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02f3cf No.83200

Anyone else a fan of ego death and identity deletion files? Joanne's Mindless Drone series are probably my favorite files of all time. Are any hypnotists making files like that nowadays? What's your favorites?

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e3ab0a No.83205

Mzᗪㄖ爪丨几丨匚卂s The Cell series is the first that comes to mind, though she's long retired. Nowadays Lady Lita's brainwashing files are the closest I can think of.

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02f3cf No.83206

Any Lita file in in particular that you would recommend?

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e3ab0a No.83209


Last day of freedom is a very well made one. Though that one is a triggered induction so you should probably listen to Divine Triggers too. Be aware though that pretty much all Lita files contain some level of findom.

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1e93fc No.83210

Mistr3ss C@r0l’s Your W1ll: B3 M1ne is one that comes to mind.

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19dd7b No.83216


By any chance would you be willing to share those files? Please!

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02f3cf No.83219

Thanks for the recommendations! //OP

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