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File: f6b490a7c4b6f5b⋯.png (38.44 KB,291x189,97:63,Cocotranse_ultimate_femini….png)

bb431e No.82201

If you are into feminization hypnosis, try this effective video.


SBS version of the video :


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bb431e No.82208


Amazing video.

Audio part is "Curse Stroke Sissy" from WarpMyMind.com

Warning. Don't watch it if you fall easily in trance and if you don't want to be feminized.

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bb431e No.82229


That's very well made. I tried it and I went in trance quite easily. I can’t say at this point if it’s really powerful, but I still feel an overwhelming urge to watch it again.

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f3a0d7 No.82234


the replies are from the op

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e1684d No.82236


Why yes, they are indeed.

Why you do dis OP? You must be new here. lol

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24557f No.82237


based schizo

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bb431e No.82238


Trans-phobia? Homophobia?

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bb431e No.82239



I'm new indeed. But for the rest…

Don’t pollute my thread with your useless comments.

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04e0f1 No.82242


shut up and stop spamming.

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35afc3 No.82246


Oh i get it now, you're one of those broken-minds.

You should have left it alone, now it's only gonna get worse.

Do you even dictionary? Do you know what a "phobia" is? Do you think it means "someone called me out for multi-posting and boosting on a chan" is some kind of phobia?

Maybe try adjusting your input filter to improve the quality of your outputs.

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7dbb37 No.82249

Oh now this is rich. Hahahahah.

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90ec1f No.82269




ancient hypno audio (was good at the time) along with some decent increasingly lewd porn

the SBS adds literally nothing

C- for effort in making it

F for spamming from the same IP to promote the content

posting on a dead board

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