There's a CC who has a channel on Yu+u.b3 with a bunch of subl1minal files for all sorts of stuff and I'm sure a lot of those have the potential to be great too and the basic versions are all fre to listen to. But they have a website for extended version p@y files that are supposed to be much more advanced and powerful.
So I don't know if anyone here might have purc#@$ed any of them or would be willing to in order to trade/share but i would be up for that if you're interested. Tho you might want to grab with a burn3r card if you do. Their main website is
There's a large handful of F3minizati0n files I'm interested in including on on $k3L3t@L F3mi1n1zat1i0n I'm interested in getting the extended advanced edition of, though they all look good to me honestly.
There's no telling for sure how well these work though. Does anyone have any experience with these or other similar subliminal body alt3ration/tr@nsform@tion files that are up on youtube?
They say you have to listen to them for awhile like every day for awhile to possibly see any results. It may seem silly but it's also said that the mind is powerful enough to make changes in and to the the body so who knows what the full potential of files like these can/could be.