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R:318 / I:129 / P:1 [R] [G] [-]

Meta-Thread: It's Dead, Jim.


Given the way things have turned out here, I'm personally calling it quits on 8kun. This place never really improved from its initial unstable launch state and recent drama between Jim and Mark has made it pretty clear that this place doesn't matter to him and neither the legacy boards nor community matter to him. Stay if you want, but I'd highly recommend you let this place die and join everyone else on the new boards.


8kun is semi-functional, but not yet optimal for regular use. For the time being, it's strongly advised that you join the meta thread on the bunker and discuss our options and plans.


Normally we'd wait longer before a new Meta-Thread is made, but there is some minor good news. Due to repeated fuckups with 8chan, we've seen a lot of images turn into dead links. Combined with the rollback, the majority of images on /tg/ were lost even after we attempted to recover and we resorted to using youtube embeds to make things look a little less awful.

As it turns out, there is a potential fix for some images: If the same exact file of a lost image is posted in another thread on /tg/, the previously blanked image will return after a Shift+F5 refresh. This won't allow us to recover everything, like clipboard images, but it is a partial fix for threads that are still active and reliant on their images.

R:0 / I:0 / P:1 [R] [G] [-]

Welcome to /tg/


0. Global Rules Apply

1. Don't Be a Faggot -- No posting gimmicks, unnecessary namefagging, or other willfully disruptive behavior

2. Don't spam, gorepost, or attempt to derail threads. Report & Hide bad threads.

3. Check the catalog and use the thread for Questions The Don't Deserve Their Own Thread (QTDDTOT) to avoid duplicate threads and threads that only serve to ask one specific question.

4. Quests, CYOAs, and in-thread games belong on belong on >>>/quests/ and >>>/cyoa/

5. NSFW images and topics are allowed within reason, but should be spoilered as necessary.

6. Politics, social media drama, and matters relating to SJWs go in the politics thread.

R:0 / I:0 / P:1 [R] [G] [-]

Gary Gygax is denounced as a "white supremacist"

This seems ironic to me because in the 1990s the gossip was that Gygax was dating African-American women. In the first place, those rumors may have been false; in the second place, even if they were true, the leftoids would probably say that white men dating black women is always exploitative and evil.

R:35 / I:6 / P:1 [R] [G] [-]

Mute Characters

Do you allow them? Do you have certain stipulations on them? Have you played as one? What difficulties did you encounter from the gm/player side of things, and what did you observe about the playstyle?

R:65 / I:6 / P:1 [R] [G] [-]

Why won't my players get off their fucking phones?

I swear to god, my players are on their phones all the time. One of them has literally pulled out a laptop and started playing a video game at the table. While waiting for his turn. Last session one of the players said "I realize I'm the only one who's not on some kind of device right now." One was playing a game on a handheld, one was on his laptop, and 2 were on their phones. I don't even remember what was happening. We have a pretty big table and sometimes I can't even draw out the grid for a fight because there are 2 laptops in the way.

WTF is this? Am I that shitty of a DM? I try to keep rules look-up and downtime to a minimum. Hell most of what I do is pretty fast, if it's in combat. The problem is when other players are taking their turns and spending several minutes doing basic math.

I try not to have too much combat but I have to have some. My group seems barely interested in the game though they did enjoy RP with some orcs last session. The adventure seems engaging to me and they do get somewhere in it but I swear to god I will describe a room and they will not even respond. I've had dead silence while they were on devices. Or sometimes they'll just bring up some meme or something and then OMG WE HAVE TO WATCH THAT VIDEO NOW so one of them brings it up on the smartphones. Like what the fuck? To be fair, it was almost this bad before the smartphones. I know that this is part of why the last DM quit.

What the fuck do I do? I've run games for 10 years, I am a natural at it. That doesn't mean I am good necessarily but I naturally have this GM / storytelling mindset. I don't railroad. I've never had this issue with older players. Yet early 20s millennial players seem to be unable to get off their fucking phones!!!

R:28 / I:6 / P:1 [R] [G] [-]

How to deal with disruptive Charisma characters

Hey /tg/. I'm GMing my first campaign, a homebrew alternate history weird western using modified Shadowrun rules. So far, everybody in the group I game with has loved it, to the point that the GM of the game we've been playing is considering ending his game, so we can play the game I'm running more than once every two weeks.

However, the GM also tends to be 'that guy' when he isn't running a game. When i first told him I was going to be running some sort of game, he told me he would make a high charisma based character and "fuck your setting into the dirt".

And so, when I started with a two player one-off game, my first time running a game ever, he made a character with charisma skills so high, he was able to hit his charisma limit, and tried insisting that meant his character got what he wanted.

At first I tolerated it, since it was mildly amusing - He conviced the other player that the job of robbing a train wasn't good enough, and ended up managing to blow up the railroad just before the train went over a gorge. While that did fuck up the setting, it also allowed me to diverge from real history in a way I wanted to. However, he didn't stop there, and he began to take over the town I had set the game in (Laramie), insisting that since he had rolled his limit, and his limit was higher than the average dicepool of the people in Laramie, that he would be able to convince them to sign over their buisnesses to him by using fancy words and talking around them in circles.

By the time I managed to put a stop to it, he had taken over 80% of the town, missing only the blacksmith (who he tried to seduce the wife of infront of him, and was chased off with a shotgun), and the bank (who was owned by a jewish guy, and refused to shake the native american snake oil salesman's hand, and thus avoided being pricked with a needle filled with some sort of drug.).

He said he's going to do it again when he joins the full game itself. How do I damage control a Charisma based 'that guy'?

R:40 / I:7 / P:1 [R] [G] [-]

Non-pozzed wargaming

What wargames and companies are worth supporting these days? We know all the bad ones so what's some good ones?

R:38 / I:21 / P:1 [R] [G] [-]

Fucking 9th edition

>be me

>be stupid

>see GW models in hungates during mid 90s. want them (ork dreadnaughts with the check pattern)

>play dawn of war 1 from '05 in beta to current day. always stayed strong and didn't buy models.

>now in lockdown. Buy Starter set and then dark imperium and then some runewars with the idea of converting them with green stuff. ok, decent sized army.

>plastic crack, must buy. clearly I need 4 battalions, having never played a game and being a new painter.

>okay, okay, that okay. I can do this the rest of my life.

>Just saw 9th edition is coming

>still stupid, in my head, 'durr, better buy another dark imperium, with the 8th edition rule book in it'

>be sure death guard will get fucked in 9th, sure my plan for 120 converted cultists in 3 units is now unworkable.

>also pretty sure death guard fluff is trolling

what is chance that death guard won't get nerfed?

R:1 / I:0 / P:1 [R] [G] [-]

Character Token dump

Not sure how dead this board is. Posting this since the tranny I got it from is too much of a bitch to share it. Its a massive rpg token dump for sci fi character art


R:2 / I:1 / P:1 [R] [G] [-]

what's your favourite Mecha RPG?

what's your favourite Mecha RPG anon? Battletech, Lancer, Heavy Gear, Jovian Chronicles? and why do you like it?

Personally I enjoy Lancer, it's easy to pick up and play especially with Comp/Con, the accessability makes it nice

R:0 / I:0 / P:1 [R] [G] [-]

Lovecraft cancel again

Cynical Reviews anti-D&D scare films movie bob levels of cringe. He tried to get Lovecraft cancel.

>Thinks he an expert in tabletop gaming and D&D because he was first introduced to 5th edition

>Outright downplays journalists & mainstream news media going after D&D back from the late 70s and early 80s

>American Evangelical didn’t even know about D&D until jack chick Dark Dungeon Comic from 1984

>He an self described British militant so Spent chunk of his video defending Islam because jack chick didn’t like Muslims

>advocates for the same censorship of HP Lovecraft he decries the rightwing Christians in the last half of the video because he was racist from a different period

R:2 / I:1 / P:1 [R] [G] [-]

IGN Journalist Gets Robert Burke Games Banned From Manufacturer For Promoting "Ethical Behavior"




This kind of cancel culture has persisted for years now and continues to do so for anyone who isn’t lock, step and sync with the Regressive Left’s agenda.

R:98 / I:18 / P:1 [R] [G] [-]

Ed Greenwood's (Magical) Forgotten Realms

>just found out about Song Dragons

>all-female dragons who shapeshift into attractive women

>seduce human men to reproduce

>gain wealth by fucking evil men and killing them after they're in the will

>could fail and be killed/mind controlled before they off him

Post the fucked up shit Ed Greenwood has put in Forgotten Realms canon. A reliable source for the shit that is claimed to be in Ed Greenwood's contract (everything he says is canon, they must publish X material by him a year) when selling the setting to TSR would also be nice too.

R:169 / I:111 / P:1 [R] [G] [-]

Favorite melee weapon

What's your fave weapon for when you have to get up close & personal? Knives, swords, spears, clubs?

R:0 / I:0 / P:2 [R] [G] [-]

The Twilight Zone

You’ve unlocked the door with the key of imagination. You’ve entered another dimension—a dimension not only of sight and sound, but of mind. You’re about to journey through a wondrous land whose boundaries are those of imagination. You’ve just crossed over into the Twilight Zone.

What would you encounter there?

R:40 / I:14 / P:2 [R] [G] [-]

Lets make an rpg system

Want to see if we can come together to make a system for the inevitability that every rpg company becomes pozzed.

We can start by making it a generic system that could reasonably work for fantasy, sci-fi, or other genres. We will call it G.E.R.P.S (Generic, Eight-chan, Role, Playing, System.)

>Why not in homebrew thread

Good question. Figured it would be more appropriate as its own thread as this would be a collaborative project rather than someone posting their campaign or house-rules.

>Why not G.U.R.P.S?

Also a good question. Tell you what if we just end up making GURPS, I'll owe you a coke. I'm mainly interested in seeing what we can come up with.

First place I think we could start would be the dice-engine and stats.

R:350 / I:142 / P:2 [R] [G] [-]

/tg/-related vidya

You know the drill, post games that pertain to the board's interests, the lore surrounding them, and ones that are fun to play together using online multiplayer.

Oh, and before you ask, your average Tacticool Shooter game can easily be reflavored to handle a Cuphead campaign. Personally, I'd go with Savage Worlds and limit dice explosions based on EXP gain, and use the Superhero supplement to add some cartoon logic into the mix, though I'm sure others have different suggestions.

R:2 / I:1 / P:2 [R] [G] [-]

Religion Mechanics

I have a conundrum and I'm not clever enough to think of a solution. I like the idea of deities bestowing boons and abilities on their followers, but I also like the idea that maybe not all religions are valid, especially if their teachings and histories don't match up. What's a good worldbuilding way to handle multiple, contradictory deities existing and aiding clerics? I've toyed with the ideas that a.) it's the same set of deities wearing different disguises for each separate religion, and b.) there are no deities, it's the cleric's willpower that they attribute to deities. I feel like these two avenues are lacking. If there's anyone still here, what are your suggestions?

R:202 / I:44 / P:2 [R] [G] [-]

Alex Jones in Call of Cthulhu

How would you do an Alex Jones character in Call of Cthulhu?

What would you do to adapt him to the 1920s? Delta Green?

R:6 / I:0 / P:2 [R] [G] [-]

wat do?

Well, 2 nights ago a member of my D&D group got kicked out after several years of playing with us. Why? Because he thought it was a bad idea to defund the police, and had the nerve to express that. Now, this group started as a couple friends in college, then grew later as we sort of glommed on others from various social groups. I'm sure one of the "geek social fallacies" was at work in full force here. But things worked out for a while. Yeah we knew some people disagreed politically, but we lived with it. Until things with trump got worse and worse and suddenly that guy became That Guy and before long I'm getting dragged into a separate Facebook group where everyone has decided to kick him out. Now there were other reasons including in-game behavior so maybe this was just the straw that broke the camel's back. Either way, the guy was a bit upset but composed when he was confronted in a group chat about this and then was promptly given the boot. They brought his gaming possessions to his apartment and left them there. Then he was banned from everything.

I talked to him later and explained why revealing your power level is a bad idea. I think he understood, but it's too late now.

Now for my first question: am I as justified in being angry over this as I am? I feel this sort of pit in me, that our long-time group lost a member over this. Things are getting worse. I'll hang out with literal left-wing commie ACAB weirdos and enjoy talking to them. Do I think their opinions are retarded? Yeah, but as long as they aren't "GTFO of my house" they are sometimes fun to engage with. Or at least listen to. I think it's stupid to throw someone over politics. But perhaps I am too tolerant.

And for my second question: should I retaliate, or leave as well? I run our current campaign which is quite high level. I have plans for the ending to be potentially quite deadly. I could make it so, and it would not be a "bad" ending necessarily. Then if I wanted to I could simply pack my things and leave and never come back. The kicked player is interested in OSR. I am also interested in OSR. We could form an OSR group together. I like the others but their intolerance (maybe of intolerance itself, but still) disturbs me.

Perhaps I am falling for another "geek social fallacy" of friendship comes above all else. I don't know. I'm sorry for this somewhat off-topic thread. But I need to let this out and I don't know where else to do it.I can elaborate further but I think I've typed enough for now.

R:2 / I:0 / P:2 [R] [G] [-]

RaHoWa V2?

bad idea or good idea?

getting more players in on this seems like good meme magic and i could iron out any mechanical problems then put it through proper playtesting

it'd make the jews mad if this game somehow became massive overnight

R:100 / I:44 / P:2 [R] [G] [-]

How to into DM

>want to run a game

Okay, world building seems cool. I'll do that.

>what about theology

>what about politics

>what about economy

>what about guilds

Holy fuck this is overwhelming! I'll just run a campaign setting instead.

Forgotten Realms seems cool.

>holy fuck this is a lot to remember

>where is Waterdeep again

>ummm was it mystra or midnight

>is it Zhentil or Zhentarim

How the fuck do people run games successfully without constantly fucking things up? Maybe I am just too retarded. It seems like you need to be an epic level wizard to even approach it, yet I know literal autistic spergs who can do it like it's the easiest thing in the world. They're not good at it by any means, but they can make it happen without getting impossibly trapped in the minutiae.

R:0 / I:0 / P:2 [R] [G] [-]

Dungeon World creator Sage LaTorra


Dungeon World creator Sage LaTorra is another game designer telling the same old lies and he gets blown out with facts.

R:314 / I:701 / P:2 [R] [G] [-]

Third Annual Drow Smut Thread

The last thread's in autosage and these are a tradition at this point, so here's the new one. Feel free to add any drow related smut, as long as it's not something that belongs in /chaos/, because dicks do not belong on women.

R:16 / I:10 / P:2 [R] [G] [-]

Warhammer 40k Orbital Headcannons

Post Warhammer 40k head cannon you have to explain away gw fuckups or for yourself.

Here are mine.

#1 The pipe that goes from an eldars arm into their shuriken Catapult/pistol/whatever is connected to the power generator on the eldars back. This gives the gun enough power to fire full auto and connects it to the suit and eldars nervous system for faster reactions. If you pull it out the gun is Semi-automatic.

#2 It looks as if the Tau Fire warrior cant fit in the crisis suit, but the can, as he drives it by the back flipping up, him climbing in forward, laying forward looking through chest Slit + Computer HUD hologram + he sees what the crisis suit head sees, because the suit plugs into his brain through the back of his head. So he doesn’t have to control much stuff with hands he does it with his brain.

Like in district 9.

#3 Bolter shots aren’t Coke cans they’re 75.Cal, I mean that’s true that’s not head cannon.

#4 Eldar scatter lasers are just lots of barrelled lasers, so they can all shoot at once like a shotgun, or all shoot one by one for really high rpm.

#5 Ynnead is slaanesh and it’s a big trick to get eldar to Jihaad themselves. Hence why visarch hides his face, he’s all slaanesh mutated and looks like that new Slaanesh Deamon prince.

#6 Eldar accidently made Slaanesh, Old ones accidently made Tzeenach

#7 Old ones looked like lizardmen and Lord mazdamundi. Hence the appearence of Tzeenach.

R:9 / I:4 / P:2 [R] [G] [-]

D&D ~3.5; Monsters and Class Levels

How do you handle the disproportionality between 'greater' beings in terms of classes?

Obviously, they aren't meant to be played per se, but they often have higher level creatures which advancement listed as 'By character class' and the like, which doesn't jive well.

Example: A cloud giant is a 17 HD monster described as potentially entering the cleric class... But what fucking good are half the cleric spells in the context of a 17 HD creature? Whats the value of a +1 to-hit (bless) or 1d8+1 hit points (CLW)?

I know there are a few examples of ways to handle it (for example, specific prestige classes, as was done with the dragons in Draconomicon to some degree), but I'm curious to hear how others handle these scenarios.

R:59 / I:16 / P:2 [R] [G] [-]

Fantasy & Science Fiction Books

We had a thread for fantasy & science fiction books once before, and now we do again.

To get this ball rolling, I greatly enjoyed the Chronicles of the Black Company, specifically the parts set in the Empire / featuring Croaker as the protagonist. Not as much a fan of the later ones; they felt like they veered away from military fantasy. Any similar books or series out there?

Also, proprs to Brandon Sanderson for creating a fantasy world (Roshar) that feels new and unique while actually being well-crafted, logical, and coherent, not just a bunch of random shit cooked up to be different.

R:2 / I:1 / P:2 [R] [G] [-]

The art of preparing a campaign that your players will care about

A glorious and inspiring post at:


talked about how a DM can prepare a glorious AD&D campaign that will really engage any player who cares about logistics or military science.


> So if you enforce encumbrance, food, time, distance, etc. rules the characters have to be prepared and the players have to plan. This is a perfect excuse to make them interact with the world you’re building and toss in tons of details they will get no other way.

> The players will need to find sources for food and equipment, like torches or oil. This makes everyone think - where does the oil or resin come from? Can I get more/a better price if I go to the source? Are there limits? What food is available? In what season? How much? Where? etc.

> In the end the increased demand opened up trade and diplomacy between Seaward and Banath for the first time in a generation, all because the party was feeding 25 people and 20 horses in a remote area for a year as well as stocking up a mountain hidey-hole for future expeditions.

>I'd also like to note that the party did fun stuff like replacing or repairing a number of strategic doors and putting locks on them; hiding huge stashes of food, water, torches, lamp oil, candles, rope, spikes, etc. in several places; and conducting regular patrols in the upper levels. they effectively added treasure and random encounters to my dungeon.

> The party also hired factors (merchants that buy and sell for you) in 5 towns and cities, bought an inn within Esber as a base and storehouse; met with the local Baron and Bishop to smooth things over with them, and; gave generously to the poor affected by the lack of food.

> They also then had to use the mule train to get the loot from the Briars and the Mountain down to Esber, then sell everything off (taking a loss) before feeding the mules wiped out their treasure.

Golly, I wish my players were skilled enough to run in such a campaign. Just getting through that probably required years of experience in AD&D, and I can't find any players with that much experience.

The post is worth reading in full even if you hate AD&D. Its advice is very AD&D-specific, but the general principle holds even for radically different systems. If you want Vampire players to care about a Vampire chronicle, you need to flesh out your Vampire setting just as deeply as that blogger fleshed out his AD&D setting.

The problem, IMHO, is that this is a difficult art. The blogger is highly experienced and has highly compatible players. Most of us have had the experience of fleshing out a campaign that our players found utterly uninteresting. So, yes, by all means, enforce the setting rules, and flesh out your campaign to allow those rules to create emergent gameplay -- but also know your audience.

R:1 / I:0 / P:2 [R] [G] [-]

New PBP forum

A grognard from that other place made a forum for Play By Post, to a resounding silence.

I thought I'd shill it here, in the interests of promoting PBP, my preferred medium these days.

Who knows, maybe it'll pick up again, now we're all in lockdown.

R:331 / I:23 / P:3 [R] [G] [-]

Tabletop Music

Do you put on music while you game, /tg/?

As a DM I find that some well-chosen and placed music can really enhance the feeling of a scene and ease your players into the right mindset you want.

But I'm curious as to what you guys do. Do you just have some shit looping in the background, or do you meticulously have music and sound effects placed at specific moments because you're such an autist?

R:39 / I:3 / P:3 [R] [G] [-]

Fatal 2 : 2


Fatal the 2nd edition. The new project to make FATAL into a playable game...kind-of...maybe...

R:420 / I:108 / P:3 [R] [G] [-]

Exalted General

>What is Exalted?

An epic high-flying role-playing game about reborn god-heroes in a world that turned on them.

Start here: http://theonyxpath.com/category/worlds/exalted/

>That sounds cool, how can I get into it?

Read the 3e core book (link below). For mechanics of the old edition, play this tutorial: http://jyenicolson.net/exalted/. It'll get you familiar with most of the mechanics.

>Gosh that was fun. How do I find a group?

Roll20 and the Game Finder General here on /tg/. With the new edition, though, chances are more games will crop up.

Resources for Third Edition

>Final 3E Core Release



>3E Backer Core (Old)


>Frequently updated Character Sheet with Formulas and Autofill: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1pfjmZKzcUqAX9mB58IAEUIFkZr8rq4CvdRRM4kzwwgU/edit?usp=sharing

>General Homebrew dumping folder: https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0ByD2BL6J89NiQzdCWWFaY0c5Mkk&usp=sharing

>Collection of old 3E Materials, including comics and fiction anthologies: https://www.mediafire.com/folder/t2arqtqtyyt28/Exalted_3Leak

>Charm Trees:

>Solar Charms: https://imgur.com/a/q6Vbc

>Martial Arts: https://imgur.com/a/mnQDe

>Evocations: https://imgur.com/a/TYKE4

Resources for 2.5 Edition:

>All books with embedded errata notes, as well as some extras: https://www.mediafire.com/folder/253ulzik1j9s5/Exalted

>Chargen software: http://anathema.github.io/

>Anathema homebrew charm files: https://www.mediafire.com/folder/pka3nz3vqbqda/Anathema_Files

>MA form weapon guide: http://www.brilliantdisaster.net/dif/ExaltedMA.html


Resources for 1E:


R:77 / I:23 / P:3 [R] [G] [-]

What new faction would you want introduced in 40K

Honestly I think that the most fascinating faction with by far the most potential would be a small remenant of DAOT humanity that survived the age of strife completely intact and advanced even farther over the past 15,000 years that equal or surpass Necron levels of tech(Hell DOAT ships were already Necron tier with fucking time manipuating black hole cannons). There's so much you could do with this and it would change things massivly. Due to the fucking Celastrus Maledictum, Nids, Necrons and how fucked everything is it would force the Imperium to ally with them instead of the standard great crusade era policy of reuniting lost human civilizatons. You could have an incrediblly interesting relationship where the 2 powers would have to work together knowing that the Imperium is going to try to forcefully integrate the DOAT humans in the future if peace is ever achieved. You'd have the mechanicus absolutely flip their shit demanding their STC's and you could make things insanely interesting if you decided to have the DOAT still use men of iron that never rebelled. You'd have both factions spying and sabotaging each other while ostensibly being allies. You could also have their govenments, morals. and laws be complete opposites and have them complete without them murdering each other on the spot being they're both human.

How would the Eldar deal with there being Mon'Keigh more advanced than them. What would the Necrons do? How would Chaos try to sabotage the relationship and/or corrupt them. How the fuck would Bobby G handle the situation. How would the esslehiarchy and inquisition deal with there being a prosperous human civilization that doesn't worship or need the God Emperor. Would it create internal tensions in the Imperium that cause more problems for humanity than the new allies? How would the DOAT humans try to keep their tech out of Imperial hands? Would the Mechanicus even be tilling to use the tech?. I mean fuck the possibilities for interesting stories are endless.

R:4 / I:4 / P:3 [R] [G] [-]

Inspirado for /tg/

I thought I'd hunt around for some good films with the /tg/ spirit to get us pumped. I might do other genres later, but I'll start with fantasy.




R:24 / I:8 / P:3 [R] [G] [-]

Tips for a New GM

So in a few nights I will be a GM fir the first time, ever. I'm actually quite nervous about fucking up.

The system is Delta Green. Fell in love with it ever since I played the first time. Couldnt find enough people to play regularly so I'm managing my own with a bunch of strangers on Roll20.

Any veterans have tips for a fresh GM? DG specifically? How do you keep tension, or know when/where to drop clues the players might need? I have prep notes that fill up 2 pages, but I still feel like it won't be enough and i'll stumble around for details.

R:2 / I:0 / P:3 [R] [G] [-]

Horror RPGs/Settings

Let's talk about RPG games and/or settings what fall squarely into the horror genre. Call of Cthulhu, All Flesh Must Be Eaten, Urban Shadows... All are welcome here.

R:22 / I:2 / P:3 [R] [G] [-]

Prewritten adventures

What are your favorite pre-written adventures anon?

Any good superhero ones? Only ones I know of are the only Marvel modules that expected you to play as existing heroes (I've got no idea why someone published an RPG so repulsed by the idea of using custom characters) and Emerald City Knights.

R:3 / I:0 / P:3 [R] [G] [-]

Getting back in the game

So, I overcame some harsh burnout recently. For the longest time, I didn't want to play anything. But, I feel like I'm ready to jump back in, but I haven't quite made the plunge. I've played tons of shit (D&D, GURPS, WoD, BRP/CoC, Savage, Palladium, Traveler), so I'm no stranger to games. Any pointers for regaining my love of the hobby?

R:3 / I:0 / P:3 [R] [G] [-]

Play-by-Post forum software

I'm trying to start a rpg in a forum. I need some suggestions on good php forum software. It would need a working dice roller mod and if possible a medieval/fantasy/rpg theme for it as well. I cant use phpbb because there's no working dice roller on recent versions. I need recent versions because previously spammers broke the captcha and my domain host nearly booted me. MyBB, SMF and AEF don't appear to have dice roller mods for their latest versions. Any help is much appreciated. I just want a simple forum with dice roller that I can install easily in a cpanel environment

R:123 / I:24 / P:3 [R] [G] [-]


How would you design a system so that modern(ish) guns are


>fast shooting

>makes manual operated firearms differ from semi-auto

>makes full power cartridge not the always answer

>handles location damage

>handles suppressive fire

>fast and fun


I was thinking

>each character has 3 actions per 6 second turn that can be used to do whatever

>manual firearms need to use one of those actions to operate the firearm if they don't have a specific bonus that negates it (call it "Mad Minute")

>each firearm has a "recoil" value that is added as an attack penalty for future attacks this turn

>it's not strictly "recoil" but all things that disrupt sight picture (so manually operated firearms have a high one) and various things can reduce the penalty and even make it negative (the ability to lead followup shots with something low recoil)

>if a firearm's minimum strength is not met, recoil value increases

As for lethality and location damage

>each character has a relatively low damage threshold and if they suffer damage above it they suffer wounds that decrease performance (ala Saga Edition)

>if a wound is generated a random roll determines where on the body it is, with a bias towards torso, and what kind of penalties are suffered (the default assumption is that a character aims at whatever is convenient in the firefight)

>double (ect.) the threshold inflicts multiple wounds

>aimed shots lets you trade a to-hit penalty for lowering the effective threshold of a target and lets you skip the random roll for determining which body part was damaged

>enough wounds to torso or head is instant death

For suppressive fire, just use Mutants and Masterminds system where you can use full auto to force enemies in an area to either take a penalty or eat an attack.

R:52 / I:14 / P:3 [R] [G] [-]

Vidya to Tabletop

What video games (or other non-/tg/ media) would you love to see converted to tabletop form? Even if it's just ripping off the setting or capturing a certain gameplay element or the overall feel of a game in tabletop form.

R:1 / I:0 / P:3 [R] [G] [-]

Homebrewing a Game

So I have an idea. Basically, the idea is a beer and pretzels game based off of Noita, where players collect wands, slot spells into them, and blow themselves and others up. The goal being to unlock the mystery of gold transmutation, without blasting your ass into the stratosphere.

Unfortunately, I'm not even sure where to get started, other than the idea of spells being cards and wands being long, narrow cards that spells can be placed on with "This spell also triggers the next spell" sort of things going on.

R:0 / I:0 / P:3 [R] [G] [-]

Card Games General

News, information, and just general conversation on card games. There was a similar thread back in the bunker months ago and hasn't continued since it was left off so I figured let's get things back up to speed.

R:110 / I:32 / P:4 [R] [G] [-]

QTDDTOT: Cool Bunny of Summer Edition

This is where Questions That Don't Deserve Their Own Thread go. Remember: a two minute shame of asking is preferable to the life-long shame of not knowing.

Previous thread: >>404539

R:21 / I:9 / P:4 [R] [G] [-]

Dragon General

Is a Chrome Dragon considered a Metallic one or a Chromatic one?

Are there Metallic x Chromatic dragon hybrids in general DnD canon?

Suggested Dragon character builds and feats.

Personal stories and remarkable campaign events.

General Dragon discussion (preferably e3.5 but all media and franchises welcome per OP) and dragon-related QTDDTOT containment .

R:459 / I:175 / P:4 [R] [G] [-]

All-Purpose Elf Thread

Elves. Know them. Love them. Whichever you are talk about them.

How should they be? How should they not be? Best versions? Worst versions?

You can include plenty of elves. That includes the likes of sidhe/fair folk/whatever.

R:11 / I:1 / P:4 [R] [G] [-]


How do you feel about it anons? like it, hate it? it was a major inspiration for Morrowind, anyone wanna circlejerk/hate on it?

R:262 / I:103 / P:4 [R] [G] [-]

OSR General

Hello and welcome to the Old School Renaissance thread. Here we discuss old school games, games that emulate them and the stories that these games have weaved through our lives.

>Trove- http://pastebin.com/QWyBuJxd

>Tools & Resources- http://pastebin.com/KKeE3etp

>Old School Blogs- http://pastebin.com/ZwUBVq8L

>Thread Questions

1 - What was your first OSR game?

2 - What do you enjoy about OSR games?

3- Do you have any homebrew content for OSR games and, if so, will you share?

R:13 / I:4 / P:4 [R] [G] [-]

SCP based system - namefagging for a reason

Hey all! Working on a D12 based urban fantasy system here, based on the SCP foundation, players will be basically field agents. I'm a historian and my buddies are a computer scientist and a graphic designer, we're fucking boomers in our 30's so screw you, this is slow and we're doing this for fun because fandom.

Here's the pastebin link of what little we have:


If you have any ideas for skills or whatnot, please do add to this. We would really want this to be done - and we chose D12 because it divides by 2,3,4 and 6 so it's fractal. Working on combat description now, it's gonna be somewhat like ORE, but yeah. Do post ideas. I've got folks who're interested in publishing this in book form, we'd be happy to make this real.

We're also filthy eastern europeans from Latvia. And this is our little thing. That's why namefagging.

R:498 / I:192 / P:4 [R] [G] [-]

Can someone help me understand The "feel" of Planescape?

An example: in any other RPG you can occasionally let the party rest and regroup at an inn or a tavern.

Are there even inns and taverns in Planescape? Or is it too busy looking like one of Lewis Carrol's nightmares?

R:316 / I:157 / P:4 [R] [G] [-]

Idea Garage Sale

Spring is here and it's time to do some cleaning. Get out all your unused campaign plots, notable NPCs, special monsters, dungeon gimmicks, magical artifacts of questionable usefulness, and homebrew games that you never finished.

Share them here in hopes that another enterprising mind might give them a new mental home. Perhaps someone else will use them or perhaps you'll find a renewed interest in the ideas you forgot you had.

R:12 / I:0 / P:4 [R] [G] [-]


Post /tg/ news!

Fantasy Flight Games hit with mass layoffs. RPG team all gone. One employee suspects suits didn't like multiple lines cannibalizing each other (They've got three Star Wars miniature battle games alone in Imperial Assault, Legion and Armada, plus they've got an RPG split into three and a card game).


Are DRM dice dead?

R:12 / I:11 / P:4 [R] [G] [-]

Dealing with a Stupid Good paladin

>Playing 5e

>Party is a LG Dwarf Paladin, CN Longtooth Shifter Ranger, and CG Half Orc Barbarian

>Captured by a tribe of Orcs, where they encounter a LE Human Necromancer Wizard who is also imprisoned by said Orcs

>They attempt an escape, but the Paladin decides to challenge the warchief to single combat and loses, only surviving because the Necromancer throws in the towel after the Warchief starts attacking his downed ass and he auto-fails two death saves.

>Entire party is imprisoned again, and the paladin has a grudge at the necromancer for 'dishonoring us by showing weakness' and 'you are not one of us and dont speak for us' on top of calling her a 'blasphemous witch'

>Party gets sold off to a king who the party has been fighting againts.

>He frees the party and let's us go, but not before explaining his motivation in invading the petty kingdom we started in

>The region is constantly at war and he wants to bring stability to the region

>He is very convincing, pointing out the squalor that the people of Dirkwood kingdom live in

>Paladin gets up and refuses to listen to him because a crying orphan made him sad, and so we must stop him

>Apparently long term stability and less war orphans in the long term is bad, but the status quo must be maintained because 'muh feels'

>Necromancer is convinced, and the Barbarian is undecided. Ranger is too low IQ to understand so they side with 'the alpha' (the paladin)

>Barbarian is the only person friendly to the Necromancer, asks them their opinion 

>Necromancer shares their point of view only to be shouted down by the Paladin who again says they aren't one of them and thus don't get a vote 

>Necromancer has already secretly agreed to work with the invading King, in exchange for amnesty for the part's actions.

I swear to god this Paladin is sucking the fun out of the campaign and I've only been in for two sessions.

So how exactly do you deal with a Paladin who tries forcing his moral code on other characters?

R:5 / I:1 / P:4 [R] [G] [-]

Simpsons RPG

There are plenty of Simpsons board games. But far as I know we haven’t had a Simpsons RPG in both pen and paper form or even a Simpsons RPG video game. What’s the best system to adapt the Simpsons into a Role-playing game?

R:32 / I:15 / P:4 [R] [G] [-]

Shithead party stories.

tfw you spend 60-70ish hours beginning to flesh out a setting, commission an artist out of pocket and provide literally everything your players need only to have 75% of the party cancel last minute on the first scheduled session. I am so fucking angry right now.

R:169 / I:371 / P:4 [R] [G] [-]

Manga Thread: "Kept you waiting, huh?" Edition

The last one has reached bump limit and a new chapter of DM is out, so let's have a fresh thread.

Previous thread:



R:52 / I:9 / P:4 [R] [G] [-]

The Terminus Decree - wild speculation

So far this hasn't been explained at all yet, only that it is a set of instructions to be used as a final resort.

Anyway we got to discussing what it could possibly entail and here's a quite likely plausible scenario

>Imperium is falling fast. Enemies are closing on all sides and even Rowboat and the Primaris aren't enough to stop them.

>A Grey Knights strike force or multiple strike forces, together with one or more purifiers is chosen to breach the entrance to the Throne Room on Terra by any means necessary.

>The rest of the Grey Knights hold off the Custodes

>The single Purifier approaches the Emperor's corpse and begins a ritual of soul transfer. Then he strikes down the Emperor, destroying His corpse.

>The soul of the Emperor enters the Purifier, being one of the very few humans with enough will not to be utterly consumed (and also holy enough). The Purifier's own soul is sacrificed and annihilated.

>The Emperor walks again.

So why not take possession of a Custodes? Well, remember that the Custodes are his sworn bodyguards, their lives forfeit to protect His own. By that reasoning, they won't kill the Emperor as long as he is alive, no matter His condition. Also, they're probably not pure enough.

R:0 / I:0 / P:4 [R] [G] [-]

Romance and Relationships

The following book was made as a joke for April fools, but it was never released. It's been 17 years since it was teased, and much is different now. But I must ask- can we not yet recover this lost, hidden gem? Surely we might be able to contact the writers of the article to recover the forbidden d20 3e splat knowledge of the art of handholding? I long to obtain a .pdf of the review copy, or even what may be one from the writers themselves- it sits awaiting the public eye.

Love commands we find this ancient tome!

R:40 / I:12 / P:5 [R] [G] [-]

How do I make my PC have a good back story

English class was never one of my favorite classes in school. I have never really wanted to go in depth when talking about anything. Until I started playing D&D and the such. Now I want to make my char actually invested in the world but I can’t put more than 3/4 of a paragraph down. Can you help a new fag out?

R:5 / I:4 / P:5 [R] [G] [-]

General Module discussion and a question

So preparing myself for my DnD 5e session that is supposed to start in Baldur's Gate, I begun looking through the modules for some info on the city and so I have downloaded both Descent into Avernus and Muder at Baldur's Gate. While Murder at Baldur's Gate is absolutely amazing with the amount of information that it gives you, Descent into Avernus seems just absolutely fucking bizarre to me when reading through the information provided about the city. The fucking Flaming Fist is now some brutal police force that forces the citizens to form into semi-worker unions to protect themselves from their brutality? What in the name of fuck is that? I know that Flaming Fist is not really a good organization but a neuutral one, and can be pretty brutal, but the fact is that they are still a lawful neutral organization which tries to keep order in an otherwise lawless city. The description in Descent into Avernus makes them seem far too evil.

I admit that I'm new to Forgotten Realms lore and a fresh DM, so I wanted to ask you guys for some material and explanation.

Was The Flaming Fist always like that? Or is this some retards pushing their own agenda onto them? If they are indeed like that, could you show some material that shows that? Either a book or official adventure.

Also thread for general module discussion

R:62 / I:14 / P:5 [R] [G] [-]

Sci-fi General

How much handwavium magic in the guise of science do you find acceptable in your Science Fiction RPGs?

What setting agnostic systems out there do you recommend for far future science fiction?

Why is the predominant Sci-fi settings all licensed works when medieval fantasy isn't?

R:7 / I:6 / P:5 [R] [G] [-]

Mutagens, Mutations and Mutation Tables

Good 'old fashioned "Get touched with this green stuff and it's gonna mutate and burn like hell".

Rather annoyingly, I don't see many mechanics for random mutations or mutagenic exposure in Tabletop Games. Annoyingly, even TMNT&OS lacks it. And the other half of the time, they have all the undesirable outcomes as things you can roll.

I don't think I've seen a system where you're guaranteed to get something beneficial and then has you roll for a side effect.

What's your opinion on mutations as a gameplay element?

R:55 / I:9 / P:5 [R] [G] [-]

Ability Scores Pointless?

Can somebody please explain to me the actual fucking purpose of ability scores?

Seriously. What is the point of having 18 strength if, I try to break a door, and roll a 1?

Or why bother having 20 charisma if I'm just gonna have to roll whenever I use it, and depending on what the dice lands on, I succeed or fail?

Ability scores seem inherently pointless. Change my mind.

R:25 / I:9 / P:5 [R] [G] [-]

Warcraft RPG/Setting Thread: Forsaken Edition

>Big source of pdfs for RPG


>Big source of overall lore


Thread Debate: How would YOU reboot the setting?

R:48 / I:20 / P:5 [R] [G] [-]

Combat in campaigns, using history as a muse.

The setting, the story, the goals and the challenges are always the easy part for me. I tend to design campaigns that are very "sandbox" in nature, with some basic ideas, a few specific challenges I'd like to give the players and a general progression of the world events as the campaign goes along. The only thing I always struggle with is making good combat scenarios.

So here I am, day dreaming at work, and the idea occurs to me that maybe I can use irl military training concepts as a basis for my combat scenarios (current and historical).

Anyone try this before? Any good resources out there for this stuff? I'm talking about community stuff that adapts these to tabletop or old manuals from history that lay out these basic concepts for drill instructors to train their troops. Any good books that detail the tactics used by squads in history?

>2nd Pic related, maps and details to get the imagination going.

This will be an Only War campaign, which is why I'm looking at more modern battles and tactics, but I'm also interested in historical, more traditional small unit tactics for the next Fantasy campaign I run.

I'm more interested in small skirmish type stuff you'd see in your typical group campaign, but large scale battle ideas are also important for communicating scale and scope in a story.

R:24 / I:8 / P:5 [R] [G] [-]

Better Ships and Sailors for RP

As a professional seafarer, I find that the ships and sailors used in gaming are bad

Very bad

Rather than cringe and ridicule, I thought I might put together a primer for Dms/Gms, game designers, and fantasy writers could use as a quick reference to get things right

I’m not trying to write an 800 page tome but something of a cook book to get the spirit and the flavor down

I’ve worked on everything from nuclear powered ships when I was in the navy to sailing ships as a volunteer

So what do you guys think?

Is it worth doing?

What would you want covered?

R:424 / I:1474 / P:5 [R] [G] [-]

Dungeon Map Thread

Parker, I want maps!

Dungeon Maps!

Any and all systems!

It doesn't even have to be from tabletops!

R:32 / I:6 / P:5 [R] [G] [-]

China-based RPG -- What System?

I've been running a dnd 5e campaign for my friends here in china that takes place during the Ming Dynasty.

While the west has tolken, canterberry tales, and whatever Appendix N material that the classic Gygaxian dnd is based on, china also has a very rich history of fantasy fiction such as Jouney to the West, Water Margin, the Classic of Tricks (骗经), and Romance of the Three Kingdoms. Whenever I'm reading these there's always a great setup for an encounter in a campaign. There's poisoned yellow wine, magical chinese medicine, fornicating buddhist priests, clever battle maneuvers, bold tales of fighting monsters, etc. It's all already there in shenmo and wuxia fiction.

As students of chinese we are all familiar with these settings and themes and it goes pretty well. In our game, we had a monk that was secretly an alcohol-dependant rogue, who took on the disguise to solicit donations and sympathy. We traveled to the forest to rescue a fat fire-breathing hermit monk in the woods so he could make an NPC some of his famous hot-pot, and travelled to a town where shengshengs were being preyed on for their meat (which allows one to run faster if eaten) by a local medicine tycoon among other things. The setting fits so well with tabletop role-playing I want to write up a sourcebook and introduce this to my friends and others back home, and there's enough interest in the country nowadays in the US for an audience I think.

The problem I'm running into now is fitting this into 5e or another system. While I'm up for writing a short book that creates the setting, some monsters, and an adventure or two, but creating a whole new system would be a lot of work. The races have no map to Chinese mythology, the classes have a little connection but needs work (druids - daoist priests, paladins - fighting for a court, monk - typical wuxia wukong sort of thing, fighters/rangers - martial classes, warlocks - channeling ancestors Confucian-style?, etc.) The combat rules and spells seem OK, but messing around with the classes/races would be difficult.

So I want to know from you guys (especially since the other chan's tg won't let me post on the china ip range or behind by vpns) if you have any thoughts? Is there any easily digestible setting that is a bit more culture-agnostic, that people familiar with pathfinder or dnd would be able to grok? Additionally, is there any rpgs already that cover this theme well? And if you're curious about this setting or want to pick my brain about this setting, just ask!

R:61 / I:48 / P:5 [R] [G] [-]

Board Game Recommendation

I'm looking to add to my collection of board games, but I'm not sure what to get, tell me your absolute favorite(s). I'm not exactly picky about what kind of game it is. I already have Betrayal, Pandemic, Specter Ops, Mysterium, Scythe, and Tales of Arabian Knights.

R:11 / I:3 / P:5 [R] [G] [-]

Apocalyptic horror survival

Hry /tg/, what game system would be best for playing alternative apocalypse scenarios? Like say if all the water that evaporates from earth goes away mysteriously, a small nation that gets such a thick an avalanche of rocks and dirt that they start running out of food and water to survive, aliens programing toys a mind of there own to systematically kill off all humans, a wizard that accidentally cause everyone in the 1st world to switch their geographic location with people in the 3rd world at random?

R:457 / I:320 / P:5 [R] [G] [-]

Infinity thread

Lets talk about Infinity and how Adriana is the best faction

R:7 / I:4 / P:5 [R] [G] [-]

Wild West Tabletop

Anyone play any tabletop game based off the Wild West?

Discuss anything in relation to it such as cowboys, zombie wranglers, holstaurus, wendigos and things relating to North American mythology.

I've been looking through some games and I've been told about both Deadlands and Wild West Exodus but don't know much about them. I am interested in the cowboys setting.

R:9 / I:2 / P:5 [R] [G] [-]

Witch Girls Adventures

This was a big deal in 2009 on 4chan's /tg/




Got 3 full threads in a single day.

Can we experience such magic again? There have been several interesting new supplements released since then.

I've applied to register /wga/ here for more dedicated play.

R:34 / I:8 / P:6 [R] [G] [-]

Final Fantasy Tabletop RPG

Hey /tg/ i was thinking; why is there not any official FF tabletop game. It is perfect for it. It could have its own unique world amd job system. Some sort of cross between 5 and 7 jobs system.

How would you guys craft a setting for it and what wluld the crunch of it be like? Traditional DND stats or something else more unique.

Would there be secondary stats and skills?

I was thinking we could homebrew our own unofficial one as well. I found one online but it is just a 3rd edition copy paste

R:62 / I:32 / P:6 [R] [G] [-]

Warhammer 40k: The Grand Feint

Hey /tg/,

Looking to present you with an idea that I want to chew on with you.

I had a few ideas for some custom guard armies and eventually it turned into an entire planet with three distinct armies populating the surface. This bloomed into a whole loregasm as I cant help but overthink things.

If you would, listen to the story of a planet with no grand history save to its inhabitants. A planet located close to the Cicatrix Maladict established as a hushed inquisitorial and administratum joint operation. This experimental Bait World knows only secret war in defense of the larger Imperium. This world is only know by is simple, yet apt, name.


R:50 / I:14 / P:6 [R] [G] [-]

WOD General - Spooky Scary Skeletons Edition

Geist 2e corebook dropped a while ago. Enjoy, comment, critique, compare with 1e, talk about other WOD-related topics, etc.

Download link: https://mega.nz/#!tkUzlKxI!Sc4fShYfCEUCaLm4l0yLUWovJTLO7bHuinpfWrrD52s

R:141 / I:45 / P:6 [R] [G] [-]

Fantasy Craft General Thread

The post pajeet/404 spam-bombing edition

Noteworthy points:

>Drastically reined-in magic system putting casters on equal footing with non-casters

>Classes and the game as a whole designed to ensure everyone can contribute in a wide range of circumstances, even outside their primary niche

>Separate cash and Reputation economies keep mundane gear relevant and magic items special

>Custom monster and NPC design is a breeze

>Optional Campaign Qualities tweak mechanics to suit your preferred style and tone

>If you have the money and want to support the game


>If you want to try before you buy



Other useful links:

>Errata & accessories


>Web NPC builder


>Custom PC Species creation guides


>Species feat creation guide & reference spreadsheet


>Class design guidelines


>Leaked Spellbound Preview


To get things started: How does it feel to know Spellbound is never coming out?

R:20 / I:4 / P:6 [R] [G] [-]

Games Workshop to bring back Tomb Kings

As another fucking stormcast chamber

Soooo more rustle than the Brettonians being Ghouls or less?

R:34 / I:16 / P:6 [R] [G] [-]

Plot hooks

Post plot hooks here. Mostly some side-adventures because derailing the entire campaign is bad.

PCs enter the monstrous mushroom kingdom.


R:83 / I:27 / P:6 [R] [G] [-]

How's it going?

I want to hear about the games you are playing and running, /tg/.

Tell me about the last session you played. How are things going? Are you planning or preparing to play in any new campaigns? Have you been trying to learn any new games? Have you played any board games recently? War games? Card games?

If none of the above apply, what the hell have you been up to?

R:46 / I:22 / P:6 [R] [G] [-]

2019 Summer Infinity Cup


The Infinity Cup is returning once again, and 8chan's boards will be fighting it out on the pitch to claim divegrass supremacy. As a board that has participated in the Cup at one point or another in its history, you are invited to the reveal stream for 2019 Summer edition of the Cup. On Saturday June 22nd, at 3 PM EDT/7 PM UTC, on cytu.be/r/8cup I'll be giving you guys an early look at the Cup's 5th edition, which will include revamped aesthetics, team stadiums and other quality of life improvements I've figured out how to do in PES 17. Hopefully this will get anons back on board with the Cup, considering it has struggled mightily since its 2nd incarnation.

So how is it going to go down? I'll be staging a couple of exhibition matches between teams using their rosters from the last Cup, and we'll shitpost our merry way through the stream. Once the stream ends, entries will be open for the Cup, and boards can start putting together/editing their rosters and kits. Entries will close in early July, the field will be determined, and the Group Draw will take place approximately a week before the Cup kicks off in August. I'm also hoping to possibly introduce managers for the Cup, although I'm still working out the details to keep this from devolving into a namefag dick measuring contest. I hope you all will tune in, and in case you aren't caught up on your board's history, I've provided some links below to get you caught up:





R:214 / I:70 / P:6 [R] [G] [-]

Politics Thread: Surprise Gangrape Edition

>GM banned after adding gangrape scenario in event



Don't know if these type of threads really work here, but I was wondering if anyone had additional info on this, and the general /tg/ opinion of these types of things.

R:297 / I:86 / P:6 [R] [G] [-]

Game Master Thread

This thread is for GM's to talk about campaigns they're running and Game Master experiences.

>running a game today

>start trying to take notes and get ready for it

>getting distracted

>decide "fuck it, i'll improvise the rest"

does this happen to anyone else every single time?

I used to meticulously plan my sessions and character stats and everything. Now I just take a few notes for events and outlines for sessions and improvise the rest. I've been doing this for all my sessions lately, I guess I'm past the "meticulous planning" stage of GMing.

What games ya running, lads? I'm currently ~24-25 sessions into my Legends of the Wulin campaign. PC's are getting ready to rally all the surviving Wulin fighters in the land in a rebellion against the Dynasty after the "Emperor was assassinated" and power assumed by a eunuch demonic sorcerer.

R:71 / I:51 / P:6 [R] [G] [-]

Malifaux 3rd Edition announced

Well this was a bit of a surprise, but honestly interest in 2nd waned when it went from small gangs to small warband militia scale stuff where you needed 30+ models instead of 6.



>"All of M3E's updated stat cards and its rules will be available at launch for free. "

>"Don't panic! If you're afraid of change, we're here to help alleviate some of those fears. Malifaux is as much your game is as it ours. We are launching a closed beta for players who are interested in making a positive impact. Make your voice be heard by joining the closed beta!"

>"We aren't reinventing the wheel with Malifaux Third Edition. Instead, we're improving gameplay by ironing out a few kinks, streamlining some systems, reducing the number of conditions, and more. All of this is to ensure that the focus is on the fun while still keeping the layers of strategy that we all enjoy. Hiring is also getting a facelift, as models will be hired by Keyword, allowing for more thematic crew building around your (new or existing) Masters. Speaking of Masters, you'll also be able to hire multiple Masters in a single crew. "

>"Models are now hired based on their Keyword, which encourages more thematic Crews while also allowing for abilities that more closely tie thematic models together. Faction models that don’t share a Keyword with their leader can still be hired, albeit at a slight penalty… as can additional Masters. Ever wanted to run two (or more) Masters together on the tabletop? Now you can!"


The bewildering number of Conditions in M2E has been reduced down to a fixed list of 11 Conditions. Many of the Masters that once relied upon Conditions to function now use Tokens that serve as counters for their various abilities, whether that may be causing deadly plagues, spreading salacious slander about your enemies, or causing a crippling addiction to the raw essence of the Hungering Darkness."

>"Nekima has reclaimed her birthright! Standing alongside her is Euripides, a prophetic giant who has followed the omens from his frozen mountain home into the lowlands. The Guild has responded by promoting the brutal Captain Dashel, elevating him to the position of Master… and providing him further assistance in the form of the no-nonsense frontier lawman, Cornelius Basse. These heroes must also contend with the recruiting efforts of the ghoulish University of Transmortis and its macabre headmaster, Professor Albus Von Schtook, and the subtle machinations of Youko Hamasaki, the cunning proprietor of the Qi and Gong, a mysterious brothel nestled at the heart of the Little Kingdom."


>Mcmourning no longer in Guild faction, ressurectionist only

>Nicodem removed

>Tara no longer ressurectionist, pure Outcasts

>Jacob Lynch no longer neverborn, pure Ten Thunders

>Collodi removed

>Marcus now Neverborn as well as Arcanist

>Hoffman now pure arcanist

>Jack Daw now Ressurectionist as well as outcast

>Misaki no longer outcast, pure Ten Thunders

>Lucas McCabe no longer guild, pure Ten Thunders

>Brew Master no longer Ten Thunders, pure Gremlins -now renamed the Bayou faction.

>"All existing models that are still in game legal with have new cards all free on the app/online but released physically in one cheap 'arsenal' update pack"

>"Designed to run faster, increase ranges and spend more time in combat instead of building up to it"

>"less abilities and models for less bloat"

>"beta testing with players now"

So i'm off two minds with this. On one hand losing the bloat and speeding the game up? great. On the other this is reminding me a lot of 40k 8th and age of sigmar 2nd editions. Doesn't mean it will be bad but boy the rumours of the playerbase tanking when it followed warmahordes into full army tier model counts must have a ring of truth for such a shakeup.

But my boy Shaemus and his best gal Molly made it back so new fluff and easier rules should get more of my friends who were on the fence playing.

What do you think?

R:34 / I:13 / P:6 [R] [G] [-]



Welcome, welcome, anons of most ages, and all sizes! In just four days, it will be August 1st, and you know what that means, right?


Welcome to four exciting days where we will look at all the new releases, quickplays and interesting products released, not to mention all the games that will be played along with controversies being played out. We have so many events to cover, and lots of games. Inclusivity? You got it, but not if you're straight and white. Feminism? Oh yeah, in droves. Lgbtbbqwtfqwertyaaaaaaamakeitstopaaap+--/-=? You bet, and with even more little boys this time!

Industry Guests of Honor this year are Monte Cook and Shanna Germain.

Monte Cook

>Over his 30-year career, Monte Cook has written hundreds of roleplaying game products, along with numerous short stories, novels, nonfiction titles, and comic books. Best known for his work on such notable titles as Planescape, the 3rd edition of Dungeons & Dragons (co-designed with Jonathan Tweet and Skip Williams), Numenera, the Cypher System, and Invisible Sun, he was inducted into the Hall of Fame of the Academy of Adventure Gaming Arts & Design. Monte currently works as Creative Director of Monte Cook Games.

Shanna Germain

>Shanna Germain’s award-winning body of work encompasses stories, games, poems, and essays, about lust, lies, and leviathans. Her best-known work includes Predation, No Thank You, Evil!, As Kinky as You Wanna Be, The Lure of Dangerous Women, and The Poison Eater. The co-owner of Monte Cook Games, she's currently hard at work on a fantasy novel about drunken gods and sticky notes, a roleplaying game about fairy tales and madness, and a cookie recipe that she hopes will bring all the puppies to her yard.

Thursday will also see the apperance of Tyler Bielman, who will moderate the 5 PM show. He worked for WotC as the Global Brand Manager and Creative Director of M:TG, and Director of New Business. Those of you who actually play MTG probably know more about this guy than I do.

Author Guest of Honor only lists Cherie Priest. Now that's a roastie if I've ever seen one. She's written some steampunk novellas and “composed several pieces for George R. R. Martin's sharder-world universe, Wild Cards”, whatever the fuck that means GRRM has a shared-world universe?.

I have included a map of the convention area, so feel free to keep tabs on your favourite publishers and events. Some are free, some cost as much as 80 FUCKING FREEDOM BUCKS.

The reason I'm posting this early is to give you all a good heads-up before it begins. Gather up some news, if you will, or popcorn.

R:12 / I:10 / P:6 [R] [G] [-]

Worldbuilding General Everything is Dark Souls Edition

Because multiple threads should have been in this type of thread.

Looking for ideas or suggestions? Hoping for a bit of critique?

Or to you just want to share a bit of fluff from your setting?

Welcome to the Worldbuilding General thread

For longer stories, please make liberal use of pastebin or similar sites to prevent walls of text

Maps also belong here, if you need feedback or advice.

Previous bread


R:8 / I:3 / P:6 [R] [G] [-]

Gamebooks/Fighting Fantasy & Co

For the young ones: Gamebooks are a form of solitaire RPGs, but with greater emphasis on storytelling than usual in that genre.

They used to come in actual paper form where you'd read a paragraph, make a roll against some skill or other, maybe fight a goblin, and then it'd tell you which paragraph to go to depending on the outcome. Or you'd select which way you wanted to take.

Usually very hard, and especially the earlier ones with copious amounts of bullshit "you died" outcomes that you really only can prevent by having read that paragraph before. That's the main reason many people cheat at them.

Fighting fantasy would be the largest series in the genre, but personally I prefer Fabled Lands by a large margins. 7 Books that somehow manage to get an open-world RPG in bookform. Also has a Java-app with the first 6 books over here: http://flapp.sourceforge.net/

I've just remembered the latter and started a new playthrough starting in book one. And so I wanted to ask: Anyone else here playing this stuff? Any recommendations? Writeups?

R:38 / I:47 / P:6 [R] [G] [-]

Book Reading Thread: Tsundoku Edition

Previous Thread: >>288229 --- http://archive.is/udUkg

Tsundoku: acquiring reading materials but letting them pile up in one's home without reading them

The Reading Threads exist to encourage the reading of more RPG systems and rulesets, especially ones that you own books for, both to put them to use, and to learn them for your own betterment. The more systems you know, the better off you will be as a player and GM. You might learn ways to run games more effectively, or just as easily find a system that is a trainwreck, but by reading it, you are able to accurately articulate your complaints with it.

How to Participate: Make sure that no other Anon is currently reading a book in the thread before starting, so as not to make things confusing. It helps if you read the book by yourself before coming to the thread to give it a 'live' read. Be sure to share a PDF so others can read along. Once you begin reading, it is advised that you supply page numbers and screenshots. The easiest way to get screenshots, if you are using a Windows OS, is to open the snipping tool and capturing the sections and images you wish to share. Taking a snip and then pasting in the text box will add the snip as a clipboard image on 8chan. Otherwise, the process of reading for these threads should involve giving your thoughts and impressions of the book. Think about the formatting of the book, the quality of the art, the clarity of the rules, the arrangement and organization of the book overall.

Recommendations, thoughts, and any aid you can offer is appreciated and encouraged.

R:36 / I:9 / P:7 [R] [G] [-]

Mega Party

I may have to run a party of 10 players. Reasons are complicated but ultimately boil down to my inability to give one group the boot. System is Eclipse Phase 2nd Ed. Any ideas on how to mitigate this?

R:28 / I:6 / P:7 [R] [G] [-]

Critical fails/Successes in a d100 system?

From what I've heard, Call of Cthulhu uses a d100 for every action and determines success by whether the roll is lower than the characters skill. This seems like an easy system to improvise in because it should be easy to think of success rates in terms of percentages.

How do criticals work in a system like this? My group absolutely loves critical successes and failures, so having only one percent chance for each would be way too little. Likewise counting everything under 10 or over 90 a critical wouldn't take the characters skill into account. How do you implement criticals in a d100 system?

R:342 / I:287 / P:7 [R] [G] [-]

/tg/ Drawthread - I Have No Idea What the OP Template Looks Like Edition

Lovingly stolen from /v/ so I'm sure some of their anti-trolling stuff doesn't apply to us.

Thread making resources + the OP can be found here: https://mega.nz/#F!Suhz0D5Y!BSrBrV1kxK9B5G1SSiJmwQ

If you want something else to be added, post it in the thread

Relevant Boards





Books and Tutorials

These aren't really that helpful, it's mostly information overload if you're an absolute beginner.

If you're starting out, just have as much fun as possible and give it your best shot.


Helpful Resources

Learn fundamentals with excercises: drawabox.com

8Chan Art Wiki: infiniteart.wikia.com/wiki/InfiniteArt_Wiki

/loomis/ resource hub: 8ch.net/loomis/hub.html

Online poses with timer: quickposes.com/en/gestures/timed

4/ic/ Resources:

HOW TO DRAW - an /ic/ guide: hubpages.com/art/how-to-draw-learn

Drawfag resources: mediafire.com/folder/5strtvods5gda/Drawgfag_Resources

Helpful Video Resources, mostly YouTube

ProkoTV: Good for basic anatomy needs

Sycra Yasin: General in-depth talk about ways to improve and being an artist

CG Cookie / ConceptCookie: Advanced techniques and many livestreams (on Wednesdays) and tutorials

FZDSCHOOL: Founder of FZD School (in Singapore) Feng Zhu showcases his workflows by re-working art from his students

Scott Robertson: Advanced lessons on drawing fundamentals and concept artwork

Ctrl+Paint: Free lessons on basics and fundamentals of drawing and painting

Level Up Sessions: Livestreams and talks with professional artists

Booru and Delivery Archive


This is the closest thing we have to archive every delivery safely in a centralized area.

Participation here would be greatly appreciated.

R:2 / I:0 / P:7 [R] [G] [-]

Witchdoctors and Warcrimes (WD&WC)

I am crossposting here because for some reason 4chan mods keep removing the threads... dunno why. It's literal game development.

Would you like to play a crazy African Warlord? Do you have what it takes to build the greatest Child army in history? Are you ready to take on NATO with only raw tribal fury and the money you scammed out of UNICEF?

If you answered yes to any of these... you came to the right place. This is the thread where we continue creating and expanding WD&WC the thrown-together /tg/-system for roleplay in modern-day Africa.

> Google Doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1hjOI--peFB5rS_O5VwSoGAb7ekvM9B4NvsgfN6--dak/edit?usp=sharing

> Discord:


Feel free to post stories, pictures, etc. Relating to the current-day conflict in Africa.

> Recovered threads (Oldest to Newest)

- http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/62170908/

- https://archive.4plebs.org/tg/thread/62253501/

- https://archive.4plebs.org/tg/thread/62327860/

- http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/66945058/

- https://archive.4plebs.org/tg/thread/67472696/

R:178 / I:784 / P:7 [R] [G] [-]

Character Art Thread

We need a new thread, I'll start with some basic stuff I have in no particular order, that I probably got from the last thread. It's hard to keep track of all the stuff I got.

R:363 / I:146 / P:7 [R] [G] [-]

Magical Realm thread: Enter the Dragon Edition

>>290196 has hit the bump limit, so it's time for the next thread.Did a whole bunch of new entries last time, but I feel there's a whole lot more to go. Should I focus on doing those I've missed or should I try something else? Perhaps more World of Darkness, or a different game? Hell, maybe try some lewd Cybeprunk 2020?

R:12 / I:3 / P:7 [R] [G] [-]

Feng Shui Thread, Motherfuckers

>what is this?

Feng Shui is a TTRPG based on Hong Kong martial arts movies with considerable artistic licence taken. It combines time travel, cybernetic gorillas, ancient magic, and dystopian police states, all of which can be either deadly serious or laughable depending on your tastes. There are two editions: the original run released in the 1990s, and a newer edition released around 2012 with the help of crowdfunding. The older one has MANY more splatbooks and some more interesting rules; personally, I consider it the superior version.

>how does it play?

It's a rules-light system, but not in the "the entire rulebook fits on a sheet of paper" way. There are still many options for character customization and progression, and the combat rules are complex enough for those options to be meaningful without becoming a slog. To put it simply, characters have four base stats, and several sub-stats within them which can be differentiated if you want them to be. Otherwise, they have the same value as the base stat (so a big strong character could have high strength and low base agility, but high manual dexterity within the agility stat).

The dice are also simple: it uses a 2d6/delta-5 system, where you roll a positive die and a negative die, then add any relevant modifiers to the roll, with special rules for rolling boxcars. No epic natural 20 memes, I promise. It also features a wonderful, game-approved way to take the piss out of rules lawyers (pic 2).

Combat is abnormal, but not in a bad way. Rolling initiative means each character generates a number of action points ("shots"), and characters take turns spending them until everyone is out, at which point your roll another round ("sequence") of initiative. The person with the most points acts first, and you can only spend a few at a time, so everyone runs out at roughly the same time.

>why should i care?

because the board's too damn slow and i wanted to make a thread about something i really enjoy

Despite being a system meant for fast-paced play, there are a lot of sensible ideas in Feng Shui which I think other systems can benefit from. Some systems already have.

<1hp minions that die instantly in addition to regular enemies

<modular environment design which makes campaign construction very easy

<modern settings and gun rules that aren't completely awful like seemingly every other modern TTRPG setting

<racial caricatures that would never get published in a game these days

<tonnes of weird lore, like The Big Babies or the "dystopian future" that's actually just a normal news day in CY+4 (pics 3 and 4)

R:53 / I:48 / P:7 [R] [G] [-]

Chess puzzles (simple)

White's Move: Mate in 2

Rebuilding a newer (hopefully stronger) chess puzzle thread,

Enjoy! & Happy Mayday.

R:531 / I:264 / P:7 [R] [G] [-]

M:TG general

Magic: The Gathering thread

Core Set 2020 edition: https://magic.wizards.com/en/articles/archive/card-image-gallery/core-set-2020 29 June 2019 release002049

Protection is back! So's uncommon Chandra.

R:1 / I:0 / P:7 [R] [G] [-]

GWAR vs Time

So is this going to be fun? It's already been funded, so it's a safe bet that it's coming out, but I'm wondering if anyone here who has experience with deck building games has any idea if it will actually be worth playing.


R:64 / I:16 / P:7 [R] [G] [-]

Games of Thrones & its ilk

Has anyone played a proper political rpg where the characters govern & rule? I'm interested in how long it lasted as most people seem to prefer the murder-hobo route.

R:5 / I:0 / P:7 [R] [G] [-]

Best GM thread

>Player keeps metagaming to get perfect elemental resist

>GM finally aquiesces

>100% water resistance

>He tries to drink


>Eventually dies of dehydration

Best GM thread.

R:311 / I:131 / P:7 [R] [G] [-]

The New Voice Acting Thread

Roll up, roll up, and clear your throats, Voicefags! Crack your fingers, Writefags! It's time for the worst best travesty show on 8chan! That's right, folks, it's time once again to lend your cracking, stuttering voices and uninspired lines to the low-quality microphone!


Don't be shy, but do save your files, and do put some oomph into it!

https://web-beta.archive.org/web/20160314090855/http://8ch.net:80/tg/res/178389.html The First Thread, in all its (sadly expired) glory.

R:20 / I:1 / P:7 [R] [G] [-]

Classic Campaign Settings

Sure, there's always the chance to make your own setting. Most of us in the end will make one at some point. All the same, there was something great about cracking open a published setting book to pour through these labors of love, properly polished through editing teams and productive meetings. And all that hard work, right in your hands. And in one or more tomes, you hold the knowledge to an entire universe for you to explore with your friends. While in-depth setting books aren't as easy to come back nowadays, they were a thing of beauty back in the day.

So, let's talk about your favorite gaming settings, doesn't even have to be D&D. Preferably old school (pre New Millenium, maybe even prior to that). Let's celebrate our favorite moments and worlds, recanting glories of days gone by.

For starters, what's your favorite classic setting and why?

R:0 / I:0 / P:7 [R] [G] [-]

M.A.C.H.: Battlefield Trauma Surgery in the 41st Millenium

Current 40k general is in autosage, and I'm fucking proud of this one, so I figured I'd post it here.

Militarum Air-Mobile Chirurgical Hospices, or M.A.C.H. is a supplement for Only War (and by extension any of the FFG 40kRPGs) about playing trauma surgeons behind the lines.

It features five new Specialties, and a detailed random table-based Chirurgery system (based on actual consultation with an actual doctor) that allows you to diagnose and treat anything from a sprained toe to a goddamn live bolter round embedded in someone's brain. Dead serious, this thing is fully 35% random tables. It's good shit.

Get it here:


or here:


R:1 / I:0 / P:8 [R] [G] [-]

Set and setting

Do you run custom rule sets and content in your campaigns? If not, why not?

I adapted the e5 system, simplified combat, got rid of classes to fit my setting and revamped skills And spells. My setting is high fantasy with some gaslamp.

R:312 / I:125 / P:8 [R] [G] [-]

Homebrew and Game Design Thread

Summer is here and so is all the extra free time that often comes with it. That means it's time to start working on your homebrew games again! Your time is now, /tg/. It's time to make game.

Tell me, what are you working on? Where are you stuck? Have you playtested anything yet?

As a further topic of discussion, let's discuss what makes a game good. What are the elements of good game design and what can be done to ensure that your final product doesn't end up as a fantasy heartbreaker, or something completely derivative? There's no one perfect game that can suit the needs of every group GURPS, but there are certainly ways to ensure that the gameplay experience of a game lives up to the intentions put into it. Discuss.

R:90 / I:64 / P:8 [R] [G] [-]


Anyone here larp-ed before? How did it go? How dressed up were you?

Visiting a medieval faire makes me want to try a LARPG


R:212 / I:25 / P:8 [R] [G] [-]

Pathfinder 2nd Edition

>Pathfinder 2E

>playtest in August

How badly are they going to screw this up? Only firm solid details are

>now 3 equal action and spellcasting costs two of them.

>goblins and alchemist are core


R:120 / I:31 / P:8 [R] [G] [-]


What would you say regarding pic related? Agree or disagree? Why?

source: http://archive.is/DWFbJ

R:468 / I:673 / P:8 [R] [G] [-]


Post pics of them, talk about them, and remember to spoil any lewds.

R:279 / I:112 / P:8 [R] [G] [-]

/tg/: /ck/ Edition: FOOD THREAD

So. What kinda meals, munchies, bubblies, and snacks do you all bring to the tabletop, /tg/? If you homemake them, do share the recipes.

R:325 / I:90 / P:8 [R] [G] [-]

GURPS General

>Out of breath and bleeding, you turn the corner into the darkened alley. You get only a couple yards farther before it shows itself again, and your body freezes in fear. There, ten yards ahead, it's body illuminated entirely by moonlight, is


ITT: GURPS questions, stories, ideas, NPCs, equipments, etc.

What's your favorite edition of GURPS?

What about your favorite supplement?

Any ideas for a supplement you'd like to see?

R:20 / I:5 / P:8 [R] [G] [-]

Star Wars

Newbie GM here, thinking on a Star Wars campaign at some point.

Whats the best way to prep for storytelling in such a game?

Any dos and donts as a GM?

Additionally, what are some good rules of thumb for keeping things loose and not being a slave to canon when working with established universes?

R:1 / I:1 / P:8 [R] [G] [-]

System Neutral Adventure Materials

What are the adventure paths and modules that you've used and enjoyed that are not specific to a ruleset? Which would you recommend for other people to play or run? I admit that I'm just trying to find things for myself and that the ocean of available content is hard to sift through when reviews are infrequent, always positive, and never helpful so I'm hoping some of you grognards can help me find books that have ideas worth using or picking through.

R:57 / I:233 / P:8 [R] [G] [-]

Scenery Thread

Old thread got ruined by the rollback, so a new one is needed. Post pretty pictures of far off and fantastical places, make requests, discuss questionable architecture, and fill out your wallpaper folder.

R:34 / I:16 / P:8 [R] [G] [-]

Help Me Conceptualize A Dwarven City

I'm trying to conceptualize a dwarven city and I'd be open to some assistance from you fa/tg/uys.

Any maps, images or suggested literature would be welcomed as well.

Some background...

R:3 / I:2 / P:8 [R] [G] [-]

Fantasy Quests General

Background: I am a forever-DM who enjoys complex/intricate worldbuilding and long-term campaigns. The last campaign ran weekly for over two years and the characters reached only level 10. We concluded the campaign prematurely because one of the players, who was integral to the overarching plot, had to move across the country. Likewise, other players became overwhelmed with work and university.

I am ready to start a new campaign. I am taking note of the fate of my last game and am building this one such that players can come and go, and characters can be introduced (and die) without much ado. It was a mistake to unite my players so intimately with the fate of the universe they were playing in.

Setting: It is going to be a cliche high-fantasy old-world that relies heavily on standard tropes and is large enough to contain virtually all D&D-related lore with a flexibility for appropriate changes that add spice and novelty. There will be an Adventurer's Guild that has been active across the globe for a long time. It will be similar 'Goblin Slayer'-esque, with ranks, a fair amount of commissioned quests to choose from, and the Guild will provide wealth and experience for completed quests.

ITT: I would like to get as many ideas as possible for quests of any level requirement, but especially for low-level (LVL 1-3) characters. I would like them to be more than fetch-quests and "go take care of monster(s) for us," but I'll need some of them, too. I hope this thread can be a resource to other DM's who need some inspiration.


Please post short descriptions quests and quest ideas:

>Standard Fantasy RPG trope quests

>Your favorite quests you've played/run

>Your favorite quests with twists and unexpected outcomes

>The most creative quests you've ever experienced

I appreciate any ideas you can give me. Your described quests need not be in-depth. Just general ideas.

P.S. Sorry if you think this belongs in /quests/ but that is a dead board.

R:334 / I:75 / P:8 [R] [G] [-]


Let's talk Shadowrun. Do you have any stories to tell? Have you tried recreating Lord of the Rings using it? Have you considered porting campaigns from vidya to tabletop?

R:167 / I:25 / P:8 [R] [G] [-]

ITT yugioh general

In this thread we discuss yugioh (both casual and competitive meta )

R:25 / I:7 / P:9 [R] [G] [-]

Well shit.

It took 4 years but it finally happened. Those Empire forces you like are finally back in style. No Brettonians because the Ghoul meme is too stronk but this one is interesting.

For quite a while Stormcast Eternals have been something of a joke. They wanted them so hard to be the new Ultramarines they even replaced the statue outside Warhammer World with one of them. They thought these uniform faceless Spartan knock offs would be the hip new thing with the kidz!

Then Age of Sigmar actually came out and shit like the relaunched Moonclan Grots and Ghouls ended up much more popular. Probably because they were mostly the same sculpts with a few new and improved ones that could be used in both AoS and Fantasy and its hard to fuck up something like a Grot or a Skaven or whathaveyou.

But somethings been changing at GW lately. at first they tried to make the Stormcast less uniform. Some wear robes, many dont have helmets and in general they tried to diversify them. Which only meant more Stormcast models as the originals didn't go away. This for people who didn't follow what happened post End Times lead to them becoming a joke. Every set or starter box including spin off games like the massively popular shadespire had to include multiple releases for them and 1 for other races if you were lucky. But it wore on people. At conventions and even in one case a private industry event by GW the employees were nervously joking "and no its not another stormhost being revealed today" and the second edition rulebook -many would argue the first actual edition- out and out calls them 'Sigmars greatest mistake' while reintroducing things like Bright Wizards from the realm of fire, highly industrial engineers from the realm of metal and so on. All of a sudden the reject space marines, reject primaris if you want to get technical i suppose, were being treated as the redheaded stepchild of the company the consumers treated them as.

Since then they have started to take something of a backseat. They are releasing more stories, boxes and side games without them and now a reworked Empire and Dwarves army book is showing up intended to literally replace Stormcast Eternals with Warhammer Fantasy Battle minatures.

Has GW given up the ghost and admitted defeat on trying to bruteforce the meme of Stormcasts? we know a publicly traded company doing well will be pressured into year over year profit and its the only Warhammer range beyond the Khadaron Overlords and horrible current version of Ogres that are doing poorly while taking up a lot more space on store shelves. We all know what happened last time in this situation.

What are your thoughts on the resurgence of actual Warhammer human and dwarven forces and this slow pushing aside of their attempted darling of the company?

R:28 / I:14 / P:9 [R] [G] [-]

I think I'm turning Japanese

So I've noticed there is a superficial similarity between medieval England and medieval Japan, which makes sense as both are island nations off the coast of powerful continental empires. They both possess semi-noble warrior classes possessing warrior codes, hierarchical feudal governments, deeply supernatural worldviews and cultures along with other similarities. Of course these are superficial similarities like I said, if you analyze the reasons and purposes and mindset behind it all they are vastly different but it got me thinking what would a setting fusing these two cultures at their meeting points look like?

> tl:dr I'm too lazy to do my own worldbuilding so I try to trick you into doing it for me

R:38 / I:11 / P:9 [R] [G] [-]

/monster/ vs /tg/ Guts Bowl

/monster/ vs /tg/ both had intent to name Guts to their roster for the Cup. As a gentleman's agreement, it was decided that a wrestling tournament would decide who earns the right to field Guts on their squad.

Each board will name 16 wrestlers to represent them in the tournament. The 32 combatants will then face off in the Squared Circle on July 19th at https://cytu.be/r/8chMonsterFedWrestling to determine the winner. >>>/8cup/3182 will hold each board's nominations.

R:5 / I:3 / P:9 [R] [G] [-]

JJBA game

I run a successful JJBA tabletop game. Its based in d20 system, uses stands, and my players are having genuine fun for how fucking homebrewed and jank it is. AMA

R:211 / I:57 / P:9 [R] [G] [-]

D&D 3.5 vs 5e

Which one is better? Or rather what are the systems strengths and weaknesses and which game is better suited for a certain kind of campaign.

R:508 / I:142 / P:9 [R] [G] [-]

QTDDTOT: Bunny Rabit Dice Edition

This is where Questions That Don't Deserve Their Own Thread go. Remember: a two minute shame of asking is preferable to the life-long shame of not knowing.

Previous thread: >>383878

R:339 / I:127 / P:9 [R] [G] [-]

Cyberpunk 2020 General

It's been a while since we last talked about this game.

>So what's Cyberpunk 2020?

Second edition of the Cyberpunk game line by R. Talsorian Games. They also made Mekton (universal system for mecha games, very flexible but a nightmare to develop a character for) and Teenagers From Outer Space (the first universal system for anime-based games). It is a distilled version of the original, Cyberpunk 2013. Cybergeneration does not exist. Cyberpunk V3 does not exist.

>So how is this different from Shadowrun?

No magic, spirits or Native American bullshit. Cyberpunk 2020 is 100% cyberpunk, 0% bullshit. High tech, low lives. If you want a pure, Gibsonean romp of megacorps, antihero protagonists, distopia, more cyberware than you can shake your cyber-dick at (Mr. Studd Sexual Implant: All night, every night, and she'll never know) and a small drop of Mad Max outside of the megacities, then this is the game for you.

>How does it play?

A simple system of Attribute + Skill + 1d10. D6es are used in some occations, so keep those handy as well. The game is not grid-based, but it does use maps. Players have "roles", rough classes with access to a mix of skills. Some include Solos (the street samurai with the biggest guns), Rockerboys (musicians/political agitators), Techies (grease monkeys), Medias (intrepid reporters), Corporates (the guys working for the Megacorps), Fixers (the guys on the street), Nomads (the aforementioned Mad Max expies) and more. Each have a special ability pertaining to their role: Medias get credibility for their stories, Techies can jury rig things, Corporates get access to corporate resources and so on.

Now, the game is not very balanced as is. Upon character creation you get a fuckton of points to spend, with you being able to max out certain stats with ease without gimping your character in other stats. Reflexes are imperative when wanting to be good in a firefight, Body Type allows you to tank quite a bit of damage, Intelligence flat-out gives you more points to start with and Empathy allows for more cybertech to upgrade yourself with without turning into a Cyberpsycho and losing control of your character. This means that if just one or two members of the party are fully optimized the others have to do so as well, lest the threats are either too lethal or no threat, which is not fun. The game does encourage players to minmax and play dirty and for the game master to do the same.

>What's Decking like?

It's called Netrunning, and it suffers the same problem as Shadowrun does: while the Netrunner does their thing the other players can go sit with their thumbs up their asses waiting until they're done.

>What's the Cyberware like?

Ah yes, the meat and potatoes. The stuff is a mix of the regular cyber limbs and weapons, but also upgrade your senses with a base upgrade and all sorts of plugins, get yourself a cyber-dick (or vagina, the game does not discriminate!), upgrade your bones and muscles get bulletproof skin and a subdermal bulletproof layer, get all sorts of weird upgrades (The kill count tattoo! Keep a number of all your kills to impress your friends and intimidate foes!), use all sorts of interesting bio mods for new/more/different organs or just say fuck it and get yourself a chainsaw arm! And don't forget the plugs for your smartgun!

>What's the setting like?

The main setting is Night City, your tradiitional big Cyberpunk city filled with megacorps and its executives living it up while in the lower parts of the city the scum, lowlives and those trying to make an honest living in a dishonest world. Night City is located in California, not too far south from Monterey.

>Which books should I get?

The core rulebook is a fair start, but your collection is not complete without the Chromebooks: four works with varied content but a similar theme: they contain all sorts of weapons from cheap firearms to missile launchers, fancy shotgun rounds and a custom-made 14mm pistol. But the most important parts are the massive amounts of Cyberware in there: from lighter/heavier versions of existing things to all sorts of new, interesting and mostly deady stuff. Maximum Metal is great if you want to focus on the Nomads and their vehicles, and Night City is the go-to supplement if you want to play in the titular city.

That should be everything. Discuss!

R:14 / I:2 / P:9 [R] [G] [-]


Why do most combat spells take only one standard action to cast? Why don't they need to be drawn and held like weapons first?

For example, if you want a cast a flame bolt spell, you would take an action to draw a magical flame into your hand, then another action to attack with it, or a full-round action to do both. By using a higher-tier spell slot, you would have more "ammo" per spell. It makes logical sense, it's not complicated, and it might slow down caster supremacy a little bit.

R:1 / I:1 / P:9 [R] [G] [-]

Keyforge Thread

Discuss, talk about, ask questions, post decks.

I started playing it a week ago myself, it's an amazing game yet very underplayed.

I did notice some die-hard MtG guys at my LGS playing Keyforge before the draft/pre-release/standard event started, and I've only heard positive things about it from other people.

The rulings are still a bit vague to me at times, but it has an amazing amount of depth to it.

R:54 / I:16 / P:9 [R] [G] [-]

Go Thread

Since we've been so impolitely driven out of the Chess Thread. Here is a new thread for Go.

I started playing about 2 years ago, but bob in and out of Go frenzies and burnout breaks that last months. As such I'm only about 21-18 kyu. I have a physical board but no one to play with, so I normally play on OGS. How long have you guys been playing? Where do you play normally? Post boards and books! I might occasionally post Go puzzles too, just to spite the chessfags who closed their borders to us.

Let's not make the Tengen joke again. It's been old for thousands of years

R:89 / I:27 / P:9 [R] [G] [-]

Forever Alone

Anyone one else watch DnD playthroughs, listen to DnD stories, read manuals, draw up your own classes, skills, rules, worlds, but never actually played DnD, and probably never will?

R:370 / I:68 / P:9 [R] [G] [-]

If the Emperor had a Text-to-Speech Device - Episode 25: Fiery Family Reunion


R:18 / I:3 / P:9 [R] [G] [-]

The Economy

Im the kind of guy who like to really immerse my players in stuff. Local customs, flags, holidays, etc. One thing i realized was that the idea of the "gold" was fundamentally flawed as a concept. Different nations have different currencies and the exchange rates are never really 1x1. This has to do with the purity of the currency exchanged, convenience of use, among other things. So if you travel to a different nation why should they take your gold, and more importantly why should they take it at face value?

>its just a game and players dont want to perform algebraic equations

thats fair in all honesty and for very casual games i wouldnt suggest this. It detracts from the actual gameplay and doesnt add anything in terms of story or experience. However if you run a game where you treat players differently based on their race then why not treat their money the same way? congratulations you found 1,000 gold in the goblin's lair but its all goblin gold which is really lumpy and impure gold. In reality its worth more like 100 gold

Any DM's have experience in this kind of thing? also any amateur economists want to weigh in on this and answer me a question?

>what would happen if you injected a massive amount of money into an economy only for a curse to make it all disappear? Obviously a depression but which would be worse? the rampant inflation or the depression from it all vanishing?

R:13 / I:5 / P:9 [R] [G] [-]

Dragon Blood/Dragon Heart Use

Alright /tg/, somewhat new player here, looking for some ideas on what I could do with an item.

My character, a level 6 Dragonborn Paladin, has a vial of dragon blood and a dragon's heart, both of which were obtained from a young green dragon (Lost Mines of Phandelver). My character lives in Neverwinter, but is going on an adventure for the CoS campaign.

Point is, I was wondering, what use could I have for a vial of dragon blood and a dragon heart? I was thinking I could have someone forge them into a shield or armor to make them even stronger, but would that work?

Thoughts? Advice?

R:8 / I:2 / P:9 [R] [G] [-]

Open Table Campaign at FLGS

As my current campaigns draw to a close, I am considering what to do next as a GM. I have been running Pathfinder for years and I am sick of it. I run games on the weekends. I will continue to do so but I am somewhat interested in trying to run an "open table" game at my FLGS.

I've become quite enamored of OSR D&D and have begun condensing the B/X rules to fit what I want for my setting. I plan to make a hexcrawl. I've considered several premises for this hexcrawl. One would be a simple frontier world, a small points-of-light setting with some towns here and there. Another would be a more complete setting with several small human kingdoms as well as multiple monstrous realms where such tyrants as the Troll King lord over their minions. A third would be a colony land, where after a black plague many people have set out on ships as the plague wipes out the old world, and in the new world find ruins of an ancient civilization as well as natives.

The main criterion for deciding between the three is the idea that this campaign will be part of an ongoing narrative. The first D&D campaign I ran went on for 8 years and I had planned for the next campaign to continue years after, in the world the old characters had changed and become rulers of. But that didn't happen and I thirst for something like that. Part of the reason I abandoned it is because the setting was something I had created as a teenager. It wasn't bad, but it was underdeveloped and didn't have the flavor I wanted from it.

One of my issues with B/X is that I like to use figurines for combat and B/X does not heavily rely on that. I suppose I could introduce rules for flanking and maneuvering, in fact I could lift them straight from 5e or D&D 3.5. I am not sure this is a good idea, though.

I am also not sure if it is a good idea to do an open table game at all. West Marches is a cool idea but I have done a practice game with it in Savage Worlds and while enjoyable it just doesn't feel engaging. Perhaps because Savage Worlds is incredibly easy so they just slaughter everything. Or maybe because without consistent attendance and a campaign focused on exploration, there isn't much in the way of story. I intend to change that by having multiple threats that emerge as the characters explore, but having them tied to a village they must return to at the end of each session, really hampers any potential that that has.

Overall i just feel a wanderlust to get away from 3rd edition and maybe even 5th edition. But therein lies the final conflict: I cannot even decide on a system for my hexcrawl. If I could create a comprehensive list of what classes, PrCs, and feats are allowed I would happily play 3.5 (NOT Pathfinder). If I am desperate for players, I will run 5e, which I consider a good system but still far too player-facing. My current plan is to run B/X and if I don't get any players I will submit and run 5e. But, there are still aspects of 5e I enjoy, and it directly and easily supports tabletop grid combat which I enjoy. it just feels convention-y and I enjoy it, especially since I can set up and run combats very quickly.

Anyway, I'd love to hear your thoughts.

R:57 / I:239 / P:10 [R] [G] [-]

Scenery Art Thread

Good ol' fashioned scenery and landscape thread.

Post your favorites. Make requests. Talk about places you'd like to go.

R:552 / I:71 / P:10 [R] [G] [-]

PDF Share Thread =The aMAYzing MAYhem, at the end of MAY=

May, May go away

Come again another day

Sharers want to share

May, May go away

Last Thread:




R:179 / I:46 / P:10 [R] [G] [-]

Campaign Killers

Thread about situations or confrontations that killed your campaign in its tracks, leaving all of the "planned" shit going into the memory hole to be reused with a group of lesser autists.

I have had one close call and one death so far in my short tabletop experience with each story involving the same exact nigger.

>munckin faggot character is too much of a broken meme so he is shelved for a new character after 4 sessions.

>perception bonus so fucking high that the loot breaks the CR which was already broken due to how fucked the other character was.

>muncnigger has jew "oy vey why are you persecuting me so" defensive or "robust" to excuse his shittery for the sake of shittery

>DM rolls for loot and gets a talking magic sword that no matter what we do it makes us do exactly what it says 100% of the time breaking the entire campaign.

>The DM was tired of all the needless autism and letting everything go to shit.

I have no problem with min-maxing or going for the best stats for your character but when you railroad using your autism its not even worth you're time to play. For the sake of transparency I got memed on pretty hard for making a somewhat edgy self insert and a pretty meh alcoholic edgy healer since you gotta get those out of your system.

What almost killed our campaign today which inspired me to make this thread was that the same nigger has an autisticaly high sleight of hand for his level and cucking everyone who doesn't do what his character wants. This causing the other players to feel that they were been railroaded by a furfag teen instead of doing what they actually want. After one cuckery goes to far I had to beg/mend it up and after that the nigger shut his mouth for the rest of the session before quiting the game as of today.

What stories do you anons have about autism used for evil instead of "good"?

R:32 / I:8 / P:10 [R] [G] [-]

Weird, creative bugfixes for bad rule design

RPGs have lots of fiddly rules. Lots of design problems don't become evident until the quirky rules have become part of an established canon.

For example, D&D hands out a lot of magical treasure. D&D 3.0 hands out a ridiculous amount of magical treasure. This leads to weird after-the-fact attempts to fix the balance of the game. For example, one could have a campaign in which the established Powers that Be run magical item shops that mostly buy up magic items. Or one could publish a class like the original Artificer class, which could break down unwanted magic items and turn them into crafting points.

In the particular case of D&D, I suspect that a player character class is the wrong way to fix this bug. There are too many magic items, and too many of them are useless to the party, and no sane king would be willing to purchase them. Fine. Here's my bugfix:

The gods of each alignment spawn thaumivorous monsters. These monsters serve all the deities of an alignment within a particular pantheon. Thus all Lawful Good gods within a pantheon are served by one race of thaumivores, whereas all the Neutral Good gods have a distinct race of thaumivorous minions.

These minions speak the alignment language, Common, etc. and are often greeted by local temples when they come to visit. The thaumivores demand tribute, in the form of unwanted magic items. The beasts eat the magic items for reasons best known to the gods.

This is just one example of how using a bugfix for a bad rule can lead to fun worldbuilding. In this thread you are welcome to publish your own bugfixes that improved your campaigns.

R:168 / I:31 / P:10 [R] [G] [-]

Retarded Player Character Deaths

Sup /tg/. One of the people at my table died while trying to pull off a harebrained scheme to discover the location of a magic item. Also, dumb character death thread in general.

>D&D 5e run on Storm King's Thunder

>Our DM asks players what magic items player's want to eventually receive because the whole group, including him, are relatively new to D&D

>That and he's just lazy

>One of our players wanted the Wand of Wonder

>A bit of info on his character

>Half-elf wild magic sorcerer in his mid to late hundreds named Sir Brimsley Duffledord III

>Usually portrayed as a senile old man, a spell slinging version of Rick Sanchez, or both

>Wanted to get his hands on the Wand of Wonder so he could get even more lolsorandumb magic on top of his wild magic

>The party reaches Luskin while pursuing the dwarven criminal Forky McFuckface or whatever his name was

>DM mentions that while we're in the market place there, we see several fancily hooded men interspersed among the crowd

>Look like the kind of guys who would know a lot about magic; archmages or some shit

>Brimsley decides to test this by shouting at the top of his lungs "Everyone who isn't an archmage is super gay!"

>Everyone in the crowd except for the hooded fellows seems offended

>Archmage detected.wav

>This is where Brimsley comes up with his brilliant plan

>He approaches the archmage and uses persuasion to convince the archmage he's a woman and seduce him

>Bear in mind his character is an old ass man who's made no attempt to alter his appearance, no polymorph or disguises or anything

>Archmage somehow is convinced

>They go off to a private room to fuck

>DM says that the archmage is gonna top

>Brimsley's player objects because he doesn't want to take it in the ass

>DM reminds him that he's pretending to be a woman and that it wouldn't make sense for him to top

>Brimsley says fuck that and casts thunderwave

>Archmage is now pissed off and upcasts magic missile at 9th level, summoning 12 darts but leaving them hovering in the air pointed at him

>"You've made a terrible decision messing with me, but I'll give you a chance to live if you stand down."

>"lolnope, where's the Wand of Wonders?"

>Exchange goes back and forth with the archmage saying he'd spare Brimsley and tell him if the wand is if they can just finish

>DM practically going "Dude, this is fucking high level archmage. He will kill you."

>"Don't care, thunderwave again."

>All 12 missiles hit Brimsley and there's no one there to stabilize him, so he dies

>Not as planned.jpg

>His player gets annonyed at the rest of us for not doing anything

>Even though none of the other PCs would have followed them from the market street to the fuck chamber

R:2 / I:0 / P:10 [R] [G] [-]

The hunt for Dark Earth

For a few days now, I've been scouring the net for any information I can find about dark earth. Specifically, "Dark Earth Seconde Edition". Its an obscure French pen and paper rpg set in an interesting world and I can barely find anything about it. This website was the one with the most information.


If any of you know anything about this game, or dig anything up, please share it. Even a place where the book and its supplementals could be purchased would be extremely useful. The only ones I could find were single copies that sold a long time ago.

And if you have this book, or related books in your collection, please please post pictures. Scans would be great, but even pictures taken on your phone would be monumentally helpful in preserving this piece of tabletop history.

R:5 / I:4 / P:10 [R] [G] [-]

Any advice starting out Wyrdwars?

I decided to introduce my nephews to tabletop wargaming and wanted to start out with something smaller scale. I decided on Wyrdwars because I had a lot of fun playing Mordheim a few years ago, and it seemed simpler to get into than most games at that scale (plus, one of them is already playing DnD and I thought the narrative/RPGish aspects of a campaign would appeal). Still, I've never played Wyrdwars itself before, and was wondering if there were any glaring issues I should watch out for. The fluffless rulebook is already a bit unfortunate, and I get the feeling I'm going to have to rule-0 a lot of cases.

The only real problem, though, is finding models. Luckily, they're playing Vampire Counts and Witch Hunters, so reasonable proxies shouldn't be that hard to find, but I was wondering if anyone has had any luck with 3D prints? I found some decent terrain pieces on Thingiverse, but I can't help but feel that there must be some group making good quality designs for printing.

Other than that, anyone have any advice introducing younger players to wargaming? They're 13 and 14, if it makes any difference.

R:52 / I:24 / P:10 [R] [G] [-]

Pony Roleplaying Games

Tails of Equestria, Roleplaying is Magic, Ponyfinder or whatever other system, let's share our pony-related roleplaying experiences!

R:1 / I:0 / P:10 [R] [G] [-]

Psionics: The Next Stage in Human Evolution

This was always an odd game for me. The system gave me headaches, and the powers in the game ranged from disappointing to mildly impressive.

>What's it about?

Psionics is about a world where Project MKUltra caused people to develop psionic powers. And now people are developing psionic powers independent of that, usually through giving people specialized drugs, random chance or putting chemicals in the water.

There's a crap ton of secretive organizations running around, collecting Espers for their own purposes.

>The Power System?

For a game about Psychic Powers, they have a pathetically small assortment. Powers work in a level system from 1 to 6 (with each level giving you several capabilities). Powers are divided into 3 categories:

Telekinesis: Moving macro-scale objects with your mind.

Pyrokinesis: Molecular manipulation (according to the game, all Pyrokineticists can manipulate both cold and fire; they should be called Thermokineticists).

Telepathy: Mental manipulation. Rather heretically called "Psychokinesis" by the game.

Additionally, each of these three has three advanced powers that can only be accessed by being sufficiently powerful in their parent skill. These only go up to Level 4.

TK gets Necrokinesis (causing heart attacks and such), Biofeedback (healing yourself and others) and Somatokinesis (enhancing your muscles).

Pyrokinesis gets Entropokinesis (making thing decay on a molecular level and epic radiation blasts) Magnekinesis (not actually magnetic manipulation at all; it's a power revolving around manipulating the weather) and Synchronicity (probability manipulation).

Finally, Telepathy (I refuse to call it "Psychokinesis" as the writer insists) gets Scrying (D&D's Clairsentience, basically) Osmosis (draining other people's energy) and Technokinesis (magnetic manipulation and tech control).

Like D&D, using your psionics costs Power Points, proportionate to how powerful a power is. It also causes you to take an amount of nonlethal (sometimes lethal) damage. Oh, and it also causes what's called Overflow. If you reach a certain threshold of overflow, you basically undergo a psychic meltdown as you kill everything around you (and likely yourself) in a daze where you can't control your character.

Drugs have particularly serious effects on you, and can cause you to lose or gain Power Points or Overflow. As can sex. The book explicitly states that combining sex and drugs could end up turning into a disaster.

On the bright side, if you inject more of the chemicals that give you psionic powers, your powers increase. I like that.

Alright, that's my piece on the matter. Anyone else looked at this game?

R:525 / I:1193 / P:10 [R] [G] [-]

Manga Thread: Come Over To My House And Eat My Sister Edition

Back by unpopular demand: Another goddamned thread for talking about Filipino Pop-up books.


Previous Thread >>406939


R:46 / I:26 / P:10 [R] [G] [-]

Non-Combat Games and Campaigns

I sometimes find myself wanting to run a completely non-combat game. Not just less combat, or a session that's more roleplay heavy, but no murderhoboing at all, for an entire campaign. It seems like a fun idea at first, but so few systems support this kind of play (not even counting awful hipster """𝓪𝓻𝓽""" games), and so few players would even be interested in playing something that wasn't built from skinner box kill-and-reward game design.

Let's discuss non-combat games: How to run them, how to make them engaging, how to get people on board and invested in them, and how to overcome the hurdles of removing instant gratification from the roleplaying experience.

R:40 / I:31 / P:10 [R] [G] [-]

Ayy lmao we made a character sheet or something

So, like 2 to 4 years ago we all made a wonderful bunch of character sheets. I printed one out because I wanted to keep it forever, but an earthquake caused coffee to spill on it. This was the alaskan earthquake of 2018 if anyone wonders.

On a longshot, anyone got the original? Anyone have others? Anyone wanna make a new one with blackjack and hookers?

R:13 / I:1 / P:10 [R] [G] [-]

Enchantment versus Illusion versus Artifice; a matter of semantics

These terms have a lot of overlap with eachother; Enchantment Magic seems to be half artifice, half mind control stuff, while Illusion is altering the perception of reality.

How do you handle the semantics of such in your campaigns?

R:6 / I:2 / P:10 [R] [G] [-]

Feudal Japan RPGs

What's your fave RPG based on feudal japan? Mine is Legend of the Five Rings with the Crab Clan as the preferred antagonist. https://www.ancient-origins.net/myths-legends-asia/legend-heikegani-samurai-ghost-crabs-002049

R:5 / I:5 / P:10 [R] [G] [-]

war games - boards and counters

I'm working my way thru these - mini games - 11x17 map 40 pieces 8 pages rules

training for the bigger sets 24x17 map 250 pieces 32 pages rules whew

R:2 / I:0 / P:11 [R] [G] [-]

Generic game field to play online?

I play TCG that are not popular, they don't have an official digital platform. I played in tradecardsonline, but the page isn't working correctly. Is there a software or app to play any TCG? I have a backup with all the scanned cards of a game called 'Myl', I'd like to upload them and play in real time with other players.

R:512 / I:277 / P:11 [R] [G] [-]

MTG/Magic Omnithread

One thread for all the formats.

old bread: >>414145

>Comprehensive Rules




R:516 / I:223 / P:11 [R] [G] [-]

40K General n°22: Chaos Approved Edition

Chaos is getting a new dex with the ettera already included. Plus they're getting several new units and a new CSM box. With Abby getting a make-over maybe he will be less of an armless failure and actually win for once!

Old thread: >>403815

R:16 / I:5 / P:11 [R] [G] [-]

Expandable/Living Card Games

A thread for discussing living card games, that is, all card games that use fixed distribution release schemes as opposed to the classic randomized distribution. This means the player always knows exactly what he's getting in each expansion, which also usually includes complete playsets of each card.

FFG's various versions are the most well-known, but I'm sure there must be others out there. I only know Plaid Hat Games has done a few, but I don't know much about them other than the fact that the company was made by a former Heroscape designer/the guy who owned Heroscapers.

L5R is pretty fun, I'm enjoying the Dragon jank. Or I would be, but I haven't played recently. I guess it's too complicated for my friends or something.

Technically, the phrase Living Card Game is trademarked by FFG, those goddamn hang-wringing semites.

R:3 / I:2 / P:11 [R] [G] [-]

How to salvage old models.

So i just found this in a box in my attic. I bought it when i was like 13 and at that time was used to plastic shit like Tomb Kings and Necrons and not metal minatures. But i was super into the lore and aesthetic of the new Ogre Kingdoms army for 6th edition WHFB and bought it, then saw how much an army would cost and never got beyond that.

But i'm older and more experienced now but metal is still something i've barely worked with. I could whip up a bunch of nice bases for this thing -especially since it comes with 3 exhausted looking serf gnoblars- but heres the catch: This is a launch day model of an entirely new sculpt from GW at a time when their metal work was 'iffy' at best.

Basically every single piece does not go flush to another. We are talking two flat edges in theory where one is bent like a pringle trying to be the big spoon to a wall. This is going to take some work and modern plastics have absolutely spoiled me. I never learnt how to deal with these beyond hearing some odd 'drill and pin' or 'fill gaps with green stuff' comments from the old greybeards at the local stores back i the day.

So how do you start salvaging older kits where the pieces are metal and need a lot of work compared to modern sculpts? anyone have any experience or advice for this kind of project?

R:71 / I:14 / P:11 [R] [G] [-]

What do you like or dislike about card games like magic

So I am thinking of making a card game like magic but before I invest I want to know what to avoid.

Any anons that used to play magic, what did you like or dislike about it?

R:272 / I:140 / P:11 [R] [G] [-]

Japanese Tabletop RPG General Thread

Let's share some Japanese Tabletop RPG games, as the subject says it.

R:505 / I:153 / P:11 [R] [G] [-]

Meta-Thread: Bad PR Edition

It's that time again. Time for more complaining, internet drama, and if the mood is right, we might even talk about /tg/.

R:6 / I:0 / P:11 [R] [G] [-]

History card game idea

My working name for it is Strife and Glory atm.

My idea of the game is that you dont draw cards but instead have a "warboard" where at the top you have a (in)famous leader from history be he Oda Nobunaga, Charlemagne or Darius the Second. Then you would be their general.

You have a board full of your cards facing you. You are not allowed to touch it unless you are to play the card on the opposite side of the Warboard

3 ways of winning.

1. Opponent runs out of cards (represents resources and ideas

2. They run out of Morale (represents peoples belief in ideas and ability to win)

3. They run out of life (represents population)

Their would be the following types of cards:





Great Acts (like you liberated a foreign nation or made a great medicine)

Tech advancement

Leader specific cards (Hitler would have Blitzkrieg. Allows for multiple maneuevers until opponent has X tech advancements)

There could be card packs for each types.

Their would at the bottom of each card that would give a little info.

Their would be cards unique to each civilization.

So George Washington and Roosevelt would have unique cards as indivisual rulers but also share some American cards.

Their could be different "Eras" of play for varying levels of technology. Otherwise card names and soldier types could just be faceless numbers so that we could have Charlemagne duking it out with Julius Caesar.

R:25 / I:15 / P:11 [R] [G] [-]

Wrestlemania 35/G1 Supercard invite

Games that are traditional, I knew you'd come !

Once again, your good battle bruvas at /wooo/ invite you once again for our 5th annual Wrestlemania viewing party, but this time we have 2 BIG SHOWS on the schedule: WM35 and New Japan Pro Wrestling and ROH's G1 Supercard

2 days, 2 shows, even more room for an absolute disaster !


Live from the shithole known as New Jersey on Sunday, April 7 at 5.30pm ET/2.30pm PT (10.30pm in bongland) at the MetLife Stadium, watch on the WWE Network or any of the sites listed below

This year's card include:











This crap and so much more !


Live from Madison Square Garden in Jew York City, Jew York. on saturday April 6 at 7:30 p.m. ET, watch on NJPW World or any of the sites listed below

The show's card includes:








And much more !

You can shitpost here or join us on >>>/wooo/ 8chan's premiere wrestling board











R:197 / I:85 / P:11 [R] [G] [-]

Snake snatch ruins everything

Impending divorce (or worse) at work Pathfinder group, not sure how best to handle things or escape the blast radius...

>monthly Pathfinder game with coworkers and wives, even some other family

>close knit, calm, chill, enjoyable game that a coworker's wife runs

>Coworker (we'll call him Dave) and his wife (Blob) have issues

>BAD issues related to Blob's weight, poor health, refusal to work out or change her diet

>wasn't like this before, got into tabletop and her health declined as she got absorbed in making these games for us

>Dave's self-esteem is critically low like he made Charisma his dump stat, only reason he stays with her really

>All of Dave's characters are the opposite, wish fulfillment and shit

>Blob, as DM, makes a lot of "homely" shall we say women in her game

>spends time describing how the rural communities we visit are not filled with attractive women because they work hard labor in the dirt and don't have makeup and gain weight to protect themselves against famine, all fairly believable stuff

>nobles are also fat though because they can afford to be fat, ugly but hide it with makeup

>monsters are ugly too, there are no attractive people in this campaign who are not PCs

>finally, after years, Blob introduces an attractive Naga (Yuanti? Not sure, snake person) NPC because Naga are supposed to be seductive and shit, describes her as being very hot because its part of a poorly concealed plot to seduce a party member

>Dave takes the bait like his testicles would explode if he didn't

>Blob is unsettled with his fervor but continues unabated

>Dave's charming Rogue character obviously attempts to fuck the snake

>Dave's character is married in game but he says the Naga is so hot he'll do it anyways as a promiscuous rogue that he is

>Blob is MORE visibly upset, continues on like a champion

>"I'll ask for a Will check for you to resist her wiles and remain faithful."

>"I don't resist and willingly fail it."

>she spends a second thinking and then says she wants to cut to black and move to other party members who are elsewhere in town doing things

>ends up just calling it quits because we hit our time and said she'd get to it later because Dave is making jokes about it now and how much he's going to fuck up that scale pussy

Everything is tense but relatively okay after that until I have a computer issue because I think I've fucked up my motherboard installing a new GPU into it and Dave is the resident computer hardware guy...

>go over to see Dave after he agrees to help

>meet him, looks exhausted and haggard, kids are in the back room playing games but I can tell they're not super into it, something is wrong

>ask him point blank if he's in a position to help me or if he needs help

>"Well, Blob about killed the kids."

>woah, woah, woah, fucking BOLD statement to make

>"Susie was grabbed by some man off the street, like some nightmare shit, and Blob tried to chase after him but couldn't because she's so fat. Susie got away and ran to the cops, I had to pick her up from there and hear that my wife is in the ER because her heart couldn't handle her running for the first time in years like that. My wife failed to save her, Susie saved herself. She could've died or worse..."

>fuck man thats wild, not sure how to handle it, he's said his piece and wants to move on right now, destress a bit from things, working a computer is relaxing so thats why he offered even in this situation

>try to let him help as best he can, my problem is sorted out, stay a bit and drink, leave

>everything seems okay, Susie isn't too traumatized (she's young enough to bounce back) but Dave is less elastic

>actively resents his wife for being "useless" all month until the next game

The next months' session ends up being a complete trainwreck, predictably.

R:429 / I:131 / P:11 [R] [G] [-]

Star Wars

You know what this board is lacking at the moment? A Star Wars Thread. So let's make up for lost time and have one.

What's your favorite game out of this franchise, /tg/? Have you ever run Star Wars games straight from homebrewing other systems? Gimme your stories of a long time ago, in a Galaxy far, far away.

R:44 / I:9 / P:11 [R] [G] [-]

Contrast is a Shit

Got ahold of this shit early and just going to preemptively warn everyone of citadel’s latest scam.

Contrast paint was marketed for noobies however the paint itself is just high pigmented oil wash. You are supposed to paint it on in one thick coat which is the marketing excuse to say its for beginners and if you move it around at all the shit streaks.

You cannot paint while this shit is on either. You literally have to sit for an hour while it dries before you can paint over it. Also it stains models like no tomorrow so if you have the desire to paint an army like the brazen claws or do some designs like harlequin checkers or Iron Warriors hazard stripes stay away.

This paint is fucking horrid and I really encourage you all to stay away from it.

R:17 / I:5 / P:11 [R] [G] [-]

One shot games for the Halloween Season

So i have friends who i have started to get more into tabletop, not been 'that guy' and friend-hostage'd them mind you they genuinely are asking and getting interested. Thanks to shadespire being an amazing gateway game i suppose.

But its halloween season coming around and as well as watching horror movies and replaying shit like Resident Evil like we do every year this year they are asking about /tg/ related stuff.

Be it board games or rpgs whats a good one shot game? Theres board games like Betrayal and House on the Hill, homebrew games like Dread and maybe even the demo's for stuff like Prometheus or Hunter.

What do you consider a fun spooky game for an evening of play to get beginners into tabletop during the halloween season?

R:27 / I:5 / P:11 [R] [G] [-]


As someone who is going to gm sometime soon, Im curious about how the rest of you (or your gm] did companions.

Whats the best balance between npcs and players?

Do you allow your players to control their companions during combat?

How attached should a gm allow themselves to get?

Is the dreaded DMPC ever justifiable?

R:172 / I:134 / P:12 [R] [G] [-]

webm thread

/tg/ webm thread for webm and webm accessories.

If you were offered a devil egg would you accept it?

R:57 / I:20 / P:12 [R] [G] [-]

Underwater Technology and Civilizations

I am curious how other people handle a species that would be an obligate underwater civilization. Whether or not amphibious methods of respiration would be allowed.

I would always assume that technology would be almost 100% biology-based. Structures would be nearly as alive as the individuals that live in them. Vehicles, if someone could call them that, would essentially be as large organisms with copious levels of 'internal space" either bred into them or carved out of mostly hollow sections of their form. Armor and weaponry would be much below what could be made on the surface, although with an amphibious set of lungs there could be assumed settlements on coastal territories and marshlands. What the society would lack in outright technological firepower, they would make up in selectively bred (or outright modified) species of aquatic organism which would quite literally add mythological style beasts such as Kraken to their ranks. Raids upon ships would be a common sight in attempts to steal or safehold precious materials such as metals and textiles (ultimately rare objects where plants are small animals and there lies an extreme difficulty creating a forge).

I would like to assume that a solely aquatic civilization would "grow" houses in an organic, rapid-growth coral species however setting aside titanic creature bones would probably be easier to obtain. Whale bone would be a precious resource for all forms of construction and weaponcraft. I would assume that all armor would be from other living organisms as well, remains from enormous abyssal crustaceans to act as plate or some form of treatment to shark hide.

What are some creative concepts you have come up with?

R:10 / I:2 / P:12 [R] [G] [-]

Dark Heresy

hey /tg/

i need ideas for missions for a Dark heresy campaign that my TTRPG group has elected me to run due to the fact that i know more 40k then the rest of them.

i have a overall plot im mind and i have made a subsector for the purpose of the campaign.

but im haveing trouble comming up mission ideas for the team to do

the overall plot is a major ``peasant´´ upriseing/revolt supported by a major noble house that will try to use it to take power, and they are spured on by Eldar infiltrators whom want to use the revolt as a distraction to sabotage/destroy a titan facility on the main Hiveworld

when the campaign begins the upriseing be in the process of gathering support.

R:12 / I:5 / P:12 [R] [G] [-]


So this game is finally available, and affordable, outside of Murrca. Having a mean hankering for a mech game thats not dead, and having kaiju and the toei vibe included this caught my attention.

Trouble is Privateer Press has a rocky reputation. They behave like the pre CEO switch over Games Workshop without the money and market to support it, there are rumours the company is in trouble after massive higher up brain drain and they have a very anti FLGS mentality and support outside the US for their other games doesn't exist at all. The Grymkin for Hordes for example never got a restock outside America. Ever.

So while i see the kaiju, b movie saucers and Megas XLR looking mechs and know friends who are interested the publisher really makes me wary about putting the money down. Especially if EU support will dry up with no comment by PP like their other titles.

Anyone else tried it? can you recommend it?

R:50 / I:13 / P:12 [R] [G] [-]


I am fairly sure people will want to redirect me to the QTDDTOT thread but I think this deserves its own, since it is pretty alien and it isn't just a random question about a specific system.

Regardless, here's my issue: my group decided to play pokémon in a tabletop setting, we found PTA and decided to try it out.

When we were "testing" our pokémon however (A Vanillite and a Litwick) we found out that the damage was kind of too much, especially since the Vanillite managed to kill the Litwick violently everytime.

We then tested with higher and more varied pokémon and still found out that damage was out of control.

A doubt then emerged, what if the WHOLE system is unbalanced in this way?

Sure, damage can be homebrewed but what about other skills?

What about optimization?

And all that sort of junk.

So before we went into this system, we looked into PTU, however the sheet gave me PTSD from when I was first introduced to 5e.

I looked online and many people seem to prefer PTU... but then I realized, many people prefer 5e instead of AD&D.

Left without many choices, I decide to come here to my turf and ask you this question.

Which one is better?


Is there any better system for a pokémon game?

R:24 / I:5 / P:12 [R] [G] [-]

Thinking of leaving a group, want some feedback

So I signed up and started playing the D&D 5e module Rise of Tiamat online using roll20 and discord with a bunch of rando's I never met before, is sometimes fun and get to meet new people. The party consists of a Tabaxi warlock, Kobold Barbarian, Human Cleric of Death, Half-Orc Fighter (my main gripe) and myself a Dwarven paladin.

I'm thinking of leaving because It has gotten to the stage where the Half-Orc even speaking annoys me, the GM seems to have unintentionally made him more of a focus over the party. With the most recent event making me feel like leaving despite enjoying the rest of the party.

To start of on the list of shit that this guy does that annoys me we go back to the first 5 mins of the campaign. The party arrives at a town being attacked by a cult and a dragon, we fly into action and help save the family. After combat the half-orc goes first and starts looting and then instantly engages in conversation with the family without letting anyone else speak, after which tabaxi looks over the town by getting a vantage point and me and the cleric patch everyone up while talking about our best options. Now the half-orc spent around 4 mins looting and talking with the family while no more than 2 mins had past for everyone else talking about what they where doing, the half-orc interrupts us saying how we can't waste time talking and most move forward. I scoff the guy off and continue talking till we make our plan and move.

Fast forward, half-orc is more of a cunt at other opportunities but nothing note worthy. The party is at the mill and needs to clear out of cultists for the guards to protect else wise the village will have no food and die within a few days, if they survive the attack. Tabaxi and Cleric guard the entrance while myself and the kobold head inside, the Half-orc without telling anyone sneaks off by himself around the back. Conflict quickly kicks off and the kobold gets turned into a pin cushion, I toss her out the door for the cleric to attend to and hold the door way. The fight goes on, me, the cleric and Tabaxi are doing work while our kobold is mostly mauling one guy due to bad rolls. The Half-orc gets caught, dies and bleeds out as we have no clue where he is. The GM after a few turns announces that he is alive again, with a pillar of flame surrounding him and at full health. We finish of the guy, Half-Orc wants attention for coming back from the dead, none of us saw it, none of us cared.

Fast forward to confrontation with the dragon in the keep, Half-Orc tries to get into a one on one conversation but the dragon gets bored of him and acknowledges the rest of the party to the half-orcs dismay. Shit goes down, dragon flies away, nothing too bad except the player wants to move forward while me, the Tabaxi and the Kobold are having a funny bit about the kobold robbing a little girl of her bike as it was on the ground.

Fast forward one of the generals from the cults is willing to release some prisoners if any one person can beat him on a one on one fight, should note there is a large number of other cultists gathered about, we all are in agreement but as you guessed the Half-orc goes first. The general does a breath attack that nearly one shots from full health the Tabaxi and also knocks out the cleric, I was out of the way and healed them back up. The half-orc went down but got back up again in a pillar of flame with a level of exhaustion. Single level. He continues to fight, goes down again and comes back up with 3 levels of exhaustion. Half-Orc convinces general to fist fight, which he agrees to but just before punching him down a third time says that was good, lets the prisoners go and have him and his cultist buddies leave.

R:0 / I:0 / P:12 [R] [G] [-]

Judge Dredd RPG

Judge Dredd and the Worlds of 2000AD kickstarter was in September and the book released in March. Publisher is EN Publishing, so obligatory

> EN Worlds a shit

Uses the W.O.I.N. system which seems to be trying to sell itself as a less autistic flavor of GURPS. Looking through the Judge Dredd quickstart the basic rules mechanic is d6 dice pools of attributes + skills vs. difficulty number or opposed roll. Characters get a few extra abilities called exploits, with the pre-gens including ones like creating homemade explosives, extra melee attacks on adjacent opponents at a negative. Psi-Judges get points to spend for their powers which refill the next day.

So thoughts on this, /tg/? Have any anons played it? Not sure how it stacks up to the previous games only going by the quickstart guide, but it looks like something I could try out with my group.

R:0 / I:0 / P:12 [R] [G] [-]

Miniature Recasters

Those of you who used to post on Half/tg/ may recall the occasional "Based Chinaman" thread, wherein people discussed the products of a certain class of dog-eating entrepreneur. (And more importantly the method by which you could contact aformentioned Bugman)

Ive heard accessing quality recasts is far easier nowadays, but I have little knowledge of which recasters are both cheap, and relatively high quality.

Basically this is a thread for people to discuss their acquisitions, and to share their suppliers. (I wish to have cheap Skaven for a project)

R:102 / I:12 / P:12 [R] [G] [-]

Women in tabletop

Since the cuckchan mods are being faggots, let's take this here.

What's your experience with 'fairer' sex in the /tg/-related communities? Do you support keeping your group all-male and having good entertainment, or would you allow third rate thots in for a slim chance to score an already ravaged pussy and ruin existing friendships?

R:3 / I:2 / P:12 [R] [G] [-]

Help with my next session

Hey /tg/. I am the DM for my group of players. We started playing Shadowrun under a different GM, but eventually I ended up becoming a GM for an alternate game that is a western using modified Shadowrun rules. It is an alternate history, where the North lost the Civil War, England invaded and conquered New England, and the Republic of Texas and the Confederacy broke off with the Republic of Texas controlling everything west of the Mississippi while the Confederacy itself controls what is east of the Mississippi. The game takes place in Cheyenne, and the only safe way to Cheyenne is through the Union Pacific Railroad Company. Thanks to the actions of my players during session 0, the railroad west of Cheyenne was destroyed and the Indian shamans cast a spell to make it so that no more railroads could be built.

Currently my players are going to be heading into the North to try and meet with the Pawnee tribe to find out who help them destroy the railroad (only one of the two characters who destroyed the rail road is still alive, the rest were killed in the battle before the he destroyed it,)

I'm trying to think of a challenge that will get them out of nowhere. I'm considering making it so that it will be very difficult to survive in the frozen tundra of Montana in the middle of winter, and they are possibly going to get snowed in since again, it's mid-winter when they decide to go shut off on this journey.

The characters we have are as follows

Chaise Elijah Vapeur - Human Australian outlaw and explosives expert

Nalhatin - Navajo Dwarf Pinkerton Agent and Indian Tracker

Sheamus O'Malley - Irish Ork thug

Hades Black - Escaped slave and voodoo magician

What could be challenging for this group I have? I would like some ideas for what to hit my players with this sunday.

R:189 / I:67 / P:12 [R] [G] [-]

An Ald Sector for a New /tg/: Thread #2


"In as much as I am aware, and nine out of ten of my sources concur, we are approaching the end times. Not of this planet of Carstein, not of sector Aetern, not of segmentum Tempestus, but of the whole of the Imperium. I know not what the future holds but a glimmer of hope. Everything that is about to occur will put every human through a hell not seen since the Emperor's internment upon the golden throne, but should we survive the onslaught the whole of the future belongs to us for the rest of eternity. Stand tall my brethren, my sisters, not for our lives but for our children's, for our father's, for each other. We have but ten years to prepare." - the Iron Cardinal

Ætern, the most autismal sector.

>https://archive.is/FVrDt Thread #1

Thread Directory: >>347480

Welcome back to 8/tg/'s own custom sector of the Imperium. We laid the foundations and frame of the place back in the first thread, now we need to fill it in. Our goal is to create a better and more compelling sector than halfchan's neglected Tiji. Thus far, we have advanced well in that direction, but we can't stop there. We need a place which can be played in. Together, our autism should be sufficient. Now…

The Ætern Sector Aetern is an acceptable spelling is a part of the Imperium of Man skirting the edges of the Veiled Regions, and within the bounds of Segmentum Tempestus. Imperial forces carved it out some three or four thousand years before the present, but humans have inhabited it for much longer. It is a relatively sparse region of space, only containing a few dozen stars and few planets of mineral wealth; in addition, stellar activity and climates are often colder than average in Ætern, exacerbated by the shadowy phenomena of the Veil (among other factors). The Imperium controls much of the sector, though its reach weakens further into the clouds, and ceases altogether in the region's center. Ætern is divided into four sub-sectors (technically five) surrounding the center, clockwise: Vladimur's Domain, housing the Sector Capital (Carstein), Sothoth Deeps, containing the Adeptus Mechanicus hub (Belmond), Függönyfal, the Veil-choked permanent frontier, and the Bram Highlands, paradoxically containing a seat of Ecclesiarchal control (Himmelwelt) and primary destination for a unique xenos-and-human immigration problem sector-wide. This problem is termed the Pharos Aeterno Effect, an inexplicable lure radiated across the galaxy from the sector's center, the Ænigma Damnatio, a bizarre and impossibly old doppled warp anomaly (composed of the Brass Labyrinthe and the Forever Pit below it). The Pharos draws in the unwanted, the undesirable, and the misfit in their billions every year through infectious dreams, and within Ætern they come to stay. The peoples living within all move to a rhythm of the sector, billions migrating (often in circular fashion) around the sub-sectors. It is their blood, souls, and actions which fuel Ætern, both in mild prosperity and in the coming damnation. The forces of Chaos boil within the center and rampage without, aliens swarm in from all corners of the galaxy, a Daemon-god bellows in its maze, and a great clock counts down to midnight.

R:4 / I:3 / P:12 [R] [G] [-]

Your battletech lance

Been getting into Battletech and was curious what lances people here play

"year/era/rules level:

(Your forces here)"

3039/succession wars/introductory:





R:78 / I:69 / P:12 [R] [G] [-]

Comfy Thread

One cannot go through the week without some wholesomeness, can he?

R:2 / I:1 / P:12 [R] [G] [-]

Using 3rd parties and 3d printing for dead games

So a while back i was at Warhammer World for its open day and had a brief chat with some of the specialist game dudes. I asked if Battlefleet Gothic was ever coming back and got a very firm "it would take us dropping support for two existing titles for two years, so no its probably not happening for years if ever" and while thats a shame considering GW could milk some of that X Wing money as its bleeding players. But it did get me thinking about the alternatives.

In this case Battlefleet Gothic, for the zoomers born after this game died, was a Warhammer 40k set Spaceship combat game. Effectively a skirmish game with a very different look and flavour. Instead of a hero and some goons it was a capital ship, its heavier cruisers and its smaller fast attack vessels. It was a fun game but never really got a big audience and the heavy blocks of metal on tiny balancing poles didn't do it any favours for the casual enthusiast at a time when GW's metal kits often required pinning, filling and in some cases grinding to fit together properly.

But we live in the age where even the Chinaman fears the 3D printer putting out a scanned and cleaned up model as a light, cheaply made resin chunk that no longer looks like a stack of wafers as printing quality as improved to say nothing of traditional 3rd party recastings.

It made me look into sites like etsy, ebay and other more specialist locations online to see what games that were dead like BFG, Inquisitor, Mordheim and the like just to use some GW examples were in fact easy to get into now that this market exists.

Turns out its pretty varied but in some cases pretty simple. For example you can find recasts or 3d printed copies of the battlefleet gothic core box for around £30 online, meanwhile live supported titles from companies like Privateer Press are around £100 for a dozen models in stuff like Monsterpocalypse so you could actually find the rulebook and tokens online -or also have tokens made this way- and for the price of a box of units in 40k or AoS end up having a full game to play with friends. To say nothing of fan made expansions, factions and fun new ruletypes.

Have you ever personally looked into this stuff? we always see /tg/ anons wax about missing some dead game when it seems easier than ever to revive it at your local FLGS with friends. Have you ever looked into it yourself? did it end well or nothing more than malformed lumps on a shelf that remain unused?

R:5 / I:0 / P:12 [R] [G] [-]

Elder Scrolls: Call to Arms/General Elder Scrolls Bread

>Elder Scrolls skirmish wargame announced

<it's all fucking Skyrim

Goddamn it, Todd.

Also, other Elder Scrolls related conversation.

There's also a Fallout skirmish game, but who the hell cares.

R:502 / I:360 / P:13 [R] [G] [-]



Previous thread bumplocked and can be found at >>269751

Show your WIPs and completed models. Display you craftmanship, techniques and artistry. Or just post your ugly models so we can laugh at you and eventually give you some advices.

I'll kick off the thread with my WIP of two darksouls and one mutant for my Mordheim's Possessed warband in the hopes of forcing myself to finally finish it

R:523 / I:53 / P:13 [R] [G] [-]

PDF Share Thread =The Spring of our Discontent=

Yay! it's April, yadda, yadda,share, yadda yadda, fun, yadda, yadda, spring.

Last thread:




R:51 / I:19 / P:13 [R] [G] [-]

Nechronica: The Long, Long Epilogue

>Long ago the world died and humanity died with it. Lead clouds roil and churn over an ash grey wasteland or cracked roads, leafless trees, crumbling buildings and filthy oceans full of derelicts and debris.

>But this wasn't the end of conflict just a change. Through technology rather than a virus or act of sorcery the world is now home only to the walking dead. Ruled over by Necromancers, reclusive entities that may be former humans, machines or some foul blend of the two the undead are drones, workers and soldiers in proxy wars fought to maintain the territories of carved out fiefdoms the world over. Or rather most of them are.

>Every so often a small group of special undead will 'wake up'. Girls that physically at least are between the ages of 8 and 17 will one day find themselves in a group together and truly aware for the first time since they died. Perhaps they have been discarded as trash, are being used in a new game by a malicious master or maybe their creator is simply bored and wants to see what happens when these girls have their hearts and minds restored in this hell of a world.

>Your goal is survival, exploration and adventure. The world is harsh and cruel but with your fellow Dolls, your sisters you can chase your 'hope' and work to a better tomorrow.

>English translation:https://nechronica.miraheze.org/wiki/File:Nechronica.pdf

So essentially this is a game about zombie lolis, sometimes mechanical, sometimes barely humanoid mutations, that try to retain their girlish innocence in the rotten remains of a world that died long ago. Theres no saving the world, no great hope. Just adventure and the hope that you can stick together to see it through.

Its also the game my local group has selected for this years halloween "That Guy" grimdark game. We have ideas for characters and a setting but could use some advice. Has anyone played it? any games to storytime?

Tell me your stories of your undead little girls and the suffering they had to abide.

R:15 / I:2 / P:13 [R] [G] [-]

Aspiring to Professionalism

Hey fa/tg/uys. Originally I was planning on posting this in the homebrew general, but after thinking on it I figured it was probably worth it's own thread. I think this subject is probably relevant to other members of this board as it is to myself, and also important to think on given recent happenings with payment processors.

So I've been developing several tabletop games, all of which are coming along very well. Two of them I intend to talk to publishers in the industry about, while the other two I intended to post online on my own website, with some form of donation/subscription-payment system attached. My priority has been with the latter. Problem is, Patreon's gone full retard and the payment processors are protecting them by cutting off competition. I don't think I need to go into details, I'm sure almost everyone here is well informed.

Essentially throughout this past month, I've gone through these stages:

> "I'm willing to disagree with Patreon for the sake of business, as long as staff ideology doesn't impact the platform too much."

> "I cannot work with Patreon on the grounds of them being both unreliable and immoral, I'll either use Subscribestar or Paypal."

> "Paypal pulled out of Subscribestar, so I should open this thing called Stripe."

> "Nevermind, Stripe has AIDS and now Subscribestar is null."

> Rubin and Peterson's alternative doesn't seem reliable enough to wait on yet.

It seems like every time it becomes necessary to find new ground to stand on, the new ground gets pulled out from under creators' feet. I've been researching crypto-currency and also planned on setting up a P.O. box for accepting orders and donations via check. However, I'm wary that most people who might otherwise support my business would be reluctant or unable to do so through either of these means.

I've toyed with the idea of shifting my priorities towards the more market-oriented games that I would be pitching to publishers. It's probably a more reliable route to take, especially right now. The main reasons that this has been a secondary consideration are:

1) My friends in the vidya industry are bound by contract so any independent developments they work on become property of the company they work for. In the case I might find myself entering similar situations with tabletop, I'd like to have my self-published work secure.

2) My card game, which essentially relies on being free-to-print due to multiple design factors (both principle and mechanical), has so far tested amazingly. I really think I have something golden here.

However, I recognize the biggest priority shouldn't be with any one of these games in particular, but rather with making the total body of works itself viable. For this reason, my approach is in a sort of nebulous formative state. I don't want to be lost in that for too long. I recognize that there are routes that can be taken, but all of them seem to be either laden with AIDS or severely limiting.

So my question and focus-of-topic is this: How do we turn our hobby into a career? Is there anyone else here trying to find out how to navigate similar issues? Any related questions or concerns anyone here has? Anyone with experience have advice?

R:8 / I:0 / P:13 [R] [G] [-]

Regional rules in wargaming

Flicking through the last few issues of White Dwarf after yet another soft revamp of the magazine i've noticed a specific section that i found interesting from an art perspective and thats 'realm customisation'.

On paper its taking the base Age of Sigmar armies and depending on which realm you want your army to be from it has slightly different rules and the books were offering tips to customise/kitbash your models to fit the theme.

Now it seems safe to say AoS isn't popular here but what do you think of the idea of 'my army is from X so it looks different and has slightly different rules' like this?

Games like 40k in particular seem like this idea would be a very neat idea to break up the monotony of lists and theres been "my army comes from X forge world or Y hive" headcanon since forever, but what if this idea was brought to it in terms of gameplay? and are there any other wargames that do this kind of thing where origins dictate two of the same race/army being different like this?

R:60 / I:20 / P:13 [R] [G] [-]

Oddball races thread?

I've been on a kick lately with pathfinder digging up all the weird races nobody ever seems to mention in it. I'm sort of curious to hear about races for other systems with the problem of being forgotten or shunned, and stories of using them.

So have a couple from Pathfinder


>Like tiefling/aasimar but spawned from chaotic Proteans

>No two look alike, features are subtle but weird

>Can change someone's luck

>Bombastic but seemingly normal

>Form so fluid its resistant to sonic damage and electricity

>Somehow has sense motive instead of bluff


>People made of pure darkness

>No seriously they're just solid shadows with no face and rarely wear clothing

>Can't talk so uses telepathy to communicate and cast spells

>They don't eat but instead basically steal the soul of the food like a magic black hole

>This includes immunity to eating poison or diseased things, thus can eat anything

>But since they breath through their entire body and are basically black hole people poison smoke and air diseases fuck them

R:1 / I:0 / P:13 [R] [G] [-]

Multi-dimensional/Autistic Chess Thread

Is there literally any way to play 3D chess against an AI or with some level of computer assistance for legal moves? The closest thing I found was an Android app for the Star Trek variant but I'm interested in games more similar to traditional chess (or 4-player chess).

R:316 / I:1209 / P:13 [R] [G] [-]

Character Art Thread

It's been a long while since we've had one of these. Why not share some of the new stuff you've added to your folder, anon?

R:155 / I:224 / P:13 [R] [G] [-]

All Guardsmen Party Storytime: Unofficial 8chan repost edition

There's no thread for it so here it is. I'll be posting what will probably total over 50 screen caps of AGP Shoggy is doing over on Halfchan. Enjoy.

And Yes they're all in tomorrow theme due to me being a gremlin who can't stand blue or any major light

R:15 / I:4 / P:13 [R] [G] [-]

Downtime and Staying Engaged

One of the problems I face very often, due to the poor scheduling skills of my gaming group and a lack of a decent FLGS in the area, is staying engaged with /tg/ hobbies in general. Any campaigns I run eventually fall apart as weeks turn into months and any investment we had in that story or those characters falls apart. Go too long without playing a certain board game and you start to forget the rules. No point in buying new cards if you never get to sit down and play with anyone. Shit sucks.

How do you stay engaged and invested, /tg/? What sort of things can you do to keep yourself and your gaming group engaged when you're going a little too long between sessions and game nights?

R:202 / I:98 / P:13 [R] [G] [-]


The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is yog-sothothery thread

Basic tools for doom™

>Call of Cthulhu


>Atchung! Cthulhu


>Pulp Cthulhu


>Call of Cthulhu 7e


Alright, I am in dire need of space spooks, give me settings, Cthulhu Rising is alright but I want new Stuff, and more grounded on reality then Eclipse Phase and better developed than The Void. Give me your best pdf's for space horror, or write it up yourselves.

Scary Images are welcome.

R:3 / I:0 / P:13 [R] [G] [-]

Writing Narrative Themes in RPG Campaigns

I'm currently running a D&D campaign that's in its early stages, next session is session 10.

Though the PC's don't know it yet, the main antagonist for the campaign is a god who was tricked into betraying the other gods during their war with the titans, and for his betrayal he was imprisoned in a plane outside of space and forced to watch the ramifications of his actions for all time. He has been imprisoned for eons and eons, cursed with immortality, and his goal is to destroy the Wheel of Time (the meta-natural axis upon which all of space and time turn) to essentially end time and space forever so he can finally fucking die.

After watching the cycles of the universe turn for eons and eons, the BBEG wants to put it to an end. Infinite lifetimes of suffering is too much even for a god to bear upon his heart. Though he is imprisoned outside of space, after enough time he has been able to pry open the bars a little bit and finally managed to try and tug and manipulate the material plane (which is essentially the outer layer of the Wheel of Time, the plane in which it rests is at its very center and can only be accessed through the material plane). His goal is to create as much inter-planar traffic as he can by manipulating the conditions upon the plane, creating mass death, warfare, grand summonings and magic, disrupting the flow of magic through the material plane, etc. to wear down the planar barriers between the planes, hopefully causing them to evaporate and the planar defense around the Wheel of Time erased so he can be free of his prison and have access to the Wheel to destroy it.

This brings me to the narrative theme of the campaign- cycles. Every major faction and player in the story has goals that are summarized in "ending the cycle". The ancom dwarves want to end the cycle of oppression by nobility and tradition and faith upon the peoeple. The Duke of the city they are going to wants to end the cycles of political conflict within the city and the constant cycle of war between the city-state and the tribes of orcs to the south. The Champion of Bane who leads the united orc horde on their march north wants to the end the cycle of war between them. Each faction that has a goal like this has used, or will use the exact phrase "end the cycle" when talking to the PC's, and each one has a gambit of their own in trying to do so. And each faction like this is being manipulated by agents of the BBEG towards this goal. NPC's semi-frequently refer to patterns, cycles, and wheels in their sayings, describing their goals, etc.

Every tavern or inn the PC's have come to or will come to has had or will have a name related to weavings, wheels and mills. E.g. Weaver's Wish, Wheelwright's Rest, Broken Quern, etc. The puzzles and dungeons the PC's are going to encounter will often reflect cyclical themes- the water cycle, cycles of history, life and death, etc.

>pic related, symbol of the BBEG

I'm trying to find a way to make it noticeable to the more perceptive players. Some of them have begun to notice some of these and the sense of mystery has started to build.

Have you played in campaigns that the GM had written a narrative theme into?

Did the GM do it effectively or clunkily?

Have you written narrative themes into your campaigns in similar ways?

What do you think is the best way to incorporate thematic narrative elements into your campaign?

General feedback, thoughts and opinions or ideas to themes in RPG campaigns, implementing them, etc.?

R:269 / I:205 / P:13 [R] [G] [-]

/tg/ Crafts Thread

As a matter of necessity, /tg/ hobbies crossover with a variety of crafty hobbies. Learning to paint and assemble models and miniatures is a big one, but there are all kinds of other little things we teach ourselves to do in order to enhance our games or increase ease of play.

So, let's have a thread about making crafty things. Props you made for the table. Things you built to contain all the bits and pieces you need for GMing. Dice bowls, deck holders, carrying cases, storage solutions.

R:174 / I:66 / P:13 [R] [G] [-]

/l5rg/ Legend of the Five Rings General

I've never seen L5R be talked about in 8/tg/, so, here we go.

Discuss RPG/Dying CCG/Fantasy Flight's buyout of the franchise.

Also discussion: What unconventional ways can two samurai duel?

R:41 / I:18 / P:13 [R] [G] [-]

Politics thread : BO is a jew edition

Old one is auto saging.

What's going on in the world of poz? Did WOTCs ruin your deck by forcing you to play a tranny? Is Will Wheaton whining no one wants to play Nigger quest? Did you meet a faggot using his own jizz as a life counter? Post it here.

R:512 / I:208 / P:14 [R] [G] [-]

Magic Constructed omni-thread

One thread for all the formats.

Comprehensive Rules




R:247 / I:373 / P:14 [R] [G] [-]

Chess puzzles (easy)

Black to play

S Schweber vs Spassky

R:22 / I:3 / P:14 [R] [G] [-]

see pic

How would you run a Goosebumps-inspired game?

>100 character 100 characters 100 characters 100 characters

R:41 / I:12 / P:14 [R] [G] [-]

Tabletop maps

I bullied some coworkers into dnd with me and they enjoyed the babies-first module. I want to ditch 1" square stuff printed onto paper and want to get a reusable mat instead. Or do I? Are the tilesets better? What do you guys recommend?

R:76 / I:19 / P:14 [R] [G] [-]

What Can Magic Not Do?

>Magic’s limits are often as important as the capabilities

>—at least, they are for making things interesting.

>Consider Unknown Armies. (It’s another game I worked on.)

>Magick in Unknown Armies (yes, it’s got that K) is versatile and powerful, but has severe limits, too.

>One of the principal ones is this: Magick cannot override human will. It just can’t.

>It can make you want something, or fear something, it can take over your body... but it cannot make you choose.

>Only you choose.

>The central issue of Unknown Armies is personal character, so having an inviolate character was essential.

>Acting under duress or having your body act against your directions—all that raises questions of identity. If my arms strangle someone, am I a murderer? Even if I tried to stop them?

>When you’re building a game, see if you can identify magic uses that are poison to your central


>If I’m doing an exploration game, I don’t want magic to take the trouble out of travel. For a game of revenge, I don’t want the PCs to level up, learn the Spell of Phantom Stalking Doom, cast it on the main bad guy, and then have a light supper while the magic flits off to what should have been the climax of the game. A quest game won’t be fun if there’s simple magic that leads the PCs where they need to go—or that leads their enemies right to them.

REIGN, p. 149

R:4 / I:0 / P:14 [R] [G] [-]

System Wars

Release you inner autist/shill and fight over your preferred system here

>Favorite stoyfagging game

World of Darkness/Storyteller. More than just an excuse to argue with your gm over wether your underwater basket weaving skill applies to this test like FATE. Doesn't use proprietary dice like Edge of the Empire/GENYSIS. Has some interesting setting if you purge the poz or go back far enough. And its just fun imho

>Favorite crunch

GURPS. Enough said.

>Favorite Class-Based

Fantasy Craft. Game is well designed and balanced for what its trying to accomplish. Provides a variety of interesting classes and races. Has some interesting mechanics which are ultimately optional since its a "toolbox/choose what works for you." game.

R:27 / I:12 / P:14 [R] [G] [-]

I thought you fags were joking about the whole chaos slippery slope thing

>friend is warhammer secondary (DoW fag)

>because he's kind of a /pol/ack, keeps making muh emperor jokes

>I'm eldar alligned so I throw a few turkroach on a throne jokes his way

>he gets autistically defensive

>disappears from society for a week

>comes back

>claims to have read the books and that I was right, the emperor is a gay atheist that wanted to become a chaos god

>this isn't how it was supposed to go

>keeps talking about how horus was right, chaos is humanity's greatest potential, the emperor supressed religion despite gods being real and that proves that he's against humanity growing by calling on the ruinous powers

>goes on to claiming that nurgle is actually a jesus figure

>a while later comes to movie night smelling weird

>politely inquire

>"I actually stopped showering to please nurgle"

>literally his words


R:15 / I:2 / P:14 [R] [G] [-]

Within the Ring of Fire thread


Wanted to see if there was any interest or even awareness of this game here.

>One of my favorite rulesets that kind of sits at a midpoint between d20 and GURPS with a good bit of a crunch for a story game

<Too many name changes for standard rpg nomenclature (flametender instead of gamemaster, catalyst instead of player character).

>The setting is very imaginative and there is a wide variety of new species and reimagined classics.

<In fact there's too much info a lot of the time including culture, currency, who they will or wont fuck, etc. In fact this forces players a lot of the time to only play a select handful of species in a group as many species have a kill on sight policy with other species.

>The system has some pretty good expansion content going into the nature of divine/arcane magic as well as a great big manual of monsters and player character species.


R:189 / I:43 / P:14 [R] [G] [-]

Palinka Thread: THE SLAVS COMETH

Alright, /tg/, I have a challenge for you: Take your favorite (or alternatively least favorite) fantasy (or sci-fi, if you feel up to it) setting, then apply the Palinka Effect to it. Post results when you've gotten some way into it. If you can, make an actual campaign with the results.

R:3 / I:1 / P:14 [R] [G] [-]

Play By (E)Mail Games

What are some good PBEM/PBM games and what are some good communities for playing them?

I only learned about the genre from Dominions (a flawed yet extremely in-depth wargame) but I'm extremely interested in the idea of open-ended, human-moderated PBM/PBEM games.

R:47 / I:24 / P:14 [R] [G] [-]

Wild West Games

Why aren't there more RPGs set in the Old West? It seems like such an obvious setting for a tabletop game.

R:52 / I:16 / P:14 [R] [G] [-]

Adventurer's Guild

I know it's pretty videogame-loike but I think about including an adventurer's guild in my next "campaign". We are mostly just doing single adventures anyways and the players constantly change.

Seems like a guild could be a good place for them to get missions with out the preparation part taking too long.

Has anybody ever used a place like that in a game?

R:130 / I:172 / P:14 [R] [G] [-]

Has anyone played or is Playing F.A.T.A.L

Has anyone played or is Playing F.A.T.A.L or interested in Playing

R:18 / I:2 / P:14 [R] [G] [-]

Monsters And Other Childish Things

A game about odd children and the inhuman horrors from Beyond that love them.

To get this thread started, what tone do you prefer your campaign to have? What level of awareness of the supernatural? Did the veil of secrecy shatter at some point? How did the characters take it?

R:521 / I:167 / P:15 [R] [G] [-]

Politics Thread: The Pozzening

>Want to get back into wargaming

>Find very few companies that aren't pozzed to shit

>Like the looks of Kings of War

>Go check out the forum on Dakka Dakka as everything else is on facebook

>See a topic on making armies more varied

>Entire thread devolves into faggotry because of a furry

BO Edit: Congrats, your thread has been chosen!

Old Thread >>390219


R:9 / I:7 / P:15 [R] [G] [-]

Campaign structure advice

I'm running a 5e game for some friends I haven't seen in years and I decided to do a war setting where they have to go around consolidating power.

Problem is, they are really pinching me for details and for a level of detail I don't have, but want to aspire to. They are currently fighting some goblins and forest critters, but i want one of the high points to be taking over a settlement.

Where do I even begin with that? What is considered a win condition? How do I stop it from becoming a blood bath and innocent npcs getting the sharp end of a stick?

R:19 / I:12 / P:15 [R] [G] [-]

Let's Talk About Fatigue

Any kind of power - muscular, technological, or supernatural - is interesting insofar as it can run into limits. Fatigue is a natural limit for muscular power, but most games don't bother tracking the muscular stamina necessary to swing a sword.

When you start throwing magic around, it's easy to say that magic is limited by some special resource, normally called "mana." But when magic can draw on the energy used for technology, then you can start converting between fatigue, mana, and kilowatts.

R:27 / I:7 / P:15 [R] [G] [-]

Nippon analogs

There's a shit ton of these in /tg/ stuff. What do you think were the best done? Any with novel concepts beyond just ripping the country and its folklore?

Kara-Tur's Kozakura and Wa are probably the original. Barely got an update in 3E and hasn't been mentioned (beyond being foreign lands) since. Had some nice adventures.

Legend of Five Rings and Bushido are entirely based in such a setting. I sadly have not really played either. What's the best version of either? Are the settings for them any good?

R:27 / I:2 / P:15 [R] [G] [-]

Where the good libre VTs at?

>Roll20 and MapTool cucked to all fuck

>MapTool is also java based

>too poor for fantasy grounds

>tfw no good extensible libre virtual tabletop

>tfw you want to make one, but don't know where to start

R:101 / I:69 / P:15 [R] [G] [-]

Modern settings

Somehow I never got modern settings. I rather be lock-picking chests or mcgyvering a radar system. There's something mundane about modern campaigns that I can't get interested about.

May /tg/ help me enjoying playing a current day 007 analogue?

R:26 / I:6 / P:15 [R] [G] [-]

VTMB 5ed - more cancer, old editions were better

I'll start off this thread with a low note, due to the fact old thread is bump locked. I'll start dumping core books and visual AIDS for anyone brave enough to hold back their rage


I'll spare the Social Justice and /v/ related shit, because tranny shills from Chronicles of Darkness will shit on any /tg/ related thread and will praise nu-White Wolf to hell and back.

That being said, enjoy the rage, will upload superior 3rd editions later

https://a.cockfile.com/UHN1ox.7z - 5ed books

R:30 / I:9 / P:15 [R] [G] [-]

Military Strategy

What are your reccomendations for military strategy board games? I'm not talking about figurine based games, I mean proper games that use tokens and are actually deep and don't require me to spend 50 bucks on a starter set. The only one I know of is Stratego and Chess. Can't consider Risk a strategy game because winning because you got a good roll isn't strategy.

R:549 / I:51 / P:15 [R] [G] [-]

PDF Share Thread =The March of time=

March days return with their covert light,

and huge fish swim through the sky,

vague earthly vapours progress in secret,

things slip to silence one by one.

Through fortuity, at this crisis of errant skies,

you reunite the lives of the sea to that of fire,

grey lurchings of the ship of winter

to the form that love carved in the guitar...

...Enough of that, let's get with the sharing!!

Last thread:




R:11 / I:2 / P:15 [R] [G] [-]

Custom Cyberpunk RPG based on Shadowrun 3

Heyho, I am working on a Cyberpunk RPG based on the Shadowrun 3rd Edition ruleset.

I mainly want to use it to play Shadowrun with my friends, but there is some more I have planned for it.

I came to RPGs through mastering Shadowrun 4th Edition, but I have kind of come to hate how that system's rules play out.

I've looked at some other systems, and some, like Eclipse Phase, are pretty awesome, but they don't feel like Shadowrun to me.

By chance I took a look at the older Shadowrun Editions, and fucking loved them immediately.

The style also is way better in those books, from the black and white art, to the slang used, and so on.

Really a lot of the flavor seems to have been lost after 3rd Edition.

Sadly the Shadowrun 3 Books are horribly dated as far as technology goes,

horribly written in terms of rules by a modern standard,

and some rule systems, like the Matrix and Vehicles, are entirely too complicated.

So I have set out to simplify the rules,

to replace them with simpler systems where they are too complicated,

and to consolidate the technology enough so that it does not sound silly.

Ultimately I would like a system that you can play both pre-2069 and post-2069 Shadowrun with,

maybe even one that is specifically made so you can play a non-Awakened Cyberpunk setting with,

and if everything goes right, I would love to implement it so that you can play a high-cyber Ghost in the Shell-like setting with it.

I'd love to have some input from anyone who is interested, so I decided to pack that stuff into a blog and upload it.

It's still half-finished, but I plan on putting more work into it, and get it done by the end of the year, if possible.


R:92 / I:52 / P:15 [R] [G] [-]

NaNoWriMo & NaGaDeMon 2018

November is almost here, which means that National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) and the neckbeard equivalent, National Game Development Month, are about to begin. That means writan' books and homebrewan' games.

The goal for NaNoWriMo is to knock out at least 50,000 words of an original, while NaGaDeMon has the more nebulous goal of just designing and playing something. Encouraging each other to do some significant work on our homebrew games is definitely something I feel we could all get behind. Might even be fun to playtest for one another. As for writing novels, it's something /tg/ has flirted with before. What might be more interesting is going into such a project with a prompt. I'd personally love to see /tg/ write a pile of half-assed Isekai stories, or possible try and put those elaborate CYOA projects to some use, maybe use one of those random world generation tables as a basis for a story. Even though some of those are terrible ideas, it could still be fun to see what your fellow fa/tg/uys come up with.

Discuss ideas, request feedback, encourage one another, and get writan'

R:519 / I:164 / P:15 [R] [G] [-]

Fantasy Craft General /fcg/

One year, dead. One year, ahead… edition.

Have you introduced your friends to FC, yet? What followed?

Noteworthy points:

>Drastically reined-in magic system putting casters on equal footing with non-casters

>Classes and the game as a whole designed to ensure everyone can contribute in a wide range of circumstances, even outside their primary niche

>Separate cash and Reputation economies keep mundane gear relevant and magic items special

>Custom monster and NPC design is a breeze

>Optional Campaign Qualities tweak mechanics to suit your preferred style and tone

>If you have the money and want to support the game


>If you want to try before you buy




Other useful links:

>Errata & accessories


>Web NPC builder


>Custom PC Species creation guides


>Species feat creation guide & reference spreadsheet


>Class design guidelines


>Leaked Spellbound Preview


R:10 / I:1 / P:15 [R] [G] [-]

Space Wolves are trash

Alright faggots, I am going to state a fact modern Space Wolves are bland as fuck with unoriginal and ugly fucking sculpts.


>Covered in unnecessary wolf pelts and wolf tails

>Gone are the days of viking aesthetic, now a Space Wolf is just a Space Marine with frost/wolf weaponry

>Pug faced CAD nightmares of Wulfen

>Flying santa sleigh


>Chapter is nearly whiped out by Thousand Sons

>Get bailed out by Rawbutt Jellyman

>Forced to accept Primaris Marines who disregard the customs of their chapter, long fangs and wolf scouts going extinct

I don’t know how GW fucked the noble savage thing so royally. Now the White Scars hold closer to the noble savage image that Space Wolves were supposed to represent. Meanwhile the Wolves are just furries.

The current existing characters will be killed off in exchange for new Primaris characters with maybe one space wolf Character like Ragnar or Logan being rebirthed as Primaris. Kiss Njal good bye because you know he is going to be killed off.

R:18 / I:9 / P:15 [R] [G] [-]

I hate running out of spells, or, how Batman resembles Ars Magica

I am inclined to develop super-powered campaigns, because dungeon crawl RPGs are tainted with some widespread cultural conventions.

1. If you have magic, make sure that it can run out of ammo.

2. If you have magic, start the wizard with a max of one good spell. Make him blow his load early, and don't give him a chance to recover his magic so that he can be sidelined for most of the play session.

3. if the wizard wants more than one spell, give them out only at higher levels. That way, the wizard's showboating is dependent on the group getting together every week for a few months so that people can level up.

It gets to the point where every player character has to start out on par with the X-Men or else there will not be anything but boring dungeon-crawling, trap checking, and battles of attrition.

Of course, magic is not interesting unless there are things that magic cannot do, and that applies to superpowers as well. Superman is (IMHO) much more boring than Batman because Superman can skip to the most efficient answer - heat vision, frost breath, flying, super-strength - and he never gets hurt unless you whack him with Kryptonite. Batman, on the other hand, never seems to run out of stamina, willpower, dirty tricks, and hidden knowledge. Batman's plot armor is probably even more powerful than Superman's invincibility. The thing about Batman is that the writers pretend that his super-luck, super-skill, and super-everything has some grounding in physical reality. Thus Batman stories have to be written with the theme that Batman's gimmicks are not supernatural. Reading the fantasy of super-science is the interesting part.

In practical RPG terms, Ars Magica does something similar with its Aristotelian pseudo-science. Ars Magica doesn't allow players to skip to the most efficient solution - they have to justify it in terms of misspelled Latin pseudo-Aristotelian science. However, Ars Magica does suggest that magic costs stamina, so you do run out of spells every day - but the game is paced on seasons, so a day of spell-casting is a small part of playtime.

Mage: the Ascension might be a workable way to do this. Unfortunately, even though I *think* that I got Mage to work perfectly circa 1993, the White Wolf playerbase is more cancerous than most groups of gamers, and I don't know whether my Mage storytelling sucked or was awesome or both sucked and was awesome at the same time. The advantage of Mage was that I could recruit lots of players because White Wolf was popular in 1993.

Now, I could preach that GURPS Thaumatology is the perfect set of magic rules, but that is only half-true. GURPS Thaumatology is a rule creation kit. It is not a set of playable rules, it is a set of guidelines that can show the GM how to design a set of playable rules. To make the game work, you need a theme. Furthermore, you need extensive playtesting, and I cannot recruit many GURPS players.

So here I am - I think that I know how to design magic rules that allow players to cast unlimited spells without ever running out of ammo. I think that my GM experience has allowed me to transcend the painful AD&D failures that shaped me. But I can only run games rarely, for small groups, so I will never know whether my designs are really good or just fantasy heartbreakers.

R:43 / I:11 / P:15 [R] [G] [-]

Spoon-feeding General: Fill 'Em Up Edition

Continued from >>295771

For those of you who want to know what a particular game is like, but can't be assed to look it all up yourself. Want to hear experiences with a system? Eager to learn how shitty the setting of a game is? Want to hear the deepest of lore? Then this is the place to be.

R:474 / I:115 / P:16 [R] [G] [-]

Christianity in D&D

Devs and SJWs aside, how much resentment of Christianity/Conservatism is still in the RPG community?

Any Satanic Panic "war stories"?

R:18 / I:16 / P:16 [R] [G] [-]

Non-collectable card games

Any card game you can play with a single or multiple set of cards.

Poker, blackjack, 358, Piquet, Rummy and the list goes on and on.

Durak is one of my personal favorites. Basically you have to lose your own cards as fast as you can. Cheating is explicitly allowed and to some degree encouraged. Eating sunflower seeds, drinking Vodka and swearing is too.
