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File: ab7b3402fd88c86⋯.jpg (84.49 KB, 600x415, 120:83, DWHbV2xUMAApeV0.jpg)

File: df8c78ae1310aec⋯.jpg (89.53 KB, 600x415, 120:83, DWHbWXQVMAAztum.jpg)

1e7d28 No.14348030

Fall into the Dark


February Scedule

01/31~02/08 - Auld Lanxiety

02/09~02/14 - Fenrir / Cerberus Showdowns

02/11~02/21 - My First Valentine

02/14~02/21 - Unite and Fight (Light Enemies/Dark Favored)

02/22~02/27 - What Makes the Sky Blue (Part 1) (Re-Run)

02/28 - 03/11 - What Makes the Sky Blue (Part 2)


1.Infinity - 692908

2.Kihou - 740471

3.Sky Lords - 733000

4.Raven Nest (Dead) - 1024216

Guides and info


>How do I even play this shit?

You can play it from your browser by going to http://game.granbluefantasy.jp/

>I'm not going to use google botnet to play this.

You can use chrome alternatives, such as Slimjet or Iridium. If you don't like doing that, use an agent spoofer for the browser you do use to spoof chrome.

1e7d28 No.14348106

File: 30029ba9a01c497⋯.jpg (91.91 KB, 875x800, 35:32, DWAAybhUMAcjhvW.jpg)

Wish your favorite girl a belated Happy Valentines day.

7869df No.14348109

File: bfdf5b58a4d0c97⋯.png (197.61 KB, 600x540, 10:9, ClipboardImage.png)

Reminder who the true dark waifu is

247c37 No.14348157

File: 1e103a6c5135100⋯.jpg (137.02 KB, 746x1087, 746:1087, DWJLym5UMAAqXET.jpg)


I want to paint Fenrir white for White Day

90dc34 No.14348396

File: fc2f0791abda54a⋯.png (111.95 KB, 640x688, 40:43, 1515987604401.png)

Say something kind to my wife!

1e7d28 No.14348431


You did this last thread. Fuck off already.

000000 No.14348614




Sage for faggotry

fedc2c No.14348799

File: 0024e88808fc1d9⋯.jpg (29.58 KB, 300x300, 1:1, 5ab12a2a1ea52991f275673253….jpg)


Go back to cuckchan.

Jesus fuck.

On topic, its been breddy slow lately, but somehow zoiwars feels slower. Dunno if its burnout or something, but it def feels slower.

7869df No.14348807


The calm before the anniversary celebrations

b635be No.14348863


ban wave + lack of seraphics

7869df No.14348897

File: d887176a7d9bff8⋯.png (643.85 KB, 1504x832, 47:26, ClipboardImage.png)

today's region trends before betting closes

4f826c No.14348914

Hang yourselves all of you.

fedc2c No.14349022

File: f2cab787a5c00e4⋯.jpg (486.48 KB, 611x850, 611:850, Shimamura.Uzuki.full.18294….jpg)


And you too, anon.

Oi, fags, what kind of gear maximizes a dark team that is both hades and zoiless?

>then why the fuck are you playing dark

Well its just for this week, lads.

7869df No.14349040


Do you mean hadeless? Just make a celeste axe grid

f72d06 No.14349339

File: ef6535eb60f28a8⋯.webm (579.87 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, granblue fantasy in a nut….webm)

You didn't spend money on this, right?

0fbecf No.14349385


How else am I supposed to make Siero chan happy?

c3129d No.14349442


Don't need to spend money if you ace the gatcha.

fedc2c No.14350128

File: 739ec635a5e7edd⋯.jpg (54.45 KB, 600x450, 4:3, CTdelFgUEAEmjpC.jpg)

File: ea4c5b3e5cb1dfa⋯.jpg (100.86 KB, 709x1001, 709:1001, DIPQy5oUEAALjyL.jpg)

File: acbeca957d33804⋯.jpg (23.67 KB, 408x360, 17:15, Niyon_021.jpg)


I dont even know what Siero says.

Man, fucking nip rush took us down again.

b635be No.14350135

File: 32bfe623a3164ca⋯.png (817.28 KB, 466x681, 466:681, iridium_2018-02-18_17-12-2….png)

File: 6355d8663bd0a4b⋯.png (48.57 KB, 211x172, 211:172, iridium_2018-02-18_15-35-3….png)

another one joins the harem

c3129d No.14350351


How many is that?

b635be No.14350361

File: 50c394bc7d8360f⋯.png (102.15 KB, 370x314, 185:157, iridium_2018-02-18_18-33-5….png)

d51365 No.14351749


demo hitotsu ii ohanashi ga aru n desu

a347a3 No.14354063

Is there any reason to keep leeching omega raids once you've unlocked the rank 40 raids, aside from the summons?

7869df No.14354091


omega raids give SR weapons for skill fodder, summons which reduce into quartz and SSR weapons. They also give omega items (ie. colo cores from colo), which are used in crafting things like weapons and GW characters

Tier 1 raids only give SSR weapons, adding in the tier 1 weapon which dilutes the pool for getting the weapon you want. Tier 1 raids do give more pendants and drop champ merits, though.

You can go for whatever you prefer, but sticking with omega raids for a while longer to get some skill fodder and omega items banked is probably a good idea.

b635be No.14354298


bp are worthless pots are not use your bp

000000 No.14354386


What the hell are you even trying to say? I have AP and EP…what the fuck are BP?

05df65 No.14354495


Bear Points.

ce3fab No.14354567

File: cde3c88450e9151⋯.png (768.08 KB, 960x800, 6:5, ClipboardImage.png)

Is it worth getting the Jewel Modele from the casino, and having Christina?

8b1f3c No.14354600


no, shes garbage and the only reason to get her is to get access to cheap gunstones

7869df No.14354622

File: 7fa3c3828708c65⋯.png (719.45 KB, 508x730, 254:365, christina valentine.png)




Depends. If you already have an SSR wind team, she won't outpower most other wind SSRs and 5* SRs. If you don't have any wind SSRs, she could help you. She brings debuff res down and a heal with clear which is okay. Even then I wouldn't recommend going hard on poker to get her, just play some now and then until you can buy her. Her holiday messages are usually pretty lewd, so she's worth having for that.

ce3fab No.14354658


>If you already have an SSR wind team

Only have SR wind teams for the moment. I'll just save up chips from bingo games, and test my luck on the upcoming legfest.

>Her holiday messages are usually pretty lewd, so she's worth having that.

That is true.

c3129d No.14355498

File: 30a27f4d5524052⋯.jpg (56.17 KB, 596x842, 298:421, pinky bear heart ass beato.jpg)


Bear charm points?

b635be No.14355557

File: 8b4d391343e6117⋯.jpg (276.71 KB, 1616x1400, 202:175, beato.jpg)


bear is one if not the best waifu in game you cant prove me wrong

865f33 No.14355764

File: 25db043f31f3dbd⋯.png (8.76 KB, 120x120, 1:1, Stamp102.png)

Anyone else here just feel some sort of motivation lag every month U&F comes around, my grids are terrible so participating is time consuming

I feel like a waste of space in my crew because I don't participate, please let this event be over soon

a0be27 No.14355959


Christina's character is loathsome. That image of her sitting on that idiot draph (who is easily double to triple her size) reminds me of the current era's reality, in which men with no self-control orbit women who not only eat up that attention, but turn around and belittle those same men who lavish them with that attention, calling them "misogynists" while baiting/exploiting the weaklings all the while.

c3129d No.14356081

File: c9a8c843c941458⋯.png (1.27 MB, 1003x1416, 17:24, medusa tail.png)

I've rolled three Medusa summons so far. Is she worth spending a stone on for the final uncap?

3ae4af No.14356155


What else you got?

c3129d No.14356207


All the free trial ones. Baha and Alexiel already uncapped. Water and Wind SSR bunkle, one each. Nacht. Two Bontios. Are the only ones that look worth something. Medusa would just be for stat stick and the break. Sitting on four stones, but no luck waiting for a primal so far.

3ae4af No.14356222


Are the SSR bunkles uncapped? Because if not, I'd do at least one on one of them and save the other three for the free lesser primals.

3ae4af No.14356226



You can also save all four and spend one on the final uncap for Arc summons and save three for the lesser primals.

c3129d No.14356236

File: b2469e667e7353c⋯.jpg (85.92 KB, 828x600, 69:50, another day.jpg)



Forgot about the anniversary primal coming. Will wait and see about that one.

df7e0e No.14356769

File: 644f260c8c0a498⋯.png (762.39 KB, 707x1000, 707:1000, e2a99ef46719c259edeb66676d….png)


I think as long as you get atleast 1 million honors each gw day you are not completely useless. Whales gonna whale and carry the matches most of the time anyway.

b635be No.14356930

File: e01c85be557d28e⋯.gif (186.23 KB, 128x128, 1:1, nano.gif)


no unless you have stone to waste

a3ce64 No.14357185


I get 200 honor per battle, help.

b635be No.14357268


forget gw get ssr weapons

e5f1cf No.14357604

File: 806d950e87b67c5⋯.jpg (173.86 KB, 481x906, 481:906, Olivia BDay.jpg)

3ae4af No.14357733

File: e0f37409c51f27a⋯.jpg (42.3 KB, 316x440, 79:110, Earth Grid.jpg)

File: 4b172443644383b⋯.jpg (41.5 KB, 320x402, 160:201, Water Grid.jpg)

So I plan on getting one of the lesser primals. Should I get the Water one or Earth one? Here are my grids for the elements.

b635be No.14357761

File: e9555578762989c⋯.jpg (228.84 KB, 2048x1152, 16:9, pinya revengeance.jpg)


a lesser primal means you literally have to ditch those 2 grids (if you have no fimbuls it's baal farming for you have fun)

b2f5a8 No.14357783


It looks like she's slowly becoming less of a backstabber

3ae4af No.14357785


Well I'm trying to figure out the best one to ditch considering I already FLB'd my water grid, while earth is still only MLB'd.

22a009 No.14357800


it's gonna be like 6 months before you can get fimbuls again

7869df No.14357885


what makes the sky blue 2 redemptive arc, hopefully

ce3fab No.14358015


>what makes the sky blue 2

>redemptive arc

I'm hoping for a ruse and sand dolphin becoming more irredeemable like pushing another person off another cliff, but this time it's lyria

10bc69 No.14358241


fujoshi would find a way to rationalize it

0c49a6 No.14358467


Right now earth magna is way better than water magna so you should get the water primal. But with the anniversary right around the corner that could easily change.

8b1f3c No.14358479


using what makes the sky blue 2 a redemption arc for sandalphon would be the biggest waste and i hope to jesus all mighty in the sky its not real because it literally makes no sense

c3129d No.14358556

File: 964d98b2d9e4f84⋯.gif (3.3 MB, 640x768, 5:6, riot tear shirt anger.gif)


Hate the idea of the guy who murdered thousands and tried to genocide all the skydwellers joining the crew.

02bde8 No.14358617

File: ef2517dd2efa152⋯.webm (2.21 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, autism.webm)


Are we gonna have this thread again brought to keel by discussing this? FUCK YEAH WE WILL. Sandalphon did nothing wrong, and the isles he threw down were deserted, Gabriel remarks so.

7869df No.14358637

File: 9e532f6beeda6d0⋯.png (1.48 MB, 850x1020, 5:6, ClipboardImage.png)


I wanted a redemptive arc for Olivia whose fate episode makes it sound like she will be in what makes the sky blue 2 as she is trying to open pandemonium and fight lucifer, like Sandy. I want her to stab sandy in the back and truly join our side, not give sandy the redemptive arc

c3129d No.14358703

File: 0f49cfe6de27aef⋯.jpg (87.39 KB, 530x800, 53:80, DAO fig.jpg)


That would be perfect.

86992a No.14358713

Daily reminder that liking Cag makes you a gay.

c3129d No.14358750


Shove an apple in it V-kun.

df7e0e No.14359557

File: 464e79d8b8846c2⋯.png (847.79 KB, 1043x1000, 1043:1000, a578334b3dc832ca7e19c51c3b….png)

I wonder what Draph milk tastes like?

90dc34 No.14359735

File: 9e6a7f7fb797193⋯.png (196.13 KB, 488x388, 122:97, granstare.PNG)


Izmir's would be milkshake.

247c37 No.14359742

File: 2f6276f21bfdcfa⋯.png (828.77 KB, 724x1023, 724:1023, 8daa2836c4ef14ae39b6252f38….png)


Would it be better than dog milk?

40ea4b No.14359798

File: 39634436d5b3205⋯.jpg (41.99 KB, 598x721, 598:721, DVwx8w5UQAEtjh8.jpg)


Bitter from all the sulfur.

865f33 No.14360032

File: dae38d02a0ad4d0⋯.png (4.57 KB, 120x120, 1:1, Stamp21.png)


>I think as long as you get atleast 1 million honors each gw day you are not completely useless

no, I mean I am taking a stand and flat out refusing to participate in gw until my grids are improved to a point where I can reliably farm higher difficulty raids to at least <49% to get the MVP tokens and MVP chest.

The struggle is real and I AM ADMITTING that I have lost the battle, I will not participate until I can make a slight contribution to the war

I will still grind for waifus and do my dailies but I will not waste my pots and time on an unrewarding event

7869df No.14360056


just use your berries to join raids and get tokens from there. Everything you need to improve your grid strength is in those boxes (exp fodder, skill fodder and the rev weapon to make a GW character)

86992a No.14360084


it took me 3 guild wars to fully uncap my first dagger all by leeching raids and using my pots and extra ap to host raids for my crew so they can farm for meats so they dont have to use up their own shit for meat farming.

ce3fab No.14360102


>joining the crew

It's going to be a very heart warming welcoming party with the rest of the crew if that happens.


For Izmir, probably a vanilla milkshake. I hope her illness gets cured.

865f33 No.14360260

File: 70865966b1a268e⋯.png (4.56 KB, 120x120, 1:1, Stamp17.png)



I refuse to participate in Guild Wars unless the following 3 changes are made or adequate support is given to lower rank players

>increased rank and increased experience based on a similar table

rank 1~25 = x2.00

rank 26~50 = x1.75

rank 51~75 = x1.50

rank 76~100 = x1.25

rank 101+ = x1.00

>Increased tokens rewarded based on the table above

Increased reward = more incentive to participate at lower and mid ranks

>more SR characters are added to the possible token draw pool, at least 6 total, one of each element, preferably ones that can be 5*

Players struggle in getting a full team, for the longest time, until I was in the 60's rank was I able to get a full team of SR dark characters, giving players one of each element helps prevent others from being in the same crushing situation

Newer and less fortunate players need this once a month boost to get them through the hard times, I understand that old players have started with way less but carried on through persistence and the strength of autism

BUT as this game's audience expands please be understanding that lower level players need an incentive to keep playing even through the toughest times, I know this opinion is a shitty one and I don't know if me stating that this idea is not bait makes it anymore believable that I'm 100% serious

sorry for wanting a bit more casual-ness included into your gacha game

766b90 No.14360297


game is already casual as shit… grind those magnas plus you can wanpan nm100 for easy tokens

567c8d No.14360300


You are describing a catch-up mechanic.

What you don't realize is that mobileshits have a monetary reason to not introduce that sort of thing.

They make money when you buy crystals and rolls, why would they give you multiple SRs, particularly 5* SRs, when a lot of people would wear down and just spend money or leave?

The only welfare SR characters they're going to give are from events and most of the time are just useful as warm bodies or alt skins for the SSR versions.

766b90 No.14360309


that's a blatant lie some sr are great last event zoi is great for a discount team , betor and morphe is one of the best free support too but you gotta press lots of buttons

766b90 No.14360311


in fact i'm starting to think sr quality is increasing to make newbies stronger

567c8d No.14360327



If you read the entire sentence you'll see I added the qualifier "mostly" for a reason.

Check your retardation at the door instead of frothing at the mouth.

435fa8 No.14360344

File: fc910bf2a82212f⋯.gif (1.3 MB, 400x360, 10:9, 1429991081169.gif)

>play poker

>finish with 25k less than I started with

>play slots

>lose 10k

>play bingo

>win 300k

865f33 No.14360391

File: a7673396c3125cb⋯.png (7.39 KB, 120x120, 1:1, Stamp2.png)


way to go anon, keep playing bingo, who knows maybe a SUPER will happen someday and you'll be set with poker chips for life

40ea4b No.14360401

File: b707c8b5bb9107e⋯.jpg (69.06 KB, 441x600, 147:200, tumblr_o7ktn5Oiyo1v7ilc2o1….jpg)


No, the only thing they need to do is to get rid of that off-element debuff or make the bosses all neutral element or whatever it's called so you're not fucked out of usefullness almost every Guild Wars until you pull off getting a grid of every element set up.

865f33 No.14360431

File: 54cb19a13e72a1e⋯.png (4.54 KB, 120x120, 1:1, Stamp46.png)


This is an opinion I can agree with, by having all the monsters be neutral element then anyone can participate

Another suggestion I thought of was to have the solo fights be like the rotating showdowns, by this I mean have enemies on stages leading up to the boss which would drop angel rarity items, materials, tokens, and badges

Just a thought for those who struggle getting the badge rewards

e5f1cf No.14360611

File: 46aba2523811310⋯.png (1.93 MB, 1919x764, 1919:764, grind harder.PNG)


>farm higher difficulty raids to at least <49% to get the MVP tokens and MVP chest.

That's not gonna happen until you get to HL rank.

If you're low level, either host meat runs and raids for your crew or just join multple NM 100s for tokens.

By playing casually and doing this shit for like an hour a day, I managed to open 14 boxes last time.


They've already been constantly inceasing the amount of shit that GWs give, down to 2 more characters other than Abby and Naoise.

You're practically begging for gibs at this point.

GW Daggers and GW Characters are not enough of a reason for you to play during GW?


Getting your grids up isn't too hard to be honest, only light and dark may struggle a bit, but even then, building a gun or an axe grid isn't much different than building a grid of any other element.

Just host your magna trains and leech whatever raid you need some extra weapons for the next GW/event, you'll have all your grids up and running eventually.

The elemental resistance is there to prevent massive darkfagging in any gw or event, it's not a matter of making people partecipate (which is bullshit since everyone can help their crew, no matter then rank), it's a matter of not making every GW dark favoured.

7869df No.14360905

File: eb315ad4c6b0259⋯.png (1.98 MB, 1755x721, 1755:721, Triple raid.png)

File: abdb43d090c3d7a⋯.png (45.31 KB, 504x169, 504:169, Start of day.png)

File: 7c87435ffc8aa46⋯.png (59.39 KB, 513x203, 513:203, End of day.png)


>Triple raiding your drawboxes

Good shit. Get those 5* jutenshus

a3ce64 No.14361599


>falling for the bingo meme

Poker is better than Bingo, at least with poker you can win back 1000x what you lost rather than just 10 times. I often lose bingo 20 times in a row

321544 No.14362039

File: e964c4be69462d6⋯.png (166.32 KB, 386x276, 193:138, JUST.png)

865f33 No.14362501

File: d1ce843226913ee⋯.png (4.86 KB, 120x120, 1:1, Stamp16.png)



How do you play with multiple screens?

Do you just open new tabs or is there some extension needed?

Can this be used for hosting multiple raids or can this only be done with one raid at a time?

Can you get banned for doing this?

please tell me your secret

5cbbfc No.14362744


                    '; 、BAIT`'.,
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 ::::::!               ノ::l

865f33 No.14362944

File: 087b63a0fc60d22⋯.png (8.82 KB, 120x120, 1:1, Stamp121.png)


you could have just answered my question instead of failing to copy paste

If anyone one else is interested in knowing as well, thanks to doing some digging and reading --_reddit_-- it seems you can have more than 2 tabs open at once for the same raid in order to multi task, one for using skills and the other for auto attacks + more for skipping charge attack animations, it does not require an extension but there seems to have been cases where players were given a warning for doing so, no confirmation on permanent bans but CyGames is aware so do so at your own risk

3ae4af No.14362975

Why am I always burnt out when GW comes around? I seriously wish there was another way to get sunlight stones.

40ea4b No.14363201

File: 7893481a1b96262⋯.jpg (169.21 KB, 507x515, 507:515, 7893481a1b9626292f8ef44ce6….jpg)


>Getting your grids up isn't too hard to be honest

>Thinking everyone has enough luck and time to not end up with weeks of no useful drops.

>The elemental resistance is there to prevent massive darkfagging in any gw or event

Then they could've just let you choose the element like you choose the Revenent weapon or throw out two elements at the same time.

94d947 No.14363316


And then GW becomes Varuna Wars and wins are determined by how many Varuna Whales you have. Hope you're ready to spark 3 murgs and pray you get Varuna as well, otherwise you're a determent to your crew.


GW is shit, that's why. The only reason I'm doing shit now is because I can use Mechanic to get 200k~ honors in 2 turns during ST with my unfinished Dark grid. Doing this for 2 hours straight and then fucking off isn't that bad, and I get a ton of honors.

e06bb9 No.14363489


Anything is better than dog milk, shit's too bland.

e5f1cf No.14363516


you just open new tabs

if you use viramate, you just copy the raid code from the raidfinder and paste it in the extension.

The game allows you to join a maximum of 3 raids, but gives you a "check your raids" battle when 5 accumulate.

This way you can stay in 3 raids and join a new one every time one ends, avoiding interruptions.


>>Thinking everyone has enough luck and time to not end up with

>weeks of no useful drops

How the fuck do you go weeks without improving at least one of your grids?

With the recent changes to drop rates every single magna train nets 2 to 4+ SSR weapons, and don't bullshit me with the time thing, hosting a full magna train is a matter of an hour or less.

If you're a little scrub, bring your own treasure hunter and open the raids immediatly.


>Then they could've just let you choose the element like you choose the Revenent weapon or throw out two elements at the same time.

You realize you're trying to grind harder than an opposing crew during GW, don't you?

If that was the case GWs would be Zooeys versus Varunas, with 4 other elements sucking their thumbs on the benches because they just cannot compete.

7869df No.14363741


>you can have more than 2 tabs open at once for the same raid in order to multi task, one for using skills and the other for auto attacks

No, they changed that a month ago. You can't do that anymore as the game needs the turns on each client to be in sync. What me and the other anon were doing is joining three different raids with three clients as the game allows you to do that. The only restriction is you can't do more than one action at once across the three. So you just attack on one, wait for the animation to finish, and then attack on the next client

40ea4b No.14363826

File: 11c8a09b56d9356⋯.png (250.42 KB, 666x700, 333:350, 60959983_p3.png)


After luck with drops in Arcanum and some raids; shit just stopped; all I ever get is fodder SR and SSRs with the most useful thing I have gotten for a while being Celestes spear.

>hosting a full magna train is a matter of an hour or less

I've also been trying to grind out a finished GW weapon and unlocking Row IV so fuck you and your hour; I'm not gonna try to push any harder than doing those and running at the omegas whenever a MLB Kaguya (surprisingly regularly) shows up so I don't burn out (I am close to 5k pendents so it'll either be a Celestes axe or Lumis gun) but my luck's been god awful lately.

5cbbfc No.14363878

File: 28e46d68bb5cc22⋯.png (36.08 KB, 515x402, 515:402, double_newfag.png)


>failing copy paste

86992a No.14363985

File: e588ddc19d14603⋯.jpg (243.16 KB, 539x1284, 539:1284, MOONS.jpg)


371bb3 No.14364002


>Rolling outside legfest

You have nobody to blame but yourself

40ea4b No.14364086

File: 709e41b702aabbd⋯.jpg (86.39 KB, 800x600, 4:3, DBjIi4cUMAEuEh_.jpg)


Pretty fucking good for a roll outside legfest.

06e7d8 No.14364903

File: 58237039be04d3b⋯.jpg (32.19 KB, 657x545, 657:545, anhonestman.jpg)

Can an honest man get some big fat draph tiddies?

40ea4b No.14365073

File: 6c22f59b762de12⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 115.91 KB, 765x1080, 17:24, DVi2gmCUQAAVTFK.jpg)

File: 0b91a376f1149a8⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 280.79 KB, 1776x2600, 222:325, 0b91a376f1149a88abbd2126e7….jpg)

File: 5d7c1f379832a30⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 348.77 KB, 1400x989, 1400:989, 63127366_p0.jpg)

File: 9ce2ffbd2b2e436⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 403.54 KB, 849x1200, 283:400, 62650525_p0.jpg)

File: 1ddc3e36fc72933⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 810.25 KB, 1000x1414, 500:707, 62976679_p0.jpg)


>fat draph tiddies

>Not fat Harvin ass


06e7d8 No.14365334


I just know what I like.

Thanks friend.

408eba No.14365427

Anons, I'm running out of ideas of what to do.

I'll explain:

>Been trying to play through website every now and then to no avail

>Manage to log in, loads my account

>A few seconds later I get booted out to the start screen and logged out.

What do I do? Been trying to solve this for months to no avail.

40ea4b No.14365469

File: ef600339054d4bd⋯.jpg (232.41 KB, 460x460, 1:1, 54614686_p0.jpg)


Are you trying to play it through a different browser than one based on the Google botnet by way of spoofer?

408eba No.14365491


tried through botnet, chromium…. not by way of spoofer.

But my problem is that it DOES log in, but then boots me out of the game and logs me out of the WEB VERSION but the app version still works.

Been told that being logged in the app version shouldn't matter with the issue, but nobody's told me HOW to solve this shit.

40ea4b No.14365536

File: 4cde4e44cd98b8e⋯.jpg (242.35 KB, 825x1090, 165:218, 56913038_p3.jpg)


Pretty sure you're the only one any one has ever heard of having that issue so it must be something special about your computer.

408eba No.14365548


Not just mine, but BOTH of mine because I have 2 and both suffer the same shit.

Can't be Spain's network, can it now?

000000 No.14365619


Using chromium on linux with "User-Agent Switcher for Google Chrome" extension with no problems. Try user agent set to "Android" "Nexus 7 (tablet)". Good luck and godspeed.

408eba No.14365711


Yeah, with the switcher it does work. But I get the feeling viramate won't work on it.

Any other solutions?

408eba No.14365726







40ea4b No.14365736

File: 216916932ed46da⋯.jpg (303.23 KB, 850x850, 1:1, sample_eb9d9068a7ef7944ed5….jpg)


Never heard of any Spaniards messing around with shit like this so it makes me wonder; what's your favorite race and top 3 favorite characters?

000000 No.14365775


It's been so long since I set it up I forgot, you'll need too look up the actual user-agent strings apparently. Android Nexus 7 is "Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 4.1.1; Nexus 7 Build/JRO03D) AppleWebKit/535.19 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/18.0.1025.166 Safari/535.19" I also have "Samsung Galaxy S3 (handset)" and "Samsung Galaxy Tab (tablet)" set up…I honestly cant remember which one did the trick.

000000 No.14365784


Well instead of following your fee-fees why don't you actually fucking try it? Viramate works fine here.

000000 No.14365857


P.S. "Chromium" is not "Chrome" as far as granblue is concerned.

01782b No.14365892

File: 0a0439c52d3c18f⋯.jpg (68.31 KB, 600x619, 600:619, 3c99dd6f27c8ef1ba3180d1891….jpg)


can't you just reply in a single post

000000 No.14365912


Clearly the answer is "No." Dick.

e6fa56 No.14365950

File: d773745999ff98b⋯.jpg (34.81 KB, 500x500, 1:1, d773745999ff98bcb19b4adade….jpg)


>expecting TORposters to be good at posting

1d5cb1 No.14365960


TORposting is a cherished right. Do not shit on TORposters.

247c37 No.14366178

File: 342516f6a45b6a8⋯.png (1.71 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, iavx9lkp7hh01.png)

>Princess Connect gets a 'not-Fenrir' character added to the game

>Granblue still has no playable Fenrir


e6fa56 No.14366192


TORposting is begrudgingly allowed, if it were cherished they would not be given unique IDs that identify them on sight. Usually to make fun of people ban evading through it.

2d5702 No.14366203


Holy shit that's hilarious. Will Fenrir-fag change game now?

000000 No.14366216


I'm curious, has a single Torposter ever been banned from posting to /gbfg/? As far as I've seen, I'm the only one that ever posts here. And I've never been banned, because I've only ever used Tor on 8ch. I simply like to be truly anonymous.

e6fa56 No.14366229

File: 56e502a6e2fcbef⋯.png (21.29 KB, 1024x271, 1024:271, Tor abuse.png)


There was a tor poster banned in the flight sim thread. It's more of a

>someone uses regular IP

>gets banned

>jumps onto TOR to keep shitposting

Espcially since it's the most basic bitch of "vpns" if you could call it one.

Polite sage for offtopic

388a65 No.14366847

File: a0126c9c3493efb⋯.jpg (561.99 KB, 1124x569, 1124:569, Untitled.jpg)

File: 602878b446cc918⋯.jpg (239.45 KB, 451x570, 451:570, Untitled2.jpg)

File: 48d08b1f65222db⋯.jpg (700.71 KB, 480x5571, 160:1857, everytime.jpg)

I've been told that a dark team without zoi is pretty gimped compared to teams of other elements, is that true? Do I have any alternate teams I could work on?



I started to like gw a little more when I found out I could wanpan nm100s for tokens, but drawbox rng is still awful. Is it normal that I never draw the item I want until the box is practically empty? Pic related happens to me almost everytime there's a drawbox involved. Adding it up, 1403/1487 = 94.4% of the items have been drawn, and I still didn't get the harp.

d76288 No.14366972


Honestly I wouldn't worry about anything like that at the moment, just keep doing what you're doing in dark for now. Magna 2 is coming out soon and its possible that that will just fuck up everything we know about the elements.

The big problem with dark right now is regardless of what characters you have it doesn't lend itself well to the new bahamut fights, below that tier with or without zooey dark is still in a strong place, it just falls apart a bit when you hit that point in progression but hey, maybe magna 2 will fix everything. (It won't they have no idea what they're doing)

e5f1cf No.14367035

File: 1934fa2c0aaa8c9⋯.png (120.96 KB, 395x131, 395:131, good morning Tiamat.PNG)

File: 7cd4d0f89fc4b54⋯.png (86.73 KB, 452x239, 452:239, Good boat.PNG)

File: d68487c3048abb7⋯.png (78.34 KB, 453x248, 453:248, Neza crits to hars yugu sh….PNG)

File: 692dd7538f21390⋯.png (94.29 KB, 456x238, 228:119, yugu best primal.PNG)


When you realize you've got to skill up 4 seraph weapons, a couple Bahas and an atma weapon, you'll start to appreciate the fodder.

Also, I never said to do it now, if you only got time for GW focus on that shit, but it ends today. From tomorrow we have a rerun event and you should probably run a magna train every couple of days or so.

>running at the omegas whenever a MLB Kaguya (surprisingly regularly) shows up

The SSR Weapons/Summon chest has a 3% base droprate, with all the boost you get it up to 5% or something like that.

The drop rates from within the chests don't change.

You're better off being consistent in clearing them and hoping for drops from red chests.

This shit isn't rare anymore, and Yugu just loves showering you in gifts.

1e7d28 No.14367185

File: 2e0c3546231f4a7⋯.jpg (86.56 KB, 624x800, 39:50, christmas arulumaya.jpg)

7869df No.14367198


They might have to add her now just out of principle. Can't let another game have their character's likeness unopposed

e47acb No.14367224


Nice tiddies.

e93481 No.14367466


Is it time to put her back in the front row?

7869df No.14367589

File: 4fdab6863e31420⋯.png (122.63 KB, 499x196, 499:196, rank.png)


>I started to like gw a little more when I found out I could wanpan nm100s for tokens

It gives pretty good honours too.

c3129d No.14367759

File: f8cbaefb342d93d⋯.jpg (190.91 KB, 888x1110, 4:5, no Fen.jpg)


It's mostly the pose, she doesn't really look like him in a normal one.

d51365 No.14368266

File: e4a5b86057b04f2⋯.jpg (46 KB, 323x612, 19:36, capture_21022018_170040_00….jpg)

What do I do with my life now?

a3ce64 No.14368276


You have 6 hours to fap to Draph tiddies, I don't know why you're complaining.

d8822c No.14368416


Go outside, get a job, meet a girl, fall in love, start a life together.

Get a promotion, buy a house, have kids and teach them well.

Keep the flame of your love burning, grow old together and maybe the maintenance will be over by then.

8c38cb No.14368481

File: 3442dfd12d8c733⋯.jpg (820.56 KB, 2309x1429, 2309:1429, Saint dolphin.jpg)

SSR Saint Dolphin

3948b4 No.14368490


So when do we get the ability to reduce characters?

c486a5 No.14368491



Very funny.

247c37 No.14368494

File: bbd74bb315b3ffe⋯.jpg (182.76 KB, 850x985, 170:197, __fenrir_granblue_fantasy_….jpg)



this meme has gotta stop

8c38cb No.14368506


You forgot to add that we get him for free and also the plot of the new event.

Paradise Lost - What Makes the Sky Blue Part II starts a few months after the first event, when Lucifer is attacked at a temple in "Canaan" (name subject to change in localization to avoid references to biblical locations). After that, Primal Beasts across the skies go berserk…

865f33 No.14368581

File: c91bf918ef71f3a⋯.png (5.02 KB, 120x120, 1:1, Stamp40.png)

Possibility of Lyria 5* during part I or II this event?

67be3a No.14368610


>free SSR sandy vagina

Sometimes, I kind of get the feeling granblue devs specifically do shit with the potential to make people into anal blood-fountains.

On the level of, if fenrirfag ever gets hit waifu, I'm willing to bet she will be sharing the party slot with Loki.

Each uncap will feature Loki more prominently and Fenrir in the background.

MLB will change it completely into Loki.

247c37 No.14368628

File: dfa191cc02413ac⋯.jpg (267.39 KB, 533x746, 533:746, 63708749_p0_master1200.jpg)


that's some true monkeypaw shit right there

df7e0e No.14368645


So this is free SSR character and not gacha SSR?

Too bad, he could have been near Lucio level but I guess he is gonna suck.

c3129d No.14368657

File: fa107c5ed18e0a1⋯.jpg (14.69 KB, 300x300, 1:1, grumpy cat.jpg)


You win this time fujoshits. Sandy is a gud boy, didn't du nuthin.

ce3fab No.14368663


>free ssr sand dolphin

Fujos were a mistake, and if the monkey's paw is really at play here, hopefully he's a useless SSR.

a3ce64 No.14368678


Or he becomes the best character, beating Zoi. Forcing waifufags to put a nonwaifu in their dark decks to make them suffer.

c3129d No.14368740

File: 6e81073d2a0f929⋯.jpg (36.16 KB, 600x450, 4:3, sakura frown.jpg)


>free SSR

The fujos will get as much use out of him as I get out of my lovely Sakura. No, no where near as much. Sand will be forgotten soon, no one's gotta stick with that bait for twenty years.

67be3a No.14368773


>dolphin is actually good character

That just isn't going far enough with the ruse bullshit.

Try something more along the lines

>dolphin is decent and joins on ch1 automatically, no loyalty required

>event features shit like 5 star weapons and summons with massive mysterious modifier/100%+ to damage with little drawbacks/etc, so you will have to get him in your team if you don't want to miss out

>5 star Lyria uncapping into SSR locked behind the ending of the event as well

238ca8 No.14368786



ce3fab No.14368797


Really doubting that sand dolphin is going one up zoi. He'll just be an equivalent to sakura or that touken ranbu guy; has a few perks but you're likely going to drop him in the long run.

d8822c No.14368854


>5* SSR Lyria


40ea4b No.14368890

File: 90b888e0762855f⋯.png (2.18 MB, 1699x1203, 1699:1203, 64475247_p0.png)


It's not that I don't appreciate the fodder as much as I'd like to have at least one useful omega a week.

>if you only got time for GW focus on that shit

I wasn't talking about the weapon, I was talking about the Whorls and few random items I have left.


>Sometimes, I kind of get the feeling granblue devs specifically do shit with the potential to make people into anal blood-fountains

The Marvel strategy.


Listen to >>14368678 he knows how this game works.


The fujos always got the better SSR freebie and even more fucked up; this will be their fourth while we only have Sakura who they fucked.

f2e6b6 No.14369805

File: 46722ed146b8b59⋯.png (100.21 KB, 480x256, 15:8, Down we go.PNG)

7869df No.14369841

File: 9fab10b58d68f9a⋯.png (237.85 KB, 523x455, 523:455, sage esteem.png)


Start farming those class weapon uncap items

f2e6b6 No.14369982

File: a10e5ac73058ae7⋯.png (467.69 KB, 477x407, 477:407, 320 mil.PNG)



7869df No.14370021

File: 32924a82edb368a⋯.png (503.08 KB, 514x416, 257:208, boss.png)


We get to fight Anila's mum

f2e6b6 No.14370042

File: 2218d45e3876db4⋯.png (478.31 KB, 476x406, 34:29, playable when.PNG)


you got here first.


dca148 No.14370047

File: b7162cdf91868f9⋯.png (365.5 KB, 480x800, 3:5, Screenshot_2018-02-21-14-5….png)

I can't wait to sort shit out when I get home. Need to empty my boxes too.

f2e6b6 No.14370067

File: 4aa15de2d9d48f0⋯.png (61.05 KB, 450x186, 75:31, animas.PNG)

File: 8970c61964b6fa9⋯.png (186.45 KB, 469x319, 469:319, anima.PNG)

7869df No.14370081

File: 02ff9df8b4ca937⋯.png (458.14 KB, 505x592, 505:592, emblems.png)


Get ready to farm the hell out of them

7869df No.14370085

File: 7a43e93d1d915b6⋯.png (714.2 KB, 509x779, 509:779, oliver.png)

Oh, new class weapon uncaps are in

10bc69 No.14370115

File: 37b944c76c5627e⋯.jpg (91.02 KB, 689x629, 689:629, 1454807218513.jpg)

>all this new shit I have to farm

>with zero warning

f2e6b6 No.14370147

File: 69e37af03deb16e⋯.png (273.56 KB, 367x428, 367:428, just a few runs.PNG)


considering we've only ran each new floor once, I'd say it's fairly easy to get the upgrades.

7869df No.14370152

File: c8172b0f636b2ce⋯.png (647.83 KB, 502x1763, 502:1763, Humanity.png)

File: fa61d4e8bc31ffd⋯.png (663.87 KB, 502x1808, 251:904, Divinity.png)

File: 02644bf1d139b8a⋯.png (656.19 KB, 502x1800, 251:900, Devilry.png)

Class weapon uncaps can have 1 of 3 emblems socketed like atma weapons. These are the effects they give.

f2e6b6 No.14370191

File: 95b422a05d2f28b⋯.png (130.06 KB, 608x404, 152:101, welp.PNG)

86992a No.14370245


does that mean i dont have to make a class champion weapon now to unlock the classes??

a3ce64 No.14370320


But if these are supposed to be the main weapon, what use are Xeno weapons?

b635be No.14370364


you still gotta elechange it dummy

90dc34 No.14370526

File: 3367c8340eadc6a⋯.png (190.19 KB, 361x467, 361:467, do_not_trust.png)


Unknown multipliers in your grids. Also, notice how the majority of these weapons have dogshit effects with only a couple remotely useful ones. Make one in case Extra 2 classes require you to smash one, and banish it to the stash.

5cbbfc No.14370555

Oh the crate got upgraded too, better filter when you want to fetch something specific first before clearing everything else.

7869df No.14370714


>Make one in case Extra 2 classes require you to smash one

Don't give KMR ideas, dammit

da28c6 No.14371318

File: 2410200f52d69bf⋯.png (218.9 KB, 379x326, 379:326, 1519259519379.png)


What a lovely pit. I don't need tits and ass, show me more pits and thighs, along with some bare stomach or back

5cbbfc No.14371707


>Sandal phone

>Need to kill other bishi to gain power

>Fujos need to choose between sandal or the other bishi

If only.

cf8fd7 No.14372434

File: 7d2919c85c927a7⋯.png (1.1 MB, 622x1235, 622:1235, 2018-02-22.png)

File: 04ece48c0f61a06⋯.png (95.13 KB, 559x149, 559:149, 2018-02-22_2.png)


f2e6b6 No.14372454

File: c4ac3a3b56af99b⋯.png (391.27 KB, 486x443, 486:443, Nurse.PNG)


22a009 No.14372685

File: 2c4d2a8d49b0d9d⋯.jpg (25.33 KB, 190x399, 10:21, 2345364575686798.JPG)

File: 3c600d764e3dc4a⋯.jpg (42.99 KB, 317x390, 317:390, 23434645764567.JPG)

File: 856ba0842669612⋯.jpg (29.61 KB, 248x389, 248:389, 5346545674576.JPG)

File: a627eb3c57f1403⋯.jpg (45.4 KB, 321x389, 321:389, 325346457567.JPG)

I had forgotten how jarring some of these were

d51365 No.14372726

File: ead6b0ec11a3b37⋯.jpg (182.57 KB, 490x672, 35:48, oops.jpg)

Is it normal it takes that long or it's because I took a light team? I'm level 50 or so.

7869df No.14372743


It is a long fight, but you can't really die so keep going.

There's a trophy for killing him in 3 turns

435fa8 No.14373078

File: cbda3636f7266cc⋯.png (680.78 KB, 582x578, 291:289, Pain and suffering.png)

It hurts.

37a1bb No.14373125

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Playable Monika at 3.15

3ae4af No.14373315

I remember when the event first started and I couldn't really do shit. Now I can take on impossible with any team and 3 turn Baha.

90dc34 No.14373835

File: 145da2c83367928⋯.jpg (259.08 KB, 500x441, 500:441, 1460457899068.jpg)


>no playable monika in Granblue

>playable Monika in this fucking cross-game garbage

c3129d No.14374533


>Flat Monika

Even if she becomes playing in blue, it just won't be the same.

4ebd38 No.14376432


You seem to have taken longer than I did, and I had a dark team of Lyria, Valentine Narmaya, and fucking Luna (I swear, she's next to useless). It definitely took me well over 100 turns, and I was really freaking out in the last phase when I saw I was doing no damage to it.

408eba No.14376504

So I'm using viramate and the quick skill icons don't work even though they're enabled: Any way to fix this or work around it?

5cbbfc No.14376578

I'm not sure, but it seems each raid remember which last team you used for it and pre-select it now.

5666cf No.14376628

I don't know what anime or manga these shitty memes are from, but it needs to god damn stop.

8ec4a2 No.14377586


>boss hp doesn't regenerate

>still gets wrecked by the owl multiple times


f35977 No.14377994

File: 2448bba804fc3dc⋯.jpg (671.66 KB, 1125x1500, 3:4, b953d69a6ce81f0542cdbfd182….jpg)

File: 2ee937ce4917c04⋯.jpg (593.68 KB, 1125x1500, 3:4, 7000181cb9ed3f843ce2b3893c….jpg)

File: fcadc0d60f43b40⋯.jpg (821.88 KB, 1125x1500, 3:4, f958b902eb1e48ad0b1e9f72cd….jpg)

What if Gran was a hot girl?

25b780 No.14378064

File: b7e48f89a61f1fa⋯.jpg (49.64 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, i see you're a man of cult….jpg)


>big tiddied tomboys

030e23 No.14379160

Fan favorite poll is up, reminder that you can tweet your result for an extra ap/ep restore.

c3129d No.14379220

File: daf7f81a1b8511f⋯.png (704.8 KB, 695x1080, 139:216, erune loli dragon armpit.png)


Gotta make sure she stays in the top 10.

7869df No.14379234

File: e1fc1fe41cb032a⋯.png (315.21 KB, 960x800, 6:5, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b378994de739646⋯.png (370.23 KB, 960x800, 6:5, ClipboardImage.png)


I'm going to keep voting for her in R until they give her an SR

c6146d No.14379242

File: 09c9cf1900ee7ea⋯.jpg (136.82 KB, 1036x1285, 1036:1285, __karuteira_granblue_fanta….jpg)


If she's your fav, you'll keep voting for her long after she gets a SR.

5b0481 No.14379246


Never participated in these threads before, who has the biggest tits?

c6146d No.14379249

File: 9cfb466fa3e2346⋯.jpg (2.65 MB, 4903x2655, 4903:2655, size chart.jpg)

5b0481 No.14379256


Great, now how do I vote?

7869df No.14379258


scroll down to the update notices at the bottom of the home page

c6146d No.14379264

File: a4bcfdc0a2f8b2d⋯.png (315.27 KB, 562x866, 281:433, Untitled.png)

5b0481 No.14379281

File: 57e103ddf4727e0⋯.png (25.1 KB, 324x176, 81:44, Screenshot_20180223-080533….png)



5b0481 No.14379300

File: c89a35c540bc444⋯.png (560.47 KB, 1080x1920, 9:16, Screenshot_20180223-081500.png)

Yeah, nah, sorry weebs.

7869df No.14379306


you need an account to save your waifus. Just use mobage, it seems the simplest

c6146d No.14379309


Nope, use twitter, it's most straightforward.

9ebff4 No.14379807


I'm voting Balurga till the end of the time.

And clay golem because fuck you all.

7869df No.14381571

File: 1dc3a91c08bdb06⋯.png (1.1 MB, 723x1020, 241:340, ClipboardImage.png)

3ae4af No.14382475

I swear to fucking god, this game is laughing at me.Finally getting T1 weapon drops, but ALL of them are from Nezha, Apollo, and Medusa.

f35977 No.14383169

File: 898e1ab9736a311⋯.png (172.88 KB, 384x203, 384:203, g1524260.png)

File: 25db043f31f3dbd⋯.png (8.76 KB, 120x120, 1:1, t14r3570.png)

Don't you fucking touch my tokens you filthy jew.

567c8d No.14383427

Is this event going to give a 4th star to the rainbow baha or is it going to sit as a level 100 event summon?

7869df No.14383994

File: 2a32519c430eaf7⋯.png (180.81 KB, 879x165, 293:55, Banner.png)

Get fucked, fujos. This is a waifu game

44f103 No.14383997

File: 02aaaa4ffb4c6c2⋯.png (20.37 KB, 435x83, 435:83, banner_event_trailer_1.png)

>log in

>see this banner

Is WMtsB2 redeemed?

c3129d No.14384049

File: 522f6e703eb91ab⋯.jpg (51.57 KB, 419x750, 419:750, MASSSIVE SKELETON BONER.jpg)


>Sandy will be an SSR summons

Much to early for fujo month, bring on the cute primarchs.

ce3fab No.14384077

File: af8895d1ca43f1b⋯.png (184.42 KB, 480x400, 6:5, IMG_0557.PNG)


Voted for her, but kinda wished I chose Krugne instead, seeing that he was one the r characters that I started with.



>sandy being an ssr summon

>monkey's paw working actually working against fujoshits

I thought it was confirmed that he'll be a ssr freebie.

c3129d No.14384105


The leaks had him listed as an SSR, but then the SSR tag was removed later. Don't know if the tag was a mistake in the first place or if they wanted it to be a surprise. Have to wait and see, but him not being on the banner gives hope.

f27881 No.14384852

File: fcb726410a98193⋯.gif (1.33 MB, 853x480, 853:480, weapon to surpass metal ge….gif)

CF0B16A8 baha hl relatively free horn

44f103 No.14385545

File: 16350b9d6191818⋯.png (58.97 KB, 1533x489, 511:163, FINAL.PNG)

For that anon who asked for the casino bot.


Definitely not dolphnin porn.

Also friendly reminder there's 8 accounts still looking for an owner (if everything goes well, they're all going to have Lyria on them, as well as SR Cock)

a3ce64 No.14385637


Pokerbot doesn't work, it keeps asking to update, except the update link leads nowhere

a3ce64 No.14385694


Nevermind, I got it to work. It's funny how similarly this bot plays to me.

44f103 No.14385758


It should go without saying, but don't leave the bot unattended for long period of times.

1 to 2 hours is usually fine, more than that and you're risking a captcha popup and a strike (4 hour ban)

a3ce64 No.14385825


Yeah, I got the thing set to 1 hour instead of the default 3. I just noticed how it's a bit retarded, it doesn't automatically take every joker.

f27881 No.14386202

File: 313d64b69bac997⋯.png (98.2 KB, 388x408, 97:102, iridium_2018-02-24_19-04-3….png)

multi drifting th

86992a No.14386766

File: 2cbf3b3bb18a5e7⋯.gif (1.03 MB, 400x444, 100:111, 1420542475500.gif)


>nevermind fix'd

a3ce64 No.14387193


For some reason, it comes with two seperate versions where one version is broken. Just use the non broken version. You can tell because it works.

7869df No.14387662

File: c9d8ec80b11f6bd⋯.png (287.25 KB, 505x775, 101:155, storyteller.png)


You beat me to it. I picked auto-attack farming instead

3ae4af No.14388321

File: bda0104261412ed⋯.jpg (28.58 KB, 318x361, 318:361, Almost there.jpg)

This sucks. Now I have to hope that we get a gold bar for the anniversary.

978956 No.14389496

File: 1bc31fd99239933⋯.jpg (125.98 KB, 675x1200, 9:16, Regend.jpg)

File: 8aa4e9ffc3264cc⋯.png (123.48 KB, 960x800, 6:5, Fraux.png)

3ae4af No.14389524


This fucker must have had some really fucking good runs, I'm still at 2* Devil because the shit isn't dropping a lot for me.

90dc34 No.14389631

File: 6176803b45f2af6⋯.jpg (63.15 KB, 810x457, 810:457, DGO_xZyXkAAc0dn.jpg)


I still need 21 aurora hazes and 60-somthing wind verums for Temperance, how the fuck did this happen?

f35977 No.14389761

File: 7842c3ac6e7b801⋯.png (851.37 KB, 650x923, 50:71, 30124def471fcb430d1ec37c6b….png)


Im seriously 1 aurora haze away from 3* devil.

Fuck these droprates.

c42b8a No.14390020


it really is the best of both worlds

f27881 No.14390397


he bought the mats with arcapoints

7869df No.14390565

File: 5d15a9c88a942db⋯.png (1.12 MB, 512x1343, 512:1343, quatre vs nio.png)

Quatre confirmed worst jutenshu

7869df No.14390750

File: 91f881b55c74037⋯.png (926.67 KB, 514x1126, 257:563, nio vs ockto.png)

File: 4432ce75a8355e7⋯.png (549.03 KB, 511x699, 511:699, protect.png)

File: e8e8fe110febb40⋯.png (662.89 KB, 514x918, 257:459, mind meld.png)

File: dac1ac7a570165e⋯.png (543.22 KB, 512x764, 128:191, melody.png)

File: d93bc5993dd5812⋯.png (117.13 KB, 510x343, 510:343, 100 skill.png)

Just mind meld with your neet potato

f16111 No.14390782


What did Niyon do, there?

7869df No.14390833

File: 23e7a18208f8673⋯.png (767.63 KB, 513x969, 9:17, kicked out.png)


Nio's loses her ability to hear melodies in her 5* fate episodes. Uno tells her she'll be kicked out if she doesn't get it back. She trains with the nine-realm harp and then you have to fight all of the jutenshus to prove that she's strong enough to stay in the crew.

44f103 No.14390843


I've been hoarding mats and points, soon can't be soon enough.


Jesus Christ, she pulls all the strings of my heart.

I know who I'm going for next.

7869df No.14391142

File: e558fd730a687ad⋯.webm (3.12 MB, 640x480, 4:3, Wind.webm)

Wew. Capping in wind at max hp. Thanks to Nio I can do 33mil over 3 turns, I just need 10 turns to get there. Nio's buff is 4 turns but I didn't want to rebuff and make the webm longer

cb4321 No.14391165

Can I play this in Pale Moon?

030e23 No.14391208


No, only works on chrome and chrome derivatives. I'd recommend Iridium if you don't want to deal with google's botnet.

f27881 No.14391253

File: a37c81fc4dd0c8d⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 10.16 MB, 4000x4092, 1000:1023, 19844edccce0003c2db2b3c0e8….png)

5DB5A496 baha hl we have para

44f103 No.14391320

File: e33a2d9170f2e19⋯.webm (3.47 MB, 356x500, 89:125, DAO vs Chev.webm)

Gotta love that DAO Buff.

f27881 No.14391429


or you could play mechanic with enough cap ups and oneshot it

3ae4af No.14391662

So the free lesser primals are 10% weaker than they're whale counter. 70% boost then 110% boost at MLB.

40ea4b No.14392170

File: 0df59c12848913a⋯.jpg (203.63 KB, 1125x1500, 3:4, DWltEWwVwAAlkIe.jpg)



You'd still be dealing with a botnet. Only one that may not be is Chromium but someone would have to check if they're not bullshitting about taking out that information sending that the others twisted to their own uses.

60863b No.14392404

File: 38c1323ed182a8e⋯.png (158.4 KB, 960x800, 6:5, __vira_granblue_fantasy_dr….png)

f27881 No.14392715


best waifu forever and ever

cb4321 No.14392749

3ae4af No.14393161

File: e786bbdf9e87aca⋯.jpg (11.42 KB, 305x219, 305:219, Drop.jpg)

So the human sacrifice finally paid off. Guess I can buy two from the shop now.

f35977 No.14395173

File: 7f80693ed03cf8f⋯.png (416.51 KB, 384x607, 384:607, no hope.png)

File: 8afdb002be698ff⋯.png (9.78 KB, 120x120, 1:1, r1r2532379.png)

Every day we step further from god.

7869df No.14395797

File: f7c780354d6be57⋯.png (534.03 KB, 447x512, 447:512, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1bfa20fea1b41d0⋯.png (536.89 KB, 447x512, 447:512, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7d9743ce66e20da⋯.png (409.84 KB, 447x512, 447:512, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4f1426bea562685⋯.png (592 KB, 447x512, 447:512, ClipboardImage.png)

Banners up. God damned playable sandy

ce3fab No.14395856


>playable sandal confirmed

God dammit.

7d49d7 No.14395867


What was the point of rubbing Ha chan amd Ma chan in our faces then?

Are they going into the gacha?

Is this game turning into archangel central?

8ec4a2 No.14395868

File: e5d981bf4811d50⋯.png (216.34 KB, 335x606, 335:606, DD_Jervis_519_Full.png)


I'll stick to farming this.

7869df No.14395872


possibly light and dark primarchs for the shiva tier raids

11c913 No.14395884


>What was the point of rubbing Ha chan amd Ma chan in our faces then?

A small reminder that the first part of the event mentions the 4 primarchs(and Luci) are the only angels left around because everyone else got mad at Astrals

ergo, MaHa are runaways from Pandemonium

ergo, they want you dead

7d49d7 No.14396539


Buuut Olivia is also a runaway and is slowly changing side due to Danchou's dick.

So is Azazel but he's the kind of guy who'd lick the poisoned dagger before stabbing you.

The Ganguro looks like she only needs a whiff of Danchou's precum to change her mind.

Sandalphon on the other hand actually sank islands, actually kicked Michael while she was down, kidnapped Lyria, threatened Vyrn AND bit the MC's hand when it was offered to help him.

How the fuck do you allow this fucker in your crew?

c3129d No.14396547


Is that one doing any updates or just giving in to the china knock off?

c486a5 No.14396553



11c913 No.14396555


stop reading mind break doujins

4ebd38 No.14396730


Well, at the very least, I'm still enough of a beginner that I really do need to be filling up my roster with more people that I can get full parties of (insert element).

So what is the recommended Special Summon? Or is this something different that no one knows about yet?

5c26c7 No.14396739

File: cb03f497511fb64⋯.png (591.82 KB, 588x775, 588:775, dericious.png)


Is that potato heaven?

435fa8 No.14396745


>I'm still enough of a beginner that I really do need to be filling up my roster with more people that I can get full parties of

I hope you've been saving your crystals and tickets for a leg or flashfest.

I have and it's pure suffering.

41a25f No.14397016


(Same guy, different location)

I don’t think I’ll ever try “sparking” if that’s what you’re asking. But I have made the decision to only draw Flash until I get crew member Olivia.

709650 No.14397113

File: 91e1c1dbecec464⋯.png (47.79 KB, 440x74, 220:37, iridium_2018-02-26_15-58-1….png)

alllllwaysss i wanna be with you and make believe in you and live in harmony harmony ohhhhh love

709650 No.14397115

File: d37c940972e3099⋯.jpg (1.39 MB, 2400x1800, 4:3, ultimate heaven.jpg)


no this is

435fa8 No.14397184



God no, I don't know how the people who do it manage it. I mean the SSR draw rate is boosted to 6% during leg and flashfests.

3ae4af No.14397231

File: 93b317ca5676931⋯.png (76.66 KB, 310x183, 310:183, ClipboardImage.png)

>No summons last GW caused this

>Got a shit load of swords when I could have gotten summons instead

GW truly is, without a doubt, a colossal mistake.

5cbbfc No.14397271


I'm ready for fanfic tier personality shift

11c913 No.14397360

File: 05bcf5ee71922bd⋯.png (602.49 KB, 463x946, 463:946, 28379287_10211744961244291….png)

Hi I'm Sand dolphin and


41a25f No.14397464


Really? Dark element after going through the entire first part where he’s a light element boss? Or will that be a “because he had all those wings” excuse?

Oh well, Dark is one of those I need people for. Because now I can DITCH THAT WORTHLESS LUNA; GET THE HELL OFF OF MY DARK TEAM!

435fa8 No.14397517


>forsaken purpose

You going to hold hands too?

ce3fab No.14397674

File: e577df4647ab2ce⋯.jpg (94.92 KB, 640x640, 1:1, IMG_0530.JPG)


>he's a dark element

>my dark grid is somewhat decent already.

And here i was hoping he'll be a light type. I guess the only thing I can get out of him is the free crystals.

3ae4af No.14397692


Pretty sure this is fake. Way too good for a free character.

11c913 No.14397850


Oh I'm absolutely certain it's fake, I still find it an amusing idea, whoever did it, if only because, as I said, this guy would fuck all the pussies in dark team

4615be No.14397856


>belongs to each element

So he gets boosted by any grid? Finally a use for those off element weapon skills?

96d0d1 No.14399197

File: a7690ecab398676⋯.jpg (57.5 KB, 500x438, 250:219, 4545758679780.jpg)

You know sandalfag returning was a bit obvious in hindsight

17a30d No.14399229

File: 280726ad068f6a2⋯.jpg (206.53 KB, 1278x1557, 142:173, DWuHbN4VQAAbj7g.jpg.jpg)


I mean, not really, he was absorbed into Lucifer pretty unceremoniously, him getting out of that seems even less likely than escaping pandemonium again.

96d0d1 No.14399260


that just means lucifer can essentially recreate him from scratch at will

My point was more that they aren't gonna put a character we're never gonna see again on the OST cover AFTER their plot has been wrapped up.

ce3fab No.14399334

File: 4b23372f030d7f7⋯.png (927.97 KB, 850x1203, 850:1203, ClipboardImage.png)


It was obvious he'll come back seeing that fans (mostly fujos) are fond of him, and that he 's on the cover for one of the OSTS. However, him coming back as a recruitable SSR character is a bit jarring seeing that he did some despicable things like almost killing both danchou and lyria by pushing the former off a cliff. I would have been alright if the sandalphon from Part 1 has ceased to exist, and that the one that's going to show up in part 2 is just another or one of the many back up copies for lucifel.

6931c0 No.14399350



I'm more surprised people thought they wouldn't bring the faggot back the second he got muh tragic past flashbacks in the event and got taken out in a roundabout manner.

Its basic animu bullshit really, no corpse and/or exploding into grayscale pretty much means the character is alive and hiding in some ditch 99% of the cases.

7869df No.14399377


fenrir got a tragic backstory in ranger sign bravo. Will she come back as playable?

6931c0 No.14399418

File: 22e1816242f5c50⋯.jpg (286.07 KB, 850x1202, 425:601, 22e1816242f5c5026eada889fb….jpg)



Years from now as a exclusive of a limited time promo that is unavailable everywhere except moonland.

8b1f3c No.14399540


i have no problem with Sandalphon coming back, my problem with Sandalphon is that theres no reason he should be joining the crew after everything he did in the first event, unless they do some retard shit like wipe his mind.

3ae4af No.14399664


I'm somewhat disappointed that the mini primals are literally mini primals. I kind of wanted them to be sort of different primals, maybe based off old GW bosses like Bella Donna or the Bee, or hell the giant Octopus.

247c37 No.14399844


If she isn't playable soon I'm gonna nuke cygames' headquarters


I'd either pay someone in moonland to hook me up or go visit moonland because I've been wanting to do it anyway

435fa8 No.14399870

File: 3b6ea27f09fe89c⋯.png (1.18 MB, 1257x811, 1257:811, grid.png)

Pls no bully

10bc69 No.14399975

File: 9167afa558a1a91⋯.png (1.78 MB, 1050x1049, 1050:1049, 1456031335702.png)

File: ece7ce7283251ab⋯.png (283.62 KB, 483x290, 483:290, please clap.png)

>muh zoi, muh hades



5a564b No.14400657


Dark is a bit of a pain to het started don't worry.

Just try not to skill up too much the normal mod weapons, as you'll replace them with magnas soon enough.

7869df No.14401053

File: a491f9dd169be21⋯.png (557.59 KB, 620x518, 310:259, twins.png)

ce3fab No.14401133

File: 1e7b1bd4bb91c96⋯.png (209.58 KB, 365x391, 365:391, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 44d14fc5c1a93e3⋯.png (899 KB, 1000x800, 5:4, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8e710cd7a2ddc9c⋯.png (246.72 KB, 682x1000, 341:500, ClipboardImage.png)


>Belial character and his design

>Looks very familiar to another angel character


f35977 No.14401162


I present to you the angel twins; NIG AND NOG.

7869df No.14402189

File: 64669b43d74970a⋯.png (335.84 KB, 513x552, 171:184, trial characters.png)

File: b93e795e826f929⋯.png (615.32 KB, 523x789, 523:789, tia.png)

check the trial characters before they fix it.

8ec4a2 No.14402244

File: 77e040ba600077a⋯.webm (1.92 MB, 546x720, 91:120, please be patient i have ….webm)


Mostly just new ships and equipment. Supposedly there's a phase 2 coming this spring that will have a new client. Not sure what updates it will contain. Jervis is a drop from the current winter event.

826ead No.14402344


>SR Birdman

The sky king who conquered his fear of height gets demoted?

c3129d No.14402472

File: ec57f1dbc024ab0⋯.png (588.75 KB, 635x760, 127:152, Joy.png)


Can't wait for him to murder half the sky, behead Lyria, make a salad out of Yugu, and then join the crew next year.

f35977 No.14402549


>make a salad out of Yugu

D-don't give them ideas anon…

f3e94f No.14402633

File: d1dd8eaf0e69090⋯.png (217.82 KB, 300x460, 15:23, ClipboardImage.png)






I don't know why people are surprised, this kind of character has been pretty staple within the fujoshit fandom since forever because fujoshits don't give a single fuck about characters having no morals or honor as long as they are bishibois, pic related.

c3129d No.14402749


I want all the Fenrirfags to always remember they are no better than the fujoshits.

d51365 No.14402921


pic unrelated

c3129d No.14402940

File: e101f93b7f9b40e⋯.jpg (414.82 KB, 1012x1670, 506:835, lecia 12.jpg)

Do they just not like her?

a3ce64 No.14402978

My pokerbot is desyncing a lot and is wasting my chips, anyone else faced this issue?

11c913 No.14402996



a3ce64 No.14403017


No, it just acts retarded and keeps pressing the deal button and wasting chips.

d03e28 No.14403190

File: 7d80f7bc53ee807⋯.jpg (19.06 KB, 241x163, 241:163, wind will never recover.jpg)

File: 72ee81c5dcb7de0⋯.png (687.54 KB, 476x683, 476:683, one of life harder choices.PNG)

File: 1b0b72272b6bb06⋯.png (763.95 KB, 482x723, 2:3, SR chococats when.PNG)


Wind will never recover.

F wind.

On the other hand, Chococats event soon.

d03e28 No.14403521

File: a50151ae982590b⋯.png (46.01 KB, 450x125, 18:5, j5f9zOS.png)

File: 4bc1a783486c7dd⋯.png (298.32 KB, 343x496, 343:496, wfzpXb0.png)

As for the Shiva raid.

It got up for a brief moment during which people got to run it, it apparently is a 6 man raid with 52 mil HP.

It dropped nothing and some nip guy got banned for running it.

e93481 No.14403813

File: c04cf282a95b954⋯.png (398.11 KB, 367x566, 367:566, bullshit.PNG)

Who thought it was a good idea to have these fight rely so much on RNG?

b2f5a8 No.14403821


at least you got past funf already

709650 No.14403847



do the okto 5* then you can talk

40ea4b No.14403853

File: 23f24b02cec10ec⋯.jpg (984.33 KB, 1500x1032, 125:86, 63046050_p0.jpg)


Money's on Tiamat if that second skill picture will stay since it reminded me of Yggdrasils second skill.

709650 No.14403919

7279DC18 space nigger from outer space

8ec4a2 No.14403980


>lightfags Candi resorting to heal spamming

Just roll Hades. Light is never going to hit cap (and that's a good thing) :^^)

709650 No.14404005


zeus caps without problems thanks to (((eden)))

ce3fab No.14404366


>Then join the crew next year

And he'll just collect dust in my inventory along with sandals and J.J.

>Behead Lyria (which also kills danchou), and make a salad out of Yugu

Please no.


>Pic related has no morals or honor


7869df No.14404591

File: 3f3c42bc9552aaa⋯.jpg (35.67 KB, 362x346, 181:173, CjcQBE6.jpg)


>Money's on Tiamat if that second skill picture will stay

>It's already named Tiamat

05df65 No.14404687

Is GBF Raiders down for anyone else as well?

865f33 No.14404758

File: 0eeea5be3b4f80d⋯.png (291.56 KB, 1365x695, 273:139, iS gbF RaiDErs DoWn FoR An….png)

05df65 No.14404838


Cleared my cache and it worked. Thanks for the update that it was just me.

3ae4af No.14404909


It's gay.


10bc69 No.14405102

File: 56839fc392ea371⋯.jpg (65.98 KB, 607x625, 607:625, 1468894212061.jpg)

>you'll have to spend sunstones to uncap event primals

Why? I was thinking about getting Zeus, but now with Magna 2 coming I'm not sure it's even worth it.


>heal spamming


>Light is never going to hit cap

Just wait until I uncap my Eden, you darknigger.

588abd No.14405381

File: d9faa22563b0225⋯.png (67.84 KB, 274x94, 137:47, Light damage.png)



Light can cap, you're probably using bad characters. Like Lucio and Vira.

7869df No.14405394



>light cap is 440k

How did you manage that? Or did you just screenshot an ougi?

10bc69 No.14405489

File: 766ae6542ed5170⋯.png (281.83 KB, 577x720, 577:720, 1466815985183.png)

File: 64799a3a1a0ab8f⋯.png (468.64 KB, 514x512, 257:256, party.png)


But I like them.

588abd No.14405517

File: 31f8d2a3b2c1e5d⋯.png (657.29 KB, 579x846, 193:282, Light damage 2.png)


Fuck your damage cap.


Well, that's fine then.

3ae4af No.14405523

Here how's it's gonna go down this anniversary.

>Free pulls comes AFTER legfest

>Free pulls stop BEFORE flashfest

Hope everyone enjoys their free pulls of shit.

7869df No.14405526


But how? Is there a damage cap weapon for light like the Qilin bow, or is it just buffs?

588abd No.14405563

File: 7fdaf20adfb1138⋯.png (17.58 KB, 506x118, 253:59, Mystic vortex.png)


It's buffs.

8ec4a2 No.14405570

File: 84af08220719e32⋯.png (641.54 KB, 677x672, 677:672, party.png)

File: 6b88396ca389b02⋯.png (411.83 KB, 584x707, 584:707, party1.png)

File: f3a41909f9fc905⋯.png (38.23 KB, 172x157, 172:157, omit.png)


>6 boosts

Sad. When is light getting a real grid?

db1d62 No.14405587


m-magna II will save light, you'll see!

7869df No.14405592

File: afc2cbb9e06919d⋯.png (161.49 KB, 499x370, 499:370, knife naru.png)


>the closer to cap light gets, the more top tier worst loli will become

40ea4b No.14405820

File: 7803a20137a13a6⋯.jpg (25.94 KB, 167x167, 1:1, 1415763754252.jpg)


In my defense I didn't think to look since I expected it to be Siero.

e93481 No.14405989

File: ce48b97755cc624⋯.jpg (51.64 KB, 509x600, 509:600, go.jpg)

GO: 946DBD18

4615be No.14406158

File: f78d9715c4c89d3⋯.jpg (119.75 KB, 400x300, 4:3, 1444920458141.jpg)


>he thinks crits count for damage cap

Every other element caps before crits and other cap breaking boosts.

ce3fab No.14406274

Legfest and the event is up.

96d0d1 No.14406288

File: 9516c4389802655⋯.jpg (71.79 KB, 484x568, 121:142, 454657865.JPG)





40ea4b No.14406389

File: 450a799ef8fb3ca⋯.png (345.22 KB, 834x832, 417:416, 1438990475433.png)

>Still no monkey to spark

>Grinded hard as hell to try and get snake but

>Got everything but snake butt

>Grind for weapons for grid and only get fodder at best

>Get hyped up on Reunions FLB

>FLB gets released on your birthday

>Think birthday luck will save the day

>It's reverse emnity

This shit better be massive.

247c37 No.14406548



Thanks to Eden's new uncap, Zeus builds are fucking ridiculous now in case you didn't know. While it sucks that light is gated by needing limited weapons, it's one of the stronger primal grids out there.

4615be No.14406570


Not only is light gated behind limited weapons whether you run magna or primal, its gated behind limited characters to have some semblance of offense too.

588abd No.14406641

File: 1c83c42d32018d1⋯.png (60.32 KB, 274x106, 137:53, Light damage 3.png)


Sorry, I forgot you were retarded.

05df65 No.14406770

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

4615be No.14406771


Nigger the whole point is that damage is shit compared to what other elements output. Light sucks ass at damage and anything other than stacking HP or being a parabot compared to them.

865f33 No.14406840

File: 8a1b8bc411d8ac0⋯.png (381.49 KB, 500x656, 125:164, Tiamat GET.png)

File: a941e802f2131f0⋯.png (388.93 KB, 500x662, 250:331, Scathacha GET.png)

File: e5e909f63799fe4⋯.gif (281.38 KB, 500x281, 500:281, MIND BLOWN.gif)

>have 2 draw tickets left


>mfw 2 SSR's from single draws

fb4ea6 No.14406851


I got a vortex dragon.

Seeing him get beaten into submission in the event story was nice.

588abd No.14406858


All your other teams auto attack for 600k+ without a seraphic or crits? That's amazing! Could you show them to me?

247c37 No.14406897

So it looks like Mr. Sandal Phone is arguably the best freebie character cygames has given out

why do I get the feeling he's gonna get a limited version within a week or two

1e7d28 No.14406905


How is he good? I think the Attack on Titan collab characters are better than him.

ce3fab No.14406916


I will admit, he does give a shitty light grid/group a little kick to it.

>why do I get the geeling he's gonna get a limited version within a week or two?

Seeing that White Day is coming, this might happen, or an outfit for him would be offered.

90dc34 No.14406929

File: a1b5d4f32565b89⋯.png (1.87 MB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20180227-222231.png)

Roll 125/125, got my spark target despite blowing all my tix and crystals early from peer pressure. Fucking worth it.

247c37 No.14407012


AoT collab characters were selfish attackers, Sandalphon is slightly less selfish with party-wide critical/dmg up buffs and a lot more survivability

1e7d28 No.14407058


That's what make the AoT collab characters strong. Sandal doesn't really do much aside from weak buffs.

e574c6 No.14407161

I like how Sandalphon is still a douchebag.

cf8fd7 No.14407417

File: 2899d56d2463c9a⋯.png (177.08 KB, 640x628, 160:157, 2040275000.png)


They altered the art for those two slightly for their summon. They flipped the image in its entirety and Halluels arms are now embracing Malluel.

766b90 No.14407568


one of those rare cases where chocolate is actually worse than vanilla

cf8fd7 No.14407601


I haven't played the event yet but if they're anything like their namesakes their actual names not this shit "translation" than they're both terrible.

f02031 No.14407607

File: 4fbc911e0edbb0d⋯.png (866.23 KB, 571x870, 571:870, Untitled.png)


>he doesn't have two scoops of ice cream like a real man

a3ce64 No.14407629




c3129d No.14407954

File: 0c17d9ba80be502⋯.png (809.01 KB, 639x823, 639:823, show off.png)

File: e0210cb817db1a8⋯.png (725.48 KB, 642x762, 107:127, knockers.png)

7869df No.14407961

File: aaab32741d57e32⋯.png (691.79 KB, 513x733, 513:733, beach angels 1.png)

File: 3a7106de962368f⋯.png (691.08 KB, 511x729, 511:729, beach angels 2.png)

File: 5e118cc02fdfa69⋯.png (910.73 KB, 850x1133, 850:1133, ClipboardImage.png)

Summer Ha-chan and Ma-chan when?


Someone post the big tits Io pic

709650 No.14408172

File: 16bee779e56e16a⋯.jpg (263.89 KB, 1000x716, 250:179, desu.jpg)

88D4DA70 baha hl

d51365 No.14408231

File: 38fcc1282faed19⋯.jpg (52.86 KB, 484x650, 242:325, birthday.jpg)

Sand is redeemed: he'll give you of his special blend to drink for your birthday.

f02031 No.14408245


He probably blended some of Katalina's chocolate in it then goes off to make Lyria wear shoes and scam Sierokarte.

c3129d No.14408282

File: 41d102e33c860b3⋯.png (269.24 KB, 643x556, 643:556, zoom.png)

I like the Nightcypher and wish it was used more.

8b1f3c No.14408356


lucky vyrn gets to feel up against lyrias tiny mosquito bites, lucky bastard

d47517 No.14408801


How does it feel now that Sandal Phones has saved light?

4ebd38 No.14409548

Decided to throw a few tickets out, though saving the bulk of stuff for the next Flash. Got SR Vane, but what the hell is the difference between him and Event Vane? Also got Flower Girl Jeanne, so another to add to the light group with SSR Sand Dolphin.

e764ae No.14409618




Sure is LIDF in here.

8b1f3c No.14409630


hes literally just a weaker lucifer

c3129d No.14409632

File: f9380c4da689b26⋯.jpg (197.72 KB, 1200x840, 10:7, gay.jpg)

File: e38eeaefa103479⋯.jpg (201.67 KB, 1200x840, 10:7, fucking gay.jpg)

It's over. The fujos have won.

1c5e02 No.14409636

File: 78c1348ad6f4a90⋯.png (260.11 KB, 467x720, 467:720, coffee boy.png)

d47517 No.14409640


Well, I think most people playing this game are with me when I say I have 0 edens but one Coffee Primarch.

c3129d No.14409642


Didn't think I could hate this guy more, but proved me wrong.

7869df No.14409661


Wait. Are you saying the sjw translators actually made his dialogue less gay for the west? Since there were no memes, maybe they fired the old translators

c3129d No.14409670


The sjw likely thought the evil guy talking about gay sex was hate speech that they had to fix.

3b32a7 No.14409794

File: 361706b90e2af08⋯.png (137.98 KB, 375x375, 1:1, 361706b90e2af087625a65afcd….png)

File: 518d254ef3248bb⋯.gif (818.39 KB, 160x160, 1:1, 518d254ef3248bbe9ddfc907a6….gif)


>Granjew is now officially gay

0fb920 No.14409823


>no memes

>Magical Miki

>Second Chance Sam

>Wreck It Ralph

Besides, they also translated a proper line which was like "Oi, get up!" to " …!".

7869df No.14410035

File: cb39949ae3151ba⋯.webm (7.34 MB, 640x480, 4:3, Light TA.webm)

I never thought to use tag team with 100% TA for 100% charge bar on turn 2. Easy 6 turn TA

2812a0 No.14410074

File: 328326cac8ab06f⋯.mp4 (13.58 MB, 640x360, 16:9, グランブルーファンタジー-Paradise Lost.mp4)

Belial's fight theme - (A) Paradise Lost

b2f5a8 No.14410165


Yep, it's pretty fucking good for sniping dark raids. You can also combo Song's crits with Ferry TA after the cooldown on longer fights. Bring mic hype for extra bunga.

7869df No.14410591

File: 32d25c4d39783b4⋯.png (2.08 MB, 995x1075, 199:215, anniversary art.png)

promotional anniversary art of all the event characters since the last anniversary

c3129d No.14410606

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


A commercial with the whole grancypher crew. Everyone of them. No one left out at all.

ce3fab No.14411094


>All of the even characters since the last anniversary

I don't see Meteon anywhere. Nice artwork though.

8b1f3c No.14411098


platinum sky was a rerun, so i dont think it counts

cde9a3 No.14411212


Missing newyears potato

f35977 No.14411278

File: a07a7cfb5eceaf1⋯.png (131.49 KB, 381x195, 127:65, 1625465370.png)

Its time for your favorite game, guess who is behind the buffs?

8b1f3c No.14411291


elysian gran, yggdrasil, arulumaya, valentines medusa

db1d62 No.14411783

I just got communication error'd. Anyone else getting this? I could use the apologems.

435fa8 No.14411795


I'm not, but raids have been seeming a lot emptier the past ten minutes.

d51365 No.14412208

>Request Time-out

>Server timeout waiting for the HTTP request from the client.

This mobage is dead.

8ec4a2 No.14412212


KanColle is under DDoS attack, but I got disconnected from this around the same time so we may be affected also. Fucking chinks.

435fa8 No.14412216

File: d1c9063649256b9⋯.png (27.17 KB, 124x115, 124:115, Butthurt.png)


>just sank 30 drops for three hours of drop bonus

>was 3% away from soloing my first tiamat omega


8ec4a2 No.14412250

File: 95536f2147cc1db⋯.jpg (44.62 KB, 680x596, 170:149, shid.jpg)


Another round of attacks. KanColle is having an event featuring British ships. ChinkColle is also having an event featuring British ships. Pure coincidence surely.

8ec4a2 No.14412343


I've confirmed that the GBF servers share a host with KC. ASN: AS17707. We're just collateral damage.

7869df No.14412411

cygames tweeted out



They know about the ddos at least

f35977 No.14413367

File: f5118184f67ed12⋯.jpg (146.78 KB, 1000x653, 1000:653, 76c9357bf68c6b1cf44c98c7cd….jpg)

I need more draph tits

90dc34 No.14413387

File: 78844b47ac214c9⋯.png (24.38 KB, 224x224, 1:1, 1493939638709.png)


I want to FUCK Sutera

d51365 No.14414072

File: edf87771173e18a⋯.jpg (153.76 KB, 494x720, 247:360, noice.jpg)

Thank you, free ticket.

1e7d28 No.14414331

New thread


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