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cf6994 No.80024

Hiii, so I really want to listen to strong M4F hypno. Like where the hypnotist goes all out trying to erase the subject's mind. If there are bdsm humiliation themes it's even bettet. Are there any you would recommend?

ps: don't like ᐯ丨ᐯ乇 hypnosist or whatever he is called.

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60b2c1 No.80025

You will not find a lot of real alternatives. And most is pretend roleplay stuff like the pretty pattern bullshit.

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80f2d9 No.80046

I elusively look for these types of hypnotists so here's a few of the best ones:

- H3dg3 Hypn0t1st on y0utub3:

try "kidnapped & brainwashed by your therapist" probably what your looking for.

- M0ns1eurL4ur3nt on y0utub3

- Ultr4Hypn0s1s on y0utub3 and p4tr40n:

try using Kemono.party for p4tr40n files

- m2. V on y0utub3:

my personal favorite, more bdsm than hypnosis

- m1nd3r4s3r on tumb1r and p4tr40n:

Kemono.party again

- D4rkWh1sp3rs on y0utub3

- HypD0m on tumb1r and y0utub3

- N1mj4 Hypn0s1s on y0utub3 and p4tr40n

just a few of the best and most accessible ones.

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820bb1 No.80048

Intense and very filthy reprogramming https://en.luxuretv.com/videos/trancing-slut-extreme-brainwashing-1-hd-129880.html

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fa3a9d No.80074

While these are good they are not brainwashing brainwashing. I was thinking about the creators that wanna start a cult, like ones that use dark psychology… Like this guy aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cueW91dHViZS5jb20vY2hhbm5lbC9VQ2tqd1V6cEpSLUsyZXVDRUJGd2syWkEvdmlkZW9z

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9c6fec No.80090


Lol. Well, that's a big ego. But no skill to match. Firmly in the roleplay category.

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