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4d459e No.82298

Walking corpse board and website, but I thought I would express this idea to the couple of people remaining here.

I'm sure recent advances in voice AI by ElevenLabs would be of interest to you folks, for obvious reasons. Provided you do a little digging you could find many examples appealing male or female voices to plug in there to read your hypnosis scripts. You can even find clean, suitable audio for this purpose from the existing sphere of hypnosis creators whose works are available for free in high quality in the various places online.

Just a thought.

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a130b6 No.82375


I'm surprised we haven't seen more of it. The amount of clean audio available from the top creators would allow or sorts of kinky scripts to be voiced.

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768faf No.82394

yup also surprised it took so long for anyone to even bring it up… really wish this board was more active

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