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R:0 / I:0 / P:1 [R] [G] [-]

Board Rules

Board rules

1. The board is for all people of a NEET mindset, even if they are currently employed or studying. Excessive attempts to ostracise people based on their status or to spark divisive discussions about who is and who is not a “real NEET” will not be tolerated.

2. No doxxing. This includes no remarks about the EXIF data of photos posted, and no pointing out of personal information accidentally left in photos. No going to unreasonable lengths to determine where a person lives based on photos or videos they have posted. No chilling of peoples confidence in their anonymity by joking about your potential to dox them. If you think someone has unintentionally left personal information in their post please report the post with an explanation, do not point it out publicly on the board.

3. No impersonating another NEET.

4. Pornographic images and images containing nudity or near-nudity of a sexual nature must always be spoilered. No dumping of porn images for no good purpose. No use of disgusting pornography just to shock people.

5. No CP or images of children posted for sexual purposes, even if they are not naked or in sexual poses. This includes drawn images which look under-age. No Pedo talk.

6. Images containing gore or anything else likely to shock or disgust must be spoilered. You must have a very good reason for posting gore and not post much of it.

7. Images containing the contents of a toilet bowl must be spoilered and must be accompanied by text clearly explaining they are an image of the contents of a toilet bowl.

8. No unreasonable personal insults. This board is not a “safe space”, and banter and honesty are allowed and in fact are essential, but there is no need to be personally insulting to an individual who does not deserve it. Do not cross the line.

9. No threats of violence against other posters or anyone else. No threats made as jokes. The authorities take joke threats seriously, and therefore so must we.

10. No posting of revenge pornography.

11. No posts breaking Australian Law in a way that will bring the board into disrepute and bring scrutiny from the media or Government authorities. Use good judgement here please.

12. No posting of spam, advertising material, or shilling of products or services you have an undeclared personal interest in.

13. People of non-standard Race, Gender or Sexuality are welcome but must not use their difference and others’ reaction to it to disrupt threads and attention whore. The onus is on the person who is different to integrate themselves successfully within the community.

14. No posts which infer, either seriously or in jest, that the board is monitored by the Government or intelligence agencies, or which infer that any individual poster may be an agent of the government or an intelligence agency. These jokes are not funny and have a track record of stoking paranoia and chilling the free sharing of information on the board.

15. Don’t be a cunt. This is a catch-all for any unacceptably shit behaviour that does not clearly violate any other rule.

16. All new NEET General Threads must contain an image which includes Pepe the Frog. This image must be visible from the Catalog. Non NEET General Threads may only be created after being suggested, considered and approved in the NEET General Thread. Non-approved Threads will be deleted.

R:259 / I:34 / P:1 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #435 - Still Kicking Edition

And the world spins madly on…

Old Thread: >>328738

R:1 / I:0 / P:1 [R] [G] [-]

Dance Thread

Mornin' Strayyans

Does Austrilia dance or are you only fighting cangaroos for recreational purposes?

You guys still talking about goon and boong or how it was called. that trashy cardboard packaged wine and that slur for aboriginal people.

I watched on tv how an aboriginee caught a barramundi fish in a river in aussieland. that was cool.

Do you like tecktonic?

R:3 / I:0 / P:1 [R] [G] [-]

Are there any proven treatments or drugs for letting you read social cues/emotions?

The reason why even 'ugly guys can be seen walking around with girls' is because neurotypicals have life on easy mode. Women and neurotypical men.

Nearly all men with autism spectrum conditions are not in relationships and more than 80% are unemployed.

There are people or lobbyists who keep trying to block research into treatment in hopes of genociding us and preventing us from mixing with NTs and 'diluting their gene pool'.

I want a treatment with proven results, even if its risky, gives me a hallucinations, a different disability or makes me a temporary psychopath.

Schizos have medication that can suppress the psychosis, why does society refuse a medication that can suppress the stuff being released to insulate your brain?

Do I have to go to another country to find this treatment and if so who has it?

R:751 / I:59 / P:1 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #434 - Back in Business Edition

The board is back in business NEETs. We have made it to a new thread after months mired in the old one. The future is bright.

Old Thread: >>327982

R:751 / I:56 / P:1 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #433 - End Of An Era Edition

Thank you 8chan for trying to get this place back to what it was, and dealing with all the shit that comes with it. The effort is genuinely appreciated.

It's been fun. Goodbye.

OLD >>327215

R:751 / I:105 / P:1 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #432 - Wonderful Webby Winks Edition

Webster weturns wonce wagain, wour wives ware wenewed wo where wormer wlory. Wong wive Webby. Webster's wonderful winky wanks won wussian warts won wis widdle willy. Website wictures wo whore wakes Webby's weelings wetter.


We wuv wou Webby.

OLD >>326473

R:746 / I:105 / P:1 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #431 - No Gook Furrys Allowed Edition

Possum would never have allowed this.

R:751 / I:100 / P:1 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #430 - Body Image Edition

How is your body image NEETs? Personally, when I look in the mirror I could weep.

Old Thread: >>324963

R:751 / I:87 / P:1 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #429 - Mixtape Edition

Have any of you NEETs ever made a mix tape? To be honest I don't even know what one is, but I read the phrase quite often. It seems like the sort of thing superNuro might be into.

Old Thread: >>324183

R:751 / I:86 / P:1 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #428 - Late To The Party Edition

Don't you hate it when you arrive at the party, late. And it's the wrong house. And it's Webby's house. And Webby doesn't want no intrusion. You're standing there wet and naked in the front yard of Puff Nuggo. It's cold and windy. The frangipani is swaying in the wind, soaking wet. Webster snarls in his white singlet, grease from the colonel and Sauv Blanc is smeared on the front, crotch region. A cat hisses when the wind picks up.

Long story short, you end up late to the party.

OLD >>323453

R:751 / I:85 / P:1 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #427 - SuperBoong Edition

All NEETs are super to me.

Old thread: >>322689

R:751 / I:93 / P:1 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #426 - Skank Yacht Edition

Get on board Weber's Skank Yacht NEETs. Fill up your cups of goon and tell your mummybots that you won't be home for dinner, because we're going on an extended cruise.

OLD: >>321932

R:749 / I:86 / P:2 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #425 - Shining Light Edition

Us NEETs must learn how to be positive influences upon one another, how to become shining lights, radiating hope and positivity.

OLD: >>321187

R:751 / I:121 / P:2 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #424 - Pas Aussi Jolie Edition

Have you been lying about your attractiveness? Is your bulge secretly a lot smaller than you let us believe? Are your legs not as robust and muscular as the photos indicated?

OLD >>320424

R:751 / I:86 / P:2 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #423 - Cold and Bleak Edition

How are you NEETs holding up during this cold and miserable season? Do you dream of spring and its warm breezes and sunny skies?

Old Thread: >>319681

R:751 / I:80 / P:2 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #422 - Crossroads Edition

Which way will you go NEET? The time for big decisions is now.

Old Thread: >>318912

R:751 / I:77 / P:2 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #421 - Good Night Nurse Edition

It is always good to see it when the NEETs thrive and succeed. Good luck to all in their endeavours.

Old Thread: >>318161

R:751 / I:95 / P:2 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #420 - Blaze It Edition

Only do drugs in moderation please NEETs.

Old Thread: >>316656

R:751 / I:108 / P:2 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #419 - Devilish Edition

Some dark posts lately… turn to the darkness fellow Neets you have been BAD !

OLD >>316659

R:751 / I:78 / P:2 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #418 - Baneposting Edition

Tell me about NEET, why does he drink the goon?

OLD: >>315906

R:751 / I:102 / P:2 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #417 - Footloose Sunday Edition

Get Dancing NEETs. Throw yoursdwarfs into life with gay abandon. Get those feet moving. Dance like you are in the Cats movie. Meow meow!

Old Thread: >>315153

R:751 / I:90 / P:2 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #416 - Saturday Sexpectations Edition

I hope you NEETs have a good time tonight. Nice to see some of us getting out there and making a go of life.

Old Thread: >>314404

R:751 / I:67 / P:2 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #415 - Slandered Edition

Have you NEETs ever been slandered on an image board? Maybe by someone you trusted? Tell us your story.

Old thread: >>313652

R:751 / I:123 / P:2 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #414 - Chad NEETs Edition

I think we are all very >tfw impressed at the prowess of our Chad NEETs. Well done boys.

Old Thread: >>312891

R:751 / I:102 / P:2 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #413 - Secret Admirers Edition

They're watching and writing secret notes in little black books.

I bet they're all very >tfw impressed by us as of late.

OLD >>312151

R:751 / I:94 / P:2 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #412 - Mi Amore Latina edition


OLD >>311388

R:751 / I:120 / P:2 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #411 - Information Edition

Give me the 411 on your NEET lifestyles brothers. How do you get through the day?

Old Thread: >>310636

R:751 / I:90 / P:3 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #410 - Cow Edition


MOOLD >>309885

R:751 / I:93 / P:3 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #409 - Redtext On A NEET Board Is Like Blue Hair On A 40 Year Old Edition


>tfw you need to edit lowlyNEET's editions because after all these Gen's, some of them still can't work out how to format them.

Fucking NEETs.

OLD >>309134

R:751 / I:78 / P:3 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #408 - More Froggish Edition

Weekend coming up NEETs. What have you all got planned?

Old Thread: >>308390

R:751 / I:89 / P:3 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #407 - Prepepe Edition

Prepepe your angus, I'm coming in!

Old Thread: >>307632

R:751 / I:71 / P:3 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #406 - Parsnips Edition

Who likes parsnips? They go well in a roast.

Old thread: >>306877

R:751 / I:55 / P:3 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #405 - Walnuts Edition

Who likes to eat Walnuts?

Old Thread: >>306100

R:751 / I:84 / P:3 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #404 - Not Found Edition

Error 404

Old Thread: >>305346

R:751 / I:68 / P:3 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #403 - NasBoong Edition

Always was

Always will be

We're all gunna make it cuz


Old: >>304600

R:750 / I:78 / P:3 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #402 - Saturday Jam Edition

You always hear about breast cancer and heart disease on the TV, but what are they doing to raise awareness of NEET Bum Rash? Is it discrimination? I think yes.

Old Thread: >>303839

R:751 / I:88 / P:3 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #401 - Bearded Delight Edition

All NEETs should aim for the bearded gardening man aesthetic. It exudes comfiness and authenticity.

Old Thread: >>303082

R:751 / I:86 / P:3 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #400 - Symbolism Edition

When they look back they will only see incomprehensible images and three word phrases that even their greatest decipherers will be stumped by.

Emoji's are the future of language. They are global and have meaning based on feel.

True communication is only accessible through feel, through meme.

OLD >>302320

R:751 / I:97 / P:3 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #399 - Approaching Twilight Edition

As the hands of time begin to feel as though they are moving faster, don't forget that every day is still a new one and you are capable of anything.

The best times of your life consist of just moments and you have ample opportunity to create new best days of your life.

Happy Birthday, don't fall off your stool gramps.

OLD >>301582

R:751 / I:110 / P:3 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #398 - MILF Oedipus Edition

We must pursue our desires wherever they take us. When life presents us with a sordid and perverse opportunity we must grab at it with both hands. In such ways are the gods best pleased.

Old Thread: >>300835

R:751 / I:75 / P:3 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #397 - Sock Etiquette Edition

True class needs to go all the way to your toes.

OLD >>300075

R:743 / I:105 / P:3 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #396 - Life is Cool Edition

Never forget that Life is Cool NEETs. If you choose to think life is good and fun and cool then it will be. How you feel is your own choice. If you are miserable it is because you are choosing to be.

Old Thread: >>299323

R:751 / I:65 / P:4 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #395 - Rain Edition

A bit surprised this wasn't already an edition

OLD >>298543

R:751 / I:78 / P:4 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #394 - Independence Day Edition

Merry Trump Day and Have a Great Friday and Weekend NEETS !

OLD >>297816

R:751 / I:99 / P:4 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #392 - Horror at the NEET Compound Edition

What are the odds that the NEET Compound will descend into an eldritch nightmare at some point?

Old Thread: >>296302

R:751 / I:108 / P:4 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #391 - Nocturnal Stargazing Pepe Edition

What's so amazing that keeps us stargazing? And what do we think we might see?

Old Thread: >>295553

R:751 / I:103 / P:4 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #390 - Backyard Edition

How many NEETs are living without a backyard? Without somewhere they can get outside and relax? I know more than one of you has embraced the Asian insect hive apartment lifestyle. What sort of toll has this taken on your mental health?

Old Thread: >>294797

R:751 / I:82 / P:4 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #389 I Wanked the Lore Edition

The Lore knows all NEETs

It sees all

It remembers all

OLD >>294037

R:751 / I:115 / P:4 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #388 - Frog on a Log Edition

What are your plans for the weekend, NEETs?

OLD: >>293280

OLD: >>293280

OLD: >>293280

R:751 / I:78 / P:4 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #387 - Rural and Remote Communities Edition

If you NEETs really want a solid dose of UNNA culture then you need to pack your bags and head up to the communities.

OLD: >>292519

R:751 / I:73 / P:4 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #386 - Lewd Nonsense Edition

Lickity schlipity in your dooipity gooipity, droolingidy groolingidy on your meatery NEETery

OLD >>291780

R:751 / I:95 / P:4 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #385 - Drugged Up Edition

You NEETs really like your pharmaceutical products, legal or otherwise. This is a worrying development and The Council should take it upon themselves to respond to it by whatever means they feel will be appropriate at the next meeting.

OLD: >>291027

R:751 / I:100 / P:4 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #384 - No Politics Edition

We NEETs must focus on what unites us. Leave the poofter sport to the normies and 4chan plebs.

Old thread: >>290270

R:751 / I:71 / P:4 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #383 - NEET Racer Edition

Big NEET race tonight starting at Eagle on the Hill. Winner gets a private wanked poo show with the NEET of their choice.

Old Thread: >>289517

R:751 / I:83 / P:4 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #382 - Speed Limit Edition

You NEETs better slow down and obey the speed limit. An entire thread in a matter of hours is far, far too quick.

OLD: >>288758

R:751 / I:78 / P:4 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #381 - From Shed Dweller to QLD Baller (Getting our shit together) Edition

Chasing the eternal summer

Sick of feeling like lifes a bummer

One day soon I'll be rolling through town

3 brown bunnies stoned in my hummer

OLD: >>288013

R:751 / I:100 / P:4 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #380 - Getting Into Shape Edition

Be it riding a bike, hitting the power rack or munching on some Colonel's, we all have to work hard to achieve our desired NEET physique, what ever it may be.

OLD: >>287245

R:751 / I:77 / P:5 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #379 - Costa Cock Lust edition

You can't deny, i see the sparkle in your eye.

OLD: >>286495

R:751 / I:65 / P:5 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #378 - Native American Edition

While we often talk about boongs, we never talk about injuns. Interesting.

OLD: >>285732

R:751 / I:78 / P:5 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #377 - Clean Living Edition

Some of you NEETs seem to be giving the whole living clean thing a try. Keep at it, it will bring you good things.

OLD: >>284978

R:751 / I:140 / P:5 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #376 - Stuck In The Gen Edition

Why did no one tell me we were done?

OLD >>284213

R:751 / I:119 / P:5 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #375 - Boongs On Parade Edition

In Norwood.

Our posting speed has dropped drastically, I've been waiting for days to post this now. The last Gen lasted almost 3 days.

What's going on NEETies?

OLD >>283452

R:751 / I:85 / P:5 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #374 - Smell Her Pussy Edition

Mmmmm. Smells good. Tastes good. Good for you. Good for me.

OLD: >>282691

R:751 / I:138 / P:5 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #373 - Sunday Edition

Hopefully all is well for you, neets.

OLD >>281933

R:751 / I:176 / P:5 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #372 - Fancy Food Edition

Wicked wings, tear and shares, lamb roasts, garlic bread. These are some really fancy eating habits for a bunch of NEETs.

OLD: >>281182

R:751 / I:97 / P:5 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #371 - Rude Implications About Mummybots Edition

Hmmm, yes.

Clearly you are a bunch of NEETs


And how does it feel being NEET ?

OLD >>280438

R:751 / I:76 / P:5 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #370 - Rectum Removal Edition

Use it or lose it, neets

no more poo pics please you fucking degenerate

OLD >>279673

R:751 / I:87 / P:5 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #369 - First Choice Liquor Edition

Tell Dan and Craig to get fucked and come to First Choice instead. We don't have any scary iron bars and our goon isn't tainted with meth, if we're good enough for Tones, we're good enough for you NEETs.

OLD: >>278908

R:751 / I:93 / P:5 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #368 - Damn She Fine Edition

Who are (You) hoping will sock it to (You) one more time?

Remember NEETs; get low, get low

OLD: >>278173

R:751 / I:155 / P:5 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #367 - On Your Best Behaviour Edition

You NEETs might all be on the goon tonight but you better fucking behave yourselves.

OLD: >>277408

R:734 / I:151 / P:5 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #366 - Get Your Fucking Shit Together Edition

Also, there's 7's in the title and there'll be some in this Gen.

OLD >>276654

R:749 / I:136 / P:5 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #365 - Bindi Irwin Gangbanged By NEETs Edition

You'd all do it and you know it you dirty NEETs

OLD >>275877

R:751 / I:104 / P:6 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #364 - Battle Of The Bottle-o's Edition

Which of one of our esteemed bottle shop franchises will reign supreme?

Read the next 751 posts and find out!

OLD: >>275125

R:751 / I:104 / P:6 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #363 - Cured Bum, Cured Life Edition

NK finally takes off and moves onto a new rape dungeon. What will he catch first? Will other NEETs follow his example?

Will the penile and anal HPV among other NEETs increase?

OLD >>274373

R:749 / I:96 / P:6 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #362 - He Returns Edition

Any of you NEETs have a second coming?

OLD >>272814

R:750 / I:104 / P:6 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #361 - Nostalgia Edition

Sometimes we wish for the good old days to come back to us like a boomerang comes back to a boong. Yet time is a one way street and there's no going back, but you can always reminisce on them.

OLD: >>272056

R:749 / I:120 / P:6 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #360 - Full Circle Edition

The wheel keeps on spinning.

OLD >>271295

R:751 / I:139 / P:6 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #359 - Election Edition

Someone always has to be in front.

OLD >>270541

R:751 / I:146 / P:6 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #358 - Musical Edition

Post those vocaroos neets, we're going to form a neet band!

Old: >>269779

R:751 / I:110 / P:6 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #357 - F5 Edition

youse lazy white cunts aye

OLD >>269026

R:751 / I:75 / P:6 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #356 - Proctology Edition

OLD: >>268247

Lazy neets, tut tut.

R:751 / I:92 / P:6 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #355 - Always Was Always Will Be Edition

No Means Yes, Yes means Anal

OLD: >>267491

R:751 / I:96 / P:6 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #354 - Pepe's A Toy Edition

"Pepe doesn't even rack his paint, he gets mummy bot it buy it for him. what a TOY!" Jisoe circa 2007

R:751 / I:62 / P:6 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #353 - How Fuckin' Slow Are You Cunts Edition

Waiting and waiting and waiting for a new thread to appear.

R:751 / I:71 / P:6 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #352 - Amphibian Abstinence Edition

What is your favourite meme that isn't a frog?

OLD >>265215

R:751 / I:91 / P:6 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #351 - Why can't we be frens, Why can't we be frens, Why can't we be frens? Edition

Lean on me. When you’re not strong. And I’ll be your fren. I’ll help you carry on. For it won’t be long. Til I’m gonna need. Somebody to lean on.

OLD: >>264484

R:751 / I:99 / P:6 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #350 - Return of the Wank Edition

You can take our word, but you can never take our masturbation.

OLD >>263735

R:751 / I:70 / P:7 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #349 - Prim and Proper Edition

No shenanigans, neets

OLD >>262977

R:751 / I:57 / P:7 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #348 - Executive Depression Edition

How many of you NEETs are struggling with obesity and food addiction? It is a big challenge in my life and always has been. Is there a way out?

Old thread: >>262231

R:751 / I:106 / P:7 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #347 - Ethical Wank Distribution Edition

Robbing from the wank-wealthy and giving to the wank-deprived.

A real life RobbingWank.

Old Thread >>261472

R:751 / I:99 / P:7 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #346 - Puffer Edition

The fish swims in the ocean. The fish swims on the earth. The fish circles the universe. The fish is served with chips.

Old Thread: >>260711

R:751 / I:97 / P:7 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #345 - Warm And Comfy Edition

The nights are getting colder and the autumn winds are blowing, it's a bit chilly outside. Make sure that you get all warm and comfy inside, it will make you feel better.

OLD: >>259965

R:751 / I:108 / P:7 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #344 - White Dog Edition

Woof woof

OLD >>259209

R:751 / I:74 / P:7 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #343 - Late Night Seroquel Edition

Do you often find yourself not being able to get to sleep? Then perhaps Seroquel is for you.

OLD: >>258445

R:751 / I:94 / P:7 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #342 - Harry Potter Edition

yer a boong, neet

OLD >>257677

R:751 / I:123 / P:7 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #341 - Thinking About WW2 German Tanks While Cleaning My Room Edition

So.. did you get it done?

OLD >>256943

R:751 / I:82 / P:7 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #340 - Surprise Edition

The surprise is that nothing is ever going to change for us.

OLD >>256154

R:751 / I:74 / P:7 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #339 - Best Korea edition

NEETs did you know kim jung-un was the OG NEET

OLD: >>255396

R:751 / I:117 / P:7 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #338 - Happy Birthday Hitler

Tomorrow is Hitler's Birthday, its also Easter, the day of a Pie and Weed day

A good day indeed NEETs

OLD: >>254642

R:751 / I:98 / P:7 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #337 - Get Your Shit Together Edition

Time to stop acting like a dirty boong and start acting like a traditional custodian of this land UNNA

OLD >>253891

R:751 / I:50 / P:7 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #336 - 'Changing Of The Guard' Edition

How are you coping with the changes bros?

what are you up to?



R:751 / I:38 / P:7 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #335 - Australian National Anthem Edition

This is your threadly reminder that our national anthem was butchered by communists for being too nationalistic.

Old Thread: >>252381


Australians all let us rejoice,

For we are young and free;

We've golden soil and wealth for toil,

Our home is girt by sea;

Our land abounds in Nature's gifts

Of beauty rich and rare;

In history's page, let every stage

Advance Australia fair!

In joyful strains then let us sing,

"Advance Australia fair!"

When gallant Cook from Albion sail'd,

To trace wide oceans o'er,

True British courage bore him on,

Till he landed on our shore.

Then here he raised Old England's flag,

The standard of the brave;

With all her faults we love her still,

"Brittannia rules the wave!"

In joyful strains then let us sing

"Advance Australia fair!"

Beneath our radiant southern Cross,

We'll toil with hearts and hands;

To make this Commonwealth of ours

Renowned of all the lands;

For those who've come across the seas

We've boundless plains to share;

With courage let us all combine

To advance Australia fair.

In joyful strains then let us sing

"Advance Australia fair!"

While other nations of the globe

Behold us from afar,

We'll rise to high renown and shine

Like our glorious southern star;

From England, Scotia, Erin's Isle,

Who come our lot to share,

Let all combine with heart and hand

To advance Australia fair!

In joyful strains then let us sing

"Advance Australia fair!"

Should foreign foe e'er sight our coast,

Or dare a foot to land,

We'll rouse to arms like sires of yore

To guard our native strand;

Brittannia then shall surely know,

Beyond wide ocean's roll,

Her sons in fair Australia's land

Still keep a British soul.

In joyful strains then let us sing

"Advance Australia fair!"

R:751 / I:72 / P:8 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #334 - Big Feels Edition

None of us asked for these feels, but we can't ignore them. We must stay strong.

Old thread: >>251630

R:751 / I:120 / P:8 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #333 - Les Trois Pepes Edition

Nice number, nice neets

OLD >>250879

R:751 / I:106 / P:8 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #332 - Big cum edition

>tfw severely impressed

<R U?

OLD: >>250113

R:751 / I:110 / P:8 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #331 - Simplicity Edition

Keep it simple NEETs, overthinking things seems to get us into bad places a bit all too often.

OLD: >>249358

R:751 / I:114 / P:8 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #330 - Woodlands Frolic Edition

Who else is planning a woodlands frolic this Sunday complete with induction into sacred mysteries and pagan rites?

Old Thread: >>248608

R:751 / I:78 / P:8 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #329 - Stupid Thomas The Tank Comment Edition

I made it for you and you will use it.


OLD >>247864

R:751 / I:87 / P:8 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #328 - Trapped In The Machine Edition

There is no escape.

OLD: >>247111

R:751 / I:128 / P:8 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #327 - Alcohol Free April Edition

Are you up to the challenge NEETs? Can you give Dan the flick for a whole month?

Old Thread: >>246341

R:751 / I:83 / P:8 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #326 - NEET Diet Edition

Give up your dieting NEETs. They never work. Just guts it all down. Guts it down good. Who cares.

Old thread: >>245556

R:751 / I:98 / P:8 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #325 - Globo-Homo-Gayplex Edition

Real NEET hours! Who up!

R:751 / I:106 / P:8 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #324 - Interview Edition

Please give me your questions, I am about to leave.

OLD >>244028

R:751 / I:78 / P:8 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #323 Stoned edition

Remember Craig did nothing wrong and you should accept his rape gifts UNNA

OLD: >>243269

R:751 / I:73 / P:8 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #322 - Shapely UNNA Edition

Imagine going digging for grubs with a sensual, spiritual, barefoot UNNA girl. Your life would be complete.

Old Thread: >>242516

R:750 / I:99 / P:8 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #321 - Flag Edition

How many scones with cream and apricot jam do you NEETs think you could eat in one sitting?

Old Thread: >>241014

R:750 / I:99 / P:8 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #320 - Stormy Times Edition

OLD >>241009

Things can be awful rough on a Sunday evening, neetos

R:751 / I:106 / P:9 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #319 - Culinary Edition

Are any of you NEETs aspiring cooks? We seem to be a bunch who love their food, so perhaps we should learn to make something more advanced than baked beans or instant noodles.

OLD: >>240252

R:751 / I:131 / P:9 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #318 - On The Pepe's Back Edition


OLD >>239485

R:751 / I:141 / P:9 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #317 - Life Goes On Edition

The last week has been a bit topsy turvy, but things will go back to normal soon enough, the sportsball begins tonight so the normies shall quickly begin to forget about us. The wheels keep spinning on the NEETbus.

OLD: >>238738

R:751 / I:152 / P:9 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #316 - Back To Our Roots Edition

When the war is over, we will remain. Forever unchanged. They will destroy themselves with their wicked ways. We are not on the land, we are part of it. They will not learn how to act as part of it til it is too late.

They have no time to waste, they have no time to grow. Forever proving that they are or aren't something, not taking the time to let themselves be.

Listen to the wind blow.

That is more important than the words of the world.

OLD >>237990

R:751 / I:87 / P:9 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #315.5 - What happened to the Thread edition

All those posts lost like sperm in a wank

OLD: >>237509 and >>>>236704

R:630 / I:102 / P:9 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #314 - Violence is not OK edition

If you feel violent go to TheRapist instead, since you will make a rash decision everyone will regret and if that doesn't work then just boong post, UNNA

Also 314 is Pi so eat up Execs

OLD: >>235988

R:643 / I:94 / P:9 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #313 - Traditional Owners Edition

We need to get back to basics NEETs, some ofd the threads of late are pretty wacky, let's get off to a good start by acknowledging the traditional owners of the land


OLD: >>235216

R:705 / I:79 / P:9 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #312 - Edition Edition


OLD >>234464

R:693 / I:67 / P:9 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #311 - Bum and Cum Issues Edition

Apparently we've all got them

OLD >>233706

R:751 / I:103 / P:9 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #310 - Strike A Pose Edition

Go on NEETo, show me your sexy side.

OLD >>232954

R:751 / I:79 / P:9 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #309 - HATRED Edition

I've had enough of all this peace and love crap

Lets have a good old fashioned hate thread


OLD >>232187

R:751 / I:89 / P:9 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #308 - NEET Mindset Edition

Be it having a wank, drinking some goon or making cryptic boong posts to wagies, we should all take great care to keep that NEET Mindset alive within us.

OLD: >>231436

R:751 / I:93 / P:9 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #307 - Possum Edition

Bow down to the BO you antisemites :^)


OLD: >>230687

R:751 / I:84 / P:9 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #306 - Kings of 8chan Edition

Let's face it NEETs, we're one of the biggest boards on this website, our threads are frequently amongst the fastest and we're pretty high up in the rankings of boards. Our position is dare I say it, rather regal. Quite an achievement for a bunch of losers like us. Let's be proud of it.

OLD: >>229911

R:751 / I:78 / P:9 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #305 - Cruisey Edition

We all can't be cruisey and have missos that wuz quaanz n shit

I'd rather a beatiful Abo if I'm UNNest

OLD: >>229129

R:751 / I:87 / P:10 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #304 - Let It All Burn Edition

Well NEETs, we've all had our ups and downs this week, but in the grand scheme of things we're all trapped in a world edging ever closer toward disaster. I for one will let it all burn to the ground.

OLD: >>228388

R:747 / I:100 / P:10 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #303 - Drugs are degenerate

Don't do Drugs NEETS

Old >>22762

R:750 / I:102 / P:10 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #302 - Feral NEETs Edition

Unwashed penises, excessive wanking and dumpster diving… Some of you NEETs are fucking feral.

OLD: >>226873

R:747 / I:104 / P:10 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #301 - Comfy Sunday Arvo Edition

Pretty nice day today, isn't it? Whether you're a wagie or a NEET, just relax and make the most of it.

OLD: >>226121

R:747 / I:102 / P:10 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #300 - Have A Binge Edition

Well, well,well, NEETs, three hundred threads, what a milestone, time to celebrate it with a binge.

OLD: >>225379

R:750 / I:76 / P:10 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General- #299 Monk is a good boy edition




R:750 / I:101 / P:10 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #298 - Share The Load Edition

We all have to share the load NEETs, We already share our sorrows and joys with each other. Sometimes we even share duties, take making the threads for example, sometimes I do it, sometimes another NEET does. Let's all continue in this wonderful spirit of collaboration and cooperation.

OLD: >>223860

R:751 / I:82 / P:10 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #297 - Amity and Love Edition

It is important that NEETs express love and solidarity with one another. Please take time out of your day to give a few words of appreciation for another NEET.

Old Thread: >>223101

R:751 / I:103 / P:10 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #296 - Drum Edition

Bang, bang, bang goes the drum,all while time marches on for these NEETs.

OLD: >>222356

R:751 / I:111 / P:10 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #295 - Superiority Edition

Bow before your master lowlyNEETs.

Fucking grovel.

OLD >>221591

R:751 / I:110 / P:10 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #294 - Fatigued Friday Edition

It's the end of the week, wagies and NEETs alike are tired, but not to worry, the weekend is here and we can all relax now.

OLD: >>220837

R:751 / I:65 / P:10 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #293 - Bumper Crop Edition

Congratulations to our farmer NEET on his bumper crop, enjoy it mate.

OLD: >>220085

R:751 / I:75 / P:10 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #292 - Viking Edition

Any of you NEETs have Viking roots? NEETs are a lot like Vikings, pilfering Dan's for goon.

OLD: >>219341

R:751 / I:117 / P:10 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #291 - Lasagna Edition

Because some of you NEETs seem to love that wog shit.

OLD: >>218591

R:751 / I:103 / P:10 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #290 - Wedding Edition

Congrats to NK's sister from the Gen.

God willing ol' rapey won't make a scene.

OLD >>217829

R:751 / I:119 / P:11 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #289 - Slow And Steady Edition

A lot of you NEETs have been running around like headless chooks of late, you need to slow down a bit and appreciate your surroundings, look up a the stars in the night sky, listen to some good music, go out and see some nature. Life is short, make good use of it.

OLD: >>217077

R:751 / I:109 / P:11 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #288 - Peace And Love Edition

After all the silliness and argy-bargy of the past few days from both sides, I think it would be a good idea to embrace the hippy values of peace and love. Let's stop trying to set ourselves against each other and show a bit of unity.

OLD: >>216318

R:751 / I:102 / P:11 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #287 - Know Your Place Edition

You lowlyNEETs better get with the fucking program or you'll be out on your asses quick smart.

Don't mention the war. Well, yeah, you better fucking not. The hierarchical order of things is not to be messed with, this is divine order, this is the way it was always supposed to be.

>It's not fair, muh freedums of speech

Life's fucking hard baby, maybe if you work really hard you can reach the level where you can dictate the divine order of NEETdom upon the lowlyNEETs.

This is not a democracy and if you ever tasted that sweet, sweet power you would understand too.

All praise the New NEET Order.

OLD >>215551

R:751 / I:84 / P:11 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #286 - Relax Mate Edition

You wagies need to chill out and stop with the stressing. Take your full hour lunch break for once. Give the HR lady an accidental grope as you bump past her outside the kitchenette. Live a little.

Old thread: >>214793

R:751 / I:64 / P:11 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #285 - Summer Goes On Edition

The schoolkids and wagies are all returning to school and work now, but summer goes on, let's appreciate it while it lasts NEETs.

OLD: >>214049

R:751 / I:71 / P:11 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #284 - Ranked Edition

I want to know more of your opinions of who is this and that.

Shire is the most masculine, Monk thinks he is but Shire has a stoic cold edge that makes you think.. A guy like that.. you just know.

OLD >>213291

R:751 / I:78 / P:11 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #283 - Successful Invasion Day Edition

In this thread we remember the many British people that lost there lives in the successful invasion of Australia.

So please on this day give thanks to the people who were able to civilise this land.

Also remember no one likes are sore loser. Just because the Boongs lost there is no reason to get all angry about it.

OLD: >>212524

R:751 / I:106 / P:11 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #282 - Melting Edition

I hope you are all surviving this heat.

The Council may have to whip up an extra large batch of their soothing lotion for the NEETs to cool down in.

You have better all been saving your strength for tonight's meeting, get some cool packs in the freezer for your wrists and remember, giving each other a hand is what we are all here for.

OLD >>211785

R:751 / I:104 / P:11 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #281 - Eternal Emptiness Edition

Are you an empty NEET? Tell us about the void inside of you.

Old Thread: >>211034

R:751 / I:148 / P:11 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #280 - Warm Walrus Breath Edition

Warm and wide with just a hint of fish. That is real living NEETs.

Old Thread: >>210279

R:751 / I:106 / P:11 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #279 - Musical NEETs Edition

Apart from our resident banjo player, do we have any musically talented NEETs?

OLD: >>209523

R:751 / I:105 / P:11 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #278 - Beat The Heat Edition

It's rather hot, isn't it NEETs? I'd recommend having an icecream or maybe some icy cold goon if you want to beat the heat.

OLD: >>208778

R:751 / I:100 / P:11 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #277 - Heat Wave Edition

How are you coping with the summer heat NEETs? I hope you are keeping cool. Heat can kill an executive NEET stone dead.

Old Thread: >>208026

R:751 / I:118 / P:11 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #276 - æsthetic░edition (鉛ゾ応

Are you NEETs aesthetic?

OLD >>207246

R:751 / I:82 / P:11 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #275 - Pop The Question Edition

Seems like a stupid idea but I guess we can't change our nature.

You better invite us all.

OLD >>206496

R:751 / I:124 / P:12 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #274 - Special Anniversary Edition

Well boys, 1 year since the move from /aus/ and what a year it has been.

OLD: >>205749

R:751 / I:123 / P:12 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #273 - Well Mulched Edition

Is your life well mulched, NEET? Have you insulated your core with a layer of moist, earthy, organic and nutritious detritus? A good mulching will keep you warm at night when the cold winds of the soul threaten to turn your veins to ice. For the spots you can't reach, you need to surrender your pride and let another trusted NEET gently mulch you.

Old Thread: >>204999

R:751 / I:106 / P:12 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #272 - Taken by Suprise edition

Once again the end of the thread snuck up on us like a jew on a dollar

R:751 / I:107 / P:12 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #271 - Screaming edition

People are screaming, I think its a party but still wtf



R:751 / I:89 / P:12 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #270 - Garden Edition

Do any of you NEETs get out in the garden? What other wholesome activities do you do? Nothing is worse for you than staying inside all day with your vices and memes.

Old Thread: >>202732

R:750 / I:109 / P:12 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #269 - GF 2019 Edition

Are you ready to begin your adventure, brave neet?

OLD >>201977

R:751 / I:89 / P:12 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #268 - The Turned Leaf Edition

Now it is time to put those plans in to action. The new year has begun and those dreams wont build themselves.

You are the master of your world.

Is this year going to be different or another year of the same?

Good luck NEETs, with whatever you pursue this year.

OLD >>201216

R:751 / I:136 / P:12 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #267 - New Years Eve Edition

Have fun and stay safe NEETs.

Do you have any resolutions for the new year?

Any of you giving up the goon?

OLD >>200477

R:751 / I:145 / P:12 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #266 - Year End Reflections Edition

What did you achieve this year NEETs? Next year is the last of the teens, are you ready?

OLD >>199723

R:751 / I:122 / P:12 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #265 - Big Digits Edition

By my calculations, this is it. This is the big one.

Are you ready?

OLD >>198964

R:751 / I:95 / P:12 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #264 - Going To Cenno Edition

When was the last time you were at Cenno NEETs?

OLD: >>198212

R:751 / I:80 / P:12 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #263 - Christmas Goon Edition

Merry Christmas NEETs.

A lot of you seem to be drinking today. How's that Christmas goon going down?

OLD: >>197461

R:751 / I:94 / P:12 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #262 - Merry Christmas Edition

Merry Christmas NEETs. What have you got planned for today?

Old Thread: >>196712

R:751 / I:104 / P:12 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #261 - Christmas Eve Edition

Not a creature was stirring, not even a NEET.

Old thread: >>195940

R:751 / I:110 / P:12 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #260 - Expanding Opportunities, Contracting Time Edition

What's it all mean man? What Does It All Mean??

OLD >>195184

R:751 / I:107 / P:13 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #259 - New Friends Edition

They will learn that this place is different, this place is a place for friends.

OLD >>194433

R:751 / I:109 / P:13 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #258 - may the goon be with you edition

A good thread hopefully this will be.

Old >>193674

R:751 / I:110 / P:13 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #257 - Choice Ez Brew Edition

An edition of the gen dedicated to our sheep loving friends from across the ditch.

OLD: >>192915

R:751 / I:110 / P:13 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #256 - Chicken Little Gets What's Coming Edition

Get in your chook outfit, you are in for the biggest absolutely fucking flogged down.

OLD >>192165

R:750 / I:113 / P:13 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #255 - Outback Sniff Edition

What is going on for you these days NEETs? Is life meeting your expectations?

Old thread: >>191373

R:751 / I:132 / P:13 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #254 - Done Right Edition

If you want something done right, you need to do it yourself.

I hope we can have a more civil thread this time, the last one was a poor display of NEETery. Please remember what this board stands for and what we have been through.

If it gets fucked, we do not have an alternative.

Alternatively, if you want to act like cunts go back to /aus/.

If you feel like a post is in bad taste, report it and do not engage with cunts. Having a sperg is acceptable if there is reason, pointless edgy faggotry for the sake of just stirring up shit is why possum doesn't post here anymore

OLD >>190630

R:751 / I:154 / P:13 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #253 - Sperg Fucks It All Up Edition


Post your greatest fears…

Apart from waking up to the board in absolute disarray and the effort of a collective of NEETs, which took them a whole year ruined due to one goon fueled mong.

OLD >>189873

R:751 / I:166 / P:13 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #252 - Ching Chong Edition

The chinese can outjew the jew

Start learning chink now NEETs

OLD >>189111


R:751 / I:131 / P:13 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #251 - Anime Is For Losers Edition

Your gook cartoons are fucking shit and always will be.

OLD: >>188360

R:751 / I:143 / P:13 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #250 - Post Your Bulge Edition



OLD >>187597

R:751 / I:159 / P:13 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #249 - Onto The Home Stretch Edition

Well NEETs, December is upon us and with it the last 4 weeks of the year. What did you get up to this year? How did gf2018 pan out for you? What's the strategy for gf2019?

OLD: >>186850

R:751 / I:132 / P:13 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #248 - Basketball Jones Edition

Basketball Jones I got a Basketball Jones I got a Basketball Jones, oh baby Oh, oh Hey, that's Barry White (An obsession, a burning desire) Barry, you want some chicken (The undeniable passion) Aw, you that singin' stuff (The love, of someone are some thing) Y'know you want some chicken (Yes, he was a victim of a Basketball Jones) In fact, I was a baddes dribbler in the whole world

OLD >>186093

R:750 / I:137 / P:13 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #247 - Support Your Local Edition


OLD >>185343

R:750 / I:162 / P:13 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #246 - Baby Boomer Edition

Can't believe you boongs made a pepeless thread, anyway what does the gen think of boomers?

OLD: >>184573

R:751 / I:126 / P:13 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #245 - Quit Your Job, Become A Monk Edition

Don't actually quit your jobs

OLD >>183819

R:751 / I:88 / P:14 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #244 - Gasolina edition

New bread. Post your city and state of inebriation.

R:751 / I:155 / P:14 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #243 - Liquor Merchant Edition

It's Friday and it seems many NEETs are enjoying an alcoholic beverage or 10. Let's not forget where those beverages have come from.

OLD: >>182300

R:751 / I:137 / P:14 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #242 - There and Back Again Edition

Well NEETs, it's been a while that we've been on this journey, some of us have loved and lost, some of us dwelled in warehouses before emerging from a South East Asian cocoon a changed man, some switched from cheap vodka to dexies, others just kept at it wanking and gooning the time away. Whatever happens NEETs keep marching onwards.

OLD: >>181560

R:751 / I:152 / P:14 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #241 - Tranquility Edition

The civil war is over. Let peace reign for 751 posts.

Old thread: >>180806

R:751 / I:110 / P:14 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #240 - Disarray Edition

Watch, dear lurking neets and fence sitters, as we tear ourselves asunder.

OLD >>180016

R:751 / I:93 / P:14 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #239 - Prime Bung Edition

Which smallgoods do you NEETs like? Who will be getting a Christmas ham? We used to keep ours in the fridge in the shed and I used to sneak out there and cut off big pieces of fatty skin to chew.

Old Thread: >>179264

R:751 / I:121 / P:14 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #238 - Clean Edition

Let's have a nice thread please NEETs. Enough with your revolting discourse.

Old Thread: >>178512

R:751 / I:103 / P:14 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #237 - Perseverance Edition

When times are tough, when the cold winds blow, we must harden ourselves and persevere. We must never surrender. We must never give up. The tough times will only be temporary. We must have faith in ourselves and believe in the future.

Old Thread: >>177752

R:751 / I:114 / P:14 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #236 - Friendly Neighbourhood Merchant Edition

I hope you NEETs are always kind to our Levantine friends. They always have our best interests at heart.

OLD: >>176999

R:751 / I:124 / P:14 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #235 - Summer Fast Approaching Edition

Well NEETs, it's nearly summer, and with that come many things, such as the end of the year. It's also a time for reflection. How did you fare with gf2019? Are the executives in shape for summer? How do you feel about the warmer weather? How will you feel seeing women wearing less when they're out and about? These are all questions that a NEET must ponder.

OLD: >>176250

R:751 / I:127 / P:14 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #234 - Weeb Secks Edition

In the Japan, I will have a the sex.

OLD >>175502

R:751 / I:129 / P:14 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #233 - Wherefore Art Thou Webster? Edition

I waited for you, we all did.

OLD >>174740

R:751 / I:100 / P:14 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #232 - Yes NEET November Edition

Enjoying your two days of freedom, ragie wagies?

OLD >>173988

R:751 / I:109 / P:14 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #231 - Good Times Edition

Let's take a moment to appreciate the good times we've shared on our time here NEETs.

OLD: >>173241

R:751 / I:119 / P:14 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #230 - 6 Weeks Until Christmas Edition

So, NEETs, six and a bit weeks until ol' St Nick pays you a visit.

I hope you have been good.

OLD >>172490

R:751 / I:158 / P:15 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #229 - No Craigs Allowed Edition

Don't be lured by Craig, he will only ruin your wallet, your anus and your health, while Dan will protect you from rapists and sells cheap goon.



R:751 / I:123 / P:15 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #228 - Paint Your Palette Blue & Gray Edition

Now I think I know what you tried to say to me

And how you suffered for your sanity

And how you tried to set them free

They would not listen, they're not listening still

Perhaps they never will

OLD >>170977

R:751 / I:127 / P:15 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #227 - Heading For The Stars Edition

Humanity has slowly been climbing towards the stars, how will NEETs like us fit into all of this?

OLD: >>170217

R:748 / I:183 / P:15 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #226 - Show Us Your Melons Edition

You know you want to, whip 'em out for the boys.

OLD >>169465

R:751 / I:126 / P:15 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #225 - Moonwalking Edition

How are you going NEETs? What are you up to this week?

Old Thread: >>168676

R:751 / I:132 / P:15 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #224 - Tiocfaidh ár lá Edition

The Irish may not be having the best of times of late but their day will come… The same applies to many of our NEETs.

OLD: >>167923

R:751 / I:157 / P:15 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #223 - It's Wednesday My Dudes Edition

Back in my days, to get milk you had to suck off the cow. It helped kids build character and showed you which kids would make it in life and which ones wouldn't.

OLD >>167155

R:751 / I:166 / P:15 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #222 - The Thoughts Of Us All Edition

Are we the big nasty threats we think we are, is it all in our heads or is it perhaps even worse than that?

OLD >>166416

R:751 / I:142 / P:15 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #221 - Good Morning Edition

I just opened my eyes. Couldn't you lazy NEETs do this?

OLD >>165661

R:751 / I:174 / P:15 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #220 - Yippee Ki-Yay Edition

Do-si-do and round we go.. yet again.

OLD >>164900

R:751 / I:172 / P:15 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #219 - You've Come A Long Way Baby Edition

Life is a journey, not a destination.

Our most kind and humble NEET is about to turn from a child to a 28 year old adolescent.

Soft and serious is only the beginning.

It is often hard to have a real conversation with you, more so than most of the other NEETs but I want you to know that we are all very proud of you NK.

Onward and upward.

OLD >>164146

R:750 / I:97 / P:15 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #218 - Time Keeps On Slipping Edition

Where were you a year ago NEETs?

Has your life changed, if so how?

Have you changed in yourself?

OLD >>163394

R:750 / I:137 / P:15 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #217 - Executive Snack Combo Edition

Another weekend approaches NEETs. Time to recharge the mental and spiritual batteries by reconnecting with family, friends, nature and community.

Old Thread: >>162641

R:751 / I:104 / P:15 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #216 - Imported Pork Edition

I love getting porked for dinner. Or any meal really.

Old Thread: >>161889

R:751 / I:112 / P:15 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #215 - Brittle Edition

How are you NEETs going tonight?

Do you have something more interesting to say than how much goon you have drunk?

Old thread: >>161134

R:751 / I:103 / P:16 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #214 - Space Jam Edition

And so ends another week for the NEETs

Old Thread: >>160375

R:751 / I:111 / P:16 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #213 - Weber Sucks Edition

I'm so, so sorry, NEETs.

OLD THREAD: >>159630

R:751 / I:143 / P:16 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #212 - Let's Commit to Friendship Edition

OLD THREAD: >>158865

R:751 / I:131 / P:16 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #211 - Sober October Edition

Keep at it NEETs. Get that nasty goon and all of Dan's other poisons right out of your life. You will feel a lot better, and be a better poster on the Gen too.

Old thread: >>158092

R:751 / I:134 / P:16 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #210 - Obey Massa Edition

The rules are there to guide you good for nothing NEETs. They are barriers to keep you in line for your own damn good.

The Council is a caring and compassionate massa, yes sir. We do what is right, right for everyone. Know your place, it has been the way of the gen for many a year and it is just from following divine will.

You can get gooned and wank in the protective confides of the gen but you better not step out of line or BO will whip your NEETmeat til it's nothing more than a globular jelly.

Stop posting outside of the gen and abide by the rules.

If you can't learn right from wrong on your own, you will need to be taught.

OLD >>157334

R:751 / I:100 / P:16 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #209 - Up There Cazaly Edition

Well you work to earn a living

But on weekends comes the time

You can do what ever turns you on

Get out and clear your mind

Me, I like football

But there's a lot of things around

When you line them up together

The footy wins hands down

Up there Cazaly

In there and fight

Out there and at 'em

Show 'em your might

Up there Cazaly

Don't let 'em in

Fly like an angel

You're out there to win

Up there Cazaly

You're out there to win

In there and at 'em

Don't let 'em in

Up there Cazaly

Show 'em your height

Fight like the devil

The crowd's on your side

Up there Cazaly

In there and fight

Out there and at 'em

Show 'em your might

Up there Cazaly

Show 'em your height

Fight like the devil

The crowd's on your side

The crowd's on your side.

Congrats Eagles.

OLD >>156578

R:751 / I:108 / P:16 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #208 - NK Birthday Edition

Happy Birthday to our favourite rapist, 28 today. Enjoy those bush chooks mate.

Old Thread: >>155823

R:751 / I:109 / P:16 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #207 - Body Edition

How many of you have got that NEET body looking ready for the beach this summer?

Better get to it boys, it is not too late.

Old Thread: >>155051

R:751 / I:105 / P:16 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #206 - The Time of us all Edition

The Time has come some say but let that not stop us

We are above what they all say



R:751 / I:80 / P:16 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #205 - Raging Romance Edition

Will the flowers of love continue to bloom?

OLD >>153525

R:748 / I:105 / P:16 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #204 - Wants and NEETs Edition

What do you want out of life NEETs?

OLD: >>152773

R:744 / I:94 / P:16 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #203 - Tech Support Edition

My name is Pajeet Dolesh and I work for Microsoft, how may I help you?

R:751 / I:132 / P:16 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #202 - Winning Edition

Wake up early and clean your room.

R:751 / I:124 / P:16 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #201 - Waiting Edition

An internet bromance can be a stressful and anxiety-inducing trip NEETs. But sometimes you just need to have faith that everything will work out in the end.

Old Thread: >>150507

R:751 / I:132 / P:16 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General - #200 - All Praise Unto The Council Edition

It is right and just to give praise to the most high.

The Council are our mediators to the divine, our means to a greater Gen. There is no need for hostility or callous thought, for The Council creates thought. The Council is benevolent and righteous. It is not in the best interest of the lowlyNEET to know the deeper going on's or the master plan, it is the lowlyNEET's purpose to have faith. Trust in the ways of The Council. They may seem like captors of the lowlyNEET but it is the purpose of the compound to keep the world out, not to keep the NEETs in.

The Council is kind and humble.

The Council is love, The Council is life.

OLD >>149753

R:751 / I:59 / P:17 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #199 - Working Man's Edition

How is the waging going NEETs? Has it improved your self esteem? Improved your general outlook? Do you think you will be able to progress on and become a properly functioning member of society?

Old Thread: >>148999

R:751 / I:102 / P:17 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #198 - Adequately Sized Edition

The important thing is that you are comfortable with what you've got

OLD >>148231

R:751 / I:127 / P:17 [R] [G] [-]

NEET general #197 'tfw no gf' edition

Look after yourself bros. Gf 2019 is around the corner.



R:749 / I:95 / P:17 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #196 - Best Buddies Edition

The strong bond of friendship is not always a balanced equation; friendship is not always about giving and taking in equal shares. Instead, friendship is grounded in a feeling that you know exactly who will be there for you when you need something, no matter what or when.

Be there for your fellow NEET friends.

OLD >>146715

R:751 / I:97 / P:17 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #195 - Refusing to let go of Winter Edition

All we really need in life is to be comfortable

Old thread: >>145970

R:751 / I:93 / P:17 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #194 - Tranquility Edition

Lets have a nice calm, comfy thread please NEETs. Put the crazy goings on behind us.

Old thread: >>145134

R:750 / I:93 / P:17 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #193 - Little Brained NEETs Edition

Are you brain or are you let?

OLD >>144380

R:736 / I:139 / P:17 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #192 - Wild Goon Night Edition

Try and keep your consumption moderate please NEETs. Do not trust Dan, he is not your friend.

Old Thread: >>143629

R:750 / I:101 / P:17 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #191 - Braid Tugging Edition

The Wheel weaves as the wheel wills.

Old Thread: >>142875

R:722 / I:97 / P:17 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #190 - Success Edition

The NEETs are having a good year. Lots of success stories. Lots of great examples to show those of us who think it is hopeless that there is light at the end of the tunnel. Keep fighting please NEETs. Don't give up.

Old Thread: >>142124

R:750 / I:93 / P:17 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #189 - Smooth Moves Edition

Are your moves smooth NEETs? Do you easily get in the groove? I would give you some tips but it is not something you can easily teach.

Old thread:>>141367

R:746 / I:129 / P:17 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #188 - Big Green Edition

Keep at it neets no matter what.

Old Thread: >>140623

R:745 / I:79 / P:17 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #187 - Spring Clean Edition

Clean yourself of all degenerate vices

Old thread: >>139866

R:743 / I:111 / P:17 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #186 - Beta Uprising Edition


OLD >>139113

R:744 / I:136 / P:17 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #185 - Fun Uncle Edition

How many of you NEETs are you the cool wine uncle? How many of you are the uncle that is not allowed to be left alone with the children?

Old thread: >>138354

R:750 / I:109 / P:18 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #184 - Fully Immersive Edition

The NEETlyfe is all around you now. Do you feel any different?

OLD >>137585

R:749 / I:133 / P:18 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #183 - The Last Winter Edition For 2018 Edition

The days are getting longer, and the temperatures are rising. Farewell Winter, ye old temporary friend. See you next year. xoxo

Old thread: >>136841

R:748 / I:180 / P:18 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #182 - Tumesced Edition

What plans have you NEETs got for the upcoming week? Did you enjoy the weekend? What is the meaning of existence?

Old thread: >>136094

R:749 / I:187 / P:18 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #181 - Drunkenness Edition

Some of you NEETs need to learn MODERATION. What a scandal.

Old Thread: >>135339

R:740 / I:97 / P:18 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #180 - Small Hours Edition

Good morning NEETs. What are you up to on this weekend?

Old Thread: >>134586

R:746 / I:113 / P:18 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #179 - Winter's End Edition

How are you going NEETs? Are you looking forward to the end of this miserable winter? They say more sunlight is good for your mental health.

Old Thread: >>133815

R:747 / I:145 / P:18 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #178 - Political Edition

Do any of you NEETs care about the shenanigans in Canberra? Or do you just get on with your life and ignore it all?

Old Thread: >>133053

R:747 / I:169 / P:18 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #177 - The Rites of Passage Edition

Mysteries, like the Masonic rites, are ones parents and elders are sworn not to reveal to the uninitiated, which include all children. And so we sought for signs.

Do not ask for NEETlore, become NEETlore.

OLD >>132300

R:749 / I:193 / P:18 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #176 - Because I Have to Edition

Somebody's gotta do it.

OLD >>131553

R:750 / I:81 / P:18 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #175 - Bin Day Edition

Bin goes out tonight. I need to remember.

Old thread: >>130797

R:749 / I:80 / P:18 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #174 - August NEETs Edition

Keep on keeping on, neetoes

OLD >>130040

R:748 / I:86 / P:18 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #173 - Feminine Edition

We are going through threads fast today NEETs. Let's have a nice comfy time.

Old Thread: >>129262

R:743 / I:83 / P:18 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #172 - Boozy Weekend Edition

You NEETs need to quit the booze and start getting high on life instead.

Old thread: >>128508

R:730 / I:89 / P:18 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #171 - Another Weekend Edition

What have you got planned for the weekend NEETs? You and your NEET squad hitting the clubs?

Old Thread: >>127758

R:727 / I:87 / P:18 [R] [G] [-]

NEET General #170 - Games of chance Edition

Big lottery prize tonight NEETs. Will we get that NEET compound (and submarine) at last? Or will we end up broke like an old Mummybot addicted to the pokies?

Old Thread: >>127006