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94920a  No.69768

Hey Pals, do you know any hypno that plays around this mind trick? I could imagine a hypno that trains the listener to feel the stimuli that does not happen on the body. For example rubber cock illusion just like rubber hand, but you jerk off the dildo and cum from it because your brain made the connection. I have seen vids like that. The question is there amy hypno like that?

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47c6c7  No.69769

I've never seen anything like that. sauce on any of the videos? Seems interesting

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94920a  No.69771

This is the closest I could find


But this is not really the thing I am talking about. I would like to be taught that there is an external cock of mine I can jerk suck or fuck myself with, and I think the brain can be taught for that until a certain extent. Once I have seen a vid with a guy in a chastity and with a strapon on him, and as he was furiously jerking the strapon he shot ropes in the chastity. Fun.

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5cb9dc  No.69775

Man that's weird!

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94920a  No.69777


Weird in a good way? I find it thrilling, but different strokes for different folks.

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000000  No.70076


Confused boner right here

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403906  No.70094

Ooh, I like the idea OP! I'll have to do something like it to my boyfriend sometime; he's kinda sex-shy, but I should be able to get away with playing with a dildo and building associations without making him too uncomfortable I think. Thankyou for the inspiration!

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