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File: 154bd788e178db1⋯.png (300.43 KB, 1250x951, 1250:951, 798a81c740ab7e7af3e57fda60….png)

File: 5b06589c47f5046⋯.png (417.56 KB, 1056x372, 88:31, ef182d7a15dc84dbddbc297a90….png)

File: 6fd229a560beeb6⋯.png (1.21 MB, 1449x3557, 1449:3557, 1471892858675.png)

f7c5f4 No.14130033

Yume Nikki just released on Steam under Kikiyama's name, and there is an announcement for the 'Next Yume Nikki project' which is on a countdown for 14 days.

Seems to be a newish update at 0.10a now.



This is the first pulse from Kikiyama in a long time, what do y'all think this will do for the legacy of Yume Nikki?

What will this new project (Kadokawa by the countdown) be?

How long before its given the Undertale treatment?

Also, fan game/surreal game thread

56661e No.14130038

File: 9a64f00e6eba7ee⋯.jpg (38.14 KB, 680x793, 680:793, wtf.jpg)

>yume nikki released to the normalfag crowd


ea6530 No.14130039

I thought he offed himself.

e3ece1 No.14130045

Wait a second. Yume Nikki is finished? I thought it stuck in unfinished state.

e3ece1 No.14130050


Artform guy, criticizing anime is just as bad as criticizing donald trump here.

f7c5f4 No.14130054


We still have hope anon. The game doesn't lend well to being streamed, so as long as Game Theory doesn't see it we're fine.


I'm skeptical about this even being Kikiyama really. Developer says it is, and copyright on the countdown site.

But its also under the Kadokawa corporation, which is an actual thing.


So I'm not sure how they're involved but its not helping my confidence about it being the real guy.

Not sure how AGM Playism became the publisher either.

ae05d4 No.14130056


>Kadokawa acquired rights on yume nikki

>Of all fucking things

aa7157 No.14130064

File: 98d52e120213896⋯.jpg (50.65 KB, 720x664, 90:83, ebin memes.jpg)



Very important habbening! Quickly! I must come up with a decent bait!

3ed5ae No.14130081


>anime is not an artform

"any activity regarded as a medium of imaginative or creative self-expression."

>any activity


56661e No.14130085

File: e4fc5412643c635⋯.jpg (135.66 KB, 550x550, 1:1, what.jpg)



no, it's undoubtedly going to get, as you said, "the undertale treatment", just wait for it.

on the flipside I'm interested in the new project so it's a bittersweet feeling

ea0f37 No.14130090


>he cannot into shitposts

Why even take these posts seriously?

1a4f51 No.14130100


inb4 you're wrong

>not knowing the ruin everything

f7c5f4 No.14130101


I'm poking around, Kadokawa corporation looks like it owns Fromsoft which is mildly interesting. But nothing on the Yume Nikki website has changed, no notice or anything about the steam release or the new version.

At the very least they are going to be involved with the new project. Which probably means it'll be something spring boarding off Yume Nikki for profit.

7636b0 No.14130107


>if the wiki is not on my side its jewish

3ed5ae No.14130117


Then what would you consider an artform, because in my opinion anything relating to imagination could be considered an artform, so books, movies or shows.



I can agree with you there honestly, there's a lot of shitty cliche anime that only follow a set of guidelines and even more cliches but there are plenty that are imaginative and aren't a giant mass of cliches.

did the guy I'm responding to seriously just get banned not liking anime?

f7c5f4 No.14130120


>2018-01-10 16: 21

Countdown site of "Yume Mei - Dream diary -" is opened. I am concerned about the fluctuating illustration

Article source:

"Countdown site of" YUMENIKKI - DREAM DIARY - "is released on January 10. Illustrations like the one drawn on the background of the countdown figures are shaken.

KADOKAWA released the countdown site of "YUMENIKKI - DREAM DIARY - (Dream Diary - Dream Diary -)" on January 10.

"YUMENIKKI - DREAM DIARY - (Dream Diary - Dream Diary -)"

"YUMENIKKI - DREAM DIARY -" in which the posters posted at the International Exhibition Hall on the Comic Market 93 were talked about. On the published site, you can see that the illustrations like countless figures and dots are shaky.

So it looks like the project's name is Yume Nikki - Dream Diary, a subtitle it didn't have before. Looks like its gonna be a remake or something similar.

1a4f51 No.14130124

File: 9c7f4877baf8349⋯.jpg (16.45 KB, 288x264, 12:11, 13129658_1533562433618494_….jpg)

I blame halfchan. Anon"s did promote the game a lot there and by anons I mean reddit. It subtly hit mainstream in 2016. hell even (((cracked))) made article on LSD DREAM EMULATOR

So now you know

af1c27 No.14130132

File: 27b3d58c1746864⋯.jpg (137.98 KB, 540x772, 135:193, anime confirmed for jews.jpg)


>did the guy I'm responding to seriously just get banned not liking anime?

did you forget where you are for a second there?

f7c5f4 No.14130140


Is nothing sacred to the mainstream?

a69f46 No.14130146

If you think this game isn't huge streambait, then you are one naive motherfucker.

I GUARANTEE you the normie-weeb crowd will lap this shit up and hold endless fucking streams with retards running in circles and sperging out about their pretentious retarded and wrong interpretations of everything

79b729 No.14130151


>It subtly hit mainstream in 2016.

lol how new are you

3ed5ae No.14130158


I don't even know where I am in real life

d3c312 No.14130165


I don't think it will be really that popular with normalfags. And it has always been somewhat popular with Tumblr. I'm more concerned with the further development of the game. Maybe Anons from Uboachan know more.

56661e No.14130169

File: 256d2cd26f8a755⋯.png (792.41 KB, 1080x996, 90:83, 256.png)


this, sad but too true

0763a7 No.14130175

File: e932e6b20c666e5⋯.jpg (96.8 KB, 640x626, 320:313, e932e6b20c666e5863e3e10b06….jpg)

This will ride that literature club thing's wave, nothing is sacred

f7c5f4 No.14130180


Uboachan is down right now, it seems to have just had a server failure yesterday.

a69f46 No.14130190


Preemptive suicide because they know of the horrors coming

f7c5f4 No.14130194

File: c2220351fb4c7a1⋯.gif (6.15 MB, 809x602, 809:602, EntireGame.gif)

This is a thread for fan games too.

So have a gif of my shitty starting bit of one that I really need to remake.

d3c312 No.14130213


That's pretty good.

e0764b No.14130214

File: 1a1c17ffe2cc726⋯.jpg (22.7 KB, 450x331, 450:331, 555b1ca387b39dfca935f98a78….jpg)


>under Kikiyama's name

For some reason I always thought he died after making Yume Nikki. Made playing the game feel more, I don't know what the word is, melancholy?

>What will this new project (Kadokawa by the countdown) be?

When it comes to these "1-hit wonder" type of games, the success is sometimes a complete accident. So he might be a genius and come out with a cool game, or he's a retard and it'll be a total piece of shit. AFAIK there's just nothing to go on to say anything either way.

014f24 No.14130219


I have a link to a list of fangames, it's in jap though.


Looking good.

e0764b No.14130222

File: 1ab2c57d371ae51⋯.jpg (17.82 KB, 350x299, 350:299, 74aeaeaaf928040caca2e3dc80….jpg)


Why do the pixels "flutter" like that? I don't like it.

f7c5f4 No.14130227

File: b3da996fd76c018⋯.gif (91.08 KB, 352x288, 11:9, DoodlingStream.gif)

File: 8292b0fcefb23b1⋯.png (10.63 KB, 320x320, 1:1, EyeTower.png)

File: c746327322c701f⋯.png (9.58 KB, 320x320, 1:1, Doodling.png)

File: 3965898cc0374d3⋯.png (24.63 KB, 640x640, 1:1, Nexus.png)

File: 8b82a26755d34ae⋯.png (5.26 KB, 256x256, 1:1, Spookyjoe1.png)


Thanks mate. Been working on some more weird art for it, but thinking of proper worlds has been a bitch due to being a horrible shut in.

Doesn't help someone I know is trying to make a side scrolling shooter with them.



Its because I don't know how to make gifs.

e0764b No.14130234


>Its because I don't know how to make gifs

If you say so. I like these designs though, how do you make them?

f7c5f4 No.14130256


Its all pixels, I start out with a square in the center of a good size canvas and the just build out using a handful of rules. I don't always follow them, but usually I try to make it look woven and circuit like but not. Most are symmetrical, barring details or weaving patterns. Like to include eyes too.

Thinking about including secrets more often too. The Eye Tower is the first to have a secret in it, but its just boring text. Got three (Technically 4 but one is doubled) sets of text in there.

1a4f51 No.14130258


How old is your mothers cunt?

1a4f51 No.14130262


the mainstream?

110c7f No.14130265


That's some cool displays of mild autism right there.

1a4f51 No.14130274


halfchan became propular after the late 2000"s.

thats why.

94128a No.14130280


I think these patterns should be the maps for each area you're in, somehow. Meaning they're massive and you're deep inside their world. It'd feel more significant and ominous, rather than being some weird patterns on the floor.

f7c5f4 No.14130309


Thats probably what I'll do. People always suggest these would make good mazes, maybe that'll make for a good feature. I still haven't figured out how to make looping maps like Yume Nikki has in Unity or Game Maker so giant mazes might help enforce that lost wandering feeling.

Or would wandering giant mazes just get annoying after a while?

3ed5ae No.14130314


Looping maps should just be a setting on the map edit section. What are you using to create the game?

>Or would wandering giant mazes just get annoying after a while?

Depends on the person and if you make the maze well.

f7c5f4 No.14130325


The game's been on hold since I started learning pixel art, but I used Unity originally.

Considering Game Maker, but I have RPG Maker VX Ace (And have no fucking clue how to work tiles on there)

85fa21 No.14130326

File: a87b4abf2cf6f40⋯.png (150.09 KB, 290x269, 290:269, Bubsy_Collection_-_JonTron….png)


Has any dev ever responded to game theory and been like "It's a just a spooky or whatever game, those game theory guys are just making shit up."

94128a No.14130328


>Or would wandering giant mazes just get annoying after a while?

Fill them with detail, they don't have to look exactly like the map patterns do. Like the patterns are a small country that someone drew an esoteric map of, the levels in them should be more interesting than a bunch of white lines.

ebf7a0 No.14130331



Kadokawa owns Enterbrain, the developers of RPGmaker so that's why their copyright is involved. I think AGM might just be localisers publishing international and steam releases of Japanese games, including some RPGmaker games.


Didn't game theory fans sperg out when Scott Cawthorn told them their FnaF theories were wrong?

eecd7b No.14130341

File: 48664cc0dfc497a⋯.jpg (73.56 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 1483410609707.jpg)


>But its also under the Kadokawa corporation

f7c5f4 No.14130343


I was thinking something similar to Hell, corridors to walk through while you can see other points. Some sections apparently unreachable unless you teleport in. Maybe make it so you can pick up maps of one area in another.


I thought he said something along the lines of 'Lol there is no story I just went with his stuff'

3ed5ae No.14130345


Learn how to use RPG Maker, it's much easier. I'm fucking retarded and I figured it out using a few tutorials, there was this one really in-depth one on a pdf I found, that taught me literally everything I needed to know.

Also, the tiles are quite literally select a tile and then press right click. Plus RPG Maker is the best I think at least out there, despite what many may think of it, plenty of decent games have been released thanks to it. eternal Senia was one of them, the guy who made it had coded his own combat system which is another thing I like about the system

94128a No.14130357


I believe the game theory guy himself told Scott he was wrong, he's that fucking arrogant.

78b796 No.14130360


>a remake or something similar

You know, this definitely doesn't seem like the worst thing we could get. The original game with better gwahfics is preferable to some half-arsed sequel.

f7c5f4 No.14130362


Do you still have the pdf?

And my problem with the tiles was they didn't connect right, I don't know how I'm supposed to place them on the actual sheet to have them placed correctly.

d3c312 No.14130366

Just in case that next update/remake will turn out to be awful, here's the Steam-rip of the current version: https://a.safe.moe/dE1WH.zip

3ed5ae No.14130368


You need to use the right tiles for each angle, it's been a while so I can't explain it well. Don't think I have the pdf either, I'll take a look but it's unlikely.

988e8f No.14130369

>he's alive

Horriu shittu

504133 No.14130378


No shit he's alive. Yume Nikki popped up on Playism a couple of years back.

3ed5ae No.14130379

afc11e No.14130387

File: d2b338ac15a6f4a⋯.png (464.56 KB, 842x900, 421:450, A4pKiuH.png)


Countdown page art, looks like tumblr cancer.

d3c312 No.14130396


Dunno, seems like your typical anime sketches.

eecd7b No.14130398



I'm pretty sure Kikiyama gets mistaken for that one guy who made Re:Kinder for "that dude that killed himself after making a RPGMaker horror game".

f7c5f4 No.14130399

File: 90553d258535bfd⋯.png (498.09 KB, 483x954, 161:318, FILTH.png)

File: 57becfe8562cbd8⋯.gif (3.37 MB, 448x252, 16:9, 1489275473933.gif)

File: 69e12c7cd7ac2c7⋯.jpg (60.46 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 1489452333479.jpg)




Thanks mate. Guess I'll have to pick this project back up, I'll be sure to leave progress in the game dev thread.

504133 No.14130403


I don't like it but not because it's tumblr. Hell it doesn't look anything like tumblr. What scares me is that character portraits mean DIALOGUE.

10804e No.14130406

I can't wait for the incoming "I ALWAYS KNEW ABOUT YUME NIKKI" bandwagon that's going to cover the rounds everywhere and make discussing the game impossible for a time

f7c5f4 No.14130410


Calling it now: Visual novel based on the manga interpretation.

Riding off the back of that Literature club thing.

7ec0e0 No.14130411

File: 6360007e02842f1⋯.jpg (76.83 KB, 650x529, 650:529, 316bbcb61889414b5d970d8b22….jpg)


Looks really nice. What's the problem?

110c7f No.14130413


Human noses.

45ceb9 No.14130419

File: d7e4aa03cb5a5fe⋯.jpg (62.88 KB, 318x282, 53:47, nigga wat.jpg)


>tumblr cancer


3ed5ae No.14130421


Looks fine to me, why they would choose to draw a jewish woman is beyond me, however.


Before that tutorial I found it really difficult, afterwards it's really easy apart from scripting, fuck scripting

afc11e No.14130423

File: c4a0c99f120ff59⋯.png (388.83 KB, 430x900, 43:90, nX3nGSX.png)


Trying to be realistic and anime at the same time.

10804e No.14130424


spoiler that shit anon

d3c312 No.14130429

File: b0979749146ca97⋯.png (344.63 KB, 648x900, 18:25, 7delKzb.png)

File: 2312c2bbfd609e2⋯.png (338.67 KB, 551x900, 551:900, nTtMYix.png)

File: c4a0c99f120ff59⋯.png (388.83 KB, 430x900, 43:90, nX3nGSX.png)

File: 9f8e3ba6a7965d1⋯.png (140.7 KB, 266x900, 133:450, 3N6zJre.png)

File: d2b338ac15a6f4a⋯.png (464.56 KB, 842x900, 421:450, A4pKiuH.png)


Was it really hard to post them all?

d3c312 No.14130432

File: 6680da5d78f3e94⋯.png (250.59 KB, 264x900, 22:75, EVjQpvr.png)

File: 78a7267232eafa8⋯.png (354.1 KB, 393x900, 131:300, umgpUT7.png)

4ddecb No.14130435

File: 6600ec6df357cbc⋯.png (324.75 KB, 680x382, 340:191, 1457842038866-4.png)

ea6530 No.14130437

eecd7b No.14130438




Kinda reminds of the artstyle from Zero Escape-series, which also tried to emulate "anime-ish realism".

69d85a No.14130439

File: bab9fda6cdd0012⋯.jpg (241.54 KB, 1463x2048, 1463:2048, yom1.jpg)

File: 65fd2bbac4952fe⋯.jpg (701.87 KB, 2928x4096, 183:256, yom2.jpg)

File: 55f9a143d3ec5fa⋯.jpg (736.41 KB, 4096x2911, 4096:2911, yom3.jpg)


nothing wrong with a bit of manga style and a dash of realism, so long as it has texture

3ed5ae No.14130442


The only bad one there is the third monstrosity. They do look a bit weird though.

504133 No.14130443


Well she does have Uboa under her skirt.

f7c5f4 No.14130446



>Madotsuki with open eyes

>Monoe not smiling

>Poniko's sideways glance is now wide eye stare

>Monoko not derp mouthed or with weird eyes

>Torinigen not just having a big nose

>Kyuu even more dildo like

>'Sad' Mado posing with knife

Everything is wrong.

0e80b6 No.14130448


Looks better than the manga art at least.

3ed5ae No.14130451


I haven't played the game yet but is that actually a thing?Better fucking not be, she's hand holdable

504133 No.14130476



For the record: You can go to her house, and muck about it in it. There a 1/40 chance on hitting the lightswitch of her turning into Uboa. Also if it doesn't happen you have to reset it by exiting and re-entering so it's highly unlikely you'd encounter it without knowing about it before hand.

Now go fucking play that shit.

780c58 No.14130485

File: 5883d4eadf204e2⋯.jpg (82.5 KB, 680x680, 1:1, Know Your Cuckchan Meme gr….jpg)



I really hate this meme game with all my heart

056cd1 No.14130488


>I really hate this meme game with al my heart

>posts Madotsuki

You're not even trying.

10804e No.14130497


Uboa is a meme, everyone knows about it because normalfags can't help but spoil that specific part because it's the easiest secret and has gay theory teir shit surrounding it and only it.

780c58 No.14130501

>>14130488 (wasted)

>posts Madotsuki is an implication that I am a fan of said meme game

read the filename newfag

f7c5f4 No.14130502


Takofuusen is my favorite.

10804e No.14130505


>posts Madotsuki

you're not even trying, anon.

3ed5ae No.14130508


I just googled it, something about some spooky chance thing. I got it downloaded, planning on playing it tonight.

4932ee No.14130523

File: ea968459f88f7ae⋯.png (52.77 KB, 644x484, 161:121, RPG_RT_2018-01-10_08-52-47.png)

File: a4aea032c612e92⋯.png (25.65 KB, 644x484, 161:121, RPG_RT_2018-01-10_08-54-56.png)

The steam release has glitches, using frog and neon in famicom world and then bringing up the menu causes this to happen.

504133 No.14130531


Worth noting is that the game's version is 0.10a.

In comparison the last version prior was 0.10 that came out in 2007/2008 if I recall correctly.

4932ee No.14130537

File: f9f3be99c4143b1⋯.jpg (45.4 KB, 240x240, 1:1, 1407886540788.jpg)

No theme music in the save menu and only one madotsuki sound when you try to select a disabled effect.

504133 No.14130547


It seems like the files are still in the game, but their names are different.

a5e831 No.14130579


>the game theory guy himself told Scott he was wrong

Jeez, what a fag.

afc11e No.14130584

File: d7095185180d761⋯.jpg (435.84 KB, 900x862, 450:431, 65091535_p2_master1200.jpg)



Cash in for the doki doki/undertale crowd.

a5e831 No.14130644

File: 45d196eb5731cee⋯.webm (7.71 MB, 854x480, 427:240, 窓付きと冬の日常【ゆめにっき】.webm)


<Never played it, so that's why I'm asking

Wouldn't the game be more of a cash-in on the Earthbound/Mother crowd (Going by the screenshots)?

e6052a No.14130670

File: b0d50799805830a⋯.png (1.15 MB, 1254x1771, 114:161, 59130862_p0.png)

File: 4221fd8b6142d2b⋯.jpg (250.42 KB, 989x1594, 989:1594, 51536542_p0.jpg)

File: 784a9e34285ecac⋯.png (603.81 KB, 909x1200, 303:400, 66023473_p0.png)


I love that guy's stuff. Good pantyhose are a blessing.

9668b3 No.14130674


While not "spooky or whatever game" Salad Finger's creator recently blew out MattPat saying it is just supposed to be a spooky thing with no actual consistent meaning.

afc11e No.14130726

File: 8fcbd2617338b9a⋯.png (16.66 KB, 300x300, 1:1, 66302837_p0.png)


You might say Yume Nikki is a Mother rip off, but the publisher definitely isn't trying to make money from a dead fan base.

504133 No.14130744

File: 36dc20475844784⋯.jpg (7.51 KB, 138x150, 23:25, 36dc204758447849205964e495….jpg)

Missing sounds and music seem to work in the Japanese version, so it seems the English release is just fucking borked.

d20a48 No.14130748

File: 65d14061727a3eb⋯.png (98.98 KB, 502x524, 251:262, sweatingintensifies.png)

85fa21 No.14130765

File: 2ff3de087034e59⋯.jpg (249.23 KB, 635x621, 635:621, Big Fat Gross Jontron.jpg)


Reminds me of the episode of South Park "The Tale of Scrotie McBoogerballs." The boys write a book with the intention of it just being incredibly disgusting, but everyone that reads it give it meaning that doesn't exist. The boys get pissed off and explain it's just supposed to be gross, but they tell the boys they are wrong, saying they don't understand, even though they wrote it.

a5e831 No.14130776

File: 32696f7957d9410⋯.mp4 (6.9 MB, 480x270, 16:9, Being There - Original The….mp4)


<Modern philosophy, ladies and gentlemen

4abab7 No.14130810

File: ba3acd8aefe787d⋯.jpg (41.92 KB, 781x152, 781:152, youtubers.jpg)

Are you ready?

780c58 No.14130845

File: 9e3753c3112e2e2⋯.jpg (746.77 KB, 1118x900, 559:450, fuck_you.jpg)


>doubling down on defending cuckchan memes & Steam

Katawa Shoujo is also a non-game shit! fucking hipster fugeefaggot need to go back.

f7c5f4 No.14130848


You say it like it hasn't always been like that

>An arrow never moves because in a single instant its always still!

>Living in poverty is great for the soul!

f7c5f4 No.14130853


<Look everyone I'm contrarian!

<Am I cool yet?

Be yourself and learn to love things mate.

36b5c9 No.14130875


>Not photoshopped and enlarged eyes and mouth

Not the real deal

3ed5ae No.14130942

File: 7842fe2f53d683c⋯.jpg (6.96 KB, 205x201, 205:201, FEAR MOLY.jpg)


>thighs on the third pic

e849f4 No.14130976


>The boys write a book with the intention of it just being incredibly disgusting, but everyone that reads it give it meaning that doesn't exist

Reminds me of 120 Days of Sodom.

It was literally some pervert's creepy sexual fantasies but philosophers treat it as some kind of bold statement.

e849f4 No.14131017


The creator of Five Nights at Freddy's did that.

No joke, Game Theory's response was to tell him he was wrong.

They told the guy who wrote the fucking game that their theories on the story were correct.

bb453a No.14131041


I still haven't played this game, shame that the youtuber cancer will latch on to this before I could.


Are there people who take Matpat seriously after that and the fucking "Sans=Ness" video?

a5e831 No.14131088

Hooktube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


>Are there people who take Matpat seriously after that

<Decide to look at channel


>The DEADLY Physics of the Halo Rings! | The SCIENCE!… of Halo

<Remember the fact that in an interview talking about Halo's multiplayer, the former Bungie employee mentioned that they had a physics autist on the team who was upset about how the compass on the assault rifle wasn't pointing toward the center of the ring in the multiplayer mode because that is exactly how a compass would work for a ringworld construct

And, keep in mind, game devs up to the seventh gen were not idiots.

<Linking that interview for those that want to see it

66a279 No.14131094


>not 6 jillion views

you can do better than that anon

4331fc No.14131113




5ecb32 No.14131121

is it happening?

5ecb32 No.14131147

File: c1f4870e0a12055⋯.mp4 (12.35 MB, 854x480, 427:240, 2D horse girls.mp4)



Whatever happened to that anime horse thing?

5caa43 No.14131159

File: e9eef03f93bd19f⋯.png (124.96 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 1433182756202.png)

Nothing bad will come of this, mad father came out on steam, and was even a big youtube thing. But like anygame any of those big screamers play it gets popular for maybe 2 months MAX. And then dies off, name one game that is still popular after 6 months that is a niche horror/exploration game that a youtuber has played. Hell people have even forgotten about Amnesia and Slender, and those were what made them the biggest.

I do not foresee normalfags making this the next big thing, for more than a couple weeks if at all. Not to mention I highly doubt they will even SEE it on steam.

bedb30 No.14131160

File: 281ec31abc4e480⋯.png (16.71 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 2766679857_4e2d54e77f_o.png)

Weird game I don't see talked about is Ghosts of Aliens

5caa43 No.14131181


holy shit this surpasses spoon feeding. This is shoving the entire trough into the cow. Fuck dude, now everyone can say they left at the first exodus with no discrediting.

5ecb32 No.14131193

File: 7ee4444c57024c7⋯.png (10.64 KB, 522x379, 522:379, 7ee.png)


God damn it anon.

e025b0 No.14131196


Yeah, but if you really did than there are certain information that can be used to out secondaries, like “what triggered the second exodus” or “who is Hotwheels”?

a5e831 No.14131203


>“what triggered the second exodus”

I have only seen anons bring that up one time in discussion.

>“who is Hotwheels”

You just need to lurk to know that one.

9ed764 No.14131204


>Katawa shoujo was released in 2012


9ccd4d No.14131207

>a developer who was dead for a decade came back

>or some fuck who wore his skin

>makes a countdown for disappointment something







Also i bet that nip who made those rad low-res animations are fucking happy that the gods finally listened to his wishes>>14130038



You don't have to be sad really, the atmosphere of the game are more 'alien' instead of sadness. My way of interpreting it is that Mado has finally seen it all and has no more reason to live. Its better to put an end to something rather than let it live in limbo forever.


Where the fuck have you've been? Yume Nikki already had its run in the sub-normalfag parts of the internet. I mean goddamn there's already an imageboard based of the game which is fucking cancer and ded and don't fuckign forget that 2hu was released on Steam with no translations


It's just an ad lad

Then again, there's Kemono Friends



e025b0 No.14131212


I can’t delete the post, just report me for retardation. I’ll eat a ban for my faggotry.

d3c7d2 No.14131221

File: dc037f22436d1de⋯.jpg (35.39 KB, 399x462, 19:22, areyoukiddingme.jpg)

Is nothing sacred?

Can't some games just keep to their small dedicated audience without someone trying to bring it to hordes of normalfags on steam?

5caa43 No.14131245

File: 916ddf06fe6cb53⋯.png (291.71 KB, 628x418, 314:209, are you of the serious.png)


Still a retarded thing to do.


>Yumme Nikki already had its run in the sub-normalfag parts of the internet.

anon, we're arguing the same thing I would assume. I was saying this thread is over exaggerating and it being on steam wont do anything.

I dont see how making an Imageboard is an indication of a game going down, people look for a reason to make those to be in power over something. But then soon realize ho retarded that is and it dies due to poor administration, or it being a retarded board Idea.

e025b0 No.14131252

Thank you.

698511 No.14131601


“Possessing a dark atmosphere, this game allows you to explore the world inside a dream (thus its setting). There is no particular story or purpose. It is simply an exploring game.”

— Translation of KIKIYAMA describing Yume Nikki on their website.

152ffa No.14131632

Will people call Yume Nikki an undertale clone?

5caa43 No.14131651


Just like how people are saying Monster Hunter is like darksouls?


437318 No.14131653

They're going to ship vomit girl with Frisk. Calling it. 2018 is gearing up to be a wild ride.

408afb No.14131659


Not likely.

698511 No.14131689

Also, this reminds me of the time Kikiyama let some fags make a manga, light novel, and some merch based off YN, but also basically said that it's just their interpretation of what YN was (which was why the manga and LN are kinda different). It's probably more of the same shit. Like all those Touhou games that aren't bullet hell. I don't know anything about Touhou.

be7bcc No.14131750


its an obvious ripoff.

6ae4db No.14132177

Well, fuck me sideways. I was baffled enough to see Touhou on Steam, but Yume Nikki is another thing entirely.

If things get worse, .flow will come next

b3c5bf No.14132200

File: 349e34c010e8d6c⋯.png (87.16 KB, 637x727, 637:727, Screenshot from 2018-01-10….png)

File: f224a9717c0ec4f⋯.png (95.33 KB, 639x556, 639:556, Screenshot from 2018-01-10….png)

File: 9b62b7ee478dd32⋯.png (81.27 KB, 637x646, 637:646, Screenshot from 2018-01-10….png)

Here comes the shitters.

6ae4db No.14132210



>for Yume Nikki

Of all the games - all the fucking games I can think of, Yume Nikki is the single one for which achievements are the most fitting. For fuck's sake, they proverbially stated that the game has no direct goal right on the store page.

0994b0 No.14132258

File: e8719c22f1379c1⋯.png (8.24 KB, 640x480, 4:3, yume-nikki-0.10_linux-wine.png)

File: 6728e69ff1abf2e⋯.png (8.66 KB, 640x480, 4:3, yume-nikki-0.10a_linux-win….png)



Always had fucked-up text (1st image) when trying to play it on GNU + Linux through Wine. This, however, is not an issue with the Steam version.

3a8845 No.14132273

File: 977a36d121f1709⋯.jpg (10.13 KB, 236x39, 236:39, yeahnah.JPG)

41aab3 No.14132427

You have got to be fucking kidding me.



014f24 No.14132452


>not using EasyRPG for rpgmaker games

0994b0 No.14132464


I heard it's not fully compatable.

5adb0b No.14132471

File: 29e2b961cc3e5fb⋯.jpg (51.56 KB, 400x500, 4:5, hipsterking.jpg)


You can say you were a fan before it was cool.

it won't ever be cool though. it being a shitgame and all

732f97 No.14132478




25eb64 No.14132491

File: 4452396aa56c4d1⋯.jpg (60.03 KB, 799x627, 799:627, wait what.jpg)

>Yume Nikki gets a steam release

>new Yume Nikki thing in the works

ce3253 No.14132493

at least yume 2kki will stay obscure considering how obnoxious it is to get it running

undertale faggots already ruined yume nikki with their autistic "theories" about madotsuki being a transgender rape victim

36b5c9 No.14132539


Yeah nah, that was there since the beginning.

You're lionizing a flaming faggot because you let that faggot fester and evolve into plasma faggot.

33134c No.14132600

The all-new

Yume Nikki


58c089 No.14132628

>itt: hipstering over a game that was always available to people at large

I mean, I don't like it when normalfags invade my shit either but it's been more than a decade since the original release and it sure as hell wasn't hard for people to not just take notice of the game but also to get the chance to download it. All you had to do was google it once and one of the first results is a page that leads you to the download link, so I don't know where this "NORMALFAGS LEAVE MY GAME ALONE REEEEEEE" sentiment is coming from. Regarding the countdown, it's good to know that kikiyama is still willing to give his game attention, considering that the latest version was 0.10, maybe he's ready to finish it. Either that or we get absolutely bamboozled in 14 days.

e772c9 No.14132630

File: 4cf4868e6d781d0⋯.png (597.2 KB, 691x631, 691:631, taiwanese moonman.png)


It's gimmick is it never spits out any balls.

e4cf2e No.14132653


Most likely Kikiyama has nothing to do with it. I bet RPG Maker had some shady terms that allowed Kadokawa to take over the copyrights for Yume Nikki and now it will turn into a soulless brand.

b9c1c4 No.14132665


It's not that, it's worry over it becoming some huge Undertale-tier thing. I think that's a valid worry, but really I'm just kind of excited to see what the future brings for YN. It being on Steam made me really excited because that's fucking huge for YN, after it just being left as some cult classic drifting around on the internet. Then the announcement made me shit myself because holy FUCK more YN. I hope things will turn out good though; it's possible things could go to shit in terms of game quality but I really want them to turn out good.

25eb64 No.14132675

File: 6a774c055e990c5⋯.webm (135.44 KB, 480x360, 4:3, HOLY SHIT.webm)


>Then the announcement made me shit myself because holy FUCK more YN

Pretty much this. My very initial reaction was of excitement. I'm not saying I'm not wary, but I want to believe it'll be nice. Whatever happens.

208a50 No.14132689

File: eb25599d1ffc8fc⋯.png (13.54 KB, 671x135, 671:135, sjw influence.png)

>the main character


Madotsuki's a girl, you faggots.

504133 No.14132690


Except over the years, the dude has signed off on a light novel adaptation, a manga, a bunch of merchandise including two OSTs, a Vocaloid remix album, phone straps, capsule prizes and some other shit I can't remember right now. None of it under Kadokawa.

b25a56 No.14132700

File: a5760667ecd0dd2⋯.jpeg (74.99 KB, 894x894, 1:1, handshake.jpeg)

>come back here after a long break from imageboards due to finding out about this shit

>everyone magically hates Yume Nikki now

Fuck you guys. This place is the worst kind of hipster circlejerk on the fucking planet. Imageboards are dead. I'll be on uboachan for this one.

25eb64 No.14132708


Don't get mad at them, anon. They're just soured on how shitty the internet has made everything that was influenced by Yume Nikki.

b25a56 No.14132722

File: 810a444a228d9a1⋯.jpeg (23.06 KB, 474x360, 79:60, asdsa.jpeg)


>They're just soured on how shitty the internet has made everything that was influenced by Yume Nikki.

I don't blame them but Yume Nikki is a very special game. Few other games are able to embody the kind of emotions that game does. Truly an a e s t h e t i c masterpiece.

504133 No.14132730


/v/ is currently flooded by a bunch of newfags that scream about how X is shit now that it's on steam and/or the normies are aware of it now. Except that Yume Nikki has been relatively well known on the internet for over a decade now, but never mind that.

33134c No.14132736

File: 11c6b9c6131f5b1⋯.jpg (48.19 KB, 446x422, 223:211, make it stop.jpg)


Please stay, don't leave me here with these faggots

2df541 No.14132753


Anon, there are, like, five posts actually hating the game and even then it's just (1)s. Everyone else is just worried that now, thanks to the Steam release, we'll see a Game Theory video on Yume Nikki.

e5512a No.14132754


/v/ is retarded and hates everything. Nothing will please these faggots. You should know this by now.

b25a56 No.14132759

File: d0712cec166f42a⋯.jpeg (56.75 KB, 474x355, 474:355, magicant.jpeg)

File: 5dc560687fc221b⋯.jpeg (457.75 KB, 1300x813, 1300:813, ded.jpeg)

File: d7b0a817b734201⋯.png (248.93 KB, 1024x564, 256:141, rainsnow.png)

File: 6cbcae7e8989bd1⋯.jpeg (51.34 KB, 494x350, 247:175, loathing.jpeg)

File: 959d4a2ba119b3f⋯.jpeg (46.16 KB, 495x350, 99:70, fear.jpeg)


Here's some YN stuff


It's been 11 years since I learned this and I still get disappointed every time.

58c089 No.14132773


>worrying about memepatt's stolen "theories"

Come one m8, even his fans think he stretches logic everywhich way he wants.

f3a112 No.14132781


>Kizuna AI


4290ca No.14132782



Although I'm mostly scared just what the "next product" in the line will be, given that the Yume Nikki is a glorified advertising move.

Certainly won't be freeware, that much is sure.

b4c4d3 No.14132785


It's newfags. It's always the newfags. Tryhard stupid cunts who go out of their way to prove what insufferable faggots they are by kicking and screaming about everything. And in case you missed it, cuckchan had some drama and we got newfags who have been stewing in the cancerous AIDS vat that place became, so it's twice as bad.

4290ca No.14132791


>some drama

Is that the bitcoin miners or do they have something new by now?

b4c4d3 No.14132797


Yup. The Bitcoin miners and malware got exposed days before Christmas break was kicking in for most Murricans. The shitposting skyrocketed and the post quality plummeted. Most of them are fucking off now that christmas break is over, but we're going to be stuck with a handful of them it looks like.

25eb64 No.14132812


>fifth pic

That's some spooky art

2df541 No.14132819

Does someone here have a Japanese version of the game? I get fucked up encoding when trying to download that LZH archive from the official website.

a91b2e No.14132826

File: 0c9d48f59040e81⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 2.81 MB, 1800x900, 2:1, tumblr_p275obpvam1sr9kpho1….png)

File: a80770229436165⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 607.28 KB, 1371x1000, 1371:1000, tumblr_p296dyppC41sr9kpho1….png)

a5e831 No.14132831

File: 77e429578dc1264⋯.gif (392.9 KB, 640x360, 16:9, What are you doing.gif)

edafc0 No.14132837

File: fdbb369936a8f37⋯.png (106 KB, 371x255, 371:255, suicide penguin.PNG)


Fuck you for posting that.

4290ca No.14132840

File: d181aadef125323⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 31.15 KB, 460x276, 5:3, The Nose Knows 2.jpg)

File: 27f46626c9dc197⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 134.77 KB, 294x217, 42:31, The Nose Knows 3.png)

File: d0fe7071b629707⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 107.2 KB, 500x720, 25:36, The Nose Knows.jpg)


Wait a minute, those noses…

fda8dd No.14132844

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I never cared enough to play the game, but I've listened to this song for many years.

3c0a02 No.14132845

Post porn.


You can only post that shit so many time before I stop caring.

b4c4d3 No.14132869


They do it on purpose. They think it's being rebellious or artsy to envision all fictional characters as repulsive, deformed trannies and niggers.

a5e831 No.14132870


First and last pic I may, but Tumblr art is always ugly.

25eb64 No.14132882


This ain't bad. Though I generally enjoy most of the content the fandom produces, so it's not terribly surprising for me.

3ed5ae No.14132894

File: b889796875e1f7b⋯.png (54.47 KB, 145x160, 29:32, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 70ec47530d598d1⋯.png (34.97 KB, 121x124, 121:124, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b57666c32bdd238⋯.png (46.54 KB, 127x161, 127:161, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5790f851cacc2d9⋯.png (41.56 KB, 109x158, 109:158, ClipboardImage.png)


>They think it's being rebellious or artsy to envision all fictional characters as repulsive, deformed trannies and niggers.

It should be illegal to even think about doing that. These images are gag material

0e80b6 No.14132926

I don't think Yume Nikki will get the Undertale/DDLC following, it doesn't have the meta tweest that made those games so popular. Other than Uboa it doesn't even have any jump scares for youtubers to scream at like in other popular RPGmaker games.

be5524 No.14132936

File: 96733f2fe5c3b0c⋯.jpg (82.63 KB, 900x900, 1:1, annoying.jpg)



>that last face

e5512a No.14132942


Just don't expect anything good, usually makes for nice surprises when /v/ does something right for once.


It's interesting to know that there's something upcoming for yume nikki at least.

b3c5bf No.14132944

File: 56a067342846bc1⋯.png (144.77 KB, 636x979, 636:979, Screenshot from 2018-01-10….png)

File: 2465d452865c620⋯.jpg (56.11 KB, 572x466, 286:233, gonna need two guns for th….jpg)

f46a11 No.14132947



Taken to the extreme and down right changes characters to something they're not

>Monika is now a nigger

>Oh sayori is kind of retarded, I know i'll go all the way and make her a down sydrome sperg.

The other two are equally repulsive but at least are somewhat like the originals.

58c089 No.14132968


Even turning my blood into pure, distilled uranium won't be enough to rid me from this cancer.

014f24 No.14132979

File: d4bbed87e0c7a7a⋯.jpg (37.83 KB, 550x512, 275:256, if only.jpg)


It has begun.

25eb64 No.14132986


Nigger, the "Mado is actually trans/dude/whatever" shit has been perpetrated since 4chan became popular. I remember seeing these, unfortunately, popular theories way back on goddamn uboachan as early as 2010.

382525 No.14132989

File: f75c206add75a39⋯.gif (480.33 KB, 600x450, 4:3, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA….gif)


I don't suppose bullying the secondaries out is an option? Tumblrspergs are numerous and obnoxious but they're brittle as fuck. They love to dish shit out, but lord knows they can't take it themselves. Remember their little "raid" a while back? Or remember how they gleefully bullied that one Steven tumblrverse fag into an heroing for drawing a character paler than normal, but then as soon as people kept trying to dox them to report them to the authorities they instantly screeched "OH MY GOD YOU GUYS WHAT THE FUCK I'M UNDERAGED THIS IS LITERALLY BULLYING"

I see Jojofags do it sometimes. I see someone spout memes on a comment section somewhere only to have someone who read the mangoes spoil everything for the memer and get replied to with butthurt from other Jojo secondaries.

4290ca No.14132991

File: c9e506911801eb1⋯.gif (24.27 KB, 310x760, 31:76, Happening Level 3.gif)


I can already see the articles on Craptaku and Polygon.

014f24 No.14133000


I meant the SJWs on steam calling her nonbinary. I knew about the trans theory already.

3ed5ae No.14133002


Are these people fucking retarded

"Using the same "effect" a second time will cause the character to revert to their original form."

It says they because you have multiple FUCKING FORMS. That or it's trying to push a are you really human sort of thing going on but that's unlikely. Mattfag will no doubt make a 3 part series on why its true I'm sure

208a50 No.14133008

File: 93e291ef41df495⋯.png (427.6 KB, 964x709, 964:709, FUCKIMHIGH.png)


The theory was there, but the snowflakes will latch onto her like parasites and try to ruin YN for everyone.

2df541 No.14133012

aeb719 No.14133023

File: adfa8004a31157b⋯.png (453.08 KB, 702x476, 351:238, damned if I didn't find a ….PNG)

25eb64 No.14133024



I get that, but Yume Nikki has always had its fair share of mouthbreathing retards. I dunno, I guess it just doesn't surprise me since I've seen her called him, they, ?, and 'her' and whatever else on 4chan and uboachan.

33134c No.14133026

File: b5f9a6e82dfbf94⋯.png (451.88 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, No, you piece of shit.png)


>Cult classic

Stop calling niche games this

I am not a fucking cult member just because I happen to like a little-known video game

56661e No.14133030

File: e7ea2537a65ce06⋯.jpg (28.99 KB, 637x484, 637:484, DELET THIS.jpg)



consider these checked



4290ca No.14133035

File: dabc19aa4e5db27⋯.gif (78.45 KB, 255x116, 255:116, fuuuuuck.gif)


Because of course Polygon and Gorilla Frank have to latch onto it immediately. Because of course the virtue-signalling pieces of shit that are their readership absolutely need to know about it.

f7c5f4 No.14133041


Doing my part sir. Be as hostile as humanly possible.


Die a hero or see yourself become the villain.


Good chance its a visual novel


You can repel normalfags by putting up the slightest entry barrier. Having to actually find the download was ours. But now we gotta deal with Undertale's fanbase.


Mate I love it more than family. I don't want to see it raped to hell and back anon.


Please don't tell me this is relevant

10804e No.14133042


are trannies even a fucking problem in japan? Last I checked japs don't really give a shit about gender and will fuck anything with a hole.

ea155f No.14133048

File: 3b2833a2050d891⋯.jpg (113.83 KB, 808x499, 808:499, 1434347574419.jpg)


It wouldn't have happened if you had believed in Jesus.

90f736 No.14133050

File: 2bd315c4f895898⋯.png (88.34 KB, 337x269, 337:269, 2bd315c4f895898e4a18a54a3f….png)


Why anon?

e772c9 No.14133054

File: 6c43682cc8d0f01⋯.jpg (71.18 KB, 324x437, 324:437, 03a4353c3ebe5bb2e7a338ad2e….jpg)



More like rockbottom.

b25a56 No.14133060

File: e0f71596e81e030⋯.png (122.7 KB, 396x395, 396:395, yui questions your shit ta….png)


>Complaining about the semantics of a well established term

>Posting the worst Keion of all

b25a56 No.14133072


If we believed in a dead kike on a stick Yume Nikki would be banned for witchraft

edafc0 No.14133078


Nips have a long tradition of cross-dressers through Onnagatas. That is male actors who were selected to play women because actual women don't know how to be feminine enough.

58c089 No.14133081


But what if the undertale effect scares people away with enough time and we come full circle into it being left alone again? It sort of happened to undertale, being a huge sensation and then the fandom scared people away enough for the internet to not speak about it all the time. Sure, there's still undertale around, just not as in-your-face as before.

b25a56 No.14133082


>Mate I love it more than family. I don't want to see it raped to hell and back anon.

I understand, as I feel the same way. I' not complaining about you.

2df541 No.14133092


You can also just open Google, type in "yume nikki" and switch to the "News" tab.

adf998 No.14133098


2021 is coming.

10804e No.14133103


crossdressing isn't being a tranny. Trannies want to be women, crossdressers want to look like women.

huge difference.

8bfdfa No.14133107

File: dc8bfdbf055933a⋯.gif (1.52 MB, 635x457, 635:457, Thyhopeconsumed.gif)


I feel sorry for you yume nikki fags right now.

2c985d No.14133112

File: 9d56fc97181896a⋯.png (279.86 KB, 477x724, 477:724, 9d56fc97181896a580572d43ba….png)


I'm legit surprised you haven't gotten banned yet. When I told people shitting up a steam sale recommendation thread that it was fine that they hated steam, but maybe they could just hide the thread instead of shitting it up with their Autism, I ate a 3 day ban for 'attention whoring'

The autists posts stayed up and of course, the thread died swiftly, without any posts of worth being made, just a bunch of people in a purity spiral circlejerk about how much they hate steam.

As to Yume Nikki, I first heard of Undertale here. /v/ fucking LOVED that game, like seriously loved the shit out of it. Then it got popular and tumblr got it's hands on it, and suddenly 'We never liked that shit!'. It's honestly insufferable.

d06227 No.14133113


(. _ . )

edafc0 No.14133118


You have a point.

10804e No.14133121


I'm so glad the creator of best fangame decided to kill themselves and their creation will never be tainted by anyone but the userbase.

ea155f No.14133133


Nonsense, only thots would be banned. Are. You. A. Thot?

b25a56 No.14133148

File: 8d2dfa829886fdc⋯.jpg (37.43 KB, 620x440, 31:22, Augusto-Pinochet-.jpg)


Thanks. I know how Doomfags felt about NuDoom and I know how much I want to sandy hook Bethesda over Quake Champions, but the worst crime of all that will never be forgiven is Duke Nukem Forever


>As to Yume Nikki, I first heard of Undertale here. /v/ fucking LOVED that game, like seriously loved the shit out of it. Then it got popular and tumblr got it's hands on it, and suddenly 'We never liked that shit!'. It's honestly insufferable.

Yeah I remember that. I played Undertale when it was new and didn't like it to be honest but most of the shit comes form the Tumblr autists.

58c089 No.14133155


>some masterbaiter post some made up shit about how undertale is some next-level ascended 7d-chess zionist psy-op on the nature of mind control through subliminal marketing and how to direct people's opinion and approval on things

>/v/ falls for it hook, line and sinker, everybody goes "OH SHIT 2DEEP4ME, i knew it was bad but never this bad!"

See, for some people /v/ is le sekrit kewl kidz club where things are cool until someone outside happens to like it too, where suddenly that thing was always fucking shit from the very beggining. Fortunately it's not the entirety of /v/, but those retards think that posting here gives them special powers or some retarded shit.

879db3 No.14133165


If it's a game get ready to see it get NISA'd

5ecb32 No.14133175

File: 31993a6d29c1c2b⋯.png (356.13 KB, 600x500, 6:5, 31993a6d29c1c2baa7d73bb052….png)




look at >>14132753 and stop being fucking drama queens.

>waah /v/ hates X now

/v/ is not one person, and besides a few anons always show up and try to shit up threads. Just ignore them and then report them if they become cancerous

33134c No.14133177


>some masterbaiter post some made up shit about how undertale is some next-level ascended 7d-chess zionist psy-op on the nature of mind control through subliminal marketing and how to direct people's opinion and approval on things

I am still, to this day, shocked that people fell for that. I legitimately cannot believe /v/ was (and still is) that stupid.

25eb64 No.14133189


It was probably made by some faggot upset it won some dumb contest on gamefaqs

2c985d No.14133206

File: 2498681a2a8a896⋯.gif (391.99 KB, 250x164, 125:82, 2498681a2a8a89627565924f0e….gif)


It's like a pop song. Undertale was just 'okay', but with a few good hooks. The hype focused on the hooks and pushed it hard. People bought into it. I think that's the best way to look at Undertale. The video game equivalent to a pop song. Not particular offensive, but competent and with strong, if basic, hooks.

It's the perfect example of /v/ not being nearly as smart as a whole as they seem to think they are.

78d8e7 No.14133221

File: db507f7253ba070⋯.jpg (27.34 KB, 500x318, 250:159, a9fce559a7008f929e8fc749bf….jpg)

a91b2e No.14133441

File: 4cc85eea0cefa47⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 8.4 KB, 638x171, 638:171, niggerwhatareyoudoing.png)


Found this in another steam discussion about YN.

The community is gonna get cancer for sure.

528b2e No.14133454

File: 65941779a49ad15⋯.jpg (143.24 KB, 543x522, 181:174, 1440660484740.jpg)


I know I should feel bad for all the nikkifags cause if this happened to something gave a shit about I would be furious, but this is just so fucking delicious.

c7c65e No.14133527


it doesn't even matter. let the trannies and feminists have a dog day with something that has already been enjoyed by all, and 'official 2ki' can bomb to its heart's content.

528b2e No.14133538


I mean there's a good chance it won't catch on anyway. I've seen stuff like this fade away quietly before.

0e80b6 No.14133541


Nikkifags have dealt with idiots spouting retarded theories for over a decade. "Madotsuki has a dick" isn't even close to the dumbest shit fans have come up with.

bbf0be No.14133580



912599 No.14133583


toby did

de618d No.14133687


They're a thing in Japan, there's already a legal process to go through to get your gender changed on the family register (equivalent to birth certificate in the US)

1bdfdc No.14133847



Okay, so at this point raiding the comments and throwing shit and spitting in their faces will probably only streisand effect the thing. I wanted to suggest a raid, but it would backfire tremendously. I think our only chance is to hope that this blows over in a couple of weeks.

I would not be surprised if this ended up being the worst vidya news of the year.


I am so fucking mad right now.

000000 No.14133860


The irony is that, unless I'm really misremembering things, Toby himself reviewed Undertale as just an above average, 8/10 quirky indie project, and not worthy of the attention is got. Back before Tumblr found it, I remember it largely being liked for its music, the clever conceit of making the pacifist run interesting through the bullet hell defense, and the competency it managed its few hooks. I was afraid that it was doomed even then, though, since the main character was an androgynous empty vessel (cue the "trans" "ally" virtue signalling Tumblrfags), and there were too many gay characters (One is too many, but cue the rest of the whole LGBTWTFBBQ Tumblrfag army).

I guess I was right, but it's a shame that a competent indie thing got ruined so badly that now, to admit that you liked it is taken as admitting to be a Tumblrfag yourself.

ebf7a0 No.14133885

File: 5fe8b19ad742280⋯.png (42.22 KB, 302x347, 302:347, 5fe8b19ad74228049179e429af….png)

7fafb7 No.14133892

File: 2d817d7de997554⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 84.92 KB, 500x400, 5:4, tumblr_inline_o6mv5r1d331t….jpg)


Fuck it, post more disgusting tumblr art I feel like torturing myself.

23c75b No.14133950

File: 97601a986324bce⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 128.57 KB, 798x904, 399:452, lyza.jpg)


did anyone ever do this for made in abyss or is that too much for tumblr? I notice tumblr tends to cling to edgy appearing but ultimately very safe things.

7fafb7 No.14133953


Nigger, don't leave us, it's people like you who make this shit actually worthwhile here.

528b2e No.14133959

File: a23701087ee6244⋯.jpg (166.19 KB, 720x900, 4:5, 65192278_p0 - ナナチはかわいいですね.jpg)


Well there was that whole thing about nanachi's gender.

3fa117 No.14133976


can't tell if this is a fake.


There are still ""people"" who think nanachi is not a girl, they must be corrected before they turn MiA into a shitfest.

23c75b No.14133977

File: 5b54971c45705cb⋯.jpg (177.17 KB, 872x1236, 218:309, why tumblr doesnt like mia.jpg)


that was just the creator fucking with foreigners.

3c4ede No.14133980

File: f04c5fd4bb83566⋯.png (858.91 KB, 675x530, 135:106, date.PNG)

I played this game a few years back but I never finished it. The file for the original download is on my old broken computer, and the original site I got from is no longer up. Are there any huge changes in this update that I should know about?

23c75b No.14133984


>can't tell if this is a fake.

its the newest chapter my man, Tukushi-san posted it on twitter.

7fafb7 No.14133987


>Tumblr is literally a bunch of edgy kids trying to appear edgy but too scared to actually try and enjoy something that's actually dark.

Well who would have thought.

528b2e No.14133994

File: 2612d39aae5e7d6⋯.gif (1.26 MB, 275x319, 25:29, 2612d39aae5e7d60f6586ecd4b….gif)


I'm gonna be real mad if you're just fucking with me.

528b2e No.14133998

File: 9bd001885c9340a⋯.gif (666.58 KB, 171x255, 57:85, 1429044742416.gif)


>just checked

You fag.

23c75b No.14134012


don't click spoilers next time

3fa117 No.14134039

Hooktube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


on his defense and mine this thread was about yume nikki as such i expected spoilers concerning that mostly expecting mado porn though

528b2e No.14134046


no you ninny it isn't real.

23c75b No.14134047

File: 64f159d5798cabe⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 375.4 KB, 802x298, 401:149, shota-boners.png)


to be fair I just made up the filename and can't actually read Japanese. I don't know who that character is in the last panel.

23c75b No.14134051

File: d9e20bb2a58f8a3⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 399.81 KB, 1740x1233, 580:411, abyss.jpg)

528b2e No.14134105

File: abe91ea9de30bb3⋯.gif (1.05 MB, 295x221, 295:221, 1426723214926.gif)


Oh goddamnit, I checked manga sites and his twitter but didn't see it.

44cb36 No.14134113

File: 41464df89c657c6⋯.png (276.96 KB, 318x404, 159:202, DURRHURRHURR.png)

File: 5a225a7132ed631⋯.png (219.62 KB, 576x251, 576:251, why are you playing this.png)

700d8f No.14134187


>Its because I don't know how to make gifs.

its because you're playing it at a 2x scale but the camera moves at a 1:1 pixel scale

62a13c No.14134191


>"everyone" is a few faggots

89823f No.14134236

File: 07a802e96bda902⋯.png (635.94 KB, 680x438, 340:219, ClipboardImage.png)

604117 No.14134283


>last face

>on the left

Are you a jap or a kike?

b25a56 No.14134290



b3c5bf No.14134293

File: 61059217d5c4c12⋯.png (193.61 KB, 650x2082, 325:1041, shitter.png)

Trannies are obsessed with their own sexuality and interpret fucking everything through it.

In other words, there is nothing new under the sun.

914e94 No.14134300

File: 5d4a28c7e351349⋯.webm (272.91 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, What the fuck are you doi….webm)

604117 No.14134305

File: 9b562d3d90346d1⋯.jpg (10.33 KB, 248x203, 248:203, 56.jpg)




Checkmate, my mercury-enriched friend.

e3ece1 No.14134351



>Kyuu even more dildo like

That was a good design decision.

e3ece1 No.14134369

File: 95251c74e55bfa6⋯.jpg (49.8 KB, 736x736, 1:1, 1.jpg)

File: 5e811ef00c465e6⋯.png (552.05 KB, 1280x937, 1280:937, 2.png)

File: 46bf139068213bd⋯.jpg (532.36 KB, 900x810, 10:9, 3.jpg)

File: 12ceb4bd0e331e5⋯.jpg (49.45 KB, 736x782, 16:17, 4.jpg)

File: aa73edf35472ae1⋯.jpg (81.46 KB, 736x700, 184:175, 5.jpg)

I heard you guys were in need for some tumblr art of yume nikki?

e3ece1 No.14134385

File: faec4a49e6cf79a⋯.png (376.24 KB, 500x686, 250:343, 1.png)

File: 7ae5be7c4c2c58b⋯.gif (536.61 KB, 500x694, 250:347, 2.gif)

File: 0a1999446d45f9c⋯.jpg (241.5 KB, 903x633, 301:211, 3.jpg)

File: 0c52bc5ab8d5676⋯.png (733.39 KB, 800x849, 800:849, 4.png)

File: 03d0fec9ab8fe72⋯.png (344.28 KB, 800x931, 800:931, 5.png)

A little bit more.

9d2f21 No.14134387


>That thread

You'd have an easier time convincing me madotsuki is transgender by using the ending as an example.

d45993 No.14134389



First three are fine, particularly the second one. The rest are varying degrees of cancer.

66418a No.14134394

File: 6637c9042f35823⋯.png (219.74 KB, 418x419, 418:419, hank.png)


e3ece1 No.14134399

File: cd820d113b5f96e⋯.jpg (540.62 KB, 726x874, 363:437, 1.jpg)

File: 931953d19dad383⋯.jpg (322.46 KB, 1159x700, 1159:700, 2.jpg)

File: d0c9ea90777c6d0⋯.jpg (378.93 KB, 900x1780, 45:89, 3.jpg)

File: fcd49257c17961b⋯.jpg (1.89 MB, 1606x1416, 803:708, 4.jpg)

File: 15c578bd549dffa⋯.jpg (926.51 KB, 954x1217, 954:1217, 5.jpg)



How long till madotsuki become tranny boy being locked inside xis room by xir cruel parents?

e3ece1 No.14134406

File: 1cd027af79f5204⋯.png (39.06 KB, 709x648, 709:648, advanced_darkness_by_lambt….png)

File: 22a9f658948e16b⋯.jpg (288.89 KB, 714x809, 714:809, eee_by_lambtoots-d6050m2.jpg)

File: 60ed538e2845c64⋯.png (1.02 MB, 1024x1259, 1024:1259, its_for_the_best_by_lambto….png)

File: 97cdeb67dfb58ac⋯.png (312.14 KB, 641x471, 641:471, lll_by_lambtoots-d60pxdn.png)

File: 4df42a04c49642e⋯.png (525.89 KB, 1024x515, 1024:515, shut_eyed_girls_by_lambtoo….png)

Just so you know i can always dig deeper.

fc2d5c No.14134413

File: 8c112fd0a51e807⋯.jpg (133 KB, 1024x986, 512:493, fd9870a5627c21920cd7669b98….jpg)




382525 No.14134419

File: 024a1d5208bd1df⋯.jpg (34.41 KB, 506x345, 22:15, fish.jpg)



>>14134399 (checked)

I recall during the height of Undergay's popularity, Toby did a poll asking his fanbase how many of them actually played the game, and it turned down out that half of them didn't even play it, but either watched a Let's Play or read the Wiki. I see these abominations and wonder how many of them actually played through the game and didn't just watch an LP or learn of this game through its batfuck stupid (((theories))) and decided to latch on to it like penis-obsessed parasites.

e3ece1 No.14134428

File: 4b7f99aa4ab7b55⋯.png (41.17 KB, 574x596, 287:298, annatt_by_lambtoots-d5hfg5….png)

File: 5d776f34609f2c1⋯.jpg (483.91 KB, 943x965, 943:965, eeh_by_lambtoots-d6050mw.jpg)

File: 77f89c715e70ada⋯.png (1.83 MB, 900x974, 450:487, ethereal_slant_by_lambtoot….png)

File: 69f9e9515382453⋯.jpg (292.69 KB, 725x596, 725:596, ring_the_bells_by_natsuoka….jpg)

File: 67f9d7c2525c982⋯.png (388.25 KB, 512x512, 1:1, wow_by_natsuokami-d5em1lc.png)



Do you guys do acid there?


>watched a Let's Play

Well, you can thank various Markipliers for streaming/lets playing simple rpg maker games like Ib or Off. Same probably with undergay and madoutsuki.

b3c5bf No.14134464

File: c2ae14b3925970d⋯.png (11.75 KB, 946x94, 473:47, Screenshot from 2018-01-10….png)


I'd be more likely to assume Madotsuki was transgender if she spent 70+ hours in Undertale.

d45993 No.14134481


post that in the thread

before another anon steals it

e3ece1 No.14134517

File: 41d94bfd291eb5c⋯.png (148.83 KB, 569x937, 569:937, gender.PNG)

File: 3e24469dede6499⋯.png (72.04 KB, 642x759, 214:253, gay community.PNG)

File: b0c1d654c6e0053⋯.png (41.76 KB, 637x760, 637:760, how offended people are by….PNG)

File: 6f38288014e6a92⋯.png (52.08 KB, 629x823, 629:823, experience of discovering ….PNG)


Well, good luck with dealing with people who believe that Yume Nikki is LGBT+ game about hard life as a nonbinary queer.

fda898 No.14134534


>so as long as Game Theory doesn't see it we're fine

>YN getting THEORIED

This is disgusting to even think about.

df4237 No.14134541


>It's very possible

>Highly unlikley

>Very possible

Triple retarded.

fda898 No.14134571

File: 7b042ee815c2732⋯.webm (2.53 MB, 512x384, 4:3, mdsk red walk.webm)

Post good YN stuff

9d2f21 No.14134577


Don't care enough, but by all means go ahead.

fc2d5c No.14134594

File: 43e5ebbef91b2b1⋯.webm (3.06 MB, 480x360, 4:3, 【ゆめにっき】モノクロの髪の乙女【FRENZ201….webm)

077518 No.14134605


The level of order unnerves me.

e3ece1 No.14134622

File: ff09f75d443588e⋯.png (44.43 KB, 639x721, 639:721, blob of pixels.PNG)


Now i think those nosey things are representation of xir's relatives, maybe even mother, who decided to kill them for not accepting xis transgender nonbinary lifestyle. And so xir has inner fears of them, and imagines parents and sisters as crows, since they were just as annoying as them.

You aren't going to wash the stigma of Madotsuki being a nonbinary queer anymore, accept it. This also goes well with inner japanese men desire to be girls, like in every japanese games they make.

25eb64 No.14134629

File: d2eea276da58bbd⋯.jpg (20.26 KB, 500x376, 125:94, melting pot.jpg)


>third post on third pic

>"it's not that deep, bros"






e3ece1 No.14134642

File: 5b93a502249cf67⋯.jpeg (Spoiler Image, 1.36 MB, 800x4469, 800:4469, 3cae19fac4994f563a12cacd3….jpeg)

File: 860a09e642c5ac9⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 449.37 KB, 598x600, 299:300, 11c495c7c31a31c20dfa8faa45….png)

File: 055d4ba0ff88a1b⋯.jpeg (Spoiler Image, 408.17 KB, 800x1000, 4:5, 25da1679f41695bb83702fab2….jpeg)

File: a4d1ed341431243⋯.jpeg (Spoiler Image, 914.64 KB, 1029x1200, 343:400, 599eff5454de590a09b692b72….jpeg)


The only question you have to ask - what's xir's genitalia and did xir overcome or still needs to do a transition operation?

fc2d5c No.14134647


Bunch of mental retarded faggots programmed by Cultural Marxists need to destroy everything. Normalcy, Beauty, and Aesthetics are their enemy.

05c18e No.14134680

File: feb45b9ad75d6d9⋯.jpg (223.43 KB, 960x1280, 3:4, 5ff71ec27d56e700948eb5d232….jpg)

Why can't things just be things now, why does everything have to become some horrible social construct or camwhore bait or tumblr degeneracy?

My brain still thinks of things like Cave Story being a fun little game made by a single guy that I downloaded as a .zip file from some obscure website but now when I look people are paying $14.99 for it.

And now there's a Yume Nikki remake, no wonder people think it's gonna be the worst thing ever.

b3c5bf No.14134681

File: d4e6bad1a74ad60⋯.png (62.81 KB, 638x566, 319:283, Screenshot from 2018-01-10….png)



Whoever posted this is a saint.

528b2e No.14134695

File: 5f88db1ad92449d⋯.gif (265.78 KB, 540x304, 135:76, 1426648571269-0.gif)



4e9410 No.14134707

File: 59723aa1cbf7195⋯.mp4 (144.45 KB, 480x244, 120:61, it's cool.mp4)

cfcc37 No.14134718


yummi nicki isnt a video game, I like it anyway though

dc4f2d No.14134756


The acquisition and hoarding of shekels and the "deconstruction" of beauty and glory.

fda898 No.14134790


Isn't there a 'ugandan knuckles is racist' article up there right now?

528b2e No.14134793


What was the point of posting this?

72c7dc No.14134802


>The acquisition and hoarding of shekels

>sacred to the mainstream

Wealth is considered inherently sinful you foolish idiot. It is evil to be wealthy and, therefore, virtuous to be poor. (The meme of the hard working poor, lazy good-for-nothing, lucky rich).

0fae62 No.14134821

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


before anyone asks

4687d0 No.14134828

File: 8b9037389d9f04b⋯.webm (2.29 MB, 1064x842, 532:421, YN OD.webm)


this tbh

81afb4 No.14134909


Its inevitable

e5512a No.14135218



I'm ok with this.

64b141 No.14135258

>steam reviews already claiming it's an undertale ripoff

fda898 No.14135520

File: 2ba51846c4cd735⋯.gif (15.43 KB, 500x347, 500:347, SuicideStump.gif)


Well I guess it's time to die.

56661e No.14135538

File: e73a2f164681002⋯.webm (1.89 MB, 480x360, 4:3, 【ゆめにっき】クリプト・オブ・ザ・モノクロダンサー.webm)

File: 0d55cf696241164⋯.webm (10.69 MB, 960x720, 4:3, yn.webm)

ca9613 No.14135569


I am not worried about Yume Nikki, I am worried about what it will spawn once it enters the public eye. Just as how Cave Story resulted in Undertale (even the damn title is lifted from Cave Story - it's just a synonym), Yume Nikki will no doubt result in some trashy western indie tire-fire that gets heralded as the second coming of Jesus.

7b8568 No.14136298

So guys i'm new here and i will play Yume Nikki for the first time.

d3c312 No.14136578

File: e81cf83cf30327f⋯.png (20.11 KB, 650x479, 650:479, 20180111160338.png)

Yesterday I decided to check other Yume Nikki communities to see their reactions to the Steam release, which obviously led me to r/YumeNikki. All OPs there had the same reaction as Anons in this thread while the replies to these OPs were mostly supporting the normalfags. Decided to check it today and… (see the attachment)

43a731 No.14136612


Best thing they could have done to prevent cancer from flooding into your society.

d3c312 No.14136655

File: 1a9e7ded3990ee9⋯.webm (3.02 MB, 512x384, 4:3, yume-nikki_padoruponikko-….webm)

d3c312 No.14136784

File: 319026b2260a074⋯.png (44.76 KB, 657x296, 657:296, subreddit.png)

942234 No.14136808


They are run by jews and they make terrible articles and videos.

942234 No.14136814

File: ce6e1ecf5d0e977⋯.jpg (23.08 KB, 473x266, 473:266, ugandanknuck.jpg)


ugandan ugandan ugandan ugandan ugandan ugandan ugandan ugandan ugandan ugandan ugandan ugandan ugandan ugandan ugandan ugandan

7b8568 No.14136829


Okay, the ability to spin in chair is really awesome.

fb4d18 No.14136994

File: b3b7ad2a11ec25b⋯.png (104.42 KB, 216x216, 1:1, just fuck it all up.png)


>hello darkness my old friend

7b8568 No.14137054


>falling for the jokes.

Like it was the same with touhou release about undertale ripoff. But in that situation game wasn't even released but some guys already started to shit on it because of "ripping off".

And the "What anime this girl from?" shit left and right.

fda898 No.14137695



The best part is that they all loop too. Hopefully this guy stays free of the new wave of secondaries.

6905cc No.14138117

shit game, shit thread

cc2a27 No.14138625

File: 84aab4266fd1da8⋯.png (960.35 KB, 1253x748, 1253:748, allah akbar.png)


Goddamn kikes.

cc2a27 No.14138641

File: f319393811782dd⋯.gif (226.93 KB, 256x255, 256:255, cat.gif)



>I'll be on uboachan for this one.

7b8568 No.14142748

Hooktube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

Don't know what is it.

504133 No.14143635

File: e6d5a5b8217d7a8⋯.jpg (63.41 KB, 569x444, 569:444, e6d5a5b8217d7a8d9faff2b6db….jpg)


The video is titled "We can not wake up".

Dunno about you but I'm spooked from that alone.

caaef5 No.14143968

File: 3ae5dde3184497d⋯.png (282.21 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 3965898cc0374d3ee90e46895a….png)


I love these, tried fucking around a bit in gimp to make this one into a wallpaper.

Do you have more you can share?

07242d No.14144176

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Woke up today and decided to look at the countdown page. It looks like they've added a picture with a link to this? There's another one as well.

85d8cc No.14144936

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Any games that extensively use loops for music\ambiance other than Yume Nikki and Thief 1 and 2?

fa4a60 No.14146237

File: 4157df1ff911d9e⋯.png (37.79 KB, 695x177, 695:177, average steam user.png)

This had better be fucking bait

f46e11 No.14146533


That's b8


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