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a27d9a No.82300

is there another website besides this and the .moe that similarly share files and talk about hypno?

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4b87d3 No.82301


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513f4a No.82302


Every place I frequent ends up dying or gets killed by DMCA claims

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674d90 No.82304


It's not a dead board, it is sleeping. It will once again become alive. Moe would be more live too, if it wasn't so hard to fucking solve the captchas.

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121aa2 No.82314


Yeah, plus nobody is releasing good content right now, other than booba jerk stuff that's vaguelly hypn0. Can't recall the last time some good proper hypno appeared.

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12fbd0 No.82320


I agree, and I'm just wondering why that is

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31f89c No.82322


I have not been able to listen to anything on this board since the update a few weeks ago. Can anybody? What is wrong?

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3ed732 No.82354


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d8f0cf No.82357


Because being anywhere north of vaguely attractive, doing a five minute jerk off video and calling it "Hypno" by virtue of mentioning trance once or adding some mildly whacky visuals is enough to guarantee you'll get morons with more money than sense throwing obscene amounts of money thay could have done fantastical amounts of social good to charities to you as "tributes".

Solid hypno content seems to be limited to hobbyists and/or people with patreons through the format of audio recordings, not video.

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