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/v/ - Video Games

Vidya Gaems
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[ /agdg/ | Vidya Porn | Hentai Games | Retro Vidya | Contact ]

File: d169b119a91c147⋯.png (264.52 KB, 960x800, 6:5, Npc_zoom_3030084000_91.png)

File: a64c5ca74d73fda⋯.png (296.23 KB, 960x800, 6:5, Npc_zoom_3030030000_91.png)

3b3cc7  No.16692066



July Event Schedule

6/27 - 7/5 = The Maydays

7/4 - 7/17 = Fenrir/Cerberus Showdowns

7/6 - 7/12 = Detective Barawa & the Unfortunate Fortune

7/12 - 7/17 = Rise of the Beasts

7/18 - 7/25 = Unite and Fight (Water favored)

7/26 - 8/4 = New Story Event


1.Infinity - 692908

2.Kihou - 740471

3.Sky Lords - 733000

4.Raven Nest (Dead) - 1024216

5.Heaven&Hel - 933194

Guides and info


>How do I even play this shit?

You can play it from your browser by going to http://game.granbluefantasy.jp/

>I'm not going to use google botnet to play this.

You can use chrome alternatives, such as Slimjet or Iridium. If you don't like doing that, use an agent spoofer for the browser you do use to spoof chrome.





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3b3cc7  No.16692070

Free 10 draws should start at the beginning of August.

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9b7abf  No.16692077

Post your sexiest jpg's.

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509522  No.16692186

File: d1816695c82c56e⋯.png (6.74 MB, 2274x2832, 379:472, ClipboardImage.png)


I'm glad I used the sixth(?) ring for her.

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606409  No.16692214

File: 9077ec5d9d6d091⋯.png (188.45 KB, 640x688, 40:43, white_hand.png)

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67c4de  No.16692272

Fuck off fanservice fags, you're just here to in inflate the numbers at the cost of dignity and confidence of the IP.

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5f9363  No.16692285

File: 6568e2fca98e877⋯.jpeg (222.45 KB, 1016x1500, 254:375, 6568e2fca98e8772aac2b029f….jpeg)

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82fc51  No.16692306


thats one puffy vulva

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85463c  No.16692850

File: 50610a26ed29afd⋯.webm (708.7 KB, 960x720, 4:3, 44d945d2708e69a654d07c499….webm)

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a9e68e  No.16693142

Considering that Unite and Fight is about to start, and my meme crew was formed only for the pinboard mission, I have to ask, if there are any requirements for the /v/ crews? Do I need to have a certain PWR score? a complete grid? to be a certain level?

I am level 70, don't even have 10 SSR weapons of one element, let alone a grid, but I can do extreme content, can even solo the extreme raid battles in Rise of the Beasts, though it might take 15 minutes.

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08ff83  No.16693168


I know for a fact that Harvin crew doesnt care about stats as long as you're active and not pubbing Magna raids during UnF.

Since I'm a FO there I can even scout you since we just dumped some Ballast.

You're not even forced to like Harvin's just don't shit on Danchou's Waifu.

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2c04eb  No.16693214

File: eba801bef319c05⋯.jpeg (79.83 KB, 956x705, 956:705, D_FTEEPU4AIVG_F.jpeg)


Danchou here, guess who's about to be Def Ace.

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a9e68e  No.16693254

File: ce0b8262d06204c⋯.png (880.37 KB, 530x754, 265:377, Capture.PNG)


Well I am active daily, at least 1 hour, even more during weekends, since learned how to play it while watching content on youtube. I don't care about anyone's waifu, nor about crew drama. Very well then, if I can join a decent guild, I will do whatever it is I need to do, I just need a confirmation, so that can leave the current crew. I think I need to wait 24 hours or something like that, before joining a new crew, right?

ID 27998218 Group C

The CC summon has auto revive, it's why I use it.

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1e6cd1  No.16693256


>CC summon

Better off using Yggdrasil summon to increase the weapon skill effects that is if you have the ssr one

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a9e68e  No.16693264


I don't have it yet, but the autorevive, has been very helpful in grinding using autobattle, since even if the boss would use an aoe attack that wipes my party, they can still fight, and might even have fully charged ougi, because of the damage they just received. Even in raid battles, it means I can "tank" one of those massive attacks the boss does when he is below 10% HP.

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08ff83  No.16693313


Alright, I scouted you for the crew.

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a9e68e  No.16693321


Than you, I just left the previous crew, but will need to wait 24 hours before joining.

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24b850  No.16693342

File: b1783f1108d5652⋯.png (888.38 KB, 2560x1440, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

GW boss is some kind of fire bonito.

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08ff83  No.16693419


Then we'll get to crush him with his Water version.

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7ec727  No.16693565

File: f70a58e93f1a6ac⋯.jpg (34.38 KB, 875x190, 175:38, This is what passes for pe….jpg)


>I have to ask, if there are any requirements for the /v/ crews? Do I need to have a certain PWR score? a complete grid? to be a certain level?

Did you think this was fucking leddit?

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c2be19  No.16693608


Lol, you can tell those fags aren't used to being in positions of authority.

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7c8424  No.16693625

File: 0a2be9bce4ae69d⋯.jpg (298.16 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, 0a2be9bce4ae69d297a27174b4….jpg)


It's a fucking mobile game.

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1ef1f7  No.16693630


Big titty draphs are serious business.

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ea2ed4  No.16693639


Crew 1: spent at least half your wages in gbf and must write a 5 page essay of why japan is so great

Crew 2: be gay

Crew 3: be gay with style

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a9e68e  No.16693646


> spent at least half your wages in gbf

Sorry, but the government already takes half of my wage.

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7c8424  No.16693662

File: 6d77365acbf5b1c⋯.png (999.89 KB, 850x717, 850:717, 6d77365acbf5b1c9f89a04aab7….png)


>crew 3 still exists

I guess LF hasn't broken completely yet.

I miss the banter.


Erunes are more serious.

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9b180a  No.16693724


I thought it went

>spend all money you obtain to join crew 1

>be an autistic sperg to join crew 2

>be incredibly depressed and partially insane to join crew 3

>be a fucking footfag to join potato crew

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85463c  No.16693807

File: d6961db45e7d1e6⋯.png (115.74 KB, 491x189, 491:189, crew 3 captain.png)

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7c8424  No.16693837

File: f1f6cc115a9fadf⋯.jpg (39.61 KB, 504x352, 63:44, delet.jpg)


Poor LF will never be free from the backstabbers in his own midst.


From my experience

>tryhard crew

>cancer crew

>shitpost crew

>faggot crew

Although I can vouch for the feeling of despair that was sometimes prevailing in crew 3, at least while I was there.

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4d04ca  No.16694210

Candy is gay.

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7c8424  No.16694461


Woefully incorrect.

Candi is best girl.

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5f357a  No.16694504

File: a9989e497e688ce⋯.png (331.19 KB, 412x579, 412:579, ClipboardImage.png)

I don't get all the hate on crew 2, they're cool. also I miss crew 3 sometimes

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6903a9  No.16694509

File: b69f123b704b854⋯.jpg (418.66 KB, 1349x1165, 1349:1165, 1562748631692.jpg)


We have no footfags in Potato(officially overrun by Zoeyfags) Crew. What we have are Zoeyfags and Erunefags. The demographics change too fast.

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606409  No.16694658

File: 69c9766018b7f6f⋯.jpg (115.8 KB, 1000x955, 200:191, D3E9sxRUcAA_if3.jpg)


Crew 2 is the only one of the original three guilds that uses Pisscord.

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7718b2  No.16694734





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1ef1f7  No.16694774


If you wanted to bump the thread you only had to ask.

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5f357a  No.16694780


It's not like everyone uses it, and I don't see the problem with using it. Apparently the older crew members that already left didn't want any alternative, so it kinda stuck. It's just a way for us to shitpost with images.

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606409  No.16695203

File: 20a44bdc80cc06e⋯.png (99.71 KB, 640x688, 40:43, 20a44bdc80cc06ee5465ff5fa2….png)


>I don't see the problem with using it

Because it begs the question what the hell are you doing here if you don't care about your privacy, free speech, and staying away from bloated resource devouring software.

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7b2a53  No.16695533

File: d1e7931c6645475⋯.jpg (1.04 MB, 1080x1249, 1080:1249, Screenshot_20190715-002245.jpg)

Why the hell do we get so many Idol characters? Most of the Idol characters (except for Lilele) I find incredibly boring. Their only skills is half-assing singing, most of the time it's not weaponized or anything making them stand out from the crew in combat.

Singing isn't even special in GBF, we got warriors that could sing circles around them. Those three old men could end their shit the moment they start dropping soiyas, I honestly believe most of the Idols are just hacks, they're as good as JJ freestyles.

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606409  No.16695714

File: b8f6b289656cdb8⋯.jpg (50.43 KB, 483x451, 483:451, de6301860b1ee4a6e3570cc393….jpg)


Im@s was a collab that happened since they were working on the Cinderella Girls mobileshit for Bamco, that Djeeta idol group was just a one off along with Diantha and her trope since they were failed attempts at courting the Idol market, and Love Live is just popular cancer like Attack on Titan.

>Doesn't find Lilele boring

There's only two things to her character, singing and being fat.

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28e5af  No.16695772

File: 4cdaba1986912bf⋯.jpg (240.9 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 4cdaba1986912bf5cf81f87a96….jpg)


Shut UP! There's a lot of them because idols aret he ultimate beings of pure good will and happy and SOME people have superior tastes!

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24b850  No.16696053

File: f7c5925286f40ab⋯.png (5.07 MB, 2500x1800, 25:18, ClipboardImage.png)

Begun the bonito wars have

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efe11c  No.16696358


I can finally use my (in)complete Kengonito grid!

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efe11c  No.16696371


It's okay, we'll get more Knights events in November. I hope you're looking forward to Lancelot's apprentice, Galahad!

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408c3c  No.16696735

File: 780715c2ccf8bfa⋯.png (409.91 KB, 541x263, 541:263, that feel when.PNG)


>tfw I lost my job and I won't be able to provide the monthly money-spark screenshot to the A crew leader

It was fun while it lasted, thanks for all the A tier wins.

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688bc8  No.16698705

Is it better to use a duplicate Grimnir summon to uncap the previous one or keep the second one for it's summon call effect?

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900b80  No.16699344


You don't uncap grimnir, it's not worth it. The call doesn't change and you only get +20% aura and you'll be using double tiamat anyway. Keep it until he gets a 4* or reduce it. You also don't uncap Shiva or Europa. Only uncap Brodia, since she goes from 70% to 100% damage cut.

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688bc8  No.16699452


I see. Thanks for the input. I suppose I was overestimating the value of the main aura when compared to other wind summons, though that also depends on how my wind grid ends up developing. Having two Grimnir summon calls on hand might be niche but it will probably have some applications or at least allow for cheesing some annoying.

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509522  No.16699480

File: 5b3f8f1a2d25b15⋯.png (1.13 MB, 992x1403, 992:1403, ClipboardImage.png)

Need more Fraux art. Also fuck eventual 5* Oracles.

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efe11c  No.16699482


It'd only be worth it if you get an Evoker skin and The World as a Summon.

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96fd95  No.16700228

File: 9a555942a62e140⋯.jpg (58.12 KB, 635x711, 635:711, D_mCQA5UYAE2SSp.jpg)

File: 88805e94f2eba1e⋯.jpg (69.38 KB, 638x719, 638:719, D_mCQA2UIAALLa0.jpg)

File: ae2977dbb96ae7e⋯.jpg (46.39 KB, 639x703, 639:703, D_mCQA3UEAAxxLX.jpg)

File: c75e475c1228915⋯.jpg (53.29 KB, 635x717, 635:717, D_mCQA1U4AAMIrY.jpg)

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24b850  No.16700543

File: f2e5e30f15e07ca⋯.png (1000.61 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8a7166ae9a5ab37⋯.png (899.56 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, ClipboardImage.png)

Playable friday and summer cag

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24b850  No.16700547

File: 48742315926ec2b⋯.png (296.23 KB, 514x280, 257:140, ClipboardImage.png)


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d5ff84  No.16700645

File: cc4776c038e40a6⋯.jpg (847.15 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, caggy.jpg)


>summer cag

Oh shit, didn't believe it would happen. The dream was Vampy, but a wet Cag is fine too. It's a good day to be a lolicon.

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24b850  No.16700692

File: 2cd8e8bc57a839c⋯.png (762.7 KB, 850x543, 850:543, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a44dfaca1bfd6dc⋯.png (600.69 KB, 507x638, 507:638, ClipboardImage.png)

GW is tomorrow. Post your grids

The wet draph team is ready.

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cb081b  No.16700881

File: 7b43c36e9dd3e74⋯.png (1.03 MB, 1035x867, 345:289, water.png)

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08ff83  No.16700944

File: 76fce7ba2a597f8⋯.png (768.71 KB, 569x721, 569:721, Water Grid Bonito.png)

File: fb29e4527b71760⋯.png (601.57 KB, 573x567, 191:189, Frontline.png)

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df9c43  No.16701165

File: b35f40e5d87ae14⋯.png (753.28 KB, 637x805, 91:115, 2019.07.17 water grid.png)

File: 7c78bb8163a4f6b⋯.png (1.32 MB, 1274x692, 637:346, 2019.07.17 Frontline-summo….png)


I think I'm set. I might swap out Kaguya for Summer Macula depending on how the hellfire bonito fight is.

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7ec727  No.16701303


I am finally done with my party and grid, just need chalices and plus marks now.

Can't get anything better until me and my mates can clear Faa "Has no equal" san and I draw Gabriel and KMR releases an Excelsior weapon that isn't useless outside staff parties.

Can't post images until maintenance is over though.

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900b80  No.16701712

File: af534ea80176447⋯.jpg (72.46 KB, 462x846, 77:141, m1.JPG)

File: df57da60e81aa2b⋯.jpg (126.6 KB, 489x835, 489:835, m2.JPG)

File: 7db6547b1573d7d⋯.jpg (119.01 KB, 497x828, 497:828, m3.JPG)

File: 2aeebee306ac397⋯.jpg (39.29 KB, 422x205, 422:205, n100a.JPG)

File: a2fa4b26da5825d⋯.jpg (125.59 KB, 483x859, 483:859, n100b.JPG)


kengo for meat farming&nightmare 90-95 and nekomancer for n100.

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b41509  No.16701811

File: 9da51dfda91b036⋯.jpg (42.4 KB, 653x500, 653:500, 36d1cffb4bb02cac1a0ba166e8….jpg)


I'm out of rolls and am considering using my sierotix on summer cog, can /v/ talk me down?

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efe11c  No.16701816

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f0d226  No.16701825

File: 3fa76eefb6385c5⋯.jpg (904.38 KB, 3000x3400, 15:17, renzu_(lens_02) - bb42b8aa….jpg)


stream on the 3rd with free rolls likely

you can likely scrounge up some rolls here and there to try your luck at the end of summer

your husbando is shit

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606409  No.16701879

File: 3099d2f959a71c5⋯.jpg (59.93 KB, 827x703, 827:703, D0EZMLyU8AMNntB.jpg)

File: 568916f32e1dadc⋯.jpg (281.65 KB, 850x1436, 425:718, 568916f32e1dadc174e61784b9….jpg)


What the other anon said about waiting; Summer Characters are gonna be in the draw until the end of next month so you might as well wait and see if you luck out before then for your Cag buns.

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509522  No.16701880

File: ceaeda54bac0a48⋯.png (84.83 KB, 288x171, 32:19, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 30dd8feb994bc79⋯.png (265.05 KB, 317x425, 317:425, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 705c08a7d7385db⋯.png (286.81 KB, 321x424, 321:424, ClipboardImage.png)

I have a staff team at least. Can't do shit with Kengo.

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5f357a  No.16701898

File: 1b4ecf3e98e738b⋯.png (392.45 KB, 441x453, 147:151, ClipboardImage.png)

I'm not even trying

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b41509  No.16701909

File: 62473744a4d7778⋯.png (89.56 KB, 375x798, 125:266, summon_2040211000_01_damag….png)



thanks anons that's what I needed to hear, cogs sweet thighs just threw me into a temporary frenzy

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df9c43  No.16701932

File: 3deafe45f5fd71d⋯.jpg (308.66 KB, 629x990, 629:990, 4789785907.jpg)


>ancient auberons

why did you bother with making so many?

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60a0a9  No.16701938

>summer Grea STILL not in the draw pool


>Europa on rateup

I've been holding on to a spark for more than a month now, I've got like 20 extra draws. Should I roll for that premium fimbul?

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7ec727  No.16701991

File: d71f2f065425968⋯.png (376.05 KB, 585x414, 65:46, Summon Side.png)

File: 061139db236f5df⋯.png (337.35 KB, 580x389, 580:389, Character side.png)


>Should I roll for that premium fimbul?

Hell no, it doesn't even have HP.

It's another thing entirely if you want to do it for her. Europa is a good girl and she has helped me nonstop since I got her summon almost two years ago.

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7ec727  No.16702025

File: e3e8305b501b46b⋯.png (241.81 KB, 505x247, 505:247, It's sad but I can't reall….png)

File: ca87d192d9f57bb⋯.png (823.91 KB, 586x744, 293:372, Grid.png)

File: 00419cf34cbb043⋯.png (855.78 KB, 582x742, 291:371, Summons.png)

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553e93  No.16702271

File: b2ba56aa20a9291⋯.jpg (355.94 KB, 961x493, 961:493, Screenshot_20190717-195111….jpg)

File: d20806feb3a9454⋯.jpg (1.01 MB, 1072x1429, 1072:1429, 20190717_194959.jpg)

File: 1fe7267c44ee8d3⋯.jpg (1.06 MB, 1074x1432, 3:4, 20190717_194938.jpg)


Best I could do with how busy I've been irl. At least I can 1 turn EX+.

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cb7499  No.16702278


It gives 3500 shield to party, it is probably one of the best defensive main hands in the game. It does bother me they didn't give it med atk or med hp, as DA is literally a garbage stat, med crit is bleh unless you have a GOOD reason to have 5 weps with it in grid. It bothers me immensely that the stamina grand weps don't have a lvl 120 skill buff like all the other grand weps, with the addition of having one of the 150 buffs be garbage is unforgivable.

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41eb69  No.16702284

File: ce6391fbde9890d⋯.png (238.92 KB, 506x296, 253:148, party.png)

File: 8cc890383657f4c⋯.png (689.1 KB, 543x716, 543:716, grid.png)


My grid would be better if you didn't need damascus for everything now.

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9b350d  No.16702505

File: 65d1f3065f4120a⋯.png (1.05 MB, 888x1178, 444:589, Dj4vrF6V4AAontB.png large.png)

Decent spark all around. Somewhat pissed I can't seem to get any good new summons, really hoping for a gabbu, but hey, I've got more than 300 gold moons, I should just give up and sierotix her.

Spark targets: Summer cag > Alex > Strum > Shiva

R count: 219

SR Count: 62

SSR Count: 19

Bronze moons: 24

Silver Moons: 12

Gold Moons: 7

% SSR Pulled: ~6%, exactly as advertised rates

New SSR: Alex, Wind Heles, Wind Vira, Amira, Chat Noire, Medusa

SSR Quartz: Grani x2, Summer mac x2, Hamsa

Gold moons: Halle x2, Dark Eusless, Albert, Light Sarunan, Ghandagoza, earth vas

Actual Spark: Cagliostro

Now I will proceed to make the euro + cag staff meme team, right after I get off my ass and complete UBHL

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41eb69  No.16702561

File: 64f517323b399e6⋯.png (1009.78 KB, 1011x591, 337:197, cutie.png)

File: 78930de3fde8252⋯.jpg (497.38 KB, 782x1200, 391:600, smug cog.jpg)

In this moment, I am smug.

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efe11c  No.16702606


I want to turn Cagliostro into the World's Cutest Mom Alchemist.

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606409  No.16702618

File: a925361d1e1e9ef⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 208.55 KB, 1200x1600, 3:4, D6HGUaGUUAAZoKD.jpg)


Only Chuck Norris has the sperm to impregnate homunculi!

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7ec727  No.16702620

I hope this new summer version reinvigorates the Uncle Cog doujin scene.

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3ce4aa  No.16702628

File: 740e7081a889eca⋯.jpg (37.95 KB, 439x583, 439:583, 14680715_1710019295989511_….jpg)

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41eb69  No.16702640

File: 5abc07072de903a⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 89.62 KB, 1000x715, 200:143, __cagliostro_granblue_fant….jpg)


If this is gay, what even is straight?

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d5ff84  No.16702702

File: 6f4aad7c452a03a⋯.png (621.45 KB, 720x1053, 80:117, cag21.png)

File: d6532ff564d7261⋯.png (1.81 MB, 1000x1383, 1000:1383, cag4.png)

File: 6a27a9443588db2⋯.jpg (430.02 KB, 732x1116, 61:93, cag16.jpg)

File: 9f5a478cb2aefa4⋯.png (1.55 MB, 1005x1417, 1005:1417, cag14.png)

File: 987aae265dbae46⋯.png (894.22 KB, 708x1000, 177:250, cag11.png)

Haven't had a 'Is liking Cag gay?' run in awhile. The answer is no course, unless gotta throw in voodoo about souls having a sex. Wanting to bang Cag does not make you gay, it does make you a lolicon.

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3ce4aa  No.16702788

File: 510dea5ca8e4786⋯.png (10.07 KB, 120x120, 1:1, stamp169.png)


Cagliostro never died, he just transferred his consciousness into a female body(ies). He was never reincarnated, his mind was never made a complete blank, he still has all of his memories of being a dude.

Shit's gay.

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ae452a  No.16702791


I'm only there for the ass. I don't care what's piloting it.

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7ec727  No.16702792


But he doesn't have a weiner.

More than that, he doesn't have a badly butchered weiner turned inside out that needs moisturizing.

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6d0820  No.16702812

File: 09eeea47ed42c47⋯.jpg (96.57 KB, 700x985, 140:197, 3a9625b8b0ffd28a86949001db….jpg)

Anyone got any good tutorials on rendering/drawing in the style of granblue?

I wanna do it. I wanna draw the tiddies.

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606409  No.16702934

File: 9b93e03f7a0a1f7⋯.png (264.19 KB, 900x980, 45:49, 3040225000_img_1.png)


Didn't Cags say during her event that the body was remade the moment her soul left her body?

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602464  No.16703220

Traps ARE gay. Fag.

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1a2bf4  No.16703484

File: bb4ef78b499257b⋯.png (298.8 KB, 317x532, 317:532, 1 button EX team.png)

File: 60d43b5bd94e69e⋯.png (205.36 KB, 315x398, 315:398, 1 button EX grid.png)


I only finished my EX+ team, I wanted to farm 4 Wilhelms for my NM setup but I couldn't get them in time.

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d3aacc  No.16703661

File: dba333ca0831969⋯.png (198.38 KB, 595x701, 595:701, 4e3709156a68bbefbdb41b1b77….png)

Got a question for you guys about draws. Is it better to draw one at a time, or ten at once?

My buddy plays a different mobage (FGO) and he usually rolls one at a time, stating that he has a better chance of getting 5 star summons that way despite not having a guaranteed 3-5 star. Calculating probability was something I was never really good at, but he gets good results despite usually being unlucky. I was wondering if the same theory would apply here.

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24b850  No.16703680


the chance of getting something good is the same between 10 and 1 draws. However, with a 10 draw you get a guaranteed SR (can be characterless, but it is SR fodder).

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f0d226  No.16704816

File: 789b591f8448945⋯.jpg (1.17 MB, 1670x2133, 1670:2133, Hollowsky 7-18-19.jpg)

hollowsky chart updated, but don't look at it. Go back to beating back burned bonito

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606409  No.16705102

File: e3b02cce4702cde⋯.jpg (2.48 MB, 2894x3307, 2894:3307, e3b02cce4702cde7e9d35e31a1….jpg)


I know that pics feeling; I was spending my 3k crystals towards Summer Cags and all I got was Europas character and a gold moon in the 8 single tickets I spent. Go with the 10 part since it has guaranteed SR and 3% SSR rate that gets doubled during the fests whereas FGO only has 1%.

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3ce4aa  No.16705616


Yes, Cag has an infinite amount of little girl bodies and his soul/consciousness is transferred into a new one the moment the current one dies.

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7dd43a  No.16705741

File: f120eada161a3b1⋯.jpg (37.84 KB, 540x404, 135:101, 132525425245.jpg)


>Tested my luck in hopes of getting Cag

>Two draws, and all I got was Summer Percy and Lucius.

Maybe next time.

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24b850  No.16706012

File: fc190b1db623ed8⋯.png (918.19 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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7ec727  No.16706027


Fight Club Part 2: Electric Boogaloo.

Ayer will finally be able to use his second skill (and looks like he will be unkillable as long as he doesn't get AoE'd or he ougis without a backup charge bar gain to feed Jolt Counter)

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dd40b9  No.16706230


It's a little unclear if Ayer can use his Ougi whilst Jolt counter is active. The say that he can attack normally now but I'm not sure if that means he can Ougi as well.

Now that he can gain meter during jolt counter, he also gains meter from countering (usually 5% per counter). That means that he can actually gain more meter than jolt consumes.

Another thing that needs to be cleared up is how his third skill functions. The way that they word it makes it sound like he is immortal as long as his second skill is active. He used to die if his health was below 10HP and he got hit. It's also possible that he can now survive a single hit whilst he is under 10HP which leaves him at 1HP and the next hit will kil him.

If you have an Oracle, I recommend that you wait on completing his last fate episode until more testing is done.

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fe451e  No.16706515

File: 8dd6e5074523d82⋯.jpg (581.95 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20190719-075855….jpg)

File: 9f8a94465767990⋯.jpeg (369.77 KB, 1270x1100, 127:110, efc6074bf82029225b4e5e29c….jpeg)



Went for the 10 draws. Managed to get Cag on my last roll. Got Friday too.

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d5ff84  No.16706579

File: 6e68a7de4772b32⋯.png (806.84 KB, 798x1093, 798:1093, shoo.png)


I always save a spark for the last summer double rate up, when all the new units are in. Will pick her up then and if lucky a few others.

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606409  No.16706682

File: 6c2272b505117a0⋯.jpg (88.27 KB, 904x967, 904:967, D_aZ8_WU4AEy9Fb.jpg)


>Got Friday too

I'm sorry.

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da2055  No.16706684

File: 2e63055bd6d6143⋯.png (462.12 KB, 479x513, 479:513, dead crew.png)


>crew 3 still exists

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606409  No.16707819

File: 1c818606d023b7e⋯.jpg (89.09 KB, 500x1168, 125:292, D6NLSTkU0AAcRuD.jpg)

Did Europas spear just become waters best mainhand for its type?

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efe11c  No.16707940



It helps that Europa's a good character as well due to how well she fits most teams. If you get her you can't go wrong.

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7ec727  No.16707980


Spears are more often than not the inferior choice. There's three classes that use spears, and the other weapon is generally superior in most elements.

Case in point, Water:

Drang Ball and Faa-san Staff are far superior options for Sage and Spartan can make use of the Guardian's Xiphos, which has a weaker shield and no clarity, but has a stamina buff instead. Assuming you use Uno 5* instead since he has the exact same ougi as the Guardian's Xiphos, the issue then becomes the shields not stacking.

Not that you couldn't use both of them, however there's certainly an overlap. Then again water doesn't have that many good sword main hands either so maybe Insight really is the best option after Xiphos, more so if you can't hit cap without the extra attack skill.

Or you could use a Ultima Sword (If you're not using Katalina) or Spear for the DA and Water ATK I dunno.

And then there's Aspargus but does anyone even use Aspargus in water? Well, if you want to use it it's not like there's any good axe either so knock yourself out

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606409  No.16708005

File: a3364f3f72bedc0⋯.jpg (120.13 KB, 915x850, 183:170, DzCvuq3V4AAlVc3.jpg)


I dunno, two unchallenged seems pretty fucking useful; I mean, it's no Gae Bulg but damn.

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7ec727  No.16708012


Unchallenged only affects the MC so there's that.

Also had to check if it's 1-hit (Alexiel) or 1-turn (Zooey/Charlotta)

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606409  No.16708050

File: ee2c50ef3a7e00d⋯.jpg (160.56 KB, 1580x1800, 79:90, D9bPAYaUwAIYtbm.jpg)

File: 8e4938615f57e24⋯.jpg (59.51 KB, 501x706, 501:706, D-9djnAUwAU3W6f.jpg)

File: f61bdef93309a2d⋯.jpg (208.7 KB, 375x500, 3:4, 64638951_p52.jpg)

File: ac32530926c387b⋯.png (370.44 KB, 533x746, 533:746, 63708749_p6.png)

File: 42f7a28233fa785⋯.jpg (815.88 KB, 2480x3507, 2480:3507, DpUck7YV4AATxNc.jpg)


Yeah but Spartan comes with its own to go with the ougi.

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24b850  No.16710512

File: 0c1ab07c9d6f3ce⋯.png (1.52 MB, 1500x1500, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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509522  No.16710520

File: 9398d647fbe8bb7⋯.png (199.69 KB, 318x277, 318:277, ClipboardImage.png)

Phase 2. With all new shite.

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24b850  No.16710752

File: 0933ac0fd4ce4e3⋯.png (621.71 KB, 513x651, 171:217, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 120b65ce05a90b8⋯.png (919.22 KB, 850x1203, 850:1203, ClipboardImage.png)

Naru is a good girl who can achieve 1.49mil autos with her 80% echo

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df9c43  No.16710809

File: 44aff5833e09bb3⋯.png (415.47 KB, 634x840, 317:420, 2019.07.20-19.25.png)

The 95 ain't that bad.

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24b850  No.16710860

File: 2b7ac83aa03373e⋯.png (308.94 KB, 506x679, 506:679, ClipboardImage.png)

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24b850  No.16711504

File: e1d5a76854a738f⋯.webm (11.44 MB, 360x500, 18:25, 95 auto.webm)

File: 00d55b7a895a1b9⋯.png (644.54 KB, 507x670, 507:670, ClipboardImage.png)

This is the easiest auto 95 for a while. Sub 5mins.

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24b850  No.16712109

File: d66589568cffb9a⋯.png (75.64 KB, 580x110, 58:11, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9b8e0eebdecfa3a⋯.png (75.76 KB, 580x110, 58:11, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 89a511fa7a45cea⋯.png (84 KB, 580x110, 58:11, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7a892f404a53d0f⋯.png (78.78 KB, 580x110, 58:11, ClipboardImage.png)

Society summer event next.

I swear to god if we get fucked out of an SR Bea for another SR Cassius

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dd40b9  No.16712249


Not going to lie, I'm not going to be happy with another summer Bea and/or Zeta. They already have Kimono skins and swimsuit versions whilst some other popular characters have nothing but their base version and maybe an SR. A new Cassius doesn't help things either. Also, still no SSR summer Harvin. Only SRs.

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606409  No.16712334

File: 027ff00953dc019⋯.gif (652.25 KB, 691x528, 691:528, 582d426c658485f5d753efd144….gif)


>A second summer event

Dear god no..

When's the last time we got an event character that wasn't from a collab?

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9b350d  No.16712355

File: 0b87f0c89f75bd6⋯.png (147.69 KB, 462x439, 462:439, 150 disappointments.png)

File: 9d087343b3a8b3d⋯.png (99.99 KB, 439x124, 439:124, THIS IS TO GO EVEN FURTHER….png)

Should have done this a while back

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dd40b9  No.16712380


Cassius, nearly 7 months ago. Technically not even released this year.

2018 had 3 MC skins, 7 character skins, 1 concert SR of your choosing, 6 event SRs (1 from a collab) and 9 event SSRs (8 from collabs). We've had 1 event R, 1 event 5*, 7 character skins and 4 SSRs (all collabs) in 2019 so far.

I think we can expect more event skins to come in the future since they're a little easier to make.

2019 is behind on 2018 in terms of event goodies. One reason for this is that we've had more story event reruns than in 2018. There have been 5 reruns so far whilst in 2018 there were 6 in the entire year (not including non-events like Winter Nights and Valentines). We've also had the same situation happen with RotB. 5 reruns in 2018 and 4 reruns in 2019 so far.

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efe11c  No.16712398


And we still have 3 more SSR units from collabs as early as August with the original Love Live collab.

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d71132  No.16712404


Another summer event

One hand it’s a society event and usually those are the best ones. Maybe this one will be different.

>summer yukata versions of Bea, Zeta, and Cassius

Have a feeling it’s going to be skins or two of those characters are going to be locked into the gacha.

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6dfd48  No.16712416

File: ee37979efbf2395⋯.png (715.16 KB, 481x790, 481:790, ClipboardImage.png)


They've said SRs are worthless to release as nobody really uses them outside very specific niches or extreme early game where you literally don't have anything else. The few gacha SRs we get are either memes, alternative skins or to test the waters for new mechanics before porting them over to SSRs.

While I do enjoy the skins and don't mind losing an extra 50 crystals from the fate eposide, I'm still bummed out we didn't get SR Vajira or another pick for an SR Zodiac, I want my collection complete, damnit.

As for ROTB, I think it was in part for the release of 4* Seraphic weapon, in part because it looks like they want to make it come back a bit more often for gold bars, rings and now ROTB Magna weapons, but once every 2 months might be a bit too much


>yukata versions of Bea, Zeta, and Cassius


Think again.

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dd40b9  No.16712460


Oh, right. I forgot that they announced the next LL collab already. Next IM@S event when?

2018 had 2 more collabs after the LL one (+a straight-up shilling) so I wonder how many we'll get this year.


>They've said SRs are worthless

I can understand that. The only event SR I can think of that gets used is on occasion is Meteon. I personally wouldn't mind losing them so much if we got more skins or more variety/creativity (not more of Black cape Six, another fucking sword Zoi in that same fucking outfit,etc.)

Too much RotB in a short time-span really starts getting annoying. Wanpanning EX+ raids for optimal point gain is just boring. I've already done enough of that for my magna grids. Putting a time-constraint on it doesn't make it better.

Regarding the new yukata versions, don't forget about last years summer event. We never got a Scat or Seruel costume/character out of that event.

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41eb69  No.16712478

File: 39720e3bc294891⋯.jpg (348.9 KB, 1600x1132, 400:283, EAAFG3dUEAIeqPI.jpg)

File: 3bcaedcc6691978⋯.jpg (62.87 KB, 762x768, 127:128, 3bcaedcc66919783ab957d0208….jpg)

>those little details

As expected of the master, Kakage. Summer Silva when?

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efe11c  No.16712494


Assuming the pattern last year will repeat itself we might see another magical girl series collab (be it Prisma Illya, more Precure or Madoka) and another Cygames collab (perhaps Dragalia Lost).

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6dfd48  No.16712505


>Cygames collab (perhaps Dragalia Lost).

Hasn't Dragalia lost been aborted already?

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41eb69  No.16712508

File: d24e07fa81057da⋯.jpg (236.07 KB, 1200x799, 1200:799, d24e07fa81057da84c5177a094….jpg)

File: 174200678115497⋯.jpg (121.31 KB, 823x1200, 823:1200, 174200678115497fbaf59b75f1….jpg)


>another Cygames collab


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3ce4aa  No.16712540


>Prisma Illya

I don't think this would happen, but it'd be really nice if it did. Kuro reporting to danchou's bedchambers every night is a thing that needs to happen.

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606409  No.16712582

File: a89a99b353cf201⋯.png (210.16 KB, 960x800, 6:5, 3030152000_02.png)


Fuck Silva and fuck Cuco; Cami is the only gun sister who should be getting a new version. Every version of her is useless for the one reason anyone uses her for; plain damage.


I can tell you right now that we'll never see a collab with FateGO so my money would be on a sequel to Cardcaptors that fixes Sakura with a 5*, Precure that focuses on the recent series with the Mexican, or the Madoka mobage characters (I hope we never get Madoka because I know if they actually make it about the series I'd never get a Kyouko). Right now the only thing that's for sure to be announced is a collab with Guilty Gear.


It looks like it's doing well, just not as well as the games that can sell by their name alone. Is the horseshit that people should be worried about.


And never will with how greedy and protective the owners are.

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dd40b9  No.16712615

File: 0755932dc4a3fbd⋯.jpg (251.64 KB, 1935x1040, 387:208, Shadowverse-x-Fate-stay-ni….jpg)


Camieux really does deserve an SSR. She could be a nice accompanying unit for Silva/Cucoroux as a meter battery or a DATA buffer.

>we'll never see a collab with FateGO

Chances are slim that we'll get a Fate/GO collab but other Fate properties are far more likely.

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a3f576  No.16712637


>Chances are slim that we'll get a Fate/GO collab but other Fate properties are far more likely.

Type-Moon lends out it's characters like a loose whore but never to anything that competes with itself. i.e there are Monster Hunter skins/Shadowverse shit from Fate but Type-Moon doesn't produce Monster Hunter like games or Shadowverse like games. Type-Moon wouldn't lend out it's characters to another mobage when it's own mobage is still one of the highest grossing.

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d71132  No.16712680



That character alongside Jessica and other event SRs are due for a SSR. That and another Racing event.

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688bc8  No.16712688


What if they used the Tsukihime cast instead of Fate characters? The closest FGO has come to using the Tsukihime cast was putting Kara no Kyoukai characters in.

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dd40b9  No.16712886


I suppose, so. I do also admit that the Shadowverse and Puzzle&Dragons collab gave me a bit of false hope.

I just want to ring Illya.

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606409  No.16712972

File: 909f08cf912bdbf⋯.jpg (115.25 KB, 1427x1396, 1427:1396, D4zLm2LX4AA8g7F.jpg)



That shouldn't be a sign of hope for anyone; it is the king of the Japanese mobage market.

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dd40b9  No.16713011

File: 77fe7e1e1cb8e95⋯.png (89.01 KB, 590x457, 590:457, 2018 revenue.png)


>king of the Japanese mobage market

It hasn't been for quite some time.

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606409  No.16713072

File: 0ae4e13f5b29269⋯.mp4 (7.08 MB, 854x480, 427:240, Contemplative Jazz Music.mp4)


>That many people gladly taking the Fate brand dicking

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41eb69  No.16713096

File: 03c7f9d43121a21⋯.gif (61.62 KB, 260x200, 13:10, 1452405404405.gif)


It is a mystery how it's that popular. Fate SN really is pretty good, but I can't imagine the majority of those people have actually read the VN, and it doesn't help that GO is garbage to begin with.

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efe11c  No.16713122


FGO is considered an entry point even by the Japanese now.

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38f83c  No.16713150


The devs said that the bulk of the f/go players didn't read the VN.

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b7f160  No.16714345

Can someone explain damage capping for an idiot? like what numbers am i looking for or when do i know when I'm hitting damage cap?

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fed4df  No.16714367


It depends what you have in your grid. Unboosted, autos cap at 440k and ougis cap at almost 1.7 million.

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24b850  No.16717367

File: 6059b28d25d8c66⋯.png (912.69 KB, 596x682, 298:341, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 342573ed1c141d7⋯.png (799.16 KB, 596x682, 298:341, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2f5bbf9ad6fb6af⋯.png (927.49 KB, 596x682, 298:341, ClipboardImage.png)

>Yukata djeeta

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d5ff84  No.16717794

File: e97ac5a67967d8e⋯.jpg (370.93 KB, 1600x1132, 400:283, summer snek.jpg)

One of these will be the final summer unit. If it's the snek this will be the summer of loli.

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79ad59  No.16718002

File: c3bb12678d2d6b0⋯.png (183.54 KB, 468x512, 117:128, StepOnTheRedPedal.PNG)

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dd40b9  No.16718126


I quite like the Djeeta skin (the liitle braids are really cute) but there is an important question to be asked.

When do we get the chef skin from the sushi mini-game?

Or was my wild 'Assassin 2 is going to be cooking based' prediction correct?


Athena is really popular. If Cygames wants to strike while the iron is hot then they'll probably release a swimsuit Athena this summer. They did the same with Ilsa last year.

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7ec727  No.16718230


>Gran gets the tokage, Djeeta doesn't

Gran is canon confirmed, checkmate Djeetheists. Her skin is very cute though.



Keeping in mind the ongoing theme of characters with no playable versions debuting with their themed releases this summer (Hal & Mal and Friday) my bet is on Satyr's huge throbbing futa cock barely concealed by a microbikini being the one that will get a summer edition.

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c0b22f  No.16718233


The game has too many sneks already.

I would have said that Satyr was unlikely since she doesn't have a standard playable version, but they jumped that version with Hal&Mal so who the fuck knows.


>Summer Athena

While popular I don't think Athena's personality, kit or element allows for much change

Also we need a BIG TITS release, it could be Satyr or it could be a Draph (Aliza, Carmelina, Forte, Hallessena, Razia) or a SR unit getting an upgrade (Laguna, LAMRETTA, Sarya).

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c0b22f  No.16718260

File: 100ddc3443f70f4⋯.png (581.27 KB, 478x488, 239:244, Come on come on.PNG)

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dd40b9  No.16718357


I'm not saying that you're wrong about Athena but they could probably figure something out for her skills and fates. Blonde and light haired women have always been the moneymakers in GBF (and other Gachas too) so not capitalizing on her current popularity might be to much wasted profit for them not to do it.

I do agree that we need more Draphs. There are only 6 summer draphs in the game and only 5 harvins (no SSRs) compared to 9 erunes and a fuck-load of humans. They already used the most popular harvins for SRs so it's up to the draphs to catch up.

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606409  No.16718370

File: a5a53cf64dc2af3⋯.jpg (96.42 KB, 560x738, 280:369, D6HRwxxV4AAhJle.jpg)






Since the new event is water, it's either gonna be Satyr or dual character of Athena and Medusa.

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c0b22f  No.16718394


>The new event

The new event is going to come with the release of SSR Cassius or Yukata Bea&Zeta either as separate or a combo character. That Summer Sieg looks weird as fuck and brings a small chance for another homoknight release.

We're talking about the August 15th character release.

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7ec727  No.16718403


Yukata Beatrix and Zeta will probably be paid skins. It happened with Platinum Sky and it may well happen again.

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dd492f  No.16718411

You are all sad and worthless cucks playing a gacha trash-fire that is made for mindless worker drones.

Why continue to live? Why not just kill yourselves?

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606409  No.16718431

File: 29887ac7c42a6f2⋯.png (334.69 KB, 500x586, 250:293, D-jF8sjU8AA7lQ1.png)



I don't see it, kinda clashes with Society Kimono sales.

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c0b22f  No.16718438


They both already have a summer version and they both have multiple skins in the shop, one of them being a Kimono, no matter what they do is going to feel too redundant, at this point they might as well do nothing and only keep them in for the story like Scatacha and Seruel last year.

But they probably won't


>new event is water

Earth or Dark Summer Cassius and Earth Summer Lancelot are going to be the most probable releases then.

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a54e41  No.16718816



I was lucky to roll her yesterday, but does this still make her good to use even today? And what does "echo" for battle mean?

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a54e41  No.16718884


>Extra hit

Oh, that's "echo"? why not just extra hit?

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f4173b  No.16719029

File: da9735a3216f9d7⋯.jpg (88.34 KB, 475x660, 95:132, summer sarya soon.JPG)


I'm glad I'm not the only one that has noticed this.

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41eb69  No.16719109

File: a16b4743bc3e1cf⋯.jpg (2.45 MB, 1537x1858, 1537:1858, 74535722_p0.jpg)


>satyr in granblues

Playable soon hopefully, I won't settle for a seasonal summon

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1ef1f7  No.16720634

File: 31d22c372a6a8f3⋯.jpg (22.59 KB, 566x345, 566:345, 1443100311550.jpg)


>Swimsuit Satyr comes out

>visible bulge

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12bf9d  No.16720840

File: 8f33abca819747e⋯.jpg (157.43 KB, 467x777, 467:777, 8f33abca819747e436b7b2c4f4….jpg)

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41eb69  No.16722156

File: 4cf94e5f9e2f9a9⋯.png (40.48 KB, 152x254, 76:127, 1449597320753.png)

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24b850  No.16722261

File: 80bc1856e80e8fb⋯.png (350.38 KB, 500x687, 500:687, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c2cc0879e1a9e9a⋯.png (142.13 KB, 483x166, 483:166, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 42501450b52a386⋯.png (559.84 KB, 512x736, 16:23, ClipboardImage.png)

good shit

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900b80  No.16722461

File: bf93e26655accb3⋯.jpg (60.52 KB, 489x603, 163:201, noice.JPG)

File: 02656318acc84d6⋯.jpg (32.97 KB, 481x226, 481:226, zzzz.JPG)

>bother making a neko staff grid for hell 100 but in the end use kengo instead thanks to Lily

>farm like 10 hours a day hoping to reach top 2000 individual for the trophy but in the end can't even reach top 5000

>spend a bit more than one hour to beat that zeus and that ssr ticket gives me the order grande summon

Oh well, at least I got the stone as rare loot and enough fire quartz (3263) to last a while.

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24b850  No.16723923

File: c6f604a6498caf5⋯.png (3 MB, 1500x1061, 1500:1061, ClipboardImage.png)

pre-event art

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24b850  No.16723942

File: 48ffdbe52093634⋯.png (375.42 KB, 524x401, 524:401, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3741bf0906ccbc5⋯.png (2.54 MB, 1703x1491, 1703:1491, ClipboardImage.png)

We got some GW art

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23bdc1  No.16723969

File: 7978ac276f9f594⋯.png (63.13 KB, 403x93, 13:3, ClipboardImage.png)

I like how they made the stickers easier to sort

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7ec727  No.16725885

File: 849874b2be59b0e⋯.jpg (291.62 KB, 1216x937, 1216:937, I mean, what do they even ….jpg)

Guess I'll try and save as many harvin, Yaia and Uncle Cog doujins as I can before it's all over.

But this affront will be paid for in blood you motherfuckers at the top.

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606409  No.16725933

File: eecfee0b874ff65⋯.jpg (104.56 KB, 792x874, 396:437, DzLG6tEV4AEB-hJ.jpg)



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30832f  No.16726972


but what if trap habe bob and vegana

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3b3cc7  No.16727862

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Percival in GBVS

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24b850  No.16727981


>two homo knights

>still no female draph titties

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24b850  No.16728228

File: bc329ec1df385d7⋯.png (649.91 KB, 640x688, 40:43, ClipboardImage.png)

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dd40b9  No.16728370

File: 1580f84a1cf3f71⋯.png (176.96 KB, 640x940, 32:47, 310801_sw_1_01.png)

File: 7f9faabc0fbc4ff⋯.png (72.7 KB, 640x1070, 64:107, treasureraid084_Nio_01.png)

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24b850  No.16728745

File: 94cdcf5607b661d⋯.png (668 KB, 640x688, 40:43, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 47b028c621b08a9⋯.png (612.78 KB, 640x688, 40:43, ClipboardImage.png)

File: dfd5d92dbaebf3d⋯.png (743.15 KB, 640x688, 40:43, ClipboardImage.png)

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efe11c  No.16729214


This is why Gabriel is the best Primarch.

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606409  No.16729275

File: 204bbc8502a706d⋯.jpg (64.31 KB, 484x534, 242:267, 204bbc8502a706dafcdfa94130….jpg)



There's too much imbalance; it's all fujo and tumbler landwhale bait.

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efe11c  No.16733549

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>The event has this theme once more

10/10. Best event this year.

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f347dc  No.16733598

File: 67256935d83d1fb⋯.png (677 KB, 634x528, 317:264, Untitled.png)


>want to build a full SOIYA team for the event but lacking Soriz's fishing outfit from his ancient event that will never ever be revived

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7ec727  No.16733789


They'll announce the event will be added to the side stories during the summer stream next week. Trust me my dad works at Cygames.

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606409  No.16735228

File: a8ac2655d03acf9⋯.png (234.37 KB, 640x688, 40:43, scene_evt190726_22.png)

Am I the only one that things the snaggletooth makes her look like an idiot?

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236dee  No.16735304


It's not our fault only dum-dums have fangs

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819a69  No.16735321

File: 7024e8ea29d62f6⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 234.36 KB, 640x688, 40:43, a8ac2655d03acf944d96d3d77a….png)


everything she does makes her look like an idiot.

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62c6c3  No.16735384

File: 610907ea66970cb⋯.png (668.68 KB, 640x688, 40:43, fixed.png)


Is it really just the tooth?

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df9c43  No.16735937

File: 5b9fb4fc07514e8⋯.png (83.39 KB, 886x680, 443:340, 2019.07.28-01.22.png)

Wonder how different swimsuit Europa will be.

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dd40b9  No.16735953


I think she's either going to be a summon or she's the current trial character.

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efe11c  No.16735956


I think the next Summon will be Summer Gabriel.

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7ec727  No.16736034


Probably the Trial character, since there are plenty of similarities between them, like gaining stacks of a buff that increases attack on TA, TA buffs on ougi (though only for herself this time), buffs on long ass cds and there's also the passive that heals/clears on revive (like, say, the ones from the Europa summon).

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cdb781  No.16736143


This lineup is honestly awful. I wouldn't have minded Europa if her first version didn't come out less than a year ago. Jessica I don't give a fuck about. Lancelot and Vane I don't give a fuck about, but even then I feel bad for people that do since dual units are dumb (and Vane doesn't have an SSR yet). There are loads of characters that haven't gotten an SSR or playable version and yet they pick this lineup.

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24b850  No.16736199

File: dac048c727036fd⋯.png (2.18 MB, 1500x916, 375:229, ClipboardImage.png)

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b9ae0e  No.16736203


SSR Vane was released in 2017. It looks like the homoknights are the current SR trial character. Don't care about them, but I have to agree that dual units usually suck. I am excited for swimsuit Europa though.

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24b850  No.16736208

File: 339ee355c3237bd⋯.png (497.18 KB, 645x910, 129:182, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ace49802dfddf6b⋯.png (825.15 KB, 708x1000, 177:250, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 09b7c5a683f5304⋯.png (981.98 KB, 850x1189, 850:1189, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d7ecf53899ff94a⋯.png (880.02 KB, 850x1117, 850:1117, ClipboardImage.png)


all this Jessica hate

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15b932  No.16736369


The whole banner is fucked up. Summer Europa is coming out way too fucking soon and is going to get released on a Legfest banner on which people don't usually pull since the Flashfest banner is the one with the better units. She's also going to be yet another Water Summer character and she's coming right after Cagliostro and Sandalphon, who the fuck planned this? This has to be a trap to get people to waste their sparks and it's a shitty one at that.

Jessica has fuck all to do with this banner, if her release got pushed back to August 15th and she came in as a Summer SSR that paired well with Ayer I would not only have no complaints, but actually be happy to have her on rateup during my spark.

Summer Lancelot&Vane is just retarded, I know they want to ship them as a gay couple to please the fujos but come the fuck on, release either Lancelot or Vane as an Earth character so the fujos can pair him with Siegfried and keep them waiting for the other.

If they can't release Cassius because he's a Society's "prisoner" an Earth Bea&Zeta unit would have been perfect to commemorate the event and for an Earth Society team. Hell, even releasing a Summer Sig would have made more sense than this shit.

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24b850  No.16736434

File: 3321e35947d5ed5⋯.png (1.11 MB, 850x726, 425:363, ClipboardImage.png)


They haven't said this is the next legfest banner, just that these characters are coming. Maybe they were prompted at the conference about those characters. Last year they did announce some summer characters before summer (I think it was the summer stream), and they weren't all in the same banner.

>a Legfest banner on which people don't usually pull since the Flashfest banner is the one with the better units.

Poor zodiacs

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24b850  No.16736446

File: 5af4805efd5a503⋯.png (548.08 KB, 431x682, 431:682, ClipboardImage.png)

Welp, someone soloed lucifaa HL

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051dbf  No.16736455


>00:01 time remaining

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606409  No.16736699

File: d7db52fe83a1de8⋯.png (121.47 KB, 640x688, 40:43, 3991450000_b_surprise_up.png)


Omega levels of autism.

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7ec727  No.16736726


You must mean Vane doesn't have a 5* yet, right?


What's the problem with dual units? The maids are good for Mechanic salvos, Halluel and Malluel are REALLY good overall, the Levin Sisters are a triple unit and even with their linked skills are still good, Lancelot and Vane are useful for stacking ATK down and DEF down and the Love Live (also triple units) and Pretty Cure are event characters so they're nothing incredible but still OK. If you mean because some of them have low ATK those have guaranteed DA to offset that, and they also have ways to boost their ATKs.

Also Wulf and Renie are one of dark's best attackers, though it's pretty much just Wulf with Renie there for moral support


I don't get the hate Laius, I truly don't.


To be fair that's like 1/30 of the total time you have.

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efe11c  No.16736742


And even with Hal and Mal's low Attack, the fact their Crests boost Attack they can reach Kumbhira's levels of power with enough time.

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606409  No.16736843

File: a494dd4b0e65d7a⋯.jpg (150.74 KB, 600x847, 600:847, DwcDXQmU8AATyGc.jpg)



You're forced to use characters you don't like; Maids forcing you to use Dorothy, I guess fujos would feel the wrong team up as an affront to their ship, and Wulf and Renie have lolicons having to suffer furbait.

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efe11c  No.16736857


I don't use them because Renie is a fucking shit character and I have too much fun with my team of Sage, SSR Lunalu, SSR Tanya and Eustace.

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606409  No.16736898

File: 08045f56e732aae⋯.png (444.34 KB, 706x717, 706:717, D3efFwJUUAEBq_n.png)


Elysian, Ferry Grand, Orchid, and Kolulu while Vampy and Renie (or Summer Arulumaya) are in the backline. Eustace takes too long to do anything for me to put a dude on my Dark team and Lunalu is only used in my treasure hunter team because I can only stand an attackless ougi character on my Wind team.

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dd40b9  No.16736940



>I wouldn't have minded Europa if her first version didn't come out less than a year ago

>Summer Europa is coming out way too fucking soon

Compared to who? Other seasonal? Did your mind blank and forget that half the seasonal characters came out after about a year of their initial release?

Here's a list of summer characters who were released within a year of their first character in chronological order and with the time between releases: De La Fille(4 months not really a lot of choice here), Io (5 months same thing), Zeta (8 months), Naru (9 months), Heles (11 months), Zoi (a whopping 2 months), Izmir (9 months), Ilsa (7 months), Grea (a narrow 11 months and some change), Europa (about 10 months)

An honorable mention goes to Vira who got a Swimsuit version after 13 months but only 5 months after her SSR. Charlotta, Rosetta and Medusa also got seasonal version within a year.

Other than that, I completely agree. Water got way too much shit way too quickly and another L&V unit is retarded.

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606409  No.16736985

File: b574a8f55ad15ce⋯.jpg (272 KB, 955x1351, 955:1351, D3ttAJuUEAE320I.jpg)


Zoi is a special case since her normal form is stuck behind a credit card.

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86f0d7  No.16737218

File: da52e0f5ce8bc51⋯.png (422.38 KB, 639x474, 213:158, 3513213554531532.png)

File: 5e8faa4b61bbf00⋯.jpg (25.5 KB, 960x550, 96:55, ktpsdch1cn37lceiow2m.jpg)

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051dbf  No.16737478


How do those tits not have an SSR yet?

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24b850  No.16737534

File: 1b4cacab2e928e9⋯.png (1.87 MB, 1336x2048, 167:256, ClipboardImage.png)

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7dd43a  No.16737928


I can agree about Wulf and Renie being shitty characters especially the latter, but I disagree about Dorothy. Both maids are great, and it's a miss opportunity that they didn't get a Summer version.


I have them also, but I barely use them due to being shitty characters, and I'm already attached to my current dark team that I'm using.


>release either Lancelot or Vane as an Earth character so the fujos can pair him with Siegfried and keep them waiting for the other.

>Hell, even releasing a Summer Sig would have made more sense than this shit.

All of those options would be great, and on top of those I just want some of the event SRs like Ranger ver. Waldur to have an SSR and Rs like Krugne to have an SR already. It's way fucking overdue.

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606409  No.16738069

File: 282edc893ce5a99⋯.png (105.07 KB, 640x688, 40:43, 282edc893ce5a99bbf5f4d0acc….png)

File: 2e62127b07c9728⋯.jpg (689.14 KB, 1988x1600, 497:400, 8dfc28ae1ac60add1b05538b53….jpg)


Dorothy is dogshit but I'd except no less from a furry.

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24b850  No.16738169

File: 0ac30b3e455d06e⋯.png (633.97 KB, 680x383, 680:383, ClipboardImage.png)

ice tits next banner.

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606409  No.16738338

File: 80fb37a381143ab⋯.png (437.26 KB, 684x500, 171:125, D-Y5CPlUEAEmNGU.png)


Hopefully not legfest since I got them all even thought I wanted none.

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900b80  No.16739001

File: e619c1414106a63⋯.jpg (69.2 KB, 473x730, 473:730, not today.JPG)

File: 45ddd9ad0f03e58⋯.jpg (52.19 KB, 476x449, 476:449, not too far.JPG)


>start arcarum by working on death

>mid bosses give shit load of earth astra

>after getting anila last year,free rolls give me Athena and Shiva so switch to sun

>mid bosses keep giving plenty of earth astra

I guess I'll keep going on that route and do Caim (and devil on the side) although I'm magna and I finished m2 so not sure it's worth bothering with it

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9b180a  No.16739182


>86k HP on main, 76-79k on supports


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7ec727  No.16739211


Double Zephyrus with three Reunions, a Sagittarius bow, Faa-san's spear, two of Grimnir's gacha spears and max + marks. Every character also had +300 (except Grimnir, he had +124).

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9b180a  No.16739226


>whale shit

No fucking wonder.

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7ec727  No.16739232


You could emulate the final HP just with Sagittarius bows and the Faa-san Spear.

Of course, the damage will be complete dogshit, but you'll still have 80k+ HP.

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5f357a  No.16739996

Hitler come back, we miss you

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1966fb  No.16740747


what did you expect

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38f290  No.16743134

File: 61b9a98559a0849⋯.png (965.53 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, dragalia.png)

They added teams to Dragalia Lost. Should we make an 8ch one?

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24b850  No.16743414

File: 9c7ef074013d85c⋯.png (673.1 KB, 640x628, 160:157, ClipboardImage.png)

What is she hiding beneath that skirt?

Also, magnafest with free 10 + 1 draws starts tomorrow until the 13th (24th for the 1 draws).

https://granbluefantasy.jp/pages/?p=26117 This legfest will be the cheapest time to spark unless they do a followup magnafest over .


1/2 off side stories and double arcarum

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051dbf  No.16743451


Ah hell, it's a full Magnafest?

I should've held off on using my Golden Beast seals then. I could've done my Huanglong and Qilin runs with doubled drop shop drop rate bonus! But no, I just had to do it now, using up my last set, bringing me to just 6 Qilin anima left needed in order to fulfill the anima quota to cover all the Seraphic weapons. Damn it all.

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efe11c  No.16743464


Time to get that stupid Summer Jessica, knowing my luck. I just want Summer Hal and Mal.

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24b850  No.16743473

File: 57bd1ea7aecc9ce⋯.png (545.33 KB, 818x943, 818:943, ClipboardImage.png)

PSA: You will only need 256 sparks to spark this legfest with the free draws.

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cb7499  No.16743476


It's 10 draws til the 13th then 1 draws til the 24th

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606409  No.16743477

File: f106a1497a33e76⋯.jpg (136.92 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, f106a1497a33e7688db3667c74….jpg)


>Free 10 parts

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60a0a9  No.16743498

File: 34c162c28b50d8a⋯.jpg (2.25 MB, 2436x3446, 1218:1723, DP854027.jpg)

>STILL no summer Grea in the gacha


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41eb69  No.16743500

File: d283b3ff4ebe0ab⋯.png (115.57 KB, 576x432, 4:3, 0f9b0511fc8d7e4c0974efc799….png)



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b34d96  No.16744219


is that first pic apollo?

i need to catch up with the main story badly

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23d9f0  No.16744642


Seems like all the dragon knights would make decent editions to a fighting game. Game play wise at least.

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606409  No.16744698

File: 3eed900d462cc63⋯.png (149.52 KB, 372x357, 124:119, 3eed900d462cc63d83c69fad48….png)


>Trying to rationalize more homoknights as a good thing

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efe11c  No.16744736


His weapon was in the game's original logo so it was a matter of time.

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ed5d30  No.16744768

File: 973e155651a6961⋯.png (154.88 KB, 283x281, 283:281, ClipboardImage.png)


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900b80  No.16744893

File: 83527bf6d511e31⋯.jpg (97.35 KB, 484x790, 242:395, 1.JPG)

File: f6e1d062cd60576⋯.jpg (51.44 KB, 422x520, 211:260, 2.JPG)

Not a bad start.

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efe11c  No.16746417

August Event Schedule

7/26 - 8/4 = Kappa Summer Chronicle

8/4 - 8/11 = Bzzt! Amped-Up Summer Rerun

8/12 - 8/24 = Love Live collab

8/22 - 8/28 = Xeno Corow Clash (3rd run; new weapon)

8/28 - 9/6 = New Story Event

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606409  No.16746468

File: 6820b10deca3ae3⋯.jpg (374.64 KB, 1191x707, 1191:707, 6820b10deca3ae307817ccb1eb….jpg)


So was Zeta and Meteras but instead of getting one of them, we get fujo bait, tumblerbait, and fujo bait.


>Rerun of summer events

>More Love Live


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efe11c  No.16746487


Love Live was announced at the same time as the Code Geass event.

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606409  No.16746505


I already knew that; what's your point?

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01bf80  No.16747056


It's still moeblob shit, the only good part of the event will be to play as Gran or have other males in the team with them and post everything on twitter to watch the LL fags sperg out and kill themselves over it.

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24b850  No.16747066

File: e2d4fec619ace5d⋯.png (851.89 KB, 596x682, 298:341, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0f5182077d7153b⋯.png (191.65 KB, 262x300, 131:150, ClipboardImage.png)

This is the first rerun event that had a minigame. Good to see they're restocking that with rewards too. Shame there's no 10 ticket like last time, but we get some other good stuff instead

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38f83c  No.16748932



its on the Ps4 so don't expect any female draphs, Magisa or any of the more sexier females either, given that you can't see up ferry's skirt unlike the girls in blazblue and guilty gear(same company that is working on versus) is already telling. Honestly before the ps4 censorship bullshit came along I had a gut feeling they weren't going to go all out with the fanservice like they do with the main game.


>So was Zeta and Meteras but instead of getting one of them, we get fujo bait, tumblrbait, and fujo bait.

If you haven't been noticing they been going in harder with pandering to fujos/yurifags, so of course all of their favorites will be make it in versus/re:link.

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606409  No.16748945

File: 0a97852bc860ab0⋯.jpg (354.05 KB, 1399x2018, 1399:2018, Dv-4C-fU8AATkox.jpg)


No one expected a ton of fanservice but I expected more variety.

>If you haven't been noticing they been going in harder with pandering to fujos/yurifags

Fujos don't play fighters.

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054bed  No.16748961

File: 4490f971f1a7cc8⋯.png (1.47 MB, 1276x936, 319:234, Untitled.png)

Wah, what are we going to do on the bed?

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9b350d  No.16749012

File: 2e140c28abfa2e8⋯.png (57.42 KB, 302x124, 151:62, fuck offf ffjuck fkkuf off….png)

File: 348fa9145fe3631⋯.png (642.71 KB, 1022x731, 1022:731, tiresome.png)

>300 berries as part of today's 10 draws

as if I ain't got enough of that shit lying around already

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b1dd21  No.16749019


get 20 boxing that event anon

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b1dd21  No.16749085

File: 491cea34855bf3f⋯.png (156.39 KB, 638x491, 638:491, Splurged on Friday.PNG)

File: 8f25d23f9ddabe2⋯.png (188.5 KB, 649x486, 649:486, Exploitable Friday.PNG)

File: e5f46f47497884f⋯.png (195.16 KB, 854x521, 854:521, Yes Friday.PNG)

the last Granblue Channel had some great Fridays.

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b34d96  No.16749258


i feel you.

every month i try to at least get to platinum, which requires the use of half pots to some extent, and i still cannot manage to stop their numbers from growing.

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7e4c59  No.16749282

File: 796aeb62cdf71fa⋯.jpg (1.02 MB, 1080x1920, 9:16, Screenshot_20190801-194829….jpg)


At least you didn't get something that's leechable for 5ep.

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054bed  No.16749294



Your mistake is thinking of them as a consumable resource and not as a way to ignore AP/EP entirely.

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3790de  No.16749297


If they would have made S.Friday an SSR, I would have sparked her. Seems there will be no love for quirky girls, tomboys, or thick booty harvins this year.

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efe11c  No.16749301


More like Harvins in general.

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bbe314  No.16749305


>he actually likes a meta character, that causes more trouble than worth

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dd40b9  No.16749573


>no love for quirky girls, tomboys, or thick booty harvins this year

It's a real shame. I wouldn't mind this constant barrage of humans and primals (read as: humans in halloween costumes) if Cygames balanced it out with some Draphs, Harvins and more outlandish characters. I know that Lich, Anubis or Ca Ong probably won't sell as well as another version of a homoknight but it would certainly offer some leviety and variety to the roster. Some more distinct and interesting personalities/stories would also be nice. They sort of did that with the Evokers and I hope they continue in that trend. Doesn't necessarily have to be as dark but maybe something that isn't as surface-level as the norm for most characters.

Speaking of Evokers, it's honestly somewhat of a miracle that we got 3 harvins and 2 draphs in the Evokers, let alone only one sword character (though staff is quickly getting almost as prevalent).

I'm not really liking Cygames's recent decisions but I hope that they'll surprise me and change my opinion back with the summer stream.

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24b850  No.16749978

File: 72fc1ecaa571c85⋯.webm (1.41 MB, 512x476, 128:119, Scooby and the gang.webm)

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24b850  No.16751783

File: 10caaff8a4ca001⋯.png (3.86 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

Today's the day

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24b850  No.16751787

File: 7087c0a49997cd6⋯.png (3.74 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)


Also, there will be a new versus trailer on the stream

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d5ff84  No.16751806


Was wishing for a Aliza reveal, but with the fire homoknight in that doesn't seem likely.

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24b850  No.16751924

File: dab7a96bcbbcd38⋯.png (4.15 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

Big Yugu

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606409  No.16751926

File: 915b44664315ce5⋯.jpg (629.88 KB, 1600x2330, 160:233, 915b44664315ce556a235fe1a5….jpg)


It's either gonna be Vaseface or the slut if they don't go for an unknown character.

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d5ff84  No.16751942


Hope someone takes an upskirt.

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606409  No.16752038

File: 57c659ee0633178⋯.webm (2.52 MB, 852x480, 71:40, kuukalaunch.webm)


Gonna be as flat as Lyria.

Hey, who killed the Princess Connect bastard; I haven't seen him in a while.

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8b8fb8  No.16752453

File: 8897dde0c198754⋯.jpg (388.26 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20190802-232638….jpg)

File: 511265776cb17cc⋯.jpg (496.21 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20190802-232656….jpg)

>First duplicate SSR weapon I get from drawing is of the first SSR weapon I got

Pretty fitting. Also got a legendary merit.

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b34d96  No.16752803

File: 74afd6d4164c7d3⋯.png (148.62 KB, 309x372, 103:124, ClipboardImage.png)

decided to spark mahira because i need some elemental def down for my earth party.

managed to draw summer yuro and now i got both versions.

tonight me and my dick sleep happy.

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945308  No.16752810

I play this on my phone and am upgrading to a new one in a few days. How hard is it to transfer an account, or is it literally just a login?

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b34d96  No.16752829


it's just a log in

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24b850  No.16753143

Some stuff from the non-streamed panels today.

>Ferry plays online games with Aliza

>Lowain wants vira in versus. I didn't know he was tsundere.

>Vira has played GBF longer, but Yuisis is better. Vira refers to Yuisis as her sensei because she helped her unlock the tier 4 classes.

>Vira asks if she should follow Gran's lead by buying Gislas for her grid. Siero swoops in to tell her no.

>They poll the audience on favourite races. Lowain is a lover of harvin

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24b850  No.16753355

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3b3cc7  No.16753720

File: f431b06f4c74b94⋯.jpg (45.05 KB, 665x581, 95:83, D7YtrgwU8AYWbKI.jpg)


>Called Ladiva a MALE draph in the stream

Mentally ill on suicide watch.

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7f416d  No.16753723


>"Th-there was a bit of misgendering there!"

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b41509  No.16753742

File: b1f36ff6a7f090f⋯.jpg (153.03 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, buylinksmate1.jpg)

buy linksmate or else

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13779e  No.16753763


>He's really happy about getting Eusless


My man. I knew the nips weren't doing the her/she faggotry. FUCK YOU SHITTY SJW FAGGOT TRANSLATORS

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7f416d  No.16753770

File: 48766ddfcbe77d3⋯.png (1.42 MB, 998x969, 998:969, VBSheep Viramate 01.PNG)

File: a96c36239473f55⋯.png (1.72 MB, 997x972, 997:972, VBSheep Viramate 02.PNG)

File: c22edaf96f93e6b⋯.png (1.56 MB, 987x975, 329:325, VBSheep Viramate 03.PNG)

File: b7902d034c45611⋯.png (1.84 MB, 999x977, 999:977, VBSheep Viramate 04.PNG)

File: 6c9cd1bfa691588⋯.png (1.53 MB, 1197x971, 1197:971, VBSheep Viramate 05.PNG)


This is Vibratingsheep.

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5f357a  No.16753859

File: 69c19e490b90d57⋯.png (311.83 KB, 833x472, 833:472, ClipboardImage.png)

Words fail me.

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24b850  No.16753889

File: ca9e29621c31ff6⋯.png (1.55 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 86c45dce035db0d⋯.png (1.17 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: abc24794f6c9d70⋯.png (1.16 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fb466a736d31922⋯.png (1.29 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

Posting the news slides.

Next summer characters: Alexiel, Cassius, Leona and a Rose Queen summon.

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24b850  No.16753899

File: f9da8e41502772d⋯.png (1.35 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6cc9f43a99c5471⋯.png (379.87 KB, 1125x633, 375:211, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6e78b24448cbf87⋯.png (1.42 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 879615a8ed3d1fc⋯.png (1.24 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8201cc771a5779f⋯.png (1.11 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

Stan/Aliza side story being added in August

New main story on the 22nd

New xeno corow weapon is a gun

Together in song rerun in September (hopefully with another orchestra girl pick)

Narita and Nobiya summon 4*s with it.

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24b850  No.16753908

File: 256376c23ebb0c3⋯.png (2.36 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d7f4bea5bc477b0⋯.png (2.39 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5a33180b887a233⋯.png (2.48 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ec0d5ec83bd4154⋯.png (1.99 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7de27b834ab7fc4⋯.png (2.4 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

No 5* this month. Instead grand characters are going to get their 5*s.

Kat and Rackam are scheduled for September.

Magna Extreme+. 3 raids in 1.

Arcarum changes: You can skip the minibosses. No penalty for retreating. No more buffs from chests, replaced with more arcarum items. No more skill lock. More light and dark astras.

Primal summon uncaps coming.

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24b850  No.16753911

File: f40fbeff0b5e712⋯.png (1.34 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 75566b4a3ad5867⋯.png (2.1 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 62e36534c06bf10⋯.png (854.52 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9bd078b727f66d1⋯.png (780.25 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3ff701a5d151cbd⋯.png (943.59 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

Assassin 2: Tormenter

Buncle raids going up to 18 people. New weapons.

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24b850  No.16753917

File: 33d5f62eb094fcb⋯.png (747.94 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0c175368ef6278c⋯.png (838.04 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b608daf9c756548⋯.png (686.88 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4c3909a04640c78⋯.png (2.59 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f69bd106c41c60b⋯.png (1.05 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

Chain of Caucasus: M Enmity, and attack up based on number of Epic Weapons equipped.

Water staff: Stamina L, MA up based on number of staves in grid.

Axe of the King of Heroes: Earth character skill cap up, ATK up/damage up when one of each weapon type in the game is equipped in grid.

Unius, wind bow: Wind attack up M, attack up based on number of Epic Weapons in grid.

Light fist: Light crit up (M), Attack up based on number of Epic Weapons in grid

Dark staff: Dark character skill cap up, If all weapons in your grid are unique, atk up/dmg cap up (see: Caim)

6 person raids now don't give a blue pot when calling backup. It's now rolled into using a sticker.

New stickers

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24b850  No.16753920

File: db6235386ec13f3⋯.png (1.94 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 987d72c70a91c7c⋯.png (1.83 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c959ddf73dca345⋯.png (2.03 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5dc6ab372a46141⋯.png (1.88 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a9fffa56b3f8cf9⋯.png (1.61 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

Love Live characters for the collab this month.

New MC class palette swaps.

You can now skin the MC with other characters (including their voice)

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24b850  No.16753923

File: 52d928d6ffe26ba⋯.png (2.08 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 83299b4793cb685⋯.png (1.95 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ae8ae5241823cce⋯.png (1.65 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

New character skins showing off their unlock weapons. KMR isn't sure how to let players get these yet, but gacha was floated as an idea.

New raid, six Dragons HL. Around UBaha HL in difficulty. No images shown.

Season 2 of the anima coming. Made by a different company from the first season.

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24b850  No.16753924

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Relink news in December.

Vs revealed a trailer for single player story mode, including coop raids and grid building

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41eb69  No.16753929


>KMR isn't sure how to let players get these yet, but gacha was floated as an idea.

Specifically he said an easy or cheap gacha, might be separate from the crystal one.

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24b850  No.16753933


rupie gacha would be fine

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5f357a  No.16753934


Anon, don't forget the birds

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7f416d  No.16753935

File: 45bb546b3f3a555⋯.jpg (73.7 KB, 800x1100, 8:11, EBCrn2_UEAANcDA.jpg)

File: 395996829d79611⋯.jpg (243.55 KB, 1913x957, 1913:957, EBC3dchVAAAYxpO.jpg)

People work fucking fast.

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900b80  No.16753936

File: e232d9df236ad3a⋯.jpg (52.02 KB, 457x592, 457:592, Capture.JPG)

>ticket gave me tiamat

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dd40b9  No.16753944


These new weapons are interesting, don't know how viable they are however.

I don't think the fire and light weapons have any chance of being used over other options.

The wind bow has a chance of being used in f2p zeph if people want to be really sub-optimal.

Water staff seems really solid.

I think earth can fairly easily get the requirement for the axe (Andalius,Mirror blade,Gilga spear,Gilga axe,Ygg staff,AK, Baihu claw,Ygg bow or L'arc, Xeno harp, Hitofuri).

I hope dark magna can benefit from the staff as well and that it's useful enough to replace normal grids. I'm tired of running dark enmity.

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24b850  No.16753955


I'm more interested in what they're like as mainhands. Do they have OP ougi effects

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41eb69  No.16754066

Did they announce when the Arcarum changes are going through?

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dd40b9  No.16754081


They didn't. We haven't had a news post on the site yet either.

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b34d96  No.16754082


hey man, i know she's hot garbage but she make my pp hard.


>Arcarum changes: You can skip the minibosses.

this shit can't come any sooner

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051dbf  No.16754166




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900b80  No.16754910

File: 02d8a5f7ce2a350⋯.jpg (82.48 KB, 483x661, 483:661, 3.JPG)

File: db455af7777fd44⋯.jpg (79.37 KB, 483x602, 69:86, 4.JPG)

>dupe wind Sieg yesterday

>dupe water Yuel today

I'm glad the game wants to help me with katana stones but I'd prefer something new.

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606409  No.16754972

File: 774458b2ca26da1⋯.png (124.34 KB, 640x688, 40:43, 774458b2ca26da1e2298ebc307….png)


So we only get 11 characters which leaves only Zeta, Vaseraga, and Metera; they really did waste spots on Ladiva and Percival.

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efe11c  No.16754976


Ladiva exists to fit the dumb grappler archetype.

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dd40b9  No.16755009


There's apparantly a character that you can unlock from the storymode. Still not a great amount of characters and they left out a bunch of the most popular characters for DLC shenanigans.


They could've picked a character who could fill that archetype and was a bit more of a creative pick. Sara, Lady Grey or one of the magic users would've been fun and interesting as grapplers at least moreso than big dumb wrestler.

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606409  No.16755013

File: 85821da59eeae73⋯.jpg (398.6 KB, 1448x1883, 1448:1883, acd607e96314c846a2311f696d….jpg)


We have other character that could fit into that archetype that aren't gonna pander to Tumbler and Twatter.

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efe11c  No.16755081



They did say they turned to Arcsys previous games and characters for references. Characters like Potemkin and Iron Tager do fit the bill Ladiva fits: The grappler who can't be too strong because it'd ruin the game so he'll be mid tier at best.

I did wish Sara would've been the pick for that as she's more pleasing to look at.

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24b850  No.16755489

File: e2483e7a5e1c872⋯.png (2.43 MB, 1686x1080, 281:180, Spark.png)

File: d57e4ee9f12b713⋯.png (987.16 KB, 827x1000, 827:1000, ClipboardImage.png)

Spark finished. Got Pholia.

26/300 SSRs. An 8% draw rate. However Bea needs to fuck off and stop blocking Jessica and the other summer characters from my draw

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606409  No.16755642

File: 4cfbc65debf10d6⋯.png (194.81 KB, 417x578, 417:578, 1560302500232.png)


Why does Assassin II look like someones been reading Batman comics?


Knuckles should have been melee.


>Comparing Ladiva to Potemkin

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9b350d  No.16756438

File: ea280a13a420b89⋯.jpg (176.57 KB, 941x960, 941:960, please just make it end.jpg)

>Pendant buy last Alex katana for my earth m2 grid

>decide to splurge 90 EP and mass leech alex with wanpan bonito setups for max blue box so i can grind out the last 190 anima

>45 raids

>less than 20 anima

>3 alex axe drops

>2 alex katana drops

where were these drops one month ago when i wanted em

why can't i just get anima god dammit

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24b850  No.16756664

File: c204be8e6d0dd3d⋯.png (245.84 KB, 600x500, 6:5, ClipboardImage.png)

Cygames is drip feeding the collab characters. Here's one of the third years

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efe11c  No.16756687


I expected her to be more of a fencer.

Third Years being Sword/Staff is a good thing.

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41eb69  No.16757241

File: 3598c1b5ad5ca6a⋯.png (902.11 KB, 541x780, 541:780, nier.png)

File: b27869ffbfd87d8⋯.png (220.26 KB, 498x277, 498:277, dark.png)

File: db8e79d48933d28⋯.jpg (5.1 MB, 2300x2800, 23:28, 75072248_p0.jpg)

Finally. Also got the Alter skin from this rerun, which is fitting.

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efe11c  No.16757279


Must be fun to have all the Seraphics. I'm still struggling with the Harp.

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5f357a  No.16757366

File: fc8de606df4df4f⋯.png (678 KB, 674x973, 674:973, nothing_wrong.png)


Good taste, enjoy your millions of ougis.

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606409  No.16757373

File: fb2a4cd9d80ea86⋯.jpg (205.51 KB, 850x1200, 17:24, D1sJViJVYAIAEtO.jpg)


Forte is only there to be killed for Nier?

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41eb69  No.16757388

File: 3ebc532850b7567⋯.jpg (195.16 KB, 982x1167, 982:1167, D9Iq8qUXkAE2L6Y.jpg orig.jpg)

File: 6bd1166f8664feb⋯.jpg (110.55 KB, 674x973, 674:973, D1Slxy9U0AAwX4j.jpg orig.jpg)


Yes, sadly. I need someone to get killed by Death and Forte just happens to have a team buff that doesn't expire.


This image is funny because her recruit fate doesn't resolve her story and character at all, she murders an entire town after she joins you

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df9c43  No.16757416

File: 902a8639db19644⋯.jpg (63.41 KB, 1104x1230, 184:205, 48381005_783373832023163_7….jpg)


>Almost have nier

>They're gonna make Light and Dark materials drop more often in a later update

Man I'm tired of this game. So many arcarum points put towards dark astras

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5f357a  No.16757422

File: 36a904a2f26dbf9⋯.png (11.53 KB, 69x85, 69:85, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 08fe235b4b891bb⋯.png (101.28 KB, 138x332, 69:166, ClipboardImage.png)


Imagine being a loser who made Niia first and is now going for Geisenborger, who would do that? fuck you kimura

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41eb69  No.16757595

File: b1555815d3ef76b⋯.jpg (78.86 KB, 600x849, 200:283, D_jx8pSU4AAK9zN.jpg orig.jpg)


Think of it this way, now you have a head start on the 500 astras you'll need for her eventual 5*.

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cdb781  No.16757784

Does a 0* grim harp replace a 3* tia gun?

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41eb69  No.16757829

File: a24b045a4801c4c⋯.png (873.95 KB, 539x752, 539:752, ougi damage.png)

File: f0036cd253946e8⋯.png (233.17 KB, 492x293, 492:293, ougi team.png)

File: abe66ed4f32c0e1⋯.png (538.48 KB, 540x531, 60:59, ougi grid.png)

File: 1dec111d35d31a4⋯.png (586.05 KB, 552x481, 552:481, ougi summons.png)

By request.

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bc2d64  No.16758192


If you make a dark kaneshige you can do 4 ougis with the MC.

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900b80  No.16758730

File: a1b78438c82f219⋯.jpg (73.42 KB, 479x658, 479:658, sr jessie.JPG)

Managed to avoid getting 3 codex from the tickets.


That's what they say, but only one 0*.

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24b850  No.16758823

File: 45e83e182286309⋯.png (331.86 KB, 627x352, 57:32, ClipboardImage.png)

Yukata Anthuria coming soon

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efe11c  No.16758849


Oh, great. The slut got a new version.

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04e373  No.16759330

File: 9cb7eb9405f52b0⋯.jpg (1.3 MB, 1668x2129, 1668:2129, Hollowsky 8:2:19.jpg)

Akasha chart updated, blame the wiki for being so slow


I'm surprised they didn't add in an astra-exchange yet. It'd be a good way to burn extra verum proofs.

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24b850  No.16759755

File: 41312bb6886334d⋯.png (239.56 KB, 327x371, 327:371, water aksha axe.png)

File: 4ad53b38254272b⋯.png (543.37 KB, 511x645, 511:645, ClipboardImage.png)


You seem to have left an SSR out of your list. Don't worry, Cygames made the same mistake by giving her a silver border. Maybe they'll fix that one day

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2884ee  No.16762134

Anyone else here come back yet?

It's been so long.

Biggest accomplishment in the meanwhile: Tier IV classes unlocked.

Biggest miss: The period of free draws gave a pile of blue crystals and one count of SR Wind quartz. At least I got some plus mark bonuses on top of that. The Proving Grounds SSR ticket gave a Sara dupe.

By the way, it seems to me that the SR Weapon tickets have been changed to give a lot more character weapons than in the past. I bought all ten from the latest RotB and got two new SR characters (Tyre and Herja) and several silver moons.

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df9c43  No.16762579


think everyone is still in the bunker till everything stabilizes a bit.

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69456b  No.16762580


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69456b  No.16762581

File: c9a2cac0b99c30d⋯.jpg (36.22 KB, 528x436, 132:109, mad johnny.JPG)

I'd cum in your waifu if it wasn't no nut november so I'm just gonna beat her to death instead

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69456b  No.16762584

OK, those last two posts were a joke but on a completely serious note if you're a fan of Granblue Fantasy I will fucking rape you to death

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2d7276  No.16762585


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do reflect the views of the 8kun administration. Me and JimbO gon spitroast y'all motherfuckers

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58a907  No.16762787


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21e82c  No.16762788


This whole 8ku.tw thing is a joke, this disclaimer is a joke. Wtf is this dial connection speed anyway? You are doing it on purpose, plz don't tell me this ridiculous 90's speed is the new 8ch, if it is… sorry, give up.

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58a907  No.16762799

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5d2fec  No.16762922


>He isn't using a dial-up modem to connect to 8kun.tw to talk about basket weaving on a taiwanese forum

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fcd4f1  No.16765400

Is it time now? Wonder how long it'll take to revive our home and our thread.

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6e6760  No.16766553


From Summer till Christmas, but we're back.

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fcd4f1  No.16766744

Man the thread seems dead so far.

Where did everyone go before revival?

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6e6760  No.16766840

File: dbbad47d0900992⋯.png (257.58 KB, 960x800, 6:5, Npc_zoom_3040247000_02.png)


vch.moe bunker and in-game crew chats I guess

the site is also going to need some time to get repopulated, but once the word spreads out, things should go back to normal.

Until we get raided, DDOSsed, banned by ISPs or shut down by the FBI

For now let's just try and enjoy the season.

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0e33b2  No.16767683

I wish I could play cygames's new pinball mobage, shit seems fun as fuck.

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0fc933  No.16768086


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0fc933  No.16768090

December Schedule:

-6th Platinum Sky 2

7th-19th Gachapin and Mukku collab

17th-23rd Rise of the Beasts

23rd-28th Proving Grounds

28th- New story event

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e073dd  No.16768165

Not sure if the main story chapters I haven't read yet have anything about this, but I get the impression from this event that the Grim Basin separating the skydoms was originally created to be a sort of highway in the air. Then the weather machinery went out of control and the area engineered to have always convenient sailing winds became a barrier.

The backstory for the world is gradually coming into view.

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a1ff1b  No.16769289

File: 9386a8837b311a7⋯.jpg (66.93 KB, 259x447, 259:447, IMG_20190912_0018.jpg)


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85f653  No.16769478

File: 61daf92be49b3ef⋯.png (616.89 KB, 412x582, 206:291, 3rd100.PNG)

a few more days

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4ff17d  No.16769678

File: 3d59935c91cd759⋯.mp4 (15 MB, 640x360, 16:9, GBF Roulette.mp4)

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ef7500  No.16771547


Do you guys think I'm doing it right or I should be investing in something else?

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4ff17d  No.16771950

File: 4621f1ab3dbb25a⋯.jpg (246.77 KB, 850x1202, 425:601, __kuvira_granblue_fantasy_….jpg)

Today is the last day that gyaru piggy will be around before taking her year vacation

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6e6760  No.16772113

File: 6e64bc00e2084a9⋯.jpg (59.94 KB, 679x960, 679:960, DwC2v8xUYAAJzCN.jpg)


Imagine spending an entire year without Piggu

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e073dd  No.16772395

File: 80b4976bc4193ef⋯.jpg (43.08 KB, 446x513, 446:513, Gachapin.jpg)

CyGames introduces Gachapin as a playable event character. Mukku is the event summon. Still no word on the part everyone cares about, the free rolls.

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6e6760  No.16772475


The free draw period is most likely going to be announced during the livestream, they're either going to make it start on the 15th, announcing it's up while on stage or (since last year is was 2 weeks of roulette) it will go from the 21st to the 4th, with the guaranteed 100 roll ending on the non-legfest banner.

What I really want to know is the element of the next PG.

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ef7500  No.16772705

File: c1d03fe95d2f15d⋯.png (224.02 KB, 460x342, 230:171, EK6j8c9WkAA5k23.png)

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4ff17d  No.16772829


Last year we had a normal magnafest in the lead up to the roulette to celebrate the priconne collab. There's still likely to be a magnafest starting with this collab, but given the nature of the collab, they could extend the roulette forward this early as it would be on theme.

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2588a6  No.16773061

Post some culos. Tits are great but culos also deserve some spot.

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a82356  No.16773063

File: a72847ac433eed0⋯.jpg (843.92 KB, 1024x1457, 1024:1457, EK3aRWIUYAEScDD.jpg)

Praise gachapin

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ef7500  No.16773816

25m players celebration starts in less than an hour.

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6e6760  No.16776862

File: 255036501ae691b⋯.png (137.15 KB, 527x401, 527:401, ClipboardImage.png)

File: cf02d46d07b6414⋯.jpg (591.24 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, ELaT3jmU0AEj-Aq.jpg)

Looks like deadgaemu until the 19th, hopefully the stream will be fun and give away loads of stuff as usual.

On another note, Bea and Zeta are getting new sculptures and apparently GBFV Zeta is getting her pants uncersored.

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039d6c  No.16777156


I wonder how much new stuff they'll announce this stream. There are a lot of things that we know of already. Levi Malice, GO HL, 6 dragons, MC character swap, the skin gacha (or whatever they're planning to do with that), etc. In addition to Re:Link, Versus plus the usual player stats and merch news. We'll probably get a teaser for the new EX-2 variant for Dancer and/or Mechanic and info on the next Grand FLBs. Other than that, I can only hope for more.

I would like to see them make a schedule again like they did for the last anniversary. Knowing what's going to be coming in the next few weeks was nice.

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4ff17d  No.16777287

File: 7e1242081308ce5⋯.png (516.41 KB, 680x507, 680:507, Oracles.png)

4th Oracle get. One of each of the duplicate elements. Now the rest are balanced.

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2916cd  No.16777341


>GBFV Zeta is getting her pants uncersored

They were censored?

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6e6760  No.16777529

File: 2738c28e5ac16e4⋯.png (7.69 MB, 1440x3141, 160:349, vzeawy45hbs31.png)

File: ca8c29c5b2a46bb⋯.png (196.44 KB, 345x221, 345:221, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 23cb86fc7e46cf8⋯.png (339 KB, 457x376, 457:376, w2bythrfaj721.png)


Pants into spats, which is stupid as hell since they put Zeta's Armor damage in the game and she breaks her chestpiece and skirt.

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6e6760  No.16777655

File: 5630a5ee5ae19a1⋯.png (527.52 KB, 679x503, 679:503, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b6470e47b6666cb⋯.png (755.87 KB, 725x496, 725:496, ClipboardImage.png)


New trailer vs old trailer

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4ff17d  No.16777888

File: aff47b7c007f5b5⋯.jpg (276.23 KB, 1500x1000, 3:2, ELf2baGU0AAwCGT.jpg)

Some cute Tweyen and Silva art from the artist to remind you that its 2 days until granblue fest

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e073dd  No.16777895

How's the event been for people? I notice a certain silence.

I think Gachapin is a Mary Sue fanfiction parody. I've read some fanfiction, including bad fanfiction, so I can actually appreciate him a little bit.

I lucked out and drew Metatron from today's single free draw. Now I have to decide whether the great call is worth the loss in stats from slotting in a 0* Metatron instead of a lesser 3* support SSR. It's probably situational.

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2916cd  No.16777901


The call is much better, the raw stats won't make much of a difference. Plus there's the sub aura.

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6e6760  No.16777904



If only they'd hurry and rebalance her a bit…


Collabs are a bit boring, ever since they've started making them 2 weeks long, the first week is always kinda dead, everything can be farmed more easily on the second and it doesn't even take that much to empty the shop.

Wait for the free draw period to end, then you can safely sunstone it. Unless you want to wait for the Anniversary in March.

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e073dd  No.16777936


As a semi-casual player my grids aren't that developed even though Light is my strongest element. The loss in summon stats should matter more when the overall numbers are lower, while Auroracoil is more effective the bigger the underlying numbers are, and the sub-aura only matters when the attacks would be capping otherwise. I slotted in Metatron but I'm not sure if that was a good idea. I might end up taking it back off.


Sunstoning Metatron has the opportunity cost of not being able to sunstone something else. I sunstoned the Lucifer I sparked during the last anniversary and don't regret it, but the second sunstone target is a much tougher choice.

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2916cd  No.16778029


30% unique attack + dispel on call is much more useful than 2000~ raw attack, regardless of what point you're at in the game.

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c6bd82  No.16778139

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6e6760  No.16778265

File: 44327edc3da22e6⋯.png (15.39 KB, 82x96, 41:48, ClipboardImage.png)


>sunstones are a limited resource

Sorry, I tend to forget. I've only spent 15 so far for Thor, Bonito, Grimnir, Raphael and Michael.

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6e6760  No.16778274

File: 3f9932f86e4fa97⋯.jpg (414.5 KB, 2048x1152, 16:9, ELkVaIcUwAAJHa0.jpg)

File: dd2229ec4965ab8⋯.jpg (58.2 KB, 798x800, 399:400, index.jpg)

Christmas Naru is coming to take your sparks away.

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5c8513  No.16778277

File: 241a3e92afee2bf⋯.png (135.74 KB, 244x434, 122:217, ClipboardImage.png)

Mysterious skin

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2916cd  No.16778470

File: a193cfdcbf7fbbd⋯.mp4 (598.82 KB, 640x360, 16:9, a193cfdcbf7fbbd6e196a79a85….mp4)


>just wasted a bunch of rolls trying to get Magisa


Christmas Bampy?

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4ff17d  No.16778557

File: fa5967e97345b34⋯.jpg (540.58 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, ELoBSvvVUAIwdn4.jpg)

File: 438262f5a2208d9⋯.jpg (497.55 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, ELoBSvxU0AEoyYU.jpg)

File: 9b38408cb0d5507⋯.jpg (450.18 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, ELoBSu_U4AA8kjy.jpg)

File: f94bf59fceda274⋯.jpg (472.1 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, ELoBSu_U8AA-K1X.jpg)

Cygames staff illustrations at granblue fest

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4ff17d  No.16778610

File: a83c84544c42ed6⋯.jpg (484.07 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, ELoKHYyWsAAwQPH.jpg)

I don't remember this being announced on the menu. Cassius' magnum sausage

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e073dd  No.16780558

Today's anime bonus was 10 rose crystals and 30 blue sky crystals in the crate. The rose crystals are meant to be traded in the shop for one rose crystal weapon.

It's not at all clear which rose crystal weapon to pick.

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4ff17d  No.16780678

File: 9d4c88b62f7b417⋯.jpg (142.88 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, ELsYvk2W4AEHvF2.jpg)

>tfw no aratato themed heat pack

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4ff17d  No.16780737


translation of the stream

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4ff17d  No.16780765

File: dd30f90f17b4275⋯.webm (14.86 MB, 480x360, 4:3, 2019 Events.webm)

End of the year. Time to rank the story events from the year. What were your favourites, /v/?

God Tier

The Maydays – Unexpected good parody. Gave us Summer Hal and Mal (to the gacha admittedly). A good followup to 000. The first event to include a crew score mini game with unique mechanics. All around the best event of the year.

Top Tier

000 – Hard for an anniversary event not to make it into the top tier due to how much they put into it. Large scale story with many characters. Lots of loot. A free atma weapon. A new boss with Lucilius. A bunch of great new music. The introduction of bag-chan, the most horror inducing pair of waifus sewn together.

Second Advent – Another solid Society event. Gave us an event SR, a rarity nowadays, however it wasn’t an SR Bea despite it being her event. A good remix of the Right Behind You battle music was added.

Primal Resonance – The other side of GW with Zoi’s brother getting revenge for nip autism. Medusa and the primal pals searched for Medusa’s sisters. A nice zoi skin. Arcarum mining minigame that gave a 10 ticket. Spawned much futa satyr art.

Kappa Summer Chronicle – Society summer with a yukata festival. Sushi making minigame. Yukata skin for Gran/Djeeta.

Kou and the Hollow Existence – Cute Yuel and Socie art. New fluffy tail erune. We even got her as an event SR, the first in half a year.

Platinum Sky 2 – A fine followup to the first Platinum Sky. Not quite as impactful on the racing side, but racing into a storm to save the island was a neat idea. I found the racing minigame to be the most addictive of the year. Really good music with the orchestral platinum sky track.

Good Tier

The Many Lives of Cats – This could go in average tier, however an event focused on an adventure with cats with chill harmonica music was unique enough to stand out. Plus it gave us Young cat, one of the best backline slot characters.

Dancing Avengers – Bollywood musical featuring draph tits. It was actually far more memorable than I thought it would be at the time.

Average Tier

A Walk on the Wild Side – Not enough tall tales for a Lowain event. It did give us Jeanne de slacc, the comfy girls and the delinquent schoolgirls plus some focus on Tyre and his crush on Vira. Kind of alright, but mostly average.

No Rain, No Rainbow – Wasn’t as gay as I thought a Ladiva event would be. There was enough focus on the girls’ and Phoebe’s plot. However, it still wasn’t that memorable.

Bad Tier

Siegfried – Homoknights, but even duller. The first event to introduce the plague that is the Proud difficulty event gauntlets that stand between you and your 50 crystals.

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c302cb  No.16780770

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6ef612  No.16780774

File: 01959a9f96497ea⋯.jpg (40.16 KB, 467x688, 467:688, FB_IMG_1576289440353.jpg)

File: 9991025444efccc⋯.jpg (118.48 KB, 662x1200, 331:600, FB_IMG_1576289431704.jpg)

GBF fest exclusive

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c302cb  No.16780777

File: de6fcae700199b8⋯.jpg (74.14 KB, 659x900, 659:900, naru.jpg)

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10badd  No.16780782


What about the collabs?

Playable Aina when, by the way.

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2916cd  No.16780783

File: d66a3f10d59ccbd⋯.gif (1.33 MB, 260x260, 1:1, d66a3f10d59ccbd4c271d83674….gif)

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4ff17d  No.16780801

File: 809601406bebf20⋯.png (875.48 KB, 850x669, 850:669, kou.png)

Lyria worshipping the Kou art. She's apparently a fan

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4ff17d  No.16780804

File: acfe62665d0908a⋯.png (1.6 MB, 1278x723, 426:241, baloon rat.png)

File: 6d4ce90b9f462e9⋯.png (1.65 MB, 1269x733, 1269:733, cockbot.png)

The robot is the event SR from auld lang syne this year.

A teaser of rat

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6e6760  No.16780815

File: 5352275efd6f0ea⋯.jpg (30.27 KB, 720x396, 20:11, 1576289012893.jpg)

File: bad0e96254fa0f2⋯.png (126.99 KB, 316x263, 316:263, 1576288885536.png)

File: 2a1100989832575⋯.png (347.63 KB, 720x405, 16:9, 1576288991358.png)

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4ff17d  No.16780832

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Some Metera vs Lowain & Yggy gameplay in gbfvs

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4ff17d  No.16780978

File: 7bca3c2ba5d482d⋯.png (977.47 KB, 1365x765, 91:51, C.suruel.png)

File: 28ef5e5a3ccfd64⋯.png (837.3 KB, 1279x720, 1279:720, loli heles and shota surue….png)

File: 38408eb0e8597d4⋯.png (1.1 MB, 1279x718, 1279:718, C.Naru's thick thighs.png)

File: bd5d09b15f94402⋯.png (1.31 MB, 1279x720, 1279:720, C.Siete skin.png)

News from the stream. Christmas characters and a Siete skin

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4ff17d  No.16780982

File: 3885b74f0e7e54a⋯.png (786.16 KB, 1276x714, 638:357, New main story.png)

File: 4171cb0fa9ddd3b⋯.png (1.08 MB, 1280x719, 1280:719, Levi Malice.png)

File: 053a121a60ed7b4⋯.png (1.12 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, GO HL.png)

File: 6aaed4044a74257⋯.png (535.75 KB, 1278x720, 71:40, arcarum sunstone.png)

File: ea38fcdbba0bd59⋯.png (1.19 MB, 1280x722, 640:361, voiced stickers.png)

New main story on the 16th.

Levi Malice soon. It'll add a fire staff and a water dagger.

GO HL will add cosmos flb weapons. They gain a skill that boosts damage cap based on how many of the type of weapon you have.

Arcarum will add another sunstone.

Some stickers are being voiced.

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4ff17d  No.16780984

File: 95447934368ed1d⋯.png (632.97 KB, 1280x719, 1280:719, skill jewel change.png)

File: 708d1f7217661ee⋯.png (858.12 KB, 1279x719, 1279:719, proud great wall.png)

File: 2bb000d726bb461⋯.png (1.1 MB, 1278x719, 1278:719, UBaha rebalance.png)

File: 7eb15a3791b9fa5⋯.png (934.32 KB, 1277x722, 1277:722, aidois 5 star.png)

Skill jewels will be getting a change. Use them up before that as they will delete the old ones.

The next proud fight like Gilbert will be Great Wall.

UBahaHL will be rebalanced to make it a bit easier. The biggest change is you can now use unlimited elixirs during it. However, using one will disqualify you from the solo achievement.

Aoidos will be getting his 5th star.

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4ff17d  No.16780995

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Belial in GBFVS

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4ff17d  No.16780996

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

GBFVS dlc with the guy from what makes the sky blue, Naru, Soriz, and Djeeta

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4ff17d  No.16780998

File: d1f2a1427426a33⋯.png (2.5 MB, 1919x1080, 1919:1080, Naru.png)


Draph tits in all their 3D glory

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4ff17d  No.16781003

File: 2717b2ad320bf29⋯.png (814.48 KB, 1281x719, 1281:719, roulette.png)

Roulette starts on the 22nd. Up to 200 draws a day. You can rock/paper/scissors with gachapin on some days to double your rolls.

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6e6760  No.16781009


I gotta puke, the faggots have won.

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2916cd  No.16781011

Is there a schedule for the second day stream?

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6e6760  No.16781022

File: f5fd90d8bf2be8a⋯.png (183.26 KB, 360x326, 180:163, ELu_OKRUYAACoY5.png)

File: a17c8af84516f66⋯.png (378.75 KB, 680x505, 136:101, ELu9OKZU4AAtwn5.png)

File: 28dd5b88a662c6f⋯.png (383.62 KB, 631x354, 631:354, ELuKepmVUAEAI6W.png)

File: d2c6ec3a600a1cb⋯.jpg (35.94 KB, 622x582, 311:291, ELvMv8YUEAAYOCG.jpg)

It was a fun stream.

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4ff17d  No.16781046

File: eb0746bf998e0bb⋯.jpg (613.11 KB, 850x1059, 850:1059, __kuvira_granblue_fantasy_….jpg)

>still no kumbhira skin info

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20f0a0  No.16781078

File: 76c1726233be2eb⋯.jpg (134.56 KB, 800x600, 4:3, erune things.jpg)


>loli Heles

Will have to hear her to really compare to the dragon erune loli thing. Already liked Heles, making her loli doubles the joy.


I hope they are changing the whole weapon skill up system. It's fucking tedious.

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4ff17d  No.16781380

File: 84118b43e39d370⋯.webm (3.12 MB, 640x480, 4:3, Naru.webm)

Today's schedule:

0930 JST - opening talk show, with Nakamura Yuuichi and the gang

10:30 JST - Cosplay show

11:30 JST - GBF Q&A

12:45 JST - Cosplay show

14:30 JST - 3D character concert

16:15 JST - Christmas stream and news

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4ff17d  No.16781445

File: fe8a13f977685c4⋯.png (790.05 KB, 713x696, 713:696, Christmas naru.png)

Christmas Naru's thick thighs saving lives

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b36369  No.16781452

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4ff17d  No.16781537

File: 98b6b78ec187098⋯.png (366.23 KB, 567x531, 63:59, Holo bea.png)

File: b1d0bdc9b62d6f2⋯.png (635.94 KB, 549x527, 549:527, holo vira.png)

File: ddc12fa38627324⋯.png (357.11 KB, 486x514, 243:257, holo naru.png)

File: 8354c3281d92c64⋯.png (1.62 MB, 1729x506, 1729:506, holo idols.png)

Holographic waifus

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f01281  No.16781583

File: 4d47446827efd8f⋯.png (306.08 KB, 350x571, 350:571, cflashpull.PNG)

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4ff17d  No.16781585

File: bf90921e724b9a2⋯.jpg (84.79 KB, 960x540, 16:9, EL0ddnCU4AAT42d.jpg)

File: 7af69298153ff1e⋯.jpg (98.66 KB, 960x540, 16:9, EL0dpnVVAAEUhPe.jpg)

File: c8e78e9adf1c4a9⋯.jpg (88.11 KB, 960x540, 16:9, EL0dvcUVUAEQ17k.jpg)

File: 42960788e8c163c⋯.jpg (75.57 KB, 960x540, 16:9, EL0d6i1U4AAYBw4.jpg)

File: b7c6e0ae3643c25⋯.jpg (86.82 KB, 960x540, 16:9, EL0eF76U8AExuxP.jpg)

New characters announced. Dark Yuisis. Grand Noa. A new grand with some arabic name. SR Kumbhira from proving grounds. Ratto (Pikala/Bikala)

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4ff17d  No.16781586

File: 0ebae0ad5731ea9⋯.jpg (36.85 KB, 680x383, 680:383, EL0eWJQVAAAFthC.jpg)

File: 8dfe458a18f1ea8⋯.jpg (114.21 KB, 960x540, 16:9, EL0ewA-UEAAoPmi.jpg)

File: 00cee310193d30b⋯.jpg (133.57 KB, 960x540, 16:9, EL0f-1yU8AAjFY2.jpg)

Mahira 5*. New years skins for lily, tweyen, and shiva. New row 4 class: lumberjack

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4ff17d  No.16781588

File: 6677d23d436b503⋯.jpg (93.53 KB, 960x540, 16:9, EL0e6IqU8AAsFTX.jpg)

File: 1051dd294058c50⋯.jpg (105.55 KB, 960x540, 16:9, EL0gYm4UwAAXBNx.jpg)

File: 50f9c64b0390b7b⋯.jpg (85.94 KB, 960x540, 16:9, EL0g_6mU8AA5ZbO.jpg)

Raids will be put into a drop down menu rather than across all islands. Next anniversary you can pick a free Juutenshu. If you have one you can also pick a gold bar instead. Arcarum will be getting new weapons next summer.

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4ff17d  No.16781602

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

ReLink Gameplay

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4ff17d  No.16781603

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Next anniversary event trailer. Six retires from the juutenshus

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98f70a  No.16781605


The anniversary event won't be overly homo this year? Ahh, I see ReLink has the homos covered.

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60e1a6  No.16781657

File: 5543b10574758f1⋯.png (402.96 KB, 323x475, 17:25, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4d223895a1dc7ed⋯.png (235.88 KB, 314x401, 314:401, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e3f96ac8cb22231⋯.png (220.17 KB, 301x388, 301:388, ClipboardImage.png)

Third Oracle aquired.

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7fd8ca  No.16781711


So rat is little, but her being straight up disney is off putting. Sparks may wait another year.

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361345  No.16781726


Shiva is a Gold Saint?

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2916cd  No.16781782

File: 26d0fb8d2798103⋯.png (414.94 KB, 554x612, 277:306, naru.png)

Reminder that sparking is for nerds and real men believe in the heart of the gacha.

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4ff17d  No.16781822

File: 6380bd16ef3280d⋯.png (630.64 KB, 512x619, 512:619, yuel.png)

Touch the fluffy ears

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6e6760  No.16782056

File: 9989ad5f15ab1ff⋯.jpg (21.03 KB, 690x460, 3:2, 46066ca870f2b4c01611a100b8….jpg)


Apparently Cygames has its own blog.

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17e92e  No.16782576

where are my 100 free rolls roulette anon?, where?

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4ff17d  No.16782630

File: 9de81e9d8f73679⋯.jpg (105.73 KB, 850x441, 850:441, __anila_andira_vajra_mahir….jpg)

Don't tell her, but I think Vikala might be adopted


the 22nd

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9277e8  No.16782666

File: 4ee002da6ffb097⋯.png (671.83 KB, 1039x857, 1039:857, 250.png)

I'll get that trophy by next year. Maybe.

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6e6760  No.16783310

File: 79879594d754ebf⋯.webm (4.87 MB, 711x400, 711:400, Race_1.webm)

I can't believe I'm doing this again

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a3effa  No.16783354


These are fun, but don't get banned.

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4ff17d  No.16783363

File: 911ddf230934fe8⋯.webm (10.43 MB, 360x500, 18:25, naru damage.webm)

Naru's damage is insane

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6e6760  No.16783391


I'm telling people the accounts aren't mine, I'm not showing anything from the accounts other than the roulette results and rolls and I'm using a VPN so I won't log-in from the same location on all of them.

I should be fine.

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64913a  No.16783462

File: 4296966120c325c⋯.jpg (114.49 KB, 1280x802, 640:401, photo_2019-06-06_14-08-26.jpg)

>sleep through early RotB period and miss the first nugget

>finish half the dailies before going to sleep and wake up to maintenance notice

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60680b  No.16783537

new thread when?

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430cf6  No.16783567


when (You) make it

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ef7500  No.16783852


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17ac9a  No.16784164

When are we getting that 100 roll? THere was supposed to be a 100 roll!

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6e6760  No.16784336


the guaranteed 100x will most probably come at the end of the roulette after the Legfest ends.

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4ff17d  No.16785000

New thread


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