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17a6fa No.79834

I've been listening to premature ejaculation hypnosis because of how hot it was. I foolishly assumed it wouldn't have any actual effect but I have noticed I cum way faster than I used to when masturbating. This isn't permanent, right? How do I fix this?

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f6b298 No.79837

Listen to hypnosis to last longer

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115d9f No.79840


No, it's not. You fix it by not listening to this file (not listening to hypnosis at all will speed the progress), and forgetting about it. Consider it like a skill you're not using in a long time. The skill being that your body follows a hypnotic suggestion, and you need to give it time to forget how.

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2cbb63 No.79852


which files worked for you op?

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a5c71d No.79860


>This isn't permanent, right?


>How do I fix this?

Anything that you've done to yourself you can undo. All hypnosis is based on your own beliefs and the moment you stop believing that you're a premature ejaculator it loses all power over you.


>You fix it by not listening to this file (not listening to hypnosis at all will speed the progress), and forgetting about it.

The first point is correct, but I have to disagree with the second. You don't want to try and forget it, you want to consciously fail to comply with any suggestions you think you're operating under. If you've talked yourself into premature ejaculation you need to hold it in your mind that you're in control and don't have to ejaculate prematurely, then when you successfully resist ejaculating prematurely use that as evidence for future attempts.

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482a97 No.84117

which hypnosis files did you listen to ?

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78d6f9 No.84119

It is, don't worry. I had a hard time cumming from pussy because of the deathgrip and lot op porn use previously. At some point I got into premature hypno. I came faster and faster, one day I nutted twice in one day into my gf, and both time quite fast. I shifted from lremature hypno, and everything went back to normal.

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41afb4 No.84198

Sometimes hypno files that aren't explicitly P.E. focused can contain subliminal affirmations to cause P.E. I would advice you to quit all of them. I realized I started coming way faster after listening to 丂卂爪卂几ㄒ卄卂 and another woman on YouTube whose name I won't mention.

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