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File: 03f61eaa7c30896⋯.jpg (419.66 KB,1616x2104,202:263,loosh_demons.jpg)

File: 8be6ddac012f519⋯.jpg (29.1 KB,403x355,403:355,ejaculation_vitality.jpg)

c2369b No.87008

Hey bros…

any guides on semen retention

have been gooner since i was like 12 watching hardcore porn on the internet

recently found out holding sphincter (taint between scrotum and anus) correctly with enough pressure can allow you to orgasm without losing semen

feel like i did it kind of successfully a couple times - was at a point where i was feeling high T and fully orgasmed without much release of semen

semen is important because it is the essence of vitality of man and is reabsorbed into the blood stream after a period of time

also it seems that if you practice tantric sex semen is absorbed into the blood faster than it would be otherwise.

you can probably call my circumstance a porn addiction; however i live in a degenerate society where interacting with real women would take more effort and reap worse consequences and no rewards.

this being said, i recently was unsuccessful in semen retention to a really degenerate video that probably had loosh demons in it, causing me to pass out into a dreamless sleep for like 6 hours immediately after despite not being very tired before the session.



tl;dr: tips on semen retention?

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e2dbb7 No.87009

You are mentally ill, sir

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c8ea00 No.87010

File: 1d7e2b17490159f⋯.jpg (33.53 KB,474x354,79:59,bravenewworld.jpg)


kill yourself retarded half-jogger boomer feminist-worshipping rape-traumatized spandex-wearing corn syrup guzzlingI LOVE ISRAEL

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cc7313 No.87013

OP, what are these links for semen retention?! We expected a link to the video with the sexy demons you're talking about which held you for 6 hours hostage. Please share the video, we'll kick this demon's ass

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c2369b No.87014

File: 001f5f377b2ce8b⋯.png (9.67 MB,4096x3987,4096:3987,demon_gigachad.png)

File: 4d02338e9a587c9⋯.jpg (1.74 MB,1927x10000,1927:10000,jewish_porn.jpg)


loosh demons are just astral/spiritual entities that are found in most wizard-produced porn videos and probably a lot of other media, like softporn and gore that is spread through netflix and other media

they primarily feed on the negative energies of humans; I say 'demon' in reference to these entities as well as probably some physical entities like marduk and other reptilians/alpha draconians worshipped by satanist wizards

just look up look up loosh demons and you'll find out more information about them

our khazarian-ruled society has pretty much everything centered around giving these demons power, just short of summoning the antichrist so these lower beings can fully take control of us without so much work on MindGeek/AYLO's part

for example, hentai has much less of these because it is not recording actions of living beings, thus it is soulless(though it can still serve the purposes we seek porn to fulfill), making it spiritually safer than wizard porn with military-grade photoshop getting you to masturbate to trannies

also the demons most likely aren't sexy and are most often more ugly and scary than initially imaginable

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c2369b No.87015

File: 5d25fe6337655a1⋯.jpg (73.41 KB,640x640,1:1,metzitzah_bpeh_jewish_prac….jpg)

File: 0c762fab5babb6a⋯.jpg (156.7 KB,653x1024,653:1024,circumcision_findings.jpg)










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