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dc8bab No.83278

looking for files to train/condition/brainwash myself with.

i want to be FORCED to obey a command, instead of being hypnotized to want to do it.

i literally want to feel my body moving on its own, locking me out of control and leaving me just helplessly watching as my body obeys automatically.

once the command is given, with for ex. trigger before the command, i maybe dont even notice it, but suddenly im no longer controlling my body, it moves on its own and doesnt stop until obeyed.

if you know any files that would help me achieve this, leave some links hah:)

preferably M4M/M4A - but leave F4M/F4A too if you want haha

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0d072b No.83280


I love Darknosis. It's all about obedience and submission. And he has a very sexy voice!

:youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/darknosis

:twitter: https://nitter.database.red/darknosis

:tumblr: https://darknosis-reddit.tumblr.com/

:fetlife: https://fetlife.com/groups/230700 (Darknosis Fetlife Group)

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[ / / / / / / / / / / / / / ] [ dir / random / 93 / biohzrd / hkacade / hkpnd / tct / utd / uy / yebalnia ]