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cddb83 No.83415

Dave Gets Wasted (OP-INT 12, 3 Survivors): Fighting Saddam Hussein.

NSA, protect your schools, towns, wireless connections, phone lines, computer routers, and computer internet, from being spied upon by any force; particularly USMC, MI-6, State Police, town police, Freemasons, Masons, Skulls, Snakes, nursing associations, foreign embassies, and non-profit religious groups.

SIGINT, designed the internet, NSA HUMINT, performs courier missions on theft of records, Persel, performs criminal regulations on drugs and prostitutes (forbidden, theft, murder, assault, extortion, kidnapping, conscription, vigilantism, pooling, or racketeering), OP-INT, performs live murders on the street, Cyber Command, rallies the National Guard, the FBI uses court cases to access records, the ATF removes a family's authorization to deal in alcohol or drugs such as cigarettes, marijuana, or anti-psychotics or hold weapons permits, and the State Department province prevents foreign investment.

In 2004, Obama did a clear sweep of our organization, forcing the Nobles to serve Russia through cam websites, black corrections officers and Israeli Swedish codes of separate "criminal" and "God", the Swedish gene, so black soldiers, dropouts, and black Marines, low IQ homosexual Africans, would watch our computers. All of New York, some of whom are in NYC, besides most of the state as Scythic Irish, the New England middle class, all of Canada, Britain, Australia, Bermuda, and the Caymans, and the Sauds, through Apple hacks, would serve Putin, through his homophobia towards homosexuals, the touch on the head or the tongue roll; prohibited in our preschools, the hired service meant for cops, spies, and military officers.

Kids are getting sold as bitches, for using CIA World Factbook, for their Bible Studies classes, inmates now with internet Russian Soviet access, the blue and white Swastika, the aid to Confederates and the Ku Klux Klan; as well as German prison gangs out of police, homosexual gangs claiming nice guy sponsorship, Hitler having been a gay man.

Your nuclear annihilation, will be swift, France.

You sided with Napoleon, the prohibition act as necessary under American law, the legalization of the act under Napoleonic law, wizardish Disney.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

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