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File: bfeb5c3f47d8ec9⋯.jpg (1.6 MB, 1528x2153, 1528:2153, smtnbox[1].jpg)

File: 44b32bd481e07d1⋯.jpg (124.12 KB, 872x661, 872:661, Persona-2-Innocent-Sin[1].jpg)

File: 985d251454e6436⋯.jpg (238.83 KB, 738x1048, 369:524, ps2_shin_megami_tensei_dig….jpg)

9376c7 No.14172767

Hey fags. I'm new to SMT. Only got partway through IV (about 60 hours or so) before my 3DS broke.

It was fun but most SMT fans here seem to hate or dislike it. After I found out about the jewish DLC system and saw how they balanced it around that, I couldn't help but have to agree.

Anyways I'd like to get more into the SMT series. I like the edginess, tension and atmosphere the game has, and the moral choices it has you make are fantastic.

Which games in the SMT franchise would you recommend playing? I'm considering playing Persona 1 or 2 (there's 2 versions or things for Persona 2, Innocent Sin and Eternal Punishment?) because I heard how it was similar to SMT in terms of difficulty and tone, but had a larger focus on characters and story and I'd like to see what Atlus would be capable of. Plus a bit of lightheartedness could take some of the edge off, not that that's necessary. If not that, then what's unbridled SMT at its finest?

Nocturne or Digital Devil Saga were ones I was considering given all that I'd seen people rave about them so greatly. How challenging are those? Are the characters and story good? Is the gameplay and dungeon crawling brutal?

I want to graduate from being a boy to a man when it comes to this franchise.

And of course, whatcha



>Favorite SMT

>Looking forward to SMT V? Why or why not?

>are you a Personafag? What's your thoughts on this?

>What's your opinion on "gatekeeping" I keep seeing tossed around by faggots on other sites and communities?

Also what's your opinion on the Devil Survivor games? an SRPG SMT sounds like it'd be my shit.

fce8c2 No.14172793

what's the most beginner friendly SMT game?

6e650d No.14172806

File: 34b095b8965d4ab⋯.png (188.73 KB, 1599x956, 1599:956, 9ggvCKW.png)

Why on earth would you start the series with SMTIV, knowing the reputation it has?

>If not that, then what's unbridled SMT at its finest? Nocturne or Digital Devil Saga were ones I was considering given all that I'd seen people rave about them so greatly.

I don't know if I'd say Nocturne is the definitive SMT game given how much it de-emphasizes alignment, but it is my personal favorite and by far the better introduction to the series than IV. Maybe the well-rounded quintessential mainline SMT is Strange Journey, although I really wouldn't recommend it to a newcomer unless you want to be baptized by fire.

9376c7 No.14172813


I didn't know about the reputation until after I'd put all that time in, I tried to avoid much information on the internet besides hearing that it was good for beginners

9e7bc5 No.14172820

File: 22523a30d509197⋯.jpg (119.33 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, d65e4b538248294c5376d5a637….jpg)


I'm going through P3 right now and literally all I know about the Persona side is that it's supposed to be more waifufag pandering than the non-Persona SMT games

8f1b67 No.14172825


That isn't persona?

Probably Nocturne I had little trouble playing it when I started, and this is with me only ever playing the literal Babbie's first Atlus RPG Persona 4

But if you have the time to demand people spoonfeed you, you have the time to emulate all the original MegaTen games for the Super Famicom, dont forget Jack Bros, you lazy nigger!

9376c7 No.14172828


Also that map gets me wet, and also disappointed in what I have to expect from nu-Persona. I don't know much aside from the casualization and waifu-pandering as >>14172820 said and that it has… dating sim elements or something?

>De-emphasizes alignment

In what way? Does the morality system not play as big a role? Or is it all just more grey?

>Strange Journey

>baptized by fire

What makes it so difficult that you're hesitant to

d2b589 No.14172831

>What's your opinion on "gatekeeping" I keep seeing tossed around by faggots on other sites and communities?

Considering how Personafags are the cancer of the MegaTen fandom, it's completely justified.

72b5bc No.14172834

Nocturne's a great starting point if you liked what you played of IV. It's a similar battle system (without those fucking Smirks, though) and doesn't have any fucked-up DLC. Plus, Fiend battles aren't started by RNG anymore, which is good, because that was a fucking retarded decision. Of all the things to bring back from the original, that was literally the worst. I like the story better of Nocturne better than IV, but saying Nocturne has a "larger focus" on it is incorrect. Basically, 99% of the shit that happens in Nocturne is happening regardless of you being there. Most of the time you're cleaning up a mess, not proactively doing anything. Half the time you're not even really told what's going on until after the fact. It's really only challenging on Hard mode, and even there it's only challenging up until a point where the RNG stops being such a huge factor in fights (in Hard mode, an enemy crit will decide the fight immediately in the early game). Mid and late game you should have all the tools needed to make sure you don't die, outside of a lucky insta-death spell.

Digital Devil Saga is another good starting point. The battle system there is a bit more like a standard JRPG, and arguably has a much more engaging story. But note that the story is in 2-parts; the first game has a cliffhanger ending, so don't go into those games expecting to play one and get a self-contained story or anything. Outside of secret bosses, the games are fairly easy.

Also, Devil Survivor is a great game with a great story. Devil Survivor 2 is a pretty good game with a meh story. The two have no story connectivity, so feel free to just play the first and leave it at that. There's not really any reason to play the sequel, it's a straight downgrade, in my opinion. I'd recommend the Overclocked version of the first game, but most people seem to dislike the extra story content, so take my opinion with a grain of salt.

I can't offer much of an opinion on the first few Persona games. I hated the first one so fucking much that I never got around to playing either of Persona 2. Play Innocent Sin first, and then Eternal Punishment, if you want to play them. I've played 3 and 4, though. If you want a fairly typical JRPG system, and you want to mix it with a dating sim, they're decent.

Also, I like the Devil Summoner Raidou games. They're more action-focused, and it's not for everyone, but they have a simple charm to them that I really appreciated. I'd be hard-pressed to call the first one "fun," (the second is far more entertaining with its gameplay but the story becomes shit) but it kept me engaged nonetheless. So give those a look and see if you're interested in those.

tl;dr I suggest Nocturne, it's my favorite of the entire franchise. Digital Devil Saga is a fantastic choice as well. The original Devil Survivor is great. Take a look at the Raidou games and see if they interest you. No opinion on Persona 2.

a2a533 No.14172837


Persona 3 to 5. SMT4 Apoc for non-Persona.


Survivor 1 > Survivor 2

Two is watered down fanfiction with Ayys. One feels like a real SMT game. I like the gameplay personally, no random encounters. 3DS versions have more features than the originals so no reason to pick the classic in CY+3.

Grinding is the worst part of the series.

8f1b67 No.14172841


>Dating sim elements

More "Life sim". Basically, If you've ever wanted to be a Japanese high schooler in a pretentious anime that pretends to be more sophisticated than it actually is, then Persona is the game for you.

There really is nothing wrong with them, its just the casualization mixed with the truly terrible fanbase means that the well was poisoned from the start.

72b5bc No.14172855


>De-emphasizes alignment

>In what way? Does the morality system not play as big a role? Or is it all just more grey?

Alignment might as well not exist as it does in the former games, is what it boils down to. The concept is largely replaced with "Reason," and that basically just changes your ending. Nocturne still technically has alignment, it just does literally nothing outside of a few dialogue changes with demons and a few doors you can open in the final part of the Amala Labyrinth, the game's optional dungeon.

>>Strange Journey

>baptized by fire

>What makes it so difficult that you're hesitant to

Those late game maps are fucking insane. Gameplay isn't particularly more difficult, outside of a few fights which are absolute bitches (suck a dick, Ouroborous). It's mostly just the later maps and how complicated they can get.

6e650d No.14172871

File: 4148c3a4c2dc3ec⋯.jpg (80.65 KB, 600x528, 25:22, actually in Strange Journe….jpg)


That image isn't lying, either, although the more difficult dungeons are only required for the True Demon ending.

>In what way? Does the morality system not play as big a role?

The law/neutral/chaos split is more or less entirely removed. Compared to SMT1 or SJ where it seems like every single moment factors into your alignment, it seems like an odd exclusion. It's replaced with what Nocturne calls the characters' "Reason"s, but I won't go into more detail than that, I think the setting and general theme is supposed to be a surprise.

>What makes it so difficult that you're hesitant to

The boss you fight halfway through SJ is harder than the final boss of IV. There's also no Press Turn to abuse, and demons can't be as easily customized.

6e650d No.14172881


>Persona 3 to 5

I don't really think P3 is in the same class as 4 or 5, at least when it comes to difficulty. The crux of it is probably that Tartarus' structure makes it impossible to tell what constitutes grinding and a lot of people end up overpowered as a result.

9376c7 No.14172913


got any caps or examples of some of this cancer?



What the fuck is that abomination, I'm scared

>final boss of IV easier than SJ's halfway point

It feels like the early-game was much tougher than the mid/(late?) game though?

Aside from a few odd optional bosses that could one-shot my entire party somehow.


>map navigation

Hm. Sounds like… a bit of a headache in all honesty. I like map exploration but if its as frustrating as you say… I'll probably have to avoid this one for now.

How long did it take you to get through one of these late game maps your first time through just for reference, and out of curiosity?


Its probably not my thing. Could be fun for shiggles as a VN though.


>SMT Apoc

That has an even worse reputation than IV vanilla from what I've seen here, why do you recommend it?

>Survivor 1 > Survivor 2

That's disappointing, I like to look forward to sequels actually improving the game experience, ah well

Is 2 still worth playing though despite the joke of a story? Or is it just shit altogether?


> (in Hard mode, an enemy crit will decide the fight immediately in the early game). Mid and late game you should have all the tools needed to make sure you don't die, outside of a lucky insta-death spell.

Sounds pretty expected out of what the franchise is known for tbh, though I will admit I was expecting more of a challenge with Nocturne given how much everyone likes to rave about it. It sounds like I'll love it.

>Digital Devil Saga is another good starting point. The battle system there is a bit more like a standard JRPG, and arguably has a much more engaging story. But note that the story is in 2-parts; the first game has a cliffhanger ending, so don't go into those games expecting to play one and get a self-contained story or anything. Outside of secret bosses, the games are fairly easy.

Goddamn. Well that's just unfortunate. I have less time to spend on vidya in general so a story as long as that… Hm. Well at least it sounds fun and enjoyable and still worth my time.

>Also, I like the Devil Summoner Raidou games. They're more action-focused, and it's not for everyone, but they have a simple charm to them that I really appreciated. I'd be hard-pressed to call the first one "fun," (the second is far more entertaining with its gameplay but the story becomes shit) but it kept me engaged nonetheless. So give those a look and see if you're interested in those.

That's interesting, I almost never hear anyone talk about the Summoner Raidou games. Can you tell me a bit more about them and what about the game gave it its "charm", if you could quantify that? Understand if ya can't though.

72b5bc No.14172962


>Can you tell me a bit more about them and what about the game gave it its "charm", if you could quantify that? Understand if ya can't though.

Lots of little things. The gameplay is relatively simple, so you can turn your brain off a little. The setting and time period (1930's Japan) has a comfy feeling and a good style. The story is pretty subdued, which is how I like my stories. Plus, there's something about being able to actually fight alongside a demon companion rather than just press menu buttons that I enjoyed. Like I said, I can't really call it fun, but I liked it nonetheless.

The second game adds some complexity to the combat, which is appreciated, but it goes way overboard with the story and starts spelling out every little fucking thing multiple times. If you end up liking Soulless Army, it's worth it to play the sequel just for the improved combat.

>How long did it take you to get through one of these late game maps your first time through just for reference, and out of curiosity?

If I recognize that map (and I think I do, because of that teleporter hell), then it's Sector E. Which is either the penultimate or third-to-last dungeon in the game, I think. I can't remember how long it took, but I do remember that the end boss was Ouroborous, which was the boss I specifically complained about earlier, and she alone took me about 45 minutes of retries to beat. Tack on maybe 2-3 hours of exploration in the sector? It's been a while, so the exploration time I'm not sure of, but I remember Ouroborous taking near a goddamned hour (not all in one fight, obviously).

7f5566 No.14172980


Most people I've seen around say that 4F is better than 4 in every single way. The only negative stuff I've ever heard is about the party, but I don't know if they've actually played the games or if they just looked at them and went "lol it's like persona." I haven't actually played it so I have no idea.

6e650d No.14173010

File: 96e117770440566⋯.png (617.07 KB, 800x600, 4:3, SMT1.png)


>Which is either the penultimate or third-to-last dungeon in the game, I think.

There's still F, G, and H left afterwards, so you're a little off. An hour might be a slightly low estimate but you're more or less right, especially if you have the anti-petrification ring.


>It feels like the early-game was much tougher than the mid/(late?) game though?

It was, because of the balancing, but it was more or less a convenient point of reference. The point being there are a few brick walls in the game that will impede some people from completing the game, with some tough dungeon-crawling in between. The levels are very, very creative though. If that map scares you off you could go back to the SuFam originals to acclimate to the first-person gameplay with slightly less harsh dungeons.

7f5566 No.14173017

Also, I'd suggest Nocturne as a first game too. I'm not a rabid fan of it like 99% of people seem to be, but it is a very solid game. It doesn't represent the series as a whole very well, but that doesn't matter if you're going to play the other ones. Honestly, most of Nocturne is not as hard as people make it out to be. The dungeons are extremely simple for a good half of the game, especially if you don't do the optional ones. Same goes for bosses.

SMT2 and Strange Journey are also good starting points. SMT2 feels like it's a whole generation ahead of 1, but it does have some weird bugs and i cannot speak for the quality of the translation. I don't have anything to add to the discussion on SJ.

9838fe No.14173710

File: bc08adadf349844⋯.png (6.36 MB, 1024x1622, 512:811, Dagda_SMTIV_Final.png)


>but I don't know if they've actually played the games or if they just looked at them and went "lol it's like persona." I haven't actually played it so I have no idea.

No, it does feel like a persona cast. Throughout the story they'll even banter and joke around like a persona team would, there's even an ending where you beat YHVH with the power friendship from which they don't realize they just pulled an Aleph and fucked themselves, but whatever. I wouldn't say it was made for fans of the SMT games actually, since the only thing I've seen anons take from the game is Dagda.

996d70 No.14173720

File: c0b5139f8c511c5⋯.png (74.36 KB, 480x640, 3:4, 1464551903430-1.png)


I know that map. Eridanus is some shit

03c4a7 No.14173798

File: 176105d1aee931d⋯.png (94.45 KB, 358x394, 179:197, 176105d1aee931d234f813a115….png)

My only problem with nocturne is how story sometimes progresses with random npc dialogues that give you vague rumors. I had to use a guide to know what to do, instead of using fucking clear goals. It's not a matter of "you have to do/find x and you have to figure out how", most of the time you finished a dungeon and there was no clear lead to what was supposed to happen next. It doesnt help that the mc might as well be a literal puppet for every other character

1, 2 and ST are better but harder to get into

d530f5 No.14173865

File: 6b346c732e6dd71⋯.jpg (15.38 KB, 243x352, 243:352, a3997f50889de54eb828d013ec….jpg)

Law: Persona 2 is easy as fuck, but has a fucking phenomenal story and amazing characters, great atmosphere and music too. Innocent Sin (PSP english release) and then Eternal Punishment (PS1 English release), they're two parts of the same title, not to be played out of order. If you want a bit tougher challenge with less plot, Persona 1 (PSP remake) is also a good option. It can teach you demon names, terms, contacting, fusion in a more forgiving manner.

Neutral: Nocturne. Not too old to be offputting, not too new to be cancer. Great overall. Digital Devil Saga is a good choice as well.

Chaos: Strange Journey. You're going bareback but you'll massage your prostate in ways you've never known.

True Demon: Jack Bros. Because you're into kinky shit.

330c1a No.14173901


>You're going bareback but you'll massage your prostate in ways you've never known.

It's just SMT themed Etrian Odyssey. It's not that hard.

d530f5 No.14173998


For someone completely new to the series it might be tough to swallow.

b73dd5 No.14174052

I played some of SMT3 and DDS on an emulator and quite liked them. Couldn't get full speed on my toaster though, so I stopped. I recently beat Persona 5 and have to say it's compared to them. What happened?

b73dd5 No.14174054


shit compared*

d43c11 No.14174146



All games in Persona series above 2 are just normalfag-tier SMT.

Waifufags and school settings didn't helped it either.

6f7560 No.14174161


Digital Devil Saga and Digital Devil Saga 2

40e4e0 No.14174181

Strange Journey has the best dungeon maps in the series by far

a3ba0a No.14174254

File: 868b1c4cdacc719⋯.png (2.14 MB, 1279x812, 1279:812, Persona holy trinity.png)

File: af3a641e0b78a67⋯.jpg (428.15 KB, 874x780, 437:390, Wu-sona.jpg)


>(there's 2 versions or things for Persona 2, Innocent Sin and Eternal Punishment?)

Those are actually two separate games, P2EP being a direct sequel to P2IS. With P1, they make up the original trilogy and I highly recommend them. They were made by Atlus' all-time greatest talents, who are sadly no longer there.

(Kaneko is allegedly "still there", but those are probably lies because there's no sign of him doing anything anymore.)


>Personafags are the cancer of the MegaTen fandom

You can thank Hashino for that.

95d415 No.14174272

File: b2f5390bc62e14a⋯.png (4.12 MB, 2000x3447, 2000:3447, danu.png)


if you dont like the persona team then the game is even better for you because you get to personally kill them all. Im not the only one who thinks danu is hot as fuck right?

b73dd5 No.14174288


When will they make a persona game where you can waifu the demons?

1cd525 No.14174318


>Start out with ez mode demons like Pixie and Hua Po

>eventually get to the law/chaos divide with angel/succubus

>eventually get to the final endgame with demons like Lilith an the Harlot.

>YHVH and Lucifer are both female and are the true endgame

Have we made the ultimate waifu game?

7f5566 No.14174328

File: 9ee20d53f17b85d⋯.jpg (12.16 KB, 184x184, 1:1, 2cat.jpg)


>Metal Gear 5

07049b No.14174335

File: b222f0b8e6202e8⋯.jpg (349.38 KB, 1024x755, 1024:755, 1315025899808.jpg)


waifus are tools, not companions

5cb9da No.14174351

File: 545b6610a468a53⋯.png (645.93 KB, 900x900, 1:1, [Bakas_Externally].png)


Dagda did nothing wrong, in fact I agreed with him so much that I killed my friends.

But I revived navar so he could be my waifu

07049b No.14174371

File: b39c2b3696e148d⋯.jpg (679.26 KB, 778x900, 389:450, whic megami wuld u tensei.jpg)


>not picking bobo to cuck her into oblivion

I picked the goddess that steals all my press turns.

ab5952 No.14174436

File: b48041e116c0a34⋯.jpg (20.72 KB, 200x229, 200:229, psychorage.jpg)


He pretty much turned out to be 100% right, Nanashi's allies don't even fucking TRY to get him back on side if you go massacre route and quickly try to kill him when they disagree. So much for being the best of friends. I also liked how Toki does a 180 after saying she will follow you no matter what for no real reason.

ea36d0 No.14174484


MGS3 is indeed the worst in the series, and that's probably why idiots love it the most

1cd525 No.14174492


>Worst in the series

>when 4 is an actual interactive movie and 5 is a half finished mess

Wipe this bait from the face of the earth.

ea36d0 No.14174524


>he continued to play after le ebin bond memegame

That's like sticking around for the decomposition after a loved one dies.

don't you have some upvotes to get somewhere by talking about how big boss did nothing wrong?

aedb78 No.14174537


Damn, that's a good joke.

6e650d No.14174592

File: c3f0a75cc3888ae⋯.jpg (142.23 KB, 1000x805, 200:161, Asherah_3.jpg)

File: a19b570cfa7a125⋯.jpg (228.73 KB, 1280x768, 5:3, MoiraeSistersWide.jpg)

File: c7082aa1bacdec1⋯.jpg (81.35 KB, 693x816, 231:272, Tiamat.jpg)


>you will never have a foursome with the Moirae sisters

>you will never handle all eight of Tiamat's titties

On a serious note they do need to step up the demon negotiation

1cd525 No.14174611


>No argument

>just throws down the Reddit card and calls it a day.

Wew, lad.

6b736f No.14178414

File: ec98dd425d2b6b5⋯.jpg (1.05 MB, 1029x1879, 1029:1879, AtlusUSA handjob.jpg)

>SMT thread dying

Don't worry, Alex is here to lend a hand.

6e650d No.14178433

File: 57bb065347206a4⋯.png (514.9 KB, 755x410, 151:82, tqidj6mggsny.png)


>that shading is way too crisp and the characters aren't smug enough, let's fix that

Are they changing it to full 3D environments as well? I haven't really followed the DSJ developments since they revealed the waifu

6b736f No.14178483

File: 4d71e9e6c2eef45⋯.jpg (538.4 KB, 1841x953, 1841:953, SMT Deep SJ finger.jpg)


I'm still pissed about the MC's cheekbones disappearing.

>Are they changing it to full 3D environments as well?

I would assume so. It's the 3DS' selling point, after all.

bd0d60 No.14178520

I finished SJ and I dont want to do ng+, should I play nocturne or 4?

cafff0 No.14178537


they ruined their faces

a397c3 No.14178541


Nocturne is nice but 4 is a sequel to sj so you should play that one instead, then nocturne.

Fuck 4A, that game never happened.

a397c3 No.14178554


Almost nothing is sacred in this day and age

6e650d No.14178575

File: 8fcc230816f5227⋯.gif (985.16 KB, 500x350, 10:7, fountain.gif)


Nocturne, obviously



The more I stare at it, the angrier I get

bd0d60 No.14178577


alright, any tips before playing? also is that english patch for the raidou version of nocturne good? I tried it out and it seems to be working fine but I dont know if there are some problems later

6e650d No.14178631

File: 179930ebc5ecdec⋯.jpg (531.78 KB, 2700x2025, 4:3, RpTQSSb.jpg)


>but 4 is a sequel to sj

Do I need to replay IV? I didn't walk away with the impression that IV was that direct of a sequel to SJ, outside of the appearance of the Demonicas and the parallel between Arthur and Burroughs. I don't really think you'd get a better appreciation for it either way.

a397c3 No.14178658


Eh, not really, its a fairly easy game, but kinda difficult in the beginning. If you screw up even once in a battle, it could lead to your death. Try to have as many kinds of the magic on you as possible, especially zan early on in the game. On my most recent playthrough which i never finished I was lucky enough to have a demon change its move to concentrate then whisper it to me, learning that at level 2 or 3 was fucking bonkers.


There was also a statue of Meh Aleph in a certain area in IV. So i assume that it does take place after SJ's neutral ending.

6b736f No.14178666

File: 4a53d6d44057a60⋯.jpg (1.45 MB, 1276x1623, 1276:1623, SMT III Nocturne western a….jpg)


Knock Turn, obviously.


I don't count any game without Okada as canon anyway.

fe7af8 No.14178872


>there will never be a western release of the Nocturne remake which takes out Dante and puts in Raidou instead.

97b393 No.14178897


the fan translation tho

a66a9d No.14179320



The fan translation must be one of the most goddamn pointless ones to have ever existed given the only fucking difference is a character swap for an optional party member, and he's fucking mute at that.

e06e07 No.14179346


>the jewish DLC system

how does the dlc system work in smt iv

I have cfw so it says I actually have all the dlc installed but I don't know what it does

07049b No.14179353


muh pierce

a66a9d No.14179380


It retroactively ruins the game by existing since they intentionally fucked the balance of difficulty to sell it, level farming in the span of minutes.

e06e07 No.14179385



I haven't finished SJ because I got stuck in trash zone and forgot what I needed to do next. It was a perfect introduction to SMT though, it really felt extra strange since all the demons are unfamiliar. Because I went in completely blind I didn't even know demons were in the game. Wasn't very difficult though since I had already played some etrian odyssey.

c4f532 No.14179524

File: c9dd0b7b87a67a3⋯.jpg (18.14 KB, 210x240, 7:8, cake.jpg)


>no teacher cake

Why even bother?

6e650d No.14179538


>statue of Mem Aleph

Ah yeah you're right, I forgot


>etrian odyssey

I don't get the comparison really, MegaTen had first-person dungeon crawling way before EO even existed. I get that they're both DS games from the same publisher but SJ isn't a huge departure from the dungeon philosophy of the previous games at all. If you want an Etrian Odyssey game wearing the skin of SMT I've heard Persona Q is the way to go. Don't mean to pick on you but it's the second time I've read it this thread and it confused me.

8f1b67 No.14179647


>Muh dick

This is a type two nusona player, everyone.

Common name, “waifufag.”

May overlap with type three, “Person who uses persona as a friend Simulator.”

And this may overlap with the type one class, “Social Justice Warrior.”, though it is unlikely since the type one usually plays Persona Four and writes long blog posts about Kanji being a closeted homosexual and Naoto being a closet Female to Male transsexual.

6e650d No.14179672


>Naoto being a closet Female to Male transsexual

I don't know if I should go back and try to finish P4 for the historical significance or just be glad that I never finished it.

e06e07 No.14179687


The anons I replied to were saying SJ might be a bad starting point because it's kind of hard.

I was just saying the difficulty, gameplay, and UI were similar enough that I didn't have much trouble with it.

c4f532 No.14179696

File: 0e07ed06d0d833d⋯.png (119.99 KB, 512x512, 1:1, seesasaltyfag.png)

66a5df No.14179741


>only came to post bait and get a (you) for it

Disgusting, I shouldn't have expected less from someone who doesn't play video games

1b9c11 No.14179776

Does SMT 2 have any game-breaking bugs or am I fine if I play through it normally? I'll play it without translation patch if that matters

5e85de No.14179893

File: 4ccd03c11514dc9⋯.jpg (23.72 KB, 445x470, 89:94, raidou.jpg)


Raidou Vs. The Soulless Army. The combat is clunky and dull but the gameplay is relatively simple so it isn't too taxing

>Favorite SMT

Devil Survivor 1. I like that I could play it on the go and the story was good. I'm salty about the second one but one of these days I'm going to try and hold my nose and just beat it.

>Looking forward to SMT V? Why or why not?

I'm glad it's coming out but I'm not happy about buying another handheld just to play it. Honestly I'd be happier to get SMT if, PSP Devil Summoner, PSP Persona 2 Eternal Punishment or Majin Tensei 1 or 2

>are you a Personafag? What's your thoughts on this?

I'm glad people like them but I can't play any Persona past 2. I don't want to make virtual friends, I want to battle and collect demons!

>What's your opinion on "gatekeeping" I keep seeing tossed around by faggots on other sites and communities?

I'm pretty much indifferent to what goes on in other communities but I think a bit of gatekeeping can be good for any fandom.

256df1 No.14180041


Persona 2 on psp



>Favorite SMT


>Looking forward to SMT V? Why or why not?

I'm looking forward to it, I know it's dumb to say but when the pegi trailer/teaser came out and it was an 18. I got a little warm feeling in my heart maybe it will be like nocturne but my guess is it's probably going to be like Persona.

>are you a Personafag? What's your thoughts on this?

Yes, I am a Personafag mainly because Persona 3 got me into the megaten series.

>What's your opinion on "gatekeeping" I keep seeing tossed around by faggots on other sites and communities?

I dunno what that is, mainly because the fan communities I was in the game series turned to shit and it left a bad taste in my mouth.

b73dd5 No.14180593


Only good thing about that game.

abea5e No.14180916

File: 2b5ef53fdab0b78⋯.png (25.42 KB, 873x302, 873:302, Gideon_Zhi.png)


MegaTen and EO are both based on Wizardry. EO is just a bit closer.

Moncolle is always superior to classes, though.


Most translators these days have terrible judgement. All the more reason to learn Japanese for yourself.

9376c7 No.14181555


>Original trinity

what made them worth playing? Atlus's greatest talents are certainly quite the draw but what about the games made them good?

I still want to, but I'm slightly leery now


>Jack Bros

What the heck is this game? I've never heard of it.


It sounds strangely comfy which is highly unusual for anything I'd expect out of an SMT game. It feels almost like a situation perfect for a bait and switch (get players comfortable and shock them with the apocalypse/some horror shit)


>SMT 2

fucking RIP I'm never going to decide what game I wanna play at this rate. I'm even tempted to try Strange Journey, fuck

940e3f No.14181564

File: da4f53b51de0854⋯.jpg (93.31 KB, 640x649, 640:649, Jack_Bros_japan.jpg)


>What the heck is this game?

>he doesn't know the greatest virtual boy game ever made

0c3069 No.14181576


>a good virtual boy game

Impossible tell me more

940e3f No.14181616


You play as the three jack brothers as they are trying to return home. You go through about 60 labyrinth levels that get more complex and you have to kill demons and collect keys along with bosses.

9376c7 No.14181629


Is it turn-based? The style sounds slightly similar to Diablo 1

>60 levels

holy fucking shit. How?

940e3f No.14181669

Hooktube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


Something like gauntlet would be closer, here's some gameplay as an example of what I mean.

b73dd5 No.14181792


>Jack Skelton


995d85 No.14182181

File: ebaf12928674d93⋯.jpg (189.27 KB, 700x1000, 7:10, 57496518_p8.jpg)


>not picking toki and forcing her to stay true to her promise

995d85 No.14182193


I get the feeling that the writers personally disliked giving the player the option to not join hands and sing kumbaya at yhvh, so they made the ending exra edgy with the needless killing the souls of your "friends" and the instant abandonment by them.

b73dd5 No.14182250


>I get the feeling that the writers personally disliked giving the player the option to not join hands and sing kumbaya at yhvh

That's basically how Persona 5 ended so I assume anyone against the idea of a black and white morality is no longer with them. P5s characters were outside the law, but they were never even shown to be on the edge morality, despite essentially brainwashing people to be good. All your targets turn out to be black and white evil, making there no moral conundrum involved in brainwashing them. The only person that publicly criticizes you for your brainwashing turns out to have dishonest motives. The final boss is a manifestation of humanity's sloth, despite Japanese society having a bigger problem with overworking themelves to death than with NEETs. The twist was fucking terrible because they intentionally made it obvious as hell before hand, and even if they didn't do so by making everything a flashback up to your arrest. It was like the whole thing was wasted potential narrative-wise and was completely unaware of it.

995d85 No.14182291


Its depressing, but completely true. I don't really have high hopes for their next game.

460e13 No.14182549


Yeah, Persona 5's biggest problem is that the protagonist is an unreliable narrator and he's handled really shitty. The writers couldn't decide if they wanted him to be his own character, or just be an avatar for the player. Most of the time he's both, but it causes some really jarring shit narrative wise. The whole plot twist with Akechi's betrayal was so obvious to the player; I thought it was going to be subverted and Akechi would be redeemed or something because the game can't into subtle foreshadowing at all. The game explicitly hides the fact that the protag and the rest of the crew know they're being set up, just so the writers could cram in some ebin twist XD where you think you're dead but not really. You, the player, know the twist is going to happen and can't stop it, the protag also knows what's going on but it isn't shown to you, and you're led to believe that all your teammates are bumbling idiots when they also what the fuck was going on. And then in some shitty hour long custcene and dialogue sequence everyone gets together and says how much of a genius they are for fooling that traitorous Akechi with some dumb body-double shenanigans. Why was this all hidden from the player? It's so fucking dumb, the game should have let the player in on it from the get-go, why did the player have to be left in the dark? Any bumbling retard should've been able to see that twist a mile away, why does the game spell all this out to you even though you could have pieced it all together at "pancakes"? I honestly feel like the game would have been much better if they let the protagonist be his own character. He clearly has enough character on his own to not just be the player avatar, but he's somehow both at the same time and knows things that are hidden to the player (muh memory altering truth serum drugs) even though you ARE PLAYING AS THE PROTAGONIST THE ENTIRE TIME.

The rest of the game is alright, but the shitty tweeests the writers structured half the game around are so dumb that you'll probably just feel insulted.

07049b No.14183294

File: 77008d4df71db4e⋯.jpg (124.95 KB, 400x621, 400:621, authentic reddit localizat….jpg)


>I'm salty about the second one but one of these days I'm going to try and hold my nose and just beat it.

I finally got around to RB after being put off forever from the initial game. Septembertrombones arc is a slapstick comedy and all the endings are shit. Triangulum arc makes it worth it, just barely. It also undermines the first half of the game entirely by going off it's own version of events hilariously enough.

b73dd5 No.14183712


Those are just some things wrong with the story. Nevermind the fact that he dungeons are all linear garbage with shit puzzles, the only challenge added to NG+ is a single boss fight, and the game's side dungeon is literally a no design randomly generated hallways. I never finished Nocturne, but it's dungeons were somewhat less linear and okay puzzles, and I loved the design of the side dungeon. What little I played of DDS also had more twists, turns, and fucking effort put into it than anything in P5.

7f5566 No.14183754

So should I bother playing Persona 5 if I hated Persona 4 and sort of liked Persona 3 even though it's a very poor game? I want to give it a shot because people just fucking love it and think it should be GOTY 2017 for some reason, and it does seem better than 3 and 4.

b73dd5 No.14183804


Do you like any of the older games? If so, I doubt you'd enjoy it.

2a6166 No.14184246


What did you hate about 4 and what did you like about 3? Persona 3-5 are very similar in a lot of ways but they do and focus on some things differently.

457ba4 No.14185756


Persona 5 is just Persona 4 with Persona 2 paint to make it more edgy. That's… just about it.

ab5952 No.14187941

File: 1b7166cdfc16691⋯.png (1.18 MB, 1145x1210, 229:242, myfacemysoul.png)


The reason that's not really well given is that you burn their souls to stop them from reincarnating so they can't come back and stop you. Don't really know why you can't just revive and enthrall them all like you do with your goddess but whatever. 4A is a fucking mess in many regards and I fucking hate that the endings are reduced to good vs evil with 2 fake out endings.


I can't help but feel like P5 desperately wants to be like P2 but doesn't have the balls or talent to do it. Hell not a single character even comes close to how good Baofu was and just come across as typical animu archetypes. The hothead with a heart of gold or the hot blonde who eats alot. Futaba feels completely out of place in the world and it wouldn't have been that hard to fix. P5 annoys the shit out of me because it could have been alot better but the public ate it up.

2acc2e No.14189746

File: ff48dd71cd6dc48⋯.png (116.45 KB, 512x508, 128:127, 36772393095802580927068536….png)

What's the name of this goth bitch.

b858bf No.14189818

File: 6306a99d561d580⋯.jpg (20.02 KB, 448x336, 4:3, I will tell you my feeling….jpg)

File: b63f0932e67f00b⋯.jpg (25.58 KB, 640x479, 640:479, 2-SMT3-2952.jpg)


>>no teacher cake


Demifiend had the best taste. Tatsuya was a close second, I suppose

Actually no Maya was never so bad that her depression and lonliness and lack of a spine led to the end of the world

still worth it

I will say that some autists on the net do help out a bit, like with:

>I've just learned that there's an interesting nuance in Yuko's request that was changed in translation. From the dialog we've seen, it would appear that Yuko wants the Yahirono Himorogi because she believes her obtaining the stone will prove that she's worthy of receiving a Reason; it's barely a step removed from "maybe Aradia-senpai will finally notice me". However, in the original Japanese, her plan is to use the stone's god-controlling powers to outright force Aradia to give her a Reason. That certainly makes her seem less wishy-washy.

b73dd5 No.14189864


Sae Nijima?

dc3236 No.14190127


P5 ended up being shit in a lot of places it didn't need to be.The dungeons could've been improved by removing quick jump on the day of the heist and making all the shortcuts and minibosses optional (allowing them to come into play when you're running for the treasure). The alert system was highly underutilized and could have been used as the limiting factor in how far you could go in one day as opposed to SP which became plentiful by the third dungeon. Several of the later bosses were highly undertuned, had a massive reliance on physical attacks, and the ability to get end game personas at the begining of the second to last arc was pretty stupid. Storywise, the "twist" was a pretty big failure in story telling as was the god out of nowhere shoed into the story to make some sort of climax out of the story after Shido and Aketchi ungracefully fell off the stage. They didn't even need a twist or a god as the final boss, but I guess they were too scared to deviate from what worked in P3 and P4. Ironically, every aspect that they copied from the previous two games (SP limitations, betrayal plot twist, godlike final boss, etc) ended up being absolute shit.

8f1b67 No.14190385


Everything after Futaba’s palace is just a slow slide into disappointment.

b73dd5 No.14190409


I hear most say everything is downhill when Makoto joins the group.

b73dd5 No.14190411

Hooktube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


Also, I found a Futaba simulator.

9376c7 No.14196498

Bump, I still haven't decided which of these fukken games to play

Probably won't play DDS.

I'm trying to decide between Persona 1/2, Nocturne and Strange Journey now.

Which is the most fun and has the best story, characters and world overall, or would win out between the 3 I suppose?

95d415 No.14196777


i say play nocturne now cause the updated strange journey comes out in may with new content. why wont you play dds?

9376c7 No.14196791


It sounds a bit too easy from what's described in this thread for me to feel like playing right now (unless its story, character and world is much better than I thought)

95d415 No.14196816


some people dont like the story and i can see why but personally i liked it. I wouldnt recommend starting with dds though

337a37 No.14196923

File: 2e4705665af755e⋯.png (1.53 MB, 1100x785, 220:157, P2 gangsters.png)


>what made them worth playing? Atlus's greatest talents are certainly quite the draw but what about the games made them good?

Take your pick. The combat, negotiations, story/lore, atmosphere. The original Persona trilogy does it all better than the modern SMT/Persona titles.

The only work that has remained consistently good at Atlus is the music.

Fair warning, though: The good ending in P1's main route can be easily missed if you don't get every moral choice right.

330c1a No.14196977


Reminder that Alex is your daughter from the future and you let the Schwarzvelt destroy the world after you are forced to kill her.

95d415 No.14196992


so your forced to kill your daughter or nuke Boston?

186429 No.14197103


>second pic

Funny how every single sjw piece of shit was using "Imperator" next to their social network names when Mad Max Pegging Road was about to launch.

Sage for off-topic.

8ccc0a No.14198751


Implying Gideon translates anything. That faggot knows no japanese and just hoards projects which in turn keeps other translating efforts from being made. No one wants to put in the effort to translate the games in his 'working on' list because there's a small risk of wasting a ton of time and effort if by some miracle he releases the patch.

If you ever wondered why If is untranslated, it's this man's fault. He supposedly had a working alpha back in 201X (Can't remember which year exactly) and was going to show it off at PAX. He never twitted about the game again after saying that and buried everything with retweets like the one you posted.

My guess is he had a falling out with the actual translator for reasons unknown.

8a0e21 No.14198875

File: 1ecba8422875bb2⋯.png (709.45 KB, 1182x956, 591:478, 1ecba8422875bb256e34c8e6a0….png)


>Kanji being a closeted homosexual and Naoto being a closet Female to Male transsexual

Except that's not even what it's fucking about and it's the shadows portraying their hidden desires in their most overblown, degenerate way possible to shellshock and overpower them. Both Kanji and Naoto are straight as doornails, Kanji's just spilling out spaghetti because he really likes sewing, a perceived feminine occupation (which historically is not even the case) and Naoto just thinks everyone will take her seriously if she acts like man and binds down her melons because she's absolutely terrified and confused as she's blocked out her feminine nature for so long.

But of course all the fucking tumblr trannies the identify with the SHADOWS, easily showing just how unhinged and out of balance they really are.

d73aa7 No.14199560

File: 0d37b46b3320814⋯.jpg (142.5 KB, 807x485, 807:485, ss (2018-01-21 at 02.09.02….jpg)

File: 053186eec9e30e4⋯.jpg (189.19 KB, 806x485, 806:485, ss (2018-01-21 at 02.08.38….jpg)

I've been playing through IV on citra, it runs okay despite some frame drops in certain menus and some minor visual glitches.

I don't like almost all the changes they made, but I'm still having a great time with it.

I ended up going off on my own since Euno and I think I got severely overleveled, I just now captured the Black Samurai and I'm about level 38 while every demon I fight is around 25.

I just wished citra was actually optimized in any way so that I wouldn't have to run this at a native resolution to get a decent framerate.

I really fucking hate the new demon designs though, I cannot stress that enough.

6e650d No.14199604

File: ac5e7bfc7f80297⋯.png (138.56 KB, 295x405, 59:81, Gabriel_SMTIV.png)

File: 3e22b0b917553eb⋯.jpg (780.98 KB, 1864x2612, 466:653, GabrielSMT2.jpg)


>I really fucking hate the new demon designs though, I cannot stress that enough.

They're really, really overdesigned, yeah.

d73aa7 No.14199625

File: 66028404c38fee3⋯.jpg (243.29 KB, 1200x1680, 5:7, 66028404c38fee32fb9fcb471c….jpg)


What were they thinking.

8f1b67 No.14199661


>well shit, we gotta have the player kill God for the six gorillianth time.

>better mix it up a little.

That was the thought process.

9376c7 No.14199699


Fuck anon you've made it sound very appealing

Which would be better to start with, 1 or 2? They're unconnected right?

a4e016 No.14199719

File: b9c7786c5707c7f⋯.png (93.81 KB, 942x960, 157:160, ClipboardImage.png)


They hired Keita Amemiya as a guest artist, and told him to go wild.

So he did.

07049b No.14199742

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


You will not appreciate this if you play 2 first.

You won't appreciate it anyway because EPP didn't get translated. :^)

a4f870 No.14199756


Only play SMT: Strange Journey and SMT IV: Apocalypse, don't waste your time on anything else.

9376c7 No.14199759



but it says it did anon?

Or am I missing something?

07049b No.14199777

File: 744d9e8b1bdf582⋯.png (381.18 KB, 480x544, 15:17, is this not what you wante….png)


>PSone Classic


47d4bd No.14201362

File: 26146704af0074b⋯.jpg (571.82 KB, 620x2752, 155:688, Persona series explained b….jpg)


>Which would be better to start with, 1 or 2? They're unconnected right?

Oh, they're quite well connected. Like I said, the trilogy's lore and worldbuilding are top-tier. Most of P1's characters and story elements reappear in P2 in one way or another. Now, about the versions:

The PS1 version of P1 got a notoriously bad, incomplete, whitewashed, blackwashed, and borderline broken localization in the west. So go for the PSP version unless you're okay with playing in Japanese.

P2 Innocent Sin got localized (and slightly censored internationally) on the PSP, but not the PS1. There is a fan-translation of the PS1 version, though.

P2 Eternal Punishment got localized on the PS1, but not the PSP.

Both of the P2 titles use a gameplay formula that unfortunately dumbed some things down from P1, but they're still far superior to the modern titles.


Oh I see. That explains a lot.

dfa2bb No.14202617


Nocturne. I seriously dont get the stigma arround it its fucking easy just grindy before matador. If you want to get used to the mechanics of demon fusing and exploiting weaknesses play Persona 4 or 5

0df1ad No.14202642


>dumbed some things down

Making things better and extremely less obtuse isn’t dumbing things down. It’s making a better game.

44df87 No.14203573

File: 1c699cbed7eccf5⋯.png (6.04 MB, 1280x1839, 1280:1839, Persona guidebook image.png)

File: 9ce886ed0b2ab1a⋯.jpg (318.34 KB, 1023x768, 341:256, TATSUYA SUOH.jpg)


I wish that was what they did, but it isn't.

P2 mechanically stripped down the fusions, dungeons and combat too much without adding enough to compensate. They are still great games, but most of the changes were not for the better.

ac9f9d No.14203769

File: f9db3948c84409b⋯.jpg (60.05 KB, 722x349, 722:349, 1424226421616.jpg)

P1 was the perfect blend of old grognard dungeon crawler with JRPG fun with your friends feefees. I really wish there were more games like it.

The P2s are interesting, but they do feel like completely different games, and P3+ is just completely unrecognizable and waifushit.

b73dd5 No.14203815



>Thinking a prostitute is a cake

8f1b67 No.14203826


P3 wasn’t too bad. P4 and above are irredeemable, however.

44df87 No.14203883

File: 5d457cd5248ed03⋯.jpg (1.21 MB, 1780x2528, 445:632, P3 Dark Hour poster.jpg)



Damn it, my ID has changed again. Oh well, not much I can do about that.



The Persona series got a far inferior director starting with P3, and it shows. Hashino may have improved himself since, but he's still a problem.

P3 still remains the worst offender of shitting on the lore. Nyx makes little to no sense.

422cb9 No.14204645


Would this be the best version of Persona 1 I could get?

I plan on playing it on my Vita in adrenaline

abea5e No.14204828



I never tried emulating Persona myself, but I hear it works well.

e06e07 No.14213233


worked fine on my PSP

it's the english dub, but there's very little voice acting so it doesn't matter

use a guide if you don't want to have to replay it three times

6e650d No.14213289

Finished replaying Strange Journey. I forgot that I didn't like the final boss.


It's at least not as piss-easy, but I don't gel with Tartarus at all.

330ffc No.14214116


Tartarus is an endurance test since it has ~260 floors to walk through. If that's what the designers were going for then they succeeded, but I couldn't tell the difference between a part of the dungeon and the next besides a palette swap.

4a8a66 No.14214211


>What happened?

They focused more on waifushit than on making sure that the last two dungeons weren't a literal fucking re-tread of Persona 4.

Honestly for me I was really loving the gameplay aspects of P5 up until the end of the Casino dungeon and then everything fucking fell apart. That along with the number of "go to sleep" days and how boring a lot of the side content is after a fucking while I just have no desire to replay it like I do most SMT and Persona games.

I'm hoping to YHVH that SMTV doesn't end up like how P5 did in its consistency.

6e650d No.14214681


The visual palette swaps I could give a shit about, outside of the very last one in the Adamah block, but I personally really liked the way the musical track slightly changed with every block. Then again I love everything Meguro touches, so there you go.

9376c7 No.14214748


>use a guide if you don't want to have to replay it three times


is it some "true ending" bullshit

9838fe No.14214830


SMT and Persona will lose a lot whenever Meguro retires.


If you do the wrong thing at a certain points during the main route, you get a bad ending/ get worse characters instead of better ones. Persona 1 has two routes so you'll be playing the game twice at minimum to see both stories.

4d771c No.14214897


First and only Persona game I've played. I liked it for the most part. Surprised I put over 100 hours into it for just the main story, but man did it limp across the finish line.

9376c7 No.14214905


>you get a bad ending/ get worse characters instead of better ones. Persona 1 has two routes so you'll be playing the game twice at minimum to see both stories.

Fuck, I don't wanna have to use a guide but that sounds like a gimped way to play through

how unlikely is it for a person to get a bad ending or do the wrong thing?

9838fe No.14214947


>how unlikely is it for a person to get a bad ending or do the wrong thing?

The ending for the normal route (SEBEC) is based on questions asked in one dungeon later in the game. It isn't impossible to get blind, it just has little room for error since if you give one wrong answer you get put on the bad end. As far as characters go you get to have a choice between a few of your party members but it'll be tough to get one of the better characters without knowing how to get him. Persona doesn't ask that you are too optimal with your picks of characters though so it'll come down to your personal taste between the ones you can pick. You won't really know which ones are better until later in the game anyway.

b0fed4 No.14218215

i just finished persona 2 Innocent sin on a psp emulator, i was look for EP psp ISO where is it do i have to play the PS1 version?

558b69 No.14221605

File: 49155c64c7289be⋯.jpg (234.01 KB, 725x800, 29:32, trannymara.jpg)

558b69 No.14221741


EP PSP wasn't released in the west and the Fan Translation isn't finished from what I can tell.

721bb5 No.14221786

File: 2ab1702dc68d4ce⋯.jpg (331.45 KB, 859x1214, 859:1214, アチェリ.jpg)

File: 8059f27b9e1382c⋯.jpg (379.83 KB, 800x900, 8:9, アチェリ ~ 2nd season ~.jpg)

File: 59a519b3314b369⋯.jpg (317.37 KB, 850x960, 85:96, シルキー母さん.jpg)

File: 464c36669cbdbda⋯.jpg (269.81 KB, 800x600, 4:3, 【その後の】クダアチェリ【女神転生】.jpg)

File: c650bbc2ece0d58⋯.jpg (190.91 KB, 400x600, 2:3, 亜細亜幼女組。.jpg)

07049b No.14222513

File: 598511b78ad7659⋯.jpg (72.72 KB, 485x620, 97:124, where's the stuff, I need ….jpg)

File: 0f559b6209c611b⋯.gif (45.93 KB, 400x218, 200:109, 79-7.gif)

File: 4d1cf9f2803fbfb⋯.jpg (49.26 KB, 400x500, 4:5, 20090821_1005439.jpg)

File: 7f734baa649aebe⋯.png (54.97 KB, 414x599, 414:599, echa.png)


I like Kresnik.

e072c0 No.14225041



He's working on Fate right now but it isn't cancelled at least. Might just be faster to learn japanese though since these translations can take years.

330c1a No.14225046


The PSX translation is fine anyway, the new stuff is just standard expansion stuff. It even has its own Marie.

cd25ad No.14225386


>But of course all the fucking tumblr trannies the identify with the SHADOWS, easily showing just how unhinged and out of balance they really are.

Be fair here. People had been jumping to identify the Shadows as the true representation of the character long before Tumblr laid claim to that reasoning.

It came from reviewers and people who had never played the game misinterpreting details about the story. Then months going into years of shipping and misinformation. That and the still present idea that people need to co-opt a game and change it's meaning to better "identify" with it. People never realize that Persona 4 (and now Persona 5) pull their punches really hard with themes and never go in the direction you think they should be going.

cd25ad No.14225416


P3 was experimental in ways that worked for me as well as ways that didn't. It's easy for me to forgive the flaws in a title that is breaking new ground. P4 is where they doubled down on the problems without fixing what was there.

I will never agree with the decision to add party members as the game goes on the way they do. At least with P3 you get a good chunk of SEES members right away but it's always the case with the later titles that the further into the game you go, the less connected to the story the newer members become. I also found that they are the least used in my party and the change from everyone being able to use different Persona is the biggest loss the series had in my opinion. And it was all in service to making the Main character the axis to which the entire story revolves around, instead of a member of a group going through a mutual scenario.

One thing that made the parties in P1 and P2 so much stronger, and what was mostly true for P3 in a sense; was how everyone was immediately connected to the major threat or problem in some way that predates the start of the game. P4 & P5 have few people that fullfill this idea and I think it contributes to why they feel so much more shallow (among other reasons).

9376c7 No.14233083


b73dd5 No.14233190



90cba6 No.14235831


You need to go back.

b73dd5 No.14235868

File: 5c430661a4df1bf⋯.png (145.38 KB, 424x289, 424:289, (You)2.png)

90cba6 No.14235929


It's better than having 13 posts of you making yourself look like a fucking retard. I wish I could see your reddit account.

b73dd5 No.14235963

File: c84bae1f63c5839⋯.png (7.39 KB, 300x100, 3:1, IMG_4508.PNG)


Anon, You're defending OP bumping his own 11 day old thread on page 13 when obviously interest on the topic had died.

90cba6 No.14235984


I didn't notice it was OP wew I take it back.

b73dd5 No.14236007


Well maybe you should read the thread you fucking niggerfaggot. It'd still be cancer even if it wasn't OP because of the other two points.

90cba6 No.14236034


Look, why would at the ID of some nigger who posts "bump". I take back my take back, you're still a faggot.

b73dd5 No.14236075

File: 8f1b428d384a2cc⋯.png (105.43 KB, 249x250, 249:250, 8f1b428d384a2cc083f193cdec….png)


>Why would I read the thread?

Why are you here?

90cba6 No.14236327


>let me change the words of someone else to fit want I was to accuse him of

I see you've been paying attention to politics.

d56d00 No.14236329


>11 days old

>implying this is old when Vita and 3DS threads can go on for 3 weeks to a month and the same for emulation

>phoneposting while calling others cancer

wew, if it wasn't for the fact that discussion seems to be done now I'd bump this thread again just to spite you, shitposter

90cba6 No.14236334



what? How is he phoneposting?

d56d00 No.14236339



90cba6 No.14236363

File: 14b8973a7819ffc⋯.png (908.65 KB, 960x720, 4:3, dissapointed seigfreid.png)


Ah I see, so he was a faggot all along.

b73dd5 No.14236372



I save as original filename nigger.

2acc2e No.14236381

File: 70f65ae83bfc0fb⋯.jpg (121.06 KB, 324x408, 27:34, 1450668815140.jpg)


>just an alter-ego of a character that shows up for one boss fight

How disappointing.

90cba6 No.14236394

File: 4cdfb79b38d39da⋯.png (422.69 KB, 518x631, 518:631, 4cdfb79b38d39da715702284ea….png)


>faggot asks a stupid question and gets spoonfed

>only sees it over a week later because I forgot to sage


b73dd5 No.14241027


It's karma for not reading the thread you illiterate.

b858bf No.14244450

File: 078a7e089e89949⋯.png (1.36 MB, 1080x1288, 135:161, 078a7e089e899492dd811e5a87….png)


>weapon looks like something outta Toy Story

>"But she's holding it like a pistol REMOVE IT QUICK"

I bet Australia did this

b73dd5 No.14244581

File: 9f29de0686cb776⋯.png (2.58 MB, 1028x1874, 514:937, ClipboardImage.png)


Even that half assed justification makes no sense.

1e8cf2 No.14244583

File: ad6e74da7f1182a⋯.webm (465.46 KB, 800x450, 16:9, Australia.webm)



you mean the chinese?

6e650d No.14244593


I wonder how bad it's really going to be. I doubt I'll check it out anytime soon since I very recently replayed Strange Journey, but from the footage it looks like they're keeping the gameplay intact and updating the dungeons with higher-resolution wall textures and better draw distance, which were certainly problems in the original. Unless they implement some awful balance adjustments or something maybe it won't be so awful, outside of the portraits and I'd assume a remixed soundtrack.

1d481a No.14246199



It's because of the ESRB. They don't allow art that depicts aiming guns directly at the viewer, think that it's "too violent"

d56d00 No.14246214


What about the James bond games?

a66a9d No.14246218

File: 1d74fedf945bbb1⋯.png (1.08 MB, 868x847, 124:121, latest.png)

94e76e No.14246230


>directly at the viewer

a66a9d No.14246236

File: 0a7ec63e5a2965c⋯.png (276.59 KB, 285x359, 285:359, 68441.PNG)

b73dd5 No.14247157


Directly you dumb nigger. That is point to the right.

7c6310 No.14247762


Makoto starts the fucking spiral into shit. The second you start her plot, She's so horrible and the game never stops jacking off about how smart she is. It's like if naoto was introduced in the third dungeon and the game never stopped talking about how smart she was.

273632 No.14247812


It’s not that they make Makoto smart, it’s that they make the other characters so dumb. Hell, Joker, Ryuji, Ann, and Morgana have pulled off two successful capers. But then they get plotted into being helpless. Same with how the gang praises Morgana for helping them for the first three dungeons, and then start jacking off Futaba as soon as she joins. Looking back, all female team members get a big sloppy hand job about how awesome they are. While Ryuji and Yusuke get the shaft.

b73dd5 No.14248166


>all female team members get a big sloppy hand job about how awesome they are. While Ryuji and Yusuke get the shaft.

You do know this a is a waifu simulator, right?

422cb9 No.14248181

File: 291d2f06c3464a5⋯.jpeg (377.25 KB, 1642x1200, 821:600, n64-1345343282[1].jpeg)

b73dd5 No.14248198


>Somthing old as shit, probably from before the rule was in place

Even if you could come up with a recent example, it would only prove ESRBs hypocrisy on on their retarded rules.

eda147 No.14248232

File: a5f4f87d062ab1c⋯.png (112.56 KB, 480x462, 80:77, meh4.PNG)

Not a fan of the oil-sheen but I think this could work for that private server…

e5c73a No.14249371

File: d69bb938f2b9e0c⋯.png (254.11 KB, 500x477, 500:477, 20171005_161622.png)


Goddamn, you had to remind me

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