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File: 673a97ca7255b4f⋯.jpg (186.36 KB, 528x586, 264:293, IV.jpg)

7f9411  No.59959[Last 50 Posts]

I know she's gotten a bad rep over the years, but does anyone have any of her files?

Specifically looking for Spin Cycle/Spin Cycle 2 if anyone has them

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7f9411  No.59960

Here's a vola if anyone has anything, thanks


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56df35  No.59967


uploading a few of my IV favourites (i think when she's good, she's very good). slow connection, so they might take a while to appear.

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de2822  No.59970

/r/x5brtf0g Uploaded silken feet, stockings and shareholders and gender bender. Simply skip the adds it's a volafile room in the end of the link. Enjoy

(>earn money by shortening and sharing links online)
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98a03b  No.59983

Anyone has Jackpot 10++? Those files sound tough to find

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150044  No.60024


uploaded to the last vola

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840648  No.60054



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98a03b  No.60067

Does someone have JP 15 to 21?

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d04e83  No.60069

Which jackpot file is the most effective for HFO?

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98a03b  No.60259

Maybe JP4 was the best. I think JP1 was still a good start. I also loved JP7 and 8 but not sure why.

I would also love to have JP 15 and up if someone has them

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74a12f  No.60261


15 to 24 even!


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c3c47f  No.60333


can you re-up 15-24, please

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9da5a4  No.60334

Uploaded a bunch of files to /r/x5820ggm

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29271d  No.60340


A gentleman and a scholar

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5dd164  No.60348

anyone have the cocksexual files

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9da5a4  No.60352


Added one and two to /r/x5820ggm

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5dd164  No.60355



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012dd4  No.60366


Thanks a bunch!

Some great stuff

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692152  No.60367


thanks, great to get some 1V files i've not heard before

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34c840  No.60490

Does anyone have jackpot 13-14?

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9da5a4  No.60520


Added to /r/x5820ggm

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040538  No.60522

does anyone have any of her chastity ones?

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42459a  No.60532

Does anybody have sp4rkly p0wder pu77

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34c840  No.60535

What does the 1$463||4-lala trigger does?

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3df721  No.60541


Please, add other till 24 ;)

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ccd995  No.60544

any 1$463||4 sissy filez for bump?

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9da5a4  No.60548


I think it was supposed to say/think "I love you" and get more aroused.

PS more added to /r/x5820ggm

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9503e8  No.60558


Thank you so much

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5a4286  No.60573

Which Jackpot file is the most effective at causing a real HFO ejaculation? Please vote for your favorite…

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040538  No.60583

does jackpot 8 actually have two parts?

I found one on another site labeled part 1 but can't find anything about a second part

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9503e8  No.60972

Any new JPs available to share? 25+

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74a12f  No.60983


No, all jackpot are one single files, some of them only have slightly different versions

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922e9f  No.60984

Uploaded all the Jackpot files I have, but can we get the rest? https://volafile.org/r/x5820ggm

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539a9f  No.61145

Any reuploads?

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4821b1  No.61187


reuploaded them but we still need Jackpot 11

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29271d  No.61199


upped it

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ea0d6d  No.61717

please re up that https://volafile.org/r/x5820ggm

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9da5a4  No.61767


Just dropped a load in there. Dig in, boys!

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738a23  No.61777


great to see the room stocked up, thanks

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7db12a  No.61785

Jesus fucking christ. 24 Jackpots? Is she even trying to make original content at this stage?

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9da5a4  No.61820


All she does is Jackpot and please love me / send me moneys.

So no.

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757fcf  No.61830

Thanks for the uploads!

If anyone has "My Ass Crosses Your Mind" I'd appreciate it

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d010c4  No.61928




will really appreciate if you reupload this file. :"

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9da5a4  No.61950


Reupped most of my collection.

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757fcf  No.61985

I've got a huge IV Collection, if you have any requests reply to this, I'll uploaded them as soon as I see the request if I have them. (I'll be on for a few hours)

Cant upload the whole thing as a dump cause some of em get copyright claimed.

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8dfee2  No.61986


Swallow 1&2

Prison probe

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757fcf  No.61987


Uploading now!

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d010c4  No.61996





woaaw, thanks a bunch, and i would like to bows to all of you guys. lol.

After downloading it, it looks like number Jackpot 16 is error (wrong file to upload) i guess.

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9da5a4  No.62002


Guess my 16 got corrupted, dug up a fresh one.

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757fcf  No.62003

Well I'll keep uploading whatever I have of my collection whenever I remember to check the thread.

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6df1ce  No.62273

uploadan a file

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791a9a  No.62285

do you have p3n3trat1ng m1nd c0ntr0l 4?

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3cd095  No.62289


sp4rkl7 p0wd3r pu77 please

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84e089  No.62394

Bumping this thread to say I'm taking more requests for uploads. Got well over 100 IV files.

Will upload to the vola at /r/x5820ggm

Also looking for "My Ass Crosses Your Mind" if anyone has it. Or any ass/foot related files I dont already have.

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2acc30  No.62399


that would be great. i'd be interested to hear any of her more recent stuff that's NOT jackpot. thanks.

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389880  No.62402

File: 31558f125b10223⋯.jpg (265.71 KB, 2560x1440, 16:9, IfevG9h.jpg)

Please, re-upload the JP 15-24. I have only 15, 18 and 22.

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f8f5e0  No.62403

File: f4453af6a69bfe3⋯.jpg (84.48 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, XB0CsS33_o.jpg)

Why's everyone obsessed with the jackpot files?

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389880  No.62404

File: 678321787e9fd60⋯.jpg (83.51 KB, 1080x786, 180:131, kyungin_c_21576695_1854240….jpg)

I am the >>62402.

I uploaded some IV files to x5820ggm.

Please, share JP 15-24.

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93de6d  No.62415




uploaded a bunch

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53f01d  No.62417


Christ. That face. You can literally see the grease on it.

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389880  No.62420

File: 78b0422fcd514db⋯.jpg (462.68 KB, 750x899, 750:899, 78b0422fcd514db243b4609216….jpg)



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2d07c6  No.62427

So, are any of these newer files worth listening to? Haven’t kept up beyond Jackpot 5.

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93de6d  No.62431


New jackpots aren't too terrible. The rest can be summed up by "hurr you love me now give me money"

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a593b2  No.62455

I would be very grateful to you if someone puts 5p1n s1k1e 2

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84e089  No.62515

Bumping this thread cause I love 1$463||4 lol

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0873b1  No.62516


No. Most files are 5-10 minutes and are explicitly and solely fap material, and she has gone full hambeast and slaps her disgusting image on everything.

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be0a1b  No.62617

Someone got jp 11, 16,17, 19, 20, 21 , 23+ ?

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9da5a4  No.62665


Reuploading most of my collection.


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c89588  No.62723

Does anyone happen to have the video where she hypnos her husband? It was nuked from the web after they divorced and I can't find it.

It's one of the few videos of a "hypnodomme" actually fucking dominating someone - you think they'd have caught on by now and started making more vids like it. I'd fucking buy them.

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f23845  No.62751

Also, does anyone have something new from her series p3n3tr4t1ng m1nd c0ntr0l, sp1n cycl3, jp etc?

Is anything worth it?

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e95bda  No.62752

File: ff866f7039d4416⋯.gif (1.58 MB, 750x1000, 3:4, isagif10.gif)

p3n3tr4t1ng m1nd c0ntr0l 3 is pretty good if you like that sort of thing and judging from the samples the others are definitely worth checking out

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e71eeb  No.62935

Any reups?

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54ea5d  No.63035

Also interested in a re-up of newest jackpot recordings, many thanks!

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e7e130  No.63543

Can somebody reup stuff to the vola please?

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0b1a73  No.63562

anyone have the p3n3tr4t1ng m1nd c0ntr0l series?

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55569b  No.63572

File: 274018a69292fd5⋯.jpg (127.8 KB, 528x586, 264:293, mpv-shot0001.jpg)

does anyone have sparkly powder puff?

Ive never been able to find this and i wanted it my whole life

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b146db  No.63575


>does anyone have sparkly powder puff?

>Ive never been able to find this and i wanted it my whole life

What is it about? I could not find the description.

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55569b  No.63576


feminization, pantyboy humiliating, HFO

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d6d10c  No.63577


in the room

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a86f1f  No.63586

Can anyone share any

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55569b  No.63590


thank you so so so so so so so so so so so so much

ive literally been searchirg for this for years

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0a29d2  No.63607

yo, i need someone to re up sparkly powder puff again real quick…..

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0a29d2  No.63608

>>63590 can you send me sparkly powder puff

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55569b  No.63612

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5b0b5c  No.63613


For all the hype Sparkly Powder Puff got, it sure was lame. Deleted it after one listen and didn't bother jacking off to it.

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b10ccd  No.63629

anyone have the p3n3tr4t1ng m1nd c0ntr0l series?

Please, re-up /r/x5820ggm

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dcb7a0  No.63748

that doesn't work either, does it?

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462d14  No.63758

For me, knowledge that IV is a fat sow is a huge turn-off. I personally can't respect any fat person whatsoever so when a file asks me to obey some fat whore I just can't do it.

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745309  No.63843

Anyone can share sc3 or pmc series files?

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745309  No.63845

>>63843 I would share, but my hard drive is broken.

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7a0bbe  No.64082


it's a pity!

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29b078  No.64095

Can anyone share jackpots 10+? jp22 sample is so enticing

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d64ba8  No.64457

anyone re-up the p3n3tr4t1ng m1nd c0ntr0l series?

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8bcee3  No.64483

Anyone can share p3n3tr4t1ng m1nd c0ntr0l series? I heard this is one of the best series.

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027be5  No.64485


I found the 3rd one in the series (RS link)




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e67b63  No.64486

Do you have more of this series plz

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53c5aa  No.64491

Anybody can reup Plz

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0e7aa4  No.64493


I have no idea. She only has one or two files that are worth a damn to listen, and that was over 10 years ago. The quality of her files have declined along with her marriage, health, and physical attraction. She claims and tries to pass herself off as intelligent and spiritual with files like Negative Infinity and Satori Sutra, but those only reveal her pretentiousness and lack of understanding of quantum physics, Hinduism, and metaphysics (though that can be said for many other hypnodommes). Her divorce and life as a single mother and lack skills and work experience has cornered her into situation where she is pretty much forced to make more hypno files because that's all she knows how to do, especially when it is clear to us and her the passion and creative spark are gone. She is a pitiable and desperate human being. Why do people still give her attention? Why does this thread even exist?

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d22338  No.64504

no wonder ur right but the new p3n3tr4t1ng m1nd c0ntr0l series has seperate level, I just listened it to part 3 and I can't control my c**k keep thinking about her.

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0e7aa4  No.64509


>I can't control my c**k keep thinking about her

That's literally ripped from her website, you fucking shill.

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3fddb9  No.64511

File: ce5bc7a08b5dda0⋯.jpeg (37.66 KB, 415x739, 415:739, images_2.jpeg)


c0ck thinking about her. Nice!! :-P

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5c75f3  No.64575

Anybody can reup Plz

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581ef8  No.64588


Is she down? Again?

Damn last time it took eight of us to get her up.

We better hire a crane this time.

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23ff11  No.64779

reup plz

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43eb00  No.64792

File: 174cd80bb117672⋯.jpg (10.13 KB, 400x400, 1:1, y4yXcAMF_400x400.jpg)


Top kek

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cdb2d7  No.65024

p3n3tr4t1ng m1nd c0ntr0l 1,2 and 4 plz, anyone?

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e7e130  No.65026


There's 1. I don't have 2 or 4 does anybody else?

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46729d  No.65027

thnx alot :) do u have anymore new files?

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476cd2  No.65165

Looking for Prison Probed: 2 Goddess HUMILIATING (with Mistress Alexandra)

Prison Probed 1:


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0e7aa4  No.65173



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8aa766  No.65546


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858d4c  No.65605

If you managed to download, let down again

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31c5c2  No.65622

found a really good file from her and it's up on youtube for free, https://youtu.be/savCAd6RyPI

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32d7ee  No.65652


Good one anon

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a0cd92  No.65752


Could you please retry the download?

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e7e130  No.65803


Somebody put some up

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5d5380  No.65923

upload some stuff

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0390f6  No.66174

Uploaded p3n3tr4t1ng m1nd c0ntr0l 3 to /r/x5820ggm

Looking for 1 & 2

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694631  No.66178


Uploaded 1, 6 and 7 into the same room - also interested in No.2 and any others - cheers


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0390f6  No.66190



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914afa  No.66196

is it just me or is anyone else finding these files grating and annoying ?

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4b2a5e  No.66201


If you want grating and annoying listen to the tag team ones with her and |yc1@ or her with @|3x@ndr@ . Holy shit, those were terribad

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898549  No.66207


Can somebody please keep these files uploaded? I'm away visiting family and I won't be back home until Sunday evening.

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26beb3  No.66270


Just uploaded 3 and 7, could you reupload 1 and 6?

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80f0d8  No.66271

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3fa1eb  No.66332

Oh shit, just missed those. Can you guys reupload? Also, are they good?

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5d6437  No.66408

File: b1b2fb332280217⋯.jpg (37.95 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 1404910535973.jpg)

just use this torrent fucking christ you dumb faggots, stop using such retarded methods for uploading files



see that date? and you get still get it right now, how amazing

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5ac3c1  No.66410


Unfortunately that collection is a bit out of date.

Put the while Jackpot series up to 24 into /r/x5820ggm

Would be great to get the three newest ones, or some of her more recent stuff.

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9cd91a  No.66412


Problem is that most people aren't willing to seed a torrent forever, or expose their ip-addresses. There's a reason the hosting sites persist despite sucking.

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5ac3c1  No.66413


You also can't update a torrent, once a collection expands, so you end up with a bunch of defunct ones.

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8be68c  No.66415


missing 22 but I doubt I will get that far

thank you

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5ac3c1  No.66418


Huh, totally missed that. Damn. I guess we need 22, 25, 26, and now 27.

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5ac3c1  No.66420


Ah, dug up 22, so that's in there now. Phew!

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33a1f9  No.66508


Damn, missed it. Reup please?

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b18838  No.66526


Reupping just for you :)

If someone could grab the newer files for us, that'd be great.

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3fa1eb  No.66527

I was hoping someone could upload the 'penetrating mc' files again…

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f7ab61  No.66532

I haven't listened to any of the JPs after the 10th, which was imo the best. Any good ones that were released after?

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b18838  No.66533


13 is pretty great on it's own, and it lays the baseline for 14-19. They each set additional triggers for future sessions.

Downside is, there is some financial suggestions in those sessions, but I'm sure you can tune most of that out.

I haven't tried the 20+ set yet though.

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b18838  No.66541


Three the bits of the Penetrating series I have up there. Hopefully we can get the rest. They're a bit of a weird one.

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30bcf5  No.66604

Anyone have 81m80 80yfr13nd? Tough one to find. But thought id shoot an ask. Somehow managed to get my wife into all this. Funny thing is, she was into it before she knew I was :D

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b18838  No.66608


In the vola for you!

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30bcf5  No.66697

Wow i didnt expect you to have the file and i missed the vola. Crap. My bad. Anyway to find it again?

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b18838  No.66698


Re-upped for you. Get it quick :)

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fb8474  No.67251

Would a re-up be possible.


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ca2aaa  No.67351

Does anyone have the video version of Mindless Bimbo?

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fc6820  No.67357


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39f951  No.67575

Any new cuckold releases as of late? Can't count how many times I have jerked off with Loving Cuckold, Weak Cuckold, etc..

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d4db8d  No.67597

File: 78d19c85f40dd73⋯.png (53.81 KB, 212x218, 106:109, g.png)

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57a5b3  No.68027

Rip, she's retired

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634272  No.70771

Anyone got any iv files? I have some if someone wants to trade

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f33136  No.70957

Vola is total BS…

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1ccc08  No.71013


Can someone reup the Penetrating Mind Controls? Thanks!

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3b008b  No.71087


Do you have any of the penetrating mind controls?

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91c230  No.71344

requesting a reup to JP

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91c230  No.71429


Requesting a re-up

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dfe7f0  No.71436

Plsssss re up jp18+ I'll pay

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c573f0  No.71439

There are a few one on Hypnotube.

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be3a57  No.72029

All mine.


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415ade  No.72038


Now uploading my collection of the jp series.


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dfe7f0  No.72256


I missed it. ):

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41d6cf  No.73054



humbly requesting a re-up, I have a decent collection of her work so I can upload some other files in return

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