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File: c5a2a29f72fbf4d⋯.png (105.95 KB, 635x185, 127:37, c5a2a29f72fbf4d827ebaba3e3….png)

ebad4d No.14699715



April Event Schedule

03/31~04/08 - Robomi Z

04/01 - Big Bad Shadow

04/08~04/20 - Detective Conan: Gears of Conspiracy

04/22~04/29 - Unite and Fight (Dark enemies/Light favored)

04/30~05/08 - A Thousand Reasons


1.Infinity - 692908

2.Kihou - 740471

3.Sky Lords - 733000

4.Raven Nest (Dead) - 1024216

Guides and info


>How do I even play this shit?

You can play it from your browser by going to http://game.granbluefantasy.jp/

>I'm not going to use google botnet to play this.

You can use chrome alternatives, such as Slimjet or Iridium. If you don't like doing that, use an agent spoofer for the browser you do use to spoof chrome.

ebad4d No.14699717

File: 284925a8e6e7d1c⋯.png (192.82 KB, 400x280, 10:7, elixirs.png)

4 more rounds of suffering and autism.

82b6ed No.14699743


This round was pretty good. We scared the other team so bad they didn't even try to compete during their strike times.

ecf2f0 No.14699759

File: 9ab2d6bfcaf5a1e⋯.png (115.51 KB, 590x195, 118:39, Maybe it's time to join a ….png)


An entire crew carried by one man.

fc4e7c No.14699773


Jesus, anon. How many NM 90s did you solo?

ecf2f0 No.14699814


I have no idea. More than I should've.

82b6ed No.14699821


I'd say 90 or so if you take into account the bait farming.

ecf2f0 No.14699846


You should check your math on that one.

3fb1fa No.14699849

File: 266987770c106dc⋯.gif (583.18 KB, 267x199, 267:199, holy shit boys.gif)


Holy shit anon.

583177 No.14699859

File: ea910dc0e383e14⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 68.08 KB, 532x721, 76:103, 1cace2075e0673ad43cd762b17….jpg)

File: 2d679c0785efb5f⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 83.07 KB, 780x1168, 195:292, 2d679c0785efb5f26e69c2d184….jpg)

File: b027e31998890e3⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 4.09 MB, 2828x4000, 707:1000, b027e31998890e37c738de71e5….jpg)

File: 28574f229bdefa7⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 287.53 KB, 1000x1470, 100:147, c69af19a019dfe69d8c2b75cb9….jpg)

Fuck Io.

82b6ed No.14699860


What a difference leaving off a number makes. That is some top tier autism right there.

fc4e7c No.14699960


Assuming you hosted/soloed your bait farming and hosted/soloed all NM 90s on your own, while also assuming it took 3 EX+ for each set of 5 meat;

EX+*3+NM 90=410,000 honor and 150 AP.

88076461/410000=214.82 rounds

214.82*3=644.46 half pots

Your crew should be proud. Do you remember how many tokens you ended up with?

fc4e7c No.14700052


Fuck it, I did the math for tokens too.

EX+ solo: 32+12+12=56

MN90 solo: 45+20+18=83


Does 53,919 tokens sound right to you? Should've been enough to 10 box and change as long as you didn't reset any early.

ecf2f0 No.14700075


I have 60,048 tokens right now, I think I spent all my tokens before round 1. Maybe I should've tried to 40 box 2 GW characters.

f09cfb No.14700088


How many weapon drops did you get and how many of each type?

ecf2f0 No.14700103

f09cfb No.14700125


lol wow.

82b6ed No.14700206

Bai Ze was a lot tougher than anything in the new chapters. Kind of a disappointment for that to be the conclusion of Nalhegrande skydrome. The final fight was too easy but the story is hype as HECK and the credits song was really nice.

82b6ed No.14700535

If Soriz doesn't end up at the Grandsky Rumble I am going to be pissed. Dude needs more love.

9234a8 No.14700559


And he'll get some from Aliza :^)

82b6ed No.14700568


Perfect 10/10 feather sobbing in the corner

82b6ed No.14700569


Fuck, stan

9e71c5 No.14700592

File: bad72b96b5e25c7⋯.jpg (163.2 KB, 600x1215, 40:81, __aliza_druj_and_stan_gran….jpg)


>newfags don't know that Stan mans the fuck up and reverse NTR's Aliza with a dragon

82b6ed No.14700619


Anything that existed be last summer's beach event doesn't exist. Until it enters side stories or reruns.

9234a8 No.14700690

Need help for HL Colossus


Plz respond

82b6ed No.14700691


Give me a minute and I'll be there.

82b6ed No.14700732


Sorry that took so long. I have been grinding for seventeen hours straight and my mind is fried. Silva went down in the first right arm ougi because I wasn't paying attention and no one else did so I never rezed her. It should have taken half that long.

9234a8 No.14700733


Thanks Hitler, who as we all know did nothing wrong.

80e86f No.14700851

What's the best way to grind tokens?

82b6ed No.14700862


Last day multibrowser and dump plenty of berries

82b6ed No.14700874


Sorry I clicked new reply when I wans't finished I am running on autopilot.

Nightmare 100 gives you 48 tokens just for joining. You pop max berries and join a raid in one browser, while that is loading you jump to another browser and load. You take on hit on the first browser then open a raid on the third browser. While the third browser is loading you hit one the second browser before using the home button on the first browser. just cycle through like that an in a couple of hours you can 40 box. It's expensive but it is fast as fuck.

9278f5 No.14700942

File: 46aba2523811310⋯.png (1.93 MB, 1919x764, 1919:764, grind harder.PNG)




For a visual representation

f3c430 No.14700949

File: 8fd9a791400e249⋯.png (917.26 KB, 969x818, 969:818, Sarasa axes.png)

It took me one or two Guild Wars longer than I originally planned to get her but at least I'll have her when I get home. Happy Guild Wars everyone.

bb0de7 No.14701048

File: 4368c83b1c7711c⋯.jpg (554.43 KB, 1157x1637, 1157:1637, dumb harlo.jpg)

FE94507A baha hl free horn inside

78ab7c No.14702127

File: ac61d4b08a937b7⋯.png (50.89 KB, 420x294, 10:7, 1876543458889.png)


>them solo numbers


why dont you leave your shit guild then instead of being a passive agressive lil bitch? seriously bro with those numbers you can join a good japanese guild.

7ca466 No.14702535

Any easy ways to replenish half-elixirs? I've been blowing through my supply farming up tokens. Oh, and should I just spend my badges on tokens? I can't make any significant amount of honors on my own for most of the badge rewards.

82b6ed No.14702566


Casino, Side Stories, Treasure Trade. They are limited in day/month, but you should get enough treasure farming upgrade items for GW characters that the ones you won't use you will spend on treasure elixirs. There are a limit to the ones in the side story shops and you should wait until 1/2 off to farm up the story items to buy them. Arcarum has a pretty good drop rate. The best free way is to find someone who is slime blasting and jump in their room with item drop journey drops. Slimes drop a them fairly regularly and it doesn't cost anything to sit in someone else's coop room. Just makes sure you don't out damage the host or he will boot you.

82b6ed No.14703150

Chat Noir is a shit tier character but his weapon is pretty decent for dodge tanking Colo with a squishy water ougi party when Silva's dodge rates are down.

6175ae No.14703375

Do the side stories have a chance to drop the weapons from the shop? Or is it just limited to the SR weapons?

9234a8 No.14703429


Yes but very rarely. I've only ever had one drop when farming every side story.

2a640a No.14703578

061ca8 No.14703601


A shame there's hardly any good porn of her.

9278f5 No.14703650


Please no more light SSRs.

ebad4d No.14703654

File: c81c3de00186231⋯.png (355.45 KB, 600x500, 6:5, DbwumQiV4AA0j-c.png)

Naru CD skin

4aeda0 No.14703664


>those legs

ebad4d No.14704018

File: a9e0efb65aeb59c⋯.jpg (153.45 KB, 900x1200, 3:4, DbvTtQEU8AET_hZ.jpg)

4aeda0 No.14704023

File: f913201507a665f⋯.png (892.79 KB, 1512x836, 378:209, ClipboardImage.png)


Yesterday was some yakuza rig shit

82b6ed No.14704084


Does this mean NOA is going to get its greasy jewish fingers into GBF and make it even worse?

854e57 No.14704116


Looks like Nintendo is partnering with Cygames for some new game. The partnership includes Nintendo buying a 5% stake in Cygames.

I don't know if it's going to be a mobile game or a Nintendo hardware title or a cross platform for both? but it appears to be another phone game.

854e57 No.14704120


Also it appears the NA/EU region of their mobile game will be managed by some subsidiary of Nintendo, to be launched sometime after the Asian region release.

Hopefully Nintendo Europe rather than NoA though.

82b6ed No.14704127

File: 4f81d2d83592f01⋯.png (651.52 KB, 960x800, 6:5, nightmare fuel.png)


GBF is dead RIP in peace. Even the nips are fucking pissed, but for the other reason.

583177 No.14704132


I'd be happy with one if it were actually useful for new players like Sanda and not just a shitty gimmick like Conan was.

That said, I'd prefer any other element at this point.


That's the real tragedy here.

4aeda0 No.14704538

File: 4442e127a254584⋯.png (536.47 KB, 447x512, 447:512, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e45f89f02b39e63⋯.png (577.37 KB, 447x512, 447:512, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b3638e1e488b076⋯.png (567.17 KB, 447x512, 447:512, ClipboardImage.png)

Choose your fighter. Also Aliza is the event character. Get fucked feather

7105e3 No.14704543

Is there any challenge or skill required to this game or is it just pure grindan adventure with gacha?

82b6ed No.14704548


memorizing bosses's triggers and abilities. Building and min maxing grids for ultimate autism and grinding is it's own skill. Marathoning 16+ hours takes physical and mental stamina.

82b6ed No.14704549


But no, it's pay for characters and press x to win

583177 No.14704552


The grind and luck are the only skills you'll need here.

There really is no challenge other than having to suffer the 2-3% drop rates on weapons when farming.

I honestly only play it for the cute girls, goofy story and crew shenanigans.

b44edd No.14704562

File: 064c5473864289d⋯.png (1.14 MB, 920x1236, 230:309, 52580101_p0.png)


Dibs on pedo meido.

4aeda0 No.14704569

File: 9a9c25524179bb9⋯.png (554.24 KB, 960x800, 6:5, ClipboardImage.png)

Magnafest starts tomorrow


And the May 5* character was announced. It's Naru

bfd3d1 No.14704576


>And the May 5* character was announced. It's Naru

now thats a lie, fuck you

82b6ed No.14704577



Seriously after making three class champ weapons my supplies are depleted and I am preparing to unlock 4 jewtenshoes I have been slacking. Going to go full grindcore. I am going to queue up 125 hours of Eurobeat, Hardstyle, Lolicore and Italo-disco on chiru.no if you all want to grind in style with your friend and DJ Hitler.

4aeda0 No.14704579


>people in this thread thought Yaia 5* was a joke up until her smile was released

fc4e7c No.14704580


Is the daily draw a single, or ten though?

b44edd No.14704585



Once daily anon, sorry.

82b6ed No.14704586

4aeda0 No.14704587


single, but we get a daily ticket too. So 2 free draws a day

82b6ed No.14704588


Also 200 crystal a day

82b6ed No.14704592

I haven't seen that mask on Bushi yet. Also is Yoshitashi just going to be LIJ's +1 from now on?

82b6ed No.14704593


Shit wrong tab. That was supposed to be /wooo/.

7cd03b No.14704619


I'm impressed at how many they got for this event. Also hope event sr has jiggle physics.

ae3974 No.14704620

>>14704577 (checked)

Taking suggestions for your playlist?

82b6ed No.14704627


Yeah just add them to the list. You should find most anything on there. If it isn't just upload it yourself.

4aeda0 No.14704630

File: 2d7cf02048efb62⋯.png (1.12 MB, 696x1200, 29:50, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fa6e915a464c555⋯.png (1.24 MB, 717x1199, 717:1199, ClipboardImage.png)

Look who just got an alternate version added to their journal pages. Just in time for legfest

82b6ed No.14704634


No, stop. I just finally completed my weapons sisters collection. Stop it Cygames. I was going to start saving to get my last Vira and now you do this to me.

7cd03b No.14704639


>bringing a gun to a fist fight

b44edd No.14704651

File: ab9fa6ce48c0200⋯.jpg (65.64 KB, 618x461, 618:461, episode_1032.jpg)


>Implying she won't take a page from Silva's book

Show me the upskirts!

ae3974 No.14704654


I don't see the 2hu eurobeat albums, I'll toss em up when I return home.

82b6ed No.14704657


They should be up there, things are horribly unorganized at the moment.

bb0de7 No.14704683


could have been literally everyone else and i'd would be more happy. fuck her

bb41a4 No.14704689


>fuck her

This is the best plan I've heard all day.

078214 No.14704849

File: 7d8de84acaa02f6⋯.png (145.32 KB, 330x380, 33:38, n1r1r360.png)


Oh yes.

6175ae No.14704883

>Xeno Vohu comes back

Oh good, now I can complete my harp since my wind team is…

>Xeno Vohu sword too


9278f5 No.14704893

File: 45e081058605a5d⋯.png (314.02 KB, 389x625, 389:625, really fucking good.PNG)

May is shaping up to be a fastastic month in GBF.

fd182e No.14705094

File: 046276b2a5a8fd4⋯.png (378.55 KB, 661x927, 661:927, C9ePinaVYAAvEHv.png)


Better if those "Melee Character Weapons" are what I think they are.

9278f5 No.14705129

File: ee7d798ee04ee65⋯.png (491.49 KB, 754x994, 377:497, fists.PNG)


They're most probably going to be R and SR Melee character weapons, or Bronze/Silver moons if you already have the character.

Maybe one guy in the whole crew wil pull an SSR from them, but that will be it.

Don't set yourself up for disappointment.

Just in case, how's your Melee characters collection going?

bb0de7 No.14705133

File: d371e3a5cb2e7ad⋯.jpg (91.32 KB, 783x1024, 783:1024, flustered potato.jpg)

4CBBBFA4 baha hl

fd182e No.14705150

File: 0f3bf59e1d697f9⋯.png (552.93 KB, 1000x800, 5:4, 63021635_p1.png)


We both know they will be SR at best and of the characters in the event which is why I think it overpowers Aliza and makes the event fujo shit.





>Societte (water)


Alt has those but also






>Lady Katapillar and Vira

>No Cerberus, and Yngwie

6175ae No.14705203

File: 632de541781a607⋯.png (244.64 KB, 317x444, 317:444, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a4c4ea83af7cf83⋯.png (293.18 KB, 316x447, 316:447, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2b69e718118cdd7⋯.png (65.95 KB, 274x163, 274:163, ClipboardImage.png)

I'm definitely ready for Vohu round three.

167d07 No.14705216

File: 704a607929db98f⋯.png (117.73 KB, 587x191, 587:191, They didn't do it reddit.PNG)

We did it lads.

fd4d3e No.14705221


Reddit status: Cucked by half a Nightmare 95

a9eb78 No.14705227




ab9efc No.14705246


>Vohu Sword too

Wait, xenos are getting multiple weapons now?

fd182e No.14705270

File: d5d60482d3c7d49⋯.webm (1.47 MB, 640x360, 16:9, legend_laugh.webm)


>Grids will never be finished for longer than a moment before you need to grind like hell again

Feels good to half ass.

ab9efc No.14705285


We get any stats or photos of this new Earth sword?

94e6c4 No.14705361

File: 9e8e140c67c4bf3⋯.png (1.95 MB, 1072x1500, 268:375, 54728712_p0.png)


finally, ive been waiting for this

fd4d3e No.14705367


Xeno weapons stats, skills and looks have been revealed only on launch day.

fd182e No.14705417

File: 65679ee9278a8bd⋯.jpg (35.03 KB, 600x600, 1:1, DLcwUkOVYAAePsK.jpg)

Doesn't feel right being a Burger but unable to obtain the McDonalds skin.

bb41a4 No.14705463


>smallest sara

It's a good month to be a lolicon.

bb41a4 No.14705512

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


Here's trailer for the game, it is mobile..

fd4d3e No.14705517


From that trailer I can tell it would work a lot better as a 3DS/Switch game.

Shame Nintendo is pushing so hard the mobile angle.

9278f5 No.14705526

File: 274f81c8ae1dce3⋯.jpg (16.51 KB, 264x203, 264:203, DbzJ3UoVMAAUIDg.jpg)


>Xeno Vohu reruns

>Xeno Judgement Sword gets released

>inb4 the Atma Sword is no longer the best dirt mainhand option

>inb4 reducing it again and remaking it wind

Also, Event Aliza is gonna be Water and Okto is going to cuck everyone whose waifu is Naru by appearing in her 5* uncap art.

bb41a4 No.14705552

File: fe2c924b377940c⋯.png (721.81 KB, 1152x478, 576:239, rainbow jelly beans.png)


I thought it was gonna turn out to be a 3ds action rpg as well. But nope, the website even has a prereg rewards for gem things just like horse girls has, so you'll be rolling for something.


482fae No.14705562


ameno for dirt

bb41a4 No.14705743


>reducing atma

That's a tone of fodder. Might just make my sword water to start with.

4aeda0 No.14706553

Who's ready for triple client farming?

6175ae No.14706568

File: 57af26c50f6ce7b⋯.png (3.8 MB, 1080x2823, 360:941, ClipboardImage.png)

Who's ready for Primarch summons? Get ready for more obnoxious as shit grinding.

82b6ed No.14706600


Hidden effect for Brodia character?

6175ae No.14706606


Probably none. The Primarch summons are heavily likely to be gacha summons, which means no hidden character effects.

82b6ed No.14706641


Everyone but Amira, SSR Sara, Anthuria, and Azazel

7ca466 No.14706706

File: 29e63047c8a5420⋯.png (139.07 KB, 474x213, 158:71, Golden Axe.PNG)

Got a maxed golden axe to go with my maxed golden gun. Should I keep grinding for more axes? Oh, and would anyone know an easy way into a slimefarm setup? I only have Camieux as my source of true damage. Should I fuck iff to another method for half-elixir farming?

482fae No.14706735


Arcarum swords have true damage to cover until you get your Sarasa.

82b6ed No.14706772


Mechanic, bomb maneuver, two tank chips. Skill 1, skill 2, win.

482fae No.14706779


And spend like 50 seconds on skill animations per Slime

7ca466 No.14706780


So I absolutely need Sword Master for that. Fuck.


Funny enough, I just picked up mechanic recently. I'm not rank 80 yet, so I can't host Proto Bahamut. Should I use my first horn for bombing or use it for a Bahamut weapon?

482fae No.14706784


Do your What Makes the Sky Blue story for a free Bahamut weapon. 99% chance you'll want a Bahamut Dagger. That way, you can spend your first Horn on something else, like Mechanic.

You should be able to join other Proto-Bahamuts at Rank 50, though.

82b6ed No.14706788


And he mentioned he had no other source of plain damage so your point is moot.


I can host since my crew just completely said fuck it and expects me to carry them and I can't solo enough points to compete against a team that is organized and running 100.

482fae No.14706794


Also if you're not even Rank 80, you don't need to farm something for Half Elixirs. Your Half Elixir woes are solved not by playing the game, but by having an account for an extended period of time. You're going to struggle until you've been logging in for a few months.

7ca466 No.14706835

File: 6079b9400d3dd42⋯.png (140.52 KB, 477x214, 477:214, Dagger.PNG)


Thanks for telling me, I never would've picked mine up if someone didn't point it out.


Ah, okay then. It's just something to get use to since GBF actually wants you to play compared to say F/GO which I came off of prior to starting at GBF's 20 mil celebration.

482fae No.14706863

File: c8e6772abc14c6e⋯.jpg (6.49 KB, 139x65, 139:65, ss (2018-04-27 at 06.36.49….jpg)

File: a2aa6b3e15975e0⋯.jpg (15.71 KB, 442x71, 442:71, ss (2018-04-27 at 06.38.46….jpg)

File: e514a800943c813⋯.jpg (62.11 KB, 452x509, 452:509, ss (2018-04-27 at 06.39.14….jpg)


Yeah early on there are things you might have to do to keep up the pot economy but after some amount of time of free draws (translates to Moons) and apology potions, you end up with way more shit than you can possibly spend. See pictures related - I had a year break where all I did was login whenever someone told me there was stuff in my time-limited crate and free draws, and over the course of this month I've spent 68,150 AP and only had a net loss of 100 Halfs and 20 Fulls.

(That's 930 Half Elixirs I could buy with Silvers.)

When I first started I was pretty hardcore about AP Economy to keep up my stock, doing all of the Treasure Trades and Casino stuff, but now I literally don't give a shit.

fd182e No.14707294

File: 1d76ce742bb5500⋯.jpeg (150.92 KB, 992x1403, 992:1403, 370ea75b233c6c6a99a1b7dcf….jpeg)




Hasn't Slime Search surpassed Slimeblasting in Exp gains?

482fae No.14707330


It's a net AP loss. They let you get elixirs as drops, but it's still not even remotely enough to come close to AP neutral.

If you don't care about pots, then sure, but sliming/torching is still more RP-time efficient with equal ruble gains, while also being AP positive if you're torching in half-off.

Slime Search also requires two sources of plain damage if you want to make it fast. In the long run, you want more RP than XP - in the latest half off co-op week, I solo slimed from Rank 145 to Rank 155 and in that time I reached Level 100 on nine different characters:

Lennah, Birdman, Gawain, Cag, Arulumaya, Lancelot, Vira, Charlotte, Silva

I also reached max level on every single R character for the fun of it.

Got a total of 1500 EMP on MC (~400 to 999 on three separate occasions)

Got 300 EMP on the best boy boat

Now I'm like, a quarter of the way to Rank 200, in terms of total RP. Rank 185 is a super important rank as it gives +1000 Party HP. EXP is literally a non-factor at this point.

4519ba No.14708084

Is Nio still useful if I've got S. Korwa? Friend was telling me to get the sword guy instead, but I'm more interested in the cute loli

bb41a4 No.14708094


Most potato do not count a loli.

1ee2f3 No.14708114

File: 94c6b914ea6785f⋯.png (715.69 KB, 931x467, 931:467, 58944223_p0.png)


At FLB Nio becomes one of the most broken buffers in the game, capable of boosting your attack sky high, boosting DATA, shielding your team, boosting crit chance, casting the most powerful sleep in the game, charming the boss, and after 10 turns pass in battle she gives your whole team guaranteed triple attacks and 50% echoes for four straight turns. As opposed to kurwa she can use everything except the TA + Echo ability right at the start of the battle and can easily keep her unique buffs going as long as she can ougi somewhat consistently, not nearly as much a hassle as kurwa. Also she fights every other eternal because she loves you and wants to stay by your side.

82b6ed No.14708117


She is a grown woman with needs. Are you man enough to fulfill those needs? Possible three or four times a night? Also they are both useful but it really depends on how developed your girds are and who else you have. If you are running with Konjiki no Jagaimo and a magna grid than you have some great synergy with baka guns.

82b6ed No.14708120


This, add Lancelot for echo and DATA up and you have a solid team

1ee2f3 No.14708126


Lanlan is decent, but Lecia and Melissabelle are also very good wind. Pair one up with siete and nio and slap an atma/ultima sword with skill cap up in your grid, and you're in for a real treat.

82b6ed No.14708158


Lanchan is much more likely to be draw then Lecia. Melissabelle is great for that Baka gun synergy. Her wind up is kind of slow but when she get's rolling Nio's fourth skill should be unlocked and ready to mack truck over Brodia. Also Konjiki no Jagaimo was my poor attempt at humor when suggesting Melissabelle. I take it you don't read trouble.

1ee2f3 No.14708162

File: 5ee1dc2898b8b1f⋯.jpg (532.32 KB, 2013x2094, 671:698, 973cbba8b88276c62f47247b89….jpg)


I've never heard of that manga

82b6ed No.14708167


To Love-Ru? It was fairly big. Ran for years, got a sequel, both got animated.

1ee2f3 No.14708171

File: 4fcef821beafd16⋯.jpg (41.52 KB, 850x765, 10:9, 1493937140954.jpg)


I've heard of that but I have never read it, nor do I even know what it is about

82b6ed No.14708174


There is a character named Golden Darkness (Konjiki no Yomi) who has the same hairpower as Melissabelle. Hence Konjiki no Jagaimo, Golden Potato.

82b6ed No.14708179

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




3ae9d1 No.14708272

File: 2f060ab1ee10b16⋯.gif (942.72 KB, 398x223, 398:223, both is good.gif)

File: d542ecb57cf85fd⋯.png (127.15 KB, 236x286, 118:143, windmeme.png)


Why not both? Nio and Siete have great synergy with one another - Nio's Comatose lets Siete get his swordshine stacks up safely, and with FLB she will be able to shield him for when that gets broken. Conversely, his ability to get team ougi by turn three (or turn 2 if he's FLB) will let her keep her buffs rolling early.

82b6ed No.14708326

So I just finsihed my sixth celes claw. Should I say fuck it and just go a full nine?

fd4d3e No.14708686


Anon, in no realm of mortal men would anyone sane ever use 9 Celeste claws. More so when you have Xeno Katanas, Qilin weapons and Bahamut weapons competing for weapons slots.

82b6ed No.14708733


No, we muscle wizard now. No tears, just fists.

c5287b No.14708736

File: 4f45d0b5ac2e073⋯.jpg (58.74 KB, 1178x613, 1178:613, DXeQptjVAAAZeyD.jpg)


14 katanas is core, right?

fd4d3e No.14708767


Only when they reveal you need to reduce Xeno Harps to make Xeno Swords

57a029 No.14709395

File: 7db430459a2909e⋯.png (81.41 KB, 461x202, 461:202, one less box.PNG)

It's always great when this happens.

078214 No.14709951

File: 045bbbec6719336⋯.png (163.45 KB, 539x475, 539:475, 045bbbec67193360ed0da23cf8….png)

Reminder to never play seriously during gw.

72c136 No.14710196

File: 39f4085f94d03b5⋯.png (13.19 KB, 147x76, 147:76, takingiteasy.PNG)


I've been taking it easy this time

1c87d9 No.14710372

Does anyone have the pokerbot crack?

3f0c38 No.14710451

File: 7aad291c1ff5104⋯.png (13.07 KB, 439x341, 439:341, raidfinder.PNG)

Is the raidfinder not working right for anyone else? All of the ids for ubaha are the same, no matter how I refresh the page or reload the ubaha list.

041e14 No.14710630

File: 51099b256d6a5f5⋯.jpg (144.68 KB, 1155x724, 1155:724, Djeets playing with the ke….jpg)

I hate light, I hate so much i want light to go away forever, got none of the meta waifus and only homofags for my team this has been the least fun gw i've ever participated in

b0f6b8 No.14710782


Light isn't so bad. And Lucio may be a homo but that means he is leaving Zoi's delicious brown and Ferry's fluffy ears all to you.

559738 No.14710818


Wait, this is a thing?

b0f6b8 No.14710907


You use Viramate?

559738 No.14710927


Never heard of it.

b0f6b8 No.14710987

File: 90c74fe6279b7ae⋯.png (1.21 MB, 3840x1080, 32:9, screens.png)


Probably the only thing a tranny has ever done of value. It is a top tier resource for granblue autism. It intergrates with gbfraiders.com and gives you a ton of really useful tools.

559738 No.14711082


Holy fuck is this shit glorious. Where has it been for my entire month or so of playing?

b0f6b8 No.14711098


It got DMCAed because of tranny drama but it is back now.

b0f6b8 No.14711247

Yay I finshed 40 boxing my six ruin fists without having to resort to raid leeching. Now with a little effort I can 5* Six during the Grandsky Tournament.

1c87d9 No.14711603

File: d2ac5131fda37fb⋯.jpg (46.2 KB, 604x453, 4:3, Sidownovich.jpg)


Tranny drama? What happened

b0f6b8 No.14711673


Viramate got DMCAed and not by cygames, antumbral is a tranny, it's background tranny drama. It's back now renamed DMCAedmate

000000 No.14712368


inb4 in-game banner soliciting donations for sex-change op

b0f6b8 No.14712410

God damnit every time I see Gran's happy smiling face and burger filled hands in my friends list it pisses me the fuck off. Cygames needs to get it's shit together and bring that promotion to America.

b0f6b8 No.14712491


Raiders is down with a host of internal errors.

8efc58 No.14712576

File: 36db5ea6cad893e⋯.jpg (97.68 KB, 581x1000, 581:1000, DZSifwcVwAADTXh.jpg)

File: 5e4ba1f378be77a⋯.jpg (96.49 KB, 708x1000, 177:250, DZTQgSLVoAA5vAV.jpg)


Loli is a bodytype; not age.


Harem shit.


That's more in McDonalds court.

b0f6b8 No.14712602

File: 7e8e422bf6d524d⋯.jpg (67.37 KB, 593x800, 593:800, __ayer_jamil_and_makira_gr….jpg)

c620f1 No.14712801

File: 704a76c81ccc7cf⋯.png (1.13 MB, 1072x524, 268:131, cygames charlotta page.png)


>Loli is a bodytype; not age.

Which potatoes do not match, not by height (Charlotta is, by CyGames lore, considered 'average' for Harvin height, which 90 cm, just under three feet - which is well below the average for a three-year-old human. Pretty sure that's toddler-con territory by human standards rather than 'loli', all things considered), nor by proportion (if you were to disregard the relative size of the head to the rest of the body, Harvins are proportioned more like stocky humans, comparing foot/limb/torso size. Once you consider the relative size of the head, then there's nothing really comparable by human standards). Harvin females are "little", they are "girls", but they are not the "little girls" implied by "loli". Comparatively speaking, they'd be closer to a human adult with dwarfism than an human adolescent.

bf5273 No.14712891

File: 478ce9b761c28c1⋯.jpg (74.29 KB, 530x450, 53:45, 412ww.jpg)


>loli is a bodytype; not age.

In this world there are many different lolicons, and the majority of lolicons are split into two factions. One is the lolicon faction whose purpose is to love and protect lolis, willing to sacrifice everything for them and containing the majority of lolicons. Another are the scum that the majority of lolicons find disgraceful that are unable to control their own thoughts and actions, actually thinking of sullying lolis this kind of holy existence. Even though there are very few people part of this faction, but they are all dangerous existences.

And I anon am naturally a lolicon that cherishes lolis. Because there are very many loli attributes, all lolicons are also split into many different types of lolicons. For example some think that lolis need to have the twin tail attribute, lolis without twin tails simply cannot become their faith. And some believe that flat chested is law, believing that only a washboard body can reflect the petite beauty of lolis, and this kind of lolicon will regularly argue with lolicons that like big-breasted lolis.

But in reality the majority of lolicons all have a common point, they all grasped the charm of lolis from the two dimensional world. They will not look for lolis in real life that fit the image in their hearts, they believe that real lolis can only exist in two dimensional.

There are also a minority of lolicons who look for their faith in real life, and among them a lot of them are dangerous people that could not satisfy their desires. It is exactly because they loved lolis too much that they gradually became unsatisfied with them who existed in another dimension, they started to target lolis in real life, betraying their original intention of cherishing lolis.

And the lolis that I love actually also exist in three dimensional, but I am not that kind of lolicon that causes harm to society due to being unable to pour all of my love into two dimensional lolis, but because I have an essential difference from the majority of lolicons.

75b4f9 No.14712957


You'd fuck a loli at the drop of a hat. There was absolutely no need to write a book beating around the bush and assuming some moral high ground looking down on other lolicons.

>Some believe that flat chested is law

Which it is because all deviations such as "oppai loli" have their own category.

>they believe that real lolis can only exist in two dimensional

>what is your-favorite-loli-onahole.rar

>what are Dakis

Are you telling me somebody would waste their time producing products on an audience so small in numbers that they'd risk running out of business?

Lolicons would do anything to play pretend in their head while their dick is physically engaged in thrusting into something, anything even resembling their lolis and therefor seeking 3D pleasure from 2D hallucination, making themselves mentally and physically attached to this connection.

>but I am not that kind of lolicon that causes harm to society

The moment it were legal you'd be running through the streets naked like a deranged monkey looking for prey.

299695 No.14712992


>And the lolis that I love actually also exist in three dimensional

You are a pedophile, not a lolicon. Children exist in 3d, not lolis.

9e7233 No.14713038

File: 309d665ac374053⋯.png (678.98 KB, 1508x822, 754:411, ClipboardImage.png)

Betting numbers for today

815003 No.14713047

File: 53db7f9353b0c71⋯.jpg (38.23 KB, 731x762, 731:762, 12313131313124.jpg)


The projection is strong with this one.

Where did you gain that mind reading powers of yours ?

b0f6b8 No.14713054


Probably when you started talking about real little girls

904978 No.14713060

File: 9f441d7cae09bac⋯.png (552.21 KB, 569x393, 569:393, gameshow miami.png)




>proud lolicon admits to "loving" irl children

Who could have seen this coming?

815003 No.14713066


that was my first post in this thread, but yes, there is a strict line between loli and irl girls that should not be crossed

75b4f9 No.14713087


>Where did you gain that mind reading powers of yours?


You just know that something's afoot when someone has the itch to write paragraphs to defend their fetish and denounce all the "icky people" who share their fetish but aren't as morally superior as they are.

It's like talking to a suspect who has a scripted testimony they know by heart because they know they're guilty and if they didn't have a scripted testimony they'd trip over their own words.

b0f6b8 No.14713090


It sucks. Because of pieces of shit like this I can't even discuss series like Non Non Biyori because they will immediately run in and start sperging out word salad about the TOTALLY NOT PEDOPHILIC ATTRACTION to children when I just want to talk about comfy country life and growing up in rural communites.

75b4f9 No.14713103


>I can't even discuss series like Non Non Biyori

I sure hope you don't try to do that on this VIDEO GAMES board anyway.

I don't know much about the state of /a/ these days, but from prior experiences I wouldn't want to spend a single minute in any of their threads so I feel bad for ya in more than one way.

b0f6b8 No.14713110


Naw I don't even try on /a/ any more since there are faggots like 815003 everywhere there.

c620f1 No.14713147


Holy shit anon, thank you for dissuading my doubts that I can yet become a functional member of society, by proving that there are still rungs in the ladder of existence further below the one I've managed to slip down to in my drunken late-night/early-morning shitposting. For a moment there I was a little bit worried that attempting to delineate the difference between a fictional "little people" race and "lolis" (as a phenotype representative of female adolescents) was a bit too autistic on my end.

Out of curiosity, I gotta ask the expert in the field, where does one draw the boundary on "loli" in terms of mental maturity? If "loli" was just about liking flat-chested, short, slim women, I imagine it would have developed a similar term to "shortstack" (short but curvy women) as a completely separate fetish from an attraction to prepubescent traits, which I would presume to include behavioral aspects. As in, regardless, whether a character is stated to be over 9000 years of age, they would be a loli if they appear AND behave as if they were in the 10-14? range. Alternatively, if it were a world-weary 30-year old with a form of neoteny, would they still be considered a "loli"?

b0a49d No.14713189

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

FLB The Sun

b0f6b8 No.14713192

File: 3722a1084c25e28⋯.png (163.21 KB, 392x324, 98:81, JUST hair.png)

Two 30 rounds in coop and 420 raidfinder goobo runs with zero Mag II and zero Mag I weapons to show for it. 27 red and blue chest giving me 1 Alexiel Omega, thriteen Alexiel, and a mix of soul balm earth anime, centrum, and merits.

9e7233 No.14713590

File: 4c3c1047948db29⋯.png (106.59 KB, 512x147, 512:147, 1 billion.png)

The madmen did it.

9e7233 No.14713666

File: 88bab258e3db7e7⋯.png (568.09 KB, 512x706, 256:353, golden sword.png)

File: 52bbbf32297e0c5⋯.png (653.06 KB, 515x740, 103:148, siete.png)

File: 40cad9d4468085c⋯.png (296.88 KB, 340x394, 170:197, windmemes.png)

One more for the team. I can be a real windmemer now

559738 No.14714369

File: 4c416143267f97a⋯.png (270.97 KB, 473x417, 473:417, blue golden gun.PNG)

Today I decided to start dumping resources into a revenant weapon and this is my progress so far. After a bunch of casino chips burnt(prior I haven't bought any skill upgrade items during this month at all)Now comes the shop upgrade grinding.

8efc58 No.14714625

File: b049f3778f0a837⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 278.93 KB, 1088x504, 136:63, 1464130553336.png)

File: 697b45d1dd87a6a⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 354.58 KB, 1024x1556, 256:389, c24d680308bc2f44410258e4f5….jpg)

File: 820601508697882⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 475.04 KB, 720x794, 360:397, 1393734447008.png)


>And the lolis that I love actually also exist in three dimensional, but I am not that kind of lolicon that causes harm to society due to being unable to pour all of my love into two dimensional lolis

I really hope that pic is what you mean and what you want is tiny 3D women and not actual children.


Loli is just the blanket term for the bodytype that people add a little more on when they want a more specific type but I am surprised no one has pegged the adult aged ones as cupcakes instead of simply calling them "legal lolis".

a769b1 No.14714853

File: 86a15ab5692b3be⋯.png (486.19 KB, 628x847, 628:847, BahaD.png)

I swear you guys

776a41 No.14714880


Bahamut weapons aren't a particularly rare drop.

a769b1 No.14714926


Nah thats not it, i mistakenly said I got a bahamut weapon instead of a rusted weapon at one point which basically caused a crew member to meltdown

3254e6 No.14714962

File: b527726e60cfef9⋯.jpg (129.01 KB, 800x796, 200:199, 1987f440481a4407c9d10fa96f….jpg)

File: 48606f8112ec6ad⋯.png (432.14 KB, 508x568, 127:142, nio.png)

5* Eternal #2. The 40-box method wasn't that bad, actually.

cc0662 No.14714981




Sounds good. It's too bad I don't have corn, she's really cute. Maybe I'll suptix her.


>why not both

It's my first jutenshu so I wanted to make sure I wasn't fucking anything up. Between the two, who needs their 5* more?

Another dumb question, is sparking a thing people only do when they already have a lot of characters? Even if I could spark right now, I have no idea who I'd even spark for.

776a41 No.14714989


You can use Nio on Vohu Manah that is coming soon, so there's that.

8440e7 No.14715031

Is there a hard limit on the number of times a counter hits per turn or is it character based?

There's a squid in Arcanum that seems to be able to hit Ayer with regular attacks even with Jolt Counter up.

2986d9 No.14715041


What's in the 40th box?

776a41 No.14715043


Each counter has a specific number.

Ayer is 2 per turn, Sandals is 5 per activation and so on.

You can find specific details on the skill itself.

8440e7 No.14715061


Does that mean they also stop dodging after the max number of hits they can counter?

0211ac No.14715062

776a41 No.14715064


If it is a dodge and counter, yes, they stop dodging.

c620f1 No.14715079


>Between the two, who needs their 5* more?

I personally went with uncapping Siete first, since the changes to his Swordshine mechanics at level 85 make him considerably more consistent in his damage output, and make him able to guarantee team ougi by turn 2 (so even if Comatose gets broken by the first turn of attacks, you'll still have enough stacks to power his third ability, with no risk of him getting hit). However, I can definitely see the argument that perhaps Nio's improved team buffs from her final uncap could, in the long run, lead to potentially more damage output. Honestly, they're both pretty good, so I'd say go with whatever you prefer.

3254e6 No.14715086


It's one of the methods for 5*ing an Eternal. Either you make another completely finished revenant weapon and reduce it, or you reduce 10 uncapped ones (40 boxes) that have just been element changed. Both of these are assuming you also break down your original weapon you unlocked the character with.

6f1a43 No.14715253

Does anyone have the pokerbot crack?

0211ac No.14715275

File: 08595bb8c1c2ce5⋯.png (511.33 KB, 960x800, 6:5, ClipboardImage.png)


Got you covered.

776a41 No.14715293



That pokerbot is old and busted, just look for a better one in github. Not only it is faster, it doesn't have any bullshit.

6f1a43 No.14715325




I tried the other pokerbot that's on github, tsuntsun pokerbot but it hasn't been updated since last October and the bot can't seem to detect the poker board for me. There's people reporting the issue since January but the dev hasn't responded to their issues.

776a41 No.14715353


Huh, that's been working fine for me.

Have you tried clicking the cards once it starts looking for the board?

8efc58 No.14715367

File: 1e973d6b78dc48d⋯.png (584.6 KB, 539x677, 539:677, Dirt Crew.png)

File: 0d45e3aea0a7f65⋯.jpg (329.87 KB, 1000x1025, 40:41, 0d45e3aea0a7f650453f4b14f5….jpg)

File: f38535b5f079d7f⋯.jpg (108.81 KB, 800x965, 160:193, fe0c6e081961a930e17389e617….jpg)

File: 00bbd9d1e3d0d48⋯.png (3.02 MB, 1342x1820, 671:910, 00bbd9d1e3d0d4825b476f9174….png)

File: 14f88302f237bd5⋯.jpg (71.92 KB, 800x408, 100:51, 14f88302f237bd5623d550a5ce….jpg)

Hey, what kind of team is the best with what I have using a grid of Ygg swords, meat hammer, Baihu claw, and a Baha dagger or sword?

b0f6b8 No.14715370


tsutsun is fine. Are you multi-monitoring?

776a41 No.14715377


Use a sword.

You got a pretty decent pick of characters, so I'd say one healer/buffer (Uncle Cog, Cassinobot or Ara Potato) and two attackers, maybe Hallessena and Vaseface since Vaseface gets a bit Aggro boost to help out CRAZY.

1c87d9 No.14715399

File: e267514e0ad5015⋯.jpg (22.38 KB, 640x413, 640:413, 7YIBQTA_d.jpg)


Yeah I tried that, it's still not working. I also disabled viramate without much sucess


I do have 2 monitors but I'm only using 1 at the moment

8440e7 No.14715419

File: f00381c593537e9⋯.png (989.81 KB, 558x1297, 558:1297, 4s8th80tgh809.png)

Assuming my current fire team/grid looks like this I'm working on getting more canes which summon should I use as my main summon between Colossus, Zaoshen, or Angi? Or some other thing?

1c87d9 No.14715436

File: ec87fdedd338d26⋯.png (795.98 KB, 1612x1040, 31:20, 7YIBQTA.png)

Sorry that was a terrible resolution

b0f6b8 No.14715437


Cags aint much of a buffer until 100 when he actually becomes one. DLF's bonus has a really long effect and is nice, plus her heal has a low CD. Vasdeferns isn't going to pull enough agro off Hallesena to let her get beast modo without outside support. If you can expect your crew to be laying down enough debuffs to keep water GW blind, charmed, or para then it is fine to roll the dice. If you wanted to play that kind of team you should have snagged the baihu fang staff. You have a bunch of pieces of a good team, but without the rest and the grid to pull it together there isn't much you can do. I noticed that leading into a GW the gacha tends to favor characters with an elemental advantage even if it isn't advertised as higher drop rates. I don't know if that is coinidence of cygames gigging the system like the yaks they are. Just wait for an event. Try to draw for Brodia when she is in the pool as she shares sword prof with Sasara and can offer some decent damage mitigation. If you do draw Brodia her passive adds a flat 30% to Dirt Atk up so if you team those two with DLF you will have 10 turns of 50% Dirt Up with 300HP refresh. Also all characters will be sword prof so your Ygg grid plus a Atma trium will give you some decent damage output and charge generation for Sasara. Throw on a Baka sword, the Xeno sword that is rumored to be released and you should have an extremely well rounded team that can offer decent output for being thrown out there.

If you can't luckshit your way to Brodia suptix for Seig and grind like a motherfucker to get him to 100. He can give you a full damagecut on element with a phalanx 70% He has sword prof too. Throw him in a team with 100 Cags and Sasara and you should be good to go.


tsuntsun is picky as fuck about screen positioning. If you multimonitor it needs to be on the main monitor also your settings look funny. Like it isn't scaled right. I can;t tell from a 640x413 screencap though.

0211ac No.14715468


You should use Zao because of the mixed mods until you decide to go Agni or Colo (with the right choice being Colo).

0211ac No.14715488


Also you have enough fire summons to get the full 100% boost from Zao. Main summon Zao and use Athena, Devil, Prom, and Colo as sub-summons.

b0f6b8 No.14715494


Ah your resolution looks a little high there.

Set to animation settings to lite, turn resize off, and set window size to large. Turn on your second monitor and watch some anime of some shit on that while tsuntsun does it's thing. Pay attention. Used to be you could run tsuntsun for 90 minutes no problem. It seems that if you run it for 90 minutes every day the check become randomized and I have seen it occasionally pop up at 60.

b0f6b8 No.14715505


Excuse me 90% cut with phalanx type 70%

4e4137 No.14715542

File: c218b9aa5955d8a⋯.jpg (82.78 KB, 513x788, 513:788, 1521584630210.jpg)

I started seriously playing in the past month or so and it seems like after 1 year of not doing much I was kicked out of my previous Crew. This is such a pain.

Any good crews to join?

8efc58 No.14715563

File: ea9b62be0d41445⋯.webm (802.61 KB, 638x360, 319:180, ea9b62be0d4144523205081ef….webm)


>If you can't luckshit your way to Brodia suptix for Seig

>giving a mobage money

Thanks for all the info but that's never happening and especially not for a dude. I may be playing a mobage but I still have some self respect.

b0f6b8 No.14715590


Man I just woke up when I started responding to the thread. I saw someone mention a suptix and also responded to >>14715377 like he was you. The grind is starting to get to me again.

b0f6b8 No.14715611


Are you me?

Also Kihou kick someone out already so I can regain my rightful place. Nips are all lazy casuals that can't play for shit.

1c87d9 No.14715612

File: fc2f0791abda54a⋯.png (111.95 KB, 640x688, 40:43, fc2f0791abda54ac8c80b31fbb….png)


Yeah I tried your method and it ended up working, the window size had to be set at large and I was set. Thank you very much dude

b0f6b8 No.14715616

File: 1e869d709feba82⋯.jpg (172.86 KB, 1009x931, 1009:931, brazilian.jpg)


Yeah no worries mate.

3254e6 No.14715628

File: c46690f8fe25087⋯.jpg (1.8 MB, 1350x1800, 3:4, 63900060_p0.jpg)


Crew 3 actually has one opening right now. I can scout you if you post your ID.

4e4137 No.14715657


It seems like I'm on cooldown so I need to wait for ~24hours.

If you remember here it is.

ID: 17120868

3254e6 No.14715724


Scouted you. Pretty sure it'll go through, you just won't be able to accept until the cooldown ends.

776a41 No.14715751


Maybe someone will be so disgusted by the reality of the GW grind and quit the game, then you'll be able to rejoin, Hitler.

b0f6b8 No.14715770



b0f6b8 No.14715778

Should I make a Wind Ridill or wait to see what the Xeno sword looks like?

0211ac No.14715786


You should just make a ridill for every element. It's that good.

b0f6b8 No.14715788


But bro do you know how many months that would take to buy all the distinctions?

776a41 No.14715803


I think sword stones would be a more pressing concern.

1c87d9 No.14715806


From what I understand class distinctions is now farmable since they boosted the drop rates last month.

b0f6b8 No.14715819

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Dude I ran Titan which was supposed to be the Swordmaster farming raid almost constantly specifically for that reason right before GW. All I got was a shit ton of the samurai distinctions. Which I mean is probably going to be great eventually because YAMATO DAMASHII and Samurai being a pretty shit tier class in need of a major upgrade. In the meantime though ZA GLORY is my boy.



6ef0b9 No.14715891

File: 250d1f304a4edbe⋯.png (744.98 KB, 635x903, 635:903, 250d1f304a4edbe97ed0082f5e….png)

File: 8ac3c4e64e35d85⋯.jpg (1.61 MB, 1560x1315, 312:263, 1521755710443.jpg)

File: a50b486cc447872⋯.png (1.01 MB, 1189x1731, 1189:1731, a50b486cc4478724c7ec7bddd1….png)

9e7233 No.14716004


just grind coop titan with max loot buff, journey drops, mainhand oliver and backline 5* esser.

b0f6b8 No.14716053


No Oliver and Placebo jew. I'll just get one for whatever the month's GW is and eventually I will have them all.

9e7233 No.14716085

File: 12a9ae1a6b82855⋯.png (377.54 KB, 525x675, 7:9, ClipboardImage.png)

Back to the magna 2 mines

019c41 No.14716394

File: 7d2effed96b0311⋯.jpg (275.21 KB, 537x753, 179:251, toguyrn.jpg)

Is the tournament starting?

e7ad7b No.14716442

File: 573bebb49b16f41⋯.png (110.12 KB, 160x283, 160:283, h1414260.png)

Save your daily pull we might get legfest today.

398c2f No.14716458

File: abba0f3077e9d6b⋯.gif (637.33 KB, 512x512, 1:1, aklsyd890asd.gif)


40 minutes

e68523 No.14716460



When else would it be?

b0f6b8 No.14716462


scam gacha

019c41 No.14716482

File: cc062a54610efbf⋯.jpg (247.82 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, are you stupid.jpg)


>telling people to save their daily for a gacha that's going up in thirty minutes

>instead of doing it when they got the fucking daily

Thanks for nothing, dickbreath.

e68523 No.14716493


Did you already use it?

8efc58 No.14716495

File: 94821733cfb1be1⋯.png (1.12 MB, 921x850, 921:850, 94821733cfb1be141f9c005e3b….png)

File: 196d763710a7ebb⋯.webm (4.42 MB, 502x472, 251:236, Platinum_Sky_Boss_Theme.webm)


Pushed back to the beginning of the next month.

abdc15 No.14716503


I legit read that screencap as "As you should!"

e7ad7b No.14716562


Well Im glad you wasted it. :^^)

9e7233 No.14716608


why would it be then? When has it ever been then?

b0f6b8 No.14716611


>Spend entire paycheque on steak and lobster

>a week later

<Why didn't you tell me to save my money so I could eat the rest of the month!

You have only yourself to blame.

7f1df6 No.14716621

So who rolled the gunner?

398c2f No.14716623

File: 571d4cfd3e6f69f⋯.png (459.99 KB, 414x616, 207:308, memeroll.png)

Thanks KMR

9e7233 No.14716653

File: 780a99e2fec1199⋯.png (927.44 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, ClipboardImage.png)

>that happy family uncap

8efc58 No.14716661

File: 9938e6b7bee1f17⋯.png (396.32 KB, 471x519, 157:173, 9938e6b7bee1f173b94b281e0e….png)

File: a56683f5ff299fa⋯.webm (11.36 MB, 522x452, 261:226, Granblue_Fantasy_Battle_M….webm)


Because this reality hates humanity.

b0f6b8 No.14716731

What the HECK is an inert effect?

9e7233 No.14716785

File: b9984dc2cdbeac6⋯.png (514.37 KB, 512x438, 256:219, aliza.png)

Protect her smile

b0f6b8 No.14716791


No, enjoy the ahego she will wear once Soriz is through with her.

8b7f9c No.14716794

File: 9d071a6ee0fccbd⋯.png (1.86 MB, 957x1348, 957:1348, Ghanda sprite.png)

>Full-sized enemy Ghandagoza sprite


b0f6b8 No.14716797


He's a big guy

9e7233 No.14716825

File: 6679d32f695c8ef⋯.png (744.27 KB, 513x730, 513:730, claudia.png)


The pedo stare is back

1c87d9 No.14716845

Anyone know if its possible to get SSR melee characters with the event ticket?

776a41 No.14716864


Possible? Yes.

If it's going to happen? That depends on your luck.

8b7f9c No.14716926

File: e104a6539c80a1a⋯.png (6.93 KB, 90x90, 1:1, stamp59.png)

>Grandsky Rumble fights

>Fight P2 palette versions of characters

Why is this event so good

a883e4 No.14716953


Anybody have tips for gaining favor with RNGesus? My granblue rolls have been absolutely shit, and the times I do get good rolls it's of characters I already have

b0f6b8 No.14716960


Have absolute shit luck in item drops. Like I can pull amazing things off random tickets but god damn it if I didn't just farm angel halo for seven hours to get 150 whorls of the element I wanted. I mean I am set as shit for any other GW character I do, but christ on a crack even pulling SSR Cucouroux on my memepull doesn't make up for the time sink that was.

a883e4 No.14716967


It just sucks after playing for years and making slow steady progress on getting lots of characters to just be in a rut for a long time

559738 No.14716975



If it helps, it looks like I'm pretty stuck there too. 1 10 pull and 13 tickets later I only have 2 SRs and a bronze and silver moon to show.

b0f6b8 No.14716977


I have been playing for a year and I have yet to get a single jewtenshoes despite throwing literally thousands of elixirs at every single 1/2 event because you can never EVER get enough drops and any time you want to try to improve your shit tier grids just enough so you can try to compete you end up blowing what little you have. Going on a year now and I have yet to complete even a Mag I grid.

cb940d No.14716986

File: fa1f6620ba83712⋯.gif (420.98 KB, 268x268, 1:1, fa1f6620ba837129b66d49efe4….gif)

>Did the free gacha pull

>See the rainbow crystal, expecting something like Cucouroux or other SSRs

>Got Eusless instead

The free crystals are nice, but I was really hoping for a water SSR.

b0f6b8 No.14716988


I've gotten that nigger six times. At least the stratomizer is nice.

559738 No.14716992

File: f296add748a9c07⋯.png (635.93 KB, 482x620, 241:310, garula.PNG)

I feel like the game is now purposefully getting my hopes up to destroy them. I already have 3* Tiamat Omega with 2 more just sitting around.

e7ad7b No.14717018

File: fbc40ff18645318⋯.png (320.98 KB, 365x403, 365:403, g15252520.png)

200% rad

e016ab No.14717021

File: 4de3e1f89e72c4e⋯.png (603.61 KB, 628x664, 157:166, two months.png)


I started last GW and got my first Eternal today, you just need to farm harder.

b0f6b8 No.14717059


Nigger I am farming as hard as I can. I think if I can get these last 80 antique clothe I will have everything to become an honest man.

776a41 No.14717063


The hypest event of the year so far. I don't think I've had my blood boil this much since Platinum Sky.

b0f6b8 No.14717064



80 total I need 16 more

b0f6b8 No.14717070


Feather and Randall's fates are some of my favs.

Has Bowman made an appearence? I really need some fight club in my life.

776a41 No.14717079


Ayer is still struggling with his Schizophrenia, it's the reason he loses his match against Totally not a Jewtenshoe

e016ab No.14717082


You need 100 total. I thought it was 80 too, guess they made a mistake somewhere on the wiki. Just auto chapter 70 part 4 for an hour or so and you should be good.

8b7f9c No.14717087

File: 0b384ba6796d3fb⋯.jpg (90.13 KB, 637x900, 637:900, constance.jpg)



Brief flashback, and that's about it. Really wish Ayer or Vanzza could've had a bit more spotlight, but at least Constance came back.

559738 No.14717092


Is there an earlier place to get them? Red Knight walled my water team's ass hard last I tried.

b0f6b8 No.14717093


Been doing it since a little before >>14716977 with Vryn sword double Kaguya, Journey Drop boosted to max, and crew boost.

Nothing has dropped yet.

b0f6b8 No.14717101


>Vryn Staff

fuck my life I am tired.

e016ab No.14717122


I don't remember when the Red Knight road block was, but before I did that I spammed No Need for Change in Chapter 33 for my first 80.


RNG's a switch, anon, just keep at it and she'll quit pegging you and beg you to impregnate her instead. I was at ~40 something cloths after forging a CCW and it took me about two hours of total farming with 20% journey drop boost and single Kaguya to get the 100 I needed.

776a41 No.14717132

File: 44b4030cf43729b⋯.png (1.01 MB, 623x868, 89:124, Like the only fist harvins….png)

Come on Cygames, make this guy's dreams come true for the next SSR Harvin.

b0a49d No.14717150

File: 9edbd5e0dcf614d⋯.jpg (17.55 KB, 237x237, 1:1, DaeO480U0AAARFy.jpg)


>sandnigger potato

b0f6b8 No.14717153

File: 58237039be04d3b⋯.jpg (32.19 KB, 657x545, 657:545, anhonestman.jpg)

File: 273ae6195661eb0⋯.png (217.48 KB, 624x449, 624:449, FAT DRAPH TATS.png)


The time has come, and so have I.

9e7233 No.14717163

File: f26be135dfb9a8c⋯.png (1.1 MB, 811x2007, 811:2007, SSR Fists.png)

File: 98b738f927a2a7a⋯.png (1.85 MB, 825x3650, 33:146, SR Fists.png)

File: 96b35d436d60fea⋯.png (518.39 KB, 775x1002, 775:1002, R Fists.png)

Since the game has no weapon proficiency search and you need fist characters for the rumble; here's all the fist characters in the game. I gave up organising Rs by element since SRs took so long and there aren't many Rs

172a86 No.14717164


I've been playing fot 13 months so far. I got 3 Eternals, one of them is 5*.

You're weak.

299695 No.14717215


Anon, if you clicked the fist icon on the character list it takes you to a page with only fist characters. It would have made your work much easier.

6ef0b9 No.14717221

File: c15cba0a1e3f864⋯.jpg (47.51 KB, 200x263, 200:263, 1512943515078.jpg)


You are the weak one, my sweet summer child. 14 months playing, and as of yesterday I have four 5* eternals.

9e7233 No.14717234

File: abf14f2a30ec085⋯.png (412.93 KB, 498x789, 166:263, filter.png)


Where is it? I can't find it

dbce93 No.14717237


299695 No.14717238


not in the game, on the wiki.

172a86 No.14717241

File: 85c6baf1bce8347⋯.png (58.32 KB, 822x87, 274:29, there.PNG)

File: fbbf2edce0d31a1⋯.png (325.93 KB, 478x482, 239:241, cheating.PNG)


>my sweet summer child

Only my normalfag friends use to quote game of goys. I urge you to head back to reddit where those things are popular.


Not there anon, here https://gbf.wiki/Category:Melee_Characters

Also, Claudia should have been disqualified for this.

299695 No.14717243


you do realize that phrase existed before game of fags, right?

172a86 No.14717263



It got popularised by the show and leddit latched on to it as their sweet summer meme to the point where normalfags began saying it in the streets.

Just because "it existed before" doesn't make it any less cancerous.

b0f6b8 No.14717278


>Someone I don't like started using something old

>I can never use it again

Guess what else redditors do? Breath, maybe you should stop that.

6ef0b9 No.14717279

File: a6415d39023583a⋯.png (46.22 KB, 230x117, 230:117, 1.PNG)

File: f8afdc29bf3619d⋯.png (42.22 KB, 229x119, 229:119, 2.PNG)


You do you, faggot. My four eternals and I are gonna go and MVP all of your raids because you'd rather call people ledditors rather than grind eternals out.

9e7233 No.14717324


how did you get 4 5* GW characters and not learn not to put plus marks on characters?

6ef0b9 No.14717371


I'm waiting on more plus marks so I can get get +4 on quatre and +9 on nio

b0a49d No.14717372


Aren't you the guy who raced someone from the first crew while using both your 5* water jews and lost to the guy using only seasonal characters?

b0f6b8 No.14717378

6ef0b9 No.14717379


Not being able to use any ougis for the first two minutes of a raid against a person with triple attacks on demand is a hell of a drug.

172a86 No.14717434


I honestly wish I could. I'm tired.

I'm tired of waking up at 5 am to head on to a 10 hour work day 6 days a week. I'm tired of being forced to accept a shit contract for it and end up working more and being paid less that other people. I'm tired of having to babysit my coworkers because thay can't do shit for themselves and somehow the boss blames me when he finds them browsing reddit instead of working. I hate these memespouting retards with a passion.

I'm tired of having no free time for myself, to the point where I've had to abandon family, friends and hobbies just in order to save up some money and eventually flee from this shit. I'm tired of being alone and have no one with more than 2 brain cells to talk to.

I've been living this hell for 2 years now while also looking for another job, but this region is fucking dead and I can't afford to move yet.

I'm done, I can't take anymore, I wish it were that easy to just stop breathing, but I can't do that.

b0f6b8 No.14717448

File: f78f5fb6270d244⋯.jpg (97.68 KB, 504x470, 252:235, serveimage.jpg)

d95c01 No.14717488


I guess you'll only be MVPing some of his raids then.

9e7233 No.14717698

File: abc5179b2b4ffcd⋯.png (645.58 KB, 505x598, 505:598, stamina aliza.png)

I like Aliza. She keeps up with the SSRs

428cc7 No.14717754

Hnng Cucuroux

b0f6b8 No.14717757

File: 531d05d14d8aecf⋯.png (288 KB, 960x800, 6:5, Cucouroux_(SSR)_B.png)


>that 3* unlock

SSR Camieux and gun sisters event when>

fe7e70 No.14717762


After chococat.

9e7233 No.14717765


after naru

fafead No.14717786


After SSR Fenrir

7f1df6 No.14717963

Princess Connect reminds me why I never roll without sparking. Never gonna get that loli elf.

7f1df6 No.14718012

File: 6251408b1c170ed⋯.png (101.91 KB, 615x193, 615:193, not sure.png)


fafead No.14718131


Stop being a judgemental bigot. I've contacted cygames and told them of your illegal misgendering. The Canadian police are riding to your door right now,.

559738 No.14718259

Should I keep trying to grind to get the rare encounter summon or just farm for the required shop upgrade rare weapons without it?

4f558b No.14718265


Hi I live in the south, it's a common colloquialism depending on where you live, completely unrelated to a song of shit and boredom

7f1df6 No.14718409

File: c7c9b3c75407edf⋯.png (414.83 KB, 559x560, 559:560, flatmonswim.png)

fafead No.14718503


The chances of the summon dropping are so low you're better off farming without it.

299695 No.14718512


It drastically improves the odds of a rare mob, at the very least always bring it as support

559738 No.14718640

7f1df6 No.14718774

File: d1aa093e5beb866⋯.png (218.07 KB, 619x490, 619:490, pbm.png)

H-He's fast!

559738 No.14719423

File: 96751a7069165f9⋯.jpg (50.16 KB, 456x628, 114:157, help.jpg)

>mfw this faggot imperial won't drop the fucking shotel

35e447 No.14719499

File: c230dbe764c37c3⋯.png (247.75 KB, 480x344, 60:43, what did he mean by this.PNG)

File: b1125772ed6cc98⋯.png (734.93 KB, 479x651, 479:651, Coronation Ring.PNG)

File: 17b55d07421cb75⋯.png (795.26 KB, 480x682, 240:341, you're late.PNG)

File: b86c9eb1ab3f757⋯.png (811.41 KB, 475x690, 95:138, you fuck.PNG)

Today has been a good day.

8440e7 No.14719784

Why is Tiamat's character weapon a rifle if she's considered melee enough for the melee ticket?

b0f6b8 No.14719978


She uses her limbs to fight. It just so happens her limbs have heads and spit lasers.

b0f6b8 No.14719988


For the love of god do yourself a favor and get Belle before you go insane. The drop rate on those rare weapons is bad enough without having to wonder if the faggot who carries them is even gonig to show up. Get one Belle and then moonsone her ass to MLB. Trust me on this you really really want to.

559738 No.14720080


But double dubsman, I was just told to not bother grinding to get the summon in the first place.

b0f6b8 No.14720146

File: e6e73afdd58e48d⋯.jpg (100.09 KB, 705x700, 141:140, Aint got time for this shi….jpg)


>Grind the summon once and make grinding the weapons much easier

<grind every fucking rare weapon needed once with ridiculous appearence rates on top of the ridiculous draw rates

Listen I get it. Someone told me the same thing and I went along with it. I wasted half the anniversary magfest grinding for fucking days on end. When a rare monster did show up they almost never dropped anything. I got Belle and running double the rare monsters showed up every other attempt or so and I finished it in one day. It makes life a HECK of a lot easier. Also when you are farming things like Cloth in Mephorash rare monsters are carry more than the max one cloth that normal monsters, other than end monsters, can carry. It's grindblue, anythign that can improve drop and appearence rates you are going to use throughout the game.

b45d27 No.14720166


Don't listen to >>14720146. They are just a casual. You can try and get your own summon, but I wouldn't waste too many half pots on trying. You can easily get by with just using Belle as a friend summon. I had to grind all of the rare weapons because I started recently and it only took a few hours to get them all.

9e7233 No.14720449

File: 003a1c0479bb20f⋯.png (12.16 KB, 140x84, 5:3, cucumber.png)

921f60 No.14720535


It's not just useful for the shop upgrade, it's also useful for the trophies and farming the rabbit if you don't want to spend your arcapoints getting the dark one.

b0f6b8 No.14720598

>tfw you realize you reached a point were you can auto-attack your way to MVP on titan 9/10 time.


e4cf58 No.14720610

File: 7b1980d266447ec⋯.png (275.15 KB, 702x636, 117:106, zoiboi.png)

Just finished gun Zoi's fate episode

Hold me bros

b0f6b8 No.14720620


She makes a really great pair with Ferry. Hit both their third skills and they are on the same CD time. You get four turns of beast mode with a nice ougi finish.

b45d27 No.14720645


The trophies aren't worth the AP and one copy of the rabbit using only a friend isn't unreasonable. I had a worse time trying to get Belle than I did trying to get the rabbit. If one were to want the rare monster kill trophies, then yes you should get Belle first.

776a41 No.14721084

File: 4576c2a08fc5e79⋯.png (680.85 KB, 638x868, 319:434, Of Rabbits and Harvin.png)

Will someone, can anyone, save me from Sephira Stone hell?

6ef0b9 No.14721114

File: 6ad2e1ee14091b3⋯.png (646.06 KB, 480x758, 240:379, temperance.PNG)


In the end, you can only save yourself.

fe7e70 No.14721164

Well shit, fist tickets confirmed for SSRS

fe7e70 No.14721173

File: 223c4bf70ceb89a⋯.png (827.28 KB, 636x900, 53:75, fist ticket get.png)

File: 1cfc157d50d1b09⋯.png (480.48 KB, 588x640, 147:160, yej.png)


Forgot these

a769b1 No.14721185



Do you have to win the hardest one for those?

8440e7 No.14721203


I havent won the hard mode and i got an SSR.

fe7e70 No.14721208


you get about 5k points for clearing the hardest mode which makes the tickets a hell of a lot easier to buy.

cb940d No.14721219



This event makes up for that Robomi event.

7efa2e No.14721342


That's good to know. Decent Water attackers are what I need the most right now!

8efc58 No.14721359

File: 47b592c8c26dfdb⋯.jpg (83.13 KB, 519x422, 519:422, DFbaDmmXUAA84ay.jpg)

File: b31c0ff4d94d258⋯.jpg (66.81 KB, 600x919, 600:919, c701b21a55c70ebe3c04fc6063….jpg)

File: ada91421e3174a1⋯.gif (124.61 KB, 500x376, 125:94, 1419829155363.gif)


Could be worse; could be you see an SR and expect nothing before it explodes into a single SSR but it turns out to still be fodder.


Got her yesterday.


>my sweet summer child

>game of goys

I was expecting it to be from one of the black reality shows


But she's using her body and not tools; it's happened before in anime. Pic 3 related.


I expected such a gay sounding phrase to have came out of Tumblr.



>Not Britain.

Call me when Canada starts arresting people for typing out rap music for all the wrong reasons.

b0f6b8 No.14721381

I really really like Glorybringer and Dirt Ridill. Now I just need to make a g-d Dirt Atma sword and grind Sieg, Cags, Hallesena, and Sasara to 100 before the next GW and hope my half ass Mag I grid is enough to carry my useless crew.

559738 No.14721408


I got Randall from my first. The R version.


I'll keep that in mind.


>Could be worse; could be you see an SR and expect nothing before it explodes into a single SSR but it turns out to still be fodder.

That's what happened to me.

b0f6b8 No.14721414


Oh and still need to grind Brodia probably 30 more times or so to uncap Yggs' 4*.

8efc58 No.14721466


You mentioning the part where it starts out as an SR would've really sold peple on the feels.

1c87d9 No.14721508

File: 0bd2cf41083e6ee⋯.png (804.6 KB, 648x806, 324:403, gIZFtWj.png)


How's your progress coming along? I completed that part just now, took about 3 hours with 2 Belle summons, Item Drop Rate boosted 20%, and using Vyrn and Snowflake for increased drops. Frankly it wasn't as painful as I thought it would be.

9e7233 No.14721548

File: ae03ace12d27e60⋯.png (482.57 KB, 622x458, 311:229, samurai 2.png)

May news


Both Sarah events will be added to the side stories this month. Maybe Sarah will show up in a future event since they really want everyone to know her story up until this point.

Confirmed that every 3rd rerun of a xeno will get a new weapon. Next xeno will be Ifrit and he'll get a new weapon.


A tier is now 1 - 5000.

B tier is now 5001 - 12000

C tier is now 12001 - 20000

Top 20k is now top 30k

Top 30k is now top 50k

Top 40k is now top 70k

Top 80k is now top 120k

Even more exp buffs

Next Ex2 class is samurai. Start farming distinctions and the light katana.

Sturm's sword will get its FLB this month.

You will now be able to have more than one cosmo weapon.

Auto attack can be switched on or off between stages

If someone just used phalanx in a raid and you go to use it, it will give you a confirmation popup to try and prevent people wasting them.

New party set symbols

Next chapter of the main story will be in July.

The following characters will get a balance patch:


Summer Io





Chat Noire





Halloween Eustace





De la fille



Summer Zeta



Danua (summer or halloween?)


Black Knight




Some weapon skills will also be buffed.

559738 No.14721559


After a straight hour of no shotel from the imperial fag, I decided to call it quits for the day and just farm some other mats I would need in the future. Turns out water is the element that I possess the least amount of materials for. I have double the mats for every other fucking element.

b0f6b8 No.14721564


>Next Ex2 class is samurai. Start farming distinctions and the light katana

Fucking called it

b0f6b8 No.14721569


>Chat Noire


Couldn't make them worse




Hopefully optimistic

e7ad7b No.14721724

Who the fuck cares about ixaba? Give me that drang sphere uncap already.

35e447 No.14721957


Samurai2 looks fucking fantastic.

A couple pointers on the list for those that don't visit twitter all that often, the ones from granblue_en say:


It's the summer one

>De la Fille

It's also the summer one, RIP Normal Light DLF


It's the Summer one too, looks like they're fixing up some outdated limited characters


It's the Halloween one

I'm legit hyped up for Ghandagoza, Apollonia, Petra and Amira buffs though.

I wish I had SSR Aliza

304a54 No.14722035


DLF light being bad is an outdated meme. I'd say she's an above average SSR at this point.

I hope Summer Danua doesn't become TOO good, then I'd have to roll for her.

9e7233 No.14722058

File: 431165bcfcb182f⋯.png (32.05 KB, 250x250, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

35e447 No.14722104


I used her to solo the NM100 in the last GW, but she still feels a bit underwhelming.

b0f6b8 No.14722220

Fuck my life. I ground out everything needed for a dirt atma sword and then realized that I had spent my fragments on SSRing the Serphic fist this morning and didn't plan ahead. It's going to be expensive as HECK to farm 20 of them outside magfest and I don't even know if it will be back in time for GW.

35e447 No.14722289


Just join Ubaka trains they're easyer to get from there than the trials aniway.

b0f6b8 No.14722349

File: cd527c33432abc0⋯.jpg (251 KB, 850x1202, 425:601, __zeta_granblue_fantasy_dr….jpg)


I just got off of one gathering the meteorites. I don't think I can handle that autism again tonight. Thanks for the advice though. I only got three from running 30 rounds but I will need more meteorites for my fire atma sword anyways so I'll probably jump on a couple after I grind out a couple hundred white dragon scales tomorrow.

fafead No.14722635


HL Leviathan

Pls respond

453083 No.14722705

File: f2e0c3882de5142⋯.png (829.11 KB, 549x1153, 549:1153, not a character.PNG)

Thanks KMR, I really love this new melee character.

fafead No.14722717


HL Collosus

Brought mist, breach and charm. Also debuff resist down

b0f6b8 No.14722720


Sorry dude, the Fuhrer can't make it. He is farming creeds for his third Ridill.

fafead No.14722753


For the first time ever, I am disappointed by you Fuhrer.

b0f6b8 No.14722803


One short and then I have to grind seven more Yggs swords and 14 yggs selfies.

559738 No.14723050

File: 1ad78393e7acb0b⋯.png (437.13 KB, 473x458, 473:458, current fire.PNG)

At least it's not all bad for me. My fire grid is looking pretty good now that I've finished the EX weapon from this event.

559738 No.14723075

File: a07d24ddaea4a80⋯.png (741.72 KB, 478x686, 239:343, I FORGIVE YOU.PNG)



fafead No.14723175


Why are you working on your fire grid when the next events are wind and earth?

b0f6b8 No.14723193


Probably because this even gives away a fire EX weapon and he was putting it in his grid.

96bd5e No.14723239

Aliza did nothing in the event but look hot.

fafead No.14723344


And flirt with every man in range like the thirsty thot she is.

b0a49d No.14723487

New thread


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