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0275c1 No.82891

Please come visit https://8chan.moe/hypno/ my dear friends

Thank you, and have a nice day

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8a92f8 No.82893

Used to be a good site but can no longer post on 8chan.moe due to captcha being 99.999% impossible to solve. I know, you don't have an issue with the captcha but not everyone has the your monitor, card, cpu, etc.

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c0d69b No.82894


The unsolvable captcha only comes up during raids (soyjaks and some guy trying to sell fake passports keep doing that shit). Try it now.

Technically, you can use just the TABS system (basically solve the captcha once and keep a cookie for the site that only logs the fact you completed the captcha), but I don't use it much.

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