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The Vidya
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File: 000185140ae31b1⋯.png (480.58 KB, 949x1350, 949:1350, 2e953c1759fa52fa149cad2feb….png)

File: cd34fa2535847a6⋯.jpg (58.14 KB, 589x750, 589:750, 10612791_655841131192590_4….jpg)

File: f8adcd1481feef1⋯.jpg (1.44 MB, 2000x2000, 1:1, 59004946_p0.jpg)

File: 73e55826e710af7⋯.jpg (100.47 KB, 600x720, 5:6, b0367c609cbb6c7e50e1292d16….jpg)

File: a6eb87ce6836ba1⋯.png (151.85 KB, 540x565, 108:113, image.png)

a1f800 No.14241292

>Current Happenings:




1. 8chan is being trolled by shills to create chaos on the site: >>>/n/586729

>Evidence of this happening has already taken place over on /co/: https://archive.is/6dPTA#selection-9011.0-9011.6 A couple times: https://archive.is/8vwcE

>Remember, report potential shills and see about reviewing COINTELPRO tactics: https://cryptome.org/2012/07/gent-forum-spies.htm

2. DIG: W.H.O. Proposing to Classify "Gaming Addiction" As a Disorder


3. OP Timber: Nintendo Localizers working with Japanese Devs to Censor Games




4. OP Chickasaw: Big Tech Companies are already violating the Constitution


>SPREAD: Twitter caught red-handed admitting to shadowbans & censoring "problematic" viewpoints, spying on user's sexual activity: >>>/gamergatehq/331496

5. OP GOOLAG: Hit Google Where It Hurts



A. Archive.is isn't sure you'll donate money to them. Prove them wrong: https://liberapay.com/archiveis/donate

B. OP DisNod: Contact the FTC and advertisers about violations an unethical practices


>Polygon and The Verge violate FTC regulations: https://archive.fo/ii01W

C. Anti-Internet Censorship Database Operation: Defend Free Speech!


D. OP DICKTIONAIRY: ''The Destruction of Words and Language




>inXile has some skeletons in their closet being revealed (Possible happening): https://archive.fo/V4tr7

>A series of unverified images were released on 4chan that detailed AI controlled marketing and monetization practices achieved through "legal" surveillance methods: >>>/gamergatehq/331502

>NISA porting Ys 8 to Nintendo Switch: https://hooktube.com/watch?v=a_u7g5BlfiY&feature=youtu.be&t=328

>MTG pedo controversy has started blowing the lid off of the sex offenders in similar fandoms: https://archive.is/QMEAF

>EA shit the bed with lootboxes in Star Wars Battlefront II and are taking major heat: https://archive.fo/wBFd8

>Tencent promoting socialism: http://archive.is/0Zpbu

> Thread Repository:



> Summaries of #GamerGate:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wy9bisUIP3w - #GamerGate - If It's Not About Ethics;

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5fnRSL3d_xU - #GamerGate in 60 Seconds;

https://archive.is/23Fde - GamerGate: A State of the Union Address.

> Reminders (important, READ THESE!):

• Use https://archive.is to deny sites ad revenue and traffic and preserve websites in case they are deleted later;

• Beware of COINTELPRO tactics: The Gentleperson's Guide to Forum Spies - https://cryptome.org/2012/07/gent-forum-spies.htm

• Be civil if you have to argue with people on Twitter, Tumblr or any forum - don't make us look like douchebags;

• Do not accept requests for any goal or demand list: https://pastebin.com/p5dVp1e5

> Background and Evidence for #GamerGate (read and spread these):

• The #GamerGate Dossier: https://archive.is/nv1Fb

• #GamerGate Wiki: http://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=Main_Page

• History of #GamerGate: https://www.historyofgamergate.com/

• View the timeline links in the Current Happenings section!

> How Can I Help?

• All Operations: https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/tree/master/Operations


• Operation Disrespectful Nod: https://v.gd/jtftaG (email advertisers)


>Update: A representative for Vox Media has stated that they will update their public disclosures across all their websites

• Operation Baby Seal: https://v.gd/iwvyPm (reporting Gawker for violating content guidelines)


• Operation Vulcan: https://v.gd/Kbzw0L (educate yourself on logical debating)

• Operation UV: https://archive.is/N9ieT (contact the FTC about Gawker)

• An Anon's Guide to Twitter: https://v.gd/nwrbYF (the basics)

> Lists:

• GamerGate Wiki Support List: https://v.gd/0fOHO3

• GamerGate Wiki Boycott List: https://v.gd/n6GPPt

• GamerGate Steam Support & Boycott List: https://v.gd/vzRsRb

> Key GamerGate Hubs:


> Full OP Text:

• Current:


• Old:


> Want to Help Contribute to GitGud?


92e42f No.14241298

Watch out for GamerGate

The public enemy of the world #1

It is the main hashtag responsible for…


☑ Making an ugly ass sweater

☑ Made Logan Paul level up

☑ Gave the Alt-Right an Asian fetish

☑ A precursor to the Alt-Right movement

☑ Trained a sealion to attack hipsters in San Francisco

☑ Defeated magical pedos in card games

☑ Helped a Korean improve his English Grammar

☑ Made Cathy Newman lose the lobster debate against Jordon Peterson

✓ Destroyed 4chan image posting

a1f800 No.14241303

Dailymotion embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Archive of before bread:


e0af30 No.14241312

So what's the chance of all the positive reviews of Celeste being influenced by the usual suspects?

c4ec8f No.14241316


633a1c No.14241349

Does anyone have that video of Marche being changed by mommy? I would be grateful if you guys have it.

22b477 No.14241352

File: b55c60187514146⋯.mp4 (7.4 MB, 640x360, 16:9, before posting online.mp4)

0babac No.14241370


Same as the chance of the devs playing victim because they're getting shitposters on the steam forums.


633a1c No.14241377


Someone watched the 4th season to Rick and morty.

5b0a45 No.14241473

File: 170831c61384a70⋯.jpg (20.85 KB, 496x424, 62:53, 170831c61384a700e2b63bf845….jpg)


I heard Mcdonalds is reintroducing the scechuan sauce or whatever it's called.

The autism is not done yet.

780c44 No.14241478

File: bac5e0254f65120⋯.jpg (172.34 KB, 1024x1089, 1024:1089, PICKLE REDDIT IN THE DRUMP….jpg)

0babac No.14241482

File: 7968974678da0ae⋯.png (255.91 KB, 640x480, 4:3, itsoverclosethegays.png)

>10 posts in

>already snail speed

It's over isn't it?

f3d821 No.14241485



fe4218 No.14241497

File: 9c8c3b9bfe40bc9⋯.jpg (110.63 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, 9c8c3b9bfe40bc994b1d0e0645….jpg)


>Too late to have gotten into the szechuan sauce craze from where some dude was selling a packet of it for a thousand bucks on ebay and someone actually bought it or another that sold 5 bucks per dip of the sauce.

I could have made serious autism bucks during that time.

ecc953 No.14241501


It was supposed to be out in December. Who knows if they'll actually go through with it now.

596c08 No.14241504

File: ecb770b1829f64e⋯.png (226.73 KB, 600x593, 600:593, vivian laugh.png)

456768 No.14241510

File: ad256a746de83bf⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 610.26 KB, 872x974, 436:487, unknown.png)

File: cfe959c63c0e33e⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 241.78 KB, 883x1160, 883:1160, unknown.png)

Last comics from previous bread

5b0a45 No.14241511

File: 757b4b65fe39467⋯.jpg (408.01 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, __common_raccoon_die_hard_….jpg)


The thing you should know is that autism is unbreakable, and even if they would reintroduce it in 10 years, it's still gonna be fucked.

633a1c No.14241513



When the next season comes, they will release it. Smart marketing idea and will flood reddit for weeks.

>Dan Harmon believes Mcdonalds should pay him royalties for the sauce because his show made it popular

9806f9 No.14241536

dullahan skullfuck selfcest

5b0a45 No.14241547

File: 5e75878c69141ae⋯.png (957.42 KB, 1000x1080, 25:27, 5e75878c69141aef25ab8063c2….png)


>Dan Harmon believes Mcdonalds should pay him royalties for the sauce because his show made it popular

Jesus, there's being a Jew, and then there's just being beyond greedy.

a0578a No.14241548

File: 83d35668ef3fcba⋯.jpg (1.44 MB, 1450x2048, 725:1024, GamerYui 01.jpg)

File: eb905803319f9ed⋯.jpg (806.51 KB, 1450x2048, 725:1024, GamerYui 02.jpg)

File: f6aac7568557164⋯.jpg (886.9 KB, 1450x2048, 725:1024, GamerYui 03.jpg)

File: a370808b54e9766⋯.jpg (883.58 KB, 1450x2048, 725:1024, GamerYui 04.jpg)

File: b2b9595724e152c⋯.jpg (848.38 KB, 1450x2048, 725:1024, GamerYui 05.jpg)

#TorrentialDownpour and Nip news

Make sure to inform normalfags about websites free of Socjus Influence.

Useful Links:




> Make backups of your favorite doujins in case of Fakku DMCA purge

> ShindoL has a message to the English community.

- https://tweetsave.com/shindo_l/status/936655595767078912

- https://tweetsave.com/magicalfuntime/status/946901533584646145

> Falcom is going full NISA

- https://archive.is/fi9q4

Localization watch: Not solely from shit companies (need to add incoming Japanese games)

> Sekai Project: Teaching Feeling ( >>>/hgg/154755 )

> Fakku is localizing games/VNs now to the Localization Watch.

- http://operationrainfall.com/2017/12/23/fakku-now-selling-hentai-games/


> Bandai-Namco: Girls und Panzer Dream Tank Match (Winter.17, JP release w. eng sub), Ni no Kuni 2 (Jan.19.18, Dev'd with western market in mind), Little Witch Academia (JP:Nov.30.17,West:2018), SAO: Fatal Bullet (March, 2018)

> SquareEnix: Secret of Mana Remake (Feb.15.18)

> Nintendo: Xenoblade Chronicles 2 (Out)

> Bullet Girls Phantasia (2018)

> Granblue Fantasy Project Re:link (2018)


pantsu.cat is a nyaa replacement after it was taken down. It's better than the competition. Use this instead of the cartel run cancer.



They've put up downloads to paywalled fakku doujins.

Fakku 0001-1000: https://files.catbox.moe/129di9.torrent

Fakku 1001-1100: https://files.catbox.moe/h3l457.torrent

Fakku 1101-1200: https://files.catbox.moe/47batv.torrent

Fakku 1201-1300: https://files.catbox.moe/c9ntlr.torrent

Fakku 1301-1400: https://files.catbox.moe/rkuheo.txt

Fakku 1401-1500: https://files.catbox.moe/ce8oor.txt

Fakku 1501-1600: https://files.catbox.moe/nmqh3d.txt

Fakku 1601-1700: https://files.catbox.moe/60v3p6.txt

Fakku 1701-1800: https://files.catbox.moe/3ii6j8.txt

Fakku 1801-1900: https://files.catbox.moe/m37bm7.txt

Fakku 1901-2000: https://files.catbox.moe/z9nmm6.txt

Fakku 2001-2100: https://files.catbox.moe/arpo7h.txt

Fakku 2101-2200: https://sukebei.pantsu.cat/view/2369399

Fakku 2201-2300: https://sukebei.pantsu.cat/view/2377551

Info & feedback welcome

633a1c No.14241565


Why are anime girls always grabbing boobs from behind?

5b0a45 No.14241577


anime girls have always been extremely skilled at stealth groping.

22b477 No.14241585

File: cba048ed3e5b834⋯.jpg (97.64 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, rev up those antidepressan….jpg)

c720e7 No.14241591

File: 43dd2d7d78fa91f⋯.png (15.33 KB, 128x128, 1:1, 43dd2d7d78fa91ffc86d6bf4e4….png)

File: 65dc0732684c15d⋯.gif (101.44 KB, 140x50, 14:5, 65dc0732684c15d34edd9f940a….gif)

File: 1da49cc0e0e86c2⋯.png (166.68 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 469ddea6b75a701f919d56b460….png)

Speaking of anime girls. >>>/animu/ is above /monster/ now in the top 25 and still growing. Images related are their latest spoiler, image deleted and no file images.

4b9dad No.14241593

File: 59c9c5cdf467266⋯.webm (493.24 KB, 500x500, 1:1, aaaahhh.webm)

d53f2a No.14241596


It'll be released with some tie in pickle thing

3d4a2f No.14241604

File: 2a3ddfe448e58ac⋯.jpg (122.14 KB, 612x816, 3:4, faggot_dog.jpg)

>This bread will never reach 750 toasts


That's what I remember as well. I always heard there was some self censorship in an update in order to appease SJWs.

22b477 No.14241609

File: e0ebf188fa3efbf⋯.png (36.28 KB, 217x211, 217:211, Too cool for school.png)


Nice to see they have a decent community.

633a1c No.14241610


I just played it. A black guy was bitching about PC culture and a girl ate cucumbers stuck up another girls pussy. No idea what got cut.

That ending made me happy

3d4a2f No.14241616


No last for senib, therefore age.


I approve of this message.

c720e7 No.14241617

File: 9df1a7e48d22bfc⋯.gif (1.82 MB, 709x625, 709:625, 9df1a7e48d22bfc72661e3f867….gif)


>I always heard there was some self censorship in an update in order to appease SJWs.

There's no other explanation. Self censorship is the greatest evil in the industry. Censorship in Japan and Europe is understandable because it's usually mandated by goverment law. However in Freedomland where the laws aren't as strict as Japan and Europe about vidya development, then there is no excuse.


I wonder how much /animu/ will grow?

22b477 No.14241636


As one anon mentioned the thread back who is doing DQ 11?

633a1c No.14241637

File: e8650dbeb62af2f⋯.jpg (163.29 KB, 1200x1067, 1200:1067, Accept all of us.jpg)

3d4a2f No.14241639



This is super cute. Is it just teasing, or will there be actual handholding and headpats?

56ee9b No.14241641


>Snowflakes on the sheet

At least he's self-aware

d86d67 No.14241651

File: ba23993d5f680d3⋯.gif (101.86 KB, 758x696, 379:348, SUPERIOR.gif)

This is why the Japanese games industry is superior.

3d4a2f No.14241652


>Censorship in Japan and Europe is understandable because it's usually mandated by goverment law.

Might want to add it's understandable on the part of the developer self censoring, but the censorship itself caused by the gov't is still stupid. That sentence could easily be misinterpreted.

ecc953 No.14241654


The devs of VA11-Ha11a are from Venezuela (as well as cuckchan) and I saw them having connections with the clique not unlike Iconoclast's creator. There was an image floating around detailing it. How many devs are under their racket and extortion, that is, if they're not dyed in the wool leftists to begin with? Reminds me or what is going on with ResetEra even after seemingly not realizing that going to a loonier NeoGAF even if they "cleaned house" of pedos and sexual predators is a bad idea.

18edff No.14241657

I want to vent my anger a little, so please ignore my blogpost.

What is happening to 8chan over the course of the last couple of weeks? Halfchan threads are all over the place, threads are being started with absolute zero effort and perfectly fine threads are spammed full of off-topic posts and content resulting in multiple threads (nearly) biting the dust. Thread spam is also a lot more prevalent, with dozens of (what do I call them? Non-threads? Shit threads? Spamthreads?) single-line threads popping up over a few days. Complaining about lazy moderation - we'll get to that - bans, Mark and other bullshit, and it keeps on going. Two or three people replying to themselves, and I presume IP-hopping is also in place there.

A lot of posts in threads are off-topic, porn or other shit, and when the mods delete them or delete the thread if it was doomed from the start they start complaining about their bans. I am pretty fine with moderation the last few weeks, report and hide works pretty good, but with an army of idiots spamming and replying to each other ruins any good thread. What is happening? Is it the fabled AI leak? 4chan shitting itself? Angry goons? Am I the only one who notices this? Is it going to stop anytime soon?

If all, I am a little concerned and please don't bother replying to my post if it doesn't help anyone. Thank you.

Friendly sage for off-topic

3d4a2f No.14241658

c720e7 No.14241672

File: b20f4681d7370f7⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, b20f4681d7370f768daf345cd4….png)


Of course.

3d4a2f No.14241674


>so please ignore my blogpost.


I think if you look on /sudo/ there's a thread for some imageboard phone app and one of the sites it connects to is 8ch, creating an influx of phoneposting normalfags and cuckchan crossposters. Also, cuckchan shit the bed with malware and completely disabling imageposting, leading to a flood of rapefugees. Haven't heard they got their images back since.

22b477 No.14241675



What is even going on in that shithole anyway?


There has been a wave of cuckchan coming in due to how the jap running cuckchan is making it so cancerous that not even they can handle it anymore.


I'm not sure if this guy is a troll or not.

ac2dd9 No.14241689


He forgot to mention he has a lazy eye.

a0578a No.14241690


I don't know, the author hasn't made more of this pair.

a1f800 No.14241692

File: 6d50233fecc695c⋯.png (77.68 KB, 808x298, 404:149, 2D Men.png)


I've been noticing it as well with thread topics being of such low-quality that I wonder who invited the crowd from GameFaqs. However, unless we're allowed to have them removed for being "'Low effort'/template/shit topics", all that we really can do is just bully them. However, I don't know how to do that seeing as how I never experienced it.

dd62fb No.14241697

File: 7c41215c47fdf54⋯.png (41.2 KB, 1014x640, 507:320, 4OSiawY.png)


>What is even going on in that shithole anyway?


d53f2a No.14241702


>I am a multiply disabled feminist socialist transgender atheist jew

Doesn't matter to the oven.

633a1c No.14241710


Didn't know this board existed. Thanks.

18edff No.14241725



I have heard from the app, but that can't be the sole reason. Even on 4chan, most people use the normal PC webpage… right? Also, how would not posting images help imageboards? 4chan and 8chan?


There is a rule for template threads, and if it were to be expanded to low-effort/shit subject it would definitely create some more order here. Little subjective rule though.

ac2dd9 No.14241736


>There is a rule for template threads, and if it were to be expanded to low-effort/shit subject it would definitely create some more order here. Little subjective rule though.

It's subjective and you'd see a lot more threads disappear if used more freely.

633a1c No.14241745


>I'm not sure if this guy is a troll or not.

Troll or not, I don't know why kids today do that shit, take pics of themselves with a note detailing their cringy opinions. Maybe I'm just old, but 26 shouldn't be old enough to be jaded with kids today if you ask me.

773594 No.14241746

File: 1103a19f4885b8a⋯.jpg (34.78 KB, 944x322, 472:161, US University Retardation ….jpg)

780c44 No.14241752

d86d67 No.14241754

File: 2facce21857b7d5⋯.webm (7.33 MB, 640x360, 16:9, CCSCCED.webm)

File: 3015b4cfdab2340⋯.mp4 (3.46 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, snek.mp4)


I've noticed this as well. Strangely, despite other's claims that's it's due to refugees, I personally feel the board has slowed down considerably as well.

If codemonkey still browses this autistic wasteland of a thread perhaps he can show some statistics.

Also the new CCS is really cute.

a1f800 No.14241766

File: 1d9022797744195⋯.png (28.61 KB, 205x203, 205:203, Treated like machines.png)




22b477 No.14241773

File: 785ec5cde1442a7⋯.jpg (55.23 KB, 500x356, 125:89, even sleep won't fix.jpg)


I think all of us here are super jaded and cynical after dealing with all this insanity.

18edff No.14241777


Didn't mean to sage last post


Most shitty threads are deleted in an instant, but some threads are just doomed from the start. It could be me, but I feel like the mods keep the thread alive for a short moment to see if it works, to delete it if it doesn't. In my opinion, just delete them on sight.


That's what I meant.


Well, for the better. The less normalfags the better. Stats would be nice.



0c550b No.14241779

File: 591d4a1c7951369⋯.mp4 (740.82 KB, 364x266, 26:19, PICKLE RICKERS IN THE HOUS….mp4)


>Dipping pickles in scechuan sauce while watching Rick and Morty and browsing reddit

Can't wait

0c550b No.14241795

File: ce5274460c1fcf2⋯.mp4 (712.88 KB, 180x320, 9:16, Rockstar by Brian Fagioli.mp4)


Legacy captcha is gone

4cucks is a Google botnet now

See >>14241752

They are even admitting it on /tech/

Not only that but the cuck mods are even more trigger happy than before and all the cancer that posts here is coming here as well.

The Chad and Wojak posters for example

633a1c No.14241799

File: ba95febcf96baa4⋯.webm (5.96 MB, 640x360, 16:9, umaruchan.webm)


Umaru was never as autistic as Rick and Morty.

780c44 No.14241813

File: b2053807ebaf2a8⋯.jpg (60.77 KB, 482x427, 482:427, worn_out_wojak.jpg)


remember when wojak was good?

48d8b6 No.14241833


>new CCS


dd7c73 No.14241857


Cardcaptor Sakura Clear Card. 4 episodes out so far i think, takes place during highschool and she is 14 years old. Look up the rest

ae8f89 No.14241874

File: 704ea0aec4d2ffa⋯.jpg (100.54 KB, 900x741, 300:247, 1429903898084.jpg)


Yes. It was called Krautchan. Pic related. The last good thing coming from there.

04794e No.14241877

File: da6b9cdd33a3a93⋯.jpeg (21.64 KB, 480x285, 32:19, DReL75qUIAA7AFq.jpeg)

>McCabe steps down

>House Intel probably will release the FISA memo tonight

>A memo that might finally destroy the establishment, and one that hints at a fucking secret society

>Also Trump's state of the union tonight

>And I have to close tonight

I'm ready.

0c550b No.14241886

File: 9ef19f077912b08⋯.jpg (22.36 KB, 328x328, 1:1, Rance.jpg)

c720e7 No.14241894

File: c77a492c9703fed⋯.jpg (73.21 KB, 960x831, 320:277, U5b5uVTbtu5E.jpg)


The legacy boards have a burden of attracting refugees. Prepare yourselves when shit hits the fan, remain calm and collected and don't get paranoid. Prepare to tell them to lurk or fuck off.

7a6afe No.14241929

File: d15b0d11a8784f7⋯.jpg (419.2 KB, 1268x1902, 2:3, original.jpg)


Why does anything to do with Russia always need to be so fucking gay looking? I mean even their president is a massive faggot.

e0af30 No.14241939


I'm clueless on anime and have seen that cat thing all over the place lately. What's it from?

d14602 No.14241945

File: 7f65fdf80c6ce7c⋯.jpg (62.93 KB, 576x613, 576:613, 7f65fdf80c6ce7ca1b57e83f8b….jpg)


A couple of them showed their ugly heads over at /co/. Funny thing is, we got this sperg around that spams "Hey /tv/" at any low quality post and it attracts a mountain of autism. Eventually the Vol deletes/ bans all the Anons involved nearly cleaning the board of its cancer if not for a little while.

2d4b7f No.14241946


Boku no Pico

c720e7 No.14241947


Kemono Friends.

7241d1 No.14241951


Boku no Pico

063788 No.14241961


Boku no kemono

c720e7 No.14241965

File: e699ab0d3481a59⋯.jpg (13.15 KB, 517x545, 517:545, Pickle Nico Nii.jpg)


/a/ mods will go on overdrive. /animu/ seems to be safe for now. You'd think they'd make their own site, why here of all places?

3ccce2 No.14241970


There was a mini exodus when image posting went down on cuckchan, followed by mandatory v2 captcha. It doesn't help that there is a soyboy/Switch meme on cuck/pol/ that is all the rage that gives guaranteed (you)s when posted here.

Cuck/pol/ also had an exodus of boomers from a general thread called "calm before the storm", where baby boomers from facebook and twitter worship a tripfag they believe is some government agent close to Trump. A lot of those people are off their rockers and they forced a lot of memes about Christianity, nofap, quitting "nerdy" hobbies like vidya and anime, etc. They're basically normalfags of the worst kind, and they're poking around all of 8chan after /cbts/ was fragmented into several other boards due to infighting and paranoia.

We're pretty much drowning in cuckchan retards and cuck/pol/ rejects.

6a9f7e No.14241973


Boku no Pico

c720e7 No.14241983


I wonder what the fuck these normalfag boomers were even doing on an anonymous anime image board to begin with? Shouldn't they be on their Facebooks and other normalfag mediums?

d14602 No.14241997

File: 4698f542a9d09d1⋯.png (114.46 KB, 600x500, 6:5, fb7f103e296a49b6d9f86a49ab….png)


>why here of all places?

We're recognizable and basically 4chan before the tumblr/reddit invasion of 2010. It's like getting kicked out of your parents home and asking your aunt/uncle for shelter.

fffb8d No.14241998

File: 26bcdca75b18f71⋯.webm (1.02 MB, 426x240, 71:40, R&M.webm)

2f7247 No.14242005


they're basically shocktroops to mallicious tards at this point. once you get these decadent degenerate boomers on the site they only help out factions that hate this site that are picking fights with boards on the top 25 list by using poor bait and taking tripfags seriously.

c720e7 No.14242009

File: 9ef710a3b1fee58⋯.gif (3.67 MB, 500x282, 250:141, 149.gif)


They should just stay the fuck in Reddit.


What to do now?

3d4a2f No.14242011


>how would not posting images help imageboards?

Nobody said it would?

22b477 No.14242027

File: ffa7cba1e13b028⋯.jpg (51.78 KB, 827x313, 827:313, human locast.jpg)


Think of this image but replace Commiefronia with cuckchan and Texas with fullchan.

c720e7 No.14242036

File: d4e9fa2cfb2ebe3⋯.gif (987.44 KB, 498x278, 249:139, tenor.gif)


Something must be done.

b2a8b2 No.14242045

File: 1bfc096535befc9⋯.webm (981.03 KB, 853x480, 853:480, archiving is hard.webm)


>no archive

>these threads have been going on for almost four years now, and there are still faggots who do this.


d14602 No.14242047

File: 73c424c4fd00304⋯.jpg (58.57 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 1048f09c278b31349469e90df3….jpg)




We had a massive thread talking all about it here, basically Info wars was following a user called Q Anon and the odd occurrences that was happening next to his predictions. Between faggots derailing his threads and the mods thinking its larping, he moved here along with the Info wars coverage. A couple weeks again they went through their very own gamergate like board switching, eventually finding the right mixture of moderation. But sadly they forgot to hide the board and it got raided by /intl/ after seeing it become a top 10 board for the few hours that it was. I think they're around but are hidden, QAnon has his own board where he posts his info. And yes they were actual legitimate boomers.

3ccce2 No.14242051


They came in from reddit during the election. They're the type that take the "degeneracy" meme to an extreme, much like the 90s era politicians they supported. They're also hilariously clueless about imageboards and the internet in general, their boards are a goldmine of bumbling ignorance. There were entire threads devoted to understanding how to use a fucking trip.

80a722 No.14242053


>What to do now?

Bully the newfags and not in the fun ==BULLY== type of way, actually fucking bully them and call them out for being cancerous fucking faggots

6a9f7e No.14242068

File: 9ea41390e4f1fd4⋯.jpg (54.18 KB, 300x300, 1:1, 9ea41390e4f1fd43cfb2dc86ba….jpg)


Speaking of which.

d14602 No.14242070


Clueless yes but harmful, I wouldn't go so far. From what I remember they typical stayed on their board and focused on their own operations. It was fairly nostalgic, it reminded me of /gg/ back in 2014.

c720e7 No.14242079

File: 5b31be92282f9a9⋯.gif (351.54 KB, 240x184, 30:23, Yellowvan.gif)



Tell them to fuck off back to Reddit. They have no business here. Post tons of lolicon porn at them until they sperg. The rapey kind.


>Cue exploding van

I miss the days when Anonymous was the hater of niggers and the final boss of the internet.

d14602 No.14242084

File: d8141feef7b64d4⋯.png (32.56 KB, 365x389, 365:389, d8141feef7b64d418dba96e6b9….png)



That wouldn't work they've already know what to expect from the raids from /intl/.


> ==BULLY== type

Found the newfag, and looky here he's trying to start shit.

80a722 No.14242085


I didn't break up the redtext into a separate line because I didn't actually want to redtext, I was just getting my point across


If you see them bully them? Don't fucking spoonfeed and don't give them the benefit of the doubt

80a722 No.14242092


>Found the newfag, and looky here he's trying to start shit.

Trying to start shit? Everyone is already discussing newfags and I'm telling you how to deal with newfags you fucking mong

d14602 No.14242093


>Tell them to fuck off back to Reddit

They aren't from Reddit, they're mostly from Twitter and Info wars.



780c44 No.14242095

File: 39777507f4d1010⋯.jpg (1.14 MB, 680x1671, 680:1671, only pretending.jpg)

c720e7 No.14242100

File: 0ea9d9badeb9718⋯.jpg (402.8 KB, 850x633, 850:633, Serval X-men.jpg)


Then tell them to fuck back to those sites.

6a9f7e No.14242103

File: a7f9465fef6d8f3⋯.png (115.05 KB, 500x425, 20:17, a7f9465fef6d8f3bed0d73a241….png)


>That wouldn't work they've already know what to expect from the raids from /intl/.

Today I got accused of being cuckchan for calling out the chadshit meme in the warframe thread.

d14602 No.14242104


Yeah yeah, keep making excuses.

92e42f No.14242116

File: d25e5b7ac91efe0⋯.jpg (65.3 KB, 477x362, 477:362, d25e5b7ac91efe0e876758baf1….jpg)


>Maybe you're right. But if I take a break, I feel I'll miss out on important developments. You think I'm worrying too much?

You won't be gone for year will you? A week or two will be fine. Even if you do miss something will it really be that important in the context of your life? Take a break anon, recharge your batteries so to speak.

a1f800 No.14242117

File: b9c4707e371321f⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 258.7 KB, 1050x1500, 7:10, 310_015-Hentaibedta.net-.jpg)

File: 6ed1e508a70bf75⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 105.34 KB, 800x566, 400:283, 061002.jpg)

File: 0882cbb64d7619b⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 159.23 KB, 512x800, 16:25, 061212b.png)


>There were entire threads devoted to understanding how to use a fucking trip.

I decided to never really bother with them. Also, going by these threads, it's hard to actually impersonate another Anon who has a shred identity without outing yourself as a fake. So far, Marche has been the only one who's been able to do it successfully (When he's impersonating Gook).


>Post tons of lolicon porn at them until they sperg. The rapey kind.

I think I have even non-lolican stuff that will result in them sperging.

<For example…

3ccce2 No.14242119


Boomers are the worst kind of normalfags, they've turned /pol/ into a circlejerk about how people should do nothing but stare at a wall or risk turning into a hipster faggot, and that insanity is leaking into this board. You should consider suicide for entertaining the notion of defending that kind of scum.

80a722 No.14242122

d14602 No.14242125


They're banned from Twitter and there's only so much you could do in the Info wars comment section. Post loli or gore to drive them away but it won't cause them to leave, they have their own little hidden board now. Does anyone here remember what it was called?


Well Warframe is pretty shit already.

d14602 No.14242133


Im just recalling what I've seen back in early January.

3d4a2f No.14242137




Boku no Chico

c720e7 No.14242143

File: 620ff200009812a⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 54.3 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, 91878f204629b58073c3a5a5f8….png)

File: a6ee241c23ed6ba⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 337.16 KB, 601x795, 601:795, a6ee241c23ed6baff0b5251f70….png)

File: 69eeba72c0ea075⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 181.59 KB, 763x707, 109:101, 69eeba72c0ea075aa3d5b945d8….jpg)

File: d79d2841f04175a⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 620.39 KB, 992x1403, 992:1403, d79d2841f04175a9ed95a5ed5a….png)

File: a5d0e2cc076758e⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 243.04 KB, 1517x1075, 1517:1075, 6f011215477a44e450d056d3c3….jpg)

Post a lot of weird /d/ shit on top of it like images related here.


Don't they have fucking Gab.ai?

b15f68 No.14242148


70f23e No.14242151


Didn't they already pay him for the marketing in the first place or is he such a fucking jew that he marketed a product for free and now expects to be paid for it?

3d4a2f No.14242155

File: 7943a23d613e524⋯.gif (1.93 MB, 500x281, 500:281, gaymergay.gif)



d14602 No.14242166

File: c1e851fb3f4022e⋯.png (5.13 KB, 531x339, 177:113, 9f85072e8200ac586b58032a56….png)


They're only here for QAnon, they leave when he leaves.

3d4a2f No.14242173


>Yellow semen

More disgusting than anything else in the image.

22b477 No.14242174

Didn't we have some boomer make a thread here saying sjws don't do anything to gaming?

533d79 No.14242176

File: 510b6a34449cd0f⋯.gif (Spoiler Image, 919.71 KB, 400x387, 400:387, Im pretty butthurt about i….gif)


I got banned for 30 minutes for asking how was Trump doing with the wall. I'm a bit butthurt but I won't complainbesides this little spoiled line.


I missed the time we were somewhat obscure because I could be obtuse or just negligent and stupid without being called a newfag.

c720e7 No.14242177

File: 940e47605a32509⋯.png (288.11 KB, 499x353, 499:353, Nihilism Pills.png)


How does one get him to leave?

80a722 No.14242184


Have they even been leaving their /qresearch/ board?

22b477 No.14242186


Think it's due to how much /leftypol/ would sperg about the wall.

d14602 No.14242191


You can't, Rod already started promoting him on twitter, through the 8chan twitter account.

533d79 No.14242197


Shit, I just really wanted to hear good news because the only news I get are democrats sabotaging your country because they are still butthurt Trump won.

d14602 No.14242199


I don't know.

a1d205 No.14242202

File: c72415d21dea045⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 254.58 KB, 883x1028, 883:1028, vidya game comic 07.png)

Reminder that cuckchanners, boomers and other invaders are not like us and are more emotional.

Simple banter that will make them feel unwelcome and stand out if a target of redicule is enough to make them chimpout.

Another really good way of making them feel unwelcome is to capture post and post it later on as examples of them infiltrating. They will stumble upon it, get paranoid that the Internet Hate Machine might and we will go after them and find their facebooks.

This will make them feel even more unwelcome and leave this site and fear of getting doxed.

911531 No.14242203

File: 914aee750bb90bc⋯.jpg (52.48 KB, 800x562, 400:281, rope0.jpg)

>Literally on a ~15kb/s connection

>Can't dig or do jack shit

Merely trying to support the wiki is fucking suffering. I want to slit my wrist.

c720e7 No.14242211

File: ad6f0f44476c10e⋯.jpg (118.13 KB, 840x840, 1:1, DR9u-E7VoAA0Qqa.jpg)


The fuck is that guy thinking?


8chan needs to be a greater hate machine to surpass what cuckchan use to be.

b2a8b2 No.14242215

File: 089ed78d9e1998a⋯.jpg (166.31 KB, 514x836, 257:418, so angry the number can't ….jpg)





Found it, since that (1) and done retard won't get off his lazy ass and do it himself.


I am so fucking sick of these retarded, braindead rejects who go into these threads, post headlines and screencaps of only sometimes relevant articles without even bothering to post an archive, especially if the article in question is over a year old, and especially four years going into this whole shitstorm, that I legitimately want Mark to make that shit a bannable offense. It's in the fucking OP for every thread, it gets posted in redtext for threads on end, I even made a fucking webm for it in the middle of the night, AND YET THESE RETARDS STILL DON'T EVEN TAKE THE MINISCULE AMOUNT OF TIME TO ACTUALLY FOLLOW THE SIMPLE RULE OF ARCHIVE OR FUCK OFF. THIS IS INEXCUSABLE.

22b477 No.14242218


I'm not American

80a722 No.14242228


I'm sure you could argue that not archiving a random headline is a violation of rule 8 but I don't know which of the mods would actually enforce it

533d79 No.14242230


Can't we just porn as people did when the Evolve shills came? just enouth for their mothers to see their computer and being forced to go to bed.

Besides, if they are half as bad as some anos said here, they would just sperg /leftypol/ levels of bullshit.

d86d67 No.14242253

File: 66b04fc00172060⋯.png (691.23 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, forbidden knowledge.png)


You can use a web accelerator service. They act as a proxy, compressing all data you request through it so pages load faster.

The obvious downside is that it requires routing all your browsing through a third party service.

Alternatives are to disable image loading and using an ad blocker to reduce page size.

63504f No.14242259

File: 9008f805aca1a0f⋯.gif (509.92 KB, 320x240, 4:3, 1345774800215.gif)


>evolve porn

ba8bd0 No.14242263

File: e5f3f2344f9227b⋯.png (641.61 KB, 873x877, 873:877, 2018-01-29 19_30_16-Kingdo….png)



376dd8 No.14242270

File: 8530538b5d43164⋯.mp4 (14.77 MB, 768x432, 16:9, US Special Forces unable t….mp4)


Wall prototypes are complete. Dems and Reps are still playing politics with regards to the funding of it. They have to agree on a budget by early February.

6a9f7e No.14242277

File: 0d757d6cf37817a⋯.jpg (63.56 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 0d757d6cf37817a42eeafaf9e6….jpg)


why though

b148bf No.14242279

File: df6db4120901964⋯.jpg (62.24 KB, 800x600, 4:3, there's that word again.jpg)



Wasn't that BTFO by Vavra himself?

2d4b7f No.14242292

File: cf00baf846c98e3⋯.jpg (40.94 KB, 680x1020, 2:3, an excellent image.jpg)



The threads sure were fun at first.

70f23e No.14242298


I can't wait.

a1d205 No.14242299

File: dea2a1d963deb5d⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 762.23 KB, 680x612, 10:9, image-3.png)


Stay h8ful, bromigo.


If we could, yeah. Know Mark he would ban that weapon of ours cause muh NSFW. But there is an easiy solutiin.

just make gif files where the thumbnail is a rehular reaction image or whatever, then when the image is enlarged, it becomes lolicon, gore or whatever

non computer savy grommets, like baby boomers, would easily take the bait.

for the wiser, it should be those animated PNGs I saw some anon talked about where you could make them animated

70f23e No.14242305


Also holy fuck history is just a pretense to not have niggers. What the fuck do these faggots smoke to be so retarded?

63e7e7 No.14242307


>"Cleaned house"


Shhh, vara is a white cishet male who clearly knows less about his own countries history than some random armchair historian who has never left the safety of his own state. :^]

bdb2e6 No.14242308


I think we can place our trust in the devs not to buckle to this shit, though.

92e42f No.14242309

File: 0c74d9ca682ca6b⋯.jpg (156.7 KB, 761x1700, 761:1700, tumblr_oxlh7l59HD1s5kfyoo1….jpg)


Boku no Friends no chico no pico no groucho no harpo no zippo no kemono no harpo

533d79 No.14242311

File: 0a260b2f96cd4a0⋯.png (103.18 KB, 296x530, 148:265, happy.png)


Isn't this old news? or are they going AGAIN to guildtrip the developers until they include niggers?


Does anyone have the screensave with the whole saga?


Good for you americans.

d86d67 No.14242316

File: 57bb3befd299b7f⋯.png (790.5 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, suspicious shogi loli.png)


I share your anger, but adding a rule specifically for us I feel is overstaying our welcome as a guest on this board and strays into rulecuckery.

I think bullying, early and often, is a good compromise, even if it is tiring.


A quick search shows that Opera Turbo has built in acceleration.

You'll, er, have to download Opera first, and it's 50 megs.

Chrome also has an official "Data Saver" extension, but it'll route through Google's servers for compression.

b2a8b2 No.14242318


Boku no Battletoads.

22b477 No.14242322

File: 8474a0a31483b43⋯.jpg (3.45 MB, 2000x7791, 2000:7791, s'arais evolve shill.jpg)

File: 0ded609f9e5cf6f⋯.png (2.31 MB, 2025x4500, 9:20, evolve shilling.png)

File: 8694adee5264619⋯.png (899.25 KB, 2025x4500, 9:20, evolve shilling two.png)

File: 151db5116b19858⋯.png (591.11 KB, 953x1379, 953:1379, S'Arais - Autist's Witness.png)

2d4b7f No.14242323

File: df3f87990a9fa66⋯.jpeg (1.57 MB, 385x638, 35:58, 125308134065.jpeg)


There's also some neat tricks you can do by changing extensions.

780c44 No.14242327




70f23e No.14242337


>who clearly knows less about his own countries history than some random armchair historian who has never left the safety of his own state

The best part was when he starts bringing up the moors and France like those two things have anything to do with fucking Bohemia.

b148bf No.14242358

File: 7bb57b8467dea60⋯.png (69.24 KB, 256x225, 256:225, 1467145253459.png)

3d4a2f No.14242360



63e7e7 No.14242362


Yep. But hey, these are the people who insist all white people are the same, that jews are ethnically white and not pale muds, and that niggers are the proginitor race.

a1d205 No.14242370


That's the spice

22b477 No.14242378

File: fe05ff2c1e2ff99⋯.jpg (84.9 KB, 394x380, 197:190, berberchildwh1.jpg)


> moors

Were in Spain, Portugal and for 200 years for Sicily and 4 years in southern France. How these retards think they were in Bohemia is beyond me and despite what retard sjws think Moors weren't black they were Arabs, Berbers who are very white looking and native Spanish/Portuguese converts to Islam.

63e7e7 No.14242379


It may be benis, but the midevilpoc stuff did happen.

22b477 No.14242383


40 years in southern France I meant to say.

533d79 No.14242387


Because they are looking for any excuse to give niggers any relevance besides being slaves and make mud huts.

67062e No.14242389

File: 8f8cc795cf83c9c⋯.png (3.4 MB, 1658x2468, 829:1234, ClipboardImage.png)


Pretty much.

At least most people are not that PC and anything with medieval POCs will die soon and people will never mention it. Just like they don't mention "feminism by definition is for equality for women" anymore.

a1f800 No.14242406

File: 2fc17dacfa34cee⋯.png (178.22 KB, 707x380, 707:380, Developing a fetish.png)


>Post a lot of weird /d/ shit on top of it like images related here.

But, that's a God-tier fetish.


>Because they are looking for any excuse to give niggers any relevance besides being slaves and make mud huts.

I doubt that's the actual reason because I haven't heard a damn about Africa's history beyond "MUH SLAVERY" and the clans moving about on the continent with no regards for borders.

533d79 No.14242417


Well, how can you explain the black romans shit, the black greeks shit, the black vikings shit and even the black samurai shit?

Stupid question, but wasnt there an actual civilization in south africa that managed to build with stone? It is just sad because I'm one of the few who believe black people could be ACTUALLY taught how to be civilized if they aren't in the jungle or tainted with jewish rethoric.

841ad7 No.14242420


I think upper nile gave it a good go once upon a very long time.

c720e7 No.14242425


>But, that's a God-tier fetish.

A futa with a girl for a dick or do you fantasize being a futa's dick and her stroking you as you both feel the same pleasure?

518f67 No.14242431


>Tell them to fuck off back to Reddit.

That's the worst thing to do. Those that actually end up staying here will do the same to everyone else thinking that's how they fit in. That's why half the fucking thread on /v/ now are just 50 different people telling each other to go back.

22b477 No.14242433


Actually the funny thing was descendants of the moors who became Catholic were some of the most brutal conquistadors due to them wanting to prove themselves worthy cause the shame of their sandnigger grandparents was so great. But don't tell the sjws this anons.

63e7e7 No.14242435


Blqck samurai was a slave sold around that eventually reached japan, an anomaly, an exception, but not a rule, and only existed because "BLACKS WUZ SLAVES AND SHEEIT" and the ones who sold him to the orients were sand jews

1b9f91 No.14242437

File: 8ba5760cf629802⋯.mp4 (116.69 KB, 240x240, 1:1, niggers.mp4)



533d79 No.14242450


I know about that. Isn't he represented as a bull when they represent the Nobunaga age with animals? That is just one example of badass nigger who can learn how not to be a savage.

a1f800 No.14242456


>It is just sad because I'm one of the few who believe black people could be ACTUALLY taught how to be civilized if they aren't in the jungle or tainted with jewish rethoric.

Not the country your talking about, but Liberia was apparently that. Back in the Mid-1800's, numerous slaves sailed back to Africa and formed the country using the U.S.'s government as a basis. And, it did pretty well for itself until the Muslims performed a coup back in the 80's and took over the country.


>A futa with a girl for a dick

I'd very much prefer that, but I wouldn't be opposed to the other. Also, I do remember being a hentai were a guy's dick turned into his crush, he ran into another guy in the same circumstance, and eventually turned his dick back to normal by having sex with his crush.


>That is just one example of badass nigger who can learn how not to be a savage.

What was the guy's name again?

84eecc No.14242460


You got me

e1f745 No.14242462

File: 73a191347f10be4⋯.gif (1.9 MB, 500x278, 250:139, varying levels of revulsio….gif)


I am also irritated to see faggots post how shit needs to be censored and safe so they can use games as a social point to talk with their shitty ass friends because they are numale soyboys who easily caves to peer pressure.


Everytime shit goes down at cuckchan you have some faggot crossposter advertise this site on cuckchan. Honestly I think its a mod whos doing that shit to turn this place to cuckchan v.2.

a1d205 No.14242463



Fun fact: when the black samurai was brought to japan, no one believed someone skin could be back dark, so they bathed him for a whole day just to make sure it was his actual skin color

c720e7 No.14242468


I wonder if he has descendants?

dd62fb No.14242474

File: 18a1fc029c2b0e3⋯.jpg (61.59 KB, 1080x651, 360:217, Japanese were originally b….jpg)

Heres photographic proof that the Nipponese people were originally black,just accept the truff pale cave beasts.

533d79 No.14242478


I don't know about him, but I believe Nobunaga sent a few ambassators to Spain and they stayed there forming families. That was the origin of the last name Japón in Spain.

63e7e7 No.14242480


He was represented by a bear. The ox no bull was someone else, and I am too lazy to fish out nioh at the moment.

5f8ad5 No.14242482

File: a5e60e8a1d252f8⋯.jpg (71.91 KB, 1005x686, 1005:686, DUtl8hSX4AMYajN.jpg)

3526f6 No.14242488


They think people actually like niggers.

911531 No.14242489

Funimation did something recently but I can't recall what it was.

Also, who was that big youtuber that played in SUV?



63e7e7 No.14242494


That looks like the worst parts of a gook, the worst parts of a nigress, and an ayylamo mixed into 1

533d79 No.14242498


Ah, ok. Silly me.


You know? the constant shitty of neanderthals by niggers made me wish I really was neanderthal. Ironically, neanderthals had bigger brains than homosapiens, making not just as intelligent but with better sensorial perception like sight, smell and hearing I believe.

14a681 No.14242503


logan paul. seriously.

he was only a big viner at the time.

63e7e7 No.14242506


Oda hates the jews memes.

b2a8b2 No.14242507


>Funimation did something recently but I can't recall what it was.

A mediocre dub of Pop Team Epic and some Sean Schemmel bullshit defending (((localization))),

>Also, who was that big youtuber that played in SUV?

Logan Paul, the same guy who disrespected a suicide victim in the infamous Suicide Forest, and was a general nuisance to civilians for the sake of clicks otherwise.

7241d1 No.14242524


Theres a theory that Neanderthals got rekt because they had an egalitarian social structure as opposed to gender roles that homo sapiens had, and they eventually went extinct and outbred because they sent their women to war and homo sapiens didnt.

0e43fd No.14242528

File: fc2bd364795e439⋯.jpg (3.04 MB, 2738x1825, 2738:1825, yes thats caesar goy.jpg)


The queen better be a girl with a penis or they're being transphobic.

Btw, the reason for doing that in media is to later on change history and pretend niggers were always in Europe without anyone but evil racists noticing.

9e54fd No.14242534

File: 6c7650e00494d94⋯.png (112.64 KB, 308x335, 308:335, 6c7650e00494d9423f3e741439….png)


>Its real

Also from february of 2016 but still just the cognitive dissonance of:

>This piece of paper that says slavery is abolished and black people have a right to vote is white supremacy

Then she goes on

>Capitalism is bad because it isn't the imaginary free shit wonderland she believes all government should be

>The black vote doesn't matter because old conservative white men out outnumber black people

>All lives don't matter because black trannys have a life expectancy of only 35

How does anyone give these people the time of day let alone a soap box?

dd62fb No.14242538

File: 65648b8c53116da⋯.jpg (105.89 KB, 592x790, 296:395, 1468511044208.jpg)


History really does repeat itself.

a92cf3 No.14242539

File: 9a1f702ab53e773⋯.png (146.15 KB, 944x322, 472:161, BLM commies VS constitutio….png)



>commie group hates the U.S. constitution

What a shock. Also fixed the image with added archive link.

Reminder: Michael King had close ties to communist groups. This is a repeat of history and like MLK all the negative shit associated with this will be re-written, replaced with "feel good" platitudes to brainwash entire generations. In maybe two decades, tops, most people will believe BLM were moral heroes just as they've been brainwashed to believe MLK was a saint.

533d79 No.14242545


I thought the most accepted theory is that homo sapiens were just coming in massive numbers and displaced neanderthals to roughter places until they went extint. Also that whiteness comes from a neanderthal gene, so neanderthals might be living inside of us all along.

a1f800 No.14242557

File: 583994ad196f086⋯.jpeg (67.34 KB, 629x472, 629:472, madam-c-j-walker1.jpeg)


>>This piece of paper that says slavery is abolished and black people have a right to vote is white supremacy

>Then she goes on

>>Capitalism is bad because it isn't the imaginary free shit wonderland she believes all government should be

When will people take the time to tell these folk to "Shut Up!", and lay it down that that niggers have always been successful in the U.S. when they actually decide to do shit.

80a722 No.14242558



>I thought the most accepted theory is that homo sapiens were just coming in massive numbers and displaced neanderthals to roughter places until they went extint.

That is the prevailing theory, also homosapiens took neanderthal women and interbred with them and were also more warlike whereas neanderthals were more peaceful. The homosapiens were literally niggers that came from africa and race mixed and killed the pure blooded neanderthals

63e7e7 No.14242559


Because people are lazy.

22b477 No.14242565



Was no saint but he at least told blacks to actually get a fucking job and work to not be useless niggers.

7241d1 No.14242569

File: 6273333db240ad8⋯.jpg (13.12 KB, 237x255, 79:85, benin.jpg)


really sets shit in perspective

63e7e7 No.14242572


And did not order them to be violent chimps like malcomx

22b477 No.14242591

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

518f67 No.14242593


>This is a repeat of history and like MLK all the negative shit associated with this will be re-written, replaced with "feel good" platitudes to brainwash entire generations.

I've literally heard this exact argument from BLM fucks

e6edbe No.14242607

I did a search and didn't see anything about it, so apologies if this has already been discussed. XSeed did an interview with GOG about censorship and localization and there's some worrying stuff in there http://archive.is/AnAc1

>Recently, however, with all the news that’s come out about systemic sexual harassment and abuse in Hollywood and elsewhere, as well as the issues being faced by the LGBTQ community in this modern political climate, it’s become much harder to justify maintaining a zero-tolerance approach – and with a lot of Japanese games starting to really push the boundaries of “good taste” more and more, the looming threat of censorship has become much larger and more imposing than ever, and certainly more of a beast to fight on multiple levels.

>And if there’s any positive to be gained by doing so, it’s that the presence of offensive content in localized titles will spark much-needed discussion about those topics, and hopefully lead to a dialogue on the state of the industry in Japan, possibly even resulting in creators being a little more cognizant of people outside their tight-knit circle of acquaintances when designing new titles from here on out.

>But for the immediate future, I believe content alteration will occur a little more often in the West than it has before (hopefully not by us, but regrettably, that isn’t outside the realm of possibility!)

a1f800 No.14242618

File: f1354fdc3df98d4⋯.webm (4.74 MB, 480x320, 3:2, Boondocks - Martin Luther….webm)

b9ca8a No.14242622

File: 0462030e5d8db32⋯.jpg (23.8 KB, 326x326, 1:1, カラスは言う.jpg)

d6ec67 No.14242625

File: f80bc457a6933be⋯.jpg (75.43 KB, 710x710, 1:1, 0817f40f3aba42d88af08f6d23….jpg)




They were far more carnivorous than our primitive ancestors.

Based on a few studies, their diet was at least 80% meat, most likely hunted the megafauna that was around at the time and evidence of neanderthals and homosapiens eating each other.

63e7e7 No.14242628


I dont think they will do anything by marvelous as far as censoring, and they did say theyd rather not bother with a game than censoring.

80a722 No.14242629


Hunting doesn't mean going oogabooga and raiding others

14a681 No.14242633

>tfw you will never breed with a qt neanderthal girl

5f8ad5 No.14242641


I've heard that red hair is actually a genetic throwback to neanderthals so a qt readhead might be the next best thing.

0e43fd No.14242646


>They were far more carnivorous than our primitive ancestors.

So? Food is a need. Being violent means hunting other humans when it isn't necessary to do so. Back then they didn't have soy burgers in supermarkets you hippie.

5ea8b8 No.14242665

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



80a722 No.14242685


Quit trying to impersonate gook marche

0e43fd No.14242692

File: a8e451e661201de⋯.jpg (33.54 KB, 300x377, 300:377, neanderthal.jpg)

Wasn't there some FPS where you play a Neanderthal cloned in the future? Neanderthals were portrayed as dumb there, although evidence shows they should be smarter than we are.

67062e No.14242693


>about systemic sexual harassment and abuse in Hollywood

Totally won't lead more people into thinking that #metoo is about actresses who fucked producer to get a role and now accuses him to get settlement money.

I mean a lot of people got in jail after that for rape and sexual harassment because of that movement. It is bad for everyone.

fbd4aa No.14242700

Anons, just so you know that the FISA memo has been officially set to be released, we might be on the event horizon of the biggest happening in our time. Buckle up.

533d79 No.14242710


I believe the only bigger part of their brain where the ones related to perception and sense, so they would be as smart but with a much better sense of perception of their surroundings.

e0af30 No.14242713


Nice dubs but I'll believe it when I see it.

0e43fd No.14242767

File: 764f0bf39eaf766⋯.png (145.75 KB, 480x404, 120:101, serveimage.png)


I didn't know that. I thought our bigger brains when compared to niggers were mostly thanks to raping Neanderthals.

b2a8b2 No.14242777


You got a source for that shit?

f352ea No.14242794


Reminder that /animu/ will be short-lived and /a/ did nothing wrong.


Hollywood is going to crumble under their own bullshit.

518f67 No.14242803


>Reminder that /animu/ will be short-lived and /a/ did nothing wrong.

That is one of the funniest threads I've seen in awhile

af0b34 No.14242831


What happened to /a/ I've only heard middling to garbage things about all our anime boards.

80a722 No.14242836


>Reminder that /animu/ will be short-lived and /a/ did nothing wrong

What kind of fucking faggot wants less weeb boards. How about we hope animu does well and we can all enjoy both

e1f745 No.14242842

File: ce46a13e062f785⋯.jpg (443.82 KB, 1008x674, 504:337, Screenshot_20180129-160903.jpg)


Here what Tom says in the comments, while I am happy that he reaffirmed that he wont be censoring shit. What he said in the both in the article and the comments reminds me on how alot of liberals moved farther left during the election. Its sad to see people who were anti censorship or even like fanservice change who they are because of politics.


d86d67 No.14242865

File: 77dc94ab0f361bb⋯.webm (638.23 KB, 640x360, 16:9, slowly creeping jk.webm)


/a/ and /animu/ both serve different audiences. If you genuinely believe /a/ is fine as is and aren't here to stir shit, I'm sure you understand the value of a containment board for the people who disagree. If anything, you should be redirecting people who don't fit your board's culture to /animu/ instead of hoping it fails.

058040 No.14242891


/animu/ has quickly become /a/ 2.0 with all the moe and loli posting going on.

af0b34 No.14242895


This is all I ask from localizers they could even write long articles decrying how problematic all the shit in the game is. However if they maintain the integrity of the thing they are translating to the best of their abilities they will have my respect and my business. Even if they are on the opposite side of all of my political opinions.

1a64d1 No.14242899


Almost like it's an anime board or something.

22b477 No.14242914


>/a/ did nothing wrong.

It did a lot wrong like not listening to any criticisms among other things that drove people away from /a/.


> liberals moved farther left during the election

They wonder why they keep losing.

058040 No.14242915


We started out so strongly with stuff like Manime threads though. Now it''s buried under cute girls doing cute things.

d3eb30 No.14242917


Honestly I think it's more along the lines that the media has a hard on for any remotely challenge 2D platformer.



Post no archive one more time fucker, I dare you. Bless anons like >>14242045 & >>14242215

If whatever you're posting has no source whatsoever you better have a damn good reason.


The amount of views those QAnon shit get's on youtube, with 8chan often plastered everywhere as the source is worrying. So many normalfags are aware because of it.


you fucker. Benis was a mistake.


/animu/ will be short-lived if it's only existence is just to be "not /a/" and constantly full of resentment toward it. If it can avoid those pitfuls it will be fine.

773594 No.14242923

File: 70c5b4f0c7a9121⋯.png (24.97 KB, 514x403, 514:403, ClipboardImage.png)


Good morning. This is a shoutout to all of you.

22b477 No.14242927


Then make good threads.

058040 No.14242931


You overestimate my abilities.

518f67 No.14242934


So it's the new /a/?

058040 No.14242940


Great idea.


Well the mods seem fine for now at least.

518f67 No.14242951


>Well the mods seem fine for now at least.

Just saying, "which loli would u fug" and "tits or ass" have always been around and they've always been as cancer.

d3eb30 No.14242968

File: 74b7befb5cb5f51⋯.gif (755.28 KB, 395x338, 395:338, 74b7befb5cb5f51.gif)


Nigger, don't just try to pretend you didn't just post a no archive screencap a two year old article here >>14241746. Stop that shit. Anons keep constantly telling you to cut it out.

d86d67 No.14242984

File: 8d06e13716877fa⋯.webm (596.14 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, not mad online.webm)

773594 No.14242986


I was lazy earlier, alright?! Cut me some slack!

80a722 No.14242989


No slack for you faggot, archive or gtfo

a1f800 No.14242993

File: f29c5be199d10e5⋯.png (32.78 KB, 243x232, 243:232, Punishment later.png)

ce98b4 No.14243003

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


we need that memeteor

22b477 No.14243010

What is going through Xseed's head?

9806f9 No.14243022


How SJW is the localization clique?

Regardless, what could force them to change their view, didn't Tom get banned by neofags for refusing to censor?

773594 No.14243034


Which raises another question, aside from NISA and Nintendo Treehouse, how far the pandemic goes for feminist or SocJus "localization"?! At least, in the USA or Europe scene.

02b7b7 No.14243046



Seems to be pervasive to me.

19c7a7 No.14243068


How to kowtow without becoming irrelevant. The moment they do, we start importing "Asian English" versions.

a1f800 No.14243069


>how far the pandemic goes for feminist or SocJus "localization"?!

Sega, Marvelous, Gaijinworks, and 8-4 seem to be outside of the translation clique (However, the speaks nothing of the quality for the latter two).

02b7b7 No.14243072


>The amount of views those QAnon shit get's on youtube, with 8chan often plastered everywhere as the source is worrying. So many normalfags are aware because of it.

I wouldn't worry about it too much, we've had kikes oy veying about the site for years in articles. Its been funny to me to read comments from boomer prayer warriors readying themselves spiritually through prayer before getting on 8chan to do battle against evil AI entities though.

84eecc No.14243100



>seem to be outside of the translation clique

Nigga Victor Ireland compared idolmaster games to childporn. That's an easy sign that they're part of the translation clique

e1f745 No.14243130

File: 9d2f6f25a42c952⋯.png (42.94 KB, 1497x231, 499:77, 354a4f4f1d09ac639c52039270….png)



Xseed has always took a "we dont localize games if they are just only fanservice games" stance. But as time went on people like hatsu who previously defended senran shitted on it along with valkrie drive however this was a while ago during valkrie drives anime run and she deleted the tweets fast so all I have is hearsay. What I think is going on is that center left liberals are moving more father left for some reason I can't pin point. Honestly I would prefer if they kept there mouths shut about political shit.

As for a possible localization clique we have some faggot at square leaking shit on resetera along with arc systems giving resetera a shoutout. Seeing how pretentious neofag was and that site was the "spot" we the insiders post there, like Tom before he got banned. I believe the political climate of the site had an negetive effect on the industry as a whole as you have faggots that honestly believe the opinions of the site out weigh those in other gaming communities. You could understand why companies seem to want the neofag crowd so much.

773594 No.14243134


Show it, now!

02b7b7 No.14243152


>What I think is going on is that center left liberals are moving more father left for some reason I can't pin point.

That's what always happens with the left, they just push shit further and further left while conservatives just give more and more ground. Its why conservatism is a failed political ideology, its based around nothing but losing ground at a slower pace.

84eecc No.14243157

File: 57499e1c0a310ec⋯.jpg (21.89 KB, 779x91, 779:91, untitled.JPG)

3d4a2f No.14243171


>Good morning

>3 hours after last post

773594 No.14243182

File: 40dc176fb916c1d⋯.jpg (83.29 KB, 513x248, 513:248, Retard 2186.jpg)

02b7b7 No.14243207

File: 9979fbb567be156⋯.png (89 KB, 788x760, 197:190, this is all very bad.PNG)


Poor little pajeet sounds depressed.


3d4a2f No.14243216


I want to cum on your avatar's forehead.

518f67 No.14243220


There's a fucking difference between making something political, and shit always being political no matter what. Jesus fuck. Do you think anyone would go see Transformers if it was political? No, they just want to see giant robots smash each other in the fac.e

e1f745 No.14243264

File: 28e3a6fd64af5b1⋯.jpg (405.56 KB, 1020x725, 204:145, Screenshot_20180129-173406.jpg)


So it looks like this is happening, how long until sjweebs pull a xenoblade and spergout over tony taka doing the art.



b2a8b2 No.14243285



Agreed. I don't mind the occasional political piece if it's done tastefully and doesn't come off as forced. What I do mind, however, is politics and political agendas being shoved down my throat from nearly every news outlet there is, and when I try to avoid it by delving into other mediums they then try to forced it on my in the things I LIKE, as if I didn't already hate political bullshit to begin with. I just wanted to play video games, to be left alone from this never-ending cycle of political shitflinging, yet they keep trying to push it onto me as if it'll change my mind

63e7e7 No.14243308


Conservatism fails because it trys to value an honor system style unspoken treaty that those who oppose them spit and shit on, and then neglect to apply proper punishment for the ones who violate that treaty. Its all carrot no stick, and libshits need not sticks but fucking logs to keep them on the straight and narrow.

e6edbe No.14243309


I think it's only going to get worse. SJWs always go for positions of influence when it comes to culture. People are turning their backs on stuff that's been poisoned, and in turn we're going to see these parasites move on from the husks they've created. Although it hasn't reached the heights it once had in the early 2000s, Japanese entertainment is on the rise in the west. The people that have been injecting their beliefs into the localizations of games and anime will gladly open the doors to their buddies after they drain stuff like Star Wars and Marvel comics dry. The danger there being big Hollywood types promising the Japanese success in America if they stop putting in problematic shit. Just look at that XSeed interview, and how Tom says he wishes most of the questionable content just wasn't in the game and how maybe people getting upset by it will convince the Japanese to stop putting it in there in the first place. What happens if people with money and pull start entering the industry and decide that instead of censoring games and facing backlash, they'll just go right to the source. We're already seeing NoA working with the Japanese developers to make sure games are more internationally palatable.

911531 No.14243315

File: bcb232827800f48⋯.png (103.36 KB, 261x384, 87:128, girl3.png)

>Frying egg

>Frying oil pops loudly and jumps up


I wrote up a small stub-ish page on Funimation on the wiki to start off of and one on Google; my writing is finicky, opinions would be nice.

I want to write up on NISA and XSEED as well as rewrite the TD page a bit to include it's widening to its general focus on translation and localization. As well as grouping all of that together. Does anyone have that screenshot of all the shit NISA broke, just to have it there. I'm also sure there are notable posts by XSEED's Tom worth uploading.



I've forgotten about gaijinworks, it should be added to the pasta.

a1e398 No.14243321

File: 09af8db64bd1c37⋯.png (25.07 KB, 827x313, 827:313, edit.png)


It hurts my soul when screencaps of text are saved as jpg.

Tried to fix it.





I've read that prehistoric humans interbred with Neanderthals and gained better abilities to use tools and visualize things, but that it also fucks with our social brains and may cause some mental diseases. I think this is the link http://archive.is/2ZnPq

e899c3 No.14243334


Now where have I read that before on this very same site…

e1f745 No.14243338


Don't hollywood anime movies flop left and right?

63e7e7 No.14243341


>NoA working with the Japanese developers to make sure games are more internationally palatable.

So they are to blame that Xenoblade 2 was not censored? I kid but that did not work out so well with xenoblade 2, I thi k they got their shit smacked in a little by the nips

63e7e7 No.14243343


Yep, and netflix animu are generally panned too.

af0b34 No.14243347


For now at least it looks like Nintendo making the localizers talk to the devs backfired. Xenoblade 2 is essentially a pokemone game where you collect sexy girls in skimpy outfits. Even with some of the shitty translation choices it was leagues better than what Nintendo was doing previously. That being said though this exact thing happening is scaring the shit out of me and I can see things going this way. The best way to prevent it is to support problematic content with your dollars and to raise a big stink whenever someone tries to tell the Japanese otherwise.

02b7b7 No.14243352


Xenoblades 2 was still censored a decent bit, just nowhere near as heavily as the previous one. They took out a lot of sexual innuendo in dialogue.

518f67 No.14243369


Do you hear that from reviewers or from people? Actual people I talk to tend to like Netflix anime in the sense of "I didn't regret watching it, had fun." Hollywood fucking hates any Netflix original shit because it loosens their deathgrip on movies and tv and wants it to fail.

41a23e No.14243370

File: d43f335256a7d86⋯.jpg (153.99 KB, 998x562, 499:281, its_always_the_juden.jpg)


>Written by (((Jason Schreier)))

<Oy vey goyim you need schwartzes in your game or it's anudda shoah!

No wonder nobody likes these fucking people.

af0b34 No.14243371


I really hope that Xenoblade is the best selling Xenoblade game by a wide-margin. It would sow that these people have no truth in their words and that bad press from "journalists" does not impact sales even of niche japanese titles. My theory is that once these people actually had to deal with an artist sitting in front of them and pushed back a bit they immediately caved.


Yeah but when we are talking about the company that put out Chronicles X and Fire Emblem Fate previously this is a huge step in the right direction and should be celebrated.

a1f800 No.14243375

File: 2f051008c8dec21⋯.jpg (468.63 KB, 1321x1749, 1321:1749, 2f051008c8dec21ad505c83357….jpg)


>Does anyone have that screenshot of all the shit NISA broke, just to have it there.

63e7e7 No.14243377


I know anon, but compared to x or any of the fire emblems it was far less touched. I do question the yuri censoring, since that is very conservative and anti liberal to censor lesbians. I don't really, but do wish they could keep consistant eith their actions

af0b34 No.14243383


Does Netflix make anime I thought they just licensed shit? Which is usually some pretty good stuff. People fucking despise Netflix anime though because they refuse to simulcast it so most people resort to fansubs to watch it as it airs in japan.

773594 No.14243385

File: 7f9307af6de2dd9⋯.png (333.19 KB, 524x358, 262:179, Huh 22.png)


>Capitalism is a Jewish propaganda

02b7b7 No.14243400


Weren't they the ones behind the Jaden Smith anime?

af0b34 No.14243404


It wasn't about the yuri it was that the character looked like a child. Nintendo's writing might land on SJW stuff now but their hard localization rules were put in place originally to keep things family friendly and to avoid controversy. So there probably is a rule to not sexualize children in anyway.

63e7e7 No.14243405


It currently has one of the better adoption rates, and 3/4 switch owners myself included that I know have and like it, the one who does want the game just does not like ecchi, but does not try and disparge its place or want to tell nips to stop, and it was fun to see his reaction to me showing that a sizable chunk of lewd creators in japan are women and that if they were forced to censor it would be fucking women over worse than men. Next time I should show him the brit vs nip rape pic, if I can find it.

fabdbb No.14243406


>celebrating a company not fucking up quite as badly

Talk about low.

e1f745 No.14243414


I thought Netflix was going after anime because they are losing Disney and possibly Fox in a couple of years.

af0b34 No.14243415


You know what I don't know how that came to be I know Production IG animated it. It might have been funded by Netflix though or maybe by jaden smith and netflix just bought distribution.

63e7e7 No.14243422


I call shenanigans on that as mong as cartoon network makes their shit like steven and it gets pg. plus "lovelies" or "loveies" would have been fine instead of "euntorage" wich sounds silly.

ba2dd1 No.14243426

File: 2e93bb36eff0b4f⋯.png (35.89 KB, 616x305, 616:305, kacho at it again.png)

File: 9a7a202b386a8b8⋯.jpg (74.04 KB, 443x466, 443:466, 1338586089576.jpg)

This from the guy who threatened to kill himself for nudes.


02b7b7 No.14243427


Sheba didn't really look like a kid to me, flat sure, but not every woman is busty.

af0b34 No.14243431


It is but this is how change happens. I'm not saying to praise everything they do and not criticize them. I'm just saying when a company takes a step in the right direction to move criticism from a harsh tone to a supportive tone. You have to provide positive feedback when someone does something good.

ae2140 No.14243438

File: 1a8ac19421feafc⋯.png (493.35 KB, 1044x1200, 87:100, f0e551bc08d8f2a53a0c1681fe….png)


>The Gamers

63504f No.14243441


Must be a new band

02b7b7 No.14243442


I wish that wannabe faggot would actually kill himself already.

773594 No.14243444

File: bb7924eeea77db8⋯.jpg (37.8 KB, 446x620, 223:310, AJ Gay Community 32.jpg)


>The Gamers

ba2dd1 No.14243450


I'm surprised he hasn't started putting asterisks in there yet so Th* G*m*rs don't find him.


I find him to be entertaining. It's like watching a puppy chase its tail and occasionally he catches it and bits it hard enough that he makes himself yelp. Then he just goes right back to chasing it.

14e34c No.14243451

File: 64d17c5be8aee93⋯.png (132.48 KB, 1241x1754, 1241:1754, timber-big-01.png)

File: 30e6c593a4ad85a⋯.png (116.08 KB, 1241x1754, 1241:1754, timber-big-02.png)

File: d815587f09f63fa⋯.png (127.24 KB, 1241x1754, 1241:1754, timber-big-03.png)

File: 3ab7814d71b69a4⋯.png (129.25 KB, 1241x1754, 1241:1754, timber-big-04.png)

File: 04cbd3851c79baf⋯.pdf (526.77 KB, timber-PDF.pdf)

OP TIMBER! Full Version

14e34c No.14243455

File: 0f33a70ac1aa929⋯.png (49.43 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, timber-sm-01.png)

File: 9384eba748a75ac⋯.png (76.04 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, timber-sm-02.png)

File: 3ca4a3cdce09d4b⋯.png (68.48 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, timber-sm-03.png)

File: 4a8946431a60147⋯.png (66.51 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, timber-sm-04.png)


OP TIMBER! Social Media Friendly version

Injection tips:

1. Find Japanese people on social media who speak english. Mainly those linked with games. Especially those who worked/are working/will work with Nintendo.

2. Reference games ruined in Japan by US style changes- Star Ocean 5, Street Fighter 5, etc.

3. Research who you're talking to. Kamiya will block you and already stands his ground. Odds are, he'll be OK. Likewise, the guys working at Game Freak & Pokemon won't jump ship because of this.

4. Don't talk to them about GamerGate unless asked. You can explain (briefly) why there is a disconnect between what Western Journos and Western Gamers want. Or that the hobby is being politicized by outside forces. Give them small, manageable bits of info that are relevant to their interests. GG is a behemoth that is hard to understand the scope of. Maybe drop them a line to this: roninworksjapan.tumblr.com but it is not necessary, nor encouraged.

518f67 No.14243462

File: 1cff6eacb1c6d29⋯.webm (738.63 KB, 852x480, 71:40, Coco Chanel.webm)

File: 00b1c0209a8bcf3⋯.webm (158.9 KB, 852x480, 71:40, Old Mnoey Fuckbois.webm)

File: d74008a85a286f4⋯.webm (480.54 KB, 852x480, 71:40, Abyss of Whackness.webm)

File: 98afc2db3ae5a90⋯.webm (355.61 KB, 852x480, 71:40, Fuck the game.webm)



Netflix made produced the anime. They personally paid for it to be made. And it's fucking amazing.

65ed44 No.14243465

File: 367f870e0ec453b⋯.jpg (17.18 KB, 272x153, 16:9, Guts thumbs up.jpg)



Keep up the good work

af0b34 No.14243469


Oh god it's like Tumblr tried to make shounen boondocks.

e899c3 No.14243470



Do mirror reflections work on this universe?

518f67 No.14243485

File: 14fc945e54b7843⋯.webm (730.07 KB, 852x480, 71:40, The most confusing shot.webm)



These are all from the first episode. It's actually highly entertaining because it's the perfect "So bad it's good" show.

a1f800 No.14243493


It's a meme that, I think, /pol/ keeps on pushing so that they can continue getting a hard-on for "MUH NATIONAL SOCIALISM". However, they neglect to mention that Germany was far too small of a nation to make it work in the long run anyway, Socialism (Regardless of the version) requires a country to constantly keep "growing" in size to stay sustainable, the Government completely controls the market (Hitler actually put a stop numerous areas of innovation because he didn't see it as "productive"), and you cannot get anywhere in the system because you're working ALL THE TIME. And, let's not forget the fact that Europe constantly has a hard-on in keeping the centuries-old feudal ideal of "Your grandfather did [X], your father did [X], you're going to be an [X], and your children will do [X]".

ce98b4 No.14243504


isn't netflix running on Soros money?

02b7b7 No.14243508


>This bullshit again

Except Hitler privatized a number of industries moron.

cd91e1 No.14243523

>Ian Miles Cheong - "Canadian Researcher: Lack Of Diversity In Video Games Is Like 'Daily Racism'"



Link to the full paper this article is referencing:


>Mashable: "YouTube CEO's response to lack of women in tech was cringey af" - Susan Wojicicki said that women find “geeky male industries” (as opposed to “social industries”) “not very interesting” and Sundar cites research on gender differences.


1905ce No.14243526


That is the best summary I've ever heard of any TV show ever. It's right on the money too.

02b7b7 No.14243543


>Youtube's CEO cited research on gender differences and said women just weren't as interested in the tech industry

Well that's surprising considering the normal leftist bullshit youtube pulls..

ba2dd1 No.14243560


At least one of them seems to get it. The only women I ever see in tech-related classes are there for "mobile app development" or something equally stupid. "I want to make the next Flappy Bird!" Good luck with that. You might as well get a degree in winning the lottery. I'll be over here using my degree to get a cushy office job because everybody needs a networking guy.

767245 No.14243605


I am already pissed off at Xseed about the whole shitstorm with valkyrie drive and some of the shit their employees say about supporting censorship.

dd62fb No.14243673

File: 8bd2f8cf5e2e331⋯.jpg (68.68 KB, 538x445, 538:445, d902a5a6bec5a4d9f68f0420cc….jpg)


>YouTube CEO's response to lack of women in tech was cringey af" - Susan Wojicicki said that women find “geeky male industries” (as opposed to “social industries”) “not very interesting” and Sundar cites research on gender differences.

Google needs to fire this bigot

518f67 No.14243689


"Soros Money" is /pol/'s excuse for anything getting investors.

536330 No.14243705


Valkyrie Drive was Pqube, not Xseed.

14e34c No.14243707

File: 07f06621f20f743⋯.jpg (84.76 KB, 864x717, 288:239, 07f06621f20f743f8b0aac5b47….jpg)


Unless the company IS invested in by Soros.

ba2dd1 No.14243712


It's actually pretty annoying how many executives don't "get" that women just aren't into certain fields. I used to work in the auto industry and we got so few women applicants that any who did apply were guaranteed a position just to try and come close to that quota. The fact is most women don't want to do manual labour for 8 hours a day, in a factory that smells like burnt metal, dirt, and motor oil, where you come home filthy every day (unless you've been there 20+ years so you can get the good jobs)

536330 No.14243755


Sentai is still eating up a good amount of the take, so Netflix is stuck with the worst of the worst.

c4ec8f No.14243759

File: 527d16873ed6bca⋯.jpg (165 KB, 902x1200, 451:600, 1517179823084.jpg)

File: 14d4420410997be⋯.jpg (58.05 KB, 477x693, 53:77, 2262712987495260488cc71629….jpg)

File: 264095111874049⋯.png (67.21 KB, 165x253, 15:23, 2640951118740497f042d3ecae….png)


>The Gamers

02b7b7 No.14243776



Soros's Netflix holdings are fairly sizeable for an individual.

518f67 No.14243808


>It's actually pretty annoying how many executives don't "get" that women just aren't into certain fields.

They got meme'd. It used to be, the advertising was "A woman can do this too if she wants to!" which was perfectly fine. If a woman really wants to be a coder or mechanic, yeah, she can do that. The people that attracted were rare, but were generally women that wanted to do it and do it well. Nowadays, the advertising is, "You HAVE to have equal women in every industry," but most women don't want that shit.

6e27aa No.14243815

File: 3f94e8819caa1a2⋯.mp4 (2.28 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, kacho.mp4)

541e17 No.14243820


Tom sticked his dick in gook, racemixers tend to be libtards.

ba2dd1 No.14243836


It's kind of the same thing going on with the wage gap. To my understanding, there is a gap in total earnings. But most of it is accounted for by women either taking easier jobs as the household's secondary earner, or taking part-time jobs so they can balance their family life with that. The rest is a combination of men being more likely to ask for a raise/haggle on their salary, and the margin of error. It makes sense to me. Both my parents worked when I was young but my mom took way more time off and generally worked easier jobs. I barely got to see my dad sometimes because his schedule would conflict with my school. I'd leave before he woke up and by the time I got home he was at work. Then I'd be in bed by the time he got home.

02b7b7 No.14243873


Also that you're including women from older generations into the calculations who were more likely to care more about raising their family than their career. There's stats out that women under 30 are outearning men under 30 yet they keep parading around muh wagegap, all while ignoring the fatality gap in the workplace(even within the same job).

ba2dd1 No.14243883


My guess would be a lot of the under-30 stuff would be related to education. I've heard stats over and over again in the last decade or so that men are dropping out more at the college and high school levels or just not going to college in the first place. My girlfriend makes more than me, I know that much. I pack fish part-time and she's a nurse.

2b9aad No.14244160

File: 8f74946e2abdea4⋯.mp4 (8.59 MB, 960x720, 4:3, Niggercism.mp4)


☑ May have exercised the evil from NeoGaf


063788 No.14244213

File: 5863304ef1dc912⋯.jpg (8.83 KB, 244x255, 244:255, 36649b49f460b8bfd9db23d8fa….jpg)



3d4a2f No.14244214

3139c3 No.14244233


I'm not good at keeping up with these kinds of things.

But my lord, was that the most idiotic thing I have read today

a1f800 No.14244239

File: 51902fc697a0a10⋯.png (208.23 KB, 830x1200, 83:120, ClipboardImage.png)


>Also, I do remember being a hentai were a guy's dick turned into his crush, he ran into another guy in the same circumstance, and eventually turned his dick back to normal by having sex with his crush.

<Found that hentai I was talking about: https://hitomi.la/galleries/878511.html

cd91e1 No.14244247

710cd1 No.14244360

File: 04d2131defcce2e⋯.webm (2.27 MB, 636x360, 53:30, Chowder_-_Exorcise_Pun.webm)

767245 No.14244563


I am talking more about the reason they did not try to translate it.

b9fd52 No.14244595

File: 99525aa1ab33205⋯.png (2.38 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

Latest huniepop 2 character needs a vivian edit. She already has the freckles and 2 colour outfit

3d4a2f No.14244599


>Occupation: Stripper

>Persona: Stupid

>Hobby: Coke

Not my daughter!

773594 No.14244600

File: 34d763d52241686⋯.jpg (83.72 KB, 640x703, 640:703, Nintendo Treehouse 9.jpg)

536330 No.14244608



063788 No.14244612


Maximum trash, get it out of my sight.

911531 No.14244621


>Link isn't the image

b148bf No.14244622

File: 7e82ad1e4db30fa⋯.png (86.77 KB, 200x200, 1:1, a5a63f5f16595e9f01df1ee0c3….png)


The only thing that looks like Vivian here is the freckles, that's it.

e6edbe No.14244631

File: 6d2ed9540b760fc⋯.jpg (70.49 KB, 564x617, 564:617, 6d2ed9540b760fc930120c8d5d….jpg)



Holy shit, I remember this fucker. He's a mod on the toonzone forums. I used to post there way back when in the early 2000s. He was a faggot that sucked up for good boy points then and it looks like not much has changed.

6e27aa No.14244636

File: d3fc4037b4778c6⋯.gif (1.02 MB, 329x294, 47:42, ha ha haaa fuck you.gif)


>they're actually still trying to use Rapp as a personal shield for their bullshit

911531 No.14244665

File: c72518e88d9dbe1⋯.png (46.58 KB, 375x333, 125:111, HiougiWorry.png)

File: b94239baaa7ed9b⋯.png (12.26 KB, 803x192, 803:192, Capture.PNG)

Can the gaymer please point out to the court when it died?

633a1c No.14244675


These girls aren't doing it for me. I liked the Wholesome Tiffany in the first game.

633a1c No.14244714

File: 815554c51486d67⋯.png (682.46 KB, 793x1400, 793:1400, centrism.png)


>Clique bitched about Persona 5's shitty localization

>Still defend FE:Fates

6e27aa No.14244737


Of course they'd defend Fates, they were the ones that eliminated entire conversations because it made them personally uncomfortable.

518f67 No.14244775

I love mount and blade

But it's also the fucking worst game I've played din a long fucking time

633a1c No.14244778


I like Skyrim, Minecraft, and plan on starting the Monster Hunter series with the new game

6ac0c0 No.14244825


It controls like piss through a hard cock but it’s raw fun, especially with mods

bf9ec8 No.14244860

File: 1f66df2475f4eae⋯.png (187.6 KB, 1262x505, 1262:505, cuck anon detected.png)

I see no more broken cuckchan spoiler tags here. nice.

3d4a2f No.14244864

File: db9d68ae285db60⋯.png (2.75 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, It's time.png)


It died in Marche 2016, was ressurected by Journos a few months later and is now dead again. It's over.


I too, like bait.

86e822 No.14244925

File: 01ad440697d8c4f⋯.png (543.9 KB, 657x888, 219:296, 8ed53834b8cbf2db650ccd337d….png)


hale hortler

65ed44 No.14245062

File: 129cf20c725d3c5⋯.jpg (9.78 KB, 240x236, 60:59, YAMERO2.jpg)


just plz stop

6f3f13 No.14245064

If anyone has the autism, try to add the rest of the thread archives to the thread repository at the wiki.

65ed44 No.14245078

File: 576ad7ec958c093⋯.png (498.13 KB, 650x614, 325:307, reminder that japanese gam….png)

3d4a2f No.14245081


Get new images faggot. Broken English could be any anon, but when in conjuction with the same pool of images, it makes you incredibly obvious.

65ed44 No.14245092

File: 31b429b428688a5⋯.gif (650.11 KB, 647x363, 647:363, gif.gif)



3d4a2f No.14245102

File: 8f08520ad100ad8⋯.gif (5.23 MB, 680x382, 340:191, bully.gif)


Get bullied nerd.

48d8b6 No.14245107

File: d90f8971080f2ae⋯.jpg (786.54 KB, 1222x1753, 1222:1753, Boys' and Girls' Summer pa….jpg)

File: 5337563f4b145b3⋯.jpg (90.69 KB, 600x845, 120:169, girls11.jpg)

File: addfca0c29c796c⋯.jpg (128.95 KB, 700x522, 350:261, BqfuFqE.jpg)

File: fc91509a916227e⋯.jpg (41.21 KB, 349x320, 349:320, Roboute Guilliman.jpg)


>Juuzou Minazuki has the ability to draw the most amazing lolis

>almost everything he makes is C cups + with hyper penetration

572183 No.14245132

File: f9916809d8dc9b8⋯.png (706.94 KB, 671x692, 671:692, C92 Yokoshimanchi. Ash….png)


Speaking of bitcoins, I ran into someone at work who wanted advice to make an opened case for a mining rig. I came really close to calling him and his mannish girlfriend a faggot before I found out that he's told me he was using 4 1080's and was about to get 2 more. Let him spend money and crash the gpu price market.

518f67 No.14245135


I'm so fucking glad someone else realizes the game is shit, but still fun.

65ed44 No.14245141

File: c800c948890513f⋯.png (306 KB, 636x382, 318:191, hype_train_failed.png)


I bet he'll either gonna bankrupt or kill himself within next 2 years. Bitcoin is destined to fail and it's big fucking social experiment to test how people are dumb enough to jump into sinking bandwagon.

Tell everyone you know who investing in bitcoin to fucking sell everything when it's worth and get the fuck out. It's gonna be the fucking next biggest historical failure right next to fall of rome and west india company, dutch tulip madness, great depression and hillary 2016.

ecc953 No.14245280

Just a few more files left to back up before doing a full restore. Hope setting and installing everything back up won't take too long. I miss using my computer to for main internet usage. Phone needs a lot of cleaning and sorting out as well. Then I can participate in the ops more handily. Any of you guys tipped the FBI about Google hiring antifa already?

773594 No.14245348

File: 2dbef35c09b624c⋯.jpg (45.21 KB, 690x562, 345:281, Wonder Woman 11.jpg)

Good evening.

dd62fb No.14245354

File: f585bf8919235dd⋯.webm (231.16 KB, 640x360, 16:9, Nyanpasu~.webm)

2b9aad No.14245382


typos are a thing and le oldefags can't into nested spoilers because they, themselves, don't know what -is- an actual 8chan tag is

6f3f13 No.14245390

File: 2487ce18e1daa44⋯.png (255.4 KB, 600x608, 75:76, a9ec922e31d80ef677dda1630f….png)


It's 8am, also,

Contribute to the wiki

773594 No.14245395


Oh c'mon, I haven't fapped today! I'll do it as soon as I'm done with something I'm doing.

2b9aad No.14245550

File: 2b02b32d8605305⋯.jpeg (54.22 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, Floor Tiles - Pros & Cons….jpeg)

aa1ac4 No.14245555

File: eac9e65a49995c9⋯.png (29.79 KB, 499x499, 1:1, eac9e65a49995c9c6f1d1cc7c6….png)

gamergate sux

773594 No.14245556

File: a62ba9759fad042⋯.jpg (79.39 KB, 640x360, 16:9, 2nd Amendment 12.jpg)


Damn it! Not this again!

2b9aad No.14245584

File: c2da0cdebf2417a⋯.webm (890.19 KB, 480x360, 4:3, EEEH EASY MODE.webm)


>5am GET

6f3f13 No.14245589


Are you finished with those errands and masturbating?

15b9f2 No.14245605



>they don't realize its marche prending to be gook again

Gook doesn't identify himself unless someone calls him out on his posts or he has gook news to relay. He only busts out the yameros after he's been found out

6f3f13 No.14245617


Gook stopped posting months ago.

15b9f2 No.14245647


Maybe, its impossible to tell either way

22b477 No.14245667

File: 9c78ec9b40937f5⋯.png (1.22 MB, 690x968, 345:484, jesus christ 4.png)

1b3e92 No.14245673

File: 80d0edcc1df2a2c⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 168.83 KB, 500x400, 5:4, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 231dd632fd71c62⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 487.98 KB, 1024x681, 1024:681, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7e46fc8b38b22fd⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 420.06 KB, 966x642, 161:107, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 47c5dbb0a6a1c74⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 404.69 KB, 1024x681, 1024:681, ClipboardImage.png)

good mornin gamergate

2b9aad No.14245675

File: c932d9476495d28⋯.jpg (48.34 KB, 500x667, 500:667, gook fallout.jpg)


There never was a gook, just shitposters roleplaying.

773594 No.14245695

File: 538ce69c5c08e6e⋯.jpg (63.65 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, Safe Space 11.jpg)

Do we have a feminist version edit of this?!

a1f800 No.14245717


>Bitcoin is destined to fail and it's big fucking social experiment to test how people are dumb enough to jump into sinking bandwagon.

>Tell everyone you know who investing in bitcoin to fucking sell everything when it's worth and get the fuck out. It's gonna be the fucking next biggest historical failure right next to fall of rome and west india company, dutch tulip madness, great depression and hillary 2016.

Then…why did it become such a big thing in the first place? It seems like all that will happen is that the people who didn't invest a dime will be acting all high and mighty that they "Didn't fall for the meme".

2b9aad No.14245772


It's the bubble that's the problem; I.E.: Shills and normies ruin everything.

2b9aad No.14245776


…doubly so that bitcoin miners ruined the GPU market.

They can choke on their miner rigs.

773594 No.14245796

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Off-topic, but since we're the GAY COMMUNITY now, here watch this.

cd91e1 No.14245848

>Polygon: Polygon: "New SNK Heroines trailer is heavy on fan service." Tries to insinuate how "problematic" it is.


>Kevin Opsahl . HJ News - "USU hosts 'Global Game Jam,' imparts anti-misogynistic game message"



>Polygon: "The Xbox One has a serious exclusive games problem." Proceeds to spread and hype up rumors of Microsoft buying up EA, Valve or PBUG.


d72014 No.14245862


>But why is Leona Heidern wearing a cat bikini?

Because that was her halloween costume in MSD/MSA

a1f800 No.14245871

File: 3cd37318fe78f8f⋯.png (1.05 MB, 819x1099, 117:157, 3cd37318fe78f8f837042efb75….png)

File: df5d25248e12625⋯.png (2.62 MB, 552x2593, 552:2593, df5d25248e12625bdca697ca69….png)

File: 83cc883bcc6470a⋯.jpg (827.45 KB, 5950x821, 5950:821, wright localzation.jpg)

So you guys know about that GOG interview with Tom from XSEED, right?



Well, the guy is going full damage control over what he said and digging an even deeper hole for himself:





























And, with that, the results are in, if you want to experience any Japanese media properly, YOU HAVE TO LEARN JAPANESE. Fuck…

610d1b No.14245874

File: 6f7c6cf76c62c52⋯.jpg (191.17 KB, 620x422, 310:211, 1_the_visitor.jpg)


I would have been in the second category if TD hadn't shown me the butchered dialogues and the "…". I know sometimes dialogues can't be translated verbatim, I used to translate doc in French at work since Canadians outside Quebec don't bother with French. Sometimes it is hard, but completely changing the meaning and point of conversations and blame it on translation is retarded, there was a clear will to do it. Also Xenoblade Chronicle X, I likedthe game but that localization was just bullshit.

>Tfw no new locon

d72014 No.14245906


I'm not seeing anything digging deeper into a hole. I'm just seeing reaffirming he'll remain trying to bring over games intact and people misinterpreting what he's saying even after he just explained it.

d86d67 No.14246023

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Boxxy became a voice actor.

6ef8ab No.14246038


Well, at least she's not ruining anything of value.

d72014 No.14246066

6ef8ab No.14246089


Famous 4chan camwhore (who didn't even put out). She was Queen of /b/ a cancerous meme back on old 4/b/ more than 10 years ago.

0babac No.14246106



I thought boxxy was sh0eonhead.

6ef8ab No.14246124


They look really similar and have the same dumb style of makeup, thus the joke of conflating Sh0e with Boxxy, but they are different people.

737626 No.14246138



TL;DR of the interview answers:

>I don't personally enjoy a lot of the controversial elements in what XSEED localizes, but I will always strive to localize games faithfully and defend against their censorship, because that's my principle and I feel that principle should outrank anything else

>It feels like social attitudes in the West are gradually becoming incompatible with the content in Japanese games, so now when we try to localize games faithfully, we know it's going to cause big controversies at best, violate laws at worst, and cause ethical or principled dilemmas for people involved in the localization process

>I want videogames to be considered art, and believe the risk of censorship in localization gets in the way of that, so we hope that by informing Japanese creators about controversial elements in their games, their future projects might have less risk of being censored

Tom appears to have been caught in circumstances similar to #GG; he just wanted to stand for a principle, and got pushed into a position where he's like the 'last line of defence' against censorship in what he loves (Japanese games).

Saying that he doesn't want to censor any games he works on, but wishing those games has less risky elements in the first place, comes off as trying to balance his principles with his job security.

Obviously, most anons would prefer game localizations to be completely faithful and uncensored, but Tom's saying that it's becoming too difficult for companies like XSEED to do this, and states a possible compromise.

Rather than 'digging a hole', it seems more like he's repeating and rephrasing his points to people who can't (or won't) understand.

80a722 No.14246154


That faggot is being disingenuous when he says nip game content not being censored might violate laws

a1f800 No.14246179


I would agree with you IF he didn't start repeating and rephrasing this:

>But deep down, I will often wish the developers had had the good sense not to include it in the first place (again, when it truly is extraneous), and wish I were working on something a little less controversial instead. Because for all my argumentativeness, I HATE being embroiled in these kinds of debates. I feel like I have to, because I believe censorship of any kind is an extremely slippery slope; but I also can't help often saying to myself, "Really, developers? REALLY?!" ;)

>Tl;dr version, when developers add controversial content either without realizing that it might offend others, or specifically just to make waves, without it actually adding anything of substance to the original work, I generally kind of wish they HADN'T done that; but nonetheless, I will always do my damnedest to ensure it stays present in the localized version, because once you start justifying the removal of content, it's hard to know where to stop.




This is true as well.


While the ESRB may make a stink about it and slap the game with an AO, we already know that they're just in it for themselves and cannot be hold to actually standards as a rating organization.

15b9f2 No.14246484

File: fc174f8b377bcb0⋯.png (404.08 KB, 695x1039, 695:1039, Screenshot_2018-01-23-03-2….png)

Well I logged on to twitter for the first time in a few weeks, and I'm confused, why is everyone acting as if that new black panther movie is something revolutionary? There are people acting as if it represents all of africa and that's what would happen if white people never went there. But like come on, it's kind of stupid. No one parades ironman around as an example of all white people, why would they? Its stupid, like come on I get that you want to enjoy a movie about black people in africa if you're a nig but still don't go pretending as if it's some nig revolutionary Roots 2.0 moment in cinematic history, it's a shitty marvel superhero movie.

My only guess is that the marketing agency disney hired for it are the ones pushing this idea because it's working.

As an aside, has any other leafs ever listened to Age of Persuation or Under the Influence woth Terry O'reilly? They're really good radio shows/podcasts about marketing and advertising that come on CBC radio

633a1c No.14246497


I don't care if he dislikes it, the fact that he's making an effort to make sure it doesn't get censored makes me respect him.

36b2a2 No.14246542


Because Black Panther is a WE WUZ KANGZ! fantasy made a bunch of white cucks, ask any African if there's any allusions to Wakanda in modern day Africa, you don't, Black Panther isn't even known in Africa because they can't read or can't relate to a western-written African capeshit hero.

15b9f2 No.14246555


Well obviously actual Africans would have never heard of it. Honestly I don't even hate the comics black panther but holy shit. Its pathetic

633a1c No.14246560



936f24 No.14246575


Wow, I can't wait to play Play Store's rich, innovative library of games on my TV! Nintendo is finished!

d7a040 No.14246578


>Highly respected tech journalist Dean Takahashi, of Venturebeat, said

>Highly respected

>Dean Takahashi

Someone should have used google to search for what respected means.

Can't wait for google to release the not-pippin.

633a1c No.14246582

File: e3e1e2a4a9f007e⋯.mp4 (3.48 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Billy.mp4)


I missed that part, lol.

0c550b No.14246584

File: 42489c958a48ce0⋯.jpg (15.6 KB, 300x300, 1:1, murdoch.jpg)


>We will have Google shills on this board

>They will shill it because it has an obscure Japanese release

b98efd No.14246586



Ouya 2.0?

Also they chose the absolute worst time to enter the console market. Consoles are on the way out.

36b2a2 No.14246597

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Think this, but with a bigger budget!

9806f9 No.14246601


Wait I thought Sh0e is the bald one who wears a wig?

633a1c No.14246622

File: ff492b3ed929aaa⋯.jpg (303.41 KB, 600x758, 300:379, Destiny Inner mind.jpg)

Remember how DesTINY got banned on twitter for doxxxxxxxxxing someone's grandma?

Now he's using his subreddit to make a list of people laughing at him/celebrating his ban. I imagine it's for a funny youtube video and nothing else.


936f24 No.14246625


And a lot more forced diversity.

>We have tons of games created by women and minorities

>If you are a women or minority, come check these out!

b98efd No.14246643


Oh man I hope they actually do this. Nothing sinks a product faster than pandering to a group that won't even buy the product.

633a1c No.14246657

File: 76276e8eba07c4c⋯.png (569.15 KB, 667x586, 667:586, BP redpilled.PNG)

6601c9 No.14246688

File: 4197ea47a515f90⋯.png (143.7 KB, 883x968, 883:968, Vidya Game Comic 32.png)


and now for a joke that is completely fresh and not done to death!

0c550b No.14246699

File: 69f063c0bb756d9⋯.jpg (27.37 KB, 796x464, 199:116, 69f.jpg)

Cuckchan crossposters are derailing and posting cuckchan memes in a shitton of threads.

Why aren't the vols doing anything about it?

d86d67 No.14246714

File: bebfc98633bd269⋯.png (429.18 KB, 1052x674, 526:337, europe.png)

>>14246699 (checked)

Embrace diversity, anon.

80a722 No.14246715


Report them for derailing

0c550b No.14246724

File: 10573bb89e0a27d⋯.png (58.89 KB, 219x299, 219:299, Mark.PNG)

936f24 No.14246782


I dunno, it might actually work. Those surveys who talk about "50%+ of gamers being women" are the ones that include mobile gaming.

To be honest, I would be surprised if this google console was anything more than a "here's a game pad and an android TV box for $50, play Bejewelled clones on your TV!"

It'll get shilled as

>wow look at this rare Japanese game you can only get here

>it's great for emulation!

>look at these cool indie games!

I was there for the shilling of Ouya on reddit. One of their favorite responses to "none of these Android games work with a controller" was "but it'll be so great at emulation! Android has tons of emulators! I can finally have a device that plays all these old consoles!"

I'll be absolutely amazed if this thing exists and costs more than $99.99 and does more than play shitty Android games.

4f7450 No.14246811


we had em all, Netflix shills, Nintendo shills, Sonyshills, shit, its mandatory nowadays

I am sure i ran into a Guillette shill couple of months ago

a1f800 No.14246820

File: 439a21ca764823e⋯.png (69.78 KB, 455x299, 35:23, Spotting normalfags.png)


>but it'll be so great at emulation! Android has tons of emulators! I can finally have a device that plays all these old consoles!

How many people actually fall for that?

6601c9 No.14246855

File: ac7062ca3c48dd8⋯.png (499.49 KB, 440x565, 88:113, ClipboardImage.png)



>not Schick Hydro 5

when I need a good smoothing shave, nothing hits the spot like the hydro™ 5™ razor™

hydro™ 5™ razor™, for those who want to bring Shave Impacto.

80a722 No.14246878


>Using blades

Have fun spending all that money on razor blades

I only use a Braun Series 5™ Rechargable electric razor. With the Braun Series 5™ you can get a shave just as close as the leading safety razor but without all the hassle and expense of blade replacements

936f24 No.14246893


Well, it already didn't work with Ouya. It did work on some of the dumbfuck redditors though. But not enough to save Ouya.

92e42f No.14246964

File: e81cbd10f52cb58⋯.jpg (75.74 KB, 843x724, 843:724, 0d58d27b7add3af053b6818dd4….jpg)


I just want sega back and microsoft sticking with PCs.


>Consoles are on the way out.

Not with bitcoin miners driving up the costs of cards 300%

d72014 No.14247002


>Also they chose the absolute worst time to enter the console market. Consoles are on the way out.

Console sales are the highest in years, and you're gonna see more people turn to them thanks to miners

633a1c No.14247041


Milo got fucked over so hard.

0c14a9 No.14247082

What did codemonkey do this time?

58d440 No.14247201

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

What vidya have you been playing, anon?

I've been playing Escape from Tarkov, and I'm really loving it. The game is /k/ autism personified (for example, the game actually modeled and animated your character using the pump release, but they make sure you know that they know about a slide release on a shotgun.) and it has the most brutal hobo-phase in any game I've ever seen, far more brutal than SoC.

3d4a2f No.14247225


>Gook doesn't identify himself unless someone calls him out on his posts

What do you think he's saying right here anon? >>14245062

a0578a No.14247278

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Foxhole, hard to explain about the game, it's a game where you need to be useful if you want to win.

The game is a top-down shooter set in a war and you can be whatever you want, Frontline soldier, medic, engineer, builder things related to war, some players get resources and with that they build weapons, medicine, build materials and then other players using trucks get those materials to places they are needed in the frontline.

The game deals really good with the logistic needed to win wars, I have suffered a lot of defeats because the enemies (literaly immigrants, the game is Immigrants vs Patriotic good guys) cut our supply lines and we cannot do nothing but die for lack of ammo and being constantly sieged by the enemy mortars.

Matches can last days, even weeks, I am right now in a battle that has lasted 15 days, neither side wants to leave.

533d79 No.14247299


Monster Hunter World.

3d4a2f No.14247313




We have IDs feggit.



>I will always strive to localize games faithfully and defend against their censorship, because that's my principle and I feel that principle should outrank anything else

>I will always do my damnedest to ensure it stays present in the localized version, because once you start justifying the removal of content, it's hard to know where to stop.

<I will do absolutely everything in my power to ensure any game I translate is as close as possible to the Japanese version

>But deep down, I will often wish the developers had had the good sense not to include it in the first place (again, when it truly is extraneous)

>I also can't help often saying to myself, "Really, developers? REALLY?!" ;)

>Tl;dr version, when developers add controversial content either without realizing that it might offend others, or specifically just to make waves, without it actually adding anything of substance to the original work, I generally kind of wish they HADN'T done that

>I want videogames to be considered art, and believe the risk of censorship in localization gets in the way of that, so we hope that by informing Japanese creators about controversial elements in their games, their future projects might have less risk of being censored

<That said, if I had the opportunity to do what Nintendo Treehouse can now do and tell Japanese developers to censor themselves so that I won't be doing the censorship, I'd do it in a heartbeat.



I don't think that part is disingenuous at all considering places like Aussieland, New Zealand, and the like.

f35b42 No.14247314

File: 11d1a3a0ef2b5c1⋯.jpg (227.28 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, DUzZgBDVQAAyajE.jpg)


Are the French still rampant and garbage players?

a909d6 No.14247327


I get multiple 502 and 522 errors just from ass.

3d4a2f No.14247350


Those images have completely different chins.

533d79 No.14247353


No idea. Never played with a frog or at least I didn't noticed it.

633a1c No.14247361


Skyrim for the switch.

3d4a2f No.14247365

File: 92d949a65eec938⋯.png (23.98 KB, 255x245, 51:49, 1456575926930.png)

5b0a45 No.14247367

File: 277974d5ecbe0f4⋯.png (226.1 KB, 338x398, 169:199, who's laughing now.png)

633a1c No.14247372


I'm not baiting, I like playing it portable.

dd62fb No.14247381

File: a967364cfe3a81a⋯.jpg (14 KB, 305x309, 305:309, a967364cfe3a81a5943e5a5204….jpg)



d72014 No.14247386


>giving capcom money for bad games

I bet you bought DmC too

0c14a9 No.14247389

File: c6d4af7363f72b3⋯.jpg (53.43 KB, 1024x681, 1024:681, je suis moné.jpg)


Be thankful for that. They're historically the HUEHUEHUEs and XAXA)))))s of monhun.

533d79 No.14247417

File: cfe58ab0b0d2992⋯.jpg (78.97 KB, 424x615, 424:615, hate is boiling my guts.jpg)


I mostly encountre japanese words.


Take that back.

d72014 No.14247423


Show us your collection of DmC copies and NISA localizations, you clearly are a big fan of regression.

633a1c No.14247426


I bought that game, and it was bad.

ae2140 No.14247429


SMT: Digital Devil Saga

936f24 No.14247435


The only thing worse than NISA is when NISA gets a really good game you want to play and you know they will ruin it. I wish they would fuck off, there's some really great games they localized, and their shitty localization always hangs around like a dark albatross.

dfd4c1 No.14247441

File: 231aad3565c4f32⋯.webm (1.07 MB, 852x480, 71:40, The DmC Reboot Controvers….webm)





Oh boy are we posting about how Shit DmC is? That's my favorite kind of posting.

30da43 No.14247479

File: 5a257c5433fff48⋯.png (27.13 KB, 1200x256, 75:16, KIAheadmod.png)

Looks like things are going to change over at KIA. Users seem against the head mod for now. It would be funny if he ragequits and deletes the subreddit.

633a1c No.14247509


I'm glad I left

d6ec67 No.14247510

File: 4db5cc336814374⋯.jpg (8.49 KB, 183x255, 61:85, 4ba4ecb51d030b0f187db0cb03….jpg)


>doxed someone's grandma

Why does the shit surrounding him get more ridiculous every time I look in his direction?

633a1c No.14247515


It's the aderall, he can't help himself. He also admitted 3 times to wanting to murder a kid, and later said he "mostly didn't mean it".

22b477 No.14247518



Wait the fuck did the Manlet do now?

5b0a45 No.14247537

File: 2cadd4182a76449⋯.png (314.17 KB, 572x601, 572:601, [Takasugi Kou] Masumi-san ….PNG)


Harassing the widow and the orphan, mostly.

02b7b7 No.14247561



kek, it bans for open white nationalism and naming the jew, its hilarious that reddit equate that subreddit with some bastion of white nationalism.

d86d67 No.14247577

File: ec7d9fd42893aba⋯.png (1.58 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, angry inchling.png)


Where's the archive, dickhead?

Where is it?

ab5d23 No.14247600


My friend's roommate loves Skyrim on the switch because on PC he can't stop modding the game or making mods himself. He says it's the first time he's been able to sit down and actually play the game.

30da43 No.14247605

936f24 No.14247629


I can never tell if redditors act this way because they are cucking out, or if they're being blackmailed or threatened. Either way, fuck them for giving in.

22b477 No.14247633

File: 647beaa772af43e⋯.gif (63.16 KB, 320x303, 320:303, deadinside.gif)

Destiny doxxed some old lady cause her Grandson mocked him?

30da43 No.14247693




but for real, the manlet cant handle the bants even though he is massive shit talker himself.

1c7708 No.14247695

File: 04c985fc499ee16⋯.jpg (428.26 KB, 1280x1024, 5:4, 1420481254546-0.jpg)


Are you surprised? The guy sees no problem with Mexican shantytowns built just off of city limits, carpet bombing Mexico to maybe possibly hit some cartel members, taking all currently available CP, finding the victims, and asking if it would be okay to sell the tapes, using said tapes as some sort of holistic treatment against pedophilia, thinks autists should be forced into permanent celibacy, and about 500 other funny things I've forgotten from his meth induced mush-mouth ramblings.

30da43 No.14247705


>thinks autists should be forced into permanent celibacy

he should have taken his own advice because his kid is retarded

767245 No.14247742

>More uproar about Ugandan Knuckles.


It just keeps going. Does anyone have any more recent news about Tom from Xseed? A lot of the shit he says seems to be pushing self-censorship or just straight up censorship.

6ac0c0 No.14247769

File: a40c164f5af6592⋯.png (156.86 KB, 512x512, 1:1, A44ACF6E-E385-4EA9-91BD-43….png)


>Marxists launch coup in Oklahoma State University

>Call themselves The Four Percent

>Demand mandatory re-education of their peers and literal, legal policing of insensitive language

Their demands


Includes diversity hires, creating more faculty positions where there are none, giving dedicated spaces to Niggers (boo hoo fuck you. If you segregate yourself, I’m going to call you a nigger.), and other subversive shit. It seems like the university will cuck to them.

22b477 No.14247787

File: d9006359de83e8a⋯.jpg (352.49 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, trail of blood eye.jpg)


Is he this stupid?

53bba4 No.14247791


Not really. The thread on the matter is just watching as the comments for the interview turn into a flame war between a feminist and a Jew, and a couple of Anons are just pointing out that it appears Tom is slow submitting to the madness that is Liberalism.

6f6dc2 No.14247825





Hessmix here, sorry for namefagging but I'll speak with some authority. David-me made the post without any word to the other mods. David-me is also not the Head Mod, he is the owner of the board. He was supposed to be a nuclear option if anything shit went down. Supernova is technically head mod but his real life conflicts far to much and so HandofBane is Head Mod pro tem

22b477 No.14247878


What is going on exactly? I'm lost on what or who you are.

80a722 No.14247885


I just checked, apparently he's one of the mods of kia

6f6dc2 No.14247888



Sorry thought that might have been obvious based on what was being talked about.

80a722 No.14247896


Well that's what I assumed which is why I checked, so what's the deal anyway he's the board owner? So he obviously has some authority, is he going to shut it down because the goyim asked too many questions or what?

d86d67 No.14247910

File: bfe8a3ead594d29⋯.png (878.95 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, disgusted ramen slut.png)



Is this burnout syndrome?

6f6dc2 No.14247913


He's the owner, he can nuke the sub if he wants to bad enough and we can't really do anything about it, admins won't forcibly change a board's ownership unless some real shit goes down. Frankly he does this about every 2-3 months without any warning. Last time it was wanting to immediately move Ian Miles Cheong to a blacklist on the subreddit.


There's nothing to burn out on, he shows up one or two days every few months.

30da43 No.14247918

File: dac8d5a27b92661⋯.gif (Spoiler Image, 244.83 KB, 400x400, 1:1, anitasnewnose.gif)



sounds like he has some issues

22b477 No.14247922

File: d800dca094cc3ea⋯.jpg (175.34 KB, 479x900, 479:900, EDDS dubs.jpg)



Sorry I check the thread periodically.


So he is sperging out and pretty much nearly killing KiA?

1b3e92 No.14247931

File: d0f6588d1c2bc21⋯.png (105.73 KB, 878x414, 439:207, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6c5c3bf9232ca38⋯.png (164.42 KB, 970x834, 485:417, gilda facedown.png)



936f24 No.14247934


You still here? I've been curious about an AMA on KIA but I tried to get a hold of you mods before, but to no avail. I don't really have a big leddit presence, but KiA is good.

15b9f2 No.14247935

File: e256898d86a63aa⋯.gif (258.97 KB, 500x354, 250:177, 1514058348.gif)


>Frankly he does this about every 2-3 months without any warning. Last time it was wanting to immediately move Ian Miles Cheong to a blacklist on the subreddit.

What a faggot, I'd expect no less from you redditors though not that we don't have our own share of board drama

So do you guys have a backup sub in case he spergs and deletes it all? You better have been archiving everything too

8ba31d No.14247949


please be calm and try to calm every other mod on KiA, there're no reasons to flip tits

d86d67 No.14247950

File: ebeebb82645112f⋯.png (469.62 KB, 1539x1356, 513:452, 5a708d8438252.png)


I figured out who you are, mystery drawfag.


It sounds like he doesn't really give a shit about KiA/GG, why is he the board owner?

How do you know he isn't an antiGG plant?

And if he isn't, what is his damage?

30da43 No.14247954


If the board owner nukes the subreddit can gilda be killed off for good?

ae2140 No.14247962


I still don't understand how that autist has fans that will defend him.

1b3e92 No.14247969

File: d94cadfdb4bb401⋯.png (40.33 KB, 1420x155, 284:31, ClipboardImage.png)

File: adc27a07cba3834⋯.png (87.57 KB, 1099x354, 1099:354, ClipboardImage.png)

File: dd2169185e216fc⋯.png (121.1 KB, 1063x525, 1063:525, ClipboardImage.png)


His post history is interesting https://www.reddit.com/user/david-me


it's breddy easy to figure out

c720e7 No.14247970


>can gilda be killed off for good?

Please, I don't know why gildafag is obsessed with a Reddit character.

780c44 No.14247979

File: 071091dd8b114cf⋯.jpg (113.52 KB, 900x589, 900:589, we_wuz_sugoi.jpg)

>>14246555 (checked)

we wuz trips an shiet

8ba31d No.14247984

is it me or it's shill central in here?

15b9f2 No.14247987


Who's shilling?

6f6dc2 No.14247993


>is he sperging out?

He's threatened to nuke the board in the past. We can't really do anything about it. IIRC the admins have said in the past about replacing owners that unless board operation is radically changed they won't do anything. And us being us, I'm sure they'd love to see us go down in flames anyways.


We have a number of backups we're acquired (some better named then others) over the years and I believe we own the KiA board here on 8ch as well.


Oh we're calm for the most part.


Only if you make art about it.


¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I haven't heard anything about that. Usually HandofBane or Nodeworx handles things like that.

8ba31d No.14247996


people trying to D&C between /v/ and KiA

22b477 No.14248003


Sounds like you guys are in a shit spot


>/v/ liking kiA

Jk aside no one here is really doing any D&C people are just asking what is going on in a pretty civil manner.

15b9f2 No.14248005


>I believe we own the KiA board here on 8ch as well.

God please don't come here if your board gets nuked. Just set up shop on another subreddit. All of you will be happier to stay on reddit and we'll be happier too.

That being said is his sperging even anything to worry about? Especially if he's done it in the past? Have you talked to him at all?

936f24 No.14248007


It was a long time ago, I'll try getting a hold of one of them sometime soon. Thanks for the response.

8ba31d No.14248008


like two years ago, I took a friendly jab at brote on the agdq thread and some sperg just screencapped and went "look at how he's mad at broteampill"


as long as it's chilled it's cool

15b9f2 No.14248011


No one dislikes kia other than just disliking reddit in general. If you read we are all fairly concerned about what happens to kia seeing as most of us recognize it as an important place to GG even if we personally don't like reddit

22b477 No.14248015


If anything is is one the the nicest interactions we've had with reddit in general.

6f6dc2 No.14248016


Usually after we talk to him he steps back. The problem is he shows up randomly and does this without talking to any of us.

d86d67 No.14248026

File: fc0121099e827c9⋯.png (1.09 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, unsure beginner OL.png)


What are the odds one day he just hands the board over to ghazi?

If he doesn't care about KiA that much, why is he the owner? How the fuck did that happen?

22b477 No.14248027


He sounds like a total liability why was he made owner?

15b9f2 No.14248031

File: 2a4a3ca1fad9907⋯.gif (887.96 KB, 270x360, 3:4, 1515529625.gif)


Christ man that sounds like dealing with a retarded child, I understand that KiA wasn't always GG central on reddit and it was more just focused on making fun of kotaku but how does a person like that decide to make a board like yours? >>14248027

Why was Mark made owner of /v/? Its because he made the board anon, that's generally what owner means

1b3e92 No.14248033

File: 3ed28c7397e69db⋯.png (474.81 KB, 1545x1448, 1545:1448, pls no bully gilda viv.png)


furthermore any KIA posters are automatically banned from certain reddit threads. Gilda being bullied is canon

8ba31d No.14248035


I really doubt that. iirc he mods also TiA

063788 No.14248049


KiA doesn't even care about Gilda. Vivian is in the board banners everywhere. Poor Gilda.

15b9f2 No.14248050


That's really fucking funny to me, reddit is such a shithole


What's TiA? You're a redditor too aren't you? You faggot

6f6dc2 No.14248070


Admins might step in. Not sure.


Because he used to be more stable. When I came in as a mod he was only a nuclear option in case mods went rogue and took over the board. He's never done much moderating.

8ba31d No.14248074


TiA is like KiA but ten times larger and doesn't allow gaming discussions

22b477 No.14248076


What made him snap so much was it the election? Cause many lost it after 2016.

fd076b No.14248083


>Admins might step in. Not sure.

Admins wouldn't take much care considering its reputation

6f6dc2 No.14248093


No clue.

dd62fb No.14248095

File: b0f821c168e363c⋯.png (169.54 KB, 510x346, 255:173, 06ae790f5e8226e24e02a4e05b….png)


So TiA is basically Half /v/

dfd4c1 No.14248104

File: 4485c95e23e9650⋯.jpg (64.84 KB, 624x623, 624:623, Microsoft Skins on Nintend….JPG)

File: bfe314c476a2147⋯.webm (362.64 KB, 662x360, 331:180, That's fucking intresting….webm)


Not that big a deal, but the switch version of Minecraft will have Microsoft owned characters skins. Probably won't lead to much but I thought this was interesting.

6f6dc2 No.14248109


I see what you did there. All they do is mock tumblr.

063788 No.14248111


TiA is Tumblr in Action. It's for posting any social justice stupidity people find. It tends not to have serious discussion as KiA.

8ba31d No.14248118


and twitter sometimes

15b9f2 No.14248127

File: d64150dac7637fa⋯.png (172.63 KB, 677x519, 677:519, Smug nan.png)




How does a sperg like that become a mod of a board like that and KiA? Jeeze is it another case of Trump derangement syndrome?

8ba31d No.14248146


it was made in a hurry, bad coordination maybe?

6f6dc2 No.14248157

I mean, we've been running for over 3 years now. How long does your average board go before the BO spergs out at some point?

22b477 No.14248161


Often but boards like /v/ and a handful of others got lucky.

6f6dc2 No.14248164


Despite all the shit people give Mark he's probably the best BO on the site.

c720e7 No.14248168



1b3e92 No.14248170

File: 6a5556d7ad64237⋯.png (271.22 KB, 1290x1395, 86:93, majin mark.png)


You get out in the world, you take more shit. You climb a little higher, you take less shit.

Till one day you're up in the rarefied atmosphere and you've forgotten what shit even looks like. Welcome to the layer cake son.

6f6dc2 No.14248175

File: 086626fe1243a27⋯.jpg (21.68 KB, 480x479, 480:479, Gt not posting best girl _….jpg)

22b477 No.14248178


He is a retarded kike but he keeps the place stable and it's a miracle.

737626 No.14248183


They're aiming for parity across all the important versions of Minecraft (even the Wii U one) in preparation for a big cross-platform multiplayer update, called "Better Together".

It would be much bigger news if the 'Mario Mash-Up Pack' (mod + map included as standard in every Nintendo console version) was made available on the rival formats.

15b9f2 No.14248185


When you think about it, Mark is a lot like Gilda, he's a loveable retard who fucks up all the time. No wonder anons here are more attached to Gilda than reddit is

936f24 No.14248186


That's wonderful. A publisher pimping out their major IP when they have a struggling console usually means they're going to leave the console market. So long, Xbox!

3d4a2f No.14248199


You should work on your artstyle more.

c720e7 No.14248211

File: b76a1bc2562f00e⋯.jpg (109.28 KB, 461x680, 461:680, MODS = GODS.jpg)

6f6dc2 No.14248214

File: a4bc9d27b141dda⋯.gif (218.78 KB, 300x168, 25:14, i sleep only in underpants….gif)

02b7b7 No.14248215


Considering Treehouse should we really be happy about that?

c720e7 No.14248245

File: c2721c9b0a8d13a⋯.png (193.13 KB, 424x486, 212:243, e.png)

File: ec277fad03c69f1⋯.png (200.64 KB, 424x486, 212:243, 3.png)

773594 No.14248247

File: 44af5d82c4ed424⋯.jpg (167.02 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, Bryce Remsburg What's That….jpg)

Good morning.

fd076b No.14248267

File: 7a42391685397fe⋯.png (66.93 KB, 359x408, 359:408, 3aafba58046828173b9fe8f0a4….png)

I don't know if I want to grind gathering all the thread archives for the repository. It's seven months.

Could someone port the older archives from before 2017? Someone good at scripting can remove all the unnecessary formatting and text from the raw file.

How do the other mods feel about how Mark is regarded, and not them.

376dd8 No.14248343

File: b913bbb106a565f⋯.png (548.8 KB, 1034x1082, 517:541, 1452759380485.png)


>I don't know if I want to grind gathering all the thread archives for the repository.


c720e7 No.14248363

File: 14975a56e917fc1⋯.jpg (59.98 KB, 492x369, 4:3, Glorious Board Owner.jpg)


This isn't really a good thing. I don't like the idea of less competition in the console market.

fd076b No.14248397


>No dates

Truly the niggerest. I'll add them to the page anyways and fix it.

30da43 No.14248415


I appreciate that Mark actually apologizes when he fucks up.

c720e7 No.14248422

File: db80f0b1740d56e⋯.png (112.51 KB, 545x274, 545:274, Mark Hates Elves.png)


Mark can be endearing in a stupid sort of way. I bet the anons that hate him are those filthy Elves.

1b3e92 No.14248451

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

mundanematt's teared up from a generic copypasted 'congratulations' message on his Silver Play button


6f6dc2 No.14248453

File: e77e7ee294a4411⋯.png (727.17 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

80a722 No.14248457


Where's the hooktube you fucking faggot

773594 No.14248460


>Not putting it on Hooktube

Go fuck yourself, MundaneTwat!

1b3e92 No.14248488

File: 646c89e391cc0ae⋯.png (353.68 KB, 1512x1335, 504:445, gilda mark.png)


6f6dc2 No.14248494

File: c8e22324e6fb6a2⋯.jpg (38.33 KB, 584x591, 584:591, 1432098028425.jpg)

1b3e92 No.14248495

Hooktube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.



he's so proud of his clickbaity videos. Good for him. Maybe Matt and Maddox should actually make a real partnership, seeing that Maddox's doing that 'news' format nowadays

be08fa No.14248500

Reminder that /a/ mods did nothing wrong and /a/ is still a good anime board.

3d4a2f No.14248504


But you also don't like Google entering the consol market, right? >>14246560

c720e7 No.14248508


Son of a bitch, a double edge sword I do not want.

3d4a2f No.14248510


/animu/ is a good animu board.

6f6dc2 No.14248514

File: f91571e624e9886⋯.jpg (621.77 KB, 1200x882, 200:147, 1460698421508.jpg)

1b3e92 No.14248515


oh fuuuuuuuuck, those android shovelware on your TV

6e27aa No.14248523


From what I've heard, Nintendo's eager for crossplay, it's Sony that's the holdout.

96440f No.14248526


Isn't /animu/ just made up of banned /a/ shitposters? No thanks.

3d4a2f No.14248542

File: adee97a5bf9bd84⋯.png (1.14 MB, 1198x881, 1198:881, ClipboardImage.png)


Nigger missed one.


>Second (1) in a row defending /a/'s overmoderation 500 posts into a thread

Pure coincidence.

>just made up of banned /a/ shitposters?

Or anyone who was banned for typos.

6f6dc2 No.14248544


>implying I'm the creator

bitch pls

3d4a2f No.14248552


>bitch pls

Kill yourself

>>implying I'm the creator

And learn english you double nigger. There's a difference between saying "nigger missed one" and "nigger, you missed one."

c720e7 No.14248553


/animu/ is pretty neat. Though I think they stopped growing at this point. May not reach up to /a/, but the board should be proud of its achievement because alts never reach top 25.

7448d5 No.14248554


nice dubs

7448d5 No.14248556

check em

ba3774 No.14248564


/ausneets/ did.

6f6dc2 No.14248572

File: b624b2f4722c2d1⋯.png (303.79 KB, 472x470, 236:235, 1421901876368.png)

fd076b No.14248583


>>Or anyone who was banned for typos.

>Implying that isn't the best and most consistent rule

>Wanting illiterates, text message writing and plebeians on your board

6f6dc2 No.14248587

BRB State of the Memeion

a1f800 No.14248608

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


<Might as well post the link

Though, you have to watch it directly on YouTube for some reason. You cannot watch it through an embed or Hooktube.

a1f800 No.14248612

Hooktube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


Never mind, find another stream of the address that can go through Hooktube.

936f24 No.14248633


Normally it's not, but the fact that it's MS is a bigger deal.

1cc189 No.14248641

File: 186412f75f9ac62⋯.png (98.06 KB, 598x959, 598:959, bwn.png)

You guys seen this? Theres a shitstorm brewing over GDC giving the founder of Atari an award because he is a sexual harasser.

They've even got a hashtag called #notnolan

a1f800 No.14248652


Can we make posting without an archive a banable offense, especially if you're a (1)?

3d4a2f No.14248659


While it's well intentioned, people have said they don't want to add more rules that are mostly specific to the GG threads.

fd076b No.14248664


Not even a fucking link, nigger.


This would be favorable.

cb6b4a No.14248692

File: da0ba3be542e941⋯.png (313.68 KB, 936x771, 312:257, archiveeverythingevenyours….png)







>Fun tidbit about the man being honored by @Official_GDC #metoo “Bushnell covered the two joysticks with pink silicon domes. They looked like breasts, and Atari wasn’t all that subtle about that. By pushing the breasts, the players could chase each other”


6e27aa No.14248695

File: a12212a36ac49a1⋯.png (325.22 KB, 397x533, 397:533, 1449781978848.png)


>Nolan Bushnell admits that they behaved like the rock stars of the tech world

>SJWs try to use this against him

What next, are they going to shame Ozzy Osbourne?

cb6b4a No.14248708

File: 94579ee10428e37⋯.png (126.67 KB, 273x692, 273:692, Danielle peeking.png)

File: 0b60d23fb003c6b⋯.png (4.98 KB, 250x94, 125:47, gotta break a few egngs to….png)


Fuck, forgot to archive the article it was linking, too.


>Microsoft Games pioneer Ed Fries spends 3 months fixing Gotcha, the first color arcade game

>Dean Takahashi

>2 years ago

a1f800 No.14248713


>"Nigger and hispanic unemployment is the lowest ever"

<Democrats sit with a disgusted look.

3d4a2f No.14248719


>Faggots won't stop clapping every time he pauses mid sentence

>One faggot right by the microphone keeps clapping so that it's louder everyone else

841ad7 No.14248724

File: 1d552c069dd4b78⋯.png (60.93 KB, 254x152, 127:76, Screenshot from 2018-01-03….png)


>One faggot right by the microphone keeps clapping so that it's louder everyone else

Dat's Trump nigguh.

3d4a2f No.14248727


I was listening while reading things on other tabs.

>Trump won't stop clapping right by the fucking microphone

Still a faggot.

dd62fb No.14248736

File: 32e35495b85a07e⋯.png (260.41 KB, 540x750, 18:25, 1471146250352.png)


What a gay

058040 No.14248738

Can anyone tell me if there's a way to keep disagreement from spying on you? Besides just not using it.

3d4a2f No.14248745


>Using discuck

Kill yourself.

e2140c No.14248770

File: d8b43dfde89caf6⋯.png (187.52 KB, 500x511, 500:511, joesue.png)

>Director of Glee wants people to have sympathy for pedophile actor who an hero's


63e7e7 No.14248779



Anon hes a liberal douche. then again so are most rockstars, remember "fighting the man" meant fighting the conservatives


>black and "legal hispanic" unemployment

Illegal employment is at a high.

3d4a2f No.14248780


>Sorry! The streams for this video either weren't found (unfinished livestream?) or returned an unusual http code; reverting to normal youtube embed.

936f24 No.14248802


Woah, those horrible employees, wanting to have sexual with those girls. Having sexual with someone is just the worst!

3d4a2f No.14248827


>Color, background, religion, and cweed


2b9aad No.14248853


>smoke cweed everyday

1b3e92 No.14248883

File: 88e4df07ae5994e⋯.png (61.97 KB, 730x215, 146:43, ClipboardImage.png)


aw hell yea.

773594 No.14248895

File: 47cf66d3bc1da01⋯.jpg (41.19 KB, 426x240, 71:40, Crying.jpg)

>This is what Democrats' faces are like on Donald Trump's SOTU

2b9aad No.14248897

File: 33daf4668fbd565⋯.mp4 (8.57 MB, 960x720, 4:3, Mark_is_a_real_human_bean.mp4)

Mark = best waifu

a1f800 No.14248932

So, does that mean all funding towards the U.N. is now gone until they comply with our wishes?

3d4a2f No.14248963

>Gee some hoe

e2140c No.14248987

File: 4f6ae3951b9b11d⋯.jpg (472.07 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, ac30a09174a5de2d1aedffe664….jpg)

This speech is fucking legendary.

773594 No.14249002


He's the testament on how people wants to get out of a tyrannical regime and into the arms of a free country such as the USA. DemocRATs didn't even clapped for him.

c720e7 No.14249006

File: fab0e858d71002a⋯.png (927.99 KB, 1365x768, 455:256, Smug Rina.png)

>Demoncrats leaving as soon as the USA chants starts

6e27aa No.14249035

File: 28b233bc2baf61c⋯.mp4 (274.03 KB, 360x360, 1:1, HOW 'BOUT NO.mp4)


>feel sorry for a dude who had 50k images of exploited and abused children on his hard drive


>Anon hes a liberal douche

When has that ever mattered to SJWs?

e2140c No.14249073

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>Just release the memo

>Trump: "Don't worry, 100%. Can you imagine if I didn't?"

Mobile can't embed on specific time, starts at 1h42m

e2140c No.14249083

File: 13578d0ee0f29a3⋯.png (2.7 KB, 500x250, 2:1, Oekaki.png)


Actually here's a webum

a1f800 No.14249087

e2140c No.14249097

File: 7375269a1007079⋯.webm (6.38 MB, 852x474, 142:79, 7375269a1007079a92088029b….webm)



d72014 No.14249098


how embarrassing

a1f800 No.14249124


Is that the one that's going to put numerous politicians in jail?

e2140c No.14249127

fd076b No.14249133


>6MB for 17 second

a1f800 No.14249140

File: 33ad35fdbe8dc85⋯.webm (11.43 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Mark Levin PROVES Obama W….webm)


Alright, could be interesting. Usually when people boast how "This will blow the floodgates wide open" (Like it's the next Watergate), they tend to be exaggerating (Or we don't see action taken on it for who knows how long).

19c7a7 No.14249156


>Using government administration and resources to conduct "national security investigations" to blatantly undermine the fucking president based on NO REAL EVIDENCE WHATSOEVER

Forget Watergate. This bullshit will be Franz Ferdinand tier.

02b7b7 No.14249166


>next Watergate

We've had numerous things come out that were far worse than Watergate, there just wasn't as much outcry over them. Probably because Nixon hated jews so the media made sure to hype the fuck out of it.

8c8b83 No.14249188

hows the /animu/ thing going, i saw it reach /co/ yesterday, but now is back behind /tg/

936f24 No.14249192


Watergate scandal was just a convenient way to get rid of a president who didn't like the banks.

b0562d No.14249199

Did they release the memo or what did just happen in murrikan politics?

02b7b7 No.14249204


Nothing major so far, Trump gave the State of the Union address(given every year by the current president) and was captured on video saying the memo will be released though.

b0562d No.14249226


Did he say when?

02b7b7 No.14249245

a1f800 No.14249259

File: 12ca8b42f2706d0⋯.png (802.19 KB, 1863x1650, 621:550, pol viv fuck ur video game….png)


/pol/ thread on the matter: >>>/pol/11205710

5065a8 No.14249350

File: e4f148de6c58784⋯.webm (15.83 MB, 960x540, 16:9, Made_in_Abyss_balloon_sce….webm)

I've been catching up on 2017 anime and goddamn Made in Abyss was amazing.

518f67 No.14249379


>What's TiA?

Tumblr in Action. It's a subreddit purely devoted to making fun of tumblr and laughing at their stupid shit.


>wanted to have sexual with

d86d67 No.14249413

File: 6d1d904d88bad6d⋯.webm (2.47 MB, 640x360, 16:9, amateur pediatric surgery.webm)


Best scene right here

773594 No.14249430

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Off-topic I know, but can someone make a webm of the part where he goes "wooohoooh" to the "suck my dick" on the end?

456471 No.14249443


They weren't able to get Dahlia's big bunny tits censored, so I have hope.

6b2180 No.14249444

Is it time for a new thread yet? This is on page 13.

fd076b No.14249470

File: 9cacf54cfa7b80c⋯.jpg (165.28 KB, 800x800, 1:1, 1412397743344.jpg)

File: a23db831aacc019⋯.jpg (261.64 KB, 804x698, 402:349, 1401351122577.jpg)


>You lived long enough to see GG threads start dying.

7af27f No.14249474


No happenings = ded thread. It happpens every year.

6b2180 No.14249475

File: 50f28fc185cddfb⋯.png (98.18 KB, 640x480, 4:3, close-the-gate.png)


Gate closure when?

a1f800 No.14249476


I could bake again, but I'm hesitant about making a new bread since it's on page 13 (Apparently that rule has yet to be updated because now we have 14 pages).

773594 No.14249480

>>14249444 ← Checked

Should I? I'll make one now.

376dd8 No.14249491


Put a space between the end of line 1 and the == so that link works correctly.

773594 No.14249492

Aaattattattattattattattattattattattattattattattattattattaaa BREAD-CHAAA!




fd076b No.14249494


The rule isn't for the very last page so you have some buffer to archive and link to the new one. Just like we can make a new thread at 700 posts when the maximum is 750.

ae2140 No.14249504


>making new bread when old bread hasn't even reached 650

3d4a2f No.14251662


441f1a No.14251680


3d4a2f No.14251688


This bread has already been archived.

3d4a2f No.14251689


And it was only 3 posts.

d3eb30 No.14253512


>being this retarded

The bread was on page 13, which is allowed to make a new thread by the rules

0bba7a No.14255571

File: 170050424e58e31⋯.mp4 (14.58 MB, 800x450, 16:9, CCSCCOP.mp4)


A happy miracle occurred. It's being made by the same studio as the original, complete with the same director, writer, all the original voice cast, even the OP music was done by the same group that did the original.

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