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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

62b8dc No.14070910

> Current Happenings:




1. Polygon and The Verge violate FTC regulations https://archive.fo/ii01W


>[Update: A representative for Vox Media has stated that they will update their public disclosures across all their websites.]

2. Archive.is isn't sure you'll donate money to them. Prove them wrong: https://liberapay.com/archiveis/donate



4. Defend Free Speech! Anti-Internet Censorship Database Operation:








>Belgium Declares Loot Boxes Equal to Gambling, Vows to Ban Them: https://archive.is/jM4hL

>Bonegolem is back and updating Deepfreeze: https://twitter.com/icejournalism/status/906948110789877761

>Jed Whitaker booted from DToid: https://archive.is/r5rrW

>Mike Diver fired from Waypoint: https://archive.fo/wwwrc

>#NoTatsukiNoTanoshi Updates: https://archive.fo/VO3Jp


>Tencent promoting socialism


> Thread Repository:



> Summaries of #GamerGate:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wy9bisUIP3w - #GamerGate - If It's Not About Ethics;

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5fnRSL3d_xU - #GamerGate in 60 Seconds;

https://archive.is/23Fde - GamerGate: A State of the Union Address.

> Reminders (important, READ THESE!):

• Use https://archive.is to deny sites ad revenue and traffic and preserve websites in case they are deleted later;

• Beware of COINTELPRO tactics: The Gentleperson's Guide to Forum Spies - https://cryptome.org/2012/07/gent-forum-spies.htm

• Be civil if you have to argue with people on Twitter, Tumblr or any forum - don't make us look like douchebags;

• Do not accept requests for any goal or demand list: https://pastebin.com/p5dVp1e5

> Background and Evidence for #GamerGate (read and spread these):

• The #GamerGate Dossier: https://archive.is/nv1Fb

• #GamerGate Wiki: http://gamergatewiki.net/

• History of #GamerGate: https://www.historyofgamergate.com/

• View the timeline links in the Current Happenings section!

> How Can I Help?

• All Operations: https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/tree/master/Operations


• Operation Disrespectful Nod: https://v.gd/jtftaG (email advertisers);


• Operation Baby Seal: https://v.gd/iwvyPm (reporting Gawker for violating content guidelines);


• Operation Vulcan: https://v.gd/Kbzw0L (educate yourself on logical debating);

• Operation UV: https://archive.is/N9ieT (contact the FTC about Gawker);

• An Anon's Guide to Twitter: https://v.gd/nwrbYF (the basics).

> Lists:

• GamerGate Wiki Support List: https://v.gd/0fOHO3

• GamerGate Wiki Boycott List: https://v.gd/n6GPPt

• GamerGate Steam Support & Boycott List: https://v.gd/vzRsRb

> Key GamerGate Hubs:


> Full OP Text:

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• Old:


> Want to Help Contribute to GitGud?


d13c31 No.14070930

File: bc84d0eff9bee5e⋯.jpg (262.38 KB, 850x1235, 170:247, __tooyama_rin_and_yagami_k….jpg)


Second for hair caressing. The new advanced form of headpatting.

cd2ee9 No.14070940

File: 709508cea2ebf76⋯.jpg (127.23 KB, 750x717, 250:239, 7fefb3a08b5b81928bb69372b1….jpg)

respec wamen

1cc92d No.14070943


Put more points in the trap stats.

5c8d62 No.14070944

File: 86b01d90dce1c4e⋯.jpg (90.6 KB, 908x1200, 227:300, 86b.jpg)

62b8dc No.14070948


>Jann Wenner

Wasn't that person like a major supporter of Anita Sarkeesian?

d12bce No.14070951

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Shoutfest 2017

217980 No.14070953

city hunter


cd2ee9 No.14070961

File: d6cec29748fb73b⋯.jpg (142.85 KB, 614x362, 307:181, Screen Shot - 17-12-30 003.jpg)



4a7c24 No.14070963

File: a38fd6e6c7e29dd⋯.jpg (188.53 KB, 877x1200, 877:1200, cf7d63edcb4ac291347bddba1e….jpg)



Only respect otokonoko

db497d No.14070967

File: f1227a356613187⋯.png (123.59 KB, 460x642, 230:321, do better.PNG)

File: ca265359caba509⋯.jpg (88.53 KB, 896x619, 896:619, xenoblade-chronicles-2-pyr….jpg)

File: cb06c1d050944c2⋯.png (56.06 KB, 584x571, 584:571, divorced from reality.PNG)

be1c90 No.14070968

File: 3a8d0bf6e401fbe⋯.png (154.65 KB, 364x272, 91:68, Tokimeki Sister.png)

Have a Happy New Year!

db497d No.14070978

File: 5a00e28e1ff4ed0⋯.png (163.75 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, this is a writer for the D….png)

5c8d62 No.14070993

File: 1922dfa0b9504af⋯.jpg (796.16 KB, 1137x882, 379:294, 1922dfa0b9504af928cde697f5….jpg)


Its not gay if he didn't enjoy it

cd2ee9 No.14070994

File: 69bde87fca0e2ed⋯.jpg (141.4 KB, 598x680, 299:340, Screen Shot - 17-12-29 012.jpg)

File: 6ffaf691b1fc44e⋯.jpg (54.25 KB, 286x491, 286:491, Screen Shot - 17-12-29 013.jpg)

File: d6975d94c3905f1⋯.jpg (107.1 KB, 598x707, 598:707, Screen Shot - 17-12-30 004.jpg)

you're going to own that, goobers



2e71f7 No.14070997


>this is a very important time where women need to be encouraged to play more video games

…. why?

0c15f5 No.14071001

File: 2dbfca8ea74d158⋯.jpg (25.1 KB, 360x497, 360:497, 14441545345.JPG)


With all the dicks he gets in his butt, you think he ever developed hemorrhoids?

2e71f7 No.14071002


>coopting an innocent mans death and making it about video games

these people are revolting.

7ccaed No.14071011

File: 31f021f2ca5022f⋯.png (402.01 KB, 1080x933, 360:311, 1504976334.png)


I take daily dick in my butt and I've never gotten hemorrhoids

21da98 No.14071016


Wouldn't he have a prolapse after so many dick encounters?

d12bce No.14071018


That's gay.

62b8dc No.14071020

File: 42d797bc1b94ca6⋯.jpg (51.57 KB, 640x360, 16:9, Truth Martini LOL 4.jpg)

>Women in Iran protests against the Islamic caliphate there by removing their hijab and marching on the streets

>Feminists in the West called them Islamophobes for going against Sharia Law and Islam

Heh, the irony is rich! But they're for equality!

e77a29 No.14071024

File: 6166cecdc529e29⋯.jpg (207.25 KB, 1280x1145, 256:229, 157.jpg)

Archive of before bread:


fa0e79 No.14071028


Will he be put on a watchlist for this?

e62d95 No.14071030

File: 66b29140a45ef0b⋯.jpg (71.11 KB, 632x646, 316:323, perplexed crayon gril.jpg)


I only recall DSP and a bunch of random streamers getting Swatted. None of who were really "Gamergate targets".

fa0e79 No.14071036


Lucky you, I want to try anal but I have one.

e77a29 No.14071049

File: e521297fc894928⋯.jpg (100.01 KB, 713x900, 713:900, 44977dbf03f895fdc0ef315d91….jpg)


>I want to try anal

Take it to this thread: >>>/d/3245

5c8d62 No.14071050

File: 6a4cabce2837db2⋯.png (74.66 KB, 423x386, 423:386, 1458498044101.png)


> I want to try anal but I have one.

42280c No.14071052

File: 7c3ab91369b5db5⋯.jpg (29.26 KB, 323x633, 323:633, 7c3ab91369b5db599e951ed7a2….jpg)


Wait, what did the irate manlet do this time?


Did he try to defend his pedo/incest views again?

c7f699 No.14071054

File: aa3d3a4619a6f92⋯.png (300.35 KB, 1074x466, 537:233, 1486360165.png)


>goobergoppers are still surprised to find out that history is now decided by the people who curate it

7ccaed No.14071062


Not if you're a little girl


What do those combination of word even mean

62b8dc No.14071066

File: 14aa761aa25b3d6⋯.jpg (47.49 KB, 513x186, 171:62, Retard 2132.jpg)

b92136 No.14071069

Reposting anon's question from last bread (Also I could use any and all help with digging on them)

>Does anyone know of any resources to find out what companies own stock in? I'd like to compile a list of companies that Tencent owns shares in, what percentage of shares they own, and when it was purchased.

For that one anon wanting to dig into Tencent for easy cross referencing to try to figure out if Tencent compelled companies they're invensted in to behave in sketchy ways. We all know the chinese are underhanded and sneaky so I'd like to see if I can see any patterns of influence they have on western companies when they buy a significant amount of stock in them

All Tencent information compiled from last bread



>tfw bread doesn't include it as a current task

I suppose its my fault for not being specific enough

83a5c6 No.14071079


Hm… is the same bitch who said that, got into trouble and then cried a river? or is another bitch with stupid in her?

fa0e79 No.14071081

File: 6cf50509a7a491c⋯.png (333.11 KB, 583x657, 583:657, voyus.png)


I mean I have hemorrhoids.


Yes, he defended sending and jacking off to pics of a 15 year old at the age of 23 and later tried claiming that there can be therapeutic CP to quench his other pedos desire to rape kids.

cd2ee9 No.14071082


>Did he try to defend his pedo/incest views again?

something something medicinal cp

478e08 No.14071088

File: 5687ff956b19d4a⋯.mp4 (3.57 MB, 640x640, 1:1, destiny preparing for his ….mp4)

83a5c6 No.14071101


Small people saddens me for some reason.

d15f19 No.14071104

File: c2dafd4a7f79d96⋯.jpg (1015.2 KB, 1450x2048, 725:1024, HinaP 01.jpg)

File: 2b8c845eca9398a⋯.png (1.01 MB, 1450x2048, 725:1024, HinaP 02.png)

File: bf44b910ce863e6⋯.png (780.12 KB, 1450x2048, 725:1024, HinaP 03.png)

File: 689fa3d8592885f⋯.png (954.3 KB, 1450x2048, 725:1024, HinaP 04.png)

File: 2186a85cbe9b05a⋯.png (703.41 KB, 1450x2048, 725:1024, HinaP 05.png)

#TorrentialDownpour and Nip news

Make sure to inform normalfags about websites free of Socjus Influence.

Useful Links:




> Make backups of your favorite doujins in case of Fakku DMCA purge

> Mujaki no Rakuen ended because of potential restrictions against loli manga and Olympics.


> Xenoblade voice-over option confirmed as free DLC

- https://archive.is/izjJW

> The Key to Home has been deleted from Steam

- https://steamcommunity.com/app/710370/discussions/0/1499000547482233373/

> ShindoL has a message to the English community.

- https://tweetsave.com/shindo_l/status/936655595767078912

Localization watch: Not solely from shit companies (need to add incoming Japanese games)

> Sekai Project: Teaching Feeling ( >>>/hgg/116640 )

> Fakku is localizing games/VNs now to the Localization Watch.

- http://operationrainfall.com/2017/12/23/fakku-now-selling-hentai-games/


> Bandai-Namco: Girls und Panzer Dream Tank Match (Winter.17, JP release w. eng sub), Ni no Kuni 2 (Jan.19.18, Dev'd with western market in mind), Little Witch Academia (JP:Nov.30.17,West:2018), SAO: Fatal Bullet (March, 2018)

> SquareEnix: Secret of Mana Remake (Feb.15.18)

> Nintendo: Xenoblade Chronicles 2 (Out)

> Bullet Girls Phantasia (2018)

> Granblue Fantasy Project Re:link (2018)


pantsu.cat is a nyaa replacement after it was taken down. It's better than the competition. Use this instead of the cartel run cancer.



They've put up downloads to paywalled fakku doujins.

Fakku 0001-1000: https://files.catbox.moe/129di9.torrent

Fakku 1001-1100: https://files.catbox.moe/h3l457.torrent

Fakku 1101-1200: https://files.catbox.moe/47batv.torrent

Fakku 1201-1300: https://files.catbox.moe/c9ntlr.torrent

Fakku 1301-1400: https://files.catbox.moe/rkuheo.txt

Fakku 1401-1500: https://files.catbox.moe/ce8oor.txt

Fakku 1501-1600: https://files.catbox.moe/nmqh3d.txt

Fakku 1601-1700: https://files.catbox.moe/60v3p6.txt

Fakku 1701-1800: https://files.catbox.moe/3ii6j8.txt

Fakku 1801-1900: https://files.catbox.moe/m37bm7.txt

Fakku 1901-2000: https://files.catbox.moe/z9nmm6.txt

Fakku 2001-2100: https://files.catbox.moe/arpo7h.txt

Fakku 2101-2200: https://sukebei.pantsu.cat/view/2369399

Fakku 2201-2300: https://sukebei.pantsu.cat/view/2377551

Info & feedback welcome

7ccaed No.14071127


>I mean I have hemorrhoids

Sucks to be you anon, maybe if you took more dick your hemorrhoids would heal.

058fe7 No.14071136


>Manlytears fights for his country

fa0e79 No.14071139

File: 6d06c367eda633d⋯.jpg (386.5 KB, 831x1246, 831:1246, 6d06c367eda633def09897fb25….jpg)


Would you help me with that?


Remind yourself of Destiny and Britbong, then you'll feel less sorry for them.

4ea823 No.14071144

Watch out for GamerGate

The public enemy of the world #1

It is the main hashtag responsible for…

☑ Forcing a historian to prioritize shitposts over reporting their dad's corpse

☑ Vandilizing private property with "Strategic Designation #2"

☑ Causing chaos in Hollywood with an acid rainstorm

☑ Ruined the very concept of anime for everyone

☑ Firing a promising staff member from Platinum Games

☑ Making Colin Moriarty say a misogynistic joke and firing him

☑ Giving a white Iranian a date with DMCAstiny

☑ Creating bait that surpassed Metal Benis

☑ Stole Bioware's checkbook

☑ Making YouTube proud to support the [ERROR: Login to view this content] community

☑ Became Linkedredchannitin

☑ Adorning unrelated posts with images of anime boobs

☑ Overwrote reality with a Tropico save-file

☑ Teaching the Russians how it's done

☑ Spent 4 days legally dead for tax reasons

☑ Manipulated reviews to make Yooka-Laylee look as 64-bit as possible

☑ Revealed international culinary secrets

☑ Convinced an anon into becoming a trap

☑ Funded by Russia to cause chaos in the USA

☑ Plotting to invade and take over the fashion world with a new puppet as mascot

☑ Successfully summoned the memeteor, then promptly dispelled it because it wasn't exciting enough

☑ Moved gaming acceptance back decades in the public consciousness

☑ Got seened in an Oakland drive-by

☑ Has trademarked "hikikomori ginger girls with names based on imageboards"

☑ Employed Russia's help in hacking the ESRB

☑ Bestowed upon a penguin a penguin-waifu

☑ Caught a glimpse of the evil that is the Korean Education system

☑ Likes their iced cream 'pure aryan'

☑ Hacked a character into ARMS, then leaked it

☑ Having a girl fetish

☑ Killed people at an Ariana Grande concert with a bomb

☑ Discriminating fantasy from reality

☑ Undoing all the hard work into promoting Far Cry 5

☑ Turned Ren Hoek into a terrorist

☑ Created Gamergate America

☑ Became starmen

☑ Brought misogyny into E3

☑ Turned Mario Mexican

☑ Prevented beloved VAs from reprising their popular roles

☑ Brought back unpopular video games like Metroid

☑ Blowing everything up

<☑ Exploring new frontiers

☑ Used their playbook to make CNN's blackmail look bad

☑ Ruining the careers of J2E translators by supporting TD

☑ Encouraging Japanese xenophobia

☑ Fanning the flames of distrust and hatred for a unified world government

☑ Wanted for high crimes on Gallifrey

☑ Fought in the fetish wars

☑ Made the kickstarter box set for Mighty No.9 "better than nothing"

☑ Tempted Eve and initiated the fall of humanity

☑ Got a two-decade old vaporware game finished and released through sheer buying potential

☑ Harassing Google employees in the name of diversity

☑ The sexist, racist anti-diversity Google Manifesto

☑ Weaponized penises

☑ Shot down a police helicopter over Charlotteville

☑ Was a Russian bot army test run.

☑ Forcing Angela Merkel to play racist games at GamesCom

☑ Overcriticizing Mass Effect: Andromeda

☑ Organised nazi yoga lessons

☑ Fetishized Skill

✅ Hacked Equifax database to doxx women on a *massive* scale

☑ Made a veteran games journalist look dumber than a pigeon

☑ Sexualized the Mombot

☑ Mourning a penguin

☑ Destroyed Neogaf

☑ Outed the Neogaf owner as a rapist

☑ Funding catgirl research

☑ Blocked the Chinese Overwatch team from entering America

☑ Partying with Captain Kirk

☑ Made Boogie break his fence under the weight of his own… hubris

☑ Provided gamers with a sense of pride and accomplishment by hurting EA's income

☑ Caused VICE and IGN's toxic sexual harassment culture

☑ The video game comic fanbase headquarters

☑ EXTREME mansplaining

☑ Making Xenoblade 2 a huge win for them

☑ Origin of Dungeons & Dragons: Satan's Game

☑ Ended Net Neutrality which ruined the internet FOREVER

☑ Being a criminal conspiracy

☑ Ruining Star Wars

☑ Used to justify the widespread, organized assault on women, people of colour and queer & trans folks.

☑ Testcase for Breitbart, Infowars, and the GRU

☑ Became serial killers

☑ Made Pewdiepie excited for Rin's feminine penis

☑ Turned an aGG journalist into a domestic terrorist

☑ Banned for flagrant Elfposting

☑ Murdered an unrelated person by inventing SWATing

83a5c6 No.14071146


Noone should put his cock into an hemorroided ass.

132386 No.14071151


>he defended jacking off

nothing wrong with that, doesn't matter what you jack off to, tile patterns or little girls, its nobody's business but yours.

42280c No.14071152

File: 9acf251625ccd0f⋯.png (266.33 KB, 552x543, 184:181, 9acf251625ccd0f8091268c637….png)

c7f699 No.14071154


Reminder that short stature and left-handedness are both physiological indications of a tendency toward pedophilia

9921e1 No.14071160

File: aab1f365ed67f21⋯.png (332.74 KB, 479x531, 479:531, flippedwut.png)


>that coat hes wearing

how embarrassing

fa0e79 No.14071165

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Be prepared for some loud noises watching this stream. There's alot of yelling.

0c15f5 No.14071176

File: 113eb466752ec37⋯.jpg (9.77 KB, 148x255, 148:255, 113eb466752ec378d342994977….jpg)


How did you get those hemorrhoids anon?

d12bce No.14071180


>He actually think changing knowingly infecting people with STDs to a misdemeanor is a good idea

484fd9 No.14071182

File: c5fd97980b1dbba⋯.png (43.88 KB, 300x300, 1:1, c5fd97980b1dbbab32d65d7a4f….png)

does everyone else on the board hate us

bd7b83 No.14071183

File: 5cac012d9c3a94a⋯.jpg (27.38 KB, 329x500, 329:500, 3f8edb5ee395094a976b77c391….jpg)


Lay off the little guy, it was the only one he could find in his size

0c15f5 No.14071188

File: a489026630421c1⋯.jpg (157.75 KB, 800x1181, 800:1181, a489026630421c1d4c5253bc11….jpg)


Probably means he's got some.



Just you and val.

b92136 No.14071191



I know they hate you

42280c No.14071193

File: 0741cbeeaaadb37⋯.png (189.95 KB, 483x368, 21:16, beatings.png)


Define "us"

If you mean furries, yes

21da98 No.14071194

File: ad4d284708617ab⋯.png (96.72 KB, 451x497, 451:497, 45234234242.png)


>Those short pathetic arms

Is he an inbred or was lucky enough to win the genetic lottery?

cd2ee9 No.14071199

File: 37b1c9e13b12371⋯.jpg (71.26 KB, 699x450, 233:150, 1375448789655574898.jpg)


too much strain when defecating can give ya rimhole bumps



but we aren't furries

62b8dc No.14071208


There's no us, Marche. Only you.

d12bce No.14071227

File: 0ee0d33ec42eedf⋯.png (154.88 KB, 453x466, 453:466, 1439763729143.png)

Why do people take the internet so seriously? How could you get mad at Destiny instead of just laughing at him?

5c26b1 No.14071233

File: 59a6d8d95bdfb14⋯.jpg (154.7 KB, 631x658, 631:658, antitrump anitwitter.jpg)


>from the previous bread

#NeverTrump anime communities are attempting to drag the creator of My Hero Academia into shutting down a Trump parody western doujin.



0c15f5 No.14071245

File: ce8cc8ef8ed33e1⋯.gif (1.41 MB, 483x364, 69:52, ce8cc8ef8ed33e1d559c9508b1….gif)


>Don't take the internet seriously

>After anite got intel, several corporations,the daily night show, and the fucking EU behind her

>GG was villified in the normalfag codex forever

Gee,I dunno anon. Why would people think the internet is serious bsns?


Why strain so hard though? It's a terrible idea to rush a poop. Not to mention if it splashes you got poopwater all over your butt.

1636bf No.14071246


"Obvious parody" is protected, isn't it?

1cc92d No.14071248


Someone needs to tell them parody falls under fair use.

c7f699 No.14071261



They don't care. They're just trying to force a creator to take a political stance in a binary environment. Either they become a good guy or a bad guy, then they're either celebrated or attacked as is proper. It's 2018, why does this still need to be explained?

9672cb No.14071262

Hooktube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

just because

0c15f5 No.14071271

File: e5b93051854f0f1⋯.png (140.63 KB, 358x256, 179:128, vuo9k4w.png)



Or you get that part where you accidentally squeeze to hard and cut it off prematurely and got to wipe even more as a consequence.

21da98 No.14071277


>Being this asshurt of a parody doujin, and trying to rope the creator of the series into this.

>These are most likely the same fucks who use Disney characters to promote their own agenda, and say it's a parody.

Pot meet kettle.

1cc92d No.14071279


It's still 2017 in the only part of the world that matters.

4ea823 No.14071280

File: e445c027355a27d⋯.jpg (38.47 KB, 604x445, 604:445, Disgusting.jpg)


These literal anime niggers don't know about Japanese doujinshi culture and parody is protected in a different way in the USA.

42280c No.14071282

File: 067c675bf6cb6fb⋯.jpg (16.78 KB, 461x439, 461:439, 067c675bf6cb6fb55293485cbb….jpg)


I can see an argument for a misdemeanor with some STDs but not HIV.

Even if you can afford the best meds, any infection has a far greater chance with AIDS to become life threatening and you'll be really, really fucked if its one of those ultra medication resistant strains.

Body fluids also become a threat to anyone around you.

I've seen the arguments about viral loads and staying on the medication will significantly lower the chance of transmission but lowered chance is not the fucking same as no chance.

Having HIV is a massive burden on the poor faggot who gets it but also everyone around them.

If someone knowingly gave me HIV, I would probably the person.

8a72f9 No.14071284


>implying half of /v/ isn't furfags

thiugh furfags usually hate themselves and each other so your point still stands

ab8362 No.14071285


this obviously isn't marche btw

cd2ee9 No.14071288


>Why strain so hard though?

sometimes it's a bad diet case of low fiber ingestion

a2c075 No.14071290



42280c No.14071292


**Probably shoot the person

fug messed it up

That shit really pisses me off.

cd2ee9 No.14071295

File: 29a84a95f492a06⋯.jpg (34.75 KB, 338x480, 169:240, scare.jpg)


>If someone knowingly gave me HIV, I would probably the person.

holy shit anon, take it easy

59d861 No.14071312


At least he wouldn't accidently that person, right?


88e042 No.14071313


Post a source nigger.

fa0e79 No.14071319


I don't remember the part where Destiny defended this, but considering he's advocating for actual CP, it wouldn't surprise me.

0c15f5 No.14071321

File: e8d5c33a55c2195⋯.jpg (16.67 KB, 480x330, 16:11, 1423425692231.jpg)



Reminds me of that time on 4chan way back when when the gay anon finally managed to lose all the weight he needed to be self confident, went out and got buttfucked by some dude and got really sick, then found out from the dude that he got pozzed. I think it was his second time having sex or some shit too.


Doesn't less fiber make it softer? I used to eat way way too much bread and my shits would come out like a christmas cake.Was fucking brutal.

8a72f9 No.14071322

File: 4036bb990da42c9⋯.jpg (28.53 KB, 189x189, 1:1, laughter stops.jpg)


>I would probably the person

Damn son, that's a little extreme

88e042 No.14071330


Fruit fiber makes it softer, eat some fucking apples nigger.

5c26b1 No.14071339


What's even more insulting is that this weekend is Winter Comiket. It's like they're goading Japanese creators to become (even more) xenophobic.

6a63b8 No.14071342



49894d No.14071344


I can relate, I have some too, I have constipation often from low fiber.


>pasta still hasn't been updated

Hemorrhoids are just boyclits.

217980 No.14071346


A racist jap is a good jap

be1c90 No.14071351


It protects them from the pozz.

0c15f5 No.14071352

File: d801cd4a68d146a⋯.png (284.49 KB, 490x630, 7:9, 1424143506295.png)


I don't like eating fruit. Only got so many calories a day and energy drinks are like 200 cals a pop.


Good, japs need to be reminded to think of the nips first. They're trying to push the immigration meme onto japan hard.

b92136 No.14071360

File: b2371893f369575⋯.png (717.57 KB, 1829x550, 1829:550, I want to kill myself.PNG)


>yfw doujins become so rare from being physical-only in Japan and go up in value so greatly that pic related ends up happening to them

1636bf No.14071377


Stop drinking so much of the sugary shit. I've actually had to go about getting used to the taste of unsweetened sparkling drinks so I could start to get away from that. It wasn't pleasant for a while, but now I've almost gotten past the bitterness to the point the orange flavors actually have an orange taste to them.

5cee40 No.14071394


What does this post have to do with VIDEOGAMES?

cd2ee9 No.14071397

File: 4da4f88fc1a024b⋯.jpg (24.8 KB, 337x372, 337:372, 1458864514105.jpg)


>Hemorrhoids are just boyclits.

5c26b1 No.14071404


#gamerfuel discussions.

439da8 No.14071405

File: c5cbd401bc4b0bc⋯.jpg (10.92 KB, 290x174, 5:3, hemorrhoid.jpg)


they're not mine, they're my sister's

b02101 No.14071406

File: 8465a1b904b4613⋯.jpg (98.5 KB, 707x672, 101:96, 2.jpg)


>hello mangaka, someone did a parody of you, c&d plz

Who the fuck do they think they are? Parody is the backbone of anime culture.

1685d5 No.14071409


Yea but drumpf

cd2ee9 No.14071415


that's a weird thing to lend someone

19c58e No.14071417


>They even contacted vizmedia.

>Try to say it is traced despite the poses being different.

42280c No.14071420


How many energy drinks are you having a day?

Can burn out your stomach and small intestines with the overdose of caffeine and vitamins.

Also depending on body size, drinking 3-5 of those things everyday over a long period vitamins can seriously damage the liver.

21da98 No.14071422


Do the Japs hate drumpf?

cab55e No.14071425

File: 88822be827f4e30⋯.webm (368.71 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, desperate.webm)


I love how their New Years resolution seems to be "be even more batshit crazy than last year."

ab5335 No.14071427

File: 408c48e21b5a3a1⋯.png (59.97 KB, 325x221, 25:17, 408c48e21b5a3a1d45c23f49ec….png)


Ribbed for his pleasure mate.

7ccaed No.14071428

File: 06e4d689f495604⋯.png (1.75 MB, 1567x839, 1567:839, Fluffy.png)

Anons who use Twitter please tell me how to find fags to argue with with especially you akkofag. Tell me what makes you depressed from Twitter, I'm really drunk and I think it would be fun to argue

1636bf No.14071445


So much that they had a huge protest in Tokyo.

Which had no native-born Japanese people in attendance

c7f699 No.14071446


They love him. Trump is their platonic ideal of an American: fat, blond, rich, loud, self-centered, kind of a moron, but a good heart.

5c26b1 No.14071447


It got to this point because Antarctic Press (those based bastards) refused to back down from the harassment when these faggots were demanding them to stop publishing, and even pointed out that there were other Trump parodies published out there.

I'd be pleasantly surprised if Viz follows suit and ignores the whining, they've been touting the SJW party line for a while now.

be1c90 No.14071449


From what I've seen, they find him amusing.

be1c90 No.14071453

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

5dd6cb No.14071454


You'd probably the person? THE WHOLE PERSON?! Good God, man..

d12bce No.14071460


I think they like him a lot.

b02101 No.14071461

File: ae1f564542759b8⋯.jpg (364 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, 870393796.jpg)

File: 5539fa67e728b04⋯.jpg (413.32 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, 870393776.jpg)


From what I've seen, they just see it as another American president, just with new catchphrases. "Build the wall" is just the new "Change" gag. There was those hilarious anti-Trump protests that were made up entirely of white expats. It was actually hard to confirm which images were actually from Japan, since the dumb fucks wrote all their signs in english.

42280c No.14071467


From what I've been told, most people don't really care.

cab55e No.14071472

File: 56c5c6e831a09a2⋯.gif (352.57 KB, 300x168, 25:14, 1461998373474.gif)



Organized by the Japanese branch of the American Democratic National Committee.

Because that's apparently the point we're at now, setting up international divisions of a political party in order to go "look, all these nations hate this fucker!"

dc5a4a No.14071479

File: 38d7977b32b6b23⋯.jpg (212.67 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, DSU4l4qVwAAY1gE.jpg)

>Decide to play Xenoblade 2 after getting it and a Switch for Christmas

>Open some Blade Cores which might as well be gacha

>Get everyone's favorite snow bunny

What are the chances, huh? She's pretty fun to use and it means I'll stick to being the party's healer throughout the game.

be1c90 No.14071484

File: dcb570e7a415474⋯.png (398.42 KB, 1183x1700, 1183:1700, 9219425d108853270a83c8a3a9….png)


They see Trump as "The funny President" and many are simply surprised that a "rich comedian" became leader of the free world and they are practically seeing this as something humorous. They like him, but for different reasons.

21da98 No.14071487



>Had a huge protest in Tokyo against Trump

>Surprise It's mainly non-native Japs

>There is one ambiguous asian in the back of the group in the first pic



>From what I've been told, most people don't really care.

I've been hearing that too, but I've also heard that the younger generation is in the same libshit pool that burgerland has to do deal with, and Tokyo becoming Commiefornia 2.0 .

4ea823 No.14071488

File: 77e6e34b13baa58⋯.mp4 (597.11 KB, 506x468, 253:234, __akaza_akari_amatsukaze_a….mp4)

>>14071233 (checked)

>>14071277 (likewise)



It isn't videogames, but as far as I'm concerned, this is #TorrentialDownpour-related.

Has sei or Mombot been made aware yet?

be1c90 No.14071493


Tokyo represents Japan like LA represents the US. That city is metropolitan garbage. The real Japan is not in Tokyo.

42280c No.14071498


It isn't that bad, the leftist parties have grown only a tiny amount in the last 30 years.

Nips are still generally really conservative.

be1c90 No.14071511


They need to get redpilled. Many Japs went insane after visiting Paris and having their expectations broken. Japs need to be shown Paris and London and be told what Marxism and multiculturalism does to a country.

0c15f5 No.14071513



cf0f03 No.14071528


progressive media will hate trump

conservative one will love him

average joe absolutely don't give a fuck

japan or everywhere else

21da98 No.14071531

File: a8d414839efcb27⋯.png (2.22 MB, 1205x899, 1205:899, Mexican Flyer.PNG)

>>14071488 (checked)

Probably not. Aren't they celebrating new years at this time?

>>14071511 (checked)

>Many Japs went insane after visiting Paris and having their expectations broken.

What do you mean? Were they shocked that place is becoming a slum?


>Nips are still generally really conservative

True, but there is a small increase of some being infected. Like Kojimbo and that writer for Outlaw Star.

49894d No.14071537


How do we kill these people? Really. This is just upsetting to see someone hating fun so much. These people are why copyright in the U.S.is such cancer, along with all the people that actually copy other's works like the Chinese do.

0c15f5 No.14071541


Kojima doesn't count. He's the literal equivalent of a depraved weaboo otaku whos gone so far as to move to america after watching american movies. That's like weaboos who go to japan after just watching animes.

be1c90 No.14071545


>What do you mean? Were they shocked that place is becoming a slum?

Yeah. They mentally broke down when the Japanese tourists realized that it isn't the city of love they romanticized about. It's called Paris Syndrome.

484fd9 No.14071555

nonon trips

491327 No.14071559


haha this is a very nice how does winning taste?

5c26b1 No.14071562

File: 44f9d6133785863⋯.jpg (57.24 KB, 534x353, 534:353, mom knows.jpg)

>>14071488 (checked) (heil!)


Mom knows.

cf0f03 No.14071577


>asian retards think they will fuck Marie Antoinette next to Chambord castle.

give me a break

42280c No.14071581

File: 4db5cc336814374⋯.jpg (8.49 KB, 183x255, 61:85, 4ba4ecb51d030b0f187db0cb03….jpg)


You never heard of Paris Syndrome?


Its also happening with Nip tourists in more than just Paris, read somewhere awhile back that Nip tourism has dropped at least 50 percent in the the last few years because of all the immigration and terrorist attacks.

Remember one quote from one tourist was something like "I wanted to come and see European culture, not African"

5c8d62 No.14071584

File: 8797a2e526878d7⋯.webm (110.86 KB, 640x360, 16:9, very nice.webm)



>I wanted to come and see European culture, not African


4ea823 No.14071588


>new years

that going to be a problem

>Japanaese in Paris

It's culture shock. The Japanese who go to Paris expect it to look like it does in French Movies and turn depressed and suicidal after finding out how the French are like in real life.

Imagine living in a country full of Vals.

Weebs sometimes do the same thing if they move to Tokyo, they either become depressed and cynical, come to hate Japan and try to change it and/or become hatefilled SJWeebs, or leave.


That's a Westaboo



5c26b1 No.14071601

Hooktube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


It helps that whenever leftists get a bit too uppity, this happens.

0c15f5 No.14071602

File: 4f397fddefd724d⋯.png (616.85 KB, 984x894, 164:149, 4f397fddefd724d3bcb1797037….png)


Whatever. You know what I meant.

a2c075 No.14071617


shes talkin about you btw

5c26b1 No.14071619

File: 58d4bb20c2b73dd⋯.jpg (46.68 KB, 525x477, 175:159, DRkPVcnUIAAb3nH.jpg)

>>14071588 (heil!) (…Adolf? Is that you?)

>Imagine living in a country full of Vals.

Thank you Asanagi for giving the world the right animu grill face to express my response to this.

486fb8 No.14071620


I worry a lot that the same thing is going to happen where I live. I'm in an out of the way part of Canada so it hasn't really reached us yet, but the old canuck stereotypes are already dying out. It's not even the africans I mind so much as the muslims and pajeets

4ceccd No.14071634


I think the number to do that to is 1488. After the 14 words and the 88 symbology

42280c No.14071644


Last I saw China, India and the Philippines make up like 20 percent of all your immigrants.

Is leafland getting a lot of muslims through the Philippines and India or are they coming through the UK?

4ea823 No.14071650

File: 3cc5829f41a19de⋯.jpg (46.09 KB, 590x677, 590:677, Hitler-Kimono-305490.jpg)

File: edad62d1e2636f6⋯.png (403.75 KB, 539x600, 539:600, Hitler_stuffs_Ro-chan_full….png)

File: 22a9530b9facecb⋯.png (813.64 KB, 592x865, 592:865, Hitler and his loli.png)

File: baaff48860b9f31⋯.mp4 (11.94 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 215-hitler-gas-gas-gas.mp4)


The spirit of weeb Hitler is with me tonight

5c26b1 No.14071655

Hooktube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


As a postscript: 50 years later, the JSP (essentially the communist party of Japan) is extinct, while his assassin's sacrifice is still celebrated by nationalist groups in Japan today.


4ea823 got 88 twice in a row.

b46bc6 No.14071660


They should make a Sengoku Hitler game.

cf0f03 No.14071663


oh dit we're done


sad cingchong don't give a shit about arizona tho

42280c No.14071666

File: 6a4acf18c57f40d⋯.mp4 (14.25 MB, 854x480, 427:240, Otoya Yamaguchi 50th anniv….mp4)


That guy who was stabbed, he was a crazy Maoist who wanted China to invade Japan to "liberate" the country from "American occupation."

He also advocated for violent revolution, like the JDSF to overthrow the current majority government and other insane shit.


Why not a webm?

42280c No.14071686


That article is talking about general tourism.

Funny thing, American tourism to Europe never dropped off a large amount even after all the mas immigration and terrorist attacks.

21da98 No.14071690

File: fd4a945021d0b0c⋯.jpg (553.59 KB, 2995x1500, 599:300, ThetruemastermindofMGS.jpg)


>He's the literal equivalent of a depraved weaboo otaku whose gone so far as to move to america after watching american movies.

And taking someone else's credit. He definitely fits in with other pozzed hacks.


That's the first I've heard of that term, and can't blame the nips for thinking that Paris would be like the place they see in movies, comics, or anime which is not.

>>14071588 (heil!)

>Imagine living in a country full of Vals.

I'm already living in a place that's becoming one, Mein Fuhrer.

486fb8 No.14071692


The area I live gets pajeets and muslims. I'm going to college and it's almost entirely pajeets, muslims, and chinese. There are some africans and some white women too. White guys are rare in the college.

5c26b1 No.14071693

>>14071666 (hail Satan!)

An assassin's creed-style video game set in the modern era where you get to assassinate political figures and actively change the setting of the game as a result of whoever gets offed would be cool.

Kill all the commies = state turns FREEDOM

Kill all the non-commies = state turns Soviet Russia

Kill everyone = state turns full retardAnarchy

Bonus: take over and rule the state = spend the end game fending off AI assassins.

>Why not a webm?

Because I'm on a potato laptop and I forgot about downloading online vids to webm.

be1c90 No.14071709


>a country full of Vals.

There's not enough trucks in the world.

cf0f03 No.14071732


true. But you don't achieve ~90 mil. tourist without your bus full of chinese tourists. (france pop. is 66 mil. in contrast)

Sad thing is that american tourists are far from the worst and yet they got bad reputation for some reasons.

486fb8 No.14071735


I've never had a problem with American tourists. My town gets a bunch out of the southern US, mostly Texas, every summer. They're nice enough.

88e042 No.14071738


Because of Mc Donalds and other companies trying to spread outside the U.S. I'd guess. McD workers sometimes get beat up outside of burgerland

5dd6cb No.14071739

File: 86ac6952a105b4b⋯.png (194.35 KB, 625x605, 125:121, ClipboardImage.png)


>"I wanted to come and see European culture, not African"

It's quite depressing looking back at so many old shows and cartoons that firmly believed that in the future, France would always be for the French, America for the Americans, and so on.. and now looking forward to a future where Europe may literally and figuratively be buried under a pile of shit and made unrecognizable.

be1c90 No.14071746


We should use this as fuel to redpill the East Asians on what multiculturalism and immigration does to a country. This should be top priority.

a4c3fb No.14071750

File: 6e9cd19b5afe4a1⋯.jpg (54.1 KB, 626x585, 626:585, UN telling Japan to ban he….jpg)


I have talked about Trump to one. He disliked him on the surface level because his personality seems absurdly rude by Japanese standards, and because he was worried about how Trump's policies would affect the Japanese economy. Mind you, this was a right leaning 2ch poster, not a lefty or a riajuu. However, once I told him about Trump's actual positions, and asked him to imagine situations like Japan being flooded with illegal immigrants, his opinion seemed to improve. He told me that he hadn't really thought about Trump from an American's perspective before, and I think he realized that Trump's positions are really not that different from those of a typical Japanese politician.

He's told me, and I've observed a little myself, that most Japanese people, even the younger generations, lean right. They don't want immigration, they care more about pragmatic economic policy than anything, they don't need to rally about expanding social services because their existing ones work well already, and basically they think the ruling right wing party is doing a good enough job and don't feel the need to rock the boat. They have their own crazy lefties feminists etc. but nobody likes them.

There is a challenge in that the far right wing of Japan, which has been active for much longer than we have, is sentimentally rooted in anti-Americanism and foreigners in general. They hate being occupied by the American military and having foreign governments try to impose their culture on them. They want the white piggu to go home and rebuild their military. They get angry at their government for bowing down to foreign pressure to censor lewds, and these sentiments are only going to get stronger with the upcoming Olympics. I really understand their points and think we could see eye to eye if we could just talk about it, but not only is there a language barrier, but I also get the impression that the Japanese far right genuinely dislikes foreigners and wouldn't want to talk to us in the first place. So ironically I think we would have an easier time swinging average Japanese people to our side than whatever their equivalent of /pol/ is.

635a4b No.14071778

File: 6cfaa1e41386126⋯.jpg (634.46 KB, 3525x2326, 3525:2326, Trump-New-Years-Dog-Statue….jpg)

File: d2f0c0326494171⋯.jpg (175.31 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, DOHDZo5V4AAmZTt.jpg)

File: 397c5f48f001ac3⋯.jpg (834.5 KB, 2048x2449, 2048:2449, 5b9b67f2-08a2-44d1-823a-51….jpg)

File: 3945d8e9c8cdd1f⋯.jpg (102.69 KB, 1023x575, 1023:575, 204A25F2-3DB6-453C-8A78-91….jpg)

File: b648218e533dc42⋯.jpg (75.55 KB, 576x1024, 9:16, d2tmmkdd5bwz.jpg)


how do we get memes to pass into the east?


cf0f03 No.14071788

File: d412c194f6078dc⋯.png (163.74 KB, 409x499, 409:499, zzzzz.png)


never had problem with us tourists. most rude thing it's sometime they do'nt use bonjour as an introduction but that all about it.

Then you read horror stoory on internet


there is less than 2 mil. arabic speaker in france. meanwhile.

b2ffd2 No.14071791

File: 98ec045f8ee4b5c⋯.jpg (418.77 KB, 1126x1600, 563:800, mos007.jpg)


>They get angry at their government for bowing down to foreign pressure to censor lewds, and these sentiments are only going to get stronger with the upcoming Olympics.

If only they'd actually do something about it instead of just complain on Twitter or the afterword of doujinshi.

42280c No.14071811


Source on that pic, because that looks like bullshit.

155e1f No.14071813


You gonna post some Amerimutt memes next?

7905f8 No.14071815


>censoring tongues and kissing


d38316 No.14071835


The rest of the board seems to hate GG and the GG thread, yes, but I don't know how much of that is organic.

be1c90 No.14071851


They think GG is long dead and we are all zombies. They hate zombies.

dc0ecc No.14071854

File: c406ba796b76160⋯.jpg (2.39 MB, 1222x2845, 1222:2845, Japan UN response.jpg)

File: 08ff64ae92a705a⋯.png (36.83 KB, 702x138, 117:23, 458139067813.png)



Well, some of them have been vocal.

6e528a No.14071872

File: 1d097f4b598bf4b⋯.jpeg (50.96 KB, 500x281, 500:281, CD83E3A4-9C2A-43CB-99A0-5….jpeg)


Well fuck them too

074cb2 No.14071873

File: 2f1821a3c97ae08⋯.jpg (221.84 KB, 1012x1324, 253:331, 2f1821a3c97ae08f6365431244….jpg)

SJW were too busy tweeting bullshit every fucking minute and living generally miserable lives to enjoy the holidays with their friends and family.

And they say we are the monsters.

155e1f No.14071875


Did anything ever come of Dooley getting arrested for videotaping people without their consent?

cf0f03 No.14071883

dc0ecc No.14071885


That may be true, but Japan has its domestic groups taking action, and mangaka (notably the women in that circle) have been mocking them for decades.

49894d No.14071912


Your post is unclear. The women in the domestic groups are mocking whom?

074cb2 No.14071914

File: dc1906c7355e443⋯.png (166.15 KB, 700x231, 100:33, fallout4_3.png)


It's the future they chose. Another dark ages. We might see the end of it before our death, maybe the younger ones among us.

42280c No.14071919


That interview with Takeshi Nogami was pretty great. Handled himself pretty well against a crazy social constructionist.

>“I was interviewed by this lady at my workplace. One-on-one Q&A session for three hours. Through that I realized one most important thing. I was thinking about releasing it online as manga but… The core difference between this interviewer and myself was the attitude towards human being. My position is… “all human beings have “dirty desires”. Isn’t it better to be vented appropriately?”. On the contrary…Ms Susie(sic) stated this. “All human beings are naturally innocent and have no “dirty desires” and reading media…media depicting erotic, pedophilic, and gore contents will affect them to be corrupted”. Then I realized.So the definition of human being, or Operating System(sic) is different. After three hour long interview, this realization was the most productive experience, I think. Oh, on top of that, she said, with a look of a hitman in BLACK LAGOON, “My desire is to put all pedophiles, and ones who produce pedophilic media into jail”. Ah, “Justice” is kinda scary when it infects people. Isn’t she trying to substitute everything into the subject of that sentence? It’s been two times where I was interviewed like this. She ignored me when I said… “Don’t look at us to turn away from your problem within the UK”…. During the interview, we touched upon ways that we can tackle the child abuse issues in Commonwealth world. She said “banning all fictions like this!”. I suggested “Well, solve poverty first. Legalizing fictions that has no victims will lower the crime rate”. She seemed like she didn’t get the idea. It seems that her view is a common one throughout the Commonwealth countries (that’s why you get arrested… for having porn comic in Canada), so objection in words might not help much. It might be better to foster… young, enthusiastic “comrades” within them. Ms Susie(sic) asked me, with formal voice, “Why don’t you Japanese people follow what the UK does?” so I answered… “Why don’t you British people follow Japan, since we’re more civilized, and have lower crime rate than the UK?”. I think the starting line is here.”



Found this


and this


d12bce No.14071924

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Kilroy is confirmed kill

b7e187 No.14071929


He means they have their own moralfags that have been shitting up the industry with their screeching, and frankly the SJW bloggers think manga is for men only when it's almost pretty much equal distribution on the demographics and market share for men and women of all ages. An example would be Go Nagai and Harenchi Gakuen which made such salt mountain by parents and teachers that he ended the first series with a stand-in group called the Moral Guardians killing all of his characters just because he made lewd jokes and sexy drawings.

4ceccd No.14071952


>how do we get memes to pass into the east?

If I wasn't getting ready to go to NYE festivities, I would whip up a quick batch of "Cultural France/Multicultural France" comparison pics,

1685d5 No.14071971


Every culture has faggot moral arbiters that want to ruin everything.

155e1f No.14071983

File: 097cf042c77a6ea⋯.jpg (62.23 KB, 450x535, 90:107, persepolis.jpg)

Are you guys following the shit in Iran at all?

21da98 No.14071985

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>They have their own crazy lefties feminists ect. but nobody likes them.

That's reassuring. From what I can recall, that group of people got asshurt from some Japan commerical for tourists.


Not to mention the decline in ultra violent animes. Recent example is Precure which moms demanded the violence to be toned down.



I will always remember love because of him.

1685d5 No.14071986


CNN told me it was an economic thing.

484fd9 No.14071999

midori trips

5e2a5d No.14072011

File: c4dab4fdbecfd9a⋯.jpg (59.4 KB, 910x912, 455:456, 1354490341022.jpg)


Green's the best color anyway.

5dd6cb No.14072013



I'm holding out a sliver of hope that they wake the fuck up, kick off another crusade, take back their homelands and drive the invaders back to their god forsaken sandy butthole countries.

074cb2 No.14072021

File: b658931c40b9e37⋯.jpg (110.37 KB, 460x690, 2:3, 1458773397833.jpg)


The majority of normalfags are too busy checking their social media accounts and what their favorite jewish celebrity is doing instead of rectifying the situation. As a whole, as long as the Internet and social medias exist, the globalist won.

486fb8 No.14072029


People are waking up but that only goes so far when the politicians can ignore the consequences of their decisions and speaking out is a hate crime.

cf0f03 No.14072032



Still, number are fucking high.

155e1f No.14072075

File: cb476a93a994412⋯.png (618.23 KB, 642x1973, 642:1973, shiiiit.png)


Sounds up to their usual standards.

5963fa No.14072096


psst it's still 2017 everywhere else too.

42280c No.14072114


Iran has had the problem of a secular youth for the past 2 decades and its no surprise there are finally enough of them to have serious protests.

There are also many more who are sick of the religious government.

From what I've seen the government would disappear agitators and cheat the elections, similar to what China does.

Pissing the Chinese government off usually leads to the person being removed in the middle of the night to be killed, sent to forced labor camp for decades if not for life or reeducation, if you're not a public person. If you are in the public eye and many people know your name, they will frame you for some serious crime, usually with the punishment of decades in prison or death. Don't fuck with the Chinese government if you want to live/visit there.

There were plenty of families who grew up on the stories of what life was life before becoming their revolution.

So if the government actually gets overthrown, I'm curious to see if a secular government will finally reemerge and what will happen with their economy.

Iran used to have a strong technology industry and education system, really on par with Japan and even the west before the revolution.

They still put out a ton of people with STEM degrees today, and a shitload of those people entering the global market will cause a lot of shakeups.

486fb8 No.14072140


Are these the anti-Islamic riots I keep hearing about?

b7e187 No.14072162


Seems more like people are fed up of corruption and they are starving, it's not freedom or justice type of shit like the color revolution, but pissed off at the Government not focusing on local issues and the economy.

d13c31 No.14072165


So what sect of the religion of peace to those peaceful protesters belong to?

486fb8 No.14072171


Oh, I see. I wouldn't mind seeing that sort of thing out here, at this point. The economy's gone to shit. My favourite bar/restaurant is closing soon because the electric bills have gotten so high. I, personally, pay $160 of gov't fees every month. $40 of a $200 bill is the actual electricity cost.

49894d No.14072174


I'm not aware of the situation, so I don't know I should be concerned.

b7e187 No.14072186


You Canadians are just too damn nice and your PM is a failure of a business negotiator (Pissing off the Chinks and not getting anything out of it)

7dfb62 No.14072196


Which province?


Well at least he virtue signaled.

486fb8 No.14072208


Ontario. A rural area of it, though.


He's probably not going to get re-elected. I hope not, at least. Despite my degeneracy, I'm still a fucking white male and that's haram in his country.

7dfb62 No.14072225


I always though Ontario had less taxes, in Quebec I used to pay 80$ per month on electricity, and that was because of winter, I usually did 40-60$ with the unified price, if I overpaid, it would be credited next year. Now I'm never home so the bill is pretty low, but still high enough for me to suspect Hydro-Quebec of jewishry.

486fb8 No.14072235


The Liberals have been throwing money around like crazy and they have to make it back somehow. They keep putting out "green energy incentives" and stuff like that without realizing that "hey if you put a system in place where you can be paid a lot of money every month just by setting out solar panels, rich people will abuse that to get richer". There's literally a $50 fee on my bill every month that is just there because people with solar panels get paid that much more for generated electricity. So they need to kick up what I'm paying by 100% (from that fee alone) to make up for it.

baffc6 No.14072244

File: 174910846c5bb9d⋯.png (8.4 KB, 193x309, 193:309, piece_of shit_.png)


If you're using Windows 8.1, check the processes in your task manager.

(((Microsoft))) seems to have recently stealth-installed a Skype folder with a bunch of codenamed exes. I removed those little shits just now.

1abfbc No.14072265

File: 36432bfc7d653cc⋯.jpg (17.3 KB, 293x316, 293:316, 1400184652969.jpg)


I haven't updated Windows 8.1 since 2015

6bc92c No.14072271

File: 04f3dc0daa5abd0⋯.png (69.77 KB, 1107x704, 1107:704, Screenshot_20171231_133456.png)



Linux really isn't that hard to switch to. Then you can avoid stuff like this.

>inb4 muh gaymes

So dual boot and leave Windows for gaming only.

7dfb62 No.14072274


Fucking liberals messing with the small guy in a rural town again. I used to live near Hawkesbury and remember those "taxes" and "surcharges". You should move to Quebec, none of that jewery here and you don't even have to speak French anymore because university students in Montreal says it's rayciss.


Bruh, just upgrade to WIndows 7.

1abfbc No.14072284


>Linux really isn't that hard to switch to.

I don't see a point when its not a bot net like win10 especially a severely outdated version. Plus a got a second desktop running Mint.



486fb8 No.14072285


I'm pretty attached to this area. I'm kind of just doing whatever now and I could end up dead or with a disease or something so I don't give a shit.

6bc92c No.14072299


It is a botnet, it might not be Windows 10 levels of telemetry but the telemetry is still there. On top of that not patching Windows is a good way to get pwned. It is the most popular OS family in the world, it is going to be a target.

Mint is fine, use that for your general usage and leave the Windows as a toy/play OS. Otherwise you're going to be fighting a constant battle for privacy and control with your own computer (and it's not a battle you can win).

4b3b01 No.14072303


I'm pretty sure they fall in to the category of Semites.

1abfbc No.14072307


Get out Anon, you're derailing the fucking thread and nobody likes you.

6bc92c No.14072312


Just looking out for your digital/online safety is all. Do what you will.

1abfbc No.14072318


Again kill yourself.

be1c90 No.14072332



I hear that they are genetically close to Arabs, though I'm not sure. So I guess they are sandniggers with white admixture.

baffc6 No.14072344


>I haven't updated Windows 8.1 since 2015

That shit must have happened when I restarted my computer (out of necessity) recently, even though I have updates disabled. Scary shit.

Anyway, pardon me if this was all too off-topic, but I felt it necessary to tell someone. And technically, if you play games on the PC, those invasive background processes might compromise your performance.

cf8d84 No.14072354

File: b9e824a7f5d6f01⋯.jpg (1.49 MB, 4475x3343, 4475:3343, beastie-boys1.jpg)


So you're telling me The Beastie Boys weren't the first all-white hip-hop crew, they were the first Arab rappers? Not buying it, sorry.

d15f19 No.14072374

File: 2faf211c56079fd⋯.jpg (266.95 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, C93 03.jpg)

Meanwhile at the Comiket

1abfbc No.14072380

be1c90 No.14072384

File: 0289a7a89483b0b⋯.png (145.8 KB, 800x800, 1:1, Jews.png)


Sorry to say this, but Jews are practically bleached Arabs.


4b3b01 No.14072387


I don;t understand how nips can go out and do this shit.

cf8d84 No.14072390


Yea? All whites are 'bleached' something.

ff3eb8 No.14072439

File: 9c78ec9b40937f5⋯.png (1.22 MB, 690x968, 345:484, jesus_christ_4.png)


Religion is going to be pacified as a world power. I'm not arguing of truth of doctrine or beliefs, i'm arguing on the basis of effectiveness. In a world where people even on the most base civilian level need to have access to a world database in order to compete at all, Religion as a system of government in nations where things like the Internet are prevalent is impossible to sustain, people will find out about lies or violations of trust committed by the corrupt who put themselves in top religious positions.

This is because the idea of religion itself is based on trust, belief and values. Some people on the top will violate these things without a second thought and when anyone can be a whistleblower via anonymity, it cannot survive as a system of government because of this.

Government in these areas where religious government thrives, if they don't fall peacefully will fall violently as some have been doing now. And due to how they operate there's tons of abuses which don't help this.

Iran will likely have a shift towards a more bureaucratic form of government within the next couple decades, and the "religion of peace" bullshit will wane or fade in some fashion, though it is in the interests of some governments to try to continue that cycle in order to instill a manufacture violent revolution so they can swoop in as "peacekeepers" and gain a quiet martial control of the area.


Your healthcare isn't free or good for the record, you pay it in other fees disguised as tax, so technically you're paying for healthcare all year round even if you aren't injured, and your government doesn't care much for actually providing healthcare as loads of that money is going into politicians pockets because you let them set their own paychecks through their Senate. In America medical costs may be high, but we're not paying them all year, and it's a rare thing for anyone.

4cbc4e No.14072446

File: dd60e30884c3bb2⋯.gif (29.06 KB, 482x800, 241:400, american_bear.gif)


>freedom aint free

6a6ca8 No.14072484


>Preventive strike on n.korea for peace

>Freedom is not free

War is peace, freedom is slavery.

How these 'people' lack self awareness.

4ea823 No.14072552

File: d0e75b900ef5e2e⋯.png (20.23 KB, 214x265, 214:265, hitler_spots_a_merchant.png)

Funny, how when we start talking about TD stuff for once and what may something that could turn into an OP, a bunch of (((white people))) show up and start arguing about race and Windows.

f8afb0 No.14072579

File: 69df5023bc3cea4⋯.png (69.44 KB, 174x233, 174:233, lvlup.png)

>that whole MTG shitshow

5e2a5d No.14072582


I agree with you but continuing to make these posts doesn't help at all. Get back to work.

be1c90 No.14072619

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

f8afb0 No.14072659

File: d2032d0694c7826⋯.png (590.43 KB, 697x697, 1:1, 1441433402469.png)


warski has a stream with jim right now and the count of pedos went up to 15

b7e187 No.14072672


>warski has a stream with jim right now and the count of pedos went up to 15

Damn, might as well it Pedophile The Gathering.

f2258c No.14072674


Holy fuck I knew /tg/ was upset but this was worse than I thought. Or perhaps any of this is faked?

be1c90 No.14072685


We should do digging on our own. Maybe there's a lot of pizza niggers in indie circles, "journalism" and in companies with SJWs.

cab55e No.14072699

File: 9eccb048f491d6f⋯.webm (605.51 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, JonTron - Defeated Sigh.webm)


>15 convicted pedos in the MtG judge pool

Are they limiting the search to pedos, or are they looking for sex offenders in general and only finding pedos?

b7e187 No.14072700


There were several anons in the last threads that were skimming through the MTG judges and public figures for the last 10 years, some of them are pedos, have some misdemeanors and less than good PR interests and fetishes, if this keeps up then Hasgurl and Kikes of the Coast have to respond or doubling down which they are doing right now.

9bde7b No.14072705


They are real so far. The judges exposed have actual criminal charges, so it's not hearsay or rumors. These are people that have actually been charged and sentenced for crimes.

b7e187 No.14072715


MTG has been on the purity crusade where they even banned, remove championship awards from previous pros because they had a shady past that some butthurt faggot dug up, I really hope this fucking kills them

cab55e No.14072720


Didn't a former employee also say that WotC unbanned someone who publicly made a rape threat against her?

19c58e No.14072724


They even banned some pro players who defend unsleeved media or criticized the game. This whole thing is hilarious considering how hard some of the fans try to defend it and the company tries to ignore it.

be1c90 No.14072729


The vidya industry is probably suspicious too.

f8afb0 No.14072743

File: 462bb9f6dcbbc08⋯.jpg (10.34 KB, 277x250, 277:250, the storm last night.jpg)


the salty beard man is crowdsourcing dirt on MTG and affiliated from fans and confirming the tips manually, and the mother lode right now turned out to be the judge program

bd7b83 No.14072761


>12 hours and still going

Youtube live streams absolutely kill my browser, and streamlink doesn't allow for going back, even the +- 2 hr reverse that youtube allows.

b7e187 No.14072764


Can't recall that incident, only remembering that some drama with the implications of even more fucking nepotism with our favorite Usurers of the Coast.


Grade-A fucking hypocrites, this is the grave they dug themselves.


If Brote wasn't banned from twatter, he would have revealed more details of Burch being the betacuck soyboy crook that he is by lying to female interns of a future job in the vidya industry as ideas guys for sexual favors.

be1c90 No.14072782


There could be more pedos working in vidya and in vidya journalism we don't know about.

4ea823 No.14072797


This was something that was discussed back in 2014, SJW seek positions of authority in order to abuse that authority being actual rapists, sexpests, pedos while claiming the moral high ground think of the fire-and-brimstone Gay-hating Preacher who is a total-bottom closet homo has always been the REAL reason SJWs are fighting with nerds of the various -gates over things normies largely consider kids shit like videogames, comic books,and card games, is because when we lift the Social Justice rock up and shine a light on what's underneath, a host of vermin will come pouring out.

57dd9f No.14072855

File: 1cca1be1d750873⋯.png (188.04 KB, 278x685, 278:685, death to pedos.png)

I asked a friend who plays MtG if he's been following the controversy. He hadn't and I mentioned a bunch people involved with managing tournaments got pedo convictions. He immediately luanched into a defense of WotC saying they have nothing to do with tournaments other than accepting fees from people who want to host them. What are the positions of the poeple who got convicted? Haven't been following closely, but with how talk seems to revolve around WotC, I really doubt they're not involved and it's just some random tournament judges.


>The first benis was beleted



Archive or fuck off.




Pedos get the rope. Only loli is sacred.


Becuase Comiket is for fun and aside from censoring porn, the nips don't have a very strong fun police. Sure there are moral authoritarian shitters, as there are everywhere, but in Nipland they hold little influence.

57dd9f No.14072864



Confirmed convictions or just suspicion? I really doubt the number suddenly jumped from 4 or 5 to 15.

523d2f No.14072876

File: b17cff64cef3bab⋯.jpeg (45.24 KB, 701x525, 701:525, Asuka children.jpeg)


It's a side effect of the "one thread rule."

While it was fine limiting #GG to one rotating thread to keep it from taking over the board when we were super active, it wound up becoming a containment thread as things slowed down.

And while we were sitting comfy in here, every shill, burnout, and revoltard who ever had beef with us got to run roughshod over the rest of the board. Three years of influencing opinions with snark and disinformation. Meanwhile when was the last time we had a true boardwide event related to #GG? Whens the last time that /v/, as a whole, even got to discuss a #GG-related topic in a positive way without it being redirected here where nobody will see it but us?

I'm not really complaining to complain. One megathread was the deal. But I think these are the facts about what has happened and why the rest of /v/ dislikes us today.

c88217 No.14072883


Except loud shill faggots and cuckchan exodus minorities are not actually the majority of the board, and don't make a board consensus. "/v/" doesn't dislike GG as a whole you dumb rustbucket, that shit is why we are here. You just don't see people aside from shills/CTR talking about it, outside of the fucking THREAD for it.

523d2f No.14072892

File: 2fb5615d6a3408b⋯.jpeg (60.9 KB, 640x790, 64:79, Asuka lookdown.jpeg)


When all the information and "takes" on things are being disseminated by one side and not the other it absolutely has an influence on consensus. How the fuck do you think shilling is supposed to work, you mouthbreathing cumdumpster?

ff3eb8 No.14072926


board wide or indeed internet wide events only arise when something needs to be dealt with immediately. Have faith in your fellow man instead of mourning the percieved lack of action, there's work being done, and anyone who tells you otherwise is doing so to break your faith in humans in general, because apathy allows them to flourish.

When shit's needed, things are done. The only thing that prevents that from happening is lack of faith in humanity from a general population.

ff3eb8 No.14072931


or you're focusing on the shills and not the actual info. Shitposting is shitposting, ignore it or mess with them, it doesn't matter.

e3e532 No.14072946

File: 6aad197aa00383c⋯.jpg (71.79 KB, 800x598, 400:299, He's_right_you_know.jpg)

a2c075 No.14072949

im a shill

give me a (you)

f8afb0 No.14072950

File: 6fac44e060784dd⋯.jpg (80.41 KB, 621x586, 621:586, jamals epiphany.jpg)

well that stream escalated quickly

57dd9f No.14072958


Reported :^)

b92136 No.14072961


I'll give you my semen as I impregnate your prostate

b1acd5 No.14073021


>City Hunter bread

Anon, you are my nigga.

ed3f3a No.14073032

File: dc264e3fdcc35f4⋯.jpg (139.42 KB, 740x960, 37:48, here's your (you), for a p….jpg)

880fb9 No.14073043


Have you asked your friend why he is so quick to defend pedophiles?

57dd9f No.14073048


He wasn't defending them, he was dissociating them thing from WotC and MtG in order to defend the game. That's why I need specifics.

b1acd5 No.14073077

File: 8d71cf0da88fcca⋯.png (214.99 KB, 732x1000, 183:250, Alex Jones ara.png)

I'm weak, I had to.

384a62 No.14073235


>I don't like eating fruit. Only got so many calories a day and energy drinks are like 200 cals a pop.

okay, you deserve hemmoroids to be honest.

880fb9 No.14073335


>energy drinks

There are better ways to kill yourself.

880fb9 No.14073357


Did you see this video >>14072619

dfe4f6 No.14073414

File: ba23993d5f680d3⋯.gif (101.86 KB, 758x696, 379:348, SUPERIOR.gif)

This is why the Japanese games industry is superior.

62b8dc No.14073428

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Good evening faggots. It's almost New Year here, so I just want to say that….

May we all have a great 2018 ahead!

4a5610 No.14073444

i like video games

57dd9f No.14073456

File: ea2742a4681d6ae⋯.png (129.27 KB, 327x370, 327:370, Saitama check'em.png)


I give this post my highest approval.

241d9c No.14073471

File: 7943a23d613e524⋯.gif (1.93 MB, 500x281, 500:281, gaymergay.gif)


Video games aren't for you anymore, nerd.

83a5c6 No.14073477


Thanks for your trips.

57dd9f No.14073479

File: 64d7a4e4d0e8708⋯.png (240.28 KB, 762x709, 762:709, 64d7a4e4d0e8708d2fdf4ebf71….png)


Lucky (You).

478e08 No.14073492

File: dce7dbf3b2d46d8⋯.png (26.41 KB, 279x180, 31:20, notc.png)

e3e532 No.14073498

File: 576ad7ec958c093⋯.png (498.13 KB, 650x614, 325:307, reminder that japanese gam….png)

3d06f2 No.14073592

File: 851fe29cd1d1312⋯.png (390.09 KB, 1226x940, 613:470, you slut.png)

12c0e3 No.14073629


That's a bit of a dumb argument though. It's like visiting America and spending your week entirely in Detroit. If you leave convinced that Americans are all agressive, violent niggers, you're reducing the entirety of the culture and country to the shittiest part you've seen there's jews too

add to that the fact that Paris is one of the most visited cities on earth by tourists; that tourists, well, tend to get together in the same places and so see more tourists than "real" french people; and, also, are constantly harassed by tourist-salesmen, especially poor immigrants who can't bother to have a real job, who want to sell their shitty stuff to dumb tourists… in short, if you're a tourist for a short while only, you're infinitely less likely to encounter "real" France (just like any other country).

That's always the case, almost everywhere (places like India are shitty everywhere), and that's why tourists need to avoid tourists' routes at all costs, because they won't get to see the country, they'll see what the country gives foreigners, either through indifference, greed or arrogance. Obviously there are exceptions, but Parisians are known to hate tourists because of how many there are in their town. Heck, ask any frog, and they'll tell you they mostly hate people like Americans or Italians because they don't even bother to speak a word of french during their entire stay, and expect everyone else to adapt to their own language instead, even when visiting a foreign country. You'd be pissed too.

That's where the Paris syndrome comes from. Tourists who can't be arsed to actually visit "real" places, instead of spending five hours standing up before finally getting into the Louvres.

polite sage for offtopic

a2c075 No.14073646

>val defending france

Big surprise

7905f8 No.14073658



Heh centralniggers deserve it


He's right though, fruit is shit, if you want some fibre there are vegetables for that like broccoli which is 50 calories for 148g . Why would you instead eat the hundreds of calories of sugar that are fruits just to get some fibre

3d06f2 No.14073661

File: a23daf9c3a514a8⋯.png (323.02 KB, 1596x1383, 532:461, val.png)

62b8dc No.14073696

File: fd656ee587984a6⋯.jpg (195.84 KB, 1200x932, 300:233, Nigel Kek 12.jpg)

>Feminist Mary Beard, who writes about Africans being the REAL European natives is mad about me calling her out for it and telling the truth that it's nothing more than her fetish, not based on actual history

051dec No.14073703


archive? screenshots?

b914ff No.14073706


Originally we are all from Africa, so basically she's right.

5fb8e3 No.14073718


That's bullshit and was debunked though.

a32f4f No.14073722

File: 2d5d1c9ecb0b69c⋯.png (160.27 KB, 250x368, 125:184, 2d5d1c9ecb0b69c2e5a9127431….png)


>While it was fine limiting #GG to one rotating thread to keep it from taking over the board when we were super active, it wound up becoming a containment thread as things slowed down.

That's right cowboy. We warned you about containment didn't we?

>Muh shill

No it's pretty simple, you created an in-group and attacked anything outside the in-group then you wonder why everyone hates you. During the Battlefront 2 fiasco you were no where to be found, since you're one of the main people who opposed boycotts.

Your failed strategies and reddit spacing killed GG. Just look in the mirror, you are the one who destroyed everything we built.

62b8dc No.14073726


Already muted it. I won't have that on my notifications now it's 3 hours and 18 minutes to go before 2018 opens its gates.

b914ff No.14073730


[citation needed]

051dec No.14073733


Then why even say anything if you're not going to bring back the goodies. What the fuck man

145df7 No.14073751

File: 688d4785dd110c7⋯.jpg (66.71 KB, 500x642, 250:321, eyJ1cmwiOiJodHRwOi8vaS5pbW….jpg)


I was hoping that I'd be banned on ResetEra by now…

4ea823 No.14073759

File: 07f544e52a9ec44⋯.mp4 (11.81 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Anime Thigh Highs.mp4)


The earliest pre-human remains were found by a Russian team in Greece and Bulgaria.



What you figure is the percentage of deep-cover shitlords that remain unbanned?

webm unrelated

83a5c6 No.14073781


So, what came first? niggers or greeks?

Is still valid the theory of the white race existing because cromagnons were all niggers in the beginning and crossbred with neanderthals until they took the white gene? I kinda like the idea of being a neanderthal.

4ea823 No.14073783


Your ideas failed because they are terrible.

You never got the influencer position you wanted because people can instinctively tell that you are unworthy of trust.

We still can't pound into your fucking thick head that boycotts are a bad strategy and wouldn't work.

You are cancer. Fuck off.

145df7 No.14073784

File: c9504c49301d363⋯.png (436.06 KB, 655x463, 655:463, Mafuyu.png)


ResetEra has been actively making an effort to be open to differing views. You can't talk about gamergate or even say that "trap" isn't transphobic but you can argue quite a few things that upset sjws very deeply. Every post is a gamble of sorts.

bf3148 No.14073815

File: e06a4820302097e⋯.png (103.79 KB, 1819x795, 1819:795, FST europe vs middle east.png)

File: 9b59a4fcc13973d⋯.png (32.61 KB, 960x137, 960:137, FST europe vs others.png)



Either Jews and Germans are both White, or Chinese and Japanese are not both Yellow. The genetic divergence is almost the same, with an FST of .007 for Nips vs Chinks, and .0072 for kikes vs krauts. Southern Euros are even more closely related, with FST like .004 between Italians and Ashkenazim.

5bff9c No.14073828


>Does anyone know of any resources to find out what companies own stock in?

I couldn't find anything. These are only mentioned in stocks news, but not anywhere else.

http:// quotes.wsj.com/TCEHY

https:// www.bloomberg.com/quote/TCEHY:US

4ea823 No.14073833


Niggers are orcs and Africa is Mordor.

Chances are the first homo sapiens were generically brown as baseline and got whiter as they interbred with Neanderthals.

There is a lot quiet of talk placing the actual origin of both genius homo and pan in Central or Southern Asia, or Southern Europe, based on long term climatic data and paleobotany. Scientists, are trying to reconstruct pre-human and human movements in between ice ages, but treating south-Saharan niggers as an off-shoot or separate sub species of homo sapiens is taboo which limits things terribly and that damm "Out of Africa"-theory will not die for political reasons.

83a5c6 No.14073843

File: eec39fcb2c8acbe⋯.jpg (66.13 KB, 535x227, 535:227, ill get angry.jpg)


>Niggers are orcs

Take that back.

a2c075 No.14073847

2018 is pretty shit so far

83a5c6 No.14073852


2018 didn't come yet. Unless you are australian, which mean you are Marche.

051dec No.14073859


Hi Marche you furry fuck

491327 No.14073864


no first for benis, therefore sage

be1c90 No.14073877


Orcs are Turks/Mongolians.

491327 No.14073912

>>14073877 (checked)

orcs are niggers

f20839 No.14073927


Those people are all paid. They are shipping over people to my country as well to "protest" against Trump. Happens globally but most people understand is just one big lie.

be1c90 No.14073933

File: 318d120f8ffa7d0⋯.jpg (172.89 KB, 672x950, 336:475, orc_warrior_by_windmaker-d….jpg)


Orcs are Asiatics.

491327 No.14073940

>>14073933 (nice dude twice in a row)

but can orcs even fire a bow and hit their target?

83a5c6 No.14073944


They can make cannons and siege weapons.

a2c075 No.14073946


No that is oni

be1c90 No.14073949


They're more competent than niggers.


Oni are the Japanese. I'm talking about Turks and Mongols being Orcs.

491327 No.14073951


but what about muh horse archery?

8c46f5 No.14073965

File: 1dd8991afcc16c8⋯.png (199.31 KB, 958x546, 479:273, 1c72df3e4762b402061d5215b1….png)


Terrible meme.

Orcs are niggers.

5b597b No.14073966


>Chinese and Japanese are not both Yellow

Who said they're not? Japs were declared honorary aryans.

be1c90 No.14073975

File: 79d31d79a35f6bc⋯.jpg (270.09 KB, 1000x889, 1000:889, Orque-Terre_du_Milieu.jpg)


>Implying Niggers are as competent as Orcs

Tolkein made them after Turks and Mongol hordes. Asiatic barbarians.

a2c075 No.14073976


Orcs are not Mongolia

b02101 No.14073982

File: 735651ebe1b9da3⋯.gif (183.63 KB, 169x292, 169:292, 2E8ga1T.gif)

Happy new year stralia

62b8dc No.14073989

T-minus 1 hour and 40 minutes here before 2018 comes knocking.

8c46f5 No.14073996


There is a difference between intention and result.

Orcs are niggers. The only difference is that orc can wage war and thats it. Every other trait is a of a mudskinned, smelly, ugly, aggressive, dumb nigger.

be1c90 No.14074053

File: 054fa40d5b7d7ca⋯.jpg (518.08 KB, 594x918, 11:17, orc_girl_by_mikeluckas-d9m….jpg)

File: a2d3284bae90051⋯.png (277.38 KB, 540x765, 12:17, 1476146239288.png)

File: f6586dfd4f15234⋯.png (948.79 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, 1479803752684.png)

File: 878815e1cf91cb8⋯.jpg (436.46 KB, 1300x1839, 1300:1839, jungon-kim-.jpg)

File: eb36397abf8981c⋯.jpg (100.53 KB, 736x1151, 736:1151, 3a0f4791e39bbd362c28d2ec79….jpg)


>mudskinned, smelly, ugly, aggressive

Like Turks.

a2c075 No.14074064

File: 3e192084213cc12⋯.png (435.36 KB, 600x718, 300:359, 1487708177912.png)

>literally orc defence force


Elves > orcs

Ara > loli

fa0e79 No.14074065


Adam "if you touch young girls I’ll take my helicopter for a twirl" Warski is going to Bomb Hasbro. Holy fucking shit!

5b597b No.14074078

File: 24acb61a2376f69⋯.jpg (107.16 KB, 1300x872, 325:218, ork comparison.jpg)

Do orcs have different breeds?

5c8d62 No.14074083

File: a6d8577e79a8782⋯.png (271.6 KB, 413x848, 413:848, xQZytCC.png)


They just need to give medicinal CP to the judges in between games to keep the kids safe.

fa0e79 No.14074095


What a day. Destiny confirmed pedo, Andy Warski is going to bring down Hasbro, and Killroy confirmed kill.

One more day this year. What will happen?

be1c90 No.14074097


They do. Also If Hylians are an allusion to Elves, then Ganon and the Moblins are allusions to Orcs.

051dec No.14074105


He's not that short? Right?

fa0e79 No.14074116

File: f0ae479075d5bf4⋯.png (2.45 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, stilt man.png)


You seen the Wizard of Oz? Imagine a munchkin and you roughly have the right idea how tall he is.

5b597b No.14074117

File: 72a71a53b379d23⋯.jpg (421.77 KB, 3274x3274, 1:1, bc030bjd1_cosco_top_side_b….JPG)


He's really touchy about people saying he uses one of these at the computer.

880fb9 No.14074118

File: 2e6bd78c1fb3b63⋯.jpg (197.75 KB, 1134x863, 1134:863, Capture.JPG)


No one is denying that male orcs are ugly.

Female orcs are where it's at.

57b385 No.14074121


those are ogres

be1c90 No.14074124


Read the thread, I already replied with >>14073949

a2c075 No.14074126


I do hope the pork doesnt show up again, her and the midget are worst girls

880fb9 No.14074134

File: 6d007625f4315d4⋯.jpg (67.33 KB, 376x308, 94:77, 6d007625f4315d41548ca478e8….jpg)


If it makes you happy, next chapter has not-succubus.

a2c075 No.14074146

8c46f5 No.14074159

File: 3eb237bd51a4142⋯.jpg (60.54 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 3eb237bd51a4142ee370a007dd….jpg)


>starts obongo spamming

If only the kike would ban your shitty ass.

be1c90 No.14074197


>Vampire crusader girl impaled orcs.

8c46f5 No.14074210

File: 48153c72c9f4d04⋯.jpg (133.73 KB, 1200x341, 1200:341, Shortsighted.jpg)


You are in the same boat as all unholy scum.

b105ed No.14074256


He's an Oompa Loompa so he's average height for his race.

5c8d62 No.14074285

File: bbcec755499172b⋯.jpg (35.38 KB, 968x476, 242:119, 3captmizv4d5savz5ejypo6ed5….jpg)

>tfw when no vampire gf

71a0e9 No.14074311

File: c83303f5c199cad⋯.jpg (516.36 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, Charls son.jpg)


>don't wear me or my son's coat ever again

fa0e79 No.14074322

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I want nothing more than to see that scumbag get what he deserves. He encouraged his suicidal friend to kill himself, and he did, and laughed about it afterwards. He jacked off to underaged girls at the age of 23. He defended wanting to fuck his own kid. What the hell is wrong with this tyke?

71a0e9 No.14074327


I don't know man I think Charls is pretty funny I don't believe he did all that :^)

fa0e79 No.14074329

71a0e9 No.14074336


For real though I don't understand how he has escaped flak from all the things he's said. From saying its okay for him to say nigger but not other people. To all the shit you listed. I really don't understand how a legion of sjws haven't jumped down his throat

fa0e79 No.14074341


Probably the connections he has, and the fact that he "brought down" Jontron. He's either a useful idiot or is closer to social justice than we think.

d12bce No.14074346

Hooktube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.



>Destiny: watching CP is AOKAY because medicinal reasons

>Destiny: Yeah, I shared a 15-year old's swimsuit picture on my chat

<Also Destiny: It's immoral for JF to date a 19-year old.

Skip to 2:20:00 to see this shit.

62b8dc No.14074350


<Rules for thee, but not for me

>Feminists and SJWs in a nutshell





8202c5 No.14074362

File: 2017ff180b31eeb⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 975.46 KB, 1176x1200, 49:50, 2017ff180b31eeb6aded37e239….png)

>Hollywood is overrun with Pedos, various powerful world governments are overrun with Pedos, fucking MtG judge community is overrun with Pedos.

How do these fucking sickos keep getting into positions of power within any community they're a part of/society in general? How was this allowed to happen? They're fucking everywhere. We have got some serious work to do if we wanna take our institutions back from these degenerates.



Chill out Anon, hes giving good advice.



Id be royally pissed if I saw foreigners coming to my country for the sole purpose of trying to misrepresent our political views of a foreign politician.Still really says a lot that they can't find locals willing to take the cash and come to their protest.


Assume the position you angry slut.

57b385 No.14074372


ogre is the English translation of oni

3ed84e No.14074374


Pedos are often sociopaths, and sociopaths are really good at getting into positions of power.

80bd51 No.14074379


>How do these fucking sickos keep getting into positions of power within any community they're a part of/society in general?

When you're in a position of power, normal sex becomes boring and vanilla, so you start looking for more hardcore stuff. Tell me, is there any sexual practice more taboo than having sex with underage girls/boys?

I'm sure most of these people aren't even pedophiles, they just get off to the thrill of doing something extremely forbbiden and illegal, and getting away with it.

That's also the reason why rich people join satanic cults and other obscure stuff. Humans are hardwired to seek things we don't have, and when you're rich and have everything, the only stuff left to obtain are the things forbbiden and illegal.

498f6f No.14074380


>>14074288 (Hitler dubs, how do you know that I'm German)

6400be No.14074400


eh. thats more of a localization than a translation.

3ed84e No.14074411


This. Oni are a type of yokai, which have more in common with the Hellenistic concept of the daemon than anything else.

e77a29 No.14074425

File: 5518b62cd7445fc⋯.jpg (2.96 MB, 4128x6000, 86:125, 0002.jpg)

File: c2f91f61cbccdd7⋯.jpg (531.49 KB, 1308x1600, 327:400, 1.jpg)



>Turn into a vampire as well, but commit NTR as you will have to drink the blood of others, and you cannot share the same person

>Turn into a ghoul and make every meal a shared experience where your girl drinks the blood while you eat the body

>Stay human, and die only to leave her alone for all eternity

Only one of those options turn out well for both parties.


Why is her face melting?



Didn't the English bring the concept of angels and demons to the Japanese first? I remember an anon mentioning that happened.


>Tell me, is there any sexual practice more taboo than having sex with underage girls/boys?

Probably guro, given how there are anons here that are squeamish or have a problem with it, but are perfect fine with lolicon/shotacon hentai.

3ed84e No.14074436


Daemon=/=demon or angel. It's a spirit or a lesser deity or the personification of something. Not inherently good or evil, it just is. It's why a lot of Shinto revolves around respecting the local land and spirits, so they'll respect you back and shit.

99eebc No.14074477

File: c677548fd8da4e4⋯.jpg (138.27 KB, 1003x641, 1003:641, Capture.JPG)

498f6f No.14074478

File: d941636e7d3a82c⋯.png (57.56 KB, 450x360, 5:4, Codemonkey being Codemonke….png)


>try downloading Pics

>says both pics are over 6MB

>both Downloaded pics are around 1,5MB

what is going on codemonkey?

9bde7b No.14074551


He's very social justice. That's the reason they won't attack him.

fa0e79 No.14074577


He's an ancap socialist marxist centrist. It says so on his twitter bio.

ab5335 No.14074617

File: 22123293b395a4b⋯.png (89.14 KB, 800x540, 40:27, 50e5316044201c678dfaea235e….png)


I don't really think so. From what I see the vast majority of pedos fit the average distribution of successes to failure. It is just people notice if the person is successful AND a pedophile. Since nobody really gives much of a shit if a truck driver turns out to be a pedophile.

Kind of like how people notice when child abusers were abused as kids themselves and say that it is the reason for their actions, when it is patently obvious that the vast majority of abuse victims do not turn out to be abusers themselves.

8202c5 No.14074623

File: 48216d8a22255f0⋯.jpg (506.95 KB, 728x640, 91:80, OneMillionKeks.jpg)


> Stairs leading up to his bed.

ab5335 No.14074648

File: 3e35901c5fc67b5⋯.jpg (409.98 KB, 1149x580, 1149:580, 3e35901c5fc67b5a924dc3e252….jpg)


>admitting that fun and identity politics are the same thing for them

This is just depressing.

000000 No.14074653

It's my birthday and I'm spending it alone, again

000000 No.14074663

It's my birthday and I'm spending it alone, again

355410 No.14074675

57b385 No.14074686

who the fuck banned brote again?

484fd9 No.14074777


d15f19 No.14074803

File: 4b5cb09582cbf7c⋯.jpg (27.11 KB, 476x328, 119:82, Check em.jpg)

1c2da3 No.14074807

File: c6385a6e9f3cac0⋯.webm (120.78 KB, 480x270, 16:9, goodjob.webm)

fa0e79 No.14074818

So, 2018, those midterm elections, do you guys think the dems will win those now that anti-trump people are mobilized?

d12bce No.14074821

File: 00dea247f541b89⋯.jpg (78.94 KB, 504x336, 3:2, 1435811598975.jpg)


>anti-trump people are mobilized?

b9c621 No.14074828

File: aa26cbca5551f6d⋯.webm (9.22 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Devil's Fingers Timelapse.webm)

File: 81c0b98e7ae10d2⋯.webm (5.03 MB, 978x550, 489:275, Clathrus archeri (Devil's….webm)


>girl in 4th and 5th pic is very cute

would be even better if she was human instead of a green nig creature.


>Elves > orcs

Nigger, are you gay? Elf's are the most gay thing right after traps. Orcs may be ugly, but they are at least cool to a certain degree.

b9c621 No.14074834

File: 68917773f5958a8⋯.webm (8.12 MB, 1328x954, 664:477, 2017-12-31_18-33-08.webm)

pewdiepie is a unfunny faggot and you niggers need to stop shilling him

fa0e79 No.14074840


Roy Moore shows that they are. They aren't giving this one up, they will do whatever it takes to win at this point.

d12bce No.14074855


I think that's moreso Roy Moore was a shit candidate. Also, remember they barely managed to scratch out a victory against, according to the media, an alleged "child rapist".

355410 No.14074863

File: e0166de9ca44cf3⋯.jpg (114.43 KB, 535x756, 535:756, __koakuma_touhou_drawn_by_….jpg)

File: ddba298bbc29ea1⋯.png (13.59 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 1432405442712-1.png)

File: 73e55826e710af7⋯.jpg (100.47 KB, 600x720, 5:6, b0367c609cbb6c7e50e1292d16….jpg)

File: 6f9b677c4e8508e⋯.jpg (62.72 KB, 540x733, 540:733, Erubetie.jpg)

File: 9c8ddcc97e9c519⋯.jpg (126.28 KB, 575x800, 23:32, Vocaloid Medusa.jpg)


>Elf's are the most gay thing right after traps. Orcs may be ugly, but they are at least cool to a certain degree.

Enough talks about orcs and elves, what about other girls?

99eebc No.14074865


Expect more sexual harassment/pedophilia claims to happen to dem opponents conveniently before elections. That's seriously the only tactic they have left

1c2da3 No.14074868

File: b1b5fb96959f76e⋯.jpg (109.86 KB, 392x495, 392:495, 115 - xNCzq5W.jpg)


>you will never headpat a dullahan

b9c621 No.14074869


>what about other girls?

When it comes to non human/fantasy bullshit, everything other than vampires is stupid. That said, are female werewolves a thing?

cab55e No.14074901


>Also, remember they barely managed to scratch out a victory against, according to the media, an alleged "child rapist".

And it took bringing in thousands of voters from out of state. And according to Donna Brazile, Clinton basically stole all the free cash they had.

355410 No.14074937

File: 0faa067cbe57122⋯.jpg (134.47 KB, 875x1000, 7:8, 1468740657797.jpg)

File: ab82a4ae4074d23⋯.jpeg (301.88 KB, 1745x2400, 349:480, 9be57d8b092653c9f1c62fc5c….jpeg)

File: bf4bfba35f82c28⋯.png (342.25 KB, 900x703, 900:703, Boy and her pet Ara Dog.png)

File: eddd7a0af078dc4⋯.png (1.29 MB, 1128x1200, 47:50, Nekomimi_and_Full_Neko.png)

File: 6df8e0df271294c⋯.jpg (71.3 KB, 400x559, 400:559, No_1441.jpg)


>When it comes to non human/fantasy bullshit, everything other than vampires is stupid.

Because every other girl is some variation of a furry?

9bde7b No.14074938


The DNC wasted the last few shekels they had post Hillary bankrupting them in 2016 on the Alabama election. And the media spent all of 2017 blowing their load with attack after attack on Trump. They also have no real perspective candidates that could go up against Trump, and the only section of the party that is "mobilized" are the radical nut-jobs that march and destroy shit, but don't believe in democracy anyway so they won't vote (or can't due to being illegals and felons). The party core is still just as unmoved as they were in 2016, maybe more so after it was revealed that the Clintons had bought and sold the party and everything democrat is still covered in their slime.

fa0e79 No.14074970


You sure about that? Soros gave 3/4ths of his cash away, there's no way it won't be used to bring down Drumf.

49894d No.14074974


>Calling a boycott for something not even normalfags was going to buy in the first place

>Announcing a boycott on AAA on /v/

Let me guess, (((you))) would cry when boycotts fail from our lack of numbers. The best we do is inform people and publicly mock sjws.

cab55e No.14075000


>Soros gave 3/4ths of his cash away

To organizations that he personally controls. It's a tax dodge, more than anything.

b9c621 No.14075024


>variation of a furry?

I fucking hate these animal features and pelt

5bff9c No.14075036

Did any of you noticed some sperg spamming remove /pol/ moderators copypasta on entire /n/, /newsplus/ and /sudo/?

It just fucking retarded.

49894d No.14075047


That's been going on for some time now

4acc4b No.14075053

File: d43623281443bed⋯.jpg (39.92 KB, 364x301, 52:43, 151341231.jpg)


"I explicitly cannot enjoy a video game unless it has a minimum amount of homosexuality in it."

I wish I can truthfully say that I am surprised.

155e1f No.14075153

File: 328f9c88a53513c⋯.gif (943.52 KB, 500x308, 125:77, v on new years.gif)

5aefc2 No.14075158

File: f3ac1ba903ab361⋯.gif (9.54 KB, 600x600, 1:1, new year gondola.gif)

Happy new year faggots

83a5c6 No.14075161

It's still 3 hours and 54 minutes for the end of the year.

5bff9c No.14075163


I still need to wait 4 hours for that though.

d12bce No.14075166

File: fdec518192fa30e⋯.mp4 (1.73 MB, 640x360, 16:9, fdec518192fa30ee693d575ee5….mp4)

40cc04 No.14075178

File: 6b971be3d0a042f⋯.png (6.36 MB, 1920x9249, 640:3083, The one time someone actua….png)

it's still ten hours for me here in leaf land.

This was one of the best things I did all year.

fa49df No.14075182

File: 1182fb013ba5cf6⋯.png (146.38 KB, 280x428, 70:107, shame.png)


>tfw it's not even noon in the 31st over here and faggots are already in the new current year

5aefc2 No.14075187

File: d91996bfbe2b069⋯.jpg (11.82 KB, 256x360, 32:45, Absolute madman.jpg)


>literally completed that miserable piece of trash

The absolute madman

d12bce No.14075192

File: 27bcd34ee28dc8d⋯.png (39.23 KB, 867x806, 867:806, 3f4cf20dc9938d1f15b16e3965….png)

>Vee and Harmful Opinions were supposed to yell at each other on stream tomorrow

>But then Vee bitched out, saying Harmful was "coming after him"

>They're still Twitter slapfighting at each other and Harmful will still go on stream

5bff9c No.14075201


Did you expected something else from e-celebs?

846f79 No.14075203

Ten and a half hours until New Year's day for me.




d12bce No.14075207


No, I just find this sperging hilarious.

40cc04 No.14075253

File: e8d7e4154424b1c⋯.webm (938.72 KB, 640x360, 16:9, Umbrella corps.webm)

File: 20728de22331463⋯.jpeg (1.7 MB, 2592x1936, 162:121, IMG_2003.jpeg)


I had to play another game on my second monitor while waiting for a lobby to start.

14e3a7 No.14075301


exactly how tall is he? Im a bit of a manlet at 5'6" but am i taller than him?

484fd9 No.14075333


afddf8 No.14075341

File: de70a4450de2571⋯.jpg (7.08 MB, 3541x6890, 3541:6890, gildarale.jpg)

Happy New Year, I hope 2018 is even better than this year

880fb9 No.14075352


What a fucking cunt.

5c8d62 No.14075409

File: 3d2186e3cc03bdd⋯.mp4 (266.81 KB, 342x542, 171:271, 3d2186e3cc03bdd890d24b60d4….mp4)


I hate my country

dfe4f6 No.14075414

File: 334ea54e5e51bdb⋯.png (767.87 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, crying mountaineer lolis.png)

1022c1 No.14075420

File: c679218272ca1ec⋯.jpg (435.93 KB, 911x1100, 911:1100, june.jpg)

Well then, what's your New Year's resolution? I fucking hope that you're starting to love your waifu/husbando even more.

Mine is trying to become a good parent

1cc92d No.14075428


Get off mongolian bowl making forums for starters.

dfe4f6 No.14075467

File: 95ca9c67d38893e⋯.png (811.62 KB, 741x931, 39:49, 26_edited.png)



fa0e79 No.14075469

File: 7d510cf9ccefeec⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 728.84 KB, 492x754, 246:377, body pillow case.png)


>I fucking hope that you're starting to love your waifu/husbando even more.

In the mail right now.

e77a29 No.14075482

File: eddf6009dc501a3⋯.webm (1.7 MB, 800x450, 16:9, do not cry for me.webm)

File: 144466a3ad4a557⋯.webm (3.5 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Mike Pence's anti-gay squ….webm)


>I fucking hope that you're starting to love your waifu/husbando even more.

I don't have one…


You better be a woman, anon, otherwise…

<Second video

fa0e79 No.14075496


>Second video

It's been so long since I listened to that. thanks anon, you wonderful adorable cutie.

2cea45 No.14075520

File: 659f5bea5deb470⋯.jpg (14.49 KB, 225x225, 1:1, 659f5bea5deb470bbb4a11872c….jpg)


I managed to stay away from this miserable hellhole for almost a year only to find myself crawling back here with nothing better to do on fucking new year's eve

1022c1 No.14075521

File: 1cd70b222f38c9f⋯.gif (961.35 KB, 500x250, 2:1, 0000000000000000000000.gif)


Depends how many hours you have left until it hits 12. You will start looking for one, NOW !

Or else someone that you know is going to fall for an unfortunate event.

5bff9c No.14075522


Can someone explain what she exactly said?

I didn't understood anything in that video.

155e1f No.14075529

File: e79ac10260d2a01⋯.png (585.52 KB, 1913x1167, 1913:1167, (autistic gay noises).png)


cool meme

14e3a7 No.14075552


>its not the muslims that are raping kids, we were always doing since our country existed :^)

e77a29 No.14075619

File: 6ef1807cc4e5039⋯.webm (3.56 MB, 500x280, 25:14, yfyl.webm)


>Or else someone that you know is going to fall for an unfortunate event.

I hate to say it, but I don't think either of my grandmother's dying is much of an unfortunate event. One has been living alone ever since my grandfather died and seems to have been getting sicker, meanwhile the other has a few of my aunts "taking care" of her ever since her cancer got worse (As in, "absolutely no fun allowed" for her, they come across as talking down to her, get upset when someone that isn't under their control "fixes a problem").

be1c90 No.14075624


That is actually pretty accurate. It's usually the Felixfags.

fa0e79 No.14075636


I commission alot of felix artwork, I guess you have to be a little autistic to do that.

163aef No.14075648


>I commission alot of felix artwork

Why? There's so many better traps, also how much money have you spent on felix commisions?

40cc04 No.14075651

File: 9076f840be00774⋯.jpg (192.3 KB, 600x1200, 1:2, hex cosplay.jpg)

File: 67ffd0ecf416e84⋯.jpg (382.28 KB, 600x803, 600:803, Hex.jpg)

File: b10e8ffa2b59c3a⋯.jpg (92.3 KB, 600x850, 12:17, hexadecimal_by_bluewolf487.jpg)

File: a5a35f5a972a33a⋯.jpg (141.71 KB, 700x965, 140:193, hexadecimal_by_chibimaryn.jpg)

File: 129bbe5a4682ec9⋯.webm (10.46 MB, 640x476, 160:119, Reboot The Medusa bug (3).webm)

Everyone has a current pretty recent anime Waifu, and I'm just here with my Crazy computer virus from a 1994 CGI cartoon.

fa0e79 No.14075659


I haven't kept count.

1022c1 No.14075662


Well that's a shitty life. My grandmother is 94 and it's been over 25 years since grandfather died. She lives alone but manages to do it by herself. Still recently due to age she doesn't manage to do everything and we usually visit her once in 1-2 month. And I fucking know that feeling when a close relative is getting older and soon the time will come. So, the best option for you is next year you start visiting both of your grandmother's more often, whether you like it or not. Or make them into your waifu

5bff9c No.14075688



UK police should be rebuild from scratch.


I finally picked one.


Wrong. Mine is Sakuya from Touhou.

163aef No.14075699

File: cda27a591d00840⋯.png (1.1 MB, 1036x1825, 1036:1825, Oh boy.png)


Come on anon give me a ballpark estimate. I need to know the extent of your autism

e77a29 No.14075713

File: 7d5dab4c6dd43e4⋯.jpg (143.8 KB, 572x303, 572:303, 1433099048619-4.jpg)


>My grandmother is 94 and it's been over 25 years since grandfather died. She lives alone but manages to do it by herself. Still recently due to age she doesn't manage to do everything and we usually visit her once in 1-2 month.

My one grandmother living alone has been doing okay, but the illness she's been suffering from was a more recent thing on our last visit.

>So, the best option for you is next year you start visiting both of your grandmother's more often, whether you like it or not.

The one living alone visits us about every month when she's driving to an event, and she's about an hour and a half drive away, so we see her quite often. Meanwhile my other one lives down in Texas which is a good 12 hour driver, and I just got home from visiting her last week. We do call her about twice a month (Should see about increasing that to once a week), but we're not easily able to visit her.

>Or make them into your waifu

<Remember this captain request on /d/: >>>/d/23020


fa0e79 No.14075723


I lost count. Would not surprise me if I spent 5% of my yearly income on them though.

I like felix in particular because of the catboy aspect, it's cute.

163aef No.14075726


Jesus anon how much do you make per year?

and where did you order the daki?

fa0e79 No.14075749


Almost enough to pay off Brendan Fraser's alimony for one month.

163aef No.14075772


Oh boy, you do have some autism then

e77a29 No.14075786

File: 9fbd59fc9d0d141⋯.png (1.2 MB, 720x2880, 1:4, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1b08af5327d3850⋯.png (354.94 KB, 400x579, 400:579, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 17415d3d3b56b56⋯.png (1010.45 KB, 600x853, 600:853, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e3bdf65b56e7c1f⋯.png (2.71 MB, 1740x1140, 29:19, ClipboardImage.png)


>I like felix in particular because of the catboy aspect, it's cute.

<Search Baka-Updates for series which have both the "Trap" and "Cat Boy/s" tag

<Only result is a gook comic (First pic)

And, looking at the series that I have on my lists (Which is just stuff that seemed interesting, I haven't read much of any of them yet), the only other ones that have cat boys as a tag are Koi Neko, Nukoduke!, and Okasu Bekarazu!! Junketsu Tokku!.

155e1f No.14075809

File: 98a8ca9bf71654d⋯.jpg (70.06 KB, 407x513, 407:513, 85f832435e3e66fb97dc7dcefa….jpg)


My last surviving grandparent died almost exactly one year ago. She was living in a home and had pretty severe dementia so we were kind of prepared for it. The funeral was a legit dumpster fire, and pretty funny in retrospect though.

5bff9c No.14075843


> The funeral was a legit dumpster fire, and pretty funny in retrospect though.

Story time?

716aff No.14075853


My Grandma died this Christmas Eve. Really put a damper on the next day.

e77a29 No.14075855

File: 2d40f49e5a91f1e⋯.mp4 (2.22 MB, 480x360, 4:3, Serial 1980 TV trailer.mp4)


>The funeral was a legit dumpster fire, and pretty funny in retrospect though.

You know that you cannot leave us hanging like that, right? Was it like the funeral in Serial?

1022c1 No.14075873

File: f92da8c9c274887⋯.webm (857.24 KB, 480x360, 4:3, Hexadecimal- 'Oh no. Oh n….webm)


That's some high class.

40cc04 No.14075885

File: 05dc37a5a74be07⋯.webm (4.03 MB, 640x482, 320:241, Reboot Order and Chaos.webm)

File: 26d71a1e4f363c4⋯.webm (1.68 MB, 640x480, 4:3, Reboot- You call that an ….webm)


Ever since I was a kid I knew there way something about her. Didn't realize it was attraction at the time.

e35fbb No.14075910


My favourite contributions to /v/ this year were the Persona 5 player survey (posted about 3 days after the article went live, but not too late to cause explosive results), accidentally one-upping Mark at E3 / every Nintendo Direct (clean and comprehensive OPs versus barebones livestream embeds he'd posted minutes before), and anything ListAnon liked enough to add to the list (although nothing will top the Deus Ex one from last year).

If I could forget something, it would be the embarrassingly low-effort OC made for a #TorrentialDownpour campaign, demanding separate text and audio language options in Breath of the Wild (…which were added post-launch, surprisingly).

155e1f No.14075959

File: 668541f8baee3f4⋯.jpg (56.25 KB, 408x491, 408:491, 744d7cabe12aacc27199aac317….jpg)


>Get dressed and go into the city for Nana's funeral

>Immediately get lost & drive around side streets for a while

>Finally find the cemetery and meet up with other relatives

>We're the only ones there, no priest, no staff, just some groundskeepers working on the other side of the cemetery

>Stand around in our suits in the bitter cold and wonder wtf is going on

>Suddenly my aunt comes over the hill purple in the face and dragging an illiterate Mexican groundskeeper by the sleeve

>They dug the wrong fucking grave

>We get our stuff together and go over to Nana's not-final resting place

>Priest still isn't there

>Finally a dude hustles up and explains that the funeral home or whatever couldn't find a Catholic priest to do the ceremony (Nana was diehard Irish Catholic)

>We're getting an Orthodox priest instead

>Orthodox priest shows up and starts chanting in Greek or some shit and swinging incense around

>Everyone deeply uncomfortable

>After ceremony aunt refuses to leave until the Mexican groundskeepers actually start digging her mother's actual grave

>Mexicans on break so it takes a while

>Go out to lunch afterwards and my dad almost gets in a legit screaming match with my uncle over DRUMPF (had just gotten elected the previous month)

>On our way back out of the city we get caught in rush hour traffic and don't get home until like 7:00 at night

It was fun

83a5c6 No.14076005


I miss Nukoduke.

It was cuteness incarnated.

5bff9c No.14076008


That was some A-tier of disaster or your nana just decided to have some giggles from relatives suffering.

db497d No.14076105

File: 02e97200a639481⋯.jpg (58.72 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, maxresdefault.jpg)

>Journalist who got schooled asking Youtubers to work for free now claims she got "non stop harassment, rape threats, death threats" on Twitter. Not a single harassment tweet exists.




1c531e No.14076130


>Roy Moore

>shit candidate

You take that back you little shit, if anyone was a shit candidate it was Luther Strange who would've been nothing more than a neocon puppet that knows his place under Trump

Roy Moore actually has some fucking integrity and honor in his life

57dd9f No.14076151


No it isn't. Those are just shitty translators trying to westernize nip mythology. Oni are Oni, just like how many mythical creatures are referred to in their origin language.

83a5c6 No.14076160


>ask Youtubers to work for free

The fuck?

57dd9f No.14076184


>you can argue quite a few things that upset sjws very deeply.

Such as?

eaf1e2 No.14076191

File: 6b58432f02ea34a⋯.jpg (470.26 KB, 720x720, 1:1, draw_my_face.jpg)

62ec27 No.14076219

File: 1e3574bd563e50a⋯.png (12.01 KB, 600x240, 5:2, 2017-Yearofthe2Bass.png)


So some people have been convinced 2017 is the worst year in the history of ever, like 20 9/11s in one. The only fact with Kurt here is that it was hell on twitter since nearly every day was people complaining how offended and shitty they'll be due to whichever sliver of news

5bff9c No.14076233


Probably another communist.




163aef No.14076250


Roy Moore was a shit anon

57dd9f No.14076265


>Pig girl

>No nose


>Warski is going to Bomb Hasbro.


>15 convicted pedos in the MtG judge pool

Is this the company or isn't it? I don't touch the cardboard jew so I wouldn't know, but my friend who plays magic says the people who run tournaments have nothing to do with WotC or MtG, those people simply pay the company for the right to hold tournaments.

163aef No.14076277


They probably have nothing to do with hasbro but its still a bad look

163aef No.14076279



I mean wotc

fa0e79 No.14076284


It's always a terrible year for Twitter, but this year, We got Nier Automata, Persona 5, Super Mario Odyssey, Cuphead, and Divinity OS 2. The Blade Runner sequel came out and was better than expected. Trump getting rid of the TPP, Paris Climate Accord, and pulled through on the tax plan proved he was the right choice. AntiFA is disgraced, ISIS suffered some huge losses, and fat kimmy got humiliated. The youtube Skeptic community imploded on itself all thanks to one idiot who couldn't contain his autism. Battlefront's disaster proved that EA can't simply rely on lootboxes and microtransations like they banked on, and TLJ might be the straw that broke the camels back on Disney's shitty starwars films. Speaking of movies, hollywood proving /tv/ right all along, this could kill pedowood for good.

I'd say it was a pretty good year.

My hopes for 2018, Trump loyalists sweep the midterms and the #metoo bullshit comes to an end when too many accusations come to fast, before this shit gets out of control. A handful of decent games will be fine too.

57dd9f No.14076297


You missed the best one. >>14073444

62ec27 No.14076313

File: 98260630dbdcdf3⋯.png (1.07 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, [HorribleSubs] Mahoujin Gu….png)


>they barely managed to scratch out a victory against, according to the media, an alleged "child rapist"

Do people forget how Red majority of Alabama is? Richard Shelby has been senior senator for the state for over 30 fucking years and probably won't leave until his heart quits out on him. It took our GOP governor about to go to jail for embezzlement thanks to his mistress spilling the beans to resign before being put in handcuffs. There's so many die-hard conservatives here that having a non-blue dog Dem edge out against a stock neocon is like seeing a unicorn ride a T.rex on an alien starship. Twitter should have praised Doug Jones for this miracle, but they don't give a shit because Roy Moore still draws breath.

f8afb0 No.14076314


channel fireball is the sole and exclusive organizer of all official events, theyve got an official contract and all

f478f1 No.14076333

File: 2aa22856bce591c⋯.png (27.76 KB, 1266x197, 1266:197, 2017 was a good year.png)


Screen capped!

5bff9c No.14076386

Happy new year, faggots.

t.East European

54c9fd No.14076388

no idea what timezone you have, but happy new year

may salt flow and the mines expand in 2018

2ec9eb No.14076403

83a5c6 No.14076427

Happy new year from Spain.

d6337c No.14076441

File: f0bd2033537796c⋯.jpg (35.76 KB, 640x480, 4:3, prosit.jpg)

478e08 No.14076446


Go fuck yourself Spain

83a5c6 No.14076449



¡Feliz año nuevo!

57b385 No.14076454

I don't understand why celebrating something like nye but happy new year

2cea45 No.14076455


>The youtube Skeptic community imploded on itself all thanks to one idiot who couldn't contain his autism

i couldn't care less about the other shit, but this makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside. can't wait for the septics to fuck themselves over


nice trips

5bff9c No.14076456



7a33c2 No.14076459

File: 6732f97a9906e81⋯.jpg (441.48 KB, 569x803, 569:803, 8873aca88bb010a53d67979098….jpg)

Happy new years from Swedistan

eaf1e2 No.14076481

File: 8f7e3d65aea677e⋯.jpg (184.39 KB, 750x750, 1:1, cache_44873557.jpg)


>the #metoo bullshit comes to an end when too many accusations come to fast

I just hope this backfires big time on these accusers.

478e08 No.14076482


t. non- less-cucked EU countries

5bff9c No.14076491


Balkans or Slavland?

5aefc2 No.14076494

File: eb851aa112b274d⋯.png (83.76 KB, 477x266, 477:266, 캡처.PNG)

Happy new year from gookland

If you being gay itt your penis shrink 5 inches and if you're shorter than that you become Burch

e36b11 No.14076496


think of it like a worldwide birthday, we celebrate that we haven't still kicked the bucket

¡Feliz año nuevo a todos!

83a5c6 No.14076497


Is a shame the cold doesn't kill all the niggers and shitskins on your land.

ee1d90 No.14076502



83a5c6 No.14076505


You don't even get dubs, you have no power over our groins, gookanon.

Now, put on the dress.

5aefc2 No.14076508

File: d21d31a89c9c59f⋯.jpg (186.29 KB, 843x1034, 843:1034, Angry Dog Noises.jpg)




fa0e79 No.14076509

File: 77739971c615eba⋯.jpg (77.72 KB, 1120x730, 112:73, destiny chart.jpg)

What did Destiny mean by this?

ee1d90 No.14076515


Well, I heard of an Ice Age falling upon the River Thames, UK in 2021.


That's gonna be fun.

ee1d90 No.14076519

5aefc2 No.14076520


>I can't crossboard link



fa0e79 No.14076522


I have a small dick anyway. Eat your semen gook.

83a5c6 No.14076524


Still no dubs.

When you get dubs summoning the meme magic to shrink cocks, then we'll stop.




Now that is something I want to see.

5aefc2 No.14076541

File: 7bdb22e41c9741e⋯.jpg (63.02 KB, 689x768, 689:768, you're seeing the fucking ….jpg)



>the conspiracy theorists claimed the Illuminati tried to hide the fact we must prepare for the ice age with 'Global Warming' propaganda bullshit

>mfw they're becoming more and more right

Time to buy coal based heating system for the home

498f6f No.14076551






>¡Feliz año nuevo!

>t.East European

>Happy new year from Spain.

>Frohes Neues!



>Happy new years from Swedistan


>Happy new year from gookland

Gutten Rutsch Ins Neue Jahr, Ihr Samenconsumenten.

83a5c6 No.14076563


We are waiting for a french felicitation to tell Val to get trucked.

ee1d90 No.14076569


My house got a wood stove. Beat ya to it.


Isn't Val trucked already?

e77a29 No.14076600




Forgive me for spoiling the news, but hasn't this been known for years?

db497d No.14076686

>Iran cuts off internet access in several cities as mass protests continue




5c8d62 No.14076692

File: 9fd2440dd72b446⋯.jpg (136.59 KB, 649x907, 649:907, 1417519580996.jpg)


14e3a7 No.14076697


Im kinda confused on who i should support in this.

5c8d62 No.14076707

File: 11581333e89ab89⋯.jpg (97.55 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, 11581333e89ab89837dd7030dd….jpg)


I hope they make Iran Persia again

d13c31 No.14076710


The government deserves what's coming to them. But it's very likely some ideological group is going to hijack the protests to gain power as they do.

62b8dc No.14076711

File: 7efb7bb27658d4a⋯.jpg (235.5 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, Minoru Suzuki Happy 2.jpg)


fa0e79 No.14076724


Think the shit going on in Spain, both sides are shit.

a2c075 No.14076773

File: 2080cfd3b172a00⋯.png (259.8 KB, 852x1155, 284:385, p1u33c2m2r1thuql0o3_1280.png)

d13c31 No.14076782


Please stop furryposting.

42280c No.14076788

File: 6dec196b13ff22d⋯.jpg (36.13 KB, 499x442, 499:442, fuck_off_2.jpg)


I really hope 2018 will be the year of furry gassing.

ee1d90 No.14076794

>>14076600 (checked)

There are a lot of normalfags (that believe it's real for whatever reason), despite there being proof that Climate change isn't real. They seem to be in metropolitan portions of Northern California, too.

523d2f No.14076810

File: b5ff5742c9fff7f⋯.jpg (136.72 KB, 1240x1748, 310:437, Asukqa winter pretty.jpg)

Holy fuck it's cold!

I just woke up with a dog and 2 cats under the covers with me, both heaters are running, and its still cold enough to make me shivver in my bedroom.

478e08 No.14076818

File: c68b2a118475588⋯.png (4.3 KB, 231x115, 231:115, bane.PNG)

ee1d90 No.14076821



fa0e79 No.14076830

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>furry gassing

this sort?

fa0e79 No.14076833


Tell me the exact temperature, acid. i bet I can top that.

e35fbb No.14076854

I hope all y' feckers have a good New Year (and/or Hogmany).

If 2016 is the year where the momentum changed direction, and 2017 was the early results of that new momentum, then I hope 2018 is when the speed of the Ride truly becomes Wild.

051dec No.14076902


Get a furnace acid, space heaters are shit

f478f1 No.14076919


(Checked) I too enjoy your dubs.

5bff9c No.14076961


May mudshits get fucked by Streisand effect.


It was wild already.

I hope that 2018 will be a great year.

fa0e79 No.14076985


Any good games coming out? I hope Read Dead Redemption 2 is good

5c8d62 No.14076992

File: 963a6d3514afb42⋯.png (238.99 KB, 635x701, 635:701, disturbing meme.png)



I hope there are no porridge wogs here

62b8dc No.14077000

>Bro Team Pill got suspended again

5bff9c No.14077018


Why won't you check them yourself?

https: //en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2018_in_video_gaming

Sorry, for linking to that ((website)).

fa0e79 No.14077031


I can't even be mad at this point, just compare who they ban to those they refuse to, make them look worse.


I mean good shit coming out, I don't feel like looking through this list to find the good games.

8500bd No.14077044

File: bb1e2e3cd1d1df1⋯.jpg (252.29 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, randy_jackson.jpg)

How many times will shitheads say "Yo, 2018 is the Year of the Earth, Dawg!"?

e77a29 No.14077055


Wait, Crackdown 3 is finally coming out? I thought Kingdom Hearts III and Shenmue III had another year of development to go. Aren't Quake Champions and The Crew 2 already out? Soulcalibur VI will be coming out too. I almost forgot about the System Shock remake, The Last Night, and ToeJam & Earl: Back in the Groove. Lastly, I guess they finally got Vampyr out of development Hell.

853d1f No.14077069

Happy new year you unbearable faggots.

42280c No.14077143


Climate change is real, even without humans the earth has serious warming and cooling shifts, the problem is the far left fucking freaking out about it and the anti-human self-flagellation, similar to the anti-white horseshit.

CO2 isn't that big of a deal, with enough energy, like using fusion power, we could pull a ton of it out of the atmosphere and I've seen various ideas on what to do with the frozen blocks. One of the most common ones is to bury it somewhere like Antarctica.

What really pisses me off is that all the climate change hysteria completely overtakes serious and more immediate environmental disasters waiting to fuck us, like the massive plastic problems we're having right now.

There is a ridiculous amount of plastic trash at the ocean floor, killing a lot of wildlife, never hear about that because of climate change.

Or the fact almost every place on earth has tons of microscopic plastic fibers everywhere, even found inside human/animal cells and bacteria in the wild, and we have no idea the damage that is causing yet, don't hear about that either ever because of the climate change hysteria.

5bff9c No.14077170


Should be good or passable for their genre

Kingdom Come: Deliverance (PC, PS4, Xbox One) – February 13

Dynasty Warriors 9 (PC, PS4, Xbox One) – February 13

Yakuza 6: The Song of Life (PS4) – March 20

Ni No Kuni 2: Revenant Kingdom (PC, PS4) – March 23

Atelier Lydie & Suelle: The Alchemists and the Mysterious Paintings (PC, PS4, Switch) – March 27

Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth – Hacker’s Memory (PS4, Vita) – early 2018

Bayonetta 3 (Switch)

Mount and Blade 2: Bannerlord (PC)


Radiant Historia: Perfect Chronology (3DS) – February 13 NA / February 16 EU

Secret of Mana remake (PC, PS4, Vita) – February 15

Devil May Cry HD Collection (PC, PS4, Xbox One) – March 13

Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey Redux (3DS) – early 2018

Mega Man Legacy Collection, Mega Man Legacy Collection 2 (Switch) – spring

Mega Man X collection (PC, PS4, Xbox One, Switch) – summer

Pokemon for Switch (Switch)

Potential dumpster fires and salt mines:

Far Cry 5 (PC, PS4, Xbox One) – March

Harvest Moon: Light of Hope (PC, PS4, Switch) – early 2018

Monster Hunter World (PS4, Xbox One) – January 26

Civilization 6: Rise and Fall (PC) – February 8

Age of Empires 4 (PC)

Mega Man 11 (PC, PS4, Xbox One, Switch) – late 2018

I am not sure about these:

Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown (PC, PS4, PSVR, Xbox One)

Age of Empires Definitive Edition (PC) – early 2018

Soulcalibur 6 (PC, PS4, Xbox One)

There is chance that I could miss something.


To be honest, I am not sure if that list is really updated.

I could pick better source than (((that wiki)))

Good night, goobers.

See you in two days.

5c8d62 No.14077181

File: 8830bd938c5a99a⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 571.7 KB, 600x580, 30:29, 1405637834266.png)


>Mount and Blade 2: Bannerlord

1cc92d No.14077191


Yakuza 6 is a remake/HD update. People didn't really like the original game that much.

HD Devil May Cry could be neat but like I hell I'll pay full price for it.

40cc04 No.14077202

File: 56fe29da9b33a68⋯.jpg (32.8 KB, 608x283, 608:283, Itsuno (This year, for rea….JPG)

File: e7c4fd8145b31fe⋯.webm (383.77 KB, 640x360, 16:9, It's real son.webm)



What really matter is Is DMC 5 baby.

fb5685 No.14077208

File: e0a84ddcf5fabee⋯.jpg (96.3 KB, 770x1200, 77:120, 1427252211759.jpg)


>orcs are literally the same as the Mongols, who's only enduring legacy is how many people they killed

Can't unsee

e77a29 No.14077211


>Potential dumpster fires and salt mines:

>Harvest Moon: Light of Hope (PC, PS4, Switch) – early 2018

Wasn't Natsume's first attempt already a misfire?

>Age of Empires 4 (PC)

What's the damage?

fa0e79 No.14077213

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


That came out already.

40cc04 No.14077216


I will actually kill you

02cbf6 No.14077217

Gonna shill for a favorite here. City of Titans (one of the spiritual successors to City of Heroes) is slated to come out in 2018.

88bbff No.14077220

File: 30218b6b3f4b6f3⋯.png (720.37 KB, 511x771, 511:771, frenchculture.png)


I'm back from NYE celebrations. Happy New Year my fellow shitlords. I come bearing a gift.

b9c621 No.14077239


damn, look at all these niggers in France, it's almost as bad as every major american city. Well, minus the mexicans.

fa0e79 No.14077241


For real though, I know these gaming journalists are praising this because they are friends with Tameem, but why bother praising it for its writing when it's clearly shitty by anyone's standards?

c57531 No.14077249

File: f38c9a19302bb03⋯.png (126.26 KB, 356x505, 356:505, command grab.PNG)


>Trusting capcom

when will you fuckers learn?

88bbff No.14077256


>look at all these niggers

That image was on the first page of my "french people" google search.

5029c4 No.14077257

File: f506895cb846ee5⋯.jpg (118.58 KB, 1322x740, 661:370, ValkyriaChronicles4-4.jpg)

File: 62cc6c1ae70e2aa⋯.png (506.99 KB, 850x433, 850:433, FireShot Screen Capture #1….png)

File: c1c2f08a99f6b81⋯.png (477.08 KB, 851x430, 851:430, FireShot Screen Capture #1….png)

File: 427d85ed69d0d42⋯.jpg (190.52 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, CODE VEIN - _UNDERWORLD_ T….jpg)

File: 77b2bc496332e6c⋯.jpg (162.05 KB, 960x540, 16:9, Valkyria-Chronicles-4_2017….jpg)


Yakuza 6 isn't a remake. It's ust Yakuza 6. I've heard it isn't that great, but it's Yakuza. It's bound to be enjoyable. From the demo the combat feels pretty decent, and it looks like it'll have the same amount of customization options.

Yakuza Kiwami 2 is the remake.


Valkyria Chronicles 4 has also been announced for 2018. And from the gameplay it looks almost identical to the first game with new classes and such. They've had two games before this to tamper with the balance so hopefully they get it right this time around.

13 Sentinels Aegis Rim by Vanillaware is supposed to have a 2018 release date also. I'm not sure how that game will turn out. I'm hoping for some action but Vanillaware hasn't shown much.

There's also Code Vein by the God Eater developers.

Iconoclasts is getting a release in 2018.

Apparently Ghost of Tsushima was also announced for 2018 as well.

I'm hoping AC7 will be good. It looks like it's going back to Strangereal and it doesn't have DFM so it's a good start.

I kinda liked the MHW beta, too. Though I probably won't get it because of budget/toaster PC/no PS+.

49894d No.14077266

File: 8a3027e9519b684⋯.jpg (159.77 KB, 576x1024, 9:16, 201712365_215607.jpg)


b9c621 No.14077269

File: ba9563ac48d0628⋯.png (2.34 MB, 1411x1115, 1411:1115, 2018-01-01_02-57-56.png)


>That image was on the first page of my "french people" google search.

5c8d62 No.14077277

File: d77303f3b18afaf⋯.png (879.04 KB, 598x798, 299:399, Just.png)


Disgusting Lolicon "art"

88bbff No.14077278

File: ab31bb0b95b3d9d⋯.png (550.84 KB, 514x770, 257:385, frenchculture[1].png)


Scroll down a little.

0a042d No.14077280


What happened to that guy in the bottom middle row? His pixiv account was deleted or something.

b9c621 No.14077289


Hosted by http://whitegenocideproject.com, it's not like that google picked that one to represent france.

49894d No.14077292



Must've remade it or something. Never seen him before

40cc04 No.14077299


I trust Itsuno not Capcom.

88bbff No.14077309

File: 5bedfd9665110cd⋯.png (4.76 MB, 1662x2081, 1662:2081, frenchpeople.png)


It was still in the french people image search.

40cc04 No.14077316

File: 35c1a94d16d32ce⋯.webm (6.19 MB, 640x360, 16:9, People who like DmC.webm)

File: d8979172193dd65⋯.webm (1.07 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Jim and DmC.webm)


The thing is they legit think it has good writing.

c57531 No.14077318


And Capcom controls itsuno's development funds and time. The best you can ever hope for is another half finished game that screams "it could have been so much more" like DMC4 and Dragon's Dogma

40cc04 No.14077319

42280c No.14077329

File: f23bc6effa901c3⋯.jpg (119.35 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, f23bc6effa901c3b05e3222c29….jpg)


Kizuna imitators a shit.

40cc04 No.14077330


Just have to wait and see, because I'll be impressed if they actually make it so you play though levels and bosses in reverse again.

bd7b83 No.14077348

File: f1e50c752926f83⋯.webm (3.32 MB, 640x360, 16:9, DmC sniper rifle.webm)


<The writing in DmC was fine

0a042d No.14077360

File: 2cbaf344c8fe285⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 585.32 KB, 1000x1500, 2:3, 1462081379680.png)

File: b05eb088f5d43a9⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 144.44 KB, 895x723, 895:723, 9973357ae5548bca1c03a2d610….png)


Wow, thanks a lot anon. I really love girls with stupidly gigantic boobs.

d13c31 No.14077387


that's some shit art mate.

a2c075 No.14077389

49894d No.14077390


That's why I'm asking why I'm seeing more art of her than Kizuna.

42280c No.14077399


Its the tits.

40cc04 No.14077430

File: 38bfe943aa2058c⋯.webm (1.6 MB, 640x360, 16:9, we did it I did it.webm)


Donte is likable by the end.

5c8d62 No.14077465


fuck you

e3e532 No.14077466


Before 2017 ends let us remember the salt cuckchan users give us.

40cc04 No.14077479

File: 2092cfe12342bf9⋯.webm (1.9 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, lawbreakers.webm)

2 more hours until 2018 here.

Let's remember the good times.

0a042d No.14077495


Donte himself is fine. The story says he's an edgy teen who fucks whores and lives in a trailer on the pier, but when you actually play the game it's about this orphan kid with stunted development who doesn't know how adults are supposed to make friends. Donte only does stupid shit to try and impress his long lost brother and squirrel semen girl. Any time he's acting on his own he's just a normal guy.

c313c2 No.14077497

File: 178a954dbabe0c7⋯.jpg (19.75 KB, 400x400, 1:1, cheers.jpg)

File: 1d4bd62c78c1160⋯.png (1.17 MB, 2130x2383, 2130:2383, dantaat.png)

Urte berrion, friends.

7ccaed No.14077522


So mods are being fags and that's good?

40cc04 No.14077547


He and Vergil still try to kill each other at a drop of a hat, barely even discussing why Vergil was in the wrong. and really the game give no reason why Vergil would be a bad ruler anyway.

49894d No.14077557

File: 379506f80317de1⋯.png (403.78 KB, 672x560, 6:5, 2017-12-31 23.10.46.png)

File: b8f77fbdc54ca26⋯.jpg (135.34 KB, 674x955, 674:955, 201712365_230823.jpg)

c57531 No.14077558


Yes, mods enforcing rule 8 is a good thing.

e3e532 No.14077564


Never change Japan

5029c4 No.14077579

File: d0d75fb1d791cfb⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 209.56 KB, 950x1344, 475:672, 9e11e83ee8e276ef00e2a8049e….jpg)

File: 5a2bb8f00ad6444⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 279.61 KB, 1160x1640, 29:41, 6005c33778783e144b0605a612….jpg)

File: 1a737860a62ef6a⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 332.29 KB, 1000x1501, 1000:1501, 391e07ea9a2057bdea118d3809….jpg)

File: c237409d18c73c3⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 629.51 KB, 1138x1600, 569:800, 9b287cdae2695415af452dcb11….jpg)

File: f5716c5e767d9a2⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 1.54 MB, 2107x3000, 2107:3000, 43b80c95b75982c35358ebf0d2….jpg)

a2c075 No.14077590

File: 13a968474c997d1⋯.jpg (169.39 KB, 640x909, 640:909, 7588763eee954d52f32bc0d198….jpg)

0a042d No.14077608

File: 20c417c174b667f⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 150.02 KB, 831x1200, 277:400, top_less_40.jpg)


It's been a pretty long time since I played that game so I just don't know if there's a better reason other than how enslaving all of mankind isn't a nice thing to do.


That guy is pretty good.


There are already so many great girls but human Satyr is super cute, I wanna ruffle her hair. I can't even imagine what's going to happen next.

6da0e4 No.14077611

File: dae74bae306d654⋯.png (67.75 KB, 882x942, 147:157, vidya game comic 09.png)

Happy new years, fellow dudes.

Hope evreyone ia having a Skungular time!

aa1604 No.14077629

File: 07b6b7731923750⋯.webm (1.43 MB, 480x360, 4:3, video games.webm)

7ccaed No.14077630


I'm honestlly unsure of what was happening in the thread, I didn't understand the context

49894d No.14077636


What happened? The posts were deleted

4ea823 No.14077642

File: c80527e992b2142⋯.png (168.19 KB, 346x570, 173:285, smug fat elf.png)

File: 42fe116fc833906⋯.png (97 KB, 347x494, 347:494, elves.png)

File: 235bc2815a9d1e2⋯.png (30.94 KB, 340x128, 85:32, elves aka an orc's dinner.png)


Female orcs are just fat elfs.

c57531 No.14077645


Shitposter started shitting up the thread with a religion debate

5029c4 No.14077687

File: daa5e311f8e1fb5⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 299.98 KB, 765x1193, 765:1193, __minamoto_no_raikou_and_s….jpg)

File: 36b93909f60f067⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 217.64 KB, 800x1022, 400:511, __minamoto_no_raikou_fate_….jpg)

File: 3125ee7f917dbc5⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 1.09 MB, 615x1150, 123:230, __minamoto_no_raikou_fate_….png)

File: 11af0b92e00fec8⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 1.71 MB, 1310x2000, 131:200, __minamoto_no_raikou_and_s….jpg)

File: 1ed2e3abd91db2e⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 129.93 KB, 694x967, 694:967, __minamoto_no_raikou_and_m….jpg)

Happy new year, faggots. It's about 3 minutes into January 1 where I live.

6e528a No.14077696

File: f0033c750e2ae91⋯.jpeg (216.94 KB, 832x1200, 52:75, B43DED8D-B727-435B-95B3-A….jpeg)

>Shoe is getting married

Someone please bomb their wedding and kill all of these fucking faggot skeptic hacks

fa0e79 No.14077699


>tfw still alone

a53c5c No.14077714


Literally who?

1cc92d No.14077730


Maybe they'll get peace trucked?

bd7b83 No.14077738

File: d6d5f4cfa8cf801⋯.jpg (66.8 KB, 640x925, 128:185, 1177455203534.jpg)


Oh good, their checks from selling out their audience must have cleared.

6e528a No.14077739


The YouTube skeptic that always goes after low hanging fruit because she has no fucking talent or valuable, political input and she kind of looks like Boxxy just a little bit

49894d No.14077754

File: 2eba8526411ee13⋯.jpg (154.75 KB, 856x1200, 107:150, 2eba8526411ee13cb57d0b22dc….jpg)

File: 862c5ccc0b26733⋯.png (29.15 KB, 800x473, 800:473, 862c5ccc0b26733bfd28109b97….png)

Wen yeer is dark, alwais rmember tiddies

42280c No.14077756

File: 193c2a945b740dc⋯.jpg (52.62 KB, 786x684, 131:114, 193c2a945b740dc6505cd7abf8….jpg)



Why do you even care about that retard?

5c8d62 No.14077763

File: d79a07f5b5cd95c⋯.jpg (49.45 KB, 377x396, 377:396, 0be5a3fb274be3fb017c511e42….jpg)


>their checks from selling out their audience must have cleared.

This is a very candid comment tbh

a53c5c No.14077779


Why would anyone here give a single fuck about the personal life of a low key e-celeb?

c57531 No.14077783

File: 5b5c7bc20de03ef⋯.mp4 (2.47 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, EugO0pwimitQBXWh.mp4)



Speaking of that; Harmful Opinions was right about Candid being used to lure children.

e5c404 No.14077798

What current year are we up to now?

c313c2 No.14077809

File: d40de32fed799d0⋯.jpg (231.1 KB, 678x1200, 113:200, DN4AHcGU8AAJdIG.jpg)


ALWAYS remember the titties.



db497d No.14077813

File: b0de405d4a71686⋯.png (306.27 KB, 610x567, 610:567, EA.PNG)

bc1e74 No.14077823

File: 7a4e0d68bc39658⋯.jpg (2.38 MB, 2046x1446, 341:241, 66436737_p0.jpg)

File: 81e0d1b034b9209⋯.jpg (308.98 KB, 1365x2048, 1365:2048, DRzIo5yVAAAVe2A.jpg large.jpg)

File: 2eba8526411ee13⋯.jpg (154.75 KB, 856x1200, 107:150, DRQghlwUIAAFb3T.jpg)

File: d1c00c2693bcddd⋯.jpg (86.7 KB, 676x900, 169:225, DPyE_3jWAAUDBqe.jpg large.jpg)

File: c92a5e2c1ed6fad⋯.jpeg (162.95 KB, 1000x1846, 500:923, 9c162f12389f5543c421721b9….jpeg)


To get in shape again. I really fell of the wagon, but my job has me lifting heavy shit so maybe I'm more muscular than before.

All the fit women come in during the summer

7ccaed No.14077833

File: d924ef6fa11fe52⋯.gif (1.3 MB, 400x360, 10:9, 1469832313141.gif)

Happy new year goobergrapes I love all you faggots. Let GG continue forever

t. Tranny leaf

a32f4f No.14077838


>We still can't pound into your fucking thick head that boycotts are a bad strategy and wouldn't work.

It worked for Battlefront 2, EA is heavily wounded. You just can't admit you're an industry shill.

d15f19 No.14077843

File: f21a75639afd3c9⋯.jpg (53.49 KB, 600x450, 4:3, Frederica 23.jpg)

10 minutes until New year where I live.

What are your purpouses for this new year anons?

c313c2 No.14077846


To make games.

ee1d90 No.14077847


Other than seeing Gookanon get in the dress?

Making sure Trump has another term.

ee1d90 No.14077852

Good will among men will befall you in the new year, and Gookanon will get in the dress, but only if you post


in the current thread.

d12bce No.14077853

File: 1630bace3ad7113⋯.mp4 (1.15 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 1010.mp4)


Working out and joining the chair force.

62b8dc No.14077857


To tell every feminists to fuck off my hobby!

1cc92d No.14077860

File: 3b96aa05d1b05c4⋯.jpg (88.03 KB, 1064x708, 266:177, hello hello.jpg)


The same as most. Work out more and not overdue like I usually tend to do. Mostly I should be working on cardio but it's hard when I have asthma and the cold weather makes it worse.

523d2f No.14077877

File: 3e9421d888f8c8d⋯.jpg (32.1 KB, 498x695, 498:695, Asuka newyear.jpg)

One hour until 2018! for me

0a042d No.14077878

File: 87f39332cf3c1c4⋯.jpg (479.91 KB, 860x918, 430:459, 1512596890977.jpg)


I'm tired of putting everyone ahead of me and walking on eggshells to keep people happy. This year I'm going to become more confident and assertive and I'm going to put myself first. I'm going to be racist and sexist and selfish and play Limbo with a max range build.

d12bce No.14077880

File: 01cbdaba3a1c0f0⋯.png (128.81 KB, 603x311, 603:311, 007_1475581863.png)

Happy New Year from the East Coast US.

e77a29 No.14077884

File: 19078e5cebefb30⋯.jpg (138.26 KB, 688x881, 688:881, One Thing.jpg)


>What are your purpouses for this new year anons?

<Learn Japanese to the point that I can make it through a game and understand what is minimally going on

<Be able to start earning enough money that I'm actually able to have some spending money for longer than a week

<Have enough skill with drawing that, if I wanted to, I could start taking commissions (My skill hasn't progressed much from last Summer, and, even then, it's not all that good)

<Lose weight and increase my body's overall health

That's the gist of what I'd like to have under my belt by the end of next year (However, I will have to be more specific though when I actually write down my goals, though, so I know what I will have to do daily/weekly/monthly to actually be able to achieve that).

e77a29 No.14077891

File: 0d3ec5ed37bf35b⋯.webm (5.54 MB, 640x360, 16:9, AWAKEN THE BAKERS.webm)

Also, I'll bake.

846f79 No.14077892

File: 2f1f2606a7bba67⋯.jpg (226.57 KB, 897x1275, 299:425, Kuuga 2.1 billion more fri….jpg)


I only have an hour left here.

>What are your purpouses for this new year anons?

Play some nice vidya, learn how to care for myself, get my GED, make some friends and maybe get started on learning nipponese.

6400be No.14077894

File: bf692422f784512⋯.mp4 (949.63 KB, 480x480, 1:1, laughing bird.mp4)

happy new year


>What are your purpouses for this new year anons?

to not die. (prolly will)

5751b8 No.14077896

File: d9b375981b070bc⋯.png (258.77 KB, 960x800, 6:5, Vajra_A.png)

File: 05d671784d96a21⋯.png (240.07 KB, 960x800, 6:5, Vajra_B.png)


Happy year of the dog

don't fuck the pantyhose dog loli

8202c5 No.14077897

File: 0ef61f39c488283⋯.jpg (301.14 KB, 1457x2064, 1457:2064, whitekorraandviv.jpg)

Happy new year you mad fucks. Heres to another year of sneering at SJW whackjobs, calling out corrupt/colluding games journos and laughing at AAA publishers and studios killing their biggest hitters with embarrassingly retarded monetization strategies/Social Justice poison respectively. Now then, I propose a game to usher in the new year. Lets see how long it takes before the first Anti-GG journo/commentator of the year gets outted as a pedo/sexual predator/some other horrid shit.

1cc92d No.14077904


You'll definitely have to learn nip if you wanna read the Kuuga manga.

d15f19 No.14077907

File: 6c9075231a97412⋯.jpg (744.75 KB, 1163x778, 1163:778, My Cute Self and the 142s ….jpg)


Well is New year now, I have three purpouses for this year

First: Learn Japanese, I going at short steps but I'm doing it, I want to learn before 2020 so I can visit during the olympics

Second: Publish my book, I wrote a story and I want to share it, no deep bullshit, no trying to make a message, just a story I read and I want that everyone reads.

Third: Become a little more Selfish, I have been doing for people rather than for me, that has to change

d15f19 No.14077924

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Allow me to do it, or if you will insist, please use this song as embed related

It has always been a Custom of new year to make a bread with this song and the title "Song of a New Era Edition"

155e1f No.14077926

File: 94f545048f22bfe⋯.jpg (64.94 KB, 600x525, 8:7, Marty on New Year's.jpg)

Happy New Year from the best timezone

bc1e74 No.14077931

File: 4f91db3926337e3⋯.jpg (170.8 KB, 845x1199, 845:1199, DSY8F-JUIAAhOZg.jpg)



Did you eat cake

8043dc No.14077950


To the armored skeptic canadian retard?

49894d No.14077965


>Third: Become a little more Selfish, I have been doing for people rather than for me, that has to change

What kinda stuff do people make you do?

I was going to ask how long you've browsed imageboards considering their rep, but it'd be ironic coming from me, polite and helpful when I'm not anti-social. I've also gotten a lot looser with racial slurs.

I'm happy helping people, helps with self esteem for being a lazy NEET, but I got no problem telling them no or to do it themselves if they're annoying or if it's tiring.

d15f19 No.14077969


No, i'm usually the person who cannot say "no" even knowing the stuff they make me do will not benefit me at all.

e77a29 No.14077985

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


You do it then if it's a "custom". I was thinking of making a bread with this embed.

d15f19 No.14077990


My god, that movie, has been years

4ea823 No.14077998


Cry harder you sad, ineffectual, furry manlet.

484fd9 No.14078000

File: 6ac59bce64db05e⋯.png (404.9 KB, 660x768, 55:64, 6ac59bce64db05e44b7a57acb5….png)

I hope all you goobergabbers have a terrible year

dfcd9c No.14078012


Can't be worse than 2017

ab5335 No.14078038

File: 58b6ce89bdab370⋯.jpg (1.42 MB, 1551x1356, 517:452, 3a7ecf6be22732bf80d467613c….jpg)


Last year was fire cock, now we have the year of the dirty bitch earth dog. I wonder if it will live up to it's name like fire cock did.

57dd9f No.14078062



>They also have no real perspective candidates



This. He does whatever gets him views. He's simply riding a wave, and not truly redpilled. Him pissing of SJWs is sure is entertaining though.

c57531 No.14078066

File: 261743629aaaae5⋯.gif (142.8 KB, 92x127, 92:127, ba5f757d40cb80a7f2432722e3….gif)

>tfw it's 2018

>tfw I have games that I'm actually looking forward too this year that have a very low chance at being shit

3d06f2 No.14078097

File: ff5e06f3d7821b7⋯.png (201.04 KB, 1355x913, 1355:913, happy new year jme and flo….png)

happy new year!! to another good year of videogames

523d2f No.14078110

File: 92802fc888b9dc9⋯.jpg (789.9 KB, 3541x5016, 3541:5016, Viv Cheerleader.jpg)


a2c075 No.14078117


i drew this

88bbff No.14078118


Happy New Year, anons. About time you caught up with us shitpostistans

d15f19 No.14078119


Go for it anon, bake your bread, I will go to sleep soon, I trust you the bread

62b8dc No.14078128

File: 29bb034ae274264⋯.jpg (47.97 KB, 600x450, 4:3, Suzuki-Gun 5.jpg)

Happy new year, faggots! Remember on why you're here! We are Suzuk/v/-GUN, ICHI~BAN!

523d2f No.14078147


By the way, does anyone have the colorized version of this? I seem to have misplaced it.

a2c075 No.14078157

88bbff No.14078172


I was thinking, being the year of the yang earth dog (once Feb 16 comes around), does that mean that Hillary will finally be exposed and locked up?

e77a29 No.14078187

File: d4f5149bdea4373⋯.gif (354.72 KB, 325x232, 325:232, SHITPOST.gif)

File: fcd25307679123e⋯.png (74.26 KB, 1782x336, 297:56, shitpostreality.png)

File: 678527b3afdeb46⋯.gif (887.61 KB, 500x281, 500:281, [shitposting loudly].gif)

Bread is ready, shitpost to 700!!!

d12bce No.14078192

File: 77feef0edaff5d3⋯.webm (380 KB, 840x472, 105:59, 2018-01-01 01-20-27.webm)

I like watching really, really shitty anime

523d2f No.14078196


poast it pls

88bbff No.14078202


What do you mean "start"?

57dd9f No.14078204

57dd9f No.14078207


Where did he say "start"?

88bbff No.14078211


Good point.

e77a29 No.14078216

File: ea1f3eeac9e8af2⋯.png (345.9 KB, 800x864, 25:27, __neo_rwby_drawn_by_csluca….png)


Okay, start shitposting to 700. Does that work for you? :^)

88bbff No.14078230


Not any more.

a2c075 No.14078236

File: 9f19331cec8b8f0⋯.png (351.77 KB, 585x575, 117:115, Rowan_Sutherland_on_Twitte….png)


prince philip is gamergate

40cc04 No.14078242

File: 2a717b3342334a4⋯.webm (15.67 MB, 852x480, 71:40, The Shadow (1994) Part 1.webm)


Well if you insist we can watch a movie to past the time.

40cc04 No.14078244

File: f037e4cedf93e38⋯.webm (15.91 MB, 852x480, 71:40, The Shadow (1994) Part 2.webm)

e77a29 No.14078245

File: b12f4134d3c7478⋯.gif (2.23 MB, 600x270, 20:9, who.gif)

7a33c2 No.14078246


>max range Limbo

You fucking degenerate

40cc04 No.14078247

File: 301627363651a99⋯.webm (15.3 MB, 852x480, 71:40, The Shadow (1994) Part 3.webm)

5751b8 No.14078249


that one's going on the list

40cc04 No.14078251

File: d8422bc7c111039⋯.webm (15.51 MB, 852x480, 71:40, The Shadow (1994) Part 4.webm)

40cc04 No.14078255

File: a3b386f6d79bb0c⋯.webm (15.82 MB, 852x480, 71:40, The Shadow (1994) Part 5.webm)

6a3dc6 No.14078256

File: 2ad3ac5f4c996a2⋯.png (1.95 MB, 1400x6521, 1400:6521, IMG_0405.PNG)


Workout, get back to drawing, continue with collecting figs, learn some nip, and play vidya.

40cc04 No.14078257

File: 43a8200da42eda8⋯.webm (15.3 MB, 852x480, 71:40, The Shadow (1994) Part 6.webm)

40cc04 No.14078258

File: 6df4155e79d22bc⋯.webm (15.9 MB, 852x480, 71:40, The Shadow (1994) Part 7.webm)

40cc04 No.14078260

File: 0f6c42119311b85⋯.webm (15.91 MB, 852x480, 71:40, The Shadow (1994) Part 8.webm)

a2c075 No.14078261

eltonel tried to dox me

523d2f No.14078262

File: 4408dd5c8a9fcee⋯.jpg (65.17 KB, 800x800, 1:1, Asuka kekking.jpg)



40cc04 No.14078263

File: 4f00020da3bec6a⋯.webm (15.72 MB, 852x480, 71:40, The Shadow (1994) Part 9.webm)

40cc04 No.14078264

File: b86da525bb620fa⋯.webm (15.91 MB, 852x480, 71:40, The Shadow (1994) Part 10.webm)

40cc04 No.14078265

File: b8854ee331e521d⋯.webm (15.9 MB, 852x480, 71:40, The Shadow (1994) Part 11.webm)

40cc04 No.14078266

File: d489c773bbe2c8f⋯.webm (12.68 MB, 852x480, 71:40, The Shadow (1994) Part 12.webm)

40cc04 No.14078268

File: ecd5129522a3025⋯.webm (14.02 MB, 852x480, 71:40, The Shadow (1994) Part 13.webm)

40cc04 No.14078269

File: 41ef9dde7b1164e⋯.webm (9 MB, 852x480, 71:40, The Shadow (1994) Part 14….webm)


I watched this movie all the time as a kid so I love it forgive me if it actually sucks.

e77a29 No.14078271


I remember it being a decent.

62b8dc No.14078276

File: b9c6201865878d3⋯.jpg (46.16 KB, 594x479, 594:479, Aloha Snackbar 3.jpg)


Now this is starting 2018 with a bang!

44e7d4 No.14078285


88bbff No.14078335




☑ Infiltrated the British Royal Family


☑ Is supported by the British Royal Family.


☑ Is Operated by the British Royal Family.

63af1a No.14078387




Why not

☑ Recruited the Duke of Edinburgh


88bbff No.14078403


>☑ Recruited the Duke of Edinburgh

How about

☑ Recruited the British Royal Family


After all, none of the royal family married a wholesome SJW.

6e528a No.14078406


No you didn’t

a2c075 No.14078438

88bbff No.14078441


I, King of pol, confirm this.

4ea823 No.14078453


I.A. Here. Holy shit!

57dd9f No.14078462

File: 29bcf3af84a701a⋯.jpg (2.48 MB, 4320x2432, 135:76, GayInfomer00.jpg)

File: 000bdda9962bc68⋯.jpg (1.42 MB, 2633x2145, 2633:2145, GayInfomer01.jpg)

File: 2fca0c18b22b5e2⋯.jpg (1.3 MB, 3629x2013, 3629:2013, GayInfomer02.jpg)

File: a5346d2a7a11fab⋯.jpg (889.33 KB, 2845x1595, 569:319, GayInfomer03.jpg)

File: 86abd3cbf4624ef⋯.jpg (1.32 MB, 1529x3641, 139:331, GayInfomer04.jpg)

57dd9f No.14078466

File: dc0cb2856d6f16a⋯.jpg (1.86 MB, 1417x3513, 1417:3513, GayInfomer05.jpg)

File: 7ea6a975d99e2a3⋯.jpg (1.04 MB, 1065x4049, 1065:4049, GayInfomer06.jpg)

File: f439161e68ca9f8⋯.jpg (1.56 MB, 3293x2229, 3293:2229, GayInfomer07.jpg)

File: d9b0a5323d8bddc⋯.jpg (921.59 KB, 1381x2553, 1381:2553, GayInfomer08.jpg)

File: af176ffd71f5a50⋯.jpg (954.35 KB, 1505x2753, 1505:2753, GayInfomer09.jpg)

57dd9f No.14078467

File: 1759f458aae84f4⋯.jpg (1.4 MB, 1433x4113, 1433:4113, GayInfomer10.jpg)

File: a61cfe4c0352158⋯.jpg (915.68 KB, 1351x2817, 1351:2817, GayInfomer12.jpg)

File: 22cd1a19f9a59ca⋯.jpg (984.33 KB, 1433x2893, 1433:2893, GayInfomer13.jpg)

File: f38d5a50fe1cacd⋯.jpg (664.67 KB, 1333x2401, 1333:2401, GayInfomer14.jpg)

File: 1a4fd9f562c34a6⋯.jpg (1.11 MB, 4121x1273, 4121:1273, GayInfomer15.jpg)

57dd9f No.14078468

File: 9701175d215d650⋯.jpg (395.39 KB, 2124x1018, 1062:509, GayInfomer11.jpg)

cab55e No.14078473

File: 79e75f88fbcf2ef⋯.jpg (31.19 KB, 310x310, 1:1, no way fag.jpg)


>trying to put a shitty porn VN even by porn VN standards on the same level as GTA:SA's Hot Coffee mod

acef29 No.14078475

File: 12a60f397e4c3fa⋯.png (449.02 KB, 536x390, 268:195, archie (2).PNG)

It is now apparently Jan 1st here, by the sound of the fireworks outside. So happy new year, anons.

88bbff No.14078511


Happy new year. :^)

6a3dc6 No.14078522

File: 9f89e8f90a11803⋯.jpg (2.52 MB, 2630x3893, 2630:3893, IMG_0546.JPG)


Happy new year anon!

523d2f No.14078555

File: fba4d722b0f5aea⋯.jpg (219.67 KB, 945x1437, 315:479, Asuka 2piece.jpg)

File: 2dd448d1b331d56⋯.jpg (72.43 KB, 627x736, 627:736, Asuka 4 Trump.jpg)

File: 208e69e9b02ac14⋯.jpg (315.76 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Asuka Anta Baka?.jpg)

>Shitposting began almost an hour ago.

>Still not at 700

Ha ha! Time for Asukaposting!

57dd9f No.14078564

File: eb9dc399c103903⋯.jpg (109.57 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, 0d7f2161d4c04d0e912073e635….jpg)

File: 241e8e0b50f0dd8⋯.jpg (125.32 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, 241e8e0b50f0dd8bfb720aeaf9….jpg)

File: 744d3fbda033d7b⋯.jpg (103.82 KB, 900x1200, 3:4, 744d3fbda033d7b0e94b832183….jpg)

File: 0ca85df28f62369⋯.jpg (118.83 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, 851b0f856deb5d8caf1ece668d….jpg)

File: 963d06717082622⋯.jpg (103.74 KB, 1204x1203, 1204:1203, 963d06717082622249d8a40a9c….jpg)



Oh shit!

57dd9f No.14078566

File: ade3ab18074027d⋯.jpg (19.19 KB, 516x361, 516:361, ade3ab18074027d216aa427ca3….jpg)

File: d32c2ef4a493bf7⋯.jpg (102.91 KB, 513x1280, 513:1280, 2B is a White Cis Gender A….jpg)

File: 94083dfa2df5c3a⋯.jpg (89.51 KB, 515x1106, 515:1106, Chell is a White Cis Gende….jpg)

File: 3da387a092236a2⋯.jpg (114.87 KB, 515x1095, 103:219, Crash Bandicoot is a White….jpg)

File: 388ed70f0a0d0bf⋯.jpg (84.2 KB, 516x878, 258:439, Donkey Kong is a White Cis….jpg)

57dd9f No.14078569

File: 5b024af5db943cb⋯.jpg (108.43 KB, 513x925, 513:925, Earthworm Jim is a White C….jpg)

File: ab29853baf983af⋯.jpg (138.09 KB, 514x950, 257:475, Jade is a White Cis Gender….jpg)

File: 25a8f48ec58e681⋯.jpg (54.79 KB, 514x836, 257:418, Kirby is a White Cis Gende….jpg)

File: a9836c6f0cb9a29⋯.jpg (95.15 KB, 516x1078, 258:539, Sonic is a White Cis Gende….jpg)

File: d043dc6e71a6c22⋯.jpg (91.24 KB, 515x884, 515:884, Spyro is a White Cis Gende….jpg)

523d2f No.14078570

File: 6e328b62bcce1f4⋯.jpg (368.46 KB, 850x1201, 850:1201, Asuka daisy.jpg)

File: 4eaee8948345f64⋯.jpeg (173.35 KB, 1280x914, 640:457, Asuka DO IT FOR HER.jpeg)

File: b33cd0660b2c916⋯.jpg (20.32 KB, 400x316, 100:79, Asuka earnest.jpg)

File: 59666ca8a6edb9e⋯.jpg (173.98 KB, 576x1178, 288:589, Asuka Empress.jpg)

File: af14cb0d4290234⋯.png (1.13 MB, 824x1343, 824:1343, Asuka fangs BDSM.png)

57dd9f No.14078571

File: 86f090ffc2edb5e⋯.jpg (333.11 KB, 1196x1510, 598:755, Zero is a White Cis Gender….jpg)

File: 134a4473695c4ba⋯.png (396.66 KB, 552x703, 552:703, Girl fetishists.png)

File: 467bcc28c97322e⋯.png (68.15 KB, 1024x428, 256:107, ugh.png)

523d2f No.14078577

File: b20127e1c4346a7⋯.png (1.81 MB, 2000x1242, 1000:621, Asuka feelin kinky.png)

File: 36bce1c41ef3052⋯.png (837.61 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Asuka FLAG.png)

File: 3225567048cee5f⋯.jpg (522.9 KB, 707x1000, 707:1000, Asuka frilly.jpg)

File: 8d57fa498447da7⋯.png (447.89 KB, 1000x1148, 250:287, Asuka germanfood.png)

File: 8dc25c84d1aa3fc⋯.jpg (30.28 KB, 346x399, 346:399, Asuka girls cant love girl….jpg)

57dd9f No.14078582

File: 328a1cf6ab8426e⋯.png (234.14 KB, 419x604, 419:604, Puritan0.png)

File: 8494c90bc4b29b2⋯.png (130.18 KB, 845x253, 845:253, Puritan1.png)

File: 98cd41bd0b5baa4⋯.png (246.87 KB, 502x590, 251:295, Puritan2.png)

File: b241f6fd29ce91f⋯.png (274.46 KB, 1092x502, 546:251, Puritan3.png)

File: 7ccbaf64887ceb4⋯.webm (11.8 MB, 852x480, 71:40, Polygon vs Gamer.webm)

523d2f No.14078583

File: 8abc6335c8ea86f⋯.jpeg (41.06 KB, 480x480, 1:1, Asuka hairclip.jpeg)

File: 1d9ffe4e81e05c3⋯.png (118.29 KB, 200x471, 200:471, Asuka happy stand.png)

File: 964aa86e4410308⋯.jpg (196.86 KB, 850x1175, 34:47, Asuka head tilt.jpg)

File: d86f44b3649040b⋯.jpg (29.62 KB, 160x180, 8:9, Asuka heart.jpg)

File: 5f1f65b76997010⋯.jpg (77.25 KB, 800x602, 400:301, Asuka heya kini.jpg)

523d2f No.14078590

File: 27d9d7af7a8f5f2⋯.jpg (74.44 KB, 404x519, 404:519, Asuka interested.jpg)

File: 706ade454a4da7d⋯.jpg (89.28 KB, 586x538, 293:269, Asuka discovers v.jpg)

File: 447e8b7702f75f9⋯.jpg (198.34 KB, 591x727, 591:727, Asuka Inuyasha 2.jpg)

File: c5a0e178faa81a4⋯.jpeg (175.31 KB, 365x700, 73:140, Asuka kini.jpeg)

File: cdceddea5cf1c43⋯.jpg (321.77 KB, 694x981, 694:981, Asuka kini feet.jpg)

523d2f No.14078592

File: 5039f4b2b36c147⋯.png (1.06 MB, 922x1500, 461:750, Asuka lance fire.png)

File: 2134f8c6caa2d60⋯.jpeg (989.19 KB, 811x1148, 811:1148, Asuka lance pose.jpeg)

File: 665fd7f18771222⋯.jpg (42.46 KB, 600x800, 3:4, Asuka latex.jpg)

732fbb No.14078593

File: 17d055167b1b6d0⋯.jpg (44.88 KB, 420x500, 21:25, 17d055167b1b6d0f020dc2c43b….jpg)

Since we're at the shitposting hour, my sister moved to Germany with her fiancee and his family, who live there. She said that all of the houses in her neighborhood have 'The Purge' style automated shutters that go down every night at 8. She assured me that everyone there thinks it's normal and it's actually a very safe country.

523d2f No.14078595

File: 669cdb867b6a8d6⋯.png (611.01 KB, 600x1075, 24:43, Asuka armor.png)

File: b064d7cf10fc8aa⋯.jpeg (449.39 KB, 774x1200, 129:200, Asuka beer kini.jpeg)

File: 489b681a25ae908⋯.jpeg (58.88 KB, 1000x418, 500:209, Asuka CIA.jpeg)

File: 4f23389aca6f1be⋯.jpeg (88.31 KB, 706x1000, 353:500, Asuka fuck you baka.jpeg)

523d2f No.14078600

File: 8eb6fa05eab7c1e⋯.jpg (66.65 KB, 736x981, 736:981, Asuka hat casual.jpg)

File: ffe3509b23410ba⋯.jpg (395.59 KB, 1429x903, 1429:903, Asuka Hika sluts.jpg)

File: 33180c55bcb9c0b⋯.jpg (815.59 KB, 1440x1080, 4:3, Asuka HOL UP.jpg)

File: 5c3b865bc577315⋯.jpg (18.9 KB, 384x463, 384:463, Asuka HONK.jpg)

File: 120d83d215b086e⋯.jpg (177.97 KB, 1000x958, 500:479, Asuka lewd feel.jpg)

523d2f No.14078604

File: 7f9b5e502f50b19⋯.jpeg (190.25 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, Asuka loli town.jpeg)

File: f63038ac2198d5a⋯.jpg (42.04 KB, 960x540, 16:9, Asuka looks out window.jpg)

File: d557ae59010d262⋯.jpg (111.47 KB, 450x281, 450:281, Asuka phonecall.jpg)


People who live in Detroit think the murder rate there is "normal."

Humans are scary, in that we can psychologically adapt to almost any circumstances, no matter how terrible, just by living in them long enough.

57dd9f No.14078606

File: e9afce259fd5ff7⋯.webm (8.06 MB, 532x300, 133:75, GamerGate in 60 Seconds.webm)

File: 7fa25a5083a845a⋯.png (99.87 KB, 1234x475, 1234:475, Gamers aren't humans.png)

File: 37cdb8e03ea3569⋯.jpg (144.56 KB, 984x492, 2:1, Pants.jpg)

523d2f No.14078609

File: 585c287fc178592⋯.png (2.78 MB, 1280x1920, 2:3, Asuka Rei night out.png)

File: 6fd35945e377bb7⋯.jpg (36.28 KB, 500x646, 250:323, Asuka red highs.jpg)

File: f9ca79a68b7d83a⋯.jpeg (162.13 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Asuka smile combat.jpeg)

File: 0e7b879d4401ea7⋯.jpeg (190.51 KB, 1050x1558, 525:779, Asuka strip.jpeg)

57dd9f No.14078611

File: 6b6b364e80a5d0e⋯.png (14.46 KB, 484x138, 242:69, Sin of games Argument not ….png)

File: 4685f93eeca6654⋯.png (205.34 KB, 897x1956, 299:652, Sin of games Developer Rep….png)

523d2f No.14078612

File: 8bc93d2be741f0b⋯.jpg (484.11 KB, 860x1288, 215:322, Asuka smoking.jpg)

File: db92d17e8690803⋯.jpeg (105.41 KB, 810x927, 90:103, Asuka smoking 2.jpeg)

File: 9bf4175d3e24597⋯.jpeg (134.38 KB, 1080x1350, 4:5, Asuka smoking again.jpeg)

File: 3376a6a2baa87fa⋯.jpg (1.98 MB, 2880x1800, 8:5, Asuka smoking 4.jpg)

57dd9f No.14078616

File: 7c4da553e6457b6⋯.webm (2.12 MB, 640x480, 4:3, your_favorite_game.webm)

523d2f No.14078618

File: 400a87ff7c53eae⋯.png (3.18 MB, 2173x2343, 2173:2343, smoking 2hu.png)

File: 65ee634d7d23cd9⋯.jpg (117.63 KB, 645x911, 645:911, smoking satori.jpg)

File: 5503a147d575554⋯.png (506.48 KB, 800x764, 200:191, smoking boatslut.png)

File: 624f5aa5de21ad6⋯.jpg (3.38 MB, 3704x4475, 3704:4475, smoking Mars.jpg)

523d2f No.14078624

File: c8530f9b04ef98a⋯.jpg (665.41 KB, 800x900, 8:9, Reimu smoking 2.jpg)

File: ca33ba274e2bcef⋯.jpg (516.15 KB, 700x990, 70:99, Reimu smoking.jpg)

File: 887d0f1348702bd⋯.jpg (156.69 KB, 850x944, 425:472, Reimu smoking 5.jpg)


523d2f No.14078654

File: 1a20817cc764d79⋯.jpg (869.66 KB, 850x1202, 425:601, Asuka bunny beer.jpg)

Hello? Anyone baking?

57dd9f No.14078666


We didn't shitpost fast enough and the baker fell asleep. To be honest, he baked prematurely anyways. This thread could have lasted until the next day without falling off the catalog.

88bbff No.14078669


Wasn't there one that said something like "You have no obligation to your former self"

523d2f No.14078671

File: 7abb4622b4ad929⋯.gif (1.9 MB, 480x432, 10:9, SCARED.gif)


>tfw Satan chides you for not shitposting hard enough

I haven't baked since 2015, but I will if I have to.

523d2f No.14078687

Stand By

I'm actually updating the OP for this. The old one is triggering my autism.

57dd9f No.14078695



You better not fuck up the New Year's bread or call the fucking Jewish police on you, you fucking avatarfag namefag scum.

63af1a No.14078712


>this motherfucker goes so far out of his way to ruin the bread he calls the GRU to get himself arrested while reserving the oven just so bread goes unbaked

Masterful shitposting.

523d2f No.14078759

File: b2c94e67f1a90d0⋯.jpg (239.13 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Illya DONT THINK.jpg)




4ea823 No.14078907

File: 1c2ff03dec33d12⋯.webm (4.91 MB, 480x270, 16:9, lolis shake da ass.webm)

12c0e3 No.14079342

Happy new year, everyone ! Couldn't wish it earlier, as I was away with friends for the first time on a new year's eve in… I don't know how many years.

Be poetry to each other.

c65d3d No.14079708


>prince philip could be shitposting here right now

8bead6 No.14079917

File: a2fcc3c018dd436⋯.jpeg (47.86 KB, 720x668, 180:167, 69042acca02dc88f34c85b787….jpeg)


>"I wanted to come and see European culture, not African"

Fuck, it actually describes Paris pretty well. I'm pretty sure that if you really want to travel to a country, you should never visit the capitals.

d13c31 No.14080876

File: 260bd7862ee1115⋯.jpg (578.67 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ZLgLJA4.jpg)



5963fa No.14081205


That picture must be in africa somewhere, why would there be a telephone pole in the middle of the road?

b92136 No.14082411


d13c31 No.14082481


Nothing? it's right here.


e09bb5 No.14083806


I posted before Wiz is dirty to the core one of its holders is preey much L ron hubbard with none of the pretenses

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