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0f553b No.81516

I've stumbled upon a creator with a style of video very unlike any other sissy hypno I've seen. It's bimbofication hypno with a decidedly dark, surreal, and nearly eerie bend, all qualities that intrigue me to no end. The only information I can find about the creator is that they go by the name "Lucywhore." From what I can tell, there used to be dozens of videos from this creator on Pornhub before the great purge. As of now, I could only dig up three extant videos after an hour of searching:

https://www.xvideos.com/video42842491/alpha_ariel_induction https://www.xvideos.com/video36814789/bimbofication_brainwaves_pure_integration https://www.xvideos.com/video35935465/what_ccan_i_do_to_make_you_love_me

If anyone could point me to an archive or link with the rest of Lucywhore's content, I would be eternally grateful!

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6830ad No.85017


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d01a0a No.85028


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a129ce No.85690

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