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[ /agdg/ | Vidya Porn | Hentai Games | Retro Vidya | Contact ]

File: f9580772114a967⋯.png (297.76 KB, 985x547, 985:547, guns r scary.png)

File: 4e1c3991644bf49⋯.jpg (1.33 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, FAGGOT.jpg)

File: 86dbd0ba8f74a3f⋯.png (2.17 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ART.png)

6ffcaa No.14222045

itt games you want to replay but THOSE segments or elements stop you

What are they /v/?

>friendship is magic that helps us summon Castlevania to kill Geometry

>ALL of the firearms are fake (because in a story with rape and mass murder we can't have the protagonists, who are breaking the law anyway, break any laws… they wuz good kidz, dindu nuffin

>Futaba's dungeon orb-swap inanity

>that whole bitch-fit between Morgana and Ryuji

>Haru's Dad's dungeon (ask questions bruh)

>that story-breaking stupid and inexplicable TWIST

>Shido's dungeon


>restrictions on location and movements due to having to unlock them as the story progresses and/or with specific confidant links

>cell shading makes it impossible to see Makoto's ass clearly


6ffcaa No.14222050


Forgot to mention

>Akechi's hamfisted last second redemption suicide

f62639 No.14222080

Every zelda game, if only because they all have one shit/tedious dungeon.

b8158b No.14222095


The firearms are fake because in Japan getting even a handgun requires deep Yakuza ties (Note there's a party member who gets fucking grenade launchers). While airsoft guns are about as easily obtainable as in Burgerland.

6ffcaa No.14222101

File: 04eb535089fa517⋯.png (363.36 KB, 738x436, 369:218, Untitled.png)


That's not the only thing tedious, at that

375ef1 No.14222103


<no stage select

<cant skip cutscene without button presses with an option/flag toggled

9c66c4 No.14222104


I don't play shitty games, so this doesn't effect me.

3bf831 No.14222107

File: 4ac3bb0735dcdad⋯.png (598.69 KB, 768x457, 768:457, ClipboardImage.png)




6ffcaa No.14222127

File: 9a71c55ba70b264⋯.jpg (236.05 KB, 856x588, 214:147, do it.jpg)


>The firearms are fake because in Japan getting even a handgun requires deep Yakuza ties

And we have an underground arms dealer as our confidant. This is not an excuse.

We were able to buy guns in the previous two Persona games and what's more Persona 1 had dual uzi action, AK's, etc.

>(Note there's a party member who gets fucking grenade launchers)

Her entire design, from gun to hat, is just a grab bag of "what haven't we used yet" put onto that coat rack of a character.

Look, you can have the bullets be special or whatever so as to avoid having to buy more ammo and reload manually (like in Soul Hackers or, you know, better older games) but everything being "ULTRA SUPER DUPER realistic"? Just give them a damn gun! It's already illegal to carry around an airsoft so super realistic that even the cops are suspicious. What's the point aside from nerfing a story that's trying to be dark and mature yet simultaneously Persona 4-tier happy-go-friendship?

I can't even look at the artwork for the game because every time I see the protag or another character with a firearm I remember it's just a toy that "looks super realistic" and immediately all I see is some brats pointing plastic around and muttering "pew pew"

Scooby van was also a mistake but whatever. the gun thing kills me

6ffcaa No.14222132

File: 078a7e089e89949⋯.png (1.36 MB, 1080x1288, 135:161, 078a7e089e899492dd811e5a87….png)


>unskippable cutscenes

>followed by boss fights one-after-another

>no save


>have to do it all over again

3b4adb No.14222135


Have you ever considered you may have outgrown children's media? Persona is shonen.

3af423 No.14222150

File: f44a5210eb61014⋯.jpg (10.87 KB, 173x248, 173:248, gomenasike.jpg)

Excessive padding or removing player control (forced walking, unskippable cutscenes) will ruin replays for me. Funny enough, OP, persona 5 was a big offender, i tried to replay it since i thought it would be easy to burn through a replay on NG+ and then it really started to hit me how fucking padded the game was and I stopped after futabas dungeon because even when skipping almost everything it was taking forever to get to the next phase of anything.

I've been playing Okami for the first time lately too and although I'm enjoying it I bet it will be ages before i replay it due to how long it takes just to get from point A to point B and the fact there's a text pop up for every fucking item you pick up, i think i'm growing impatient in general


i would take a million cutscenes over the more modern choice of forced walk and talks that you can't even fucking skip

6ffcaa No.14222157

File: e44c7b155c117b6⋯.jpg (810.1 KB, 1796x2504, 449:626, 1545608-16.jpg)

File: 4bdbf4bdcd883f0⋯.jpg (81.19 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, WHY DOES THIS WORK.jpg)


>Have you ever considered you may have outgrown children's media? Persona is shonen.

Then what was P2, seinen?

6ffcaa No.14222159


That sounds like a nightmare. What's the game's name?

aba222 No.14222161

File: 40b28caa89b1de3⋯.jpg (131.73 KB, 600x338, 300:169, bed of bullshit.jpg)

this boss.

this stupid fucking piece of shit garbage boss. It's so bad that the only way they could remaster dark souls is to remove it entirely. There's no way to fix it, there's no way to make it enjoyable. It just fucking sucks. This isn't even about it being a puzzle boss, which is already bad enough, it's about it being a bullshit boss. Flail-y arms with no wind up, fire attacks you can't predict, floor that falls out at random, and of course every time you inevitably die from being swiped into the instant death pits

you have to walk all the way back through the mob of enemies

and don't give me the "shortcut" bullshit, that routes even longer.

And there's nothing you can do to make the boss better. No amount of levels can prevent instant death, no amount of getting good can prevent instant death, no amount of practice can make this motherfucker bearable. You just endure it and hope you only die 3 times instead of 12.

4c3ce1 No.14222162

File: ec95b8c7c9a69ca⋯.jpg (68.72 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, images.duckduckgo.com.jpg)

Thinking about this mission makes me lose any motivation to play it again

3b4adb No.14222163


EP is seinen, IS is just slightly edgy shonen.

b8158b No.14222170


For Persona 1, yeah, your character was an active delinquent who didn't give a shit about obtaining blackmarket firearms.

For Persona 3, SEES had government ties through the Kirijo Corporation. Them being able to get guns made sense.

For Persona 4, Naoto was a licensed agent of the law, meaning she can legally buy firearms for her work.

In Persona 5, it's just high school students. What's more, the underground arms dealer makes it very clear he'd never sell actual guns to you.

972c6c No.14222172

File: 68571aa2524e9d1⋯.jpg (28.12 KB, 429x399, 143:133, sip.jpg)


>What Prevents Replay

1. linearity

2. story prioritized over gameplay

3. tedium

375ef1 No.14222174


hotline miami 1 and 2

aba222 No.14222180


kick the bison, use holy water or a heal spell. greatly reduces the total time.

aba222 No.14222184


but there is a stage select in hotline miami 1 and 2.

a0dbd5 No.14222185


> No amount of levels can prevent instant death, no amount of getting good can prevent instant death

I guess I was super lucky that it took me about five seconds to find that there's a safe corner in the boss zone to the hard back-left (might have been right actually, it's been a while) from which I could abuse my bow, but i agree, it's not a boss that's particularly fair for being able to get stuck in against.

b30842 No.14222187


Why do you want to replay a game that you didn't enjoy?

375ef1 No.14222192


there's this one fucking level, that really ticks me off and is unskippable cutscene (or rather the animation needs to be played) where you start the fucking level and you're this gay fucking cop and you accidentally bash someones head to complete mush, but everytime EVERY SINGLE FUCKING TIME YOU HAVE TO WATCH THIS SHIT ANIMATION OVER AND OVER AND OVER ALL I WANTED IS MY FUCKING S RANK, I HATE IT. I FUCKING HATE IT.

3bf831 No.14222194

File: 58035993d9da982⋯.jpg (17.8 KB, 386x376, 193:188, 1467906123328.jpg)


>i would take a million cutscenes over the more modern choice of forced walk and talks

I agree with you on this, too.

1260dc No.14222195

Quick time events

6ffcaa No.14222196

File: bf439903edad00e⋯.png (279.74 KB, 738x436, 369:218, Untitled.png)


You know you might have a point there. I even think of what SMT has turned into and there, too, we see more and more shounen ideas than seinen.

Aren't they also adding a super-powered Mary Sue into the remake of Strange Journey? What the hell happened to Atlus?


Very concise explanations, mate, but here's my point:

>What's more, the underground arms dealer makes it very clear he'd never sell actual guns to you.

I want you to reread that sentence and carefully explain to me how that's not utterly retarded (not your sentence, but the game's approach and explanation)

aba222 No.14222198


getting the branches isn't so bad, it's getting to the stupid bug. That one jump took me hours. It's also bullshit that it's a boss that actively punishes heavy-weight characters.

6ffcaa No.14222200

File: 176563d1b6561cd⋯.jpg (154.27 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, GAME DESIGN.jpg)


>Quick time events

3b4adb No.14222207


>Aren't they also adding a super-powered Mary Sue into the remake of Strange Journey? What the hell happened to Atlus?

That one's a bit silly. She's your daughter from the future who you give to Louise Ferre to raise and gets sent back in time. You're forced to kill her and then fuck off to the moon and let the schwarzvelt consume the world.

6ffcaa No.14222215

File: dfb6d1afca46fd4⋯.jpg (1.25 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Japan's Jesus Story.jpg)


>i would take a million cutscenes over the more modern choice of forced walk and talks that you can't even fucking skip


good point

I remember when people ragged on Xenosaga for the theatrical length cutscenes. I miss those days now

6ffcaa No.14222222


>giving Lucifer your daughter to raise

>time travel

>killing your time travel devil-raised daughter

>go to the moon

Why can't they leave it alone? It was just stoic Doomguy on a mission to complete their mission while all his friends and allies either died, mutated or became faggots

The simplicity was fine. This is asinine

aba222 No.14222234

File: 8f1b4a1b7a419d8⋯.jpg (88.95 KB, 500x476, 125:119, 1423612303364.jpg)

2d4d75 No.14222235

>Unskippable tutorials

>Unskippable scenes

I won't be replaying anything like Persona 3 because of how long it fucking takes before you can actually just go fuck around in the dungeon. There also has to be elements of the gameplay that are random or require skill. For example, point and click adventures or puzzle games that are hard only on your first playthrough. Not to say that those the games in those genres are bad, but some don't have replay value because of what you already know.

2ae838 No.14222237

File: 6c6d973466ee24f⋯.png (505.9 KB, 899x655, 899:655, King gizzard and the shitp….PNG)


Those hexes will certainly open the door.

2d4d75 No.14222247


Absolutely amazing, checked

6ffcaa No.14222255

File: 7b147dfc80433a5⋯.png (400.34 KB, 492x1044, 41:87, cuck the cat.png)



>I stopped after futabas dungeon because even when skipping almost everything it was taking forever to get to the next phase of anything.

You hit it on the head there, mate. Even back when we had threads regularly we all realized that the game became a cluster mess after Futaba's dungeon and every negative aspect before only worsened to the end.

You're right overall; that excessive linearity and the padding is a big part too.

09f2cb No.14222261

File: 493c3f924223d60⋯.jpg (176.88 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, .jpg)

>Would you like a halfmade item that breaks nearly half of the items in the game and the stupid feminist pussy hat as a mandatory selection in the skin pool for one of the characters?


>Boy is that a shame! Enjoy the boss we "made"

>Just kidding! It's leftovers from the last DLC that we never finished! Nooo, those sprites that were never used were a red herring! We TOTALLY did not sell an unfinished broken DLC the first time and are now selling mod tools which should be free.

Fuck Nicalis, but more specifically fuck bedpan mcmuffin

Also fuck them for literally ripping off undertale for their final boss

No really

f0f837 No.14222268


>shittalking Futaba

Makotoniggers get out and stay out

6ffcaa No.14222283


>that spoiler

I need a pic I can't believe that


Good points too

Myst can go vague hell

00dedf No.14222285

Man fuck the puzzle in the one spaceship palace with the levers. That was some bullshit and I hope whoever designed that puzzle gets fucking castrated.

56e31f No.14222296


>be mage

>it was piss easy because you can just heal the bison


Get a mage you faggoo

dbf495 No.14222312


>the stupid feminist pussy hat as a mandatory selection in the skin pool for one of the characters?

Hold the fuck up, what?

33ddcf No.14222317


the only good part about Afterbirth was the shitstorm that happened after antibirth was way better than it without any modding tools whatsoever, and the salt realted to that. (The guy who created antibirth I'm pretty sure told nicalis to fuck off with porting shit over)

09f2cb No.14222338

File: bdc0b1a3e0b718e⋯.png (6.75 KB, 142x141, 142:141, Delirium_Ingame.png)

File: 82c865bfd954093⋯.jpg (25.16 KB, 474x484, 237:242, .jpg)

File: d76ee614c80f5ec⋯.png (10.77 KB, 920x940, 46:47, 70d745cdd01ace67c8a95da7e8….png)


While it is less easy to demonstrate through individual images

>Amalgamates (Undertale)

-Various enemies taken from the game

-Fluid in consistency and prone to erratic behavior

-Canonically Monochromatic concerning overworld sprites


-Is made up of various enemies from the game vaguely edited to a theme

-Monochromatic (Except for yellow eye theme which whoops they forgot in unused sprites that they had earlier)

-Fluid in consistency

-Erratically transforms into different bosses behavior atypical to common isaac enemies

Incidentally the only "color" an amalgamate is shown to be in the overworld is funny enough, yellow.


Eden has a pussy hat as one of the new "hairstyles" that was added in a booster pack for Afterbirth+, and afaik it is impossible to opt out without modding over it if you install afterbirth+

6a50eb No.14222355


All the puzzles in P5 are easy piss except the crossword puzzle git gud

09f2cb No.14222359


As a further example to state

Undertale released on PC in September 2015

and Afterbirth+ came out January 3 2017

And I might be remembering this wrong but at some point Nicalis contacted Toby about publishing Undertale on consoles.

175a03 No.14222370



Shit, I actually like Undertale even I'm disgusted. What a fucking hack.

d990e7 No.14222373


>Futaba's dungeon orb-swap inanity

This isn't the first time I've seen this complaint, what's the problem with? It's not a good puzzle, sure, but it seems odd to single it out when none of the others in the game are much better.


Now this one was bullshit. I never figured it out, just bashed my head on it until I got lucky.

6942e4 No.14222381


Someday's out there I wonder how many devs even play/replay their fucking games and think "you know this part is long and annoying, we should really fix it."

I'm surprised that the console manufactures still don't have some sort of licensing clause like no long (over X length) unskippable cutscenes for any game released on their hardware.

3b4adb No.14222382



BoI one is probably based of Nightmare from Link's Awakening.

33ddcf No.14222400

File: aa076cba18225f8⋯.png (3.96 KB, 252x67, 252:67, ClipboardImage.png)


>look at updates

>apparently eden got 40 new hairstyles in an update

>try to check but all of the hairstyles haven't been uploaded

>help by this guy

>click thinking it'll be a link to what he did

>it's a link to his reddit profile

>posts on /r/gamerghazi

anon I thought you were talking about pic related and I was going to call you a faggot

I'm sorry, I didn't know.

09f2cb No.14222419


I'm sorry but last I checked nightmare had literally only one phase that was an enemy from the game itself.

Not to mention it was entirely black, and mostly solid.

I'm willing to excuse the "Boss that turns into other bosses" thing but come on you can't honestly pretend like that shit isn't trying to ape it with the laziest way to reuse assets.

de2bc1 No.14222444

Voiced self-narration and button prompts. Good thing the number of good games with both of these things can be counted on a single disfigured hand.

119f17 No.14222445


>"its retarded how the arms dealer with yakuza connections doesn't want to sell guns to teenagers."

The fact that this has to be explained to you means your the retarded one lad, they could shoot up their fucking school for all he knows, which can cause the police to track him down if the yakuza doesn't kill him and his family first.

08d5e4 No.14222453

File: 9fe386e951a3f7b⋯.jpg (199.5 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, maxresdefault.jpg)


it just got too hard

879e79 No.14222456

File: c8ab4bab9984249⋯.png (80.36 KB, 600x360, 5:3, 4d04fac8ca6saV8S.png)


>ALL of the firearms are fake


Remember when Mark just kept a fucking hatchet in his school locker?

aba222 No.14222470

File: b8fd35f83ad4142⋯.jpg (27.35 KB, 640x454, 320:227, 884.jpg)


the puzzles in persona 5 aren't the problem, the problem is they don't fucking let you solve them.

instead you have to listen to an hour of everyone else solving them for you. It's fucking enraging to listen to a bunch of mentally retarded children spout meaningless conjecture about a puzzle I figured out an hour ago.

09f2cb No.14222477


Tried to get a picture of it but I ran out of Eden Tokens before rolling it.

d990e7 No.14222500


When you put it like that I realize that the puzzles are just a microcosm for the whole game. The characters are slow as shit in all their realizations and decisions and you have to sit there listening to their crap until they catch up. The one time they're with you you're not made privy to it and it's supposed to be a tweest.

Still, I want to know why I've seen people singling out the orbs in pyramid in particular. I forget, was it particularly worse in that regard?

aba222 No.14222512


it was long, tedious, and every time you changed one of the orbs there was a cutscene. It was fucking obnoxious.

72cf4a No.14222520

File: 6e21c780caa2206⋯.jpg (31.84 KB, 736x414, 16:9, Rail.jpg)

'On A Rail' and 'Power Up' are pretty weak once you've played through them a few times. Most of my playthroughs burn out around here.

c8a1e8 No.14222544


Isn't Benghazi a terrorist group or something anyways?

139142 No.14222551

File: dfed9e374351572⋯.jpeg (76.77 KB, 450x364, 225:182, C5300135-A384-4C47-84F4-A….jpeg)


Is that what I think it is?

00dedf No.14222567


Xen wasn't as bad as everyone made it out to be. It was this shit that was the worst because it was tedious and boring to move around a giant rail maze.

09f2cb No.14222568


It's a city in libya. What you're possibly thinking of is the Benghazi attacks. Which hillary clinton may be responsible for, however I am not entirely familiar with the subject.

bde966 No.14222578


F.E.A.R., but I never realize it until the last segment after you kill Fettel. So it's not like it keeps me from replaying as much as I quit after the replicas are offline.

7075e4 No.14222590


Fuck no, i will never miss anything related to xenosaga ever. I still can't believe they were planning SIX FUCKING PARTS, of a cinematic walking simulator with a RPG tacked on to the side.

7075e4 No.14222596

Also, black mesa, every time i get to the part where gordon gets throw in the trash i stop playing because i am just beyond bored at that point fucking around with the military goons.

3b4adb No.14222597

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Xenosaga isn't a walking simulator. However, 1 is a decent enough game and 3 is legitimately good. 2 is a fucking joke.

7b366e No.14222601

File: 541a41d9c2f31cc⋯.jpg (69.07 KB, 640x757, 640:757, 1516805113867.jpg)

File: bb1910e4d1e79f0⋯.jpg (335.23 KB, 1280x1920, 2:3, 1501638875800.jpg)


>"cell shading makes it impossible to see Makoto's ass clearly"

>not understanding the objective superiority of absolute territory

Get a load of this faggot.

7ed4ff No.14222618


>friendship is magic that helps us summon Castlevania to kill Geometry

that's pretty much the entire series m8

>ALL of the firearms are fake

DO enlighten me as to where the fuck can japanes teenager get real firearms, it was alrready a strech in previous games that schoolkids could buy guns and swords in the local shopping district, this game at least found a convinient excuse

>Futaba's dungeon orb-swap inanity

what's wrong with the dungeons having puzzles? are you really so dumb you had trouble solving them?

>that whole bitch-fit between Morgana and Ryuji

true dat, shoehorned pointles drama at it's finest

>Haru's Dad's dungeon (ask questions bruh)

you've never played a RPG before m80?, talking to NPCs is not exclusive to Persona

>that story-breaking stupid and inexplicable TWIST

there were a lot of twist so you're gonna have to be more specific

>Shido's dungeon

git gud


>Not liking that scene…

that was the devs gift to internet memesmiths, how could you hate it?

>restrictions on location and movements due to having to unlock them as the story progresses and/or with specific confidant links

duh. dp you want everything served on a silver plater?

>cell shading makes it impossible to see Makoto's ass clearly

that's what doujins are for


>hating Futaba


>Akechi's hamfisted last second redemption suicide

you and i know very well Akechi is alive and kicking in the upcoming DLC or spin off


>not mentioning "I hate my dad so i'm gonna make him a prime minister, that'll show him!"

ace detective?

more like ace defective

b9009d No.14222622


>bed of chaos is hard

I hate this meme. Sure, some aspects of the boss are unreasonable, like how it has an incredible reach and it can sweep you off into the void with one attack, but once you learn where you can stand to shoot its vines and then rush to its core, you're mostly fine. At that point, you just have to watch out for firestorm, but even if you get hit by it, you should be able to tank it and have more than enough estus to get you to through. Not only that, it has fucking checkpoints, so if you die you don't even have to go through the entire fight from the beginning.

I would have preferred an actual fight, but this boss is about as annoying as Dragon God in DeS. Once you figure out how it works, you can reliably defeat it most of the time and without too much effort.

1636e4 No.14222647



fuck you, i want those missing games.

7ed4ff No.14222656


not so much something that turns me off from a replay

this thing turns me off from a first playthrough even

>game has a fantasy/sci-fi setting with several diferent races

>player is forced to main a shitty human


I fuckin loooooooooooooooooooove Divinity Original Sin 2

But the fact that i can only play as a filthy Human in the frist game is what keeps me away

you wouldn't believe my disapointment, after hours of waiting for it to download to go to the character creator screen and be stuck with shitty humans in a world were there are 6 different inteligent races and their undead counterparts

d990e7 No.14222673

File: c74eb5125944b60⋯.jpg (412.4 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, never come back.jpg)


>wanting to play as non-human scum

I bet you play as a female character too, faggot. Get out.

f671f9 No.14222675


>inexplicable TWIST

twist was something clever designed specifically for prior fans of the series

if you think it's inexplicable you're probably just one of the many newfags who picked up the game because of PS4's lack of games

disguising the twist as a recasting was genius

3b4adb No.14222696


He's probably talking about Goro.

09f2cb No.14222701


You mean nicalis/edmund right?

f671f9 No.14222706


that one was pretty obvious

24559b No.14222718


oh come on

7ed4ff No.14222721


i live surrounded by human filth 24/7 and you expect me to be one during my escapism?

especially when i could be a reptilian dragon, a viking dwarf or a vampire elf?

it's to bad i can't get goblings or imps as playable characters in my party cus between my necromancer elf, polymorph reptilian, stanic undead sorceror and big nosed dwarf i literally have jewest party ever

8370cd No.14222740


If anything she's the only reason to play that shitpile at all.

Op has shit taste.

d6ccff No.14222741

File: 1e8099c05875313⋯.jpg (15.43 KB, 255x251, 255:251, 00bf56f452adeb05d0713fc974….jpg)


>thinly veiled persona thread

aba222 No.14222776

File: fdda537883da5cb⋯.jpg (32.66 KB, 546x566, 273:283, 1428117450230.jpg)


did I say the boss was hard? No. I said the boss is pure fucking bullshit. It's about 50 times worse than dragon god, that boss was neat, didn't have instakill pits, had a easily recognizable tell when it attacked you, and was really quick. I don't like puzzle bosses, but the dragon god did it the best it could.

4856bd No.14222780


If you want something more in-depth, read the book written by that guy who was there, or watch the movie based on it if you don’t have the attention span it wasn’t that bad

>Libya had turned into a violent hellhole after Gaddafi got overthrown

>U.S. has a small presence in the country for diplomacy and espionage, of course

>U.S. ambassador goes to Benghazi for diplomatic trip

>very little security at the place he’s staying

>the contractors there providing security asked for more help from the State Department (i.e. the thing Hillary Clinton is in charge of at the time)

>they get blown off

>fast-forward to the night of the attacks

>a bunch of terrorists storm the place the ambassador is staying

>they overwhelm the defenses and set the place on fire

>the contractors rush over to help fight them off

>they rescue as many staff as they can, but the ambassador is nowhere to be found

>they get back to the CIA compound the contractors were there to defend

>the terrorists begin to attack the CIA compound

>this whole time, they are requesting backup from anyone in the area

>there are U.S. military nearby that could have gotten there quickly, but the State Dept kept them from going in because they didnt want to cause a “diplomatic incident”

>when you hear people talking about Hillary debating what uniforms the soldiers should be wearing, this is what they’re referring to

>after a night of getting mortared by the terrorists and several deaths, they finally get rescued by some local allies

>the ambassador turns up dead in a local hospital sometime later

and now to discuss Washington’s response

>this whole fiasco happened shortly before the 2012 election

>Obongo administration desperately tries to explain away letting a terrorist attack on a U.S. embassy it was technically a consulate, but same difference happen due to negligence

>Hillary finally comes out and says the attack was a "spontaneous protest” of a anti-Muslim video made by an American filmmaker

>the filmmaker gets arrested, because fuck free speech

>we know now that Hillary knew at the time that she was spouting bullshit

>there was intelligence that suggested there would be an organized attack, but nobody took it seriously

>Congress launches an investigation into the attack that reveals Hillary was lying

>it also happened to reveal that she had a certain e-mail server at her home

and the rest is history

09f2cb No.14222793


thanks for the tl;dr.

571485 No.14222795


Well yeah, OP brought up retarded points, Persona 5 has way bigger problems for replayability than what he brought up, here's two I can think up right now:

>no real new content for replaying outside of a boss battle

>since you now know the story going day by day is a slog

They at least have a FF option now, but these new persona games should give more NG+ content to make a second playthrough worthwhile, they could have made the costumes and personas that were DLC available for purchase in some NG+ shop, that would have been nice.

8370cd No.14222808



Gameplay is shit

Story is shit

Everything is shit

Except futaba.

You have shit taste as well.

36326e No.14222809


Just slow starts in general, specially unskippable tutorials.

Having to go through all the effort of getting past many parts i've already played is already annoying, but if on top of that it also forces me to through some slow shitty phase that treats me like an idiot, i just scratch the game off my backlog and pretend i've never played it.

aba222 No.14222810

File: 5db4b6069d3b0a6⋯.gif (1.62 MB, 320x240, 4:3, 1445630610077.gif)


the NG+ is generally supposed to come from doing all the slink stuff you couldn't do before, like persona 3 where it's impossible to do every slink and beat the game your first time due to time contraints. The only issue is in persona 5 that isn't an issue, you can easily do every social link to completion. The NG+ is therefore, pointless.

943cd4 No.14222828

File: 15e42f7fb637302⋯.jpg (660.25 KB, 3057x1229, 3057:1229, 6901277101_1437991471_o.jpg)


This fucking bullshit right here.

139142 No.14222833


>Everything is shit except Futaba.

This is why Nu Persona never gets any respect.

The Director is on a constant nostalgia trip for his high school years, and the fanbase is full of Tumblr types and waifufags.

571485 No.14222843


Persona 3 added monad as well, so you had ~10 new floors and then eventually Elizabeth's fight. P3 has pretty much been the height of post-game content so far.

6ffcaa No.14222896

File: fb2f028b0130696⋯.jpg (103.3 KB, 1200x720, 5:3, Smug elder elf.jpg)


>that's pretty much the entire series m8

NuPersona maybe

>it was already a strech in previous games that schoolkids could buy guns and swords in the local shopping district

Okay dingus let me school you

- Persona takes place in a gritty Tokyo where demon hunters known as Kuzunoha and back-alley shady stuff constantly took place. It was like the Detroit of Tokyo.

- The protagonists were always rebels in a dysfunctional society or warped reality

- ARMS DEALERS sold guns just like they sell swords.

You mind telling me where Japanese teens can buy and carry around swords, forearm-length daggers, serrated whips and spiked brass knuckles? Is any of that remotely legal in Tokyo?

Yeah. If you're already selling weapons just go all the way and don't constantly make mention of how fake the guns are while forgetting how legit the blades are - not to mention the demon-fused weapons and firearms aren't mentioned as being fake. In fact they aren't mentioned at all. I wonder why that is…

And again, you already have them carrying ultra super realistic models of firearms which, again, is highly illegal to carry about in your pockets in Tokyo. The literal only reason they make them "realistic fakes" instead of the genuine article is because the devs became faggots and wanted huge mass market appeal and that doesn't jive with a cast of rebellious youths carrying actual firearms.

Why do you think we haven't had a character with a firearm since P3? Why do you think Naoto, a detective, was the only one to carry a gun?

It's pink blood Danganronpa all over again. It's faggotry, not realism, and it's internally inconsistent with what I just told you about melee and demon fusion - Oh! And don't forget it being internally inconsistent with Akechi and Morgana's weapons

>what's wrong with the dungeons having puzzles? are you really so dumb you had trouble solving them?

See >>14222470 and >>14222500 and >>14222512

>that was the devs gift to internet memesmiths

>"dumb things we can meme in relation to other memes is better than good and interesting writing and a cool designed bossfight"

>>Shido's dungeon

>git gud

Oh okay now I get it

you're just in it for the (you)

6ffcaa No.14222903


>twist was something clever designed specifically for prior fans of the series


It was retroactively injected and the entire framing device of the interrogation is proof of it. We've been over this.

3751f7 No.14222914


I'm confused. Did you post the wrong image or something?

7b366e No.14222923


He's talking about Igor, friend. Not Goro.

251ca4 No.14223004


The melee weapons are replicas too.

6ffcaa No.14223056


>The melee weapons are replicas too.

…No, that's ridiculous. There's no way.

I don't remember that.

6ffcaa No.14223059


>This fucking bullshit right here.

What is this?

f502e7 No.14223084


I can't imagine playing Diablo 2 on my phone…

f029ed No.14223104


The Hexes of Truth

b8158b No.14223121


Yeah, they're all movie props. Persona 5 has less balls than Persona 4. At least in Persona 4 your weapons were real (minus the aptly named "Imitation Katana" you could get at the beginning)

3af423 No.14223134


It's not even that i hate the game but i doubt i'll ever want to replay it now even for an easy platinum or in a rerelease form because i just remember those bullshit sections like turning into a fucking mouse in the ship dungeon which only serves the purpose to waste your fucking time running back and forth or how many in game days it takes before you get full access to the map and S.Links

f029ed No.14223217


>Infuse some knife with a god or demon's soul

>Get a fake ornamental knife

This one is on the twins

eb7b77 No.14223323

Act 3 of MGS4. What a mess.

2eb89e No.14223348

File: fc005e3901e5c9d⋯.png (979.77 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, fc005e3901e5c9d8b716106c77….png)

I already played it once.

2674ec No.14223448


I find this one hard to replay no matter how many times I try due to how tedious, generic, and annoying the quests get (especially the escort missions). Unless you force yourself to play as a different vocation you're not used to, the game will always play the same way each time, so if you do everything in the game (which is possible), you feel less motivated to go through it again. It has fun combat compared to most games like it, but it gets stale after a while.

A lot of games these days suffer this and what others mentioned, not having the same replayablility as a lot of older games. It seems intentional to make people want to only play it once then never play it again and maybe sell it later. The devs don't care since they already got people's money. Few now actually make the effort to make their games replayable and worth the price they charge.

48def5 No.14223561


Weird I just started innocent sin and I’m not getting the edgy vibes from the game. Does it happen later on? Cause right now It’s actually kinda funny, interacting with the characters I mean

6ffcaa No.14223981


To be fair everything after Laughing Octopus is a mess, really. That wolf one wasn't too bad but Act 3 really sets the point of no return

6ffcaa No.14224004

File: 669c8f482a7b7d5⋯.png (150.9 KB, 1092x616, 39:22, upset.png)


>Yeah, they're all movie props. Persona 5 has less balls than Persona 4.

>a game that involves serial student abuse, rape, attempted suicide, mass murder, child abuse to the point of shivering trauma, etc.

>doesn't even let you have actual weapons

>guns are all fake

>swords, daggers, whips all fake

Fuck Persona 5

43918d No.14224034


don't they become real in the personaverse

c3eda4 No.14224046


Why was this even a mission? You would reckon the Duke would just call you a dumbshit for bringing him the single head of a Hydra. It doesn't prove shit.

6ffcaa No.14224078

File: 461a315a5591ae8⋯.jpg (88.61 KB, 672x974, 336:487, 53aa1229c844c010c633842969….jpg)


That doesn't count. It's not a real weapon if it only does anything in Imagination Land

Whose trash idea was it to have the Personas limited only to the Metaverse anyway? Since when? And why is Morgana still alive in the end?

Why can't any of the main cast die when they're supposed to die? Ryuji should have died, Morgana should have died. no wonder everyone thinks Akechi is still alive


- NO ONE IN THE MAIN CAST SUFFERS LOSS (once they become a part of your party anyway)


Oh MAN it's all coming back to me now like flashbacks! How they had all of Homura's character development off-screen via texting or something, how they showed us her father being killed by the black mask and then proceeded to spend WEEKS with the characters thinking they killed him by accident and questioning their own actions

You remember that? If I replay this thing I'd have to sit through that too! OH

P5 is a train wreck! A toothless train wreck!

If it wasn't for the waifu and, more importantly, 1080p demons, it would be worthless

6ffcaa No.14224098


I really like DD but I forgot what it even did. Wasn't your mockery of a reception simply because of you being the Arisen?

Maybe the whole thing was just Mercedes trying to justify her existence and "knightlyness". I do like how she is essentially a realistic depiction of what would happen to a woman if she tried being tuff


Why would you buy a game you don't plan to replay?

Why would you even download one?

6ffcaa No.14224118

File: 5c28bb84a6d53d7⋯.png (898.02 KB, 880x684, 220:171, ALRIGHT.png)




I still can't believe that interesting space opera ended on the most retarded note of "and the sexy robot is Mary and the shota is Yeshua (Hebrew for Jesus) and Shota Yeshua and Mary's spirits go into the big robot"

09f2cb No.14224253

But you know, I don't even think that's the worst part about afterbirth+

The worst part is that they're probably going to use "Boosterpacks" to justify keeping the game full price.

bfc2eb No.14224294

File: ebe19f57873f580⋯.png (1.72 MB, 986x1378, 493:689, played expected got xenoka….png)


I hope the trilogy gets better because I hated xenosaga 1 and I say this as a guy who liked both xenogears and xenoblade.

7491e7 No.14224317


>I really like DD but I forgot what it even did. Wasn't your mockery of a reception simply because of you being the Arisen?

That, and he also saw you as a threat to his throne.

a61a0e No.14224318


I still struggle with the game's themes myself, I honestly hate the whole "we're rebels XD adults are shit LOL" motif so fucking much that I had to ask a few friends that also had the game why they liked the theme so much. As much shit as it gets, Persona 4 was much easier to digest.

449054 No.14224349


>even if you get hit by it, you should be able to tank it and have more than enough estus to get you to through

I have never been able to survive that attack, even with a lot of health.

9e02bb No.14224954

File: 33903a53839aed5⋯.png (404.06 KB, 753x741, 251:247, 1449509567729-v.png)

The fucktarded scriptathon at the beginning of RE7 killed all replayability for me, and I'm one of those autists who did challenge runs all the time in the classic games.

3b4adb No.14224974


Watch the cutscene movie of 2 and play 3. It turns out Shion's being a dumb bitch is an important plot point, not poor characterization.

aba222 No.14225003

File: 640c523a6dab76f⋯.jpg (39.85 KB, 450x412, 225:206, 1448994612088-1.jpg)

>the guns aren't REAL


jesus christ, you're playing a game where a bunch of chronically retarded highschool students repeatedly fuck up at the behest of a talking cuck cat that doesn't even know why he does the things he does. The main characters the smartest of the bunch but that doesn't really say much when your 4 dialogue options are


2.)drool harder

3.)the correct choice


c7ed3a No.14225027

File: 56f312c8a7cff63⋯.png (357.34 KB, 1396x679, 1396:679, WHAT THE FUCK.png)

File: f428b9f1bdd628a⋯.jpg (42.82 KB, 960x685, 192:137, DELET THIS RIGHT NOW.jpg)

>get a real urge to play Daggerfall

>load it up

>play for awhile

>go into a dungeon

>suddenly remember why I never replayed it

Those fucking dungeons. Each one is the size of an Ultima Underworld level and there are fucking hundreds of them, they're such a chore to go through and even with the 3D map it's easy to get lost.

Who's idea was it to make them so large?

bfc2eb No.14225047


I'll go for the cutscenes of 2 then. It's always good to have workout material anyway. Good to know because that was one of the biggest sticking points for me


Guns are direly important for a lot of people here, it's best to just go with it.

345a27 No.14225050

File: d7d49d6de7516e0⋯.jpg (43.12 KB, 881x675, 881:675, d7d49d6de7516e070a71dddda5….jpg)


>the map is too simple, please make them more complex

>the map is too complex, please make them more simple.

never change /v/

c7ed3a No.14225057


They're not that complex, they're just massive.

78584d No.14225093


8/10 bait very impressive, I almost took you seriously for a full minute

a42fc6 No.14225114


Anon struggles with counting musical beats: Zelda edition.

3d89fc No.14225121

File: 75a049cf59a959f⋯.jpg (11.75 KB, 280x357, 40:51, Thief_The_Dark_Project_box….jpg)

The level in Thief with the walled off part of the city. Shit is just cancerous.

Also any game where the intro is too long or drawn out (zelda does this a ton).

3d89fc No.14225127

File: a5331085bc0144b⋯.jpg (29.11 KB, 498x374, 249:187, 1460823404687.jpg)


>randomly generated corridor maze = complex intricate level design

3b4adb No.14225131


>I still can't believe that interesting space opera ended on the most retarded note of "and the sexy robot is Mary and the shota is Yeshua (Hebrew for Jesus) and Shota Yeshua and Mary's spirits go into the big robot"

It ended with them quickly wrapping things up for Xenogears, The Gnosis/U-DO are trapped in the Zohar, Nephilim becomes Elly, Abel makes contact with the Zohar and Shion fucks off to crossover with SRW or something.

5ed0d5 No.14225139


>they're such a chore to go through and even with the 3D map it's easy to get lost

The worst part is there are dungeons which are impossible to complete without cheats if you get quests in them.

139142 No.14225150


>personas limited to the metaverse

It’s been like this since Persona 3, can’t summon your persona outside of the dark hour, can’t summon your persona outside of the TV world Except that one dungeon later in the game probably to distinguish persona from stands.

4ec9d6 No.14225165


Both Dragon god and Bed of Chaos are over in like 3-5 minutes a piece. BoC is stupid but brief, I don't know why it would prevent you from replaying.

139142 No.14225168


I always see people focus on that theme. The problem I had with it was how hypocritical it is considering 1) All the weapons, healing items, and armor were all purchased from adults

2). It’s general teen angst that I hate to see because it reminds me of when I was an angsty teen and it embarrasses me.

3) as soon as Sae and Sojiro get in the know, it defeats the purpose of “lol, kid power XD.”

bfc2eb No.14225203


Persona in general is heavy teenager pandering, they just went straight for the jugular this time.

578c96 No.14225222

File: 0a239c5ae381435⋯.jpg (103.98 KB, 1137x774, 379:258, 6366.jpg)


IS is late 70's- early 80's Shounen.

7c0f8b No.14225229


I really don't get the On A Rail meme, I have fun in that chapter every time I play through it. I guess I can understand Power Up as it's linear even by HL standards with not much variety

For me Half-Life is one of the few games that doesn't have any of "those" moments which hamper enjoyment when replaying, Residue Processing isn't great but it's short and a good time for a change of pace.

aba222 No.14225259

File: f3cfac3d6eb0530⋯.jpg (15.71 KB, 480x360, 4:3, 1397604340450.jpg)





b9bdfe No.14225264

File: f33d02777bde833⋯.jpg (24.95 KB, 548x336, 137:84, rocketship puzzle.jpg)

I'm pretty much tone deaf so music puzzles are a no go. Every play through I have to get someone to help me with this bit 'cause I just can't hear a difference between a range of around five notes on this puzzle.

7c0f8b No.14225265


Aside from that retarded map where you have to fly on those alien ships to reach a teleporter, it really isn't that bad. Also it's so late in the game that at that point you may as well just finish it.

9796c3 No.14225266

File: de340b1fc20ebfe⋯.jpg (24.08 KB, 600x245, 120:49, max.jpg)

Max Payne

because I want to replay on higher difficulties but they're locked because I just reinstalled the game

6ffcaa No.14225324

File: 01979c28aa7b7f5⋯.gif (279.19 KB, 420x234, 70:39, continual disappointment.gif)


>I'm pretty much tone deaf so music puzzles are a no go.

I remember Yoko Taro apologizing on Twitter to someone who bought Drakengard 3 but couldn't finish it because they were deaf.

Audio puzzles are trash anyway. You're not missing out, anon.

3af971 No.14225330

Everything until you leave traverse town in Kingdom Hearts 1.

That's one thing that turn me off from JRPG's in general, the way too long prologue sections.

6ffcaa No.14225336


But what about that redhead who was getting choked out by her Persona during the day?

It wasn't utilized but it was shown that Persona can be summoned outside the DH. They just didn't do it because it'd be pointless and could lead to massive destruction

P4 was vague about it as well

P5 is the one that is blunt about that

3a47fc No.14225352

File: c8e28bf8f8b98a1⋯.jpg (77.26 KB, 711x800, 711:800, Blockhead.jpg)


>amazing and stylish action adventure set in mythical japan

>good humor, good gameplay, innovative puzzles

>really relaxing and fun to play

>then these faggots show up

You have to defeat these guys by drawing spots on their weak spots. They show you their weaknesses very briefly, but after that you need to remember where they all were. The first few walls aren't too tough, but during the final stretch of the game, you meet one motherfucker who has at least 10 spots on him. You need to remember where they all were, which was an absolute nightmare for me, and even if you DID get it right, it needed to be EXTREMELY precise. If even one was off, too bad you fucknut. I spent a good half hour just fucking trying to hit the spots over and over again, until I finally gave up and stuck pieces of tape to my TV and even then it took several attempts, and this was TO ADVANCE THE MOTHERFUCKING STORY. And god fucking help you if you try to 100% this game, because there are MORE and EVEN TOUGHER walls in the way. And this was in a fucking kids game.

The japs have obviously superior spatial cognition, but me being a poor mongrel of a european I just could not get past this ridiculous shit without turning red in the face. There were also no handicaps for failing it repeatedly, which I usually hate having, but this was too fucking much for anyone. I love Okami, but not enough to go through this shit again.

e7eda2 No.14225363

File: 23743a7cc13aca7⋯.gif (1.25 MB, 268x198, 134:99, 1419906469107.gif)


>diablo 2

>too hard

Git gud, scrub.


>video game guns aren't real

>who cares

>i mean they're only injecting political viewpoints into a work of fiction

>the whole forced acknowledgement at the beginning of P5 that it is a work of fiction and in no way real

45d87d No.14225399


Cry more, soy/pol/.

aba222 No.14225432

File: e73638db715349d⋯.gif (1.55 MB, 697x764, 697:764, 1461611638022.gif)


i don't think you understand this but, outside of the united states, canada, and czech republic, there really isn't much of a gun culture. It doesn't make any logical sense for some highschoolers to get actual guns. It doesn't matter if the airsoft dude has access to real guns, why in the fuck would he sell them to stupid ass kids?

This plot point isn't a political viewpoint any more than having the cars drive on the left side of the road rather than the right is. Different countries have different laws. And the reason they have you acknowledge p5 is a work of fiction is not only a subtle jab that the law that requires that notice, but it's because persona 5 takes place in a real life city so they have to do that to avoid getting sued by the guy that looks like shido.

dda7d0 No.14225444

File: 1c6c629425aa3c1⋯.jpg (87.9 KB, 982x540, 491:270, ebb.jpg)


>muh forced acknowledgement

I thought the neogaf refugees would've moved on by now, but it seems we have a couple of strays left.

3af971 No.14225486


>Sperging about having to sign and agreement in a game

Something tells me this person has visagekabbalah.

3a47fc No.14225487


I think the complaint for "fake vs real guns" is more about people complaining that the overall tone of the series isn't as serious as it used to be.

P3 was pretty grim with some characters dying permanently but it was what added some sense of danger and finality to it. Some characters even had real firearms, which added to the danger. The tone of the game demanded that some aspects of the game were to be taken seriously. P4 and P5 on the other hand took a more light-hearted approach, and P5 having what should have been a really bad-ass and serious concept got turned into pop-guns and do-overs. Fatlus CAN do gritty drama and edgyness together as shown in Catherine, but for whatever reason, they want Persona to stay as some kind of light-hearted high-school superfriends romp.

I vividly remember when P4 was coming out and I only had a few glimpses of the trailers, I thought we were moving on from the high-school theme and into a more adult world without the teenage drama (which would later be seen in Catherine). When all was said and done, I still favored my initial impression of the game.

578c96 No.14225517

File: 528f1c293c158b9⋯.jpg (127.56 KB, 696x535, 696:535, 1.jpg)

File: 055c51aa48f4c2a⋯.jpg (123.06 KB, 696x535, 696:535, 2.jpg)


Japan had gun culture, at least in the 80's it did.

51a59f No.14225523


The first is trivial, the second is optional and trivial, the third is skippable entirely with no repercussion, only the fourth is any hard and he's optional.

I think you just have brain damage.

bb15b6 No.14225524

File: 7c8290b59020387⋯.jpg (11.81 KB, 219x284, 219:284, this nigger.jpg)


There was still SOME degree in variation in the Ghirahim fights. This motherfucker is my personal hate factory.

c7ed3a No.14225526


I have a Nip friend and he tells me their gun laws are worse than Europe.

You aren't even allowed to store ammo in the same place as the gun.

f409c1 No.14225542

File: 5aa600ee05ccc24⋯.png (732.41 KB, 987x653, 987:653, facekamen.png)


On my end

>Long introduction that makes you wait an hour for gameplay

Persona's really guilty of this in general, games that didn't even need it like Silent Hill 1 skipped over the introduction and placed you in the cafe where Harry wakes up and yet persona still doesn't let you skip to the good bits

>Nothing new that adds to another playthrough

>Not letting you take your shit with you to wreck the game as a reward


Persona 1 and 2 were for older people given that the events in 1 were supposed to be horrifying and in 2 some of the protags in IS were adults, and in EP were almost completley made up of adults and had adult themes in both, every entry after that is targeted at teenagers in order to appeal to a broader audience.

Persona 1 and 2 aren't brought up except as references and in crossovers they only stop at 3 and never bring in older characters, 1+2 may as well be another universe despite all persona games taking place in the same universe more or less.

Personas 3 and on are targeted at teenagers. You can't take a prior game from the 90's and say it's the same as later entries anyway.

bb15b6 No.14225556


Same in Europe

943cd4 No.14225587



I'm I the only one that played Spirit Tracks here?

d6ccff No.14225846

File: 22cee23d2addca2⋯.png (267.54 KB, 680x680, 1:1, 22cee23d2addca2a3b090b5400….png)

3af971 No.14226346


Depends where in europe you live I suppose.

Where I live I can keep my ammo with my funs.

6ffcaa No.14226666

File: 731c77255661204⋯.jpg (321.94 KB, 1009x999, 1009:999, FAGGOT.jpg)


> You can't take a prior game from the 90's and say it's the same as later entries anyway.

I can when everything in P5 screams "Persona 2 for kiddies". Even the character designs are painfully obvious in how they're reminiscent of Persona 2's cast, along with the themes of a Joker, rumors e-fame, society bringing about its own demise (though they've been milking that since P3 to be honest), etc.

The whole game was obviously supposed to be an inverted P2 but utterly declawed and with vanilla cake characters - aside from faggot Akechi, who somehow gets this redemption bit when he dies despite having murdered two of the cast's parents and literally derailing a subway car into a platform, killing dozens, just to assassinate one schmuck.

And you know, the cast did go through severe heavy stuff (Futaba being abused like a dog, Ann's neglectful parents, Ryuji's alcoholic father, Haru losing her dad - who only manipulated her, etc.) but they never actually confront these issues, instead choosing to

>wee modeling

>lol walking around outside

>muh teammates hate me

It's like they were going to do something in the image of the classic but last-minute pulled out like faggots and made everything as scooby as possible, right up to the cartoon cat mystery mobile.

>it appeals to teens tho

Today's teens, maybe, teens who didn't grow up with Growlanser and Suikoden and Bebop and Outlaw Star and even Full Metal Alchemist. Teens - like everyone else - like characters who suffer and struggle and overcome their suffering, genuine suffering too not ''"oh no

When Lisa's shadow came out in P2:IS it was raw, man, and I'll never forget that moment when Tatsuya in frustration punches Philemon (something you personally choose to do). You think P5's faggot would punch a quasi-deity ruling over the collective unconscious?

Can you tell me one time, literally just one time, when the protagonist raises his fist to a SINGLE human being that isn't in imagination land? They got him lookin slick and confident but he doesn't do jack, no one does

I mean for Hell's sake the delinquent protagonist of P5 didn't even have the balls to punch an attempted rapist! The guy slipped cause he was drunk! This toothless ass game

5f13d9 No.14226671

File: a928c8da27cab2e⋯.png (5.85 KB, 124x128, 31:32, general fucking white.PNG)

This son of a bitch.

6ffcaa No.14226691


>There was still SOME degree in variation in the Ghirahim fights. This motherfucker is my personal hate factory.

I really wanted to like that game but man you hit it on the head

9c2c41 No.14226713

File: ddb9dd78119e8ff⋯.jpg (64.38 KB, 620x639, 620:639, 3bad443fae2e18b7a57074e372….jpg)


OP none of that is bad. The mouse segments in the last dungeon are unforgivable though. Almost like they ran out of ideas and made the same stupid fucking shit for the last dungeon for no fucking reason. I want to murder the fucking devs for that shit. I actually dropped the game for a month because of that. Fucking hell just remembering makes me want to fly to Japan personally and fucking smack these devs

2f4307 No.14226843


>Once you get Makoto in the game, the second half of the plot degrades and everyone (except Yusuke and somewhat of Joker) turn into idiots just so the writers and devs can make Makoto smart.

>Game goes on rails mode, and some days, you can't even go out.

>Morgana being a shit starter, and you waste days just to find his sorry ass

>unnecessary bitch fight between said cat and Ryuji

>cannot shut Makoto up during battles

>Average soundtrack, and only a few songs are nice to listen

>the fucking mouse segments

>Akechi trying to be sympathetic, but in the end it's all about pancakes

>Hifumi would of been a team mate, but the devs scrapped that idea

>The fact that this is Miyu Matsuki's last performance

Five years of development, and at the end of the day, the game is just a watered down P2.

9661d1 No.14226865

Persona was never good in the first place

12fbf7 No.14226875

RE4 island mostly sucks ass. I play to the end of the castle and quit every time.

1da9c0 No.14226946


>No part of that identifies or can be classified as Zettai Ryouki

Fucking pleb.

8b8efd No.14227024


You could have summed up this entire post with



He had Yakuza ties but he had quit almost all the dirty business, in fact his entire route is about a Yakuza asking him to make fake guns because the dumbass got conned by chinks. He can't even get real guns but the Yakuza want his fucking fakes. There's no way gecko man is getting his hands on actual guns anymore. It's already illegal for him to be making realistic air soft.

de2bc1 No.14227062


The first area and up to Krauser or the scorpion guy, I forget which comes first, is all right but everything past it is just kind of bleh.

8b8efd No.14227066



No anon, you're not alone. That stupid flute blowing fucked me up too.

8b8efd No.14227088

File: f07f6b9811b8e97⋯.png (220.72 KB, 680x706, 340:353, f07f6b9811b8e9701265d0c082….png)


>Futaba being abused like a dog

She literally hallucinated this, her entire Palace was about the fact that she retroactively changed her memories to understand why her mom would throw herself into traffic.

aba222 No.14227120


the way dark souls does weapon degration is nice. You get a !WEAPON AT RISK! warning before it breaks and you can take it to the smith to get it repaired, or do it yourself. If they just made it so weapons dropped like in DaS it'd be perfect.

8b8efd No.14227139

File: d254e6d5bee230d⋯.jpg (115.76 KB, 720x720, 1:1, d254e6d5bee230d5ad5be51167….jpg)


Nah Persona 3 had an uncontrolled Persona destroy a house and kill some people and that definitely wasn't during dark hour, else they all would have been coffins. They just weren't summoned outside dark hour because there was nothing they were needed for. Persona 4 restricted them to the TV.


You're right, I liked it much better when a dog was holding a knife in his mouth or hitting shadows with metal chairs.

fe2304 No.14227143

File: d6241ef636a9f3b⋯.png (1.31 MB, 1056x1375, 96:125, d6241ef636a9f3bbcfcfafe5c4….png)


I really liked it but the patting was obvious, I won't be doing a new game plus for another two years in the least.


The game would of had a way more impactful ending if Joker had stayed in jail instead of that weird scooby doo ending.

97f674 No.14227164


The guns bullshit in 5 is stems from the same place where the king's game part in 4 comes from "B-B-B-BUT IT'S NOT A REAL DRICK HAHAXD WE WOULD NEVER SHOW TEENS WHO ARE NOT LEGALLY ALLOWED TO DRINK, DRINKING HAHAHAXD THEY JUST PRETEND TO GET DRUNK XDXDXDXD". It's probably some japanese legal bullshit, rating system abuse or their way of virtue signaling because they're ant-people who can't disobey rules.

aba222 No.14227177

File: ee5b5681e3dbfca⋯.jpg (88.52 KB, 621x621, 1:1, 1460322051652.jpg)


>I only spent 4 hours ever playing dark souls

6ffcaa No.14227179


>She literally hallucinated this

No I mean with her uncle. Her uncle took her in after the mom died and before Sojiro could take her. It's all mentioned - and only in passing - during Sojiro's confidant link after you get Futaba in the party

18fbf2 No.14227181

File: 764db062fde8caf⋯.gif (342.01 KB, 620x340, 31:17, e0b.gif)


> they're ant-people

aba222 No.14227195

File: 88f0ce5bed008f0⋯.jpg (20.95 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 1459887434501.jpg)


>I only ever spent 4 hours ever playing dark souls

>but it's definitely a meme game

cf98b7 No.14227196

Is this thread so full of obnoxious faggots because OP is an obnoxious faggot or did cuckchan or reddit shit some more invaders onto this board?

Anyway, Lyndis' campaign of Fire Emblem 7 are a braindead grind if you try to replay that game from the beginning (or have any familiarity with the series/genre beforehand).

18fbf2 No.14227209

File: ac6de523550f1b1⋯.png (555.1 KB, 3300x3140, 165:157, 6oVgUvu.png)


>that literal meme game

damn man I don't like Dark Soul but calling a meme game is just some pleb tier shit

8b8efd No.14227231

File: b9ef845d9d401b8⋯.png (52.84 KB, 650x650, 1:1, am_I_stupei.png)


>the uncle existed in this game

Holy shit I completely forgot about him

97f674 No.14227269


>implying asians aren't rule obessed robots who can't think outside the box ever

What planet are you from? Shit like this is all over nip games and anime. They censor everything that "good" characters do that could possibly be against the law in nipland. Here's a few examples.

>Jotaro got his cigarette censored because he's supposedly a high-schooler

>dozens of "it's not le reals drank because they highschool but they get drunk anywayzXDDDD" in all sorts of media to the point it's a fucking meme now on the level of festival and hot springs visits

>But if you kill the bad guy you'll be just like him!

>In death note that one faggot cop refuses to take a gun when it was offered to him because "bububut i'm ont a cop anymore das illegal yo!

>on a more related note in p3 they also pulled the but das guns not realzxDDD, but I guess it's kind of explainable since the characters shoot themselves all the fucking time with them

It's fucking cringeworthy all around when they create a scene and then tack on these shitty excuses on how it's not what it seems to be because it's illegal in japan or because good guys can't do "bad" things or whatever the fuck.

de2bc1 No.14227284


>on a more related note in p3 they also pulled the but das guns not realzxDDD, but I guess it's kind of explainable since the characters shoot themselves all the fucking time with them

The biggest blue balls moment in that game was when they set up a totally blatant "DON'T WANT YOU MIXING UP YOUR EVOKER WITH A REAL GUN" and never doing anything at all with it.

8b8efd No.14227290


>>on a more related note in p3 they also pulled the but das guns not realzxDDD, but I guess it's kind of explainable since the characters shoot themselves all the fucking time with them

What's retarded is they made the tool look like a gun, not that the gun is fake. I've never seen an adequate explanation for why it needed to be a gun, especially when doggo can just have that shit integrated into his color apparently?


>team member accidentally kills themselves with a real gun

What a twist!

d053df No.14227293


I don't know why it takes porn just to have human protagonists with a fucking attitude.

97f674 No.14227346



In p3 the characters actually do kill themselves and those are very real guns. The explanation is that when they do kill themselves their conciousness is simply transported to an alternate universe where they didn't, and in the process physially summoning their persona because they just tore a hole the space-time continuum by supposedly dying when they shouldn't have.

6ffcaa No.14227353

File: dda7f2ad45a67d6⋯.jpg (145.85 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, shitting on MGS2.jpg)


He didn't even have a picture so I don't blame you. He also only appears and mentioned in Sajiro's link. You'd think something that devastatingly traumatic would be brought up in Futaba's link but they were too busy making her adorable to challenge her character at all


>everyone is a faggot in this thread

>let me post here too

That being said,

>Lyndis' campaign of Fire Emblem 7 are a braindead grind if you try to replay that game from the beginning

To say the least, yeah.



>meme game

No pic related is a meme game. Dark Souls was fine (2&3 sucked). You just got problems.

6ffcaa No.14227358



That spoiler is sick but you know you just made that up.

78849b No.14227361

I don't play Monster Hunter any more because I already learned all the moves and tells a monster makes so I just do my usual play style. Though I should try other weapons to change it up.

aba222 No.14227368

File: bc304222d4b7968⋯.png (134.87 KB, 635x457, 635:457, 1473707128725.png)


I assumed the point was to activate the flight or fight response and the persona was a defense mechanism to prevent the users death. And the evoker simulated an actual gun to the point that it would make this reliably happen. I usually think of personas as shy stands that need to be coaxed out with a little bit of love and adrenaline.

6ffcaa No.14227377


What do you think about MHWorld?

78849b No.14227384


Why would I want to play the dumbed down version of the game? So many casual changes I won't bother.

>inb4 you try to mock me.

I mean I'll play it, if I get to teach someone and play with firends irl and show them how to play but only irl.

8b8efd No.14227386

File: ca19c2fa7923012⋯.jpg (48.01 KB, 355x262, 355:262, 1389751797575.jpg)



That isn't the real reason, it was stated in game how the Evoker is supposed to work.

>Researcher with a tie: "Well, at least this proves that mental stress is the key to activating a Persona."

>Female researcher: "The fear impulse and self-preservation instinct seem to be the key to activating a Persona."

And again, this explanation is bullshit because the dog can just have a collar and yet he gets to "experience the fear impulse and self-preservation instinct".

6ffcaa No.14227394


>Why would I want to play the dumbed down version of the game? So many casual changes I won't bother.

That's a fair assessment. Why would I mock you?

Casuals get mocked. Only casuals mock anons who dump on casuals

de2bc1 No.14227396


Even if it was only guns doing to the trick I can't imagine it would work more than once.

aba222 No.14227403

File: 06d538a0c7c17c7⋯.jpg (57.25 KB, 490x368, 245:184, mazionga.jpg)


>"The fear impulse and self-preservation instinct seem to be the key to activating a Persona."

so my flight or fight assessment was right. My only guess with the dog is the evokers have to hurt really bad. If you notice when you do a fusion attack acts like he just got kicked in the head by a mule. And of course yukari is freaked out by the idea of even using the damn thing, so it can't be pleasant.

97f674 No.14227417





>And of course yukari is freaked out by the idea of even using the damn thing, so it can't be pleasant.

Exactly, because she knows it's a real gun and it will kill her.

To say it in more simple terms the characters summon their personas by jumping through alternate universes untill they find the right one. You could also look up that quantum mechanics experiment with the gun, where a dude holds a loaded gun to his head and says that right now he created an alternate universe where he died becuase he shot himself with the gun.

8b8efd No.14227422

File: 76d4a9e3d6bdba8⋯.png (1.62 MB, 3702x3756, 617:626, [PAIN]_text.png)


>no guys the researchers in the game are lying this explanation I pulled out of my ass supported by nothing is the truth

1449a5 No.14227423

File: ac64440d50350db⋯.png (47.56 KB, 300x190, 30:19, shock-collar-300x190.png)


mabye the dog's collar is like a shock collar or something

aba222 No.14227436

File: 57b499551c6e804⋯.jpg (77.91 KB, 436x413, 436:413, okay he kill da ho.jpg)


I feel nothing but contempt for people that use those fucking things. It's already bad enough you can't train your dog to not be an aggressive shit but to punish him for doing what you trained him to do?

97f674 No.14227437



>in the game

>that makes shitty excuses about shooting yourself with not real funs and getting drunk with not real drinks

8b8efd No.14227442


As I said earlier >>14227290 it's stupid it looks like a gun, but you can't rewrite canon just because it's dumb you faggot. That's canon now, you can't undo it.

58260d No.14227445

File: 668cbe2ad5fc010⋯.png (57.46 KB, 224x259, 32:37, 1458571317206.png)


>the normals ruined it so it's a meme game now

78849b No.14227451


There's one dude who seems to love MH world on /v/.

10de0d No.14227467

File: c13dad50c40c058⋯.png (436.5 KB, 640x480, 4:3, pmttydwoods.png)


>Not this shit right here

f3eb49 No.14227514

File: 4d7e2f7065f6d06⋯.png (388.11 KB, 848x480, 53:30, [HorribleSubs] Dragon Ball….png)

>huge persona fan

>never played 5

>read this thread

>interest in 5 goes down by 11.5%

Seems like its gotten prettier but gayer. I just want a grimdark japanese highschool simulator with stands.

de2bc1 No.14227517


Why would you expect something the series hasn't been in over a decade?

f3eb49 No.14227526


Just look at it! Thieves in mask and guns in all the promo. I figured it would be half 3 half 4 at worst, maybe it is cause it can't be gayer than 4.

6ffcaa No.14227530

File: 692b4e2eb7bee42⋯.jpg (33.72 KB, 320x369, 320:369, spot the difference.jpg)


>What's retarded is they made the tool look like a gun, not that the gun is fake. I've never seen an adequate explanation for why it needed to be a gun, especially when doggo can just have that shit integrated into his color apparently?

Good point. Maybe the writers scientists were really hung up on the "memento mori" bit and couldn't think of a less hamfisted way of jamming that in


>And again, this explanation is bullshit because the dog can just have a collar and yet he gets to "experience the fear impulse and self-preservation instinct".

Not to mention that if the evoker isn't legit gonna kill you then you have no fear of it. The game would have been amazingly better if everyone was playing a game of solo Russian Roulette


There used to be one dude who loved DmC on /v/

These creatures are anomolies. Ignore them.


>The game would of had a way more impactful ending if Joker had stayed in jail instead of that weird scooby doo ending.

Or not put Joker in jail to begin with since

1. he was protecting a woman from rape

2. he didn't even hit the guy

Why would the court continue the case if Shido was willing to drop all charges and confess to it being false to begin with? It was asinine that they needed to rally your buddies to get the phone number of the woman you didn't even really help so she could come in and change her story of the allegations.

If Shido was dropping charges and confessing (which he would do if his heart was really changed) then her witness account would have to be reexamined since it no longer jives with new evidence and that would mean either another adjournment for further investigation or longer time in the courts.

Again, just like with Ryuji supposedly dying but not really, or Morgana supposedly dying but not really, Joker "going to jail but not really" was just more forced drama they brought up and resolved in the same breath just because.

>inb4 but Japan legal system bruh

It's trash, yeah, but it doesn't explain away what I listed above. Shido repented. He would speak in favor of the protag. This would immediately change the case's course and avoid his prison sentence.

18fbf2 No.14227533

File: 473cb123ebac9a7⋯.jpg (10.35 KB, 229x255, 229:255, 1417364713812.jpg)


>interest in 5 goes down by 11.5%

that's oddly specific

de2bc1 No.14227541


It reeked of overcompensation to me. When the player characters actually think they're some elite team of badasses I can't really take it seriously any more.

8b8efd No.14227562


Shido couldn't testify, he was shooed out of the public eye due to "mental fatigue" or something like that. He was no longer a credible witness due to "diagnosed mental instability".

2f4feb No.14227581


In Japan, it wasn't an evoker. It was just a gun. Summoning a persona involves overcoming your fear of death

On the game design end, it was inspired by the teen suicide rate in Japan

6ffcaa No.14227587


>He was no longer a credible witness due to "diagnosed mental instability".

Did they say that? They would need to say that since "mental fatigue" doesn't discredit anything he would have done.

578c96 No.14227597


>In Japan, it wasn't an evoker. It was just a gun.

So what, did they censor the English release even though it was fucking rated M?

f3eb49 No.14227604


Well the things listed aren't total deal breakers, just minor annoyances I would have discovered on my own, I'm sure the game is still good but as an edgelord I want them to push the envelope.


This is a problem I have with anime shit in general, they'll have this awfully bleak situation or setting with demons and death all around, yet still try to keep shit PG-13. Especially in anime where you'll have people fighting with crazy super powers and skill that would mean death is always a hair away, yet no one of significance ever dies, or the villain dies in a way that allows the mc to keep his hands clean, or just joins the gang.

97f674 No.14227614


>they'll have this awfully bleak situation or setting with demons and death all around, yet still try to keep shit PG-13.

B-but muh wide audiences! Muh shekels!

1a3e7a No.14227619

I cannot replay most games because I remember the entire fucking game, and it's chore slogging through it again. I'll never play Dragon's Dogma again, I can't get into Dark Souls. I didn't even play long enough to die before I got tired of it. They're both more work than fun to me. For RPGs, I cannot replay than for AT LEAST twenty years after I've beaten them, and even then, it's a race against eh, fuck it.

18fbf2 No.14227635

File: b9d361c97177a58⋯.png (375.31 KB, 654x697, 654:697, mimi myaw.png)


Well i get it. Personally, I only play it for the high school weeb vibe it gives off. If I want to truly enjoy the gameplay, I play Strange Journey (original)

de2bc1 No.14227638


Persona as a series is basically that one kid in school who thought he was hot shit but his voice would crack the moment the teach got onto him.

f3eb49 No.14227680


I like the weeb stuff too, but I think its hurts the narrative potential when they turn their back on the grimdark elements in favor of more power of friendship shit. One thing I remember about p1 and 2 was that there was this surreal feeling in the world, like everything was slowly going to hell, and doing things like going to the black market to buy guns only reiterated that. Now I feel like its more about trying to separate the bad world from the good world so they can play pretend somewhere while also being normal good boys and girls where it matters.

f671f9 No.14227732


>yet no one of significance ever dies

that's not the persona series I know

9579eb No.14227746

File: e0a58e548d51736⋯.jpg (21.94 KB, 480x360, 4:3, hqdefault.jpg)

>not real alcohol/getting drunk off the "atmosphere"

That's a legal requirement. You aren't really allowed to show minors drinking or smoking in Japanese mainstream media. Some things slip through like all media restrictions, but if the government is keeping an eye on you, there's nothing to be done about it. Can uncut it on the dvd release usually though. They also get real pissy over dismemberment.

On topic, this.

8b8efd No.14227767

File: 3f83f97e8a9b651⋯.jpg (84.97 KB, 500x500, 1:1, Shokan KI.jpg)



>it's just an Evoker in the dub

Hahaha no, what was stated explicitly was that Evokers were formerly real guns that were modified to be Evokers and were no longer functional. Although in the original dub they were called 召還器 (shokan-ki) which means "summoner" or "retriever", as opposed to "evoker" but that's a translation issue. The original documents refer to them as such. They are not guns and the English version was not censored.


He was forced under medical care to deal with it, that's how the doctors and politicians attempted to shush him up before he could do any more damage. I forget the exact wording but he was being held under medical care due to his fragile mental state. Again this is shady doctors covering their asses

f3eb49 No.14227853

Games that are too linear with little character customization or choices that effect the world and story. One of the games I went back to the most was morrowind because it was so massive with many questlines, and it was so hard to cover ground with its prehistoric quest log and vague directions. Nowadays you can blow through games like skyrim because its so easy to get from point a to point b.

Jrpgs are really hard to replay because they take hours to get rolling.

de2bc1 No.14227905


>Jrpgs are really hard to replay because they take hours to get rolling.

They didn't used to be like this. Hell, there's entire games about sailing that don't give you a boat as quickly as the first Final Fantasy did.

d053df No.14227927



Let me clarify that, so I don't sound remotely retarded.

I don't know why it's so fucking hard for anyone to have protagonists bend their morals about life and law when absolutely necessary or especially for Japan to let themselves enjoy a pair of tits and just awkwardly apologize for accidentally walking in regardless if they're lovers, never sperg out.

6ffcaa No.14227968

File: 200de04b9291ebb⋯.png (995.49 KB, 1276x720, 319:180, entrapment.png)

File: e004bf36cf6bb1c⋯.jpg (183.63 KB, 1116x1099, 1116:1099, Crevanille.jpg)


Growlanser 4 has a great player protag and that's not hentai though the artist does hentai

de2bc1 No.14227990


The only reason I can imagine they do it is to not have the inevitable anime look like overly censored shit in comparison. Unless the entire company is just filled with pussyfooted shitheads.

e6756d No.14228127

When I heard Persona 5 was getting firearms I was hoping that it would have STALKER-tier /k/, but instead they are toys apparently. And hearing that Persona 1 had some LICENSED firearms is pretty disappointing too.

Thanks-a-fucking-lot Eric and Dylan, all you had to do is wait for a few months.

b60fa4 No.14228150


I still don't understand why people thought the flute playing was hard. All you need to do is blow and slide the flute with the stylus.


Honestly the part that bugged me the most was the buildup to Akechi's betrayal and the "death" of the MC. Your party, which has been dumber than a bag of rocks for the entire game thus far, engineer some elaborate body-double prison break to bust the MC out of police custody; and your not privy to it because drugs or some shit (even though you know Akechi is gonna betray your ass anyway). It's incredibly poor writing just to "trick" the player into thinking the MC's dead, but why would anyone think that when there's like half the game left? And why the hell does your social link with Akechi go up right before he shoot's the MC's cognition in the Metaverse? That doesn't even make sense. Why does Akechi think he can take the phantom thieves on in an 8v1 battle in Shido's dungeon? I'd chalk it up to his ego, but you'd think he'd have a better plan than that. Apart from that, the puzzles suck. Christ, the floor puzzles in the final dungeon were so dumb, am I playing a AAA JRPG or an online flash game?

The battle system is pretty good, even though it will take half the game to flesh it out via Confidant abilities. Most of the confidants were pretty cool; I liked helping Sojiro mend his relationship with Futaba, Iwai and Yoshida were alright, and Takemi and Kawakami were great. Actually, all the Confidants that were adults were almost always better than the teenagers.



>2.)drool harder

>3.)the correct choice


If I made a drinking game out of P5 where I had to take a drink everytime a character asks the MC some dumb bullshit and the responses don't matter, I'd probably be in a coma by Kamoshida's palace.

cf98b7 No.14228242


>If I made a drinking game out of P5 where I had to take a drink everytime a character asks the MC some dumb bullshit and the responses don't matter,

Literally every time. Main reason the game doesn't hold up to replays. You always go correct choice which has the least repetitive dialogue and gives you a verbal pat on the back and nothing happens. Or you pick the """""witty""""" choice if you're some faggy redditor and maybe you get a kek or two over a playthrough. Either way, when you replay nothing of value ever changes, except perhaps the points towards confidants, which means you have optimal dialogue options that you have even more incentive to always do. And if you do choose one of the moron options characters just waste your time explaining things to you like you're a mental retard.

The lack of post-game content (aside from Caroline and Justine), the events that are always duds, the constant fake-outs and cuck-outs in the plot (Ann's friend should have killed herself for real, Ryuji should have died, Morgana should have sacrificed himself, we should have seen Akechi's corpse mangled beyond any hope of survival, etc.) , and the number of days that involve literally fucking nothing are all the more reasons you need not to replay P5. Honestly the dungeon design even at its most bloated isn't enough to deter a replay, but the lack of value in the main plot is the real problem. Maybe P5 the inevitable improvement might be worth a replay, but Atlus is adept at adding worthless shit to re-releases that actually makes them worse.

2cfe94 No.14228572

Platforming+specific sections where the camera suddenly isn't player controlled

3af423 No.14228672


all the story relevant blockheads are pretty easy, blockhead grande is legit bullshit but just record it with your cell phone real quick and copy it because most human monkey brains shit out trying to memorize more than 5-6 items that quickly

e48aa9 No.14228719

There are definitely a few but the most memorable story related ones comes from Tales of the Abyss.

>main character finally starts showing some growth out of acting like a seven year old

>rest of party having a positive influence on him, even if they are also dicks and cunts

>his mentor shows up and he becomes an even bigger brat than he was at the start

>essentially every member of the party knows the mentor is bad news one was even working with the mentor to take revenge on the MC's family, though he apparently learned to like the MC after basically raising him

>rest of party gets fed up with his self centered bullshit and let him get brainwashed by the mentor

>drop his ass when they get to where they need to go with the most important person in the party, the shota pope, and the mentor that no one trusts

>this turns out to be a bad decision as shota pope and MC trust the mentor and he leads them into destroying the place. Which doesn't make any sense because the mentor can do it on his own, or at least with a little help from his subordinates

>turns out this was part of a prophesy

>bunch of people in power knew this was going to happen, and planned on it due to it leading to an age of prosperity for MC's kingdom and then everyone dying

>MC throws a bitch fit and all the spine he was showing disappeared outside of a few instances when he shit talks other party members in lighter moments

>party repeatedly brings this up, even as more and more it gets revealed that they knew that the MC shouldn't have been left with his mentor unsupervised

>and that he was just a clone made to fulfill the prophesy since the one who fulfilled it was supposed to die. One party member knows that from the start and another figures it out prior to any of this

>they also criticize him for his lack of spine despite being the ones that crushed it

>most party members don't have any self reflection about this, and the ones that do either pass it off, or let the MC pass it off for them

The biggest joke is that the MC is actually seven years old, and was spoiled because his parents were scared of losing their son after their real son got kidnapped. Guy only really started doing what was best for him after it was too late, and of course knew that the fucking mentor that Luke had a bad case of hero worship for was helping him try to kill Luke's family. The only reason that part of the prophecy went off was because it was a self fulfilling one. No one thought Luke was fit to go, had he known he wasn't even supposed to fulfill it, then he wouldn't have gone because outside of fighting, he was a lazy fucker.

Otherwise slow starts and unskippable cutscenes will prevent me from playing a game again.

6ffcaa No.14228764



I can't believe I forgot this one. Nicely done, man

I don't remember why anyone said it was the best Tales game

381a70 No.14228808


The same type of shonen as phantom blood. While P5 is literally Baccano!

943cd4 No.14228866

File: 78baf2b1cf6b311⋯.jpg (95.13 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, THIS FUCKING PART.jpg)



Puni wrangling in the Great Tree was not a problem. Playing hide and seek with General White was not a problem.

THIS was a fucking problem.

122b4b No.14228951










Still hanging on to the hope that Akechi becomes some kind of NG+ bonus character. This is Aerith-level "Killing a party member I need" tier shit.

578c96 No.14229098


I was asking for clarification you dipshit, don't "my grorious nipponese version" bullshit me.

e9c705 No.14229257


Why is xenosaga 2 worse than the first? Haven't had the occasion to get to it.

de2bc1 No.14229755


It has pretty damn fun combat for the 20ish hours of the game you can actually play.

7bdc76 No.14229767


Are there any more renders of entire chapters like that?

d053df No.14230022

File: 7217d94b641f098⋯.jpg (20.26 KB, 521x480, 521:480, 7217d94b641f09849675b6500c….jpg)


>this entire fucking segment

aa2303 No.14230242

As autistic as it sounds I like to leave every vidya world the way it is. It's why I like to 100% games because that way I don't feel guilty at not seeing everything through

64ba14 No.14230634

File: 912588686ce2f89⋯.jpg (41.38 KB, 960x514, 480:257, ruto.jpg)

People like to bitch about the water temple because they are too stupid to drop a farore's wind teleport at the highest level water switch and teleport out of the dungeon to speed things up, but what really annoyed me was carrying this whiny cunt around.

be6d57 No.14230717

File: 4b72a4097b78344⋯.webm (5.26 MB, 640x480, 4:3, heroes are in everyone.webm)

Any game where the journey is inferior to the finale.

962e0e No.14230793


It's like 20 total minutes at most, my guy. I've honestly never understood how this segment makes people not want to play the game.

6ffcaa No.14233257

File: 7e50f189c6e1bba⋯.mp4 (1.19 MB, 320x568, 40:71, Luke SEAMILK.mp4)


>Any game where the journey is inferior to the finale.

This is brutal, yeah, but how about a game where the journey is fun but everything it leads to is trash or depressing?

6ffcaa No.14233264


also that webm

>confusing early Christian tradition with proto-Gnosticism

That professor is worse than Kermit.

something also tells me he was a Jew, can't put my finger on it

a72966 No.14233452


Well that was some shit I didn't need to read.


d15048 No.14233594

South Park the Stick of Truth is the first game that I finished and went "wow that was pretty good but I have absolutely zero desire to play it again." It was funny, like watching an episode of the show. The combat was serviceable but not what I'd call good. And I managed to 100% it the first time without really trying. I guess the whole reason I was playing it was to explore and find more funny dialogue and easter eggs, and to progress the story because it meant, again, more funny dialogue. It wasn't actually fun. It barely had gameplay. And that's the falling of all games that rely too much on storytelling because their writers are a bunch of liberal arts faggots waving their dicks around about how much story matters. It's good once, but when you're done with it, you're really done with it. It's not gonna happen differently a second time. And there's nothing else to fuck around with and do, no ways to play it differently to challenge yourself or try something new.

591825 No.14233612


The entire thing holds your hand too much and all the faggots communicate extremely sensitive information through their fucking cellphones. They dropped the corruption theme at the end to pull a God final boss out of their ass given life not by corruption, but by sloth. The whole thing is a mess. Cake was delicious though.

4db0b7 No.14233624

File: 6188888b8a57bb8⋯.jpg (1023.06 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, cocksmoking faggot turtle ….jpg)

Every time I load up an old forgotten save, it's at this faggot.

bec70f No.14234565

File: 01d2c1387c9ced6⋯.jpg (48.69 KB, 310x720, 31:72, sexy bite.jpg)

>pikmin 2

<remembering that the lack of a day limit encourages numerous days of stocking up on shit and doing nothing

<remembering that the lack of a time limit in dungeons will lead you to go with your captain to punch everything to death so as to not risk a single pikmin

>Paper Mario Thousand Year Door

<the shitload of backtracking once the glitz pit is unlocked but before the warp pipe to it is open

>paper mario 64/m&l:sss/many earlier RPGs

<after beating the final boss, you're just taken back to the save before you fought him and can't go around and do a cleanup/see how the world is better/dick around

>Metroid Prime 1/2

<not having all 100% of the item locations burned into my memory so that I can get the final cinematic after the credits

>Bayonetta/MGR/Most Platinum games

<know I'll never git gud enough to unlock the extra special weapon/outfit/ability that is only unlocked by beating certain challenges in super strict time limits or doing no damage fights vs bosses that will always manage to tap me once

bec70f No.14234577

File: 4ab880ff5a4b896⋯.webm (109.33 KB, 352x200, 44:25, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA….webm)



>God of War: Chains of olympus

>trophy for "watch the cinematic "Atlas and Persephone" 3 times

>doing the game on hardest difficulty

>final boss time

>40 second loading screen followed by 2 minute long cutscene

>boss fight finally starts

>boss is so OP and fast with broken hitboxes on hardest difficulty that you die in 4 seconds

>choose continue

<it plays the fucking cinematic again and you can't skip it unless you already beat that difficulty

>the trophy is called "Cool story, bro"


0f2e61 No.14235094

File: eeae5feb58703a2⋯.png (19.49 KB, 480x320, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

>RPG for kids, with the added bonus of essentially having the plot setup of one of those animes that are made to sell toys, so has incredibly long winded, patronizing, boring as shit stories and dialog 95% of the time

>Endgame revolves almost entirely around hours of autistic drop farming to collect everything

>Since there's no overworld movement other than walking and teleporting, level design is incredibly segmented and full of backtracking, and has a fetish for hallway mazes that feel like someone decided to map escher paintings onto flat 2D planes

These games are such a fucking chore I hate that I like them

6ffcaa No.14235778


Has there ever been a good escort mission?

e9c705 No.14235847


Killer is dead

Though it's the other kind of escort

f28bb0 No.14235927


That got its dick sucked waaay too hard for the bullshit it actually was.

591825 No.14236158


>you have to walk all the way back through the mob of enemies

Nigger, enemy placement in that area was garbage and unfinished. You can easily run past everything.


>It's also bullshit that it's a boss that actively punishes heavy-weight characters.

You do know can just take all your armor off, right? You don't really need it for this "fight".

e9c705 No.14236182


You can make your character light-weight on the fly. That does not mean a boss doesn't punish heavy-weight characters.

099f8f No.14236189


>Endgame revolves almost entirely around hours of autistic drop farming to collect everything

This was actually a positive aspect of GBA games for me. I couldn't get too many games so any game that had content like that was great.

It sucks nowadays if I ever want to play through these games but they knew exactly what heir audience wanted back then.

fa1dd2 No.14236242

File: 3668dea9d427254⋯.jpeg (16.98 KB, 474x266, 237:133, faggot.jpeg)

File: ce31f5f3c3bc799⋯.jpeg (98.3 KB, 351x700, 351:700, nigger faggot.jpeg)


>You defeated the boss

>the boss wins anyway

591825 No.14236252


OP makes an incredibly important point here. If all the weapons are fake, why the hell are you getting fake weapons from sacrificing demons in the velvet room?

8b8efd No.14236418


The "fake guns" thing is restricted to the guns that the air soft guy sells you, demon's giving you guns are a completely separate thing. You'll notice that the airsoft guy can't upgrade every gun in the game, only certain air soft one's he himself sells or you find. Of course there's also the fact that much like demon's themselves in the metaverse, those weapons can't be taken or activated into the real world. So while they may be "real" in the context of the metaverse, that still doesn't mean they could bring them to the real world.

591825 No.14236460

File: 14c6d59be4f7498⋯.png (108.33 KB, 500x360, 25:18, YES.png)


On the reverse side

>Boss you're supposed to lose to

>Win anyway

>Signifcant changes are made to the following cutscene and a bonus reward is given

Image related.


>none of that is bad





This shit pisses me off to no end. I recently noticed that it happens twice in Atelier Iris: Eternal Mana when I was replaying it.


>Can uncut it on the dvd release usually though.

Video games don't get that 99.99% of the time though.


I'd have to double check, but I'm pretty sure you can get some of the same guns that are sold to you by sacrificing demons, and that would imply everything there is fake as well in order to maintain internal consistency of the idea that your guns only work because the enemy thinks they're real. Morgana's bullshit slingshot can just be handwaved away by the fact that he's a magic cat made to save the world and can turn into a car because LOL Totoro XD.

As a side note, I'm incredibly disappointed that you can't view any of your weapons outside of combat despite them taking the time and effort to make a ton of unqiue weapon models. The vast majority of them are probably never seen in game by 99.9% of players because many of them are never worth using. It would at least have given an incentive to collect all the weapons.

8b8efd No.14236470


There is not a single gun in the game that can be obtained from both a demon execution and for purchase from Untouchable. However, there are 2 guns that can be found in random chests in palaces as well as for purchase, but that's a different situation.

591825 No.14236480



>those weapons can't be taken or activated into the real world.

This is never stated anywhere as far as I recall, so you're just pulling shit out of your ass here. How then, can you sell shit you find in the metaverse, or get yen? Sure, the big "treasure" always changes when you leave after completing a dungeon, but none of the things loot change otherwise. Not even precious gems.

591825 No.14236483


you loot*

3b4adb No.14236485


>On the reverse side

>>Boss you're supposed to lose to

>>Win anyway

>>Signifcant changes are made to the following cutscene and a bonus reward is given

>Image related.

I wish more games would do with the later Wild ARMs games do for plot battles. Generally how it works is there is a turn limit of four to ten rounds (boss actions), at the end of which the fight will end. In this time, you are encouraged to play as aggressively as possible because at the end of battle you get as much cash and exp as you do damage, so inflict 1000 damage get 1000 bucks and 1000 exp. This is also how the grinding enemies work.

69b089 No.14236498


I know that feeling, I just beat Vanquish for the first time last night.

6ffcaa No.14236689

File: f30105eff447733⋯.gif (1.67 MB, 400x225, 16:9, good time ruined.gif)


>female teacher starts to body male students

>some kind of humiliating deal is made for the loser

>you work hard, use items and carefully work on spanking her ass

>start winning

>begin to notice that her utterly depleted health bar isn't going down

>keep fighting thinking it's one of those rare ".1% left" moments

>keep fighting

>keep fighting

>waste 40min on the fight

>let yourself lose to see what happens

>no changes

>everyone plays it off like the bunt won hands-down

This is why Cold Steel can eat the fattest of meats and most RPGs can die in a fire

6ffcaa No.14236714

File: 111490d811e6cc9⋯.png (960.27 KB, 924x616, 3:2, Remember Hiroshima.png)


hue nice


Don't even get me started. I am firmly convinced the game is only fondly remembered because of the memes that came up about it. Also the main theme music.

There is no rational person who could play through all of Shenmue 2 and think it didn't deserve to choke on death for all these years

578c96 No.14236755


The people sucking its dick now are posing estrogen-ridden faggots pretending they played the earlier ones like any other loser scene faggot.

de2bc1 No.14236762


>the earlier ones

Isn't there only 2?

88f226 No.14237399

File: b08b182324363a3⋯.png (3.62 KB, 96x80, 6:5, ClipboardImage.png)

This fucking kid. It says a lot that he's far more tolerable in the game that takes 20 years later where he's the fucking main villain.

578c96 No.14238626

File: a6fd64060bf59b0⋯.jpg (47.61 KB, 640x480, 4:3, sh.jpg)


Yeah, there was another one called Space Harrier.

6ffcaa No.14241967


What fire emblem?

578c96 No.14242301


The one with the really bad Smash character that sucks ass that was only released in Japan.

51b07b No.14242678


Quit living around niggers and quit choosing nigger characters faggot.

67d05d No.14242906


Minigames, unskippable cutscenes and QTE's.


>want to replay one of the better bosses in the game (Jeanne)

>she is literally behind 2 Space Harrier sections.

>fight Iustitia (giant plant boss with vines coming out of mouths)

>every time to combo the vine/tongues, you have to watch Bayonetta charge up her magic hand slice, and then slice like a mini cutscene.

The same information can be gotten across without it.

That game has a bunch of mini-cutscenes that can't be skipped.

This is one of the reasons why I like Devil May Cry more.

88f226 No.14243009

File: a7fc14a1813a7a7⋯.png (1.44 MB, 1280x1008, 80:63, ClipboardImage.png)


FE6 and FE7, which is a prequel.

In FE7 there's a really annoying rescue mission chapter where you have to stop assassins from killing him in the night because daddy is an asshole. The map is huge, there's fog of war, the boss is a magic user with a long-range tome, and there are two recruitable characters. One of the two a squishy-ass level 5 mage at a point in the game where most of your army should be promoted. She dies 2 hits at most. The second is a fairly strong assassin who can hold his own fairly well, too bad you need the squishy mage to actually recruit him. Naturally, they start on opposite sides of the map.

By the time FE6 rolls around, he gotten sick of daddy's bullshit, kills the man, becomes king, and is so fed up with it all that he begins Operation Fuck Humanity. His very first on-screen appearance is the aftermath of him steamrolling the most powerful character from FE7 and his next in person appearance is personally taking out the general of an allied army. By the time you actually face him, you've got a collection of brokenly powerful weapons including the single most overpowered one in the series, the fight really isn't all that challenging. That said, he's arranged for things to continue even in the event of his own death so (provided you meet the conditions for the true ending), you still have some mess to clean up. Turns out him staying alive was never really a requirement for Operation Fuck Humanity with him being human and all.

3b4adb No.14243014


He was just in it for the desu dragon pussy.

6a4096 No.14243033


>AR charging handle on a revolver

Hahahaha never change nips. Though to be fair they've gotten somewhat better at designing weapons.

7d0bd1 No.14243340


Came to post this exact part. I love the game but the island is utter shit compared to the first half.

6ffcaa No.14246867


But the castle is where things get spooky

0c20ab No.14246892


>By the time you actually face him, you've got a collection of brokenly powerful weapons including the single most overpowered one in the series

You what? Even the Ragnell is stronger than Eckesachs, and that's not getting into the bullshit from Jugdral.

8d9add No.14246925


Why even bother talking about FE? It's always been a grindy RNG-2-Win piece of shit series. Doesn't matter if you have superior "tactics" or "strategy" when being lucky trumps all battles.

0c20ab No.14246937

File: 6a9165817f12583⋯.jpg (42.95 KB, 432x576, 3:4, (1).jpg)


Because it upsets you.

591825 No.14258056


e618c4 No.14259331

>Fallouts of any caliber

>Divinity Original Sin 2

>So on and so forth

If the game wasn't shit at the start, maybe I'd bother playing them again

eaefbd No.14259436

Hooktube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

>>14222400 (checked)

>Nicalis posts on /r/gamerghazi

Odd because Florian Himsl the guy who programed the original Binding of Isaac is actually pretty cool in my opinion despite being a normalfag.

242b7b No.14267551


But thats where the griffin appear you homo, I would argue the dungeon behind the waterfall is the most tedious part in DD since you have to run around collecting plate and your loli pawn keep falling down the edges

0f2e61 No.14267611


But the water god's altar is the most atmospheric place in the game, way too comfy to be tedius

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