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c283d9  No.67591

I like big tits. I like hypnosis. Anyone have any files that combine the two? Video files are preferred over simply audio ones

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168f58  No.67606

Dum8 4 Duch355 by D47ur4

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a9bb4d  No.68412


I'm a fan of such files as well. It seems very vanilla, but it's much less popular than gay and sissy stuff, for some reason.

There are some decent files on streaming sites, though they might not be your cup of tea, you can easily Google them:

Kristi Lovett Convinces you to love big breasts

Ҝㄚㄥ丨乇 Nash - Mesmerized to love big tits ( kind of nasty, but the hypno content is decently hot)

Mistress Candice - Boobalicious

And one called "Mine Controlling with Titties" which I think is one of Jenny DeMilo's files.

And then there are a bunch of fairly low-quality files that are basically models showing off their breasts with a generic "hypno theme".

There are a bunch of promising files by known hypnodommes on the hypnodb breast worship tag (both video and audio) but most of them, especially the videos, I have not been able to find anywhere.

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e1db64  No.68447

Pop quiz cleavage by athalia is a fun one. Related to premature ejaculation fetish.

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a3f3d6  No.74270

c0cd29 (1)

do you like tits

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