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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

5be124 No.14121381

> Current Happenings:




1. DIG: W.H.O. Proposing to Classify "Gaming Addiction" As a Disorder


2. OP TIMBER: Nintendo Localizers working with Japanese Devs to Censor Games




3. OP Chickasaw: Big Tech Companies are already violating the Constitution


4. OP GOOLAG: Hit Google Where It Hurts



A. Archive.is isn't sure you'll donate money to them. Prove them wrong: https://liberapay.com/archiveis/donate

B. OP DisNod: Contact the FTC and advertisers about violations an unethical practices


>Polygon and The Verge violate FTC regulations: https://archive.fo/ii01W

C. Anti-Internet Censorship Database Operation: Defend Free Speech!


D. OP DICKTIONAIRY: ''The Destruction of Words and Language




>EA shit the bed with lootboxes in Star Wars Battlefront II and are taking major heat: https://archive.fo/wBFd8

>SJW Marvel comics just got canceled for Christmas, and Twitter is salty about it: https://archive.fo/Sbq7c

>Tencent promoting socialism: http://archive.is/0Zpbu

> Thread Repository:



> Summaries of #GamerGate:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wy9bisUIP3w - #GamerGate - If It's Not About Ethics;

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5fnRSL3d_xU - #GamerGate in 60 Seconds;

https://archive.is/23Fde - GamerGate: A State of the Union Address.

> Reminders (important, READ THESE!):

• Use https://archive.is to deny sites ad revenue and traffic and preserve websites in case they are deleted later;

• Beware of COINTELPRO tactics: The Gentleperson's Guide to Forum Spies - https://cryptome.org/2012/07/gent-forum-spies.html

• Be civil if you have to argue with people on Twitter, Tumblr or any forum - don't make us look like douchebags;

• Do not accept requests for any goal or demand list: https://pastebin.com/p5dVp1e5

> Background and Evidence for #GamerGate (read and spread these):

• The #GamerGate Dossier: https://archive.is/nv1Fb

• #GamerGate Wiki: http://gamergatewiki.net/

• History of #GamerGate: https://www.historyofgamergate.com/

• View the timeline links in the Current Happenings section!

> How Can I Help?

• All Operations: https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/tree/master/Operations


• Operation Disrespectful Nod: https://v.gd/jtftaG (email advertisers)


>Update: A representative for Vox Media has stated that they will update their public disclosures across all their websites

• Operation Baby Seal: https://v.gd/iwvyPm (reporting Gawker for violating content guidelines)


• Operation Vulcan: https://v.gd/Kbzw0L (educate yourself on logical debating)

• Operation UV: https://archive.is/N9ieT (contact the FTC about Gawker)

• An Anon's Guide to Twitter: https://v.gd/nwrbYF (the basics)

> Lists:

• GamerGate Wiki Support List: https://v.gd/0fOHO3

• GamerGate Wiki Boycott List: https://v.gd/n6GPPt

• GamerGate Steam Support & Boycott List: https://v.gd/vzRsRb

> Key GamerGate Hubs:


> Full OP Text:

• Current:


• Old:


> Want to Help Contribute to GitGud?


810a49 No.14121393

Watch out for GamerGate

The public enemy of the world #1

It is the main hashtag responsible for…


☑ Making an ugly ass sweater

☑ Made Logan Paul level up

☑ Gave the Alt-Right an Asian fetish

☑ A precursor to the Alt-Right movement

60d0b7 No.14121394

File: 1bfc096535befc9⋯.webm (981.03 KB, 853x480, 853:480, archiving is hard.webm)


f1651d No.14121395

File: 1904223e0df8d85⋯.jpg (109.15 KB, 885x580, 177:116, openthegay.jpg)


Its not gay if they're cute :^)

ead61b No.14121398

Destiny raped me. Where do I go and expose this to the world?

3f9a0b No.14121405



ead61b No.14121410


To the lollipop hill? Is that where he resides?

af8aa2 No.14121412

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

MtG is full of Shrub Rocketeers

5be124 No.14121414

File: 98f9ccb530ee227⋯.jpg (150.23 KB, 744x992, 3:4, Mizushima 05.jpg)

#TorrentialDownpour and Nip news

Make sure to inform normalfags about websites free of Socjus Influence.

Useful Links:




> Make backups of your favorite doujins in case of Fakku DMCA purge

> Mujaki no Rakuen ended because of potential restrictions against loli manga and Olympics.


> Xenoblade voice-over option confirmed as free DLC

- https://archive.is/izjJW

> ShindoL has a message to the English community.

- https://tweetsave.com/shindo_l/status/936655595767078912

> #NeverTrump anime communities are attempting to drag the creator of My Hero Academia into shutting down a Trump parody western doujin.

- https://archive.is/PtsEj

- https://tweetsave.com/magicalfuntime/status/946901533584646145

Localization watch: Not solely from shit companies (need to add incoming Japanese games)

> Sekai Project: Teaching Feeling ( >>>/hgg/116640 )

> Fakku is localizing games/VNs now to the Localization Watch.

- http://operationrainfall.com/2017/12/23/fakku-now-selling-hentai-games/


> Bandai-Namco: Girls und Panzer Dream Tank Match (Winter.17, JP release w. eng sub), Ni no Kuni 2 (Jan.19.18, Dev'd with western market in mind), Little Witch Academia (JP:Nov.30.17,West:2018), SAO: Fatal Bullet (March, 2018)

> SquareEnix: Secret of Mana Remake (Feb.15.18)

> Nintendo: Xenoblade Chronicles 2 (Out)

> Bullet Girls Phantasia (2018)

> Granblue Fantasy Project Re:link (2018)


pantsu.cat is a nyaa replacement after it was taken down. It's better than the competition. Use this instead of the cartel run cancer.



They've put up downloads to paywalled fakku doujins.

Fakku 0001-1000: https://files.catbox.moe/129di9.torrent

Fakku 1001-1100: https://files.catbox.moe/h3l457.torrent

Fakku 1101-1200: https://files.catbox.moe/47batv.torrent

Fakku 1201-1300: https://files.catbox.moe/c9ntlr.torrent

Fakku 1301-1400: https://files.catbox.moe/rkuheo.tx

Fakku 1401-1500: https://files.catbox.moe/ce8oor.txt

Fakku 1501-1600: https://files.catbox.moe/nmqh3d.txt

Fakku 1601-1700: https://files.catbox.moe/60v3p6.txt

Fakku 1701-1800: https://files.catbox.moe/3ii6j8.txt

Fakku 1801-1900: https://files.catbox.moe/m37bm7.txt

Fakku 1901-2000: https://files.catbox.moe/z9nmm6.txt

Fakku 2001-2100: https://files.catbox.moe/arpo7h.txt

Fakku 2101-2200: https://sukebei.pantsu.cat/view/2369399

Fakku 2201-2300: https://sukebei.pantsu.cat/view/2377551

Info & feedback welcome

e54101 No.14121416

File: ac1e2c28533f3a9⋯.webm (7.51 MB, 496x384, 31:24, daytonausaarcadeintro.webm)

Archive of previous bread:



Sega screwed up and accidentally released the full version of Daytona 3 Championship USA: >>14112764

ead61b No.14121417



Don't tempt me.

3f9a0b No.14121425



penis spines

0ecdb0 No.14121429

File: 91d8a85d083eb6c⋯.png (1005.2 KB, 753x673, 753:673, confused loli.png)


Why there aren't any single compilation manga in those Fakky torrent? Like, you know, a complete issue of author's eromanga.

1c0029 No.14121430

File: 5686cb48d024bb4⋯.jpg (53.08 KB, 450x510, 15:17, 5686cb48d024bb4e020b8d9343….jpg)


Feminine males are still male

ead61b No.14121437

File: 48643a0d12634dc⋯.mp4 (1.71 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Destiny jam.mp4)

d0246c No.14121440

File: 1140559ac24b767⋯.jpg (391.92 KB, 1674x1665, 186:185, AJ Gay Community 20.jpg)



00544a No.14121446

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Wonder where you're from.

Latvia, there are a lot of songs in the West that are from the Baltic but people don't really know because singing in foreign languages is what brings in the cash and singing in an accent is guaranteed failure so people try to perfect it to the point of being indistinguishable from locals. For example there is one band in Latvia that sings every single song in at least three different languages just so that they can get access to multiple markets, the most I have seen for a singular song from anyone so far is five languages: Latvian, English, Russian, Estonian and Dutch.


Daily reminder that he is an Adderall addict, he was already tested for autism and he turned up negative and the drug matches both the spastic movement and his hyperactive behaviour during debates.

ead61b No.14121452


>Daily reminder that he is an Adderall addict

I was once offered that shit to help with finals, and turned it down. Looking at how the oompah loompah ended up, it seems like I dodged a bullet.

ca4e22 No.14121454


Is adderall addictive or can you just use it when necessary without it fucking you over?

86d657 No.14121455

File: 61ee2818133020a⋯.webm (11.36 MB, 640x480, 4:3, dtp-jp.webm)


Are you the diabetic anon?

4ea2dd No.14121457


It's amphetamines, vaguely similar to meth. It's addictive.

ca4e22 No.14121463


Yeah then you should never touch that stuff.

3f9a0b No.14121476

File: cb65475ec31188c⋯.webm (5.49 MB, 480x360, 4:3, Devil Hunter Yohko - Koi ….webm)


Where do (almost) naked women hide their machine guns?

ead61b No.14121480


It is. With Small Steve, I'm assuming he's using it to help with Starcraft tourneys. What that means is, eventually his body will develop a tolerance to that shit, and he will need more to get that same effect if he wants to keep using it for these things. I don't know exactly what side effects such usage can do to his body, but I do know that he has a high risk of heart attacks and erectile dysfunction due to this.

af8aa2 No.14121486

File: a9324040b09aac8⋯.jpg (72.59 KB, 963x463, 963:463, a9324040b09aac8c7d4633aaea….jpg)


>he think niggers are too dumb to get married and wants to run sorties over Mexico

wtf I love Destiny now

f1651d No.14121502

File: f80bc457a6933be⋯.jpg (75.43 KB, 710x710, 1:1, 0817f40f3aba42d88af08f6d23….jpg)


Don't forget, he thinks every minority who doesn't agree with progressive neo-liberalism and importing millions of immigrants is a race traitor, especially blacks.

ca4e22 No.14121509


If you just love people who think niggers are dumb SJWs are for you. They think niggers are too dumb to

-get ID

-get into college

-use computers

-make art

-get married

-use birth control

-make money

-be around white people


That's all I can think of, off the top of my head.

566f06 No.14121516

The Gorilla Channel is a thing now. Not sure what to say about it.


6ed4d9 No.14121518

File: 2391fc74ed723ac⋯.gif (262.93 KB, 480x479, 480:479, 1511481322091.gif)


You mean they aren't?

566f06 No.14121544


sounds like… the social justice advocates are the true racists here!

00544a No.14121547

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Anyone who recommended that to you for finals is a retard, I would understand (even if I strongly disapprove) using it for studying but going into the finals with that is even worse than going in as a combination of both drunk and high. It gives you the focus of an autist but the mental capacity of a retard, people think it somehow grants you super intelligence simply because you get autistically motivated to study and clean your room along with faster reaction time, but the reality is that you are really fucking awful at thinking critically during its effect. Whenever someone says "hey, use this drug, it will turn you into superman" it is absolutely guaranteed to turn you into a moron regardless of what the benefits are.


No, I am the /polarchive/ Anon that for a while made those Legionnaire song webms and translations for /k/ until I got bored of making them.

I don't even know how else to describe it other than mentioning a couple hundred smaller things that aren't really relevant on their own

7f1c97 No.14121560

File: 59f5a9045e7ad37⋯.png (78.69 KB, 598x600, 299:300, CTF.png)



0ecdb0 No.14121577

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



I listen your songs every days, keep up the good work. I also like your chant songs.

ead61b No.14121605


What are the odds she will win?

0ecdb0 No.14121613

File: a69637042006bf8⋯.jpg (56.68 KB, 525x503, 525:503, concerned asstist.jpg)


I don't think she'll make it, but yet we memed Trump into presidency, life is mystery.

2f3696 No.14121616

File: ac89be83a4a8cb8⋯.mp4 (1.45 MB, 640x360, 16:9, look at this dude.mp4)


99%, according to top political scientists.

3e15c2 No.14121624


In their giant 80s hair obviously. Could fit an armory in that shit.

ead61b No.14121638


I realised I'm getting angrier lately. All this talk about how she'll be running, little talk about how she was sucking up to Weinstein and now is claiming men are to blame for these rapes.

87c0c2 No.14121666

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Devil Hunter Yohko

I feel so blueballed from the first episode, but it was a decent watch.


>Yet we memed Trump into presidency

Because our meme magic was strong, and everyone channeled all their energy into one being and wish. Libtards and SJWs can't do that because like their lives, their energy is disorganized and all over the place.

377d66 No.14121675


They latch onto her very charismatic "feel good" type character. That's about the extent of the intellectual capacity of most of her following.

00544a No.14121682

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


It's funny how people unironically push the sort of "muh true racists" garbage without realising that their language is purposefully designed so that if you accept EVEN A SINGLE premise, you're fucked in the eyes of the public. You wouldn't want a leftist inside your house, don't let them inside your head.


For something more traditional search "kokle" on Youtube, it's a decent instrument that doesn't get much mention in the West.



She won't win because she neither has the guys to be vicious in her attacks nor is she as liked as her fans make it seem. I remember that Dwayne Johnson was planning to at one point run as a Democrat candidate, THAT would be a pretty strong celebrity candidate due to how immensely charismatic is and the fact that he is a muscle mountain. Not sure if he is still planning on running but he sure as hell has more of a chance than Oprah and Zuckerberg.


The issue with someone used to interviewing people is that conflicts are generally rare, so pretty much anyone can bully her into submission and she can't do shit back.

566f06 No.14121686


That's a redirect to heyjackass.com

566f06 No.14121699


What if you're mother turns out to be a leftist with a leftist union?

ead61b No.14121723





I never been to church before.

60d0b7 No.14121738

File: c772a5133ed43b5⋯.jpg (97.36 KB, 798x539, 114:77, hypocricy, thy name is Bob….jpg)


Well with people like these I myself have been tempted.

9643f7 No.14121765

File: bbfaf47ed518e8a⋯.png (53.08 KB, 866x475, 866:475, 1508199916679.png)


Nigga, did reddit kick you out or something?

c10f03 No.14121807

File: 9cda06f9dd66e7b⋯.jpg (146.79 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 1298974256954.jpg)



I'm not going to tell you to go to church (I don't go, but that's because I'm against how fucking corporate the local church is)

But definitely read the bible, m8s

594598 No.14121836

>James Damore just filed a class action lawsuit against Google, saying it discriminates against white male conservatives


>Niche Gamer articles finds evidence that convicted pedophiles worked with children on Magic the Gathering events and Wizards of the Coast is actively trying to delete any evidence of that from the internet.


>Marlene Jaekel reviews Damore's lawsuit - some crazy/lulzy stuff in there (talk of blacklisting, white male hass, Curtis Yarvin/Vox Day/Alex Jones banned from building, cucks, furries, promoting political violence, etc…)






>Will Usher - "Google Removes Hundreds Of Websites From GNews" (they're saying it's a glitch - but keep an eye out)


>Far Right Activist Charles Johnson Has Sued Twitter Over His Suspension


>Polygon does not know de way, calls Ugandan Knuckles "blatantly racist"


>The Last Jedi Backlash and the End of the Fan Bro (Gamedrops)


00544a No.14121838


>What if you're mother turns out to be a leftist with a leftist union?

Not the case and besides, you know very well that I didn't mean that literally. The way the left gets you to admit defeat is by accepting their premises, which they twist and turn into making you the enemy, which is why you should always refuse to debate on their terms and in their vocabulary. It may make you feel like some sort of mastermind but all you are doing is giving them an attack surface for no reason. If you accept racism as bad then comes the inevitable accusation that you are guilty of it by denying other ethnicities equal outcome and that equal opportunity is an oxymoron because their unequal situation means they do not have the same opportunity. Instead of trying to worm yourself through the labyrinth they have designed for you, just refuse to speak in their terms and instead attack, criticise their attempts to try to paint you black for political gain and tell them to speak like a normal human being instead of communication through slogans and punchlines.


You should try it. It can be boring but what many people have forgotten is that you aren't just going to church for the sake of listening to an old guy talking on a podium, you are also going there to meet people from your own community and interact socially and to devote some of your free time for introspection. The shit about fedora-tippers being incredibly anti-social neckbeards with acne and crippling social anxiety isn't just a meme, it is rooted in reality based on the fact that those people stop interacting with people through church and thus lose their touch on society.


Although I would recommend Orthodox, it is not exactly the smartest choice for someone trying it out. It's like walking into a funeral with a clown suit, people will just constantly stare at you in disapproval for being there. Sure, the church wants more people but they aren't very approving of newfags that are only there to see what it's like.

ead61b No.14121849


Imagine if tweets are quoted like bible passages years from now.

Moviebob 11:11:16:23:53

"Periodic reminder he's a fucking game show host".

9643f7 No.14121855


>Jesus never owned a Bible

Maybe because it wasn't created yet smartass.

f552f4 No.14121861

File: 8690a08274e8361⋯.jpg (45.63 KB, 564x603, 188:201, 2c3e9cee666f1ff611062e3de7….jpg)


In my experience the Orthodox Church has always been very welcoming to newcomers.

87c0c2 No.14121882


>The OVAs did a better job.

Of course. Anything from Netflix is complete shit, especially that Castlevania adaptation.

dac4e1 No.14121883

File: 25ca6f99f5caf6d⋯.jpg (17.81 KB, 353x334, 353:334, 25ca6f99f5caf6df9071997f33….jpg)


I'd advise you at least get a little more familiar before you start trying to reference things

00544a No.14121884


Also Catholic is fairly neat too if you get the right priest, just do your research in advance. I have a slight bias in that regard due to the fact that I would regularly have breakfast with mine and we would frequently meet up, but always go to the church with the most honest and rightful one (not a pushover faggot, mind you) and always distance yourself from whichever one is a bad person because that is a sign of other shit you don't see.


>It is interesting that Jesus never owned a Bible or quoted anything called "The Orthodox Christian Bible".

Anon, this is by far the dumbest shit I have ever read. You are technically correct but holy hell how fucking retarded are you?


They are welcoming but some have a really damn low tolerance for bullshit.

8c29b8 No.14121888

Are we /christian/ now? Where da Jesus vidya at?

ead61b No.14121894

>>14121888 (Checked)

I'll be a christian if that means I'll avoid ending up like DSP.

0a65c6 No.14121918



it's not that bad I thought it was a campy story like space battleship yamato boy oh boy was I wrong

3f9a0b No.14121938



The sequel Violence Jack is even more fucked up.

0a65c6 No.14121939


wish I knew that before binge watching it all in one piece

0a65c6 No.14121944


isn't that debatable?

e54101 No.14121990

File: fb90e727a1cc80d⋯.png (163 KB, 231x350, 33:50, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9059915028f2af6⋯.png (154.41 KB, 230x326, 115:163, ClipboardImage.png)

File: aa509e8a0091a2f⋯.png (162.26 KB, 256x350, 128:175, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 999b4e0a986b1ea⋯.png (215.49 KB, 237x350, 237:350, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6c73213d16fd723⋯.png (208.86 KB, 244x350, 122:175, ClipboardImage.png)


>I need to recheck the chronological order.


Apparently, first you have Devilman, then Violence Jack and Devilman Lady, then Violence Jack: Demons in a War-Torn Land, then Shin Violence Jack, and apparently that's the end of the direct series. However, then you have all of the side stories, the spin-offs, and the alternate stories.

73e9da No.14122001


Of all the nu-males in games journalism, I think Movieblob has the lowest T-level of anyone

86d657 No.14122015

File: ba23993d5f680d3⋯.gif (101.86 KB, 758x696, 379:348, SUPERIOR.gif)

This is why the Japanese games industry is superior.

3f9a0b No.14122017


Violence Jack is an "after story" where the world is fucked and everything is dying after the end of Devilman. It's the same environment as Dark Souls just with less dudes in armor and more gangs of mutants raping what little is left.

810a49 No.14122018

File: aa08f17be70270d⋯.mp4 (249.41 KB, 352x262, 176:131, afraid of technology.mp4)

So are most people here Christians or are they just more vocal? I'm mildly curious.

I'm not religious (then again I suppose it's more accurate to simply say I'm an atheist.) but I think it says something that I used to think there was not much point to religion anymore and now I think most people SHOULD be religious, though I'd still like the option to opt out without obnoxious social pressures like we had in the 90s. It's ironic that I always laughed at the idea of people telling me my lack of religion was a religion itself (and it still remains ridiculous in my case) but i had no idea just how right they were about the idea that most people turn SOMETHING into their religion if it's not… religion. It has become self-evident that humans are spiritual creatures. Whether that's evolved or divinely inspired I cannot say.

I find it truly bizarre that increasingly these days I find myself defending the religious and specifically christians where once I would have opposed them outright.

Before any of you tell me to seek god or whatever, I should say that it's clear to me that I lack the spiritual bone that most people seem to have. Why, I cannot say.

810a49 No.14122035

File: 05cac6d024ab52c⋯.png (79.19 KB, 1169x1157, 1169:1157, 05cac6d024ab52c8abd66cb260….png)


Of course, how could I forget.

5b06dd No.14122036


Probably because of their parents indoctrinating them as children.

0ecdb0 No.14122042

File: 576ad7ec958c093⋯.png (498.13 KB, 650x614, 325:307, reminder that japanese gam….png)

223f4c No.14122052

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



I didn't even realize it was out until just now. How badly did (((they))) fuck it up?

be3718 No.14122053


Atheist here. I have no idea how people believe in most religions. I'm just glad that most Christians aren't really Christian because they don't actually live by the bible and don't try to push it on other people.

Islam on the other hand, is a cancer that the world needs chemo for.

7b3723 No.14122061


Religions fought it out in a sort of natural selection anon. Most major religious hit a bone with humanity in some way. If you weren't appealing, no matter how many Torquemadas you got people will leave.

Structure of a sort is also good. I've seen enough aimless American brethren to wonder whether a uniform social pressure would've benefitted them.

In the end though I think it's more about tradition and a strong family unit. I don't think you could class Japan as very religious, but they do allright.

What gets my goat is faithless fuckos pointing their autism at inane bullshit like flat earth. How fucking doubtful and insecure in God and JC do you have to be to rest your salvation on proving one needle point of physical fact. It's almost like they're saying "if only I can prove this one part of the bible, I'll be able to love my neighbor afterwards!!"

0a65c6 No.14122070


if you liked ping pong the animation you'll like this one, just in a different way

1cdc83 No.14122075


Religioisity (usually with Christian overtones) is part of the reactionary movement that overlaps with the exodus from 4chan to 8chan. A lot of us here think that the decline in religion has had lots of bad effects on Western civilization, regardless of the truth or merits of any given faith.

7b3723 No.14122080

File: 424879f17a0455d⋯.png (523.06 KB, 800x433, 800:433, hellraiser.png)


I thought it was campy. Then it got horrifying. Then it went back and forth. I had to keep asking "so this is serious now? Like I'm not gonna get some funny gore shit in the next 15 seconds?"

810a49 No.14122102


I can't stand most aspects of religion, but my god it's even worse when people turn politics, furry shit or star wars into their religion. Also I agree, fuck islam.


Well I certainly think Jordan Peterson was right that we undermined the bottom of religion without considering that people might need something to replace. That said I've still not become inclined to go to church or talk to god.

09e4ab No.14122104


223f4c No.14122131



e54101 No.14122149

File: 0bf035837fea140⋯.png (936.8 KB, 1000x760, 25:19, quote-George-Washington-le….png)


>I don't think you could class Japan as very religious, but they do allright.

Isn't it mostly because they've ingrained their religious practices and myths so much into their culture that Japanese culture really is their religion?


>Well I certainly think Jordan Peterson was right that we undermined the bottom of religion without considering that people might need something to replace.

I hate to say this, but did you really need a a psychologist teacher from Leafland to point that out?

<Isn't the first time I've posted this picture

a9e64e No.14122158

File: 803529b3b196b1c⋯.jpg (95.11 KB, 758x900, 379:450, 803529b3b196b1c22ab2ac0619….jpg)


Anon,don't fall for the single mom meme.You don't want to be stuck raising another mans child do you?

594598 No.14122160

>Paul Tamburro - Critics Don't Need to Be "Good" at a Game to Review It


9643f7 No.14122161


>Japanese culture really is their religion



>Isn't the first time I've posted this picture

Again, you're missing the point. There's a lot more idiots in this word than there are reasonable people. Like it or not they'll attach to something whether you like it or not.

d74405 No.14122164

another author that needs adding to my autismo list

223f4c No.14122168

File: 70871599ece63c6⋯.jpg (203.5 KB, 710x1004, 355:502, img00007Ltv.jpg)

Is Batoto fucking up for anyone else? Anytime I try to read something, it just gives me a "CND LAX" error. Yes, I know Batoto is shutting down and that might be the cause, but I still see people comment like they read the newest chapter of what I'm trying to read.

7b3723 No.14122170

File: 8e8c1d6c6bfdf9d⋯.gif (168.8 KB, 500x500, 1:1, thumbsup.gif)


SJW shit is the Pharisees stories writ in big bold society-wide letters. It's like… they warned us and we didn't listen.

Do other religions have stories about that similar sort of people? Ostentatious fake piety, the race to the bottom when virtuous appearance is more important than anything else?


> what to replace

Well, some have tried in the past. We do need an overarching narrative but it's hard to do without gods and the supernatural.

I want Musk to stop beating around the bush and cheapen spaceflight to colonize mars. 40k ethos baby!


> culture is religion

That's kind of mushing the two things without making things clear. Questions are: Is religion good for men? Or is the strong cultural bonds that it imparts what is good for men? What's the role of ritual and tradition in one and the other?

Tough stuff that I don't know where to even begin looking for answers.

810a49 No.14122178


>use dating site

>90% of women my age have harry potter as their favorite book


>I hate to say this, but did you really need a a psychologist teacher from Leafland to point that out?

Up until my 20s my only interaction with religion was it being intrusive, obnoxious and stifling. Especially since I was already a mild mannered and good natured kid. My friends were also similar. It was only later in my adult life that I met people that I realized NEEDED some kind of spiritual something or other to function.

>that picture

I argue it could, but humans are not rational so that option is out the window right out the gate.

5be124 No.14122202


I might hate some of Darabuchi stories but I cannot deny that he's quite talented

f08b76 No.14122227


Just use Mangali.fe

2a48b7 No.14122232

File: 2a5acd8305a4db6⋯.png (75.89 KB, 322x218, 161:109, Chen35.png)


>Dwayne Johnson

I would unironically want him to win to bring us one step closer to Idiocracy I'm not american though


Wasn't Little Witch Academia a Netflix thing? I thought that was good.


Its funny, I'm the exact same way, I'm more agnostic in that I don't really believe in god but I don't preclude the possibiliy that god exists. I just don't really care, I generally try to live a decent life and not be overly degenerate and good to other people not because of religion but because I just think if everyone acted the way I try to then the world would be decent. But it seems like the vast majority of people need to turn something into their religion to rally around. It's probably an evolutionary thing to group yourself with a larger community for survival and that happens by making some cause or subject your personal religion. Like those fedora tipping atheist fags or the social justice crowd. They devote such a large percentage of their mind to this one subject that I don't know how you could call it anything but a religion.

Like I get how and why people do it, it makes perfect sense to me, but it's just something I lack.

It's funny I never thought of it before, but my dad is a very morally upstanding guy, honestly the ideal man in nearly every single respect. But when we were kids he never went to church with us and would instead go hunting or fishing and tell us he's going to the church of the great outdoors, and he's never mentioned god in any way. I'm pretty sure he must be some form of atheist as well but just doesn't mention it as I generally don't. In fact I think atheist is the wrong term, as it implies you think about the existence of god. I would say it's more akin to just non religious.

2524da No.14122245

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


We must colonize Mars and convert it into the forge world it was meant to be.

9643f7 No.14122274


Or an absentee Christian.

7b3723 No.14122280

File: 06e4d689f495604⋯.png (1.75 MB, 1567x839, 1567:839, Fluffy.png)


> A thoughtful man is morally upstanding.

No surprise there anon. Compare and contrast to your experiences: I'm sure you've met someone who's a good enough person, but seems a little off. You may think it's lack of smarts, lazyness, etc., but you know in your heart of hearts what it is. No thoughtfulness. Going through life like when you space out doing the wash or vacuuming (or worse, since I usually can't space out when doing chores).

It's really odd to see a person not learn? Not pay attention? Ignore daily living? I dunno what I'd call it.

I worry for my brother

e54101 No.14122325


That headline and the first two paragraphs are so disconnected from each other.

Also, the headlines itself is both correct and incorrect. No, you do not have to be "good" at games to explain why a title is able to do something well or fails in a particular area (However, it does require effort on the writer's end that they are actually able to play the Fucking thing all the way to the end). Although, with that being said, you cannot actually tell what it is that makes a title completely "good" or completely "bad" (Or, outright "average") until you actually start acing at the game or it's genre, and/or see other players excelling at the title at a higher level. As much as it is a party game, my greatly losing at Smash 4 the other day did show how much of a gap there is between the game being a mind-numbing experience that even the youngest of players can beat, and players taking the game seriously with actually stakes in it (Prize was $50, but still). In fact, the irony that the game was developed with a "competitive" mindset in mind, only to have tournaments ban just about everything in the game except half a dozen stages and limit matches to just two players, really shows that companies don't know how to make a "competitive game" these days and are only throwing that tagline across as a buzzword (If Street Fighter 5 and MVC:I wasn't evident enough, although I haven't played either of those two). And, even coming back from it with this new experience, just showed how broken the game is…

But, Fuck it, the game is made by Nintendo, I can sperg about my favorite characters! I give the game a…

10/10! GOOD ENOUGH THAT I WILL WANT TO BE JEWED AGAIN (Even if the inevitable Switch game is just an "Deluxe package", and not even a new game)!


>Wasn't Little Witch Academia a Netflix thing?

IIRC, it started as a Kickstarter for a 30 min. OVA, and it just exploded when it came out.

a9e64e No.14122331

File: 1a098bbe69da491⋯.png (411.08 KB, 1240x1686, 620:843, 6fcde904de9f01bd0e2d5bc23b….png)


Canada, pls stop trying to ruin america.

9bb043 No.14122342


Raised Christian, lost my faith, but still try to maintain respect to the religion I was raised on and uphold its morals. Fuck Catholicism though, and their sex pests who were sex pests before it became cool and fame-gaining

3f4dfb No.14122344


Martin Luther pls go

3f9a0b No.14122352

File: 6573e4aa166b2cf⋯.webm (5.28 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Anime_Thigh_Highs.webm)

>discuss religion because

>not mention the Church of Zettai Ryouiki


21ef31 No.14122369


I have a kneepit fetish.

60dfa9 No.14122389


>There are notable differences between the “pool’s closed” raid and Ugandan Knuckles meme. Whereas the latter is an attempt to disrupt and annoy for no other purpose than to cause a disturbance, the “pool’s closed” raids were reportedly organized in an attempt to protest Habbo Hotel moderators alleged tactics to keep darker-skinned avatars out of the pool area. The “pool’s closed” protest was an organized attempt to show solidarity by creating human blockades, whereas players taking on the role of Ugandan Knuckles are more scattered in their swarms, trying to annoy as many people as possible.

That's quite the mistake, wonder where they got that alternate history from.

2a48b7 No.14122408

File: 02b71b5274000ef⋯.jpg (145.38 KB, 1111x597, 1111:597, Never ever.jpg)


Yeah I suppose that's the correct term I just didn't want to mention it since apatheism is a bit of a meme.


I know the exact type of person you're referring to, it's like they're not all there. Like nothing goes through their head. I refuse to believe that nothing actually does go through their head like anon's retarded limited souls npc theory but it sure seems like it sometimes. Is your brother like that? Mine seemed like he was going ahead and becoming a good thoughtful man too but he seems to have caught a bit of the social justice bug and its scary. Also you saved my crop, feels good


Day of the rake never ever


Weird, I didn't even know it was a kickstarter thing, everything surrounding that show makes it seem like it would be cancer but I thought it was cute and fun

87c0c2 No.14122422

File: 91f1c837563ab0c⋯.png (450.8 KB, 720x960, 3:4, 23423414142.png)


>I thought it was cute and fun

It is a good show, and it's a shame that the writer passed away last year.

179756 No.14122436

File: 4fb1b8c9d03e6aa⋯.jpg (32.08 KB, 288x325, 288:325, 4fb1b8c9d03e6aa0910d8f12b7….jpg)


I also know a guy like that. He's relatively charismatic and has a large amount of connections, but has no close relationships and seems pretty much devoid of real personality or talent. He speaks in liberal talking points and gossip. He went to college for journalism, got sick of it, then decided to become a teacher.

5be124 No.14122444

File: 8abebd456aaf706⋯.jpg (98.72 KB, 640x800, 4:5, Mizuki 06.jpg)

File: 2bf5cbea89058c9⋯.jpg (99.26 KB, 640x800, 4:5, Miyu 05.jpg)


My only religion is the Temple of Cakes

21ef31 No.14122459


Hopefully the social justice thing dies down soon.

d8c2f5 No.14122462


Hi Mark

09e4ab No.14122471

I answered the person whoever posted on my board with a question

d8c2f5 No.14122517


Save your autism for later marche, it's almost time to laugh at gawker.

c6e210 No.14122526

File: 24726aafb9ceed9⋯.jpg (76.24 KB, 697x462, 697:462, gondola lab.jpg)

watching AGDQ. autism never stops

c4c580 No.14122530


I see the joke.

But, din't be silly Anon, Mark only ever jerks off to little boys!

196503 No.14122531

File: e45108ebebae6cd⋯.png (1.65 MB, 1214x1109, 1214:1109, ultra smug.png)

File: 7f5b4e7b7ae9a92⋯.jpg (66.37 KB, 1383x768, 461:256, Capture.JPG)

Ladies(male) and gentlemen; it's time to smug

21ef31 No.14122544


That place is staying dead. I hope for more SJW strongholds to crumble.

60d0b7 No.14122554

File: 10d0794c89c39e0⋯.jpg (76.73 KB, 632x762, 316:381, gashi good.jpg)



>didn't even make a quarter of the goal

1fa67e No.14122556

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

d0246c No.14122565

File: d0e8dbc3e7c7054⋯.jpg (55.67 KB, 640x360, 16:9, EC3 Choke 2.jpg)

32eacc No.14122588

File: 2bfeb1f0390740a⋯.png (607.75 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, smugamouche.png)


Bon voyage, tabloid goblin!

e1aa3c No.14122594

File: aa488c69b108641⋯.webm (7.65 MB, 640x360, 16:9, LIRU LIVES, GAWKER DIES.webm)



84b2fa No.14122604

File: 697a9ee53da7f85⋯.mp4 (386.13 KB, 178x320, 89:160, Df40QfmZ3AHVE3k9.mp4)

1c0029 No.14122612

File: 623d7747e9a8e0f⋯.png (356.29 KB, 799x732, 799:732, 1512519115498.png)

8bda38 No.14122621

File: 320480ba2fd5783⋯.jpg (86.12 KB, 350x350, 1:1, Smugbrina.jpg)

09e4ab No.14122623

File: 1af600d89064eec⋯.png (197.08 KB, 900x900, 1:1, 1435856480303.png)

f20d2d No.14122632

File: c2a6b7fc7ce46ac⋯.jpg (37.04 KB, 450x362, 225:181, Save TaTas.jpg)

87c0c2 No.14122635

File: e3805855427ce50⋯.jpg (210.63 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, 753543574547.jpg)

8dbb4d No.14122638

File: f02d1469bccac20⋯.jpg (47.24 KB, 590x393, 590:393, 9b5e406d4025b1edc4de4584ba….jpg)

6430f9 No.14122640

File: 19ded6d4934ddd7⋯.jpg (105.33 KB, 500x382, 250:191, 95781329857213432467.jpg)

File: 8973ad8c278751f⋯.png (156.24 KB, 500x375, 4:3, 9578132985713241324.png)

File: 30b3dd195a86c0f⋯.jpg (36.39 KB, 750x480, 25:16, 95781324798513241234.jpg)

File: 996532580e4c6d0⋯.jpg (8.86 KB, 320x320, 1:1, 91823985713241324237.jpg)

File: b0970ae7dc3a8fa⋯.jpg (36.06 KB, 694x530, 347:265, 75981324987132468799.jpg)


>it's time to smug

4c079e No.14122643

File: 30f860ac7330cf4⋯.png (207.64 KB, 500x281, 500:281, 30f860ac7330cf46de9009fca3….png)

1cdc83 No.14122645

File: 9da18f0ec27ae69⋯.jpg (57.47 KB, 600x405, 40:27, smugeagle.jpg)

365f66 No.14122646

File: f6e89cd107326e0⋯.jpg (189.54 KB, 844x657, 844:657, see the light.jpg)


You're absolutely correct my friend.

9b81fb No.14122661

File: c2583d52525c8a0⋯.png (232.6 KB, 629x813, 629:813, 1416604503954-1.png)


put me in the screencap

d8c2f5 No.14122667

File: 4c4310e2392f9a1⋯.jpg (58.58 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 1429588185172.jpg)

857d81 No.14122670

File: 1f6ca2655077bde⋯.png (132.12 KB, 316x307, 316:307, 1515292519-1.png)

16661f No.14122680

File: 1d097f4b598bf4b⋯.jpeg (50.96 KB, 500x281, 500:281, D9D5B953-9C47-404D-AEEE-C….jpeg)


>Yfw your waifu came back from the dead

>Gawker didn’t

365f66 No.14122681


If traps were gay, then the actual faggots who make those "manliest character" threads wouldn't get assblasted when people post traps, but they do. Ergo, if actual faggots don't like traps, then traps aren't gay.

0ecdb0 No.14122685

File: 06d797e32f633ba⋯.jpg (46.64 KB, 700x467, 700:467, laughing gook business man.jpg)

File: 1dd3c8d3fe8574f⋯.jpg (48.58 KB, 700x447, 700:447, laughing gook girl 1.jpg)

File: 53cde0abf8c565f⋯.jpg (70.45 KB, 700x530, 70:53, laughing gook girl 2.jpg)

File: b3bd458deb98559⋯.jpg (56.54 KB, 600x600, 1:1, laughing gook girl 3.jpg)

File: 070ee6485f87884⋯.jpg (55.95 KB, 850x510, 5:3, Laughing_chinese_girls.jpg)


What a way to start a year

4ea2dd No.14122692

File: acbb2522c5fb69c⋯.png (280.26 KB, 1340x890, 134:89, acbb2522c5fb69caad86d1cc55….png)

c7eb04 No.14122714

File: 6a78714dd236e45⋯.png (34.9 KB, 625x626, 625:626, taking the bait.png)


It's almost as though men who pretend to be women are not manly, and therefore, not fitting to post in "manliest character" threads despite still being men.

Here's your fucking (You)

5be124 No.14122723

File: 7165a4ed87da0b3⋯.png (457.45 KB, 640x800, 4:5, Aiko 07.png)

File: 605e31f1702173c⋯.jpg (86.15 KB, 536x960, 67:120, Smug Eagle.jpg)

File: 83a7dddfa7907d7⋯.jpg (29.83 KB, 353x453, 353:453, Tokiko-sama is reaching sm….jpg)

4d3671 No.14122727

File: 634fa4b830218c9⋯.jpg (453.91 KB, 615x650, 123:130, Vivian's Game Face.jpg)

8323ab No.14122728

File: 3b017c9088f2ae5⋯.png (27.07 KB, 223x115, 223:115, firefox_2017-10-29_15-53-2….png)

09e4ab No.14122733


> we

566f06 No.14122734


I say $0.02 just to rub it in.

fcf018 No.14122740

File: 5f71882535d7bad⋯.png (168 KB, 524x340, 131:85, disgust.png)


>there are people who pledged over $100,000 real money to save gawker

566f06 No.14122753



3f4dfb No.14122765


holy shit marche is that your new favorite meme, jesus fuck

c654bb No.14122777

File: 23644cd2856b93a⋯.jpg (337.54 KB, 1000x1600, 5:8, reading and embroidery.jpg)


Have you considered maybe it's not the penis that's gay but the masculine physical features that are gay. (e.g. Strong jaw, Wide shoulders, Body hair)

21ef31 No.14122787


Why go for a trap? Why not a girl with a pussy?

07548a No.14122813

File: 5dbe627d2fdf901⋯.jpg (77.96 KB, 919x900, 919:900, sumg yuri.jpg)


Penis is a masculine physical feature you mongoloid.

5990a8 No.14122814

What's the point of Gamergate now? I was on board way back but it seems it lost too much steam. Feels like it would be better to create a new cause to rally behind when the time comes that they fuck up that bad again.

Or is this more a community of people at this point more than anything else?

4ea2dd No.14122826


Kind of, actually. A way Kickstarter has been used to scam before is you start one up, put in seed money to make it look popular, and then if it looks like it's going to fail, a ton of anonymous donations come in at the last minute to push it into completion. The immediate one that comes to mind is Gridiron Thunder, which isn't a 1:1 of the example I posted. What happened there was the game and Kickstarter was entered into Ouya's Free the Games Fund, which would match the donated money to a certain amount. Well that game cleared it's funding amount, and capped at the Ouya match in like two days, with the average donation being close to $1,000 USD to do so.


42282d No.14122857




93b207 No.14122872

File: 95eaadf6974aabc⋯.webm (486.95 KB, 400x400, 1:1, [MAXIMUM SMUG].webm)

File: f6d4be19c44562d⋯.webm (6.32 MB, 800x450, 16:9, Smugrills.webm)

File: dd18933887690a8⋯.webm (478.07 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Smug animu girl.webm)

File: acf506e751dece3⋯.webm (663.95 KB, 540x360, 3:2, smug select.webm)

File: d6e0f5b00447f73⋯.webm (281.15 KB, 480x360, 4:3, The Jeremy Clarkson Smug ….webm)

147629 No.14122879

File: 41601ac9ed622b2⋯.png (232.12 KB, 398x370, 199:185, smugness levels.png)

5990a8 No.14122881


>Someone asks about your cause

>Call them an SJW

This is why any cause you care about like GG won't catch on you turbo virgin

223f4c No.14122884

File: 4c5b847157c4e88⋯.png (2.08 MB, 1948x1140, 487:285, ha.png)

147629 No.14122889


You got baited anon.

0ecdb0 No.14122894

File: 17d78cad08be04c⋯.jpg (270.07 KB, 400x395, 80:79, ride never stops.jpg)


The point and goal is same as before; KEEP FUCKING SCARE THE SHIT OUT OF SJWS AND SEND E-MAILS.

Stay dead, stay mad, and stay rad.

2524da No.14122895

File: 02f33faa55fb8a8⋯.png (439.66 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Perfect Smug.png)

File: 8252bd416a1423a⋯.png (278.43 KB, 545x377, 545:377, Perfect Smug 2.png)

File: 5893fb8916b47fa⋯.jpg (120.46 KB, 519x400, 519:400, Perfect Smug.jpg)

File: e260ecb577418a8⋯.jpg (199.65 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Smug Frieza.jpg)

5990a8 No.14122898


fug after ten years and I am still dumb

223f4c No.14122900

File: 6ef9b7a8a0b29cc⋯.png (338.97 KB, 420x420, 1:1, (You) looks at you in disg….PNG)

>>14122881 (you) (you)

>using virgin as an insult

3f4dfb No.14122903


>after ten years

sure newfriend, just get off the boat from cuckchan?

42282d No.14122906

e96c7c No.14122916

File: 2543a5d52418956⋯.png (115.25 KB, 330x291, 110:97, 835e1cb6cba946f97bf25908ea….png)

5990a8 No.14122921


Yeah and I'm a virgin. That's the funniest part of my insult.


I switched between here and cuckchan a few times. I meant ten years on chans in general not just here.

21ef31 No.14122924


You haven't answered my question. Why go for a trap? Why not a girl with a pussy?

c6e210 No.14122936

5647e1 No.14122939


deadass you're a closet fag tbh fam ngl

3f4dfb No.14122941


>cuckchan a few times. I meant ten years on chans


>a few times

By a few times you mean you once and just recently? and by ten years you mean 10 weeks?

5990a8 No.14122967

File: d7b1d4858b093df⋯.png (220.31 KB, 500x373, 500:373, 1497113228276.png)


Yes that is exactly what I meant, I'm from Reddit how do I use this site?

5990a8 No.14122973


>anon says as he sucks cocks

873649 No.14122975

File: 017cd490cabc6a4⋯.mp4 (5.38 MB, 448x256, 7:4, gawker_explodes.mp4)

File: 26d434decbae1cd⋯.webm (4.68 MB, 853x480, 853:480, gawker_rmbeatdown.webm)

3f4dfb No.14122978


No I'm asserting that you're a newfag from cuckchan, also probably underage

0ecdb0 No.14122987

File: 8f0a1dc9e8aa32d⋯.png (621.25 KB, 575x499, 575:499, 8f0a1dc9e8aa32dae1aa7dca2f….png)


5990a8 No.14122990

File: ef332907bb85f34⋯.png (549.02 KB, 804x558, 134:93, 1420344618940.png)


You got me anon. I am both a newfag and 11 years old. Pic related is me

78df91 No.14122992


I now have flashbags of a wolfgirl loving me while Gawker crashes and burns.

3f4dfb No.14122997

a2db21 No.14123003


He looked so innocent

Autism is a hell of a drug

5990a8 No.14123009

File: d573532d294fe81⋯.png (96.24 KB, 328x218, 164:109, 1437801784254.png)


78df91 No.14123018

File: d0b8360f87a72f6⋯.jpeg (435.46 KB, 1080x1200, 9:10, 898a8667cb82dfe363f21d972….jpeg)


857d81 No.14123048

File: c1bf1a3abe162a5⋯.jpg (53.66 KB, 518x768, 259:384, 1501474222643.jpg)


I really don't understand how people get like that, its really strange. You know going to school in a small town I knew everyone in my grade and every single person was an individual and no one seemed like the generic normalfag robot and now some of them seem exactly like that. Its like some people's brains die when they hit 19

c6e210 No.14123057


>implying that he already looks like an autistic kid

5990a8 No.14123070


Mods only let you fap to traps around here

e1ba0b No.14123093

DLG Files Class Action Lawsuit Against Google On Behalf Of James Damore



Holy shit. Just take a look at all the shady shit Google was up to. Here's a tweet chain for easier viewing: http://archive.is/TKKzR. There needs to be more discussion about James and Google.


Third times the charm, Gawker?


>lewdposters getting purged again

Good, we were in need of another cleansing since the holidays.

c6e210 No.14123107

File: 46ec9fc307d38a4⋯.png (305.56 KB, 625x941, 625:941, ClipboardImage.png)


This is a Christian imageboard. Please do not post any lewds.

a03652 No.14123122

File: 4de03c3fffb8cdc⋯.png (324.65 KB, 386x304, 193:152, Hulktastic.PNG)


1, 496 backers and they probably faked a few to get the ball rolling. Pathetic.


that was a fun day

11bee7 No.14123131

File: 9b2206d3712aeb5⋯.png (134.49 KB, 883x974, 883:974, vidya game comic 18.png)

File: d34c5f5642ed61d⋯.png (475.24 KB, 880x965, 176:193, vidya game comic 19.png)

last comics for those who missed them.


all autists look the same for some reason.

they all have the same fat facial features, fish mouth and hair, and they are all fat. it's weird.

5990a8 No.14123153


He looks normal to me in that picture. Sure you're not reading too much into things?

c6e210 No.14123164

File: ad166c5d83e8331⋯.png (676.65 KB, 735x538, 735:538, ClipboardImage.png)



He has that 1000yd stare since he's little.

5145e1 No.14123169


Are these supposed to be ironically cringey?

I don't get it

c6e210 No.14123170

File: c2e13feefd9ab5d⋯.png (877.81 KB, 1200x499, 1200:499, ClipboardImage.png)


autists can't read emotion nor emote well

5990a8 No.14123172


Okay I think I see it a little bit more with those pictures

11bee7 No.14123178

File: ccf30be40d82421⋯.png (77.03 KB, 980x460, 49:23, autism.png)


just general observations I noticed over time.

except nowadays I see it more common in spics who are glued to their paren'ts phones, loudly playing pewdiepie or whatever manchild let's player.


his last senior year picture looks the most "normal".

e1ba0b No.14123212

File: ad240f59d108ba5⋯.png (134.13 KB, 600x608, 75:76, It's okay when they do it.png)

File: 9d27a727ee5a1d6⋯.jpg (86.64 KB, 1125x452, 1125:452, 1.jpg)

File: 3679beb41d85722⋯.jpg (121.88 KB, 951x1200, 317:400, 2.jpg)


This is all going to be very interesting, to say the least.

857d81 No.14123219

File: fc2d814c856e096⋯.jpeg (312.21 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, C27o0qqUAAAbqsf.jpg:large.jpeg)


Do you want a real reason why we sill keep going? Because there was never any reason to stop.

Why should we stop watching them and digging on them and exposing them when they do corrupt shit? What's the point in quitting before they do? At this point we've morphed from a "movement" to more of a consumer advocacy group and general anti sjw watchdog. Because what else is the logical thing to do? Just stop? Polygon certainly isn't going to stop with their bullshit on their own, all these corrupt colluding sjw journalists aren't going to just decide to be good one day and stop with their bullshit. We've become a boogeyman ready to jump on them at any point and we do all the time and it works. The name gamergate may be a boogeyman but that doesn't stop us from exposing their lies to normalfags. Believe it or not I really think most people are decent at heart and don't like corruption and collusion and SJW policies shoved down their throats so when they're exposed to the truth when we show it to them it changes their opinion. Our heyday may be over but we're still here every day trying to get the word out to try to make a change and I think slowly its working. Every time we help expose some piece of shit for what he is, it errodes some of the credibility these institutions have in the minds of the masses. Bit by bit we can help make a change for the better in video games. As long as people care we can live on because what are we exactly? We aren't some institution or organization that needs structure. We're just a bunch of people who care about this stuff. So why should we stop doing what we're doing and make a new movement when "the next big thing" happens? Because a lot of the thread is shitposting? So what? That's what happens when it's slow, but when something big or even slightly big happens we have this place to coordinate and organize and rally.

Name one good reason to stop and form anew group later. We already have all we need here, should the fire department disband every time there hasn't been a fire for a while? Going with the analogy we're just fucking around at the firehall waiting for the alarm to go off because it's alot easier to assemble from here when it does. No matter how minor

a99865 No.14123245


Aye. Some can, but it's more a manual thing than natural. Like having to physically look for signs and tells. Course, the ones who learned how to do so are much harder to find than the likes of chris-chan.

c10f03 No.14123262

File: b4495703c975c34⋯.jpg (15.53 KB, 300x300, 1:1, 1351661224972.jpg)


See, with this image, the trap could have a vagina and the scene would be just as hot

857d81 No.14123271

File: 40f197e3c9a61d3⋯.jpg (4.26 MB, 2102x3000, 1051:1500, img000003.jpg)


Yeah but you also get straight shota tones and yuri tones from it at the same time so there's more fetishes in one picture. With traps there's much more layers. Truly it's the thinking man's fetish

857d81 No.14123280


Well for people who have a wider taste it's more appealing. I'm not telling you to like it nigger, I'm just answering your question why other people do

c10f03 No.14123284


I'm not telling you not to like it nigger, I'm just explaining why I think it's frivolous.

c6e210 No.14123300


wtf, there's a Western trap artist better than Incase


d1ca3a No.14123317

File: 9a495af9b8cf8b8⋯.jpg (179.14 KB, 669x426, 223:142, 1233655766317.jpg)


Is that really how low the bar is?

32eacc No.14123398


When the main reaction to the evidence produced in order to make the case go forward was a collective "what the fuck," you know it's going to be juicy.

11bee7 No.14123411


that was fucking bullshit too.

all I wanted was hobbits going on a sex adventure, but all I got was NTR stories, gay hobbits and family drama that shouldn't exist.

at least I have my Dragon Quest III doujins.

09e4ab No.14123430



not to mention same face as all fuck

7359e0 No.14123455

File: 8099b24dd47d478⋯.jpg (97.01 KB, 700x850, 14:17, 5a7ce71f5798cfb43701e26f29….jpg)



>they are so far down the rabbit hole all they can think of when they see BDSM is NTR

3f4dfb No.14123466


There was some gay NTR in that story though, the grumpy mom got cucked by the gay dad

09e4ab No.14123471



the other midget is fucking elves and not her husband then the midgets become lesbians with each other

11bee7 No.14123473

File: e34b34494a0f13e⋯.jpg (61.59 KB, 619x543, 619:543, dr vodka.jpg)


if I remember, the grumpy mom was having an affair with elf tink, she told dad, and dad was "that's cool, I'm so happy for you cause I'm like, a gay homo".

then the mom went on an adventure to find her daughter who ran away with a dire halfling (human)

3f4dfb No.14123486


>midget is fucking elves and not her husband

her husband cucked her first though, it's only fair at that point


>"that's cool, I'm so happy for you cause I'm like, a gay homo"

She already knew he has homo though because there was a flashback where she caught him in the past but stayed for the kid or something

09e4ab No.14123492

the only person who would defend this shit is val

11bee7 No.14123504


>She already knew he has homo though because there was a flashback where she caught him in the past but stayed for the kid or something

I completely forgot about that.

all I remember is disapointment, I came for nuttin', but I got nothing, like I never came.

e54101 No.14123505

File: 2d5a8928625d050⋯.jpg (337.85 KB, 988x1379, 988:1379, MB_AliceInSexland1_00.jpg)







Why do guys read the shit instead of quality work, like Alice in Sexland?

c6e210 No.14123506

File: 56165fe17de27e8⋯.png (53.09 KB, 598x339, 598:339, ClipboardImage.png)

3f4dfb No.14123507


I never said I liked it anon, I'm just saying that it's barely NTR

7359e0 No.14123508

File: 078822ebd550b28⋯.jpg (221.2 KB, 753x1017, 251:339, 350644392fc9b832d4c1023e58….jpg)


>sexually repressed wife cheated on by gay husband is NTR now

>sexually repressed wife cheating on gay husband is NTR now

I dont think you understand what either cuckoldry or NTR respectively actually entail

yer not projecting are you?

c6ec2f No.14123510


Honestly I read Alice in Sexland 100% for Chessie. Now that was one fine pussy.

396e2b No.14123511

File: 5bf66440f9e3041⋯.png (188.47 KB, 397x296, 397:296, absolutely fantastic.png)

File: 34af3ade6d47cc8⋯.gif (32.17 KB, 256x192, 4:3, godot drinking.gif)



3f4dfb No.14123513


I was defending it though saying it's not even really NTR in my other posts, or did I not get that point across?

7359e0 No.14123514

File: 6a88ae38690dcd6⋯.jpg (30.77 KB, 502x480, 251:240, 6a88ae38690dcd6b7e1cc86f31….jpg)


Because only newfags havent read it already?

4ea2dd No.14123520


It literally was NTR. It was the wife NTR the husband who was NTR her, which was only implied at the time I stopped. Granted my first hint should have been when the first sex scene was Alfie's sister getting some side dick while lying to the guy about her being married.

39bcd7 No.14123521


Good shit.

7359e0 No.14123523


>cheating is NTR

are you new in this whole internet thing?

11bee7 No.14123524

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


because I never bothered checking it out.

reading it right now

7cd4ea No.14123528

File: ee26dbfcba55f53⋯.webm (7.56 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, GET_FUCKED_GAWKER.webm)

gawker died again

e54101 No.14123541

File: 9594fe3cc1bd965⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 191.91 KB, 852x1230, 142:205, bio_001.jpg)

File: b2392b00d3e8411⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 146.11 KB, 800x1160, 20:29, MAIKA001.jpg)


True. It, P Total Bio-Chemical Laboratory, and Immoral Maika were pretty much my first hentai.

e2a446 No.14123684

File: a911d8f23d2e972⋯.jpg (49.54 KB, 577x800, 577:800, Asuka hey there.jpg)


Awww, poor Denton.

You know what they say. "A man has never been truly poor until he's been forced to suck dick just for nutritious value."

f1651d No.14123716

File: 83e781b3d95eb56⋯.jpg (42.92 KB, 802x480, 401:240, 7a3524b05f1ebe6019db6a2505….jpg)


I can barely remember my first.

Only have little bits left in my memory, pretty sure it was something like 20 years ago.

Actually kind of tempted to look for it now

c6e210 No.14123734


my first hentai was that Shining Force doujin (which is still not uploaded by anyone online)

e2a446 No.14123742

File: 139f8f003d71e6c⋯.gif (Spoiler Image, 50.8 KB, 640x400, 8:5, Merc and Venus.gif)


The first hentai I ever saw was when a friend told me about freecartoonsex.com.

I fapped to Sailor Moon yuri and never looked back. In fact, pic related is STILL saved on my hard drive, carried over from six computers ago.

3f4dfb No.14123752


That's a terrible picture anon, you should feel bad

d1ca3a No.14123756

File: 5c6cc21b78d4621⋯.gif (893.69 KB, 300x167, 300:167, 1386778173736.gif)


Not bad at all.

c003e5 No.14123798


>my first hentai.

My brother's friend showed me a website called dragonballx.com when I was really young and I felt sick just looking at it.

In fact, until I reached puberty, all sexual content made me feel sick whenever I saw it or it was even suggested. And now I'm a gurofag. Oh how the mighty have fallen.

09e4ab No.14123807


So you're a girl and your brother was showing you porn

5a6738 No.14123813

File: aade2d105f1b8ea⋯.webm (6.92 MB, 240x240, 1:1, Half Life 2 Overwatch Cit….webm)

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09e4ab No.14123814

File: 0da8c7564641d17⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 931.88 KB, 721x1024, 721:1024, 1439947870625-0.png)

This is still the best classic

e1dada No.14123832


I thought it was going to be that really classic gif of moon and venus.

e2a446 No.14123842

File: bc92358e2432f5c⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 50.03 KB, 497x331, 497:331, sscout orgy.jpg)


You mean this one? Its there too.

3f4dfb No.14123843


Marche I swear to christ

c003e5 No.14123845


Younger brother and it was my brother's friend when he came over.

This was a long time ago and I'm surprised I even remember it. Back in the day when you had to actually know the domain name to find a website and they were spread by word of mouth.

5a6738 No.14123854


I've always wondered, do animal girls smell like the respective species of which they're a hybridization? Like, if you had a dog girl, would she smell like a dog? When she gets horny, does she smell like wet dog? What about cats, foxes and whatever else?

0e8669 No.14123858

File: d5a9882caf48da1⋯.jpg (82.48 KB, 625x605, 125:121, d5a9882caf48da1d8c3efc6058….jpg)


This, we need to always shine a light to the true form of these holier than thou who try to change and gatekeep this hobby for personal gains

Years ago, part of their mask of virtue took a huge hit, now it's slowly eroding to show their ugly face, why would we stop?

01ac1a No.14123865

File: 3d23f09561bd51f⋯.pdf (1.8 MB, Fire-and-Fury-Michael-Wolf….pdf)

The entire book is really just Pedowood tabloid gossip, glad Wikileaks managed to share this to millions before getting forced to delete the tweet and google drive. But goddamn, he spent 20 months weaseling his way to the White House with puff pieces then sells an overly insane piece of shit that libtard SJW faggots and cuckservatives bought out. Oh, and special shout out to GG

179756 No.14123880


Does 'wet dog smell' come from them being dirty or do wet dogs smell bad even if they're clean?

c003e5 No.14123882



looks like redpanels to me. Same guy?

feeddf No.14123886

File: d605ca17097722d⋯.png (24.23 KB, 693x237, 231:79, snip_20180109025020.png)


What did he mean by this?

01ac1a No.14123889


"Rules for Thee, Not for Me"

2ef5c2 No.14123916

File: 74350e30092253d⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 277.77 KB, 1000x1400, 5:7, 001.jpg)

File: 6df5b29c2e0cfa0⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 105.48 KB, 969x1425, 17:25, g01.jpg)

File: fc9a34939277d82⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 189.64 KB, 827x1161, 827:1161, 000.jpg)

File: f45e80e078a2231⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 521.11 KB, 1190x1683, 70:99, SaHa_Rei_4_01.jpg)

File: f9230e38cfa8489⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 4.05 MB, 752x9741, 752:9741, How to Act Like Shinji Ika….png)


I remember when my family got a new computer after the mobo on the old died. It was the same time we cable TV too so it just so happened that I came across a website called cartoon69.com which was a pay site with free images to entice you with anime pictures. It was something I came across while I was searching for evangelion images. I waifued really hard on Rei at the time for various reasons and related a lot to shinji due to family circumstances. It didn't help that over 10 years ago these were the ones I ended up reading gave her really massive tits and a big ass. It just made me like her even more.

The one that really hit close to home were the doujinshi where her and shinji were happy together. I try to avoid them when I see them.

5a6738 No.14123934


Whenever I see his face now, I have to do a double take because I'm not sure at first how many faces his chin has.

3986d5 No.14123953


He is butthurt and tried to spin his indocrination as being "truth".

The very existence of leftists must never be allowed.

Freedom of speech must be allowed only for fully functional humans.

Leftists and other subhumans must always be silenced and eliminated completely from any society.

c003e5 No.14123965


>I try to avoid them when I see them.

Post them you fucking faggot.

Also those nipples always confused me and I have no idea why people draw them like that. I mean, they look like they're being suctioned out and vacuum packed into the bra/shirt at the same time. Then they're really inflamed and just look generally unhealthy.

3f4dfb No.14123973


>freedom of speech is good

>but only when I agree with it otherwise it's mentally ill

You don't really understand what freedom of speech is do you anon?

8323ab No.14123978


I was in almost the same boat except I hated those pictures and that artist so much.

>draw a character who isn't Rei

>call her Rei

>impossible to avoid the pictures because everyone posts them and calls her Rei

Fuck you!

2ef5c2 No.14124009

File: ed860b2a8812d32⋯.png (430.23 KB, 455x665, 13:19, Doumou Red Hood Blonde C….png)


Nigga, this was more that 10 years ago. Looking back on it now it was more like 14 years ago. GOOD GOD I wish I remembered what they were. I still have the bookmarks but I don't get any names from it and the site it came from has long since died.


As soon as I knew it existed I just dove deeper into the rabbit hole and got to read as many poorly scanned and translated doujinshi as I could. It was a gate way drawing to the world of cartoon porn.

1c5fa8 No.14124111


>and the site it came from has long since died.

That's what archive.org is for, jackass. It keeps track even of fucked up smut pages.

2ef5c2 No.14124162


found some links from 2011. I think it need Microsoft word to be read properly since notepad and wordpad makes look like a bunch of gibberish. I need to get around installing the cracked version of it.

2e8279 No.14124168

File: 38391001e5cd23c⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 300.11 KB, 1280x1807, 1280:1807, 5e60867dafdd13117c9360c792….jpg)


I really like Mogudan's art.

11bee7 No.14124175


microsoft office is shit, use Apache Open Office.

it's free open source.

09e4ab No.14124185


You forgot the haha

af5f42 No.14124212


damn classic

44bdc8 No.14124213


I dunno, they are taking a bit longer than normal if they were doing a remaster port, a port of smash 4 would have been a day 1 thing to be most effective.


Yo inb4 fund extension



That was a good one but I like slutgirl better, and I still think that is marches best comission

e13e11 No.14124236




I think what religion brought to humanity (especially Christianity) was a moral compass with clear consequences for failing to adhere to that code (ie you will not go to heaven when you die). Without a long term consequence to shitty actions, most people then start to think that they can act however they wish. That their actions have no permanent effect. When reality hits (like it did with Moldylocks) their reaction to the permanency and the fact that they can't undo what they did often leaves them in shock.

Speaking of which, what happened to the bike lock faggot? Wasn't his case soon in court?


Didn't get funded. That's a shame. :^)


He was wearing stripes even as a kid. Cold it be one of the things he is autistic about?

1c5fa8 No.14124266


>Apache Open Office

Also called Shit FOSS Office because Oracle tried claiming that because Oracle code was in it it's theirs, so the original team fucked off to make LibreOffice.

58fce6 No.14124309


Where is that bottom foot coming from?

49a9af No.14124337


I wonder about this as well. The sheer amount of morons I interact with every day at work is astounding. They can't comprehend written instructions, and don't even seem to pay any attention to the world around them.

00544a No.14124362

File: dbef14e6a3a0f16⋯.webm (3.84 MB, 480x270, 16:9, Triple vodka.webm)


>They can't comprehend written instructions

Generally the issue in that case is that people have no clue how anything works, least of all how to do it. It's why elderly people struggle with computers, because there are a lot of abstract concepts involved that they are unaware of (thus making them unable to learn what these concepts are) like how Google doesn't actually understand English in the slightest but rather that it looks for tags and keywords that it can find. For example, I had to explain one guy why copyright actually allows you to download without a license, just not distribute, because he didn't understand that everything you see on the computer is stored somewhere in memory and thus that it is already on your PC, making prosecuting people downloading shit online a form of entrapment.

f29ff6 No.14124384


>James Damore

>smart enough to write a well-reasoned critique of Google's diversity policies

>dumb enough to publish it

>immediately goes on Breitbart & co. to smear Google's name

>then interviews with the Guardian saying he's sorry or some shit

>now this

I can't make heads or tails of this guy. What's his deal? What does he want? Part of me feels like he's controlled opposition.

594598 No.14124398

>"Electronic Arts to outperform in 2018 despite gamer outcry: Analyst." Proceeds to implicitly encourage NOT listening to gamers.


>The Empathy Gap in Tech: Interview with a Software Engineer - Quillette


7359e0 No.14124406

File: 830a214f38dacd1⋯.jpg (101.67 KB, 808x540, 202:135, wakarimasen lol.jpg)


is "controlled opposition" the natsoc equivalent of "internalized misoginy"?

00544a No.14124408


He went on interviews after he was fired for releasing it, he didn't go to Breitbart immediately after publishing. Also saying that he is sorry is perfectly understandable because he is an engineer, not a celebrity that can just live off of shekels from random people.

00544a No.14124412


No, just because an e-celeb told you that Nazis are literally SJWs doesn't mean that it's actually true. Controlled opposition is an accusation of being a shill (meaning that he is saying that it's possible that Damore was acting under orders), which is very different from saying that someone has unaware bias that makes them act against their self-interest.

1e5ea5 No.14124416


Daily reminder Gamergate didn't aid in gawker's demise whatsoever and didn't accomplish anything because of MUH PRANDBOYCOTTSJIMWASRIGHT


But seriously, we ought to ramp up on new things and ops for the new year, things can get too shitpost-y in these threads such as trapposting at gookanon or Marche/Val/Gildafag's autism regardless of slow activity

ead61b No.14124419


Any untapped potential for Polygon?

49a9af No.14124427


I've had to talk people through "press 1, now enter your PIN" because they didn't understand the exact same instructions in written form. We're talking extremely basic shit.

9d04c0 No.14124429

File: 6cca83a78025b0a⋯.jpg (102.38 KB, 496x700, 124:175, 8673b20bd905a864ca661d7a89….jpg)

File: d2a111012c2c070⋯.jpg (129.15 KB, 500x700, 5:7, Secret_Plot_1_01.jpg)

File: 8ea86591bc56e6f⋯.jpg (91.93 KB, 648x923, 648:923, 001.jpg)

File: a34134ba05889b6⋯.jpg (88.31 KB, 480x685, 96:137, 186061.jpg)


There is no better fap than a nostalgia fap.

926344 No.14124438

File: 21ac73162fa66f4⋯.png (1.02 MB, 1190x2536, 595:1268, 20180109_074317.png)

f29ff6 No.14124440


I think there's only a ~5% chance that he's actually controlled opposition from Google; I think it's likelier (~20%) that he's being paid to do this as a form of corporate sabotage on Google. I think it's far more likely that he's just a spineless dumbass. The reason I call him controlled opposition is that his general behavior seems schizophrenic and harmful to any goal of his own.


>Also saying that he is sorry is perfectly understandable because he is an engineer, not a celebrity that can just live off of shekels from random people.

If he has no interest in being a public figure, why has he done multiple interviews and filed a class-action lawsuit? His fifteen minutes had finished before the Guardian article; he could easily have just disappeared.

c1681e No.14124444


Great Taste.

aba1f2 No.14124445

File: ebc2b0689aafbd7⋯.jpg (48.23 KB, 352x395, 352:395, 1459133581543.jpg)


the mod clearly abused his powers here, that post is very videogame-y

09e4ab No.14124449



Seems like selective banning.

7359e0 No.14124451


I was thinking more along the lines of "retarded buzzword" but yeah, the comparison in illfitting


my bet is on "politically illiterate normalfag"

e31c98 No.14124452


Reminder that Bondage fairies advocate for zoophilia, Secret Plot advocate for pegging and femdom and Super Taboo ends with the main male character becoming a shemale.

ead61b No.14124453


I only fap to traps. Please ban me.

00544a No.14124455


>If he has no interest in being a public figure, why has he done multiple interviews and filed a class-action lawsuit? His fifteen minutes had finished before the Guardian article; he could easily have just disappeared.

Then he would be forced to accept the media narrative that he is a sexist pig and in that case ALSO get fucked for publishing it. Publishing the whole thing is what screwed him over but other than that he didn't really act in any way wrong. He sued Google over the reason why he was fired and he also threatened CNN with a lawsuit if they don't change the phrase "anti-diversity memo", both of which are to prove his innocence. After the drama, instead of being seen as a sexist by everyone that knows his name, he is instead seen as a figure that is popular by some and unpopular by others. After he won one side over, the apology was to win over the other side.

ead61b No.14124456

9d04c0 No.14124479


Zoophilia is the most tame thing to happen in Bondage Fairies. Going back to it I noticed the plot is about murder, slavery and torture (actual torture, not sexy stuff). It's amazing to think it was the first hentai for many people, but on other hand my first animated hentai was Bible Black, so…

Secret Plot is also really hardcore, specially in the sequel (Secret Plot Deep) where it gets really dark.

But the best one is by far Slut Girl. It's the only hentai to this day that I got engaged not only for the porn, but because the characters and story were truly compelling.

765b5c No.14124519

File: 8e68626529d2721⋯.jpg (21 KB, 351x319, 351:319, C8vbc8pVoAAfaZs.jpg)

File: b5145c14216f5af⋯.jpg (23.5 KB, 412x336, 103:84, C6Fx8WEVUAEQgMA.jpg)

File: ac91db403163f0d⋯.jpg (41.61 KB, 694x505, 694:505, C6ARgPbVMAQcBzV.jpg)

138e4e No.14124526

It is quite amazing how can we discuss porn and religion in the same thread.

Feels like a real world conversation with close friends.



That is the dangerous point. Are they advocating for it or enjoying a fantasy of it?

We all know that the mainstream and SJW shit are propaganda, they want their depravities to be accepted in 3D.

Japan in general and people with common sense know how to enjoy the fantatisc in their privacy and that the real world is a diferent issue.

The issue of course is knowing which of the mangakas are drawing fantasies and which are drawing with the intent of subvert.

Besides, while fantasy and reality are not the same, they are conected to each other. One influences and tells about the other.

540a01 No.14124534

File: d1cb0ec9eabde21⋯.webm (559.9 KB, 960x720, 4:3, I disagree.webm)


Traps are gay.

e31c98 No.14124536


I was kidding about the advocating, but it sure has REALLY perverted things.

I don't remember the murder and torture from Bondage Fairies, nor I want to know nor remember it.

765b5c No.14124537

File: 6eac99b61cc20e3⋯.jpg (7.54 KB, 255x174, 85:58, happy 21.jpg)


>Feels like a real world conversation with close friends.

This is why I love you guys and will always come back.

9d04c0 No.14124540


All of these were american licensed porn comics by japanese mangakas in a time where internet was barely even a thing and people still bought physical porn magazines in stands.

I seriously doubt the author of any of those comics are trying to subvert the western society, they are just some pervert japanese young men who got a deal to publish their porn comics in America.

Really, man. You're getting paranoid.

138e4e No.14124568

File: e04b6459b82d737⋯.jpeg (144.48 KB, 425x516, 425:516, Cristãfeliz.jpeg)



With all the horrors that we see today it is no wonder that I am little paranoid.

There is also the possibility that the pervert young men drown the word with pervert fantasies with no ill intent. An apocalypse brought not by evil malice, but perverted naiveness.

Still, I prefer to be like this as an aditional safeguard against being too lost in fantasy. Also it is good to keep an eye on how Japan and the other few non pozzed places are doing. One of the worst mistakes done by some gators, /pol/acks and the like is thinking there are impregnable castles.


I am glad for you, anon.

3986d5 No.14124571


Freedom for all, without exceptions? No thanks.

Leftists showed their true colors. The only way to destroy them (a necessity, mind you) is to fight fire with fire in all fronts.

192a09 No.14124572

File: fb73948d4cc6467⋯.jpg (50.05 KB, 384x384, 1:1, 1459791577315-0.jpg)



f29ff6 No.14124573

File: 06ca78362e9d11f⋯.png (838.29 KB, 503x782, 503:782, check this shit out.png)


Great quads


>my bet is on "politically illiterate normalfag"

If he was just a normalfag, then how the fuck did he make the Google Memo so redpilled and well-researched?

>>14124455 (checked)

If the Guardian interview was to win over the enemy and try to undo some of the slander he faced, why provoke their ire again by filing a class-action? If he had been planning the class-action even before the interview with the Guardian, why even do the interview when you plan to deal the enemy permanent and lasting damage?

It just doesn't add up AAAAAAA

9d04c0 No.14124576

File: c20e429f5dd3c72⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 106.98 KB, 536x757, 536:757, bfai2_21.jpg)

File: b17d6e62c5e98c0⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 112.97 KB, 522x752, 261:376, bfai3_14.jpg)

File: 1be4d0febfdecb2⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 113.82 KB, 547x752, 547:752, bfai5_13.jpg)


>I don't remember the murder and torture from Bondage Fairies, nor I want to know nor remember it.

The first volume is about a trio of fairies dominatrixes trying to cover up a murder and the two protagonists are set to investigate it. The blonde one eventually gets captured and is brutally tortured. At first it's all sexy and fun but the torture escalates to the point they try to have a beetle eat the flesh out of her vagina.

Eventually she is saved and manages to befriend the dominatrixes male sex slave, who have his face brutally scarred due to their abuse. He betrays them and they all brutally murder eachother, the thing is pretty dark and graphic if you take in count it was the first hentai for a lot of people.

e31c98 No.14124578


The blond survived, right?

Also, if I don't remember it wrong, one of the fairies gave birth to a beetle because she was engaged with one?

9d04c0 No.14124589


Yeah, she survives. I don't remenber this beetle stuff though…

e31c98 No.14124595


It was fun, but thankfully I missed the dark parts and enjoyed the rest.

Anyway, getting back on topic, are there any news we should be aware of?

09e4ab No.14124597

cc0d28 No.14124599


Nice. One of my favorites.

273f5f No.14124600

File: 8e196cb694325c4⋯.png (487.98 KB, 376x475, 376:475, smug frog.png)

e31c98 No.14124610


We doesn't need to be all of the people in this thread, just a group I might be part of.

Waz kingz.

e1ba0b No.14124613

File: a850f14b067a5d2⋯.jpg (51.65 KB, 400x500, 4:5, DM7Fil0UIAA6TnZ.jpg)

Devs Explain Why They Avoided Sexual Violence In Ken Follett's The Pillars Of The Earth




>“Ken Follett agreed with us early on that it would be best to exclude sexual violence as our adaptation is also meant to be played by a younger audience around the age of 16. In addition to that we personally believe, that sexual violence as motivation for a female characters is a classic trope that has not aged very well. If we had chosen to depict sexual violence we would have wanted to make it an important topic and not just a side note but there would have been enough room for that. Being taken hostage, losing her father and home and – after having built up a new life having everything taken away by the same man – is, we think, enough to define Aliena’s relationship with William. Of course, as you said, that means their relationship is different than in the novel.”


>With the death of Andrew Breitbart in 2012, Bannon, in essence holding the proxy of

the Mercers’ investment in the site, took over the Breitbart business. He leveraged his

gaming experience into using Gamergate—a precursor alt-right movement that coalesced

around an antipathy toward, and harassment of, women working in the online gaming

industry—to build vast amounts of traffic through the virality of political memes. (After

hours one night in the White House, Bannon would argue that he knew exactly how to

build a Breitbart for the left. And he would have the key advantage because “people on the

left want to win Pulitzers, whereas I want to be Pulitzer!”)

Who is this guy?

c5fbb7 No.14124616



Those were the days.

e1ba0b No.14124617


jesus, fucked up greentext not once but twice. Embarassing

e31c98 No.14124626


Don't worry, it happens. Still, you are getting bullied.

f56750 No.14124631

File: 48911e84c0f2c71⋯.png (718.16 KB, 1593x1584, 177:176, gild nobody loves you.png)

f29ff6 No.14124633

File: cd89341e250d9b9⋯.png (1.04 MB, 960x910, 96:91, ClipboardImage.png)

RE: Does GG actually do anything, I remember a few weeks ago someone shared this pic of a communist goth girl, and anons eventually discovered that the boots she was wearing had triple-digit sales prices. Well, this pic has been floating around and eventually made its way into a group chat of IRL friends (captioned "Really makes you think" of course).

We're certainly not as large and active as we used to be years ago, but I think we're far from dead.

21ef31 No.14124646


She would afford shit if that poser didn't spend her money on stupid shit. I'm tired of all these poser goths and their dress up games.

e31c98 No.14124657





And about your post about GG doing stuff. Well, we do stuff when something happen. Sadly, most recent scandals don't live long enouth, so we end sleeping a lot until something happens, time we get active for a while and then fall asleep again.

Still, we are doing the best thing we could do to fight our enemies: keep existing. Because that they make stupidities and end making a fool of themselves and indirectly redpilling people and normies.

cc0d28 No.14124658


What about the rest of her clothes? I'm sure those aint cheap either.

49a9af No.14124664

File: ed0dffd873d1873⋯.jpeg (174.01 KB, 1600x906, 800:453, w5s7ZbON1P2rXFpJMd9S3gXeK….jpeg)



You shouldn't be here.

e31c98 No.14124667



Neither should you.

f29ff6 No.14124670


I agree, gook, now since nothing's going on you should put on the dress

138e4e No.14124671


It is reciprocity.

We all agree in not shooting each other. If some guy starts to shoot other people at random then other people can shoot him.

If some ideology like pisslam or cúmunism thinks it can censor or forbid others then it is okay to censor or forbid them.


There is also the 3D world aspect of it. We talk about these things with friends, family and coworkers. Personally given redpills.

09e4ab No.14124672


Nothing about that image originated here

Its also beyond old as fuck

273f5f No.14124674

File: fb6fa88cd3d33a1⋯.png (1.59 MB, 1366x768, 683:384, fb6fa88cd3d33a1aaeec220e65….png)


Don't bully Harriet Thotter. Its not her fault daddy was too busy managing a hedge fund to pay attention to her.

e31c98 No.14124682


I'm not Gookanon. Did I fuck up writing?

e54101 No.14124685

File: 7afa5cd6366e3e3⋯.png (2.78 MB, 1600x1200, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)


Why does her pose look like some character out of a fighting game?


>That pic

Out of curiousity, is there an anime series out there about characters trying to protect people's virginity through conducting the elicit acts of headpats and handholding?

e54101 No.14124687


>…conducting the illicit acts of…

Just realized that I used the wrong word.

f56750 No.14124688

File: 27076bb4dc1a9f0⋯.png (319.93 KB, 1372x1040, 343:260, anon tries to turn gookano….png)


do not sexualize the gook

f29ff6 No.14124696


Intensely. Even in that post, the word you're looking for is "grammar" not "writing."


No idea where the original image is from, but the boot price pic was OC from the GG thread.

21ef31 No.14124701


I never understood why they want to sexualize the gook. Probably the same fags that post traps.

e31c98 No.14124702


Normally I do better.

Sorry for the confusion.

810a49 No.14124705


I see a lot of shit originate here and spread elsewhere.

I feel like that idea that 4chan is the collective unconscious of the internet was pretty true and in 2014 that role shifted to 8chan.

765b5c No.14124708


My friend swears up and down that facebook does everything. According to him all memes start on facebook.

f56750 No.14124710

File: 3920af0c71a650d⋯.gif (958.76 KB, 462x231, 2:1, Oldboy-film-South-Korean-F….gif)


They watch K-Pop all the time, become gay for those twinks and think that all korean men are twinks like those choreographed choir boys

f56750 No.14124712



e31c98 No.14124715


Not only that. 4chan also gets all the blame.


I'm sorry that your friend is an idiot.

7359e0 No.14124718


because most normal people are "redpilled" on feminism and dont buy into SJW shit

21ef31 No.14124721


They are as detached from reality as weebs that watch anime and gobto Japan expecting the subtitles.

e31c98 No.14124724




We are being invaded by North Korea troops.

Prepare the dresses.

e54101 No.14124729


>weebs that watch anime and gobto Japan expecting the subtitles

I feel like I shouldn't ask, but are people really that retarded?


>We are being invaded by North Korea troops.

This is true.

>North Korea to send Olympics team to South



810a49 No.14124746

File: 2223ae38d87837e⋯.jpg (583.69 KB, 900x900, 1:1, 1468874315975.jpg)


Tell him he can take care of the rabbits and then pull the trigger.

3cbdba No.14124747


>Trusting him with rabbits

do you hate rabbits or something

21ef31 No.14124748

File: 3872222e09c4f50⋯.jpg (109.39 KB, 813x509, 813:509, 1515475914138.jpg)


>I feel like I shouldn't ask, but are people really that retarded?

You have no idea.

f29ff6 No.14124756


>not getting the reference

You should use Reddit, you don't need to be 18 to post there.

810a49 No.14124758


He might just not be an American. I don't know if they read that book in other countries. Not that I particular cared for it myself.

977c79 No.14124787


I can't believe his dossier was anything but harmless suggestions.

5401cc No.14124797

File: 9e4c4d7ac27f4ad⋯.jpg (121.24 KB, 768x720, 16:15, Scoff.jpg)

File: 58b6ce89bdab370⋯.jpg (1.42 MB, 1551x1356, 517:452, 58b6ce89bdab370cc94c80da65….jpg)

File: 89a8cc6f370a67a⋯.png (153.89 KB, 500x562, 250:281, 89a8cc6f370a67a0cec6f20f81….png)

File: 9c72c016e85df5e⋯.gif (2.73 MB, 328x321, 328:321, 9c72c016e85df5ec0fa03d4f98….gif)

File: b250e5dc6b194e3⋯.jpg (187.28 KB, 496x590, 248:295, literalsmuganimuwhore.jpg)


>TFW you banish the Dark Lord

>TFW you banish him so hard his attempt to resurrect himself fails miserably and you didnt even have to do anything.

58fce6 No.14124826


The best part about being "worthless nerds that can't do anything" is that we at the same time are the cause of every one of their failures.

a46a94 No.14124859

File: 3a926ac92d890c4⋯.jpg (23.06 KB, 492x341, 492:341, 3a926ac92d890c4ce3cab66d7c….jpg)


>only a 6th of the target goal

Guess all their journo friends mourning their loss put their money where their mouth really was

e1ba0b No.14124865

File: 6a8072b062c820e⋯.png (111.43 KB, 1072x547, 1072:547, 1.png)

File: 1c9a2c897ce13a2⋯.png (44.71 KB, 974x98, 487:49, 2.png)


Good thing Damore spoke out when he did. It's scary just how far this shit spread.

765b5c No.14124887

Red Letter media isn't SJWs are they? I notice a lot of SJWs, including one I know irl, likes them. But they make fun of SJWs.

0340bb No.14124897


They aren't, at all. But everybody likes them, that's why even twitter activists like them.

3e0f03 No.14124910


I knew Google was pozzed but not to this extent. They really have the internet by the balls don't they.

21ef31 No.14124923

File: 01364f7985eb602⋯.jpg (135.25 KB, 737x1122, 67:102, 1506132287390.jpg)


>Yellow scaled wingless dragonkin

>Pronouns are they and them

2e8279 No.14124953

File: 55897caae4708f2⋯.png (414.45 KB, 678x697, 678:697, FireShot Screen Capture #1….png)

594598 No.14124969

>It Took Only Three Days For Germany's New Hate Speech Law To Cause Collateral Damage


>Allum Bokhari / Breitbart - "Damore Lawsuit: Google Internal Communications Reveal Anti-White, Anti-Male Attitudes"




>Gamesindustry.biz: "WHO: "There is increasing and well-documented evidence of gaming disorder"." Doubles down even while backpedaling on the sensationalism.


765b5c No.14124976

File: 1ade5abef0a3304⋯.png (47.96 KB, 404x142, 202:71, ClipboardImage.png)

Why did appabend put vivian on a tombstone? That's just cruel.

e54101 No.14124992

File: fdd6e7599a197f7⋯.png (422.26 KB, 851x315, 851:315, 7ca9a06dcb3b2388eede5624f6….png)


>>It Took Only Three Days For Germany's New Hate Speech Law To Cause Collateral Damage


I don't see the "collateral damage", seems to be working just as people said it would.

21ef31 No.14124994


They say GG is dead, like everyone else outside this thread. Can we get a cute zombie Vivian?

765b5c No.14125012


But people are still writing articles about gamergate and SJWs are still "fighting" on twitter. Doesn't seem very dead to me.

e54101 No.14125018

File: 2246759b0d066b3⋯.jpeg (68.46 KB, 400x500, 4:5, 7EB51D5E-90DC-4745-B6C3-3….jpeg)

File: dd40b0e6f4d7560⋯.jpg (1.63 MB, 3000x2500, 6:5, 013_Cry_No_More_Ms_Witch_b….jpg)

File: 5bef82da6213116⋯.jpg (150.24 KB, 574x823, 574:823, 132.jpg)

File: cfa25632794ed10⋯.jpg (595.44 KB, 1600x2000, 4:5, 1410887973978.jpg)


>Can we get a cute zombie Vivian?

What type of Undead Vivian would you want?

765b5c No.14125033

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I'm sure you've all heard about the class action lawsuit by James Damore on Google, but this video gives a good run down of some of the batshit crazy things going on inside the google cult. Really scary shit.

4b557a No.14125035



Didn't a drawfag do Vivian in a Rottytops cosplay last year?

273f5f No.14125036

File: ef28c0953a24a10⋯.png (20.32 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 1463176748795.png)


>sexually identifies as an expansive ornate building

Sounds like a Terry Pratchett or Douglas Adams joke.

>wingless dragonkin

David said "I am a worm" not "I am a Wyrm"

765b5c No.14125038

File: 1db075c5e5b9769⋯.jpg (1.07 MB, 1141x1141, 1:1, 1494886995157.jpg)


I don't want a zombie vivian, I want a living and happy vivian.

21ef31 No.14125040


Probably as a bogeyman to blame all their problems. GG doesn't have to lift a finger for them to complain.


The kind with stitches.


I need this.


But zombies are cute.

99cca3 No.14125065

>All this zombie love

Holy hell, either you have great tastes or Reanon’s Sankapill was mighty fucking effective

2b9105 No.14125075


His ineptitude at following or reading instructions and putting pieces together seems pretty bad.

Ded psu, which to be fair can be confusing if it's your first time building.

21ef31 No.14125076


If GamerGate is "dead", we might as well have zombie girls.

58fce6 No.14125097

File: ba1462e97a71938⋯.jpg (274.2 KB, 900x675, 4:3, serveimage.jpg)


How about a patched together Vivian?

e54101 No.14125099

File: 2554c6181774355⋯.png (432.01 KB, 538x1487, 538:1487, 9e8ead60c210c0d80d1271d8d0….png)

File: e2b1c4dc2283a35⋯.png (31.55 KB, 465x424, 465:424, Too Complex.png)

File: bdf00c1da52e5a9⋯.png (509.51 KB, 600x824, 75:103, ClipboardImage.png)






How about we make Clover Vivian a zombie? With the story that Cuckchan and the journos are too afraid actually attack GG and Infinity directly, so they made a "clone Vivian" leftover from GG's days there, that they ended up killing her almost immediately, but revived her and keep her alive via Pedowood necromancy derived from spirit cooking? Or, is that too complicated, and we'll just go with Franken Fran cosplay

fe52d9 No.14125101


Guy has no excuse. Troubleshooting my first build led me to the PSU paperclip test within fifteen minutes at the most.

21ef31 No.14125109


Like stitch her with the ass of Chun-li and the tits of Mai Shiranui?

765b5c No.14125113

File: 917d6230d23bfcb⋯.jpg (84.2 KB, 598x596, 299:298, nymph shrug.jpg)

I don't like the idea of a zombie vivian because to me it feels like conceding victory to the game journos. But maybe I'm just autistic, I dunno.

e1bc66 No.14125132



Until you have those numbers, predictions don't mean jack.


Vampire then. Whenever they start bleeding on the ashes of GG, it revives.

21ef31 No.14125141


>Not having Zombie Viv to spook the journos

765b5c No.14125143

File: 87fa43bf19ff133⋯.jpg (31.08 KB, 560x400, 7:5, Thinking Squid.jpg)


Hmmm, I dig it. Vampires are sexy undead, and basically humanlike. And they're intelligent and terrifying, whereas zombies are dumb, slow, and falling apart. What other kinds of undead are there?

594598 No.14125145

>Collin MacGregor - "‘Ugandan Knuckles’ Meme Has Infested VRChat" (creator of 3D model has asked people to cool it with the bugging people)


>"Why 4chan Users Are Convinced The Legend Of Zelda Holds A Secret Pro-Nazi Message" -Sqawker Media


fe52d9 No.14125151

File: 62042eb44b4ef76⋯.webm (3.17 MB, 360x203, 360:203, ANIME_SKELETON_BEGINS.webm)



21ef31 No.14125155



765b5c No.14125159


My buddy hates that meme with a passion. But god does it make me want to play VRChat so bad. I want to be a little anime girl and run around causing shenanigans. I'm afraid that by the time I get a computer that can play it and get a vive, the SJWs will have already invaded it, sterilised it, sanitised it, and wrote a thousand shitpeices about it.

21ef31 No.14125189


Your buddy do not know de wei. Journos follow de deval.

4b557a No.14125196




Hey now, if any demographic needs help getting jobs in the tech industry, it's the Draconic-Americans.

Don't believe the marketing lies from "How To Make Games (For Dragons)" courses; elemental breathing and horn-crafting are not transferable skills for programming or UX design.

369d84 No.14125229

File: 40802a80038370f⋯.jpg (1.17 MB, 1059x1500, 353:500, __iowa_kantai_collection_d….jpg)

Anyone have an archive or image of Twitter promoting the Gawker kickstarter that was posted a few threads back?

0340bb No.14125251

File: 004cfb9426c7d28⋯.jpg (53.07 KB, 750x1000, 3:4, rape eyes.jpg)

Today in France :

- a court case about an activist who died at the hands of cops during a violent demonstration got dropped by judges after being appealed because there's nothing indicating it was the police's fault he died

- a highly religious (and pretty dumb) politician has been left alone by the highest justice court for saying that "homosexuality is an abomination", as it was indeed unacceptable/hate speech or whatever, but no call to violence, as the rest of the interview expressed how she read it in her religious way of thinking and accepted the existence of gays, just viewed the act itself as bad

- a group of 100 french women, one of them Catherine Deneuve, one of France's most influential and famous actresses, got together to call out shit like #MeToo, with quotes like : "As women we do not recognise ourselves in this feminism, which beyond denouncing the abuse of power, takes on a hatred of men and of sexuality.”

- also, Katie Hopkins defends Emmanuel Macron, France's president, on Fox News with Tucker for his November speech in Burkina Faso, with quotes such as : "I can't tell my middle class who work, who pay taxes, that it's great, we're going to welcome everybody into the country", or "that's just ridiculous. Who's going to pay for that ? You'll just fuel racism and xenophobia. That doesn't exist, totally open frontiers, that just doesn't work"


e1bc66 No.14125254


That is a good run down and man, I can't even imagine how terrible it would be to work there. Its a wonder anything gets done.


I thought Macron was pro open borders.

21ef31 No.14125258



What is Macron planning?

0340bb No.14125261


You were fed jewish or /pol/ish lies then. He's a dumbass but he never was saying "we need to stop having borders !"

He's a banker, and thinking like a banker, for bankers. Bankers don't want open borders. Not profitable at all.

e54101 No.14125267

File: 30baa368f77c931⋯.png (3.18 MB, 2688x3666, 448:611, CedricInfoMacron.png)

File: f537ce0d244e68e⋯.png (117.05 KB, 870x848, 435:424, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7405d3939ad5610⋯.png (254.52 KB, 929x591, 929:591, GookAnonPost2.png)

File: f9b1acf82bbba0e⋯.png (128.61 KB, 875x326, 875:326, GookPost3.png)

File: b51f45f93104064⋯.png (157.04 KB, 868x295, 868:295, GookPost4.png)


>What is Macron planning?

<Only thing I can think of

86d657 No.14125268

File: ec824b2f3c4a6a2⋯.png (1.52 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, antarctic explorer jk summ….png)

File: 10b17acd1859b89⋯.png (753.85 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, antarctic explorer jk want….png)

File: 4c7cb70036b0a0b⋯.png (1.06 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, antarctic explorer jks sum….png)

File: 0d6b4e2378916b9⋯.png (882.34 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, smug antarctic explorer jk.png)

File: c58a20e5a2cedf5⋯.webm (9.23 MB, 640x360, 16:9, two aras hunt jks.webm)

This show is cute.



Get trucked. Stay trucked.

e31c98 No.14125273



Val, I won't say you should get trucked, but you should be bullied for being french.

0340bb No.14125278


There's quite a few animés this season who seem pretty good. Overall looks like an infinitely better season than the last, but to be fair, things like Umaru-chan and Blend S made the entire thing horrid.


You're too sweet.

d8c2f5 No.14125281

File: b1efc7477a9fd8d⋯.png (109.26 KB, 500x500, 1:1, RyanCooper.png)

The Marxist case for the Nintendo Switch

By (((Ryan Cooper)))


this is the most retarded thing I've read all day

0340bb No.14125289


>Hemorrhaging money, the company was considering moving out of the hardware market altogether, and focusing on developing games for consoles and mobile devices.

Complete fabrication. Nintendo never once thought of quitting with hardwares because of the Wii U, never once even meant that, and that's completely forgetting the 3DS' success in the first place. Have these faggy retards ever even talked to someone who plays games ?

Fucking dolt

147629 No.14125293

File: 3d6c992c7eba016⋯.png (378.34 KB, 690x968, 345:484, jesus5.png)

21ef31 No.14125299


Nintendo will keep on making hardware forever. What I predict is Sony one day downsizing to be a videogame company like Nintendo and Microsoft dropping out.

0340bb No.14125305


Honestly wouldn't be surprised if in twenty years only ways to play games are Nintendo consoles and PC.

e1bc66 No.14125309


That is likely because of the other sections of their company as well. Their video game section is the only that is performing remotely well.

e31c98 No.14125315




What if Nintendo purchases Sony and they become Sonintendo?

e54101 No.14125319


>Nintendo never once thought of quitting with hardwares because of the Wii U, never once even meant that, and that's completely forgetting the 3DS' success in the first place.

But, they're developing smartphone games now!


Honestly, though, the fact that Nintendo is still in the console market (And, I have to admit, doing stupendously well with the Switch, given it's sales) has the Western video game industry frothing at the mouth.

0340bb No.14125329

File: 0f9e18ecca18c3a⋯.jpg (160.07 KB, 1006x844, 503:422, Yeah sure.jpg)


I miss Michael Pachter. The faggot was always so much fun.

21ef31 No.14125335


Dude, their movie divisions are leeching off money from the gaming division. Sony will downsize and just produce consoles and focus on building better first party game studios.


Bad idea. Say no to monopolies.

138e4e No.14125345


Vampires are cool, but overused and, in recent years, overpowered.

We also have liches, ghosts, wraiths, ghouls. jiangshi

21ef31 No.14125350


Jiangshi Vivian would be cute as fuck.

2b43d9 No.14125357

File: 8de49ba2277c0aa⋯.jpg (59.23 KB, 600x450, 4:3, 30a.jpg)


Okay what is with journos lately lying about shit to make the switch seem like a god send or to make it seem better?

Like there is a forbes article where it's going on about how the switch saved SNK because all the Neo Geo ports and definitely wasn't because KoF XIV. They claimed that despite SNK's financial results have been in the public eyes for months prior to the article and it showed all of their profits were because mobile games, cross promotions licensing and KoF XIV.

1e9cc1 No.14125364


You don't need a VR Headset to play VRChat. There's actually people bitching about how VR isn't required because they think that it's why the Knuckles tribes joined the game.

0340bb No.14125365


Careful; sometimes it's merely ignorance. That forbes article was one of those "shit, I didn't actually do proper research before releasing this fucking article".

The author of that "marxist switch" one is outright lying, however, as there is literally no source imaginable regarding the "nintendo considered dropping out". No one ever anywhere ever said such a thing. So either he asked kotaku for their opinion, or he definitely just made shit up.

21ef31 No.14125379

File: e6f5cfcc2346919⋯.mp4 (2.1 MB, 630x360, 7:4, [vrchat]_russian_knuckles.mp4)

138e4e No.14125384



Also Onryo, like Sadako.

She would be a string red-haired ghost girl that possess japanese games. When a SJW diss her she comes out of the internet and submits xer/sim/whatevs to so much hotness that its fagness makes the brain meltdwon.

21ef31 No.14125397

File: 7cacb65e89c54b2⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 581.16 KB, 800x600, 4:3, c06bc8c40c619a050a9908e02a….png)


Lewd, but I approve.

e54101 No.14125407

File: 834805135d5befc⋯.png (1.13 MB, 640x898, 320:449, ClipboardImage.png)

File: da1f52462805e15⋯.png (1.38 MB, 640x1104, 40:69, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d72d21365d93d28⋯.png (570.93 KB, 500x713, 500:713, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d310e7b0ad34fff⋯.jpg (25.11 KB, 600x404, 150:101, 48f09a449d1dfa53286d72100f….jpg)

File: 2fa61bff6e79e7b⋯.png (838.77 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, amane.png)


>saved SNK because all the Neo Geo ports

<Like SNK porting their library to every console is anything new



What about giving Amane an "undead" companion (So that they can do "cute girl stuff" in the middle of the night)?

138e4e No.14125433


Either that or make her an undead herself, considering how little we use her.

>Anons create new daughter, Amane to fight for jap games.

>Put her aside to bully/love Gilda.

>Amane dies in the cold.

>Comes back as vengeful ghost against dirt gaijin, anons and SJWs

147629 No.14125495


We need to use Amane and shill her more cause work was put into her.

d8c2f5 No.14125535

File: b15f25ddf1b26f5⋯.png (30.2 KB, 611x345, 611:345, This is the head of Ninten….png)

File: c8701348425376f⋯.png (325.45 KB, 591x716, 591:716, 225.png)

>This is the head of Nintendo's social media

Well that explains why NoA is so shitty, they listen to fucking NeoGAF of all people. Why haven't you learned Japanese yet /v/?


273f5f No.14125560

File: 23adb90c8c28733⋯.jpg (158.69 KB, 800x792, 100:99, you can't nip.jpg)

d8c2f5 No.14125590


I would if I could

e54101 No.14125617

File: 779c51cfae3688d⋯.png (944.77 KB, 3600x1080, 10:3, ClipboardImage.png)


Seems I didn't have to scroll that far to find trash.

21ef31 No.14125626

File: f339b281fbaf6e2⋯.png (384.07 KB, 460x494, 230:247, Sanic.png)


Welp, looke like I'm Segamissle.

Seriously. At this point just import consoles and games from Europe and Japan. For now, dig some dirt on him, he seems suspicious.

d8c2f5 No.14125702


It's not even his politics that concern me, it's the NeoGAF shit and that terribly written book.

e13e11 No.14125717



Ded PSU or simply an under-powered one?


Not sure whether you would call a Rusalka undead.

99e371 No.14125724


>Can't wait to see

>All those retarded bans.

>The admins who made it, some of them former e-celebs, now get made fun of by their old fans for being so retarded.

>Still have the problem of pedos on the board defending their bullshit.

How do people like this cancer?

594598 No.14125738

>VICE:"Why Alt-Right Vloggers Are in Scotland to Defend a Nazi Dog" Calls Lauren Southern a "real doll" while attacking Count Dankula for not being feminist

https://web.archive.org/web/20180109180101/https://www.please use archive.is/en_uk/article/bjydeq/why-alt-right-vloggers-are-in-scotland-to-defend-a-nazi-dog


Analysts: Investors Overreacted to Star Wars Battlefront 2 Loot Boxes, Ups EA’s Target Stock Price


99e371 No.14125771


How the fuck is this Ugandan Knuckcles meme causing this much asshurt? Even the actual people they are quoting love the meme, but now you see SJW furries shitting on others for liking the meme, calling people butthurt for making fun of said SJW furries, and talking about how socially aware they are which means others need to be too. How the fuck does a meme get this much anger over it?

58fce6 No.14125772


Freedom was a mistake

t. George Washington.

32eacc No.14125785


Vice must be super asshurt that Dankula's actively trying not to look like the monster they want to paint him as.

0340bb No.14125796


>why are they having fun about something that doesn't amuse me ?

>has to be about me being so progressive, somehow

>yeah, must be either sexist or racist or homophobic

>let's go with racist, since I'm such a non-racist

32eacc No.14125799

File: ddbe294872f5ed1⋯.jpg (21.56 KB, 421x431, 421:431, [angrily fixes bow tie].jpg)


>Battlefront 2 is the worst selling Star Wars product in history


I'm sorry, EA, do I need to remind you that you fucked up so hard that a STAR WARS product didn't fly off the shelves? Not even Jar Jar Binks was as big of a fuckup as Battlefront 2 was.

179756 No.14125815


They're mad because they think Ugandans are backwards internet-illiterate people who need their protection from internet memes.

99e371 No.14125824


THe funny part too is that the main argument is that one SJW Ugandan furry who only knows english and was not even born in Uganda finds it offensive, but then they shit on other Ugandans who think it is funny by saying that people are only using Ugandans for humor and to prop up bigotry. It makes no sense and is just hypocrisy.

32eacc No.14125827

File: fc6b52ad5db7315⋯.png (52.79 KB, 590x618, 295:309, god hates fun.png)


And to think, /v/ used to be the "no fun allowed" faction.

147629 No.14125844

File: b0a6680d5264e5f⋯.jpg (22.56 KB, 290x324, 145:162, I really hope you gaijins ….jpg)




>They are shocked sjws/the left are hated by everyone for not having fun.

3f4dfb No.14125847


I specifically remember the anon who found the boots and then making fun of him for being a faggot goth in high school, you're full of shit anon

bbf5ff No.14125849


Agreed. In my case I am thinking of making a request for an artist to drawing her as a onryo in the rain.

3f4dfb No.14125858

99e371 No.14125908

I know I shouldn't be surprised, but WOTC and a shit ton of MTG fans are now doubling down to defend the pedos that worked in the judge program. Even more got exposed, and some are still allowed to be judges. All the arguments I have seen to defend this has b een that Jeremy is a jerk, so it is ok to ignore him or do things that make him mad. Or they say that he truly does not care about the pedos there, so it is no big deal. Not to mention how they unbanned someone who sent rape threats to women.

147629 No.14125913

File: fd660b9b95731e5⋯.png (7.45 KB, 250x250, 1:1, yaranaika.png)

3f4dfb No.14125926



Or maybe it's just fun to lightheartedly tease him because he also posts yamero cats and gay community pictures and it's funny to poke fun at him and watch his reactions. Fuck some of you nigger overthink shit.


AIDS moby might not be an SJW but he's pretty far left

e54101 No.14126000



I'm waiting for the Sonic Twitter account to get ahold of the meme, and just run with it.

0340bb No.14126003


>AIDS moby might not be an SJW but he's pretty far left

First : proof ? Second : who cares as long as he doesn't cry on twitter about big boobs in video games ?

3f4dfb No.14126024


I can't find you specific examples as most of it is on his and Rich Evan's Previously Recorded streams. It was especially evident around the election and after right after Trump got elected. He's also a proponent of no anonymity on the internet and using your real name for all internet interactions so there's that

4b557a No.14126037

File: e2a9bf8418c1689⋯.jpg (6.47 KB, 255x255, 1:1, e2a9bf8418c1689f23fbedcdfd….jpg)


> https://archive.fo/hiwng

>The cartoon-watching right-wing gamers of the earth should not be given so much airtime to make memes of themselves, which is the only thing they truly desire, and the only style of mucky attention that will ever sate their jejune lust for guffawing attention from other weak-armed Kek-praising snot-nosed losers.

This was right at the very end; that article made me go from "anger" to "laughter" in an instant.

0340bb No.14126045


I've watched the previously recorded, he's not insufferable. They all make jokes about Trump too, not just him. And their jokes are actually very funny for a change, unlike twitter "comedians". Doesn't make them retarded or hard-left.

Can't recall he said such a thing on anonymity and I'd admit I'd be a bit surprised by that from someone who plays games online and obviously uses a pseudonym, but even if he had it wouldn't be proof of being hardcore lefty either, merely of being a dumbass who doesn't understand the internet.

9735ae No.14126049


no first for benis, therefore sage

3f4dfb No.14126057

Hooktube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


If you've watched PreRec how do you not think that AIDS Moby isn't a hard lefty? And here's the clip of him talking about how anonymity is bad.

273f5f No.14126061

File: 13b4c05e140236f⋯.jpg (118.88 KB, 777x656, 777:656, 1455181637633.jpg)



Thats a nice 5 dollar word

607f2d No.14126065

File: d1f584cfc8a711b⋯.jpg (17 KB, 255x255, 1:1, [002299].jpg)


OP - CTP link 404 - use this one [the one from the OP text wiki link] -

• Beware of COINTELPRO tactics: The Gentleperson's Guide to Forum Spies - https://cryptome.org/2012/07/gent-forum-spies.htm

0340bb No.14126074


Well then he's a dumbass; and I don't tend to wonder much about people in youtube videos' politics, anon. I don't really care. As long as what they have to say is interesting/funny, that's enough. Would you give a shit if dunkey admitted to hating republicans without changing his humor style ? Why care about this anyway ?

Regardless, haven't heard anything "proving" his left-winged position on anything, and even if there was it wouldn't be an automatic "he's retarded" thing. Being left-wing isn't wrong per se, it's using it as an excuse to be a horrid piece of shit that should be treated as trash.

273f5f No.14126104

File: 55d80c02c25f036⋯.jpg (90.9 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, maxresdefault.jpg)


>Being left-wing isn't wrong

3f4dfb No.14126108


Nigger, are you being intentionally difficult?

a46a94 No.14126125

File: 9e937558bc36c42⋯.gif (3.86 MB, 240x266, 120:133, 6SY6BgW.gif)

>In fact, in important ways the social justice approach — which emphasizes the dynamics of power and oppression — that many fear has taken over the humanities and social sciences at its best is actually an improvement over the “disinterested pursuit of truth” and more in line with the Socratic method.


60d0b7 No.14126130

File: da6eaf998d60b9d⋯.png (138.16 KB, 591x428, 591:428, it begins anew.png)

Here we go again.


4b557a No.14126135

File: 73c9628a7313d17⋯.jpg (227.42 KB, 1257x700, 1257:700, ss (2017-06-13 at 01.38.32….jpg)


>I'm waiting for the Sonic Twitter account to get ahold of the meme, and just run with it.

They might not, actually; their most supreme memer, the 'fat one' from the livestreams, left Sega last month.



The main man Ruby / Aaron (pictured) is still there, and he usually memes on the safe side except when bullying Jim Sterling, whereas Gene / Sergio was the one willing to go straight for the 'edgy' fandom references, sometimes spoke in in banepost-ese, and openly mocked Mark's twelve Game Overs during the Sonic Mania leak.

If Sergio was still there, he would've shown us di wae at least two weeks ago.

e31c98 No.14126143

I like Sargon.

e31c98 No.14126146


Another one bites the dust?

3f4dfb No.14126148


Do you link these things just to hurt me

2b43d9 No.14126162

File: 66c4625ea94e5df⋯.png (500.36 KB, 626x660, 313:330, 66c4625ea94e5dfb90d5e3e737….png)


>requires constant attention from nurses because he's a billion years old and can barely move

>still morning his wife that just died

>implying he could even maintain an erection with being hooked up to a machine

>yet some how gropes and wants sex

Sounds legit

e54101 No.14126169

File: c7fb83d7de74b87⋯.png (180.39 KB, 850x400, 17:8, ClipboardImage.png)

File: dd5557e84dc6b2d⋯.webm (178.97 KB, 480x360, 4:3, Ming Kek.webm)


>Socrates, the famous Athenian philosopher of the fifth century BCE, is beloved as the paragon of open debate, an example for all teachers to follow. He engaged in vigorous discussion with some of the most influential political and educational figures in Athens, usually to demonstrate that even the wisest figures in society did not know nearly as much as they thought they did.

32eacc No.14126190

File: 16b46973ae99a81⋯.webm (345.64 KB, 640x360, 16:9, put it in the trash.webm)


>according to The Daily Mail

e72277 No.14126196


Bet those nurses were planning to kill him with insulin and stealing all loose cash and valuables.

But then #metoo happened and they decided to accuse him of sexual harassment.

It might have saved his life.

2e8279 No.14126206


Nigga is almost a hundred I doubt he's thinking of his dick at any given moment.

0340bb No.14126207


It's just I tend to be weary of condemnations over people's thoughts and always hold on before getting into getting an opinion of someone just because of a few words, quips or jokes. I despise moviebob or lena dunham but it's because I've had the time to see how obvious it is that they are despicable as human beings. Until I'm given proper proof that someone's a piece of shit, I'd rather assume they're just dumb online, or even just misunderstood. That shit happens all the time on the internet.

2a31a8 No.14126262

File: 37d9d5cf604a95a⋯.png (4.61 KB, 304x152, 2:1, notcmptbl.png)


If you listen to the lefty internet you'd think the Daily Mail was basically Mein Kampf in a newspaper format.

In Britain it's a conservative-leaning newspaper - it supports the Conservative party but it's not averse to calling them out.

pic from today's twatter

1e9cc1 No.14126267


There's one piece of consistency to this:

>When two white people disagree, the more left-leaning person is correct

>When a white and nonwhite person disagree, the nonwhite is correct unless the white person is the only leftist

>When two nonwhites disagree, the darker one is correct

>When two nonwhites of equal darkness disagree, the offended one is correct

3f9a0b No.14126289

File: 64c291216bd940e⋯.mp4 (4.27 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, SAMURAI KNUCKLES.mp4)

e54101 No.14126298


>>When two nonwhites of equal darkness disagree, the offended one is correct

But what if they're both offended? Why does stuff have to get this stupid?


Please, let there be more.

e31c98 No.14126321


>Please, let there be more.

Basically, that's the new hot meme.

1e9cc1 No.14126336


>Social justice approach is the evolution of the Socratic Method

>Part of a section of the left wing that is in favor of the following for the purpose of achieving their goals and persuading others:


>No-platforming (AKA "Technically not censorship")

>Emotional rhetoric


>Draconian authoritarianism

>Identity politics to the point of superceding universal principles


>Subversion for its own sake

>Extreme levels of abstract concepts on even more abstract bases

>Being directly opposed to debate, partially due to avoid losing face and because of abstractions dictating that "debates" aren't about persuasion, but "winning" instead

>Physical violence

>Emotional manipulation

>Social manipulation


>Sexual harassment


>Mob justice

>Abolishing the rights of others

>Abolishing the due process of the accused


>What if they're both offended?

Then it becomes a nonwhite version of the first line: When two nonwhites of equal darkness disagree, and both are offended, the more left-leaning one is correct. If they're equally left-leaning, the more offended one is correct. If they're equally dark, leftist, and offended, then the most autistic/homosexual/physically and mentally disabled is correct. Attractiveness as a factor is still a mystery to us.

a00c10 No.14126345


This is some mathematical shit.

594598 No.14126409

File: a78aec6ab51473b⋯.jpg (136.4 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, parad ending you deserve.jpg)

File: c4786635c213ad9⋯.jpg (151.58 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, muteki ending you deserve.jpg)

>French women (including Catherine Deneuve) oppose Hollywood witch-hunt of men and social media campaigns that "intimidate people into speaking ‘correctly’, shout down those who don’t fall into line" and "those women who refused to bend are regarded as complicit and traitors"


>Daily Mail accuses Virgin of censorship after trains stop selling its papers


>WaPo: Why ‘social justice warriors’ are the true defenders of free speech and open debate




>Judge approves 'Title IX retaliation' claims against university that fired father of accused student - The College Fix



The Rise and Fall of EA Sports Big, as Told by the Creator of SSX


32eacc No.14126441

File: 2cc12e7273d06ba⋯.webm (1.06 MB, 480x352, 15:11, Not Gonna Happen.webm)


>The Rise and Fall of EA Sports Big, as Told by the Creator of SSX

>so what happened?

>John Riccitiello happened

>EA used to have an internal program for if a studio made a good game, where they could get a new game greenlit, no questions asked, if they made a game with an aggregate score of above 90

>he got rid of that in his "make do with what we already have" 3 Year Plan to "turn the company around"


e54101 No.14126478

File: 4b6384c73c38222⋯.webm (3.39 MB, 250x360, 25:36, brent corrigan getting fi….webm)


>>John Riccitiello happened

>>EA used to have an internal program for if a studio made a good game, where they could get a new game greenlit, no questions asked, if they made a game with an aggregate score of above 90

That's actually quite sad. After a decade of changing their stance and burning their market, think they're return to that model?

32eacc No.14126485


They seem content on sticking to "SPORTS SPORTS SPORTS" for the time being.

87c0c2 No.14126490


Not to mention, he did lose his sweetheart wife last year.


>Think they'll return to that model?

I doubt it, and if they did bring back that internal program, it's just gonna greenlit more shit games from shit devs and studios.

e72277 No.14126505



Doesn't work, at least for me.

594598 No.14126506

File: d6452b32086ed90⋯.jpg (30.46 KB, 480x360, 4:3, eds laugh.jpg)

1e9cc1 No.14126508


The Socratic Method, to my understanding is just 20 Questions applied to whatever you can think of. I fucking suck at basic math too. The fact that we're even talking about this the way we are shows how much more depth there is in us trying to understand SJW bullshit there is in SJWs' explanations of anything. That's a given when your political opposition believes in "Education" like a god instead of idealizing cognitive skills and wisdom. Leftists love saying "Dialectic" too, even though self-observation skills would've prevented every Antifa member from being Antifa, Marvel from going to shit, and journalists from having to leave a sinking Gawker

A man who knows little and understands much can swim in any ocean of information like a fish, while the man who knows much and understands little will drown with dry knees in a bucket of water. Fittingly enough, the people pretending to be smart by relying on esoteric abstractions and terminology are being beaten by the people pretending to be the biggest idiots, and they're convinced we've only become even dumber without us making any more effort to appear retarded.

21ef31 No.14126516

File: dedf34f461959a5⋯.png (170.42 KB, 1200x992, 75:62, 1a28ecec7221a057eb937fbc1e….png)


>21% Of Game Developers Feel Studios Should Focus On Diversity In Gaming

Those developers are committing capitalist suicide with that bullshit. No wonder why they want Socialism, because they would get money from the government like Ubisoft does to keep afloat.

2a31a8 No.14126544


>That Mail/virgin link

Didn't know lefties had bullied a company for advertising in the Daily Mail.

Any Britbongs who travel on Virgin Trains, take as many recent copies of the Daily Mail with you as you can find and spread them

around the train carraiges. May as well troll them IRL.

For non-Brits, Virgin Trains is the railway version of Virgin Airlines, both owned by Richard Branson. If you fly, do the same on the planes . . .

Also and more important

>first link

<French women start a catfight

Yes please.

00544a No.14126584

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


They love using the word "dialectic" because they want people to consider their political views as philosophy. Hegel's Dialectic is an ideal that has no actual use because you can't apply it to any metaphysical concepts, you can only dream about hypothetical thesis and hypothetical anti-thesis clashing to eventually form the truth. They manipulate people by using this metaphorical tool outside its application, in effect using the regular discussion process and claiming that they are conducting philosophy. It's why they speak of Marx as if he is some magical figure in order to convert those gullible enough: a historian, political figure, philosopher, economist and sociologist all at the same time, most of which are done by simply moving the goalposts on what constitutes those things.

e31c98 No.14126591

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

TAC died and Steve Shives killed it.

4b557a No.14126597

Hooktube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.



If you could force these fuckers to read or watch To Kill A Mockingbird, the saner ones might realise that this kind of 'logic' is wrong no matter which way it's used.

>Alabama in the 1930's, when segregation was still completely normal

>Tom Robinson, a relatively normal black man, is arrested on suspicion of raping Mayella Ewell, a white-trash woman that the whole town hates

>Atticus Finch, an extremely well-respected white lawyer, believes Tom is innocent and agrees to defend him

>Until the trial begins, every white person in town, rich or poor, unanimously shun Atticus (and his children) from polite society

>During the trial, Atticus makes it extremely obvious that Mayella's testimony is a lie, and that she was almost certainly beaten by her dad Bob, because he actually caught her begging for Tom's tom in her tum-tum

>Even without conclusive evidence, Tom's innocence is clear

>The jury (who are all white) unanimously declare him Guilty anyway

>Even though Mayella is a lying scumbag at the bottom of white society's ladder, her testimony will outrank anything a black person says, every time

>A lot of the non-trash whites who watched the trial (including jury members) feel confused and guilty about letting this happen

Embed related is Atticus' closing statement from the movie, which sums it up nicely.

2a31a8 No.14126601


>because they would get money from the government

<because they would get money from the taxpayer


765b5c No.14126606

File: 8f1faf46e6c8aa6⋯.png (287.71 KB, 633x595, 633:595, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ccb12642d64f7d9⋯.png (22.69 KB, 629x156, 629:156, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7ac19cef0b32d80⋯.png (66.46 KB, 626x453, 626:453, ClipboardImage.png)


Why are SJWs so retarded?

3f4dfb No.14126615


Well these are the same people who think To Kill a Mockingbird is problematic because they think no woman would lie about rape ever so the entire premise of the book is problematic

e54101 No.14126617

File: 32696f7957d9410⋯.mp4 (6.9 MB, 480x270, 16:9, Being There - Original The….mp4)


>They love using the word "dialectic" because they want people to consider their political views as philosophy.

Someone, please, show these people Being There and how much of a crock modern "philosophy" is.

e31c98 No.14126629


>different opinions are rude and insensitive

In what kind of world are we getting into.

78df91 No.14126631

File: 013e66fa04f54ca⋯.jpg (34.8 KB, 640x852, 160:213, jazz_music_starts.jpg)


>Think they'll return to that model?

If they do, it's probably gonna be a botched version where creativity is sacrificed for the sake of getting more money.


>french women start a catfight

I like the way you make it sound like.

32eacc No.14126642


I love how they've all but admitted that despite the movie's creators being okay with it and playing along, they "obviously don't know any better" and need to be "put in their place." Because HOW FUCKING DARE everyone get along with jokes at other people's expense when the Hipster Clique is around!

dbf7f7 No.14126644


They have been programmed to hide anything that makes minorities and bad people look bad, but they don't understand why or how. SJW outrage over Ugandan Knuckles is basically them going

>omg someone is having someone with a minority accent do something bad!

>this will make people think those people are bad!

>this is racism!!!

They don't even realize they are NPCs programmed to act that way.

f1651d No.14126655

File: 8f23d977b9b128a⋯.jpg (27.62 KB, 425x414, 425:414, b8abefc270ba7106854fe13ea7….jpg)


I dunno if you heard anon but there is already people trying to ban the book To Kill a Mockingbird yet again, but this time under the guise of social justice.

2e8279 No.14126670


Do you have the Russian one?

765b5c No.14126676

File: eda60328bb26905⋯.jpg (33.46 KB, 500x281, 500:281, why_am_I_on_v.jpg)

Actually these people should just be ignored. Tumblr furries are below mockery, their logic is batshit crazy and backwards, and every tweet they write is filled with disdain and smug arrogance. They're just not worth the mental resources.

00544a No.14126679

File: d5693f8d9a643ca⋯.webm (2.06 MB, 854x480, 427:240, Children belong to the st….webm)


It's pretty funny how philosophers state that the subject of philosophy has stagnated in every single regard, yet you see leftists continue developing their "philosophy" as if there were nothing wrong at all.

765b5c No.14126695

File: 8315c005dc8d5a2⋯.png (25.07 KB, 612x180, 17:5, ClipboardImage.png)

What the fuck is this??

e31c98 No.14126699


The funny thing is that these faggots say these things and yet they are surprised they are seen as cultists who want to steal your children and your wealt.

e72277 No.14126702


Hey shitlord, you're not allowed to quote a movie made by non-white males if you weren't at the exact coordinates as the makers were when they made the movie.

2e8279 No.14126737

File: 0661559002f99f1⋯.png (38.42 KB, 574x275, 574:275, FireShot Screen Capture #1….png)

When will this fat fuck kick the bucket?


4ea2dd No.14126738

File: bba37c3abf14126⋯.png (24.88 KB, 905x282, 905:282, Twitter_Our_blue_check_mar….png)


A little before Twitter's highly ineffective attempt to drive anyone to the right of Mao off the site, they decided that the checkmark that always meant you are who you say are, actually was a big badge that Twitter has your back on everything you say. Looks like that account was made to take the piss out of them about that, since it's absolutely retarded. Just for an added bonus, the thought crimes don't have to be committed on Twitter for you to get unpersoned.



Rules page from about the time it happened


5738ca No.14126756

File: 634a96034407f21⋯.png (646.45 KB, 820x982, 410:491, DTDP153X0AAmg1U.png)

File: c6cf3592f174d92⋯.jpg (506.62 KB, 2048x1529, 2048:1529, five guys.jpg)

File: 054a4fb2a3bef5e⋯.jpg (106.34 KB, 1200x674, 600:337, nazis.jpg)


Impossible, they're totally not doing it to kiss ass with the big victim crowd so they can show how progressive™ they are

this has been an ongoing problem for years now but SJW bullshit is making it ten times worse, especially for smaller furfags like myself


I've honestly seen people accuse others of racism for far less, and its truly saddening.

32eacc No.14126778


<Wil Wheaton blocked me? This must be some kind of mistake! Clearly!

No, Boogie, Wesley is just that easily fucking asshurt that a spineless person like you triggers him.

00544a No.14126779

File: dd9670e7519f636⋯.webm (1.77 MB, 534x300, 89:50, Vee Calls Out Boogie2988 ….webm)


Well he did say repealing Obamacare would accelerate that, also webm related

e54101 No.14126790

File: 4cca4dcb36cf907⋯.gif (2.53 MB, 500x260, 25:13, welcome to texas.gif)


>furfags like myself

<Marche would never admit to this


32eacc No.14126814

File: e51585602264997⋯.jpg (8.47 KB, 281x200, 281:200, jesus fuckin christ.jpg)


>Chelsea's a furfag now

Oh, for Christ's sake.

e31c98 No.14126835


I don't like some of their points, but I like Sargon, Vee and some of their friends.

Even if the whole Spencer encounter broke Sargon and made him take some steps to become something he is against. I hope he reconsiders and get some sanity back.

5738ca No.14126850


People don't admit to being a /fur/fag on /v/ for a very good reason

I've posted here occasionally without revealing my powerlevel, not new, but relatively new to posting, I've lurked for a long ass time.


Even better, they're a weasel :^)

765b5c No.14126854


What happened with sargon and spencer? Did they have a thing together?

86d657 No.14126863

File: 169341b8943d240⋯.jpeg (97.58 KB, 636x1200, 53:100, DMMppw5UQAAs8Ug.jpeg)

File: 7c9da91df74dba5⋯.jpeg (212.09 KB, 928x1200, 58:75, DMMpo55VoAAUbgc.jpeg)


A year ago she wrote a grandiose Tumblr post where she dramatically came out as non-binary. After nobody really gave a shit and didn't give her any attention, she quietly deleted the post and has never mentioned it again.


765b5c No.14126866


Why are SJW furfags so terrible? I've come to the conclusion that it's not furfags that are bad, it SJW furfags.

1e9cc1 No.14126869

File: 380ffe3ca100832⋯.png (2.64 MB, 1600x900, 16:9, 52343241342.png)


When most people think of diversity, either they think of actual diversity, like levels, weapons, movesets, puzzles, NPC interactions, etc., or they think of social justice identity politics due to how often diversity has been touted as a buzzword by social justice activists. That OAG article really says everything, but I gotta say that the only defense for Wolfenstein 2 people consistently make is not that the game is actually good, but an attack on people who dislike it while making messages about how a game about killing Nazis can't be bad, or how it can't be wrong to piss off Nazis IRL with a video game. The best defense I've heard about the game was from someone who didn't even play it nor has any interest in playing it, and what he had to say was "It's smart for the devs to market the game with the 'punch a nazi' rhetoric because that's what people are currently doing", and he was able to make a fairer point while knowing less about the game than the Antifa Internet Defense Force.


I can only remember Hegelian Dialectics because of a Fallout NPC mentioning it. Ironic to the left, wouldn't it actually benefit them to recognize centrism and conservatism(Maybe even center-leftism) as their antithesis in a matter of fact way, as opposed to "Evil monsters and less monstrous but monstrous monsters complicit in evil"? They all the aforementioned as something that must be destroyed and humiliated, rather than approached correctly, and the impressions I get from hearing about or thinking of dialectics is that the right is actually necessary for the left, and not as an enemy, but a fundamental contrasting entity to balance oneself from, like a sifter whose mesh goes horizontally while the left's mesh goes vertically to best filter out the desirable philisophical water.

As for Marx being a historian, I've never even heard anything about him being such, not even excerpts of his own writings imply him to even have an interest in history beyond maybe the conceived stereotype that people of past generations were more into history books. I can't say that he would be a political figure ever since his fame is more posthumous, and most people wrote him off as a NEET, even fucking Max Stirner who /leftypol/ likes to meme about. Economists are also ultimately just financial speculators, but Marx was more gypsy than he was a weatherman of cash flow. Sociology is something I can't really say much about other than it probably being hokey.


For all I can remember of To Kill a Mockingbird during high school, didn't Atticus also express a motivation that was not only a belief of Tom's innocence, but also his own obligation as a lawyer to do his job?(Not to imply that his want to defend Tom in court clashed with his obligations) That's a lot more generous than what the average SJW can offer, who'd rather hire someone to try to intimidate you than shooting you even if they were guaranteed to get away with either. The most memorable thing I have about the novel is that it was written that Atticus' ability to raise his children alone was excellent enough that his own children would mentally discipline themselves not out of fear of his wrath or any harsh words, but because of a logical disapproval.


Is it even possible to become a genuine philosopher during this century? If so, then even the fucking average anon is more of one than any academic, since we're speaking from experience moreso than from educational backgrounds. The only people these days who get paid to appear and talk are politicians, talk show hosts, and motivational speakers who wished they were standup comedians instead.


>It's like they know they're wrong and their only defence mechanism is to spout memes to try and divert attention away from the issue

Because the only issue is you getting offended. If you're out of the equation, so is the issue. That's why people make effortless shitposts as replies to you.


If anything, this'll increase Wakaliwood's presence. I still wish we can recover the lost copy of Tebaatusasula and make a Who Killed Captain Alex game.


>A furfag now

She's a renaissance woman. Chelsea's had more pounds than an English bank, more dick than an 18th century bookstore shelving Poor Richards, her gender's more fluid than the spunk she's sunk under, and now she's more hairy than a Rule 34 gallery of Judy Hopps.

86d657 No.14126872

File: 16174c0a8c799bc⋯.mp4 (578.74 KB, 680x680, 1:1, DTHQAS_U0AAOYF4.mp4)


An archive of Zoe's post


e31c98 No.14126892


Spencer said shit and Sargon tried to do a catch momment even if he sperged out a little. Sargon wanted to point that Spencer wanted to create a dictatorship where he thought he would be a serf or nobility in that wonderful white etnostate. It's like leftist believing that communism would put them into power instead of getting shot for being useful idiots.

The thing is that Sargon didn't do his best and Spencer is one of those guys that, no matter what, he will believe he is always right.

He is a faggot, but he doesn't deserve to be punched.

So, after… don't remember how long but it was less of a week since the debate, Sargon made a video about becoming a group and apologizing for not being a leader as everyone called him one. So I guess he got bullied into leadership just to destroy him and anyone associated with him in the long run.

2b43d9 No.14126894

File: 08e8ed6317824ab⋯.jpg (25.34 KB, 371x403, 371:403, 08e8ed6317824abf0678d600d0….jpg)

>nichegamer posts a piece about the magic pedo judges

>users that never browsed or commented on the site before show up going full pedo defense force

what the fuck



00544a No.14126895

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>but I like Sargon, Vee and some of their friends

I can understand Vee, since he is one of the rare people that actually provides his own content in the skeptic community instead of just copy-pasting from other people, but Sargon and friends are fucking cancer. Vee's obsession with riding Sargon's dick already makes it pretty hard to tolerate him.


They had a debate together on Warski's stream and Spencer pushed Sargon's buttons early on so that Sargon would sperg out for the remainder of the stream, resulting in hilarious moments like how Spencer got Sargon to refuse to admit that Lawrence Fishburn is black.

765b5c No.14126901

File: 11c448e70cee6cc⋯.gif (244.97 KB, 500x281, 500:281, Vivian a cute animated.gif)

I need to do to bed, someone post something happy and cute so I can go to bed not mad and annoyed.

fe4a08 No.14126911

File: 396076b0c93f1ca⋯.mp4 (1.29 MB, 640x640, 1:1, 396076b0c93f1ca4df2caffe4f….mp4)

2b43d9 No.14126912

File: a4a9111724df620⋯.mp4 (335 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, slav.mp4)

86d657 No.14126915

File: 9af48e90835d497⋯.mp4 (6.48 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, myoneromanga.mp4)

>She's a renaissance woman. Chelsea's had more pounds than an English bank, more dick than an 18th century bookstore shelving Poor Richards, her gender's more fluid than the spunk she's sunk under, and now she's more hairy than a Rule 34 gallery of Judy Hopps.

This is some of the finest poetry I've read. They should teach this in schools. It's worthy of an award. You should be crowned king, and take gookanon as your wife(♂).

93b207 No.14126919

File: 37d5893a19ad378⋯.mp4 (2.35 MB, 426x426, 1:1, The chillest bear.mp4)

5738ca No.14126921


Honestly, I think its just an inner desire for people in the fandom to use it to gain fame. As I've said before, its been a problem ever since the inception, and people like Jasonacuck and Kayla-Nigger (who I've met IRL, and she was a stuck up cunt to me too) who constantly perpetuate the idea that you have to be better than everyone else or constantly say you are, otherwise your e-fame will be all for naught.

Me and my roommate recently had trouble with someone accusing us of racism over a bunch of out-of-context text messages about someone who had stayed with us (and acted like a huge asshole to the people that were graciously giving them a home to stay on their own dime). I'm pretty sure we're blocked by a few cliques from ever commissioning shit again, but I wouldn't want to commission a judgmental prick anyways, especially one that wouldn't listen to our side of the story.

dbf7f7 No.14126924


Is this your first time realizing the majority of conversations on the internet are fake and with people promoting a product or an idea?

e31c98 No.14126925

File: 477dfa12caa58d7⋯.jpg (89.35 KB, 804x395, 804:395, fuck you.jpg)


Is this cute enouth?

6430f9 No.14126927

File: 4d84f6ba4995910⋯.webm (2.77 MB, 640x360, 16:9, caracal.webm)

87c0c2 No.14126942

File: 9496cf2169623c2⋯.mp4 (2.78 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Bubbly_Husky.mp4)

File: 0c59d86a1313697⋯.mp4 (10.68 MB, 640x480, 4:3, Promise.mp4)

765b5c No.14126946

File: dcb122b69cd9c04⋯.jpg (299.26 KB, 1100x898, 550:449, time to nap!.jpg)

3f4dfb No.14126948

Hooktube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


I'm partial to meowing cheetahs

e31c98 No.14126993


Why is TL:DR butthurt about Armored Skeptic?

00544a No.14127016

File: fba3dc482235bc5⋯.webm (825.7 KB, 400x300, 4:3, RWDS' Me, an intellectual….webm)


Probably the fact that Armored Skeptic is a pretentious asshole that only follows what everyone else tells him to believe.

e31c98 No.14127023

File: 0a260b2f96cd4a0⋯.png (103.18 KB, 296x530, 148:265, happy.png)


Good night, sweet anon.

e31c98 No.14127049


Well, that might me true, I never followed him. Is just that these people attacking eachother is like the throwing stone in a house made of glass thing. I just liked Sargon in particular because the salt he caused.

Also, what free video editor is TL:DR refering to? Just for curiosity.

09e4ab No.14127065


windows movie maker

4b557a No.14127068

Hooktube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


>For all I can remember of To Kill a Mockingbird during high school, didn't Atticus also express a motivation that was not only a belief of Tom's innocence, but also his own obligation as a lawyer to do his job?

That's what made Atticus' decision to defend Tom so meaningful; he chose to do his job properly and uphold the truth, even though it would obviously (and immediately did) destroy his reputation among his 'friends' and (white) society at large.

Despite Tom being declared guilty, Atticus 'wins' anyway; his actions profoundly affect those who turned their backs on him, shaking their core principles and assumptions about the black community, and lay the groundwork for preventing this scenario in the future.

>The most memorable thing I have about the novel is that it was written that Atticus' ability to raise his children alone was excellent enough that his own children would mentally discipline themselves not out of fear of his wrath or any harsh words, but because of a logical disapproval.

Embed related; Atticus is one of the best single fathers in contemporary fiction.

e31c98 No.14127080


Windows movie maker doesn't have multilayer edition nor multisequences. Don't lie to me, you silly.

e31c98 No.14127094


multichannel I mean, but you understood me I guess.

594598 No.14127120

>Steve Bannon to Step Down From Breitbart Post


>Harper’s Magazine May Try To Dox A Whistleblower–And Media Twitter Is Pissed

>An upcoming article may reveal the creator of the infamous “Shitty Men in Media” list. Now women in the industry are fighting back.


>James Damore’s Lawsuit Exposes Google’s Culture of Ignorant Intolerance


ead61b No.14127200

Good morning, /v/!


>Steve Bannon to Step Down From Breitbart Post

What's gotten into him? He seemed reasonable but now he's sperging out. Is he doing drugs or something? Everyone I know who did coke lost their minds.

594598 No.14127216

File: fd245f0f0be3367⋯.png (57.62 KB, 452x645, 452:645, shitty media men.PNG)

File: aa99f02551d04be⋯.png (219.4 KB, 447x620, 447:620, gamergate terrorism.PNG)

32eacc No.14127240

File: 7f93861aa0066d7⋯.png (553.91 KB, 680x453, 680:453, Amy's Baking Company.png)


>troll with dozens upon dozens of fake social media accounts


Shut the fuck up, Amy's Baking Company 2.0.

ead61b No.14127256


Can't wait untill >she wins congress and mass arrests everyone who supported gamergate.

e31c98 No.14127266


Could she really win a chair in congress?

4ea2dd No.14127279

File: 2a2ebf49b51d5a7⋯.webm (5.75 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Wu on SyFy 1.webm)

File: 1c0e3d3a0739c1b⋯.webm (6.05 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Wu on SyFy 2.webm)


I thought Trump would have been pegging Flynt with lawn darts thrown from Saturn by now.

32eacc No.14127283


Well, >she already threw the entire Democratic party under the bus, yet expects to primary out the guy already in office. The one whose social media presence isn't "OMG, GAMERGATE AND POP CULTURE" and is more "look at how much I care about this city."

And that's not even getting into the fact that Johnny boy and Frank are notorious for crashing charity events with a personal press entourage, taking credit for all of it and publicly threatening anyone brave enough to call them out on their shit.

Like I said, Amy's Baking Company 2.0.

ead61b No.14127306


>Never a resident in the district >she is running in

>Claims some woman handles >her twitter account and >her patreon expenses goes to this staffer, but is unable to prove her existence, which could provoke a scandal once her taxes are revealed

>Isn't well liked even in the social justice community

>Is facing off against a well liked Democrat who apparently did good work for that district


How can she not win?

ead61b No.14127314

File: 28da73a3ac01c8c⋯.jpg (57.7 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 28da73a3ac01c8c65c3cda6d32….jpg)


Oh shit, forgot one >her

dbf7f7 No.14127316


No, and it's going to be hilarious watching him melt down and blame everyone else for him failing to win a seat. Best part is he's going to lose to a straight white male. I bet he accuses Lynch of being gamergate by the time this is over.

e31c98 No.14127322


WEll, we once underestimated the number of smart people voting for Trump, maybe we are underestimating the number of stupid people that could vote for >her.

32eacc No.14127330


>but is unable to prove her existence, which could provoke a scandal once her taxes are revealed

And it's basically proven that a person with the name provided never existed. What's Flynt gonna do when the FBI comes knocking for tax evasion, go to the judge and claim it's all a GamerGate conspiracy and that the IRS and FBI are in on it?

f1651d No.14127334

File: 2e1bd847d14f681⋯.jpg (42.22 KB, 500x334, 250:167, slightdiscomfort.jpg)


>Joshua Goldberg

Reading about the guy, after you piece through all the online personas he used, he is absolutely insane.

From what I gathered, he wanted to trigger WWIII or at the very least cause a massive war between the US and middle-eastern countries by manipulating the most extreme from various groups online.

Its confirmed now he gave materials and plans to ISIS sympathizers which lead to that attempted terrorist attack at that "draw Muhammad" event in Texas.

And I believe there is sealed evidence he might have contributed materials that lead to other terrorist attacks in Europe.

The guy is kind of like the pathetic NEET version of Carl Panzram.

7f1c97 No.14127341


>Roger Stone: Bannon committed 'stunning act of betrayal'


>Bannon’s New Money Man Is A Chinese Soros Operative


ead61b No.14127349


Alright, let me put it to you this way. Remember when Randy Pitchford wrote that gamergate song? Did the audience find that line funny? Not really, since they didn't know what he was talking about. Gamers in an audience full of gamers didn't understand a gamergate reference Note, we still did great work, but we aren't a household name. So, what are the chances that every single person in this district has heard of gamergate, and they all hate us?

This is important because Scumbag Steve is using this for >her main campaign platform.

594598 No.14127355

>Ben Kuchera - PUBG now features what looks a lot like gambling


>Google’s New Fact-Check Feature Almost Exclusively Targets Conservative Sites


00544a No.14127363


>Is just that these people attacking eachother is like the throwing stone in a house made of glass thing.

Sometimes stones need to be thrown, even if at first it may seem counter-productive, because not all change is bad. The thing is that they will never go further than reacting to feminism, Islam and whatever dumb shit pops up in the news. And reaction is a very important word here, because they will never take any initiative themselves, they are effectively reaction channels that show their opinion on whatever the media feeds them. It's not in the slightest bad to be against those things but at some point you do have to realise that by clinging onto them you are stagnating and joining their decline into irrelevancy. It's like with atheism channels on Youtube, once you convert a certain amount of people you reach a critical mass that eventually kills the community, the atheist channels have always been there and still are but due to only talking about the same things over and over again they now only get single-digit viewership.

3f4dfb No.14127371


>GamerGate conspiracy and that the IRS and FBI are in on it?

Well >she already claims that the FBI covers for gamergate so it's not like it's a stretch of the imagination

ead61b No.14127378

File: b147db8fbf2ae2c⋯.mp4 (3.12 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Tiny man jams.mp4)

Copy pasted from elsewhere

>is a manlet

>beat up his ex-wife

>got literally cucked

>became a "skilled" SC2 player by spamming roaches

>gets hand-held by Blizzard (programmers literally gave Zerg a buff just for him in one tournament) because they need somebody other than Koreans to win SC2 tournaments

>gets his dick pics shared publicly, and quits out of shame

>tried to murder a fat kid and his dad because they DDOS'd him

>bullied his own son on livestream for being Christian and telling his dad not to swear (son visits on weekends, etc., lives with the mom)

>tried to sue Aydin because she called him a cult leader

>has a cult of exceptional individuals on Leddit

>they pay him $40 per month in order to shitpost here

>is literally funded by a Qatari Sheik who wants to weaken whites with liberalism (chatlogs posted by an Argentinian anon)

>unironically supported Hillary Clinton

>supports open borders

>thinks more welfare checks will fix all problems with immigrants

>told his best friend to kill himself, & the madman actually did it


>shared lewds of a 15-year-old girl; and sexually-harassed a 12-year-old girl (Baby Miku) along with his top admins

>wants to legalize CP

>tells his daughter that incest is okay (preparing to rape her in the future, much?)

>defended CP for hours in a debate

>Andy Warski hates him for being a pedo, and won't let him back on

>got BTFO'd by Naked Ape and left the stream early

>got BTFO'd by JF in the fist 15 minutes; and spent the rest of the debate deflecting, and brought-in Tara as a punching bag

>is afraid to debate Alt-Hype, and blocked him on Twitter

>is afraid to debate Richard Spencer

>is afraid to debate Mike Enoch

>is currently deleting tons of his own Twitter posts because The_Guardian is collecting info on him about supporting pedophilia, harassing people, defamation, etc.

>is gonna get sued by JF for defamation

<14 year olds still worship him

Why the fuck is this reality?

87c0c2 No.14127389


<14 year olds still worship him

And these are the same kids that still worship Logan and that other fellow Ricegum.

2ef5c2 No.14127390


IIRC the police/fbi transcript said he was trying to play the hero by selling out the groups he provided information with. what few details came out were really fucking weird.

ead61b No.14127395


Those two don't have the cult like zealots he has, seriously, talk bad about him anywhere and they hunt you down. Even tried white knighting him on /cow/ of all places.

e31c98 No.14127398


Well, we cna have a laugh then.

Who is Randy Pitchford?


Well, that is true. Before Thunderf00t and a few others there was barely any atheism activity in Bush years, then people began to shape their opinion towards atheism till the end of the Bush years.

I'm ashamed for following so many of those people until they became faggots against freedom. My only excuse is that the Bush years were PRETTY bad, something surprising for Obama who made everything even worse.

3f4dfb No.14127403


>Who is Randy Pitchford?


e31c98 No.14127411


I just can't remember the names of all these faggots, and the only song I REALLY remember about Gamergate is the "I'm a Beta as Fuck" one.

4ea2dd No.14127416


The best part is that he claims people looking into his past and bringing it up is harassment, then hauled off and ran for a public office. In turn making a good case for John not being a private citizen, and making depths of sleaze Denton would blush at fair game to dredge up for the public. The show isn't going to be him losing, the show is going to be when his opponents starts their campaigns.

ead61b No.14127425


He OWNS the Duke Nukem franchise and CAN take a joke!

3f4dfb No.14127429


Bitchford is the CEO of Gearbox software, you know the ones behind Borderlands, and as >>14127425 says Nu Duke Nuken

3f4dfb No.14127437



Oh also Battleborn

e31c98 No.14127443




Oh… did he really wrote a song about Gamergate?

Uh, now I feel stupid for not having any idea about that.

To be fair, the only developers I know by name are Todd the liar, Kojima and the fat fuck of monkey island who I can't even remember his name.

b417a1 No.14127444

File: 4ded57b91089131⋯.png (157.66 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 1467570306960.png)


Battleborn was a better game than Overwatch even with the shitty looking characters and bad animations and guns that take up 40% of the screen in a first person shooter.

32eacc No.14127445


And is also "the only person who truly cares about Duke Nukem" and will even fuck over a cripple who did source ports of the previous games on behalf of 3D Realms in order to prove it.

3f4dfb No.14127449


How do you not know? The webm gets posted regularly in these threads whenever he's brought up


Hi Randy

e31c98 No.14127452


I might just don't remember, now I'm tempted to search it on Youtube and see if I remember.

4ea2dd No.14127457

File: 6626a34097800cb⋯.webm (7.42 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Randy Pitchford Sings Abo….webm)


Beta as Fuck was Peter Coffin and Johnathan Mann. Randy Pitchford is the Duvalmagic Gearbox guy on Twitter who complains how horribly discriminating things are, and qualifies that by saying he stole Duke Nukem. Much running around and calling people niggers because you have one black friend.

4ea2dd No.14127459

09e4ab No.14127467


no wonder val likes this guy so much

e1ba0b No.14127469

GameRanx Apologizes For Stealing Footage From A Small YouTuber






In their defense, that author doesn't seem that great.

e31c98 No.14127471


Oh fuck, I'm starting to remember and I'm already regretting that.

Well, thankfully everything went good for him thanks to his rythm and his wise woken political opinios, right?

4ea2dd No.14127504

File: 161868eaedff508⋯.png (126.2 KB, 635x630, 127:126, Randy_Pitchford_on_Twitter….png)

File: 7d475097d346937⋯.png (277.38 KB, 636x824, 159:206, Randy_Pitchford_on_Twitter….png)


It went great. His wife is almost done with her yearly migration to the warmer Central American seas, and should be back within two months. His Battleborn porn subreddit got filled with much better Overwatch porn, And not having to preform any patches or maintain servers gave him plenty of time to take a creative writing class, and learn how to both fake death threats and praise himself at the same time.


e31c98 No.14127517


He is almost as bad as Anthony Burch. If his wife divorces him and takes his nintendo switch or whatever, then he can win the price of Cuck of the Cucks.

d0246c No.14127521

File: 313c2d542928c79⋯.jpg (116.04 KB, 750x648, 125:108, RPG 3k Pose 7.jpg)

Good morning.

ead61b No.14127523


Is that true? I have no problem with Val, but if you're reading this, please explain why you like this guy if he's telling the truth.

594598 No.14127528

dbf7f7 No.14127535


Fancy how they can ban all this right wing wrongthink but let something like this go no problem.

3f4dfb No.14127538


What a joke especially since they manually reviewed the video and kept it up for monetization

32eacc No.14127542


>and learn how to both fake death threats and praise himself at the same time

I love how that's a common theme for fake death threats. Where their ego is so inflated that they can't help but flatter themselves in the middle of threatening themselves. Like that one chick that tried to get College Republicans banned from her campus with a fake Facebook account posting "I hate this Democrat slut, I want to fuck her beautiful body until she's completely submissive to me. But not before I stab her to death, that whore."

4c079e No.14127545

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Gonna post this since Sargon is bringing up gamergate so it's somewhat relevant and too good not to link.

Sargon vs Metokur over Sargon's leaderfagging with the liberalist label he made. Sargon said gamergate lost because it didn't have a leader

3f4dfb No.14127555


Back when Jim went by IA didn't Sargon suck his cock and was buddy buddy with him?

e31c98 No.14127558


They destroyed the advertisment system over a silly joke and went against Pewdiepie, his former sacred cow with gold milk, yet these fuckers nobody likes are safe.

There is no justice.


I hope you are lying.

32eacc No.14127562


>There is no justice.

This is what happens when your CEO's only qualification is "her sister slept with someone on Alphabet's board of directors."

e31c98 No.14127577


Hm… I expected worse. Metokur is just overreacting a bit.

09e4ab No.14127587


IA here, attack attack attack part 3 on friday

e31c98 No.14127597


IA, how can you post on the internet and talk on a real time podcast?

ead61b No.14127602

File: fd63eb9106939b0⋯.jpg (77.49 KB, 680x683, 680:683, 012.jpg)


>Sargon said gamergate lost because it didn't have a leader

Maybe we should have made Mundane Matt our leader like he wanted then, then we would have won

4c079e No.14127607

File: 5a13d555d055601⋯.webm (862.96 KB, 480x360, 4:3, Sargon vs metokur.webm)

e31c98 No.14127629


Where does it say that?


Fucking hell… Sargon is making it harder to find excuses for him. I just like some of his points in SOME of his subjects and the salt he causes.

The trolls broke other guy I enjoyed listening.

4ea2dd No.14127631


I thought Anita had done the same thing a few times, but don't have the archives. It's great how common a theme it is, though. They try and make it sound like they're being threatened by that Bjork fanatic, or stalked by UTV's guy, and immediately to social media it goes.

1a7462 No.14127632


So he's to blame for the super-stale Roach meta as well. Is there no end to his loathsomeness?

ead61b No.14127643


Jim's right. If Gamergate had a leader, the whole thing would have ended up as well as Kraut's attempt to bring down the alt-right. Besides, no one would agree who should be the leader, I mean, if Milo was declared the leader or TB was declared the leader, people would get pissed and divided, because they both had two different objectives.

09e4ab No.14127656


Kraut and his autistic group was the GGrevolt of skeptics

Like no shit the whole autism from kraut seems to match perfectly with how retarded john kelly was right up to DEBATE ME SARGON OH NOOO HE CALLED ME DUMB I HATE SARGON NOW

e31c98 No.14127657


Is anyone in the stream with youtube money? could anyone post Why did we lost if we keep being blamed for everything even if we do nothing?

d0246c No.14127659

File: 9f9bbf9eb214a54⋯.jpg (37.66 KB, 900x489, 300:163, Kiritsugu Stupid.jpg)


>#GamerGate "lost" because it didn't had a leader

Both are stupid.

09e4ab No.14127664

e31c98 No.14127668


Eat a dick, you know what I mean.

22ff9d No.14127677


He never did deliver part 3, did he

2e8279 No.14127681


I've really come to dislike Sargon over the course of the past few years.

09e4ab No.14127683


Part 3 is coming anon, it will be here by friday

e31c98 No.14127688


Like chapter 3?

ead61b No.14127695


Not a fan of Jim pretty much saying that there is shit going on but if you do anything about it "it's cringey". He isn't a guy to go on crusades, he's a guy who makes vids about school shooters getting screwed over by a couch, which is fine and all but damn society has problems that badly need fixing and acting above it all isn't helping.

d0246c No.14127707

File: f49c4558af1e381⋯.jpg (24.23 KB, 476x336, 17:12, Retard 2143.jpg)

3f4dfb No.14127727

3f4dfb No.14127741


you fucking faggot read the thread, you didn't even archive you piece of shit >>14126125

3f4dfb No.14127743


oops forgot flag

22ff9d No.14127746


I like some things he's done, but he really is "up his own ass"

It's been three years, why is sargon showing up to debates without researching his opponents arguments first? Richard Spencer blew him out nearly identically to how pixie jenny did.

dbf7f7 No.14127764


This made me check my calendar, I thought it was 1984.

e1ba0b No.14127765

File: 26ceb065a568f72⋯.png (24.36 KB, 700x288, 175:72, Ego of E-celebs.png)



I expected worse; it's just both of them being massive faggots here. Sargon is being a faggot saying it lost and that people were looking to Jim for leadership, Jim's being a faggot when called out for his ability to slink away and fall back to being just an "internet troll" when things get hot, which is exactly what he did in early GG.

ead61b No.14127773


Am i better off that, instead of being an eceleb, I'm a friendless nobody?

ead61b No.14127777


4+5 equals 7

3f4dfb No.14127781


You're more respectable at least

147629 No.14127794

File: 0e583b92f51e8c1⋯.png (1.63 MB, 850x1202, 425:601, P5 dubs.png)

4ea2dd No.14127800


There's at least a ceiling on how well known your embarrassing fuck ups are.

c6e210 No.14127803


2+2 -1 =3 (Quick maths)

e31c98 No.14127811


But… those maths don't make senses!

99e371 No.14127812


This is the first time someone has made and posted a screencap of my post. I don't know how to feel.

810a49 No.14127817

File: 79559298996858f⋯.jpg (21.25 KB, 296x298, 148:149, Frank wants out.jpg)


My soul is leaving my body listening to this.

Jim is retarded.

Sargon is retarded.

Louis is fine.

Jim's hyena routine is fucking old. He never offers anything constructive beyond "thats gay" or "it seems faggy" and constantly deflects about what he believes so he never has to defend himself and hides behind his "im just a troll not serious lol" shield. He's incredibly pedantic. You know what hes fucking trying saying, why are you picking at exact definitions? He absolutely refuses to try to be a part of any solution and mocks any attempt. Sargon really nailed him with the "cool kid" routine line. He's also weirdly paranoid about shit.

>I dont really watch your stuff


>someone sent it to me


What the fuck Jim

Sargon is wrong that GG lost and Jim was the de facto icon like it or not, but jim was free to abdicate that spot (and was perhaps right to) but that doesn't mean anything against him. He has the right to not be an icon. It's retarded they keep trying to turn him into one or care what jim thinks at all.

ead61b No.14127819


Islam was always a European religion

e31c98 No.14127826

File: 010ec1bbd8fec16⋯.jpg (73.96 KB, 862x582, 431:291, crusade sadness.jpg)

c6e210 No.14127828

Hooktube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

can you spot yourselves in here

9643f7 No.14127840

File: e2cb9416284084f⋯.png (136.56 KB, 641x629, 641:629, e0ba4102b1dd4aae101829ed23….png)


>Louis is fine.

>The faggot that got pissy in the first place Jim was shooting the shit for the hell of it and probably would've moved on the next day

>He absolutely refuses to try to be a part of any solution and mocks any attempt.

>The same that's been doing this shit since 2008, holds his ground

Anon, your autism is getting to you.

4c079e No.14127841

File: 4c1975a2b9128d8⋯.png (51.81 KB, 748x312, 187:78, ClipboardImage.png)

The soyfather has put a hit on Jim's head

7359e0 No.14127848

File: 8e5f586137f6651⋯.jpg (172.19 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, LOOKS LEGIT.jpg)



Thats taken out of context, Sargon was roasting Jim on his general opposition to leaderfaggotry, the line about gamergate losing was just a zing.

Jim can be an internet nihilist all he wants but Id rather people get out and do SOMETHING as opposed to openly taking a high ground above everyone else in making funny videos about diaperfurs and clinical retards, and the occasional youtube drama.

ead61b No.14127849


Please tell me that's an alt account. If he really believes that he's already far too gone.

c6e210 No.14127851

File: c520e6a621fa09b⋯.png (116.97 KB, 493x206, 493:206, ClipboardImage.png)


Ok, what

2179eb No.14127853

File: 757667fa9ba6d0d⋯.gif (2.44 MB, 600x338, 300:169, 8eb3f016304f88d9941d7a2a8e….gif)


That's cool, but I still hate Sargon for being a raging, massive faggot who's constantly trying to become the Soyfather in his own little group he keeps trying to make.

0ef2ef No.14127854

File: 7c4cd8de91deed1⋯.png (133.31 KB, 300x300, 1:1, when you sneeze and hiccup….png)


>BREAKING: Personal attorney to President Trump Michael Cohen has filed a defamation lawsuit against BuzzFeed for publishing the uncorroborated 'Trump dossier'

9643f7 No.14127860

File: 70bdb7eca06ef41⋯.jpg (29.85 KB, 332x394, 166:197, 1360563367733.jpg)


>but Id rather people get out and do SOMETHING as opposed to openly taking a high ground above everyone else in making funny videos about diaperfurs and clinical retards, and the occasional youtube drama.

>Says the Anon violently typing away on a Cambodian basket waiving internet forum.


>The soyfather has put a hit on Jim's head

It begins……………

ead61b No.14127867


Isn't forcing someone to do something against their will something that a classic liberal would oppose?

810a49 No.14127871

Hooktube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


Louis is a sperg, but I don't find him fundamentally wrong or ill natured.

>The same that's been doing this shit since 2008, holds his ground

Apathy is the refuge of the impotent or uncaring. I have no respect for it. Whether he is consistent or not matters little.

01ac1a No.14127876


Jim's a fucking sack of shit, Sargon is a retarded hypocrite, both are cancer in different ways, but cancer is still fucking cancer. And also both have the same clique of dicksucking sycophants.

2179eb No.14127881

File: f6dea4a2b98c01e⋯.jpg (107.21 KB, 772x817, 772:817, f6dea4a2b98c01e2e336caffbb….jpg)


Also Sargon is just some fag making YouTube videos and occasionally goes to conventions. He's not some "savior of the West" or actually important in anyway.

Anons did more for Gamergate than Soygoy ever did. We were the ones organizing email campaigns, not Soygoy.

2b43d9 No.14127890

File: fe87d50a1913e6b⋯.png (201.07 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 2b74ecd8081400c737ff83dd54….png)

9643f7 No.14127896

File: 07c7920fc528932⋯.png (223.12 KB, 590x335, 118:67, 1338157759031.png)


>Louis is a sperg, but I don't find him fundamentally wrong or ill natured.

>been watching Jim for years

>falls for the bait anyways


>Jim's a fucking sack of shit

Golly Anon, just because he said no doesn't mean he'll stick around forever. Remember "no" means "no". :^)

f2ae6f No.14127903

File: a9b1089e2322ef9⋯.png (669.12 KB, 1458x1693, 1458:1693, 182828474773788.png)

810a49 No.14127907


Yeah, that's pretty standard sperg behavior.

4c079e No.14127910

File: 3c415ad098849a8⋯.png (36.63 KB, 1127x221, 1127:221, ClipboardImage.png)

c96d74 No.14127913

Should I be at all glad that I have no idea who most of these e-celebs are, nor their history?

810a49 No.14127922



1fa67e No.14127924

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Soygoy of Ackbar

2179eb No.14127927


Yes, be very glad you don't know who Soygoy and his merry band of Autists are, or Jim.

01ac1a No.14127928

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Golly Anon, just because he said no doesn't mean he'll stick around forever. Remember "no" means "no". :^)

Are you one of his fanboys? there's this smug superiority retardation with his fans that reminiscent to the rant he did against Rick and Morty autists.

9643f7 No.14127929

File: 16afe05808824c7⋯.jpg (219.6 KB, 448x455, 64:65, 1432676804131.jpg)


>that's pretty standard sperg behavior.

>but I don't find him fundamentally wrong or ill natured

7f1c97 No.14127951


It has a check mark and links to Sargons main channel.


Shit is gonna hit the fan on this muh Russia stuff after the 15th of this month.



9643f7 No.14127954


>there's this smug superiority retardation with his fans that reminiscent to the rant he did against Rick and Morty autists.

>Rick and Morty autists

So they shouldnt be mocked?

>Are you one of his fanboys?

Well golly Anon, you tell me. :^)

9643f7 No.14127963


>Shit is gonna hit the fan on this muh Russia stuff after the 15th of this month.

What's happening?

7359e0 No.14127976

File: a5455d7bec8d545⋯.jpg (51.45 KB, 500x422, 250:211, a5455d7bec8d5455b4e6f9b4cf….jpg)



Thats fine and all, but good luck coming out of this uncastrated without allies when all sorts of establishments consolidate against you.


>person who is not important should not engage in political activism

wtf I hate democracy now


I am not in a financial or legal position to afford engaging in politics, so Id rather those that are do it until there comes a point where I can do it myself


Im pretty sure thats an ancap position

5401cc No.14127978

File: 17f4d5d1ff254ea⋯.jpg (93.13 KB, 948x640, 237:160, supersayaintrump.jpg)


This should be interesting

2179eb No.14127981


Stop sucking Sargon's dick you stupid fucking Romanian faggot.

3f4dfb No.14127982


I think Jim is a faggot, but the Jordan Peterson worship is retarded, he's right about it

179756 No.14127984


His fans are essentially just goons minus the social justice.

7359e0 No.14127988

File: 54536153dd2d669⋯.jpg (83.84 KB, 604x604, 1:1, kotfolgakuritsa.jpg)

810a49 No.14127990


So exactly the same as goons in 10 years?

09e4ab No.14127994


f2ae6f No.14127998

File: e456a68c62f8b07⋯.jpg (225.13 KB, 633x758, 633:758, 1441290215620.jpg)


Yes, e-celebs have an expiration date. We can fight side by side against a common enemy but eventually the money and fame goes up their heads and start commanding their next actions, differently from us who do this shit for free out of love and autism.

e1ba0b No.14128004


I don't think I was the one to screencap it, I could be wrong.


I'm watching the full video now. It's basically Sargon being really high up his ass with the whole "I'm taking the mantle because no one else will" shtick and not realizing how cringe he is being while Metokur acts like he's too cool and above it all, trying to call gamergate full of pussies even though he was the one who couldn't handle the heat in the early months. This is the entire spat and it's worthless, just two egos butting heads.


Hahahaha are you that faggot who was whiteknighting Jim in the past few threads? Tell me, were you the guy who cried to Jim about us making fun of him going after low hanging fruit? That gave me a good laugh.


Bread's almost dead, might as well get it out now

c96d74 No.14128006


>…or Jim.

Well, every time you guys mention him, I immediately think of Sterling because I followed him for a while until his faggotry became too much (And, I don't like the fact that the guy is angry all the time).

2179eb No.14128007

File: 55495642dd5ece2⋯.jpg (17.67 KB, 371x405, 371:405, 55495642dd5ece2fbda070d1cb….jpg)


I don't know how somebody who makes fun of retarded shit on the internet and stupid fanbases can somehow create the most cancerous fanbase possible

a03652 No.14128008

File: c9f3d3c72b2af4a⋯.png (85.78 KB, 314x105, 314:105, comfy.PNG)


>I sent nearly a hundred emails and get to bask in the glory every day.

7f1c97 No.14128009


A year long inspector general report of the Russia investigation is going to be released. That article gives a lengthy outline of all the fuckery that has been going on.

8fe558 No.14128016


What the hell is this? Why are there so many white, black and jew betas claiming this youtube e-celeb is raycist for dressing up like a stereotypical jap when most japs don't even give a shit? Why are hijab posters getting so many likes? Why is this shit even getting over 20k likes for sounding like complete idiots? What has happened to humanity?

c6e210 No.14128017

File: 17a71b8eabefdbf⋯.png (1.08 MB, 1075x963, 1075:963, ClipboardImage.png)


Jim Sterling has a wrestler persona now, Sterdust

(a result of him being DMCA'd for using WWE themes in his vids)

2179eb No.14128018

File: 1630bace3ad7113⋯.mp4 (1.15 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 1010.mp4)


Truly we are the unsung heroes, the "silent professionals" of Gamergate.

5be124 No.14128022

File: cbd9d0f592dfffb⋯.jpg (520.16 KB, 1784x2320, 223:290, Chiaki 03.jpg)


Consider yourself lucky, I usually forget about them and replace the space in the memory for something more useful… Like my Japanese classes

9643f7 No.14128028

File: a5cb2643448d4aa⋯.png (314.36 KB, 674x698, 337:349, 1466913760259-0.png)


>Hahahaha are you that faggot who was whiteknighting Jim in the past few threads?


Golly Reddit, I love to claim the responsibility but I would have to decline it for now.

9643f7 No.14128032


When havent we?

dc065b No.14128035

File: 7dce3b17409e8a3⋯.jpg (25.12 KB, 720x540, 4:3, 1467846612718.jpg)







You just scream "fresh off the reddit train".

c96d74 No.14128037

File: 07b7fbbfb3a8115⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 120.55 KB, 1024x680, 128:85, 2_3_1451a_007.jpg)


Why don't you turn off the your screen for an hour, leave your house, and see the fact the world is much larger than just an exhibit at a zoo with a bunch of monkeys flinging poo at each other?

9643f7 No.14128045


Are we getting raided?

5be124 No.14128046


Bread Title: Its Name is Fury Edition

a03652 No.14128050


there is a market out there for people to feel better about themselves by making fun of people worse off then themselves, either financially or mentally or ideologically

Jim is basically what Lazlow radio was before the music stopped.

01ac1a No.14128055


>So they shouldnt be mocked?

They all should be, but Jim is sliding back to the point of being a good faggot who sperged out when people ripped on him for doing a drunk stream and letting his yellow fever take over all reason when he streamed a blowjob.


So don't criticize them? we don't do SJW political purity tests and we don't harass them till they kill themselves, and looking at the evidence of what Sargon did and did not do in Kraut saga, he's a goddamn lying piece of shit without a spine to stop things.


>I think Jim is a faggot, but the Jordan Peterson worship is retarded, he's right about it

Do you know the entire context of that rant he did? in two points, the daddy worship and Faith Goldy incident, Jim was pretty much right on that, everything on that pathetic rant is 100% bullshit, especially when he mentioned that one time in twitter that you'll get on your 10 bucks than paying for that improved personality test, or how people shouldn't have people like Peterson to help them because "I know myself" speech while he makes videos of lolcows who clearly need an intervention means he really lacked some self-awareness there and goddamn, that e-dick measuring he did with patreon on a clinical psychologist that actually helps people versus a guy who makes videos making fun of spergs in the internet.


Well, he does talk to lowtax a lot, but his fans have this nihilistic lol bullshit faggotry that is close to being a SJW faggot.

Better stop talking about ecelebs, because goddamn, fuck these eceleb faggots.

7359e0 No.14128058

File: dfbb521f506d6a6⋯.mp4 (4.36 MB, 480x480, 1:1, feminism.mp4)


have this mp4 in recognition of your effort, mr (1) and done

2179eb No.14128059


I dunno, I'm not too interested in Jim's videos, I'm more interested in this recent string of Internet Bloodsports going on.

dbf7f7 No.14128062


I'm probably going to get some shit for this opinion, but I think those ecelebs were helpful. All the brainstorming went on in these threads and the gamergate boards. But a lot of you, from my time here, aren't very social and don't have big social foot print on the internet.

Those ecelebs had huge social footprint, and they got our ideas out in the open very quickly and very easily. But, they never learned their place. They could have coexisted with gg very nicely if they accepted the fact that they were helping gamergate and a lot of their fame had to do with what anons were doing for them. Instead a lot of them got giant egos and thought they were the ones making everything work well. They stopped listening to anons and they went to shit. Anons stopped having ecelebs to shill for them and now gamergate doesn't have the influence it once had.

The two groups had a relationship where they both benefited each other, even though they weren't entirely working toward the same goals. But it was a very good relationship for a while, until anons completely turned against ecelebs and ecelebs got too arrogant to understand how things worked between anon and eceleb.

Five Guys -> Gamergate was such a perfect storm. You had a major controversy that got people's attention, anons brainstorming and coming up with brilliant ideas, and ecelebs to get those ideas far away from imageboards. And now the whole thing has fallen apart. I hope the next huge controversy we get, we find some eceleb who can walk the fine line of growing because of anons but not making anons feel like they are exploited for some douchebag's fame.

3f4dfb No.14128067


Lack of self awareness, it's easy to laugh at retards, it's something almost anyone can do, even I can enjoy his videos where he makes fun of certain fanbases and essentailly makes a video /cow/ thread but it's a lot harder to be slightly self aware and look at yourself when you become the same people you laugh at

9643f7 No.14128070


> Jim is sliding back to the point of being a good faggot who sperged out when people ripped on him for doing a drunk stream

Yeah but they're the ones constantly bringing up gg, im pretty sure Jim would've never talked about it if he wasn't forced to.

dc065b No.14128084

File: 4acb7918d890ee0⋯.png (90.1 KB, 517x311, 517:311, wut.png)


You are a fortunate soul.


Smells like another Hogan destruction event.


>Soygon being a faggot

Gee what a shock.


Its cringier than I expected. But don't overreact. If you go to a den of rats and are surprised to find rats in it, then you only have yourself to blame.

01ac1a No.14128087


And that's my problem with Jim, he really likes to pretend that point of his life during GG didn't happen, remember he had to rebrand himself from InternetAristocrat to MisterMetokur, and Sargon's debate skills has not advanced since last year.

0ef2ef No.14128089

File: b98cf900193fbba⋯.png (503.66 KB, 642x739, 642:739, absolute madman.png)



Banned in 3… 2…

c96d74 No.14128090


>But a lot of you, from my time here, aren't very social and don't have big social foot print on the internet.

Could I point out that having a "footprint" is much less impactful than having a network?

dc065b No.14128092

File: 172bd83a8616481⋯.mp4 (2.5 MB, 400x304, 25:19, Feminism Takes Over.mp4)



<you don't like soygon?! you must be a feminist


Regardless, I'm looking forward to the shitfest that will be

OPRAH 2020

It'll be hilarious.

e1ba0b No.14128094


>trying to call others reddit

>while defending e-celebs surrounded by redditors


3f4dfb No.14128095


>Do you know the entire context of that rant he did?

Yeah I watched the video, like I said the daddy worship is retarded and I agree with his assessment of the diehard fans who think Peterson is the saviour of western civilization but yeah Jim and his own fans lack a level of self awareness that's laughable

8fe558 No.14128099

File: 2b353ff3e3cbe60⋯.jpg (6.13 KB, 200x291, 200:291, 1446140367739.jpg)


>OPRAH 2020


a03652 No.14128102


I watch it for the recap of things I am not too up to date on. He can be quite funny and well spoken. I spent a few hours trying to figure out this qanon thing last night. I suck at keeping up because I play a lot of video games, so there is a usage for me watching. Fanbases usually are filled with over zealous people over time who are using it to fulfill a empty space in their life– to incorporate into their identities. You can watch Jim's videos and not huff your own farts while doing it, I enjoy the chaos and being made aware of the internet's subcultures.

01ac1a No.14128106


Which is why Peterson is trying to help his most fanatical fans who have a weak ego some help like not being a goddamn sperg too much, but Jim and his cult there, goddamn some self-awareness, and that "Lol we make fun of everyone! you just have daddy issues" response they did that time was pretty weak.

dbf7f7 No.14128119


Well, all those ecelebs, before they turned into fags, had a lot of other networks that they used to spread ideas. They were more or less spreading things beyond imageboard networks. From my time here, I feel a lot of people in these threads have a network of users they follow on Twitter, if they even have one, and they post in these threads.

9643f7 No.14128124

File: 3cd1c22c8722424⋯.png (218.79 KB, 374x376, 187:188, jim81jim.png)


> he really likes to pretend that point of his life during GG didn't happen

Then why the hell does he keep joking about the livestream whenever given the chance. I know he keeps Jade in a cage but I doubt he's killed her.

>remember he had to rebrand himself

>Newfag from 2014 spotted

dc065b No.14128127

File: a9a8e7f5a324659⋯.webm (3.82 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Emperor Trump vs Inferno ….webm)


Oprah said she's running for president in 2020, you boob.

2ef5c2 No.14128128

File: a1294a71e43834d⋯.png (1.58 MB, 953x979, 953:979, sports girls abs.png)


after the awards show there were a few articles calling her to run for office. I remember back when I was a kid people wanted her to run for president.

01ac1a No.14128141

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Because mockery is his way of dealing things from his past spergouts then pretending it wasn't like what people thought it was, and reminding people about his sob goodbye then his return a few months later is newfaggotry? come on.

dbf7f7 No.14128143

File: f9b289cbbdb1d0d⋯.jpg (26.4 KB, 768x431, 768:431, twee_fitted.jpg)


wrong, NBC tweeted this and started it all

80902a No.14128145

File: f477a5cf98a4323⋯.jpg (81.79 KB, 620x367, 620:367, blackface-japan-hamada-edd….jpg)


>most japs don't even give a shit?

you can say that again

3f4dfb No.14128147


Fuck I hate defending jim because don't I really don't like the guy and I think he's a massive faggot, but I'm also pretty tired of hearing the constant Peterson worship from everyone on 8chan, every other thread you hear shit like

>clean your room lmao

Like doing some basic self help shit is revolutionary, and don't get me wrong I don't disagree with what Peterson is doing but the fact that everyone treats it as some revolutionary thing just grates on me after a while. In my mind I think "why is this new to you are you retarded?" But I get it, not everyone has these lessons ingrained in them since childhood. Anyway I'm not sure where I was going with this I'm pretty drunk and it's hard to read but yeah. Jim is a fag and I'm positive he browses these threads and /cow/ for material because he's tweeted shit I've said here word for word shortly after I posted it

689745 No.14128149

File: a4f3cf23c876d92⋯.png (185.72 KB, 769x586, 769:586, creator of rick and morty.png)


Wasn't she friends with Harvey Weinstein or something along with rumors surrounding her "helping him" with shit? I doubt she'll get far with that shit hanging over her.



>internet nihilists

But isn't that exactly the type of people they mocked in the Reddit and Memey video?

93b207 No.14128158

File: c82814b985b45e2⋯.jpg (116.27 KB, 800x719, 800:719, Asui Tsuyu knighted by Mt.….jpg)


I'd say the two biggest contributors to GG's exposure were the more stable "e-celebs" (basically well spoken people with networks) bringing it up (HotWheels, Mercedez, Mombot, Christina Hoff Sommers, ActionPoints, Oliver Cambell, MainEvent, Milo to a degree, WikiLeaks) and the repetition of the Streisand Effect on more tightly controlled websites (reddit, YouTube, Twitter, 4chan near the end of September 2014, not sure if that ever happened on Tumblr or SomethingAwful, though I don't doubt it).

One reason I suspect 5GBnF/GG started off so strong is because Julian Assange was running an AMA on reddit back in early August 2014, and some mods shadowbanned a redditor asking a seemingly innocuous question. That right there was a small taste of overbearing moderation that would fuel people's curiosity about GG.


I'm glad people like RandomYoko exist so that even SJWs can put their own whining into perspective. Who am I kidding? They don't reflect on themselves at all.

8fe558 No.14128164

File: 554e4bb967ab073⋯.jpg (14.21 KB, 255x209, 255:209, 1437626690462.jpg)


If not for the earthquakes (and the western-influenced activists springing up now), they'd truly be a blessed land.

9643f7 No.14128166


> his sob goodbye then his return a few months later is newfaggotry?

>Because mockery is his way of dealing things from his past spergouts

Which ones? He's got like 10 accounts, some ranging back to 2008 and according to you, the one's that are dead should have shit in the closet.

Also your shiftkey is broken, you might wan to fix that.

d0246c No.14128174

File: dc7acbecf8616c2⋯.jpg (27.99 KB, 678x381, 226:127, Colt Cabana Smug.jpg)


3f4dfb No.14128178


JIDF is out in full force today isn't it? The Jim Internet Defense Force

5be124 No.14128179













22ff9d No.14128293


Sargon calling Jim a coward was pretty funny.


College newspaper

8fe558 No.14128702


Pot calling the kettle black.

e1ba0b No.14130092


Don't forget to donate to his patreon and join his facebook group!

1c5fa8 No.14130111


Thank you for reposting that. I remember having to read through that shitshow. The whole thing boiled down to

>I'm special snowflake and like trannies

>trannies want me to come out

>but I'm so special snowflake unique that I don't fit into any of the thousands of instances of hilariously made up bullshit that they've created over the past several years

5a6738 No.14133693

File: 2a3df76ee4c5b4a⋯.webm (4.59 MB, 720x720, 1:1, GSOC-[Google-Overwatch-Se….webm)

File: 7e6c4e57fb88470⋯.png (85.47 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, GSOC-final.png)

New Goolag OC.

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