, 5:4, 1449725081957.png)

>decide to check some traffic stats for 8ch.net cause why not?

>we've jumped from Alexa rank 13,000 to 4,000

>all kinds of traffic sites showcase site growth and estimated increase in rank

>stats.4ch.net has actually fixed the broken total unique page views graphs not being recorded for 8chan

>paints the complete opposite picture of all those traffic sites

>remember that delisted boards are not counted by stats.4ch.net

Fuck man i don't even anymore,

0bf2ff No.14250201

File: be6f1e1ed30f9b7⋯.gif (695.1 KB, 500x281, 500:281, Wuhat.gif)

You know what I find odd? The number of indie game devs that happen to be commies. I saw a commie easter egg in a hat in time, and in subnautica a lot of the games lore and world building show a world where capitalism has gone mad. This isn't unique to subnautica of course, a common sci-fi trope is a dystopian future where mega corps own everything, including people and capitalism has gone mad. What I don't understand is why? Note, I'm not bitching about either games mentioned, they just got me thinking about it. They're both great games. Capitalism has endured for millennia. And the world imagined by sci-fi writers has yet to pass, and honestly never will. The very idea of these dystopian worlds actually happening are as absurd as the future commie utopias imagined by the same writers. Even doctor who played with the idea, depicting a future where people had to pay for oxygen on a space station they worked in, by the breath no less.

It's funny to me because every time communism has been tried it's failed spectacularly within years, and yet the capitalist countries are going strong. It's almost as if a free market has a way of correcting itself to prevent absurd abuses from happening and companies that try shit like that go bankrupt, but I'm must be imagining things.

But on the subject of indie devs, it makes even less sense. They rely on capitalism to make money to make their games, then sell their games for profit. But I'm not an expert on communism so I'm not sure if that's ok or not. But maybe I'm just looking too deep into this shit. It's fiction afterall. A capitalist dystopia is no more likely than a communist utopia.

0bf2ff No.14250210

File: da9a07b9d06b1a4⋯.jpg (25.36 KB, 665x574, 95:82, Am I retarded (1).jpg)


Does this mean we have more traffic, or less traffic? I'm confused.

fcd57e No.14250221


More according to rank sites, but if the 4ch.net thing is also accurate it means all that increased traffic is going to delisted boards.

0bf2ff No.14250233


As in boards we don't have access to, or delisted by google or something? Sorry for being stupid

064eaa No.14250265

File: 40bbf72a4d19906⋯.webm (15.94 MB, 640x360, 16:9, creating hell.webm)


most indie clique gamedevs are trust fund hipster failed musicians, failed screenwriters, failed comic artists etc etc

the "failed" part is the cause of the gommunism, theyre butthurt that they couldnt make it legit therefore the system is broken and not them

they simultaneously believe vidya to be easy money and passionately hate it as something beneath them because they cant make it anywhere else

fcd57e No.14250266


When you make a board you have the option to not have it show up on the public boards list, hiding it from most people. Hence delisted.

5f81a7 No.14250281

File: b0e79a55c27ea3e⋯.jpg (68.74 KB, 559x758, 559:758, be09fe33758573e542bb25895f….jpg)

Did anything ever follow from the MtG thing?

James Damore suit?

Katie Roiphe article?

That on woman that was smeared by the google womens' group?

a60f71 No.14250283


most of those indie game devs are normalfags who went to college, and were able to make connections with other normalfags at their college and reddit.

naturally, this makes them sympathetic towards socialism and gommies.

c5110c No.14250284


>Capitalism has endured for millennia.

I know you want to be all "fuck commies, yay capitalism", but you sound like a retard when you spout shit that's so easy to demonstrate as false. Capitalism as we know it has only been around a few hundred years. It's nowhere near a single millenium old, let alone "millennia." In fact, one of the first things people point out when putting commies in their place is how far capitalism has taken humanity in the short time of human history that capitalism has existed.

0bf2ff No.14250290


But people had money as far back as ancient rome

7a5875 No.14250291


Capitalism and Communism simply cannot work in the long run.

The reason why Capitalism could maintain itself up to this day is because of what it's based on : usury.

Unlike business; usury eliminates the risk of loss, and converts it to perpetual gain.

The perpetual gain is sustained through robbing the wealth of the masses through deceit.

Interests and fractional reserve banking (creating money out of thin air) is how the banks rob you blind.

I'd say Capitalism as an ideology is fat better than Communism.

Although the current usury-based Capitalism makes it considerably worse than Communism.

0bf2ff No.14250297


Are there any systems that exist today (in practice or theory) that could replace either in the long run?

22b31f No.14250307


Coinage != capitalism. Capitalism is based on big scale production of refined wares while using wage-workers. Trading and agrarian-based societies are not.

c5110c No.14250311


1 - if by "money" you mean a currency, that's been a thing since way before Rome.

2 - having a currency doesn't mean a society is capitalist. Soviet Russia had a currency.

0bf2ff No.14250318



Ah, I see I see. It's far more involved than I thought.

f041a0 No.14250333

File: 55ec1f0886c55b9⋯.png (785.62 KB, 859x720, 859:720, 55ec1f0886c55b935ba0aa0eb8….png)

65295a No.14250350




Capital = Accumulated financial wealth used in exchange for the maintenance of private holdings

In this definition capitalism has indeed existed for thousands of years. Rome had a concept of private property and fiat as a means of arbitrary exchange for goods and services

Soviet currency is valued in labor. Traditional currency is valued based on the exchange of private goods and services

7a5875 No.14250351


Something between non-usury Capitalism and Communism would work I suppose.

An ideal system would need to :

[1] restrain corporate greed to ethics and moral code (to prevent wanton destruction caused by rampant Capitalism)

[2] encourage people to spend their wealth to help the needy (instead of Communism's coercion)

Unfortunately, the modern world no longer place any value in ethics and moral code due to secularization.

The old trade system using the gold standard is far better than what we have now.

1b4adf No.14250352


>the easy medium of narcissistic self expression for our generation of spoiled faggots

>game devs in many countries can apply for (((state funding)))

>those that don't can beg mommy and daddy for allowance through their 20s

>childish value system based on what you "deserve" instead of what you're worth


>all that increased traffic is going to delisted boards


7a5875 No.14250360


replace needy with community

forgot to change that

261aa3 No.14250424


you're the best person here hobo

0bf2ff No.14250576

File: b77b74cb1ef7294⋯.jpg (392.69 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, vivian james.jpg)

Does anyone have any cute vivian james wallpapers?

6ad4bd No.14250579



wait, that name rings some bells but I don't know which one exactly

261aa3 No.14250587


hobowizard? me and him were part of the console-tan threads and moved on to here with GG

6ad4bd No.14250596


you drew the -tans or just shitposted the thread?

261aa3 No.14250603


I shitposted in the steam group but hobo was trying to learn how to draw at the time but he also did alot of other things like that sims run as well as console-tan wrestling that I didn't see

5f81a7 No.14250604


>usury is he reason why Capitalism could maintain itself


>"non-usury Capitalism "

>implying consumer protection and abuse-prevention laws can't exists under capitalism

Nigger, what are you smoking.

6ad4bd No.14250623


I'm glad he's learning how to draw, it makes him less obnoxious

0bf2ff No.14250629


What steam group?

261aa3 No.14250637


obnoxious? why'd you say that?


the console-tan steam group

6ad4bd No.14250653


it' was mostly that it looked like the same low quality quentin format comic and the constant "spam", but the fact he wants to improve the quality of the comic and making it his own thing.

I now understand why he posts so much

261aa3 No.14250666


well he is going for some level of irony with his comic I think.

ba0807 No.14250695

If GamerGate is called GamerGate where is the Gate? And do Gamers enter them?

4d4dbe No.14250720


try going to /vivian/

0bf2ff No.14250721


I forgot that was a board, thanks anon

4d4dbe No.14250727


If you can't find any. just get a hi res pic of her and use Gimp/photoshop to make your own. Not rly hard

439f70 No.14250737

File: a9611561a2a9b65⋯.png (1.09 MB, 820x1288, 205:322, We Can t Let John Deere De….png)

File: a58083e4c500666⋯.png (961.62 KB, 884x1225, 884:1225, Tractor Hack Farmers are ….png)

File: a3d7692d9dacdd1⋯.jpg (153.09 KB, 595x842, 595:842, 515ed6cd17ff89d8ca58e605d1….jpg)



I want these companies to fuck with people even more. Your consumer base will find a way to out screw you and then government intervention to keep them from screwing you even harder. This is why we need a right to repair law passed so apple, john deere and other tech companies can stop doing this bullshit.



261aa3 No.14250745


>tractors are the problem

>not the no generation crop seed they have to buy every time or the whole nation collapses

261aa3 No.14250748


yeah that

7c02d8 No.14250751


Number 3 doesn't look as cluttered as the other ones, and it also gives a clear indication of what threads got posted on what days.

7c02d8 No.14250763

File: 70a529136cee897⋯.webm (2.02 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Self-censorship is about ….webm)


78a6ca No.14250767


Wait, what? does that happen everywhere or just in America?

78a6ca No.14250796


I remember some indians got fucked with Monsanto seeds, but I hope my country is not fucked with this shit.

We are the growing field of Europe after all.

3fa346 No.14250798


If it comes from a major corp, like monsanto, single generation seeds are commonplace. It exists for a number of reasons, not just kike like greed. For instance, if there were ever to be unintended consequences of GE plantings, it would be much better for the plant to have no ability to spread into the natural ecosystem. It can also keep unplanned hybridizations/infections from becoming commonplace.

78a6ca No.14250800


Is hybridation that bad? I'm in favour of letting nature sort it out even if it makes horrible mutants.

1157d4 No.14250805



Report the thread then butthurt faggot.

31fa7b No.14250807

File: f599e96ee791b43⋯.png (395.41 KB, 897x1079, 69:83, Screenshot_2018-01-23-03-1….png)


I'm not a fan of monsanto and their practices anon, but I do know about farming and farmers. But the reason they don't save seeds is because you need special equipment to even process the seeds from the grain or whatever you're planting and that ends up being more cost and time and effort than it's worth to purchase and maintain that equipment. Even disregarding gmos and seed replacement contracts that monsanto has. I've never met a farmer who would save seeds as opposed to buying them.

Also the amount of gmo crops in the US are quite small as it is. The only gmo crops even approved to be sold are






>Sugar Beets



>Arctic Apples

>Innate Potato

So if that farmer is growing wheat or flax you can guarantee that the crop isn't a GMO. In fact I'd say that the only thing that's malicious are those seed contracts that monsanto has that makes farmer buy from them again next year. I mean those farmers are going to buy seeds regardless but locking them into buying again from monsanto is shit

3fa346 No.14250808


Horrible mutants can be good or bad but, remember that the spanish flu was nature sorting it out. And who has stronger immune systems? Not 75iq jungle savages with AIDS

31fa7b No.14250811


Hybridization isn't even that bad, its mostly just breeding diferent strains of the same crop together to attempt to get desired results

5f81a7 No.14250821


That is turbo-jew.

The legal boundaries (and idea) of copyright is also pretty shit if it comes to this.

3fa346 No.14250824


If the world comes to rely on high yield GMOs and uncontrolled hybridization happens, say in India or Africa or worse China, destroying the high yield properties you wouldn't like to see the hordes go on a rampage. Keep in mind, things are GOOD right now. You will live to see man-made horrors beyond comprehension.

78a6ca No.14250825


I even asked a friend who is a biologist about crossbreeding endangered species with their closest relatives to get genetic variety to grow up and told me something about gene variety I didn't understood well.


>Not 75iq jungle savages with AIDS

Now you made me reconside my position. Aren't they already dying with Ebola? or already got inmune to that? or got so many diseases they are fighting eachother to take nigger bodies.

4d4dbe No.14250829

File: f36b93537dd6a86⋯.png (206.34 KB, 1037x853, 1037:853, poptepipic gild and viv.png)

morning GG. I'm watching an internet lawyer's dissection of the Damore lawsuit. Google is, internally, a cult. Even furries and fatties are covered under 'diversity' and offending them is an offence that can get you blacklisted..

1157d4 No.14250841


>Google Senior VP Urs Hölzle Threatens to ‘Identify’ Whistleblowers


It's pretty much Stage 4 cancer of cult mentality infection.

31fa7b No.14250844



I was going to mention that the lack of genetic diversity does put gmos at a risk of a disease fucking with them. The solution is that those companies who produce them have stocks of more biodiverse seeds and believe it or not they do attempt to sell differently biodiverse seeds to farmers in different areas to prevent just that. But who knows if they're different enough to be effective at not being wiped out by a single thing.

I don't know too much about it though as my studies are on the biochem side of things, but it has been explained that they do try

31fa7b No.14250847


Are you watching the Nick Rekeita one?

3fa346 No.14250851


In an outbreak of Spanish Flu the healthier your immune system is the deadlier the Flu. This combined with the fact that whites and asians have much stronger immune systems means Africans would survive the Spanish Flu(or similar behaving strains) at a much higher rate. Compounding the problem, if tens of millions of young and stout whites and asians die; who will be left to feed hundreds of millions of Africans?

4d4dbe No.14250854


Yeah, he's pretty funny. Holy shit is Google a children's playground? I wonder how Moot is doing over there. I bet he gets pegged daily.

19d382 No.14250855

File: ac9cac23b83515e⋯.png (524.08 KB, 600x568, 75:71, 1442304920743-a.png)


>all that increased traffic is going to delisted boards

Ask Algorithm Ape what the high-traffic delisted boards are about. As long as he doesn't link or name them he'd still be honoring the delisting.

5f81a7 No.14250857

File: 45244cf11089aca⋯.png (20.72 KB, 800x550, 16:11, 64681057_p0.png)

3fa346 No.14250858


The silver lining: the flu would spread best in the cities and city soygoys couldn't feed fish. The rural farmlands would be less devastated. Shipping would still be fucked

31fa7b No.14250865

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Its probably a paradise to moot. Might as well shill Nick's videos though because they really are good breakdowns


3fa346 No.14250874


Capitalism has existed forever. Capitalism isn't a governmental system it is an economic system whereby private ownership is permissible. Religion and monarchies were the original destructors of a simple anarcho capitalist system. Remember, outlaws and pirates were capitalistic; the outlaw didn't pay tax and the pirate does as he pleases for coin.

4d4dbe No.14250875

File: 13545a8b9375fda⋯.jpg (29.66 KB, 450x461, 450:461, eggo.jpg)


>It appears that some managers in Google are deliberately attempting to conflate whistleblowers taking legal action and bringing public attention to unlawful work practices within Google, on the one hand, with inappropriate harassing activity such as “doxxing,” “stalking,” etc., which some Google employees are self-reporting, on the other hand.

reporting the reporters as 'doxing'? so, you can actually dox yourselves, huh

5b48eb No.14250876

File: 1b005bb56b331c9⋯.jpg (1.72 MB, 3000x1947, 1000:649, cheese_pizza.jpg)

5de0e9 No.14250877


>the reason they don't save seeds is because you need special equipment to even process the seeds

depends heavily on the crop


speaking of ggwiki what I was looking at the techraptor piece and well are we boycotting them now right since the gg purge they had?

4d4dbe No.14250881


I don't go there anymore, just Nichegamer

821f26 No.14250883

File: e3839d3c452788e⋯.jpg (231.17 KB, 869x943, 869:943, the realest curse.jpg)

>>14250333 (checked)

>ywn be sucked off by Midori with her big, fat tongue four hours and hours

7c02d8 No.14250884


>are we boycotting


Stop this.

baa0b3 No.14250885

File: b04dcaf0d1b2818⋯.jpg (50.76 KB, 720x707, 720:707, b04dcaf0d1b28188393f96eb33….jpg)

31fa7b No.14250886


For most grain crops, leafy crops or vehetable crops its much easier to just buy seeds. Farmers also tend to follow trends in whatever is profitable. Sure they'll stick to the same general few crops but they'll rotate between a few based on which will be more profitable. So its also a matter of keeping a massive amount of seeds stored for maybe multiple years. Its just easier in general to buy seeds and most do

e38e44 No.14250889


Pls no.



Reset the clock, fags.

ca69e9 No.14250890

File: 0d26aabd23fd907⋯.jpg (93.97 KB, 785x662, 785:662, 1450368685076-v.jpg)


If that was the case the boards would be nuked. Global rules still apply to delisted boards.

31fa7b No.14250907


What does?

b7bfd9 No.14250908

File: 38ee689194be573⋯.jpg (74.48 KB, 1362x1052, 681:526, DU3044uVMAAusoP.jpg orig.jpg)

Who gave Gilda a Vevezuela?

3fa346 No.14250913


The biggest laugh is watching banking kikes get into agriculture; see- California Almonds.

3fa346 No.14250926


Ironically, reddit in charge of Venezuela would look exactly the same way today. It's like how Detroit/Baltimore/Camden are trying to become indecipherable from Port au Prince.

31fa7b No.14250929


I've never heard of this and searching california almonds just gives me results on the actual almonds. What's the story?

22b31f No.14250940


>Why should I buy my goods and products locally when some of the prices they charge for "community goods" are outrageously higher priced when compared to the products from other stores?

The low-price standards for groceries is actually one of the reasons farming is a declining profession in the west. Unless you're part of some giant ranch or corporation there is almost no way to compete economically with produce that's imported from the third world where wages and living fees are just a fraction of what they are here.

There's even some nations where farmers are constantly one bad season away from going bankrupt because they're caught in a loan loop, taking loans every spring for seeds and repaying it after every harvest to make ends meet.

d0c968 No.14250941

File: 9ff9255a99ea1cd⋯.png (120.76 KB, 440x395, 88:79, Nonon best confirmed.png)

>>14250333 (checked)

>>14249777 (checked)

Now this is how you play Getball

4d4dbe No.14250943

File: ed0d2d81267f6ec⋯.png (716.23 KB, 786x766, 393:383, ClipboardImage.png)


I see this pic getting shared a lot

31fa7b No.14250959

File: 0c889175ff45ebe⋯.jpg (67.72 KB, 640x738, 320:369, Runescape mobile.jpg)


You replied to the wrong person I think you meant to reply to >>14250686


I saw this one on twitter because oldschool runescape is making a mobile client for the game

cc8e6e No.14250968

Hooktube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

GDQ - The Safe Space For Speedrunners

Saw this video about AGDQ. Topic is about it going more Politically Correct over the years, being no fun allowed, and increasing in censorship. Amassed 300,000 views. This topic seems to be gaining some traction.


Not as bad as I was expecting, but it's apparent that Tom is very conflicted internally. He doesn't want to censor and understands preserving the original for those who want to "change it" or "make it better" for nefarious reasons, yet he's your typical normalfag who finds things "problematic" like the rest.


Cloudflare has been fucking up all day, I couldn't get on to 8ch at all for hours.



Techraptor fucked up and admitted they fucked up. The rest is up to you.

5f81a7 No.14250969

File: d846a545698c87c⋯.png (182.42 KB, 518x314, 259:157, orin.png)




>Try harder, stormcuck. Venezuela was fine until some billionaires in the US decided to fuck it up because they didn't conform to their petrodollar bullshit.

Back to leftypol with you.

22b31f No.14250973

File: ff8512e05029169⋯.jpg (69.53 KB, 1024x486, 512:243, mana sad.jpg)


Yeah, you're right. I forgot to change the numbers.

Bully me.

4d4dbe No.14250974


the G in AGDQ stands for GenderQueer

31fa7b No.14250978

File: 123aefb43caec13⋯.jpg (37.36 KB, 693x537, 231:179, 1513625755.jpg)

3fa346 No.14250986


Number crunchers found that Almond orchards were giving the best return. So, every fucking yid with a hedge fund started to buy up orchards the result is a greatly over supplied market and lower returns. These (((people))) are more akin to locusts. The smart money is in chocolate; poor yields.

3fa346 No.14250988

File: cb01f93501f8607⋯.jpg (20.56 KB, 396x272, 99:68, VroomVroom.jpg)



Play in traffic.

22b31f No.14250998


Hey, wanna tell us why your board split on two?

cc8e6e No.14251002



What I forgot to mention: there's even interviews with some supposed speedrunners. There's even insight from a tranny by the name of Cyberdemon531 that seemed critical and called them out for their moral highground, and how the other faggots don't like them because they aren't PC like them.

This video seems to have actually done some homework.

3fa346 No.14251003


>Bully me.

>posts a mana

fine Nobel will never end the hiatus.

22b31f No.14251007



Check her twitter. New page tomorrow.

3fa346 No.14251018

File: 8a3f8936a987ca9⋯.gif (4.99 MB, 400x220, 20:11, laughs in Fuhrer.gif)


So it wasn't real /leftypol/ then?

78a6ca No.14251020


Does anyone have the commie cat porn turning into capitalism and becoming /pol/'s pet?

0bf2ff No.14251021

File: 6eac99b61cc20e3⋯.jpg (7.54 KB, 255x174, 85:58, happy 21.jpg)


And now he's gone, and all is right with the world.

b15081 No.14251022

File: 69ac4b7553141d4⋯.jpg (190.92 KB, 1280x1022, 640:511, (You)s.jpg)


Pic related is why.

4f8880 No.14251023

File: 5c4bd3edb0892a8⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 1.59 MB, 1164x1877, 1164:1877, Light_Of_The_World.jpg)

File: 6d268aacae01e58⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 164.82 KB, 800x1367, 800:1367, 6d268aacae01e587b90183fe44….jpg)

File: 4aa4b45a5359a7e⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 1.55 MB, 1634x1686, 817:843, StJohnsAshfield_StainedGla….JPG)


You want porn?

78a6ca No.14251025

File: e63505373c033e9⋯.jpg (23.91 KB, 220x302, 110:151, welcome to the empire.jpg)


How could I be so wrong?

5f81a7 No.14251027

File: 64efb02b2c73786⋯.jpg (14.5 KB, 310x180, 31:18, yuri1.jpg)

>commies are openly subverting us


0bf2ff No.14251028

File: 09571385d001f56⋯.webm (801.55 KB, 800x800, 1:1, PolinaGyate.webm)

File: 82e62a40e68dc48⋯.png (795.1 KB, 1500x1000, 3:2, get_out_commie_(shaded).png)

File: 443bf6aa34f42c6⋯.png (220.58 KB, 1400x1200, 7:6, Viv_&_Erika_Masterrace (1).png)

File: f0890ff75614249⋯.jpg (38.58 KB, 469x667, 469:667, 1506217150.jpg)


I'm sure I do, but I'd have to dig for an hour to find it. I just found these on /vivian/ though.

630fc6 No.14251029


Just fucking report instead of complaining about or giving him (you)'s

78a6ca No.14251030


Or /Pol/ina has a big camel toe or she is the same gender as Felix the gamer cat.

0bf2ff No.14251031


How do you figure? He got laughed at and insta banned for being a faggot. He even kept spelling /pol/ as POL. I mean come on, it's pathetic.

22b31f No.14251034

File: 448597b092c4bcc⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 993.06 KB, 1214x1720, 607:860, visiting pol 2.jpg)

File: 8eada65a1c51ddd⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 362.94 KB, 1214x1720, 607:860, visiting pol 1.jpg)

4d4dbe No.14251037

File: 34427b62bca9f58⋯.png (2.16 MB, 969x1412, 969:1412, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 93f5d05ac73ea6c⋯.png (424.19 KB, 475x640, 95:128, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b000cdbb431b187⋯.png (1.33 MB, 969x1113, 323:371, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 04b9349e86b646b⋯.png (1.31 MB, 664x1277, 664:1277, ClipboardImage.png)


>that last pic

Man if lauren southern's sister cosplays Polina, that'd be fine

78a6ca No.14251041


Not only that, but the one where she is paid to be fucked, hugging a dollar pillow, and another where she is 'breaded' and more stuff like that.

22b31f No.14251047

File: ec2b1010235e83a⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 272.25 KB, 1012x1433, 1012:1433, commiecat meets capitalism.jpg)

File: f81513329f1b076⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 536.65 KB, 1012x1433, 1012:1433, eltonel commiecat 2.png)

File: a7ba42880b93ad3⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 306.54 KB, 1000x1001, 1000:1001, commie cat frogged.png)

File: b1366e8be3fb2ba⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 42.04 KB, 1000x625, 8:5, commie cat pepe.jpg)

File: 0b3285c53610c63⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 103.74 KB, 1000x1001, 1000:1001, commiecat has never been t….jpg)

78a6ca No.14251051


Exactly those! Perfect medicine against communists.

3fa346 No.14251058


>not throwing economics books at commies.

I swear I'm going to snap if I hear, "It makes sense to raise taxes in an economic downturn to boost revenue." one more time.

e38e44 No.14251060


Bread and food posting works fine too.

05c2b7 No.14251064


Don't ever post this trash cat. /leftypol/is fucking retarded but even they know that the way into an anon's heart is through his boner. See: granblue fantasy jewing anons who should know better because it has "muh waifu"

22b31f No.14251066

File: 0b7755b87944522⋯.png (146.35 KB, 500x417, 500:417, 0b7755b8794452254cf000b9fa….png)

3fa346 No.14251075


This is why advertisers are greatly increasing the amount of white husband/black wife adverts. When white husband/asian wife is most common and least eye-gouging.

b15081 No.14251080

File: e9dc5f4e7f48015⋯.jpg (72.42 KB, 800x600, 4:3, mikustare.jpg)

Seriously though, engaging with dishonest actors leads to nowhere. So don't give them the attention, or else.

0bf2ff No.14251084


Or else what anon? Will you bully my penis?

b15081 No.14251085


Or else you have nothing to blame but yourself for the thread going to shit, well more shit, silly.

e38e44 No.14251087


>It makes sense to raise taxes in an economic downturn to boost revenue.

It doesn't, when increasing taxes you need to get timing and economical trends right.

Otherwise, some (((people))) would just plainly evade their taxes, if these get too high for (((them))).


No, fuck off.

I have read /leftypol/ introduction materials and I found them being complete garbage.

Also you won't find any new posters for your board full of bots here.

Even with recent newfag rapefugees from cuckchan.



7f5134 No.14251090


>First the Olympics

>Now this


7c02d8 No.14251100


>posting manhwa

On that note, Gook answer me this: Why is nip cartoons punishable by death when trash like manhwa is allowed to exist?

0d4aa6 No.14251102


very good

3fa346 No.14251115


I hear it so often though it reminds me of AGW shill points. Look at current US tax-cuts, people are so subverted they're upset to have less of their own money taken from them.

e38e44 No.14251120


Not gook, but I assume it's something related with right-wing conservative no-fun allowed insane femishits government and their dystopian laws.

0bf2ff No.14251129


Can't speak for /a/ but the commies just want attention.

630fc6 No.14251136


No, because if you're worried about it they tell you to go back to /pol/

3fa346 No.14251137


Generally speaking, obnoxious cross-posting is caused by their "home board" being dead.

0bf2ff No.14251144


>they tell you to go back to /pol/

It really is astounding to me just how many people will become invested in a hobby or fandom or what have you, but the second something bad happens to the hobby/fandom and somebody voices concern over it, they'll be told to fuck off. I'm not sure what the mentality is, like "ignore it and hope it goes away?"

630fc6 No.14251146


>Other than that, they are freaking out about this.

But remember it just happened randomly right? There's no (((cause))) for it at all

e38e44 No.14251154

>>14251111 (fuck your quads)

I won't, because I erased it from my mind.

Now fuck off to >>>/leftypol/ or your failed leftypol-based /v/ offshoot.

ps. Almost everyone here thinks that SJWs = leftism = communism, so all your efforts here are wasted.


>I hear it so often though it reminds me of AGW shill points.

It's probably like same kind of people, but then again all shills are the same.


>Why is leftypol trying so hard?

They always tried so hard, but failed so much.

>why are /a/ cross posters trying so hard to act like /a/ gives a shit about issues they never cared about before?

/a/ fears /animu/

At least that how it looks like.

4f8880 No.14251163

File: 7f5540c65a181f3⋯.png (163.68 KB, 375x385, 75:77, HelloCharlotte_Smug.png)


>why are /a/ cross posters trying so hard to act like /a/ gives a shit about issues they never cared about before?

They're not /a/ posters that post in this general, they're /gamergatehq/ that post on /a/.

Why are you projecting your own patheticness on other boards? Is your general just that low?

8ae673 No.14251164

File: 1c08452de82db10⋯.jpg (185.24 KB, 847x1200, 847:1200, clothed.jpg)


>1st pic

Put some clothes on, cat

4bf179 No.14251165

File: 75da0b396260018⋯.png (174.86 KB, 900x900, 1:1, sobrevivente.png)



>We will never convert commie cat from a godless, starving, deluded feline to a nationalist, hard working, pious wife.


Shit, shit, shit.

e38e44 No.14251188


>Why are you projecting your own patheticness on other boards? Is your general just that low?

t.Fag that post the same one pic in every damn GG bread while dissing GG for few months.

ps. Enjoy your ban for breaking 4 different board rules at same time in one post.

pps. You are persistent and earned that one (you).

6cd768 No.14251199


>implying people follow them and its not a façade

46d332 No.14251201


so is there any place with all of Eltonel's stuff? i swear im always discovering he made a new one or the one i just saw was days old.

e73b96 No.14251202


You forgot to add that the commie cat is the leftypol trannypig's self insert.

b15081 No.14251214

File: 297f8b4fc4ccc4b⋯.gif (231.03 KB, 325x570, 65:114, chrisquestioning.gif)


I suspect that it's COINTELPRO tactics trying to exploit the fact that some anons here(like myself for example) have a dislike for for /a/'s current policies as well as the owner's irrational hateboner for /v/.

15ad8f No.14251219

File: 274edf033002a5a⋯.gif (314.83 KB, 900x652, 225:163, comfiest cuddle.gif)


>I'll never understand why commies make games, when they are a capitalist product.

Because it's easy to virtue signal that you're a strong independent commie while happily lavishing in all the possibilites living in a capitalist society gives you. It's just words, nothing more.


Let's be fair; it's way too cute to be their self-insert.

630fc6 No.14251231


Why do suck their cocks so much and hate /animu/ then

0bf2ff No.14251241

File: ad2f09bb34ff3b7⋯.png (56.67 KB, 240x255, 16:17, queston.png)


Why does /a/ have a hateboner for /v/? And what are their current policies that are bad? And what is animu? I'm really out of the loop with this kind of shit, I only ever frequent these threads really.


>leftypol-based /v/ offshoot.

What board was that? And why is there two leftypol boards now?

3fa346 No.14251255


>And why is there two leftypol boards now?

If you see a spoiler'd webm it's part of it all but, don't click it

630fc6 No.14251257


Oh I assumed you were the guy who gets mad every time /animu/ is brought up

f6ece5 No.14251274


>Why does /a/ have a hateboner for /v/?

It was the same on cuckchan /a/, cuckchan took over. The "medios" are rejects from /a/ radio and those faggots advertised on cuckchan for years.

f6ece5 No.14251280


I mean if they don't actively shitpost on competing boards like goons then it's not like it's a problem either way, it's just board culture being passed around mostly.

d0c968 No.14251286


They think the shitposters they get come from here.

Despite countless good threads being done by /v/irgins.

f6ece5 No.14251289


Goons kikes are pushing their memes again with nyaa.si as well.

b15081 No.14251293


>Why does /a/ have a hateboner for /v/?

I actually don't know, but the "/v/ is for /v/ermin" attitude seems to be prevalent among the userbase, at least in my experience. I suspect it's a result of the userbase falling for a lot of the falseflagging that occured from foolz/IRC back on halfchan when Kill la Kill was airing. Also this >>14251274 and this >>14251286

>And what are their current policies that are bad?

Over-aggressive moderation to the point of being grammar Nazis at times. Not saying that a heavy handed approach is necessarily a bad thing, but there is such a thing as too much.

>what is animu

An offshoot board with laxer moderation. That's it, or so it looks.

6cd768 No.14251297




ce40ad No.14251302


>Why does /a/ have a hateboner for /v/?

/a/ here, we don't hate /v/. /v/ just has trouble following our rules so they think we hate them. We're consistent, at least you won't be getting banned for posting images one of the vol's doesn't like. My advice is spell check before posting and you'll be fine.

5f81a7 No.14251305

File: 1f42bf35acdb735⋯.jpg (46.25 KB, 370x400, 37:40, angrytrap.jpg)




b15081 No.14251306

Anyways, the "co-production" part of the Netflix deal is what worries me. Cause that implies more shit like Neo Yokio, where the animation studios are just doing animation, but the script and series direction is handled by Netflix.

630fc6 No.14251310


That's why your BO calls /v/ /v/ermin right?

ce40ad No.14251316


When you look at the average post on /v/ and how it pertains to the discussion intended or being had, it's hard to disagree.

3fa346 No.14251321


the BO is a jew-rat.

630fc6 No.14251329


So /a/ does just hate /v/? You kind of just contradicted yourself there. For the record I post on /a/ all the time and have never been banned and I'm guessing that the majority of /a/ posters are crossboarders. So why act like faggots?

ce40ad No.14251337


are you honestly happy with how /v/ users act most of the time? Why do you think it's hate, by the way?

b15081 No.14251338

File: 885a1f6427e234b⋯.jpg (88.89 KB, 1200x1143, 400:381, 885a1f6427e234b9c37b17b412….jpg)



Way to disprove your own claim.

630fc6 No.14251339


Wow the largest board on the site has a lot of shitposters, are you retarded?

ce40ad No.14251340


why do you think it's hate?

f6ece5 No.14251344



I smell cuckchan bullshit. You'd be better off taking that shit to a time capsule in 08.

d0c968 No.14251345

File: a51ea2bf2ecfab4⋯.png (200.72 KB, 437x468, 437:468, Cuckchanistan.png)

File: ab5713058a0d26b⋯.png (79.83 KB, 257x518, 257:518, Autistic cuckhan retard.png)

File: e571aa46d1dba01⋯.png (167.27 KB, 439x630, 439:630, Autism.png)


I'm ok with how most act, I'm not ok with how the cuckchan crossposting scum act.

Nepfag still dislikes /v/, this is no secret.

7c02d8 No.14251346

File: 25e4a00c19ca622⋯.jpg (63.96 KB, 593x639, 593:639, Capture.JPG)


>/a/ fears /animu/

They seem to be pretty bad at fearing things then.

9331a1 No.14251347


>Now they're losing steam.

You can't tell from such short term measurements.

261aa3 No.14251349


I'm sure it's because lobbyist groups have been paid off not to talk to it which seems to be the MO

>hey you haven't given us money lately for anything so if you don't pay us off we'll lobby against you!" *cue multiple ban assault straps pieces and videos*

6ad4bd No.14251353




you got played

f6ece5 No.14251356


Feel free to fuck off from the site.

ce40ad No.14251358


I think the vols getting this upset over a silly meme when cuckchan crossposts happen all the time on here is a little weird. you saw that yellow wojak posted here often, the brainlet wojak, all cuckchan memes, but the one that mocks nintendo fans is a step too far.


a disproportionate amount, consider policing your fellow posters better and tolerating shitposts less instead of getting defensive about them when they offer you nothing.

0bf2ff No.14251360

File: dbb9b7da4a273c7⋯.png (364.53 KB, 454x438, 227:219, huh.png)

8bb593 No.14251364


You don't have /v/, a significant number of you just take every opportunity you can to bitch about /v/ crossboarders. Even if it's completely irrelevant and has nothing to do with /v/, you just bitch about them every time you don't like a post. Certainly, /v/ has a whole lot of retarded shitposters, but /a/ is home to a whole lot of stupid fuckers too. The way they adamantly refuse to accept that modern Western garbage politics are gaining ground in anime makes me want to vomit. Sticking your head in the sand doesn't make the problem go away.

d0c968 No.14251368


>you saw that yellow wojak posted here often, the brainlet wojak, all cuckchan memes

Except you don't because they're immediately banned aside from the brainlet shit you revisionist fuck.

261aa3 No.14251370


volunteers, that's what hotpockets are called here, mark is the board owner

e38e44 No.14251371


>Why does /a/ have a hateboner for /v/?

I don't know.

>And what are their current policies that are bad?

Read their rules. Also they autoban (((echoes))) and common internet acronyms as lol, tbh and kek.

>what is animu

/a/ offshoot board. Not very popular until it was mentioned/shilled here.

>What board was that?


But it seems everything was erased and I don't have any proof of it even existing at all.

>why is there two leftypol boards now?

</leftypol/ tranny blowjob.webm aftermath I assume.


>I'm quite surprised that they peaked at 210 yesterday. Now they're losing steam. The /animu/ guys had fun and I guess it was amusing while it lasted.

They aren't done yet, fag.

Also you need to go back >>>/a/

5f81a7 No.14251376


>I think the vols getting this upset over a silly meme when cuckchan crossposts happen all the time on here is a little weird. you saw that yellow wojak posted here often, the brainlet wojak, all cuckchan memes, but the one that mocks nintendo fans is a step too far.

Kill yourself you crossposting shit. That faggot spammed the board.

0bf2ff No.14251377


Wow, I've been calling them janitors this whole time.

4d4dbe No.14251378

File: f122bdc08856764⋯.png (63.03 KB, 481x150, 481:150, ClipboardImage.png)

lik if u cri everytim

f6ece5 No.14251382



Case in point.

630fc6 No.14251383


>you saw that yellow wojak posted here often, the brainlet wojak, all cuckchan memes, but the one that mocks nintendo fans is a step too far.

All of deserved to be banned as well for obvious cuckchan crossposting

9331a1 No.14251385

File: 09c8c8913d42580⋯.png (156.67 KB, 516x440, 129:110, concerned assautist.png)


>means all that increased traffic is going to delisted boards

That is ominous. Is there any way to figure what's happening on these delisted boards?

261aa3 No.14251391


functionally they are so it don't mattah much but it's one of the ways to tell who's a crosscuckums tbh


it's not nice to call that person a kill yourself you know

0bf2ff No.14251396

File: 59672b63786fb65⋯.jpg (83.54 KB, 434x353, 434:353, sad.jpg)


I've been calling them janitors and mods forever, and I already knew who Mark is he follows me on twitter. I first assumed "VOL" was a misspelling, then he used it again and didn't connect it to volunteer. I've never seen them called that here before.

d0c968 No.14251398

File: 82ee5c75ac7fa90⋯.png (880.76 KB, 628x800, 157:200, Terrygeddon.png)


>being this new

630fc6 No.14251400


fucking newfag, you should really kill yourself

0bf2ff No.14251405

File: df6300bc5d9641b⋯.jpg (70.05 KB, 572x497, 572:497, stop bully.jpg)

d0c968 No.14251409

File: 2919f3392df1abc⋯.mp4 (1.37 MB, 476x360, 119:90, slapping intensifies.mp4)


>Now you're just asking for it


What's your opinion on loli?

0bf2ff No.14251411

File: 9a15c6f28795053⋯.gif (1.95 MB, 370x208, 185:104, TAKE HER AWAY TO THE BULLY….gif)


Now that I think about it I have seen them called volunteers before, it was lapse in memory

e38e44 No.14251420


> Is there any way to figure what's happening on these delisted boards?

Only by asking Jim or Codemonkey.

Also there still is case of these baby boomers that came here recently from cuckchan to one board that was delisted as spam defense after they got spammed by god knows who.


630fc6 No.14251421


>Now that I think about it I have seen them called volunteers before, it was lapse in memory

Sure you fucking faggot, actually stop posting and learn to lurk a bit.

261aa3 No.14251424

ya'know I don't know why fags are getting uppity over anon not knowing a something like that, what would you prefer, an idiot who says nothing and just pushes his own way even if it's wrong or someone who's willing to admit he didn't know a thing?

d0c968 No.14251425

File: faf8543afaad1b3⋯.png (286.25 KB, 268x473, 268:473, Samuel Hydan.PNG)


You'll neer see those 10 bucks back

1eaeeb No.14251439

File: 0d90aea2880452c⋯.gif (651.48 KB, 647x363, 647:363, 0d90aea2880452c6004c70c3c9….gif)


I dunno, and I hate the one anon who posts that fucking image. I can only presume that she has some deep-seated rape fantasies. Someone oughta' give her some positive reinforcement if you know what I mean.

d0c968 No.14251442

File: 1caec275e031e8d⋯.jpg (265.39 KB, 760x797, 760:797, 7070667.jpg)


>Implying I even have to try at all

261aa3 No.14251445


if an idiot doesn't ask a question then he's saying nothing but if he continues to push his way then he's propagating his falsehoods, how is that hard to understand?

18ece9 No.14251446


If Mark wants we can make a deal to take /a/ off and make /animu/ become the official anime board.

5f81a7 No.14251448

File: 562bb90ae936a59⋯.jpg (200.48 KB, 885x1255, 177:251, a9e518d936ab77aedac13df704….jpg)

We're being raided.

d0c968 No.14251454


More bunny cunny please

261aa3 No.14251457


because you can talk and ultimately say nothing at all

9da493 No.14251463

File: d2ebd6c9bc43858⋯.png (751.73 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, d2ebd6c9bc43858f47d6351cda….png)


Some of the most degenerate doujins I've ever seen come from female artists.

261aa3 No.14251473


no shit it's not because that wasn't my point, it was yours

630fc6 No.14251488


So your point is to allow rampant newfaggotry instead of telling people to lurk?

0bf2ff No.14251494

File: 1e332b75382e5a9⋯.jpg (32.53 KB, 603x340, 603:340, C8LXUUHUMAAAUiw.jpg)



I've been posting here since the fucking exodus, I don't need to fuck off and lurk more just because an /a/fag used an abbreviation I'm unfamiliar with.

1eaeeb No.14251497

File: 96cf1bfe63c4ba6⋯.webm (7.82 MB, 640x360, 16:9, kikewheelsone.webm)


WHICH exodus?

630fc6 No.14251502


Vol is a widely known term since hotwheels changed the term to give mods less accountability in terms of the law. Don't be a fucking newfag akkofaggot

be5eef No.14251504


>granblue fantasy

feminists and soyboys hate that vidya because it's aesthetic as fuck, remove yourself faggot.

261aa3 No.14251513


if he had lurked and watched your actions, we'd just have massive elitism which killed any and all OC and fun back on 4chan


no you don't really convince me by repeating your self like that, it's really not much of an argument

be5eef No.14251517


>t. totaly not from cuckch/a/n

0bf2ff No.14251525


Back in the aftermath of the mod chat logs being leaked on cuckchan, and gamergate being banned. I was around when the original /gamergate/ was replaced by /gamergatehq/ and can spot acidman and marche purley by their posting styles. I named DS9fag


alright I'll stop.

5f81a7 No.14251526

File: 8ba3fea96ff06ec⋯.jpg (158.09 KB, 850x1200, 17:24, 8ba3fea96ff06ec81714001c89….jpg)


Just use whatever board you like. Don't advertise much, otherwise it'll be more talk about the boards themselves than what they're topic the boards are about.


Being fair, I rarely see people using "volunteer" for moderators. I felt that was a halfchanner slip up.

e38e44 No.14251529


>Are you kidding me? There's no good reason to leave /a/.


630fc6 No.14251533


>if he had lurked and watched your actions, we'd just have massive elitism which killed any and all OC and fun back on 4chan

Or maybe he would instead increase his reading skills and learn what the term meant through context.

>massive elitism which killed any and all OC and fun back on 4chan

Are you really that fucking new? Spoonfeeding newfags allowed cancer to breed and killed the site

1eaeeb No.14251536

File: 95827afde402a9f⋯.gif (1.69 MB, 250x250, 1:1, 95827afde402a9f7e98cd4210d….gif)


You seem legit, but just know that you don't have to prove anything to us. You have the advantage of being anonymous here, so unless there's some important data you're trying to relay to us, worry not about gathering evidence or supporting your claims of not being a newfag. Even since the days of 4chan, proving one's oldfag status was a herculean task.

630fc6 No.14251538


It's just akkofag, we all know he's here all the time but he still deserves to be bullied

d0c968 No.14251543



I can only fap to the one off images he makes because his fetishes are all shit.


It's not about proving to be a oldfag

It's just about not being an ignorant tard

630fc6 No.14251560


>No actually guys like you is what kills 4chan offshoots, it's happened so many times I basically don't really care anymore.


261aa3 No.14251564


it was only scorned by the few autist who shove sticks up their ass over anything slightly off keen


ah yes, let him spend, what? 2 years lurking and not posting what so ever, that'll tots help with the site and tots make him comfortable being one of the anons, like you so certainly did and no elitism is what killed that site because being a massive fucking shit childish arguing to win rather then deal with actual facts, really makes the board quality up tbh

e38e44 No.14251569


>implying Clinton is left or supported by anyone that isnt a libcuck

What is fear politics? the post

>bosses are literal representations of capitalistic greed

I thought these were based on cardinal sins.

>nothing in his quote states he was happy that trump was elected, just that he saw it coming

It was an impressive event that represents the turning point of the world.

Maybe not happy, but impressed at very least.

>can you read?

But can you?


>I remember when tbh was rightfully scorned on the regular.

I don't.

1eaeeb No.14251577

File: 1eb7eaecfc9c658⋯.png (239.57 KB, 680x383, 680:383, 1eb7eaecfc9c658eb3e6bc3177….png)


>I can only fap to the one off images he makes because his fetishes are all shit.

This. Degeneration, rape, mindbreak, niggers, etc. Asanagi is yet another artist doomed to mediocrity thanks in part due to his poor choice in fetishes.

At least Higuma-ya remains pure in his works.

1eaeeb No.14251585


*relatively pure.

I am just now remembering that he dabbled in less-than-pure fetishes before.

be5eef No.14251586



<look los- i mean fellow anons clearly our board is pro-pol

<what was that we insta-ban anything from pol while we let leftycucks do whatever they like? HURR fuck off back to /pool/ /v/ermin!!1 reeeeeexd

>literally using kike shill tricks

looks like there's a new kind of kike filth that deserves the gas


be5eef No.14251603


>There's good artists like Syndoche, Asanagi, Agata and Yuuki Ray

Can you post examples of their fine works?


it's redtexting, don't mind it. Just don't do any collateral man.

0bf2ff No.14251605

File: 720c8b7cf29539f⋯.png (302.08 KB, 640x462, 320:231, ClipboardImage.png)


They're both different enough that the japs should never have stopped using it to begin with honestly.

c9b59e No.14251609

Aaaaand another one.


>GDC cancels achievement award for Atari founder (Nolan Bushnell) after outcry

Although I'm not sure whether or not being disinvited from the Game Clicque's Choice awards is necessarily a bad thing.

d0c968 No.14251613

File: a4647eb6851e684⋯.png (103.63 KB, 238x194, 119:97, Unamused loli.PNG)


>Makes a Boatslut doujin about a captain conquering Rogue boatsluts with his dick

>At the end it shows all of them being brainwashed and raped




Nigger who the fuck do you think we're talking about?

Plenty of good artists out there, Takatsu, Noise, Supe, Takuji, Marui Maru.

It wouldn't bother me so much if Asanagi had doujins without his usual shit, same with Shindoll.

Their degeneration is pretty pleb tier too

46d332 No.14251614

File: 92446a70bb49668⋯.png (611.2 KB, 1113x1400, 159:200, satyr colored.png)

File: adbcfd99f025bd8⋯.jpg (244.8 KB, 1115x1300, 223:260, big sharkgirl in bed.jpg)


syndoche, also known as methonium is the author of the EXTRA THICC elf manga

5f81a7 No.14251624


Satyr is a nigger.

This bread has gone very bad

1eaeeb No.14251629

File: 0c19bae9ebccd5d⋯.png (680.24 KB, 1185x1028, 1185:1028, 0c19bae9ebccd5deb5c7b6fc1f….png)


I know that feel, brotha. That kantai collection doujin triggered the fuck out of me. I was actually happy learning that the admiral wanted the good boats and bad boats to be friends, then my emotions took a complete 360 and then a 180 when I saw the last two or three pages. Fuck that guy.

d0c968 No.14251633

File: b1c2c5c6c272c7b⋯.png (251.98 KB, 404x714, 202:357, Shark teeth.PNG)


How about shark teeth?

0bf2ff No.14251651

File: 9f892e59bc3d705⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 60.18 KB, 710x575, 142:115, vivi2.jpg)

File: 5bce3d7d538a15f⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 170.23 KB, 707x429, 707:429, 1417240927994.png)

File: 3764abd37c03223⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 2.55 MB, 1740x1164, 145:97, Screenshot_696.png)


It has gone bad and I partly blame myself. I fear my first post in this thread attracted the /leftypol/ fags from earlier, and then my retardedness a little while ago caused an argument between two anons over newfaggotry.

The only thing I didn't cause was the /a/ stuff.

This is to atone for my sins

7c02d8 No.14251654


Where in my post did I claim that /a/ is "pro-pol".

There already is boards for your kind >>>/leftypol/

0bf2ff No.14251656

File: 0f89100d1323b44⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 160.39 KB, 531x800, 531:800, 1216116319720.jpg)


4d2ac8 No.14251663

File: 821a938059441f0⋯.png (5.81 KB, 377x330, 377:330, 1447902857156.png)


>His contributions also go beyond the gaming industry and include the founding of family entertainment center Chuck E. Cheese and involvement in one of the first Silicon Valley Incubator Catalyst Technologies.

I knew about the Chuck E. Cheese one but not the one with catalyst technologies.

fe24ae No.14251665


>syndoche added shark girls

I really need to start reading this. Is there a good Batoto replacement yet?

78a6ca No.14251669


>That first picture

Is that true?

5f81a7 No.14251671


Mangadex I think it was called

8a2193 No.14251672

Went off topic. All posts deleted. Reposting relevant stuff.



Tom is the best person there is on XSeed and is actively keeping the rest of them from fucking shit up, but he's slipping down the slippery slope.


>>14247313 (You)

>I will always strive to localize games faithfully and defend against their censorship, because that's my principle and I feel that principle should outrank anything else

>I will always do my damnedest to ensure it stays present in the localized version, because once you start justifying the removal of content, it's hard to know where to stop.

<I will do absolutely everything in my power to ensure any game I translate is as close as possible to the Japanese version

>But deep down, I will often wish the developers had had the good sense not to include it in the first place (again, when it truly is extraneous)

>I also can't help often saying to myself, "Really, developers? REALLY?!" ;)

>Tl;dr version, when developers add controversial content either without realizing that it might offend others, or specifically just to make waves, without it actually adding anything of substance to the original work, I generally kind of wish they HADN'T done that

>I want videogames to be considered art, and believe the risk of censorship in localization gets in the way of that, so we hope that by informing Japanese creators about controversial elements in their games, their future projects might have less risk of being censored

<That said, if I had the opportunity to do what Nintendo Treehouse can now do and tell Japanese developers to censor themselves so that I won't be doing the censorship, I'd do it in a heartbeat.

He doesn't seem to grasp that self censorship prompted by outside pressure, like him as a localizer telling Japanese devs they shouldn't put "problematic", "controversial", or "extraneous" content, is still censorship. He also probably doesn't understand the level pressure he as a localizer would be putting on them, because by telling them they shouldn't put these things in, there is the implication that this content is more difficult for translators/localizers to work with

22b31f No.14251682


I see scanlators **and leddit* pushing mangadex. It's run by the doki guys who I think were banned from the old nyaa for not good-goying enough for the cartel.

22b31f No.14251684

File: e8f2e6447e7fade⋯.png (367.05 KB, 596x547, 596:547, when realization hits.PNG)


>fucked my spoiler

I'll stop posting now.

aec8da No.14251695

File: 169351f881caf05⋯.png (76.13 KB, 596x688, 149:172, 1441167989701.png)


Archive of previous bread:


e38e44 No.14251698


It's okay.

That happens sometimes.


Somebody should tell him to stop being such faggot.

Also Akkofag if you seriously want to post on /a/, check your goddamn spelling and spacing first.

baa0b3 No.14251703

File: 7386e3e92b3c682⋯.jpg (27.76 KB, 400x400, 1:1, different cultural hitler ….jpg)



a464f0 No.14251704

I'm glad that /a/ has been redpilled because of Netflix. /a/nons are discussing the evils of kike infiltration and the Meidos allow it.

0bf2ff No.14251712


Oh I have no interest in /a/, I was just curious as to why they hated /v/.

But yeah, my spelling and grammar are shit when I'm tired.

e38e44 No.14251714


It was some /leftypol/ commies, /a/ shills-defenders and some anime hating goon.

With some good /monster/ lewds.


Don't be so hasty.

It can change at any moment.

8a2193 No.14251719

File: a0110c3954567a9⋯.png (474.21 KB, 680x612, 10:9, ClipboardImage.png)

Reposting "Nazi" It's not swastika nips archive for other anon. http://archive.is/JdzGW


85 posts were deleted. I was only (24), and that was the only thing I consider to be of value I said. It was mostly inane and semantic arguments about newfaggotry. The above was lost though. Vols did okay.

15ad8f No.14251725

File: 53954ebee07efbd⋯.jpg (13.79 KB, 305x343, 305:343, 1445103828636.jpg)



>When the Nazi swastika is different to the buddhist swastika

5f81a7 No.14251727


>24c2be (15)

>8a2193 (24)

>238087 (23)

I count a 70 post difference, so there's those and the commie.

8a2193 No.14251736


Yes, the symbol points the other way and is a square in outline, not a diamond. They're trying to push that Nips are Nazis now too in addtion to #YesAllWhiteMen style bullshit.

15ad8f No.14251740


It's a sacred symbol in Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism (also known as Jain Dharma), yes. Generally it's meant to represent something that is good and has also been used to represent the sun.

b4e34d No.14251744

File: d164e2db4bd47cb⋯.jpeg (128.8 KB, 600x745, 120:149, 8D22BF3B-F798-44A7-80E5-5….jpeg)


卍 is called Manji, anon. Don’t call it Buddhist Swastika

baa0b3 No.14251748

File: 07d058c31859142⋯.jpg (53.88 KB, 700x700, 1:1, 07d058c318591422cc8c7331b9….jpg)


Every society and religion in history are/were literally Nazis

8a2193 No.14251752


Except the blacks and the Jews.

4d2ac8 No.14251753


They all share the same roots and go way back, the germans are simply being cucked out of their heritage cause they last the war.


Well Japan is teaching Mein Kampf in schools aren't they?



cfab12 No.14251759


But I thought everyone including jews were originally black.

8a2193 No.14251764


No, Yakub made all the other races :^)

5f81a7 No.14251765

File: 2f29d6e8d530896⋯.jpg (511.4 KB, 976x713, 976:713, 1459618588323.jpg)

It's almost 2 PM here, I'm going to sleep.

Good afternoon, gayergays

plz contribute to the wiki

d0c968 No.14251767


How do I NEET?

aec8da No.14251769


Speaking of which, funny thing about Isreal is that they actually stole the birthright Edom had. According to the book of Genesis, Esau was suppose to be give birth to "God's chosen people", but Jacob had him sell his birth right for nourishment, and, later on, tricked his father into blessing him instead of Esau (And the mother was in on it as well).

a404e6 No.14251774


Boards you can't see via the public lists but can still access, for example: >>>/qresearch/

b551f0 No.14251792

File: 82f4abfc9532544⋯.png (44.89 KB, 384x221, 384:221, 1447899240722.png)


>628 posts in 52 minutes in the top thread alone

Holy fuck that is one impressive ruse cruise.

e8eb40 No.14251800


>Cyderdemon is a tranny who isn't insane

>Is passable as a women

Like fucking poetry.


Thegiant meta thread of everyone discussing the board and bitching about /a/ reached the max replies. I'm actually surprised it's dropped so little.


Neo Yokio is a brilliant work of art, masterfully crafted to be the most entertaining piece of shitin existence. I'm not even kidding, it's great. Try watching it.


Not him but I've been here forever and didn't realize that's what it meant. I knew what people were talking about, I just had no idea the meaning behind it.

31fa7b No.14251810

File: 6ade162d3530665⋯.jpg (201.8 KB, 869x1261, 869:1261, 014.jpg)

File: 9b411f2ed53aac4⋯.jpg (277.9 KB, 869x1261, 869:1261, 015.jpg)

File: 1b9b2039cf174eb⋯.jpg (220.85 KB, 869x1256, 869:1256, 016.jpg)


>Cyderdemon is a tranny who isn't insane

>Is passable as a women

Like fucking poetry.

What? You replied to a post where I was talking about GMOs anon

f7c441 No.14251814

File: fd51f42a808ee10⋯.webm (2.32 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ECONOMICS ESTABLISHED.webm)


I don't recall any religion or community that DIDN'T drive the Jews out of their territory at least once in history, except the Jews themselves.


>How do I NEET?

You don't want to NEET. Trust me, I was a NEET for 2 years and I ended up contemplating suicide because I became a husk that was doing nothing, not even cleaning my room.

Work is hope, business is joy.

e8eb40 No.14251822


I meant to respond to the GDQ video.

79d132 No.14251838

File: 260a018ae552182⋯.mp4 (10.07 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Trump's White House wanted….mp4)


Codemonkey should start advertising water filters to payback the free advertising he's getting from infowars.

e38e44 No.14251854


>most of altus's works seem to point to some weird cent-cuckery as fromf main line SMT Law are fash-niggers and Chaos are anarco-niggers

SMT Law is just listening to will of "God", but say goodbye to free will or any kind of wrong think.

SMT Chaos is just making everything with your own strength, but it's prone to become tyranny or complete clusterfuck.

SMT Neutral is always showed as the best, but it's almost always on fence-shitter tier.

5b48eb No.14251868

File: 334ea54e5e51bdb⋯.png (767.87 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, crying mountaineer lolis.png)

This bread went very bad.

I do not like this bread any more.

I would like some new bread.

00f5ea No.14251871

File: 815554c51486d67⋯.png (682.46 KB, 793x1400, 793:1400, centrism.png)

b551f0 No.14251881

File: 97c1d984aed1591⋯.png (9.92 KB, 300x300, 1:1, 1447722770204.png)


Just play some vidya then come back by the end of the day?

6ad4bd No.14251885


blame the people on twitter who used to be halfchan's/v/ posters but left it in 2010 circa

e38e44 No.14251900


Yes, SMT neutral is exactly on that tier with some exceptions like anarchy ending in SMT 4F.

The gameplay is good, but story is garbage in that one unfortunately.


I can understand why some anons on other boards think that crossposters are cancer.

00f5ea No.14251905


>also makes no sense

Someone wasn't around for internet bloodsports.

00f5ea No.14251931


>Thinking people who watch Destiny defend legal Child porn, Sargon claim he's black, and Kraut's stream getting banned for selling sex dolls to people, do so for "The art of debate

00f5ea No.14251941


I do. It's fun.

0ce3a0 No.14251942

File: 81ca9dba9beb588⋯.png (39.31 KB, 691x257, 691:257, (((Netflix))).png)

5d3f2b No.14251945




Reminder i still got these in key form if anybody wants em,i need to get rid of them.

6bacef No.14251967


We all knew it was coming. Going to be interesting to see how well that goes with Japan getting more and more reasons to hate the west with the stupid shit people are doing and will do, come 2020.

00f5ea No.14251972


>Germans hate Germany with all the stupid shit they are doing

>Brits hate the UK for the stupid shit they are doing

>Americans hate America for all the stupid shit they are doing

And yet, nothing changes.

519ca6 No.14251994

File: 30a2b7507e14052⋯.gif (1.16 MB, 480x358, 240:179, stop it, get some help.gif)


>using Batshit Wu as a source

00f5ea No.14252002


If all it takes is one activist judge to slow down any progress, the whole system is fucked.

5d3f2b No.14252008


You really wanna bring that shit here?

630fc6 No.14252011


>cuckchan memes

630fc6 No.14252020


I'm a leaf but that shit is cancerous as fuck and you're a faggot for posting it

630fc6 No.14252037


>chan sites

holy shit you did just come here from cuckchan didn't you?

46a8aa No.14252044


>*chan sites

Way to go, setting your damn head on fire while pretending to fit in.

What's next, pretending to be retarded?

84ada4 No.14252057


lately i see many posters defending Netflix here, on /tv/ and on /a/ (/animu/ aswell)

shills, or just people that can´t believe the things they like are compromised?

e8eb40 No.14252092


>A business whose entire business model hinges on getting exclusively made context is trying to get exclusively made content

Yeah man this is definitely the work of Satan him fucking self.

3685e2 No.14252121


her instagram is jessu._

46a8aa No.14252128


Either halfniggers who deserve to stay in their infiltrated shithole, faggot shills who deserve extreme bullying because they have no idea what the fuck kind of shitstorm they're trying to start, or fucking retards who deserve even harder bullying.

22b31f No.14252141

File: 0b2e1e428557142⋯.png (201.41 KB, 591x392, 591:392, Capture.PNG)

I feel bad for /tg/.


46a8aa No.14252151


>IP hop

>immediately acts retarded right off the bat

And this is why you don't deserve to be here, nigger.

db840a No.14252167

Duke Nukem World Tour is gone from steam

00f5ea No.14252176

File: 6cc1d69fea02e3b⋯.png (433.81 KB, 600x665, 120:133, kath.png)

That damn Donald Pmurt is taking credit for things Obama did. Fuck Donald Drumf and fuck white people


e8eb40 No.14252181


/tg/ doesn't deserve a lot of shit, let alone being stuck on the same website as us assholes.

5d3f2b No.14252188


Can i see the reactions to that tweet? i wanna know if the hambeast got called out.

78a6ca No.14252196

File: dd5a30e0c571fe9⋯.png (1.44 MB, 1875x914, 1875:914, noone can save us.png)

00f5ea No.14252203

File: ed911549241149e⋯.png (517.36 KB, 540x454, 270:227, kaths.png)


I don't have that. I can already guess what I'd see anyway, it's funnier if you use your imagination.

e8ba1a No.14252206

File: f92af7c4595ef9f⋯.png (226.99 KB, 450x415, 90:83, Anna 01.png)

So, can anyone tell me what did Trump say in the State of the union? not a follower of politics but I want to know.

78a6ca No.14252207


I'm a /tg/ lurker and I like people here.

I wish full /tg/ had as much activity as classic /tg/ had, even if it was out of topic threads turned into great threads.

5d3f2b No.14252212

File: 837024ed751a301⋯.jpg (30.44 KB, 307x386, 307:386, 1233513538641.jpg)

e8eb40 No.14252213


I'm just joking that it's always a quality board, and no one else can compare. I don't even play 90% of the shit people talk about on it but I still read just about every thread.

00f5ea No.14252224

File: 4f938e9ca72e0a9⋯.png (412.13 KB, 407x469, 407:469, kaths.png)

ca69e9 No.14252227

File: 96549fba11ecf20⋯.png (26.05 KB, 355x369, 355:369, 96549fba11ecf2077c41a7f15c….png)


Bushnell himself cucks out and apologizes TO GDC.


5b48eb No.14252237

File: a1a47301284db87⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 576.15 KB, 1012x717, 1012:717, Eltonel-551030-Giant_fit_V….jpg)

File: 090c34b62d1afa2⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 530.77 KB, 1080x1101, 360:367, frt.png)


eltonel's problem is that for whatever reason, he doesn't want to bother maintaining a consistent online social media presence - even marche, with his experience from commissioning furry artists has offered to help him fix it up, and he isn't interested.

Which is a shame, because I see Tumblr shitters with a tiny fraction of his talent earning thousands on patreon, meanwhile he's taking commissions like this from Mark to pay his rent.


00f5ea No.14252238


He said America 80 times and the ACLU got mad. He invited a victim of immigrant violence on stage and people boo'd.

519ca6 No.14252240


Great, now Batshit Wu will use this to fuel >her delusions of being a force to be reckoned with in the gaming industry.

00f5ea No.14252246


I want to see him get fairly successful, it's a shame socially he doesn't know what to do, he could build his brand and make it to the big leagues, and instead he went for an art academy to polish his work like he thinks that's the problem.

519ca6 No.14252252


Basically "we need to get our shit together." I laughed my ass off when he said that black unemployment was at an all-time low, and they cut to the black caucus, of which half of them were asleep, and the other half were completely livid.

5b48eb No.14252278

File: 6be1bb68563b7a1⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 826.73 KB, 1433x1012, 1433:1012, Eltonel-499066-Commission_….jpg)

File: 4370b157180352c⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 382.2 KB, 1075x1518, 1075:1518, Eltonel-565283-Cheerleadin….jpg)

File: 3edc7360ed66d4a⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 1.09 MB, 1092x1075, 1092:1075, Eltonel-570924-Kim_and_Mo_….jpg)

File: da177fc3a9c6db7⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 927.02 KB, 1012x1433, 1012:1433, Eltonel-492847-Commission_….jpg)

File: 0ba2fe2ac0facac⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 568.39 KB, 1012x717, 1012:717, Eltonel-554771-Boku_no_Her….jpg)


I appreciate that he has the drive to constantly self improve. Despite earning thousands, Shadman's art hasn't really evolved at all for years, it seems he's found a niche/plateau and is happy to stay there.

It's just that eltonel needs to do a few simple things to greatly expand his reach and he just doesn't want to do it, and it's frustrating to watch.

I mean, he doesn't even have a patreon username.


b551f0 No.14252298


Most of the time those low level judges are ignored by the people they try to order around like the military since they're overstepping their authority. Only a small minority where there isn't technically rules about it are they trouble. Regardless they should've been disbarred several times already but the ones responsible for that have no intention of doing so.

00f5ea No.14252322


Well, to be fair, he seems to be putting effort into his art, and believes the strength in his ability will carry him. Misguided, but he's not lazy.

Now, Pappy on the other hand, that guy seems like he's doing everything in his power to fall flat on his face.

aec8da No.14252351

File: 675f1ed0dd71419⋯.gif (111.01 KB, 100x100, 1:1, c4e3f06d55b34438d0a4010b27….gif)


>Business becomes a success by offering customers "reruns"

<Business starts losing money hand over fist be removing "reruns" and airing original content


I'm sure this is "big talk" for an anonymous poster on a Christian Mongolian forum, but…


00f5ea No.14252381


A commie who wants to be an artist but spends a fuckton of time on twitter retweeting commie memes

e8eb40 No.14252383


Licensing is Netflix's biggest fucking cost by far. The reason Netflix is "losing " so much money is because they're throwing it at creating new shit so they can have their own shit they don't have to pay per month for. Netflix isn't in any sort of financial trouble even though on paper they're currently operating at a loss.

b7bfd9 No.14252393


But being a communist takes no effort.

7c02d8 No.14252421


I like Eltonel's art, especially the ones with abs.

b7bfd9 No.14252444


>Pot said to kettle

But I'm not a communist

2edd1f No.14252462


>elle toe nail

Where's all his shit? :^)

00f5ea No.14252501

I liked Undertale, is Yume Nikki worth playing?

702e90 No.14252516


It's good unlike undershill.

00f5ea No.14252554

File: 0adeda598a67bba⋯.jpg (101.07 KB, 1196x768, 299:192, lol.jpg)

78a6ca No.14252559



Anyway, I made the mistake of finding the feminist fight club.

630fc6 No.14252564


>feminist fight club


78a6ca No.14252569


You don't want to know.

Besides, is a Bearing video and I'm too lazy to archive the video.

00f5ea No.14252572


CNN contributor

78a6ca No.14252579


Oh, so nobody.

630fc6 No.14252588


>You don't want to know.

pls anon tell me

78a6ca No.14252595

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Ok, I warned you.

If this keeps going I'm going to start LARPing as a 40k inquisitor.

00f5ea No.14252596

5b48eb No.14252606

File: 77dc94ab0f361bb⋯.webm (638.23 KB, 640x360, 16:9, slowly creeping jk.webm)



Where's the archives, cunt?

Where is it?

1113b1 No.14252613


What the fuck is that shit that serves as Nazian's banner ? This is reddit-levels of cringe

702e90 No.14252620

File: ec9a742e6596ee3⋯.gif (1.34 MB, 540x462, 90:77, ARCHIVING INTENSIFIES.gif)

079e64 No.14252621


God didn't work hard enough since Paul Ryan and Jeff Flake are still breathing.

00f5ea No.14252623

b551f0 No.14252625

Oh yeah that's right, I almost completely forgot. So I've been seeing faggots post a Turk and claims he's imkampfy or Learning Code for over 2 years. He isn't either one, he's just some dumbass shitposter who spammed black dicks all the time. Whoever keeps posting that Turk is posting deliberate disinformation.

>inb4 endchan

This shit about that guy being posted had been confirmed for months and I'm tired of seeing that shit being posted anything else in here about meta you can take it or leave it.



Sage for off-topic.

630fc6 No.14252628



I regret everything

78a6ca No.14252650


I warned you, man. I warned you. Now those memories will haunt you for the rest of your life.

702e90 No.14252700


Regardless /pol/ is in shitshape.

250d98 No.14252758


I disagree on shad, he has improved over the while, the problem is he relys too much on grunge, and his improevment is babysteps, but I cannot disparge his babysteps.

95ca4c No.14252767

File: 1bfc096535befc9⋯.webm (981.03 KB, 853x480, 853:480, archiving is hard.webm)

File: 11f503537e4fe01⋯.gif (243.55 KB, 500x240, 25:12, bullies.gif)

File: 8cfda8487e996e4⋯.jpg (185.74 KB, 1279x1726, 1279:1726, bully guns.jpg)

File: 2a5ad278214b55c⋯.gif (554.89 KB, 640x360, 16:9, Bully.gif)

File: 8e962d029c7763e⋯.png (901.31 KB, 1214x1109, 1214:1109, bully_smug_collage.png)



>get asked for an archive of a tweet that's a regurgitation from Banana Hitler of something already posted, especially now that twitter's monitoring your cookies for 'muh harassment'

>literally takes less than a minute

>post a cursed image instead

Now that is grounds for some grade-A bullying.


1abb0f No.14252773

So just so we're clear none of you are having any problems posting or suddenly being disconnected right now?

95ca4c No.14252784

File: 59ee3143eada8a5⋯.gif (1.33 MB, 540x349, 540:349, shrug.gif)


Nope, not really.

22b31f No.14252785


There's something going on with the site.

5b48eb No.14252808

File: 37290df6ff889ac⋯.png (1.35 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, suddenly appearing corner ….png)


I can shitpost fine.

Maybe you're just gay.

1abb0f No.14252824

File: 62f829ff65b94e5⋯.jpg (34.68 KB, 307x382, 307:382, 1441731697358.jpg)




Why is it always the toasters that get hit first with php?

7e88bf No.14252857

Transcript Shows The Daily Beast Peddled Fake News About Devin Nunes

The Daily Beast's headline, subheadline, and lede about the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee refusing to answer a question are all false.


5a6ca3 No.14252895

File: 0097d4fe14196e3⋯.jpg (206.64 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, Taka Michinoku Appear 2.jpg)

Good morning.

5b48eb No.14252925

File: aafc962d3ca3bbd⋯.png (835.56 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, pancake loli 1.png)

File: 911526821b2601e⋯.png (797.35 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, pancake loli 2.png)

5a6ca3 No.14252929

File: 4dbed549a9a1270⋯.jpg (76.8 KB, 933x638, 933:638, Retard 2188.jpg)

e072fa No.14252939


Monster Hunter discourse seems to be the current flavor of game journo slop. At least he didn't try to link it to colonialism and trump.

519ca6 No.14252973

File: b5ac5df41dea1bc⋯.jpg (48 KB, 454x600, 227:300, 1452646397997.jpg)


>everything wants to kill you and would if they could

>but you also need their shit to keep your society running

>this tense form of co-existence is apparently super problematic and "raises serious ethical questions about (insert environmentalist bullshit here)"

e8eb40 No.14252987


>Genetically engineered bioweapons are people too

e38e44 No.14252990


I tried to make vols and global vols to mince that faggot on three different boards.

He writes that fucking pasta on /sudo/, /n/ and /newsplus/ but nobody deleted these posts or banned that fag.

e38e44 No.14253004


Because php is a shit.



I had that earlier today.

1dedb8 No.14253015

File: f0fe2d8b3ac48e6⋯.png (342.17 KB, 394x394, 1:1, 1430331168394.png)


>tfw no trap gf (male)

c6600d No.14253026

File: 9d559e7f51cfe96⋯.jpg (19.65 KB, 320x240, 4:3, 320x240.jpg)



I would prefer to use Typescript before using php again.

c1ef5d No.14253044

File: 99b90fa9c303aa8⋯.png (327.23 KB, 557x385, 557:385, Hamadaape.png)


>Netflix sinking their claws into anime

I feel ill about this. Devilman Crybaby and Castlevania were pretty disappointing, and that westaboo anime with the pink haired negro is awful.


>Japan getting more and more reasons to hate the west

>Logan Paul went to Japan, and done extremely stupid shit

>Now Netflix is getting into the anime market which means an influx of sub-par shows and more shit pieces like Neo Yokio

Is 2020 the time where the giant fully awakens? I sure hope so.

c6600d No.14253050


I've been out of animus a while, last I watched were Kara no Kyoukai and 5cm per Second (all those feels). Which translation group are still uncucked?

1dedb8 No.14253058


I need to watch more too. I have a couple downloaded I've been meaning to get to. The problem is I know at least one of them is going to upset me so I don't want to watch it but I kind of do.

5a6ca3 No.14253067

File: a33b79d0f28b7d7⋯.jpg (60.23 KB, 561x179, 561:179, Retard 2189.jpg)


How much will you bet that they'll use this against Japanese game developers too?!

2f976e No.14253075


Probably, if you aren't a nigger people act like you're committing a crime if you so much as flirt with a woman who didn't initiate it.

677ac6 No.14253079

Can someone link the anime tracker website, I forgot to bookmark it

e38e44 No.14253082


Don't tell me.

Sorry for incoming blogposting.

I fucked up practical part of my I.T. qualification exam. It wanted to make me web form with using PHP. I was unable to.

I don't want to look at PHP ever again.

Also I am too demotivated to write any kind of code. Even in something simple like fucking HTML or Javascript.

630fc6 No.14253089


You mean nyaa?

1dedb8 No.14253090


Part of my course load right now is HTML and Javascript. It is so boring.

8a2193 No.14253098


Have you never watched anime where the genetically engineered bioweapons are cute girls?

c6600d No.14253103


You should go at it again bruh, but if you want to do web dev, it's all about Node and JS now. I don't really like it but it might be because I come from C/C++ background. I do it on the side for fun and learning how pajeets do things. I left IT though, too cucked, HR is my thing now.

2f976e No.14253116


>IT is too cucked

>HR is my thing now

Isn't HR even worse?

e38e44 No.14253117


>Part of my course load right now is HTML and Javascript

>It is so boring.

Well, these are rather simple.

I can tell how hard are most common web programming languages to use and what to watch for, if you want.

8a2193 No.14253124


Somebody has to the uncuck HR so that moral and political ideologues stop hiring people who will push their agendas over quality.

1dedb8 No.14253138

File: aa1303e0ee51438⋯.jpg (54.3 KB, 540x960, 9:16, 1462205818925.jpg)


I try to avoid thinking about anything remotely related to my classes when I'm not there. I'm still stinging from the $700-ish in books I needed.

>tfw saw a girl in the campus store complaining because she needed two whole textbooks

>tfw I needed 6 and I'm only in my second semester

How the fuck am I supposed to save up for other important things when I have to spend this kind of money on textbooks? I have important things I want to buy.

c6600d No.14253145

File: bfece51e0bf3eae⋯.jpg (600.12 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 5-centimeters-per-second-c….jpg)


Nah, though we have to abide by rules and laws, if done by the book it's less cucked. At leas I keep my department clean, I do my part. In general, if you apply for a real company and not for some Californian tech startup with more social media managers than other employees you have a fair chance. Especially against the new breed of college educated cucks, always late, think they got it nailed even before the interview and can't formulate a basic idea to save their life. My colleague at hiring looks like a shellshocked 'nam veteran.

b99c19 No.14253156


Every industry is cucked at this point. The only ones I honestly think that are not too bad are the life sciences and ecology. A lot of the people in biology and ecology are generally hunters and outdoorsmen types who hate hippies. The worst part about that is that volunteer work is important in those fields, and you get really retarded assholes who would rather blogpost about helping the environment rather than do something.

e8eb40 No.14253157


Education is fucking stupid expensive nowadays, it's retarded. I would be it's largely from the "feminist interpretive dance" majors that colleges have no that don't actually make money.

78a6ca No.14253166


To be fair, I've been starting to feel guilty for attacking monsters that didn't attack me, so instead of killing them I capture them. Besides, it gives me more loot.

1dedb8 No.14253176


I don't mind the tuition cost all that much. I think it's about $1400 a semester. But the books on top of that are ridiculous. 6 books. I needed 4 last semester and only 2 of those even got used. All my teachers are insisting I'm going to need their book and I'm going to be very angry if I don't need even one of these books. I was going to buy the Radiant Historia remake and get my toilet fixed and maybe start engagement ring shopping. Now I have a pile of books next to my bed. On Javascript and databases and "technical communication". One book isn't even answers. It's just questions because they didn't want to put the questions in the online course materials. So instead of asking me a question, the online work says to read a question in the book.

c6600d No.14253178


IT classes with physical books when all the info is easily available online? Canada? Seriously I went through college and uni without buying the books and did fine. 700$ of books is just criminal extortion.

5b48eb No.14253181

File: ffa483d3a7c0d38⋯.webm (877.69 KB, 1312x258, 656:129, gao gao.webm)


>can't formulate a basic idea to save their life.

Tell me more about this new generation of workers our education system has created or I'll start shitposting.

630fc6 No.14253184


My roommate was a native and so she got all her university for free, she also got a $1500/month living allowance and got $600 for books and she still had to borrow money from me to buy books because she was a stupid piece of shit and blew all her money on hundreds of dollars of mcdonalds and videogames

1dedb8 No.14253193


Yeah, Canada. The database book has been okay so far. It is overly detailed, though. Like there's a bit where it has instructions saying

"The client wants this form renamed to this" and then instead of assuming you will know to type that in, it then says "click at the end of the existing name and backspace over it and then type the new name in". And there's a part where it tells you to hit the left arrow "approximately 35 times" to move something on a print preview.


I'm just barely not a native. My mother is the bare minimum amount of native you can be to get all those benefits. Even her "native" relatives were white as the driven snow.

e38e44 No.14253194


I will, but I need to wait for next exam terms.

I feel more mad about it, because it was the last one.

I passed everything else, even Internet infrastructure.

I needed to redo writing part of exam, because I was missing one point to pass it.


>I'm still stinging from the $700-ish in books I needed.

Did you ever used these at your school at all? and more than once?

Also /tech/ don't recommend to buy books that are demanded by teachers.

Pirate ones for your next semester instead.

5a6ca3 No.14253195

File: ad1d7986daefa4d⋯.jpg (69.27 KB, 634x368, 317:184, Grid Girls.jpg)

Can you guess who feminists got fired for their jobs today for their "sexist and problematic" outfits?

These girls. And take note, ALL of them got fired.

9331a1 No.14253198


Implying that Nip devs will give a fuck.

1dedb8 No.14253201


I looked pretty extensively and couldn't find any of my books online. A lot of them are brand new I guess.

b2e819 No.14253202


Modern higher education is a scam. Here's how it works

>Come to our University!

>You can get this great degree which will give you a high paying job


>We're looking for someone with more experience

>Here are our impossible to meet requirements

>We have a crisis, we can't hire enough US Citizens!

>We need immigration and visas!

>Enjoy your student loans :^)

677ac6 No.14253203


Yes, I don't know the new domain

baa0b3 No.14253204

File: 35b1b95ccd8641b⋯.png (575.85 KB, 609x601, 609:601, 4fc179f0d8891115e80f1f901a….png)


>Imaginary monsters are people too

5b48eb No.14253207

File: 3974d233ad1c168⋯.jpg (997.53 KB, 1920x1841, 1920:1841, a.jpg)

File: 5ce420966ac812c⋯.jpg (59.59 KB, 640x959, 640:959, b.jpg)

File: cbd21b692582104⋯.jpg (62.55 KB, 640x909, 640:909, c.jpg)


A huge own goal for the "Professionally Woke Online". Unfortunately, unless there's a surge of public interest I doubt anything will happen.

8a2193 No.14253211


Nice archive.

3d158b No.14253216


Seeing a fair amount of this on twitter. A lot of people defending putting women out of their jobs. Mostly ugly women and men.

Fuck me if I were a pretty girl I'd love to get an easy job like that.

9331a1 No.14253224

File: c5bce0d7557d0a6⋯.jpg (105.39 KB, 960x960, 1:1, a keeper of secrets teache….jpg)


>If this keeps going I'm going to start LARPing as a 40k inquisitor.

We will be in need of such men very soon I fear.

c6600d No.14253233

File: 7186083836818aa⋯.jpg (70.49 KB, 960x722, 480:361, 2c81da58167421184ef3682670….jpg)


All of this is second hand info since I am not in charge of hiring. During interviews there are control questions which are unrelated and look totally random. One example is "If you were a mountain, which one would you be" it looks random but it helps us assess the person we interview. Well most of the new millennials interviewed just blanked out, and one started crying. Little things like that. Also my colleague had to call security on some girl who arrived 1 hour late at the interview and was told to just go home, she threw a tantrum and refused to leave.


>A book on javascript

They find new way to do the same fucking thing and rewrite the specs every sunday. That book is already outdated. Seriously, I'm angry for you, 700$ of IT books when all the resources are online easily. It's just a big scam. You should put on a blue wig and complain as a transwomyn.


>We're looking for someone with more experience

Don't let that stop you from applying, it's to give us a way out.

e8eb40 No.14253241


>All of this is second hand info since I am not in charge of hiring. During interviews there are control questions which are unrelated and look totally random. One example is "If you were a mountain, which one would you be" it looks random but it helps us assess the person we interview. Well most of the new millennials interviewed just blanked out, and one started crying. Little things like that. Also my colleague had to call security on some girl who arrived 1 hour late at the interview and was told to just go home, she threw a tantrum and refused to leave.

>All of this is second hand info since I am not in charge of hiring. During interviews there are control questions which are unrelated and look totally random. One example is "If you were a mountain, which one would you be" it looks random but it helps us assess the person we interview. Well most of the new millennials interviewed just blanked out, and one started crying. Little things like that. Also my colleague had to call security on some girl who arrived 1 hour late at the interview and was told to just go home, she threw a tantrum and refused to leave.

I'm a fat fuck neet with crippling social anxiety, no degree, and almost no job history but if I can get into an interview room I'll get the job. I seriously don't understand how people can have so much trouble in interviews.

1dedb8 No.14253246


I could probably pass as one of those zero-effort trannies right now because I shaved a couple days ago but haven't had my hair cut in a long time. All it would take is half-assed makeup and a dress. I'd also like to add that one of my books comes right from Cisco. They have online resources I get access too but it was stressed that "You NEED the cisco book this semester" for some reason.

c6600d No.14253256



>"You need a license to pronounce our name" Cisco

Even now they still haunt me.

250d98 No.14253261


They are such champions of female empowerment that they force women into unemployment.


>tv presenter

>better job

Haha no.

1dedb8 No.14253263


Some of the stories I've heard stress me out a lot. My job right now is pretty low-stress and simple and I like that. But this is going to be a lot of change once I graduate. I don't really want to do it but there's a lady and she pushed me to get my high school diploma and go to college.

d9cc5d No.14253264

/pol/ is trying to psyop the libtards to hate Jews.


c6600d No.14253275


High school diploma is important, you can't even serve at McD without one, that makes it lower than a Gender Study major. College is nice too, you'll be surprised how similar it will be from school, don't stress too much about this.

baa0b3 No.14253277

File: f0e551bc08d8f2a⋯.png (662.9 KB, 1044x1200, 87:100, f0e551bc08d8f2a53a0c1681fe….png)


>/pol/ is trying to psyop the libtards to hate Jews.

But they already do

250d98 No.14253281


They hate some like ones that use "pretty words" to lead them off cliffs.

1dedb8 No.14253291


Some places will take you without it out here. I used to work at a stamping plant before I got it. Then I got hired where I am now and I got my diploma in July or so. Started college in September. I just don't do well with change. It took me a while to get used to having someone else in the same house as me. Like I can't poop with the bathroom door open anymore or sleep until 6 pm on the weekend.

32011d No.14253302

File: ca60e845006983c⋯.jpg (18.76 KB, 480x360, 4:3, hqdefault.jpg)


>Which translation group are still uncucked?

None; Commie are still commies, and HS still just rip CR's mediocre translations.




Wrong, pic related.

c6600d No.14253319


>Like I can't poop with the bathroom door open anymore or sleep until 6 pm on the weekend.

Shit, I would miss that too much. I travel a lot so I don't settle. At first I was worried about passing on the genes and everything by my sister got kids (and ditched the father, poor guy see his kids once every 2 weeks) so I'm the clear for this. Now I can play vidya until the end and not feel bad.


I guess I'll have to learn nip then. I don't want to go through learning another language again.


>if you apply yourself

The third one is so condescending to the woman, seriously, if it was a blue haired whale she would be screaming rape already.

1dedb8 No.14253332


I didn't really want kids but I'm turning 28 this year and I'm getting that itch. It's even fucking with my porn habits. I keep going for really vanilla hentai with impregnation.

32011d No.14253333


If you were to pick your poison, I'd pick HS since the main issue with CR's sub is that more niche shows just get sub par translations, while with commie you memeified and cucked rewriten subs just so Commie can promote themselves.

bbc269 No.14253352

File: e679415b4484a0c⋯.jpg (46.76 KB, 500x282, 250:141, 079864f6c3c2c3c061fc565ea4….jpg)


>That last tweet on the third pic

So this is the pinnacle of respecting women. Not bad.

d8ea4c No.14253392

One of the guys behind the #GG "Indie-fensible" videos took part in a dangerous meme today (search random Twitter profiles for admissions of illegally immigrating to the USA, give their account names to @ICEgov), and their feed has turned into a bottomless salt mine:



c6600d No.14253403


>bottomless salt mine

My next favored thing after endless twitter meltdown.

cfab12 No.14253406


Maybe the ultimate goal of 'respecting women' is to force women be stay at home moms through social and emotional manipulation.

1dedb8 No.14253420


This might be a fun game to play between classes tomorrow.

95ca4c No.14253427

So, what games have you been playing recently?

Super Mario Bros. Deluxe. I had no fucking idea that you got bonus points for clearing the coin heavens in Challenge Mode. On the verge of maxing it out because of it.

1dedb8 No.14253432


Trails in the Sky

c6600d No.14253436



It's pretty good but Rex looks retarded.

cfab12 No.14253438



4d4dbe No.14253443


mah nigga

e8eb40 No.14253444

File: 544bd4dfb0c94df⋯.webm (4.3 MB, 720x404, 180:101, Black Lightning is back.webm)

File: 7a2037e0b4898e0⋯.webm (3.73 MB, 720x404, 180:101, Tobias Whale.webm)


Been playing Mount and Blade finally. I right as I'm eliminating the second faction I learned I leveled up like a retard and wasted dozens of points.

Also, I've been watching Black Lightning. I'm fucking shocked, the show is actually a lot of fun.

3d158b No.14253446


I need more money to acquire more games.

I've been in a depressed slump lately and I need something to pull me out of it.

677ac6 No.14253451


try piracy

5b48eb No.14253452

File: c346e0d039fbcdd⋯.png (793.75 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, berserk apocalypse loli.png)


Rob a bank. Kill a stranger. Rape a dog. Feel alive.

3d158b No.14253457


I could pirate, but I have a toaster and the games I can run on it aren't interesting enough.

519ca6 No.14253461

File: 2891a76044b143c⋯.png (53.66 KB, 256x256, 1:1, Saxton.png)


>third pic is essentially him saying "BITCH, GET BACK IN THE KITCHEN!"

32011d No.14253467


>I need more money to acquire more games.



Just because you have a toaster doesn't mean you can't pirate games. Any toaster these days can emulate everything to at least the PS1 era, so already you have access to thousands of games.

95ca4c No.14253469


Consider Doom. Pretty sure even a toaster can run it.

634961 No.14253501


I just started up Monster Hunter Freedom Unite again. I needed to get the bad taste of Monster Hunter World out of my mouth. Thank god I didn't pay for it.

4d4dbe No.14253504




c6600d No.14253544


>Plant pots which give life on the field

>Health booster

Disgusting, I miss P3rd.

439f70 No.14253545

File: 5c91e6bc5f7020c⋯.png (897.46 KB, 960x615, 64:41, lewd hands.png)


I haven't. I got my replacement monitor back from the manufacture. The email said there was a bright spot but i see a 2x3 dead pixel patch on the lower left side of the screen. I think I'm going to ask for a refund now.

fe24ae No.14253565


Digital Devil Saga 1, Trauma Center: Under The Knife, Resident Evil: Code Veronica X, and Steins;Gate 0.

e8eb40 No.14253571

File: c11f5785c3b8ae0⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 72.03 KB, 332x418, 166:209, 00000.jpg)


D-do you want to feel my hands anon?

634961 No.14253611


>enjoyed bowguning because all the risk that comes at the expense of the damage output/elemental freedom

>lol lets turn bowguns into TPS mode and remove every bit of risk they ever had

I'm praying the low sales in japan means they just end up splitting the series into two; Classic MH and Westernized MH

aec8da No.14253642

File: 8cb0ad492a938a8⋯.mp4 (4.87 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Saishū Heiki Kanojo (最終兵器彼….mp4)

File: b4e807fec1267bc⋯.mp4 (2.74 MB, 480x360, 4:3, 3rd rock Tommy Solomon Gym….mp4)


She, The Ultimate Weapon?


I'll have to see about trying that (Still very much a newbie with 3U).




>A lot of people defending putting women out of their jobs. Mostly ugly women and men.

<Every other man in the world ends up getting surrounded by women who score 10/10 because soyboys and skanks are firing them for their good looks

I hate to say it, but how is this an issue (For us at least)?


I'll have to look into that show.


>I'm praying the low sales in japan means they just end up splitting the series into two; Classic MH and Westernized MH

But…didn't the games already have lore and world building? Focus on the story aside, what's the primary difference between Worlds and the previous games?

cc8e6e No.14253710

>all these deleted posts and bans

>board faggotry over anime boards no one cares about

>all started because of a derailing commie

Really makes you think


I don't find either to be all that attractive.


I just find it interesting when one of their own goes against them.



These cucks who buckle are far worse then the accusations themselves at this point.


Nice sources and archives

b2e819 No.14253743


I've only played MonHun a little bit, but from what I've seen, World is a lot easier and is missing a lot of mechanics that made the earlier games more difficult. It's a typical case of

>If we make the game less challenging, it'll appeal to a wider audience

634961 No.14253790


>But…didn't the games already have lore and world building?

You can have multiple series be built upon the same lore and world building anon. Tons of franchises do this already.

>what's the primary difference between Worlds and the previous games?

World is made for westerners in mind, so there is tons of shit that got overhauled to cater to casuals, a lot of any risk/planing the series had gets tossed out the window because of newer mechanics, features the push newer players to rely on others instead of learning and it's now a "cinematic experience". There are some good new features, but overall the core game is so altered that it feels more like a monster hunter clone than a real monster hunter game.

It's basically "we want the western audience" the game and 60% of it's sales are from the west, which is a complete 180 from the previous games' sales. Oh but you aren't allowed to badmouth it or you're a salty nintendrone for some reason

5a6ca3 No.14253810

File: 00ad011181db02d⋯.jpg (216.69 KB, 583x515, 583:515, Retard 2191.jpg)

c7674f No.14253814

File: 302d70160477764⋯.png (204.55 KB, 1281x723, 427:241, iconoclasts unwashed lesbi….PNG)

File: b6eb07659a09033⋯.png (254.57 KB, 1269x716, 1269:716, iconoclasts unwashed lesbi….PNG)


Iconoclasts. I had to see for myself just how it all panned out. There really is a weird disjointment of what's in the story, almost 50% pushing nonsensical SJW shit that doesn't make sense in the plot, and 50% calling it retarded. The plot itself doesn't make sense as a whole either, it tries to feel like it's starting on the last chapter of something much bigger, but just ends up feeling completely cardboard, like things are that way because that's how they have to be to make the game work. It's similar to how Pathologic went about it, except that game had ended up having a very clear reason why the story was like that, and it was explained in world. Most of the characters range from forgettable to unlikable, with one having the possibility of being good, hampered entirely by the writing, and another being likeable entirely in spite of it.

The controls are alright, melee jumping and shooting work more or less how they should. It's a weird decision to place interact on the crouch though, and gets in the way at a few points, as well as having the option to shoot diagonally, but not a way to aim diagonally without moving. Boss telegraphs are kind of strange, which can lead to some damage that feels cheap, but even on harder mode it's not impossible to get through. Tweaks on the other hand feel like a mechanic that was 1/3 fleshed out, abandoned, and then kept in for no reason. They're necessary for exactly two spots, both completely optional, and end up being such a minor boost, I just kept the dodge roll and two speed boosts for most of the game. If it had come out in 2012, like it was supposed to, then most of this probably wouldn't be as grating as it is, because there wouldn't be a decade supposed development where the hitches should have been caught by people supposedly playtesting and giving advice. Then again Konjak seems to be derive nutrients from being parasitically attached to Rami Ismail's dick, so that could account for it.

aec8da No.14253838

Hooktube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


>>If we make the game less challenging, it'll appeal to a wider audience


>It's basically "we want the western audience" the game and 60% of it's sales are from the west, which is a complete 180 from the previous games' sales. Oh but you aren't allowed to badmouth it or you're a salty nintendrone for some reason

Sounds like Capcom thought that Street Fighter 5 was such a brilliant title that they decided to apply the same brilliance to the rest of their "hardcore" series.

2f976e No.14253850


>just wanted to start a conversation

Someone nuke Israel so that they can activate Samson and we can start over, we need a reboot.

ee3d5b No.14253865

File: a6b6e29c146a0f9⋯.jpg (56.35 KB, 1000x800, 5:4, 1514586099.jpg)

I've been absent for the past 20 days. Any major happening so far?


Seiken Densetsu 3. I need to find out where to get special items for the second class change

baa0b3 No.14253877

File: 123cba88068c996⋯.jpg (66.7 KB, 500x378, 250:189, 1431555434409.jpg)


For what purpose?

5a6ca3 No.14253883


To make women "comfortable" when looking at ancient artworks.

e8ba1a No.14253887

File: ba4b2086b3efb4d⋯.png (857.57 KB, 1090x716, 545:358, Airi 05.png)


Once again, Foxhole, The war I told that lasted 15 days is over, we are now in a coastal war and those ships will not be build alone, so I am working gathering sources.

634961 No.14253893

File: 9098384da1aea20⋯.png (8.64 KB, 685x134, 685:134, 68d1dd6f8efb88443569b3811b….png)


>Sounds like Capcom thought that Street Fighter 5 was such a brilliant title that they decided to apply the same brilliance to the rest of their "hardcore" series.

Yeah, except this time it was actually successful for them since they advertised the fuck out of it. What's worse now is that since MvCI bombed they're now gonna use Monster Hunter World as their next esports cash cow.

2f976e No.14253904

File: bcc5486b31e3029⋯.png (692.78 KB, 757x877, 757:877, 14124324324324234343434.PNG)

>why are there no men doing this if it should be acceptable?

>there are

>well that's not the same

I really hate these people.


e8eb40 No.14253905


Are you playing like a single player campaign, or is it an MMO-server type thing?

8a2193 No.14253909


Kamidori Alchemy Meister.

6ad4bd No.14253920


what I mean was he's just pretending to be a tranny

baa0b3 No.14253925

File: 7287859d019a753⋯.png (622.24 KB, 1132x1600, 283:400, 1460721316396.png)


But the painting isn't porn, they're just naked ladies.

e8ba1a No.14253931


MMO server type, still early access but it's incredibly addictive

519ca6 No.14253941

File: a12212a36ac49a1⋯.png (325.22 KB, 397x533, 397:533, 1449781978848.png)


>remove nudity so tasteful that they don't even have nipples


Is the conversation about how much of a fucking prude you have to be?

aec8da No.14253954


>What's worse now is that since MvCI bombed they're now gonna use Monster Hunter World as their next esports cash cow.

That…I would actually be in support of IF it didn't result in the series losing it's identity. One of my biggest complaints about the esports scene is that you only ever seem people going nuts over fighter, FPS, RTS, and MOBA games, which leaves every other genres like racing and SHS (The PSO/MH genre) and puzzle games out in the cold.

c6600d No.14253981

File: 1376fb08053a67c⋯.jpg (73.78 KB, 960x720, 4:3, Haman_Karn_(Frown).jpg)


Buckle up for the MonHun Battle Royale and MOBA

c1ef5d No.14254008

File: e49c0d668bbc626⋯.mp4 (951.1 KB, 480x480, 1:1, stone ocean.mp4)


My bad on that one, but regardless, that castlevania show was shit.


Granblue Fantasy


>Removes a painting to 'prompt conversation'

<In truth, it's just gaslighting people and starting shit for no good reason.

Where's the gay nigger priest when you need him?

37a75f No.14254034

File: 99ad328b5d83d1d⋯.webm (242.83 KB, 640x480, 4:3, In this thread.webm)


>Just trying to start a conversation

can always be accurately translated to

>I'm acting retarded

without fail.


>Where's the gay nigger priest when you need him?

This one?

a8feaa No.14254038


You better not have given that moron your money

6fb606 No.14254143

File: f965697f3c63de8⋯.jpg (249.52 KB, 1016x720, 127:90, 60254a62f810509f0f92c898c6….jpg)


Jesus this is infuriating. How can an ART MUSEUM even propose this without someone employed there saying that it is fucking retarded.

This person needs to lose her job.

a6d808 No.14254179


Not sharia/feminism compliant or prepping to sell at a big price as it is a very famous work of art, who knows– but the 'prompt conversation' aka pretending to be retarded is a dead giveaway.


Been playing Dark Souls 2 because apparently I missed a whole bunch of stuff the first time around.

ee3d5b No.14254184

File: a3644b3c45307ee⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 44.1 KB, 640x440, 16:11, museum.jpg)

5b48eb No.14254195

File: 86331992b4ef3d5⋯.webm (6.39 MB, 640x360, 16:9, YuruCampOP.webm)


That show is maximum comfy. Wish I still had the time to go camping. The funny thing is I can now afford all the expensive gear I wanted to back then, but I know I'll never be able to use it.

8a2193 No.14254228


>How can an ART MUSEUM even propose this without someone employed there saying that it is fucking retarded.

Because they only employ like minded ideologues.

7c2675 No.14254239

File: 4febce29f4992ea⋯.jpg (113.48 KB, 466x768, 233:384, 466px-John_William_Waterho….jpg)



Any outlets written about this?


>The work usually hangs in a room titled In Pursuit of Beauty, which contains late 19th century paintings showing lots of female flesh. "Gannaway said the title was a bad one, as it was male artists pursuing women’s bodies, and paintings that presented the female body as a passive decorative art form or a femme fatale." “For me personally, there is a sense of embarrassment that we haven’t dealt with it sooner. Our attention has been elsewhere … we’ve collectively forgotten to look at this space and think about it properly. We want to do something about it now because we have forgotten about it for so long.” Gannaway said the debates around Time’s Up and #MeToo had fed into the decision. The removal itself is an artistic act and will feature in a solo show by the artist Sonia Boyce which opens in March. People can tweet their opinion using #MAGSoniaBoyce.

>The artist Michael Browne who attended the event where the painting was taken down said he was worried the past was being erased. “I don’t like the replacement and removal of art and being told ‘that’s wrong and this is right’. They are using their power to veto art in a public collection. We don’t know how long the painting will be off the wall – it could be days, weeks, months. Unless there are protests it might never come back.” Browne said he feared historical paintings were being jettisoned in favour of contemporary ones. “I know there are other works in the basement that are probably going to be deemed offensive for the same reasons and they are not going to see the light of day.

>Gannaway said the removal was not about censorship. “We think it probably will return, yes, but hopefully contextualised quite differently. It is not just about that one painting, it is the whole context of the gallery.”

>Waterhouse is one of the best-known pre-Raphaelites, whose Lady of Shalott is one of Tate Britain’s bestselling postcards, but some of his paintings leave people uncomfortable and he has been accused of being one step away from a pornographer.

>Reviewing the 2009 Royal Academy of Arts show devoted to Waterhouse, the critic Waldemar Januszczak wrote of a painting showing the death of St Eulalia, a 12-year-old girl: “I did not know whether to laugh, cry or call the police.”

Pic related is St. Eulalia

aec8da No.14254281

File: f87f218d82763ea⋯.png (304.56 KB, 644x325, 644:325, [Facepalm].png)

File: 25bc7b75395348a⋯.jpg (65.54 KB, 680x1020, 2:3, 25bc7b75395348ab690a51f2fc….jpg)

File: 42690e00eeb5dfb⋯.jpg (148.85 KB, 600x1482, 100:247, How many will die.jpg)

File: ed9238311aa7d1c⋯.png (124.84 KB, 405x559, 405:559, It's for entertainment.png)

File: eeddbc5dc97a468⋯.png (48.39 KB, 405x267, 135:89, Imperial firework.png)

439f70 No.14254292

File: d7c57366a05d668⋯.mp4 (Spoiler Image, 5.6 MB, 720x404, 180:101, LGBTQPRSTUV_-_gun_club.mp4)


a8feaa No.14254332

File: 89f46cd14e8db1a⋯.png (121.65 KB, 1190x838, 595:419, geo.png)

wot do

519ca6 No.14254353

File: 2dcb1acf15f248f⋯.jpg (209.61 KB, 1059x1200, 353:400, memri communism.jpg)


>removal (of art) is an artistic act

c19901 No.14254357



Damn good, but man Mitty and Prushka got done wrong. The fight with Bondrewd was very anti climatic Also how did Riko make it to the 6th layer without during into another Mitty?

859f78 No.14254358


>Datamining form

Shoo shoo

f84a8f No.14254363


Please tell me they wont make me do this shit in college.

5a6ca3 No.14254372

File: a73a9c67c55488b⋯.jpg (154.24 KB, 514x426, 257:213, Feminism 88.jpg)

2f976e No.14254384


>the people getting offended and demanding entire occupations be removed for being offensive are calling others snowflakes

That's rich.

519ca6 No.14254386


>still pushing the "right-wingers are actually the triggered snowflakes (and are coincidentally every single person I personally dislike)" meme


a8feaa No.14254395

File: f4bb1cb59d94924⋯.png (3.62 MB, 1746x987, 582:329, geo.png)


i'm going to get so much information on everybody here with this 1 sheet of paper

b99c19 No.14254396


>Women lost their jobs that they wanted.

>This is apparently good and only bigots hate this.

What is even worse is how many people try to say that the woman who like ti truly don't like ti since they don't know they are only sexual objects. I hate these hypocrites.

5bb520 No.14254408


These retards still don't get it. Women aren't going to thank you because you took way the job they wanted. Their going to be spiteful and remember which political side you align with to get back at you because YOU FUCKED WITH THEIR MONEY.

519ca6 No.14254418

File: 6b554eaa7670f33⋯.jpg (79.44 KB, 847x478, 847:478, 1439147851106.jpg)


>Their going to be spiteful and remember which political side you align with to get back at you because YOU FUCKED WITH THEIR MONEY.

Not only did they fuck with their money, but they also went so far as to go "fuck you, take this lower paying, thankless job that requires you to work longer for less pay," and then implied that they're stupid fucking bimbos that can't do those jobs anyway.

859f78 No.14254442

File: 3dd52c054998f16⋯.jpg (249.86 KB, 616x878, 308:439, Uooooo.jpg)



5a6ca3 No.14254445

File: 0873c4bfe94462d⋯.jpg (27.89 KB, 640x427, 640:427, CIA Nigger Killer.jpg)

84ebad No.14254460

File: 9bd0e3b2ea78f7f⋯.png (14.87 KB, 621x285, 207:95, rentfree.png)



f84a8f No.14254467



>right wing safe space

Fucking KEK. There are no right wing safe spaces besides the few small competitors to bigger social media.

519ca6 No.14254475


Oh, you reminded me that someone shared this with me from Blizzard's forums.


Scope the GamerGate drop, then notice that the mod edited "inappropriate comments" out of the post, and that none of the insults towards the community were touched. So insulting the community is fine, in Blizzard's eyes, even going so far as to accuse them of being the "Gamergate boy's club," but don't you dare directly insult the developers.

46a8aa No.14254477


>meeting once a month

>with only shotguns and what look like .22 rifles

>this isn't an arms race

>it's totally an arms race, we just want to act like we're tough shit even though we're up against veterans, outdoorsmen and skilled woodsmen who have decades of experience and plenty of people willing to learn the skills to survive off of fuck all while we parade around in bright, easily seen clothing while fucking around on electronics that emit light

Well, that one video fucking ruined my night.

235716 No.14254503


Along with the $200 textbooks, many classes have online quizzes. It makes the teacher's life easier because they don't have to spend time grading the tests. Getting access to the quizzes costs students $100. It's a total ripoff.

c19901 No.14254507



I really can't understand how these people think they can take on real combat vets, trained personal and people that live and breath this shit for shits and giggles and think they can come out on top with these faggy ass training sesions. Shit even the fat out of shape ex-Ranger beaner that live across the street would eat these faggots alive in the woods without much trouble.

c19901 No.14254517


Love how they killed the used book market. Now books come with online access codes for exams and the only way to get that is to buy a brand spanking new book for $$$ that you won't even fucking use. Talk about jewery.

7a5875 No.14254521


Why the hell would you buy textbooks for?

Just borrow them from friends/acquaintances/seniors.

If you don't have those, go look for them at libraries.

If you're lucky, someone might've uploaded a pdf somewhere.

859f78 No.14254532

File: 0e88946e627c85d⋯.jpg (286.79 KB, 760x901, 760:901, 8e9828b2a180e0c78b6ee500a4….jpg)

>Watching Kimi no Na wa

>Can't bare to unpause to see the girl in the guys body and get second-hand embarrassment

519ca6 No.14254533


And sometimes, they say you need those access codes, and then you never use them.

c1ef5d No.14254547


>Shit even the fat out of shape ex-Ranger beaner that lives across the strength would eat these faggots alive in the woods without much trouble.

Or people that are the equivalent to Hank Hill or Dale Gribble. Even the skinniest asian can take these guys out.


>How the fuck am I suppose to save up for other important things when I have to spend this kind of money on textbooks?

One thing for sure is that you should never buy textbooks at your campus, since that will gut you out of your money. If there are alternatives, you can rent out or buy from cheaper websites, pirate, or do what my sibling did back when she was in school; both you and one of your classmates pay for one book and then photocopy the chapters or save it onto a pdf file.

46a8aa No.14254555


It's like that picture of those Redneck Revolt niggers or the Antifaggot gun club before them.

Nothing but piles of weapons that were solely purchased simply because of how scary they looked. No standardization, least of all ammo type which is really important, no specialized roles, and what's even funnier was when LW1 said that she was going to be an antifa medic.

The fucking massacre that would happen if this shit broke out in open warfare in the streets would coat the entire city in blood.

Especially if /k/ got involved.

e4464e No.14254564

File: e87b362a2211c6c⋯.png (101.17 KB, 247x209, 13:11, (1)_v_-_GamerGate_ _NotYou….png)

File: eecee12df4edca4⋯.png (85.15 KB, 261x236, 261:236, _v_-_GamerGate_ _NotYourSh….png)


AnthonyOr Annie Fantano and Karl Pilkington's ginger love child? I would also love to see what happens when an actual combat situation arises. They would probably shit themselves and shoot one another.

5b48eb No.14254565

File: cbadd62fc65002d⋯.jpg (541.49 KB, 1200x1722, 200:287, 24.jpg)


How does this make you feel?


>t. never got a degree

they often subtly change/rearrange the content in the textbook to make you buy the current year's one and make used/pirated copies difficult to use.

Recently, they've been bundling in one time use digital codes to take the online tests, meaning you have to buy them.

And yes, the professor likely gets kickbacks.

4d4dbe No.14254566


>YouTube went from being solidly left wing in like 2012

No it never was. Is this guy from another dimension

c1ef5d No.14254571

File: be17ca30efe1d2c⋯.mp4 (1.71 MB, 460x816, 115:204, ChinkToTheFuture.mp4)



c19901 No.14254577


Damn that funny. To bad it cut off before we saw what happened.

cbbef3 No.14254578


List anon

☑ Made youtube a right wing safespace

f84a8f No.14254581


Mymathlab costs like 100 bucks but i got it and my book for free. I might be able to get through college without paying anything.

4d4dbe No.14254588


bike nigga's dead

f84a8f No.14254590


Is it bad i find this incredibly funny?

859f78 No.14254599


Looks obviously fake, the whole guy blurs horizontally as if moving forward but not the charge or anything behind him?

67a9bc No.14254602

File: 220e7b54768afef⋯.jpg (306.95 KB, 494x700, 247:350, Asuka oh boy.jpg)


Try taking up Livecode. Its legitimately fun to work with. I had to crash course myself on PHP and re-learn a lot of Bash and Python to get the wiki up and running, and needed a drink by the end of it.

Moving on topic now.




Are we gonna crash GDC's hashtags this year? Seems they just handed us a bunch of ammo by fucking with Atari Guy. ust because he wants to be a cuck doesn't mean gamers who appreciate our history can't be pissed about it. Thoughts?

5a6ca3 No.14254604


I'm always game in bombing GDC's tags.

e8eb40 No.14254613


What a fucking concept, defending yourself and not relying on the government. No one has ever had that idea before

a91c6b No.14254614

File: cd94cfced8de231⋯.jpg (132.95 KB, 1470x1000, 147:100, 857913249857132432546.jpg)

File: 9451ecce4fcfbb8⋯.jpg (177.4 KB, 1160x629, 1160:629, 981825792134758979.jpg)



>Their going to be spiteful and remember which political side you align with

>Hillary runs again in 2020, with Oprah as her running mate

>they push feminism harder than ever

>they lose in a landslide because the left has caused most women to utterly despise feminism

46a8aa No.14254618


That assumes Hillary even has enough life left in her body to even attempt such a thing.

I haven't even seen her outside of a few book signings and some attempts at trying to make her look like something out of a goddamn Bible story.

5b48eb No.14254619

File: fc0121099e827c9⋯.png (1.09 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, unsure beginner OL.png)


We don't have the coordination, will, or manpower to arrange anything. Even your wiki was and is largely a one-man effort. Burnouts will actively sabotage any recruitment or organisation efforts. Our only hope is to hopefully spark an organic, viral pushback that reaches and energises normies, but social media is now so coralled and controlled that breaking out of the quarantines we'll be placed in is impossible. They've been honing that censorship technology for 4 years now. We need a new trick, but none of us are smart enough to think of one.

7c02d8 No.14254628


>Third pic

>You can be whatever you want to be, except a grid girl

Sasuga feminists.

1157d4 No.14254636


If Leftardpol can try to "meme" their Comrade Cuck Bernie to run again in 2020 and usher in a "Democratic Socialism" with even more free gibs, then anything is "possible" with these retards.

439f70 No.14254639


>professor likely gets kickbacks

That's bullshit, the school gets the kickbacks and the professors collect a check and tell you to read the book.

a91c6b No.14254642

File: e183014b9d74819⋯.jpg (217.02 KB, 940x565, 188:113, Weekend at Hillary's.jpg)


>That assumes Hillary even has enough life left in her body to even attempt such a thing.

as if mortality would stop her from running again

4485c4 No.14254649


Second-hand embarrassment is my weakness. I can't stand to see it in shows or movies.

4485c4 No.14254652

5b48eb No.14254655


>the professors collect a check

Then that's a kickback, then, isn't it?

But honestly, I don't care about the details. When you're getting your delicate boimanko reamed out, you don't care who's doing the reaming, you just want it to stop.

aec8da No.14254659


Only thing I can think of is making fun of how they're so shit at making anything actually successful that they have to deprive a man in his 70's, who started more than 20 companies including Atari and Chuck E. Cheese, is featured in both the Video Game Hall of Fame and the Consumer Electronics Association Hall of Fame, received the BAFTA Fellowship and the Nations Restaurant News “Innovator of the Year” award, was named one of Newsweek's "50 Men Who Changed America", gave Steve Jobs his start in the electronics industry as a technician at Atari, has one of the oldest game design philosophies named after him (Bushnell's Law: All the best games are easy to learn and difficult to master. They should reward the first quarter and the hundredth.), and has a net forth of $50 million.


If I may ask, where is the college?

add385 No.14254675


This happened recently >>14251609 oh and the cake kike is being ban happy on the lewds.

519ca6 No.14254680

File: f6c98abf34afd0b⋯.jpg (41.28 KB, 374x454, 187:227, 1450414706789.jpg)


>A&W root beer

You're alright.

b7bfd9 No.14254681

File: 60b42a8fc1229e2⋯.png (468.19 KB, 640x634, 320:317, 60b42a8fc1229e20869b7f7dd4….png)

It looks like I may get a job translating games. While I can't say shit, it seems NISA will have a harder than ever time getting the rights for the next Ys game. Wish me luck.

439f70 No.14254683

File: 206387ca41b8230⋯.jpg (67.03 KB, 700x693, 100:99, 206387ca41b82301ae438621ff….jpg)


Redo dragon quest


46a8aa No.14254684


Good luck faggot. I wish I had some marketable skill that wasn't fucking filled to capacity with fucking chinks and curryniggers working for fuck all.

67a9bc No.14254685

File: 90012ad9789704d⋯.gif (434.9 KB, 500x253, 500:253, Tatenashi curious.gif)


Not with that attitude.

95ca4c No.14254687


Correct me if I'm wrong here, but you're also talking about one of the people who helped found the gaming industry well before the likes of Nintendo and Sony. Taking his award away for muh harassment isn't just disrespectful to the man, but to the industry at large. It'd be like rescinding an award from someone like Iwata because 'he looked at me funny one time'.

add385 No.14254689

File: 6e2ede49f31b296⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 19.12 KB, 461x523, 461:523, 1444926348757.png)


God speed Anon. I-I'm not crying.

a60f71 No.14254690

File: 7346d01f5c6510f⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 3.78 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


After a long session of sidequests in morrowind, or grinding with buddies at my local MMO, nothing refreshes the tastebuds like A&W Rootbeer!

waterfags and mountaindew cucks need not apply!

67a9bc No.14254692


Not to forget this was 1970s.


The standard of the day was to pat a woman on the ass when she manages to make your sandwich correctly. What I'm hearing about this guy is downright feminist by comparison.

a60f71 No.14254693


do what this anon said


also translate the Evangelion N64 game so I can play it next week.

67a9bc No.14254696

File: 286395fb98ff8ab⋯.jpg (128.04 KB, 448x448, 1:1, Dad's.jpg)




I swear, its like you try to have shit taste on purpose.

519ca6 No.14254701


Yeah, I can't get that where I live. I also used to live in a town that had a hot dog place that made their own root beer, which you could take home by the gallon. That shit was great.

a60f71 No.14254704

File: 64c03988bf946ad⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 306.94 KB, 300x670, 30:67, ClipboardImage.png)

File: cf6bfeaf9b4a675⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 1.49 MB, 1000x668, 250:167, ClipboardImage.png)


I can't fet that where I live.

but A&W is the best mass produced root beer round these parts.

pic related are my favorite local Root beers, the latter I can only get only once a year

622688 No.14254715


>dude it's just a prank bro

052ae4 No.14254729


Have trouble obtaining that in a can here.

Anyone had Stewart's root beer before?

250d98 No.14254730


No need, my favorite drink is dr. P

00f5ea No.14254732


Any mention of Legend of Heroes?

00f5ea No.14254737

File: df83f07cd235217⋯.jpg (31.48 KB, 500x281, 500:281, meme image.jpg)


>Not drinking coffee

250d98 No.14254747


Congrats anon, you have put your language learning to use, more anons need to follow your example


Start applying for hr jobs nigger.

a60f71 No.14254763


but why?

b7bfd9 No.14254764



I love DQ but not that much to retranslate the entire fucking series.


No idea, but it doesn't look like NISA will announce sen 3 anytime soon. I hope I'm not wrong.

2f60c3 No.14254774

File: dfae4e9798541b8⋯.png (40.31 KB, 477x379, 477:379, doomguy thumbsup.png)


Good job anon, for being the change you want to see.

00f5ea No.14254795


It tastes great.


I feel bad for coming into these threads sometimes. I don't have the time to dig, I can't speak moon, no social media, and I can't program for shit, so I'm pretty much useless.

46a8aa No.14254800


Try being a failed programmer who can't do anything worthy or of note.

Sometimes I wonder why I even bother waking up in the morning.

00f5ea No.14254815


Well, at least you tried. Programmers seem like a dime a dozen these days, which is why I went for something else. Who knows, maybe someday you'll get a billion dollar idea and be the next Zuckerberg, only human.

859f78 No.14254819

File: 8dcdba28bb45c87⋯.jpg (50.15 KB, 380x380, 1:1, 1422899077715.jpg)

I finished watching Your Name. The ending was pretty unimpactful, not fitting, kinda disappointing. …in my opinion.

Now emptiness overtook me when I read that an anon got a job while I'm a hikkineet having finished a movie at 3:30AM, haven't showered in a few days nor done laundry and everyone I know is moving on with their lives.

Sorry for the blog post.

46a8aa No.14254825


>be the next Zuckerberg

Unless I somehow manage to create something so crack-addicty fucking fun that everyone has to play it regardless of personal stance, I'm fucked.

The video games market screams crash and burn, every stupid fucking idea I've got is already so fucking played out and better written that there's next to no point to it, the few ideas that aren't played out, I'm not a skilled enough programmer to pull off, and no matter how often I think about making it work, it never fucking does and it infuriates me to no fucking end.

It's like there's 5th dimensional Hypercube crossbred with a Rubik's Cube stuck in my fucking brain and every move I make turns everything worse.

b4e34d No.14254833

File: dd28dfd69459847⋯.jpeg (102.48 KB, 720x1214, 360:607, 9394DF78-0728-42EA-9127-0….jpeg)



00f5ea No.14254838


I work full time, and yet I feel alone and that everyone is moving on away from me. I know your feel, but at least you get to take it easy and enjoy a movie like that. Don't feel so hard on yourself.

67938b No.14254847

File: c8a5c80edcd4c63⋯.jpg (38.58 KB, 480x478, 240:239, Rc3GXTRbXeTAZMnyuT_-A_VxTB….jpg)


I work part-time so I can alleviate some of my family's expenses and also finally buy another gun besides an overpriced Mossberg 702 that I overpaid because Commiefornia taxes and regulations fuck us over anon. Try and find a simple job like stocking or something to help pass the time quicker, earn cash, and to sort yourself.

a60f71 No.14254857


you can improve anon, two years ago, I was depressed NEET that was angry that he couldn't do anything, a soul journey and a job as a landscaper later, I now wage slave and am saving up so I can work to make my dreams real while making shitty comics on the side as motivation

the first step in progressing starts with oneself, no one will be there to help you; only you can help yourself get up and then find those willing to help you walk


do what this anon is saying. walmart is increasing their minimum wage to 11 bucks, cart pushing is an alright gig

00f5ea No.14254862


>a job as a landscaper later

Neat, I'm not the only one who did that. Working outside was kindof comfy.

8a2193 No.14254892


>The removal itself is an artistic act

>Cenorship of art is art


7a5875 No.14254906


Censorship of censorship of art is art.

8a2193 No.14254922


I had to keep pausing Watamote over and over again until I just stopped watching. What is wrong with me?

4d4dbe No.14254929


Hooray for black bars

859f78 No.14254934



But it's a lot harder to bear when embarrassing scenes aren't on paper. It works best when you can't control how quickly they fuck up for that pacing.

8a2193 No.14254940



Varies from place to place. Back in college most professors I had would recommend the cheapest possible places to get the books, or getting the previous edition, usually with them giving a note on where the same content they use has been moved to different pages.

3aa73b No.14254952


The abyss' curse of "losing one's humanity" only affects going back up between layers 5 & 6 too fast

also there seems to be some kind of as-of-yet-unmentioned special side-effect of mitigating the curse's effect for white-whistle holders

8a2193 No.14254953



>Says the anon who started the conversation about second hand embarrassment in the first place by admitting it was keeping him from watching a show

859f78 No.14254990


Nigger, you asked what was wrong with you. There's nothing wrong with finding something being too cringeworthy for you.

8a2193 No.14254996


Never give up.

859f78 No.14254997


And I didn't say I dropped the damn thing.

4d4dbe No.14255035

File: 4596b1690541e2f⋯.png (967.16 KB, 2150x2150, 1:1, haremviv no dubs.png)

There's a new hashtag on twitter #girlsbehindthegames. is this a GDC hashtag?

e57af8 No.14255039

File: 1c84aca28f6b7ce⋯.png (66.79 KB, 673x505, 673:505, 1c84aca28f6b7ceaa24668ce90….png)


I did not need to wake up to this.

I am seething with hatred.

f6e044 No.14255125

File: 8f0da1686f5a70b⋯.jpg (184.82 KB, 1050x760, 105:76, Formula-1-and-Netflix.jpg)



>“Over the last year we have looked at a number of areas which we felt needed updating so as to be more in tune with our vision for this great sport," said Sean Bratches, Managing Director, Commercial Operations at Formula 1.

>"While the practice of employing grid girls has been a staple of Formula 1 Grands Prix for decades, we feel this custom does not resonate with our brand values and clearly is at odds with modern day societal norms. We don’t believe the practice is appropriate or relevant to Formula 1 and its fans, old and new, across the world.”

Oh, I just wonder why?


>A sign of the changing times, Formula 1 has entered talks with streaming media company Netflix for a collaboration in 2018 and beyond.

>As Formula 1 expands its reach into the digital arena, a Netflix deal could eventually revolutionise how F1 is broadcast and distributed.

>"Our objective is to engage with the Netflix of the world, the Amazons of the world, and create content that fans can consume, which is compelling and tells different stories about what is going on in F1.

>"We are also discussing with Netflix about a partnership from 2018, but at the moment I can’t add anything."

4485c4 No.14255189


Gas station hired me. It was like getting thrown into the fire and it sucked, but I can't say I didn't learn a lot about humanity. I also was pretty much cured of any anxiety dealing with people when you have to deal with hundreds of people everyday. Gained a lot of social confidence.

4d4dbe No.14255203

File: d89f0d76b0a053f⋯.png (996.54 KB, 950x600, 19:12, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0036321a8f1b47e⋯.png (1.06 MB, 1024x683, 1024:683, ClipboardImage.png)


I hope GP500, TOCA and A1 won't be affected. A1 Grand Prix was founded by a rich oil tycoon from Saudi and grid girls are A-OK. Compared to F1, A1's race cars are all the same specs and you get 5 boosters. What a gay way to race

47159a No.14255211


I thought A1 was dead.

4d4dbe No.14255243


Oh shit, I forgot. Anyway just wanted to show that even a sandnigger with very conservative views were A-OK with gridgirls / pit girls

5a6ca3 No.14255354

File: 2a369816d787267⋯.jpg (188.18 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, Taka Michinoku Derp 3.jpg)

Good evening.

0bf2ff No.14255367

File: c458867cf3c47e7⋯.gif (193.57 KB, 200x202, 100:101, 1499868288.gif)

File: cdb24dac1be1547⋯.png (99.14 KB, 386x396, 193:198, Rage 21.png)

File: 05dd5dae1e0f3c1⋯.jpg (76.56 KB, 884x903, 884:903, 1502978813.jpg)

File: 099a2e8ee586866⋯.gif (249.85 KB, 512x384, 4:3, melancholy.gif)




I'm feeling rage the likes of which I have never felt. A whole industry, POOF. Hundreds of women out of jobs. HUNDREDS. All because of a few puritanical, perpetually offended pussy male feminists!


Oh. I have not known rage. I have never known true hate until this moment. NOW I truly know what it means to be mad. I want them to die. I want them all to just fuck off and die. Sacks of shit, every one of them. All they do is destroy, all they do is tear things down. They don't create, they just destroy. Destroy. Destroy. It's all social justice knows how to do. Destroy.




Of course. Gotta destroy. Gotta erase history. Gotta bury those paintings. Destroy. Destroy. Destroy. The beast lives to consume.

0bf2ff No.14255384

What really gets me is SJW will go mad over women like grid girls, but then enjoy cosplay girls. Cosplay girls dress more like sluts than grid girls ever will, but it's ok because cosplay is a part of their sacred nerd culture. Seems to me like it wouldn't take much pushing to force SJWs into banning cosplay. All you would have to do is spew a few choice SJW phrases, like male gaze and made for male enjoyment.

250d98 No.14255413


Anon…. They hate cosplay girls that dont toe the line and have been fucking with the cosplay scene for a while, look up the cammy who was forced to wear pants, and nigiri whos lolipop spandex costume was forcibly censored. That said, they fellate tranny cosplayers and feminist cosplayers like there is no tomorrow.

1157d4 No.14255420

Reposting the article for those who didn't read.



47159a No.14255431

File: 818710b139b651c⋯.webm (6.29 MB, 640x360, 16:9, cammy is offensive.webm)


They only accept cosplay girls if they're ugly or act like screeching attention whores stronk feminists. They actually hate attractive and confident cosplayers.

5a6ca3 No.14255432

File: 40d248ab5b38812⋯.jpg (157.69 KB, 1103x1084, 1103:1084, Femwhale 4.jpg)

File: bb977b7027552e1⋯.jpg (39.89 KB, 500x375, 4:3, Burka 4.jpg)


You mean these. This is what feminists approved.

0bf2ff No.14255437

File: d426049cbdd2def⋯.png (86.39 KB, 610x518, 305:259, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4f91a76db474aac⋯.png (38.59 KB, 625x239, 625:239, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 27e1ff509dc67cf⋯.jpg (45.23 KB, 800x680, 20:17, 1501791293.jpg)


It really is fucking crazy when you think about just how much power and influence social justice loonies wield. Banning a whole industry of grid girls, erasing paintings hundreds of years old because they show too much skin, taking away a lifetime achievement award because of a tee-shirt.

I honestly thought Trump winning was a sign things were getting better but I think I was wrong. Shit's only getting worse, and the problem is now there aren't enough people willing to push back. It seems everyone has resigned themselves to this future, and in too many areas the people willing to fight it are made fun of for trying, or co-opted by cringy losers and rendered harmless.

859f78 No.14255444



They didn't destroy any paintings, only taking it down (((temporarily))).

1157d4 No.14255448


Some Atari executives and female co-workers are telling those feminazis from #MeToo that everyone was flirting with each other and it was consensual and no one was forced to do anything they didn't want to do.

47159a No.14255449


>Shit's only getting worse

That's because they're doing everything they can to maintain the status quo. They know they're losing ground and have gone full throttle on their shows of force.

4aaf80 No.14255453


>Shit's only getting worse, and the problem is now there aren't enough people willing to push back.

It's not going to stop until people realize SJWs are only throwing a tantrum and such actions require them to be disciplined like the children they are.

0bf2ff No.14255460




The Me too shit was funny at first because it was all leftist getting ruined, but they've found a way to twist it to their favor, using it as a backdrop to ban all things sexy and destroying history, culture, careers in the process. I can only hope one day history looks back at the "feminism" of 2010s with disdain.

I have a hard time even getting angry about this stuff anymore. I'm so jaded and I just expect it at this point. Their tweets don't even bother me now, I'm so used to them being flaming hypocrites that do nothing but hurl insults instead of debate.

But with gaming? This is the future the gaming industry chose.They wanted this, and now they have it. And now they can live in fear like cock roaches, scurrying under foot of the leeches they gave all their power to. Today Nolan Bushnell. Who tomorrow? Who will scooby wu destroy tomorrow? He knows he can do it now, so what's stopping him from doing it again?

f6e044 No.14255461


Truth be told, there exists this disgust between women in beauty and body proportions, just like there is in men in alpha perspectives and body proportions.

It all ends in envy and jealousy. Ugly women hate beautiful women, because beauty is more desirably than the ugliness. A fat obese whale with a huge mole on her forehead fucking knows that only the most bathetic and desperate might choose her, but this is a slight chance. She might make herself believe that she's "beautiful", but when she stands next to or sees a hot babe, all of her illusion crumbles.

And the men who support these ugly women. Well, if a beta can't win over a desirable person, then the only thing left is for someone that is same level as him, or someone who enjoys to abuse the partner, in which case it's a warped relation.

Ugly and unhappy people enjoy on applying suffering to beautiful and happy people.

1157d4 No.14255463


Also, some /pol/lacks are thinking this is also a concerted effort by Jews to make one of their tribe members, Ralph Baer who died 4 years ago to be declared as the "Father of Video Games"

f6e044 No.14255465


Reminds me of #shirtgate again.

0bf2ff No.14255471


>Ralph Baer

He made the first home game console, but arcade cabinets existed before hand, ight?

5a6ca3 No.14255473


Arcade cabinets existed even before the conception of the home console. But what Baer did was to bring gaming to home, which is a foreign concept at the time.

1157d4 No.14255479



Baer and Atari had a rift in the pass because of the jewish patent laws, would have destroyed any chances of other consoles back then.

9331a1 No.14255522

File: cdc5d3546157b15⋯.jpg (388.62 KB, 1000x665, 200:133, 031_5356.jpg)


>I honestly thought Trump winning was a sign things were getting better but I think I was wrong. Shit's only getting worse

When you tear up a yellowjacket's nest they go crazy and it makes it seem like you made the problem much worse than it was before. Make no mistake though, once you break open the nest you've dealt it a fatal blow it just takes time for them to die out.

a91c6b No.14255523

File: 1f7c412deda0829⋯.jpg (125.87 KB, 652x756, 163:189, 677985132432416890.jpg)






best root beer IMO

5a6ca3 No.14255525


I love root beer. I like it more than other soda drinks.

0bf2ff No.14255569

How do I post a hooktube link?

a145a7 No.14255602


It's been a bad week unfortunately. The Lwu having enough influence to smack down an Atari Icon is insane.

e57af8 No.14255619



never crossposted before, not sure if it'll work

I went to the gallery in question, you can see my photos of it here.

4ed450 No.14255620



Guess we'll just have to see the results of the 2018 midterm elections, Wu or not, that's got to be interesting.

e57af8 No.14255621


god damn it, will someone tell me how to link to my post on pol?

78a6ca No.14255625

So, are there anything planned towards Wizard of the Coast or Blizzard for their shitty customer service?

It's ironic there is no game company up to use this as a chance to fund a action lawsuit to ruin their enemies.

ae9437 No.14255628

File: 703aea3d6f2710f⋯.jpg (75.87 KB, 847x507, 847:507, 3206472-1489233163783.jpg)

File: ac5bd287a6a6526⋯.jpeg (168.36 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, C5t2zleU0AE0wTh.jpg large.jpeg)

File: fc1af86f2c2445f⋯.jpg (49.47 KB, 600x650, 12:13, Cfa1XUJ.jpg)

File: 8162ea217cbf275⋯.jpg (148.17 KB, 1280x671, 1280:671, gdc-13-of-39-1280x671.jpg)


Oh, you mean that GDC?

4ed450 No.14255640


Read the FAQ or just like the crosslinks to GGHQ at the beginning of the thread.

622688 No.14255641

File: 21d4ba00a182cc2⋯.jpg (162.8 KB, 656x1024, 41:64, 21d4ba00a182cc2546e22792f7….jpg)


>In solidarity with the developers who could not safely join us today:

>ACLU, CAIR and so on…

>are game developers now

e57af8 No.14255646

e57af8 No.14255647


Thank you anon.

859f78 No.14255661

What's this about /a/ being raided or paranoic or something? Or am I being confused by /animu/? I'm looking at both boards but the former just looks like it barely has shitposting.

5a6ca3 No.14255664

File: 7a8c3ca8b6127b3⋯.jpg (106.38 KB, 514x289, 514:289, Retard 2193.jpg)

0bf2ff No.14255671


It's not a matter of what parents want for their kids, it's about what WOMEN want for their life!

ae9437 No.14255681

File: ad5dcf4c3751421⋯.jpg (86.89 KB, 480x270, 16:9, 38907620579.jpg)


I've seen this tactic being used on twatter

>I don't want my daughter to be covered skimpily like some object. Think of the children

They're women who chose this job. And since when are little girls watching some boring "car" race?

baa0b3 No.14255682

File: c1e7a6c3f471d42⋯.png (231.92 KB, 1066x844, 533:422, bOQ9N9d.png)


>ACLU, CAIR and so on

They couldn't safely join the event because CAIR would started Allah Akbaring at the sight of Jews.

cc8e6e No.14255692


Ah I see. Evidence for this? Or are you saying he's just a transtrender?


Fake as fuck


>inb4 you become the villain and you too start to (((localize)))


How was the ending not fitting? Was it just because it's a cliche happy end that they somehow able to meet again? Seemed par for the course


>I honestly thought Trump winning was a sign things were getting better

The exact opposite actually, it mobilized them more now that they have a Dragon to slay.

4d4dbe No.14255695


Get any youtube link, remove the "you" and replace it with "hook"

8ba8a0 No.14255706

4ed450 No.14255713


As long we're here to counter them, I wouldn't fret too much over it. Sounds like it'd be fun to air out Flynt's dirty laundry and provide plenty of ammo Gawker style to sink his political aspirations.

Remember how we helped in magnifying the intense blowback they received for the Coca Cola stunt? May he shoot himself in the foot this coming November.

6ad4bd No.14255722


I think it's one of his vlogs, he jokes about taking estrogen then later clarifies its just some anti depressant

7c02d8 No.14255724

Hooktube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


Even the jews are starting to hate the jews.

>Young American Jews Question Israel's Ethnostate, After Alt-Right Call For A European One

c8af12 No.14255741

Grid girls might be out but at the Montreal GP the real fun is not on the track the "tire sluts" stay on St-Denis where the real party is going. Sucks for their job though, I guess they have feminism to thank.

b99c19 No.14255748


>Skimpy outfit

>Grid girl outfits generally look like conservative business casual attire.

>People are this happy that working calss women lost their jobs, a source of income.

What disgusts me the most is that you see a shit ton of these grid girls were doing it for college money, and then these SJW faggots tell them that they should be happy to finally be able to respect themselves. They then insult them if they liked the job.

c8af12 No.14255751


These girls will remember who cost them their job. Feminism fucked with their money.

5a6ca3 No.14255753

File: 725ac3a6fe3819c⋯.jpg (114.99 KB, 513x291, 171:97, Feminism 89.jpg)

859f78 No.14255755

File: 1d4ad07e149565c⋯.png (692.25 KB, 1000x1440, 25:36, mistiaQuestion.png)


>How was the ending not fitting?

I don't know. It left me wanting something more.

They interacted a ton with each other and got pretty close, yet I don't think the writers put much thought on showing the consequences of being in each others bodies other than just slightly in passing and dating the manager. The girl was being teased and I get maybe the guy sorta intimidated them slightly but we don't anything beyond that I think. Despite all those interactions and having rewritten history, they completely forgot about it and only know about each other because "I feel I'm missing something." They didn't show how the girl convinced her dad, only that it had to be her and not the guy. Now, I liked the unexpected twist that they were in different times, but it brought some issues on the continuity. It was all over the place, they couldn't fit everything inside an hour and a half. I didn't mind they meet again, I wanted that to happen, but like I said its kind of empty because they don't know why they are linked. I don't know, I don't know. I am confused. I might've missed something.

I liked the sake scene though, it was nice and well animated.


No, not that, I'm aware of that. I'm not referring to the happening itself, I just keep reading that /a/ intensely hates crossboarders and /v/, that the mods are deleting posts and discussion. I'm getting a lot of mixed messages and getting confused. Did you read the posts about /a/ in the thread you linked?

I should get some rest.

000000 No.14255758


>this isn't about women losing their jobs, it's about making it harder for women to get jobs

630fc6 No.14255772

File: 113d0d576bd74cf⋯.png (2 MB, 1201x884, 1201:884, 113d0d576bd74cfb1ee6da0988….png)


It really makes me angry, I saw one where some guy was telling them that now she could do something respectable and just go to university and become a doctor or nurse or engineer. Because University and living expenses are just fucking free and for all that faggot knows she was already going to school and paying for it with her grid girl job. Fuck I don't know why it makes me so mad, I don't want to whiteknight but for fucks sakes its not that they're women its just that they're people who got fucked out of an easy well paying job that they all seem to enjoy so that some soy guzzling faggots on twitter can fellate themselves over their win for women. Like fuck how many of them were depending on that source of income and how many will have to go get some miserable soul crushing job now because they got screwed over by these pieces of shit. Feminism taking away tits in games and shit or other censorship is one thing because its like okay yeah you're ruining things I enjoy but its ultimately still just a hobby while with this is someone's livelyhood. And its not going away for any real good reason. Its going away because they wanted to congratulate themselves. Its such a fucking piss off I can't believe it. The funny part too is that most of the grid girls are probably 3dpd sluts that we all hate, but in my opinion being a 3dpd slut means that I personally wouldn't want anything to do with them but that doesn't mean I think they should lose their jobs it just means I don't like them personally. There's lots of types of people I don't personally like but that doesn't mean I wish ruin upon them. Its so infuriating that they lost all of that for what? Nothing? Its because these girls were prettier than the disgusting feminists who pushed for this shit. And the mentally deficient make feminists who got duped by the hambeasts into believing that making women lose their livelyhood is a good thing for feminism

0bf2ff No.14255778


This shit is really pissing me off. They're costing women their jobs and all they can say in defense is more of their cult teachings.

a145a7 No.14255779


Same thing happened with booth babes though. Income got messed with, the workers got mad, but nobody really remembers it


It's certainly a better job for students than porn, or even stripping.

78a6ca No.14255782


Why are always rich women the 'feminists'? Also shitting in lower class women getting the jobs they can manage to get.

a145a7 No.14255785


Games need a better alternative to GDC and their UDM overlords.

78a6ca No.14255787


It is also ironic how women with a degree or a job in a school get fired if their past as a porn star or stripper is revealed, then people talk so much about getting wome out of those jobs.

c8af12 No.14255790


>but nobody really remembers it

They do.

0bf2ff No.14255791

File: 5934df5fc98ef56⋯.png (235.39 KB, 516x516, 1:1, 50% mad.PNG)

File: 5919369af24d26d⋯.png (230.2 KB, 516x516, 1:1, 75% mad.PNG)

File: 35a5e68f8f163df⋯.png (228.94 KB, 516x516, 1:1, 100% MAD.PNG)


You hit the nail on the fucking head. I couldn't have put it better myself. This goes beyond fucking with a hobby just so you can masterbate yourself on social media, their actively taking away easy well paying jobs. It looks fun and if I knew I could do it I'd fucking jump at the chance. Now they can't and it's all so these fucking assholes can high-five each other on twitter.


47159a No.14255807

File: 68c608c989a6ebc⋯.png (1.02 MB, 718x1107, 718:1107, 4433299610545857.png)


I honestly hate going "they are the privileged ones" but the big-city hipster fags and cunts make is so hard not to.

b2e819 No.14255808


>Are we gonna crash GDC's hashtags this year? Seems they just handed us a bunch of ammo by fucking with Atari Guy. ust because he wants to be a cuck doesn't mean gamers who appreciate our history can't be pissed about it. Thoughts?

My thoughts are just because the guy cucked, doesn't mean he did it willingly. We know how the cabal operates. I don't want to defend this guy for cucking too much, but it's entirely possible the clique told him to denounce what he did and join them, or he's getting smeared 24/7 in their shitty rags.

c8af12 No.14255828


Social medias are cancer. But their echo chamber is breaching. Everybody likes a good twitter meltdown. Some day they'll wake up and realize they spent their 20s virtue signaling on a platform where nobody really cares.

630fc6 No.14255832


Unfortunately I did, she paid me back, but it wasn't the last time I lent her money and she would always pay me back.

Until she didn't, it's a long story

1113b1 No.14255836

File: 81647d2425c4814⋯.png (93.7 KB, 432x287, 432:287, I don't like this.png)


Are all you guys dense ? Wu had an effect on some shitty show no one cares about and that was already entirely populated by the very same people she represents and who care about her ?

9331a1 No.14255852


>Some day they'll wake up and realize they spent their 20s virtue signaling on a platform where nobody really cares.

I don't care about their misspent youth. I care about the things they damage or destroy and the people they hurt before their inevitable meltdown.

dc9a1f No.14255863


How much did you lose?

1113b1 No.14255870

File: cd8aa86139c5210⋯.jpg (47.74 KB, 612x544, 9:8, Who gives a shit.jpg)

File: fab69bf23153751⋯.gif (6.78 KB, 193x157, 193:157, CHECK IT.gif)


>this shit is what people feel sad over

You retards are all faggots. She's a massive nobody who has zero influence outside of her own hive and you're crying because she managed to do shit that has no relevance in the rest of the fucking industry.

People getting upset over such a "defeat" are cocksuckers who should go back on twitter if it's this easy to make them sad

baa0b3 No.14255886

File: 82ce30a2a52dbc1⋯.jpg (20.58 KB, 473x338, 473:338, c37f3d4dc5cd6c34c6309f484a….jpg)



Set sail for narcissism

e8eb40 No.14255888


Yeah, you're right. Men are going to be afraid because you psychotically destroyed hundreds of fellow women's jobs because you were mad men found them attractive.

9331a1 No.14255894


I wonder if Flint will off himself when he looses the election?


>Set sail for narcissism

That's pretty much just part an parcel of being a tranny.

dc9a1f No.14255902

Who's baking?

635b84 No.14255912



cfab12 No.14255915


Please don't remember this as a net loss of actual money going to actual women, but net gain of something completely intangible going to a nebulous group that might exist.

b2e819 No.14255932


This. I don't know what you negative nancies problem is. These awards have always been SJW circle jerks for people who don't succeed on their own and they need some stupid trophy or award to brag about. Only thing they did with the Atari guy was say

>We'll give you an award and talk about you in all our popular blogs if you denounce your "toxic" behavior from 30 years ago!

e46a1b No.14255937




Requesting with image of hot grid girls.

b15081 No.14255950

File: f6112e9c72c7cd9⋯.gif (2.46 MB, 512x512, 1:1, f6112e9c72c7cd9d2466fc10c9….gif)


Define uncucked, but I suppose Asenshi and H&D(but they're on hiatus currently).

aec8da No.14255977

File: 4f834637f5ec9d8⋯.png (603.66 KB, 1523x1324, 1523:1324, aeabwsefrt34w5t4tc2cf1e4c4….png)

File: 6cf916339a0dd50⋯.jpg (75.83 KB, 720x720, 1:1, de9386362eaa6d888be31a840c….jpg)


<First pic


>Ralph Baer who died 4 years ago to be declared as the "Father of Video Games"

Doesn't that title ultimately belong to William Higinbotham?




<Second pic



d0c968 No.14255996

File: c5f87bca63f4068⋯.png (2.02 MB, 3203x2766, 3203:2766, c5f87bca63f40686ea3368c1fa….png)

File: a51ea2bf2ecfab4⋯.png (200.72 KB, 437x468, 437:468, Cuckchanistan.png)

File: ab5713058a0d26b⋯.png (79.83 KB, 257x518, 257:518, Autistic cuckhan retard.png)

File: e571aa46d1dba01⋯.png (167.27 KB, 439x630, 439:630, Autism.png)

Just a reminder that some cuckchanners are trying to set shop here.

Try not to let them get their way





630fc6 No.14256005


I should preface this by saying she was one of my best friends throughout high school and I was used to lending her money and she always paid me back after a few months. But I ended up lending her a total of around $2000 because she seemed like she was having a really hard time with life. The reason she was having a hard time as it turned out was because she got addicted to morphine and heroin and blew all my money on that

0bf2ff No.14256015


Well I hear the term "lifetime achievement award" I assumed it was something important and official, not some dumb thing whipped up by SJWs.



dbdc72 No.14256018


Does this faggot ever appear at cons or campaign speeches anywhere, so you could have a bunch of friends named John just constantly walking by and call out John! Nice to see you!

0bf2ff No.14256030

File: 1c0a2c21b4b8779⋯.png (82.83 KB, 626x602, 313:301, ClipboardImage.png)

This just got retweeted into my timeline, holy shit



dbdc72 No.14256031


When are they going to go after professional sportsball and highschool cheerleaders?

d0c968 No.14256044


>Law and Order

Will Redchannit be present?

7c19d4 No.14256061


Aoccording to some randoms on twitter in the episode they just throw out the case despite a mountain of evidence because they didn't like the conservative girl

0bf2ff No.14256067

File: 483f1269bc82769⋯.png (92.82 KB, 620x636, 155:159, ClipboardImage.png)

File: bbfaba7f52c0fee⋯.png (63.57 KB, 604x402, 302:201, ClipboardImage.png)


That's exactly what happened holy shit liberals are fucking terrifying.

0bf2ff No.14256069

0bf2ff No.14256083

Holy shit the mods on reddit are cucked as all get out and super aggressive. Went there to investigate this >>14256030

7c19d4 No.14256088


Bring us back some screenshots then. If you're going to sully yourself with reddit, might as well bring something back

e46a1b No.14256122

File: 4abfe9297fdd779⋯.png (60.07 KB, 1280x1503, 1280:1503, 4abfe9297fdd779fc8cdcc76db….png)


>The Canadian Senate has passed a bill that changes the text of the English-language version of the national anthem to make it gender-neutral.

>It now awaits royal assent by the governor general to become law.

>The move is set to change the words "in all thy sons command" to "in all of us command" in the anthem, O Canada.

cfab12 No.14256133

File: f6f5b08e5ab66c7⋯.png (39.69 KB, 1026x1188, 19:22, ol gay.png)

0a02be No.14256136

File: cbd6afbd4eac4ac⋯.webm (164.9 KB, 480x360, 4:3, The smartest thing Ed has….webm)

d0c968 No.14256142


>the mods on reddit are cucked

Woah, that's suprising

e46a1b No.14256159


24c2be No.14256182

File: 0d3ec5ed37bf35b⋯.webm (5.54 MB, 640x360, 16:9, AWAKEN THE BAKERS.webm)

10d3d0 No.14256195


This is going to piss off a ton of people (perhaps why they made it; to get rage views)

>Antifas & sympathizers will be upset the protester would be charged at all

>Femininst doctrine and #metooers scoffing that the raped female victim isn't instantly believed and the rapist isn't given swift justice

>hard right-wingers have more reason to hate the left for causing imbalance of justice

>Anyone else expecting some semblance of decent drama and not unintentional comedy will be in for another rude awakening

24c2be No.14256202


What is the actual viewership of the show? It's on NBC, so I easily doubt it's that high.

0752f9 No.14256228



e46a1b No.14256252

I'll give you fucking 5 minutes before I'll bake the bread.

e8ba1a No.14256262


Make it twintail edition, if Twintail day after all.

cfab12 No.14256265

File: 8a92aa8595f52df⋯.png (31.95 KB, 118x133, 118:133, manlet smile.PNG)


e46a1b No.14256268


I was thinking of Auto Racing with grid girl image.

24c2be No.14256278

File: 9004624293082a3⋯.jpg (100.26 KB, 640x908, 160:227, 53524_front.jpg)


How about a Ridge Racer themed thread at that point?

e8ba1a No.14256280


Try to find a auto racing grid girl with twintails then.

e46a1b No.14256290

Bah, I'll just post it anyway. Ready… Set…

e46a1b No.14256303

cfeb10 No.14256360

File: be2269b5e61acfd⋯.jpg (42.68 KB, 500x288, 125:72, HankSpiegel.jpg)

File: 52bc693ca0e96be⋯.png (292.54 KB, 1137x1247, 1137:1247, 52bc693ca0e96be6d78a331a85….png)

File: 8d924463d44a9d6⋯.png (15.37 KB, 255x218, 255:218, breekibaka.png)


>The Trump Presidency has triggered these people so thoroughly that they've completely betrayed their principals

>They're doing it to protect themselves and their freedoms from "muh neo nazis".

Ya take them out of power for one year and suddenly the libs begin to grasp the importance of the second amendment, albeit only because they're seeing nazis in their own shadows at this point.

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