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[ /agdg/ | Mecha | Comics and Cartoons | Anime | Hentai Games | Contact ]

File: 00a1b5bbf7a2f6a⋯.jpeg (81.17 KB, 476x1024, 119:256, EAEA60C1_549A_4816_A1CF_1….jpeg)

3765d0  No.16940047[Last 50 Posts]

PS5 will now be voice locked. You have to repeat "black lives matter" 5 times as a mantra to unlock the console. You will also have to kneel for 1 full minute to bypass the 2nd security measure. Everyone that isn't white will be automatically verified, and placed at the front of all preorders and online queues.

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f6e576  No.16940048

Imagine buying video games. Ever.

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88c160  No.16940050


But OP the faggot posted twitter comments about an upcoming movie.

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bbbbb9  No.16940055

File: 98c0f12a80321ad⋯.png (673.43 KB, 476x848, 119:212, ClipboardImage.png)

>go to their twitter

>it's real

>actually posting about black lives matter for 24 hours straight

>it all began right after posting this

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f0d48d  No.16940060

>all lives matter

How do people figure this? Seriously. Some people don't matter. Some people are actively making the world worse, and we'd all be happier if they went away. Maybe you want to stick your neck out for murderers and foot fetishists, but that's on you. I value the valuable.

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b4a0d0  No.16940063


>How do people figure this?

It's all meaningless rhetoric. Remember Kony 2012? The same fuckers repeating #BLM don't, and in a few years they will have forgotten #BLM as well.

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bdc824  No.16940064


The point is it's a rejection of the racialized statement black lives matter, which is just another "movement" by conveniently stupid people that the political class can manipulated into destroy their homes and cities, and then poise to sell them a fix in exchange for political power.

It's a sick joke, honestly the most disgusting thing? They aren't even racist. Yeah sure some retarded cop killing cunt might think black people are super jesus and they need to go murder cops, but the political establishment doesn't even have racist beliefs, this is just a game to them, to score more potential political points regardless of how horrible they make people's lives.

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889c85  No.16940065


>black lives matter

LOL! No.

>all lives matter

Literally not. Only white people's lives matter. It is always ok to kill anything else.

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f0d48d  No.16940067


Some white people's lives matter. A lot don't.

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88c160  No.16940068

File: 0deda4203751226⋯.jpg (310.44 KB, 1059x1497, 353:499, PSDoA1.jpg)

File: e3798522b1dc158⋯.jpg (280.63 KB, 1059x1497, 353:499, PSDoA2.jpg)

Also friendly reminder PS5's launch lineup is mostly, if not all, multiplats.

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bdc824  No.16940069


You say that like it should be surprising that anything special about console gaming hasn't been dead since 2005

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8b1d68  No.16940070

File: 039b222102958cb⋯.jpg (220.66 KB, 2048x1152, 16:9, lol.jpg)


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8b1d68  No.16940071


>launch lineup

>most of those games are years away in development

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2d848e  No.16940073


this is fake as fuck dude

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ff428e  No.16940075



Friendly reminder outside of censored twitter normies are calling out BLM and corporations in the comments

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d72e16  No.16940076



Democrats and CNN already turning on antifa as damage control. BLM backfiring hard on corporate left after CNN and Beverly Hills.

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83f9d0  No.16940077


>How do people figure this? Seriously. Some people don't matter.

It works the same way as "It's okay to be white": baiting the retards into hypocrisy.

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d72e16  No.16940078


>Democrats cities are burning and being looted

>Latino gangs are protecting neighborhoods from black looters

>Normies are calling out BLM and blacks at whole

>Whole world will learn to distrust blacks

Friendly reminder going to end up helping trump

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b4a0d0  No.16940079


Translation from corporate speak: we don't want PS5s to get stolen. Those things were freaking expensive to manufacture!

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83f9d0  No.16940082

File: fd9dcbd7d69085d⋯.jpg (160.85 KB, 941x960, 941:960, level_20_character_says_se….jpg)


Even if it's real, there's not a single game worth playing here. Just none.

>gothic remake

This poor, poor game. My childhood, savagely raped over and over.

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20d2aa  No.16940083

File: a375f298c338347⋯.jpg (46.16 KB, 480x479, 480:479, Our_ancestors_have_always_….jpg)


Welp, adding Soyny to my corporate shitlist, I hope these Japs like the company of Goylette.

Don't you just love it when a company is this dumb?

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bdc824  No.16940085

Also, I'd say this, it'd be way more annoying if Sony didn't burn out any ip they had worth a shit.

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8888f5  No.16940091


It's Soyny they get a free pass to be hypocrites the blue checkmark of shame gives them the immunity to be the biggest pieces of shit with no consequences.

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ff6ff6  No.16940099

File: 33b5e0178cafc56⋯.jpg (52.98 KB, 920x512, 115:64, D9a_IpTXoAI_8j4.jpg)

Watch - with the PS5, and probably the PS4 via update, they're going to force temporary theme changes in order to mandate that their users celebrate diversity and getting culturally enriched until their anuses bleed. If you bitch about it, you'll be labeled as an alt-right nazi gabergooter and banned from their forums, streaming, and linked social media accounts. If not outright banned from PSN and have your game, sorry - I mean LICENSE - library eradicated.

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d72e16  No.16940100


Sony social media so woke they just gave rioters the okay to loot Sony product.

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08a202  No.16940101


Was gonna buy the ps5 but not now. Fuck sony for taking a public political stance. They are a company not superpac.

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000000  No.16940108


>Even normies are starting to call out the bullshit of BLM and Antifa

>Decide to do this

I'm not sure which is worse, sony is so out of touch they do this or they're so incompetent they let some intern do this

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08a202  No.16940112


Was just thinking about it and probably they see niggers as their biggest market in failmerica. Think about it. Niggers steal ps4 from whites then the white needs to buy another one. Likewise the niggers are more likely to chimp out and break controllers, prompting a white to buy another controller after chimp steals his.

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778566  No.16940114


The hilarious thing is, there was a livestream I was just watching where the interaction went like this

>I heard a GameStop was looted and nobody took any of the Xbox’s

>nah man, I don’t want that shit… now a ps5 on the other hand

I love how Sony fucking knew and turned it into a virtue signal.

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bdc824  No.16940115

File: 1fd52370ef7feea⋯.png (303.51 KB, 500x374, 250:187, 4576875887.png)


>They wouldn't even take the xbox even if it were free

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3537e1  No.16940116

File: c74040ecda9b611⋯.jpg (48.48 KB, 364x452, 91:113, 1455069972847.jpg)



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d72e16  No.16940120


BLM rioters are trying to loot Hollywood and Beverly Hills. Woke corporation will ether go pro police over night. Blue lives matter will become the new BLM.

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406edd  No.16940121


True. But regarding lives in general, only the lives of white people even matter.

Non-whites' (kikes included) lives never matter. Killing those is always good for the world.


The PS5 is the chinese Playstation. Literally the communist box.


Dead on arrival. With the possibility of it killing Soyny too.

Feels good.


Soyny is a commiefornian company now. Not Japanese anymore.


>giving money to any corporation, ever.


They will kill each other and destroy each other's movements and businesses.

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2bd842  No.16940131

File: 0556c73a9d2795f⋯.png (299.58 KB, 976x658, 488:329, DFFDB408_E414_4F70_A67C_93….png)


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67b323  No.16940141


>Pirates STILL can't play Handball '17

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ff6ff6  No.16940142

File: 8a1c8ccb036307d⋯.jpg (41.63 KB, 640x360, 16:9, Fisting_Hero.jpg)


>>Pirates STILL can't play Handball '17

That's because they no longer sell the required peripheral.

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10e971  No.16940143


>PS5's launch lineup is mostly, if not all, multiplats

So was the PS4's.


You're only now boycotting Soyny, you should have done that years ago.

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6e36dd  No.16940144


I really enjoy the colors on his shirt

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b89f71  No.16940153

File: ca30f71c2a0c466⋯.jpg (141.95 KB, 730x1095, 2:3, 1.jpg)

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3b3b17  No.16940158

Vidya companies should just stick to vidya.

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b4a0d0  No.16940163


Be the change you want to see. Make good games that put the vidya companies to shame.

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ec9fd0  No.16940168

Black lives do matter, but not nearly enough as they think they matter.

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001ecf  No.16940169


>you will never be able to play prostate exam simulator

why live

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001ecf  No.16940171

File: 23dccc64f04ef67⋯.png (356.92 KB, 650x434, 325:217, ClipboardImage.png)

File: afdd968629bf10e⋯.png (698.78 KB, 800x624, 50:39, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4a9672973657914⋯.png (88.85 KB, 195x280, 39:56, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d2bf1ccebf381ff⋯.png (215.59 KB, 299x450, 299:450, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0615b6b1ec78af0⋯.png (443.26 KB, 800x533, 800:533, ClipboardImage.png)

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f45318  No.16940172


>imagine buying video game consoles and supporting a company that doesn't focus on gameplay

>Imagine paying 60$ for a movie ticket

Sonyfags need to grow up and build a PC

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f45318  No.16940173


So Asians Arabs whites and spic lives don't matter then?

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0968df  No.16940176

A lot of celebs and brands virtue signalling for planned white supremacist/ Antifa riots under the guise of the death of a black man. They'd be complaining if the rioters came to their private homes and starter looting and breaking their shit. Out of all the brands not saying anything, it's Nintendo when their Manhattan store got its windows broken. The only thing get hurting is the real justice for George Floyd and the stores getting demolished by pretend anarchist. At least they are getting gofundme'd instead of the twitter idiots who don't know how insurance works.

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72419e  No.16940184

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f98586  No.16940189

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990471  No.16940190

File: 7c893f6eb15e485⋯.png (88.45 KB, 680x415, 136:83, _BRAND_.png)


Dangerously prophetic double dubs.

I wonder if they'll go the Hollywood route and start censoring every digital game retroactively.


Some idiots already got a taste of their own medicine apparently. Started riling shit up on twatter then pulled a 180º when it was their shit's turn to burn down.

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b71ae0  No.16940191


>scroll down

>bethesda is jumping on the bandwagon

>Humble bundle is also jumping on the bandwagon

Can't wait for Steam to join in the shittery. I wonder how many FUCKING GAMESTOPs were looted.



I think that was as far back as Witcher 3. Hell I'd even say Witcher 2 because fuck that game.

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984471  No.16940193


You're just a few too many years late with that.

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fc0935  No.16940194

Who has sold out to SJW so far?

I see SOYNY and CDPR, who else?

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72419e  No.16940195


They aren't openly funding mob violence. Just verbally showing support for it. Not much better, but still better.

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72419e  No.16940196


Devolver Digital gave 65000 to burning down small businesses in the name of racial hate.

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6a8f6b  No.16940197


The economical system and distribution platforms are compromised.

Instead of entering their game, abandon the game completely. Go for backlogs, and never support any company no matter what.


Nigger lives never matter.


Niggers deserve to be killed for existing.


>Reminder: Pirate everything.


There are no good companies.


All of them.

Stop trying to figure out that one (inexistent) company that won't get pozzed. They are all pozzed. Some are just more openly abrasive about that than others.


Still shit.

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0d4483  No.16940203


>it all began right after they supported the World Photography Awards (or whatever the org is called) removing finalist entries because they had photos from the Hong Kong protests

<and then claiming that they give a shit about a single niggity nog


The same Sony Twitter account posted that "All lives don't matter until black lives matter," which is a nice way of sugarcoating the fact that you support violent uprising because black people think they aren't being taken seriously.



>nationwide riots

<"You burgers feeling alright? Maybe you need a breather from all that stress? Nah fuck you, drown in it."

Yeah I'm sure that's what everyone wanted, to keep their eyes glued to cable news 24/7. Thank you overlord Sony and every other faggot corpo cancelling events for this bullshit. Not that I gave a fuck about PS5 in particular.

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b71ae0  No.16940209


Insomniac, Ubisoft, Microsoft, Santa Monica, Humble Bundle, IGN, Dewritos Pope, that nigger who wrote Star Wars Rebels and (Possibly) Troy Baker

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332c59  No.16940252

Even CDPR now. Kurwa!

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49774f  No.16940290

Will CDPR postpone the release of Cyberpunk in solidarity with black lives matter? Or are they racist?

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000000  No.16940297


They cucked out back when they apologized for triggering sjws

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7e7086  No.16940321

File: b1fe1ede4ab9630⋯.mp4 (1.35 MB, 368x704, 23:44, We_are_on_your_side.mp4)

>tfw you're on their side

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9840e2  No.16940322



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9840e2  No.16940324


I thought Valve does not have any social media presence whatsoever?

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9840e2  No.16940325


Boy was I wrong, Steam and Volvo Valve both have Twitter.

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2a237b  No.16940329

File: 21f1759fab486b3⋯.jpg (30.14 KB, 480x356, 120:89, Harambe_Memes.jpg)


What is it with Americans and chimp killing?

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b4a0d0  No.16940343


Your skin is your uniform. Those idiots didn't realize that.

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64dcae  No.16940346

File: 2bd88b89354d4b2⋯.jpg (92.66 KB, 352x360, 44:45, 2bd88b8.jpg)


As a non-american I can tell you that in my experience a large number of US' population (mostly migrants and minorities) don't like the country and always have something to complain about.

Blacks and hispanics are usually the worst offenders. Muh racism, the system or whatever the hell is hip to justify the miserable waste of time they call lives. They also have profound hatred for other migrants/races that make it in America.

Asians are politically dumb, they complain about "lack of representation" and feeling like outsiders despite them making a large number of non-white population.

The saddest and most miserable bunch are the whites who stand with these kinds of people.

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ee8775  No.16940348

File: 4e1cd3308611ab6⋯.png (3.96 MB, 722x8458, 361:4229, blacks.png)

File: 8d5a428d77cd156⋯.jpg (2.31 MB, 1303x4720, 1303:4720, teaching_blacks.jpg)

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ef2efb  No.16940349

File: 91742499eb94302⋯.png (363.53 KB, 267x768, 89:256, sony_72_percent.png)

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f17071  No.16940352

File: fef6979f1b4ffaa⋯.jpg (89.23 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, sony_core_values.jpg)



america is a non-white country, it operates like any other 3rd world shit hole

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02711a  No.16940364


Well I guess it's that time of year, right? Brands pretending to care about people and all.

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0d4483  No.16940369


Most Asians don't give a shit or agree with conservative whites because they are the most successful. Only the petulant brats who go to college on daddy's dime go for muh representation bullshit, despite the fact that they're fairly well represented as far as minorities in the US go, with a current cabinet member and very recently former cabinet member. Ironically, blacks are very nearly proportionally represented now, with slightly over 10% of Congress being black.


Nah, the difference is we have more rich people to steal from, so we can last for a painfully long time in this state of moderate civil unrest before ending up completely controlled by gangs or cartels.

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b4a0d0  No.16940370


>completely controlled by gangs or cartels

When I heard about the Latino Kings, I was thinking exactly this: this is the future of the US. Well, American anons, I hope you guys live under benevolent warlords.

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103766  No.16940372


Nintendo too now

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778566  No.16940375


It’d be nice if people flooded these companies twitters with all the random acts of violence these protests have caused and show them what they really supported.



Most recent is a chimp choking a pup.

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f98586  No.16940381

File: a86aa30df001492⋯.jpg (93.42 KB, 1024x1008, 64:63, sad_cat.jpg)

You know what, I'm thinking this is only the beginning, we'll see more cuckery from game companies as closer we approach to U.S. elections. Expect them to offer discounts or even free games for "loyal" gamers who'll vote for (((Biden))) or another puppet candidate. Hell, you can even expect from some companies to openly blackmail public by cancelling or postponing most anticipated games if Trump wins in November.

You can screencap this. The ride never ends.

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b71ae0  No.16940383


Silly question, but is that legal in America?

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5ed130  No.16940390

File: ab18a8e137a2dd0⋯.jpeg (38.48 KB, 487x434, 487:434, bluelivesmatter.jpeg)







I have done your mantra, faggot OP. Where is my PS5?

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9840e2  No.16940393

File: 65ca9bd8b44be9e⋯.png (13.62 KB, 509x188, 509:188, Knipsel.PNG)

Fucking Bandcamp too, god damn.

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9840e2  No.16940394


Aaaaand terminated my account. Fuck 'em, i'll support Dream Catalogue directly next time if I can find out how.

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bdc824  No.16940395


>Silly question, but is that legal in America?

No but our legal system is corrupt as fuck, hell Biden saying (or at the very least, pawning the blame off onto a campaign staffer) they'd pay the fees for the retarded rioters is grounds for ejection from office but because of organizations that exist outside of the "official capacity" likely there won't be any repercussion, even excluding the fact bidens probably ain't gonna last 4 more years.

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ad340f  No.16940396


Fuck the zogbots

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68d8b6  No.16940398


>black lives matter


You don’t belong here, never have, and never will. You know nothing about niggers. You know nothing whatsoever about nonwhites of any stripe. Get the fuck out.



>for anything


>for any reason

>while the ZOG still exists and while the jews still control our economy


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9840e2  No.16940400

File: 6352e4b5f765a3c⋯.jpg (10.78 KB, 360x361, 360:361, _.jpg)


whats with all the baitposting lately on this board?

also, i'm taking the bait but fuck it at this point

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68d8b6  No.16940404


>you’re baiting because… uh…

Bump because you can’t hide our hatred of your judaism. What the fuck are you even attempting to say here? Why are you defending paying jews to brainwash you?

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96c43e  No.16940413

File: b03fba1f5386c66⋯.webm (3.69 MB, 1920x800, 12:5, The_Wall_Pink_Floyd.webm)


>being silent is being complicit

very dangerous logic that will get us into a lot of trouble soon.

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e14652  No.16940435

File: e6b8aa501245a22⋯.jpg (136.01 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, 9932489328432.jpg)

Fuck, I didn't really expect this shit from Nintendo though. They even banned tranny flags from that splatoon game to remain apolitical, and now they do this?

I guess it's pirating everything from now on. Maybe buying from steam the very small amount of games that still deserve money.

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7658aa  No.16940439


I never understood why would anyone buy things that they can just download for free.

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000000  No.16940445


This >>16940439

Never support the economy that is controlled by either jews or communists.

Pirate or steal everything. It is always ok to do so.

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3537e1  No.16940449


This is real, and Xbox replied with a green and red heart.


That said, it IS the Nintendo of America page we're talking about. NOA is also responsible for the faggot parades. Based Japan remains apolitical.

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0b2ecc  No.16940459


>Nintendo of America page we're talking about. NOA is also responsible for the faggot parades. Based Japan remains apolitical.


As cough out as it might sound. Let us remember the real Nintendo in Japan. So far Nintendo still far less woke as Microsoft and Sony. I still take comfort in that. With that said. I’m more worried about Anime because of Netflix and WB will become the biggest anime investors.

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d72e16  No.16940460

Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.




>BLM leaders, Democrats and celebrities openly call for riots

>Democrats leaders now panicking because they losing control of BLM mob

>Woke corporations trying to cash in

>CNN already attacked by BLM

>We will probably see the second wave of coronavirus thanks to BLM and white leftists protesting

Remember trump and Brexit happen because of the working-class turned on the establishment. Companies are being woke because the left the enemy of regular working people. Looting and rioting hurt working people. BLM pandering will if not already backfire. Don’t be defeated. Avoid black pill. There always hope.

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bdc824  No.16940462


Also people don't want to acknowledge this but the communities aren't super excited about being economically fucked for almost half a year having all their shit burned down.

This includes the black people that live there btw

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b71ae0  No.16940472

File: ff083784af628be⋯.png (69.14 KB, 678x412, 339:206, Diversity.png)

Really makes you think.

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000000  No.16940475



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6e36dd  No.16940480


plot twist: soros was white supremes the whole time.


1. encouraging the infection of the black community.

2. encouraging the destruction of black neighborhoods and businesses

3. Ensuring violent looters get released on bail or with no bail immediately.

4. He wants a race war now and he wants cops to gas the blacks.

Question: Is Soros working for UNATCO?

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bdc824  No.16940481


Race isn't a factor, soros is just a freak that likes watching societal collapse.

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f5d1c9  No.16940482

they should add black to the rainbow flag

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2d848e  No.16940483

File: dabf306d026335a⋯.mp4 (3.69 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, TIME_FOR_LUNCH.mp4)


If this image isn't the best example of corporate pandering

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bdc824  No.16940536


Did that 3 years ago, but even the faggots thought it was suspect, so you don't really see it outside of antifa and/or tumblr

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f7b49b  No.16940537

File: 863af515e66e15f⋯.png (212.88 KB, 920x2054, 460:1027, 2020_06_04_23_51_53.png)

>you can't be racist against white people, and racial humiliation vids made by Black dommes directed towards white buyers should NOT be removed under this policy

>we agree with the above, and if your content was removed in error, just reply to the email we sent and we'll be happy to review and reactivate the content.

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b71ae0  No.16940541

File: 40ac501193e1dac⋯.png (91.84 KB, 309x367, 309:367, Smite.png)

Hi-rez has joined the faggot force.

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f7b49b  No.16940542

File: d63c8bc99077fa6⋯.jpg (99.96 KB, 800x800, 1:1, paladins_playstation_FONT.jpg)

File: b6333ad34d3ed74⋯.jpg (55.3 KB, 350x435, 70:87, Haste_Smite_Cover.jpg)


>Hi-Rez Studios

>known for games like Smite and Paladins

your gaming taste sucks ass

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b71ae0  No.16940543


>He hasn't played Tribes

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09e619  No.16940544


Johan here is right.

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08a138  No.16940546


What the fuck is this, a porn site?

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594fe0  No.16940550

File: f6a1052840fa4be⋯.gif (866.52 KB, 400x282, 200:141, Uncle_Jesse.gif)


>can't be racist towards white people

>racial humiliation videos against whites will still be okay under this new policy

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000000  No.16940558


I'm guessing this is some porn site for fags/doms?

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594fe0  No.16940560


no it's basically "only fans" just with more porn

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b71ae0  No.16940562


>Paying for images the likes of which you could get for free elsewhere

I will genuinely never understand this camwhore community twitch has fostered.

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bdc824  No.16940563


As far as a lot of the media is concerned that's not a blatant double standard

It gets funnier when you find out the BBC is a myth and it's actually a BNC

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af01da  No.16940571

File: 3ecab3d0e97811d⋯.png (298.48 KB, 700x828, 175:207, cdpr.png)

File: bb3d34b2bf9104b⋯.jpg (802.3 KB, 1920x1202, 960:601, 1590340453660.jpg)

CD Pozzed Red

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8888f5  No.16940576


I believe you anon, i'm not surprised how retarded this year has been with the chaos getting worst each month so it's expected even more looting and riots will happen if Trumps wins again or not it will happen regardless being the president is basically being the low hanging fruit of getting blamed for their own mistakes.

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606cfd  No.16940578


How are there so many women in this photo yet not a single one of them is attractive?

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8888f5  No.16940583


Didn't you know that being beautiful is offensive because landwhales can't stand beauty because they hate when no one pay attention to them.

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bdc824  No.16940584



The actual answer is shitty people carry themselves in a way that isn't aesthetically pleasing.

It's why there's such a thing as the "pretty" ugly person.

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ff6ff6  No.16940587

File: 78cbb02bd618b55⋯.jpg (27.21 KB, 353x197, 353:197, 1101930503_400.jpg)


>All these companies donating to BLM

>None of them donating to efforts that revitalize ghetto areas, give them an education that's not wrapped around a football, teach them how to raise their children, start small businesses, or other domestication initiatives.

It's like they don't want to even pretend to be trying to solve the problem. They're just donating to what is essentially a PAC. Shame is the new industry of the 21st century. The new piracy. "When we raise our flag, you raise your flags and fork over the cash - or else we're release the hordes of Twitter and Facebook Karens (who are the largest consumer block) against you."

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bdc824  No.16940589


Well for one Dats Rayciss

For two? If these media companies actually improved the lives of the broad black community they couldn't market thugshit to their kids and teenagers, and that's not even getting into the use of the black population as exploitable political fodder.

Shit you think that Biden staffer doesn't know they'll be able to milk the downtrodden communities that not only got fucked by the economic shut down but the riots?

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8f08bf  No.16940624

File: f22c6715a574341⋯.jpg (80.45 KB, 980x551, 980:551, 5ed8dcea20302761f7175b0d.jpg)

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a2dd2c  No.16940633

File: 8cafd59388e6a3a⋯.jpeg (62.5 KB, 608x680, 76:85, Rockstar.jpeg)

>paying for online games


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000000  No.16940641


What a convenient excuse to do server maintenance

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497cc0  No.16940645

Sounds pretty based.

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ef2efb  No.16940646

File: 01e814d1944955d⋯.jpg (79.42 KB, 481x500, 481:500, blm_rimmer.JPG)


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ef2efb  No.16940647

File: 58403a64be0782c⋯.jpg (168.9 KB, 1475x802, 1475:802, cd_project_pozz_pride.jpg)


They've been pozzed for a while.

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007fe2  No.16940656

File: 582ed2b31159e20⋯.jpg (111.33 KB, 2080x1232, 130:77, black_lives_matter_call_of….jpg)


New updates for the latest Call of Duty games now feature a black lives matter message each time you load the game. I think this message also appears before every multiplayer match but I could be wrong. Think this applies to the new Modern Warfare, the mobile game and the free to play battle royale CoD.

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b71ae0  No.16940657


Sure is convenient african black lives don't matter though.

Or victims of black on black crime.

Or black police officers.

Really makes you think huh, especially when Acti-blizz banned someone for voicing support for the Hong Kong riots.

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92c92d  No.16940666


You are little baby


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f98586  No.16940667


Who said anything about blackpill? These pozzed companies, the whole (((system))) is dying out and it's fun to watch.

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8699bc  No.16940668

File: e58d32249b4ea8e⋯.png (879.53 KB, 940x627, 940:627, cyber.png)

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68d8b6  No.16940670


>there always hope

There isn’t, no. You don’t know a damn thing.

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02711a  No.16940671

Chill out. This stuff doesn't matter, and it's not even that entertaining to point at. You don't need to justify why New Game is bad, we all know it is, and it would be whether they make annoying social media posts or not.

How far do you want to go? Do you want to spend the next three hours getting mad at influencers for promoting products on social media too? There's no point having a red face. You found a brand being annoying online, not exactly shocking.

Your goals and the goals of these companies are not mutual, and you can't change what their goals are, there's no two ways about that.

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bb53d3  No.16940672

File: 444a4c46ffcfdfe⋯.png (88.2 KB, 342x447, 114:149, EZny4PCX0AYKWpI.png)


As much as I fear CDPR becoming increasingly pozzed, I think this is mostly a marketing tactic. The majority of mainstream America is currently busy with BLM and the riots, which means that any other event likely won't receive as much attention. By pushing back their event for a couple of weeks, the dev team can further polish the event, wait for a larger news cycle opening, and they get to score progressive points by making a single tweet.

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02711a  No.16940676


Since when has polish ever mattered? Breath of the Wild got 10s across the board from reviewers using a pre-patch, unplayabled build of the game, on a console that breaks down after a month of use. It's never been about quality.

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bb53d3  No.16940677

File: 6d0540848ac5460⋯.jpg (63.4 KB, 718x718, 1:1, considerthis.jpg)


>Since when has polish ever mattered?

It's been the company's MO for a while now. Even if you don't believe it, it was the excuse used to push the release from April to September. Not that it won't be a buggy release, mind.

>It's never been about quality.

Maybe not, but it is about the product and the amount of copies you can sell

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68d8b6  No.16940680


>don’t get angry about white genocide

>you can’t change anything


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b71ae0  No.16940682


I doubt 2077 will meet expectations in the first place, pandering or no pandering. I admit, I've only played the first two witcher games but two games of shit gameplay is all I can stomach.

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02711a  No.16940686


>White genocide

It's a freaking video game; I defer to my first point: Chill out. A million coomers play their Polish hentai game, getting sedated by entertainment as if it hasn't been this way for thousands of years. And I still say there's nothing you can do to change it

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bb53d3  No.16940687


I'd be lying if I said I wasn't interesting in seeing the finished product. Cyberpunk is one of my favorite genres, and settings like Shadowrun and Deus Ex have a special place in my heart.

>two games of shit gameplay is all I can stomach

The first Witcher game is extremely rough and I never could finish it. I skipped the 2nd one, but the 3rd was quite immersive in the same way that old Bethesda games are. Big open worlds, lots to explore, and some genuinely interesting quests. Not to say that Witcher 3 is flawless, just that I had fun

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d13e0f  No.16940693

File: ff6a3e634f46686⋯.gif (672.39 KB, 530x530, 1:1, All_Might_STRIDE.gif)

>despite my country being a balkan shithole it seems much better than whatever the fuck america and western europe has become

Utter fucking lel

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8f08bf  No.16940697

File: e0bab25870bb15e⋯.jpg (107.33 KB, 685x585, 137:117, 1591378587664.jpg)

File: dbbbe5651290299⋯.jpg (56.73 KB, 456x442, 228:221, 4304cfe2712e3c4935b8002188….jpg)

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3fd78f  No.16940698


when will finally the bombs drop?

I certainly had enough

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a57c13  No.16940703


Black bitches get crazy wet thanks to raceplay.

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af4cf4  No.16940711


>It's a freaking video game

Literally not an argument.

>I defer to my first point: Chill out.

Eat shit and die. Explain why we HAVE to accept our own genocide.

>And I still say there's nothing you can do to change it

Yes, we know you're paid to post here. You don't need to repeat it.

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3413bf  No.16940713


/pnd/ is over the other way

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d34a03  No.16940714


butthurt kike

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3413bf  No.16940716


You ever stop to think about what you're doing? Of course not, because then you'd realize you've become what you hate. A self centered egotistical asshole hellbent on destroying anything even remotely different from your point of view, just like a jew. Have fun sucking down foreskins out of spite.

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194ae0  No.16940717


Mark isn't here to protect you anymore. This entire thread is about politics. You're completely powerless.



What's hilarious is that only brainwashed subhuman retards have ever said this, and they say it because jews tell them to.

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3413bf  No.16940718


More like mark isn't here to protect you by locking the thread. SLURP SLURP SLURP

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aa81ac  No.16940719


lol I hope you aren't american, because your enlightened centrism won't stop the roving nigger gangs from necklacing you

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3413bf  No.16940720


Never said I was for niggers, you're just extrapolating your own ideals out of me now.

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5ed130  No.16940721

File: c73c62899511196⋯.png (1.52 MB, 1802x3001, 1802:3001, Shadow_On_Black_LIES_Matte….png)

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ad340f  No.16940722





A lot of them are too far gone, if you don't really want anything but the purest aryan males to be genocided or enslaved then you're a kike and a nigger shill.

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aa81ac  No.16940723


At the current rate of societal collapse, there's no middle ground. No matter how "racist" the hedonistic liberalism you cling to is, trying to separate the personal from the political at this stage is just enabling the cultural marxists who will never do so and, as a result, will have a superior capacity to organize.

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3413bf  No.16940724


Oh I know exactly where I stand, just not next to these mirrored "everything I don't like is hitler" lunatics.

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aa81ac  No.16940725


You can stand with them now or hang with them later. Principles don't stop mobs.

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02711a  No.16940726


>Not an argument

I wasn't making an appeal to reason: there are other ways to convey a point. Anyway, you're larping if you think you're going to be put in a camp just because ten thousand people on Twitter said "Kill whitey" or something. They're all-talk, they'd have charged the police in LA by now, if they really felt confident in that. If you think European high culture is being depreciated, which I would agree with, having white people run around in video games isn't going to do shit. What, you hacked a computer and killed a goblin as a white guy with a zoomer haircut? You got your ultimate and because your character is white, European art has been saved? Inconsequential. Straight up doesn't matter what they put in games, you'll never affect art or culture by obsessing over corporate entertainment media.

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ff0060  No.16940733


>Cultural touchstones don't matter in low brow media

You think low-to-lower middle class whites ever generally had any real exposure to high culture? They only know what to appreciate and to pay respect to things of high value through tangential reference from things that are more at their level. Every mass used to be in Latin, how many plebs do you think understood any of it? It served as their cultural and moral bedrock partial because their lack of understanding it's intricacies cemented it as something high value (because at some level it was 'too good for them').

For most people the only appreciation of high culture they ever had was low brow media telling them to appreciate it (but that was still enough to let them enjoy some of it's benefits, they could still abide by the moral, religious, and philosophical framework even if they could never understand how it was derived).

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001ecf  No.16940740

File: 43037e09b32b520⋯.png (457.37 KB, 735x729, 245:243, floyd_death_political_comp….png)


so sick of the china bad meme, who gives a fuck what the chinese due to a bunch of leftists




why would do this after remaining silent about it for so long? it won't save them from the looting or make them look better in anyone's eyes

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000000  No.16940742


WTF? I love the slanty eyed baby munching, IP stealing, organ harvesting murderous commies now!

Thanks Wong!

<50c has been deposited into your weibo account

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001ecf  No.16940744


next you'll tell me they're evil for putting muslims in containment camps instead of letting them overrun their country

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000000  No.16940746


Haha yeah invading other countries and putting its people in concentration camps to brainwash them is so cool xDDDDDDDDD

Why are we even talking about this, this is China's affair and we have no right to interfere in 中華人民's business.

<50c has been deposited into your weibo account

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37ea9d  No.16940750

File: 5659d7bfc62b4fa⋯.png (324.38 KB, 2804x3212, 701:803, Israel_organ_trafficking.png)


Oy, vey! Anti-semite!

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000000  No.16940774


It is always ok to kill jews, niggers and leftists.

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704d25  No.16940801


its because this is a game dev company and you're gay.

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7d93e2  No.16940803


>implying they do any of the actual development :^)

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68d8b6  No.16940813


>you hate the fat gay autistic jew and want him literally dead for censoring video game speech that goes against the jewish narrative

>that means you want him here to censor you

Post your home address so we can come kill you, retard.

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68d8b6  No.16940814


>oy vey strawman, reductio ad absurdum, and no argument

>lol you’re “too far gone” i say so i am smart and you are not

>ignore that I agreed with you in my only other post in the thread

Hopping IPs to talk to yourself, huh. Maybe keep a better eye on what IP you’re on next time.

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68d8b6  No.16940815


>torpedo defending dune coons

Sounds about right; you both rape children. Take your false dichotomy and shove it, yid.

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000000  No.16940840

Apparently some talk of BLM possibly storming WH?

Will something finally happen?

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3413bf  No.16940848


>random niggers storming SS and Marines

That can only go over so well

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c4bf54  No.16940868

File: a8bcb43415d405d⋯.jpg (197.81 KB, 1000x884, 250:221, 1358378513610.jpg)


but isn't that content that is made for blacks? they are helping black people by refusing to sell to them what they want to buy?

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3ffec6  No.16940869

File: fd202bd95a7cdfc⋯.mp4 (966.57 KB, 480x270, 16:9, NYC.mp4)


Reposting this curious fox news footage from /pnd/

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9840e2  No.16940874


*acquires popcorn*

Let's fucking do this if it's true.

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d46d14  No.16940879


oy vey how dare they even suggest looting a jewish district

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10253a  No.16940905


The national guard has been ordered to carry no weapons tonight.

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000000  No.16940907


Fuck off wherever you came from newfag

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776adf  No.16940936

File: 81b5ca506c18cec⋯.png (84 KB, 2560x864, 80:27, Screen_Shot_2020_06_06_at_….png)

File: 3245b951af9d048⋯.png (308 KB, 976x1301, 976:1301, Screen_Shot_2020_06_06_at_….png)


Don't forget about Apple and Tim Cook :^)

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c05699  No.16940957


Yeah, that's what the community doesn't get. Some of them argue that this ban was issued because raceplay videos are white people making fun of niggers. But I am pretty sure that almost every raceplay video is about worshipping niggers. SJW's are very delusional and always assume they are the victims.


Where was this nig face when his friend committed suicide? The fact that non of them spoke up for Aaron Swartz tells me that they are all back stabbing rats.

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bdc824  No.16940966


>Hipster shitware manufacturer supports commie bullshit

No……………. it can not be

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c4bf54  No.16940972


I don't even mean pro black stuff, I mean stuff where it's a girl talking shit about niggers, who is buying that? niggers, the only people who get off to race humiliation stuff are the target race. So how is it a pro black thing to remove access to a product that only blacks want but the version of that product that is for whites is allowed.

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bbad81  No.16940974


>a meaningless virtue signal from massive corporation

Make them put their money where their mouth is. Give blacks free PS5s instead.

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bbad81  No.16940975


Free Iphones for blacks as well.

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2e5833  No.16940977



Just put them in stores in inner cities and they'll get their free shit

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000000  No.16941033

Can you believe that there hasnt been one RWDS killing? With all the boisterous claims you'd think there would be thousands dead by now.

Not that I'm saying you should go out and kill niggers right now as niggers and leftists tear each other apart. Just surprised that the worst thing the RWDS has done is throw a water bottle and get arrested for it.

And who the fuck are these 'boogaloo bois', I've been on chans since 2005 and other than 'electric bogaloo' never seen it used in any other context.

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ddf691  No.16941035



>fails utterly at getting people to incriminate themselves

>"i've been on chans"

Mhmm. Sure thing.

>other than 'electric bogaloo' never seen it used in any other context.

CORRECT. It's a brand new jewish dialectic. We have only EVER said "race war" or "day of the rope." Using boogaloo like this is a completely contrived, artificial narrative.

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3cfe82  No.16941039



>It's shitty BOTW

They aren't even trying anymore

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000000  No.16941041


>LotR: Gollum

You know what I always wished after reading the Silmarillion, LotR and watching the movies? "Boy I sure wish I got to play as Gollum".

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f33217  No.16941052


>second pic

This is fucking heartbreaking.

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11c802  No.16941055

File: 63614323dfc565e⋯.png (99.98 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, 6fbcd53d4edea5a9b9788d36f7….png)


Because /pol/ is basically dead and everyone wants to see America die by niggers in cosmically ironic spite.

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9654ad  No.16941060


I've met quite a few smart, or at least civil, blacks myself. They tend to like anime and can at least converse without cussing their asses off

growing up in a predominantly white environment probably did a world of good for them. If blacks ascribe such superiority to whiteness then balanced integration may lead to positive assimilation for them as a race

but yeah, would suck to be a white kid in a class dominated by niggers

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d46d14  No.16941063

File: 15e180bb3899750⋯.jpg (24.63 KB, 680x428, 170:107, chromosomes.jpg)

Wow you guys are so rayciss.

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bdc824  No.16941064

File: 653b32a8f553378⋯.png (167.11 KB, 272x319, 272:319, 653b32a8f5533781e650760e6a….png)


Chromosome jokes are so goddamn funny

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bdc824  No.16941065


I really think it's more that even 300 years later the black community purposely separates itself from the greater national identity. Even excluding the whole bullshit with woke politics to try and make it easier to weasel political capital from people.

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c4e52f  No.16941068


That's a good one.

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c4e52f  No.16941069


Yet they use slave labor from chinkland.

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022c9b  No.16941072

Fuck blm..fucking racists pigs!

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f0d48d  No.16941074


It's difficult for people to admit, but if we're going to live with other ethnic groups, we do need to culturally assimilate the fuck out of them. It's the only way it ever actually works. You play by our rules, you become subservient to our social norms, you worry about offending us, not the other way around.

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984471  No.16941083


Get a load of this racist xenophobic literal NAZI!

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a1db26  No.16941084

File: 0d03c3ef249b556⋯.mp4 (397.64 KB, 640x640, 1:1, Pink_Floyd_Breathe_in_the_….mp4)

One of the things that really stands out is the "unified front" from the politics, entertainment, and academic sector. It looks almost like one of those color revolutions the CIA masterminds in Latin America. Is this the Marxist-Leninist revolution Yuri Bezmenov was talking about in the 80s? It seems like the kikes and niggers played their hand too early because normalfaggot whites are waking up to the fact that all of these institutions want them gone.

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a34e3d  No.16941112


You're on the right track. Being in a predominantly white environment does help prevent the "ghetto" personality from manifesting. On the other hand, blacks raised in such environments have a tendency to get roped into "woke" shit, although it isn't necessarily guaranteed. Of the ones I've talked to that have gone down that path to such a degree, they will claim that their childhoods were riddled with negative treatment due to their race. How much of that is actually true and how much is just the victim complex that comes with social justice, I can't say for sure. What's bizarre is that they tend to acknowledge how shit black culture is. I can think of 2 girls from completely different areas offhandedly that vented at one point or another publicly about how some other blacks ridiculed them for "speaking white" or something to that effect because they talked proper English. Yet in spite of this, they fell into the BLM pit, one before BLM was even a thing.

At the end of the day, I believe it's a cultural issue that's much more deeply rooted than anyone is really willing to admit, much less actually address in any meaningful way.

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e26489  No.16941127


Culture can never mask race, and is itself born out of a racial norm.

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d96d8c  No.16941158


sony is implying that blacks aren’t people, because apparently they aren’t covered by “all”

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10cf6a  No.16941166


The point of the movement is to adress issues srpecific to the black community, calling it all lives matter wouldnt make any sense

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10cf6a  No.16941167


leave him at me comrade

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9654ad  No.16941185


and yet if one were to say white lives matter, it would be viewed as exclusionary and racially supremacist. So why shouldn't black lives matter be treated with the same disdain when the only thing that's changed is which race is being mentioned

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000000  No.16941188


White Lives Matter is designated as hate speech by the (((ADL)))

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9654ad  No.16941192


much my argument, yes. BLM as a concept is equally as racist

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a34e3d  No.16941203


Given the frequency of people to step out of what one would consider racial norms, I'm skeptical that this is entirely correct.


The main issue that BLM is protesting is police brutality, which is more or less a racially-neutral issue. So All Lives Matter makes perfect sense.


Because it's completely only socially acceptable to be identitarian if you're in an "oppressed" group. This has been an issue for years now.

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0d4483  No.16941208


It is completely a racially neutral issue. More white men get treated badly by cops, both because there are simply more white men in the population pool, and because cops are afraid to rough up black people with body cams on. However, black people commit more crime, so stories like this are inevitable. George Floyd and the """jogger""" are outliers, but at the same time, it's a big nation and outliers happen frequently due to funding differences in police departments. Most of them aren't reported on because nobody would feel bad for the criminal anyway. The ex-cop in Georgia almost certainly got off at first because it is a small town and police departments tend to be tight-knit. That is the reality of police across all of small town America; if you are accused by a local, the cops will usually take their side because you're not from around these parts. This can't be removed systematically because human bias will motivate people to circumvent any rules you put in place. There is also the issue that many cops are ex-military and will follow procedures or orders to idiotic lengths without any of the discretion that a law enforcement officer is supposed to use in order to maintain a good relationship with the community, which is probably why Floyd died.

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68d8b6  No.16941220



Doesn’t matter. You’re wrong. Biology creates culture.

>oy vey racially neutral

It’s not, no. Militarized police only exist due to niggers, spics, slants, and dune coons being in the West in the first place. The crime exists because of them. The police response to said crime exists because of them. It is entirely and exclusively about race.

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0d4483  No.16941260


>Militarized police only exist due to niggers, spics, slants, and dune coons being in the West in the first place. The crime exists because of them. The police response to said crime exists because of them. It is entirely and exclusively about race.

I suppose when you put it like that, it is about race, but I personally think SWAT teams would exist anyway due to situations like Charles Whitman. The phenomenon of paramilitary police units is mirrored in other nations which have less or virtually no black people as well. It usually traces back to a single terrorist incident where there were trained gunmen that outperformed police units, like GSG9. However, the modern phenomenon of SWATing someone simply because they are in possession of an unknown amount of narcotics is indeed entirely because of the nigs and/or nogs.

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7f2c6b  No.16941267


>adding Soyny to my corporate shitlist

>only doing this now

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000000  No.16941276

Someone jump on /pnd/ and propose the idea of hijacking BLM or at least diluting their efforts with #BlueLivesMatter

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000000  No.16941277


Oh guess it's already a thing, obviously

And they've been cucked already. kek.

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4cbcb6  No.16941317

File: b84cdb8a8f3d020⋯.png (139.68 KB, 339x223, 339:223, mistake.png)


Finally a black guy that understands they are a mistake.

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59fbb9  No.16941318


Made me chuckle. Probably deleted already.

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d59ef8  No.16941327

File: 679980459568d37⋯.jpg (14.76 KB, 281x295, 281:295, tfw_you_feel_a_good_sneeze….jpg)

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da0615  No.16941332


Maybe the RWDS killers are just really good at hiding the bodies.

I mean, they allegedly killed 6 million people without leaving any evidence behind. And that was 80 years ago. Considering all the technological advancements, RWDS could probably kill someone and you wouldn't even know their victim ever existed and all memory of them wouldn't be completely wiped out the moment that person died.

Crazy shit.

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02e25f  No.16941378



>in 2020

Go back to whatever place you came from

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0644b0  No.16941380

File: 363ebfa10280be6⋯.jpg (14.94 KB, 244x255, 244:255, 1451598428207.jpg)


>letting normalniggers define what you can and can't do

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000000  No.16941406


RWDS don't kill niggerkikes…

RWDS remove niggerkikes from time.

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bf1d3c  No.16941408

File: 84a8cca784e13a7⋯.png (579.08 KB, 754x424, 377:212, black_people.png)


>hardest mode is locked

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d46d14  No.16941416

File: e67e44abdc598d8⋯.png (157.54 KB, 543x468, 181:156, GIVE_US_SOY.png)

I used to think this was a tragedy. Now I realize it's a comedy.

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4d8ddf  No.16941417


>specifically mentions soy products

This cannot be a coincidence.

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396743  No.16941418


Sit back and think why is the black one locked up. (and it's not because the store owner hates black men) Could it be that black men steal a lot, and maybe black people need to fix that and not blame white people and cops.

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9840e2  No.16941420


>not to mention vegan meat substitutes

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000000  No.16941421

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d46d14  No.16941423


Go back to Africa? This is Africa now.

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86b6f4  No.16941427

File: 07d473044d165a0⋯.png (671.83 KB, 658x711, 658:711, the_memes_write_themselves….PNG)


Truth is always stranger than fiction. What a fantastic dumpster fire this is becoming.

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000000  No.16941428


>threatens suicide

So who was threatened? I'm okay with the suicide.

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6e6c30  No.16941437

File: 76d619f97a605b5⋯.jpg (461.02 KB, 1451x1609, 1451:1609, pure_cohencidence.jpg)


The system let's these people do whatever the fuck they want because it knows these are the people who have been intentionally raised to be weak and degenerate, and the system knows they are absolutely no threat to it.

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818c0d  No.16941440


Theory: Ohanian has been emotionally incapable of handling his reddit admin duties ever since his 'wife' Serena Williams had her roid rage chimpout back in 2018 and half the site openly mocked both of them over it.

He quickly found out that no amount of abusing his power could soothe his hurt feelings, so he's been looking for an opportunity to leave/retire.

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dd1de4  No.16941442

File: 9bebd30f8a8095b⋯.png (38.42 KB, 300x196, 75:49, ClipboardImage.png)



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067962  No.16941450


Japs have been jumping ship from Sony to PC for awhile now.

Microdick is really stupid for not jumping on this shit and offering Pantyquest XXVII type games on xbox uncensored for Jap audiences

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68d8b6  No.16941454


That’s banned now. Companies have to keep all products out in the open. I’m not joking.

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20d2aa  No.16941456

File: 4f2ed5531e9294d⋯.png (394.97 KB, 545x551, 545:551, 7930e066d68a6be922c4968834….png)


Well, I did buy a multiregion bluray player from them that I really like.

>Which just started rattling.

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000000  No.16941474


Pay niggers to deliver poisoned food to them.

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e26489  No.16941543




They hate wholesome foods. Anything that isn't factory slime is considered bourgeois.

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d46d14  No.16941568

File: 7a57e4dc06c33b7⋯.jpg (109.24 KB, 620x851, 620:851, Milk_is_rape.jpg)

This has to be a big inside joke.

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200b7b  No.16941589


the cow is the smartest one of the ones involved

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6dd91b  No.16941747

File: c7fc6c8a7aee64f⋯.jpeg (112.85 KB, 900x1350, 2:3, received_2209165469295756.jpeg)

Imagine buying a shit console instead of a PC.

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001ecf  No.16941757

File: 6c3d1b0b6922017⋯.png (367.29 KB, 800x533, 800:533, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 69090d8545ed703⋯.png (384.65 KB, 800x533, 800:533, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 18ad1aa11568b48⋯.png (298.58 KB, 800x533, 800:533, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d816eaa1a2e84cf⋯.png (1.32 MB, 672x936, 28:39, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1e0deac21934138⋯.png (1.43 MB, 672x936, 28:39, ClipboardImage.png)

In other news, WOTC has banned these and other "racist" magic cards from the game entirely.

This is not a joke. This is our reality.

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c62f46  No.16941812


Invoke Prejudice has the internal designation of card 1488, which is also why it was banned.

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001ecf  No.16941825


I can actually understand invoke prejudice being banned, but all the other bans are just stupid, like why stone-throwing devils?

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2e2bc8  No.16941833

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378482  No.16941844

File: 3c25b68b2e180e4⋯.jpg (79.72 KB, 312x445, 312:445, Mass_calcify.jpg)


They forgot the best one.

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378482  No.16941850


Probably some jew whined because the devil has a long nose.


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000000  No.16941853


>It is rape


Those deformed landwhales always bring up rape, since they can't get any sex at all from any man.

>This has to be a big inside joke.

Understand that there arte, indeed, abominations driven insane by their own born stupidity and desperation for social validation.


It has been pozzed for years. Paywhales deserve to be scammed. If they won't stop giving money to it, they have no saying on anything.

Regarding any company or corporation: always steal. Never pay.

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e26489  No.16941854


ikr what a waste, but some farmers are still based.

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f52811  No.16941857

File: 32aa30ad7da29db⋯.png (281.06 KB, 427x319, 427:319, 62401b163cf4b3317b2b22cdb1….png)


It's mostly fun and games, but not milking a cow can lead to them getting sick and dying.

The notion of not milking a cow because muh animal feminism genuinely horrifies me, as it could actually lead to harm.

I still have nightmares about this one retard who refused to shear her sheep even though they were wandering around with maggots crawling around inside them

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f33217  No.16941870


What's even "wrong" with the second and last ones?

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3413bf  No.16941873


I can see the hoods being kkk, even if pointed hoods aren't originally from the fucking kkk.

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000000  No.16941905


Stopped playing when like 80% of white color humans were niggers

Guess I should start selling my collection

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d46d14  No.16942069

File: d6d1e0f4edd5362⋯.png (33.54 KB, 799x452, 799:452, The_zone.png)

>Here's your Zone, stalker

Whoever used the monkey's paw, fuck you.

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f5d1c9  No.16942091

i like how sony postponed announcing ps5 during BLM prostest peak to divert attention from the fact that they're releasing a pure white console design

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a97452  No.16942109


>They're not judges! They're referees.

<Referees judge.

Finally we're getting to the kangaroo courts. Here's where the madness truly begins.

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118a15  No.16942265

File: 0a5f50260df8946⋯.png (575.34 KB, 769x3471, 769:3471, CHAZ.png)


You're doing everyone a great disservice by not showing the entire rule set.

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a0db35  No.16942274

File: 19d945ddd1cea6b⋯.jpg (10.36 KB, 259x194, 259:194, trapshiro.jpg)


Blacks commit the majority of the crimes and believe that every black killing is attached to them. There are exceptions in blacks, but that will be noted later in this explanation.

Whites, Hispanics, Asians are normal in that they don't consider criminals to be apart of their individual group because "home" and "family" is who you interact with and where you go. It is not "normal" to stick with criminality unless it is utter necessity. Latinos are more lax in this, but they have standards.

If you murder, steal, rape, drug deal in White/Asian/Latino whatever communities you are going to get ousted, it's a huge deal.

Blacks see crime as not just a necessity, but also noble by their standards, at least the real fucked up blacks.

Naturally, there are exceptions and blacks who grow up outside of the ghetto culture (Which means their parents must also not be ghetto), they will end up as functioning members of society at about the same rates as other people.

We know more about ghetto blacks because they're the most disruptive and hateful group in the country. They kill their own constantly and fuel their own victimhood, the ghetto culture has done this to themselves and yet while they are completely insular due to their racist and racial supremacist nature, this violence has the effect of making more bad blacks.

A black man still has the potential to become a great man. But as it stands, other blacks hinder the black man. No more Martin Luther Kings or Malcolm X's, movers and shakers of these communities, will be born, as the black culture has devolved as such that it will not remove itself from criminality.

I believe that this culture can only die a slow death as rebel blacks wake up and move away. It's important for economic mobility to be available to the black community and all efforts should be to shelter blacks who rebel against the ghetto.

Even those blacks will still be tainted by their horrible culture, but the taint can be limited and quashed in time.

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000000  No.16942275


Nah. Niggers aren't people. Every place in the world becomes better by killing all niggers infesting it.

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d28b5b  No.16942277

File: 1cd8668820cc1a5⋯.jpg (79.75 KB, 455x675, 91:135, superlative_laugh.jpg)






literal crac niggers lmao

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af1336  No.16942307


I refuse to belive that this is real, it HAS to be an elaborated troll

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ee5b2a  No.16942309


>There was a Dragon Age 3

Oh, right.

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0644b0  No.16942318


I kinda agree, but there's more to race than culture

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804e17  No.16942334

File: 804f439113ca848⋯.jpg (94.87 KB, 800x460, 40:23, 05089b8857bf94c5118ab8aefb….jpg)


>I refuse to listen to anything that doesn't fit in my perception on how the world works


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13a655  No.16942340


It is. Everything is organized to make racist tensions in america worse. Its what organizers of those racial tensions have paid their money for to make Trump win next election.

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000000  No.16942341


Take your meds

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7672cc  No.16942349



corporations need to level up their opression olympics

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78c03b  No.16942354


>watermelon sugar

I love that song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E07s5ZYygMg

I refuse to believe in racism and I feel like someone is pretending that sony post was somehow racist

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000000  No.16942366


t. jew.

It is always ok to kill jews.


The only race worthy of existing is The White Race.

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e99bf4  No.16942371


so we must kill everyone on america ? agreed amerimutts need to go to preserve white race

the most ((diverse)) country will go based anon save white race

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68d8b6  No.16942375




Out, cultist.


>I am a paid jewish shill and ban evading

Kill self, torpedo.


>oy vey [thing only jews say]

>oy vey [jewish hoaxes are real; ignore all statistics and genetic reality]

Kill self, paid shill. You’re fooling no one.

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32e52d  No.16942389

This bullshit just annoys me now. I dislike racism, but you just know that all these idiots, not just sony, just look to jump on any new movement because it's trendy and makes them look like caring, principled good guys just to stroke the penis of their own egos.It's such a fake attitude…


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9654ad  No.16942393


with public opinion over Floyd's death forming up as it is, won't increased racial tensions slide the vote away from a President that many people view as racist?

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000000  No.16942399


> won't increased racial tensions slide the vote away from a President that many people view as racist?

The people that view him as racist weren't going to vote for him anyway. If anything, increased tensions could help him win on a "law and order" platform if he promises to crush the rioters.

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bbbbb9  No.16942400


>A society where if you went on a rape spree, you'd undergo a trial headed by a council comprised of up to 50% of fellow rapists (or more since homeless people are exempt from the 50% convicted rapist cap)

It's basically a poorly-written free use fanfic.

>Creating a council chair based entirely around putting 12 asians in an arena and having them fight over allocating a single vote that carries the same weight as a 7 year old


99% of things declared racist aren't remotely racist, but mistakenly perceived as racist by people who live day-to-day through identity politics. Going to assume you haven't forgotten about "Watermelon Tawna". The point is that they took flak from faggots on social media, and then immediately tried to appease the same crowd.


People who view the President as racist most likely didn't vote for him, nor were they upcoming voters. At the same time, the conservative voter base has largely gotten over their Ted Cruz tantrum. Since we're revving up the "with us or against us" racial discord like we were 4-5 years ago, people are ready for yet another "protest vote". It doesn't help that everyone is watching a Seattle governor encourage a movement which is causing an actual exodus out of Seattle while simultaneously ruining property values, while having nothing to say other than random Twitter quips at the incumbent.

To put it another way, flip voters don't care about being called racist, they care about having their constant entertainment and fast food interrupted.

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000000  No.16942404


It is always ok to kill jews.

Nothing will change that.

There is no future for jews.

The genocide of jews is inevitable, and it will be good for the whole world.


>I dislike racism

You are a part of the problem.


Twitter is not real life.

100% of Twitter's users don't make even 20% of the world's population, who are majority against niggers.

There is nothing wrong in killing niggers. They are a plague, much like the jews. And that is the overview of the majority of the population. Not only in America, but all over the world, outside of social media bubbles.

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68d8b6  No.16942424

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d28d7d  No.16942689


You realize people that aren't white have hopes and dreams and sometimes do amazing things too, right?

I understand that having edgy opinions is fun, but there's no reason to say something like that.

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db6ebc  No.16943040


They won't. especially considering that ship's sailed since 2014 for them

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db6ebc  No.16943041


As much as I wanna blame the CIA for putting crack in nigger neighborhoods, there's gotta be that much more to them. They didn't go from segregated neighborhoods with little to no crime to whatever the fuck they're living in currently.

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db6ebc  No.16943230


What game's getting a gothic remake?

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db6ebc  No.16943259


Black steals black and not white?

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116e3d  No.16943263

File: 4019cf12d3f876a⋯.jpg (72.93 KB, 622x767, 622:767, 1592500950044.jpg)


really weak opening, the console is not worth even considering for the first year. Why anyone would preorder it is beyond my understanding.


>muh raping my childhood

This is reddit tier meme right here. your childhood is the same regardless, just as the original game stays the same, you don`t even have to buy or play the remake, i guess you never figured out that neat trick, top secret Epic gamer tip right there.

Not that it matters , if you payed og Gothic in your actual infancy then you never knew what a happy childhood anyways. Thats game is germans teach their kids to hate fun.

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db6ebc  No.16943264


Slap these in CHAZ dressed as antifa and see what happens

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a3d778  No.16943297


>This is reddit tier meme right here. your childhood is the same regardless

>what is a figure of speech

> if you payed og Gothic in your actual infancy then you never knew what a happy childhood anyways. Thats game is germans teach their kids to hate fun.

You wouldn't know a good ARPG if it kicked you in the ass. Besides, it's still alive 20 years later, even an online mode was made.

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ca930e  No.16943312


>it's still alive 20 years later

it ticks all the 'tism boxes just right , it should be used as a spectrum. diagnosis tool. No one else would call that wonky pile of german dung fun

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6ab414  No.16943314

white people are funny

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000000  No.16943332


> people that aren't white

If they aren't white, they aren't people. They are just irrational animals.

>have hopes and dreams

Irrelevant, since they aren't white.

>sometimes do amazing things

They don't. They are subhumans. Only guided by white people they can do anything at all. Left alone, they only destroy themselves and others around them.

>muh edgy

It is always ok to kill non-whites. Their lives don't matter. Only white people's lives matter.

Those facts won't change just because you don't like them.

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6ab414  No.16943341



Talking like white power has its best days ahead of it

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6ab414  No.16943342


which white country is gonna make your dreams come true going forward?

USA - demographically nixed

EU - plummeting white birth rate

Canada - lol

…so what? Slovenia? Latvia?

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252698  No.16943345


It'll be funny when these stubborn Slav countries become the final bastions of white humanity. It is rapidly becoming that way.

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a3d778  No.16943366



The sad thing is that the Baltic countries are rapidly depopulating, and the leftist infestation is present there as well. I'd estimate it's like 60's America, with conservative and 'progressive' elements clashing at every turn but without the complete leftist takeover yet. Yet.

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1acdd6  No.16943368


if black people weren't violent at the drop of a hat for no reason and weren't in my country I'd think they were funny. Like children in ugly adult bodies dancing and saying dumb shit all the time. Ever seen them react to a magic trick? Like a monkey. Hilarious.


Ironically the only thing preventing white from taking our own countries back is the other white people preventing it. The second the system falls white people who don't like chaos will take control again. I hope they get repatriated instead of killed but I probably won't be making that decision.

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8164b1  No.16943384

fuck ps5

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6ab414  No.16943670


The second the system falls white people who don't like chaos will take control again

dude, are you high? this isn't chaos to you??

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a56698  No.16943685


Wait why are foot fetishists getting flak?

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