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[ /agdg/ | Vidya Porn | Hentai Games | Retro Vidya | Contact ]

File: 13f45d1b5283f6b⋯.jpg (30.39 KB, 460x215, 92:43, header.jpg)

09e8cd No.14384060


>None of the cutscenes work at all

>CTDs very frequent

>A Source game that takes up over 40GBs

>Will likely take up more when the many missing textures are added

>Still a load of stolen assets

>AI barely functions

>Voiceacting that can only be described as cheese so edgy you could slice your wrists with it

>NOBODY who worked on it is getting paid save for the head autist

>Already "Very Negative" on Steam with most not even playing an hour before dropping it



Who's ready for the shitshow?

bf57a4 No.14384067


a5fb11 No.14384069

File: bbf5df40a26f4f8⋯.jpg (38.16 KB, 720x480, 3:2, I have no mouth and I must….jpg)

>It's an actual game you pay for

>Valve allowed their IP to be used like this

1bfaf8 No.14384082

File: b26bc13d983a792⋯.gif (1.51 MB, 320x240, 4:3, 1349942185064.gif)

Quality control hasn't existed for years

Quality hasn't existed in about a decade.

Why am i here,just to feel pain at this kind of shit,and know no joy?

bf57a4 No.14384097

File: e98e73d9a2afe63⋯.png (192.8 KB, 1383x785, 1383:785, Screen Shot 02-24-18 at 05….PNG)

Why the fuck are there so many chinks on Steam all of a sudden?

6482e1 No.14384129

File: a1c1ac064f00198⋯.jpg (49.08 KB, 676x858, 26:33, a1c1ac064f00198a09e55b9e68….jpg)

Apparently it has some debug tools that would be very useful for reverse engineering Source in pretty much its entirety.

80b3ea No.14384136


There are already torrents but they store the game in an ISO so you can't just download the debug tools.

09e8cd No.14384143

File: 43a944468b7803f⋯.jpg (425.77 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 723390_screenshots_2018022….jpg)

File: 5f322a5e04a0fbf⋯.png (48.88 KB, 800x585, 160:117, 0b3939c053661b424dd961ad58….png)


>Head autist took down the public disagreement

>The "Ignore the haters, devs" thread the devs pinned in discussions while fellating themselves has been overshadowed by a tidal wave of shitposts

>Shills out in full force trying to downplay the stolen assets by saying "THEY TOTALLY GAVE U- I MEAN- THE DEVS PERMISSION GOYS"

>You can tell if a map is stolen by it running at 300FPS as opposed to the original maps that run at 30-40

>Valve's probably going to can the whole thing soon better save a copy for the future generations that want to see what a true pile of shit looks like


9533e2 No.14384164

File: f3609be31d9f006⋯.png (357.15 KB, 680x413, 680:413, 4a352cfba58c45de4f420595c5….png)

People on the Discussions page are saying this was kickstarted for 100k, is that true?

5be66b No.14384172

File: d9d3e3d03b92920⋯.jpg (33.67 KB, 352x550, 16:25, ayo.jpg)


The kikes at Valve are making an actual effort to acquire the chink audience and since chinks have little to no exposure to western vidya in the grand scheme of time, especially when you compare that to the collective exposure we've had to western gayms. It all makes sense that they'd get invested in shit games like PUBG. As of this year, a chink company gained the rights to published PUBG in chinkland.

>mfw all of your gayms that havent been ruined will soon be ruined when the yellow hoards of eastern kikes floods them

https:// www.please use archive.is/thanks-to-pubg-china-may-now-have-more-steam-users-than-any-other-country/

The Japs should've focused on genociding those fucking bugs instead of going to war against burgerland, like a bunch of retards.

6482e1 No.14384184



And only got 12 dollars.

6482e1 No.14384188



Here's an archive of that.

9533e2 No.14384197

File: 04344ef13fadb2c⋯.png (221.84 KB, 449x401, 449:401, laughing imps.png)



>$12 of $100,000 raised

You would have thought that would be a big enough of a hint for him.

fdb504 No.14384200


If you knew your history you would have known the Japs were essentially forced to attack America. FDR wanted war but didn't want to make the first strike so they had to bait Japan into doing so.

f313e7 No.14384205

File: 06d797e32f633ba⋯.jpg (46.64 KB, 700x467, 700:467, laughing gook business man.jpg)



>12 bux out of fucking $100,000

5be66b No.14384206


>your history

I'm not a burger.

8b25c6 No.14384213


of course, you're a faggot.

fdb504 No.14384221


WWII didn't involve only America. I'm derailing the thread so I'll stop now.

5be66b No.14384222


>t. chink

Also, nice VPN, bug.

f313e7 No.14384234

File: a68251110319a65⋯.jpg (45.97 KB, 460x316, 115:79, derailed.jpg)

Oh shit we should cease this historical shit right now or we might blow this thread kingdom come. I've already seen fucking enough shits about Imperial Japan from books and most certainly doesn't want to review all these shits on imageboard, especially on /v/.

45eab4 No.14384247


WWII was a mistake pushed by bankers, now move on

c9e236 No.14384249


Black mesa? Is this 2009 already?

f313e7 No.14384267

Hooktube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

Watch from 4:10. The most edgiest protagonist after Dante from Devil May Cry™ and Shadow the Hedgehog.

>"He was a gaaawd in my eyes"

12fd78 No.14384316

File: 170c7bba2839d46⋯.webm (6.03 MB, 640x360, 16:9, WHERE IS THE FREE MAN.webm)



09e8cd No.14384323

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



b4f170 No.14384329

File: ff7933de0694549⋯.png (13.97 KB, 288x288, 1:1, 1443168647596.png)


Go back in time 5 years and tell your younger self this is video games in 2018, how do they react?

fdb504 No.14384330



74b49a No.14384340

Why does this game matter?

12fd78 No.14384352


I can't believe this is not a jokedub. Everything sounds like it's recorded in a bedroom instead of the more open space that scene suggests.

>IHE voiced that president



It doesn't matter what the game is. What matters is our plan.

e2b2a5 No.14384355



9acf0d No.14384361

File: 414bf3fa1570c42⋯.mp4 (2.25 MB, 402x720, 67:120, l9660ec559ff9977750c025fb3….mp4)



that's some funny shit right there

ebaa2c No.14384365


>not liking a dumpster fire

a115f0 No.14384380

File: 7fdc3f7f89f1f87⋯.png (216.5 KB, 1009x908, 1009:908, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 304fa4bd81bc4f1⋯.png (189.1 KB, 1018x786, 509:393, ClipboardImage.png)

File: cc361ee4037f122⋯.png (190.56 KB, 1022x921, 1022:921, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a8d1852a9ea0f43⋯.png (217.71 KB, 1024x883, 1024:883, ClipboardImage.png)

Is this stuff worth archiving? There's not many creative shitposts.

b4a7eb No.14384382


>brings up global history

>hurr durr i ain't no burger

09e8cd No.14384388

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



This fiery shitstorm is going to be one for the ages.

f313e7 No.14384391

File: c4e4dc5fdb6d492⋯.jpg (225.35 KB, 500x500, 1:1, die by laughing.jpg)


>/leftypol/ defending it on Steam forum

It's fucking golden, I swear to god that faggot is one of us LARPing.

12fd78 No.14384396

File: b4dbae7998a5257⋯.webm (5.36 MB, 640x360, 16:9, huntdownthebadvoiceactors.webm)

>when you're asked to voice a dramatic scene but instead abuse the opportunity to record yourself reading the lines while masturbating loudly for shits 'n giggles instead

f313e7 No.14384405

File: fd406b8712c5c07⋯.gif (2.2 MB, 193x200, 193:200, cena_laughing.gif)


>"Hold on.. we're getting transmission from the squaaad…"

>"Ugh…", "Mmmm… Uhh….", "Aahh…"

That sounds exactly like he's fucking jerking off while doing radio

6affe0 No.14384427

I'm too embarrassed to even watch any of the cutscenes, this is truly awful.

229059 No.14384432


Dude steam is 80% Chicoms and Russians

6affe0 No.14384433


Blame DotA.

598b3a No.14384438



but why? I thought this game doesn't have politics in it. Do they have to defend every loud turd nowadays just so that their own shitty games get a pass?

ebaa2c No.14384443


/leftypol/ are certified idiots and mentally ill, do not look for rhyme and reason in anything they do. Just assume they're doing it for the dumbest reason possible.

0dea66 No.14384450

File: 81f6916349b7ab1⋯.png (72.71 KB, 1286x291, 1286:291, ClipboardImage.png)

I have never witnessed something so fucking disastrous. Its like I am watching the towers fall in 2001.

f313e7 No.14384453


I call that guy one of our professional LARPer, he's level 0 and has private Steam profile.

a115f0 No.14384456


I wouldn't say that. It'll take a lot to top the Kangz shitposting spree.


Private profiles appear as level 0, regardless of the user's actual level.

9acf0d No.14384458




i wonder how you came to the conclusion that it must be them?i believe you give them too much credit

f313e7 No.14384459

File: c168394703f2e11⋯.jpg (13.82 KB, 600x150, 4:1, the-more-you-know.jpg)


>Private profiles appear as level 0, regardless of the user's actual level.

Holy shit never knew that, thanks anon.

2ed9b7 No.14384460

File: 463b956be48c2c3⋯.png (102.45 KB, 249x249, 1:1, 2ff5b713280304c75827b89ca2….png)




Dumpster fires lose something when it's shitting on something you enjoy. A good one is Ride to Hell or Limbo of the Lost. A bad one is Sonic 2006. Thankfully I don't care about Half-Life anymore so this is gonna be one for the popcorn.

ebaa2c No.14384462

File: 8050e1ebc26b88c⋯.webm (2.02 MB, 864x486, 16:9, leftypol pays college to ….webm)

9acf0d No.14384469

File: 544915c2c8462eb⋯.webm (7.15 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ADL on 8chan.webm)


i've seen that before but how is that related to this?

3e1963 No.14384470


china had a 15 year ban on vidya back in 2001 i think and the ending of the ban is really only having widespread impact now.

0e5993 No.14384473


Jesus christ

cd0bf4 No.14384476


one of them has the leftypol cat as its avatar.

ebaa2c No.14384477


Because /leftypol/ are dumb. You assume it's one of us baiting because you believe even /leftypol/ could never be so blatant, when we have ample proof they have all the grace of an obese, rabid elephant in a china shop.

a115f0 No.14384480

File: 8b106dcc2039fe1⋯.png (88.54 KB, 640x407, 640:407, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8cb0d7fae31de7d⋯.png (223.48 KB, 640x2045, 128:409, ClipboardImage.png)

Has anyone found the origin of this pasta?

>Looks guys, we just wanna make a good game, I understand it s not TRADITIONAL half-life style, but that was the all point, showing that Half-Life universe also can be amazing on a different perspective with different style, so we can appreciate half-life not just what it is but also what it could be! Why can't we co-exist with other mods? So other people with different taste can also enjoy this. There is hundreds of amazing Half-Life mods that uses traditional style made by amazingly talented people, and I assume some of you are also one of these people. If people want to play that kind of mods, of course they can, but we wanted to create something different. We have over 60 people worked on this project some professionals, some amateurs. We all put love into this. We just wanna make a good game at the end of the day. So if you guys wanna criticize it that's fine and we do appreciate that. That's what we need, criticism, so we can improve ourselves on our project.

f313e7 No.14384482

File: 2031214d5968978⋯.png (107.27 KB, 356x256, 89:64, laughter stops.png)




This thread's getting crazy, maybe too much.

598b3a No.14384483



what are the chances they're defending hugboxiness on Steam?

t. never, ever used Steam forums

ebaa2c No.14384490

File: 584b1a533cd969d⋯.png (41.43 KB, 1251x395, 1251:395, leftypol BO spergs out 8.png)

File: 3c0af0cec879841⋯.png (48.73 KB, 1197x550, 1197:550, leftypol BO spergs out 7.png)

File: bdafd0cdf24c4e4⋯.png (73 KB, 1313x818, 1313:818, leftypol BO spergs out 6.png)

File: e50a8e9ec5dcc78⋯.png (61.88 KB, 1304x714, 652:357, leftypol BO spergs out 5.png)

File: 3970c4e4905ef5c⋯.png (230.83 KB, 1316x378, 94:27, leftypol BO spergs out 1.png)


>what are the chances they're defending hugboxiness on Steam?

Pot meets kettle.

9acf0d No.14384491


so far you posted 0 evidence that any of this is in correlation to leftypol from these images

just sayan


i'd like to take you on your word but your bait is getting weaker by the moment

6d16a3 No.14384501

File: aefe7ed6bfb3eb8⋯.jpg (30.35 KB, 1280x529, 1280:529, serveimage.jpg)



a115f0 No.14384514

File: 1c4c6437b537bca⋯.png (49.87 KB, 640x227, 640:227, ClipboardImage.png)

9533e2 No.14384520

File: 5d8982eddf786aa⋯.jpg (53.54 KB, 414x451, 414:451, 98959919bd9c4b8aac6c8f5581….jpg)


>Also, I invested $50,000 into HDTD

2ad39d No.14384526

Twitch embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>missing textures

he wasn't kidding, boyos

2ad39d No.14384529

Twitch embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>twitch embed failed

thanks goyim

let's try this again

>missing texutres

He wasn't lying boyos

91c0bb No.14384530

File: 985b506afa1d2ba⋯.png (568.12 KB, 852x480, 71:40, what is this.png)

This is an official game, oked by Valve?

2ad39d No.14384533

File: 39d04869ac4e84a⋯.jpg (424.33 KB, 806x430, 403:215, payme.jpg)


fuck it i guess i don't get to upload embeds thanks twitch

ece4a1 No.14384534

Hooktube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


Dumb nigger.

191bf7 No.14384537

File: d744d134540018e⋯.png (1.63 KB, 136x128, 17:16, 1f914.png)

Is Freeman actually voiced in game?

2ad39d No.14384538


From what we know, yes, but we can't tell you because

>they uploaded a old build of the game

>the cutscenes didn't upload with the old build

598b3a No.14384539

12fd78 No.14384540


No(t as far as I know). If you see parts of him where he talks, it's most likely voice clips from Freeman's Mind spliced in for comedic effect.

6affe0 No.14384541


Is that speculation or did the dev do that?

2ad39d No.14384544


Oh, also, the top streamer of this game broke down on more than one occasion

>broke down earlier singing PPAP


12fd78 No.14384546


>Is that speculation or did the dev do that?

I'm mostly referring to this >>14384267 video. If he's actually voiced in the mod for real, I wouldn't know.

91c0bb No.14384548


But why?

2ad39d No.14384551


because lord shekelstein is more focused on profits than a good brand who the fuck knows lmao

a8062d No.14384560


Because Gaben needs more cake.

5accd5 No.14384569


>dumpster fire

>garbage fire

This is goonspeak

91c0bb No.14384575


t. goon

332f33 No.14384576

File: d3b04eb805ce944⋯.jpg (303.62 KB, 2464x1648, 154:103, justdev.jpg)

cfa062 No.14384582


The retard with the white shirt has his cigar shooped in.

ebaa2c No.14384585


>we did it reddit

d45e4f No.14384586


I'd probably say "at least it isn't as hamfisted as Bioshock Infinite".

ece4a1 No.14384587

5accd5 No.14384588


You don't actually need to have AIDS to know about it

91c0bb No.14384589




I'd say that a team of ten or so guys making a good game isn't such an unimaginable feat, if they're Slavs or something, but nothing in this picture oozes confidence to me.

3eee4c No.14384597


"good game"

>the developers never had a build of the game

>a youtuber paid 50,000 to invest in this game

>these people literally worked on something that they never saw

>the devs themselves joined in on the shitposting and meming that followed the terrible launch

>"he forgot to activate windows"

This wasn't even a "game", let alone something that can claim to be a fan project considering they're charging money. Just buy Black Mesa and you'll get to see the only good textures that made it into this shitshow of a 'game'

2ed9b7 No.14384600

File: 482547e9bb8c782⋯.png (3.46 MB, 2188x2908, 547:727, 482547e9bb8c78278f9af17e2d….png)


Drop your tryhard bullshit term policing already, it's tedious and boring, and dumpster fire is a great term. Go appreciate some nice 2D instead.

109002 No.14384615

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


No way. If that's true, then this trainwreck could actually end up one of the most important Half-Life releases for the community.

af6eec No.14384621


jesus christ this is s'arais tier

5accd5 No.14384627


Sure, I'm sorry.

ece4a1 No.14384631


Christ this is bad.

109002 No.14384635



Someone please post a download/magnet for it though

2ad39d No.14384637

a99a0e No.14384638

File: 412be42b9502522⋯.jpg (152.16 KB, 1280x1024, 5:4, 5174ef1b6a0c9d771f51b23ab5….jpg)


>Microphone puffing

>No ambient noise

>No music

>Obvious mic cut offs

>Different volume levels for everyone

>Terrible acting

>Awful writing

What a fucking disaster.

481ad0 No.14384672


There's no debug tools.

e1779e No.14384677

File: 6819aea38046ea6⋯.jpg (36.36 KB, 303x351, 101:117, Cheetoman.jpg)

09e8cd No.14384688


Don't forget that Memestar's voice is supposed to be Breen.

Robert Culp is probably turning in his grave right now.

6d2bf8 No.14384691


>voice clips from Freeman's Mind

Can they do that without Ross' permission? Because I can't imagine him giving permission to something like this

80f219 No.14384698

cd0bf4 No.14384704

File: bb5537ac6b936e3⋯.gif (698.63 KB, 1221x768, 407:256, picklerick.gif)

19fe47 No.14384711


The guy who made the video >>14384267 put the voice clips, it's not in the mod.

ebe060 No.14384732


It's not enjoyable to mock games that have no redeeming qualities, never did, and never even hinted that they would be good in any way. This isn't even like Depression Quest, where a subset of game bloggers tried to say it was deep and meaningful. This is just garbage, through and through, and deserves as much dedication of your cognitive faculties as you afford a candy wrapper already dropped in the waste receptacle.

32f67b No.14384743

File: 52226cfe79d23b4⋯.jpg (9.87 KB, 326x245, 326:245, gachigasm.jpg)



ebaa2c No.14384748


Depression Quest was garbage through and through. Just because thirsty betas wanted to stick their dick in Zoe's diseased snatch and wrote glowing reviews about it doesn't change this fact.

In fact, this turd is more of a game than Depression Quest.

ebe060 No.14384758


I'm not debating the utter lack of merit Depression Quest possesses. My point is that there is nothing whatsoever suggesting that this game should be bought or played. This thread only exists because OP is desperate for a new trainwreck, however this one never made it onto the rails in the first place.

d6cd10 No.14384759

File: b448b35899b2424⋯.png (669.42 KB, 621x594, 23:22, gipsycig.PNG)

2ad39d No.14384765


Is it just me or does he look like he's trying to pull off the "FORTY KEKS" face

09e8cd No.14384784

File: ae4952dacfd024e⋯.jpg (36.75 KB, 400x366, 200:183, 49d549ca230d20454744bd9c52….jpg)



Valve allowing them to use the Half Life brand is reason enough while being advertised as a "new Half Life experience" which many have been itching for, along with a few having genuine excitement for it before the broken shite was released.

Some are still defending it.

Many are mocking it on stream and in various groups while entire legions of shills are rushing to defend it to the point that it's comical and makes this shitshow funnier.

This piece of shit's going down in history as an example of why shit like paid mods are a bad idea and how "celebrity voice actors" are fucking retarded, among other things, and there ain't shit you can do about it, shill.

2068a4 No.14384788

File: b0d39b3740e38b3⋯.jpg (25.43 KB, 393x380, 393:380, 1470248371179-0.jpg)


>blowing furiously into the mic while having gay sounding orgasms

d6cd10 No.14384810

File: 55401677ad87e49⋯.png (487.99 KB, 621x594, 23:22, gipsycig2.PNG)

d8459e No.14384819

File: 97f7dd8308a36c6⋯.webm (2.34 MB, 1440x1080, 4:3, Laugh anyways.webm)


>ends it with "i'm batman"

78c8a1 No.14384864

Kek I'm laughing

80f219 No.14384865

File: 7c7440836697880⋯.png (202.48 KB, 1905x1038, 635:346, 1519473581_lol - Copy.png)

81534a No.14384869


is that the source 2013 debug files?

6de341 No.14384883

Who gives a fuck? OP has been remaking this thread for weeks now, and he's the only one who cares. Who are you people and don't you have somethingawful to talk about video games? WHO USES THE TERM DUMPSTER FIRE?

78c8a1 No.14384889


What ever shill I haven't seen this thread before and it made me laugh hard

e2965b No.14384891

ece4a1 No.14384892


This is bait.

6de341 No.14384893



The only advertisement this game ever had was OP making threads on this board. The only reason I even know this game exists is because of OP. I will clue you in on something: bad games exist in the thousands and it's not worth your time or multiple fucking threads on this board discussing them one by one.

ca0269 No.14384898

File: a6593fe04f5f301⋯.webm (308.7 KB, 236x426, 118:213, Fox Laugh.webm)


Good fucking lord, this has to be intentional. No one can hear this shit and think it sounds good

5accd5 No.14384905


Ed Wood would?

80f219 No.14384910


It's supposedly the debug tools for the latest version of source, meaning it can be de-compiled for the first time ever.

2ed9b7 No.14384912

File: 2346c67f2b130d9⋯.png (1.91 MB, 1145x1943, 1145:1943, With love.png)


If it's just a bad game, sure. But there's a reason people watch shit like Plan 9 From Outer Space: Sometimes things can be so bad they're good, or so utterly terrible you can't help but watch and laugh and make fun of them. This is one example.


Also you need to go chase the 2D love as well.

8aa5df No.14384915

File: f02448b4f7787c2⋯.jpg (93.11 KB, 400x323, 400:323, f02.jpg)

why does it do the battlefield 3 camera thing where it focuses on your fists when youre in a cutscene ? its nauseating

2ad39d No.14384916


If only the term "so bad it's good" could actually apply here. The novelty wears off after 15 minutes and then you just start losing brain cells

80f219 No.14384920


>no one cares

59 UID's in this thread say otherwise

>remaking it for weeks now

Well now the game is out faggot, we've got something new to talk about.

12fd78 No.14384928

File: bb6bdceac2302fc⋯.jpg (14.83 KB, 480x480, 1:1, wew.jpg)


Alright anon, through posting in this thread you have convinced us to no longer post in this thread because you personally feel this subject is not worth discussing on the entirety of /v/, despite the topic fitting well inside the criteria of allowed topics on /v/. As such everyone in this thread, including myself, will completely oblige your personal fancy and set aside our own desires to discuss the topic at hand, for no other reason because you said so. We aren't submitting because you hold any power over us, but because we sincerely respect your personal wishes of what should and shouldn't be discussed on /v/.

80f219 No.14384931


jej quality post


09e8cd No.14384940

File: 7ffda021a1406f0⋯.jpg (71.22 KB, 288x499, 288:499, 7ff.jpg)


This is the first time I've made this thread, in fact I've been patiently waiting for this pile of shit to come out before I did so.

Go back to shilling in the Steam discussions, claiming no assets are stolen, when you can even see som before the first loading screen ends.

6de341 No.14384942


The point is, this is forced. All the other threads died with 5 replies, OP just kept remaking them. To me it just screams a faggot desperate for personal army.

0dea66 No.14384946

File: 7bf97a1aa674545⋯.jpg (81.77 KB, 640x360, 16:9, georgelopez.jpg)


If you spread this around, you can actually do a lot of good for the source modding community. They'll probably have access to a lot more features to overall improve the game play of their own mods.

or valve could go full congo and make those tools irrelevant which breaks all mods beyond any form of repair.

2ed9b7 No.14384973

File: eff8de66b899433⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 1.85 MB, 1715x2400, 343:480, patchy.jpg)


Earlier threads were pointless but now the piece of crap is out and we have something to make fun of, the thread has gone places.

Again, go fap or play games or just something else if you're so bored that you want to backseat moderate when other people are having fun. Doubly so if you just want to piss on "improper" words.

dd1e5e No.14384994


>OP keeps remaking them

Literally haven't seen any other thread other than this one and ive had nothing to do but browse /v/ all week, what the fuck are you talking about.

>All the other threads died within 5 replies but I somehow managed to see them all

Anon calling you a shill is right, if you think pointing and laughing at something crash and burn is some personal army shit you clearly weren't around for the KoTOR days.

Also literally everyone I know has said dumpster fire it's a common term, like trash heap or train wreck they all mean the same thing stop sperging out.

3d5c89 No.14384996

File: ab9d86423be3add⋯.jpg (46.76 KB, 680x671, 680:671, this is not damki_.jpg)


>freeman talks

6de341 No.14385006


>Literally haven't seen any other thread other than this one

That's because this topic is an abortion and those threads died early, but I saw them because I browse the catalog.

09e8cd No.14385015

File: 81e703f84e4961b⋯.jpg (118.97 KB, 735x960, 49:64, 0433e566c6202ca869d6fda22d….jpg)


If the dev's incompetence has led to him accidentally releasing the key to the Source engine's source code, this game will be propelled to legendary status.


>putting a book in water


3e3531 No.14385021

File: ded9f8f2f7c1600⋯.jpg (55.77 KB, 391x580, 391:580, tfw no harpy duty.jpg)

So if this really does have the source files in it how long until it gets removed by Valve?

2ed9b7 No.14385026


Don't worry some of her books are waterproof. No really.

2f7fdd No.14385027

File: a527aed9dd2d73c⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 302.05 KB, 457x451, 457:451, 1368662279292.png)


>Ruining a book

>big tits

DFC master race, they respect books.

even if they sometimes havnt learned how to read yet


How how much shit they will get in for this.

05054a No.14385040


At minimum the game could get pulled, at most Valve might use their legal team to give the devs a notice.

ae7208 No.14385051

File: 3c957bf43557430⋯.jpg (8.27 KB, 52x59, 52:59, Capture.JPG)

ebaa2c No.14385060


Not like they're getting the source code back if it's already out in the wild.

ebe060 No.14385067


>Many are mocking it on stream and in various groups

You should return to those "various groups" and shithole streaming sites.

>going down in history

Just like The War Z. Oh wait, nobody remembers that. It was just fodder for streamshits to piggyback on for views.


Consider this. Between the two of us, which one is actively publicizing a product?

3e3531 No.14385072


I personally hope Valve tries to shut it down in an attempt to stop the debug files from getting out.

b2542d No.14385079


From the comments

>YES THE GAME IS BROCKEN YES there is problems on finding where you go YES theres missing cut cutscenes YES theres broken walls and errors AND LOTS M ORE but that doesnt mean the game is bad

d8180e No.14385098


morgan freeman is a shitty reddit tier protagonist that does not deserve to be shoved into so many different games to be honest family.

2f7fdd No.14385102

File: 11de686433dc59a⋯.jpg (93.63 KB, 620x559, 620:559, Bert and Ernie.jpg)


anon you gotta live in the moment. Its fun to mock games and everything bad, why do you think watching bad movies is a thing? Or watching reviews for them is popular? Everyone knows its bad, but its fun to see the reactions of others to that product, and to laugh at the misfortune of them and the creators to make your own life better.

6de341 No.14385119


It's advertisement.

e0bc9c No.14385127

File: 0c5f30a91a95849⋯.png (340.31 KB, 621x684, 69:76, happy_playtime_demon.PNG)


That sounds great.



>$12 of $100,000 raised

Holy shit!

2ed9b7 No.14385132

File: 9dcd3aa86a71ac8⋯.jpg (433.94 KB, 1500x1600, 15:16, why are there no Patchouli….jpg)


The librarian respects her books just fine, considering they're strong enough to be used as bludgeons in the fighting games.


Negligible price to pay to have some fun.

b2542d No.14385142


>>12 bux out of fucking $100,000

Dam we really missed out.

In their stretch goals if they had raised 250k they were going to do an animated miniseries.

91c0bb No.14385143


Holy shit you guys, i think this guy night be a legit dev of this pile of shit game.

e0bc9c No.14385164

File: 151db5116b19858⋯.png (591.11 KB, 953x1379, 953:1379, S'Arais - Autist's Witness.png)

File: c23b6bfeee0ecec⋯.png (428.46 KB, 1119x1501, 1119:1501, Still no self-awareness.png)


>s'arais tier




/leftyuck/ needs death.

6de341 No.14385166

File: 4b1fa046cd9894e⋯.png (786.17 KB, 1059x628, 1059:628, getout.png)


Yes, I am the developer of this game.

You fucking retards need to get back to cuckchan fast, holyshit.

3f8e6e No.14385176

Is it that they actually didn't need the crowd funding since they made the game without the 12 bucks?

115376 No.14385185

File: db35afa43e92b64⋯.jpg (83.91 KB, 960x960, 1:1, Ck3zg-XVAAAV4oo.jpg)

File: 8d927a78a991534⋯.jpg (15.74 KB, 680x480, 17:12, 8d927a78a99153471b651bf69c….jpg)

Fucking paid mod that is not even a good mod. I mean they have that faggot Keamstar doing some voices for this shit.

The dickhead making this mod needs to be banned from the internet.

d45e4f No.14385186


Notice his filenames and how defensive he's getting.

35416b No.14385187


>g-go back to cuckchan

Running out of cards, I see.

2d14a6 No.14385193



Please don't remind me.

Fucker is pure cancer in human form.

99fba9 No.14385197


>Valve allowed their IP to be used like this

I´m pretty sure that this """game""" is a giant passive aggressive middle finger from Valve themselves to the audience who constantly nagged them about finally releasing Half-Life 3.

c34dbd No.14385206



I've seen better voice acting in a fucking flash game.

How did this shit happen?

b2542d No.14385226


Hmm that is the best explanation yet.

Valve should have bought the game IP and released it as HL3.

1bfaf8 No.14385229


That'd be pretty malicious

115376 No.14385230

File: f1f8100972521ca⋯.jpg (8.41 KB, 255x207, 85:69, 0bf7454c783f9d9a469d221820….jpg)


Holy fuck its The Room X Half Life.

e0bc9c No.14385237

File: 3faad8379be58a3⋯.png (253.52 KB, 314x391, 314:391, maxpyane sense of it.PNG)

fccf8a No.14385240

File: b5cab46d3694e34⋯.png (84.93 KB, 213x203, 213:203, Hold on!.png)

What the fucking is the story to this mess? Cause so far it doesn't even make sense within the Half-Life canon, and this calls itself an official addition to the series?

88d7c7 No.14385242

File: 945440588548cfb⋯.gif (1.4 MB, 320x240, 4:3, DogWhat.gif)

What the heck happened here? I look away for five minutes and suddenly there's A NEW HALF-LIFE GAME FOR THE FIRST TIME IN A DECADE and it's also hilariously bad.

43d876 No.14385248

File: 51fea7e2339e93b⋯.jpg (55.14 KB, 542x616, 271:308, 1470857304588.jpg)

991fe3 No.14385251

File: bc69b05dd1cd9ba⋯.webm (620.89 KB, 640x360, 16:9, Proof_Mark_Zuckerberg.webm)

File: 65daec63a0e24cd⋯.jpg (30.95 KB, 480x460, 24:23, zuckerborg get in.jpg)

File: 79b8567847620a5⋯.mp4 (4.21 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Zuckenberg_let's_the_goyim….mp4)

File: 68a3a20c20b9a37⋯.png (93.99 KB, 243x336, 81:112, zucker(((borg))).png)

File: a51969849eaeef2⋯.jpg (167.99 KB, 2048x1364, 512:341, zuckbergs_eats_a_cat_big.jpg)


Apart from being the quintessence of cringe, is that the Zuckerborg at the end?

fccf8a No.14385252

File: 47bc1d525f81142⋯.png (103.07 KB, 223x289, 223:289, The fuck you say!.png)


Don't even think about it.

6de341 No.14385255


Where does it say it's official? Who the fuck are you people?

fccf8a No.14385258

File: 136e350b6f37723⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 801.04 KB, 1053x1271, 1053:1271, Anglo Menace.png)

1bfaf8 No.14385265


2/3 of those are bad,i'll leave you to figure out what is what.

2ed9b7 No.14385274

File: 699f95978d26d5e⋯.jpg (460.28 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 9a9f2eaeaeb149d507be6c8315….jpg)


Not unheard of though. That was basically Danganronpa V3 even without NISA doing their usual bang-up job.

3e3531 No.14385281

File: 674f630af27da39⋯.jpg (73.25 KB, 667x667, 1:1, 674f630af27da39de55a49d0c4….jpg)


It's too late to stop it.

They've come for the shitposting.


At least you got dubs. :^)

91c0bb No.14385286


I wish i had a qt loli stalking me like that.

3f8e6e No.14385289


This is how the series ends. With a shitty fan-made game with the blessings of Valve.

09e8cd No.14385291

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



I've just noticed, the shill posts only started after people started to mention "le ebil channers troeling the game" in the Steam discussions.

Coupled with the devs going far enough as to buy bots to pad out their Steam group numbers and being egotistical enough to pin a thread saying "NO BULLI THE DEVS, WE LUV U <<<<<<<<3" to the top of the game's discussions…

Could it fucking be?!

1bfaf8 No.14385297


What is this intention behind this image

what is the implication

2f7fdd No.14385306

File: 9db0e4e59e3f206⋯.png (235.56 KB, 600x450, 4:3, loli_predator.png)


lolis want you, a thing most men dream of.

e0bc9c No.14385307

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


He needs to tell the truth.

1bfaf8 No.14385308


She's gonna have to be more specific then rock cds if she wants my baby boomstick

2068a4 No.14385311

File: ecdd12803094f1e⋯.png (143.26 KB, 549x653, 549:653, OP's favourite drink.png)


So you're either an actual shill or this is some high quality baiting, either way fuck you.

fccf8a No.14385312

File: 63eea783d55bf8e⋯.jpg (45.53 KB, 750x393, 250:131, crack.jpg)



2f7fdd No.14385313

File: de751394937ab11⋯.png (287.48 KB, 623x469, 89:67, IM TWENTY.PNG)

a8133c No.14385316








These are not debug tools. These are files that come packed with every Source game - they are what let you make mods, you can get these from any Source SDK. Nothing new.

2d14a6 No.14385318

Speaking of truth, what do we know about the whole "Leaked the Source engine source code" thing?

We all need to know.

1bfaf8 No.14385319


what kind of reply were you expecting.


yeah sure

2ed9b7 No.14385321

File: fb9c1ad26d7c933⋯.jpg (262.77 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, Stabby time.jpg)


>most men

Speak for yourself.

6a8712 No.14385330

File: d94ad01e1d7755d⋯.jpg (44.5 KB, 425x600, 17:24, astolfo.jpg)


But anon, everyone knows boys make the best girls

3e3531 No.14385333

File: eece1eea4312fa8⋯.jpg (669.84 KB, 991x1400, 991:1400, eece1eea4312fa853806e2e76f….jpg)


Ah, that's a shame.

1bfaf8 No.14385336


That's not a boy

that was clearly designed as a girl and some other faggot down the line said "oh shit its a guy now ok"

d8a056 No.14385351

File: 1a8f1bc74bcdb8a⋯.jpg (197.82 KB, 850x1201, 850:1201, 1a8.jpg)


>the trannys realization that he will never be that cute

1bfaf8 No.14385357


Eh,i'm not a tranny,i'm just saying i don't see how you could sexualize that,there's nothing to really,dick.

2f7fdd No.14385361

File: 4a0722b27b9e56c⋯.png (133.44 KB, 800x750, 16:15, Reverse.png)


as long as it never leaves 2D, yes.

fccf8a No.14385362

File: 892447a9b298005⋯.png (153.72 KB, 729x638, 729:638, Let me take a closer look!.png)


You sure type like one.

1bfaf8 No.14385365


Whatever you say man.

8d8de2 No.14385369

File: 78f524b019e352c⋯.webm (2.47 MB, 640x360, 16:9, master ichimokichimada.webm)

2068a4 No.14385370

File: 15206516a87fb6b⋯.png (29.99 KB, 693x133, 99:19, KEK.png)

>less than 24 hours since it got released

>already at 15% discount


12fd78 No.14385373


That's pretty normal for recently launched games, man.

ae7208 No.14385374

File: 59820a17327a19a⋯.jpg (1.48 MB, 6400x3600, 16:9, eb6ec18afcb14407802766aaa9….jpg)

the gay is spreading

1bfaf8 No.14385375


Clearly we need to double down on the hangings and beatings.

c9e236 No.14385378


it's not that bad of a game, i bought it just to spite you faggots

3e3531 No.14385379

File: e17777e9545bec2⋯.jpg (136.33 KB, 800x1000, 4:5, 1442891799085.jpg)


I'll always be cute on the inside. :^)


Flee while you still have hope for yourself Anon.

d8a056 No.14385389

File: f312ff5be62fd87⋯.jpg (32.11 KB, 785x438, 785:438, 4921c76b68adb42911f45f4143….jpg)

3e3531 No.14385390


You sure showed us slugger.

8f3bba No.14385392


Because the game was delayed so many times, the developer put 15% instead of the usual… was it 5% or 10%?

1bfaf8 No.14385393


What a bargain,thanks steam.

2ed9b7 No.14385395

File: 616020eb7fe5526⋯.jpg (274.92 KB, 888x888, 1:1, This book is fucking amazi….jpg)


2D has that nice feature that something like >>14385351 looks 100% female despite the author's protests that no, it's a man. I don't need to care unless the art actually draws a dick in it.

64b24e No.14385402


Oh no, he wasted 25 dollars on a shitty "game"! How am I ever going to recover from this.

91c0bb No.14385407


Why is Junko so fucking hot, you guys?

I didn't even touch her weebtrash game at all and i still beat my dick on her.

fccf8a No.14385409

File: 2a443ed7e60cf26⋯.png (301.74 KB, 925x758, 925:758, I'm okay with this.png)


Hi Junko.

8d8de2 No.14385410


pigtails, schoolgirl outfit and boobs man

1bfaf8 No.14385412


No i mean,what would you visualize yourself doing to get off to,there's no pussy or tits.

2f7fdd No.14385417

File: 51c542cbf19cd6c⋯.webm (6.29 MB, 854x480, 427:240, Flat Is Justice.webm)


Do you not like superior lolis anon?

09e8cd No.14385422

File: cef2e413a2c9b5e⋯.png (31.06 KB, 652x398, 326:199, cef2e413a2c9b5e1d1cfa3dcf2….png)

>a thread about an broken, edgy shitshow of a game has decended into trap shitposting


6a8712 No.14385425

File: af8d7401daf91d5⋯.png (141.63 KB, 335x400, 67:80, af8d7401daf91d5c8bf1402b0d….png)


That's the best part, the feminine penis.

2f7fdd No.14385428


what did you expect honestly?

fec5a5 No.14385430


>still posting this flawed as fuck argument

Any child can satisfy the desire for fatherhood. It's arguably manlier to want to raise a son into a strong, good man. Only a woman can give you the comfort of a mother, though, and edgy teens who "hate" their parents aren't manly. Plus, the big kicker here is that it takes a woman to create said child to be a father to. You literally can't have the loli without the mother.

ae7208 No.14385431

File: 5414a10ded580a3⋯.jpg (25.72 KB, 367x411, 367:411, 5414a10ded580a3a0248078269….jpg)

File: 3d8313b9e1b4f29⋯.webm (5.91 MB, 464x810, 232:405, birthing hips.webm)


>self inflicting incestual issues on top of oedepian and downright pedophilic fetishes

I like big tits and wide hips because they are beautiful. They are beautiful because they are traits of a healthy, fertile woman.

Get your degenerate anime mental gymnastics out of my face and let me watch this garbage fire of a game release in peace.

1bfaf8 No.14385436


There's no such thing,quite being a faggot.

422f0f No.14385439

File: 22ecfb87e9f594c⋯.jpg (25.57 KB, 480x477, 160:159, The Gay Community 2.jpg)


We have 2 years to sanitize this planet. Sanitize every square inch of it.

2ed9b7 No.14385445

File: f3e0909f07e33a0⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 222.58 KB, 2000x1412, 500:353, asgodintended.jpg)


In that image, no, but I like that image and braids. There is also art of "him" that is genderswapped as happens with other characters so I would hypothetically enjoy those (the ones that exist are pretty mediocre or bad).


Don't forget loony masochist and one thing the series does well is aesthetics and nice girl designs.

1bfaf8 No.14385449


That'd be nice if it wasn't for the chin looking like a goddamn can opener.

061fb2 No.14385450

File: 4a7fbacdfbea5d0⋯.jpg (55.25 KB, 225x194, 225:194, jhhjh.jpg)


>complains about pedos

>posts a picture of an elementary schoolgirl

ae7208 No.14385452

File: 10aa5910c762601⋯.jpg (219.23 KB, 600x410, 60:41, how pol sees itself.jpg)


As much as I like that image, I still don't know why he jumped out into that circle of people other than for photo-posing purposes.

43d876 No.14385453

File: dd0fb79697aa77f⋯.png (11.52 KB, 371x410, 371:410, 1484489879638.png)

ebe060 No.14385457

File: 82995ec717d2896⋯.png (200.08 KB, 818x655, 818:655, 1266820588539.png)

2f7fdd No.14385465


You do need an ara to get a loli. I posted the video because I think its funny and it usually starts things. Though having a son vs a daughter doesn't really make you any more or less of a man it all depends on how you raise them. And the hate parents part I dont know where that came from. Thinking your parents are annoying is different from outright hating them.


Wide hips are always the best, but big tits are iffy. Average and below is great.

6a8712 No.14385466

File: 771348a0213e256⋯.jpg (57.72 KB, 490x810, 49:81, best girl.jpg)


There are those who would think you are the faggot, anon.

43d876 No.14385467


And she also pokes you in the crotch, meaning she is closer to your love.

1bfaf8 No.14385468


Those people would be liberals

6a8712 No.14385472

File: 874fb0bce3486ec⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 371.77 KB, 688x676, 172:169, cut boys lifting.png)



You know they cannot handle the beauty of 2D.

2ed9b7 No.14385476

File: 007c54d605e84ca⋯.png (172.43 KB, 512x512, 1:1, 1281035043092.png)


Eh, I can overlook that when I think of how bad the selection is.


Deep, man. Fucking deep.

d8a056 No.14385478


She looks cute

ae7208 No.14385484

File: e651ce20cf367e1⋯.png (471 KB, 537x405, 179:135, 1434311469714.png)


is she? my bad, I see a lot of college chicks dressing the same way, it's either that style, hipster hobo or some sort of kardashian yoga pants style.

09e8cd No.14385487

File: 8df11421588a70c⋯.png (28.71 KB, 640x399, 640:399, EcjjFbZ_d.png)


I'd expect someone to at least identify how the housing on the left of >>14385281 is very unsecure and how it could easily be pried off with a



Song name?

1bfaf8 No.14385488


Man,if you're gonna be a gaywad just go ahead and post it taking a cock in the ass or something,get it over with.

43d876 No.14385491

File: 3e0db961dc41280⋯.jpg (12.84 KB, 241x232, 241:232, 3e0db961dc412807176e1303d2….jpg)


Key words: would be

They ain't. Its 2D.

I'll liberate their assholes of their tightness.

6a8712 No.14385498

File: c38fe7a6c0dab67⋯.png (112.65 KB, 199x274, 199:274, c38fe7a6c0dab672d6f5f4983e….png)


I bet you would like that anon.

1bfaf8 No.14385506


No,i wouldn't,i just don't like your faggotry and if you posting this stupid thing getting cocked in every hole helps you bust a nut and leave,the better.

ae6a6d No.14385508

File: 75096cdb2dd0620⋯.jpg (152.31 KB, 285x421, 285:421, Shephard2.jpg)


>It's time to tell the story of the villain. Hunt Down The Freeman takes you into a journey like no one has before.

Pretty fucking sure Opposing Force happened

43d876 No.14385515

File: ba2656e6a870f83⋯.png (1.33 MB, 2224x698, 1112:349, NTR.png)


Keep teasing the faggot.

d6684c No.14385522


What would your parents think of you if they knew that you like fucking MEN?

f7c5e5 No.14385523


To be honest there is no real "villain" in half life; Gordon is not quite a hero, and the HECU aren't really the bad guys. Only half life 2 introduced the ebil man and the ebil ayyliums.

fe1dae No.14385534

File: aba2c347d2a2218⋯.png (957.22 KB, 1504x1728, 47:54, v_derails.png)

File: 31c29a33b22fc20⋯.jpg (65.42 KB, 600x320, 15:8, thread_derailed.jpg)


fccf8a No.14385535

File: deb251ac08d7554⋯.jpg (48.25 KB, 597x472, 597:472, Aw Man....jpg)

I see all these teenagers and furfags lusting after this game, even after it came out that they used tons of stolen assets and even ENTIRE MAPS.


91c0bb No.14385538


muh half life and baesd Gaben

3e3531 No.14385541

File: b33ffdaaa6f8945⋯.png (581.19 KB, 760x1031, 760:1031, ca90c52c2559f066c858888629….png)


I honestly don't know if I should feel pride or disappointment in myself over this.

d8a056 No.14385543


I bet you tongue nigger anus' too.

1bfaf8 No.14385547


>those horns

umf,really gets me going

2f7fdd No.14385549

File: c919ca0c3785754⋯.jpg (92.08 KB, 501x517, 501:517, DESUDESUDESU.jpg)


Thats just what happens to threads with topics that go nowhere.

43d876 No.14385552

File: af7ff7835364ff9⋯.jpg (64.28 KB, 728x752, 91:94, 1468658020716.jpg)


>faggots not realizing that these kinds of derailment are the best part of imageboards and that it may results in the most in-depth of any topic no matter the board

3e3531 No.14385559


I've been having a blast with this shit.

fe1dae No.14385564

File: e22b83522c8ee95⋯.jpg (34.06 KB, 449x481, 449:481, 1502296072.jpg)


then we might as well make the whole board a single cyclical thread for constant in-depth discussions

e8c1f9 No.14385565

How are they allowed to sell shit like this, black mesa, and the opposing force "sequel" if its not their property?

ae7208 No.14385566

File: de6d0701f841769⋯.jpg (208.39 KB, 1057x978, 1057:978, related.jpg)

the recommended games are a bit of a hoot too

ae7208 No.14385570

File: b183484af24c7c5⋯.jpg (20.18 KB, 805x170, 161:34, Capture.JPG)

1bfaf8 No.14385571


>you may also like:Tuberculosis,Hepatitis,and infectious bloody diarrhoea

6a8712 No.14385572

File: d295364e51ca72d⋯.jpg (32.03 KB, 400x400, 1:1, brighter than the sun.jpg)


>this stupid thing getting cocked in every hole helps you bust a nut

Keep protesting anon, it makes you cuter.



43d876 No.14385579

File: 2f18c66d00bd4fa⋯.jpg (65.83 KB, 1000x552, 125:69, 2f18c66d00bd4facdbbd658777….jpg)


Except that would basically be forcing a discussion. For this to work someone has to bite on a specific comment in a specific post. Obviously it won't be always some serious, it might dissolve into funposting, like this thread and im perfectly ok with that, because its fun.

1bfaf8 No.14385582


Don't call me cute,that's weird.

cff87d No.14385583

File: 13ee4ab57661021⋯.mp4 (5.27 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, my counter-argument.mp4)

Traps are gay you flaming fruit

43d876 No.14385586

File: c24fdd800f14eef⋯.png (623.47 KB, 598x547, 598:547, 7643db7b7a9590c9777e650ce0….png)


I want to put a cherry on top of you and eat you up.

6a8712 No.14385588

File: a7169b2e24b5dbf⋯.jpg (50.11 KB, 800x742, 400:371, beanstolfo.jpg)


You are cute. CUTE.


Traps are perfect.

cff87d No.14385590

File: 7240914b589a966⋯.webm (72.67 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, (you).webm)


Perfectly gay, that is

1bfaf8 No.14385592


At least you posted a woman,shantae is top tier.

d6684c No.14385594


You are not answering my question, sodomite.

91c0bb No.14385596

/leftypol/, please leave.

cbd571 No.14385597

File: d4e037577283efb⋯.jpg (21.76 KB, 247x232, 247:232, ishygddt.jpg)


>Any child can satisfy the desire for fatherhood.

Sounds pretty cuck.

1bfaf8 No.14385600


Now that's fucking sexy.

ae7208 No.14385601

File: b33360adbf97fe1⋯.jpg (35.89 KB, 392x296, 49:37, 1_10.jpg)

File: ee993059421588b⋯.jpg (28.48 KB, 250x302, 125:151, 1_11.jpg)

File: 4c8c9c47c1cb84d⋯.png (429.25 KB, 1044x952, 261:238, 4c8c9c47c1cb84de571b46a5b4….png)

File: 3244b929489e753⋯.png (374.37 KB, 633x778, 633:778, 3244b929489e75382a15d0bcd2….png)

File: 877023fa352ca74⋯.gif (37.64 KB, 108x164, 27:41, 6948.gif)



but not as fun or smug

1bfaf8 No.14385605


I'll wager 15 bucks at least one of those is from rave in the grave.

598b3a No.14385606


should've just said that it helps with your confidence post-transition

43d876 No.14385607

File: 8c553360d0b9134⋯.jpg (98.99 KB, 1017x758, 1017:758, 44c0c196dc9a243abe17d79fc8….jpg)


Jesus Christ, what the fuck?


Corpse is fucking trash and you should kill yourself. Whats with you faggot picking the only shit girl in an entire series filled with best girls?

1bfaf8 No.14385611


What the fuck are you talking about? I'm not a goddamn tranny dick cutter,i just don't care for fags.

43d876 No.14385614


Clearly you do judging by this thread.

ae7208 No.14385616

File: e362d6d9ba0851a⋯.jpg (105.79 KB, 960x904, 120:113, 1bc5b976270550ec3bfa054d8b….jpg)


it's a video game character y u haff to be mad

12c013 No.14385618


Is this loss?

6a8712 No.14385619

File: d2795bea6fc2f3d⋯.png (73.84 KB, 362x416, 181:208, Don't_Joke.PNG)


That's like bombing a perfect temple to erect a mosque. Jesus.

1bfaf8 No.14385620


I've stated multiple times there's nothing erotic or sexual about a guy,nothing to grasp onto for fap fuel like a woman,i just don't understand.

8d8de2 No.14385621

File: d373dd3c7398029⋯.jpg (106.89 KB, 531x626, 531:626, embroidery and reading c.jpg)

0eaf15 No.14385622

File: 4b32e274e073482⋯.gif (1.36 MB, 300x165, 20:11, 1443765354670.gif)



Day just got infinitely better

ae7208 No.14385623

File: 9353db8b739811c⋯.jpg (55.72 KB, 506x483, 22:21, 1_16.jpg)

File: 1507387c35b690d⋯.jpg (190.62 KB, 986x1356, 493:678, 1471461831973-2.jpg)

File: 1aecacdffb65844⋯.png (1003.11 KB, 740x825, 148:165, 1471463262319-0.png)

File: b011d06b3106eeb⋯.png (163.71 KB, 370x543, 370:543, smugging around at the spe….png)

File: c259a2ab35ec280⋯.png (165.84 KB, 328x524, 82:131, Untitled.png)


depends on your worldview


4 of them are, you get $60!

000000 No.14385624


You niggers might as well check out Glorious Mother Яussia creation called "Gulman"!

it's a sign for any "liberator" (Gulman suggestion) that proves this game is going to be nuts!

12c013 No.14385627


What's up with these commas? These past few days I've seen many posts with that unusual formatting.

1bfaf8 No.14385632


I use it to denote where i would normally take a pause in speech,yes i am a fucking weirdo and speak like that.

6a8712 No.14385641

File: b0b3ef28a70dd6d⋯.jpg (147.84 KB, 638x450, 319:225, b0b3ef28a70dd6d35dd7f73c03….jpg)


>nothing to grasp

you arn't using your imagination

12c013 No.14385642


I mean the lack of space after the comma. Are you not a native speaker?

43d876 No.14385645

File: 9a1bba4b0b84016⋯.jpg (8.45 KB, 403x403, 1:1, 9a1bba4b0b84016658b5c9f464….jpg)


>waifu isn't the most serious business


1bfaf8 No.14385648


I am,it's just how i type


That's fucking beautiful,more please


You know that's not what i meant.

ff84b3 No.14385649


Gonna need a song name on that webm, Anon.

12c013 No.14385652


I guess it makes it easy to recognize you, that's pretty cool.

ae7208 No.14385658

Hooktube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


no thanks


I'm a waifu mormon


sorry, don't know it, but I know somebody posted source of it on youtube, some hindu sounding pop song with the one good part in webm.

6a8712 No.14385663

File: 6d64a0dd3ea5764⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 74.54 KB, 680x960, 17:24, feminine.jpg)


Then what did you mean?

1bfaf8 No.14385668


Something to actually imagine you're fucking,with a woman you have a pussy,a pair of tits. you have nothing with a man.

5bd232 No.14385669

File: 59ec6c218642c5a⋯.png (1.08 MB, 1100x1553, 1100:1553, __astolfo_fate_apocrypha_a….png)


Why the fuck do niggers always post the sample? You will immediately replace your shit sample by the real image or I will behead you

8d8de2 No.14385676

File: b4ef65a280e0934⋯.jpg (6.11 KB, 200x226, 100:113, discussion.jpg)


if he is a boy why does he has those little titties?

6a8712 No.14385677


Will do anon, thanks.

e3024b No.14385678


does the concept of the anus just not exist to you?

3e3531 No.14385679


Soy. :^)

43d876 No.14385681

File: 2c29dde967cfff3⋯.jpg (40.71 KB, 230x388, 115:194, full-res.jpg)

dd1e5e No.14385684


Anon hes literally being bullied by the gays on /v/

Anything is possible.

1bfaf8 No.14385687


Why would i want to fuck a literal shit hole.

cff87d No.14385690

File: 464073d4756f23a⋯.jpg (4.99 KB, 502x286, 251:143, jpg stronk.jpg)

e3024b No.14385692


because you're a fudge packing queer

1bfaf8 No.14385695


I have nothing but straight porn on my hard drive i'll have you know.

8d8de2 No.14385698


because there is no vagina

6a8712 No.14385700

File: eb16e6c3bfb9d7e⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 43.83 KB, 333x340, 333:340, I_think_shes_lying_TBH.jpg)


Why would you want to fuck a literal cow?

also >>14385692

1bfaf8 No.14385702


Then don't fuck a guy,it's that easy.


Man you must have seen some awful tits if you think they're all cow sized.

e3024b No.14385704


yeah and you keep all the gay porn on a flash drive for portable access

cff87d No.14385706

File: 3486f93d93c5a56⋯.png (1.19 MB, 1440x1080, 4:3, 2f61dde5c8e74347c4875e5446….png)


I bet you want to kiss girls on the lips you fucking faggot

8d8de2 No.14385710


but what if a guy looks like a girl

1bfaf8 No.14385711


Nah,i'd just like the option to impregnate the person i love if we both decide on it,Fags don't got that.

823fb0 No.14385712

>go to >>>/v/ to talk about video games

>threads devolved into are traps gay debate for the 12,000th time

6a8712 No.14385716

File: 8ce1413d3e9bfbb⋯.jpg (325.66 KB, 1280x1354, 640:677, just friends.jpg)


Yeah sure you do.

1bfaf8 No.14385717


Then it doesn't matter unless they somehow trick you into fucking their ass without seeing their cock,that just won't happen.

8d8de2 No.14385722

File: 4c2f4ec1515ca77⋯.jpg (87.53 KB, 713x918, 713:918, 4c2f4ec1515ca77d2c55bb3ba2….jpg)


the game was shit anyways and this thread is actually comfy

465982 No.14385732


Isn't the source code of source already out?

eafab7 No.14385734

File: 0c35d9f31b25bb4⋯.jpg (292.53 KB, 1143x833, 1143:833, 42.jpg)


I have never understood why anyone would want to do anal.

It sounds like it would be extremely painful.

8d8de2 No.14385736


for her

1bfaf8 No.14385743


This seems like the artist tried to make a political commentary on something,but then said fuck it halfway through.

ae7208 No.14385744

File: 9ad36c64a2cb08c⋯.jpg (71.64 KB, 800x495, 160:99, 9ad36c64a2cb08cdf4577bf5b6….jpg)


>ddin't bite

good man

823fb0 No.14385745


>I have never understood why anyone would want to do anal.

tbh orgasms with anal stimulation are multitudes more intense than just regular sex

ae7208 No.14385751

File: c9993955bc40a23⋯.jpg (174.59 KB, 764x475, 764:475, 1428119544172-0.jpg)

File: 704891cfcbdcd2f⋯.jpg (223.91 KB, 1108x802, 554:401, 1428119544172-1.jpg)

File: cf0ed50a3b8a22b⋯.jpg (235.14 KB, 1165x833, 1165:833, 1428119544172-4.jpg)

File: 5d4003542fcd863⋯.jpg (249.76 KB, 1121x806, 1121:806, 1428119562590-0.jpg)

File: 915828f173d9548⋯.jpg (122.33 KB, 1152x447, 384:149, 1428119562590-2.jpg)


>this nigger hasn't read The Bus

open wide, fagmo

ae7208 No.14385754

File: 2379652a21bfaf2⋯.jpg (125.98 KB, 1179x430, 1179:430, 1428119562590-3.jpg)

File: a8044ef8be2e03c⋯.jpg (178.51 KB, 1174x855, 1174:855, 1428119562590-4.jpg)

File: 45430f9ca99dfc8⋯.jpg (351.19 KB, 1196x793, 92:61, 1428119591096-1.jpg)

File: bff0db40bd638a2⋯.jpg (245.97 KB, 1165x820, 233:164, 1428119591096-2.jpg)

File: 0ef932290363e19⋯.jpg (207.29 KB, 1183x851, 1183:851, 1428119591096-3.jpg)

ae7208 No.14385756

File: ce78093c5aa18c9⋯.jpg (282.54 KB, 1170x837, 130:93, 1428119591096-4.jpg)

File: 591a4680b760efc⋯.jpg (280.13 KB, 1170x837, 130:93, 1428119622268-0.jpg)

File: e9d415d4fb9cff6⋯.jpg (267.16 KB, 1174x842, 587:421, 1428119622268-1.jpg)

File: 4d8868a2b6115ae⋯.jpg (304.25 KB, 1165x842, 1165:842, 1428119622268-2.jpg)

File: 6211a6a1057b9db⋯.jpg (232.8 KB, 1179x851, 1179:851, 1428119622268-3.jpg)

ae7208 No.14385760

File: c68bea360a2d357⋯.jpg (234.84 KB, 1165x842, 1165:842, 1428119622268-4.jpg)

File: f72252dcdb0e621⋯.jpg (251.49 KB, 1152x815, 1152:815, 1428119664270-0.jpg)

File: 260502a1579a673⋯.jpg (254.85 KB, 1143x806, 1143:806, 1428119664270-1.jpg)

File: 55d064b026c0e25⋯.jpg (230.47 KB, 1165x837, 1165:837, 1428119664270-3.jpg)

File: f8b7f77def1ffb7⋯.jpg (272.04 KB, 1161x833, 1161:833, 1428119664270-4.jpg)

ae7208 No.14385762

File: 94a4d7b59f3472a⋯.jpg (176.84 KB, 1170x842, 585:421, 1428119696510-0.jpg)

File: 2bcbc5683ca0c9b⋯.jpg (281.17 KB, 1187x855, 1187:855, 1428119696510-1.jpg)

File: 24707dda3185251⋯.jpg (286.17 KB, 1183x833, 169:119, 1428119696510-2.jpg)

File: 53033595fb8e028⋯.jpg (213.38 KB, 1161x833, 1161:833, 1428119696510-3.jpg)

File: d5289481736e278⋯.jpg (239.57 KB, 1183x860, 1183:860, 1428119696510-4.jpg)

eafab7 No.14385763


>not knowing the bus

Looks like someone's already dumping, nice

ae7208 No.14385764

File: d031751d45d1479⋯.jpg (243.3 KB, 1156x824, 289:206, 1428119723253-0.jpg)

File: 57eccd25a62bd8a⋯.jpg (253.02 KB, 1161x833, 1161:833, 1428119723253-1.jpg)

File: 4497a9dfbf06e0a⋯.jpg (278.11 KB, 1179x864, 131:96, 1428119723253-2.jpg)

File: 26574c23da914cf⋯.jpg (258.75 KB, 1183x846, 1183:846, 1428119776109-1.jpg)

File: fc76ab41dd72bcb⋯.jpg (296.6 KB, 1170x846, 65:47, 1428119776109-3.jpg)

ae7208 No.14385767

File: 17f1cba1db3901d⋯.jpg (272.45 KB, 1112x797, 1112:797, 1428119776109-4.jpg)

File: b413c68fa46a9dd⋯.jpg (206.26 KB, 1148x802, 574:401, 1428119803167-0.jpg)

File: cf4b21fe95ecd5a⋯.jpg (283.96 KB, 1148x815, 1148:815, 1428119803167-2.jpg)

File: f5016337dfcd70f⋯.jpg (311.52 KB, 1143x833, 1143:833, 1428119803167-3.jpg)

File: 0a6096519c97aef⋯.jpg (280.03 KB, 1152x842, 576:421, 1428119803167-4.jpg)

2f7fdd No.14385769

File: b9303d2ded41ae7⋯.mp4 (1.95 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, mysterious_mystery.mp4)


I'm sure we'll never know if traps truly are gay or not. Its one of the mysteries that I guess just arent ment to be solved.

ae7208 No.14385770

File: 4f39eec76fdcdcb⋯.jpg (211.08 KB, 1152x842, 576:421, 1428119832173-1.jpg)

File: 758d230d19fa0a5⋯.jpg (172.25 KB, 1161x837, 43:31, 1428119832173-4.jpg)

File: 3e7372355a14f13⋯.jpg (230.27 KB, 1156x842, 578:421, 1428119865678-0.jpg)

File: 6ee6dc31a4f3ce0⋯.jpg (177.86 KB, 1152x824, 144:103, 1428119865678-1.jpg)

File: 536eab249c70158⋯.jpg (273.12 KB, 1152x815, 1152:815, 1428119865678-2.jpg)

1bfaf8 No.14385771


3 and 5 made me smile pretty fucking hard.

ae7208 No.14385776

File: 1e082c7a27bf093⋯.jpg (291.79 KB, 1143x824, 1143:824, 1428119865678-3.jpg)

File: 63384a1e8ff74bd⋯.jpg (225.68 KB, 1094x784, 547:392, 1428119865678-4.jpg)

File: 8c4450d0906e35b⋯.jpg (251.72 KB, 1161x829, 1161:829, 1428119884086.jpg)

ta daaaaah

1bfaf8 No.14385780


That third one taps into one of my existential fears and i hate it.

823fb0 No.14385782


>Its one of the mysteries that I guess just arent ment to be solved.

I like the Roman mentality

its not gay unless you're the one taking the dick you fucking faggot

70f2af No.14385797


>pic 1


43d876 No.14385803


I bet aussies only smoke Kant.

43d876 No.14385813


>Ask mark

How about we just gas the faggot.

8d8de2 No.14385839

43d876 No.14385845


I knew we would agree! Upvoted your comment!

fe1dae No.14385899

File: d3833cb600d2ba1⋯.webm (10.65 MB, 296x224, 37:28, hips and thighs.webm)

ebaa2c No.14385927


>what are traps?

Men dressing up like girls.

>why are you attracted to traps?

Because they are men dressing up like girls.

Yeah, they're gay, mystery solved.

110096 No.14385973

I'd like to play HL1 again and actually get around to playing HL2. Is Black Mesa any good as a remake or should I just play the original?

cc39c3 No.14385982


>Oh no no no

End you life nigger


43d876 No.14386025


Apparently its not a 1 to 1 recreation and they have been taking some liberties for the worse

dc543b No.14386183

File: dc645734e433bf9⋯.jpg (21.98 KB, 480x360, 4:3, oh shit.jpg)


God this artist makes me hard every time. Delicious.

a653f3 No.14386224


Apparently they did get their shit kicked in for that which is why their reimagining towards the end of the game ended up being redesigned more similar to the original Half Life.

09e8cd No.14386359

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>has a suicide within the first 10 seconds


6de341 No.14386392

As I said here >>14384942 this shit is forced, OP remade thread too early and it got locked. Good job feeding a cuckchan attention whore looking for epic screencaps.

cc39c3 No.14386405

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

465982 No.14386444


>being so weak you can't compress any chest to have the same distance

Limp wrists and soft dicks.

09e8cd No.14386451


You seem to take that as some sort of victory, shill.

cc39c3 No.14386502

File: b592fd45c7cf74a⋯.jpg (28.85 KB, 400x400, 1:1, b592fd45c7cf74aa7be3bc5438….jpg)


>Why do you not want to talk about this garbage game?

>Are you a shill?

>Everyone against me posting garbage is a shill


-Fallout 4




-Call of Duty and Battlefield in 2015

Keep pretending though OP you're shitty cuckchan thread didn't work there and you've been trying to discuss this garbage.

>Actually defending duplicate threads

Good job on proving him right you obnoxious cuckchan shitposter, you fags all post the same, it's incredible how blatant you are.

ebaa2c No.14386528


>rabbi telling /v/ it's verboten to indulge in schadenfreude

cc39c3 No.14386632

File: 9ff5285de3c7533⋯.png (201.73 KB, 585x605, 117:121, Sam Hyde gets jacked.png)


>OP is a cuckchanner

>State OP is a cuckchanner trying to force this

>This means I'm against schadenfreude despite making countless Lawbreakers threads

Nice try

09e8cd No.14386722

File: 8a5457f53f329c5⋯.jpg (107 KB, 1280x718, 640:359, 8a5457f53f329c5ee4f7f0fc90….jpg)




Using images from your "Hide among the goyim" folder on every post you make isn't hiding the fact that you are a shill, Schlomo.

cc39c3 No.14386764

File: ca1361e933f9104⋯.jpg (7.29 KB, 207x253, 9:11, 14c.jpg)



Tortanic was a massive failure by some of the biggest kikes in the industry.

This is a scam by a bunch of nobody ruskies

6b8b6e No.14386872

File: 038d9522b578241⋯.jpg (66.58 KB, 432x576, 3:4, 1439101926157.jpg)



>"Let's save your friends from spiders with vaginas."

040e01 No.14386934


What a bargain, it's 3 yuropoor bucks cheaper now.

cc39c3 No.14386966


I still can't believe they're actually asking money for this shit

cc39c3 No.14386974

Also all the Steam review have less than 2 hours of gameplay, everyone is refunding this garbage.

6b2735 No.14387210


Traps are gay. There, I solved the grand mystery.


They're all bad, now get out you homosexual animal-fucking jew.

198570 No.14387213




leftypol are severe disagreement fags, they constantly accuse people that hate them with severe amounts of projection. They also try to bend other servers to their will by either grooming the disagreement owner into liking their groomed traps or injecting marxist politics into groups.

040e01 No.14387249

File: 15183e81b2b6906⋯.jpg (38.08 KB, 422x422, 1:1, 1434590760098.jpg)

>>14386966 (checked)

What makes me wonder is why that dumpster fire got a lot of attention, considering that their kikestarter effort earned them a loosely 12 bucks. I guess it is the spectacular kind of pyro-technic being employed.

a115f0 No.14387258

File: dbf7fa697b6e6b3⋯.png (169.31 KB, 1000x1500, 2:3, __astolfo_fate_apocrypha_a….png)

File: fb69f14dd09c742⋯.png (166.59 KB, 1200x1511, 1200:1511, __astolfo_fate_apocrypha_a….png)


Post cute girls

cc39c3 No.14387259


Jewtube and Reddit mostly

I also heard they bought bots for Jewtube and Greenlight.

040e01 No.14387273


>I also heard they bought bots for Jewtube and Greenlight.

>You can buy shills for Greenlight too now

Wew that's a new one. I guess that's why they have a lot of ching chong reviews :^)

cc39c3 No.14387322


Greenlight is dead though

4a7777 No.14387336


that's a gay tho

6affe0 No.14387340


Just suck a cock already you fucking homo

03146e No.14387358

File: 3673cf6a8a50670⋯.jpg (239.68 KB, 960x540, 16:9, trap horn.jpg)

okay how about this, if you like a character because they're a trap it's gay, but if you like a character that's a trap for reasons other than them being a trap and not minding if they were a girl then it's not gay.

43d876 No.14387384


Why would like a trap for any other reason than being a trap?

6affe0 No.14387387

File: 385f10899292624⋯.jpg (37.33 KB, 620x412, 155:103, guy.jpg)


John Money was a mistake.

03146e No.14387409

File: fc668629ee19c5e⋯.jpg (246.77 KB, 750x600, 5:4, shaving trap.jpg)


but traps aren't trannies they have dicks

6affe0 No.14387416


He pioneered the whole gender shit, which directly lead to men dressing up as women being an acceptable thing in the modern world.

The fate of all crossdressers will be the same, they'll hit gay death and look old and creepy.

03146e No.14387419



4a7777 No.14387429


still gay

6affe0 No.14387431


You can use that excuse for literally anything drawn.

0eaf15 No.14387447

File: 074e9ac19e19abb⋯.png (770.4 KB, 725x831, 725:831, c96_lunar_special_by_lampb….png)


How about this:

If you like a trap you're gay and should get thrown in an oven


a115f0 No.14387448

File: bd5bca0e0659d5f⋯.webm (Spoiler Image, 3.9 MB, 848x480, 53:30, Pure vanilla.webm)


Does liking this webm mean you like eating shit? 2D and 3D are clearly different.

16b06b No.14387471


>2D and 3D are clearly different

Does it make your fucking 3D dick raise up and are you stroking your 3D dick to this 2D representation of 3D scat?

a115f0 No.14387482


That's not refuting the fact that traps aren't gay.

6affe0 No.14387509


>Does liking this webm mean you like eating shit?


16b06b No.14387513


>That's not refuting the fact that traps aren't gay.

>"Even if my dick gets hard on other dicks, they're only 2D anyway, I am not gay, anon!"

>"N-no, I'd still be wanking if it didn't have a dick… I just choose to have the dick added. I can stop any time I want!"

Where do you find this strength to keep this delusion going?

cc39c3 No.14387517

File: 4d7b46afa999f2e⋯.gif (1.41 MB, 280x210, 4:3, Bobby-Hill.gif)

f6f439 No.14387619


Japan was a mistake

a07380 No.14387622

ea229f No.14387836



>You have my permission to die

Fucking seriously?

4a7777 No.14387850


>people have the stomach to watch this douchechill edgefest

I commend you.

b8c0b3 No.14387905

File: 9420b7c8f1df614⋯.jpg (31.43 KB, 921x213, 307:71, ss (2018-02-24 at 06.00.34….jpg)

File: 6fbafed3abc3895⋯.jpg (11.4 KB, 805x34, 805:34, ss (2018-02-24 at 06.00.59….jpg)

File: 8dd4dd2f1da3cb9⋯.jpg (11.04 KB, 812x59, 812:59, ss (2018-02-24 at 06.02.13….jpg)



I'm mad as fuck that this preteen's fanfiction is the closest thing to OF2.

At least we got funny credits.


That explains the ZS maps I saw.

cef71e No.14389211

File: 0e1f1b20876b0a9⋯.jpg (79.39 KB, 241x400, 241:400, 3292cda143573c12071c724df6….jpg)


What a disaster, what a abortion of a game.

Valve is pissing at Half-Life's grave, by greelighting a shitty payed mod with teen fanfic tier writing.


002a73 No.14390883

File: 06103bd0437a721⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 8.38 MB, 4200x5500, 42:55, properlytrueastolfo.png)


Now, I might not have read the entire thread, and I might just have happened to come by this post while scrolling around, but that is exactly my justification for stopping your vile plans this instant.

By posting the correct image and doing justice to all trap enthusiasts!!

2ed9b7 No.14390927

File: 3526888a49e4b80⋯.jpg (90.61 KB, 328x225, 328:225, well_fucking_cheers.jpg)



ed336b No.14391470

Astolfo is reddit tier


>discussing gayness is the best part of imageboards

I agree, let's head to the /lgbt/ of cuckchan

cb2181 No.14394307


so infinite came out before or when you were 5?

f5e526 No.14394590

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.





I'll take pity on you anons since it took me hours to find it when I first saw that webm

4fcf37 No.14395069



Here's a shitty one with cutscenes and shit, no crack but I think the one from CODEX or whatever still works after the update. Have 'fun' Anons. I'll upload updates if it somehow gets any more.

4fcf37 No.14395137


And just a word of warning to anyone who actually gives a shit. You will have to use noclip for some transitions or select a map using the map command. It crashes during some transitions because some of the maps are fuck huge.

09e8cd No.14397427

File: bdcc11a1cd59c6c⋯.webm (Spoiler Image, 2.84 MB, 600x336, 25:14, bdcc11a1cd59c6ce57f41ded5….webm)


Thanks dude.

b93c2d No.14402237

This is the missing chapter of MGSV and Half-Life 3 we deserve.


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