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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

5eadeb No.14128170

> Current Happenings:




1. DIG: W.H.O. Proposing to Classify "Gaming Addiction" As a Disorder


2. OP TIMBER: Nintendo Localizers working with Japanese Devs to Censor Games




3. OP Chickasaw: Big Tech Companies are already violating the Constitution


4. OP GOOLAG: Hit Google Where It Hurts



A. Archive.is isn't sure you'll donate money to them. Prove them wrong: https://liberapay.com/archiveis/donate

B. OP DisNod: Contact the FTC and advertisers about violations an unethical practices


>Polygon and The Verge violate FTC regulations: https://archive.fo/ii01W

C. Anti-Internet Censorship Database Operation: Defend Free Speech!


D. OP DICKTIONAIRY: ''The Destruction of Words and Language




>EA shit the bed with lootboxes in Star Wars Battlefront II and are taking major heat: https://archive.fo/wBFd8

>SJW Marvel comics just got canceled for Christmas, and Twitter is salty about it: https://archive.fo/Sbq7c

>Tencent promoting socialism: http://archive.is/0Zpbu

> Thread Repository:



> Summaries of #GamerGate:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wy9bisUIP3w - #GamerGate - If It's Not About Ethics;

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5fnRSL3d_xU - #GamerGate in 60 Seconds;

https://archive.is/23Fde - GamerGate: A State of the Union Address.

> Reminders (important, READ THESE!):

• Use https://archive.is to deny sites ad revenue and traffic and preserve websites in case they are deleted later;

• Beware of COINTELPRO tactics: The Gentleperson's Guide to Forum Spies - https://cryptome.org/2012/07/gent-forum-spies.htm

• Be civil if you have to argue with people on Twitter, Tumblr or any forum - don't make us look like douchebags;

• Do not accept requests for any goal or demand list: https://pastebin.com/p5dVp1e5

> Background and Evidence for #GamerGate (read and spread these):

• The #GamerGate Dossier: https://archive.is/nv1Fb

• #GamerGate Wiki: http://gamergatewiki.net/

• History of #GamerGate: https://www.historyofgamergate.com/

• View the timeline links in the Current Happenings section!

> How Can I Help?

• All Operations: https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/tree/master/Operations


• Operation Disrespectful Nod: https://v.gd/jtftaG (email advertisers)


>Update: A representative for Vox Media has stated that they will update their public disclosures across all their websites

• Operation Baby Seal: https://v.gd/iwvyPm (reporting Gawker for violating content guidelines)


• Operation Vulcan: https://v.gd/Kbzw0L (educate yourself on logical debating)

• Operation UV: https://archive.is/N9ieT (contact the FTC about Gawker)

• An Anon's Guide to Twitter: https://v.gd/nwrbYF (the basics)

> Lists:

• GamerGate Wiki Support List: https://v.gd/0fOHO3

• GamerGate Wiki Boycott List: https://v.gd/n6GPPt

• GamerGate Steam Support & Boycott List: https://v.gd/vzRsRb

> Key GamerGate Hubs:


> Full OP Text:

• Current:

Until wiki is updated - https://pastebin.com/6Q1uNgd8


• Old:


> Want to Help Contribute to GitGud?


aedfe9 No.14128182

File: 16afe05808824c7⋯.jpg (219.6 KB, 448x455, 64:65, 1432676804131.jpg)

>Buzzfeed is going to meet its marker soon

3f32b2 No.14128186

File: 1630bace3ad7113⋯.mp4 (1.15 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 1010.mp4)


Feels great, mang.

4a1c38 No.14128187

File: d69ba03f31e36ae⋯.gif (19.14 KB, 550x400, 11:8, gond powersquat2.gif)



50f0e9 No.14128190

File: 1dcdb891dfea91a⋯.jpg (200.6 KB, 900x1083, 300:361, alone_i_stand_a_broken_man….jpg)

You can have entire world at your feet and still be bored that now you have nothing to achieve. You can have the best fucking rig for video games and still get bored since there are no interesting video games to play on it.

95797c No.14128192

File: 1f4dae5741dd300⋯.png (3.41 MB, 3537x2373, 1179:791, christdeepfreeze.png)

aedfe9 No.14128195

File: 0ae90db2baeb5e0⋯.png (71.7 KB, 2405x2400, 481:480, Aim.png)



d181e8 No.14128196

Ron wasn't kidding when he mentioned boomers on 8chan. Jesus Christ. That /qresearch/ board is full of grandpas and grandmas.

867dfa No.14128198

File: 74ee9926422f26b⋯.jpg (308.94 KB, 562x665, 562:665, send_mails.jpg)

Less e-celebs more diggings. When was the last time you even dug something?

3df6ce No.14128199

File: ba23993d5f680d3⋯.gif (101.86 KB, 758x696, 379:348, SUPERIOR.gif)

This is why the Japanese games industry is superior.

06f093 No.14128201

File: 89fd3b8f3494632⋯.jpg (276.98 KB, 1920x716, 480:179, Diversity Markers.jpg)

File: 06de2c9b6f67c6c⋯.jpg (166.58 KB, 680x1004, 170:251, The Marker.jpg)



This marker or this Marker?

4a1c38 No.14128207

File: 0cf427a38c08e86⋯.png (231.97 KB, 754x693, 754:693, blade runner laundry loli ….png)

fbec62 No.14128211


They are coming from all over. I keep hearing 8chan being mentioned on Alex Jones, seeing Codemonkey's name being tossed around. They likely won't go much to /v/ and probably will run from most other boards other than the q stuff.

156eb5 No.14128218

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Be reminded that this year is gonna be great for wrestling.

aedfe9 No.14128224


Can someone explain this whole Q shit?

88ce95 No.14128226

Watch out for GamerGate

The public enemy of the world #1

It is the main hashtag responsible for…


☑ Making an ugly ass sweater

☑ Made Logan Paul level up

☑ Gave the Alt-Right an Asian fetish

☑ A precursor to the Alt-Right movement

5eadeb No.14128228

File: 94a0f0116b1a66b⋯.jpg (207.13 KB, 900x1200, 3:4, KaedeMizuki 08.jpg)

File: 2fff66bf688d62a⋯.jpg (79.97 KB, 704x700, 176:175, MakioMizu 01.jpg)

File: dd1d8909e1adeeb⋯.jpg (887.89 KB, 750x1580, 75:158, ChihiP 04.jpg)

#TorrentialDownpour and Nip news

Make sure to inform normalfags about websites free of Socjus Influence.

Useful Links:




> Make backups of your favorite doujins in case of Fakku DMCA purge

> Mujaki no Rakuen ended because of potential restrictions against loli manga and Olympics.


> ShindoL has a message to the English community.

- https://tweetsave.com/shindo_l/status/936655595767078912

> #NeverTrump anime communities are attempting to drag the creator of My Hero Academia into shutting down a Trump parody western doujin.

- https://archive.is/PtsEj

- https://tweetsave.com/magicalfuntime/status/946901533584646145

> With Bato.to closing, alternative should be found or created before the cartel gets a hold on manga translation circles

Localization watch: Not solely from shit companies (need to add incoming Japanese games)

> Sekai Project: Teaching Feeling ( >>>/hgg/116640 )

> Fakku is localizing games/VNs now to the Localization Watch.

- http://operationrainfall.com/2017/12/23/fakku-now-selling-hentai-games/


> Bandai-Namco: Girls und Panzer Dream Tank Match (Winter.17, JP release w. eng sub), Ni no Kuni 2 (Jan.19.18, Dev'd with western market in mind), Little Witch Academia (JP:Nov.30.17,West:2018), SAO: Fatal Bullet (March, 2018)

> SquareEnix: Secret of Mana Remake (Feb.15.18)

> Nintendo: Xenoblade Chronicles 2 (Out)

> Bullet Girls Phantasia (2018)

> Granblue Fantasy Project Re:link (2018)


pantsu.cat is a nyaa replacement after it was taken down. It's better than the competition. Use this instead of the cartel run cancer.



They've put up downloads to paywalled fakku doujins.

Fakku 0001-1000: https://files.catbox.moe/129di9.torrent

Fakku 1001-1100: https://files.catbox.moe/h3l457.torrent

Fakku 1101-1200: https://files.catbox.moe/47batv.torrent

Fakku 1201-1300: https://files.catbox.moe/c9ntlr.torrent

Fakku 1301-1400: https://files.catbox.moe/rkuheo.tx

Fakku 1401-1500: https://files.catbox.moe/ce8oor.txt

Fakku 1501-1600: https://files.catbox.moe/nmqh3d.txt

Fakku 1601-1700: https://files.catbox.moe/60v3p6.txt

Fakku 1701-1800: https://files.catbox.moe/3ii6j8.txt

Fakku 1801-1900: https://files.catbox.moe/m37bm7.txt

Fakku 1901-2000: https://files.catbox.moe/z9nmm6.txt

Fakku 2001-2100: https://files.catbox.moe/arpo7h.txt

Fakku 2101-2200: https://sukebei.pantsu.cat/view/2369399

Fakku 2201-2300: https://sukebei.pantsu.cat/view/2377551

Info & feedback welcome

06f093 No.14128231


Check the new boards that keep popping up, there's some boomer or teenage angst related shit in them.

aedfe9 No.14128249

File: ddddc1c5700a5b3⋯.png (57.73 KB, 500x428, 125:107, 12fsdf.png)


As long as they stay there then its fine, though I do worry the remaining /intl/ autists from /b/ are gonna eventually try and raid them. Either causing them to leave or go to other boards.

2d4824 No.14128251


The hell is up with /qresearch/ anyway? Whats it about and who's Q anon?

06f093 No.14128253


/b/ kinda already did that, they had some thread a month ago about raiding the new boards.

11746a No.14128257

File: bef1fcbd024eac9⋯.webm (6.76 MB, 640x360, 16:9, truth of jordan peterson.webm)


>why is this new to you are you retarded?

>But I get it, not everyone has these lessons ingrained in them since childhood.

you answered your own question

some people grow up in circumstances where their parents dont teach them anything because they cant or dont want to

the message is not "clean your room lmao", its "cleaning your room is important because X", he explains the importance of rules and traditions to those who grew up without any rules or traditions

aedfe9 No.14128268

File: 247224f44d91326⋯.jpg (43.17 KB, 400x300, 4:3, 1360586596949.jpg)


Anon don't bring that filth in a brand new bread.

d181e8 No.14128273



Some guy is dropping hints about potential happenings. According to believers, there is coordination between his posts and Trump's Twitter. He's been banned as a LARPer on both /pol/s, so they had to create their own board(s).

If you look at their threads, they look exactly like GG minus videogames. E-celebs shitting the place up, leaderfagging, drama, infighting, shills - it takes me back.

But then I see the boomers posting and, holy shit, I'm at a loss for words. They're reasonable and nice and ask you to pray etc. It's fucking weird.

Alex Jones is mentioning 8chan and shit.


Those two guys he mentioned, baruchthescribe and PamphletAnon, are two BOs, now discredited.

baruchthescribe is the BO of /cbts/ and PamphletAnon is the BO of /thestorm/. Q got sick of their attentionwhoring and became a BO himself. Now he drops his shit on >>>/greatawakening/ and discussion happens on /qresearch/.

fbec62 No.14128279


I just spent two hours last night figuring it out and debating whether it is real or the best larp/hoax in a long time. Basically a high level source is prepping anons for big news and actions before they happen, it might be real high up as it is somehow tied to the US's president's twitter account to go over the msm. Because of recent posts, I decided that if Assange is not in the embassy right now, it is likely real, if he is not, it is likely false or disinfo for either good or bad means.

aedfe9 No.14128286

File: 372c6823a98f42c⋯.png (42.52 KB, 298x341, 298:341, 1407805362149.png)


>But then I see the boomers posting and, holy shit, I'm at a loss for words. They're reasonable and nice and ask you to pray etc. It's fucking weird.

>reasonable and nice and ask you to pray


Why is there liquid coming out of my eyes?

11746a No.14128290

File: bc8bcfbeaf80827⋯.webm (9.79 MB, 320x180, 16:9, self censorship.webm)


you seem to have mighty trouble self-censoring your own shitposts

aedfe9 No.14128292



What is he hinting at because recently Ecuador is planning to move Assange out.

fbec62 No.14128297


>E-celebs shitting the place up, leaderfagging, drama, infighting, shills - it takes me back.

I know that feel, it was exactly how I felt last night. I was expecting MundaneMatt to somehow show up there and start a Q council.

fbec62 No.14128305


apparently, he may already be out, perhaps in Swiss area is what was being tossed around. I am not too sure but wise from all the shit the gamergate went through.

b62879 No.14128314



I know I answered my own question anon, I completely understand why people like peterson, I just don't really give a shit about him. I was just explaining that.

>the message is not "clean your room lmao", its "cleaning your room is important because X"

I know, I just simplified it. It's just that for my own reasons I don't like the constant peterson worship so I don't get offended when jim shits on his fanbase

aedfe9 No.14128315


No I mean, in general. I've heard there's some war going on but I never paid attention to the details.

3f32b2 No.14128316

File: 2cd9a0cf18dff25⋯.gif (2.97 MB, 600x338, 300:169, 39fe7e021d53448370298bf344….gif)


>tfw there's some qt mom browsing 8chan about Qanon

d181e8 No.14128318


From what I've seen, Assange is now in Switzerland, prepared to be moved to the US.

There, based on nothing but speculation, he either will be tried, convicted and pardoned by Trump or will tag-team with Assange to BTFO mainstream media. Or nothing happens, obviously, and it's just a major LARP.


Nigga, that Tracy Beanz girl is a straight-up icz4r doppleganger. I'm getting so many flashbacks. They even have their own version of KiA. It's called CBTS_stream. Streamfags are also ruining everything over there. It's hilarious.

It's babby's first operation, but here the babby is actually a granny.

2d4824 No.14128332

File: 266987770c106dc⋯.gif (583.18 KB, 267x199, 267:199, 373c48193127ce3daf0da78b91….gif)


>#GG all over again except not vidya

That is utterly bizarre.

aedfe9 No.14128333

File: f211e21b2ec13be⋯.png (149.17 KB, 354x307, 354:307, 1388718468110.png)



>It's babby's first operation, but here the babby is actually a granny.

Sounds like someone should send them a warning or at least explain to them how image boards work and how to assimilate well.


aedfe9 No.14128343

File: 00eea7de07c5048⋯.jpg (49.49 KB, 324x557, 324:557, 9hbmjbm590jk.jpg)


>there's some qt mom browsing 8chan

>mombot is getting competition

Where's a drawfag when you need them?

568d16 No.14128347



Someone(s) posting under the "Q" trip claiming to be part of a counter coup against the deep state. They post info in the form of questions and everyone following them works to decipher their meanings. It could all be an elaborate larp or the real deal.


This is an interview with the reporter from infowars following along on 8chan

Dr. Jerome Corsi - Analysis of Recent Q-anon Postings



Supposedly Assange will be freed by Trump in exchange for damaging info on Clinton. He's also predicting a chinese billionare national named Miles Kwok that's here in the US will be extrated to China in exchange for a greenlight to drop an EMP and carry out surgical strikes on North Korea. All that stuff should be happening somewhat soon so if it doesn't go down then Q would just be larping.

06f093 No.14128350



>How to takeover a company SJW-style

>Destroy one of it's founder's image and force the CEO and board to "repent"

>95 year-old sexual harasser

I don't give a shit about comics now, but top fucking kek.

6720fb No.14128353

File: 567a9f1edc38dc0⋯.png (12.92 KB, 510x184, 255:92, shkreli facebook.png)

File: cce5a8e22873bd2⋯.png (511.62 KB, 799x1275, 47:75, shkreliiiiii t3_7edgf4.png)

File: 21724737db50552⋯.jpg (122.03 KB, 1000x1334, 500:667, martin shkreli jail letter.jpg)

File: 3a781d158cd8f32⋯.png (177.47 KB, 620x569, 620:569, shkreli prison screen-shot….png)

freeshkreli when

9edc9f No.14128356


Prove it.

36289a No.14128360

File: 7f344415212eb56⋯.png (365.49 KB, 1080x1348, 270:337, Screenshot_2018-01-09-21-5….png)

File: 841d9b8bceb5069⋯.png (657.64 KB, 1080x1195, 216:239, Screenshot_2018-01-09-21-5….png)

Why do people do this, its the first time I've been blocked

d181e8 No.14128361



Real or not, I think the whole thing is hilarious to me.


Besides, they're already very organized, with bakers, archivers, diggers etc. They even have a Current Happenings of sorts: https://qcodefag.github.io/

They're the fourth largest 8chan board, with a PPH higher than ours. I was watching a 751-post thread fill up in exact 23 minutes two days ago. That's GG in August 2014-tier.

74ae35 No.14128363

File: 1bfc096535befc9⋯.webm (981.03 KB, 853x480, 853:480, archiving is hard.webm)


>posting twitter links without archive

9edc9f No.14128371

File: 1ca333f01a65459⋯.gif (290.28 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 1ca333f01a654592be8d55c0a3….gif)


>Can't be FUCKED waste another moment on it with a rando off twitter. bye.


>I don't actually have any proper arguments but I will pretend I do to cover that false sense of security I have built around myself, here are some inflated numbers and things that have no citation. You cannot refute what I say since you are now blocked and will be forced to believe my lies.

aedfe9 No.14128374

File: 60992484c699ff1⋯.png (766 B, 129x17, 129:17, FDG.PNG)


>They're the fourth largest 8chan board, with a PPH higher than ours

>they're the fourth largest 8chan board

Wait wha-……….


d6bf9b No.14128378

File: dee06f1523fa7e4⋯.gif (3.16 MB, 604x438, 302:219, God in Devilman.gif)



So Mark is becoming BO of Buzzfeed now?

11746a No.14128381

File: 40bbf72a4d19906⋯.webm (15.94 MB, 640x360, 16:9, creating hell.webm)


I appreciate your need to publically state your admittedly irrational disdain for something you disapprove of on a purely emotional level


>expecting people on social media to argue in good faith

only ever engage with neutrals, you cant convince a zealot his beliefs are not true

f251f8 No.14128384


>But then I see the boomers posting and, holy shit, I'm at a loss for words. They're reasonable and nice and ask you to pray etc. It's fucking weird.

Makes me remember Season 1/2 of HWNDU and that anonymous woman with the "free Assange" sign.

3a8662 No.14128385


>The channel violated our community guidelines, we acted accordingly

<The channel violated our community guidelines, we doubled down, said it was fine, and kept it up until Logan Paul took it down himself

Fucking yellow dragonkin cockgarglers


Perhaps I'm giving Soygoy too much credit, but I don't think he meant "you" there in the general sense; I think he was specifically insulting Son of Tiamat and claiming he believes that, not himself.


It's generally the "hipster" mentality. When you define yourself as "not something else" you inevitably lose some of your soul to your desire to be morally superior to anyone who is "something else."


The original Q who posted on 4/pol/ was legit and covered some big things like the Vegas shooting and North Korea accurately. I haven't been following too closely, but my gut says there are enough locations for discontinuities that the current Q anon is a larper and not the original.


You could have handled that better. Just asking for a source on that claim out of curiosity to see those sources would have made them look much worse if they deflected.


>They're the fourth largest 8chan board

Wait, what?


Wow holy shit, this is nuts. I need to follow that shit closer.

36289a No.14128386


Exactly my thoughts what a good skeptic, how dare >she pull up those 30,000 posts to back up >her claims

9defb0 No.14128399


I missed it. Mind filling me in on what's up?

d6bf9b No.14128400

File: 9ae97d300d48893⋯.png (114.71 KB, 600x409, 600:409, 71814646HbXd5O.png)


Isn't Logan Paul getting sued?

3a8662 No.14128402

File: 45b606c9ec66573⋯.png (43.54 KB, 417x500, 417:500, smug pope.png)

Also completely unrelated, but as a result of /qresearch/ jumping up in the rankings, /leftypol/ is no longer a top 5 board.

>yfw you're not a filthy commie

e44e30 No.14128405


Apparently Trump will sue them for defamation.

3c834d No.14128406

File: 7a46b9527b23a15⋯.png (466.59 KB, 1280x676, 320:169, sneaking build.png)

>Author Katie Roiphe to write a cover-piece in Harper's Magazine Critical of the #MeToo Campaign and possibly Outing the creator of the "Shitty Men In Media List"; Twitter Harpies On the Warpath Trying to get it Cancelled








>Ben Kuchera - PUBG now features what looks a lot like gambling


36289a No.14128412

File: 4c8cdb9b47ac95c⋯.gif (170.86 KB, 244x211, 244:211, 1515038425.gif)


>You could have handled that better.

I agree, I really should attempt to argue with people like a decent person, but to be fair i'm drunk and this was a person who think Brianna Wu is a good person.


I've been trying to engage the other side for a while, mostly because when they argue it showcases how irrational and full of shit they are to anyone who comes acorss the comment. Plus I've been drinking and I just want to shitpost and I'm attempting to keep it out of this thread and focus my energy on twitter

568d16 No.14128427


They might get even bigger because media matters are calling this q stuff worse than pizzagate and MSM use them for their talking points from them.

>Infowars fully embraces “The Storm,” a conspiracy theory called “the new Pizzagate”


>Sean Hannity wades into message board conspiracy theory "The Storm"


828d42 No.14128431


> I just spent two hours last night figuring it out and debating whether it is real or the best larp/hoax in a long time.

Q told us that the same Arabs who run Twitter bought Playboy and all of the decades of blackmail material from Hefner's mansion. That was something we missed. So, Q does have access to some info. However, every time Q makes a prediction nothing happens.

d6bf9b No.14128432


We are breaking the conditioning.

b4d13d No.14128442

File: c8a08a51e7282ca⋯.png (215.19 KB, 450x441, 50:49, Oh fuck.png)



What the fuck? That wasn't there yesterday

27578c No.14128451

File: 74b47176fe9b328⋯.gif (4.94 MB, 205x302, 205:302, zglIKRT.gif)


When the fuck did this happen? Is this a normalfag invasion?

379865 No.14128452


>>Ben Kuchera - PUBG now features what looks a lot like gambling

What the fuck did they expect when Tencent got involved?

d181e8 No.14128453


It's their third board. They were just unindexed before. Boomers are proving the 8chan system works as they have left two BOs behind them already when they believed they were "comp'ed" (as they say).


There were some very curious things with the time markers. He posts [15] and [10] and [1] and future proves past or something. All of a sudden Trump's tweets happen exactly in those intervals: 15 minutes apart, 10 minutes apart, 1 minute apart, thus the future (Twitter posts) proving the past (his posts on 8chan announcing this). I'm not sure what to make of it still - I'm leaning LARP, but it's pretty entertaining nonetheless.

3f32b2 No.14128454


Alex Jones advertising 8chan happened.


568d16 No.14128467


They were banned of 4chan a while back and >>14128454

f75262 No.14128469


>Supposedly Assange will be freed by Trump in exchange for damaging info on Clinton. He's also predicting a chinese billionare national named Miles Kwok that's here in the US will be extrated to China in exchange for a greenlight to drop an EMP and carry out surgical strikes on North Korea.

Sounds like fun, can't wait to see the results.

b6497e No.14128470

File: 2b3fd5750f5496a⋯.png (1.16 MB, 1366x768, 683:384, tP1ir7J.png)


>go to board

>thread on front page is moon landing denial

Oh fuck, just what we need, more retards.

d6bf9b No.14128476


I've seen Alex Jones senpai mentioned 8chan a couple of times in his livestreams.

9bc519 No.14128495




I saw this stuff thrown around on twitter a bit. What exactly is it? From what I gathered, it's another LARPer. Any truth to that?

aedfe9 No.14128500


Read the thread.

9bc519 No.14128512


Yeah I suppose I should have done that before. I am learned now. Thanks.

e1f372 No.14128517

Anyone here have any idea what this /qresearch/ board is that jumped to third most active board overnight?

d181e8 No.14128519


Oh, they entertain very wild ideas in there. It's a mixture of /x/ and /pol/ with all the hallmarks of early-day GG, with board migrations and retarded BOs included. I wonder what their definitive split is going to be about. Child cannibalism? Oprah? I don't know, but at this rate I expect a /qhq/ and /qrevolt/ in the next few months.

e1f372 No.14128523


Never mind I see you are already discussing it.

aedfe9 No.14128538

File: 7a049a7f44f4b2e⋯.jpg (108.5 KB, 569x428, 569:428, 119wjdw.jpg)


Probably if A) Q admits he's been fucking with them, B) Nothing actually happens and they grow restless, C) Goons try to fuck with their innocent games due to their lack of knowledge of the web or D) Shit does happen and extremists try to create a fringe group.

e2ed55 No.14128547

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>That entire board

d181e8 No.14128574


Right now, I believe that even if Q admitted to being a graduate student writing a thesis about mass manipulation online, they would still think it all of his posts were true. They would just say Q's second tripcode was finally cracked and that only now it's a LARP, that the real Q is out there waiting for the right moment to post more crumbs etc. They are way past the point of no return. They're too invested in it and their bunker mentality / confirmation bias is out of hand.

941505 No.14128575

File: c5c4300e5ca9e70⋯.jpg (23.5 KB, 400x400, 1:1, slightly worried comfy cat.jpg)

This Q shit is pretty weird. Q hasn't posted much in the board he owns.

Fuck, I know this is probably fake, since it's too fantastic to be true, it still kind of freaks me out. Cryptic shit always had that effect on me, even on the old ARGs of the past.


Yeah. I skimmed a bit and it had posts about directed energy weapons and shit. It has boomer written all over it.

aedfe9 No.14128590




Oddly enough the worst case scenario for 8chan is if D happens, causing a tsunami of boomers to come here, inadvertently causing C) to happen along with B) considering they'd believe anything if they're not careful and grow restless when happenings aren't a daily occurrence.

0e70e4 No.14128599

File: 94d6452e9ba8a98⋯.jpg (35.6 KB, 300x450, 2:3, 1454514884.jpg)


If boomer rapefugees come we lolipost.

b6497e No.14128604

File: 07083f5804748d0⋯.png (21.68 KB, 400x160, 5:2, yum cp.png)


Why not one step further :^)

95797c No.14128614


Go away, Dan.

0e70e4 No.14128615


Because I like posting here.

2c2dd9 No.14128617

File: afe10f852eda6f9⋯.mp4 (98.73 KB, 640x360, 16:9, obama.mp4)

Holy fuck I hope boomers don't show up here.

d6bf9b No.14128618

File: 802a402487ba252⋯.jpg (91.19 KB, 606x650, 303:325, 1515510495894.jpg)


Loliposting has been a great filter against normalfags.

ae3743 No.14128619

So what's the deal with the ancient normalfags who just popped up. I figure you lads would be the best bet to know what with your personal experience of being outside normalfags fresh off the boat to a place you don't belong.

36289a No.14128623


Read the thread faggot

3f32b2 No.14128624

File: 98c0422bf9d9944⋯.png (73.33 KB, 244x370, 122:185, 98c0422bf9d994445f38967aea….png)

You can really tell these posts were made by boomer. It's kinda cute.






27578c No.14128626

File: 194e1aae9ea7b6d⋯.png (478.39 KB, 879x773, 879:773, 144934418931.png)


>tfw arafag

I'll just have to endure this for a better site

b6497e No.14128632

File: ec0fe5c094052d6⋯.gif (2.11 MB, 382x369, 382:369, 1449274446874.gif)





85b4d1 No.14128634

File: 9dddfc2504cb37d⋯.jpg (90.77 KB, 900x720, 5:4, Fellow .jpg)


There are no boomers on /V/ here fellow channer.

How about those memes?

d6bf9b No.14128636

File: 5ecd8c48dca3c8e⋯.jpg (37.26 KB, 444x470, 222:235, 1499368256101.jpg)

If loliposting don't work, post loli futas. If that doesn't work, post ara futas that have lolis for dicks. Anything to scare normalfags away.

27578c No.14128637


on the one hand

>female here

god damn normalfag attention whoring, but on the other hand, can we post /ss/ and /ara/ material on there to try and lewd her?

aedfe9 No.14128638

File: 59a44cbdbd6246d⋯.png (232.45 KB, 750x750, 1:1, 1440665400651.png)


I really do think we should make an ambassador thread just to teach them how imageboards really work because things are bound to get ugly when their time comes.

f75262 No.14128641

Holy fuck, I'm out of the loop.

Someone mind telling what a "boomer" is? Is it a baby boomer?

3f32b2 No.14128643

File: dbfa0edaf8417f5⋯.png (28.15 KB, 413x594, 413:594, 1428610276587-1.png)

d181e8 No.14128644

You can tell they're complete normalfags when you see too many letters in their "meme" imagery.

b62879 No.14128645

f75262 No.14128647


>If that doesn't work, post ara futas that have lolis for dicks.

I could spam my porn folder, if that's enough (Note that there is some furshit in it). However, the last time I began spamming lewds, one of my IPs was banned for a week.

d181e8 No.14128648


A baby boomer, meaning they're old because they were born in the 1940s, 1950s or 1960s. You know, not the audience anonymous imageboards are known for.

b6497e No.14128649

File: c3af5217c8a2372⋯.png (145.87 KB, 321x321, 1:1, shoah squid.png)


This is it. I always thought it would come in the form of underageb& and cuckchanners, but no, it's the fucking boomer retards. I can't believe this.

aedfe9 No.14128650

File: a0e7b24d795c7e9⋯.jpg (23.53 KB, 170x236, 85:118, 1450670929344.jpg)



85b4d1 No.14128655


Christ, it almost feels like it's bait.

e3b0f2 No.14128656



Leave them alone they are harmless



27578c No.14128657

File: 59ebe57914ade0b⋯.png (314.72 KB, 667x473, 667:473, centaur.png)


what about /monster/posting? Teach the boomers about horsepussy and snake cloacas.

5eadeb No.14128659

File: 73c561222924afe⋯.jpg (203 KB, 572x900, 143:225, Anzu 03.jpg)



Leave them be, They will learn by force like many others

b6497e No.14128661

File: 255e5881fe12f09⋯.jpg (5.05 KB, 256x197, 256:197, italian_furry_committing_s….jpg)


>they are harmless

They most certainly are not.

f75262 No.14128663


>You know, not the audience anonymous imageboards are known for.

So, when the lewdposting begins, don't post classic lewds. Got it!



TBH, I haven't exactly been secretive about my identity here. But, then again, I'm such a nobody that I don't think anyone really gives a fuck.

aedfe9 No.14128666



You know what I meant.


>They will learn by force like many others

That's what im afraid of.

e3b0f2 No.14128667

File: a40987b336af808⋯.png (114.81 KB, 641x629, 641:629, 1cea27ad7d7d0fd39407d5021d….png)

Shills or retards stop trying to start le ebig raiding XDDDD

d181e8 No.14128668


Nigga, they're very organized already.

They survived getting banned from 4/pol/, 8/pol/ and two BOs being retarded (Niko of Death, Bladeee, wink, wink).

d6bf9b No.14128669


So we can't spam giantess aras with lolis for dicks getting their loli's mouths and their ass penetrated by tentacles belonging to a giant inkling as they fight and crash the twin towers as Dobson genderbend furry inflates in shock? Well, any other solution?

c341a3 No.14128670


Question? Don't they make money out of you tube advertiser friendly format click-bait videos?

e1f372 No.14128671

These guys are the kind of people who call their congressmen when they see shit like what goes on here. This could actually be a problem.

27578c No.14128672


>Leave them alone they are harmless

remember after the reddit revolt when they set up a board here? It didn't take long before they started being faggots on other boards.

d6bf9b No.14128673


That works.

b62879 No.14128679


How are they harmful, do you really think the fucking boomers are going to infiltrate us? Just leave them be, let them experience anonymous imageboards. Imagine you get to experience that for the firs time with everyone else again, that's what they're experiencing right now

b6497e No.14128680


>do you really think the fucking boomers are going to infiltrate us?


aedfe9 No.14128681

File: 9fd373dd5eaf769⋯.jpg (94.66 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 1449532645267.jpg)








>mfw /christian/ will be in the top 5 boards soon.

e3b0f2 No.14128686

File: 35219389d9a306d⋯.png (435.37 KB, 600x718, 300:359, 35219389d9a306df02db794a2d….png)


seems like the only faggot here is people wanting to shit up another board like how /int/ did

not even val is this fucking stupid

b62879 No.14128687


They're going to stick out like a sore thumb anon, there's no way they will be able to infiltrate. besides what are they going to do on a video game board? /pol/ might have to worry a little bit but they won't give two shits about /v/

9bc519 No.14128688


/pol/ is too hardcore for them and they don't play videogames, so we should be unaffected. Can't say the same for /tv/

b6497e No.14128689


It always starts with /pol/ anon, and never stays just there.

d181e8 No.14128690


I don't think they play video games. We'll be fine.

0e70e4 No.14128692


Boomers would improve /tv/ t b h

aedfe9 No.14128693


Not to agree with the Anon, but the opposite will occur with outside groups trying to raid them when they lose momentum.

194af5 No.14128694


>tfw no boomer gf

f75262 No.14128695

File: 1edef9a7a90696e⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 127.2 KB, 850x670, 85:67, __blake_belladonna_ruby_ro….jpg)

File: eacf4377f835d72⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 105.64 KB, 850x827, 850:827, __enjou_sakuya_original_dr….jpg)

File: 4e686a5ebdfd90a⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 225.26 KB, 1024x1647, 1024:1647, __original_drawn_by_j_k__f….jpg)

File: 7090bb7f80bc304⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 233.4 KB, 1200x1920, 5:8, __yakumo_yukari_touhou_dra….jpg)

File: a4a7a1c3ee49e1d⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 659.56 KB, 2500x1250, 2:1, 001_a_000_www.hentaibedta.….jpg)


I'd say things will mostly be fine if we attach lewds to our posts, BUT the post's text itself has to remain on-topic.

<Like this


>Can't say the same for /tv/

Isn't that board already cancer?

3f32b2 No.14128698

File: 4c2817ffeb6b747⋯.gif (5.89 MB, 751x582, 751:582, 1462395715485.gif)


>/christain/ and possibly /k/ getting raided by baby boomers

I don't know how to feel about this.

9bc519 No.14128699



yeah, what I meant is that /tv/ might have some actual discussion of film for once

aedfe9 No.14128700



They'll probably go to /christain/, /brit/, /news/, /k/ or make a new board entirely. I wouldn't made a couple of them if they know shit about weapons and act well in /k/.

b62879 No.14128701


Like I said, they'll stick out like sore thumbs, go look at their posts for 2 seconds anon. Besides do you really think they'll be able to handle /pol/? There's a lot of niche communities on 8chan just leave them alone. I guarantee no boomer is going to be able to infiltrate anywhere. Especially with out trap and loli posting

e1f372 No.14128712



They better stay out of /tv/. We are not shy about dumping the actress folders.

611e07 No.14128713


>I don't know how to feel about this.

I wish /sp/. was still here to at least educate them. And they would probably like to play getball on other threads. Sadly this will never happen so their newfag boomer cancer will only spread.

d6bf9b No.14128718


The fappening attracted normalfags to halfchan. /tv/ has no defense like the anime and vidya boards.

568d16 No.14128719

File: 3da9f3050ef731a⋯.png (258.89 KB, 740x410, 74:41, Screenshot-365-740x410.png)


That won't save buzzfeed. Trump is going to sue them for all he can for publishing the piss dossier. An even bigger nail in the coffin would be if they were part of the journos/organizations paid to do so by Fusion GPS.

>COURT RECORDS: Fusion GPS Paid Media Companies As Well As Journalists


aedfe9 No.14128720


>We are not shy about dumping the actress folders.

They'll probably take the gesture to start taking about how all the actresses are whores

f75262 No.14128724

File: 17ef1f1295c3357⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 368.13 KB, 650x775, 26:31, 01_tumblr_mx23a9PBt81t4zlz….jpg)

File: f5070b982cb9c56⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 371.61 KB, 700x491, 700:491, 02_tumblr_mx23a9PBt81t4zlz….jpg)

File: 4de80debdb1ecee⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 293.56 KB, 1053x1489, 1053:1489, 2a018cf311b1844b0f4cee137a….jpg)

File: 70055cb0bc16e6e⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 285.92 KB, 900x1272, 75:106, 03.jpg)

File: 8c3d40022547b82⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 282.2 KB, 900x1238, 450:619, 04.jpg)


Think it may also improve /co/, and stop having the board going all "Oh woe is me!" all the time?


They may also go to /strek/. Although, I am curious if anyone of them will check out any of the boards featured on the roulette. Imagine if a boomer ciriously clicks on /d/, or /vore/, or /sonyeon/.


>We are not shy about dumping the actress folders.

Are they actual pics, or photo manipulations?


I think that would be funny to see, a bunch of boomers ridiculing today's actresses like the grandparents they are.

9bc519 No.14128726

File: 7dbd6c6ef18498a⋯.gif (1.26 MB, 275x319, 25:29, 7dbd6c6ef18498a560ce70bc67….gif)


>inb4 they start dumping old heartthrob actresses like Marilyn Monroe

611e07 No.14128728


Doesn't #metoo show that most of them are?

e1f372 No.14128729



I don't think you guys are understanding here. I'm talking Dan "The Hymen Divider" Schneider actress folders here. Underage foot fetish is just the tip of the /tv/ iceberg.

b6497e No.14128732

File: ec993edfe69e22f⋯.png (155.43 KB, 460x456, 115:114, pained jotaro.png)


>Besides do you really think they'll be able to handle /pol/

If reddit could they can. They'll probably do better than reddit even.

aedfe9 No.14128735

File: 2fe031c8d9ad177⋯.jpg (13.17 KB, 255x240, 17:16, 1466789296620.jpg)


>I wish /sp/. was still here to at least educate them.

You know, call me crazy but this could be a great opportunity in reviving old 8/sp/ with a bunch of old timers talking about sports, its history and personal experiences.

It just needs the right moderation against people seeking to destroy it like the past attempts.

d6bf9b No.14128741


It won't be the same /sp/ee.

f75262 No.14128743

File: a01d9b20c8440fc⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 815.4 KB, 1280x1280, 1:1, 05_007738b987596d59a0d9c6e….jpg)

File: 3a39af886371df9⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 276.95 KB, 900x1272, 75:106, 08.jpg)

File: 24fc2687503e754⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 289.63 KB, 784x1200, 49:75, 10 (8).jpg)

File: 938acd18800ecd5⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 151.2 KB, 900x1100, 9:11, 015 (2).jpg)

File: e1797b4b5db837c⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 2.24 MB, 2000x2023, 2000:2023, 0017 (181).png)


>I'm talking Dan "The Hymen Divider" Schneider actress folders here.

I am absolutely clueless as to the significance of that.

>Underage foot fetish is just the tip of the /tv/ iceberg.


902769 No.14128745

The boomers only care about Q, they don’t care about any of the other boards. No reason to freak out over this.

aedfe9 No.14128746


>Underage foot fetish

A lot of old people are into foot, considering its the safest of the weird fetishes.

aedfe9 No.14128748


It would at least be a decent containment board.

0e70e4 No.14128753


Is jerking off gay? You're pleasuring a dick.

b6497e No.14128754

File: 15c4e97c918d137⋯.gif (1.49 MB, 300x300, 1:1, 1428287642306.gif)


Last time I checked your fetish is not determined by the relative weirdness or legality of it.

9bc519 No.14128755


no because it's your own dick and it's your own hand

d6bf9b No.14128757


Direct them to >>>/sports/

3f32b2 No.14128760


It's only gay if you get off to the feeling of a cock being in your hand.

0fb9f0 No.14128763

File: 563eac4fb461100⋯.gif (966.11 KB, 245x250, 49:50, am i worried.gif)

Did Paul Logan deserve what he got? He's an e-celeb so I don't really give a shit as all of them are attention-whoring tumors, even if you agree with them, but now people are treating Logan as some kind of racist/xenophobe for supposedly mistreating japs or some dumbass shit and being a "drumpf supporter" despite there being no proof for any of this as far as I can tell. And now they're treating his decline as some grand victory for liberalism/social justice. Should this kind of thing be a matter of concern?


Fucking youngfag.

0e70e4 No.14128765



Neither of you are the only male on 8ch, please restrain yourselves from answering questions for men.

0fb9f0 No.14128767

File: d4a01ebc4d5690f⋯.png (746.21 KB, 786x717, 262:239, 1432910901470.png)




>tfw /sp/ will never be the same again

Good lord it hurts so much.

aedfe9 No.14128768


>Did Paul Logan deserve what he got?

Yes, the Paul brothers are beneath saving at this point.

d6bf9b No.14128775


That's why >>>/sports/ so that /sp/ can be left alone.

e1f372 No.14128777

File: 4f3404ce71ff218⋯.jpg (362.48 KB, 1777x1306, 1777:1306, 1425363866850.jpg)


He is the Patron Saint of /tv/. All marvel before his blatant and unchallenged mastery of cunny.

aedfe9 No.14128784

File: 4daddd9b45d7e32⋯.png (66.11 KB, 233x255, 233:255, template.png)


Another thing we could try is posting photos from NAM, but I wouldn't be sure if the ptsd trigger would cause it to harm themselves.

ed114a No.14128786


chirst-tan is top 5 in my heart

afdcb0 No.14128788

File: 46e07bfcb593286⋯.mp4 (46.85 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Do It.mp4)

Would you fags mind sending a few boomers over our way to >>>/sw/? We could use some more fresh meat to sheevpill on our literature-loving way of life.

e3b0f2 No.14128792

c341a3 No.14128796


Well let's see if where this goes.

aedfe9 No.14128798

File: 7e9a9c0d3af144c⋯.jpg (59.04 KB, 1032x936, 43:39, 1392326157118.jpg)


>/pol/ literally becomes senile.

f75262 No.14128801

File: d6b3ad80029fc09⋯.webm (Spoiler Image, 7.63 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, starlight glimmer ptsd.webm)


I have to admit, I, sort-of, do.


>Fucking youngfag.

It was the context in which Anons were using the word that threw me off.


I have very little "war" related stuff.

<And most of the "good ones" are things like this

13c22a No.14128803

Boomers in imageboards? Who invited them in? As long as /v/ and /pol/ are safe, I can ignore them.

f75262 No.14128805

File: bf748ede9ac0325⋯.webm (1.08 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, reeee.webm)


And, I left the spoiler tag on for a video that didn't need it.

27578c No.14128807


no anon, you did the right thing

aedfe9 No.14128809


That should be enough. Until they actually start talking about pony.

Nice to see another horsefucker around

3f32b2 No.14128813

0fb9f0 No.14128821

File: 0e7b8c5383c850f⋯.gif (622.33 KB, 281x207, 281:207, Hulk Hogan reks Gawker.gif)


Technically the whole world seems to be going senile.


Good. I hope the end result will be as fun as when the Hulkster defeated Kotaku.

b62879 No.14128822


>If reddit could they can.

Nah you're being overly paranoid. Reddit didn't have 60 years of normalfaggotry ingrained in them. Like it or not reddit is still familiar with how the internet works and they are mostly still young enough to adapt and attempt to fit in. I don't think Alex Jones listening boomers have that same capacity for infiltration. Especially with lolis and traps as our shield

ec508a No.14128825

b62879 No.14128833


Don't you have a fat jew to be triggered by?

aedfe9 No.14128834


You should've made a thread.

b6497e No.14128837


I think you underestimate the problem, especially with anons like this >>14128813

f75262 No.14128839

File: 0976585116d4e93⋯.png (122.94 KB, 550x350, 11:7, MLP13.png)

File: 69e30d468cce1f1⋯.jpg (195.32 KB, 1080x2560, 27:64, Valhalla 2 6dXP0F7.jpg)


>Nice to see another horsefucker around

Dropped the show at the end of Season 6 (Was losing interest much before that point anyway), only watch the EG show for Sunset Shimmer (Because I do like her, but the show sucks, not as bad a CYRWBY though, and, thank God, Neo likely will not return and suffer from the same character assassination as everyone else has).

afdcb0 No.14128841

File: c144485ee72256c⋯.gif (3.27 MB, 506x290, 253:145, HORSE HERESY.gif)



<I sort-of, do

<It was the context in which Anons were using the word that threw me off

You horsefuckers will always be just as bad as furfags.

aedfe9 No.14128850


It got good again in season 7 and some season 8 episodes got leaked. The one with Cheeseholes is pretty great.

b6497e No.14128859

File: b14aef43505d0c4⋯.jpg (39.7 KB, 363x481, 363:481, Pure hate.jpg)


>horsefucker and RWBY

f75262 No.14128860


Too late, I have better stuff to watch, like Stargate, and Future Boy Conan.

b62879 No.14128861


No I don't think they won't try to infiltrate other boards but I just don't think they will be successful. And I'm sure after being shut down a few times they'll give up. Remember unlike /leftypol/ or reddit their main goal isn't to subvert other boards, if they try subversion that will be incidental

27578c No.14128864

File: facc97aba77b60d⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 1.12 MB, 827x1169, 827:1169, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4acc0ca9128e40d⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 456.56 KB, 494x700, 247:350, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 53980c7c02568cd⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 754.41 KB, 850x531, 850:531, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2ec9301e4fc490f⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 875.71 KB, 764x1081, 764:1081, ClipboardImage.png)


Now link them to some lewd boards

b62879 No.14128871



That reminds me, SG1anon hasn't been around and making webms for the last couple weeks


They can check out good lewd boards like


or >>>/zoo/


f75262 No.14128887

File: c69480b34f19734⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 1.14 MB, 1188x1620, 11:15, 20_3b540ae7d8997f2160e2939….png)

File: 54a3510880b67bd⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 230.27 KB, 600x800, 3:4, 022.jpg)

File: a314673b766668a⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 109.12 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, 022_11836250198801-Hentaib….jpg)

File: 560f6c8c4e17e75⋯.jpeg (Spoiler Image, 85.6 KB, 800x700, 8:7, 22e9896211a1b42a473e6f1a7….jpeg)

File: b480798d39b079c⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 341.34 KB, 1305x1024, 1305:1024, 027_118.jpg)


Would boomers even find any "romanticism" in headpats and handholding?


>SG1anon hasn't been around and making webms for the last couple weeks

Glad I'm not the only one who wonders what happens to the various personalities that develop here.

>or >>>/zoo/

I just had a scary thought about that. Not that they'll be disgusted, but that a few will talk about their "exploits".

f06c9a No.14128889

File: cd0196a57c5151b⋯.mp4 (9.63 MB, 480x360, 4:3, meteor compilation webm.mp4)

so, do we teach boomers about the powers of mememagic and the glorious …


da325e No.14128891

boomers love jews, don't they?






















f75262 No.14128895


<Forgot to turn the spoiler tag on


aedfe9 No.14128897

27578c No.14128908

File: 04aeb9f5ce612f3⋯.png (6.27 MB, 3279x1846, 3279:1846, 04aeb9f5ce612f37a89db3f4db….png)


actually, showing them the deathflower, kek god, or daughters of megaleon constellation post screencaps might be fun.

But more importantly, we should introduce them to deepfreeze

56ee91 No.14128913

File: 9c22702de708b2f⋯.png (649.08 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, __junko_touhou_drawn_by_sh….png)


>You will never help Junko to move beyond the catastrophic trauma of losing her son.

Feels genuinely bad, man.

2503f0 No.14128916





Too many inside jokes for them to get methinks

d4aaf2 No.14128918

File: 77fc7c10dea5bb0⋯.jpg (25.85 KB, 328x466, 164:233, 90d18b76f9794134e9cc930188….jpg)

Why is everyone getting worked up over boomers? We have anons on /v/ over 40, there was even a couple in their 50s.

Just tell the retards to lurk moar if they start shitting threads up.

b62879 No.14128920


>Not that they'll be disgusted, but that a few will talk about their "exploits".

Don't get up my hopes up anon

27578c No.14128925


but these are normalfag boomers. they're worse than regular normalfags

4a5797 No.14128934

ok reading through their threads it sounds like its a bunch of faggots that got banned from 4cucks that are pretending to be boomers.

2503f0 No.14128936

Also, didn't Q get disproven as a shill doing a social experiment or something? If so can I get a link?

a9e226 No.14128937

File: 97c7877e14b7bdb⋯.jpg (47.1 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 1466239370437.jpg)


I just called the cops.

e3b0f2 No.14128940


just shills or (((leaderfags))) who keep saying "we" like they are leading everyone

aedfe9 No.14128946

File: bbb43a7b4c750d4⋯.png (2.96 KB, 824x46, 412:23, Screenshot-2018-1-10 Welco….png)


Who knows, but there's a thousand of them and growing.

aedfe9 No.14128955

File: a987df63f87b089⋯.jpg (24.75 KB, 720x540, 4:3, 1447371676368-4.jpg)


Shit, I just noticed they're going to pass /b/ soon

f75262 No.14128958

File: 5eca2f6318ff0ab⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 254.12 KB, 900x1000, 9:10, 029.jpg)

File: 32a80846345dbc2⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 201.56 KB, 900x1157, 900:1157, 29.jpg)

File: 1c7b036912eee63⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 399.13 KB, 1000x661, 1000:661, 030_alkaid_01.jpg)

File: d53c5c990b09900⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 368.77 KB, 1278x628, 639:314, 0031 (2).jpg)

File: c48b5510f3ab5a3⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 490 KB, 800x1033, 800:1033, 031_alkaid_02.jpg)



What happens if they overtake /b/?

2d4824 No.14128961

File: d56f1b96fc88a88⋯.jpg (21.21 KB, 310x300, 31:30, grim scared.jpg)


>the great UID wall of /b/ is about to be breached

f06c9a No.14128965


maybe its a Psyop to destroy 8chan!

The shitpost to end all shitpost!



4a5797 No.14128968


>surpass /b/

good. that place went to shit end of 2014 anyway.

anyway. back to video games.

aedfe9 No.14128979


/b/ was never good and this is website related matters which is fair game,

26721c No.14128990

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Watch Empire of Dust on youtube, then ask the question again.

c1d423 No.14129003

Today is an interesting day.

Also trips.

4a1c38 No.14129019

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


what a shame. look at this TL;DR instead

c1d423 No.14129026

File: fa422d689d7637a⋯.jpg (708.94 KB, 1796x1544, 449:386, Asuka pineapple.jpg)

That about fits my luck today.

How are you anons doing tonight? I've had a rough day, but the wiki framework is all done, just need to be configured and then we see what it will take to dump the wiki archive onto the server and get it all accessible. Then we link up the URLs.

I asked our host to get me a shell account on the server so I can finish the install, so we're just waiting on that now.

26721c No.14129028

File: dba1c780c85f89f⋯.png (88.93 KB, 346x366, 173:183, reeee.png)


Then, watch Empire of Dust in its entirety anyway because it'll be enjoyable now that you know what you'll see.

568d16 No.14129048

File: 21e5070acad45b5⋯.mp4 (9.39 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Rep. Jim Jordan reacts to ….mp4)



Last 40 seconds or so of this clip gives a quick explanation of the mess buzzfeed jumped into.

95797c No.14129063

File: 62c46acb5990aa3⋯.webm (15.58 MB, 480x360, 4:3, Kusumi Koharu - Balalaika.webm)


Know if anyone else is trying to maintain a GG Wiki?

e2ed55 No.14129068

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I’m just trying to find more sweet Nip tunes

26721c No.14129070

File: 5d01ec3c6fa0a7c⋯.png (583.96 KB, 652x387, 652:387, DigThatHole.png)


We appreciate you slaving over a hot command line anon.

95797c No.14129072

Hooktube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


How's this?

13c22a No.14129083


>3rd image

Holy fuck. You saved that guro shit? Saw it somewhere a long time ago and I wanted to forget it, and others, existed. Sick bastard.

156eb5 No.14129089

File: 41376906c6662a2⋯.jpg (90.8 KB, 750x584, 375:292, Tanahashi Happy 3.jpg)


It's gonna be fine, Acidman.

aedfe9 No.14129092

File: c1f8c28a0f4a67b⋯.png (28.07 KB, 1307x531, 1307:531, Screenshot-2018-1-10 Board….png)

File: dc0564687a82659⋯.png (42.72 KB, 835x639, 835:639, Screenshot-2018-1-10 Welco….png)

File: c1820e0f519fbad⋯.png (1.47 KB, 353x26, 353:26, nip.PNG)

Looks like >>>/qresearch/ got delisted.

b6497e No.14129095

File: 0997f0596b037db⋯.png (289.19 KB, 374x373, 374:373, concerned snake.png)



>that third pic


I didn't see it at first, but looking at the background I think I know where it's going.

aedfe9 No.14129103

File: e0550ff94931825⋯.png (29.39 KB, 1167x555, 389:185, Screenshot-2018-1-10 qres….png)


It also looks like they're getting raided.

95797c No.14129106


Odd, /qs/ doesn't show up on board search, but it is showing on Recent and Fast Threads.


I'm guessing the BO delisted the board to minimize raiding, to little avail.

e3b0f2 No.14129108


ye by retards like you (37)

d181e8 No.14129112

They unindexed the board.

c2dcde No.14129120


thank fuck, hopefully this keeps up long enough that the normalfag boomers leave to a different site.

f75262 No.14129121

File: 6dd92b961dc5fc2⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 135.81 KB, 746x913, 746:913, 42.png)

File: c1901cd746b4abf⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 286.65 KB, 853x1100, 853:1100, 044_2294835.jpg)

File: bd37831eb8ccff8⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 949.01 KB, 1024x1448, 128:181, 044_3650509-Hentaibedta.ne….jpg)

File: f8d60e27442eb0c⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 313.9 KB, 900x1200, 3:4, 044_a_043_www.hentaibedta.….jpg)

File: 2168c1896da9ea5⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 119.07 KB, 600x848, 75:106, 44.jpg)



>I'm guessing the BO delisted the board to minimize raiding, to little avail.


In that case, how long until they realize it's futile, relist it, and wait for things to finally settle down?

13c22a No.14129124

File: 79dc96c6e24446b⋯.jpeg (41.18 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 79dc96c6e24446bdc5a7efad2….jpeg)


What's going on here? Looks fishy.


It taught me that Japan is a dark place forever.


They can hide boards like that huh? I wonder what else is hidden from the top 25?

3f32b2 No.14129142


They're hyper paranoid, their general bread now tells you to treat the board like fight club.


d181e8 No.14129144


Again, it's their third board and nobody here knew about them until now. It works to a certain extent.

aedfe9 No.14129147


Too late now, best case scenario the BO and some vols take an all nighter to ban people.

2e071f No.14129189


New breads should never be made during 'shit at posting hours'

e3b0f2 No.14129248


>shit up 200 posts of a thread telling people to raid some board of idiots


Fuck off (38)

aedfe9 No.14129262


Sure thing (7)

902769 No.14129289


It’s not to make them leave, it’s to keep faggots like you out.

8abb2d No.14129303

File: 5c3427f83f40335⋯.jpg (57.43 KB, 658x334, 329:167, EgyptianPepe77.jpg)

Shadilay Anons! Reporting back from a mission into Gab.

>Many true believers.

>Some experienced and tenacious shills.

>Nazis everywhere.

>Growing fast, but not in a position to challenge Twitter for some time yet.


>A bit too much worrying about the Jews.

>Would benefit from using GG tactics especially sourcing and archiving.

Watch out for the religious people.

>Score: 8/10 with potential.

d181e8 No.14129307


I hope this is an ironic post.

379865 No.14129308

File: 92cf9e7ecc5fe21⋯.png (404.89 KB, 750x422, 375:211, 1464629506393.png)

>decide to take one last look at shit happening before going to bed

>Intel continues to double down on claiming that Spectre basically a nothingburger is "worse" than Meltdown


I didn't want to go to bed mad, but fuck.

8abb2d No.14129322


Fuck I knew I was in enemy territory too long.

b62879 No.14129329


You mean you've been cuckchan all this time until just now and thought you were in good company? Lurk for a year before posting

d6d3e5 No.14129347

File: 95f4b6e8f01de35⋯.png (477.2 KB, 720x404, 180:101, vlcsnap-2018-01-09-00h42m2….png)


Forgive me if this has already been done, but has an archive of all the wiki data been uploaded somewhere in case of another catastrophe?

c1d423 No.14129353


There's a partial one at thisisvideogames.com, but the admin seems to have disappeared the the wiki is locked down. That, and discovering the gg.me archive motivated me to do this.

Night guys.

b62879 No.14129360


When Acid gets his new GG wiki up, just make a site rip like he did and if his site goes down you can make the next GG wiki 2 years later based on the backup you made and forgot about. and the cycle can repeat forever

c1d423 No.14129363


I uploaded a copy to catbox when I first discovered it and some anons from here downloaded it.

I intend to archive and upload the wiki as a whole periodically. I think of it as "crowdsourced remote backup" functionality.

8abb2d No.14129369


I'll start lurking when SJWs stop killing people.

b62879 No.14129380


How about you start lurking now so you stop seeming like such a cancerous newfag. It's like that fag from the other day who was saying he alternated between here and cuckchan yet he kept acting like a newfag and a cancerous piece of shit. You wouldn't happen to be him would you anon? Because your posts sound exactly like his

3e8d57 No.14129424


>People that defend this shitty artstyle exist.

>This many people try to defend it.

>Even more people asshurt at mombot at those gross artists who made fun of tumblr.

This is more pathetic than when Dieselbrain tried to defend Tumblr noses or say his fat girl art is progressive.

be9685 No.14129437

File: be2bb11c1c6830d⋯.png (246.3 KB, 900x506, 450:253, be2bb11c1c6830d5442323c68f….png)


>i-it's just a bad crop!

>the full image is even worse

8abb2d No.14129451

b91967 No.14129476


>i deadass hate this kind of tweets

Are they speaking English? I can't tell.

b62879 No.14129503

File: 72f2410b09f187c⋯.png (151.81 KB, 1280x640, 2:1, DTHzQ6OW4AA-4WW (1).png)


Just look at this picture and take it in for a second. You know what it reminds me of? A picture of two students who have to play tard wrangler for the period because the actual tard wranglers are taking a break.

>Very left one

>overly excited

>bug eyes

>big gaping grin and misshapen teeth

It has all the signs of a full on retard. Even the girl that she's looking at is giving her a look of slight approval but also with a hint of derision. Like she knows she's looking at a retard and she feels slightly bad and slightly annoyed but she can't express it properly because she doesn't want to make the tard feel bad.

Then look at the other two.

Another tard that's overly excited about learning while not actually learning anything. Open, slightly misaligned smile like she doesn't quite know how to present a proper smile, holding were hands in weird ways.

All while the purple haired one is like that weird girl in class who the teacher roped into helping the tards because she has no friends and is desperate for approval so she's just quietly trying to get through this experience and actually maybe make a difference in the retard's life. She knows she won't deep down but she wants to believe she will anyway.

All of it disgusts me though that this is that tumblr artist's rendition of a cute scene

a1ca07 No.14129515


When is the lawsuit gonna come up because the dumbass did that? Even if it was because of an all inclusive issue that all hardware gets fucked by, dumping their stock would still be the correct action because he knew and tried to pull that shit thinking that some autist wouldn't dig it up the second the news broke.


You know that picture of the otaku wearing a pink wig? That is what they look like. They all look like men wearing wigs. There is nothing cute about men wearing wigs. There is comedy derived from that, but not cuteness.

078f9e No.14129517


The more I look, the worse it gets.

85b4d1 No.14129519


>Make something subjectively ugly to most normal people

>Have little to no respect for original artists vision for the characters

>Probably arrogant enough to think that yours is an improvement

wah why are people being mean to me!

b62879 No.14129521


>You know that picture of the otaku wearing a pink wig

Enlighten me anon, I've probably seen it but I can't think of it off the top of me head.


That's how I feel, I kept looking at it and constructed the whole retards in class scenario in my mind just because it was so stupid

5f089e No.14129529

File: aff9a67f4b9bd4a⋯.png (14.43 KB, 594x135, 22:5, cucks.PNG)


>I'm a cuck that has no balls, why aren't you like me?

ed114a No.14129542

File: dfe9351e793fc0d⋯.png (377.19 KB, 326x697, 326:697, think.png)


I'm fucking grinning ear to ear because this is so terribly funny to me. This is post modernism boiled down to its simplest form. Make something that looks good ugly for the sake of inclusivity.

I had to make a tumber on a throw away email because tumbler got wise and hid all the good porn behind a log in. I'm going to spend the next few days making a twitter that does this comparisons

85b4d1 No.14129546


How dare you take a picture this person publicly posted and comment on it, on the internet no less!

e2ed55 No.14129548

File: 93f512bc771ad50⋯.jpeg (369.18 KB, 1200x1800, 2:3, 8F92AF54-DBD4-47C6-A766-4….jpeg)


>Asking permission to criticize something

545d5a No.14129551

File: 91479cca3bbb1bf⋯.png (2.08 MB, 2560x1440, 16:9, Screenshot_2018-01-10-03-4….png)


That's fucking scathing. Hardly inaccurate, though.

b62879 No.14129553

File: 1ebe535341cfa68⋯.png (1.2 MB, 766x788, 383:394, Capture.PNG)


Especially this one, just fucking look at it. Look at everything about it and think that these were intentional choices that the artist made. And as far as I can tell it's not a lack of artistic ability that causes this weird fucking face that reeks of multiple birth defects and an IQ of 65 that will be depending on her parents forever like a child. Contrast that to the Nigger looking girl to the right who is semi normal looking which tells me that the artist knows what a normal person looks like and has the ability to draw a normal person but instead chose to draw this fucking face. Just fucking look at it. God damn

b62879 No.14129559


>I'm fucking grinning ear to ear because this is so terribly funny to me.

I also think it's really funny but it's honestly blowing my mind just how intentionally and purposefully ugly it is. Like all the little choices that had to go into drawing this face to make it this way.

a1ca07 No.14129564


I don't have it, so I will describe it as best I am able. It is a guy with a pink wig, a body pillow and wearing a t-shirt. The body pillow and the t-shirt both have the pink haired magical girl that I think Urobochi directed. Off to the side there is a man staring in disgusted confusion at him wearing a black jacket.


The eyes remind me of Sima Yi's actor in RotTK2010. That bulging bug eyed look.

85b4d1 No.14129574


It almost feels like they're so insecure about not being good enough to make really good art that they decided that being "Unique" is just as good. Of course that's somewhat ironic because all fucking tumblr artists look a like to me, equally grotesque and reeking of snow flake-ness.

b62879 No.14129579


Is the picture of that one swiss banker guy who has all the anime stuff and does dumb shit with it? I forgot his name

e2ed55 No.14129582


She could probably fit her whole fist in her gaping nigger mouth with that glorious set of horse teeth

a1ca07 No.14129585


No, but I imagine something similar happened with him. These guys were both Asians, Japanese I believe.

2e071f No.14129594

File: 9a831e06f2c39d7⋯.png (388.23 KB, 438x458, 219:229, waifu material.png)


I'm your waifu now Birry

b62879 No.14129602

Hooktube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


She honestly wouldn't look out of place saying that her name is Cindy and she like pancakes or some shit in this video.

bde535 No.14129609

File: 7a663f66e198173⋯.png (778.8 KB, 1274x498, 637:249, GDQ cosplay.png)


Artists rendition of the picture in question

b62879 No.14129619

File: 43d167ae1c47580⋯.png (771.13 KB, 589x649, 589:649, Capture2.PNG)

7e2e44 No.14129641


Errybody's going to get fucked.

078f9e No.14129644


STOP. CH doesn't need this after all she went through.

b62879 No.14129657

File: d3e7c8c27d9ffee⋯.png (1.49 MB, 1310x960, 131:96, Capture3.PNG)


Look at it, look at the bulging eyes and teeth that are too big that suggest a skull that's too small, containing a developmentally stunted brain. The eyes are too big for the skull so they bulge out as do the teeth, braces won't do anything since there's no room in the too small mouth for them to move. She probably never closes her mouth entirely as it's quite uncomfortable for her, her teeth not quite fitting in her mouth and all. So she sites there mouth at least slightly agape staring with those bulging eyes at all times. Her mouth being open all the time is probably really dry which promotes bad breath which she of course doesn't realize. So she gets way too close to you staring at you and breathing through her mouth with her terrible breath and plaque filled teeth because she doesn't know any better

2e071f No.14129658

File: 1c6500b0a149dd8⋯.png (314.63 KB, 346x408, 173:204, why dick small.png)


Hey Birry why is your dick smaller than my dad's?

078f9e No.14129660


She was pure anon ;_;

b62879 No.14129674

File: b4662b6878f24f0⋯.png (865.95 KB, 1899x446, 1899:446, Capture4.PNG)


Pure until her dad and uncle played special games with her because she didn't know any better. It feels weird and kind of hurts but she loves her dad and he tells her that it's just a fun tickling game, she of course believes this because her toddler like intellect can't comprehend that her daddy would lie to her. So she goes along with it making weird noises and shitting herself while they play their games. It's a really disgusting sight anon

be9685 No.14129682

File: 35b84c4a28140d7⋯.jpg (119.87 KB, 392x495, 392:495, 35b84c4a28140d7bafe6d90fbf….jpg)


Please no.

b62879 No.14129702


Hey don't look at me, I didn't draw it. I'm just telling you the facts

62936d No.14129706

File: aff4df2e4f47dc4⋯.jpeg (85.46 KB, 579x900, 193:300, 26e436aba4aa73ce9f004c319….jpeg)



Got what you're looking for right here.

2e071f No.14129714


Can't wait for destiny to come out and say it's ok molest tards.

078f9e No.14129717


Lel I was talking about CH, not the weebloli.

503809 No.14129718


I cant wait for that lawsuit to got through on him

b62879 No.14129719


Oh shit thanks anon


Isn't that one guy suing DesTiny for defamation because the midget said that guy was molesting a tard?

b62879 No.14129722


I know but I was having fun with it so I went with it

5f089e No.14129730


Yep, and from what I heard, the frenchie was actually investigated by the police, Tiny might be fucked.

06f093 No.14129735


Retards, regardless of what their disability is, are mentally children according to Des_TINY, even if their guardians and the tard in question consented.

faffe9 No.14129772

File: bd5fff12e6e3880⋯.jpg (19.3 KB, 369x382, 369:382, aw.jpg)

Those posters on /qresearch/ reminds me of the_donald, they're cute and polite yet naive on most subjects

As long as they assimilate into imageboard culture, and don't just stick to their board, I guess it's alright

e3b0f2 No.14129789


They are totally fucking fine to stick to their board you stupid fucking idiotic retard

what ya gonna do fucking suck their dick and call them gay for not posting on fucking /cuteboys/ you massive homo

Im gonna fucking kill you

2e071f No.14129793


How are they inconveniencing other boards if they just stay on their own?

f251f8 No.14129795

File: a225a7ce792c0e6⋯.gif (370.67 KB, 500x281, 500:281, laughing.gif)


>Tiny might be fucked.

The diddly dwarf is done for. The molesting manlet, the child grooming gnome, the pint-sized prison slut.

2e071f No.14129807


If two prisoners are spitroasting destiny and the tips of their dicks touch, is it gay?

5f089e No.14129811


Depends on the balls

b62879 No.14129813


This anon >>14129789 is right, let them stick to their board you faggot, who gives a shit. They can have their little secluded community, they aren't hurting anyone don't be such a faggot. I hope e3b0f2 kills you

faffe9 No.14129841

File: 8c9b9d178b08723⋯.webm (1.09 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Ciao Ciao.webm)




You mean you retards just stick to this one thread, and think you're changing something? How can you convince neutral and be pro-active if you're only going to circlejerk about this >>14129807 kind of shit? I never said anything about them coming on /v/, if that's what you're getting yet

e3b0f2 No.14129857



b62879 No.14129860


>You mean you retards just stick to this one thread, and think you're changing something?

You fucking mongoloid, stick to this one thread? I have like 3 threads open I'm posting in on /v/ and 2 on /a/ and I'm playing vidya. Me and that other guy just don't give a shit about what a bunch of boomers brought here by Alex Jones do on their board. Why do they need to venture outside their board to the rest of the site. Boomers are shit for the most part, what do you want? Direct them to /pol/? Go ahead if you want it to be even more cancer, they'll leak out of their board eventually and like all other newfags they'll be beaten down until they either leave or learn to lurk and fit in. Why should we actively try to get them outside of their board? And for that matter why does it matter if they go outside of it at all? Who's it hurting if they all just stick to that one place? The rest of the site won't change and it won't matter, fuck off you fucking tard

faffe9 No.14129882


>they'll leak out of their board eventually and like all other newfags they'll be beaten down until they either leave or learn to lurk and fit in

That's what I said

>As long as they assimilate into imageboard culture, and don't just stick to their board

Now maybe I shouldn't have said board but 8chan as a whole instead, too many times I saw those kind of people just say

>I hope 4chan/8chan do something about it!

This implies they just stick to their safe space, not interacting with any of this shit but only spectacting

8eb575 No.14129883


Then prove the whole world how wrong they are by booting your rig and playing all those games your backlog is made of. There are still interesting vidya in it, isn't it ?


I know that feel, anon. But remember - You are not alone.


Cute Akiho is cute.


I laughed too much for my own sake, if only because I had the exact same thoughts while watching that one. Except it wasn't named Billy

8702f4 No.14129921

File: 1af1890a687e79b⋯.jpg (41.32 KB, 640x480, 4:3, pretty trump.jpg)

Earlier Boogie was apologizing for shitting into twitter. I told him not to worry, twitter is an open sewer and basically a toilet so he might as well treat it as one. But then this got me thinking…

We associate twitter with being a toilet.

OpTwitterToilet if you will. If twitter gets associated with something so foul and treated as a massive shithole for mentally ill people to shit into, maybe the blue checkmarks will think twice about using it. I think overtime it could slowly kill twitter.

8702f4 No.14129937

File: ee004e64709f11a⋯.png (355.3 KB, 647x866, 647:866, vivian 3.png)

Did anything ever come of undead vivian? I liked the idea of her being the ghost thing that comes out of SJW screens or whatever that one anon described. She can be normal most of the time but when she's evoked she turns into an undead ghost thing and comes out of SJW computer screen.

b62879 No.14129939


Yeah but I was saying that it doesn't matter if they just stick to their little microcosm board and don't interact with anyone else. I don't know I misunderstood you but the way I read it was that you wanted them to leave their board and venture out onto other boards


I'm pretty sure normalfags already equate twitter with a toilet, it seems the Blue Checkmarks just wallow in their shit happily though

bde535 No.14129951


The only good thing Twitter has done in years, if not ever, is adding an option to shitpost at the blind.

36b4bb No.14129954

File: 1d7ee22de12bd42⋯.png (383.94 KB, 1158x972, 193:162, 1d7ee22de12bd42bf05d546ad5….png)


>old people homes become full of residents talking about The Jews and wooden doors in Auschwitz

8702f4 No.14129956

File: 11297ddebd732fa⋯.png (305.4 KB, 507x553, 507:553, laughing potato.png)

156eb5 No.14129986

File: 3842942f7c0e3ec⋯.jpg (63.12 KB, 750x604, 375:302, Tanahashi Shitposting 2.jpg)

Good evening.

11746a No.14130008

File: 2032b9ce520d04c⋯.gif (343.4 KB, 500x351, 500:351, muh color theory.gif)


boogie has shown himself to be a dishonest actor


judging from reccuring facial features, the person who drew this looks like an amalgamation of the first and the third one IRL

they understand that the depictions are ugly, but so are they, so now because ugly is beatiful and slavery is freedom their narcissism forces them to project the full extent of their ugliness onto their works insisting that its beautiful because clearly theyre beautiful

this is what happens when a mentally ill person tries to formulate the world around them

2a328f No.14130116

So… should we fear Oprah gettint in the 2020 elections? Are the democrats trying to find their own Trump who is actually controlled by them?

e3b0f2 No.14130128



Im Australian

2a328f No.14130134


Ok Marche, let me refrase it.

Should people liking Trump, or at least liking having the left get salty, be worried about Oprah running for president in 2020?

bacdce No.14130149

File: ac6fe647f9a5970⋯.png (319.99 KB, 1374x670, 687:335, Big Boss.png)


Only this user on ResetEra is willing to ask the hard hitting questions that no one else has the balls to.


top kek, I wonder if he was an infiltrator.


Good on him for not immediately cucking out and actually denying accusations he feels are untruthful.



Who cares, why not discuss it on in the various threads on /pol/ rather then here?

8702f4 No.14130160

File: 74822ec552c39e0⋯.mp4 (12.08 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 2018- What We Can Do.mp4)

I just saw Sargon's video. On some points I agree with him. I agree that if you want to change the way things you have to organise and work together. Gamergate achieved its greatest victories because there were many of us and we all worked towards the same goal.

What I disagree with is that he's trying to set himself up as a leader of a new movement, which he has dubbed being a "liberalist." Gamergate succeeded because we had no leader. Sargon will be taken out pretty fast if he actually starts getting people to organise.

But organization is a good idea, I think. The SJW left is extremely organised. They can summon an army a thousand strong of antifas overnight through social media. They all agree on narratives and plans of attack. They position themselves into places of power, while plotting in secret. So long as their opposition isn't willing to step up, SJWs will continue to take over companies, rule social medias, and poison the youth of the world.

27578c No.14130176

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


if you just saw sargon's video, then follow it up with metokur going at sargon for an hour over it

af6b87 No.14130177


Honestly, Sargon is in no position to be propping himself in any kind of position. Especially after Krautgate has shown that one cannot take his word at face value alone and the "debate" between him and Richard Spencer being the shitshow that it was.

2a328f No.14130184


You miss yesterday's stream with IA and some guy I don't remember.

I think he has been bullied into leadership so much he finally believed his enemies, both on the left and the 'right', that he should step on as a leader just so he can destroy him and anyone who asociates with him.

I just hope he reconsiders.

Still, he has a point in becoming some sort of RL activist, just to cause salt.

11746a No.14130196

File: b3bd9e744f9cb7f⋯.webm (7.6 MB, 480x360, 4:3, russian cartoons in a nut….webm)


what is your metric for being able to prop yourself in any kind of position?

af6b87 No.14130212


Being trustworthy and reliable or at least appearing as such. Sargon is a bit questionable in all of those recently or so it seems. I'm just saying he ought to get his shit together a bit more.

11746a No.14130230


okay can you give me an example of a person who is trustworthy and reliable enough?

8702f4 No.14130240

File: fc910bf2a82212f⋯.gif (1.3 MB, 400x360, 10:9, 1499732434.gif)


Me. I will begrudgingly accept the role. I will lead with a fair, but firm style. Our first task is to secure tacos. I want the $5 box from taco bell.

Now lets ROLL OUT!

50106e No.14130244

File: b6269bad4509768⋯.jpg (21.2 KB, 600x405, 40:27, no one.jpg)

6b7dea No.14130248

File: a6e03f68d22c605⋯.png (241.63 KB, 640x360, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


Me (Andrew Gleason)

I will lead gamergate to victory with my autism

d6bf9b No.14130259


I want a cute undead Vivian.

867dfa No.14130263

File: 8e9ee286c30ac34⋯.jpg (43.75 KB, 426x426, 1:1, YAMERO.jpg)

867dfa No.14130295

File: 870df0fb3ce21b0⋯.png (5.74 KB, 600x474, 100:79, goncern.png)

faffe9 No.14130327

File: e07612f135b4213⋯.jpg (86.09 KB, 374x417, 374:417, 1351247025378.jpg)


>I don't know I misunderstood you but the way I read it was that you wanted them to leave their board and venture out onto other boards

Yup, but I admit I didn't phrase it correctly, now that I reread my post. I would be fucking retarded if I wanted some boomers on /v/

bacdce No.14130380

File: 315b546ac226032⋯.png (422 KB, 624x564, 52:47, Kasshoku Danchi e Youkoso ….png)


>concerns in the thread about mainstream appeal that will cancer it up

Need to come to the reality that the internet nowadays is much more connected then it was years ago when every community was in it's own little world and interacted far rarely. For example anything that pops up on imageboards almost immediately travels to twitter, reddit, and tumblr with no time wasted. So yeah stuff like this nowadays rarely stays "niche" anymore and stuff that is "niche" in current year can still be huge and make a wave. This game is also seen as more of a "horror" experience so it will be youtube and streambait for all the popular channels.

So prepare for cancer, it's inevitable.

e44e30 No.14130409

Hooktube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

Sr Network Security Engineer Reveals Twitter Ready to Give Trump's Private DMs to DOJ

156eb5 No.14130471


That's violating privacy laws and a bad case of sedition.

f75262 No.14130493

File: 9774ff1c6e94003⋯.jpg (93.66 KB, 683x743, 683:743, shitlord.jpg)


Does anyone else remember the days in media, where the school system and everyone else, where trying to teach us that just about half the people in the world are literally, not figuratively, retarded (However, experience in the classroom, and looking at the rest of the school's students showed that wasn't the case)?

f75262 No.14130498


Jeez, I've been making a lot of typos lately.

8702f4 No.14130507

File: 7729519f87658ec⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 2.31 MB, 3840x1080, 32:9, Akko dual screen lewd af.png)

I made a new Akko dual screen wallpaper and wanted to share it.

e3b0f2 No.14130533


I drew this

828d42 No.14130604

File: c3cc25a43e2ba79⋯.jpg (63.05 KB, 766x788, 383:394, nosejob01.jpg)


The face is drawn at a 45 degree angle while the nose is drawn at a 15 degree angle. That causes most of the uncanny look which is enhanced further by the nose being central to the image and highly detailed as far as cartoon noses go, drawing attention to itself. This photoshop job still looks like shit but my excuse is that I'm not an artist.

5fd01b No.14130613

File: 96733f2fe5c3b0c⋯.jpg (82.63 KB, 900x900, 1:1, annoying.jpg)


I HATE bringing up old, dead memes, but why the fuck does it look so much like the Annoying Orange?

af6b87 No.14130629

File: 86104467d976c2a⋯.jpg (6 KB, 184x184, 1:1, 170880798348f95e9ee3d59f54….jpg)


Well, fuck.

828d42 No.14130641


Acid, get hourly backups running from another server before you launch it. Remember that the people trying to shut this down have WMF on their side. They know Mediawiki's zero-days and they will wipe it. I suggest having another server curl the URL that produces the backup, annd consult with /tech/ and whoever else might help to see if there's anything that you can do to see how they are attacking and to limit the damage they cause.

5eadeb No.14130806

File: 28e2b1850d7d167⋯.png (318.38 KB, 477x1626, 159:542, 1512932157941-a.png)

It seems the replacement for Bato.to is in the way, just need a name, that's why they put a voting option for the name, pick thr one you like most, make sure a fucking fate reference is not the winner.


f75262 No.14130820

File: b8b4d836f7c0298⋯.png (125.63 KB, 781x152, 781:152, ClipboardImage.png)

>Yume Nikki went up on Steam

>Be prepared for the journo articles on it

88ce95 No.14130832


I'm glad SOMEONE is doing SOMETHING, but for fuck's sake is sargon really the only option on the market?

1b68a9 No.14130838


So who is behind it?

2a328f No.14130858

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


You forgot the theme.

5eadeb No.14130861


Once again /g/ and /tech/, but seems to be doing their shit separately, focusing in one thing at time each one.

1b68a9 No.14130863


Sounds good.

3c834d No.14130889

507986 No.14130936

File: 3da6a772393dbda⋯.png (143.05 KB, 512x508, 128:127, 2U2k61w.png)


>If you want views on YouTube, how about you upload a video of you hanging yourself.

Holy fuck, that is hilarious and brutal at the same time.

5eadeb No.14130974


That's japanese Bullying for you, they know how to menace and make you laugh in the way.

d6bf9b No.14130996



Isn't he getting sued by a clothing brand?

1b68a9 No.14130997


>acid rain single-handedly sets nips into full remove gaijin mode

wtf I love logan paul now

d6bf9b No.14131014

File: f87c0b08e82797c⋯.jpg (26.43 KB, 339x388, 339:388, Ram Smug.jpg)


>Logan Paul made Japan hates Westerners outright

>Japan becomes isolationist

>Olympics no longer held in Japan because they don't want a flood of tourists

>Anime is saved

d6bf9b No.14131029

File: 8e03754176db916⋯.jpg (73.4 KB, 958x380, 479:190, DTMU5X6V4AAjWhc.jpg)

507986 No.14131056


First I heard of it. Looks like it's just tabloids talking about it for now.





8702f4 No.14131058


But I like Matsix

ef5556 No.14131062


That's a pretty cuckish attitude to have, you're a filthy gaijin yourself, I bet you have blonde hair and a big nose and your name is something like Reed Eagle.

d6bf9b No.14131065

File: a709577b7423792⋯.png (151.7 KB, 515x528, 515:528, huh.png)


>Making whites look like niggers


6e75e3 No.14131125


I have the opinion that some tumblr artists are intentionally bad to shit up tags/repositories of certain things.

I myself have had the idea of drawing cuck porn of shit cartoons/fandoms I hate and spamming it on tumblr/twitter

f0df9d No.14131130


>I myself have had the idea of drawing cuck porn of shit cartoons/fandoms I hate and spamming it on tumblr/twitter

Don't let your dreams be dreams.

d6bf9b No.14131135


They would like cuck porn, knowing them. Just make Steven Universe characters into attractive anime girls and make Steven a /fit/ aryan chad and see how they'll explode. Bonus points if you make that lesbo nigger fucking the chad Steven.

f0df9d No.14131152


>Just make Steven Universe characters into attractive anime girls and make Steven a /fit/ aryan chad and see how they'll explode. Bonus points if you make that lesbo nigger fucking the chad Steven.


This needs to happen, tumblr would freak.

36289a No.14131157


Steven looks like an italian or some sort of meditarianian though, at best you could make him look like a suave italian or the rare no greasy greek

6e75e3 No.14131190


It already did, someone genderbent that dad dating vn and got a bunch of people pissy. I wouldn't since it might actually attract normal people to it rather than upset tumblr.


It'd be in a way to increase prejudices or invoke disgust, like a female character being violently molested or a minority character being stereotypical.

3c834d No.14131281

>Matthew Walther / The Week - "The puerile bleating of James Damore" (gamedrops)


>SPJ President Lynn Walsh's official comment about the NBC News hitpiece on GamerGate


c766f3 No.14131312

File: 7ccb5bd07fbf305⋯.jpg (86.13 KB, 797x748, 797:748, Empire of Dust.jpg)


Empire of Dust is a really comfy watch

d6bf9b No.14131438

File: df3e9241b2e63e2⋯.png (142.46 KB, 530x424, 5:4, d8a.png)

482a3c No.14131443

File: 1a0eb892a0a8e21⋯.png (643.8 KB, 2713x3547, 2713:3547, 1a0eb892a0a8e2162a888e6c10….png)

NISA just confirmed that they will release the re-translation patch and PC port of Ys 8 on January 30th.

Needless to say that this is way too soon to make a proper job on both the tl and the port.

Does any of you have any good idea of what to do when all of this gets released and the shitstorm explodes once again? I have some of my own, but I'll gladly take anything that happens to be even better.

2f38a7 No.14131462


Is this suppose to be Knuckles?

50106e No.14131470


Link to announcement?

2c2dd9 No.14131472

File: b27a7d86732c493⋯.png (28.1 KB, 785x205, 157:41, boomerpoast.png)

From the boomer thread


d6bf9b No.14131473

File: 4c049487bc6a081⋯.jpg (53.95 KB, 722x960, 361:480, Ugandan Knuckles Girl.jpg)

2c2dd9 No.14131476

File: 5141fb34eb39c8e⋯.mp4 (252.91 KB, 640x360, 16:9, BEGONE THOT (EAR RAPE)-Z0l….mp4)

482a3c No.14131477




089bbb No.14131484


I think so.


>Does any of you have any good idea of what to do when all of this gets released and the shitstorm explodes once again?

Not really, I will just laugh from this.

0ef86f No.14131494

482a3c No.14131507


An archive isn't necessary for this case, you archive autist.

f75262 No.14131518

File: ddcd7cb2becc4b1⋯.png (166.78 KB, 2391x795, 797:265, Archiving 101, your tools.png)

File: eccd5655021df21⋯.png (429.65 KB, 648x440, 81:55, archive live.png)

File: 1fc9352f9bfcaf3⋯.png (792.35 KB, 3500x3500, 1:1, Archive-chan.png)

File: ec9a742e6596ee3⋯.gif (1.34 MB, 540x462, 90:77, ARCHIVING INTENSIFIES.gif)


>An archive isn't necessary for this case…


<Read the first pic

0ef86f No.14131521

Hooktube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


>An archive isn't necessary

3df6ce No.14131526

File: 48911e84c0f2c71⋯.png (718.16 KB, 1593x1584, 177:176, gild nobody loves you.png)

File: 08b1360f32fdd7c⋯.gif (529.87 KB, 1186x894, 593:447, viv gild eri u ar an retar….gif)

File: 004b7489cba2d26⋯.png (442.68 KB, 2150x972, 1075:486, dani smoosh.png)

File: 04d88c321240fbe⋯.png (70.81 KB, 348x614, 174:307, whagilda.png)

File: e8347523f20ec00⋯.png (210.17 KB, 885x841, 885:841, danielle fake benis.png)

b0d1b1 No.14131527

File: b4a3c941665e54d⋯.png (85.65 KB, 349x283, 349:283, BE FUCKING SORRY.png)


Gildafag I usually don't mind you but this is the most retarded thing you've ever said, are you BEGGING for bullying now ?

482a3c No.14131535





It isn't, you idiots. We gain nothing if they delete these tweets and we happen to have them archived. Stop getting triggered for small shit.

b0d1b1 No.14131541

File: d6023f692efbda8⋯.jpg (48.95 KB, 345x356, 345:356, Do you have autism.jpg)

f75262 No.14131546

File: ff31b91e20ce4a3⋯.png (81.77 KB, 700x788, 175:197, ClipboardImage.png)


>Stop getting triggered for small shit.

4e6ad8 No.14131565


With the same logic you could justify micro-aggressions

b0d1b1 No.14131590


And with the same logic one could call your dick big, dumbass

611e07 No.14131644


>We gain nothing if they delete these tweets and we happen to have them archived.


If they delete the tweets indicating that they have rushed a "localization" (as you suggested) then later claim that people just imagined that they tweeted it, then the archives would prove that they are full of shit. Such lies could be used against them.

Now ARCHIVE or get reported for AVATARFAGGING

ef5556 No.14131660

File: 7e92484feaaf931⋯.png (68.2 KB, 355x273, 355:273, 1422912833231.png)


Archiving everything is a feminist plot to raise archive expenses and take down the site along with all the evidence GG has gathered. Archive.is is a single point of failure, the entirety of deepfreeze, KiA, the wiki, etc. use archive as evidence. Everything we've ever found can be erased from existence just by taking down archive.is

2f38a7 No.14131672

File: cb2a45014c496e4⋯.jpg (95.33 KB, 700x750, 14:15, 0d0c8c8fef29be8a25d77378ce….jpg)


You aren't from here. Who the fuck are you?

96bfed No.14131685


>He doesn't know about the archives of the archives

482a3c No.14131688


>If they delete the tweets indicating that they have rushed a "localization" (as you suggested) then later claim that people just imagined that they tweeted it, then the archives would prove that they are full of shit. Such lies could be used against them.

That's not going to happen, it would be way too retarded and even if it happened, people would call on their bullshit, an archive wouldn't force them to say "oops sorry we lied". You are just scrapping the bottom of the barrel in search of a point that doesn't exist.

>muh avatarfagging

Fuck off

611e07 No.14131691



d8a066 No.14131708

File: 1d4bd62c78c1160⋯.png (1.17 MB, 2130x2383, 2130:2383, dantaat.png)


>That's not going to happen, it would be way too retarded and even if it happened, people would call on their bullshit, an archive wouldn't force them to say "oops sorry we lied".

It's not about getting them to admit anything, it's about convincing those not in the know that those tweets do indeed exist, just in case they are taken down.

36b4bb No.14131709


>caring about things

wew thats cringey and autistic as fuck. Only autistic faggots care about things.

c4b0b3 No.14131712

File: b8d6bfd6bd2000e⋯.png (71.92 KB, 440x386, 220:193, scaryvivian.png)


like this?

aae895 No.14131717


I'm getting body dysmorphia from looking at this thing along with those Tumblr renditions of various characters. I already don't like how I look which is why I'm starting to workout this year

d8a066 No.14131748

File: 133b873ba834d89⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 455.12 KB, 619x1022, 619:1022, a86cc69ab0e8ac19cb7a931daf….png)


Pretty neat. Any chance of an Amane version, one where she bullies Logan Paul?

5fd01b No.14131763


>EA filed patents for online matchmaking algorithms and dynamic difficulty




611e07 No.14131768


>people would call on their bullshit

They could easily say that the tweet was, and always has been, a shoop.

> an archive wouldn't force them to say "oops sorry we lied"

An archive would force them to double down. Making them look worse. How new are you to observing their behavior? It goes like this:

<Retarded localizers make statement

> Gamers point out that the localizers could not have done their jobs properly in such a short time.

< Retarded localizers delete tweet and say it didn't happen

>Gamers spread archives of tweet

<Retarded localizers double down and continue to claim it didn't happen showing normalfags and investors that the localizers are full of shit.

I kknow thesse points may be too compex for you to understand so I will offer you something else to think about.

If it is important enough to bring to other anon's attention, it is important enough to archive.

>Fuck off

You first.

2f38a7 No.14131788

File: 45244cf11089aca⋯.png (20.72 KB, 800x550, 16:11, 64681057_p0.png)


>Don't archive!!

>Doesn't matter if it takes less than a second

>Doesn't matter if it takes a single click

>Doesn't matter if it gets deleted

>Don't do nothing for references

>Reddit spacing


Archiving everything is SOP. If I ever have to prove anything, I need evidence. You don't know how many people, including companies, can go back on their word. Deleting a tweet is simple, but you can't delete an archive that easy.

Like I asked, who the fuck are you?

4fab44 No.14131803

File: 5fb8348c14f3246⋯.mp4 (5.69 MB, 854x480, 427:240, ded mem.mp4)

5e6d87 No.14131838

File: 8b4133fd442899b⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 53.35 KB, 894x894, 1:1, funtime_ugandan_knuckles_b….jpg)



>meme riding thot plus generic meme-tan

Pffft, brace yourselves for a Ugandan Knuckles FNAF OC

2c2dd9 No.14131857

File: f80c9d01a1eae09⋯.mp4 (426.75 KB, 640x360, 16:9, why man.mp4)

c4b0b3 No.14131967

File: b3c136574c688fa⋯.png (144.64 KB, 540x474, 90:79, hangingpaulamane.png)


sure, here you go, one fresh amane hanging around with paul.

im kinda miss drawing her

8702f4 No.14131973

File: 53ef086cf6b3419⋯.png (219.31 KB, 388x387, 388:387, Pissed Lamar.PNG)

File: 43732491cc1e277⋯.png (76.64 KB, 233x249, 233:249, Very pissed lamar.PNG)

File: 470c0fe47f00ad2⋯.png (72.51 KB, 234x234, 1:1, VARY PISSED LAMAR.PNG)

File: 03813b4005f9832⋯.png (49.31 KB, 234x234, 1:1, VARY PISSED LAMAR AT EXTRE….PNG)


42f255 No.14131982


Because they have no real competition and thus do not have any compulsion to really try to please anyone.

8702f4 No.14131985


Ohhhh, I like that. You should have her coming out of a game journos computer screen, with him looking terrified.

c4b0b3 No.14132003

File: 344391c9f468a71⋯.jpg (106.34 KB, 482x482, 1:1, sleepingidol.jpg)


yeah, i should try that but its 4am at my place, i do it next time. night gamergator.

35f0cd No.14132021

File: d354f1fab4b254c⋯.mp4 (4.09 MB, 640x360, 16:9, SLAP A RAPIST.mp4)

how long until a bunch of articles saying that "punch a nazi" was actually a bad thing that served as precedent for this shit?

2a328f No.14132050


Is that Weinenstein? or just a random fat guy?

35f0cd No.14132092


A random guy wouldn't be featured on TMZ. Or maybe it would, clickbait is out of control but yea it's Weinsten

36b4bb No.14132095

File: d79a07f5b5cd95c⋯.jpg (49.45 KB, 377x396, 377:396, 0be5a3fb274be3fb017c511e42….jpg)


It looks like him. Can someone photoshop Oprah fondling his balls in to make it easier to identify him?

da40df No.14132097



8c58eb No.14132104


That's a pretty gay slap.

3e8d57 No.14132110

What a pathetic faggot.

>Ugandan Knuckles is now spreading hate online.


35f0cd No.14132114

File: 5622437630bb452⋯.jpg (84.38 KB, 720x720, 1:1, Jennifer touched by my Unk….jpg)


blame the soy diet

61d65b No.14132119


That slap isn't to harm, but to provoke a reaction.

a6cd03 No.14132128

File: 7cea978245958bb⋯.gif (537.98 KB, 320x240, 4:3, 1447986407636-1.gif)

File: b8c4c2dc0eaf0fc⋯.gif (1.42 MB, 320x240, 4:3, 1447542723476.gif)


Its super lewd. Nice work.

2a328f No.14132132


That was what I was thinking, but it should have been done closer, like a face to face thing.

I thought Weinenstein was on jail. Still, even if he is a jew hollywood faggot it is enraging how people attack others without consequences.

Still, that's what he deserve for creating this culture.

3e8d57 No.14132138


I never asked, but did the original creator of the small knuckles ever say something about this? This whole thing is just getting retarded to the point an artist attacks other people for liking the thing he draws if they like it for badthink reasons.

1b68a9 No.14132143


>taking marche's stupid repeating joke seriously

ef5556 No.14132151

File: ad2f09bb34ff3b7⋯.png (56.67 KB, 240x255, 16:17, 1426718204570.png)


What does thot mean?

4fab44 No.14132154

File: 0780b498949cae9⋯.png (529.18 KB, 600x800, 3:4, viv.png)


Cry bullies got him like they did with Ko Takeuchi

61d65b No.14132157


>no archive


People pointed out that it's not hateful and it's from a movie, he noted he meant the people using in a "hateful way" in a reply.

The gif is neat though.


The modeler says it's funny but that people shouldn't be too annoying with it. I think.

ef5556 No.14132168


Polygon went looking for the guy who made the knuckles model and made him condemn the meme a la Matt Furie.

3e8d57 No.14132170


I meant Gregzilla, or I think he is the one who made it, who made the animation with the little knuckles.

88ce95 No.14132192

File: 2a770629b3cd56d⋯.png (83.11 KB, 334x393, 334:393, 2a770629b3cd56d255f198b23e….png)



1febfb No.14132201

File: c093691d3fe0036⋯.png (262.73 KB, 1080x1920, 9:16, Screenshot_2018-01-10-15-5….png)

File: 3fd1a7e0248e84c⋯.jpeg (6.71 KB, 259x194, 259:194, download.jpeg)


Excuse the mobile

88ce95 No.14132213


I heard it was "The Hoe Over There" but I have no idea if that's that's true.

35f0cd No.14132215


That Huge Orange Toe

2a328f No.14132225


What is that board about?

3e8d57 No.14132229


At least Ko said to leave if his art offends people and drew Vivian again.

0ef86f No.14132235


Those Hebrews On Trains.

On a serious note, That Hoe Over There.

88865f No.14132237


Read the thread.

61d65b No.14132243

File: 2528bcd6d5b3370⋯.png (1.01 MB, 1028x4537, 1028:4537, Screen Shot 2018-01-10 at ….png)


tumblr: https://archive.is/lEZ2W

tweet chain talking about it: http://archive.is/moVZh

3e8d57 No.14132260


At least he did not completely cuck out and even pointed how it is just a movie quote.

61d65b No.14132282

File: 1c1322cab86d3fd⋯.mp4 (690.09 KB, 320x240, 4:3, DTMy9UCXkAA-JIF.mp4)



forgot to post

26c8c6 No.14132295


He said he thinks the meme is annoying. He didn't say anything about it being hateful though.

d6bf9b No.14132312

d6bf9b No.14132343


That's fine, it's a regular opinion. I can see the meme simply annoying people, especially those playing the VRchat. It's not hateful, it's just faggots shitposting.

44affc No.14132348

File: 0eeb54db1ad674a⋯.jpg (439.63 KB, 1024x724, 256:181, no mistakes, just little t….jpg)

d3e3cf No.14132371

File: 576ad7ec958c093⋯.png (498.13 KB, 650x614, 325:307, reminder that japanese gam….png)

36289a No.14132381

File: 2bfdff0a9c7e611⋯.png (135.95 KB, 1080x685, 216:137, Screenshot_2018-01-10-15-3….png)

The power went out at CES and people are taking the opportunity to virtue signal

d3e3cf No.14132383

File: 91d8a85d083eb6c⋯.png (1005.2 KB, 753x673, 753:673, confused loli.png)

What is The Storm?

f75262 No.14132386


This pic is only relevant in the fact that there are people bring Japanese games over who think they need "fixing", and end up breaking an already finished product.

2a328f No.14132388


Who's this faggot and why should we care abotu what he say?

1b772c No.14132392


this shit right here is scary as fuck. Who the fuck is behind all of this

36289a No.14132397


Just no one, I just found it funny that people find any excuse to virtue signal while looking for news on CES

88ce95 No.14132410


You don't know The Storm?

d3e3cf No.14132413


Yes, the third board

88ce95 No.14132418


It's run by that guy.

d3e3cf No.14132423

File: e54383645d22ce4⋯.jpg (14.96 KB, 320x240, 4:3, who.jpg)


>that guy

I'm currently at zero grasp over this whole Alex Jones, Q and /thestorm/ thing

d3e3cf No.14132429

File: e6c128b8e3ef1fe⋯.jpg (31.37 KB, 327x221, 327:221, well..um...jpg)

Also what 'boomers' mean?

88ce95 No.14132430


He did the thing last thursday.

36289a No.14132438


Baby boomers retard

d3e3cf No.14132439

File: 0462030e5d8db32⋯.jpg (23.8 KB, 326x326, 1:1, yamero3.jpg)



3df6ce No.14132444

File: 974a4625d590dd2⋯.png (791.35 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, horny neet ara.png)


Put on the dress, gook.

88ce95 No.14132446


You're confused. It's the guy who talks in code, not me.

d3e3cf No.14132456

File: 61e74e936b65768⋯.png (39.92 KB, 467x400, 467:400, 61e74e936b657680aaea489eb9….png)

I still have no idea even after reading >>14128273

So it's basically nothing for now, until confirmed?

36289a No.14132470


Yeah its really weird how they came from nowhere and grew so large so fast. I think the only real way to figure it out is lurk there for a while. But people say its like boomer /pol/ meets /x/

d3e3cf No.14132479

File: 22c960751758483⋯.jpeg (38.42 KB, 500x500, 1:1, even chen calling the pol….jpeg)


I made new tactics against you homosexual community, I decided to hop my IP everytime I got called out, I just subscribed annual plan for Hotspot Shield

b62879 No.14132482


Just ignore him man, the only reason people keep saying it is because you give them (you)'s

d6bf9b No.14132496

File: 2b65b5608bf21de⋯.gif (1.6 MB, 363x501, 121:167, de2.gif)



Yeah, ignore them. Don't feed them (you)s.

88ce95 No.14132509

File: 24e0c7bf8f67657⋯.jpg (42.49 KB, 559x510, 559:510, 24e0c7bf8f67657db122a2bcea….jpg)






d8a066 No.14132512


Noice. 10Q

1b68a9 No.14132526

File: 9589d3e6f50e558⋯.jpg (246.87 KB, 1417x1175, 1417:1175, 66726010_p0.jpg)

74ae35 No.14132532

File: 1656eab86828db1⋯.png (152.35 KB, 750x750, 1:1, (you) magnet.png)

d3e3cf No.14132537

File: 8d88f283973255f⋯.png (85.6 KB, 431x291, 431:291, fuck you.png)

You won't get any (You)s

Stop shitposting

61d65b No.14132561

File: 7a42391685397fe⋯.png (66.93 KB, 359x408, 359:408, 3aafba58046828173b9fe8f0a4….png)









36b4bb No.14132596

File: baed049aeabbf3b⋯.png (52.11 KB, 845x554, 845:554, Zimbabwe is less third wor….png)

File: e46612c4c0915e1⋯.mp4 (140.36 KB, 480x360, 4:3, really makes you think.mp4)

9b3568 No.14132602

File: 72ff01657c8d4f2⋯.png (970.5 KB, 883x2258, 883:2258, vidya game comic 20.png)



b0d1b1 No.14132611


>can't even type text in the speech bubble properly

you're asking for bullying, aren't you ?

>denile, finnally, procede, indocterated, sperading, hisitate, tpae

Come the fuck on

b62879 No.14132613


Stop what? Gook should just ignore people saying to put on the dress, after a few weeks they'll get bored if they never get a rise out of him. He's a valuable member of the thread and provides us with a lot of information on SK that we would have never known and I feel bad for him that he can't even post anonymously without getting spammed

1b68a9 No.14132622

File: 8cad5d7d9d09d52⋯.png (2.63 MB, 780x3080, 39:154, buckley aint got shit.png)

d3e3cf No.14132625

File: ee8ec45268e3b47⋯.jpg (13.93 KB, 326x319, 326:319, Dekomori_2.jpg)


>Monmusu is furry



Anon, you don't have to remind that with amazing detail.

88ce95 No.14132626


I ain't reading all that shit.

d6bf9b No.14132639

File: 311d3cdf0a0ea79⋯.jpg (32.5 KB, 340x391, 20:23, Consider the following jus….jpg)


Demon is best furry.

379865 No.14132661

File: 688a98166313879⋯.png (302.07 KB, 578x790, 289:395, 1465101135868.png)


>just yesterday, was talking to someone who felt like the feds and mainland corporations abandoned them

>this pops up the next day

Good to have confirmation that it isn't the mainland that's failing them.

3f32b2 No.14132682

File: 00655bbe71bb769⋯.gif (1.88 MB, 500x370, 50:37, 00655bbe71bb769ece9cd399dd….gif)

>Q autists say Trump is trying to free Julian Assange

>Assange got a Ecuadorian ID and was on a beach


f75262 No.14132697


>Good to have confirmation that it isn't the mainland that's failing them.

Meanwhile, back in October…

>'People are already killing each other over supplies': 'Puerto Rico cop' says governor and San Juan mayor are starving citizens to DEATH for photo opportunities - and the US needs to send in SOLDIERS to take over


http://www.please use archive.is/news/article-4939544/Puerto-Rico-cop-says-officials-starving-citizens.html

379865 No.14132707


Well, we already knew that Yulin was a bitch, but it's especially damning that the utility companies were hoarding the shit required to get the island back in working order.

bf9e68 No.14132716



That seriously triggered my autism

4a5797 No.14132772


like this anon said >>14132119

this isn't a slap to cause harm. but its a insult slap

a man would consider this offensive then an actual hard one.

cc522c No.14132816

File: f879cc0b7e4eab2⋯.png (485.33 KB, 900x919, 900:919, f879cc0b7e4eab28ce466a2c52….png)


Fucking saved.

4a5797 No.14132834


some retard started posting "cryptic" messages that are related to Trump admin. and what they are going to do next on random h8chan boards. then made a dedicated board to contain his autism.

now faggots that are banned from 4cucks are coming to that board pretending they are seniors and shitting up the entire website.

991087 No.14132892

File: 1d71e2d661c10c6⋯.jpg (190.09 KB, 650x800, 13:16, ba5b7088f7da2379d5fc0312fc….jpg)

File: ed5a4c29750142b⋯.png (5.95 MB, 1776x2600, 222:325, ed5a4c29750142bd9f0134a1dd….png)

File: 5a3ecb9ca54e9a5⋯.png (801.41 KB, 1200x1694, 600:847, 01.png)


The "monstergirls=furry" meme is made up by furrys who don't understand why they are hated, but monsterfags are not. Notice how every time they try this, they always use Cait Sith.

50106e No.14132924

File: 59094098b869f9b⋯.png (179.44 KB, 680x772, 170:193, FireShot Screen Capture #1….png)



d6bf9b No.14132932

File: a6b82d53eb8fad5⋯.jpg (99.79 KB, 848x1199, 848:1199, DQnOL-IVAAAF9UJ.jpg)

File: 06df5dfafd1aa96⋯.jpg (129.96 KB, 851x1200, 851:1200, DSx8lj_U8AAdANO.jpg)


I can't believe the gorilla is still writing.

35f0cd No.14132972

File: b425f5bfe72ac5d⋯.jpg (42.41 KB, 541x498, 541:498, 1474821767223.jpg)


>Gorilla Hernandez

>sucking dick

611e07 No.14132982


>I can't believe the gorilla is still writing.

Implying that she writes instead of hammering keys until the squiggly red line disappears.

611e07 No.14132987


Learn to read. It was a random apess who made the tweet that was sucking dick.

078f9e No.14132994


I'm sure anyone who equates "monster girls" to furry is just fucking retarded as "monster girls" cover a huge spectrum of forms.

d6bf9b No.14133013

File: 47a1e19c2a75006⋯.jpg (99.89 KB, 849x1200, 283:400, Orc Archer.jpg)

File: 6c1ec509b432021⋯.png (500.77 KB, 918x1000, 459:500, Orc Archer.png)


>"monster girls" cover a huge spectrum of forms.

You are Correct.

510c2e No.14133075

File: 3940d70197834c7⋯.png (331.48 KB, 2418x1120, 1209:560, a psa.png)



36289a No.14133077


What do you want from me anon? When arguing with these people if you say he instead of she they'll use that as an excuse to disregard any point you make. In this case they just shut down the conversation anyway but not they look foolish and have no real "excuse" to block me so other people coming and reading the conversation will just see how irrational they are.

36b4bb No.14133085

File: 216b3e31af94bb6⋯.jpg (101.91 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, confused japanese garfield.jpg)


So was the guy being cucked or was she saying she is shit at the game?

485beb No.14133102

File: a18fe515b6e2f87⋯.jpg (92.18 KB, 1024x655, 1024:655, 617.jpg)


Every time.

3c834d No.14133106

>Conservative Google employees are blacklisted, lawsuit alleges


>FiveThirtyEight discovers it used a flawed data set in two articles about broadband internet last year, proceeds to show how and why data for US broadband is so hazy in the first place


>Kotaku - 'Suckin Dick While My Man Plays 2K': When Video Games Meet Sex


>Bid To Save please use archive.is Falls Short


>Greenwald: First France, Now Brazil Unveils Plan to Empower the Government to Censor the Internet in the Name of Stopping “Fake News”


Sony's New President Has Different Vision On Games As A Service


>Morgan Jaffit - "The topic every game dev is talking about behind closed doors : The cost of doing business" (on getting screamed at on Twitter)


d6bf9b No.14133115

File: 5266d22f32e6fdb⋯.jpg (140.49 KB, 1200x762, 200:127, DRzPMQhUIAEO6_q.jpg)


>Games as a service

This is somehow Valve's fault I bet.

510c2e No.14133116

File: 070e6f33267e78a⋯.png (1.46 MB, 1067x800, 1067:800, lmao.png)


The "monstergirls≠furry" meme is made up by monsterfags who don't understand why they are hated.

6cc313 No.14133138


This is actually my fetish. I don't want Gorilla involved in it though.

d6bf9b No.14133144

File: a3ea0935699abd2⋯.jpg (498.28 KB, 655x1000, 131:200, Hoshiguma.Yuugi.full.10906….jpg)


Well shucks. I guess I'm furry. Check out this cute furry girl Yuugi. I want Yuugi to yiff me. Oni are best furries.

d4aaf2 No.14133156

File: 0f767bb4c534ef7⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 321.41 KB, 780x763, 780:763, 0f767bb4c534ef730bddbb66e0….png)


What about this extremely lewd demon?

d6bf9b No.14133170


She's a good furry. 10/10 would yiff in hell with.

6cc313 No.14133171


Monstergirls are the inversed furries. Focus on animalistic frame with human traits, whereas furries like a human frame with animalistic traits.

Monstergirls are more disgusting IMO but people who are into that are much less obnoxious than furries

0d6f62 No.14133185

File: 3b2ef4cf3ae33f9⋯.jpg (344.98 KB, 741x1200, 247:400, 255_mad_hatter_L.jpg)

File: c10fbc22182caee⋯.png (277.05 KB, 640x720, 8:9, Th145Marisa.png)


I fucking knew it. You morons do this every single time. Fuck, might as well go full retard. Marisa is my favourite monstergirl lol, like she has a hat that makes her a monster just like the Mad Hatter by Kenkou Cross™.


Check out this guy, bragging about how he's more normal than someone for wanting to fuck a decapitated woman who is technically not alive.

d6bf9b No.14133190


Marisa is one of the cutest furfag monster girls. Would she yiff your mushroom?

e3b0f2 No.14133193

File: 631bb13eb3d9779⋯.jpg (3.73 MB, 2480x3508, 620:877, __marushiru_dungeon_meshi_….jpg)


4e6ad8 No.14133204

Monster Girls aren't video games

7e6a9b No.14133212


Just make sure to keep her away from those fries.

0d6f62 No.14133218

File: fc1608cb11dfb1e⋯.jpg (167.62 KB, 720x720, 1:1, monstergirl chart.jpg)


Consult the chart, idiot.

d6bf9b No.14133237


Neither are traps and milfs. Then again there are monster girl vidya, trap vidya and milf vidya. However the traps get posted aren't from vidya like Bridget from Guilty Gear.

d92e74 No.14133253


The chart is fucking Chink Chong Wing Wrong.

At least post it in american.

4e6ad8 No.14133269


There are dozens of vidya traps and milfs, there's about 4 games with actual monster girls

6cc313 No.14133270


Speaking of videogames, is Divinity OS2 pozzed?

0d6f62 No.14133287


>but people who are into that are much less obnoxious than furries

You haven't been here for long. They have a persecution complex and use the word "fursecution" more than actual furries. They have made monster girls so watered down to the point that anything that is slightly out of the ordinary is suddenly fodder for their crap cult-like board where they spend all day worshiping some spic and a really crap OC based on an Egyptian heart eater. I feel bad for anyone that likes stuff like Monster Girl Quest, because they get lumped in with these drooling retards.

6cc313 No.14133301


>You haven't been here for long.

If we're just talking about here then that's another story. I'm counting Tumblr, DeviantART and everything.

df48dd No.14133302

File: 70794c8300031b9⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 2.28 MB, 3648x2736, 4:3, IMG_2828.JPG)

People need to learn to enjoy what they enjoy. No use living your life in denial. It's just porn.

fb9d5d No.14133315

File: e1b182268bb76a0⋯.png (246.9 KB, 736x731, 736:731, 1413433769398.png)


It's fun with friends but I don't think it's as good as the first game was. Although I really like how the simplified combat lets you actually move around the field while in the first game it takes like 6 action points to move 3 steps to the left. It does have a much better start than the first game, takes like 2 hours of talking to people and solving the murder mystery and trying to find which gate doesn't instantly kill you upon leaving.

6cc313 No.14133321


The only reason to care what someone is into is if you are also into it and have some common ground, or the person is into something so vile they deserve to rot in prison.

6cc313 No.14133333


I heard there was a transgendered character added to it who has no depth beyond being trans. Is this true?

b62879 No.14133342


Kemono is furry

c18b8e No.14133354


>4chan's file size limit

c766f3 No.14133363

File: 6b122e401d638a6⋯.gif (1.07 MB, 266x268, 133:134, Clint Eastwood wearing an ….gif)

>Louis stream between Sargon and Jim

>Sargon gets on the topic of Gamergate

>criticises Jim for leaving, which is valid criticism, but then proceeds to act as if it were a crime for him to not leaderfag

>Jim actually ends up having to explain how anonymity works to Sargon because Sargon can't grasp the concept of not having your face plastered on every single wall

078f9e No.14133367


/v/ is retarded and puts an effort to make it sound like they aren't which is unnecessary and infuriating. Also doesn't help when faggots stir shit up intentionally.

6cc313 No.14133372


I refuse to believe that he had to cut down some dialogue to make it fit. Who the hell even bothers to write this much for a fucking webcomic joke?

c18b8e No.14133382


No, its longer. I dont have the full one on hand.

c766f3 No.14133384


Also the topic of Gamergate came up when Jim was criticising Sargon for trying to leaderfag by creating a list of enemies, accepted ideas and by trying to start a new buzzword for this new movement, which is just a rebranding of the skeptics into "liberalists".

0d6f62 No.14133387

File: ca6e479131839cb⋯.png (92.46 KB, 335x328, 335:328, Freja.PNG)


Damn, I didn't know that. I thought I was pure this whole time.

0cc7f5 No.14133399

File: e304317033c9ab4⋯.png (20.89 KB, 378x252, 3:2, the_dubs_community.png)

156eb5 No.14133411

File: 17b74570cd795f7⋯.jpg (57.01 KB, 1024x713, 1024:713, Check'em 13.jpg)

Good morning.



cf38cd No.14133417

File: 6ad0ebedba39eea⋯.jpg (17.65 KB, 320x283, 320:283, 6ad0ebedba39eea3ddeefc6399….jpg)

aae895 No.14133465

File: 1db5b418242a343⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 1000.95 KB, 2048x1473, 2048:1473, first kiss and final chapt….png)

36b4bb No.14133475

File: 559053084e38ebb⋯.jpg (407.44 KB, 1200x1713, 400:571, 1458423705207-1.jpg)

bf9e68 No.14133507


That was you? I just assumed it was someone else since this is an anonymous image board

bf9e68 No.14133514


Fuck, nevermind, I'm a faggot

aedfe9 No.14133524

File: 8cd76442238041d⋯.png (1.2 MB, 1723x607, 1723:607, Blank _092123e4a2e16d71100….png)




>monstergirl bitching derailment

I didnt know Null was still around derailing shit with his grudge against Aux.

295fcd No.14133537


>Games with monster girls

Zelda, Guilty Gear, Bayonetta, Fate, Touhou, Digimon, Phantasy Star, Final Fantasy, Blazblue, Disgea, Dragon Quest, Ninja Gaiden, Dark Souls, Megaman, Warcraft and much more all having at least one monster girl in their entire series.

6cc313 No.14133540


Nevermind, it was Baulders Gate expansion that had that.

cc522c No.14133548

File: 13a0d5a7d0645ec⋯.png (490.14 KB, 1395x1718, 1395:1718, harem_viv_and_a_magic_lamp.png)



I didn't know /clang/ counted as /monster/. Also, Shantae has MG galore.

6e75e3 No.14133590

File: f68420afc31d88a⋯.jpg (612.72 KB, 850x1133, 850:1133, f68420afc31d88a33ce5477eb0….jpg)


>They have made monster girls so watered down to the point that anything that is slightly out of the ordinary is suddenly fodder

This is pretty much why I find the monstergirl label so dull. When it's just animal ears, tails, furred hands and legs, just call it cosplay, kemonomimi or something. I like succubi, but I wouldn't call them monstergirls just because of minor features or because MGE says they are. Stuff like extra appendages or half-human bodies are monstrous, and there's good art like that.

It's too broad a phrase.

e3b0f2 No.14133604


M8 you just want a horse vagina, monster grills is just apllied to fantasy races with humanoid features. its not some super niche thing.

295fcd No.14133622

File: 0ead3984dba05d2⋯.jpg (1.23 MB, 1300x1839, 1300:1839, Orc_by_jungon_kim.jpg)


Like orcs.

aedfe9 No.14133634




Hey Null.

e3b0f2 No.14133638

510c2e No.14133647

6cc313 No.14133663


I remember an image of a guy transforming into a horse that came from DevianTART. Is that an example of this fetish?

6e75e3 No.14133672


>monster grills is just apllied to fantasy races with humanoid features.

Pretty much what I said. They're called "monster" but it's pretty vanilla.

>Not wanting 4 armed grills handling you

>Not wanting scylla tentacles molesting your throat and every spot

>Not wanting 7 vaganias

aedfe9 No.14133675


Once a upon a time there was an autist that got himself banned from /monster/ multiple times. He took it upon himself to shitpost about the BO and what was allowed across multiple boards from /co/ to /tech/. People told him to fuck off until he was banned there too.

aedfe9 No.14133691


Those are all fair game my newfag friend, just depends how human it is. If its got a snout it needs to go out.



Kill yourself Anon.

6cc313 No.14133696


I saw it in an LOL thread, but it obviously came from there.

b62879 No.14133707

File: 292b13b4af0f0b0⋯.jpg (481.05 KB, 2550x3300, 17:22, transformation.jpg)


>Kill yourself Anon.

You've never seen that image set before? It's pretty well known

3c834d No.14133708

Natalie Jarvey - "YouTube Removes Logan Paul From Preferred Program, Puts 'The Thinning' Sequel on Hold"


6cc313 No.14133713



I nearly screamed, thanks anon.

aedfe9 No.14133718

File: e2404956375bc92⋯.jpg (46.03 KB, 231x222, 77:74, 1414569157277.jpg)


At least spoiler that shit, have some decency for yourself.

b62879 No.14133721


No, everyone must see

f75262 No.14133733

File: ef6864b1d7bde89⋯.jpg (224.26 KB, 2047x1502, 2047:1502, 1478304936358.jpg)

File: 0ec0ebefc548f35⋯.jpg (62.44 KB, 736x952, 92:119, giger's alien.jpg)


>Stuff like extra appendages or half-human bodies are monstrous, and there's good art like that.

The problem with art like that is that it tends to be more gothic and/or horror in style. And the problem with those is that once you are able to get off to those pictures, the "horror monsters" don't have as much of a effect as they used to (And when they do, it becomes a more "heat of the moment" scenario rather than a lasting effect).

cc522c No.14133738


Funnily enough, I'm glad they didn't vet Logan's video before it was uploaded so that Google could effectively ODN themselves.

3c834d No.14133749

File: d6452b32086ed90⋯.jpg (30.46 KB, 480x360, 4:3, eds laugh.jpg)

Polygon: Playing BioShock Infinite in the age of Trump is unsettling, but not for the obvious reasons

Bonus: Author had to print out control scheme to play the game


13cc15 No.14133761

File: ee2f20f4c4a6f88⋯.mp4 (8.2 MB, 640x360, 16:9, The average Bioshock playe….mp4)

d6bf9b No.14133771


So his "career" is over.

5e6d87 No.14133778


>YouTube Removes Logan Paul From Preferred Program

So he's still getting ad money

f75262 No.14133793

Hooktube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


>Author had to print out control scheme to play the game

This has to be benis…

>My husband and I bought our PS4 to escape 2017. I had stopped playing video games around the time they lost their joysticks. Aside from a brief infatuation with Guitar Hero on the Wii, I maintained my distance. My husband’s sales pitch had something to do with the fact that we live in Minneapolis and during the winter gaming is a nice alternative to frostbite, but he sealed the deal with this: “You can only watch so much CNN.”

I can tell this is off to a great start.

>I was seduced by the emptiness of BioShock Infinite’s Columbia and the evidence of someone having taken great care in constructing it — the game’s creators and its in-game founder both.

<Video related

>Yet my satisfaction was limited by the game itself and my own skills. Rather than establish a clear battle against the forces of white nationalism, BioShock Infinite indulges the same “both sides”-ism that the president invoked after Charlottesville. I assume this was intended to be a Big Statement about the limits of violence in anyone’s hands, maybe. Or perhaps it is meant to be a message about the corrupting nature of all hierarchical organizations — that ideals will always crumple in the face of power?

That is literally the only good thing about the game's story (Until you play the DLC that is).

>I was to blame for the other surprising resonance with our contemporary moment. I cannot stress enough how bad I am at actual first-person shooter gameplay. I am stupid-bad. I am so bad at it that I gave myself motion sickness multiple times, until I figured out how to control the POV with something less than violent swings. At one point, I printed out the layout of the controls.

>Even so, BioShock Infinite let me succeed. The game made my enemies unrealistically suicidal. In order to give me a chance at actually getting a shot off, they would occasionally pause and just stand in my field of vision.

And, she's writing for a gaming website…why? She can't even tell when the game breaks.

74ae35 No.14133809

File: 928c849f304a284⋯.png (169.01 KB, 595x473, 595:473, laughing senrans.png)

File: a874abd9d378a0a⋯.png (200.52 KB, 723x642, 241:214, laughing ultrabeasts.png)

File: 16ad3c89e202d57⋯.jpg (193.68 KB, 1001x1334, 1001:1334, clownpiece2.jpg)

File: 43c8fd1253e4e4f⋯.jpg (19.66 KB, 291x265, 291:265, smug wendys.jpg)

File: ac91db403163f0d⋯.jpg (41.61 KB, 694x505, 694:505, laughing akko.jpg)


>I cannot stress enough how bad I am at actual first-person shooter gameplay. I am stupid-bad.

>I am so bad at it that I gave myself motion sickness multiple times, until I figured out how to control the POV with something less than violent swings.

>At one point, I printed out the layout of the controls.

>using a nearly 5 year old game to preach to their crowd about muh Drumpf to try and save face for needing to print out a controller layout to even remember what buttons to press

>these are who game devs have to pander to for good review scores

d6bf9b No.14133815


That explains the decline in western games.

078f9e No.14133818


>If its got a snout it needs to go out.

It's still monstergirl if it's "monster"+"girl"

d6bf9b No.14133824


You must have been at /a/'s monster girl thread.

6e75e3 No.14133869

File: 2c00c9571116126⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 238.42 KB, 850x1020, 5:6, 2c00c9571116126204790fc71d….jpg)


Nigger what?

I didn't mean monstrosities themselves, just something more than girls with furry extremities.

26c8c6 No.14133878

File: 2ef18dba244b215⋯.jpg (163.61 KB, 810x1000, 81:100, 2ef18dba244b215f250ccbeda3….jpg)


I stopped watching before they talked about #GG, I couldn't stand either of them.

aedfe9 No.14133879


There's not much anyone can do for him, he's to retarded to comprehend anything.

6cc313 No.14133887


Jim's alright, if you don't expect anything out of him beyond laughing at retards.

aedfe9 No.14133894



Here we go with the eceleb derailing again.

d6bf9b No.14133911


That's a monster girl called futakuchi-onna. They need more love and I agree that beastman types get too much attention. I would like more love for the dullahans, insects and cyclops.

4e6ad8 No.14133926

If your """""monster"""""girl lives in modern day Japan or lusts after human men for procreation she's a shit.

6cc313 No.14133940

File: 6b8c20a81355b4d⋯.png (124.09 KB, 1187x842, 1187:842, Banned.PNG)

d718c5 No.14133948

When are women (or men) coming out to report on Jim Sterling's sexual abuse? I want watch ghazi's reaction to it.

aedfe9 No.14133952


> 4e6ad8

At least everyone now knows who to avoid in terms of detailing.

aedfe9 No.14133954


Hey Reddit.

d6bf9b No.14133955




I rather dig into the possibility that SJW game devs being possible sex offenders.

aedfe9 No.14133965


Twitch is a terrible platform, it astounds me why people tolerate that hell hole.


At this point if you cant even remember the layout of a game controler than there's something far more clinical than simple autism.

cc522c No.14133966

File: 8d20cbaa70698ac⋯.png (4.51 MB, 3537x2373, 1179:791, christdeepfreeze.png)

3f32b2 No.14133990

File: c2f72d6ff447f5d⋯.png (570.64 KB, 743x600, 743:600, whatt.png)

File: a28ff7ad6dfce50⋯.jpg (42.89 KB, 936x314, 468:157, 96efdd38c168965899c70fb84d….jpg)

what does it mean?


cc522c No.14134005

File: 68d7c08517c672e⋯.png (231.85 KB, 1186x842, 593:421, 20180110_182807.png)



Better yet, image with archive.

e44e30 No.14134015


That he has an Equatorian ID number. Most likely he applied for citizenship.

051a55 No.14134022


It means he's Ecuadorian now. He can leave the embassy and go to Ecuador and no one can touch him. Problem is getting there.

With a national ID card, he can get an Ecuadorian passport.

36b4bb No.14134036

File: c1eddc78bae1d56⋯.png (82.97 KB, 417x279, 139:93, c1eddc78bae1d565e5dfeec245….png)

File: 7d030af12812674⋯.png (185.28 KB, 639x363, 213:121, ebcd5b0d3618251321f5073258….png)

File: fb27a7d90f394e8⋯.jpg (82.5 KB, 770x575, 154:115, wut.jpg)

File: 611928198ad2e90⋯.jpg (67.01 KB, 578x589, 578:589, 627ad650da6dd1f3e7688c8f0f….jpg)


>Author had to print out control scheme to play the game

I don't know how to express how fricking retarded that is.

6cc313 No.14134058


>it astounds me why people tolerate that hell hole.

It's nice to see someone who deserves it get it for once.

156eb5 No.14134068

File: c0913bda5c68427⋯.jpg (33.83 KB, 578x437, 578:437, How Stupid.jpg)


My god. These are the supposed "experts" of the thing that they want to "change".

d6bf9b No.14134093



Makes you wonder about the industry.

3f32b2 No.14134123

Post the animu stocking webm pls

bacdce No.14134137


>archive autist

>unironically saying this in the gamergate thread

Holy fucking shit.


"That Hoe Over There"


This is the issue of putting all your eggs in one basket, not a problem of "archiving everything". If people used more archive services archiving everything wouldn't be a problem. People need to stop relying on archive.is exclusively, not archive less things.



You're not one to talk mate, also at least he wasn't the one defending either cancerous e celebs.

6e0dd7 No.14134151

50106e No.14134158

File: 762f1f8e2dbecde⋯.png (16.2 KB, 749x175, 107:25, FireShot Screen Capture #1….png)

File: 47b739b2bc578e7⋯.jpg (28.92 KB, 665x574, 95:82, 47b.jpg)



74ae35 No.14134180

File: cc36b76c581a2d5⋯.webm (8.79 MB, 640x360, 16:9, dietto.webm)

d6bf9b No.14134204

File: e6f5cfcc2346919⋯.mp4 (2.1 MB, 630x360, 7:4, [vrchat]_russian_knuckles.mp4)

568d16 No.14134262

File: 3774826d54d85cd⋯.png (567.21 KB, 671x1052, 671:1052, Assange.png)


>Ecuador Issues Assange a Passport as Plan Develops to Remove Him from London Safely


Towards the bottom of that article they go over Q posts about Assange that were made on Christmas. One suggests that his first stop after he gets out is going to be Switzerland. Yesterday this was announced -

>Trump surprises with Davos decision


It takes place Jan 23-26. Guess where.

5ad7c3 No.14134322


Oh neat, Neku is in the background near the end.

35f0cd No.14134348

File: 329b154dbcaa90d⋯.png (139.66 KB, 418x366, 209:183, Mark.png)

It's ok to be jewish

b62879 No.14134363


Stop pretending to be Mark

35f0cd No.14134371

File: f33bcb586d29e5c⋯.png (80.3 KB, 501x441, 167:147, 1515482191.png)


I never said I was

e3b0f2 No.14134375

File: 0aeb567b838c59a⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 308.88 KB, 1000x1419, 1000:1419, 074.jpg)

File: f779aa2253c02c5⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 358.65 KB, 1000x1419, 1000:1419, 075.jpg)

File: 0274ef52fd75206⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 353.84 KB, 1000x1419, 1000:1419, 076.jpg)

File: 6702996b227aefb⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 338.15 KB, 1000x1419, 1000:1419, 077.jpg)


why the fuck does mark keep showing up in dojinshis

35f0cd No.14134390

File: 8f63e499c779963⋯.png (39.89 KB, 300x100, 3:1, like this.png)


did this banner were ever added?

379865 No.14134396

File: 33cab9ef8ad5924⋯.png (249.08 KB, 530x805, 106:161, smug samurai.png)


>get banned for being a salty little bitch

>proceed to cry like a salty little bitch

5da05c No.14134397

File: 9ce51c2f4ac9cfd⋯.png (272.56 KB, 580x500, 29:25, glare.png)


>fakku exclusive

I'm angry about jews.

e3b0f2 No.14134400



5da05c No.14134409


I just don't like putting in the extra effort. Plus I'm prone to falling down a porn rabbit hole and ending up with a bunch more stuff I never look at.

156eb5 No.14134411

File: 6a45ef729cb0af0⋯.jpg (47.02 KB, 640x629, 640:629, Gas Gas Gas.jpg)


It's okay to be Jewish, when it's roasted and dead.

fbbfea No.14134426

Someone get the its been zero days since an sjw has been outed as sex freaks


5da05c No.14134430


Looks like I don't have to anyway. It was in that old fakku rip I downloaded ages ago and forgot I had.

379865 No.14134433


I wonder how long until Sci-Fi Phil Fish ends up getting the same treatment.

fbbfea No.14134438


Scalzi knew they were rapists

He just waited like now to denounce them hes a fucking coward

e3b0f2 No.14134443


did you read the article?

I cant be fucked reading about a book series or some dumb shit it was babbling on about

fbbfea No.14134551



look for yourself homo

"Walter's conduct was so bad that it called the culture of sexual tolerance into question: many people thought 'consenting adults' should not include toddlers….Walter's victims included a girl, age 3, a boy, age 13, another boy named Glenn…aged 10 and a boy known as G2, age 7, as well as several other nameless teenagers, both male and female," Donaho wrote. "Walter molested the 3 year old girl in public more than once. She had been trained to strip when she saw him. He would 'rub her down.' He also used a pencil, rubbing the eraser back and forth in the general area of the vagina."

This was done in public, during Worldcon, and there was an actual debate on whether or not to ban him. He was eventually banned for only one year. No one ever said anything again. This is especially upsetting because recently conservative author Jon Del Arroz was banned from attending Worldcon without explanation this year, leading most to believe it's because he does not have the proper political views. "Magic the Gathering" is having similar problems after banning a conservative critic from the game and seizing his personal property. 

5ad7c3 No.14134596


>seizing his personal property.


You mean licenses. What some anons here give steam ToS shit for, when it's not even steam's biggest problem.

Still, just shows how cancerous it is. If he sued, it'd be nice to set a precedent.

aae43f No.14134615


where the fuck was her parents that let a man train their daughter to strip.

3c834d No.14134715

>Jerry Coyne - "Surprise! Pinker smeared again by those who distort his words"


>Saga of Tech’s Marlene Jaeckel Shows ‘Diversity’ Knows No Logic


>"Tech Bro Fired from Google for Saying Women Are Biologically Unfit to Be Engineers":subtitle says "he thinks women can't do math"



>Polygon: YouTube removes Logan Paul from top-tier Google ad platform, YouTube Red projects on hold


c18b8e No.14134741


The mom is probably cucking the dad and leaving the kid is his care because they cant stop sleeping around long enough to raise a kid.

04ba3e No.14134786


Only 17 minutes in, but God damn, Jim comes off like a fuckin' retard.

Yeah, we get it, "collective" sounds like "collectivism." It's very funny. "Duty" sounds like "doody," too. No one is "failing to understand" the humour. They just think it's puerile and out of place.

Then he's implying that a guy commenting on his friends' videos is somehow conspiratorial? What?

It's like he's so rustled he's gone full "joke's on you, I was just pretending." Right down to the speechlessness when asked if he was an individualist. No Jim, THAT was a fucking slam dunk.

f75262 No.14134923

File: 514d31dd8f64377⋯.gif (864.19 KB, 178x195, 178:195, what the fuck.gif)


>"It is my belief that homosexuality is a matter of IMPRINTING, in the same way that BDSM fantasies are," she explains in the book. "To the BDSM'er, continued practice of the fantasy is sexually exciting. To the gay person, naturally, the same. However, from what I have seen, neither one creates healing. My mother became a lesbian because she was raped by her father. My father was molested by a priest–and regarded it as being the only love he had ever experienced. There are a vanishingly few people who are exclusively gay, but far more who have relationships with people of BOTH genders, as my parents and other relatives did."


>"What sets gay culture apart from straight culture is the belief that early sex is good and beneficial, and the sure knowledge (don't think for a second that they DONT KNOW) that the only way to produce another homosexual is to provide a boy with sexual experiences BEFORE he can be 'ruined' by attraction to a girl," she writes.

Good news, Gook!

You won't catch the gay since you're already a fully developed adult, and if you didn't commit underage sex.

Also, I guess this is the reason why media are trying to push that teenage sex "is a natural thing"?

>This would be no surprise to Greyland, who suffered the silence of that community her entire life. It is disturbing that convicted child molesters are being ignored and allowed to continue operating in fandom, while conservative authors are not — their only crime being "wrongthink" or criticizing the wrong people or mocking social justice warriors. What does it say about the left that they can tolerate child molesters but not Republicans?


>"I was brought up to be completely tolerant of every possible sexual variation, and the wish to be loving and accepting of all people has stayed with me," Greyland explains. "Meeting former gay people and former trans people and hearing how furious their friends are about them leaving the lifestyle opened my eyes. They find themselves in a new closet because they are not supposed to be able to reject the lifestyle. What all former gays and former trans have in common is the reality of hate mail and fury from former friends who cannot stand the fact that they were able to leave. It is, after all, supposed to be impossible to leave."

>How tolerant are they, really?

>According to Greyland, "Tolerance only goes one way. It means that anyone who leaves the gay or trans lifestyle or dares to speak out against homosexuality and gay marriage is a fair target for persecution. This is wrong."

7e76b0 No.14134926

File: 0813cf7f2ef93d9⋯.png (83.13 KB, 1348x631, 1348:631, ClipboardImage.png)


fucking KiA, I honestly think they're beyond compromised

Veritas caught a twitter network engineer to reveal some disturbing shit

Video title: Sr Network Security Engineer Reveals Twitter Ready to Give Trump's Private DMs to DOJ

Basically they reveal how much power they have

They know your usernames, passwords, have access to your deleted DMs and deleted tweets, your location, other sites you log on to, and are willing to give it all up to whoever they want to

5ad7c3 No.14134932

File: 6936c5f9010c1c2⋯.jpg (506.4 KB, 717x800, 717:800, 55db5a6b94044e0808c554fed1….jpg)


>>Jerry Coyne - "Surprise! Pinker smeared again by those who distort his words" https://archive.is/66fVG

>https://archive.is/glQRz is linked in the article

This daily-fucking-stormer mirror is tying Pinker to the right and reads like a braindead alt-kike puppet. Same with the "free-thought" commie site that strawmans against something Pinker even acknowledged in the damn vid.

>"Tech Bro Fired from Google for Saying Women Are Biologically Unfit to Be Engineers":subtitle says "he thinks women can't do math"

No surprise! It's a female "reporter"

>Marlene Jaeckel

Pity that a woman that actually teaches code is being beaten by marketing women.

I hate these people, all of them know no intellectual honesty.

e3b0f2 No.14134953


how many fucking times does this need to be said you fucking retard

stop going to fucking Kia or stop coming here to cry about KiA

fuck off

7e76b0 No.14134971


Are you actually this fucking retarded?

Kill yourself, I only use the place to spread shit and counter shills when necessary in relevant happenings faggot

Not everyone is the ralphshill or whoever else cries about them, this is serious

Either way, you're a retard, glad to see you didn't bother to fucking pay attention to the fucking news in that post

e3b0f2 No.14134975


fuck off john kelly

7e76b0 No.14134994


>check ID

>did nothing but shitpost the entire thread

d3e3cf No.14135014

File: ed7132887705baf⋯.jpg (94.01 KB, 800x800, 1:1, MARCHE IF YOU.jpg)


>did nothing but shitpost the entire thread

He's Marche and he's Australian. It's in his DNA to shitpost.

7e76b0 No.14135016


>I was replying to Marche the whole time

d3e3cf No.14135023



>saging the thread that went bumplocked hours ago

95797c No.14135025


I don't remember Marche ever being this much of an asshole.

e3b0f2 No.14135030


neither have you retard, you are having a sook about KiA and dumb oqueef video that basically says twitter saves data on people and is willing to give it to the police

thats literally the entire video

youre fucking retarded

d3e3cf No.14135034

File: c29953e38c7f12e⋯.png (85.03 KB, 492x280, 123:70, Doubt 2.png)


>he doesn't remember the day when Marche sperged the whole day like a revoltard

95797c No.14135035


I must have a very selective memory.

06f093 No.14135036


You don't remember his past sperging?

7e76b0 No.14135039


I always use it for when I go off-topic with shit, its a reflex

I don't use it for downvoting like a faggot

0ef86f No.14135042

File: 199204e457f3b56⋯.png (23.25 KB, 1559x235, 1559:235, Deus vult1.png)

File: 285083b6a56aca1⋯.png (158.97 KB, 1556x712, 389:178, Deus vult2.png)

File: 0ee213a389e93f0⋯.png (228.54 KB, 1562x721, 1562:721, Deus vult3.png)

File: 616b56227491117⋯.png (60.49 KB, 560x199, 560:199, Deus vult4.png)


>Molested a 3 year old girl in public

>Had a debate whether or not the should ban him

>Had a debate

Those fuckers are just as guilty.

It's never too late to cleanse the degenerate.

7e76b0 No.14135048


>the biggest twitterfag here with the least amount of opsec whatsoever doesn't care about twitter shit

what a surprise

95797c No.14135058


I remember him sperging from time to time, but not being an outright asshole.


Reminds me of how DesTiny coined the term "ethical CP", but the one thing pushing his shit in is somebody suing him for every time DesTiny lied about that someone.

e3b0f2 No.14135061


Bitch I aint scared twitter is saving my miranda images and CIA niggers are reading my dumb ass DMs

e3b0f2 No.14135066



sage isnt a downvote btw

74ae35 No.14135067

Since we're near the end of the thread, what vidya are you playing? I ALMOST 1CC'D BATTLETOADS WITHOUT WARPING. I'M LEGITIMATELY PISSED, GOD DAMN DARK QUEEN BITCH.

e3b0f2 No.14135074


Mary Skelter, its basically exactly the same as EVERY OTHER VITA DUNGEON CRAWL

5ad7c3 No.14135082


Free Cities,

Picking up a bit of Dorf Fort too.


If it isn't, why point it out as if it is?

f75262 No.14135085


>what vidya are you playing?

>Smash 4

>Streets of Rage 2

>Septerra Core

First one for weekly meet-ups (So I can have IRL people to talk to outside of my family), latter two to write about, and I plan on starting up Tomb Raider Legend next week for weekly videos.

95797c No.14135086

File: 53cce97ed190f73⋯.webm (6.98 MB, 320x240, 4:3, The Planets Saturn, the B….webm)


Played a free indie pre-alpha game titled "Rifter" after a non-gamer friend of mine found it hard to play and recommended it to me since "you like hard games". I also got CupHead for free off of him, good fellow that he is.

3f32b2 No.14135087

File: 20271bc04cd9466⋯.png (90.01 KB, 275x250, 11:10, 20271bc04cd946686ff183d683….png)


Morrowind. Was playing Siege, but uninstalled after one of the patch notes said they were nerfing a character that literally nobody complained about into the ground and the developers refuse to nerf their donut steel OC who's incredibly OP.

e3b0f2 No.14135088


sage isnt a downvote friendo-o we are past bump limit

7e76b0 No.14135091


Because he's butthurt about it

Just like Mark

4e6ad8 No.14135095


I'm practicing drawing and programming instead of playing games so I can finally start making my own games


I'm sorry but DT2 is clearly a notch above the other DRPGs

be9685 No.14135106


Finished Hollow Knight yesterday. A friend of mine lent his old DDR pad to me so I'm starting to play that for the first time since I'd never played rhythm games (other than fad shit like guitar hero) before.

7e76b0 No.14135107


FE7 on a challenge run, hardest difficulty

Its good shit but fuck, I feel sort of tired of it now, restrictions aren't as fun as I thought they'd be, though the unusual unit usage is fairly novel, if irritating

74ae35 No.14135114


>since I'd never played rhythm games (other than fad shit like guitar hero) before.

I'd recommend Rhythm Heaven in that case.

5e6d87 No.14135133


Spelunker Party and Brandish 2

fb9d5d No.14135134


I thought Pop'n Music was fun back when I had a PSP. The first one had a bunch of anime/game music but the patterns were on the easy side. The second game was a lot more fun to play but progression was dumb and tedious.

b62879 No.14135198


I'm playing a fuckload of yugioh duel links, I know it's p2w garbage but it's fun

e2ed55 No.14135228

File: c80c2b7aeb5cda0⋯.jpeg (109.57 KB, 688x971, 688:971, 0F857CB5-9474-4248-A831-8….jpeg)



I was told that this sucked but I’m having loads of fun killing shit with my bros and camping out in the wilderness


I really love this but the map layout around the cathedral is really confusing me. Map layout in general is confusing me.

1ec005 No.14135262


>the one attack she does after you beat her that can still kill you

Good times. Lost to that my first time through

fb9d5d No.14135275


Everyone was so excited for Bloodborne but now that I have a PS4 and I can play the game I don't want to. I think it's horrible and boring and all the weapons feel the same and it's way too linear so if you want to use a certain weapon earlier you just have to grind through tons of chalice dungeons until you get lucky. The story is novel, the level design is great, but so much of it is just bad.

I hope Fromsoft's next game is good because after BB and DS3 I don't want any souls-like games for a long time.

f65cbc No.14135300


There is honestly no real reason to get the rare variations of weapons unless you got lucky with one of the blood gems. Heck, outside cheevos there is little reason to go through the chalice dungeons unless you are minmaxing play 3 where you need to know bloodbornes parry system. And some of the weapons do have similar feeling but not all, I can only say try out tons of shit, then realize that as far as bosses go the axe is best weapon. as for games with souls control, I hold that a 3d non botw zelda with demon souls controls modified so tools can be used in the weapons slots could be fun.

fb9d5d No.14135355


It's stupid like how DS2 let you use dual spears like 20 minutes into the game as soon as you get the stats but if you wanted to use them in DS3 they first show up at one of the last areas so you can only use them for a tiny bit. And sure there's NG+ but only inflating enemy health and damage is super tedious.

I don't know about that one either. I really liked the older zelda games because there was a huge focus on all the cool things you found. The newer games like Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword put a lot more focus on sword skills and you ended up with really lame items that hardly did anything outside their specific puzzles.

c33729 No.14135384

File: f544466801bebd8⋯.png (314.59 KB, 350x350, 1:1, !!!!!.png)

What the shit happened?

f65cbc No.14135404


I agree that situational items, though can be neat, were drastically made useless and boring because they were situational. Twilight and skyward were very bad for this. Thats why I would say that the tools would all need to have a methods to be usable as weapons if they did it, or have significant non situational use outside of combat. and the next glider/sail/dekuleaf should be the rocs cape, which when worn looks like a cloak, and is gotten from slaying a boss class roc

d3e3cf No.14135417

File: 68d0e57b2c14e50⋯.webm (7.29 MB, 574x480, 287:240, ggrevolt raid.webm)

File: d44935dfe1253fa⋯.webm (4.36 MB, 574x480, 287:240, masterchan raid.webm)


Daily life of 8chan

b62879 No.14135462


What was it? I was making soup

04ba3e No.14135464

File: 8c0f410b78ab685⋯.png (307.18 KB, 968x634, 484:317, babbyboomers.png)


I am ashamed to say, Fallout 4.

Sim Settlements is much more entertaining than the vanilla settlement building, and I've got Enhanced Family Planning to make babby with companions and various ladies at my outposts (who all get proper names when they come to my attention - guards get a rank and name when I kit them out for the job, for example, but random farmers need to be eye-catching or give quest or something to distinguish themselves). Not sure if I'll sex up any female minutemen, as that would be startlingly unethical, but the CKII player in me is looking forward to eventually ploughing my own daughters.

Image unrelated, but related to boomers. That said, my stance is to leave them the fuck alone. The potential that someone else might be a cancerous faggot in the future doesn't justify me definitely being a cancerous faggot right now, and anyone arguing otherwise is the reason we can't have nice things.

c0b368 No.14135617

File: 31fb0f7d88ba9b2⋯.jpg (18.43 KB, 500x375, 4:3, WHAT THE FUCK AM I PERCEIV….jpg)


Are they suppose to look like men?

b62879 No.14135620


Knowing tumblr, yes

36289a No.14135961

File: b20d9b749bacacf⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 1.26 MB, 768x2095, 768:2095, b20d9b749bacacfc3463113645….png)

Zombie Viv would go well with this


d3e3cf No.14136014

File: 7d6b5d0e3c67d1a⋯.jpg (21.76 KB, 231x300, 77:100, time to zap.jpg)

545d5a No.14136044


Finishing hollow knight, a number of hours in Stalker SoC and E.Y.E, and just began Witcher 3.

All really solid games so far with the exception of E.Y.E, which has cool mechanics and an interesting plot but is designed like a Frenchman made it.

Also started playing Starbound recently. It's like Terraria, but with an actual game put in.

156eb5 No.14136170

File: c34adaec99e0561⋯.jpg (146.77 KB, 675x1200, 9:16, Los Ingobernables 12.jpg)

Good evening.

50be99 No.14136235



Vivian and Amane trying to get out of the screen together.

Vivian = Western ghost. Amane = Eastern ghost.


Saved. Thanks for your work, anon. Would give money.

0ef86f No.14136265


Trails in the Sky: Second Chapter.

50be99 No.14136280



Caralho, porra.

To these fags, censorship is alright as long the guy doing it wears a red star.

6cc313 No.14136368



6cc313 No.14136385

File: ccea60ad63b66a0⋯.png (190.43 KB, 605x624, 605:624, take that mom.png)


I'm scared to try this because if NISA gets involved my investment might not be worth it.

bde535 No.14136446

File: 5f9527846ea49e5⋯.png (114.21 KB, 504x186, 84:31, break you in.png)


FC and SC are pretty self contained, as far as story goes. There's probably a ton that went over my head not playing any of the others beforehand, but they didn't feel incomplete at all.

50be99 No.14136463


Witcher 3, GalGun, Estival Versus.

I am thinking about buying Mega Dimension Neptunia VII. Is it okay or is it cucked in the west?

7e6a9b No.14136491


I wouldn't call it cucked, but the acting seems especially off in this title compared to previous ones. If you're buying it on PS4, make sure it's at a time when it's on sale for $6.

b4d13d No.14136583

File: b884d3e952451a2⋯.jpg (24.08 KB, 540x540, 1:1, josh-moon.jpg)



>We have reached a point in time where newfaggots don't know who Null is

I'm getting too jaded for this shit

b4d13d No.14136598


No, it's not you fucking monkey




Compile Heart has done their localizations inhouse for some time now and they're all decent.

6cc313 No.14136626


Quit reminding me I gave him a fuckton of cash

6cc313 No.14136630

Is there a way to filter all TOR posters?

156eb5 No.14136648

File: 38ba64230787d77⋯.jpg (73.73 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, Joey Ryan King of Strong D….jpg)

So, do have a baker on?

36b4bb No.14136708

File: 48bceac083a9c40⋯.png (130.73 KB, 540x166, 270:83, 8f095e7caf3b03a99ac095606c….png)


>bullying you're own mom

What a gay

482a3c No.14136790

>tfw there's a huge chance NISA ported Ys 8 to Switch meaning Falcom will want them even more than before


8f1d3c No.14136831


I'm sure Kiwi Farms is very grateful for that.

8f1d3c No.14136839



You didn't know though, barely anyone here knew.

3c834d No.14136848

>The Year in “Diversity Fatigue” | The New Yorker


>Creator of “Shitty Media Men” (spreadsheet of anonymous allegations of sexual misconduct) reveals herself



>The Week: "The Marxist case for the Nintendo Switch"


6e0dd7 No.14136863

File: 5bc9c2949fea579⋯.png (1.18 MB, 1368x898, 684:449, DankSoulsSwitch.png)

oh btw this happened

ef5556 No.14136872


I came here in 2014 and I don't know about that faggot because I don' t follow board celeb drama like a shlong slurping faglord.

19a798 No.14136889


you got your wish bro.

482a3c No.14136891


Fuck you

0ef86f No.14136908

f75262 No.14137004

Bread is in the oven, start shitposting to 700!

6e0dd7 No.14137034

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

f322c8 No.14137051

I got the flu. Have there been any happenings since Monday?

b4d13d No.14137062


>Ive been here since 2014 bit dontt know the lead programmer behind Infinity Next

Do you even know what Infinity Next is newfaggot?


Becaude Nips bought Switch en masse like lemmings and they're starved for games.

f322c8 No.14137063


God dammit.

f75262 No.14137064

f75262 No.14137167

<Will be gone for a few minutes, just hold on if the bread makes it past 700

50be99 No.14137187


If its got the original JP voices and the option for subtitles then it is fine.

2f84f3 No.14137208

File: 5127bceab29afa6⋯.jpg (37.83 KB, 414x321, 138:107, 1291699978611.jpg)


>NISA porting YS 8 to the switch meaning they'll get all the money they lost from the PS4/Vita release back because Nintendrones will buy anything on the switch

>NISA is now localizing the next SNK Fighting game

God fucking dammit

f322c8 No.14137240

f75262 No.14137248

New Bread

New Bread



New Bread

New Bread



New Bread

New Bread



4defa6 No.14142247


You can't even lead a toaster to victory, faggot.

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