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3a0bb5 No.82285

i am looking for this files for ages now and every thread is dead or nobody has files

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2ab1ee No.82286

i have 51 of her files. nobody shares here anymore so why should i?

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3a0bb5 No.82287


well i have 0 maybe someone needs to start.. but i understand you.

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d9913e No.82288

I've noticed the whole board is dead for many weeks now. Just nothing in any thread at all.

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b9be89 No.82292

she has so much control over their weak minds they cannot share

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2284f6 No.82294


I mean, it's not like they have a resale value or anything. You're not gaining anything by refusing to post, other than saving effort. If it's a hassle to post up a MEGA or whatever, fair enough, but the only way we get a healthy board is if we share.

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713fab No.82295


you are reading too much into it. i'll see about uploading the files to mega.

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59222e No.82296

Here you go guys:


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1b1862 No.82297


Thank you for sharing.

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cf3fe8 No.82299

thank you!!



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