Board Archive
8kun, Speak freely - legally.
January 11-20
1s4b3||4 V4|3nt1n3
February 11-20
Does anyone have these files by Mistress Love?
March 21-31
May 1-10
Gay Hypnosis
December 1-10
Mind Doll
New German-language Thread
January 11-20
Induce Premature Ejaculation?
March 21-31
Giga Sharing
April 21-31
Cuckold Hypnosis
July 1-10
Premature Ejaculation trainers
October 11-20
MsJ, GoddessGracie, Lady Rio, Cardigan & kei hey guysIm looking for:MsJMsJ - 3 Days of...
November 1-10
KismetVideo and FHRA thread
November 11-20
Anybody have this file by Mistress Stella?...
December 1-10
Is she best GGH girl ?Im into femdom and feet and I would love if...
December 11-20
Fiona Clearwater
December 21-31
I just discovered Mistress Amethyst, and Ive been trying to find any/all of her Bimbo...
January 11-20
Loka Hypno
MzDominica Retires
Mistress Marisa?
January 21-31
Cock Growth Hypno
February 1-10
N1kk1 F4t4|3
M4d4m V10|3t
March 11-20
Looking for pee related files, preferably non-permanent stuff. Anyone have something like this ?...
non-consensual hypnosis roleplay
April 11-20
Anyone got 4lly 8r1nk3ns Super Villainess: Ass Obsession / Brainwashed: Butt Head / Dumbfuck?Thank you...
April 21-31
M Z@ida
May 1-10
Aneros Hypno Files
Alpha Male Straight Hypnosis
Anyone have Hypno Fuuka videos?
May 11-20
Anybody have any Mistress Gigi Lauren files? I have a few but would like more...
Make /Hypno/ Great Again
May 21-31
What happened to Fresh Frozen Females?
Hypno audio dump free-for-all
Mistress Joanne
June 1-10
IRC channels
Studio Jezebel Shemale
Hypno tumblr generator
June 11-20
Since Goddess Gr4c13 last thread is pretty much dead and bump limit, can we make...
Pussy Worship
Goddess Lycia Files
June 21-31
Who the fuck?
keismindwarp hypnosis
July 1-10
Are there any good bimbofication files for women? Everything I find is sissy-themed. I want...
The Art of the Mind Doll discussion and Q&A
looking for something that covers public humiliation or going out dressed as a girl...
July 11-20
Gooninator Show Exchange
Tessa Fields
Hey guys, Im /hypno/s new BO.>Who are you and where is the previous BO?I havent...
July 21-31
Charlotte Gray
Double bind by Miss Mary
drink own pee
Anyone ever come across a Youtube hypnotist by the name of Paradigm Hypnosis or Rosella...
another hypn thread
Request for EMGs Curse Female Takeover
Hey, anyone could help me to learn how to put a gif, (like an hypnosis...
Potent Hypnotics
August 1-10
Political reprogramming election year
Subminals in mainstream music?
Explain to me the basics of creating a hypnosis video file. What are the most...
Does anyone still listen to Mr Daniel? He is gone from the scene now but...
ISO this file with cocooning
All hypnosis is self-hypnosis...
Most powerfull female audios?
General Request Thread
Fiona Clearwater
S4m4nth4 S3z
Serious question:Which domme(s) do you think would be significantly better/worse than their hypnosis files when...
orgasmic giggles
holy crap, Madame Y released new stuff
August 11-20
Get Hypnochan out there!
Making our own hypno
here i am begging for files from this old fuck
Hello, i was searching for a file called YSH - Sissy Cancellation, does anyone have...
I have a question for veterans here. For hypno files that say are permanent, are...
Most powerful hypno file youve ever listened to?...
Feminisation files
Cock Growth Hypnosis
Duchess Datura DiVine
mind/body awakening files SFW
Sisterhood of Light Introduction by Aires Nyx
Virginity Reset
Things to do during hypnotic maintenance
Using hypnosis to forget
Penis Shrinking files.
August 21-31
is there any hypnosis that can physically give me bigger breasts ?...
Energy Boosting Hypno/ Binaurals?
Any hypno file to emulate psychedelic experience?I want a taste but I dont have any...
Anyone have any of his stuff?h++ps://
hi there hypnochan anon would like to know if there is a non curse version...
Bambi Bimbodoll Hypnosis Thread 3
Trading Robopimp / Entrancement
Kei Light
Strange amateur porn game idea that could be adapted for hypno use?
How to Hands-Free-Orgasms (HFOs) work?
Mind Mistress
What happened to him? Why did he stop making files, his were some of the...
No more pleasurable orgasms, does it exists?
Honest request
Any good new up and coming hypnotists? Feels like all the good oldschool ones retired...
Hypnotic Lullaby ?
Spoiled black princess
Hypno bot videos by msdeelight
Anyone have downloads for 3||3ch3mys stuff? The torrents all have 0 seeds....
September 1-10
What does No Mercy by Penelope Silk feel like?...
What non-gay non-bimbo file would make me feel the most violated/molested...
Hypnosis with drugs
Hypnotic Videogames?
Looking for the best hands free orgasm file you have. Dont tell me who...
Induction techniques
Susceptibility to Hypnosis
Are there any hypno files which help with cutting down on masturbating and pornography, without...
hello friends :~)so Ive been thinking about starting a private tracker for erotic hypno files....
Hello, would anybody be able to recommend me some clips4sale channels with good body control/reluctant...
HypnoFantasy Nika Rennault
l4dy r4d14nc3 l00ps
Brainwashing Room Setup?
Swapping Files
Alice Holiday
Anyone have information on her?
Ruined Orgasms
VR Hypno Videos
Obligatory hypnosis video thread
Celebrity Hypnosis
Any Mistress Catgirl Feminizing Hypno Files?
Any sissy/feminizing files focused on Behavior?
September 11-20
Task based inductions / Interactive Game hypnos
Studio Jezebel Shemale Lovers files
Mistress Carol is retiring some old files
Penis shrink
friend interested in hypnodomme
Pauline says...
Hypno Forums?
Madam V10|3t
Gay masculinization
Madam Raison Detre
Good white girl. The samarmy stands behind you!
Kim Kardashian Hypnosis File
REAL Feminization files?
Hypnotist’s voice
Studio Jezebel
Sydn3y Ch4lm3rs
Tips for Getting Into Trance and Triggers
ive been struggling with actually becomming hypnotized, because of my ADHD i cant focus for...
Redacted Files / Supraliminal file thread
favorite file style
Does meditation before listening to hypnos (or in general as a practice) help you fall...
Anybody have the new Isabella Valentine Jackpot videos? 11+...
Any help to overcome a stong minds?
Mistress Alexandra
Help please...
September 21-31
New Feminization Project
Fixing hypnosis filesharing
Hypno files for females
Why do we love hypno?
How to undo hypnosis
Stdio Jezebl/Shelley files
Hypno files that lie about their purpose
G0dd355 0f Hypn0s1s
Anyone got Nikki Fatale - Experience Now ?
latex or rubber files?
Best videos to be viewed in vr?...
If any one has any of these lycia files please upload them. I also have...
The other thread is at its limit or something so does anyone have these files...
Goddess Gracie Ordering and Trigger setting
Is there any chance that anybody has 20 qu3st10n5 by N1kk1 F4t4|3, please?...
MTF hypno
Search for Wonder Woman comic
Is Shibby a meme hypnotist?Im not getting anything out of her files....
tentacle hypno
What would be a good file or files to spend multiple hours getting fucked up...
October 1-10
citor3 Femdomination
I want to be forced to cum
Stupid shit hypnotists do
Hey guys now that I am addicted to erotic hypnosis is there any way out...
Can anyone share Ky|13 5t4rs videos? Theyre not available anywhere outside of her store, and...
Hypn0tic Dre@ms
Making hypnosis files
Can someone share d8rk fr2ya 2 week chastity hypnosis and she11e ri7ers the lock?...
cowgirl You moost try it
Mistress Samba
anyone got some hypno b311a files?...
October 11-20
Recommendations for non-fetish recreational content?
Any files from the most beautiful domme ever, Goddess Saffron?...
french hypnotist
Sleepymaid games
Penis Shrinkage hypnosis
Erotic/Extreme Weight Loss Hypno?
Italian Erotic Hypnosis
How to Hypno
So im really getting into Studio J3z3b3| and has loads of her files but are...
Mind Under Master
Hi, does anybody have curse cum by EMG or any other cum eating conditioning file...
D4r|4 D10ndr4 Thread
October 21-31
Anyone know what happened to her? Cant find her files or store anywhere....
Most Fucked Up Files
Sex doll hypnosis
Human Interactions Thread
am lost
can i ask for files here?
Vincios/Pedrovin/Evenytron Thread
November 1-10
>be me>1 year ago>6.5/10, probably only really attractive to chicks who like beards>24, recently broke...
Cum Eating Instruction Hypnosis (CEI)
Your favorite hypno files, all time?
Foot Fetish Files
Feminizing Hypno without Bimbo stuff
Newbie thread?
This Girl was brainwashed for almost 4 years AMA
be dumb
PC Hypno programs
Loss of body control and puppet play
What are some of your favorite vids? looking for trippy shit...
Auto hypno eyes
went through all 15 pages, didnt see a thread dedicated to it. post whatcha got...
5h3ll3 r1v3r5
J4ckp0t - HFO
Hi, New on board.Dispite personnal requests and rappy things does anyone plans to purchase study...
Straight Hypno Sex with affirmations
Mistress Emi1y 4str0m (miss Li11y)
November 11-20
Any B4mb1 files without gay stuff?I want to feel the strength of the file, but...
Does anybody have a volafile with a lot of random files ? Preferably anal or...
Now that we got Retroshare working for the most part, we need to cover a...
M4dam R4is0n Detr3 Feminization
K4$h4 $h4kt1
Anybody have St3||4’s new bimbo bundle?...
Alexandra Snow
60dd355 z3n0v4 br43d3n
November 21-31
Masculinization files
Self-Bondage and Hypno
Female for a day
How long before you could truly fall into trance?...
Looking for the bimbo file that goes 1 2 3 4 Ill suck your dick...
THE best feminization / crossdressing files?
Deprogramming files
Assorted Final Dump
Not-Sucky TTS
Creampie/prego Hypno?
p3n3l0p3 51lk3
Does anybody have any files which encourage anal masturbation while discouraging conventional masturbation? Anything in...
My old PC got fried, so all the files I had on my hard drive...
When is the last time anyone of you looked at the moon barefoot and realized...
this is a new hypno stuff
looking for bimbo files
Guidance for Beginners
Cowgirl Thread
Whats about files increasing the cum productinon? Does this realy work and which files a...
December 1-10
4n4b3||3 F4t4|3
Anyone have any files that make men grow big tits and big sensitive nipples? Is...
5P1R4L 53DUCT10N5 limited edition
Incest files
Virtual Reality Hypno
who is G0DD3$$ |$|$???
Sissy files focusing submission to men
do hypnos work if you remember their contents? does remembering impede them from working on...
N1c013 d0se1
How far can it go?
Talk like a girl
Long Uninterupted Sessions
So you have fantasies you want to realize.There might be recordings for that. But recordings...
L4dy R4d14nc3 Thread
Subconscious thoughts/suggestions
Searching for a file by mi55tr3s5 s4mb4 4l3x
What are some good hypnosis where half way through everything flips? Sudden tricks and betrayal?...
Im done with this shit niggs. I dont know if forever, but I will be...
L4dy Ch91st3nie
Gl1tter G0ddess
December 11-20
K31 Files
jock brainless musclehead
Mr D@n13l swf files name entry bug?
Audio Hypno files
m@dam /iol3t
Attraction to BBW/Fatty Hypno
Age regression
Anyone want to help me practice some /hypno/? For science of course...
D14m0nd D1v4
Need new combo files
Play a game with me.
Raspy Voice
St3||@ B^nd|@?
What do you wish there was more of?
Lets have one of these threads....
Does anyone know if straight shota hypnosis exists?Theres plenty of femdom and plenty of age...
#1 file?
The Problem with Sissy Hypnosis
Gay Top hypnosis
Susceptibility to hypnosis
best edging/joi videos
Hypnosis ruining mind?
Looking for pro-cunnilingus/pussy worship files
The Future of Hypnosis
Monster Fantasy Hypnosis
December 21-31
Didnt know being dumb could be this pleasurable.What are some files to make you pleasurably...
Volunteers for Interviews
kei light
Hello all, Ive been listening to these files for some month now, and Im curious...
Erotic Hypnosis Challenge
Flashing lights (strobe lights)
retroshare hypno group
How did she do it?
Self-created TTS
H3ndr!cus G L00s mind control
Does anybody know more about Dr. 0L1v14?
Unfocus by 4m3thyst
So I got one of those cheap VR helmets that you put your phone into...
Has anyone had experience with 4ur3|14 4|d3r? What is her style?...
Women Hypnosis
Permission to cum
4v4 L0ngh4rd
Maybe a long shot, but does someone here know of sissy themed anti-nail biting hypno?...
Positive real world suggestions
Obedience to women in general?
What hypno are you unwilling to listen to?...
What happens if a straight girl listen to sissy hypnosis?...
Anyone heard of C0R3 hypnosis?
Hypno for Turning Submissive
>when youre interrupted in the middle of a clean fileI have no idea why anybody...
Forced hypno to buy girly clothing
January 1-10
P0r$ha R@j@l files
Feminization through Fitness
Amber Mae Hypnosis
Penis shrink files
Most Powerful Inductions
Mi$tr3$$ $t3lla Files
Triggers during sexual intercourse
Goddess |yc14 files? Pref the sissy files. But any is fine...
Struggling with suggestions outside of hypno
Curse Female Takeover
Non-sissy and non-JOI files?
Interesting ASMR girl
HFO TRIGGER for woman
Created a random vola room. Uploading what I have. Share youre favorite files! or the...
Goddess D@rl@ nzb
Kim Kardashian Hypnosis
January 11-20
Mistress Zaida Like Files
Hypno vids
lets talk about vola.
Bambi Bimbodoll Hypnosis Thread 4
Viv3s R3d L1ght?
Share Miss Ju|13s Hypnosis files
Background noise
Anyone know what file the first 30 seconds of this video come from?
drunk and hazy
Looping files while working
January 21-31
Ultrahypnosis Files
Anyone recognise the audio?
Hypnotists Suggestion
Info for newfags
Panty Addiction hypno
Long term brainwashing program site?
Psychedelics and Hypno
Male Voices vs Female Voices
Placebo effect talk
3mb3 l4r1m4r
Is there a hypno for cock sucking?
So heres a dumb question. Where and/or how do you guys listen to hypno files...
M. L3sl13
Best HFO inducing videos?
ID this tist?
accepting rewards
Mistress S4mb4 4|3x
Goddess Ath@li@
Sharing Everything
Neverside Labs
Please Dump Sissy/Feminization files here
Lady of the hour
MsJ audio files
Non-Erotic Hypnosis Recommendations/Sharing/Discussion
Hypno mailing list
February 1-10
This file is evil, does anyone know a decent deprogramming file....
unmarked HFO files
Hypno triggers activated by everyday things
Mistress Carol CEI
|4dy surr3nd3r
Goddess S4ffr0n
Abduction or milking machines
M!$tr3$$ B
M0n4 b|u
Caffiene Pills
ABDL Hypnosis
This feminization hypno?
February 11-20
best findom hypno mp3
anyone with an All access membership to hypnotic world?
Can we share videos with subliminal messages designed to brainwash/mindfuck? The stronger the better....
Cant find shelle`s new files
query about pics
Horror Hypno
M1stress Z@ida - Hot and Tight
Precum dripping denial
Toy files?
Nipple orgasm/nipple play hypnos
Random file dump
Terrible Files that Actually Worked
Permanent gay transformation files needed!
D14n4 R3y
Has anyone ever encountered a piercing themed file?...
5ydn3y ch4lm3r
Any files to undo femdom hypnosis? I started watching hypnosis ages ago and since nearly...
Do any of f10n4 cl34rw473r mp3s behind her patreon contain 3d audio?
I need recomendations on extremely effective and permanent hypnosis files that will firstly make...
Do you guys have Nina Temptress files?
February 21-31
anime voiced 3D audio tapes with eng subs
S3nsu4| Hypnotist Thread
Non predatory hypnodommes?
Emily Astrom - gone?
Subliminal Loops for a caged man
Scientific Validity and Experimentation
File Identification help
Does anybody have any Mind Mistress files? Anyone use her files and have any experiences?...
rant - lack of HFO creampie files
Pregnancy Hypnosis
Does anybody have these files? I would purchase today but I gotta wait a couple...
Interesting WMM files
March 1-10
forced bi/cocksucking gay hypno joi
DIY thread
mv mp3
Female ass licking & worship
Looking for L33 Allur3
Brainbreaking Loops
Hypno Gifs
Any French File for men ?
L@v3nd3r V01ce, @ng3l@, aka Cl@r1c3.
When are we all gonna address how lowkey fucked up we all are
Are there any good, new-ish bimbofication files that ARENT that B4mb1 meme crap?...
Female Supremacy Hypnos
Mr Daniels
March 11-20
Mistress Amethyst Personalizations
Trance aka Emma Evans
L4dy L4n4 / Tr4nc3 Tr4p
Best cum eating file
How have you been, /hypno/?
Long hypno with control
Tricked/coerced into feminization/sissy/etc
Surf, Download and Jerk Syndrom
Blow Up Doll Hypnosis
Hypn0 M0mmy
Mistress Surrender
Mistr3ss l0v3
Experience with Samanta Bandler files
March 21-31
Anyone have pic related and willing to upload it?Also looking for other recommendations on books...
decadent goddess
Sirens Easy to accept loop
Vapid Goon:!mXBggQxL!97Awohb3nKgVJ89-Nnpb07tYU4_SurlsDg_p_per_ecLucid Toy:!bfYyyBrI!X6CcX_Q6x5utMMLRUQaTM0XEOCvc3kVoarLasFEf2aQ...
Beginners query
Disabled Room
F10n4 C|34rw4t3r
Are their any files that make you think you are a container of French Fries?...
Hi! Im searching the web for a specific Hypno file that was called You cant...
Art hypnosis
M0na B1u
Question about spirals.
Best Inductions
Personal Problem
Other hypnotists
Does anyone happen to have 3MGs Curse slut who cant say no (subliminal) ?I want...
Your favorite things in hypnosis
Ask A Question
how do i get in
Deleted Video
Sensual but non-sexual
April 1-10
Trouble getting hard in trance
Windows 1.0 Art
How has hypnosis affected you?...
Anyone Recognize this Audio?
Any one have F3t1sh M1nd files?
Heightened arousal, lowered iq
Hypnosis porn videos
About (serving) hypnodommes
does anyone have the HFO Sl1p3ry done by Lurkinfortrouble, read by MarieBlue. it...
ViVe -- Thread 1
Anybody have videos of a girl listening to any F4F HFO and cumming?...
Tits- hypnosis
Mistress Surr3nd3r
End Game
Any Lady Surreender files to share?
Guided Mindfulness
Hypnosis: Placebo or Not! (Discussion thread)
best strains for trancing deep (bonus points if its cheap, Im a starving orphan child)
April 11-20
EMG Your other half
Resources for newbies
Mr. Daniels
All I know is that his/her files are some of the most potent on the...
D4rI4 DI0nDr4
Everything Orgasmic
Anal/Chastity cage without Gay
Hey everybody. I was wondering if anyone had any favorite files that focus heavily on...
Add me on Giga! I share!
Gooning/Porn Addiction
Looking for something similar
Looking for mistress love torrents, her covert file in particular. Im not into bimbo stuff...
dangerous hypno files
Trancing while tripping?
MP3 to text programs (speech recognition)
April 21-31
BBC hypnosis
read this please
Deleted stuff from GWA
l4dy ru37h4 files
Fin-Domme Earnings
Arousing Audio
4m4thy5t HFOs
File Dump
Tr4nc3 Pr0v1d3rs
Erections/Trance Question
Misstress Zaida
Hypno videos?
Building A Harem
Cat girl file
Are there any files for artists?Something like making someone draw while under, or increasing urges...
Hypno Image Slideshow
Anyone have any vids from An@be113 F@ta13? Heres one that is quite good and creative,...
Sinking into trance
crossdress hypo
Pr1nc355 F43
Hypnotist file rankings thread
May 1-10
Anyone have a list of Master Lukes hypnosis files?
Feel Female
Bambi Bimbodoll Hypnosis Thread 5
Any hypnos that fuck with your dreams? I want to be forced to have vivid...
Cock Worship
Phone/Audio Sessions?
Forget your SO files thread
Any chance of anyone having access to School for Slaves Course from $affr0n?Looks like top...
Dar1a D1ondra
Queen of Dreams
M1$tr€$$ 4m€thy$t
sissy hypno
Does anybody have hypnos that slowly feminize you? Including sissy content, penis shrinking, large changes...
anyone else in the process of getting mindfucked by hypno? im feeling more feminine everyday,...
VR Hypnosis
Tara Tainton
Falling asleep
May 11-20
Maid Files
Mind Dolls
I just discovered /hypno and I am kind of in a disbelief that this shit...
hey can someone help me out here?there was a program i downloaded from here a...
Nin@ T3mptr3ss
Anyone Have Femme Hypnosis?
positive femdom hypnosis
Does anyone have any verbal abuse, sissy shaming, or humiliation files? I would like to...
Influence of hypnosis on everyday life
Scariest files
Whats the deepest youve ever dropped into trance? Feel free to name off several mp3s...
Whats the deepest youve ever dropped into trance? Feel free to name off several mp3s...
Anyone have HypnoBeast files?
So, after reading thru >>40021 , and doing some research (1 Google page worth of...
Love Hypnosis
Help a hypno newbe
Femdom bodybuilding
Limp Dick Hypno
TOMT youtube channel where every thumnail just show cleavage
Stalkerbee and the HIVE
I dont ever see any talk about Seductra on here but there is always new...
Mistress C14riss4 NON-sissy files
May 21-31
Increse desire/erection
Hello! Do you know any hypno files, with joi instructions ruining your orgasm over and...
im newish
Storing files
Favorite HFO files?
Breast Obsession
Kei thread 2: Electric Boogaloo
Desperately need Isabellas jackpot 11+
Repeat After Me
Looped files
I just discovered hypno and pretty much a vanilla guy. You can say Im a...
Does anyone else have files that theyve been looking for forever, but never found?I was...
Hey hypno junkies, as you may have been, Ive been frustrated one too many times...
@m4|1à m0n3y
hey Im looking for the Fuuka videos, if anyone has them I would really appreciate...
21 Day Challenge
Bambi Bimbodoll Hypnosis Thread 6
Hypnosis with partners
Just stumbled on this board… are you familiar with neurolinguistic programming?...
Files Like Ginas Fuck Toy
Madame hypnose & dark sakura & ttemai / hipnoelec video
Sl3ppy G1mp Yoga Hypnosis
Straight Hypno
June 1-10
Hypnosis RetroShare Network
Looking for hypno file.
Tired of sissy shit
MM cds
Anyone know about the Youre My Cocksucking Bitch Now Files?
Amnesia files
The Solution to Takedowns
Feather (for boys)
f0rb1dd3n fru17
Satans Calling
Edge and edge and edge
file to get horny
Any file to make you impossible to get an erection unless by thinking about delicious...
June 11-20
M4nipulations HFO
T3$$4 F13ld5
Random feminization files
Premature Ejaculation #2
Th3 S3cr3t Subj3ct
Pr1nc355 5h1mmy
What is missing from hypnosis to you guys? What facet of the kink (or even...
Can anyone upload N3ur0 Pr0g2amm32 3?
Gonna quit
Custom-made Hyperspermia hypnosis
Content Uploaders Avoid Vola for a few days! (Invalid certs)
Exercise with feminization files
Is there any chap hypnosis that will turn me into the pussy slaying alpha male...
Sisterhood of Light - Body Modification Temple Meditation
Non-Advertised Side Effects
June 21-31
Mind Mistress Part 1-30 + 32
Tfw too chad for sissy files to work.I wish I was more pathetic....
Academic progress?
Self Created content
M!$tr£ss L3$l!3
Hypn0tic Leigh4
Hi guys, Im looking for the newer stuff made by 7h3 hypn0 m157r355, namely m14...
New German-language Thread
Exhibitionist files
D14n4 R3y
Hypnotic Sensual Makeover Programme for women and their man
Looking for J0ckR3l4x3r files
Which files could make the listener go ahegao?...
Trans focused files
wetting thread
Im looking for the file th3 T.4.s.t.3 and unable to find it. Im pretty sure...
Files for partners?
Anyone have the file for B1M80 L0V3 G45: 8R345T Enlargement by k31?Thanks...
Fucked by shemale content? Anyone?...
Nipple hypnosis or play?
Help giving up control
Any good patreon K1nky$h1bby files?
Dropping LSD - Whats your most intense file?
Nicole Dosei
July 1-10
Anyone got this files? Its about nipple play
Anyone have Mistress Alexandra?
Hypno thieves
Anyone know of any good, new bimbofication files that have come out in like… the...
Why do some hypnotists try to deny hypnotism is fake using fake hypnotism acts?
Just downloaded the IV megatorrent on TPB, and was curious; when does her stuff go...
D14n4 R3y
age regression/feminization
Does anyone have Fiona Clearwater
Cuckold Hypnos
c4|1 L0g4n
Femdomcult registration open
Fucked by shemales
No homo
Induction Files
Evil shit
July 11-20
Lesbian sissy hypnosis?
Anonymistress files
New SB thread
S@mb@s hypno files
Anyone know any files that induce a female period for sissy/trans?...
is there still hope for me?
hypnotist S R
Sissy Series
SPACECHAN.XYZgo to dead but still better than 8chan...
Anyone have the audios from ?Are they any good?...
Does scat hypnosis videos exist ?...
Looking for a crack of SVP. It can provide 60fps video based inductions
Old thread went dead and 404d, so lets start over.ITT: discussion of different dommes and...
N1n4 T3mptr3ss
21 day challenge
Looking for some fun / random files have any good senior citizen hypno?Ive already seen everything by The Trancemaster....
Mistress Mia
Fellow Hypnosis enthusiast here
Pegging/Strapon Addiction Hypno
Bambi Bimbodoll Hypnosis Thread 7
3ntranc3m3nt Uk
Kei Hypnosis
Im searching for this file. Does anybody has it ore something similar? Thanks....
panty HFO
July 21-31
Does anyone know if there is something similar to this?
Exhibitionist desires
What are some good legal, non-prescription drugs or substances that aid in trancing?...
Shilling thread
Hypno phone sessions
D4r|4 D10nc|r4
Looking for sissy/feminization/forced-bi stuff
Vanilla erotic hypnosis
Gay or bi male doms
Positive reinforcement as brainwashing
Nipple files please
Custom HFO files
conversion therapy
Dont know if its been posted at all here or not, but theres a pretty...
HFO Megathread
Looking for a specific Mistr3$$ C@r01 series
Brainwashing similar to this story
M1stress Ste11a
Love Realticklings Hypno
@mb3r M@3
Latex thread
Could somebody dump some files in this room, or in a mega ? Lost my...
August 1-10
Creating own hypno files
Sharing Mistress Stella
TiTs scenes as hypno-audio
G0dd355 Z3n0v4
so i been scraping empornium and femdomcult for a while and I made a word2vec...
M1ss M4Ry
Free Files :)
D4rk Fr3y4
Fiona Clearwater
Weightloss/Workout Hypnosis?
Digital Dugs
Nimja Hypnosis
any anime based roleplay hypnosis files
Anyone have any deepfakes or have any files strong files featuring a female to create some?
August 11-20
New Hypnosis
Tara Tainton
High Hypnosis?
recommend a torrent client
Trophy Wife/Property
Do any of you kind sirs know of any effective guided meditation or hypnosis for...
mistress @3e1hy51s H013lfe
self erotic hypnosis sites
looking for 7h3hypn0m157r355 files
Caption/Manip Thread
N1kk1 F4t4|3
Cum Eating
Looping while sleeping( im a tad confused)
Cambion Hypno
Hypnosis noob here.
Best HFO files youve ever tried
s@m b@ndl3r v1ds
Hypnotic Oh?
Resouces and info on creating videos for erotic hypnosis?
Censored Porn / Nudity Denial
August 21-31
Patreon files of Aurelia Alder
Any Erotic Penis/Muscle Growth Fiiles By Men?
Multiple orgasm sessions
Bambi Bimbodoll Hypnosis Thread 8
a good place
Crying hypnosis files
Hey, anybody here who can sahre d@rk fr3ya - cum c0nditioning?...
Sylvia’s Experience
Erotic Hypnosis for women?
Any files from?...
Any Facesitting/ Queening Files?
Supporting Hypnotists? Donate $1? $3? $5?
Looking for hypnosis scripts that are intended to be read.
Sp01l3d 1v0ry
found a source for files
Princ3ss A55ley
hypno vids
odd file request
September 1-10
Powerful subliminal video
Looking for a certain manip
The old thread is dead. Lets continue here.Last thread: threads:
dommy mommy recs?
can we do a file dump thread? Im looking for Hfo but ill take anything...
Hypno Mixed With ASMR
What are some good files to listen to while wearing pantyhose?...
Side effects
Once i saw a Hypno file from soundcloud that was about a female robotic voice...
File hosting choices
Welcome to
Anal Training loops
Spiral Clicker CGs?
September 11-20
Brazilian Hypno Video
furry hypno anyone?...
sissy bondage
Files to obey my IRL Domme
Goddess Gracie Stella and Bambi playlist
looking for inflation or ballooned themed clips, looked everywhere and cant find any good or...
theres a serious gap in the hypno market for any french files or files with...
what started it?
Dog/Canine Hypno and Experiences
The Secret Subject request thread
Could we have another file dump, preferably on vola or mega ? Also anybody...
Im trying conditioning!
Im trying conditioning!!!
L4dy R1o
Request: EMG’s your other half
the most effective sissy stuff
ch4573 cuck01d f4n745y | 35uccu8u5
What are some files that will turn me into an NPC?...
Any Hulk-Out Files?
D4rk Fr3y4
Anyone know who this is?
Ballbusting/ Tests Squeezing Erotic Hypnosis?
Mommy hypnosis?
A Feminization/HFO Experience!
Help finding this file
Short, Sweet, and to the Point
Help a Hypnanon!
bambi remover
Slutty clothing hypno
Any fiels from Goddess Aeryn?...
September 21-31
4v4 l0n6h4rd
Wheres the line?
What ist the most powerfull forced cumeating hypno file? Is there any triggered file...
Any active vola rooms with any kind of hypno files (anything goes really, cum eating,...
dumb = pleasure
Im looking for this site I found when I was still new to this fetish...
Hypnosis Prices
Most Powerful Hypnosis
Unable to Trance
Implanted and false memories
Hypnotic Breasts
Edge hypnosis
Best hypno files with JOI
Hypno for Always Having a Boner?
Audio Inductions making use of spiral video
Porn addiction
[Update] Marcys Conditioning Experiment
October 1-10
I just stumbled upon this website called Just read that description, this guy has...
Heard it all before...
Become a amazonian warrior
Mi$$ M@ry
Mi$$ M@ry
Kasha Shatki
New content
Eye Fixation Video
best hypno blackmail file?
What volume should you listen to these?
October 11-20
m1str3$$ c@nd1c3
can you cunts recommend some occult themed hypno?>satanism>wiccan>new age bullshitanything that uses the symbols and...
Anyone want to become my cute kitten or other things?
£ve5 G4rd£n
Hypno video
Hypnosis and NPCs
Deciding on a tist.
Gentle Faghag Encouragement - does it exist?
Best tists for straight / hfo content
How effective is this file? Did you notice any noticeable changes?...
Could anybody upload some looping files, especially gooning ones, or porn loop ?...
Self improvement hypno
October 21-31
Anyone has Mistress Shayna?. Any of her work will do....
New(ish) to Hypno
Are there any audios to listen to while you sleep? Is that a thing? I...
Erectile dysfunction
Male Enhancement
humiliation files
4v4 L0Ng-H@rd
efficiently hypno tweak
Hmmmm…. Dark 4M3thy57 sounds interesting…. Does anybody knows more or has tried a file? Is...
Catholic here
restrict mobility
So basically youve seen it before, self destruction hypno. I cant find good files for...
M1r4 st3rn files
Cum Hungry
/bambi/ general thread 9
November 1-10
Madame Y
Anyone know any good chastity files to help me out for no nut november...
Most dangerous and effective hypnosis
Ass Hypnosis
Advanced Cum Eating
Clarice Enchantress
Does anyone have this?
are there any good files that force someone to tribute other than @m@z0n g0dd355 by k@5h@?
yes you will
I need hypno files that encourage me to dress more slutty (not feminine) I.e. wearing...
Any muscle slave files?
L@dy L!ta?
Outer trance handsfree trainer
Multiple Orgasms
Maid Files
Hypnosis with bondage
Life Goes On Bra
Japanese girls hypno videos
November 11-20
Twinning Hypnosis/brainwashing
I’m searching for a hypno file that encourages the listener to get bikini tan lines....
Anyone have some T41m4g3 H4rp3r to share?...
Has anyone here sessioned with a hypnodomme in person? How was your experience? What happens...
Covert hypnosis scripts
Kei Thread 3
Hypno Denial
Does anyone have P3netrating M1nd C0ntrol?
Discord Mind Doll Invite?
What are your thoughts about Glitter Goddess?...
Its J3z3β3l time!
Trainer hypno
Are there hypnovideos to make me convinced that I am white?
Sleep Paralysis
YVN90 Gianna Dream Shower / Working that body / full archive
Are there any hypnotists still doing Bimbofication files other than B4mb1? Im looking for some...
Hypnosis nightmare?
Hypno for losers
Futa hypno
any know of any unironic satanism/occultism related hypnosis? besides meme sexual stuff like the demon...
Soforia the enchantress
Anime fuck
cant quit, time to give in
a lonely virgin
November 21-31
Does anyone happen to have Yes Mia by Mia Croft?...
Various Files Have Fun
Looking for subliminal trainers
Just extremely deep!
F0cused Rel@x@ti0n
Kylie St@r
Looking to get seriously involved - need suggestions
hypno garbage
Butt Stuff
Allison in Love - Feminization
Hypnosis Books
ViVe Limp Clitty File
December 1-10
Anyone got the rob0pimp leena sky file?Ive searched forever and cannae find it anywhere anymore....
Mona Blu?
Age Regresion Thread
I copied an idea in another thread. Put up a bunch of files. Sorry for...
Lady surrender/ gay hypnosis
Hey, is there any decent VR content for hypnosis stuff? Seems like a good medium...
Mistress L3$l!3
Whats the best or your favourite anal hypnosis?
Best panty file/video
A$$ W0rship and T0ilet Sl@very
Ruined org. files
Erotic Mind Control Torrents
HQ Straight Files
Are there any birthday hypnos?
Hallucinate Vagina?
December 11-20
Degrading Fucktoy Files without Conditioning
Hypnosis to listen while doing other activities
What hypnotist would you recommend that has more files focusing on hypnosis instead of fetishes?...
Have you ever paid for a custom? Im thinking of requesting a custom at some...
Which hypnodommes do you prefer?I always liked k4$h4 $h4kt1, but she stopped making hypno, plus...
Raison Dêtre
Syr3n R@y@
This is kind of a shot in the dark, but there used to be an...
S8 files
Long-term reconditioning
What is/are the strongest file(s) you know?...
Alexandra Snow
Favourite Gay Files
looking for strong bimbofication files
Any fans of Eva De Vil here?I kinda like her. Now that Bratty...
Just Fuck Me Already
December 21-31
seeking lesb files.
This board made me gay and get dommed by a trap. I dont know what...
Castration + Feminization File
/bambi/ niggers 10 - this shit again
Looks like shes gone again. Anyone knows what happened? Last time it happened she at...
Ruin and eat
Whoa horsey!
How Do You Listen?
L4dy l4n4
Hey /hypno/ i know this is more of a fetishy board, but i was wanting...
Curse CCP + Hair Trigger + No Refractory Period + HFO
k4$h4 $h4k71
Favorite Mistress Stella Hypnosis Loops?
Non-sexual Hypno
Powerbottom Hypno
Newfag here, why does everyone on this board type l1k3 th15?Also what are some good...
Weight loss please?!!?
Since Hypnohub doesnt allow loli content anymore, wheres the best place to find loli hypno...
Bratty Bunny hypno file
Hypnosis in Russian - Гипноз на русском
January 1-10
Hello,Can anyone recognize the attached pic and tell me what file/creator it is? I cant...
Complete Descriptive Catalogue of Hypno Files?
8ch writes a hypnotic induction
She has a lot of interesting sounding hypno videos on clips4sale. Anyone have any...
Femdom hypno Without emasculation/sissification
Is there a hypnosis that installs triggers, after youve fapped you dont feel really disappointed...
Is there a hypnosis that installs triggers, after youve masturbated you dont feel really disappointed...
Anybody have some Lady Diana Rey videos? She is crazy good.**http**s://
hi can You upload stalkerbee files? Its all gone. THx...
Hypnosis for waking hallucinations?
Quitting this shit for good
Gruff/Demonic Male Voiced Files
minderaser / neural nets pretty patterns
Watching porn while listening to hypnosis files?
Porn Addict Brainwash Program
Opinion on a file i made?
g0dd3$$ Lyc14 files?
Bu55enman Files
IPFS Thread
January 11-20
Girls Gone Hypnotized Thread
Armpit Fetish
Vivid Hypnosis / hallucinations
January 21-31
Unexpected/disturbing moments youve had during trance
Does anyone know who this is or what it is from?...
Does anyone know of any good hypnos for tulpa creation? I tried the videos on...
Drawing a Blank
Brain Tickles
>expect women getting hypnotized into fucktoys>its nothing more but faggots wanting to be sodomized by...
M15tr355 z@!da request thread
M@d@me J@de P@ris
Does anyone have eraudicas paywall files? Shes my favorite but I never find her files...
February 1-10
Panty hypno
Best Induction
Hello, Im looking for masturbation files
AnonyMistress content
latex files
Pussy Obsession
One tist vs Multiple tists
Aspiring Hypnotist!
Breeding Hypno
Secret Subject
Jacqueline Powers anyone have any idea where to find more full vids of stuff like this?...
Help finding some youtube videos
/hypno/ writes a Skypenotized update
Covert Hypnosis
February 11-20
Hypno Programs
Mistress C@r0I
Wholesome / Helpful Hypno
Miss Kay Hypnosis
Simply Hypnotic
Dominant Women
P3n3|0p3 S1lke
Satin fetish hypnosis
Finger Snaps
February 21-31
Nina Neon Anybody?
VR Virtual Reality
Luc1ll3 5ore114
Staring at women in public
Emma Evans (Trance) Files
AlwaysSlightlySleepy file/archive?
taste & smell
Anyone know status?
March 1-10
Glitterr Goddess
Trouble paying attention
Anyone has this video? seems like it has disappeared from the internetM1$$ L1IIy Also similiar...
Brain Drain files
EMG FemaleRapeScene
Sexy Fart Hypnosis Script
Goddess Athalia
Automated Script to list all content of a directory
Repeatable hypno
Miss S3nn3tt
Mr.Daniels Files
Hypno stories
Goddess Victoria
Is there anyone making content like Goddess H31d1 these days?...
March 11-20
Does anyone have recommendations for hypnos/tists that are useful for people suffering from aphantasia?...
Premature Ejaculation #3
Mi5tre55 c4nd1ce thread since I don’t see any recent active ones /r/ing mi5tre55 c4nd1ce -...
no longer for sale hypno
gifs and shit
hypnosis addiction
Dog Brainwashing Hypno
Files to train beginners?
Covert hypnosis for women
L@dy $urr3nd3r thread
I have no idea lol
March 21-31
booking a custom session
Red light green light hypnosis
Princess Angel
Vincios/Pedrovin/Evenytron Thread Redux
Fuuka recent vids
Lets Take a trip down memory lane
Who else is making their own hypnosis files?
Name/Word Forgetting + Replacement
Mi@ Cr0ft
T€ss@ - Wicked Game
April 1-10
Different Personality Files
London Calling
Mikayla Iverson Hypno
Crystal knight 30 days and 10 days joi
lucid dream files
Age Regression Hypnosis
Cheese Hypnosis
can anyone share with me some good iq reduction files?
The Girlfriend Experience
Fantasy Files
What is the source for the audio files in these videos? Anyone know?
IDK what im really looking for. any help please?
April 11-20
Playlist Suggestion
QU33N M19TR399 S0PH1A
Hypn0tic Dr34ms
Sissy/Feminization/Bimbo Containment
Black Hypnotists
Pleasure files
Sissy threads allowed (for now) + On the spam
RetroShare thread
Footfag collection
4th4|14 thread
M1$tr€s$ 4m€thyst
Syr3n R@yn@
Dafuck happened?
Anyone have Female Supremacy files? Especially the StalkerBee ones....
35ucbbu5, Tasha, and M00n|i7 Hypn0$1$
Request/Filedump thread
Premature Ejaculation
IPFS and other decentralized filesharing options
Omegle adventures?
Banner Submissions
looming for hyp os that are either red light green light games, or involve edging...
M1str3ss L0v3
Request: Becoming a porn addict/compulsive masturbator?
April 21-31
Submissiveness and arousal
Mi$tre$$ C@R0L
Japanese hypnosis
Traning files
How undo a hypnosis file
K1$m37 V1d30 & FHR4
So whats the deal with her, anyway? She has a great addictive voice and everything...
Koreaboo Hypnosis
Share GGH here
F0cu$ed Rel@x@ti0n
Does anyone have d4r|{ fr€¥@ - ë4+ y0u® 0wπ ©um? I saw it posted months...
QU33N M19TR399 S0PH1A
Madam Violet
T3554 Fi3ld5
Random hypnosis
May 1-10
Become Suggestibility Instantly With IDOSER Virtual Suggestibility And Virtual Marijuana, Virutal Pe
Mind doll files
Surprise Grab Thread
Sexual Transmutation
Erectile Dysfunction HypnoI heard some anon fell asleep while listening to some femdom audio hypno...
Nipple play
Is My Little Pony hypnosis dead?
Lady Surrender
Female Hypnotists showing off
Giant Cock, Balls and Fountains of Cum
May 11-20
S4mb4 4l3X
Hypnosis that help you lucid dream?I never had a lucid dream and I only had...
Fantasy Character
Muscle/Jock/Cock Hypno!
Do you know any urethal sounding/plug hypno/joi audio?...
....did i go under???
Madam Raison Detre
1$4b3ll4 V4l3nt1n3
Failing to Resist file ?
Which movie or TV show is this clip from?
Erotic Dreams Audios
HFO with actual legit hypnosis?
May 21-31
Trying to become ACTUALLY hypnotized
Male Voice Hypno
similar hypodomme???
Hypnosis in Russian / Гипноз по-русски
What draws people to hypnosis? I have a couple connected ideas, more about people who...
New here, recommendations?
>feed lines from hypno file descriptions and /hypno/ posts to neural network>neural network expands it...
June 1-10
Pet play/zoophilia files?
,Mommy Hypnos
Has hypnosis actually affected you? Which files and how so?...
Mistress Candice
Samba alex thread
Maid hypnosis / program
Cock Cage Encouragement
Files that help you get girls and go on dates
Mistress Poison Ivy
Miss Jacqueline Powers
Cei hypno
M1str3ss l3sli3
H4rley L4Vey
June 11-20
What is this fetish
€nch@ntr€ss €sm€r@ld@
Medusa Tranquil
Patreon Bans Hypnosis
Wolf Girl General!
Looking for these old warp my mind files that cause you to loss weight without exercising or eating
G1tt3r G0dd3ss Files
requesting an Elizabeth orientated video. preferably about gooning or chastity but beggars cant be choosers...
Sissyfaggotry banned and rules tweaked
$ydn3y Ch@lm3r
Hypnosis advice and books
June 21-31
Charlottes new file
Vampire fantasy
K@5h@ mantra
IRL hypnosis experiences
Arousing Audio
Hypnosis to make you pee
Non-BBC raceplay
Hyperbolic Models Files
seb image depository
M4ster J4y
Create your own Hypnosis app
Tease, denial, ruined and tantric
aud10 exc1te?
Screen Hypno
July 1-10
long files
An old comic from years ago
Hypnohub thread
A huge collection of a lot of stuff
Furry hypno
Milton Erickson on inducing confusion
Vivid, plastic visualisations during trance
A while ago there was a program that let you make your own hypnosis files...
Anyone have the B€££@ Br00kz erotic mind control video?
8ch Writes an Induction 2: electric Boogaloo
Kaa/snake-themed hypnosis
Erotic Hypnosis Video Games
€|v|B3r L4r!|/|@r
Religious Blasphemy Audio Files
PSA Avoid K@sha Shakti if you like not being forced to hand over your cash
July 11-20
Trying to get my girlfriend into hypnosis. Any suggestions?...
Latex (Drone) Hypno
J3nny D3mil0
The S3cr3t Subj3ct
specific hentai imagery
In need of a hypno NSFW fanfic writer (inquire within)
Alpha Male Straight Hypnosis
Hypnosis Series
Lets talk about hypnosis
Twine/Sugarcube thread
Can any fellow pilgrims oblige?...
July 21-31
Can we have a Victoria Wizell thread? Ive been lurking for a bit and havent...
Whats that file...
Requesting any files by this Mistress.I have just this one:!t05WTCDT!Jb_hIGa31ih0IA6ShYaiDQ?AoJWlQwY...
Honour May VR Hypno Vid
Relevant to your interestsRasputina - Sensed...
Sad Panda is going down in several hours and e-hentai will follow in six months....
what the fuck google
Hypnotised to Never Cum
Any idea what happened to Princess Fae? She made a ton of amazing hypnosis videos...
Clarice / Lavender Voice
Femdom hypno addiction - Cures/positive masculinity hypnosis?
August 1-10
Jock Strap Snffing Hypno or Cum Fountain Hypno
hypno lady christine michelle
> this was fun
December 1-10
Best Lucid Dream Helpers?
December 11-20
Does anyone else have this fetish? I love leaking precum all day without really coming....
4ypn071c n474l1e
Can anyone give me a clear answer to what this hypno actually does?...
December 21-31
General New person Thread
Climbing out of our rut
Sh1bby S4ys
Any files of mistr33s C@t
Does anyone have the cert of the old Retroshare node?...
I have an idea for an incest-themed hypno video. Usually when you search for incest...
Hypno accessories?
Rheumatoid Arthritis Relief?
Anal Stimulation
January 1-10
Alexandra Snow
femdom and hypnosis tracker
Straight Hypnosis
Are alot of hypnodommes Satanists or just pretending to be for some reason?
Sleep based hypnosis for increased arousal
Anyone have some files?
January 11-20
Vids needed:1llum1n473d15p3r510n53duc710n5ubju64710n 64m350f7 f0cu5l473x v0r73xhypn0 64ll3ry7h3 6r33n f41rycyr3nr4p7v3nu5 3y3 7r4p5m0k3 & m1rr0r5pl345ur3 7r41n1n6 p0v...
Hypnosis to make super submissive to men
Ok so, my latest file was a success (its in jap, for those who actually...
is there any hypno that makes you unable to cum from jacking off, so you...
Alpha Hypno
January 21-31
Miss Wilde
Anti sissy hypno
February 1-10
Keis Mindwarp
Goddess Emily
Pr1nç€$$ V10|&tt€
February 11-20
Lesbian to straight
Chastity files
N1c0l3 D0s31
Submissive improvement
Has it ever occurred to you that this website is overpopulated? Only a handful of...
Is there any hypno that can cause you to develop a fetish?
Pls post m1lk1ng m4ch1n3 hypno files
RARE on this board: Beneficial hypnosis files
February 21-31
M15tr355 A13x4ndr4
catboy/dogboy transformation hypnosis
G0dde55 of H1pn0515
New $B Thread
This bord
Brain Drain hypnosis
March 1-10
Hypnoblog videos
What are some hypnos that can make me like cum?
Any hypno that can get rid of the refractory period?
Dark side hypno
Anyone have a mega or other filesharing link to both versions of this?...
Questions from a newbie
March 11-20
Double Anal experience
Hypnosis with neural network TTS
Tr@nc3 Pr0v!d3r5
Any hypno that affects the way you look at tits?...
Most Effective HFO Files
Hypn0s1s f3t1sh
F10n4 CL34Rw473r
March 21-31
videos of girls going deep and getting off
Hypn0qu33 n
Just got a VR set, wondering if anyone had any hypno recs?...
Girls Hypnotized Site
S4r4h J4m3s0ns Be Careful What You Wish For
MC premium story
Male hypnotists?
M0na Blu
April 1-10
3$uccubu$ $tud files
c4p17411571c 810nd3
Every time i try a hypno file i never can bring myself all the way...
any $t3||4?
German language therad
Help me!
are there any weight loss files?
Hum1l1at10nP0V Hypno
Goddess Eriko
Hypnosis to make you p00
April 11-20
L4dy $urr3nd3r
Phone Hypnotic Suggestions?
is there any file that causes me to become so easily aroused even the slightest...
V1V3s L1mp?
I need to be hypnotized into being addicted only to dark skinned Goddesses and losing...
what are some files that get you extra hard for censored porn?...
Straight to fagboi
Psychedelic Hypnosis
Great orgasm control / chastity files script
Hypno Game
Hypno While On Viagra?
MTF Hypno
April 21-31
VR to brainwash & Mindfuck?
Why tho
do hypno files work better when youre listening to them while sleeping?...
I think hypnosis can fuck up peoples brains really bad and it shouldnt be on...
Fitness Hypno
R3s1st@nc3 to Ru1n
Wife Training Files
IQ reduction files not for sissys?
Divine Mistress Jasmine
m1nd ma1d3n
Jock meathead douchebag hypno
stop arousal
May 1-10
you must obey
Anyone have any Z3n files to share? I have a few that I can upload...
Stimulus Purchases
Cuckquean Hypno
2 or 3 years ago a user from this board remade a few of the...
Has anyone had any success with chastity hypno?
Getting back in
Help me identify this voice
Newer M$J Files
Erotic Hypnosis Books
So this board is basically a corpse. Now what? Even 4chans zombied torrent thread is...
youtube jen
Can we just describe how hot of a fantasy ACTUAL hypnosis is? Like, fuck, I...
video request
Samba Alex
Hypnosis on Drugs
May 11-20
Files to play while gaming
GDRileyX Files
Ex hypnosis
Hypnosis addiction
How much money you need to have to keep a meaningful dynamics with a pro?
People who make free content
Femdom hypnosis with positive inductions
Any armpit fetish hypno?There are many ass and foot related but not armpit....
May 21-31
People watching hypnosis
D@rk Fr3y@
Puppy hypno
3mpr3ss M1k@
where did all Bambi threads go?
c4// |)! / / audio
Bamboo Sleep
The Librarian
hello forum, Im new here.with all this new black equality riots I feel the driving...
HEAVIEST hypnosis?
June 1-10
Self Help Positive Hypnosis
HY-pn0 qu33n
Lactation Files?
Easily Aroused Hypnosis? (better libido)
MILF / Housewife Hypno Files
Samba Alex
June 11-20
Iceberg Meme Thread
Any help on finding Isabella Valentines video titled Dont Watch This Video?
Do anyone have files from the F3M1n1N3 5uccUbU5 533D series by 3SUCCubU5 ??...
Pr1nç3$$ //k!
Is there a file for a stress trigger?...
Request/File Dump Thread 2.0
Ive never gotten an orgasm from any other porn, only hypno
June 21-31
Male foot hypnotists?
Does someone have Pr1m4l HFO file
4v4 1ongh4rd
Trying to remember a file
I want to create the ideal hypnotic spiral + backgroud music combinationhere are two tries:
I just can´t get there, any suggestions?
bump. anyone have her latest stuff?...
July 1-10
I have a desire for ass and ass-worship hypno
G0dd355 Gr4c13 - New BGM Files Anyone???
Files that you can listen to in public or the gym
Cock Sucking?
Pri3st3ss K4th3rin3
Ch@rl0tte Gr@y
July 11-20
@*N*N@*B31 - F°@/+/@13 - Fil3s Anyone???
Covert hypnosis
Ms EroticHypnotic
July 21-31
Out of loop
Lady R@di@nce
m1r@ 5t3rn
What are the most powerful/deepest trance files youve ever listened to?
Which files affects you the longest
3773c43my Syllabus Completion
L@dy Chr15tyn3
What are some good files about black cock?...
Does this stuff work? Kinda curious about it...
Are there any files where the sight of an anime girl makes you feel submissive...
W3ndy5L0stB0y5 HFO patreon audios
August 1-10
Trance Ehancers Altered State Training
Monkey hypnosis
Looking for 5y1v14 814cks ass boy file
How to learn hypnosis and persuasion?
we are mainstream now…
What are the most INTERESTING files out there?Almost every tist out there has a generic...
Titnosis / Tit Worship
An inquiry on if a certain kind of files exist out there
Hypnosis isnt real, change my mind
5amantha 5ez 5HARE!
August 11-20
looking for this Domme
Goddess of Hypnosis
Pink Thoughts Now
Grapevine or Real MK ULTRA
G0dd3ss IyC1a
Physical chastity cage
MKULTRA thread
Where are all the new Hypnodommes? Feels like every Hypnodomme has been in the business...
Are there some nonslave/ nonmistress files for a mindgasm?...
Reccomend me some forced feminization files
August 21-31
Remove the veil of forgetfulness
Aphantasia and hypnosis
A question, im afraid of something
Mistress Chadford
bu77-plu663d b17ch - 60dd355 47h4l14
Poppers Hypno Audio
Any good BBC hypnos?
Experiences/Relationships IRL?
pick up artist hypnosis
What has hypnosis done for you?
Bubbly / Bimbo Hypnosis Recommendations?
I actaully made it!!
M1$tr3$$ L0V3
Might Start A Hypno File Series -- Need Suggestions
September 1-10
does sissy hypno actually work, bros?...
hands free
m4dam3 y files
September 11-20
Hello everyone, Does anybody know where I could get MSJs email address or what to...
Hands Free Orgasm Audios
Mistress Seductra
Retroshare on Mac
mistress 3v1c1
Issue with GirlsHypnotized registry
Share Entrancement here
Japanese hypnosis thread
m15tr355 m4r1554 file descriptions
HEALTH - Workouts, exercising, diets, etc.
September 21-31
What has happened to sleepymaid?
Domination and arousal
Im looking for Jerk Off Encouragement type audios where the girl tries to make the...
Hypno Trigger
Good dommes to serve with lots of interaction
Redirecting Triggers
Top hypnodommes for HFO
Suggestion cleanup
October 1-10
Qu33n Cle0patra
Sissy Makeover
Prostate orgasm tutorial hypno?
Super addictive hypno dommes
Pri3st3ss K4th3rin3
Super addictive hypno
Best-case scenario for your future if you listen to sissy hypno
post all hypnosis on display videos you got
D1V1N3 G0DD355 J3551C4
October 11-20
Captions / hypno with the word gay
Lose ability to cum
Cuckold hypno
Files for encouraging straight female sexuality
Rubber Hand Illusion
Fiona Clearwater Discussion/Guide?
webcam exposure
subs for practice?
October 21-31
Series with deepening CONTROL
Black British Mistress Mona
Masculine Hypnosis
Does anybody have any of Hypn0t1c H4yl33s files please?Especially M1nd c4g3 if possible, but would...
Guys, i just discovered her and was wondering if anyone else knows about her; or...
Very complete list of free resources
Looking for certain files you cant remember the titst/names of
Dedicated Sissy hypnos
hypnosis B3ll4
Are there any good hypnotists who do customs?...
Hypnosis into Sex?
Foot Worship files
3mpr3$$ M1k@
Is there any file that makes celebrities into triggers?
November 1-10 need moar like thisurgently...
Collecting triggers
Virtual Reality (VR) Hypno and/or Games
I want to start a cult
5155y v3574l v1r61n
How can I increase my hypnotizability?
I$$@B3LL@ /@L3NT1N3
Files for sissies with gf/wife
November 11-20
Was she any good?
Emerald Eyes
5am4ntha 5ez VIDEOS
5am4ntha 5ez VIDEOS
November 21-31
Starting out
Any hypno to cause / deepen fetish for womens sweat and body odor?...
Our dirty pleasue
Hey does anyone have any good neutral files? Basically files that arent really sexual(straying from...
Looking for a SFW trigger phrase
Goddess Lana
Mira Stern drop
M1nd P3r$u@s10n
Qu33n Cl30p4tr4
December 1-10
Trance - Emma Evans
Is4b3ll4 V4l3nt1n3 Penetrating Mind Control
Mira St3rn
Best Cuckold Hypnos?
Mistress Cl4riss44?
Has anyone experienced this journey?...
M!str3ss Poi$0n !vy
ahdh = no focus
December 11-20
P3n3trat1ng M1nd C0ntrol
Hypno stuff
Pornhub apocalypse
Any files that incorporate scent
Mind Melting
Ath4li4 new
s4M4N7h4 S32
Anyone have an updated M!z5рес!fс collection?
Found this guy on Omegle
December 21-31
Anymore of her? she goes by cumbraineddoll
0ver 3mo+ion@1
gentle femdom
Released by d0M1N1c4
Stud theme bambi alternative
JOI/edging as hypnosis
covert hypnosis
Files that resulted in a sudden HFO/not sure why they gave you an HFO
Stars Summer
January 1-10
talmadge harper
Any hypno file to make you obsess a fictional character?Asking for a fren....
Mistress J0ann3
D4RL4 D10NdR4
Anyone knows who created this file?Workout WhisperIts for listening while doing cardio
Strongest Hypnosis you have tried
Blind hypnosis thread
Own a hypnoslave?
Im about to try MephedroneShould I expect turning a fuckslut?...
All Goddes Lycia files somewhere?
The dark side of hypnosis
M1nd M1str3ss & others
January 11-20
does anyone have an archive for women exclusively?...
ClariceEnchantress like she quitted 10 years ago, anyone got her files to share?...
Goddess Eriko
K@sh@ Sh@k7i n4ughty t34s3
Deepest Inductions to increase Susceptibility
Th3 S3cr3t Subj3ct?
Office themed hypnosis
Any Pegging hypnosis videos?
This shit is way hotter than I3aMb1 ever could hope to be.
Mistr3ss L0v3
Horse hypnosis
numerous hypno video
Looking back - Mistress S3ductr@
does free-use-like porn count? what about blackmail? my ideal is something along the...
January 21-31
rapid/instant induction on random people
mind power training
Nipple Orgasms/Sensitivity
Can I get mega link for cock destroyer and little ms squishy and little ms...
Hypno Butt
hypno sluts
Financial success hypnosis
I must know
TTS Hypno
Any Lady Ruetha files?
February 1-10
Cunnilingus in chastity
Miss Anthrope
Hypn0F@nt@$y N1k4 R3nn4u1t files
Soforia and Zusa
G0dd3ss IyC1a file
Yall got any?
February 11-20
S4mb4 5@m@ntha 8andl3r
shemale Hypnosis
feet worship as religion?
Anyone have any Panty Hypnos?
Hypnotic Domina
Old thread probably but questions all the same s3ductr@
Bellybutton fetish
The Taste mp3 TTS for Hypno
February 21-31
Hypno Tips?
Mr D4n1els - Old Tist
Best Hypnos for impotence/shrinking?
Experimental dream modification
mr daniels hypno?
M15tre55 4lexandra
(Self-)conditioning hypnosis files?
March 1-10
Your biggest HFO success story
M!$$ @anthr0pe or G!g! L@ur3n
GoddEZZ Sa44r0N
/ahg/ - alphamale hypno general #001
Looking for hypno file
Good Girl School 2 - The Brown Note
Di@na R3y - Tatyan@ - R3a R@ys
March 11-20
Mistress Joanne Request
tentacle hypno
Any new M1zSp3c1f1c collection?
Who is this? Trying to figure out the name of this hypnotist and, ideally, the...
Just looking for sauce.
Looking for rare N1kk1 files
What are some files that are similar to Destruction of Ego by (i think) 丨丂卂乃乇ㄥㄥ卂...
Kei thread version whatever
File Request
Retroshare Certs
March 21-31
G0dde$$ KaLl / Anu M0rr1gan
Ch4stity hypno
Any Goddess Simone Files?
Non-Feminising Transofrmational Hypnos?
3MG files not voiced by 3MG?
3mp3r0rhypn05 5155ym4k3r 8
d@rk fr3y@
I dont know where else to post this. I became physically ill when I discovered...
April 1-10
Lady Radiance?
m35m47r1x or l4dy s74rsh1n3
Datura DiVine
trouble downloading
乇丂ㄩ匚匚ㄩ乃ㄩ丂 / 卂ㄥ乇几卂
Does anyone know where I can find hypn0v1d30 (p4u1 kn19h7) files? Im especially looking...
Ever met an actual hypnotist?
Bitch Boy
April 11-20
Impotence hypnosis
Anyone know whos speaking in this one? English accents are so hot to me....
Robot/Drone Hypnosis
im looking for anyone have any? plz dump...
April 21-31
Corset Figure
Findom Addiction Files
Zantosa Files
anyone got a torrent or mega for this?ask in st3lla thread...
Infinity Cup poll
Hypnotic Hentai
Booty Addict
Strongest Series/Files
M1stress M4risa stepmom series
May 1-10
Body Control Hypno
Any Lucid fans here?Im not into bondage/chastity but shes the most genuinely attractive domme ever....
Is there any Hypnosis for straight guys?
Anyone have Pick Up Hypnosis Tracks they are willing to share?Or attracting a lover filesLets...
Mind Mistress
Mutli Day Chllenge
May 11-20
hypno while high
Some stuff from McKenzie Alexs Patreon
Hypnosis Bella
S(_)bmissive T@ke0ver
Curse Files
May 21-31
Anyone have any files from Th3L1brarian on WMM?
Finally a good alpha male hypnosis file
xxx stage hypno
All of the feet
4th4|14 thread - New
MP3s for Women
Hypnosis for non-sissies
n1kki f4tale
Good discussion of hypnosis
file dump thread 2021
Fair prices for hypnosis
June 1-10
Anyone have newest hypn0cyph3r?
Godd355 Summ3r
Anyone know who this performer is?
Toys / Equipment / Hardware for HFO
Active creators?
hi i found 尺@vyn 尺yder on youtube and I really liked her style and most...
surprise hfo
Presleys World
Buck Breaking Hypnosis
Recognize this youtube hypnotist?
June 11-20
Blaa Blaa Blaa
pr1nc355 p0rsch3
mesmermatrix or lady starshine
Real incest files
Boob Growth Hypno Thread
Trancing Tips?
June 21-31
masturbation encouragement
BBC // BNWO Thread
U1+im@+e 5uccu6u5 HF0
Findom Addiction Files
any good quicksand related files?...
Hapnosis Bella
Studio Jezebel
July 1-10
Overdid hypnosis like a retard
Black British Mistress
audacity - muse motherfuckers
file that make you write a comment or do something while unaware of what going...
hypnosis with haptics
hi guys can you share your favorite hypno video one the best was d14n4 r4y...
Erotic Hypnosis Video Games
Obedience and Obeying
$u8l1m1n@l W1fe Tr@1n1ng
W3nd1 Fr13s3n
July 11-20
Hypno for Couples
Im looking for a file by 35v<
T3R354 B0W3R$ - L0CK3D1N L4C3 ANYONE ???
Self improvement erotic hypno?
Cock Growth Hypnosis
Does someone has a warpmymind premium and can upload this file?
Sissy Slut Lullabies by Mistress Clarissa
Non-erotic chill/fun hypno
Binaural Erotic Trance, also known as Goddess Hypnotica
July 21-31
Video Search
Animal supremacy files
training file to orgasm faster
W1ld3 4smr
August 1-10
Looking for lost hypno
Motivational hypnosis
Loser / Beta Hypnosis
August 11-20
hypno on shrooms
Hypno VR
best hypno discussion
does anybody have Nimjas dark ritual file?...
how can I download from k2s for free?...
August 21-31
Sissy, cum and hypno book
Welcome to 8san. An imageboard centered around free speech. User board creation is enabled! http://a5gomggvi5n75w4llxspnkryrfyiqgcpe6g5kbmlk6dq5t27ujddhoyd.onion/...
Any german files available?
Victoria Wizell?
Orgasmic Giggles
Looking for a lost hypno
Subliminals for Female Dominance
September 1-10
Sex Machine Subliminals
Nipple sensitivity
mistress marisa
Finding a variety of hypno files
Live sessions
what are some good files relating to/about quicksand/mud sinking?...
Femdom dog training
Send me your weirdest, most unpleasant and disgusting or niche dark porn, and I will...
Nina Temptress Files (Request)
Can anyone tell me who the other performer is in this file? I know one...
Memory Play Files
September 11-20
丂卄丨乃乃ㄚ RUBBER
Hynosis for watching porn
join or 404 meaning?
Bambi vs Kei vs SB - which one affected you most and how?
Does someone have backups of l0v3h34d111s videos?
Arousing Audio is making Arousing Audio - 93
File to wipe out sexual attraction
September 21-31
Does anyone have F00t P4r4d3 file?
几工片片工 千卂ㄒ卂ㄥ乇 MEGA
October 1-10
Ms Erotic Hypnotic
Does anyone have the Just A Little More - Got Milk? files from 3$u<
masturbation trigger implant hypnos
diapers and bedwetting
Cay in heat hypnosis?
could someone share this please...
October 11-20
hypnotic plants
3Mily V4l3nt1n4
Increase Susceptibility File?
Inductions with no Awakeners
October 21-31
Please recommend some vanilla erotic hypnosis sessions
A foot hypno only sub
HFO Collection
133 411ur3
Past the point of no return
Miss Jacqueline Powers
3nch4ntr3ss 3sm3r4ld4?
Discussion: Forced Arousal
Manipulating my girlfriend into liking sexual things
November 1-10
1s4b3ll4 val3nt1nee
M1$$tr3$$ $3ductra
Hypnoqu33n anyone?
4n0nym1str3ss - sAtin Loop file?
Ok, redo. Fuck
Hands free orgasm
November 11-20
Does anyone have anything from tr4nc3 pr0v1d3rs
com. or hypn0t1c l3g5?...
Porn Addiction / Goon Encouragement?
New record! 8 hours of non-stop gooning....
November 21-31
December 1-10
Hypno V-tubers
Jackpot Edits
Hypnosis for increasing ASMR sensitivity?
December 11-20
self-help hypno
First post. Love dumbing down hypno. It feels good to me. Makes me feel safe....
Hypnosis youtubers?
Zenova VR
L4dy Dr4c0
good slut files?
All gay files seem to be targeted towards bottoms, where can I get bottom4top files?...
December 21-31
R1V3R N1X13
L1$t3N 2 L1$A
Censored Porn Addiction / Scared of Seeing Naked Girls
Sleep hypnosis
Looking for files about bound, tied, frozen, stuck, tied, cocoon, etc...
G0dd35 P0$h
G0dd35 P0$h
G0dd35 P0$h
M$ 3r0tic Hypn0t1C
Post deep web hypno links/most powerful hypno you have got.
Anything as powerful as B4M81 5l33P???
January 1-10
Any files that lose sense of body like when asleep?...
Files make forget /not feel body?...
Files to forget/cant feel body?...
Dr00904 hypnos
Dr00904 hypnos
Dr00904 hipnó
another one
Anti-globohomo brainwashing
Kasha Shakti
BBC / BNWO / Black Supremacy Files
request ls@beIIa p€netr@ting mlnd c0ntr0l
Sissy forced bi or Male dom
Femdom schools online
13@n4 10v1ng5 5kyp3n071z3d *2* fu1l
m155 w3ndy hypn05i5
January 11-20
New Dark 千尺乇ㄚ卂 hypno?
Anonymistress sAtin Loop
SB/Bambi/etc level intensity without sissy / forced gay?
how to make my own bambi edit?
want to make my own bambi edit
Trying to force gf to get into masochism
Nazi Brainwashing
Orthodox Hypno
G0dd3$$ Nata$h4
January 21-31
Does anyone have hypn0v1d30 h347h3r video? Im talking about the old videos with the...
Hypno greentext
Any n1n4 73mp72355 files?
new doms
unethical hypnosis
does anyone have some files by z3n?...
Now I know why she covered em up all these years.
February 1-10
Hitachi/vibrator hypno
fucked by horse hypno
Sharing my collection
Anyone have J4CQU311N3 P0W3r5 new patreon files?
February 11-20
Hypnosis for Woman (Hypn0tic Dr3ams etc.)
Arousing Loops
Looking for non-sissy femdom DEEP hypnosis
Files from M1ss M@ry
M1stre5 l0ve
Creepy story
Identifying hypnotist
Identifying Hypnotist
Identifying Hypnotist
丂卄丨乃乃ㄚ- Take your meds
JOI/edge - hypnosis
February 21-31
German hypno Und1ne de R1v1er3
Anu Morrigan Deutsch English
???????????????? ????????????????????
Anything like Emma Evans/Hypnoqueen?
I agree that most incompetent people believe that they are competent and they dont know...
L@d1 4ur0r4
Comtesse Christine
German Trade
German Trade
SaaVtuber archive?
March 1-10
german again, 0rg@smuß.shop, l@d y hypn0tik@@
Lady Tara Tausch
Does anyone have any recommendations for something similar to 5188ys Succubus 2?This was the first...
Looking for Le4n4 L0v1ings Skyp3n0tiz3d 2
March 11-20
4n0nym1str3ss Tripswitch
Pr1nc3ss Sh3r1d4n
What is the best/most effective cei file youve ever listened to? Criteria being whatever dropped...
March 21-31
Some kind anon has files from this site?...
April 1-10
3MG new files
丂卄丨乃乃ㄚ fu7a abduction 2 file?
Nikkie Fatale - Backroom alter
Is hypnosis reversible?
N1kk1s Valentine Special - Duo
will anyone share mistress samba alexs these hypnosis file for free
Goddess Eriko
April 11-20
Lady Lana
丂卄丨乃乃ㄚ FUTA abduction 2
New Tist
breaking the 丂卄丨乃乃ㄚpaywall again
Esuccubus Tentacle
Esuccubus Tentacle
Esuccubus Tentacle
R1ck P@tt3r
Mistress Hypnotist
All Hypn0qu33n rooms are dead
Godd35 Lyc1@
April 21-31
I want sissy hypno right now
Hypno video editing/advice or tips?
May 1-10
M4F hypno
Goddess Kimberly
Sh4d0w Priest
can you tell me other sites for fdhypno
May 11-20
ideas for drone scripts
Empower the community
N1n4 73mp7r355 files
losing control
May 21-31
M155 Gr4c3
Masculine files
twitch by Ꮆㄖᗪᗪ乇丂丂 卂ㄒ卄卂ㄥ丨卂?
L0nd0n L1x stories
Mindy Control
June 1-10
Hidden M4F gems
June 11-20
does anybody have 丂卄丨乃乃ㄚs HFO Brainwashing Loop file? (cock ring version )...
hypno collection torrent
Dog hypnosis
The ritua1 by shibby
This is a thread for dumping drone hypnosis files. Heres a few I have lying...
Best Trans Hypnos
50% off sale at Hypnotic Dreams
Mistress Sennett
June 21-31
丂卄丨乃乃ㄚs futa transformation?
Looking for a cure
Any reccomendations on hypnotists / hypnosis files with heavy brainwashing tone. Like the ones with...
i wanna try making my own hypnosis file that will simply make seeing my waifu...
Tired of play pretend
Ally Brinken
Lost HFO file
July 1-10
r1v3r n1x13
CEI hypno
July 11-20
>>80665>are there any CEI files with ruined orgasm?I heard filthy little cum slurper by hypnotic...
乇爪爪卂 乇ᐯ卂几丂 (ㄒ尺卂几匚乇)
hypnnosis bender this weekend - need recommendations
Will Someone Share Lady Draco Gone Castration Erotic Hypnosis FIle And Samba Alex Fuck Yourself Erot
Hypn0 m1nDw&5h files with lots of visuals
July 21-31
Hypnotists with ORDER of files
Best Snap Trigger Audio
Domina $H&LL&
Massage themed hypnosis
P3n3tr4t1ng M1nd C0ntr0l by Iss4b311a
August 1-10
MC stories
does anyone have the sex god or succubus harem series by esucc?
Drone Hypnosis
August 11-20
Mistress Mona (blackbritishmistress)
Anyone have an archive of Uncommon Knowledge/ mp3 files?
Sc4r|et Borde4ux - NEW
3R15 D15C0RD14
August 21-31
Sissymaker/Hypnocypher Leaks
the |-|I/E
3mb3r L4r1m4r
alien bait
Medical hypno
Mind massaging Machine
3mb3r L4r1m4r
Hypn0t1c h4yl33
September 1-10
I’m trying to find any posts or articles on the disappearance of 丨丂卂乃乇ㄥㄥ卂 ᐯ卂ㄥ乇几ㄒ丨几乇. I...
Resetting dopamine receptors
Fellow Trance Junkies
September 11-20
Rewiring brain
You short ass nigga with no friends, you need to be sissified by BIG FASCIST...
Mi5tre55 5te11as Sissy Mindbreaker
September 21-31
No Looking?
$1nfu11 D3$truct10n
begging 4 some j4ckst0ck hypno
trans dick for afabs?
Hypnosis to hallucinate
October 21-31
G0Dd3$S GR@C1
November 11-20
Hypn0 H3d0n1st4 on sp4nkb4ng
High Heels, Hypno, & Cunt Worship
November 21-31
did Kismet videos just fall off the face of the earth in 2016??
December 1-10
Bambi discord
Find answers
Find answers
Find answers
Find answers
M0na blu JOI
Looking For Princess Kaelin Video
December 11-20
Greetings from kotchan, were kots there.
who is
looking Cum production and permanent semi files
L4dy Dr4co
RELEASE from MzDominica.
Anti-NWO hypno
Need Encrypted Cardigan Continuous Cum Production file
Long term enslavement files
Semi Flaccid hypno files
File Goo By Goddess Athalia
December 21-31
C0unt355 J3z3b3th
Goddess Athalia Voluminous
Dea Levina
R1v3r n1x13
Its time to move
B3t4 Sl4v3r
Anyone have Aneros Enlightenment?...
January 1-10
G0de55 Ivy Gr4y mega?
Mistre$$ Ca@rol
January 11-20
Amethyst Files
January 21-31
FF Pr0duct10ns
File suggestion
Recovering from bnwo/BBC hypno
February 1-10
N1N@ 73MP7R355
What is a mindfuck file actually supposed to be? The descriptions always talk themselves up,...
February 11-20
I need a playlist of videos and audios to reverse sissy conditioning...
M155 GR4C3 Freebie
Light Sissy Hypno, light coerton, seduction, tricking you
February 21-31
Who created this
Vid links
March 1-10
file impotence
Feminization hypnosis
I need a specific audio please help
March 11-20
Chastity and Asslicking
Master Logan
March 21-31
why is it impossible to find hypn0qu33n files ?
Walking corpse board and website, but I thought I would express this idea to the...
hypno forums
love hypnosis
April 1-10
Mistress M4riss4
Good TTS for hypno
April 11-20
Pa$t life Regression
grounded hypno patreon
Anal Hypno
April 21-31
Samb@ @lex
Clips, I am in a dire need for moreee
Cock Growth
May 1-10
BNWO hypno stuff?
femdomcult just announced registration will open FROM Saturady 6th 2023 TO evening 8th May 2023...
Astral 3llech3my
May 11-20
telegram groups?
Wet and messy hypnosis
May 21-31
Miss Bella Aurora
Is this all gpt now or can I can an wholesome from my glowbros?...
1@Dy J3551C@
Are there any files that put you into chastity after forcing an HFO?...
ph@t@ss3d@ng3l69 hfo
looking for Buseman file
June 1-10
Studio that made these videos
Massive Cock
Samba alex
Hypnosis and drugs
amber quinn
June 11-20
futa transform hypnosis
Gender INTIM
Chat Group, Welcome to chat anything about hypno!
HFO Files, what worked for you?
June 21-31
Maid files $1$$yma1dtra1n1ng.c0m,
Beginner Thread
Anyone know the name of the woman in the middle?...
M14 Cr0f7
Looking for file of G0dde$$ Ath@li@
4ri4nna 3ricks0n
July 1-10
Enchanted Locks Pleasure Castle...
3nch4ntr355 4rwyn
Goddess Athalia questions
Sassy Hypnobabble
Snowball / Cumswap
July 11-20
A question for people who live with their partners: how do you listen to hypno?...
Ego death files
Group project?
files for total obedience training
July 21-31
n word affirmations
Syren Rayna
Syr3n R@ynn@
August 1-10
Refusing Your Autistic Deity of Israel (Joanne Lafontaine)
Normal basic /hypno/ ?
Slave girl sally
August 11-20
j4ck dr4g0 files
Empress Joy
Whom wpuld you consider great femdom Tist novadays? Back in the day people said 几工片片工...
August 21-31
Guys, any chastity-related hypno files?...
anal pleasure files
l@dy Llt@
September 1-10
Her old files
Hypno on weed - holy fuck
Request: Maya Aryas
Kismet Hypnosis Video
Ms M1t5uk8
September 11-20
PSA: how to report child porn bullshit
Best voice / video session
$i$$y Needs
September 21-31
J4qu3l1n3 P0w3rs
S1nfu11 D3struct10n
October 1-10
Pr1nc3ss M1nd F0kk3r / G0dd3ss Su3
October 11-20
L@dy L1ta new files
Goddess Z3||0/4
October 21-31
humiliation files
Good Cei Audio?
New Fringe Occult Board
wet dreams
D@rc Fr£UA
3ll3ch3my new thread
November 1-10
3nchantr355 @rwyn
Hypn0s1s b311@
Ruca Bel mega dump
November 11-20
ID these files?
Confusion induction
Give me files to listen to daily
G0dde55 C4adf0rD
November 21-31
Text induction
Anyone hypno calypso files?
December 1-10
J4ck Dr0g0 file
Anyone know the sauce
December 11-20
Uncontrollable Erection files
Whats the deepest youve ever been?
How tf does this work
Who is this
L@dy L1t@ new file$ please
Are you guys have some hypno PMV here, like Maroji 9812, or Fraud
Need new 丂卂爪卂几ㄒ卄卂 dump
January 1-10
Titty hypnosis
Skype seasion
Amara Noir
join or 404
January 11-20
Real Behaviour Modification
5h3ll3 r1v3r5
Test for how to make a L33t M that doesnt get distorted… Any suggestions?...
January 21-31
I know you heard about her...
aurelia alder
Does anyone have armpit/feet/smell hypno?...
February 1-10
test i know its annoying
Satin & Silk Love