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File: 223eb64c02c08ce⋯.jpeg (157.48 KB, 1440x1440, 1:1, ENSjKntWsAAKAtk.jpeg)

14f147  No.64999

2 or 3 years ago a user from this board remade a few of the msj old classics using goddess Gr4ci3 tts voice.

Any of you guys knows what i am talking about and if so, have those files? I remember they were amazing, but since its so specific i cant find nowhere.

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d297f1  No.65509

sounds interesting

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c91f12  No.65550


I think i can remember seeing them… not sure whether i downloaded any.

Do you perhaps remember if they were zipped or any of the filenames?

I can check my sorted folders later if i manually got it, but the bot directory is an unholy mess. >_>

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c91f12  No.65551


Okay, so i just checked both sorted folders real quick, and found Bimboanni's Lite mods of some of GGs files…. but no luck with the MsJ remakes there

That just leaves the dreaded "Unsorted" and "BotDL" folders…. Im gonna need filenames or any other hints or they will probably remain buried there.

Incidentally, if someone needs those Bimboanni Lite mods, tell me, i don't mind sharing… don't even remember what they are about. They just seem shorter at a first glance.

Path Name SHA256 Size

/Lewds/Hypnotizing/Goddess Gr4ci3/Lite (Bimboanni-Mod)/All Things Sissy Lite.mp3;All Things Sissy Lite.mp3;b46fbdc8ae46acecec41b1237c8f3a96a223abc3638ab869bbffcea960c09a7f;102827418

/Lewds/Hypnotizing/Goddess Gr4ci3/Lite (Bimboanni-Mod)/Bimbo Blessing Lite.mp3;Bimbo Blessing Lite.mp3;049aa14cb399195d5c483deefa599106c7a118bdc3c7b75752d1741967203d28;37820813

/Lewds/Hypnotizing/Goddess Gr4ci3/Lite (Bimboanni-Mod)/Sissy Sparkle - Part 2 Lite.mp3;Sissy Sparkle - Part 2 Lite.mp3;a3279b300bc699cd195a71dfcb055b8355785dd84ebfcd05e1182cc3bab090c5;54904614

/Lewds/Hypnotizing/Goddess Gr4ci3/Lite (Bimboanni-Mod)/Sissy Sparkle Lite.mp3;Sissy Sparkle Lite.mp3;b7e747408c15d64f96fa3a8dec6632e4cb597e6737c76659aaf93ee57b7073ca;39599456

/Lewds/Hypnotizing/Goddess Gr4ci3/Lite (Bimboanni-Mod)/The Logic Of Limp Lite.mp3;The Logic Of Limp Lite.mp3;ffea30fa4ad4de62677888974921ca48456c5347513de6d421235c27d0615768;20575777

/Lewds/Hypnotizing/Goddess Gr4ci3/Lite (Bimboanni-Mod)/The Logic Of Limp Loop.mp3;The Logic Of Limp Loop.mp3;a227b5d370a470ddf30f12e6194f0d6c0447649e719c792df2e7355dc9338c94;12936802

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a8ee57  No.65554

No idea what OP considers classic but the originals were all in a series called "Little Miss Squidgy"

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8d9bdd  No.65647

File: c84abef9b139aae⋯.gif (1.47 MB, 498x282, 83:47, 1589491071692.gif)


>Do you perhaps remember if they were zipped or any of the filenames?

Not zipped and i remember the filenames were just the same as the originals. " LMS - Panties" and "LMS - Limp". Those 2 i am 100% sure were remade. I think at least one more were done but i cant be so sure.


Yes, these are the files i am talking about.

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8d9bdd  No.65648


Oh, just remembered that feminine fundations were also remade by this guy.

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faec3e  No.65650


> if someone needs those Bimboanni Lite mods, tell me, i don't mind sharing…

Could you please upload them into r/v21xhat0 ?

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f671af  No.67643

File: 28f02c3c720eef5⋯.jpg (213.95 KB, 819x1024, 819:1024, EUeEYjEXsAYby03.jpg)

I finally found the thread that this happened:


If someone still has the files, please post it!

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6c49e4  No.68376


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22106b  No.74030

what's the point here

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cec713  No.77312

What does Goddess Gr4c1e's TTS voice from? I have heard it one used as the voice in a company's automated a voicemail recording system. It obviously was developed by some tech firm somewhere.

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f91bdb  No.77333

TYPO Correction: WHERE does Goddess Gr4c1e's TTS voice COME from? Anybody know which software company developed it? The interesting thing is that I have heard the EXACT SAME TTS voice used in at least one company's automated phone menu and voicemail system. It obviously was developed by some tech firm somewhere. Anybody maybe know/where that voice came from? The 'tist that called herself Goddess Gr4c13 obviously did not develop the voice herself is all I'm saying. She just used it to make her own hypno files. So feasibly if somebody else finds out what TTS voice was used by GG they could easily use the same voice to make some new TTS files that would obviously sound much the same but could utilize some new content.

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