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/ausneets/ - Aus NEETs

The bored four Aussie neats

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We acknowledge the Traditional Owners of the board where we now post, pay respect to The Council and acknowledge the important role UNNA continue to play within our community.

File: 0fc589e2d89a701⋯.png (130.64 KB,680x435,136:87,1608670518395.png)

 No.329511 [Last50 Posts]

And the world spins madly on…

Old Thread: >>328738

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File: eb2c6c102dacd21⋯.jpg (49.65 KB,616x960,77:120,1492937529727.jpg)

SA Best A

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Does everyone else see that Jim Watkins advertisement in the post? This nigga has got some nerve.

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Hiraeth (Welsh pronunciation: [hɪraɨθ, hiːraiθ]) is a Welsh word for homesickness or nostalgia, an earnest longing or desire, or a sense of regret. The feeling of longing for a home that never was. A deep and irrational bond felt with a time, era, place or person.

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File: 38824ce274267a1⋯.jpg (12.02 KB,250x250,1:1,604a681469a40fead02a055a11….jpg)

Stop The NEET

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I have seen it glitch and ads come up, then disappear.

Not in this thread but previously.

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File: b891dad213cf8eb⋯.png (36.57 KB,678x211,678:211,plzgibz.png)


It did come up, different than the one I saw previously, a week or so ago.

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File: a697c946d90f123⋯.png (198.24 KB,564x306,94:51,ZvILUr0.png)

endchan is down again.

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File: eb913f97b949de3⋯.webm (1.12 MB,480x480,1:1,1609563342577.webm)

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Just like a NEET

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Just cancelled my usual outing with my support worker, don't really feel like doing anything tbh, thinking I may even cancel all my supports then I can just slowy fade away

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Probably not a good idea m8. Take some time to think about it before doing anything drastic.

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Wow! Ausneets still exists? I was never really a regular, but when i was 18 i posted on here a bit. I cant believe you guys managed to live through the site being killed, ressurected, killed, ressurected and the ISPs banning 4ch/8ch/8kun

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Hello mate. Yes we still exist. This board is a backup now though. The main board is at https://endchan.org/ausneets/catalog.html

Please feel free to drop in.

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Oh, i probably wont stay around or post too much ,i'm not exactly a neet anymore haha

while back then i was basically just a neet, ive now made a bit of money off crypto and even have a job, it's pretty good work too

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Any of you sydney people here? Heavy lightning to the north and south tonight

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No-one is here m8. they are over on endchan.

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Oh i misread, i thought endchan was the backup for here, not vice versa

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Almost posted something I shouldn't.

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Go on….

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File: 062e2dec987c0bf⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,4.61 KB,259x194,259:194,1609642858005.jpg)

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File: f835207afb9cbc7⋯.mp4 (192.03 KB,480x424,60:53,9xj4lagth9a61.mp4)

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Where is the horse gone? Where the rider?

Where the giver of treasure?

Where are the seats at the feast?

Where are the revels in the hall?

Alas for the bright cup!

Alas for the mailed warrior!

Alas for the splendour of the prince!

How that time has passed away,

dark under the cover of night,

as if it had never been!

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A Narcissist's Prayer: That didn't happen. And if it did, it wasn't that bad. And if it was, that's not a big deal. And if it is, that's not my fault. And if it was, I didn't mean it. And if I did… You deserved it.

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File: 526b21ebc5aa7a3⋯.png (161.38 KB,713x730,713:730,1610274911151.png)

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File: 6d99220aaa6cddb⋯.jpg (73.55 KB,720x720,1:1,1597126814588.jpg)

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File: e1ae384871d6383⋯.jpg (2.33 MB,2122x1413,2122:1413,sp.jpg)


Ready cuz

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File: a5ae6b2b5397c27⋯.jpg (643.8 KB,1800x1350,4:3,Google_Australia_Day.jpg)

Happy Straya Day, cunts. Enjoy it while it still exists.

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File: 4215dfff8a4d4f0⋯.png (338.67 KB,630x755,126:151,1611389425121.png)

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just got a job today guess I'll be leaving. Though I only ever made two posts.

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Good onya m8, and best of luck with the new job.

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File: 71e03ecff8d80f1⋯.png (66.6 KB,300x100,3:1,unnabanner.png)

I made this banner. That is Cruisey with the pale skin.

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File: 01e7d9d982843ed⋯.png (338.09 KB,500x408,125:102,oh.png)


Our old home is dead m8, it seems even the BO has given up, there is only old memories and dust here now.

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File: 12e78b95da0ccd7⋯.png (19 KB,399x175,57:25,5678293704908238902436.png)

Guys I'm feeling proper depressed right now. The 4chan staff keep removing all my threads and banning me for no fucking reason. I even wrote to them to tell them but that either did nothing or fanned the flames.

Now I'm banned from the whole site for 3 days literally for posting an topic thread on /ck/ which they called a 'troll post' (pic related). Obviously it was a shitty shitpost but it didn't deserve to be removed and for me to get a site wide ban over that.

I think they just hate me on a personal level and it's really sad. I've been using 4chan heavily for a few years now and call it sad or whatever but it's a major part of my lifestyle.

This is actually devastating for me to be bullied for no reason by those staff members.

What can I do guys?

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Oh and by the way I'm not a vegan, I just posted that for fun

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BODo your fucking job please, get rid of this shit if you dont want to, let someone else take over enough of the cp

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How much time do you expect a BO to devote to a dead board?

If there is CP give it a global report.

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>mfw I have enough cash savings for a prostitute

how do I fend off the tempation frends?

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Don't try and resist. Just get it over with.

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File: b5210ba17a6125d⋯.jpg (73.08 KB,1024x768,4:3,kaiji_el_neet.jpg)

is it worth working/wageslaving for a couple of years so I can then make bank investments?

I will probably leech off my parents and then off any survivng relatives as long as I live.

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You should work as a way to improve your confidence and self esteem.

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File: 62e2361f1631564⋯.jpg (480.48 KB,1200x675,16:9,Sneed_s_Feed_and_Seed_Bann….jpg)





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All the good flags are here.

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I saw it when I opened the board.


It was the best.

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I agree.

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They're also all in alphabetical order.

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Is End down for you too?

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Very soothing.

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It's the small things that really make the difference.

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It feels like home.

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If only the NEETs came back, we could control and direct them.

It'd be for their own good.

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It should be back soon. Adding the Downs flag broke it. It's working but I suspect the backlog of posts will appear later when its working smoothly again.

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The talking Mushroom's NEET management skills are lacking.

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>Adding the Downs flag broke it

What a shit hole.

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All for that NEET, he needs a good punch in the dick.

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He has the power, but doesn't know how to wield it.

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It's a free server being provided to the site. Compared to this money pit of a site.

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>he needs a good punch in the dick

It is a pretty big target too.

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The extra chromosome corrupted it

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He should ban them all.

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He likes to think it is.

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mong strength

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certain NEETs would.

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We have seen the photo.

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Yet NEETs will believe some some blow in that a NEET never returned, call him a schizo and cannot provide proof before he announces his official return.

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They would be right to do it.

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You are raving.

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Pretty sure I can after those series of nasty remarks. I was 💯% correct

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You're crazy.

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It's the only way.

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I may be.

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Stop copying me.

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You're delirious.

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So many ad breaks.

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Time to fetch another beer.

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Sites back up

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You are going to get a punch in the pecker.

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No one cares.

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It doesn't matter. It'll just piss you off and you will only be 'preaching to the choir'.

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I dislike the term.

Of course they're floating about but the ones that matter, you probably wont be able to tell apart from seasoned imageboard users.

Also talking about these things, like Jews and race and shit that's been done to death for the past 10+ years brings out the inner mong and turns comfy imageboard communities into the same shit you can find elsewhere.

If you want to talk about the shit that is on every other board, go to one of them.

It's also really boring. Pretty much everyone here has done their time getting redpilled or whatever. The people who engage in those conversations either do it to bait legends (who bait themselves and think it's funny) or are literal retards.

Imageboards were comfy places of niche interests, now 99% are just /pol/tier wankery.

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I don't think I was aware of that wordfilter.

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You're a legend.

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Stick the dipped wing in your gob.

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If you'll stick a dipped wing in your gob you'll stick anything in there.

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As long as it's covered in mash and gravy.

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File: 2bf5739f6615c1a⋯.png (95.21 KB,640x504,80:63,fljucsmaleh61.png)

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File: 712adf005f713a2⋯.jpg (96.34 KB,1600x900,16:9,1606612745369.jpg)

According to statistics, I have 55 work-less/jobless years ahead of me.

how can I employ this boon for the betterment of all sentient life?

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What statistics?

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File: c85ff95dd977519⋯.jpg (8.75 KB,300x168,25:14,keysi.jpg)

do you fellow neets somehow live in constant fear of attacks when you leave home?

I am always jumpy and anxious whenever i see someone slightly poor on the streets.

I even practiced a lot of training and conditioning in case they attack me

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No, but I sort of do get those feels when I'm at home and the resident belligerent youths hang out the front of my house.

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File: 13e2377eeed4b65⋯.jpg (53.11 KB,928x696,4:3,autoridades_asesinaron_yef….jpg)


i live in third world so it's even worse here.

Im lucky enough to live in a residential area.

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Be thankful you don't live in the fourth.

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Just paid $40,000.

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Big news! Congratulations.

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Yeah, now they can start building.

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Excellent. How long will the build take?

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I'm not sure. They've probably told me but I haven't been paying much attention to any of the process.

I've left everything to the last minute, then rushed through it stressing out.

There's so much paperwork.

They gave me like a week between each document and every time, Either me or Misso don't get around to doing it, because we both need to.

It's fucking exhausting not being organised.

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I don't know what to say. You should be more organised. But you aren't.

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I need a life receptionist and secretary.

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You would not give them the information they need to be effective.

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I'm offering you a job.

You'll have to wear stockings though.

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I will need those stockings in a 5XL.

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Is endchan down?

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I think so. I requested that someone on the IRC hit the server with a stick.

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Thank you, it needs a good belting occasionally.

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"Percussive maintenance"

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The 16chan NEETs don't post fast enough.

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They use a lot of brackets over there.

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Are you calling them Jews?

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Users of excessive brackets. Does anyone really need six brackets in a sentence?

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The chicken wings I cooked in the air fryer smelled so bad I had to open the doors and windows. I don't think they were rotten just something vile was in the marinade.

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You could have had a massive poo all night long.

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I didn't say that I didn't eat them.

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I hope your poo is quick and pleasurable.

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Disgusting. Who talks about defecation like that?

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Not all of us wear nappies. Some of us have to deal with our bodily functions as adults.

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>imagining not being able to wipe your own arse

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Got the munchies.

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Did you wash them off?

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You on the choof?

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Does anyone else have a problem here where the flag icons on each post show the wrong flag and it makes it look like everyone else is using the same flag as you but if you refresh the page you see they're not?

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h-hello p-p-possum

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File: 57287dfe349a64d⋯.jpg (74.12 KB,600x399,200:133,possum_.JPG)

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File: 98e1523d08ab341⋯.jpeg (68.99 KB,826x620,413:310,1433523400627.jpeg)


I come in peace.

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Had four then listened to this at full blast.


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Are you the sausage?

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File: ef1fdfba6b0efba⋯.jpg (35.96 KB,320x269,320:269,possum_co_nz_1.jpg)

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You needed it!

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I hope you two play nice.

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Yes, but there is more to me than just my sausage.

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Is that you Monaro?

You know that you exist on this board.

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>Is that you Monaro?


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That's a dirty rotten lie.

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I've got my eye on you.

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Did you ask the HA on a date today?

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Today is my work from home day, as is tomorrow.

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Poor Nuro, he's probably stuck on the 502 page having a based old time.

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Give her a text.

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Making spaghetts and meatballs with spicy peppers sauce for din dins. I have some cut up baguette with butter on the side and some red wine and some chocolate raspberry lava cakes for pudding.

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High quality meal.


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I had spaghetts but not even close to that quality.

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Nuro will connect the wires.

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I had a packet of chips and nuggoes.

Forgot to stop and give the dog some.

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You craved them!

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What sauces?

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Colway Burger Sauce.

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File: 7a193fca28754dc⋯.jpg (1.69 MB,4032x3024,4:3,IMG_1351.jpg)

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Good serving size.

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I used a dry spaghetts ring gauge

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I almost forgot those existed.

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$2.50 for a jar of sauce

$7.50 for 24 pork and veal meatballs (enough for 2)

$0.50 worth of pasta?

$10 for two meals isn't bad

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Very cheap.

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She's back online.

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Thanks for the update, NotMonaro.

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i think that other site broke again

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It seems it has.

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It just worked for a post. I think it is something to do with the load on the site.

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Could be that the site is attack by DDoS

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I refuse to post on this shithole

Give me endchan or give me arse

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Oh great,before I was a dick and now i'm a poof

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>this shithole

This is our traditional home. Show some respect to the NEETs past and present.

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What about kings of Windsor?

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I am a past NEET and I hate the future NEETs with their flying cars and fancy electronic MAX implants

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I wouldn't impersonate me here m8 you'll get arrested

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Had a nap.

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All the choof and feed made you drowsy.

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Yeah. I feel a bit drained.

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Betterment but at what cost?

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Night all. Other board is hecked.

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Good night NEET. Sleep tight. It's back when you come back.

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File: 6b5e6b883dae65a⋯.jpg (135.01 KB,1080x1080,1:1,EvZyF5dWgAMqear.jpg)

mordning the other board is hecked again

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It is and when it is hecked it seems to redirect towards 9chan like those NEETs said.

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File: 047310199cd63db⋯.png (4.08 KB,590x60,59:6,Screenshot_2021_03_02_endc….png)

No expected ETA for when it is coming back.

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yes, I noticed that from the sheltered workshop this morning for the .org domain

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>sheltered workshop

Did they ever find out who fucked up that entry gate barrier?

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File: c0f8679ec30751d⋯.jpg (147.63 KB,900x900,1:1,EXwjxMqWsAA8bX0.jpg)

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Not that I am aware of.

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I wonder what is wrong with this job

>'Too many Centrelink handouts - people don't want to work:' Aussie bloke complains about struggle to find workers amid coronavirus crisis

>>'I've been trying to get a worker, right, for a while now, we're willing to pay $50 an hour from 8:30 to 12:30, so you only work 4 hours a day, you get $200 a day, five days a week, so you're getting a grand a week,' Crighton told his followers on TikTok.


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Where is Magnetic Island relative to the main land? Does it cost anything to get onto it (boat, ferry etc)?

What is cost of living like in nearest town?

$1000 per week before tax might not be enough if it's a touristy area.

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>$1000 per week before tax might not be enough if it's a touristy area.

True. I was reading an article last night that a place in Byron Bay for a Garage was like ~$300 a week and there are 30 people looking at each rental.

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I am going out to Westfield. You NEET/s want anything?

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Test. Haven't been able to post here for days now.

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Test again. The captcha has more characters now.

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henlo Possum and Co

the other place is bad at the moment

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I don't know what he sees in you.

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You use this board as a second best.

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I feel like an intruder here.

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Can you go to Red Rooster and get me a large popcorn chicken box, 8 buttermilk wings, a jug of gravy and a dessert.

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Why are you posting with my flag?

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He doesn't mean what he says.

You are always welcome here.

He prefers you here than there I think anyway.

He can snoop on our posts.

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Nah, this site goes weird. I don't know why it does it.

Your post had my flag until I refreshed it.

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If anything bad gets posted with this flag shortly, it's not 'me'.

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Who are you telling?

It's just me and you and then Monaro telling us to go back to End.

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>Monaro telling us to go back to End.

You need it!

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Monaro isn't even real.

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Not anymore. He has evolved.

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Is the board kill?

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It is a little slower than it used to be.

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there is no longer any ausneets board that is comfy, others have fucked em up with their hate, had enough of em all, bye neets, will just lurk on a couple of normie sites now at least they dont upset me.

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have a wank

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*do the needful

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No one escapes the bucket.

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File: e370cb36b683921⋯.jpg (122.72 KB,1100x723,1100:723,Working_with_People_with_D….jpg)


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damn back to being a neet after just four weeks

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I hope you NEETs are doing well.

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did the handyman ever come?

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I would like to thank you guys for the Australian wine I'm drinking

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It's definitely not as it was.




Having a go is what matters.


Not bad today. How have you been?


They use and abuse him.


You're welcome. What state is it from?


More details.


Everyone knows.

I miss this place.

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Henlo Possum

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looking for a comfy place, looks like this is it.

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File: c62cf01927b841f⋯.jpg (61.77 KB,815x503,815:503,dan8511.jpg)

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File: 4a1bd1ad23f3dfe⋯.jpg (23.31 KB,316x445,316:445,kubota_keychan.jpg)

What ae some everyday items that can be used as weapons in case a fight breaks out in da street?

I can think of :

>leather belt(I should practice Silat drills with it)

>metal keys

>watch would make protection against knife attacks to the wrist,if carried the other way around

>a sturdy pencil for eyepoke-and-run

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I utterly hate humans and im not sure I dont hate animals.

Is there anywhere on this earth where I can be 100% alone without fear of some dumb farmer/tribe/police interfering?

I will buy guns,learn how to shoot, learn fighting,survivalism etc.

But I want to live and die alone. no taxes,no electricity, no State or laws no nothing. where do I go?

I wood begin by being homeless or car-living in my City, then probably "progress" (regress? haha) to working as a rural laborer,etc..roaming the countryside of the nearest province.

I know there might be armed guards or just some boomer farmers owning fields or roads in the deep rural area.

I will need to be careful and diligent to avoid humanity's contact.

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>no taxes, no govt

>the van dwelling meme

<hello sir

<is that your car?

<did you register that car?

<do you have a driving license ?

but I am sure you can drill for your own gasoline somewhere in the desert of australia

>roaming the countryside

the tax office will be interested that you have no adress for correspondence.

since you don't answer their mail, they will put you on warrant for tax evasion.

you won't get far with that car. or by foot


they are the only ones who are left alone by govt simply because they are too much trouble and they have nothing to be taken away. what will you do? take away his stinky underwear? put him in jail for sleeping in his tent in the park without camping license? when you have dealers and murderers to put in jail cells?

however, the life of a hobo is very uncomfortable. you cannot wash yourself anywhere, you have to grind for food every day and you have no shelter for weather.

>avoid humanity

where do you want to go?

do you live on photosynthesis?

what will you eat then? will you bake cakes of sand and water or something?

have your own garden inna woods? where insects eat away the little food you can produce?

there is a reason why the bums live in cities. their dealers are there.

and there is endless supply of food too. our waste society produces so much food it gets thrown away in the tons every year

for a bum to find food in the city is very easy. they just struggle with the weather and money for their drug addictions.

so if you live in some warm and dry place, with access to the ocean for bathing and a city nearby for begging for food and dumpster diving, your best plan is to become a homeless and never associate with the hobos. They will get you into their shitty drug habits and it will fuck up your life completely.

if you are in the right climate you can live comfortably as a vagabond as long as you keep a basic hygiene and don't use drugs

there is more then enough food and even stuff like soup kitchens

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Ded board


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Nuro died for our sins

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File: c62cf01927b841f⋯.jpg (61.77 KB,815x503,815:503,dan8511.jpg)

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File: 15f4c81e38cd708⋯.jpeg (119.97 KB,629x700,629:700,boongwwh.jpeg)

Day of the spear when?

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File: 1cb66e22a692a66⋯.jpg (37.44 KB,736x414,16:9,pepesl.jpg)


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Merry Christmas NEETs

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Happy new year NEETS

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Follow the link

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Fucking low IQ retards

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Dumb fucking cunts

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Стильные советы по созданию отличных луков на любой день.

Статьи профессионалов, новости, все коллекции и мероприятия.


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