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Vidya Gaems

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File: 8346cdfb6933b2f⋯.png (55.8 KB,861x56,123:8,rel.png)

282d93 No.16959974

I have been designing a Computer ID ("CID") spooferconsidering that the CID generation algorithm is knownfor BYOND, and thought about adding an impersonation functionality to it. (i.e., you could set your CID to that of someone else's and basically steal their identity, or even get them banned on SS13 servers.)

So far it is working good, albeit a bit slow as it has to brute force all the possible combinations and match them against the CID obtained from BYOND's algorithm.

But this would require that you know the victims' CID prior to the spoofing process, and this means spending some time on first getting to find out their' CID's.

However, I remember that approximately one year ago there was a database leak of Hippie Station which contained a lengthy list of all of their (somewhat size-able) playerbase Client Keys ("CKEY") in addition to their CID's. (Meaning that you don't have to setup a trap to find out the victims' CID anymore.)

I been in search of said leak for the past few days now, but so far have had little luck in finding any clue as all the threads on 4chan or other forums would lead to dead links or only small portions of the leak. I was wondering if anyone here happens to have full access to it and is willing to share it with me.


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51a01e No.16959983


Why would you even want to do any of this.

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e0e851 No.16959985

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