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File: d951c5597e157c5⋯.png (122.58 KB, 278x362, 139:181, Yuuhi Heavens Drive.png)

8d33d0 No.14078744

> Current Happenings:




1. Project Alexandria: Gather your GG Archives for the new GG Wiki.

2. Archive.is isn't sure you'll donate money to them. Prove them wrong: https://liberapay.com/archiveis/donate

3. OP Trans Pacific Shitstorm! Stop the TPP revival


4. Defend Free Speech! Anti-Internet Censorship Database Operation:




6. Tencent Digging investigation




>The #GG Wiki is coming back!

>Magic the Gathering is going through a mini-#GG event, there is an SJW clique in the "creative community" and Judges are being exposed as pedos and rapists

>A whole slew of SJW Marvel comics just got canceled for Christmas, and Twitter is salty about it

>EA shit the bed with lootboxes in Star Wars Battlefront II and are taking major heat #BoycottBattlefront

> Thread Repository:



> Summaries of #GamerGate:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wy9bisUIP3w - #GamerGate - If It's Not About Ethics;

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5fnRSL3d_xU - #GamerGate in 60 Seconds;

https://archive.is/23Fde - GamerGate: A State of the Union Address.

> Reminders (important, READ THESE!):

• Use https://archive.is to deny sites ad revenue and traffic and preserve websites in case they are deleted later;

• Beware of COINTELPRO tactics: The Gentleperson's Guide to Forum Spies - https://cryptome.org/2012/07/gent-forum-spies.htm

• Be civil if you have to argue with people on Twitter, Tumblr or any forum - don't make us look like douchebags;

• Do not accept requests for any goal or demand list: https://pastebin.com/p5dVp1e5

> Background and Evidence for #GamerGate (read and spread these):

• The #GamerGate Dossier: https://archive.is/nv1Fb

• #GamerGate Wiki: http://thisisvideogames.com/gamergatewiki/index.php

• History of #GamerGate: https://www.historyofgamergate.com/

• View the timeline links in the Current Happenings section!

> How Can I Help?

• All Operations: https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/tree/master/Operations


• Operation Disrespectful Nod: https://v.gd/jtftaG (email advertisers);


• Operation Baby Seal: https://v.gd/iwvyPm (reporting Gawker for violating content guidelines);


• Operation Vulcan: https://v.gd/Kbzw0L (educate yourself on logical debating);


• Operation UV: https://archive.is/N9ieT (contact the FTC about Gawker);

• An Anon's Guide to Twitter: https://v.gd/nwrbYF (the basics).

> Lists:

• GamerGate Wiki Support List: https://v.gd/0fOHO3

• GamerGate Wiki Boycott List: https://v.gd/n6GPPt

• GamerGate Steam Support & Boycott List: https://v.gd/vzRsRb

> Key GamerGate Hubs:


> Full OP Text:

• Current:


• Old:


> Want to Help Contribute to GitGud?


f495b9 No.14078750

First for ¡Feliz año nuevo!

daf8c2 No.14078765

File: 1c3847dd53fd715⋯.gif (957.37 KB, 500x420, 25:21, 1c3847dd53fd715283fc179419….gif)


No, it's benis, you fucking faggot.

21a3c6 No.14078770

>4 minutes, 2 replies






f495b9 No.14078777

File: 407fb429bbe16dd⋯.jpg (32.3 KB, 638x568, 319:284, Yoko Taco.jpg)

25f901 No.14078778

File: 1f9990c1d028e22⋯.jpg (82.46 KB, 1279x717, 1279:717, Bread4.JPG)

Archive of last years bread


daf8c2 No.14078788

File: 4ba6fa7c9738e25⋯.gif (1.98 MB, 548x610, 274:305, 4ba6fa7c9738e2536689aa7f2d….gif)


This is embarrassing to watch. Even as a shill you're a failure in life. It must suck to continue existing as you, doesn't it?


You don't deserve it.

d5799a No.14078812

File: 75b79e54ea2bfa8⋯.jpg (32 KB, 600x337, 600:337, 3.jpg)


>new GG wiki

…que? I think I've missed lots of events.

c8f325 No.14078822

File: 43824e481acb9d3⋯.mp4 (3.79 MB, 512x288, 16:9, Constable Elliot Wellingto….mp4)


Is that Maru?

21a3c6 No.14078835


Anon pls, it's fucking new year's. Even on /v/ with the number of NEETs we have, it's going to be slow at this hour.

Plus you should know the first few dozen posts end up being shitposts anyways

f495b9 No.14078840

Anyway, is there any new year fun and embarassment from (((game journalists))) or the left?

63d385 No.14078841


8d33d0 No.14078846

File: c87f06f99ce05c2⋯.jpg (77.04 KB, 720x547, 720:547, Asuka stern.jpg)

File: e69372f998e8e69⋯.png (159.29 KB, 1280x1024, 5:4, Screenshot from 2018-01-01….png)



A minor miracle occurred and we recovered a copy of the long-lost original GG wiki from 2015. Since the current Wiki rebuild attempt has gone defunct like all the others, we are bringing the original back to life using this preserved version. It's going on a permanent host this time, ran by sperg-proof people.

It's going to need updating when it goes live. We have time - launch is at least a couple weeks away, probly a little longer.

07fbbb No.14078849

File: cf996e67ce408b8⋯.gif (7.05 KB, 379x450, 379:450, story23b.gif)


>guinea pig as a police force

haha what

2bef26 No.14078858

Watch out for GamerGate

The public enemy of the world #1

It is the main hashtag responsible for…

☑ Forcing a historian to prioritize shitposts over reporting their dad's corpse

☑ Vandilizing private property with "Strategic Designation #2"

☑ Causing chaos in Hollywood with an acid rainstorm

☑ Ruined the very concept of anime for everyone

☑ Firing a promising staff member from Platinum Games

☑ Making Colin Moriarty say a misogynistic joke and firing him

☑ Giving a white Iranian a date with DMCAstiny

☑ Creating bait that surpassed Metal Benis

☑ Stole Bioware's checkbook

☑ Making YouTube proud to support the [ERROR: Login to view this content] community

☑ Became Linkedredchannitin

☑ Adorning unrelated posts with images of anime boobs

☑ Overwrote reality with a Tropico save-file

☑ Teaching the Russians how it's done

☑ Spent 4 days legally dead for tax reasons

☑ Manipulated reviews to make Yooka-Laylee look as 64-bit as possible

☑ Revealed international culinary secrets

☑ Convinced an anon into becoming a trap

☑ Funded by Russia to cause chaos in the USA

☑ Plotting to invade and take over the fashion world with a new puppet as mascot

☑ Successfully summoned the memeteor, then promptly dispelled it because it wasn't exciting enough

☑ Moved gaming acceptance back decades in the public consciousness

☑ Got seened in an Oakland drive-by

☑ Has trademarked "hikikomori ginger girls with names based on imageboards"

☑ Employed Russia's help in hacking the ESRB

☑ Bestowed upon a penguin a penguin-waifu

☑ Caught a glimpse of the evil that is the Korean Education system

☑ Likes their iced cream 'pure aryan'

☑ Hacked a character into ARMS, then leaked it

☑ Having a girl fetish

☑ Killed people at an Ariana Grande concert with a bomb

☑ Discriminating fantasy from reality

☑ Undoing all the hard work into promoting Far Cry 5

☑ Turned Ren Hoek into a terrorist

☑ Created Gamergate America

☑ Became starmen

☑ Brought misogyny into E3

☑ Turned Mario Mexican

☑ Prevented beloved VAs from reprising their popular roles

☑ Brought back unpopular video games like Metroid

☑ Blowing everything up

<☑ Exploring new frontiers

☑ Used their playbook to make CNN's blackmail look bad

☑ Ruining the careers of J2E translators by supporting TD

☑ Encouraging Japanese xenophobia

☑ Fanning the flames of distrust and hatred for a unified world government

☑ Wanted for high crimes on Gallifrey

☑ Fought in the fetish wars

☑ Made the kickstarter box set for Mighty No.9 "better than nothing"

☑ Tempted Eve and initiated the fall of humanity

☑ Got a two-decade old vaporware game finished and released through sheer buying potential

☑ Harassing Google employees in the name of diversity

☑ The sexist, racist anti-diversity Google Manifesto

☑ Weaponized penises

☑ Shot down a police helicopter over Charlotteville

☑ Was a Russian bot army test run.

☑ Forcing Angela Merkel to play racist games at GamesCom

☑ Overcriticizing Mass Effect: Andromeda

☑ Organised nazi yoga lessons

☑ Fetishized Skill

✅ Hacked Equifax database to doxx women on a *massive* scale

☑ Made a veteran games journalist look dumber than a pigeon

☑ Sexualized the Mombot

☑ Mourning a penguin

☑ Destroyed Neogaf

☑ Outed the Neogaf owner as a rapist

☑ Funding catgirl research

☑ Blocked the Chinese Overwatch team from entering America

☑ Partying with Captain Kirk

☑ Made Boogie break his fence under the weight of his own… hubris

☑ Provided gamers with a sense of pride and accomplishment by hurting EA's income

☑ Caused VICE and IGN's toxic sexual harassment culture

☑ The video game comic fanbase headquarters

☑ EXTREME mansplaining

☑ Making Xenoblade 2 a huge win for them

☑ Origin of Dungeons & Dragons: Satan's Game

☑ Ended Net Neutrality which ruined the internet FOREVER

☑ Being a criminal conspiracy

☑ Ruining Star Wars

☑ Used to justify the widespread, organized assault on women, people of colour and queer & trans folks.

☑ Testcase for Breitbart, Infowars, and the GRU

☑ Became serial killers

☑ Made Pewdiepie excited for Rin's feminine penis

☑ Turned an aGG journalist into a domestic terrorist

☑ Banned for flagrant Elfposting

☑ Murdered an unrelated person by inventing SWATing

☑ Turning the British Royal Family into shitlords in their spare time

c8f325 No.14078861

File: b07d293c236813e⋯.jpg (207.87 KB, 582x900, 97:150, winter_ahsoka_by_thefenrir….jpg)




Don't underestimate their speed and strength. They are trained in every type of combat and have sonar hearing.

2bef26 No.14078870

File: d97eb48f8c9b3a2⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 162.28 KB, 545x274, 545:274, Mark Hates Elves.png)



86016b No.14078873

File: ba23993d5f680d3⋯.gif (101.86 KB, 758x696, 379:348, SUPERIOR.gif)

This is why the Japanese games industry is superior.

c8f325 No.14078881

File: 4cf9a49fec4d379⋯.jpg (1.32 MB, 2350x2825, 94:113, aurora_rokudo d80fca827f53….jpg)


Ah fuck you nippon man, why don't you and I settle it right here in the ring if you think you're so superior

d5799a No.14078883


That's nice, I guess. Although what was that shitstorm that screwed lots of up in 2015, especially dealing with the old wiki?

What I remember is the A-team, burnouts, edrama, revoltards, drybones and Josh.

f495b9 No.14078884

File: 9d358a032abeb96⋯.jpg (54.56 KB, 450x646, 225:323, 1447114571538.jpg)

Daily reminder that orcs are NOT niggers.

c8f325 No.14078891


Someone post the comparison of elves in a field and orcs building castles

8d33d0 No.14078896


Drybones was a member of the IRC clique. He got asshurt at me over GGHQ and let his site, gamergate.me, rot on the vine. Another guy took it over for a little while, but he was also part of that clique and fucked off. When gamergate.me died, it took the wiki with it.


f495b9 No.14078901

File: c1015de440e3bb0⋯.png (106.69 KB, 1468x1060, 367:265, orc vs elf.png)


There you have.

Also, let's see who won the new year quads >>14078888

2bef26 No.14078910

File: d2d857d9ca6bb4c⋯.jpg (348.39 KB, 1024x1506, 512:753, illya___assassinstyle_by_f….jpg)


1v1 me no ults

8d33d0 No.14078915

File: 6469e1730e935d3⋯.png (255.85 KB, 585x575, 117:115, Prince Philip is GG.png)

File: 4d34a22065e461d⋯.jpg (41.07 KB, 537x490, 537:490, Trump is GG of politics.jpg)

File: 2736e80d3bdd933⋯.png (423.24 KB, 1185x1046, 1185:1046, Viv President Nao.png)


91ecc0 No.14078921


Post the one without socks

2bef26 No.14078925



confirmed first entry for the first list of 2018 >>14078858

63d385 No.14078928

File: 5b1f4e98ff360af⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 117.38 KB, 2670x2248, 1335:1124, rzUidkFk.jpg)

d5799a No.14078941

File: a44f29441f35f65⋯.jpg (120.01 KB, 930x847, 930:847, 7589513650.jpg)


I'd prefer them to be sex slave.


Don't care of what drama did you have in IRC, if someone spergs and acts like some autist then don't talk to that person. Shouldn't he have finished archive.moe? Because I remember it was active about7 months ago or more.


>lol, GG is dead

>UGH, this is so like GG

Very tsundere

c8f325 No.14078942

File: 8a31e892ef124bd⋯.mp4 (12.93 MB, 852x480, 71:40, 【Aniki】gee ♂-ClZapfhWmhs.mp4)


Let's go, why don't you strip out of that leather stuff, I'll strip out of this and we'll settle it right here okay?

8d33d0 No.14078953

File: b31747cbaacf6d7⋯.png (449.36 KB, 1185x1046, 1185:1046, Viv president feet.png)

File: 92802fc888b9dc9⋯.jpg (789.9 KB, 3541x5016, 3541:5016, Viv Cheerleader.jpg)


In return I want the colorized version of pic 2.

63d385 No.14078959


I drew these

c8f325 No.14078965

File: 78350eecb7daa7a⋯.mp4 (6.7 MB, 490x360, 49:36, [YTP][MAD] Gachimuchi Resi….mp4)

File: 655f1c9414b9344⋯.webm (6.47 MB, 320x240, 4:3, Gayonetta-mDJTWBZXUp0.webm)

f495b9 No.14078973

File: 811c4354a5a35dc⋯.png (49.97 KB, 1328x547, 1328:547, Next time on AVENGERS.png)


And I drew this, which is shit but at least I'm honest about what can I do.

91ecc0 No.14079009

File: 82d5c2ad5223734⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 84.18 KB, 528x512, 33:32, Erin and Viv full hinted.jpg)

File: 27d68b89086f0d9⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 123.87 KB, 512x800, 16:25, Eltonel-441124-Feeling_obs….jpg)


I don't have it. I can give you some paintschainer though.

d78721 No.14079012

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The 2017 collaboration is out right now!

8d33d0 No.14079031

What do games journos and ggrevolt e-celebs have in common?

They're all too busy being asshurt on Twitter to even say Happy New Year.

6aab61 No.14079040

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Good evening, faggots…

Wrestle Kingdom 12 is in 3 days! I repeat, 3 days! Are you feeling it!?!

c44f9c No.14079049


first post is… I have no idea what is this not benis therefore sage

91ecc0 No.14079050

941630 No.14079059

Happy New Year's everybody. Really happy over the year of asshurt that followed 2016 and I am entrusting you all to surpass that in the coming "Year Of The Earth Dog". I get the game themed names for the latest threads, but I would have expected one referring to it now being 2018, but I guess that's what happens when I don't make the threads.

To finish up, would any of you mind recapping the most memorable and craziest Gamergate related shit that's happened in the past year like those "game journalists" getting Weinstein'd?

dd97a4 No.14079069

How hard is to make your own virtual OC youtuber? I'd like to learn how to model and how to animate.

7e0135 No.14079084


Why, Dan Schneider? Why?


>post Gildas

Fuck yourself with a rusty chainsaw.

dd97a4 No.14079097


What's wrong with posting Gilda

9190f1 No.14079101

File: 512e43c247f1089⋯.png (167.94 KB, 735x699, 245:233, gilda reddit gold.png)

File: ca4bb59981b8d38⋯.png (220.6 KB, 1218x1184, 609:592, gilda reacts to a faggot p….png)

72e590 No.14079116


>Duke of Edinburgh

isn't he a prince?

7e0135 No.14079123


Gilda is a worthless character.

7e0135 No.14079130


His title is Prince Philip, Queen's consort, Duke of Edinburgh.

dd97a4 No.14079138


She's the Akari of the GG threads, that's pretty good.

c44f9c No.14079162

File: 46b424e0098c952⋯.jpg (112.29 KB, 640x360, 16:9, very little rage.jpg)



df4e8b No.14079183

Happy new year from interstate-75.

6aab61 No.14079198


Happy new year, faggot.

acc241 No.14079200

Nicovideo embed. Click thumbnail to play.


well i assume you gotta make or commission a good model for what ever framework you are gonna use.

for mocap i think they use a thing called perception neuron (1000+ clams) and use recorded voice for simulated lip movement.

the part i donno for sure is what they use to put it all together. i think it might of been unity?


very low T. have some high T.

f98b17 No.14079315

Ded thred

eef4ac No.14079320

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

86016b No.14079325

File: 36c1130114eb0c2⋯.png (31.16 KB, 325x305, 65:61, explain.png)


You have to put on the dress, gook. It's that simple.

dbbfaf No.14079345


Ded movement

814252 No.14079372

File: 33ee1d4409aeb2c⋯.jpg (117.13 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Little Witch Academia - 11….jpg)

How is everyone? I've been away for a week or so. I've noticed some things when watching youtube videos on my phone without adblock of course and I've noticed some political propaganda videos being passed off as "ads." The first one I noticed was a video by Prague U, and I mean it was straight up a 5 minute video with Ben Shapiro as the host. This video didn't really stand out to me at the time, I thought it was odd that it was a full video that was selling a message I guess rather than a product, but I was interested so I watched most of it.

But today I saw another "ad" by something called Trt or something like that. It was an anti-Trump propaganda video about patriotism vs nationalism. And it used as many scary boogie man buzzwords as possible. And now thinking back on the other video, I guess it basically is a propaganda video too.

So yeah, youtube now has actual unabashed propaganda prefacing the videos you want to watch, being passed off a "ads." The good thing I suppose it it's at least equal opportunity, Prague U and this TRT are both taking advatage of it. I doubt google will turn their money away.

I do notice though between the two videos, the TRT one was based wholly on buzzwords, evoking emotions and outrage, assertions without any evidence to back up it's claims, while the Prague U video had studies and citations. Really makes you think,.

25f901 No.14079387


>an anti-Trump propaganda video about patriotism vs nationalism

Let me guess, according to them patriotism is "diversity" and nationalism is white supremacy?

814252 No.14079402


Worse, Patriotism is basically "rooting for your countries sports team at the olympics." Nationalism is having extreme pride and being evil and racists and other scary sounding buzzwords.

11b40c No.14079407

File: 4a9d53066fff8fd⋯.png (735.83 KB, 950x1346, 475:673, Viv Cheer.png)


Here you are


That some Shin chan influence I see there?

63d385 No.14079413


>That some Shin chan influence I see there?

Nope just but anatomy 🤔

73adad No.14079512

File: a248937e4976b7a⋯.jpg (233.61 KB, 980x450, 98:45, FFT.jpg)

It's January 1st, the start of the new year, which means I'm starting my annual playthrough of Final Fantasy Tactics.

I hope you all had a great 2017, and I hope you all have an even better 2018. Remember to take breaks, try not to get too caught up in politics and drama, and play lots of video games.

b8c008 No.14079567

Why can't we sack commies from journalism and education fast enough?

80675a No.14079569

File: fcc5a911c0ed56d⋯.jpg (138.57 KB, 900x1200, 3:4, snowemil.jpg)

744fc3 No.14079608


Alright, I laughed. And then I felt awful

80675a No.14079615


>Worse, Patriotism is basically "rooting for your countries sports team at the olympics."

Wait a few months, we'll be seeing articles about how rooting for America at the Olympics is racist.

914d4b No.14079631

File: 9a9b0e3b265be19⋯.jpg (79.03 KB, 554x171, 554:171, 1.jpg)

File: 58a3f0199bd8066⋯.jpg (50.33 KB, 563x178, 563:178, 2.jpg)

File: 18babb207556ceb⋯.jpg (46.37 KB, 560x180, 28:9, 4.jpg)

File: 1b523d1ab147194⋯.jpg (59.99 KB, 564x185, 564:185, 5.jpg)


I think this sort of snowman would make much more sense for him.

7d54bc No.14079646



You mean Prager?

814252 No.14079660


Yeah that's it.

4636a7 No.14079731

File: cb48cd6e8c85f96⋯.gif (869.21 KB, 492x371, 492:371, Fire Everything.gif)


Well done for not dying over Christmas. Now put that energy into the new year- this isn't a social club. FIRE EVERYTHING!!

New: WHO Proposes Gaming Addiction as a disorder: Discussion Needed


Irrelevant of actual addicts, we know this can and will be abused by the usual anti-gamer types to their advantage. If they can't claim games corrupt sane people, then they'll try to claim all gamers are addicted or insane. Other tricks could include hypocritical application- spending thousands of dollars on a mobile app is fine, but binging on a violent or new game when you get it is clearly a problem. Or watching X hours of TV, using the internet, or reading is not deemed addiction when the same amount of time gaming is.

As mentioned in the article's comments, waiting to see what happens won't work. We need to get the pitchforks out now to show we won't be fucked with or take it lying down.

All we have so far is contact info for WHO: http://www.who.int/about/contacthq/en/ not sure if asking them what the terms of diagnosis are would help us by exposing their hypocrisy or lack of understanding in replies, or just give them a guide on how to spin common questions they'll get.

OP Chickasaw


There's a legal precedent that all the stuff Net Neutrality was gonna do (as far as the public is concerned) is already in the constitution! Getting people who were mad they lost Net Neutrality to spread the word might just screw over that SJW bias a lot of big tech companies have had.

> Make Tweets, Infographs and the like to spread on social media (especially Facebook style ones if we're targeting soccer moms like the Battlefront infographic did).

> Write to your senator.

> Repackage the archive to manipulate leftists.

> Keep pushing.

Attempt to Co-Opt the Milkshake Duck meme and apply it to male feminists who turn out to be rapists?


Ex-Gawker employees are attempting to revive Gawker


Post screencaps of Gawker's shit (Pro Pedophila, Beastiality, and "it's OK to post a sex tape of a 5 year old") into any hashtag involving SaveGawker.

Examples of their threads in this thread:


OP GOOLAG - Start DisNodding Google

List of advertisers here:


What to do here and below:


Youtube are now claiming to fix the problem, but there's no reason not to pour gas on the fire.

More voices yelling at them will make them over-react or act to quickly.

We now need:

- Contact info for each company.

- Have weekly email goals.

- Reach out to soccer moms (worked with Battlefront 2)

- DO IT.


Please update the GG Thread OP for info on OP Goolag.

The /tech/ link might die, but we have a HQ link:


Include both IMO.

Twitter Post Purge: Kill or Break


While each of us our free to do as we wish, we should discuss if we attempt to "kill" Twitter (make other platforms more popular so the biggest social media platform isn't censored) or "break" it (keep singing up, keep posting facts that SJW hate, break the safe-space).

If you want to get back into practice sending emails, do the Geek.com thing above, or complain to the PUBG devs they removed camel toe from their game.



It's not about the cameltoe, it's about them giving an inch. PUBG is insanely popular with normalfags right now, we do not want it co-opted by SJW.

Also, Terraria's getting shat on for a period joke (for years female NPCs have become short-tempered on the night of a Blood Moon. Male NPCs also seem to be more aggressive, but usually talk about how other NPCs get on their nerves while female NPCs are aggressive directly to the player)


They're decent folk and have continued to support the game for far longer than most devs would. Send them some love and support so they don't cave.

SJWs are also whining at Soul Calibur 6 director for boobs. Send him some love: twitter.com/achilles_okubo

4636a7 No.14079775


Counters I can think of:

- Spread word to conservative people, especially figureheads on social media. Make infographs along the lines of "What are they selling?" as the title or tagline- since an advert should be for a service or product. The whole "March On Google" thing died when they got legitimate threats against the people marching- someone needs to kick that up again.

- Dig into the legality of it. What are the terms for buying adverts on Youtube/Google? Do any of their adverts violate their own terms? Does anything on the FTC say a political advert can't done on services like Youtube?

- Push Adblock. This stuff really targets the people who aren't smart enough to get adblock- kids (who are the most easy to indoctrinate- funny that). Focus on Soccer Moms on Facebook/social media like that one BattleFront infograph did. I.e.

> Adverts on Youtube tell your child what to think at a young age! Look at these screencaps political adverts! If you're jkid is influenced to buy a toy from an advert- what will political campaigns do to them?

> Here's a guide how to install "Ad Block"- to make sure your child doesn't see such awful influencing political ads.

Outside the kids, everyone uses adblock or is such a consumer whore they're a lost cause. But don't be afraid to inform the older and anyone else who doesn't want to see that crap. The more people cutting off Google's ad revenue- the better.

- Push Hooktube. Same as the above, with the added bonus of zero data tracking/telemetry (as far as I can tell). It's harder to explain to Soccer Mom's however (people sell info about a lot of users to work out how to sell them shit in the future. And possibly the government).

- Disnod Google. List of advertisers here:


What to do here:


The more ads that pull out, the more political and polarizing the adverts left are. It encourage's an "Emperor's new clothes" moment- getting more voices to say "hey, Google's political isn't it?"

Co-ordinate efforts on the /tech/ and HQ threads:



84f8c0 No.14079820


That being said I still have to do this because I don't want you dumbasses forgetting nearly three and a half years into this whole shitstorm.


2024e7 No.14079830

c780c2 No.14079849

File: e06ecd64661b82c⋯.jpeg (197.59 KB, 960x948, 80:79, 5a3c0a6bc786f.jpeg)

Remember to recycle for Earth-Chan

97cfbf No.14079867

File: 3e6175a3035ee96⋯.jpeg (145.95 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, DSYgFP5U8AAe_15.jpeg)


That list of youtube advertisers in that thread is a list I made from clicking redlettermedia videos for like 5 minutes. We should really compile a much more comprehensive list than that. Also in emailing those advertisers what do we tell them to get them to pull out?

Akkofag, do you remember what videos you were watching that had the more egregious advertisments on them? I think its important to also know what advertisments play on what videos for reference sake

814252 No.14079908



cb2b21 No.14079940

File: b41ea8c6833c9e3⋯.png (204.18 KB, 744x843, 248:281, 1435523247028.png)

8352ba No.14079950

File: 2da58f486e38c63⋯.jpg (133.84 KB, 900x900, 1:1, earth awoo.jpg)


a350cf No.14079951





5aa879 No.14079952

File: 93f512bc771ad50⋯.jpeg (369.18 KB, 1200x1800, 2:3, FFBEA57D-7BCF-4040-9C95-2….jpeg)


I guess you could say he really AnDREW the attention of SWAT with all the BUZZ he was making

7d54bc No.14079953

File: 4bd926f1c4461c0⋯.png (1.24 MB, 960x948, 80:79, trash.png)

80675a No.14079962

Is it true DSP bought a hooker with charity cash?

a0fe5d No.14079965


I'm too busy watching Skeptics™ imploding thanks to one autist not being able to contain himself.

84f8c0 No.14079967


If this isn't Shibuya Kaho, who is this 3DPG semen demon?

80675a No.14079970


As entertaining as that is, I can't help but feel that SJWs are looking at this and are glad they are out of the spotlight.

f23475 No.14079971



They use a goddamn dead people for their shit. I'm gonna need a lot of angry ara pics to express my anger, hold on.

5aa879 No.14079972


I don’t know, man. Like a 50’s housewife, beats me

814252 No.14079974


How in the hell do these people not realise that in their fevered attempts to drum gamergate up as being more and more dangerous, they've wholly succeeded? They've made gamergate one of the most successful and traumatic events to ever happen to the social justice left.

4636a7 No.14079990

File: c50b08aff46756b⋯.png (201.46 KB, 1194x1083, 398:361, Continuous Nodding.png)

File: 6b1b3a680d525a8⋯.png (193.37 KB, 2385x525, 159:35, #_Find The Big Corporate C….png)

File: 260481b2ce4748f⋯.png (280.63 KB, 1246x1212, 623:606, _Its Working.png)

File: 43f1aeea138d90d⋯.png (152.27 KB, 1270x453, 1270:453, Some Advertisers may Leave….png)

File: 04942f70b75bf8d⋯.png (38.47 KB, 614x550, 307:275, Emails And letters Work.png)


The fact some of us have forgotten how to Disnod is disgusting.

OPs aren't as thorough now, and yeah we need advertisers. A lot more. And if you can combine it with "problematic" videos- even better.

Even if it's just those algorithm generated videos (SPIDERMAN AND ELSA USE FIDGET SPINNER VERY FUNNY) are bad since it's a low quality video next to their brand. Youtube also claims they're trying to get rid of pornagraphic videos- I'm sure you'll find something. Just don't send anything illegal dumb-ass, it's a confession you watched it.

Low quality and controversial are what you want. Whether you send stuff that's actually controversial or you include what the left is outraged by nowadays is your choice- but the latter may shoot us in the foot by further reinforcing what they want.

Tailor what you send based on the company. If the companies been on record as being left leaning- show them their ads on a channel that condemns the left or praises the right/Trump. On the other hand, if the channel is proudly right wing, show them their video on the latest rant by some tumblrite. Finally; think outside the box! A food commercial on a video about starvation in poor nations is probably gonna put people off the brand. A ad on going on safari in Africa won't look good on a video about riots in Africa. Most of the political topics have been de-monetized, but I'm sure some of the left leaning political channels have said dumb shit that no brand would want to be with.

You don't have to be a fan of the video you're telling the advertiser about. Just say you saw it via a friend or colleague. However, you are a fan of their brand. Why would you write to them if you're not? Say how you like their product/service, and are concerned how this advert would look next to this video.

How to write politely: http://library.bcu.ac.uk/learner/writingguides/1.06.htm

Remember the golden rules: Emails Work- but quietly.

No one wants to admit they're fixing a mistake if they can help it- since it's a confession of making that mistake in the first place. No one is going to say they pulled out, so keep your peepers peeled.

And no one complains nowadays (hence why SJW made such great strides- we were silent and stopped buying/switched brands, they weren't and badgered until the company did what they wanted). So companies often feel if a person took time to complain, X others feel the same way and may have switched brands. The bigger the company, the greater that paranoia and fear.

80675a No.14079991


No bad tactics, only bad targets

To me this is no different than Jimmy Kimmel using the las vegas shooting to try and ban silencers.

80675a No.14079996


>no one complains nowadays

You sure about that?

814252 No.14079997

File: 9abec7f9999dc02⋯.png (267.17 KB, 616x987, 88:141, ClipboardImage.png)

These people aren't smart. https://archive.is/6Abj0

4636a7 No.14079999


The game was hugely popular on mobile, and in markets where mobile did well.

Chinese gaming addiction (fueled by living in a shitty country) won't give it the same effect in the west IMO. It's a LoL rip-off on console, which will charge for online soon.

4636a7 No.14080016



But even so- you're right about it being suspicious.

Find a way to get the article without the paywall and put it in the tencent thread:


97cfbf No.14080022


>The fact some of us have forgotten how to Disnod is disgusting

Well when we were targeting gawker and other slimy publication's advertisers it was easy since all you had to do was point out the shady shit they did. I wasn't sure what to do to make advertisers pull out of youtube as a whoel


>he included himself in the screenshot

8795f3 No.14080024


Anal Dash still salty about Gawker dying and him losing a job?

2024e7 No.14080028

>Some mobile games now report TV viewing habits back to advertisers


a0fe5d No.14080033

File: b9503781db46662⋯.jpg (623.94 KB, 1024x743, 1024:743, 7b6a374310fd292a9abb47b2c2….jpg)

>Commiefornia trying to unconstitutionally level misdemeanor charges against a man for anti-islam facebook posts


I see commiefornia is trying to out do the UK for cuckoldry.

814252 No.14080035

File: 118dabac679db46⋯.png (118.47 KB, 332x450, 166:225, sadlainbear.png)


>he included himself in the screenshot

I wanted to show my response. Was this in poor taste anon? Please no bully.

7d54bc No.14080037


Check if this is the same http://archive.fo/koDA7

8795f3 No.14080043

>>14080033 (Checked)

Take note that they specifically went after him for "Islamaphobia", gotta follow that narrative of Drumpf being a meanie to poor muslims while being a shithole sanctuary state out of spite.

86016b No.14080044

File: e60daa49b2230dd⋯.gif (3.78 MB, 600x303, 200:101, delicious Yous.gif)


You filthy slut.

1a5af4 No.14080048


Don't use Orlandeau. It's more fun that way.

97cfbf No.14080049


I just like bullying you akkofag you take everything to heart I followed you


Isn't that a perfect case to get pro-bono representation froma constitutional lawyer?

814252 No.14080058

With all this shit going on with the skeptics, and it all blowing up because that one chick talked about "race realism" has got me wondering what exactly that is. The wiki article is…interesting. It claims "race is a myth" and the idea that races are distinctly different is "pseudoscience."

And yet forensic scientist can tell if you're black, asian, or white based only on your bones. Whether it's racists or not is irrelevant, different races have distinct biological differences. Don't they?

4636a7 No.14080073


You're right that you can't get them to abandon youtube. But you can make it harder to use the service.

> Advertiser asks Google to make more exceptions to where their adverts appear.

> Google over does it by making it appear on stuff they think is problematic, not just the advertiser.

> The advert is seen less, and the advertiser is less keen to use Google as they don't get as much money.

If the advertiser keeps getting complaints, then they get pissed Google keeps fucking up- putting their brand on "bad" videos.

Eventually, the videos only end up on hard-left leaning content (since Google thinks it's safe and appropriate). People can complain about it being on white genocide videos and the like, and the advertiser complains again. The only other content left is neutral or right-leaning channels that try to remain a-political that just have fun, entertain, or inform… And Google hates that. They don't want the biggest channels on the website to be people not pushing their agenda. Not to mention most of them have been demonetized thanks to their earlier efforts.

Do Google "re-monetize" those channels so advertisers have something to work on, or do they sheepishly apologize to the advertiser and struggle to find where to put their ad.

At least that's one theory. No matter how it goes, the more pressure we apply to Google the better. Pressure makes fuck-ups and hasty decisions.


Seems to be from the first paragraph- thanks.

1a5af4 No.14080074

File: dcbba7224c82c77⋯.jpg (6.94 KB, 480x360, 4:3, dcbba7224c82c77ff40eb5150d….jpg)


>ran by sperg-proof people

Nice, that means they have no social media accounts I hope. There is a high degree of correlation between using social medias and sperging/mental illnesses. Look at SJWs.

Seriously, you're doing the prophet's work acid.

25f901 No.14080078


Different races goes against their theory of tabula rasa.

cb2b21 No.14080081

File: 886c3570dc972ea⋯.jpg (647.48 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, Youtube Academic.jpg)


n-no you bigot

627e9b No.14080090

File: 71c61910ffd1aad⋯.jpg (439.76 KB, 2478x1754, 1239:877, Shiki 28.jpg)

#TorrentialDownpour and Nip news

Make sure to inform normalfags about websites free of Socjus Influence.

Useful Links:




> Make backups of your favorite doujins in case of Fakku DMCA purge

> Mujaki no Rakuen ended because of potential restrictions against loli manga and Olympics.


> Xenoblade voice-over option confirmed as free DLC

- https://archive.is/izjJW

> ShindoL has a message to the English community.

- https://tweetsave.com/shindo_l/status/936655595767078912

> #NeverTrump anime communities are attempting to drag the creator of My Hero Academia into shutting down a Trump parody western doujin.

- https://archive.is/PtsEj

- https://tweetsave.com/magicalfuntime/status/946901533584646145

Localization watch: Not solely from shit companies (need to add incoming Japanese games)''

> Sekai Project: Teaching Feeling ( >>>/hgg/116640 )

> Fakku is localizing games/VNs now to the Localization Watch.

- http://operationrainfall.com/2017/12/23/fakku-now-selling-hentai-games/


> Bandai-Namco: Girls und Panzer Dream Tank Match (Winter.17, JP release w. eng sub), Ni no Kuni 2 (Jan.19.18, Dev'd with western market in mind), Little Witch Academia (JP:Nov.30.17,West:2018), SAO: Fatal Bullet (March, 2018)

> SquareEnix: Secret of Mana Remake (Feb.15.18)

> Nintendo: Xenoblade Chronicles 2 (Out)

> Bullet Girls Phantasia (2018)

> Granblue Fantasy Project Re:link (2018)


pantsu.cat is a nyaa replacement after it was taken down. It's better than the competition. Use this instead of the cartel run cancer.



They've put up downloads to paywalled fakku doujins.

Fakku 0001-1000: https://files.catbox.moe/129di9.torrent

Fakku 1001-1100: https://files.catbox.moe/h3l457.torrent

Fakku 1101-1200: https://files.catbox.moe/47batv.torrent

Fakku 1201-1300: https://files.catbox.moe/c9ntlr.torrent

Fakku 1301-1400: https://files.catbox.moe/rkuheo.txt

Fakku 1401-1500: https://files.catbox.moe/ce8oor.txt

Fakku 1501-1600: https://files.catbox.moe/nmqh3d.txt

Fakku 1601-1700: https://files.catbox.moe/60v3p6.txt

Fakku 1701-1800: https://files.catbox.moe/3ii6j8.txt

Fakku 1801-1900: https://files.catbox.moe/m37bm7.txt

Fakku 1901-2000: https://files.catbox.moe/z9nmm6.txt

Fakku 2001-2100: https://files.catbox.moe/arpo7h.txt

Fakku 2101-2200: https://sukebei.pantsu.cat/view/2369399

Fakku 2201-2300: https://sukebei.pantsu.cat/view/2377551

Info & feedback welcome

80675a No.14080093


Too many people are insecure about seeming racist these days. Besides, you have to remember that Kraut is a high school dropout, he's not an intellect. I'm not an intellect either but I'm not going around claiming I am one. Most of these skeptics aren't experts in their field either, they are just people who gathered a fanbase on youtube. Don't take their analysis seriously.

814252 No.14080100




I'm just not sure if I'm understanding their interpretation of what race is. Like, if race was a myth then wouldn't two white people just spontaneously create a black child? But it doesn't work that way, whites breed more whites and blacks breed more blacks, it's literally genetics. There are skull differences, blacks have diseases that others don't have and asians live longer younger thanks to specific genes that the rest of us lack. If race is a myth and race realism is racists then doesn't that also mean that the left fascination with race is also folly?

a0fe5d No.14080103

File: 20271bc04cd9466⋯.png (90.01 KB, 275x250, 11:10, 20271bc04cd946686ff183d683….png)


Something something hard truths. This decade's moral panic is "racism" so you can't acknowledge races have differences.

Also this skeptic thing is fucking hilarious, since everybody in the "Skeptic Community" is sperging out over Jim now for making fun of them. Now Vee is going full sperg over Harmful Opinions.

4286b1 No.14080107


Never trust wiki for anything.

Also Happy Near Year gazoomba grabbers.

91828d No.14080109


Remember: The people pushing the idea that whites are ruining the world, that the west is responsible for global warming climate change, that cops are killing thousands of black men every day, that the millions of invaders storming Europe are just women and children from Syria, and they believe communism is an economic system that's never really been tried, are all people who consider themselves enlightened, educated, intelligent people who love "Science™" and believe the facts are on their side.

46aac4 No.14080111

File: 4882549cd074767⋯.gif (3.26 MB, 640x266, 320:133, 1467789006076.gif)


Oh hey, look, it's that dipshit who convinced the press that Clock Boy totally wasn't a scam for real.

814252 No.14080112

File: 6eac99b61cc20e3⋯.jpg (7.54 KB, 255x174, 85:58, happy 21.jpg)


I go months without checking twitter, I hope I followed you back.

80675a No.14080113


>Now Vee is going full sperg over Harmful Opinions.

Yea, he made a 40 minute video on him. I didn't watch because it's too long, but Jim made a 1 minute response video calling him a sperg and Vee admitted Jim was right about that.

a0fe5d No.14080118


He was on a drunken stream with Layman and HO, sperged out a little bit, then left because it sounded like he was about to cry. Then his buddy, Scrumpmonkey, went on stream, and said Vee was genuinely upset over HO.

4286b1 No.14080121


I always liked Vee because he seems like a well-meaning sperg who's somewhat self-aware but can't help fucking up anyways

97cfbf No.14080133


Thanks anon I'll be sending emails and trying to influence youtube


>asians live longer younger thanks to specific genes that the rest of us lack

They bred with Denisovans, just like whites have neanderthal blood. Asians have denisovan blood. Its funny that despite different races literally having interbreeding with different subspecies of hominid they claim there's no difference the funniest part is that the purest homosapiens are niggers and the evidence is that the neanderthals and denisovans got outbred and killed off by the homosapiens. They literally invaded their homelands and oogabooga'd them


probably not I just made twitter a few weeks ago

80675a No.14080139


Harmful all you had to do was sign up for Candid™, now you made a grown man cry. I hope you're reading this and feel ashamed of yourself buddy. There's still time to make up for this, just talk about how great Candid™ is in your vids and repent, or else Vee might drink Febreeze and kill himself.

8795f3 No.14080150


These skeptards are generally entertaining when it comes to drama, and Vee and co should know that Harmful is autistic with very little empathy.

814252 No.14080161


For real though. There's a gene in your body that controls your bodies ability to heal, it acts like the superintendent of a building. In every other race, this gene shuts off around the age of 30 or 40, that's why people age so drastically afterward, their bodies ability to maintain itself is halved. But tibetans have a different version of this gene, and it never shuts off. SO they stay younger longer, and can reach 100+ years easily. Plus, they've put this gene into little worms and it worked on them. My hope is they can pump this shit into me before I start getting saggy.

3de25d No.14080166

File: e46243c3674f4d3⋯.png (31.33 KB, 587x197, 587:197, ClipboardImage.png)

haha what a cunt

8795f3 No.14080179


Generally speaking, Shad's more infamous than famous.

72e590 No.14080185


he's kind of right but his proportions are still out of whack

97cfbf No.14080186


From my understanding aging is caused by telomeres, the proteins that hold your DNA together shortening over time which causes your DNA to become corrupted so your cells no longer have a proper "blueprint" from which to represent themselves when they are replicated. So you age at least thats what my profs say

91828d No.14080198


I mean, he does just make porn of whatever's popular or the flavor of the month, which does give him free exposure. It's for the same reason that a youtuber might start making some videos about Star Wars, the week before the new movie is about to come out. It exploits the algorithms and lets them get a free boost in visibility… But he's also not wrong that a lot of shitty artists whine too much that their shitty art isn't getting as much exposure as the guy who monetized boners.

80675a No.14080201


Shadman did nothing wrong.

4286b1 No.14080219


Leftists don't deny biological differences between races they just insist that those differences can't extend to intelligence or how people think. Then again even most people who would be called right-wing would publicly claim this because everyone's been taught that being "racist" is basically being evil.

e9c2f6 No.14080220

Happy new year faggots!

cb2b21 No.14080223

File: 010d07e355e9cb1⋯.jpg (328.33 KB, 1386x945, 22:15, 1446545279148.jpg)


Hes not wrong just a sperg

814252 No.14080237

File: 8b13766c3ead8a4⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 254.51 KB, 400x400, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


Is this you?

914d4b No.14080238

File: 2f212997c87f75c⋯.gif (86.21 KB, 313x470, 313:470, 8d58101425c9ef182921397973….gif)


I wish I'd saved that post from /tech/ about entitlement in the art community, it was specifically about furry artists and that they get super-pissy about people doing it for free.

a350cf No.14080243



This is actually big because before all we knew is that Nintendo allowed it as a port on the system, not that it was a full-on partnership that they're "excited about". It should be worrying and NoA should be watched. If they start advertising shit for it or anything along those lines, we should be in full-on red alert mode


Eh, disagree. There's a shitton of underpaid, technically skilled artists with unique styles but people prefer finding lewd fetish shit that can be absolute garbage to mediocre, but because they either don't know about these skilled artists (who'd even be willing to do fetish shit), they just stick with the garbage

I will agree that the artists who choose to whine about it however, are likely pretty boring/shit themselves, but not all the time

814252 No.14080283

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I've been listening to this guy's music for a few days, and I just found this and another video to follow on his channel. Was he anti-GG or pro-GG? His youtube name is triple-Q. Does anyone know of him?

814252 No.14080287

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Here's the 2nd video, where declares gamergate officially over. The comments are pretty pozzed

91828d No.14080324


A couple years back, Triple-Q was releasing some great music, but they seem more concerned with making musical shitposts these days.

46aac4 No.14080328

File: aaa2e7550778c84⋯.png (228.69 KB, 460x636, 115:159, 1438898206179.png)


>check that thread

>tl;dr China will take over the world

>not because communism works, but because a capitalistic Chinese megacorporation that abuses every single loophole and actively bribeslobbies for them for even bigger economic advantages has spiraled out of control and forcing Chinese government values on international users, even if they actively try to avoid said megacorporation (because they'll just buy out the competitors anyway)


814252 No.14080342


I just did a search for the word gamergate on his twitter. He's very firmly anti-GG. Now I feel filthy for ever liking his music.

b10444 No.14080345


Tencent in China is like Disney in the west. They own everything which is why everything goes their way. You think a lawsuit will work when they have all the best lawyers and some of their potential opponents in their pockets?

80675a No.14080351


Yea, didn't paps come out against gamergate too?

b86373 No.14080352


>expecting an anti-trust lawsuit to work in current year

a350cf No.14080357




They're more like an unholy combination of Google, Facebook, Disney, EA and whatever else you can think of

46aac4 No.14080360


It should work in Trump's America™. People are fucking tired of China taking over, and here's Tencent buying out/partnering with just about every single American company they can get their hands on. If they want to operate here, they need to operate by our rules, not China's.

814252 No.14080363


I don't know who that is, but apparently triple-Q popularised "lanky posting" which tried to conflate gamergate with lanky kong. And all of his followers on twitter bitch about gamergate, and he takes the SJW side on everything.

4286b1 No.14080364




I just want to know one thing. Does China like tits?

46aac4 No.14080378

File: b71a31e1592159b⋯.jpg (76.17 KB, 270x473, 270:473, 1428162105112.jpg)


>which tried to conflate gamergate with lanky kong

So not only was it a shitty forced meme, but it was a shitty forced meme with a target.

f23475 No.14080379


More than South Korea or Polygon, that's for sure.

4286b1 No.14080392


So our new overlords will be marginally less evil, maybe I can live with that.

814252 No.14080398


Judging from a few twitter posts he's made he's a halfchanner, and got told to fuck off before on the old /gamergate/ board. This hurt his feelings and he screencapped it. So he's a halfchanner whose only talent is taking other people's songs and mashing them together, and he sides with SJWs.

3de25d No.14080401

File: b9152ecf9ea4b3f⋯.png (59 KB, 640x349, 640:349, ClipboardImage.png)


>feeling guilty over liking content you used to like because you found out the creator made some tweets you disagree with

huh sounds familiar

1a5af4 No.14080408


He recently commented on that woman who's suing Google SJW for defamation Medium post saying that people like SJW must be stopped. Maybe he hasn't completely cucked out.

46aac4 No.14080413


But halfchan likes to insist that they haven't been taken over by SJWs, when anyone who criticizes SJWs more likely than not gets shouted down. Like that MagicGate thing. I've been shown posts that were basically word-for-word arguments from SJWs on Twitter. Namely "THIS MAN THAT FOUND 15 PEDOPHILES IN THE MAGIC JUDGE POOL IS A LIAR, REEEEEE! STOP ASKING FOR EVIDENCE THAT HE IS, LISTEN AND BELIEVE, REEEEEE!"

4286b1 No.14080419


This argument is retarded because there's a huge difference between disagreeing with something someone said on twitter and continuing to support someone who goes out of their way to insult you like every single anti-GG person does.

814252 No.14080430


No, like he obviously full blown hates gamergate and spent three years ridiculing it on twitter. Constantly shitposting into the hashtag.


And going back through his stuff I realise the stuff I listen to he made years and years ago. His new shit is garbage.

cb4729 No.14080435



pretty obvious why it didn't work out

97cfbf No.14080440


yes shh

97cfbf No.14080446

cb4729 No.14080451


I'm just saying, leftists upset about the direction mainstream leftists are going makes it pretty obvious which one would lose

91828d No.14080458


Honestly, I'm pretty sick of the shtick of shitposting weeaboo internet funnymen who end up being hypersensitive faggots who feel deeply, emotionally wounded by the events of internet drama. Like some middling smut artist who draws fat tits all day crying about BLM being vilified, or how they are #literallyshaking because of something someone told them that Trump did.


Intent and reasoning matters. I've dropped a bunch of people for being SJWs because I find their entire ideology abhorrent and in conflict with reality. They are like the Spirit Science of social movements and ideologies, believing in invisible phantoms and boogeymen. The SJW ideology is a cancerous cyst, whose only goals are subversion and destabilization.

It's easy to lose sight of the forest for the trees, and do the whole "hur dur right wing SJWs" song and dance, or even accuse both sides of being identical.. but it's important to take a step back and really identify the kind of shit they actually believe and what they are trying to accomplish. I've seen people who vociferously argue that a nigger stuffing his face with fast food until he dies of a heart disease is violence equal to putting a gun to someone's head and pulling the trigger. These people aren't just dumb, they are incredibly dangerous in their misguided self-righteousness.


The cuckchan rapefugees are already here. /tg/ is starting to feel the effects of their faggotry, and so are some of the other small boards. Expect lots of "REEEE GET OUT /POL/ REEEE" shitposting from here on out, until they get bored and fuck off like they did the during the last few mini-exodii we had this year.

4286b1 No.14080466



Halfchan also gets more and more redditors by the day. On /biz/ people bitching about muh /pol/ were very rare up until a few months ago and now the board has at leas 1/4 of anons being communists. Its pretty fucking ridiculous that the commies are coming onto a board all about trying to hit it rich to shill their retarded ideology but they do anyways.

1a5af4 No.14080478


>Honestly, I'm pretty sick of the shtick of shitposting weeaboo internet funnymen who end up being hypersensitive faggots who feel deeply, emotionally wounded by the events of internet drama. Like some middling smut artist who draws fat tits all day crying about BLM being vilified, or how they are #literallyshaking because of something someone told them that Trump did.

It's attention whoring, that's why they refresh Twitter every 2 seconds and spend every waking hours there, it justify their existence.

97cfbf No.14080481


>Expect lots of "REEEE GET OUT /POL/ REEEE" shitposting from here on out

Honestly when every post ends up being natsoc dick sucking in a thread about something completely unrelated its annoying but these fags get triggered by people saying nigger or joking about gassing kikes


Halfchan /biz/ or our desd biz?

814252 No.14080490

File: 82a23e0c2f3a762⋯.jpg (68.8 KB, 600x800, 3:4, DGYQaCoXkAIJyKR.jpg)

You know what? Fuck him. Triple-Q is a halfcuck loser that makes musical shitposts about gangnam style and lanky kong, and occasionally shrek for good measure. He's literally a nobody. The list of influential people that were pro-GG far outweighs one halfchanner or his halfchanner followers. Major celebs, games devs, the list goes on forever. Captain Kirk is pro-GG, that's all I need to know. They got weasley. And some of the most noble and decent people I have ever had the privilege of posting with are pro-GG.

PLUS, they don't get it, do they? Make fun of GG. It doesn't matter. GG was a hashtag full of anonymous people. GG can be a joke. It can be remembered as villians. None of that matters. ALl that ever mattered were results, and SJW is near universally known as an insult, and normies don't want to be known as SJWs. I can't begin to tell you how many times I've seen normies on facebook write "I'm not an SJW but…" Gamergate's list of accomplishments goes on forever. it seems, especially with SJWs no crediting us with literally changing the face of the world forever.

Besides, GG has surpassed 4chan as the world's biggest boogieman, so SUCK it halfcucks.

46aac4 No.14080494


>but these fags get triggered by people saying nigger or joking about gassing kikes

Yeah, that honestly annoys me more than posting about /pol/ shit at this point. One off-color joke, and they fucking derail the entire thread.

cb2b21 No.14080497

File: 14170fe7671ca90⋯.png (491.81 KB, 870x722, 435:361, 3efaa3ebe9b172786378f546b8….png)


(you)s beat twitter retweets everytime

8352ba No.14080501


Wait what did Triple-Q do?

4286b1 No.14080504


Halfchan /biz/, our /biz/ is unfortunately as dead as ever. I keep posting there in hopes it will get more activity but almost noone uses it. Though I get better advice from a discord server that I'm in than /biz/ now, all the newfags on there have fucking ruined it as far as being a place to find good cryptos early.

Also before anyone busts my balls over discord yeah, the datamining is bullshit but that's not enough to make me stop. I made $670k last year.

1a5af4 No.14080505

File: f07ce65d86fa5af⋯.jpg (747.08 KB, 1936x1504, 121:94, p028.jpg)

3de25d No.14080506

File: 5d76c33680fdb42⋯.png (31.24 KB, 516x516, 1:1, 5d76c33680fdb424f2f4b61ee5….png)


is this post a joke

814252 No.14080513


No. Unless you know something about triple-Q I don't.


I found out he's radically anti-GG.

91828d No.14080518

File: 8379284f6fb5dc3⋯.png (235.38 KB, 500x500, 1:1, murrica_time.png)


>Honestly when every post ends up being natsoc dick sucking in a thread about something completely unrelated its annoying but these fags get triggered by people saying nigger or joking about gassing kikes

That's exactly my problem, because the sperging over /pol/ "invading" other boards never comes from talk about National Socialism or how white men need to go out and have lots of aryan babies.. It's always minor memes. Naming the jew (often accurately), calling people niggers, telling commies to go kill themselves. These things aren't /pol/, as much as they are part of 8chan's common culture, built up from most of us spending over a decade on 4chan and now 8chan, iterating naturally from a common origin.

And I just got done talking about this shit too.. Commies, Leftists, SJWs, Feminists.. Their only avenue of actively combatting us on any level is invasion and subversion. They think if they just come in here and bitch enough, they can make this place friendly to their kind, and somehow drive us shitlords out of existence.

46aac4 No.14080530


>They think if they just come in here and bitch enough, they can make this place friendly to their kind, and somehow drive us shitlords out of existence.

It worked for halfchan. But I think they fail to realize that 8chan is for the most part decentralized, the only universal mandate for mods is "make sure no one's breaking any laws."

3e8f4a No.14080539

File: 83a636468271c39⋯.png (1010.18 KB, 1400x5552, 175:694, do not learn mandarin.png)

File: 71f3cb0bbdcdf0a⋯.png (25.75 KB, 856x323, 856:323, Fuck China 13.png)

File: 681f96fba27a78f⋯.png (69.83 KB, 1113x339, 371:113, Fuck China 14.png)

File: 4bc977cc5eb2d0e⋯.png (75.12 KB, 1099x472, 1099:472, Fuck China 15.png)

File: 5b45a14bc6ffcab⋯.jpg (889.14 KB, 1425x4413, 475:1471, 500000000 years of history.jpg)





Thing is, doesn't China throw out any and all court cases that are filed by any company that isn't Chinese, and laughs in their face?

f495b9 No.14080543

So… nothing happened in New Year? no muslims touching women? no communist doing some faggotry?

46aac4 No.14080547


That's why you sue the American branch in the American court system.

7ebc69 No.14080549


#resist used it as an opportunity to shriek, but that's par for the course.

814252 No.14080550



Typical 4chan posts.

91828d No.14080553


It only worked on halfchan because we left. Tumblr was already on its way in. moot gave us /lgbt/ and /mlp/, which gave reddit a direct foothold inside the site. The mods he appointed were all literally SJWs, on top of that. When the GG exodus took everyone from nearly all the boards, all that was left were retarded newfags and cancerous outsiders. Then the election year happened and the DNC literally started paying shitposters to constantly hang around 4chan along with all the other alphabet agencies that were constantly patrolling the place, and in the end, you got a bunch of radicalized retards, with the cancerous ideology of a reddit socialist, and the brazen obnoxious attitude of a /b/tard shitposter.

97cfbf No.14080564


Jesus christ anon, what do you do for a living? I need to starting browisng /biz/ if they actually give good advice.


Yeah that's the problem its always minor bullshit that triggers them, not the understandable 30 post diatribe on why videogames are degenerate and how you're being brainwashed by jews in a Splatoon thread. Its always "heh niggers gonna nig" then "REEEE >>>>\POL/"

914d4b No.14080574

File: 59ffde0cfad8b3d⋯.png (595.69 KB, 4358x2000, 2179:1000, 1294727188061.png)



That's /jp/ kopipe with salt from around the time it was going to shit.

bafe51 No.14080579

File: 5d691b22ea89405⋯.jpg (176.5 KB, 874x1010, 437:505, 5d691b22ea894053788888e42e….jpg)


>Being surprised when e-celebs, particularly weeb or 'comedy' celebs turn out to be thinskinned cucks

f495b9 No.14080580


Still, nothing newsworthy like cologne.

814252 No.14080584

File: e631db281fca63f⋯.jpg (78.4 KB, 800x482, 400:241, 1501686311.jpg)


What's wrong with it? I re-read it and it's all correct. It might be cringy but I'm mad.

7e0135 No.14080597



Perhaps it is time for another gore thread to shake the undesirables off. It was quite effective when being raided before.

>inb4 lol 2 egdy

On another note, I see a tor poster has gone full retard again.

f23475 No.14080606

File: 1286ff054dc336e⋯.jpg (189.98 KB, 900x1201, 900:1201, Kemono friends fulton.jpg)

Who let the merely pretending people in?

91828d No.14080609


I think the better option would simply be to have the BOs and BVs do their fucking jobs. Gore spam has never and will never work.

814252 No.14080620

File: 07d0a47c6ac5376⋯.png (182.88 KB, 386x406, 193:203, queston56.png)


Who did we piss off this time?

3e8f4a No.14080622


Yeah, I remember the last time we posted some gore near the end of a thread, it resulted in a raider spaming the beginning of next thread with gore.

7e0135 No.14080631


>Gore spam has never and will never work.

Perhaps it never worked on you. That doesn't mean that it doesn't work on the undesirables. I am not sating to do it every thread, just as a blast of chemo.

bafe51 No.14080633


Gore stopped being shocking in 2007.

f23475 No.14080646

File: f2cb778e6071f95⋯.jpg (23.65 KB, 400x600, 2:3, milf plaza.jpg)



7397a7 No.14080648



New fag

4286b1 No.14080652

File: 059163d9cb20863⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 423.11 KB, 1891x2388, 1891:2388, 53261463541653146354156341….png)

File: f1530c24b5d52be⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 1.26 MB, 1199x936, 1199:936, oooo scary weev.PNG)


>Jesus christ anon, what do you do for a living? I need to starting browisng /biz/ if they actually give good advice.

99% of that is from trading cryptocurrencies. Do not start using /biz/ as a source of info now though, about a year and a half ago till last spring it was a goldmine. Lots of anons got into a number of cryptos like ethereum and monero very cheap. Then the newfag flood came in spring as bitcoin exploded in price. I'm sure we're all familiar with the "lurk before posting" rule, well that goes x10 when you have finances involved. People shilling garbage there took off right alongside people bitching about "muh /pol/ fuck off." Prior to that answers like pic 1 related was far from atypical. I mean sometimes you'll find gold still but unless you are already familiar enough with cryptos to read a white paper and look at past market performance I'd say that you'd be more likely than not to lose money following advice you find there now. Meanwhile if you followed any random advice at this time last year from there on cryptos you would have increased your money x20 at the least. Its been pretty amusing watching journalists bitch about le ebil nahdsees making money though, pic 2 related.

814252 No.14080659

File: 05c71324f34194f⋯.swf (15 MB, wakfu.swf)


Dobson will work for food, as long as your commision involves inflation. As a matter of fact, I have something for you marche. Marche is a character in wakfu, right? Do you like the other characters? I found this in the SWF thread.

3e8f4a No.14080672


Strangely enough, from what I've seen, I haven't found real gore to be shocking, but I found that guro and "simulated gore" (I.E. in movies) could be disturbing at times.>>14080633

ebe5e7 No.14080686


I tried to do crypto but I had shit nerves and lost nearly $100 before dropping it entirely.

97cfbf No.14080703


Well that's gay, I was going to invest in bitcoin back in february when it was around $900 because I figured it was going back up. Instead I lent the money I was going to use to invest to a friend who hit a rough patch and was good for paying me back in the past. Turns out they got addicted to heroin/morphine and ruined their life and I never got paid back it was a few thousand

91828d No.14080707


Man.. I picked up all the wrong hobbies.

80675a No.14080718


Nice digits.

4286b1 No.14080721


If you aren't joking and still have it, this year probably since it cost $1 two years ago and its been steady over $600 for a while now($760 right now). I fully expect it to break $1k this year after Casper gets released. ETC will likely blow up as well since GPU miners will switch to it.

f23475 No.14080726


Don't give it (you)s.

dc6af4 No.14080751

I got one of those rare hwndu pepes when the guys saving venezuela's economy were giving them out in here. Am I rich now?

3e8f4a No.14080762


The site went down.

dc6af4 No.14080768

f23475 No.14080776


Welp, at least I had the pepe for free.

4286b1 No.14080822



Site is up but its not worth much, they issued too many in my opinion. Most rare pepes only had a couple hundred max issued and they issued thousands. I still think its neat as a commemorative thing though. The crypto discord I'm in is actually moderated by two of the guys from HWNDU, uncle Chang and the guy who wore the moon man mask.


I'm using binance now because it has lower fees and bittrex and poloniex tend to shit the bed a lot, was using bittrex before. I keep things I'm planning on holding in private wallets instead of exchanges though as you always run the risk of an exchange being hacked or exit scamming.

4402dc No.14080884


I did that at first too, then I realized it's all about self control.

I bought crypto 3 months ago and right now I have at least 4k in profit. It's really easy after you get the hang of it, but must have in mind this shit can blow up at any moment. You must put yourself in a situation where no matter if the price goes up or down, you always profit.

f495b9 No.14080939

So… I just noticed the Pineapple Pen guy is the one who made the Mr. Ando animation.

I'm happy for him getting so much work.

80675a No.14080949


Was that the one where he thought he was a penguin?

f495b9 No.14080953


Yeah, the penguin that protects the forest.

80675a No.14080957


Been a while since I seen it. Well, good for him.

4286b1 No.14080964



speaking of penguins did anything ever come out of Kemono Friends talks with the writer who got fired?

97cfbf No.14080974


>writer who got fired?

It was director Tatsuki you fuck

4286b1 No.14080979


Did anything ever come out of Kemono Friends talks with the director who got fired?

9cb7db No.14080987


they double down even financially, which means a longer s-rank victory

97cfbf No.14080988


Thats better, but no

84f8c0 No.14081000

Hooktube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.



Sadly, no, his team is still removed from Season 2, and Tatsuki, in the meantime, was working on this and is rumored to be directing another project.

4286b1 No.14081014


Nice digits and I'm glad that he's getting other work at least, was worried he'd end up blacklisted through backroom deals despite having done nothing wrong.

4636a7 No.14081031


This is kinda old, but I got this from March 5th, 2016


Haven't been making new archives due to a lack of focused OPs, and the wiki dying didn't help. GG feels like it has a bit of a fire under it again however.

6ca748 No.14081067

File: 03e9f765d283b11⋯.png (242.2 KB, 850x1019, 850:1019, Pyra.png)


Telling you would implicate me.

985dde No.14081139

File: 0cf6c2e4b0ee84c⋯.jpg (777.3 KB, 2604x1040, 651:260, 987e78124ac8c07eb05adb2432….jpg)


Seems like Pyra has a third form and no one does art of it.

be8c75 No.14081156


That's basically Pyra and Mythra post fusion dance.

80675a No.14081182

You know, a thought came into my head. Remember Maddox's all out lawsuit where he sues everyone and the kitchen sink? I noticed he seems to be hanging out with the skeptic community lately, and had that Mundane Matt idiot defend him. Possible connection?

985dde No.14081217

File: ae45d87b786fbe5⋯.jpg (170.89 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, DP60N3OUEAA69S_.jpg)


Pyra's design is still the best, IMO. But I have a thing for long hair/ponytails.

6ca748 No.14081271

File: 0959b52a8541456⋯.png (39.31 KB, 1292x282, 646:141, ResetEraEntertainment.png)

File: 8611004b95e446f⋯.png (43.75 KB, 1300x224, 325:56, ResetEraFightIt.png)

File: 5600b03cc30983b⋯.png (65.57 KB, 742x397, 742:397, ResetEra2BX.png)

File: 08edf20de9ed47d⋯.png (131.35 KB, 1297x361, 1297:361, ResetEraFuckNintendo.png)

File: 876a888079052ba⋯.png (70.64 KB, 741x585, 19:15, ResetEra2B.png)

It's like a safari.

df5d67 No.14081280

File: 75c38faaa1c409a⋯.png (22.13 KB, 826x642, 413:321, bingo.png)


Big surprise, a lot of people who base their personalities around "remember this old/obscure video game you guys?" are staunchly anti-GG. No clue why it is. Is it because SA and neofag have communities centered around these kinds of games, and their influence has spread to the rest of these communities in general? Or is it something else?

83fb7b No.14081312


>they get super-pissy about people doing it for free

In other words, people that actually enjoy producing the art and aren't money whores.

3e8f4a No.14081398

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


You mean like this?


I think it's a way so that they can "gatekeep" older titles, as well boost their status. If you actually take the time to look at older games without going by someone's "101 Games On the SNES That You Abolsutely NEED To Play" guide, you're going to find a lot of interesting shit because they try to artificially limit what is known out there. Even when I was doing a research project on video game history back in middle school, and going by "official sources", I didn't know anything about the PC-Engine, the Neo Geo, the 3DO, the Wonderswan, and the dozens of other platforms out there that have some sort of merit or impact on gaming. And, in addition to that, there are hundreds of other games unheard of by the "general public". Sure, we may know about games like Galaxy Fight, The Lost Vikings, and/or Battlecorps, but how many other people know about those games? Also, it gives them a chance to go riding off into the sunset as "the hero" when they find "Long lost games" that are actually good and just happen to become a hit recently.

Simply put, it's just a publicity stunt to make it look like "They know gaming, we should listen to them."

4636a7 No.14081437

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Embed related was put into Youtube's "limited state" (i.e. soft censorship, can't fave, can't vote, can't comment, can't do a lot of shit except watch it or click the URL from another website).

I can't upload the webm as it's too big. But I'd highly recommend downloading this for yourselves (maybe add it to the wiki) and share with others.

443f87 No.14081465

File: a637343405f4dbd⋯.png (659.44 KB, 1647x1374, 549:458, viv_calls_op_a_fag.png)

46aac4 No.14081547

File: 953c650f89d61db⋯.png (261.95 KB, 287x580, 287:580, 1433934431521.png)


>go on KiA because I'm a masochist

>someone pointed out that this guy advocated doxing BEFORE GAMERGATE WAS EVEN A THING

>but according to him, it's entirely our fault that doxing and SWATing happens


4286b1 No.14081637


>no bad tactics, only bad targets

Not really new.

5eda7b No.14081642

File: 5dc9ab63a8ce05a⋯.jpg (225.6 KB, 666x761, 666:761, 1-800-KEBABGONE.jpg)


RageAfterStorm. She was cute. I was sad that by the time I heard about the kerfluffle, she'd already deleted her video, and the ten seconds I spent searching didn't turn up a mirror so I couldn't judge for myself just how silly the ensuing furor became.

46aac4 No.14081648


Not only that, but the "rules for thee, not for me" bullshit. But again, what else would I expect from the dude who helped Clock Boy's dad scam half the country?

df5d67 No.14081651


This is kind of what I thought too. They want obscure shit to stay obscure so they can look cool and "sage-like" for knowing about them.

What we need to do is find a way to break their gatekeeping. Make the obscure games more well-known, cause these hipsters to shit their pants when they find out those dirty alt-right 8chan gamers like their favorite games too. I can already think of two ways to accomplish this.

First would be to popularize the Japanese learning threads. Get more anons into learning the language and translating vidya. We don't necessarily need to have people creating translation patches or anything, just being able to understand the games and what they're about. Get more people talking about them and showing interest in them.

Second would be to bring back the /v/ gauntlet. Pull up a list of games for a specific system, have random.org choose a game for you, and play all the way through it. Except we expand on this by adding lesser-known games to lists we already have, and creating lists for old Japanese computers like the PC-98, X68000, etc. I mention those systems because they're a "stronghold" of sorts for these retro-hipsters. Seriously, anytime you see someone who's into those computers you'll fill at least five squares on that bingo card I posted.

bcb90a No.14081656


It's a response from anti-gamers to try and make it look like they have gaming credit and have been gaming for a long time. It's just like when Anita takes pictures of herself in front of a ton of games she's never played. It's an attempt to look like you have credit as a gamer.

Imagine being so insecure about being able to call yourself a gamer that you obsess over old games and constantly shove the fact that you've been playing games for 25 years down everyone's throat?

5dccbd No.14081657


Do you have the YouTube URL? I want to see that for myself.

cb2b21 No.14081665

File: af2fdcc076338b7⋯.jpg (62.83 KB, 621x755, 621:755, af2fdcc076338b751e64c2a4f5….jpg)


>styx in a dress



5dccbd No.14081669


Nevermind I figured it out, it's the same ending to the URL just had to copy and paste to YouTube. Fucking faggots, this limited state shit is awful.

5185c1 No.14081685

File: 6f4233850439182⋯.png (304.75 KB, 287x580, 287:580, Better.png)


Here, I made this. You can have it if you like. I think it will serve people here better than calling someone an asshole.

97cfbf No.14081686

File: c83303f5c199cad⋯.jpg (516.36 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, Charls son.jpg)


>Second would be to bring back the /v/ gauntlet. Pull up a list of games for a specific system, have random.org choose a game for you, and play all the way through it.

Thats a good one, and fun too. I wonder if we get get Cake-kun to organize one of those

46aac4 No.14081692


So basically, their new way of silencing people isn't to remove ads, but to remove every single element that helps Google's search algorithm to decide relevance.

46aac4 No.14081705


Well, when referring to people like Anil, it's probably best to actually call them "assholes." At least autistic people have the excuse of not knowing what they're doing, those fuckers know exactly what they're doing.

bcb90a No.14081714


Fucking up search engine optimization and search placement has been a long running way for SJWs, goons, etc to stop smaller sites, youtubbers, etc from becoming popular.

9eb4f5 No.14081718


Yeah, Anal Dash isn't assburger, he's a deeply malignant piece of shit.

Been years but he came up repeatedly in conjunction with shady stuff and generally behaves very oddly.

46aac4 No.14081727


I don't remember it being that blatant.

d2c33c No.14081735

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


11 seconds of searching. Same channel seems to have the rest of her stuff.

bcb90a No.14081745


You're just noticing it now. They completely fucked up 8chan's search results for a long time. People thought it was removed from search because you couldn't find it by searching 8chan. But if you searched site:8ch.net, it would show up. It was because they were working hard to make sure 8chan was buried in search, and you'd see their articles about how evil 8chan is first.

835090 No.14081749

File: 47b739b2bc578e7⋯.jpg (28.92 KB, 665x574, 95:82, book.jpg)


> 1. Project Alexandria: Gather your GG Archives for the new GG Wiki.

We may need a new Op Reconnect to reach out to burnouts who don't visit the chans anymore.

199a0d No.14081762


Yes. And it is so picky that it even fucks videos up that have sourced content on whatever the fuck related to right winged shit.

cb4729 No.14081785


>the chans

we need an op to purge redditer scum

7d1571 No.14081798

File: 1f8af9d0b189091⋯.jpg (70.48 KB, 636x900, 53:75, XC2-Raiko.jpg)


as an aspie I can second that


I just found electra, shes adorable

6aab61 No.14081802

File: c7a00a2e718e1ed⋯.jpg (159.51 KB, 901x1200, 901:1200, Minoru Suzuki Take a Sip 4.jpg)

Good morning!

80675a No.14081829


I spent all day watching Umaru,(under-rated anime btw)

77665b No.14081831

>A ton of retards on twitter now trying to push how gaming is useless and a waste of time.

>Try to justify reading books or watching tv as allowing people to learn something.

>Say their hobbies are better while others are worthless.

>Try to even cite WHO to push gaming being addictive and a problem.

Why the fuck are retards attacking gaming again?

37fd81 No.14081834


Too obvious

80675a No.14081838


To be fair, you have to have a really high IQ to appreciate rick and morty.

7d1571 No.14081839


Its mediocre at least, the mango is, people eithe brutally trash it or overly praise it, its just a cookie cutter moeblob SOL of the season. umaru herself is a bad person though

6aab61 No.14081840

File: b221939682b41f6⋯.jpg (29.09 KB, 640x360, 16:9, Fuck You 20.jpg)


Fuck off, Mark.

4286b1 No.14081844


I can understand calling gaming a waste of time but to say that its worse than watching television is ridiculous. Also, its up to an individual as to how he chooses to waste his time.

3e8f4a No.14081845


>Why the fuck are retards attacking gaming again?

Could you provide archive of these posts?

7d1571 No.14081852


>Try to justify reading books

Classic books or ones written not hamfisted are a fine way to pass time, george r martians erotica passing as a fantasy series, and women oriented erotica to attract normalfags is not. But gaming losing the interest of liberals is great news.

77665b No.14081853


I saw people spreading this.



It pisses me off when they try to act like their hobbies are better.

3e8f4a No.14081862

File: 69d39377b392bbb⋯.mp4 (696.41 KB, 854x476, 61:34, Pirate kek.mp4)


>I saw people spreading this.


Oh, this is SO easily exploitable:

<I'm sorry but this whole "reading" trend is weird to me. When do adults have time to be "readers"? If you're over 25 doing this shit you better be making a living from it.

<I'm sorry but this whole "football " trend is weird to me. When do adults have time to be "fans"? If you're over 25 doing this shit you better be making a living from it.

<I'm sorry but this whole "political" trend is weird to me. When do adults have time to be "politicians"? If you're over 25 doing this shit you better be making a living from it.

<I'm sorry but this whole "art" trend is weird to me. When do adults have time to be "artists"? If you're over 25 doing this shit you better be making a living from it.

<I'm sorry but this whole "social media" trend is weird to me. When do adults have time to be "bloggers"? If you're over 25 doing this shit you better be making a living from it.

<I'm sorry but this whole "sex" trend is weird to me. When do adults have time to be "pornstars"? If you're over 25 doing this shit you better be making a living from it.

<I'm sorry but this whole "religion" trend is weird to me. When do adults have time to be "religious"? If you're over 25 doing this shit you better be making a living from it.

I'm sorry but this whole "Living" trend is weird to me. When do adults have time to be "alive"? If you're over 25 doing this shit you better be making a living from it.

80675a No.14081863


>Her Cunt became the world

>Sunset found her squatting in the grass, groaning. Each stool was looser than the last, and smelt fouler too. The more she drank, the more she shat, but the more she shat, the thirstier she grew.

>Fat pink mast

>Cersei plunged a finger into the Myrish swamp.

>Couldn't tell who had the cock and who had the cunt

bravo GRRM

7d1571 No.14081865


As I said, its erotica disguising itself.

77665b No.14081866


I don't mind they read. It just makes no sense how they try to justify their hobbies and their social media as being actually useful compared to just playing videogames.

80675a No.14081877


Moreso, like >>14081852

was trying to say, it all depends on what you're watching/reading. If you're watching shit like the big bazooper theory or reading harry potter, are you really better than someone who plays Nier?

7d1571 No.14081880


Reading engages the parts of the brain that fill in blanks for the other senses. But tv has no value. Anyone who trys to justify tv over any other hobby is below even trash humans though.

80675a No.14081890

File: 68ac27f026b2b2d⋯.png (502.17 KB, 758x600, 379:300, bueno.png)


What about anime?

3e8f4a No.14081893


I was thinking more along the lines of "What about theatre?"

7d1571 No.14081897


Hey, nier at least teaches coping with nhilism. Harry potter just teaches "if you are special everyone except your family loves you" despite that being false.

60577e No.14081905

Annual reminder. The only things that go on in these threads anymore are shitposting and bitching and moaning about dumb people in online spaces anons have no business being in. Reddit. Twitter. Facebook. Forums. It's like the Beverly Hillbillies. You are a living sitcom.

See you in 2019, when you'll still be memeing about fighting da joos and whatnot while games continue getting worse.

7d1571 No.14081906


You can like it, but consuming it does not have as much value as playing a vidya or reading or any active hobby like cooking or woodwork.

835090 No.14081912

>>14081905 So what have you done lately?

4286b1 No.14081916


Seems like he's bitched about people in online spaces.

46aac4 No.14081940

File: ab5f6498c0622ad⋯.jpg (51.87 KB, 480x270, 16:9, old man yells at cloud.jpg)


>>Try to justify reading books or watching tv as allowing people to learn something.

Pic related.

>>Try to even cite WHO to push gaming being addictive and a problem

Yes, because they should totally listen to the people who are citing studies where "more than an hour a day" is the "addiction" threshold.

>Why the fuck are retards attacking gaming again?

When have they ever stopped?

e6fe2f No.14081941



Games' main value is in the gameplay, the stuff that goes on top like characters themes and plot is just dressing.

TV and movies are the most passive entertainment.

46aac4 No.14081950

File: 56f5620a701f80d⋯.jpg (9.6 KB, 301x167, 301:167, how embarrassing.jpg)

63d385 No.14081960

File: 2a2e06cdf4d8e0c⋯.jpg (337.52 KB, 752x888, 94:111, img00008jlc.jpg)

744fc3 No.14081972


I think we all know her optimal New Year's Resolution.

f4134c No.14082002






Does anyone have any screencaps/archives of these tweets? SiIvaGunner is at MAGfest this Saturday and will be hosting a panel. Perhaps if we can sniff out other potential goons and SJW among their staff and archive evidence of it we can use it as a redpilling opportunity to warn people about goons/SJW infiltrating nerd culture.


This page lists most of the contributors to the channel. I'd say it's worth a dig.

4636a7 No.14082025



Language aside, how would this go about?

Sure we can use a hashtag, but unless anons are looking for it, surely they won't see it (thanks to many websites censorship). Places like Minds and GAB would be OK.

But the main issue becomes- how do we make people want to come back?

There's a "rules for radicals" thing I saw posted ages ago, and one of the big rules was "make sure what you're doing is fun". Things stopped being fun thanks to consensus cracking, shitposting, and a lack of anger to vent into action. So IMO, we need:

> A major target to dig into, and actionable leads.

> A major Disnod OP that anyone can participate in, with weekly email goals so we have maximum impact.

> Something to show we are more resistant to consensus cracking, and do not care about PR like the shills claimed.


Gaming has not been fully conquered and some games do not push a leftist agenda. Now it is fighting back, (((they))) want to burn it all down. "If we can't own it, no one can!"- combined with how freedom of expression can make people think bad things and ask the wrong questions; all undermining (((their))) work.

I'm not saying an indie game is gonna inspire a revolution. But it'll make a guy say something to some other people, those people talk to more people, a lot of people post about it online, etc etc.

df5d67 No.14082048


You need to do it in such a way where it's not fucking obvious. If you just start outright telling people that there's goons in vidya, they can use that to their advantage by turning you and anyone else bringing up goons into a laughingstock.

91ecc0 No.14082061

Is Persona 5 worth it? Is Persona 5 fun?

>$20 of non-cosmetic DLC


>Dual audio

>But your teacher's/maid's/love interest's English VA is the same voice as Faye Valentine

Really tough choice.

63d385 No.14082066


>Really tough choice.

no its not you fucking retard

f495b9 No.14082071

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

So, Vidcon updated their harasement policy and now anything can be harassment if you want.

Soon we'll get more salt or at least ruin another convention.

80675a No.14082072


Well worth it, Yusuke is best girl

f495b9 No.14082079


I like Futaba.

f4134c No.14082087


So, focusing on how the things they say and do are retarded and making fun of those things, rather than naming the goons outright?

6aab61 No.14082095

File: 03bf031bae08682⋯.jpg (217.33 KB, 801x939, 267:313, LOL 16.jpg)

>Germany's "safe zone for women" didn't work, as women get raped on New Year's Eve celebration


e6fe2f No.14082102


Where and when and who by?

df5d67 No.14082104


I don't know. All I know is that if a goon can screencap/record you and use it to start yet another "haha those dumb gamers amirite?" circlejerk, you're doing it wrong.

941630 No.14082105

Daniel Vavra's Kingdom Come Deliverance is coming out in a couple of months. How likely will they attempt to pull another Tim Soret? But unlike him, I doubt he'll fold at all.

3794a4 No.14082108

File: d279f0031a2d4ca⋯.webm (4.36 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Persona 5 OST - Night.webm)


get it. The music is comfy


Haru is best battle waifu. Chihaya best story waifu

e6fe2f No.14082110


Tim Soret obeisance was all on the publisher.

4286b1 No.14082113


Sounds like we need to bring in more muslims, as its a feminist religion, to teach those German men how to act around women.

8d33d0 No.14082120

File: f63c289b6e93444⋯.jpeg (529.3 KB, 690x1200, 23:40, Asuka bulge.jpeg)


The problem wasn't that we cared about PR. We did care about it. ….with normies watching us. #GG made an effort to be more reasonable because that brings more people to our side.

What the shills did was equate this to wanting good PR with the media. Which everyone fucking knew wasn't going to happen and we never bothered with after early 2014, when we learned what we were up against.

What shills did was pivot "not acting like a complete asshole and troll to everyone all the time" into a bad thing, with "muh PR" being their dismissal of the logical counterargument. Take a look at revolt for an example of their idea in action. I don't think anybody wants to go there.

d1607a No.14082123





New years eve


I think you know. Are you retarded?

4286b1 No.14082125

What kind of startup capital do you guys think it would take to start a localization company and buy major licenses to Japanese games to kill NISA?

e6fe2f No.14082130


Specifics and source required.

91ecc0 No.14082134

File: a29bc52329dac79⋯.gif (60.5 KB, 434x434, 1:1, this cannot continue.gif)








9d858d No.14082141


>small dick asuka

Damn it Acid if you're gonna post futa at least make it good

Also this post is correct. Too many people at /pol/ fell for this meme unfortunately; you can still see the saltiest revoltards sperg out over there when GG is mentioned. There is still a contingent of /pol/ that isn't shit and either was involved in GG or knows its importance and respects what we did even if they disagreed with the methods and end results, but those are dwindling by the day as /pol/ declines

941630 No.14082144


Even then, I'd tell the publisher to fuck off if they were being pressured like that. Although it was amusing when they tried it with Vavra earlier only for him to tell them that he's his own boss. Is there anything that can be done in the future besides fill in HR departments to avoid publishers buckling?

9d858d No.14082146


They can't do shit to Daniel and they know it; they'll probably leave him alone

f495b9 No.14082150


Small dick futa are best futa.

df5d67 No.14082158



Haha I get that reference, what a sick retrogamer username

80675a No.14082160


It would be good if Azuka didn't have boobs.

4286b1 No.14082161


They'll review bomb the game with horrible scores, hopefully word of mouth trumps that.

91ecc0 No.14082162



>People actually enjoy Persona soundtracks?


>Only freaks of nature enjoy persona soundtracks.

97cfbf No.14082163



That dick is at least 7-8 inches that's hardly small dick futa, its just not hyper futa

4286b1 No.14082168


Freak of nature here, can confirm.

f495b9 No.14082171


Anything Hyper is shit. Everything can be big or small, but Hyperness is shit that just ruins everything.

f4134c No.14082174

I'm still looking for those tweets that anon claims existed that proves Triple-Q is an SJW. searx isn't turning up anything noteworthy and I'm not enabling twitter's botnet scripts just for some e-celeb bullshit.

97cfbf No.14082177


Agreed. Its the type of shit a furry would jack off to

c59c92 No.14082180

File: 39c908a33d6b7f5⋯.png (118.7 KB, 258x554, 129:277, ClipboardImage.png)


>asuka with benis

this is fine

6aab61 No.14082186

File: bb7924eeea77db8⋯.jpg (37.8 KB, 446x620, 223:310, AJ Gay Community 32.jpg)

941630 No.14082204


That's what I had in mind as well. That along with article after article crying about him when the game comes out, blaming it on "nazi gamers" again and what not. Although, I recall that a survey or study showing that journalists' opinions have little direct influence on a consumer's purchasing decisions compared to, say, youtubers.

3794a4 No.14082205

File: a752fec20452fac⋯.mp4 (4.69 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Persona 5 - Holy Grail.mp4)


also this one

ea58f9 No.14082214


Awesome. I was one of the few anos that bothered with trying to update the last wiki before it went down. If we can finally get a permanent wiki that won't get taken down after a few months we can finally start updating the shit.

b86373 No.14082226


Persona 5 is definitely worth it. All that dlc is just costumes and personas from the previous games. They are all just references. i played it twice when the game came out

744fc3 No.14082229


>Teacher and Faye

Michelle Ruff is NOT Wendee Lee.

80675a No.14082238

File: 52fe14f1541332b⋯.jpg (103.13 KB, 644x817, 644:817, Tumbling down.jpg)

File: bfabcb786038589⋯.jpg (65.62 KB, 1200x758, 600:379, Tumbling down 2.jpg)

File: 4bf8fa111b23a51⋯.jpg (106.61 KB, 1190x743, 1190:743, tumbling down 3.jpg)

File: b4fa6c60efc7348⋯.jpg (86.65 KB, 1116x901, 1116:901, tumbling down 4.jpg)

Looks like DesTINY's fans aren't happy with him.

37fd81 No.14082243

File: 050c0ff86f9d3c5⋯.png (444.95 KB, 830x974, 415:487, a1f0dca389d4d684a0d70725ca….png)

4286b1 No.14082262


>journalists' opinions have little direct influence on a consumer's purchasing decisions compared to, say, youtubers.

well there's some obvious problems with that like (((Alphabet's))) curation attempts.

4286b1 No.14082270


>Looks like DesTINY's fans aren't happy with him.

Don't forget that reddit is ran by goons that happily influence le upboat count so it might not be indicative of his fans at all.

b1d01f No.14082282

File: b6293735364c297⋯.jpg (53.16 KB, 490x559, 490:559, destiny.jpg)



What is the context of these screencaps?

80675a No.14082308


Midget DSP was caught spreading 15 year old girls nudes, rather than either apologies or deny it, he admitted to it and tried claiming CP can be beneficial, and argued that taking nude pics of kids is a-okay so long as they consent to it being spread around when they are 18.

80675a No.14082319

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



And just for fun, here's this.

4636a7 No.14082349



So the million dollar question; how do we get them back? How do we prevent that consensus cracking in the future?

744fc3 No.14082351



>The fucking Hamtaro theme

84f8c0 No.14082369

Hooktube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

Regarding the whole YouTube DisNod - Twitter is blowing the fuck up because some eCeleb named Logan Paul showcased a dead body of someone who committed suicide and (if I'm reading this right) using it as clickbait. Might be worth bringing up to advertisers.

91ecc0 No.14082374


Since JRPGs are usually shit easy is it recommended I start on Merciless? Is anything important locked to it?

985dde No.14082386


Nothing is locked behind any difficulty. If you want to start on merciless, that's up to you. If you've never played a Persona game before I recommend Hard or Normal.

I like Kawakami, Hifumi, Haru and Makoto

b86373 No.14082389


Do not do merciless. Its way too grindy for a fun playthrough. Hard is also brutal at the start. You can change difficulty when you want so do whichever you think is the most fun.

0743a0 No.14082394


Just play it on normal. What the harder difficulties do is limit exp and multiply enemy damage.

744fc3 No.14082401


I wouldn't say Persona 5 gets piss easy until the later chapters, where you'll hopefully have lots of maxed relationships and decent gear like SP Patches


I'm one of the few Ann fanatics around. But it's probably just me being shallow, and that it all has to do with that Red Latex Suit.

b86373 No.14082402


Oh, dont forget to mention that merciless also multiplies your crits and weak hits as well as the enemies.

b86373 No.14082408


I like kawakami because i just think fucking my maid teacher is hot.

65752b No.14082440

File: fdb1dbeb8bc09aa⋯.jpg (119.65 KB, 943x650, 943:650, s4Zlfqxwhb1YTd1ryj0MY6WW5U….jpg)

File: 063e396e5a9e565⋯.jpg (317.03 KB, 626x886, 313:443, 063e396e5a9e565e69a15d321a….jpg)

File: bdb3012ada3a96e⋯.png (661.66 KB, 800x2206, 400:1103, e68c21ed6667301603962f6ef4….png)


P5 had a lot of good options compared to P3 and P4. Personally I went for Makoto and Futaba both of them played on my protective instincts, but kawakami is great too

0743a0 No.14082442


I think that part is interesting but Persona is one of those games where stats are everything. Three levels are the difference between being unable to kill a boss and effortlessly steamrolling it. And when exp is already hard to come by limiting that even more is just insane.

abafc6 No.14082449

File: d0f1a9bcfd54048⋯.jpg (44.5 KB, 680x408, 5:3, official vs Fan.jpg)

>4kids dub: “I don’t like math, but I’m gonna do it anyways. Stay in school, kids.”

>Funanimation dub: "Math is for goobergators, I'd rather be smashing the patriarchy."

>Treehouse: "……………………….."

941630 No.14082491


>Logan Paul

…The actor who played Acid Rain?!

4636a7 No.14082506


Not sure how you can find out what ads he has other than going to the youtube URL and reloading over and over.

Hell, even if he takes the video down, logic dictates ads on his whole channel will be the same until he loses subs or Youtube step in (which if it's on Twitter, won't be long)


f0847f No.14082524


yes, he's an e-whore

29733f No.14082527


I'm liking this Destiny guy

63d385 No.14082531


fuck off manly tears

80675a No.14082542


I'll take the bait, what about him do you like?

10bef8 No.14082544


can we have the regular link so we can do that?

c59c92 No.14082567


because he makes you feel like a giant, Manly Tears?

4286b1 No.14082577




I'm honestly not seeing where there's a victim here. The guy unbanned someone who stated something unpopular.

29733f No.14082585


I've never even watched him before

84f8c0 No.14082587

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Went and checked with uBlock disabled, apparently there aren't any ads on that video. Regarding his other videos, I'm seeing the following:

>Underground Finance


>some game called Crossout

>Second Life

>Rocket League


>A Civiqs poll asking if (you) approve of Trump

>college shit

There's probably more but I'm about to go have dinner.



80675a No.14082589


> The guy unbanned someone who stated something unpopular.

He unbanned a guy who posted CP on his discord server.

84f8c0 No.14082590

File: 6006651ca49999e⋯.png (54.58 KB, 279x279, 1:1, oh hell.png)


Fuck, didn't mean to embed as well. Feel free to bully me.

4286b1 No.14082599


>He unbanned someone who posted CP

Oh, thought the guy just defended the concept, not that he actually posted it himself. Yeah, that probably wasn't the brightest move.

72e590 No.14082607


isn't that the guy who played acid rain in law and order svu?

992ab8 No.14082609

File: ad658e4dc91e6e1⋯.jpg (56.69 KB, 384x505, 384:505, ad658e4dc91e6e11132e9b447f….jpg)


Come on, now. No need to look down on the guy, he already has the rest of humanity and most breeds of dogs to do that.

abafc6 No.14082621

File: 7311fc3421deea6⋯.png (958.54 KB, 680x927, 680:927, fab.png)

3e8f4a No.14082636

File: 9ea609f8a33e489⋯.png (349.07 KB, 1500x468, 125:39, The Road to being a Trap C….png)

File: 5b411494937310f⋯.png (258.39 KB, 339x418, 339:418, you two aren't those trap ….png)

File: 4f9bc214c564c76⋯.png (264.06 KB, 776x558, 388:279, Trap logic.png)

File: 0e4bca811f826b5⋯.png (571.06 KB, 1022x764, 511:382, traps.png)

File: 6e29646d07ea601⋯.gif (1015.2 KB, 185x139, 185:139, traps yes.gif)


Of all of the countries attempting to turn people gay…


abafc6 No.14082640


All they do is draw a girl and call it a boy.

84f8c0 No.14082645


Well the artist in the guy you were responding to is from Thailand, so I dunno.

4286b1 No.14082648


2D isn't really gay because of >>14082640

You'll still find 3D men disgusting.

eeb859 No.14082658


Hey now, pigs are cute.

bcb90a No.14082659


There are a lot of things that should be left as 2d.

80675a No.14082660


I like 3D guys too.

abafc6 No.14082666


3D crossdressers are a dead giveaway because their v shaped torsos and male features are still noticeable. Asians can pull it off better, but even then you could tell they are dudes. In 2D, all they do is draw a generic basic girl and say "Hey, this is a boy."

4286b1 No.14082672


And you had no leanings towards faggotry before fapping to 2D traps?

3e8f4a No.14082674

File: 4f520e3a80faf4e⋯.jpg (465.25 KB, 1074x1517, 1074:1517, 6.jpg)


>In 2D, all they do is draw a generic basic girl and say "Hey, this is a boy."

Satan, why are you saying this? Shouldn't you be the one advocating for extreme heresy?

65752b No.14082675

File: 9676d94b9b09d72⋯.png (4.11 MB, 2400x2144, 75:67, An_Average_Gamer.png)


Yes that is the defacto leader of gamergate. Remember:

No social justice in gaming.

abafc6 No.14082688

File: 66f3f7df5af977b⋯.png (570.29 KB, 937x417, 937:417, Plutia wants to get pregna….png)

File: 5987320eb4679cf⋯.png (1.13 MB, 1568x696, 196:87, Sex Offender.png)


We need to save the lewds in games. No more to censorship and shit localization. What's GamerGate's New Year's Resolution?

80675a No.14082690


I would rather be the trap than be the guy fucking the trap tbh but I find them cute.

627e9b No.14082692

File: 3bcbdcf59b19e02⋯.png (1.03 MB, 700x990, 70:99, Kaede 11.png)


I'm a cakeman, there is no way I can be gay

10bef8 No.14082696



fug, the one time I was gonna do someting

b86373 No.14082704


>fellow cake lover


985dde No.14082711


I really like Ann as well but the other girls stood out. I think my least like girl is Ohya.

b86373 No.14082721


Ohya was so forgettable she didnt get a single vote on the popular vote.

5eda7b No.14082723

File: 1fe20a001285226⋯.png (334.76 KB, 1200x750, 8:5, HUGE GUTS Unfinished.png)


Shit. Maybe my memory is playing tricks on me and I only considered tracking down a mirror instead of actually trying. Irregardless, thanks, helpful anon.

91ecc0 No.14082741


Getting off to the idea that a cute girl has a dick is still gay though.

744fc3 No.14082771


Did Lala-chan get a vote on there at all?

b86373 No.14082774


Many actually.

ec55d3 No.14082776

File: a9b9edf34b1652c⋯.png (1.12 MB, 1264x489, 1264:489, roll.png)

abafc6 No.14082777

File: 3261fa23d481822⋯.jpg (271.85 KB, 1200x948, 100:79, Vert raping Blanc.jpg)


The only futa I ever fapped to was futa on non-futa girl yuri.

4286b1 No.14082789


For me its less a girl having a dick and more about breaking someone down mentally. Only two types of hentai I fap to are mindbreak and forced feminization.

97cfbf No.14082793

File: 7275d7abb4d5448⋯.png (128.49 KB, 529x768, 529:768, 4c8622eef5205ba1beca55cd88….png)


No its not, the penis doesn't make it gay due to Roman rules

3e8f4a No.14082811

File: 8b520709e06680b⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 816.78 KB, 1047x1350, 349:450, 1354397669697.jpg)

File: cc89782ed72ad05⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 844.35 KB, 1531x1990, 1531:1990, [SaHa] Soul Chain 001.jpg)


Congratulations, you've taken your first step to a much grander world.


>Only two types of hentai I fap to are mindbreak and forced feminization.

Have you read the second pic?

992ab8 No.14082812

File: e0b8b5988675d8f⋯.webm (3.96 MB, 720x404, 180:101, homemade ghost trap.webm)


If you wanted to see it, it's still available on hooktube. Here's a Teknik, since I don't know how long that will last. That said, it seems like he went out to shitpost about ghosts, like those shitty Travel Channel videos, and then found a dead body. The jumping around, spergy faggotry doesn't seem like anything different than Zak Baggins does constantly on B reels. It's tasteless, to be sure, but not unheard of


e6fe2f No.14082816


Futa on female and yuri are different things.

604aa8 No.14082825


Romans are faggots by default though.

abafc6 No.14082829

File: 648ce51f6d78780⋯.png (247.81 KB, 404x301, 404:301, Tokimeki_Sister.png)

File: e93463dbb859b12⋯.png (202.31 KB, 404x301, 404:301, Violent Good Girl.png)


Caligula being the biggest faggot.

4286b1 No.14082841


Caligula did nothing wrong, historians just libeled him because he hated kikes.

abafc6 No.14082850


Did he deal with kikes. I'm not that well versed.

4286b1 No.14082868


Yeah, declared jews disloyal(because the fuckers are) and started pogroms.

abafc6 No.14082872

File: 7a24991f2d6e075⋯.png (48.98 KB, 401x225, 401:225, d96.png)


How long have they been fucking everybody? Conquering Judea was a mistake.

46aac4 No.14082875

File: e51585602264997⋯.jpg (8.47 KB, 281x200, 281:200, jesus fuckin christ.jpg)

29733f No.14082879


I would unban him too

3e8f4a No.14082882

File: 17f4aa3262bf4da⋯.pdf (245.18 KB, Common Sense - Thomas Pain….pdf)


Could I just say that as a Christian, the "inability" to criticize the Jews comes across hypocritical and blasphemous? People have known for centuries that the Jews are not Saints, both in Biblical text (Even in "Sunday School") and in historical records found. In fact, God punished the Jews numerous times because they went against him or didn't do as he commanded. And, even the document Common Sense (Pretty much the earliest document laying the basis for the American Government) takes a fair share of it's time criticizing the Jews for their stupidity. So, why we're not allowed to do it like how we criticize the all other societies is beyond me.

63d385 No.14082886


fuck off val

abafc6 No.14082888

File: 59e57b01c4bb399⋯.jpeg (78.67 KB, 587x522, 587:522, scofield lies.jpeg)


Blame Darby and the Scofield bible.

a0fe5d No.14082896

File: 460d128f8d760a3⋯.jpg (82.43 KB, 900x900, 1:1, 1501310772167.jpg)

>tfw just found out Filthy Frank quit because he got bored with it

abafc6 No.14082901


It's a combination of boredom and how doing the character was hurting his health. I hope he enjoys retirement.

4286b1 No.14082905


>As a Christian the inability to criticize Jews

As a fedora that seems to mostly be an American Christian phenomenon rather than Christianity in general. I mean lots of people in other countries won't either but there it has nothing to do with religion and its due to laws. In Eastern European countries both Christians and atheists seem perfectly willing to criticize jews.

abafc6 No.14082908


It usually is just an American thing.

1eac3f No.14082916

File: 84c8f8088db3513⋯.png (106.19 KB, 498x500, 249:250, bayonetta's favorite food.png)


>I yabba dabba dindu nuffin!

c59c92 No.14082918

File: ec095447ddb23a7⋯.png (219.8 KB, 551x347, 551:347, thisisapenis.png)


FF was the sole thing that put him through college and life in NY. And this comedy is unique because of his non-PCness and unpredictability. But if he goes full music artist, I'm not complaining.

c5ed32 No.14082949

anyone know what happened to chappelle?

his new special starts well but gets more and more preachy without any proper payoff. had to stop after he bitched about how those poor nfl player financially suffered because they took the knee for blacks. fuck this virtue signaling bullshit, this isn't funny, just sad and tedious.

8d33d0 No.14082951

File: 84035de54c01594⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 642.83 KB, 1298x909, 1298:909, Asukabenis DP.jpg)


Honest answer is, I don't think we can. It's a problem of human psychology. The burnouts and others who fell for that meme would have to admit they were wrong about #GG in order to come back and help us again. Nobody wants to do that, especially when there is a "support network" of sorts of ex-#GG supporters who now jerk each other off over how "cucked" #GG is and how they're so much smarter/more redpilled than us.

And there is a corollary to it that also asks "if those people were shilled so easily the first time, would we want to invite their weakness back into our ranks / give them an opportunity to harm us from within again?"

3e8f4a No.14082964


>…there is a "support network" of sorts of ex-#GG supporters who now jerk each other off over how "cucked" #GG is and how they're so much smarter/more redpilled than us.

Isn't the biggest joke about those people that they have a "Holier than thou" attitude towards everyone and everything, and have nothing to show for it?

4286b1 No.14082970


>rapture was contrived in the Scofield bible

>one of my hugest issues with Christianity being that "oh lawd we must just endure until the good lawd comes to take us away" instead of being proactive about fixing things is all due to some bullshit retranslation done only slightly over a century ago

>only found out later in life that that's a more localized problem

>all my family believes in this

I don't have a reaction image appropriate enough to convey my rage right now.

604aa8 No.14082974


>gay porn

>niggers (?)

Your post would seem much more insightful without that image

4286b1 No.14082979


Probably sold out, I mean he quit originally because he thought a lot of the stuff in that scene was bullshit. To come back and be parroting the talking points just sounds like he got to a place where he needed money and was offered a good enough payday to do what he was told.

464e8c No.14082987

File: 2919f3392df1abc⋯.mp4 (1.37 MB, 476x360, 119:90, slapping intensifies.mp4)

>a guy just got fired from Wizards of the Coast for bringing up background checks

3e8f4a No.14082990


>one of my hugest issues with Christianity being that "oh lawd we must just endure until the good lawd comes to take us away" instead of being proactive about fixing things is all due to some bullshit retranslation done only slightly over a century ago

Given what little I know about the Bible, the reality is the exact opposite. If you want something, you have to work for it (Which is another part of why Communism is so anti-religious). If you want to find truth, you have to have doubt. The only thing you have to "endure" is just whatever bullshit comes your way because God wouldn't be throwing that shit at you if he didn't think you could handle it.

77665b No.14082993


He became a huge sell out and hypocrite. He shills for trannies and used to shit on Hillary. Now he actively supports her and pushes her. The whole special was an hour of him bitching about Trump despite saying Trump jokes ruin comedy since he used to hate political humor. He does not even make any jokes after the first one which is just sad.


WOTC is doubling down and has been ever since this shit came to light about their own employees abusing people, threatening people, and harboring sex offenders. They are trying to ignore it while their employees defend the company.

6aab61 No.14083002


At this point, this ain't a glass house anymore. They're paragons of morality with no clothes on.

77665b No.14083004



I forgot to add that a lot of the judges are even trying to defend the pedos by saying this is harassment and an attack. The whole thing is disgusting.

This is offtopic, but was Harmful Opinions a part of that skeptic shit storm recently? I keep seeing scrump and others sperg at him.

464e8c No.14083012


No its just a spat between him and the gypsy.

4286b1 No.14083016


>The only thing you have to "endure" is just whatever bullshit comes your way because God wouldn't be throwing that shit at you if he didn't think you could handle it.

Yes, they basically think that whatever bullshit they're going through is some sort of test as if they were Job. Despite that all of it is things that came to pass because of their own actions or inactions, though most of them would never see that.

>if you aren't religious you're against working for things

That's bullshit.

Sage and spoilers because I can see this turning into a large religion derailment.

3794a4 No.14083039


harmful mentioned that he wasn't surprised that kraut had a private server as he was invited to one by the skeptics ages ago and left shortly after seeing it was a huge circle-jerk where they organised which videos to make to push narratives.

Coincidentally, this really pissed off Vee and Sargon. Vee is now sperging out at him, and is giving him support from the side (he was in the chat of Layman's stream agreeing with vee, and then disappeared right when vee left, then he went and hosted his own stream and said he thought vee won the argument. Seems like he knows making a direct attack video wouldn't go well for him, so he's using vee).

c5ed32 No.14083040


>He shills for trannies

>imply to care about their feelings


>makes fun of their feelings

>fooled by a passing tranny

>wasn't gay!

>only titfucked him

if the rest of this shit show was like this "shilling" I would have finished it.

9d858d No.14083049

OP ya fucked up the bread title and forgot to include NYS which is how i search for it in the catalog

Had a fucking panic attack

4286b1 No.14083050


>Vee is now sperging out at him, and is giving him support from the side (he was in the chat of Layman's stream agreeing with vee, and then disappeared right when vee left, then he went and hosted his own stream and said he thought vee won the argument. Seems like he knows making a direct attack video wouldn't go well for him, so he's using vee).

>Vee is now sperging out at him, and is giving him support from the side

Do you mean Sargon is giving support from the side?

3794a4 No.14083054


oh yeah, sorry

992ab8 No.14083055


As far as I can tell, harmful pointed out this shit, and how the secret skeptical groups he would shitpost about weren't actually fake, but real. Which can be seen with Kraut's group. And Scrump seems to be trying to call it all cringe and protecting them. I have no more information about them

77665b No.14083059


It mainly was that he tried to justify the jokes he makes after every time he told people to go away if they were offended. He would just go back and forth between not caring but then trying to say he cares.

3e8f4a No.14083066


>>if you aren't religious you're against working for things

>That's bullshit.

That wasn't what I was trying to say. Anyone who has gone anywhere in life knows that it requires work. Even, arguably, the idea of having a Communist and Socialist society requires work to accomplish it. But, the bull you hear people spout off about how they'll be living "high in pretty" if Communism ever takes over also seem to be the same people who are strongly anti-religious. We know the reason why Stalin and Mao were anti-religious was so that the people would have nothing to live for but the state, however these "modernists" trying to push the idea of Communism onto other are doing because they don't want to actually work. They just want to be the "idea guy" and get paid for it, and that runs counter to religious beliefs.

Also, we're past the bump limit, so saging doesn't do anything.

464e8c No.14083090



in laymans stream harmful admitted himself that hes just shitstirring for shits and giggles

e6fe2f No.14083098


Vee is becoming a bit of a lolcow.

4286b1 No.14083099


>Also, we're past the bump limit, so saging doesn't do anything.

Saging really doesn't do anything regardless when talking about one of the most active threads on the board. Its more about politeness.

>modern communists

Most modern day communists and socialists aren't really part of the labor class anyways, most of them are hipsters who've never worked a single day's hard labor in their life. I'd argue that its not about getting paid to be the idea guy, its purely about social points by championing who they see as the lower rungs of society. Which is why you see such a crossover between communists/socialists and people talking about shit like the patriarchy.

Also why you see most poor left-wing people that actually are hard workers increasingly alienated by them because if you want to start some sort of organized labor bargaining or an attempt to start some form of syndicalism the current SJW bullshit would do nothing but get in your way as the people who only bitch and do no work would just be dead weight you'd quickly toss out.

Syndicalism is about the only far-left ideology I could see theoretically working and that's only because its fairly decentralized and still encourages competition.

3e8f4a No.14083141



>Syndicalism is a type of proposed economic system, a form of socialism, considered a replacement for capitalism. It suggests that industries be organized into confederations or syndicates. It is "a system of economic organization in which industries are owned and managed by the workers".

Thank you for teaching me a new word. Does this compare at all to the Japanese business format that Yuri referred to in his lecture (IIRC, it was called "Theory X")? However, just looking at it briefly, wouldn't this also require major government oversight to achieve? And for there to be an inability to "destroy" monopolies which is why they're replacing the government? And that each company would now operate as a government within the country's own government?

c59c92 No.14083148

File: ac7ff762cf3c5a1⋯.png (539.19 KB, 1096x668, 274:167, ClipboardImage.png)


Fuuucking hell, being a tarded dude in a pink suit really fucks with your health.

835090 No.14083154


src: https://twitter.com/UnsleevedMedia/status/947986403325079552 https://archive.is/GhtR5

Is someone making a log of the info that he is turning up?

464e8c No.14083157


Im with the gypsy on this one, harmful is actively antagonizing and being a cunt to him personally

Id too sperg out in his place if someone was trying to paint me a fool

4286b1 No.14083166


>government intervention

The idea behind syndicalism is that it would be bottom up instead of top down, a move by workers to consolidate their power by going into direct competition with current businesses instead of using collective power in a bargaining process with their current employers.

>for there to be an inability to destroy monopolies

There would be no inability to destroy monopolies, remember, I mentioned that competition was encouraged. The way syndicalism avoids the inefficiencies of most far-left ideologies(in theory anyways) is that the workers have every incentive to make their confederation run as efficiently as possible because if they don't they're going to get crushed.

>And that each company would now operate as a government within the country's own government?

The centralized national government would be very small and only provide basics like national defense.

Really, its one of those weird cases where the horseshoe meme almost fits because syndicalism and libertarianism could technically coexist.

4286b1 No.14083172



As far as "Theory X" goes I'm unfamiliar with that.

8d33d0 No.14083190

File: e7c03fa09dd205e⋯.jpg (33.21 KB, 592x533, 592:533, Trump sip.jpg)


It is. But it's an in-joke amongst the people who follow(ed) them, not one amongst the general public.

I'm the biggest Trumpfag in these threads I think. And most of these guys voted for Trump and seemed to somehow conclude that they simply won the Internet, right then and there, forever, and decided they were suddenly "above" all the petty little battled like #GG. Its honestly the most pathetic thing in the world.

6e4c38 No.14083192

So I've been out of the loop for a long long time now. About 2 years or so. What has GG done since then? Why wont you let your movement die? What are you trying to accomplish nowdays?

8795f3 No.14083195


Armchair activism at it's finest, if they got over GG they would move on, but no.


IA here, holy shit!

8d33d0 No.14083201


America always lacked one thing, the absence of which stopped Communism in its tracks: A proletariat. Americans have pride. Even our lowliest street sweepers and bumfuck farmers, back in the 1930s, were against Social Security because they wanted to make their own way in the world. "Temporarily embarrassed millionaires", the socialists called them.

The Democrats tried to create a Proletariat class to rule over by taxing and regulating industries to death, forcing them to pay their workers less in order to compete, an then worming their way into the workers by supporting unions and so forth. That didn't work.

Now they're using racial minorities as a substitute Proletariat class - importing millions more of them to bolster their numbers and voters, to bring about the socialist state they wanted all along.

3e8f4a No.14083202

Hooktube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


Yuri mentioned it at some point in the latter half of this lecture. I can't find the exact past bread at the moment, but some other anons explained it a much better than what Yuri briefly touched on.

6e4c38 No.14083208



I wish I was as cool as Jim.

4286b1 No.14083228


>what are you trying to accomplish?

Getting a localization company started and then hiring Reanon to head the translation side for me as I can't into moon runes.


My family's been pro-union for generations because of the battle for Blair mountain but most of us hate the democrats because of every single other part of their platform.

6e4c38 No.14083236


Have you tried reaching out to the folks who translate Japanese H-Games? Pretty sure most of them are NEETs, and thus cheap.

4286b1 No.14083248


I still need to get more capital first before doing this seriously, that's just my long term goal. I'd want someone like Reanon who's more of a known quantity to me to head things up so I could be utterly 100% certain that there's no SJW shit being shoved in and no "problematic" content being cutout because there's been issues with even some fan translators trying to play morality police.

6cb1d7 No.14083251

File: a010972f8bd3fdb⋯.webm (1.74 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, lawbreakers.webm)

Posted this before but I improved it a bit now.

6e4c38 No.14083284


So you're basically trying to create a nonprofit the localizes games and tries to keep the creators original intentions in tact.

Fuckin neat.

2e20c1 No.14083295

File: 13b0055ee08dbcd⋯.jpg (4.14 MB, 3541x5016, 3541:5016, cheerleader vivian 2.jpg)



Here is another, non-colored version.


This is important.


>sperging out over a relatively irrelevant youtuber

9d858d No.14083308


>I wish I was as cool as Jim.

back to /cow/

3e8f4a No.14083311

File: 319ee96456bf3fb⋯.gif (203.04 KB, 639x299, 639:299, c4kYV6I.gif)


Out of curiosity, have you taken a look at this guy's work yet: https://www.patreon.com/nana_vs_nana

4286b1 No.14083332


Nope, I'll look into him though. Been wanting to start making a list of translators that aren't cancerous. Need to x10 my crypto stack one more time and I'm going to fucking do this. Hopefully I can pull that off this year or next. I am so sick of the one hobby that I enjoy getting castrated because a bunch of cucks hate other people enjoying what they don't like and have inserted themselves into localization companies as gatekeepers.

5aa879 No.14083353

File: 68dd5992fe4404e⋯.jpeg (88.21 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 40F4A4FF-0886-4B8B-9115-9….jpeg)


I’d be down. I’ve been improving my moonrunes and have gotten way better at translating shit. My dream is to become the Chef Ramsay of Vidya and localization

3e8f4a No.14083358

File: e646c8e7d010f8f⋯.png (720.19 KB, 544x960, 17:30, ClipboardImage.png)


The guy appears to have taken up residence in Japan recently, so that could be a bonus. However, it appears that he hasn't made any translation updates since December of 2016 (Pic and link are his claimed reasons why: https://archive.fo/CEptY ). He could be worth keeping an eye on.

4286b1 No.14083378


Hey, was hoping you were around. On the off chance that I do pull this off and 8chan is kill what's the best way to contact you privately?

5aa879 No.14083445

3de25d No.14083465

File: 1e92616f818d7f6⋯.png (2.03 MB, 1000x1415, 200:283, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 512a94758848e4b⋯.png (898.87 KB, 707x1000, 707:1000, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b0466aad2853f1f⋯.png (820.45 KB, 900x638, 450:319, ClipboardImage.png)

what is this

4286b1 No.14083468


Alright, guess I'll have to breakdown and make a social media account if things work out.

79fe2b No.14083473

>>14078841 NEVER TRUST AN ELF!

5aa879 No.14083486


You’ll need to anyway. We need memes and waifus to entice the normalfags and weebs

3e8f4a No.14083499


Out of curiosity, should we all link our accounts?

5aa879 No.14083511


Yes, as I appreciate being able to directly engage with people. Intimate engagements is the best thing you can do when you’re starting small

9afa8a No.14083512

File: 9d559e7f51cfe96⋯.jpg (19.65 KB, 320x240, 4:3, 320x240.jpg)

Since vidya is mostly dead now, have you guys taken other hobbies?

5aa879 No.14083517


I still play a pretty mean Guitar

4286b1 No.14083518


Actually I've been thinking about this and my strategy would be to find a well known IP(to weebs anyways) that's never been brought over that I could buy the license for for $1 million or less and start with that. That alone would go a long ways to create enough buzz to get people to start following the company. I'd be wary of going full out with memes(at least 1488 ones) on social media because I wouldn't want to scare Japanese companies away from doing business with me.

I realize that that's PRfagging but my sole concern is ensuring that uncensored content makes it over instead of NISA tier garbage like we've been getting and considering that gatekeepers would already be trying to tell Japanese companies to not do business with the upstart I'd rather play the social media side safe and just shill the game with waifus and game content instead of taking any political direction.

3794a4 No.14083520


paying a bunch of artists to make people think this new character is popular. They learnt from marche

63d385 No.14083522


my other hobby is keyboards

>vidya is dead

yea if you play western garbage

8352ba No.14083523



I read, mostly.

8d33d0 No.14083524


More than anything now I play Magic. Specifically EDH, because Wizards a shit. That's why I'm involved in the #MagicGate thing right now.

3e8f4a No.14083530


Alright, here's the only social media platform I'm on: https://wrongthink.net/Transdude1996

I mainly just blog about whatever, but I'm trying to start writing pieces about the games I play.

f0847f No.14083531

File: 66c4625ea94e5df⋯.png (500.36 KB, 626x660, 313:330, 66c4625ea94e5dfb90d5e3e737….png)


>Since vidya is mostly dead now,

But I have tons of games I'm looking forward to this year.

>have you guys taken other hobbies?


eb8b12 No.14083534


I'm still scavenging whatever I can. If things go completely tits up, I might just wander around with a notebook, make some fucked up diary of my experiences and try to publish it if I don't die.

9afa8a No.14083546


Yeah I'm late to the thread.

What kind of books? I'm finishing Wheel of Time soon and don't really know where to go from there.


In general vidya is done for, esport cancer, lootboxes, sjw, jews, it's over.


I used to play but would get too angry because I sucked.

4286b1 No.14083548


>In general vidya is done for, esport cancer, lootboxes, sjw, jews, it's over.

You're a blackpilled faggot, if they broke it we can fix it.

5aa879 No.14083550


PR fagging has a place in business. I like your starting strategy and I think it could work, so I wouldn’t mind toning down the more edgy memes. I share the same vexation, being a language autist myself

5aa879 No.14083558


Oh man you just reminded me I should do something similar with vidya/movie reviews and rants. People have always loved it when I did those

ec55d3 No.14083568

File: 3dfad3eb0131b57⋯.png (1.24 MB, 1044x817, 1044:817, Etuzan Jakusui Don’t Get….png)


Woodworking and general handyman stuff. Replaced a few mailbox posts after the old ones rotted out and waiting to see if the neighbor wants that crack in their patio fixed.

4a5df4 No.14083574

Hooktube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


>Since vidya is mostly dead now

Yeah, if you mostly play western vidya.

>have you guys taken other hobbies?

Getting back to drawing, and continue on with figure collecting.

9afa8a No.14083582


I'm being realist anon, apart from a few of us no one want to fix vidya. Most publishers consider things fine as they are, shit games like Overwatch and PUBG are selling like hotcakes. Every dev are cucked at some level too. What can we do to fix it? Whine on Twitter? That's the domain if the SJW.

It's been years anon and I still haven't see devs or publishers acknowledge there was a problem. They might make AAA trash game, but those games as awful as they are set trends and standards. Skyrim is now remembered as the best RPG ever and there was hardly any roleplaying in it. Vidya has gone the way of hollywood.

3e8f4a No.14083594

File: 98efc84bb845a13⋯.webm (1.61 MB, 300x300, 1:1, (「・ω・)「.webm)


>It's been years anon and I still haven't see devs or publishers acknowledge there was a problem.

>What can we do to fix it?


acc241 No.14083603

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


vidya is only as dead as you want it to be.

tho doodling has been nice to me. its good to be creative. video games have been made to be very consumption based. even modding is discouraged nowadays. really sucks.

9afa8a No.14083606


I was a C++ dev for nearly 10 years.

4286b1 No.14083608


>What can we do to fix it?

#OPRebuild had the right idea even if people lacked the skills to follow through, we're going to have to directly work on changing the industry ourselves if we really want things to change.

What can you do personally? Acquire capital, acquire programming or art design skills, or learn moon runes. Support noncucked companies and ideally go work for them before they get subverted too.

>It's been years anon and I still haven't see devs or publishers acknowledge there was a problem

Vavra, Kern, and Wardell all did to name a few. Also American McGhee and Soret even if Soret had to backtrack later. Noncucked devs/publishers exist even if they're a minority.

65752b No.14083612

File: 1ee7f39e12cfd75⋯.png (626.52 KB, 629x1178, 629:1178, Games_are_my_life.png)


Baking and gardening along with skiing.

3e8f4a No.14083615


Okay, every thought about using those skills to make games?

b1d01f No.14083624

File: 229146ffbee6c72⋯.jpg (75.15 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 229146ffbee6c72bd4f802113a….jpg)


Read about psychology, history, philosophy.

Also helps that learning from these things can give useful arguments to refute social justice horseshit.

I still play a lot of older video games.


Her voice is shit and the character model is overdesigned.

9afa8a No.14083636


I tried but it wasn't really my thing. You guys might be right, but seeing all those normalfags praising shit games lately makes me mad as fuck and seeing no way out of this era of shit. Anyways, I might have overreacted.

4286b1 No.14083642


Normalfags will always praise whatever is popular at the time. That's what normalfags do, they go along with the status quo.

f23475 No.14083670

File: 331b7c40d392948⋯.jpg (178.36 KB, 800x1000, 4:5, meme50-ax2.jpg)


Normalfags just want dopamine in their games, not adventure or roleplaying. Notice how fast it is to just get in a game (winning or not), finish it and then move on to the next in Pubg. It's fast, addictive and this is why it's popular despite all the shit servers, the constant bugs and the fact that it's basically a dumbed down Arma 3 mod for casuals.

Same goes with Skyrim. Normalfags go past all the bugs and lack of any roleplaying, just to go "wow dude, i'm gonna slay dragons!".

It's kinda sad to see vidya in general being oversimplified for the sake of "DUDE FUN LMAO", addiction, and popular attention. Games with complex designs for niche audiences can be fun too.

tl; dr: fucking normalfags get the fuck off my vidya.

2e20c1 No.14083676


regardless how you feel about cancerous e-celebs don't be as butthurt as solbirdguy


>being blackpilled

If shit's fucked then it's your duty to go nuclear and crash this plane with no survivors, not just slink away to the side and give up.

46aac4 No.14083717


>don't be as butthurt as solbirdguy

I swear, every time I hear about that guy, I just think "what the fuck's his problem?"

4286b1 No.14083726

File: 322ba0cfbf057cf⋯.png (119.38 KB, 1064x615, 1064:615, 36521463514635146351463521….PNG)


This exchange gave me a chuckle.

63d385 No.14083736


you wanna see true autistic screeching over shoe go to lolcow.farm thread on her

I just got a one year ban for basically asking if the people bitching are trannies because there was so much autistic screeching over "ugh men" and "mysoginy"

8d33d0 No.14083743

File: ab23e6c7026847e⋯.jpeg (282.15 KB, 1469x2048, 1469:2048, Asuka leaning.jpeg)


Simple. The problem comes from AAA games being in a unique position of being pozzed by normalfags and also too big to fail.

The solution, from our perspective, isn't to destroy or "fix" those games, but support and spread word about the other truly good games from AA-and-below developers. As long as I have my awesome Atlus games and JRPGs, I don't give a fuck if Chad spends all day playing Overwatch. And if I want the kinds of games I like to keep flowing, then I need to vote with my wallet and be loud in the crowd, telling everyone about it. Information warfare has always been our strong suit too, so it works out tactically. Not to mention its fun.

8159e1 No.14083747


What about the Moldenhauer Bros.?


If the videogames industry doesn't go belly-up now, then it'll crash when the US Dollar crashes later.

I'm not sure that the US could even come away from the Dollar crashing badly.

4286b1 No.14083754


Did they actually say anything about gamergate? If they did I missed it but I wouldn't be surprised if I did as I've had huge gaps where I paid zero attention to gamergate over the past couple years.

8159e1 No.14083759


The Moldenhauer Bros. did reference journalists playing Cuphead badly prior to the game's release.

4286b1 No.14083767


>the solution from our perspective



Yeah, them too then.

4107a8 No.14083776

File: 1fc8074f659dfaf⋯.jpg (138.89 KB, 700x2000, 7:20, you_are_gonna_make_it.jpg)


Taking to firearms more often now alongside working for money, now I just gotta learn how not to spend it recklessly so I can save up for another gun. Also learning Jap really slowly since I barely got past reading Hiragana and now have to deal with Katakana and later Kanji.

8d33d0 No.14083783


"our" as in "gamers who appreciate games with a depth of quality and difficulty", you mong.

Basically everyone in this thread, unless you're some kind of casual.

4286b1 No.14083784


I'm someone who does not share your prescribed method of approaching the problem.

7e0135 No.14083790


>too big to fail.

The thing is, they're not too big to fail. They just don't want to lose their cushy positions and have to work for a living again.

3eef90 No.14083791

A little off topic, considering people already started talking about YouTube drama. Thoughts on the latest Paul Brother's fuck up?

1eac3f No.14083797


>Thoughts on the latest Paul Brother's fuck up?


46aac4 No.14083801

File: 56c5c6e831a09a2⋯.gif (352.57 KB, 300x168, 25:14, 1461998373474.gif)


It's honestly pretty fucked up, but of course, SJWs had to make it about him being FUCKING A WHITE MALE and not, you know, the fact that he plastered a hanging corpse up onto people's YouTube feeds.

4286b1 No.14083805



I don't really have a problem with it. Its a dead body hangiing in a public space that he took a recording of. So what? I mean he even blurred the face out.

46aac4 No.14083814


Well, I'm just pointing out that while the rest of the internet lynch mob is pissed that he filmed a hanging body, there are those people in the background trying to convince people that they're not actually mad about the dead body, but rather the fact that he's white.

I'm kind of reminded of that Ryan Davis tweet where he talks about certain people being "more worried about the gender of the corpse and not the fact that IT'S A FUCKING CORPSE."

941630 No.14083822


Acid Rain from the SVU episode

b1d01f No.14083823


Have a hard time believing that retard went there not looking for bodies.

46aac4 No.14083830


Yeah, you don't go to "Suicide Forest" and not have that expectation. Especially when you go on to say you're "making YouTube history." I think that part in particular is what set people off about it.

992ab8 No.14083858

Hooktube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


Thing is still, there are untold numbers of paranormal investigators that go there and get spooked by every breath of wind. Imbed is just one example, but a cursory search will lead to hundreds of examples. Again, Bilbo Baggins went to the Hoia forest in Romania to do exactly the same thing.

f4134c No.14083868



It's the Akkofag being autistic again. I dug around Triple-Q's Tumblr and searxed for any tweets that would indicate what he says is true but all I saw were obvious poes and ironic shitposting. There's quite a few I saw like pic related even that would indicate the opposite.


Only indicator I could imagine is the tweet he mentioned where he screencapped being told to fuck off the old /gamergate/ board, but I can't find that one. And honestly sounds more like Triple-Q was acting like a retard on a board that's meant to be more serious and not getting the message.

[bold]Akkofag if you're reading this you seriously need to cool your jets and not assume everyone who doesn't like GG is an SJW. Seriously. You are well on your way to becoming a burnout and should probably take another break from Twitter, if not stop using it altogether.[/bold]

f4134c No.14083869

File: 1decd4a8acd70e5⋯.png (364.14 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, scr.png)


Forgot the fucking pic

cee2b9 No.14083877

File: 03098826f792a19⋯.jpg (89.58 KB, 611x548, 611:548, hachiman.jpg)


>[bold] [/bold]

b1d01f No.14083879


The idea of the place being haunted has been around for a few hundred years.

Its a beautiful place but I wouldn't run around there at night like an autistic retard.

The deeper you go, more likely to run into something vicious like wild dogs, boars or even a bear.

992ab8 No.14083967


My main point is that it's not unheard of for these things to be discovered in forests known for people killing themselves in. He shouldn't have posted him jumping around and acting like a fucking clown next to the dead body, of course, but to make a crusade out of it is nonsense, unless you're going to go after every sensationalized ghost show available. I know nobody here is doing it, but that was my point.

b1d01f No.14084017


Those ghost shows usually don't put the body on camera.

Anyway, I don't feel sorry for the rich, spoiled asshole with people shitting on him.

86016b No.14084186

File: 9210039d3278ead⋯.png (911.06 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, drinking alone neet ara.png)

985dde No.14084288

File: 5ba209cecabe4dd⋯.jpg (176.14 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, DQeG_F1VoAAm_EQ.jpg)



>vidya is dead

So far, only the western AAA industry. The East is slow to catch up but if they see the AAA industry in the west burning, they'll turn they other way before they do.

Japanese games are getting a lot more spotlight and praise recently over western games too. Which is why there's a more blatant push into the localization industry by SJWs (whereas before it was just silent infiltration) and an attempt to shame and control devs (starting with Atlus)

8795f3 No.14084296


Most of the East, Japan is doing a combo of mobage gacha shit, along with hardcore and casual games that still have depth, while China (Fuck Tencent) and South Korea (Fuck Nexon) are still up to their game of who will be the bigger slint-eyed merchant that is.

985dde No.14084303


Japan is doing gacha shit mostly in their own country and on mobile. As long as it sticks to mobile, I'm good. And as long as they continue to make actual games for console/PC without any western AAA baggage like some companies are trying to imitate (Capcom and SE), generally they'll come out ahead.

25f901 No.14084332

File: 7c9977a97f78516⋯.png (485.99 KB, 527x1075, 527:1075, v the vidya.png)

814252 No.14084427

File: 13f9df90f63e92e⋯.png (139.71 KB, 416x320, 13:10, 326737839afea17300cadc8ac0….png)


Ok ok, maybe anti-GG is too strong a term, but I never called him an SJW. He very clearly isn't. But by doing a search for the term gamergate on his twitter, it's all nothing but shitposting into the tag, lanky posting, and occasional baits. I think he's a halfchanner that assumes gamergate is embarrassing and full of losers, probably because it's literally not allowed on halfchan and all he ever gets is the SJW side of things. Seems to me that most halfchanners hate gamergate.

I was mad yesterday when I found out and read through his whole twitter and it all pissed me off. It all comes off as ridicule to me.

This only even came up because I was searching youtube so I could share a video with a friend, and I came across his gamergate videos and they made me suspicious, so I searched his twitter.

Other than that I barely touch twitter anymore. I only check it out when there's a big happening. I'm not burning out.

And I don't mean to avatarfag, I'll stop using akko so much.

80675a No.14084522


>Balls area

But she's a girl

f495b9 No.14084539

What a slow year. I guess things are ok if there is no things to report?

80675a No.14084543

Ash_Effect deactivated his twitter, this guy takes credit for it.



3b97de No.14084553

File: 7e7cfb88f58db8d⋯.png (1.17 MB, 1008x1433, 1008:1433, 56c7f7435d8e6860ca392b2b06….png)

File: faffd52a953d11a⋯.png (1.1 MB, 1008x1433, 1008:1433, 451ae86722d26a608c2e174b2b….png)

File: 3bc46b26916f0a8⋯.png (953.86 KB, 1008x1433, 1008:1433, 58766b2804f2d263ecd81e805e….png)

File: 3cfebd2359a8735⋯.jpg (328.94 KB, 1008x1433, 1008:1433, aafd8346a677af9db717afeadf….jpg)


That 4koma is literally the mangaka drawing his life but using a twin-tailed loli as a stand-in.

b86373 No.14084601


Knife collecting and college

25f901 No.14084606


I don't get the one when she rummages through her pockets.

3b97de No.14084612


me neither

63d385 No.14084626


>knife collecting

Girly gay knives

b86373 No.14084629


2 swords and multiple hunting knives

97cfbf No.14084634


>basically a dumbed down Arma 3 mod for casuals.

It literally is, I remember years ago around 2010 or so I played ARMA 2 with Playerunknown and he invited me into his test server for his ARMA 3 battle royale. I played that for a bit (also when he released the actual mod) and its the exact same shit. It gets old so fucking fast, honestly DayZ mod was funner


I wish I could be as autistic and take twitter as seriously as you. It seems like it would be a lot more interestng

63d385 No.14084637


Nice katana collection naruto

80675a No.14084645

f495b9 No.14084657


Of course. Make new laws and then take out the opposition with them. Classic german move.

b86373 No.14084668


one is a french fencing sabre and the other is sort of a cleaver with a lightsabre handle that lights up the blade with a flashlight. I think its a custom piece

941630 No.14084674


4/pol/ was a lot more receptive to GG last time I checked their archives, especially when Trump won. The SJWs on half/v/ stick out like a sore thumb.

97cfbf No.14084684


Halfchanners are mostly retarded, its been said before but I'll say it again. If you're still there after we left then you're either cancer or a newfag. There's no excuse to still be there unless its for boards where our replacement is dead such as that one anon who browses 4/biz/ half pol is basically just slightly edgier reddit at this point

25f901 No.14084690


It's easier to imprison you opponents if you just make it illegal to be against the state.

08c41e No.14084693


How long time ago did you checked it?

814252 No.14084702


>I wish I could be as autistic and take twitter as seriously as you. It seems like it would be a lot more interestng

Not really. I have more fun when I take twitter as a pure joke, which really it is. The people there take themselves so seriously, especially the blue checkmarks and SJWs. It's when I start taking it seriously that I leave for a few months.


I've said the same thing before. After gamergate happened and the exodus to 8chan occured, I was still on 4chan for a while, and there was a noticeable drop in post quality. It was all pure cancer, and the funniest part is the people there, suffering under the thumb of the janitor and the mods, claimed 8chan was where all the cancerfags went. I came here and it was like paradise. Never left.

97cfbf No.14084751


I start taking it seriously that I leave for a few months.

I can't even understand how it gets that bad in the first place honestly

>I came here and it was like paradise. Never left.

Yeah it was great in the beginning, everyone was trying their hardest to make quality posts and even /b/ was a decent board to browse. Its too bad its gotten a bit worse since then but I still much prefer this to what halfchan has become

80675a No.14084782


They still have console war shit there, right? That's the reason I can't stand that place anymore, even if I overlook the SJW posters.

985dde No.14084843

File: 5234a62b0f7de84⋯.png (259.31 KB, 669x740, 669:740, FireShot Screen Capture #1….png)



985dde No.14084865



Twitter is a paradise for narcissistic people who take them so seriously it's funny.

It's even BETTER when you combine narcissism, projection etc with autism, like that one SolBirdGuy dude.

8a91ca No.14084904


They are really salt at Atlus these days.

3e8f4a No.14084959


Did they play the original PS2 game, or the PSP update?

b24533 No.14084964


They've been rediculously salty since Persona 5 sold significantly more than their friends' game, when there's been minimal "localization" on the game itself.

b24533 No.14084970

a0fe5d No.14085019

File: 6456a35569cc8d4⋯.jpg (368.2 KB, 1700x1494, 850:747, DSixnlnVAAEnEip.jpg)


>I'm not looking for the Olympics in 2020, we're going have crime issues

814252 No.14085024

File: cb0dd5860da25a7⋯.jpg (12.2 KB, 196x229, 196:229, ahahaha.jpg)

I wish these threads would go back to normal already. New years is over, you niggas need to get home already. Speaking of new years, Black Science Man made a tweet about how the new year is completely arbitrary and has no cosmic significance. What makes this funny is several people predicted he would do so.

c44f9c No.14085029



a0fe5d No.14085040

File: 3bbb0c1089f8464⋯.png (230.61 KB, 484x473, 44:43, 5e6d6f32d57de24f3e2968f0d6….png)

>Skeptics™ killed themselves

>Now supreme cancer Youtuber Logan Paul killed his YouTube "career"

2018's starting off well.

80675a No.14085041


Poor bastard, he has no idea how bad things will get with the 2020 Olympics.

8352ba No.14085043


What he do?

c44f9c No.14085049

File: e54383645d22ce4⋯.jpg (14.96 KB, 320x240, 4:3, who.jpg)



>Logan Paul

Is he something like Logan the Wolverine from Marvel?

80675a No.14085050

File: 1a4f87c04b2d76a⋯.png (421.69 KB, 2518x1024, 1259:512, Logan Paul.png)

690d6e No.14085056


so let me get this straight he just found a dead body of a suicide lying around and decided to do a youtube video on it? Did he at least call the police before or something?

7ac071 No.14085067

File: b12f4134d3c7478⋯.gif (2.23 MB, 600x270, 20:9, who.gif)


>I wish these threads would go back to normal already.

How so?

>New years is over, you niggas need to get home already.

But, I did get home last week.


Ditto on this

1eac3f No.14085068


See >>14082369 and judging from the Japanese comments from >>14085019 it was in the infamous suicide forest: "Aokigahara".

f98b17 No.14085073


His fans won't give a shit anon, that type of shit is why they watch cancer like him. Everyone is going to go on and on about how awful he is for a few days then forget about it and his fanbase won't be shaken even slightly

f495b9 No.14085079


Wait, what?

Only an extra scummy piece of shit would use a dead body to get views.

8352ba No.14085080

File: 3b69e9da4ba48ec⋯.jpg (68.13 KB, 549x302, 549:302, GASP.jpg)


Just scrolled up and saw the twitter comments. That's pretty fucked.

80675a No.14085091


Some guy cemented his head in a microwave to get views, almost died, the UK fire department were pissed since it was easily avoidable and he could have wasted their time if someone else was in danger.

c44f9c No.14085099

File: 84b9e1b5e47f52f⋯.jpg (41.45 KB, 840x525, 8:5, extremely scared magical l….jpg)


>cemented his head in a microwave

I saw that scene from the TV series Supernatural

7d54bc No.14085104


That's some kobs

f495b9 No.14085109

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Never thought life would go as far as to make a metal song right.

25f901 No.14085112


He is the guy that played acid man in the law and order episode about goober gayte.

Also some shitty youtuber by the looks of it.

8a91ca No.14085115


Plus the sjweebs for ever mad that they couldn't "fix" it


Sites like pixiv to obscure sites in the jap part of the internet are pissed about the upcoming Olympics and sjws trying tell them about how their culture should work.

80675a No.14085116


>He is the guy that played acid man

Did he gain weight and jack off to Asuka dick pics?

8352ba No.14085118


Did you not see the actual music video itself? People have been doing stupid shit for attention for decades. Centuries even.

c44f9c No.14085120

File: 06c6cc17ce1867f⋯.webm (374.64 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Slack Jawed Faggots.webm)


>google his name

>the literal slack jawed faggot

Not amused because he looking exactly as I expected

2ae78e No.14085123

File: 73e922da439289c⋯.jpg (122.23 KB, 1200x716, 300:179, DSjMScYU8AAZfzN.jpg)

f495b9 No.14085124


I know… but it still depresses me humanity is doomed.

We'll never go to the stars and I'm ok with that because I don't want the universe to be infected with this faggotry.

25f901 No.14085127


No, he kidnapped a poo in the loo, raped her and drove women out of gaming.

8352ba No.14085128


>implying our drive for conquest and alien pussy won't push us to the stars

f495b9 No.14085135


I hope not. Can you imagine we teach feminism and socialism to aliens?

8352ba No.14085143


Okay now that would be worse case scenario.

a0fe5d No.14085153



Cancerous Youtuber who went to the suicide forest and recorded a dead body hanging for views.

814252 No.14085156

File: 0b9fa57b1804c8c⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 55.27 KB, 386x750, 193:375, 1428572114786-3.jpg)

File: 70a4327b6b04730⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 1.31 MB, 823x1100, 823:1100, 1434326131308-1.png)

File: 219f22475090c5d⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 859.51 KB, 1800x2329, 1800:2329, 1434377958364-1.jpg)


What kind of alien pussy you thirsting for anon? Human like sci-fi pussy or monster pussy?

690d6e No.14085158


There was that guy in ancient Greece who burned down the temple of Artemis so he would get famous.

8352ba No.14085163


Bit of both.


Exactly. Human desire for attention for ancient and ever present.

690d6e No.14085172

File: f7957a487a460f3⋯.png (152.72 KB, 917x542, 917:542, sjwiki.png)

9afa8a No.14085187

File: 3a2b44dd70d9cb1⋯.jpg (77.89 KB, 692x530, 346:265, onelittleship_023.jpg)

I can never get enough of cancerous streamers and youtubers committing 'career' suicide. Because let's face it, it isn't a career.

f495b9 No.14085188

A question about Logan Paul. If Pewdiepie got ruined by a simple "death to all jews" joke or saying "nigger" in a live stream, what would happen to him for recording a dead body?


If it worked before, it is easy to assume it will happen again. But who knows, maybe we find a civilization of futa aliens.

814252 No.14085189


That's insane. How the hell do they claim to be pro-science but then willfully ignore basic biological facts? This shit won't survive, I'm telling you. In a hundred years scientist and people in general will look back on this fad and scoff the same way we scoff at the "scientists" during the victorian era.

985dde No.14085194


Star wars aliens are a turn off. Tentacle heads. Same as Asari from Mass Effect.

9afa8a No.14085196


The big DONATE button makes me think they don't much care about science, but more about scamming young retarded liberal minds.

c44f9c No.14085201

File: 29893d6f7a2a134⋯.png (880.47 KB, 1421x682, 1421:682, annunaki.png)





Anon, but it's the Aliens who taught us Feminism and Socialism.

80675a No.14085202


>what would happen to him for recording a dead body?


Remember the fuss about Net neutrality from all the silicon valley elites? Well, Germany enforced a hate speech policy and demands Facebook does everything in their power to censor anything Merkle doesn't like, and Zuckerjew went "okay" without a fight.

Do you think they have principals?

f495b9 No.14085204


We need more coverage and outrage.

738c7c No.14085219


Let's hope outrage can still be made.

cb2b21 No.14085220

File: 8b02486f60c6c18⋯.jpg (5.43 KB, 300x300, 1:1, 2e13330ecd52cbaa59cc8d1276….jpg)

>that tfw no colour out of space gf

814252 No.14085255


Pewdiepie wasn't ruined. His subs exploded, and his vids still get millions of views and he already has fuck you money. When the WSJ went after him, all they did was redpill his millions of normalfag followers.

f495b9 No.14085267


Well, but he still got the Hulk Hogan treatment.

ac9199 No.14085270


I think there's a difference between saying nigger and filming a corpse for views.

f495b9 No.14085277

For fuck's sake, seeing the footage from Pewdiepie and I can't help but feel disgust.


Yeah, and for Youtube and other faggots it seems saying nigger is worse.

814252 No.14085298


Oh for sure. Disney dropped him, youtube demonetized him for a short time, and some other of his "friends" showed their true colors. But it only helped him in the long run. What the wsj did was a blatant attack by the old media on new media. It was their way of saying "we still have power, we can still ruin you." Old media hates youtubers. TIME magazine or maybe the new yorkeronce ran a cover with pewdiepie X'ed out. And Jimmy Kimmel had Markiplier on and he tried to shit all over him but markiplier stood his ground. That one was funny because Markiplier has more viewers and fans than Jimmy Kimmel ever will.

Pewdiepie might not be in the youtube rewind, but his video making fun of it got higher on trending and had a better like/dislike ratio. Plus, he ranked number 7 in most handsome men of 2017.

8352ba No.14085308

File: d525a3e0b4b22f7⋯.png (347.32 KB, 500x507, 500:507, d525a3e0b4b22f7bd1b47c6844….png)

Got some new developing controversy where Japan's cops finally actually do something good for once.


10bef8 No.14085309


>reptilians control the grays

>not the other way around


627e9b No.14085324

File: fe719a1b9829ed1⋯.jpg (38.84 KB, 292x219, 4:3, The Yama.jpg)


>Diet Members

Aren't those the Liberals of Japan or am I wrong?

c44f9c No.14085333

File: 71dfa5fe5bda1a9⋯.webm (162.83 KB, 480x360, 4:3, Is such a thing even poss….webm)


>Jap cops

>doing something

9afa8a No.14085344


Nah the Diet is like the Senate for you burgers I think.

627e9b No.14085352


anyways, that's good.

c44f9c No.14085358


fug i was meant to reply >>14085308

2024e7 No.14085454

>Gamasutra: " Where next for the video game power fantasy?" Proceeds to stir fearmongering narrative and the need to rein in gaming.


>Shigeru Miyamoto Explains Nintendo's Hiring Process, New Focus On Handing Reins To Younger Developers.


814252 No.14085475

File: c3c32e222b27e91⋯.png (81.57 KB, 736x627, 736:627, 1501175335.png)

A hat in time is fucking adorable.

It makes me happy.

c44f9c No.14085482

File: ebb05250ea8b349⋯.png (496.24 KB, 606x834, 101:139, shad hat.png)


You got an adorable game you got there, shame if Shad… lewdifies it!

18c711 No.14085509


>disempowerment fantasy

Why is this a thing ?

f79b40 No.14085513

File: 630801ec4126760⋯.png (171 KB, 330x400, 33:40, Hat_Kid_Controls.png)

File: 4444efbb4b1ce6d⋯.jpg (70.84 KB, 600x600, 1:1, hat.jpg)

File: 9c3df3b70b1b076⋯.jpg (433.15 KB, 1619x2223, 1619:2223, __hat_kid_a_hat_in_time_dr….jpg)

File: 02a04847a7aad3e⋯.png (229.82 KB, 468x426, 78:71, tumblr_oxw2rhcj4M1vjgsjpo1….png)


bread is dead, post hats

80675a No.14085516


It's almost as short as Destiny.

814252 No.14085528


Aw, is it really short? But I really like it.

738c7c No.14085529

File: 288e0f71931c5aa⋯.png (230.57 KB, 734x1110, 367:555, think slim.png)


Is it worth a buy?

80675a No.14085536


Yea, took me off guard. There's even a world with nothing to do but explore which was disappointing. Hopefully there will be more content in a sequel.

c44f9c No.14085539

File: a0dce4f4aa09a74⋯.jpeg (Spoiler Image, 346.63 KB, 1000x1386, 500:693, 2336167 - A_Hat_in_Time H….jpeg)

File: 2a0bdc6da598f39⋯.jpeg (Spoiler Image, 663.32 KB, 1200x1006, 600:503, 2340489 - A_Hat_in_Time H….jpeg)

File: d25a69d6f3fcd25⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 448.71 KB, 1000x1376, 125:172, 2365302 - A_Hat_in_Time Ha….jpg)

File: 26eff1f08c49372⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 695.57 KB, 1000x1573, 1000:1573, 2365304 - A_Hat_in_Time Ha….jpg)

File: d28524c951593ef⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 396.7 KB, 995x1452, 995:1452, 2393215 - A_Hat_in_Time Ha….jpg)




814252 No.14085545


I'm only 7% into the game, but I'd say yeah, definitely. It's great and really cute. I'd recommend mouse and keyboard controls, I've seen video of people using controllers and the camera looks clumsy but it's smooth as silk with a mouse.

814252 No.14085553


I've always wondered what the legality is of this kind of stuff, but refuse to search it for fear of being added to watch lists.

f79b40 No.14085561


i've heard the dev is a commie but i'm too lazy to look for proof

2024e7 No.14085564

File: 58a13c76ea8c478⋯.png (71.66 KB, 619x590, 619:590, prequels.PNG)

File: 823523e57cc2749⋯.png (61.53 KB, 462x589, 462:589, last jedi.PNG)

10bef8 No.14085581

File: 14f071b7fefdad9⋯.png (9.75 KB, 645x851, 645:851, wojak_nazi.png)



>ywn fantasize about being disempowered

c44f9c No.14085582

File: ac414baa3b80add⋯.gif (115.33 KB, 316x193, 316:193, amazed dante.gif)


>toxic masculinity on everything

I wonder what kind of thing that this guy cannot shove "muh toxic masculinity" argument. I bet this guy can shove muh toxic masculinity on kid's cartoon, kitchen knives, nature, and bricks and stones.

3b97de No.14085588

File: a6b36564e8dc292⋯.jpg (40.23 KB, 350x457, 350:457, joshi.jpg)


That's Josh for you, he even tried to blame toxic masculinity for his solo career failing after his puppet fired him.

46aac4 No.14085613

File: 591ec7335185ecd⋯.jpg (142 KB, 600x1081, 600:1081, Josh logs in to Twitter.jpg)


>well, the prequels clearly showed that the Jedi way was flawed, especially when they became the Republic's lapdogs…


>did you even pay attention to the subtext?


80675a No.14085638


Killroy's manager Based Momma has no experience doing anything like this beyond a girls scouts spaghetti dinner fundraiser. The right person for the job.

cb2b21 No.14085655

File: 9a7d2a28db9186f⋯.jpg (147.41 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Mensa.jpg)


She has an extremely high 140 IQ you frick

5eda7b No.14085656

File: bd43c9791690528⋯.jpg (33.52 KB, 378x264, 63:44, i should just label this f….jpg)


>children's cartoons are toxic masculinity because most skilled writers and animators are men

>kitchen knives are toxic masculinity because they make women stay in the kitchen instead of going to the garage to get the chainsaw

>nature is toxic masculinity because it literally pumps men full of terrorist testosterone

>bricks and stones are toxic masculinity because they reinforce the gender normative misconception that men need to be "hard".


Pic is for you.

80675a No.14085659


A true intellectual anomaly.

Starting to get real sick of this show

2024e7 No.14085670

File: 3f2fd7de1988d92⋯.png (704.54 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, DSjkWYLUMAAmBr3.png)


here's a PNG of him, go wild.

814252 No.14085686

File: 3c9177a53ee129e⋯.png (1.44 MB, 1200x1006, 600:503, hat kid surprise.png)

2024e7 No.14085726

File: fec92323f33cd9f⋯.png (380.99 KB, 1502x630, 751:315, i made a terrible mistake.png)


>check the trending page on YouTube

That was fast

18c711 No.14085757

File: 79fef4b8c502cf0⋯.jpg (139.63 KB, 1148x720, 287:180, kill or be suicided.jpg)


It's bad

46aac4 No.14085761

File: 5ed5ef924f049fc⋯.jpg (40.88 KB, 582x600, 97:100, laughing anthem.jpg)



Jesus Christ, talk about timing.

3b97de No.14085774

File: ade7b7ff7439308⋯.webm (4.78 MB, 640x360, 16:9, HEchanit.webm)


I knew I recognized that fucking mug!

2024e7 No.14085876

File: 7adf7de36353e5f⋯.png (36.41 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, FBI.png)

46aac4 No.14085890

File: b4e0941701b6a38⋯.jpg (54.27 KB, 592x279, 592:279, annoyed.jpg)




f23475 No.14085926

File: 3b5f9242a38373a⋯.png (404.12 KB, 445x909, 445:909, he's convinced.PNG)

9afa8a No.14085955

File: 3ff3964675caa98⋯.jpg (44.68 KB, 540x429, 180:143, 1452261180960.jpg)


>tfw no new locon recently

46aac4 No.14085972

File: c7a11deea88be4b⋯.mp4 (4.88 MB, 480x360, 4:3, Baby Cakes hears lies.mp4)


>rest of the article is nothing but blatant fucking lies

>even directly contradicting the PUBLIC FBI dossier

f23475 No.14086020

File: edff9c5a609e712⋯.jpg (183.45 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, smug mom.jpg)


>the article contradicts completely with the actual FBI file

That man's tripping.

83fb7b No.14086034

File: d8eef35d383234c⋯.jpg (89.77 KB, 377x348, 13:12, GamePro_-_Issue_100_Volume….jpg)


Normalfags truly are evil.

46aac4 No.14086044

File: 48a7d417c29953e⋯.gif (2.9 MB, 200x170, 20:17, 1441742621450.gif)


I almost want to track the guy down and go "where do you get off making lies this blatant?" But then I remembered that this is the status quo for journalism now, and if we call them "fake news," then they'll act like you just called them "niggers."

f23475 No.14086054


And if you highlight the lies and contradictions in an overdramatized manner like in Phoenix Wright, what happens?

f98b17 No.14086060


I doubt it's normalfags who like him, it's probably all retarded teens and slightly edgy kids. All the normalfags are outraged which is the expected response.

f23475 No.14086078


This, most of the Logan & Jake fanbase is composed of kids.

83fb7b No.14086079

File: 67e5660309de534⋯.png (34.81 KB, 606x634, 303:317, A Gondola In Time.png)

7f7434 No.14086123


787863 No.14086137


Why ? He's getting banned soon. He called us "fag hags" again. Obviously that warrants calling the FBI.

46aac4 No.14086139


I can only assume Scooby Wu would screech so hard at the idea that >her "positive" reputation would take a hit that everyone in a half mile radius goes deaf.

7e0135 No.14086155

File: fa5dd8d117e760b⋯.jpg (66.77 KB, 500x500, 1:1, youhavenoobligation.jpg)


>That man's tripping.

He's from Londonistan. If he was from California, with their legal pot, then the tripping thing would make sense.

Pic unrelated

2024e7 No.14086171







>Ian Miles Cheong - "The New Red Scare: FBI Cleared GamerGate, but Fearmongering Lives On"


46aac4 No.14086182

File: 3abbc698bcd9535⋯.png (972.83 KB, 847x1669, 847:1669, when you rage so hard you ….png)


>All this report does for me is show how little the FBI cared about the investigation. -t. John Walker Flynt

I will never ever EVER get over the fact that Scooby actually wanted the FBI to prosecute a 12 year old boy. Especially after it was noted that he was sorry about it and promised that it would never happen again.

627e9b No.14086247


Bread Title: Song Of a New Era Edition

738c7c No.14086260

File: 0f1e4edadcd8626⋯.jpg (277.52 KB, 812x883, 812:883, Benin.jpg)


prefirst for benin

80675a No.14086261


>Wu, who is now running for Congress, maintains that she was a victim of GamerGate, and has promised to revive the investigation should she win. “All this report does for me is show how little the FBI cared about the investigation. I’m fairly livid. Assuming I win my race for Congress, the FBI can definitely expect me to request a meeting in my office about this appalling failure,” she said in an interview with VentureBeat.

Well we're done for now.

f98b17 No.14086293


It was a 12 year old boy?

46aac4 No.14086318


That's basically what the FBI dossier says. Kid scared shitless that the FBI came to talk to him and tell him that death threats aren't a joke and are taken very seriously. Scumbag Steve didn't like the fact that all they wanted was an apology. In fact, the FBI also noted that Scooby started becoming more aggressive towards them for "not doing enough."

20762c No.14086338

File: dcdf928e4928ea4⋯.jpeg (99.49 KB, 877x960, 877:960, 2B82863A-E169-4C73-ACED-F….jpeg)


>The first thing I’m going to do as Congresswoman is waste more of the FBI’s time and resources on an investigation that turned up no actionable leads and no evidence of wrongdoing directly affiliated with GamerGate


f98b17 No.14086341


What a piece of shit, what the fuck did >she want? a 12 year old paraded in front of court?

80675a No.14086349


What are the odds steve will win?

46aac4 No.14086353

File: aaee7aafd5c6a22⋯.png (720.59 KB, 869x768, 869:768, 1466923455884.png)


Well, that's what >she has essentially said in no uncertain terms to >her journalist buddies who continue running damage control as >she runs around Boston going full Amy's Baking Company on ventures and charitable events started by women.

26f891 No.14086404


guess whos coming to magfest goys feel excited?

80675a No.14086409

f98b17 No.14086451


Holy shit you suck, you tried twice already

26f891 No.14086474

File: 91818335704fae1⋯.png (3.83 KB, 290x74, 145:37, ClipboardImage.png)

80675a No.14086478

File: f185ad0766fb564⋯.png (643.06 KB, 1064x957, 1064:957, dog.png)

New bread when?

97cfbf No.14086488


At 700 posts, are you retarded?

5eda7b No.14086492

File: f7768a1ca0680ca⋯.gif (1.47 MB, 225x124, 225:124, consternation.gif)


>October 11, 2015: A friend of a video game journalist tells the FBI that the writer is "personally terrified" of being doxxed by Gamergate supporters using the site SomethingAwful.com. This person is also receiving threats and is able to identify suspects to the FBI.

>Gamergate supporters using the site SomethingAwful.com


>Gamergate supporters

86016b No.14086505

File: ef6bef243aa8f40⋯.jpg (123.24 KB, 874x1500, 437:750, __cirno_and_tanned_cirno_t….jpg)

File: 16d29ad96d13815⋯.jpg (85.75 KB, 917x1000, 917:1000, __remilia_scarlet_touhou_d….jpg)

File: d352ebec6d716ac⋯.jpg (435.85 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, __remilia_scarlet_touhou_d….jpg)

File: f4dd834a98635c6⋯.jpg (50.29 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, __serval_kemono_friends_dr….jpg)

File: 51a43d69ecba285⋯.jpg (90.1 KB, 749x1000, 749:1000, __toyosatomimi_no_miko_tou….jpg)

cb2b21 No.14086506

File: 00b3ab4bf6f8f88⋯.jpg (254.25 KB, 1241x1532, 1241:1532, 00b3ab4bf6f8f8807d3c72b2a8….jpg)

80675a No.14086541


Ugg, bigot!

bcb90a No.14086544


>Zoe Quinn had a crippling Helldump/Something Awful addiction

>SomethingAwful is gamergate supporters

>Zoe Quinn is a gamergate supporter

37fd81 No.14086551


What does the article say? That the dog lifts up her leg to piss? That's not abnormal, Mr neighbor's dog does that.

and they put a fake penis on her because of it??

37fd81 No.14086561




Fuck, I need to check my post before sending it.

2024e7 No.14086562

>Europe's Ongoing Attack On Free Speech, And Why It Should Concern Us All


>Alissa McAloon / Gamasutra - "ESA rebukes World Health Organization 'gaming disorder' classification"


>Platinum Paragon - "The Media is Misreporting on Gaming Disorder"


>Vanity Fair reacts to the Logan Paul controversy: Connects him to all the "undesirables", attributes Gamergate for birthing the alt-right, hysterically laments descent of social media into "darkness"


80675a No.14086563


Can't you tell that it's HIS way of expressing HIS true self?

86016b No.14086575

File: e1afaa79f22e74f⋯.jpeg (140.26 KB, 800x600, 4:3, DR0RtMZUIAASnyA.jpeg)

661c86 No.14086577


They probably don't realize male dogs use their dicks exclusively to breed.

37fd81 No.14086638

File: 8ddc80973501a78⋯.jpg (126.92 KB, 710x527, 710:527, 2017-11-09 22.12.50.jpg)

Shitpost to 700?

97cfbf No.14086657

File: 37bc690d8a98cb7⋯.jpg (20.94 KB, 405x373, 405:373, 599b10eda2e28b0b52206f79b3….jpg)


No shitposting is bad

86016b No.14086662

File: 78ba0f12344a722⋯.jpg (370.12 KB, 971x1700, 971:1700, __kaguya_luna_kaguya_luna_….jpg)

86016b No.14086665

File: 87c45f92adc7bfc⋯.png (285 KB, 1574x1200, 787:600, __kaban_and_serval_kemono_….png)

86016b No.14086679

File: f95232c4add3458⋯.jpeg (208.79 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, DSD4BwmUIAA3PAe.jpeg)

kill me


37fd81 No.14086689


For you.

97cfbf No.14086703


The weird thing about your response is that when I piated that Marty pic I was contemplating instead posting Bane and saying "of courshe" and you ended up replying as if I did that anyway

46aac4 No.14086711


>>Zoe Quinn is a gamergate supporter

Of course Chelsea supports GamerGate, it's the only way she can make money!

37fd81 No.14086729



Also, your post is ambiguous.

I read it as "No, shitposting is [a] bad [thing]"

Where it could've been read as "[To] no(t) shitpost is bad"

97cfbf No.14086743


I meant it as is No, shitposting is a bad thing to do in an ironic way by posting the shitpostiest picture I have on my phone

b1d01f No.14086765

File: f23bc6effa901c3⋯.jpg (119.35 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, f23bc6effa901c3b05e3222c29….jpg)

787863 No.14086771


>disliking the extremely rare good voice actresses from japan just because they share a platform with your waifu

Wow salty much faggot

37fd81 No.14086774

File: 9b3dc49e9dd442c⋯.jpg (37.06 KB, 400x412, 100:103, hdmb11w7ctjgo.jpg)

File: d83091882a1de27⋯.jpg (133.57 KB, 491x355, 491:355, 2017-12-19 07.20.19.jpg)



Maybe you should consider being my fellow phoneposter

26f891 No.14086781


who is this seminel summoner in the second pic?

b1d01f No.14086784

File: 2e1bd847d14f681⋯.jpg (42.22 KB, 500x334, 250:167, slightdiscomfort.jpg)


>good voice

You're just being contrarian, right?

That voice is fucking annoying.

97cfbf No.14086785

File: b20d9b749bacacf⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 1.26 MB, 768x2095, 768:2095, b20d9b749bacacfc3463113645….png)


I'm still at my parents house for another few days for the holidays which is why I'm phoneposting. Its the only shitty thing about being here

787863 No.14086788


She's actually impressive with the range and emotion of her voice, anon. I know you got used to moetrash for very long and so you might've lost all sense of efficience and passion for voice acting, but Kaguya's voice work is impressive in numerous ways.

97cfbf No.14086799



Stopped reading right there.

8352ba No.14086803


Finally someone caters to my extremely specific fetish.

97cfbf No.14086804


Hey, I have the same IP as someone else. Either that or Codemonkey fucked something up.


97cfbf No.14086814


Are you using a vpn? I am and I've noticed I have the same ID as other people lately.

97cfbf No.14086819


Yeah, but I don't think they usually give two people the same IP address. Which one are you using?

37fd81 No.14086827


Side character that only appears once in a shitty, clustered ecchi mango.



I haven't had internet in my house for three months so I'm stuck on my throttled phone. Can barely post images without timing out of I don't compress them.

97cfbf No.14086829


Air vpn, one of their american servers

97cfbf No.14086832


>I haven't had internet in my house for three months so I'm stuck on my throttled phone.

Are you the anon from Puerto Rico?

97cfbf No.14086839


Yep, me too. First time I've seen that happen, though.

37fd81 No.14086849

97cfbf No.14086854


Weird, I guess we must be on the same server. I only noticed for the first time in the last couple days, I first noticed it when I tried posting and I was banned for shitposting and it wasn't something I did. Then 2 days ago I was looking for a post I made earlier in a GG thread so I clicked my ID and saw a few posts that weren't me. It must have been you

8352ba No.14086855

Where bread?

37fd81 No.14086856

Where's the bread?

26f891 No.14086857

97cfbf No.14086860


Sucks man, do you have power reliably?

6aab61 No.14086863

Good morning, I'll do an emergency one, stay tuned.

6aab61 No.14086880

Here's the new bread! Write your own history, anons!




37fd81 No.14086907


We use a good generator during the night. Fuel is ruining up a bill though.

And yet, the area around and right outside my neighborhood has power. So I can just walk to the mall for WiFi. We have a girl's school in our neighborhood and a rich neighborhood behind/next to it. I'm not completely sure if they have power or are using generators.

2cf6b7 No.14088860

File: d2657745c9bba99⋯.jpg (778.87 KB, 1280x1968, 80:123, 67000_original.jpg)


>I don't think anybody wants to go there.

Nobody wants to go to /gghq/ either, what with 1 unique page view per day.

Meanwhile, KIA is about to hit 90,000 subscribers, despite your anti-KIA D&C acolytes.

Happy 2018.

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